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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1868)
TUB OREGON SENTINEL.' him uij"wh uiJMiiKuui 'satuhoay, Veb. i," 1808. - - - Jrul?&ZX& neighbors, for ! prompt ami cmoit'iit ini'iiur Y&iP&&ZAFA'k Jncktmiirittit. January 31 t. If Crt Ick. A e learn that Mr. W m. Ltml, issc t;ukctd of invitation, solicit the j proprietor of the hotel at IvvrbyvilK, ! plCnuroof tlnncliiff with niireconqtrnet-1 jocplnuc Co., has put up hltccn tons i , . , , f ., i , ' ' ' ! ed bachelors; and as thcv seem verv Ol ICC " I ,, ,, .,. , tired of Cupid1!! tardy movements, i ltKUotous.-Hev.Mr. Ritter, nap.lS(mit.0 t,,cm I10 ..,,, wl tnko wl.l tist, will preach ... the , Court House vnnt, t,0 0CCftrf(J1 ,,,,. to-morrow at 1 1 n clock, a. m.; also . . services in the M. K. Church to-morrow T''" to many a filtering swam. at 11 o'clock, a. m., anil 14 v. ii. UooK-Ki:j:nN.-.Iudge Wade's class in book-keeping was on Wciliicsiltiv iiiht last. The members of the class are now bifily engaged with Journal and Ledger. Tin: Vr.ATin:r:. The weather for, the p:ist week has been quite plcaant, ' though the- nights are cold, and the) thaw through the dav i not equal toi the freezing through the night. Di:n.iiNii. At the Moot Legisla ture last Monday niirlit, the bill to re peal the uury law was lot by a large vote. The law-making potter now meets in the town ISccoiilcisulIieciu stead of the Court House, as hereto foiv. Somi: Hon. .Mr. Tunner killed a bog a few day ago, only two year old and vveiliiii: tlr humlrcil nml .ki ..,....,.. ' l.'i-.'.n. il... .n.i.,. ..!.. ..i- (,ro p,ni,J.. ! mini the up .e.iraiiee ol one of bis boos, on elubitioii in Ht.i I . 'i.i ,i ' enry blechers market, he must have. been iibmit the sire ..I ,i ball grown rliiiiocerou Jack-on count v uluwl vki nn mi iiii. I " i jitonswiiiiJ , Xmnri't. W'v leaiuthat cfibrtsare soon to be made by tuc-iti of a rmieeit , to secure a bell and other needlul up- nliaiiecs for our l)ilriet Sclnml. A lell lor that iiMiiiitimi i n'intM u it- tt-Mty, and soiueulnbe., wh.'.e ill. tn gue the larger a p-aelicnl i.Ieaol uifissniiiliv. nn wtlnliilv iimi-li I needed. When the time nip .-. we do not doubt but uluit the-e ellbtts will be cheerfully seconded by the pub- In- hSA.Mi.v.TKx. On .Monday of thi- week Mr..ui-er made c.mplaiut n. lore .lu-tire llay.len, ehai-giutr m. rybnruanilJauie-C'aineion wiihlioiM- stealing. The warrant wa plneed iu thehan.NolDeputy.Mei.ll ebb, who :iri--n'"i iiii-nrrn-eii m .ipieiou-, near -Mr. C'rovton's, on Tue-day iiioruinir; innl on Wednesdav the e.aniiuatinu took ,daee before Sonne Hayden, whoj iieni tue panics to nan in tue slim oi , WOO eaeh. in delault td which thev were committed. l)irn:vriox or M.MI.. We learn that the tiuu-ual and vexation deled-' MiiVering from Cough-, Colds, Hoarse linn ol mails south of this place lia Ul.t Sore Thioat, itc, should try been occasioned by another heavy U,-c,"a J,' iiru'nl Tfuelw" a miii miiiw storm in Calilbiui.i along the pb. ivtuedy, wliieb i in almon eery stage route. Much -now fell iu Sacra- ,.i,.. rftVetnnl. The Troche-have been i ooiito valley, and Scott and Tiinitv t(.hU,,j bv time, and pronounced unixer-inount.tiii- weio iiiipa-sable lor sevenil ., ' . ,, .. , . -lay., although exlraordiuarv dibits "'"X "uwnw " ,l11 ,,,,,,T nTil ("r eie iniide to get the mail's aero--, the same purpo.e. The road is now broken, innl we ni.iv . -. mm Ti 1 . i . ,,. ex.cct our mails to :,.rive ui.l, tli-fr --y 1 !' 'thuol..g.-t ol tho Lmr.te iiual regubiiity. Tlie rumor that Sac. tries to convince a coteinporary that raiiieuto has hceit a-'niu lloodet is in- comet. AmHIXII l'CUI'OIUIANt'K. A lllllll mrot our voting geutiemeii nave or- gniitzed n "inin-trel baud," for the very laudable purpo-e of nidiug the ScihhiI Di-trirt I I. They aie now rehearsing, and intend giving a concert sn the evening of Wednesday, the ISlli From theirknown nni-h-al talent, eonie all. .No life tllkets. Adillls- sion SO cts.; children hall price. ' Fiiiij. Mr. I). Hopkin's house, on (he corner of Fourth and K Streets,' occ,M.d by Dr. and Thos. Cur- rv, caught lire about four o'elock on ' Fiidiv moiiibi" innl u-ait bunu'il tn i ini.ix nioiiiing, innl u.u iiurneH to the ground. .s soon as jieoplo were .'.roused from sleep, they proeeeded to the scene of the lire, and it was not long before a laie number of tin, ci.i-. .ens were on the ground assisting iu i !! if it tr i iiii titii'hiiii'i n ni'ik riiiii-ii .... ...v ,.. ...v. , .. was found to be luuiossible to save the building. K very thing of value was taken from the first story, but the fire was under Mich headway but few ar ticles weie taken out. 'i'ho fire origi nated from tlieli replace. A fire has, been kept up alf night since Mr. Cur ry's child has Imm-ii sick, and had caught to the wooden fr.nnu woik of the man-1 tie-piece several limes Ix-fore, and had i been extinguished by persons present; but this time all were asleep. The lire burned between thu ehimuev and the ctiliiiff. and befoio discovered had t made such progress a to be bevond Hopkins, the owner of the house, --- -...... r. .... .'. .r". to ..... wuose loss is about 61,500. Dr. U. ' Iom about $200 worth of articles, con sitting of clothing, table-linen, surgi cal instruments, fcc. Mr. Curry's loss we have not learned, but it will not. perhaps exceed two t200. ! ti'i iiriiiiior iiiii itnfiiiiiiiiiii ii in . .... -j . . , - . t c ikin ev a viMtirn u . .. i' . .i . i i rn uv.i i iiiiiiiri. i , i"" I"."", ' i Will yn I-Mini malt t.lisv..r..rwiinliN r, Mn Xif n olnnu,,tn'' lie a siiceess : mid a it is for the bene- , , .ltt Vnu im ,, ImlUn l.liilni-nt j . '' ",,,n" "" . ... , lltll . M III of the school, we ask for them n .r ..u lll - m s'lino Hint ilu- htuiiU, i tlutli himI I null nruniM, full hoile. ami no gruuiblill" if tln-ir' I ""I rnrol yuu Hi hiiuhiiii iliruiiitli )lert. ' .' 1'rJtlier liu-nis, nitistioelfortsaienoteTial to, eo. Hm hHff n.o,,,. ""(IniinS. .. 030) the lamoiisthiisty sliaud. Come one, tl.lla.i ttt miuy if M rrlwi-U JUJur bnn-V uml mli. r artirW. Ibe iimiiiIht nt lni'li i mi cTt .PjTr?y T nn njvcrlisoiiicnt in to-tlny's Issue, it wUl be 8ccn lnal t,L liulit;s ol this place (God bless their sonls),nro deter- mined loglro.LcnpYenrltall. They are making active preparations for a magnificent party on the evening the 2Stli, to be conducted entirely by. themselves. Thcv nrrancro evorvtlilne-i O, won't it be nice? everything will leverMii, we 10 su aim uu me lx'ni' '"", srcwtiik', while the dear , little things bring us our lager, and press us to . sip the foamy nectar; and I tu.tosecussalelvhomo. Kvcrvboilv is going. Who wouldn't? Tickets only three dollars and a halt, insuring pleasant d.inee.n splendid supper, and a sure chance to turn the tables and sav "no" to Mime pretty girl who may pro poe to a fellow. Tin: Lost Caui.v. The storv of the "lo.t cabin," which has been a friiillul theme ol speculation witli the people ot Jackson county for the last fillten vrnrs, lias been revived nii.'du. We have hea d a rumor about town the! pat lew days to the ellect that Mr. Naac Skeeters, one of the original en - . . ... i .... tIUhs,itH, with others, have found the ,. , , , i.i. ..:. : i ..... . ...i. tabled suit ; timl that it i located (in tlic ' ' , .. l'ad .f Autelop.; creek, a tributary IJutte creek. Tlii- puty say that they i ....i .i.. . .1. ;..".... i .i... .:..?. ,.,V1. f.nnt.l the cabin, and the pick ui.iik- made by the first discoverers on n larire bouMer. Mr. Skecter's parly i sank a hole and obtained several "col-1 nrs." The uirtv did not jrl down to j tu. bed r.i-k, biit were liien back bv' TltlM.MIXOS. KVC , .,,,,, Thev propose to return ii. ' , . , , .. . , ..... i Ulnc rrnm our own hnup Inbnn trancbco.we " ! days to give the locality a tlior-j Hr,. ...M..I iu -.11 n inula luer iluu nuy ..ugh prospeetiug. Thcstory isalu.osi, '"' Him ,,,J-f.,,l,,i;!ftXOi il nut quite, spoiled by the faet that BOOTSAND HATS,' M.n.n , Vl..,r, hm.v Mr nwen had a1 ... , , , i ... i It l well Mmttii ilmt e lirlnt: only llm very nnlk raneli on the head ol Antelope, , ttt , H.rl riv.t aaK ium m price be where he had built a Im: eabiu, ami i"lciiiieiltluii. u.. 51 ,ju. inllj. , hjM.',i- t,e hot iCRnCppire Slimmer moiitli- there. Althnudi we ,eliee the story o! the log cabin to1 be .ne of the liianv e.xeitini: mining rf , wm. aaM' ln iImw.. . , , . . . early days loumled partly in lact tunl paitlv in imagination, yet we hope ' ,,a, .id. diggings may be struck, and ,,j ,,,.), ix thiii" not bevond the ninge ol piM-ibilitii'S. Cortiitr! axi CoI.d-. Tlm-e who are ( " (mi made uioukevs innl donkeys. Si'ii.l him it copv of 'the last Courier, ' , , , ' and il he don't acknowledge your iirono-itlon true, ca II him a fool. is -? THE RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD, j -xtraot ok A UfTTKIt KIHM IIAKON Jii cOI.OMON I'amw. Rib Apr! Mi 25 Hue I l.lnli it. iiu.t lli-y ln'iiiir iliMrnu In procure b. ' shuubl mbbe him lo ttUhtbli o liqHit In i '. Tin IXDI VN' MXIMKN'T. n n n-lb-f ever lXffM fc'rC ..f IlllKUM.vTIC ml Xr.rilAl.GIC AFFIX TIOXS. .-I'KAIN'S llltt'HS. He. He.. Il l tlll11M, jt N mI- to-t .nu-.ici U.-i liinimllv Iu ih. cun-r CIHILKIIA. CHAMPS -';' CTlS!l?cfl.TKUA lioilliUA cnoLH a IVFVS'l'UM.iio i-ic. ieuiulili ''iCl TkaW'.KS b-i uhlinut It Krr TltAV l.l. Kit bv Uml nr ". l IU baie ikiIIIu .ui.M.lin miiii , ... rHi iiT ucc ui'iiir nun ruui'ii hiiiick. hi n"m acli ruinpbiliiU lit value cannot bu ei iinatul. . Jiupllr.' fur i MAJOR LANE'S INDIAN LINIMENT, AM) TAKB NO OTIIKU. I I'ltlCE FIFTV 0KXT3 I'KIC IIOTTLB. For eali' at whnh'sale ami rilnll by HUDSON fcMcCAKTV, I U Mi-rrhaulV KxcliaiiRi', Sun Frsncbcn, Cal., Gi'IumI Ac'iils lnr Ilu I'nc flc l.'ua.t. And br rop'rlabb-ilrui'l't" Ihrmiahniil I In' uiirhl Xiuii veuuliiK uulos lluui'd by JhIiii Tim'. Laiiemul coiinirrtljiiuil by J T. Lane C... I'riip.lei..r.ii;:i llr.m.vuv..NVw .;tk hides: hides: rpilE HIGHEST CASH FnjCEiJ PAID FOR 1 Hide or all klnd, dellrered at the market or the uudertlgued, In JacksoiiTllle. i JOHN ORTH. pi-cumber Mb 1B8B. If i-Ainii..iirt rcMdiiiji at . rr'.iiipiiysi.'ri,,,. ....!,, dottl,Mh,rj.inrpsiecli. c an .lnnil.1 kn'ii n cimtnuilf m Imii'l. in I c ' lTHE latest discovery! Eureka ! Eureka I FOUND AT LAST! Thi ; place where goods arc. not u"0 sola utlJ&Ar, out Ulicnp cr than the Cheapest in tins market. Where ? Where ? At do other plnco'thsn it SACHS BROS.' , TEMPLE OP FASHION. We having rccclrcd n much finer stock of Fall and Winter Goods Than ever before, now graciously Invite nil to come mm nasi on niv wonders ot our dirptiiy. Coptmi' BiTiidoii of Dittos GOODS lu all slylia but the oM. Woolen Goods, Ladies&children's O I o aks nrc finer. chrapiT mid taitr nj In than nny In thl mar kit. Our La dies & C h i 1 d r O n'l ! Hats ! "",s "'iitiriil IIJJTI,KUKI.IIS,'-i1M nut i cnnie mound Uu' Horn. lut united by but ,u,.mer. dlieci Hum New York. Our ' ,TtAi.AUiAm . Ii a d I e S & .0 U 1 1 d r 6 nfl . S n O S ii" rliblh- nrO.iliinrnU iitiiiinlctiiri nml u- ,,ltlur,-linyb01J!,l,ll.tef 0ur , ' '" ' '' (UOI)S, I'A.VCV UO0D.S, -- "--- LIQUORS& TOBACCO nibcfoldatntm4ll mlvaneeoiiSmi I-'rnneU- co ro-l. nJ !". IWXZ cliiiln." jen will cmt-nii'l !iik, linn ninitiu umlly lll tin iHiiIiriiiiiilly smllu : uml il. lur ibi r. wm shuiilil buy, tiill i!uret)ly lunch tery huirilly. Holay not! ZZaston! IZastonto SA.CI-IS BROS' 2r- Cheap Cash Store. J..ik.mvllti'. w, in;7. Annual Proclamation ! READ! READ1 MOW.'IIIKIIKroitlv.TIIATAl.b.MAY 1 I"- lHM,.illll. I ISADOR CARO. by vinueof il.e r.p...d in me u pro- nrU-lnr ol llie inrirr'ni'' 07Yin7,1 ,, ' j c! .. LfUiUCi VICKUI4 UUU uaiilUMIU UICCk, do preehilui, Muti I have lukeu yieut uui In Iic'io'j my nncK oi ru,,'J;.',,r,i " Mwrfwuiii,' Wood unil Iinlloilnn Pipes, ' "' . uii'iil. llml sniiv Is iil snflioii-nl Iiii niiiiiir.ili- uin WJ-. imwt-ti-r, tliut hiiiuhjj uihrr uriiilts, i imvi' u vi ry lurr iixi ui I w i n. FA NOV (iOOPS. WILLOW WAUR, JKWKLIIV. LAMI'rf&iMIIMNKV.S. UIUS. 1'AIXr.S. ULASS. I'OWDKII. i .suor. LMil.nnil Cilery, LfHil.nnil a large am well KUcliil uuiIiiicii of SiM't'liicles, Sj-(ilnsses, ,(, u Kft-ut ninny nllii-r uriii'li-s, i '...,. i-vniliu v. um I i i.miiiir niv cnrni In-. tiv nxtf IS ..I,AHI'. .SAI.r.S AM) XMAI.t. I'llOl'ITS." ISADOR CARO. Jacksonville, Ocl. S. IP"". lf CANYONVII.LE HOTEL, 3VXAXX0T IHTXliaiaT CA XYOXVILLU OllliO OX, D. C. HcCLELLAN, Prop'r. rtll 1I0USB HAS" UnCHXTLV UHHN I n lltli-1 anil prepared for Ilia recepllnn uf I puept', nml In" proprietor woulil say to Hie ClllgfUU oi .-Miiiii:trrii iitrj;iiii. mm nig iiuii'iiii imlillc. I lia t lie hi now ready lo receive anil en- tiilaln all who may for him with a call, at prlcis fiil. The Jabla. wIJ bf furrililied vrltb the U'H be market affurd, pcrmllllnK no houw to excel It either In quality or variety - NUT "S LOST OR ITOIEIf! $1,000 Reward WIMi be paid lor tho nrrcst nml conviction of any person who can't hoy UrygootRCIolh. log, nml Gout nil Merchandise, dies per from ui than from any other mercantile e- eilabllshmcnt in town. The arrival of our Inrge AND WSLt. IKLKCTKD STOCK Of FALL AND WINTER GOODS K.VAI1LK CS TO VAKK THIS I.U1KIUI. OM'KII. OUU DHYGOODS DEPAUTMEN'T ! (locked with the latcit ityletof 1'lRtircil dress rooiIi, Trench ami Kngllsh Alcrlnoi, Kmprcssclotli, rullnrtl Oelntiici, Alpncai nml Alohnlrs, Wool l'lalds, Vool& cotton Dclnlncs, French, English nml American Prints, All or ililch will bo sold nt the very low et mli r. Our tiMortnicut or IltlSI! l.IXr.NS, I'Ut.V AND IK)TTKP SWISS, JACO .NLTTS, CIIOSS-IIAIIS, VICTOIIIA AND IlISIIOI' I.AW.NS, .NA.NZ00K8, CAMIIIIICS, I.TC Is well H'lcctt'd. uml rJiuuiiT than ever be- rure nllVnil lu Ihl uitrket. Our Srtln nml Jiiciiui'tt I'mbriilderli', l. Hun. l lireinl v Uiilliiu, I. cc nml Euibrold' nil llniiilketchlers, lluiini'l mil Ibll Illbbont. are the lalest ety Its. nml sold at nrlcti to dtfe ciimpilllliin, Uu iil'O litivc Hie new ci t rurblom or LADIES, MISSES AND CIIILDRENS Hats and Cloaks, nml nn Imzcnie itock or nil kludi of ntl.MMI.VUS, 11001' SKI RT3, HA LMOItAL SKIltTS, HRKAKFASTCAl'KS, WOOLKX 0 LOVES, NUIIIAS, SHAWLS, Wniileii nnd Cotton Ilnc of erery ilocrlplIiin, Ahunu enllri' new slock or l.mlli-s. Mlsres. (.'hllilit-u and InruiiU' Khiti". nil or which will Is- suld nl llm inii'l ri'iisiui.iblo prlcef. Our liUiichtd mid Unbb'iielrd JIuilIu, SliiH'lluit. Table l).mink, Nrtpklni A Touellnc nrenf the my lateit iinnnfucluie. mid sold vi:uv low. MEM'S CLOTHING nnd FiiiuUIiIiir Gnodn, llnl, Cap', Hoots and SIimik sjiib'in (,'lnlli mn ,iukel, Carpels Oil -flnllis, Wall I'ar. Willow Wnre. Crockery ILinlmitc (boeeileo. Tnbiirco. . Clunis mid LIQUORS nrc I) nnn Ihe stiilvm nml In lln nuiihiiiou lu ijuul prolu.lou, mid will bv sold nt n Groat Reduction in Frioos. I'b'UM.' i.'hu u a cull, ami rxnuilnu our tock and prlcik' purelmibiK iM-ulicre. MIM.I.CIt.V IIRLNTAXO. Jackinuvlllu. tiipl. I'.'. IMJ. If ISTAlt OF TIIK UNION CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS! Tlirieiltllrloiit 1111111.1111 Plltrr am riilliclrt t VrtituLl.-, Mul If i-o rruiu uu ui.uuihi t try 11 111 1. TRY A JUDOE THEMP rfir FOR TRY I T&A YUR THERM 1 r ! SCLFl t 'ul Inrriilli nt. A rurtrl ni. .11 .1 a nio.M ('Urm.L.o ililn', T lit I ! I lilMalnl Willi j 2 HjM.iu.Lif lilnlioliliiU 1 tilit'l 111 r.b.lll ir.nui!( t t.r nilhsii-iriti xtisiUt f la uitloiifilc, tut 1 1 (anil hub'. iu H'tiulr.l.lyncbl'ti'l lull an innl Miior.ixti' nicn-oni iuin, i.i'uiiii.i nirm uj Miowt!. i h f I'rtir. Plt las. iIMtnf AiT'lllr, ' He. I firir!riTf"'liit. ; a. ri:NKHAl hi .v. si'i . rir' .i 11 1. : ff 'fint.fc Jitkifiii, Imi I rst 1 . ............. 4 SUMMONS --In tho Counly Court W lln' Chile of Oii'kou, for Ihy Ciniuly ol Jack- lull. Wm. Ilybse. Plntmlir, vt. J, ('. Wfbs, Anton I OUU, Win llrllliur. IJUnnl llutp, Fled- inek iHll,., I, .tlllllll!l', lil'lill' lillll- liitf nnd F. Lainli'y. Diruinl.iiiln., pirlinr- lining' In ihe lumu ol Ihu Ivjy Ii- Mill Cninp.iiir, Motion for .hiilb'ini'iil for Leave lo lMic r.vecntloii. To Auli'ii OUrl. Wm, llrllliur. IMward Ilurp. V, K Mavrulli', (finryn (IuIIIiik mid V. I.iinli'y: Vim me iHiulifd lo tipii'ur lu said Court mid nuHer Ihu cf'iiiplalu! id said plain- lur, llUd itu-titist you u iiiiiu ii-n iiava irinii lln' lliiiu nr llm service ol llil hiiiinmhk on you, II' f'rved wllhlu said counly ; or, II' .irvil oil )iiu nlllilu any oilier fiiinly lu llil ISlale, llii'ii w lllilu iweiily ilay inuu Ilio lliin (il 1110 iwi ticii; nr, Il served nn ton mil nl' llu'ri'iile of Ori'nii. IbfU II I' 11 nb Till by llm .IihIl-u ol lln' I'liiinly Cimrl of Jaekmn enuniy, llml publlcn- lion Ini inuiu lor U uei Ki lu llm lliiKUux m:.n r nk, prior lo the lint Momlcy lu March, A. (.. And von are nntllbil Hint. If you Tall to nn- stter nlil inolioii ami complaint n nlmie n (iilrnl, llm I'liilnllll villi apply lo IhoCnuil for III" rrlbr ib'in.llliliil llii-rrlu. In.nll 1 fur a Judgment for leave lo Issue cxi-cntloii 011 n jildumi'iit flilireil aifidust ) on lnr lln' sum or liirvo iiiimpeii mm Jorl)slx J.i-inu uuiiais, ttllh luleri-'st lliinon at llm rule 111 ij pirceui, imt innuiii irom llm id day or April, A. Ii.. lUiil, and Ihe costs and diliursemenl of IliU motion to bo taxed. Uy order of Judge I'nn- W. G. T'VAULT, AU'y for rifllnllir. December V8lb, 1B6T, dcc28 liw STOP THAT THIEF or . ooukui It is stcnling from you your lienltli, which is dearer to you than all vour wealth. Isine- tenths of tho diseases prevalent in this climate spring from Colds and Coughs. ROYAL BALSAM Challoagos tho World To produce anything In Ihe shape of .Medicines that will remove nnd eradicate n Couch nr 'ore ntMln the Chei, a prompt, no mtlterwhnt form the illene ni'nlil nmme. ' Henley's lliiynl'' l Ihe Ihi Mdllclno In ilio world for llrouchlnl or Pulmonary iinecllnii. For Cr.Mip or llonplnit Cnugb. thero I nothlnjr on i arm linn ran tiptni il. .Ml mniiier s mm nnr" imirIiI lo have a bnttln cln'e by lliein Il will Kite ii ehlld relief In two mluiile. Ills tntlrely tep'tnble, and will iiroto it btetfluu lo i no iium.tu iiiniuy. For the lleneflt ot SnfTcilna Hu manity. Fnnti Mn. TlinMts, Webare ued Henli-y's lln.tnl llnl-ntn h: my ltnllv Ihb wlut r. Tbere l mi tint In Inlkliiit t II throws evert tbfnjx lu Ihi'shapi' of (IiiukIi MiiIIcIiii' In I In- sliade Uml I rnr mv, My wire win Iruubbi) wllh nlhmn nr simitheilns rpeIN lur jeats. and could urt iiiilhluir to h.iri' iiny eir.'Ct liulll I ilruck l!il "lloyni llabain " ,Slirl unw nlmilt well. It enn'd im'urthe wor-t cold I eter had In my IITo lu liluhl. Wlieut'teriiuri'lillihi n luivi'miy. Ililuu llkf n enuiih. it few ilrnpa ijlteii on cuing to biit. Unit Is III'' hot ur Ihe enuiih. 1 livter Intend to be without II In lb" linit'i'. It. THOMAS, Itif i'f r timii. From Jtulgo Mnrqnam. I liarriiMil Hi'iih'j's Itiitul ll.ibnm,'' my sell nnd lu my rmully. and ll"d it n llrsl-rn'li' mnllclui' lnr t.'ouuhs nml CulJj, I hereby K" commend It to th) public. r. a. M.tnqu.VM. From Mr. Plttock. We hare iimiI nuiie or ''llcnlry's Royal Pub nin'Mii my I'limlly, mid think It l n spb'tnl il meillclui f"Y chlhlri'ii, u well us lnr urunii pir on. For Ciiuitha and Cold, lieely itcoin mend It to Ihe public. II. MTTOCK. Nrom F. DEWITT, Merchant. To the PuMlr.-.l had n bud chukIi forn tout; lime. A Irli'tid muid mi' lo evt it liillle nl "Heiilev's lintiil Unburn " llo mid It rnnil Mm. I col a bollle, and sure eni'iiuli It had u sidendhl tlUet. It ilrlul the couub up In n short I line. I hereby rtcoiuiueiid It lo the pub lic. '. PiW ITT, For snlo In Jnckiontllle by SUTTON K IIYDK, AT IIOCK IHIINT II V KiMtf a-. 33. ixrxxx'vxa. GREAT SENSATION ! TERRIFIC EARTHQUAKE! 000 LIVES I LOST ! ! ON MONDAY, THU - D WOF OCTOIICIt lt(i7, ihe uiiiKrslKiied opened lit Ashlaud, Jackison Co., Their Inrita and well redcleil slock of & Our ilrypinil coii'i.l or I'ltlN'I'S (II ll'M0d I'llll'lull) .SIIKKI'INOS. DKLAINH, TICICINCS, LadioB Drofio Goods, or nil kinds, and IrniiliiKi In fjiint piuluilon, (1KXTI.K.MKX AXI) IIOV.S itr.ADV-.tiAni: ji.otiiinj, llnolr, Shoes, Hall, snd Cap, lu Iln urorery line wo aru well luppllul with l-'LOUIl AND IIACOX, C0I''IM:I'. AXDTKA. SUIIAH ANDHVHUI'H, UAXXKD I'llUlTrf. l'LAVOUINO i:-ots. HIMCKS. AXH SALT. Wo c1n hare n general Mock of llanlware, Cutlery, Tobacco, Clpnr", uml Finn Lbiunrs. Ours I n now firm and neiv slnud. ami pur ehiiM'rs may rid ii-iiiii llml our slock l new mid I' our palleiu or Hi" lali-st sitb-r In l.icl. etrrylliluu Mat purchii'ifl In San VmiicIs ru lulu lhl sfiiMiu. ulilli' I lin imirkit mu tery low, mid no mo lliu funbbil In SELL VERY CHEAP. (iltu in a call ami cxiiiiiIiiii oir huim-usu slock IIVUM t KOI.OMON. Oclolrr I7lli,lsi.7. ocllDml NEW DIGGINGS STRUCK I WILLOW Sl'HINGS STORK, " II.I.OU' SlMII.MI1 tl.Vt KNII.V III., w.m. nu.c.m riioiMMKToit. nlie 11 11 it eis lulled lieieliy 1111. 1 miuiieis in lln' oilims ol Wlllnte Siirinu'. nml tlchilly, llml hu bisupi'iiiil 11 stoiii in il 41 pluei', mid olfir lor tulu lib luryu mutwvll sulicUd Mock or CLOTH IXO OP AI.LMCIXDS, HOOTS AXI) SI I0KS, IIAT8 AXnUAl'S.. OIIOL'KHIKS, LIQUOHS. TOHACCO, CIO A ItS. pud nil Ii1nd of (reiirral meichnmlUo, Term" S4lu 1110 ny euli ilnwn. Cull mound allow youisclvo lo be font lucid that Goods Qitn bo bold Just rw Cheap as in Jacksonville. WILLIAM BILQER. Willow Spring!, Oct. 9, 1807. oet)2tf KKDINGTON & CO'S This talnnli'c preparnimn, ennlnlnlnir In n liltfhly concrnlrnlid lorni all the propertiiicf Janiiilra fJmifer, lm Income one, of ihe moat popular ilninrsllo reinedus for nil tliseusts of Hie MimiHCli ami d'uisllte otpun". As n tonic, It will be found liirJnuMe In nil (icriont tecotcrlpfj from ilebllily, nhnlier pro iluctd by ferer or olherwbc, for whilst It hu parts In the syiem nil the iitow and rlaor Ihat emi be pioifucid by brnndy, Il Is entirely Ircc Irom thu lu-actionary tflVcl of spirit uf any kind. Itbnlin nn rxrWIcnt remedy for leinshs who sulTer from difficult mcnMnrntion, itlvlnif n'ni'nl hnmrdinle relief lo Ihespism thai fnqui'iilly nreompnnv that perlisl. Il ?ltr Immeillnle rellif In Xmiseii.rmiS'd by rldinif In 11 railroad car, or by sca-ilckiui.', or other cane. Il U nln valuable ns nn rvlern'tl nppllca linn lor soul, rlicimntbm, neurnluia, rlc. nEDKCTOX .V To., KHMS TOR THIS TflAST. Paleil April '2-llh, 1SCT. np'JT-yl lm Stop that Coughing! Home yon of citn'l) wc plly you. Vmi Imve irleil etrry rrmtily lint tin' mu' d.limtl by in lnlfln?lc imrit In sutrnl'' nil slmiler piipa raiiim. It Is mil suiprisuiL' yun should be re- lllrliilil In tiv finiiilliliu. i.l.i ilflp IIih iii.tit -.- f. ."-,". . i'Xxriimni you luire mnde ol iianhy eoui- P"unu lonieii on me puiiiic ut 11 veiiain cure) but NewcIPs PULMONARY SYRUP l really tin- VLHV llliST remedy crrr mm- IMinndid lor the turn of coiinhs. cu'ib, snro llni'iil, iiMhmi, wliuoiiii I'oiitfh, lironelillls iiud roiouinpiiiie Tlinuinuib of p'opte In ('n'lfornla mid Otrnnti jnivc been already Imii 1 fluid by the surprisini; cuiutltu powers of Newell's PULMONARY SYRUP and tvlili one nrrord i I ve It their iirxpiallflrit npprobiiiliui, We nmv nihbe-4 nurilve In nil who nre umKtpi.ilntid inih llil', lln'urrnliM I'mmeiii ol the njo, fur ihe hciliuir of nil dls ni'is of t lie TI1ru.1l ami Luns, UMiinn' ymi that NewelPs PULMONARY SYRUP lm rnrcl llniU'ninN, ami It WILL CL'ItK YOU IT j on irv II. This luviiluiiiile infipolno Is p'oisanl In Ida inMi'i snoibintr, lieu'imr innl Hn nuiln nlnif In hsilTit't; riilirely free fioni nil potsnnou or ihli irrioiK iliuvs, nnd K'ifectly liuiinlut unJer nil rlreuuKliirii-s. Cerllfienles Irom iiiiiny prominent clllzi'niof Sail Truncbco iiccii'npiny every bolllo of NewclI'sS PULMONARY SYRUP. UKDIXCTOX k CO Acent.. Sun I'mnclnco. Abend of nil others is tho 'Martha Washington' HAER RESTORER. A I'SHiriT IIAtlt III.STIIIII'll AMI IIAin PIIKSICIl liulll iiniililiif il lii nor. Tool iHiailrr, l..iMvt'r teMiitM .Nuiir rnil 1 mini llihlm.iloiifft TlJ II ll I !) k.i ll I'l.-rnl "In lit lUlllin U.I,llili.u." Tvfiilr ll..iiMn. IipaiI. ifinii. ut tl In I a lulls lr. If. .I...I. )lllll.'ill Mi4r limit rfililM WI.Id.I ui, Ullli li.uiiall iimtiiJ. Will keep Ihu hair soft nml slouy, It changa urny hair ta It origin) tolor, picvtnl Ihe hntr from fulling out r get IIiir thin, make old head look young, and do ull thai can be reasonably expected 1 ift no n Kcnulne. Artbrate Hair Itettorcr. AU who Imtv iiied It pronounce It superior dye lo every Ihliijc of Ihu kind, nnd beluga, petftct Hair Dieiter nn lull m u perftel Hair lictiour, It U uu acipibltlon lo c. Try ery toilet. Iledlngton A Co., Whultiate it. Aleuts, San I'runcbcn, CRAFEiMBURC UTERINE Cathulicon, If fjlllifully ii'ld urfofiliii;' In ibreellon, lll' i-urt- t-vi i iM'i' nl IHuln lis, mul unuilv mill, unlc ll"' iro1' i-soun ilbci. chii.hI by u'le'ux. ul Ion ot ll.e oiiltil nl ll,i' blaild' r, ll'is u lliost slice! s.ful Kiniily for Oiatil nod nlln t ilisuou of I In' Klilie tg uii'l lll.olilit.noil for fiiiuil. ilm ensis U umipodhil Tln ('ATI 101,1 CO .V uiilfoiiuilv furs I'iiiIii'Sih, Unri, Wl lies, nil Irreuulmliiis of Hi Mu' Tunis, Suppies sloii, lueiuiiliiiiici'iif I'rue, IIIo.iIimi ai.jiliop Swilui:il mul all ili.inb s of I'riKual ey, Tin- spieilk' iieiion ol lids medicine h iiuimdi-. uli' uml iirlnln upon ihe L'-iriin' and A'"hun Musi'lia uml f .Iuiik ills; resioriMx lliiiu lo an lii'iitlhy 11 Hale n lhoc ol childhood niu tinilli, n llnl iiliiiiis who Imve uml )lo Okakkniiknii I'iimi'axvV1.'thiink Oatihiii can ciiiiiii'l sullleienily cxprera their grulliudq lor Ihe nlitfulf'Utl-d. . IWIXOTOX 4 CO., Asfffts 4IC mnl i3, Fioni Si. Shi Francisco, Mediagtoii'H FlavorlugEKt'cts art uilj ricnt iiwli 1'iuhi. Kiuji lulll h()lJ llc iiuib at tujr ollur tinJ lu Hit nwiket, coiiiC'imolly Itiejf r Hi chp Ml sad tbt Uil. VSi; NO OIIIKK.