Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 04, 1868, Image 2

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yon tiik ruiwtSBNcr in 1806,
or TBI cww I.TATM.
"XftW time, Hum ipv.1 nil f .Ithfttl rrunt " Th p-
pU bate MwnrUs fir pttrtiM, mntlitnnl far trulton.
or omhc,
Both tS)wt In tli ilniilon of th MtlonU Union
OunTtnllou v
S.VTC1IDAY MOKSINO, .1.111. 4, 1808.
Our Railroad Prospects.
This is n subject to which wo refer
red so frequently during the past year,
that wo have but Httlo to xay on it now.
"Wo have repeatedly shown that a rail
road was the prime want of this section
of country. Always in speaking of it, wo
have urged immediate and harmonious
action, feeling confident that the whole
influence of this end of the State would
be necessary to accomplish so gigantic
a scheme. We are soon to have anoth
er meeting on the subject, and wc car
tucstly hope that tho counsel of our
people will be guided by temperate
judgement and all conflicting interests
united for the furtherance of the main
object. In our opinion, there is noth
ing to be gained by bombastic nnd bul
lying resolutions on paper very grat
ifying to the vanity of thojo who dralt
tlietn but very harmless, indeed, when
directed against tho capitalists whose
aid it is absolutely necessary to secure.
Those whoso money is to build tho pro
posed road care little for our wants.
They only ask to know whether the
investment will be remunerating, mid
how much of the tock our own peo
ple nro willing to subscribe for; nnd it
is very probable that a company with
sufficient means to put this enterprise
through, will bo shrewd enough to as
certain the facts before laying a single
rail. The feasibility of the route; the
resources of the State south of thu Cal
npooia mountains; its population; its
arable acres, and the pecuniary interest
to bo taken in tho road by oiirsulves,
arc all incidents that should bo includ
ed in a report, to those of whom we
ask ussistauee. It is only reasonable
to suppose that the aid of Government
will be invoked for this enterprise;
but there is no doubt but thu largest
nlinrc of the work must bo done by pri
vate capital. The Government aid to
the great transcontinental road is only
ten sections of land and bonds bearing
bit per cent, interest, to the amount of
$1,000 per mile, as the minimum, and
the same amount of laud and 19,000
per mile, as the maximum; tho latter
to be given for only SI00 miles of the
most ditlicult and mnuutninnus portion
of the route. Elliot' cstimnto of tho
expense of n road from Portland to
Sacramento, via Itogue Itiver Valley,
va over $4P,000 por mile, equal in
amount to the Government aid to the
most ditlieult portion of tho great Pa
cific "Trunk." The Western terminus
of that road lino been fixed by law, nnd it
is not probable that u road from Sacra
mento to Portland will bu considered
by Congress either a continuation or a
branch; therefore, wo cannot expect
tiio ume munificent assistance, ami
must depend inoie on privatu capital,
lieforu taking steps in tho matter wo
should be able to enlist the aid of cap
ital bythomoht fin nrnble showing, uud
not expect to force it to our nid with
out convincing those who havu it that
this is the most advantageous route to
nil concerned. In conclusion, we will
hay that we linvo ever considered a
milrond as the great want of thin whole
Simc and of Northern California ; and
if a grant of laud to n military road
Si'BCinc rou Asthma. A very in-l
teresting paper in published in the No-'
vember number of tho Galveston
(Texas) Medical Journal, on tho incdi
cal propcrtiei. of tho "rosiu weed."
Tho writer, II. D. Gnrrison, nave that
a fluid extract of the weed is thought
to be a certain remedy for tho asthma.
Tho botanical name of this weed is
given ns Siljthtum Zacinialum. The
weed grows in great profusion on the
"Western prairies.
Z3?"A Democratic paper in this
State nays; "And it is sheer folly and
arrant domngogism to attempt to hold
tho Democratic party responsible
either for the inauguration of tho war,
or for any ot its cousetjiiences.
Foolish enough, we admit; for Dem
ocrats tpumlly Hhirk the responsibility
by outlying " Tom Pepper."
GitKCxiiACKb. Greenbacks, nt tho
latest San Fjvujeibco dates, weie helling
at 75 cents, with a prospect of isvfjwr
.thfcr rinc.
il Ml'lnm t'llnnrtnnit Is iili.r.ue lirillglllg JV llCglHO tirCCK. .NO (Oil it 1111111101'. 11111 t lldllL' I till- Hlirf nil llm I
wo tiro not iii favor of it The M.stioi. " would lie a puliliK eonvenience, but ", tlispiaying signals of d stsess. t ."'.V'" , !r', "' '" ,,K
o arc not in favor ot it. J lie wmiou 0(,oMtioil to lntlt,ml iini,mvt.Inii;,t)I , she let go hermichiu', olf Point Diablo, , 'T "" i ' 7 I0J'!l1 -" ,"i,'-',.'t'' ,u"1 ""
of Congress is already well advanced, aumocratio landmark, and our people shipped m.chnr ami chain, and the hist i ! f th?m t,!":!",.l1"1 will, being reluM-tl j
nnd wlmtov-er is ilniin Mlinnlil In. Inn,. .......1 ,.n .... .. 1. .:,!.. . ..'....' ...... ..f I,.,.. .1... i..:i.: . . f too rites ot liurin when he tlitil Tin. I
-..., M.M., IM.I.MWII.J.ID,,, ,'..". ' . .. . ' . .... .'- ' -' "- tl.lltyilllU l III.. II...... .1 t . .,
- - (...,.. i..i .1.1.1 ll uiuiiju III llliwilli rl" "i "ll "ill? .1(1-. til 111 MILT IlllllllgU ' I.'. 1 ! I 1 w ., . '.. '"
without delay or further i.ostnoiiement .1 Stutlntl. Ilaecoon Straits, he,- U,, iv.Z- ' ''H'leiieUbiirg Assays," the North
Pnrtltion Fences.
It is often the subject of inquiry,
what is the law, if any, on partition
fences. Tho following will be found
a reliable synopsis of tho law in the
Stntuto Hook on this subject: 1st.
If an owner or renter, for one year or
more, build a fence that nnowors the
purpose of partly enclosing the field
another nnd serves as a partit
rtition fence
tho owner of tho opposite land is le
gally bound to pay for one-half of said
fence. Tho value is to be determined
by the parties, who, failing to agree,
shall select two persons, and if they
fail to agree, they shall select a third,
whoso award shall be final. The
amount thus determined, it not paid in
one month, can be recovered in a civil
action before any court hnving compe
tent jurisdiction.
2d. If any party neglect to repair a
partition fence, or the portion belong
ing to him, the aggrieved party may
complain to the Justice of tho Peaee,
who after due notice to each party,
shall examine said fence, finds it to be
instifllcient, shall notify the delinquent
and require him to repair the same.
If the person so required does not
repair tho fence, in a reasonable time,
the party complaining may repair it
and recover the value of such repairs
by civil action before any court having
3d. Ifn person ccn'cs to improve
his,, land or shall open his enclosure,
mid thus have no further tto for n par.
tition fence, he cannot remove it, if the
oceupent of the adjoining laud shall
pay him within two mouths the value
of half such fence, the value to bu do
tenueiied ns in Section 1st; nor can
he remove it in nny case, when such
removal exposes crops to destruction.
4th. If nny person has or shall build,
by mistake, n fence on the laud of an
other, he can remove it within one
year after discovering such mistake,
and can go upon the laud for that
purpose. Tlkyowners or occupants of
the laud, on wnich such fence is built,
counot disturb said fence during the
time it may be removed. Either party,
on notice to the other, can require the
County Surveyor to run tho line, so ns
to give the notice nbove named.
0th. If either party wishes to rim a
lane between thu enclosures, or either
party wishes to vacate his enclosure,
sjuh person can remove his part of the
partition tenee, but he must give the
other party nix mouths notice of the
Dth. In case a gate is put into n
partition li'iice, nny iiuooii can go
through that gate, but if lie doe- nny
unnecessary damage, he is responsible
for it.
Stt.vi:irroN, Marion Co., Due. 14, '07.
Ki. Skstiniii.: On the evening of
the Oth inst, I'liion Club, No. 1, nl
Silvertou Precinct, met ul the Liberty
Seliool-IIoiie, in tho Waldo Hills, nnd
perfected its organization. Com-titu-lion,
llye-I.aws, nnd Utiles of Order
were adopted. Tho following officers
I were elected for the prc-cnt term : I.
C. Geer, Problem ; V. H. Dunbar,
Vice-President; W. Cranston, Scerc
tnry; Iiico Dunbar, Trcnsiirer. T. H.
Ililibnrrt, Calvin GcernndT. I). Leonard
were cho-en ns Committee on Finance.
Speeches were made by Dr. T. W. Da
venport nnd others, nnd tho Club ad
journed to meet on tho 1st nnd :ii Fri
day evenings of each inimth until after
tho Presidential election. "Old .Ma
rion" is snfo for six hundred majority
for the Union ticket next June.
I.VTnitXAi. IiRorKi:.vns Ouri
neighbor suggests the propriety of
,, - . . . I.
U a largo donation o( unneeiipied
land", is reotiisite. to enable a lew in
dividual), to build a bridge, then weare
1 n..ru.i,l !....,?
IIJjwni.t. 4 )C refill,
AVe admire your modesty, neighbor,
but think that such incorruptible sub
limity will shovo tho Uogue Itiver mil
road nlong very fast.
"Tho Vreka Journal gives nn
account ot tpiito a serious accident at
a lestivni nt Crystal creek, In Siskiyou
county, v Koroeno lamp was care
lessly upset, and in tho panic that en
sued, three ladles, Mrs. Van Dtuer,
Mrs. Campbell and .Mrs. Carroll,
were severely injured.
CSThe Stale Jiiyhts Jiemoerat is
still harping on tho "Constitution."
Andrew says: "When a man prates
about tho Constitution, spot Um a a
traitor;" that is, if there is room
enough for tho now spot.
I II I ! ! .,
HooK-lCi:i:i'i.V(i. There will bo n
meeting nt tho school houso on next
Wednesday evening, nt half past six
o uiuck, r. iii., ior tuo purposed organ
izing a book-keeping clan.
State Items.
C-TThe city of Salem is out of debt
and has money" in thu treasury.
557" A Salem paper learns that the
rise in tho river has carried awny the
main dam of the llnirisburg flourinc
mill-. A slough of the river is damned,
and the water taken a mile in nditeh to
1 the mills. The slouch dam being do
ofstroyed, the millswill loc tho whole
.'onsou work, as n cannoi no ropaiicci
until next sttiuturr.
The Jtceord ol Thursday, savs :
" We lcam front Dr. Lister, just from
the Etlcndalc MillSj that tho dam nurosrf
the Rickreal has given way, causing a
iiagc ot the machinery. 1 he snme
old dtim built twenty years ago, for
the Nesmith flouring mills,. has been
used by the Ellcndaie Factory, very
imprudently ns is seems, tor- tho tim
bers that composed it had hecomo en
tirely rotten, nnd the high water has
destroyed it. The intention, now is
to turn tho wnter of n creek, distant n
few hundred yards, and make it answer
a present use. It is expected thnt the
machinery will bo running again in
January. It is to be hoped t)iu stop
page will be only transient.
Zi3J" We learn from tho 'Ortgoniun
that not only stock is already Indue
subscribed to the Oregon Central, but
that the property holders are donating
city property unite liberally. Four
block, estimnteil at many thousands
cash, present value, have already been
coutrilmted. Thu agent of the com
pany is heie for tho purpose of canvass
ing "the city, nnd will stay until every
body has been iroperly nnd hnjiefnliy
converted to railroad ideas. Nobody
need leave town on his account, as he
expects to remain.
Loss ok Snr.iir. We learn thnt
lilutV, ami before thev could be irol oil
the island which was thus funned, '.he
wnter swept them away.
r3? A contract, says the Onyom'tw,
was closed yesterday between the Ore
eon Iron Works au'd Oregon Central
Kntlronil Lo., prtnltliou (...-tin 'nin.triio
tion of a very line portable sawmill tor.
the use of the railroad company. TI101
Mr. A. ( 00k, residmji on the i a.nl.il ' Mt! ,,,,,,, , ,,.,, nmmvr ,, 1V ,. 1. II. 1)1 A CO.,
river opposite I.afavet.e, lost r,5 licii.l ,ol(.nnll,wl .,,,,, ,IV lIltf Swn.tttn rn,v t?'1' ' '
of sheep l.y the l,iPf. water. hesl.eepl tll0 Tpi,1hHPV U,,, Oonan 1.I1.1II I.Vre- KII)I5!I', W.V,, Vu-wi
were on the bank of the niuliill river. nftor ll(wf; 'T,K. ,,; ,-,.,,,,,. ,,;,,,, ""' ,,8's,ii'i;,V'1!,','Vc,.
and the water nsini: ini.ully eovcted . tI!lt Ve.weiuv lionils shall nlthecv- Agents for Cillforntn and Wrvnda
the 'round betwceui them nnd the ..:...: .!...:. - 1....... .1 1... b. ... ...LzllZ. ".""'--'.. Uiln
mill will be operated by 11 twenu horn" nny lawful money ol tho ruiicl Males, iVcTii,u"r;.
power engine, running double miwk, ' to the iininuitt nt one bundled dollars, i"ii'-s.yvfs...i..s.t.ii.iii.i.i.1..iti..i.ii.t,iiiiiiiu
with cross cuts mid i,vervthiii!',eoni- mav eoinert the snme into "muds tor . ,, 'l!,:K 'llu" I'oihon !
plete, capable of cuttimr iiftceir thou- mi iml n.uoiint. the notes so received , Z"M" lii",,r'i ""i-'to.i.ti.,..,.!,.,
s.in.1 feet of lumber in t;velu;hourv,nd to l.e held in the T.cnsurv us a part of' 1,lVZr!r,,:.V,,lU;r
costing four thousaiiil dolhtts. Hie icere nlrcaih' proMdcd lor.nnd hold-i itMt
railroad comnanv inty.id to use it Kir1 it- ol nny uve.tweHjv bond-, ..r "ion.N ..ly
cutting ties, hriifge tituiier, other lum
ber necessary in the construction of the
ro.nl. It is to be completed by the 1st
ol April. We iil-n learn that the Iron
Works Co. are subscribing "tine stock ! I'ldtcd States notes then outstanding
uud propose to make a cit haiuNoiue ' "hall cipial $l,nu0,0(lil; but such I10111U
tlouatioii of city lots. We me glad to' hall not be redeemable after rcMimp
cee this intere-t manifested in the en-1 lion of specie painent. The Sccivtury
tcrnrisc. howiii' as it tlo.e that I'ori.i of the Tieiniirv. in order to carry ou'i
hilid'n bnsiui.s mull urn ttillintr n. .1.,.. i
... , , y ,. -" -n'. -
iioer.ii iiari 111 ilium!; me roan, winch '
is nlraitly furnishing business tu our i
Sax I'ltAMisi'o, Dee. "Jd fip.sr.
Mini tiiM.t t III!., mi...... .I.... I....
- ..w .....- .v.. .in. ru.iiii nun inn-
muni Minimis iiimiii, nut tresiieueo into
a tieineiiiloiis gale before one o'clock.
The win-cx at .South Ileach run ten feet
over tho wharves, in places. The
yacht liestles was stove ami com
pletely wrecked. Tho I'rcneh trans-
port bark, I'urylo, drugged her anchors
nnd ran foul of tho American ship,
Sapphire, oil allejo Wharf; she lost
her liowspript, head-gear and foreiniist,
nud Is now lying under .North Point,
swept this Coast tor twelie yenr. past, tary to redeein t-etMirities of the l'liiteil
is now nigmg. 1'he wind set in from , .States held abroad, ho U mitlioried to
tliesontlieiist, with tain.iit nine o'clock, Nsue bonds payable principle uud in
on Saturday niirht, increasing to a gale tetest in coin' in I'roiikfnrt ami J.on
Willi heavy nun beloie morning. It , don, the bonds bearing interest ol four
iieitnjniecK. .niiuy tuner ve.els all ,. than liar in lawful money us the
nlong the city Irout weio inr,e or lew Sccretnrv may deem best,
daiiiagetj. lhe south end of Long '
Ilridge is teported bail y thiiuatied. mm ., ,. x. , -,
Much damage was doneto'trees.tences . J1'1' ,,,,i,"M,rm 0 , " V'
and huihliugs intoun. The rait. I ,nJ ' ' W'tn ""'" '," '"'''"'''"'g,
been falling in torrents iienrly i I d "v 0lwI '." Co,,M,.rvn 'i" l'",,. "" im'
and the nU tr..m.....l.... L L U . . T. I '""",'l.v Mientioued m the Kiedericks-
ve-n-ls are coining in this nltonioon.
A H'hoonor, nuppim.. to be loaded with
, ... -
sons, but none fatally. Tho walls nl
tho .McGlyuil new brick stables, on
Third Stieet, woro nil blown tloun.
Tho Zouaves Inst night used tho butts
of their muhkets, in sovoitd eases, on
the crowd during tho jam nt Cas.scrley's
1. l.UjlWI'11,
If tho proposed ablution of our party
vestmonts over becomes necessary then
Soap creek or nny other eieek, so it isn't
the water course up which the leaky
Ilepublicnii cratt is sailing Salt Itiver.
Well, neighbor, if wo nro obliged
to sail up that classic stream, wo pro
pose to do it graciously, nod not wasto
tho country with liru mid sword be
cause we can't rule uuy longer.
Wo lcam from tho Albany Journal
that a meeting ot Union men in thnt
city haR been held for the purpose of
organizing a Grant Club,
I'liiou down. The wltifl Ih 'limnvn ir,,.,,,e" " "'T. "",1n' 'c shown by
round tothohouthwost, blowin- harder! T"" "'""""l -tl,,,'1 Hey nre with umiiuI
than ever, hut no rain falling. A kite!.. I "' "' "' t,'Nt"",,,t1la'1" ,l farty wel
en chimney nt tho Industrial School c""!e' i'y- 'moi'rat, Aoe. VUli
fell down, "iniuiing a number of i..nv ',,'"' n "nigger" in the oniuiou of
Flminclnl Mutters.
Ciiicaoo, Dec. 18th.
The following is a synopsis of tho
bill prepared by the benato Finance
Committee Jor "funding the nhtioiinl
debt : The bill liuthoriir.es the Secretary
of tho uensiiry to issue such registered I
coupon-bonds ns he Mlinll prescribe,.
payable, piiucipal nnd interest,'iii coin, '
Hearing luieresi ni six per cum., paya
ble in forty years from ditto nnd re- AsrnivmwiiMijrichnMTi "1,i,,',',,",,1"f'h'
., i , - . .. , r.l I ilUwi-c In llif n.itM mine nimi nKltt It'MIIIr llii."
deeniable in com at the pleasure of the ,,miUuii .!.....:. ..r cIIh.hu, wmiiht wi r ..i. Ti"
nnvenimeiit after ten ve-irs Thev ai it ' n"1 " riwiih i in inn tiwiw.iiii.iii i ok simie
UOlUMliit III .tun mi (..ir"s. i ikj nut ! ;fll)iI ni.n. rt-! tr nn.l utiirirm. i tlint rlmur. rn.ni
tO be ISMied tO till nUlOUIIt sufficient 10 lit... ti.lVII, fruit luj t. ltini., Ml-, wnnil "l-fl I'"
cover till outstanding obligations, to 'ViTirJt'r'iSiHS l.'" kl. H.-.I rtrrri.
no iiisnosea oi on mien terms not ess
than par as tho Secretary of the Treas
ury shall deem best. Said bonds to
ho exclusively used in Hiking up exist
ing securities.
Section 'Jd movides for the entire
exemption ol tiiose bonds, to be known
us the consolidated debt, fro in taxa
tion, whether of State, municipal or
other authority. The inteicst thereon
and the income therefor to be exempt
from payment, nil except income duties
to the United States; but in consider!'.
tion of such, exemption the Treasurer
shall reserve one-sixth of- the- ititeiest
accruing, which sum, in lawful money,
nluill form a speejnl fund, one-half to
be distributed anion: the several States
in proportion, according to population;
thu lcmaiuing half to apply to the
payment of tho imtinmil debt in the
manner aftewnrds pi milled.
Section !ld substitutes fur n sinking
fund us provided by piesent laws, a
plan appropriating parts from the
iuono not otherwise appropriated in
tho Treasury, a Mini which includes
the amount necessirv for the payment
it !n!cri't mie-h'ilf tn ln received lor
ill lllltrci, nill ii.iii hi i i iiiiimiiiii
n tax as aforesaid, which itiuMliiriug
each fiscal year after the current fi-.cn!
option of the holders thcicol, be
clmued for bonds authorized by this
net. Such as atciiowrctlccmnhloluill
be provided for cM'linuifc on or before
the first of Xoi ember uel : not theie
niter. The lesidue to he piesented on
or bi'fni'i. tin ii.,:piniti.ni nt the ycai
from their date.
Sections pro. ides that hidden" ol
contemplated by thi.'- act, may demand
ledeiuptioii in .nu'liil mauui'i'iimi tin
Treasury shall redeem the s.une in
lawful manner, uulcs tin amount of
tin. lnol iiini. 'is reiiui-teit to iniiiiitiiii.
; i i -
in me ticnsury. it le.-erM1 01 not le.-
than lilty millions ol h.wful money
similar in nil re.pecls to I'liited .State,
iinte-uuthorietl by law, provided the .
same Miall not nt nit v time e.ceed four i
1 1 1 .l: . ,i.' I . i ..
iiiiiiiiieii million, iiieiiaiueiiie .-secic.
mill iiiie.liiill'iwiri.niit i,.ivil.I.. r.ii.t ....
iiiiii one-iniii perteni. p.tx.inie hcmi-an-i
imally, at a rnte of e,c hantje eiiuivi -i
I,.... ;' r. i i... .iii.... ' i.
lent tti A Ihiucs on the dollar, Mich
bonds to be payable in forty years, re
deemable itfterone bundled inn) twenty
vears fioin date at pleasure of the
I'nited .States, in coin nt like rate of
exchimgo, nnd to bo i.sued to nil
Uinnimt not to exceed Si0,000, to be
evehnuged for mi eiiuol ainoiint ot fi:20
bon.N, or disponed oi on hiicIi terms not
! i,u' .,,!',l"'n'' t"'1"' tl"' """"" lI'l,t
I !.Vii,l,l,r i,iH,M ,,l'IK'p.(,",","1,1,-(' n.,,,, M"n,,e
itlllllf.lllllf.li,iliiilir..,tl.!.i ...l.t...
," ;,, "I'l"""""1 " HI" "IIIIU
tlio freilenekslmrg Democrats can bo
Intlepentlenty eoimnjtmut nnd tcumlilr,
if he is only a Conservative nigger.
What an interesting sight it is, to see
tho champions of white man's rights, in
cluding their mouth piece (Mriok),
Htoop and lick the feet of the five ,Dcni
ocratio niggers of I-'rederlcksburg, be
cause they voted the Democratic tick
ets. Copy the item Doinoorntio editors
of Oregon ; givo it circulation among
your dupes, and toll thorn thnt fi vo nig
gors, nt least, can bo found that Dem-
ocrats can associate with on tornui of
B3?"Tlio editor of tho State Jiights
democrat proposes to emigrate to the
Sandwich Islands or the North Pole, in
enso we carry tho Statu election. How
natural it is for tho ohivs to hunt thoir
abiding-place among llm inferior i .:...
.1 liilliiii'M i'i !,- ivtun iit'in imiiii it iu 1
. . jZ w
Q 1 " flFil jf
i" R " 1 ww3
Thl r.ltiiitM Tunlf U iwnwl lT nil c!f 1 of ponl
for rjr mpti'tii f "Slisiwli nut ..f nnlf r "
Thrfrlir It tills. t I'l.ntntl.'K lllllm rrrliln
t,.r..rmt 0injtilcr4..f llinHloinvh, m1 nil ll inwlih.rr.T
St xiik, nml rn ililv II I'lrt-'M "ml llin.wi-lf OiMipppw l-,
lliff .l.liffvr. Tlir Irllfm-T nf tl.- llirTi.tlim .f Nrtllirt- Is
iltw.v. .mi.iilAruri. nil br hrnu Is ft llllli. ns-lsliin .
nt th rvr tlmr. IIhw itturli 1.1..11 tctivn.ll ntl J
sltll.li. It Is ti. Iirlp lif r nl .ng with 1. (trlitlf , rl -i.ifiriil j
Tt.nl.. Ilinn t.lcliirs- itn.l wr.ikrn 1111.I ilvfwit licr riinllt i
nrp.M- Willi Miifctnim- iiriui-nnn nrrjr litlliur. nni.ii
..nl) liitrf mill iant lie -i-ls of illM,e unit ttfatli.
Jiiipoitiiiit GYrtlficntcs.
" I imp nt ch t ti'U, f.r I oill I-cIIctp llm
ri.nti.th.ti lllltrli"irltti llf
l.tt. II. UAIIIItlM.il, .Mi-lrU, N. V."
TI1011 will .fiiil mi two I.iiiIm ninr of tit
I'li'it itl'ti lllllrra. V) wir lis li-rn ttrn.tU l.-i.llllnl l.y
lliflrnsr. Thy filsinl, Ar- aMI, l-I.IU.Irlj.hh, I-a."
.. J tiitrr lirrn 11 (trclt "lirTurfr frnhi lltsn ln,
A...I lm.1 ti.nkttiil m trt. riling. Tlie I'lintiillon
llltlrn uxf rmril in.
Itl.V J. H. OATIIOItX. 1'uti.fsii.r, N, V."
1 lii.tr sltn Hip I'luitull.in llltlrn In
litui.lrils of our iliMl.lc.1 -uLllrri. Willi Hit- 111 mi h.IviiMi.
uj tilt. I.
ll H. i, AMHIK1IS.
Sii-tli,l. it.lt.lit S .l.llrr.' II. iiif. L'llirlliliAtll. .
TliH I't lit 1.1 1 !.. til I lata tillLl. I Lai u&.lb .1 .. it. I
111" I S.'ll .1 ll"l "It' ' lit 'T1III -ll"llii IIT 111 I- 1
(Itiftl ItiHlHiil.itiHliircitMii-ittsit .NHiiirr limit rt-t"-rt-r. I
Tin piWir miv rfl n--.'.m1 tl.nt ltijt.rt.r hIH thi
utM'tl) ('iiif UtiiUhlnr tin PMNTATWN !ITTKI.! j
l-sr lttrtiil fftn. I.irry l"tllr U-nt. Mtn fir Hull' nfj
uiir t-iftii'ttiiirtiti r atn'I pl.Ur riiMtlnjf, or It lantml W f
I !l""."inr
.i lr..iiirr.ii.lliixiii.rll I'l.AMATKIN IllTTIlUS ;
M ,,,,1), , ,r . rj,.,,,Wlh.llfrii.lnilrr li
n- r rrndt-ii uttiti St tiniinir i'riti m.mp i
''iTiTi'AiVimMur'ir.'.'.r.'i1:...! u-.i i..,.
A. " -
l.jnmV lln-lk ln-t IVmltr It nrr i.ir.lrttltn'1-itli J
l.uirfylliliii i.f Hi In.Kl .vtv- IU, lli.uli.., Mv I
UUIIiai. Ami., titiu., j
Wlwt Is KtiHml. nf.iMitz In tjml lo.. tl.l. ntll-1
ri I-. III. I I..I..IIIHII.WIIIII, II. In'Ulit ilnltll In III-.'!., It 1
lli.il-iiiilmlutl.i.irt-iHrifWr. Ant .Iriini.i Mill 1.1.,
llllt IlltUtlillllir II lllh.. till Kill UorlMUllirr.
s. I l.j nil ill nl.i- miJ .i.iIm . an Hit l' III.' will,
II lmi-lmllll n Hut lit MMtraii Jln-lniuf Mill-
Mittii iriiiiiiiH.iMftir III u .iHiritr Hint, isi inmi mill
'"' iintniBjr niimrtM-.ii.Tini.
JTlTt' "" ,"w,,",,"",w -m". .
hum ii.n. , R Iiihuat,
Stut U ,k Joints. Ilin.
'"'"'"is. In A cub.
.NlllMNS. .-Wl.l I.IXIH. '
r.,..,, i-. .... u........ '
! Milt IHHiSKn
It Is in inll-tn.t.ll .im1 tIihMi. rcninl, In ittlnw4 '
of Sf-.Tlii, .-,ll.it. lllii.k.iir,Ulii.Otll'.liiulM,,htri.lics.
ll iIm nl I ! If i.l In rtrrr l.tt- nmn, ml sul , Ac
tH'tiU ulllicrnr Cr.lr.th,rv. U.i'lnH jr
'.'."''""""'"'"' w.tbn.i,riituiuiiBiii.tj.iitt
.MKT..II !. Imll IniuliiliilMllllltlftll it HlllincliiHI. '
l.iiiniililrltlil. J.J(..rlrl
S..I.I l.r all lituTuUKaiKl Mull Ins
lllg tllll ull I'Klllc oust.
0i' Tin: west .or or
Pants, Coats and Vests,
i:r.u ititot'oiiT
to J.t icsti.wii.t.t:
Tlir fiiir! sooi!s I fciiir in Mort
As nr'rr irrrr sffii In lowii litforrj
I'omr nil. nml ti jour pirinriits iimilr,
For iioit's ll:r llmr, 1iii un llic Irmlr ;
itiiir lulrrrst now do nut nrglrrt,
lint :rl your rlnlhtx willidil ilcfrct
Some FIT for i!rm nl Imll ur rlinrrli,
Or fuMiIon'll Irnic jou in Hit lnrtli.
Tome nnr romr nil, tonic Ms nml mnnll,
Tnll, xhurl. Iran, fnf, I'll Milt jou nil.
Tin- lir.l iirill. I'll Kiinuintrii
If nil iluii'l lirllrt It, i iiiuvniiiti.tr.
I'trrliilhriiiiimll liiclnllir jmiiill,
I'li.lllinn. ft,,. Wl lor, hii Int; mnl K(
So Kit Hi,. iiiitlcrtlKiitit n tnll.
Futlilimlilt) Tnlltir. nn Ctlirnriiln SI
Oniioklie u P. IlitlVl
Vi:n i'i ' I
ii nt.
OolnW 17. lhl!7
,Fo.CJ""!,!lV.n.r.,",r."r.9r,!K'n mnl MtitnSl
the (),l,l Kollnw' iu 11? ii.3 1 cE,
Kriiiicn.Am.rlc.in iiirn..i "PP0"10 ""'
Jnckinvllle. Nnv 2flh. 181.7. nor30lim '
"mi"V. '"-'
AI.ls J'KltSO.S'8 INIh:hti:d TO Ut? MINti
ll,lvay,y .lo..r."lIy,,r Jn ,mrj'
nt. A K'tilimciit or nolo U imt whut ui
inn."..,! Wl,l,t "l0 ,MWJ luo '. mnl pur-1
owlnfiimutpn.ltlvclypny..p. ' I
V(1, ,,, .,,, "MINN mtUM 4 CO. I
ur ;.,i is;;, n.v33-Inj '
J". TWoiiTDO-r's
'ANIl -
On California St., Nrxt Door to
DniK Store mm Pnat'Ofllcc,
.Iiickvouvlllt'. Ortvt;4iH-
A liirRf nsffirlms'itl or ICSOI.HH, SWISiJ,.
mill AMIirtK'AN WATCH tii.irnwrf.lni
.llulil mill In ntv l)iitliSII.Vi:it mitt (Ifltilli
,-,i.,. sinnii iIm- noi.ii. CVAMKI.I.KU,'.
nml I)IA.M()NU-Si:r WATO'IIUS rr Imllvi.
A lsrm,nirtmi,iilorCI.O0KSi mioIiih.OO
tlny, 8-tlay, nml 30-liour, tfiiniijr
mnl U'i-IhIiI. ullli nml iwlhiMil rilrikliiR
nml AUrm.
A co1 ii"rirtninl n ROI.t) nml PII.VKII
Olmlii. Tnr Utnl" nml Iwllfs t WATCH
kt.vsSi:l.:i.iiil OIIAIIMS; Sttltl OOl.ll'
imil iSII.VKIt ThlmlilfH ; IIO.SOMSTUI)
Plus, nml Slt-fU-liiilltiiiK.
l.irki'.Srn1, Ijinnii'lli il, I'ltiln. ItcnnU
KrlciiiMiiti. nml llimiinnil I'litnir-ltlnp.
rSiiM l.i.rKt-t. Inr nne In Inur pU'inrr. : In.
ille llm" l er Ji'iti'lrv t Kiinmvllnl,
I'lnlii.iiiiil (Jiuir'x I'iit.niitl Uir-llriiiiiiit'iiU;
.lil l.'iiiiiitclliil iiiiit IMnln (tt.lil C'rni-w- .
Uiili i!ii mnl Mtiiitt! (iiilil IVii.td' lliv U-ni
fiilli ; (Jul J nml dill i r Pinri: Uikm.
A luriri- niirlmt.iil nr Fulltl SIIvit nml Sits I
IhiiiI SitClL'lt'a, Tiir in ur mnl lur fl(;liU-tl
Tin' llii"'l I"! nl SllrtT nml l'liiii'il.wnrt- rvt-r
ull-riil In Hit' puMic Jn-l Irmn lift iiunn
IniMnrif. In lli- Kis ; Midi it-. Cki: ll.-
KKTS, l.'lTlHH. .S.ll.lll SlI.VI.Il. I'l.tTI It. Ta
III. I. Dl'Kl.T, Tl.l HIIll -IIMU MSIll.M,
ICM1K-. IIIIKS, llllli lllTTMt KIKSI .S'lll.llr
nml I'l.uiai Nai-nin I!imm. ett.vui .Vim,
Ac. A.0.
J. MX'llt.lt l..'Cis mi linml lit trtnM M.
f.tm-"i n.mii'.N'i.'i: r.wiii.v skwisk
MaUIIINK: iii:iI'- rmir Mn-lii-. rrvt-t.n
l,,-r.H-,. Al-.i. llif mil kmmii llOWt.
r..tii.v RKtViNt; mac mm: ..luii. m
Slri-nyili. ,S iiii.clt) mnl liuruliililv, can.
lint Ih. ('.Wi'llol.
A 8 In.-i.llmi'iil nr fiU'lltftB WnSTHS".
IIOI.M .V .SONS' Ook-lir.it -.1 l'i.. U.-l C'ul
Ivrjr. An fiitlli-.. inrlt'iv nt Tins mnl Kaner
n..ii. melt ii..'iiiitnoA(:i:s. am'V
lil)XI. VIOI.INV. (iL'ITAli't; nl-". IU
li..rl nr Vinllii rlrliiK', lirliUi- mnl Tnll
.itr-. (iiillnr Slrltic" Aieiiiil.'iiit". V'lit-Hint-
Ac I I'ihl- lain nml (.Iii-h Viihu. Ciiii-llll-lllk-.
A liirttf n-iirliii'iil t.f ( Ml.lrriiV (Ililim. Tiiv
nml Hill iiniiit, tTtiiR-e, Tut, Clmiiilx-r,.
Kllclirn mnl I '.ll Inr MM.
A liirtft tut of Dull, mnl Until. ; nl-n. n flii"
Int nl' in ill r.tnilli-. Inr Ctiri-lm i Tn j
nil Irmi Tn Cim.U ultnu- mnl .Vvt ul furul
Sinull W'li.H.liiirrn nml Tip Curls fnr linrp,
lilill llinli-.lhll- III MlirliliS , TnV llilKi-Ii'.
mill t'lnil-ii. Inr tiiltftiiliill'i lliliinl U.i Mi)
mnl Tit tiling r""K-. A liirtt Int til U llluw
J. NIHMIHIl kis.p. mi linml ii Inrui. Int nt
f'lunrr nl Hit; In-.t (itiiily ll I hIiiii..'i.
iii.il rlull ; lliifcnl Hiiiiltlm; mnl I'liiiuimr
lull ncn i Ininl mnl nil ifi-Mil I Imci. nf
nil llm clinii-t-l drmiitsj Tint t-r.v iK-rt tu-
Ikicvh Inniiil In I lie nmiKct l fuiiiiil lirr.-.
Tin1 i try ltft .MirMliiniin it'iit'is-mirrmiliil
n ; il litryti I'll nl' Vnm mnl Ulity iln ;lli
l-l nr Olirrry nk-liiii liuril nrilltfiltcv,
Ac, Ac
All klnl. nr WATCIIi:-. CLOCK nml
fli mini mnl r'mlri'tl mnl put In lit- Im-I iY
niilrr mi llm unci rt-iiiii i' le term, ll
m.iy mil Ih ui'iiiiull) Kiii.uii, lint I hi l
lint l.irm-t mnl lrl -Im k nr nuil. ul lh
klllll lllirlll lir i-Ull l-'llllClK'll.
Jiickisiiitlllt' I) c, Till. IM!, iln'7-t.r
SUMMONS -In llic Cniinly Court nr Hie
tiiHio ur Oircmi, rnr thu Cniinly nf Jin-V-
Win lit In i. I'liiinllir. v. J. a U'l-iM. Anion.
Olwil, Win llritliiti, l.tlnnril llurp, l-ritl-,
I ir.lk (.lull-.. V, i; .Mnylnll'i., (ii'init (iltlt-
. iiiiiiiiI t. I.iiinliiy, ll.-li-iiilinili',, i.irlurs
ilnli. j; IhlIiii'm. In tlitt iiiiiiiu ur lliu IJiulu
.Mill C'niniiiur
lotion for .1 ml cm ent for Leave
I to issue Kxt'cutlon.
I To Atiliin OIhtI, Win llriltiivr. Iltvnrtl
! Miirp, I.' .Miiurnllf, (iiuruc Cultliiu mnl I-'.
I l.iiinliiy! Vim nre nqtili.-il It) iti-itr In mltl
. Cmirl nml nil-tier tin- ci'liililullil ur mid itlulii-
. till', lllttl iinliit nil. ulililu Irn iln Irmn ll
tlmi' u. llm rvlo.' nr thi iiiiiiiiitin m
nil vnn, If
, n-rvi-u tvllliln Mtlil ruiiuly ; ur, u i-rviil on
tun ullltlii miv oilier cumi'ly In IliU rilul", tlu'ti
' Wlllllll ItMlllj- llrtjH IrulM Hit' llllli- nl-UlB Hff
licit J nr, ll wrtt-il tin jniiniit nr Ilif Hlnlf nf
Ori'jiun, llii-ii It U urili iVil lt.v ill'' Jnil!i! nf llm
I Uiniiily Ciinrt nt JiicLon cniinly. Hint inl.llcr-
, tiini liv (ii.i.lt.- Inr fix vti-i-kx In tlm Oiimiok Siiv
i t m.i. irlur lu thu llrm Jluiitlav u Mutcli, A. D.
i lM.il. ' '
Ami ynii urn nntlfliil Hint. If you rail to mi-
i niffiiiil milium nml ciiiiiilnnl h nbnre re-
iiilliul, tint I'luliitlll'ulll nimlv In llm Cuurl rot.
i",' r'"l -iitniiH.a llieri'ln, t..-lt! rur
J'K'isiii'iit Tor It-nve lo luo oxt-cutlon on n
Iiii1uiiii.iiI i. nl. ...I ...... I., .1 ....!... il.. .nm nf
.i . ....'
ilin'u liiimlnil nnd lurtyifix '.'.l-liiD dollarit,
mIIIi Inlurint ilii'tiuii nt llm ritlo nrxj rrci-nt.
Hit iiniiilli fri.ni tlm id liny ur April, A. D-.
I8i!, hiiiI lliu cuin tiini ilubumrnivntii or llii
1 motion tu bu Uxiu. lly order ur Juilgo Dun
can. W, G. T'VAUIiT, Att'y for rialnl(T.
IKctiiitK-r 2Hlli, lfi(i7, tlec28 titV
A littel.y ntulOt-il In chine forward nnd py
"' ll"' "'"' ''" "' ,,,"la,Jr nnlng, nn H
will wrlnlnly In-lo llit-ir hitfrfi lo tin no, si we
c.tnnnt iln tuinliioft without nmprj to nut'l our,
"wn ""pdltlwi a'pil furllif.'rniHri', dmlnir '
' "'", ""?' Vl.or fll W WWl - J
dittermlncJ lo toinlillili n Uriel conii buw In.
bnslnws after the flmt tiny ol aDuary, 18C8,
und will pot depart from it. '
. sdttqn .t HYDE.
nfknvilie, Pre. l$th. IHC7. tlc2Uf
h ,ifife