T !t ii' DR. J. H. JOSSELYN STILL CONTINUES TO TREAT the afflicted with bit valuable nud never Tailing rcmcdlcs.at the ELECTROPATinC INSTITUTE, 045 WASHINGTON STREET. It Is seven years, up to February 12lh, 1SC7, since me insiiiiuo was cstabiitued. lao Di rectors challenge the world to show n more succes.ftil medical triumph. There has Leen over TWENTY-FIVK THOUSAND consulta tions and nearly TWENTY THOUSAND con tracts made, with only cloven failures to cure : (In those cases tbo fee was relumed,) A large numuer 01 canes prescribed lor. wnicu, irom the nature or the disease, could only bo tempo rarily relieved. The Doctor makes It bis study to help suffer ing humnnlty without regard to the amount of money tbo patient may bo able to pay. His remedies are mild and gentle In their action. They am entirely free from all mineral nol'ons, or ony tibstnnce that can possibly Injure the most dellcato system. The Doctor's mode of practice is the REFORMED or ELECTRO l'ATIHC system, by which ono-balf of the ills caes In the catalogue can bo cured without medicine. In alt cata In warranto a turt or asks no pay for bis services. It ha been too common with persons calling tbemclves Physician, to treat their poor victims until their funds were ex hausted, nnd then turn them away, half cured, to'dlo bv the wnyilde or become n burden to the public while lie lingers out u life of suffer lug and misery. To thue afflicted with unmentionable com plaints, the Doctor would say that he can euro tho worst possible caw In n very short time, without tbo persons afflicted belag exposed to their most Intimate friends. To those whoso constitutions have been In jured by youthful excesses, the Doctor offers a positive and speedy return of health and man ly vigor. To tho Hbeumitlc, almost instanta neous cure. To I'cnmk't, Either slek or In trouble, the Doctor wishes to say that he Is thoroughly conversant with their delicate and sympathetic systems, tho disease and troubles Incident thereto, and can aiure them a perfect cure, or relief, as the eve may require. His FEMALE MONTHLY medicines are unturpasseil by any other known. They ore pleasant to the tat", and will be warrant ed safe and sure. The utmost secrecy ob served. All you that arc nf.ltcUd. .Male and Female, no matter what the cae may be, I will give you relief or a cure, or ask nothing for my trouble. Person residing at n distance hoc business or domestic affairs prevent their visiting the city, or those who fuel n delicacy In personal con sultation, can correspond with the I'oetor. nud have advice or remedies sent, which will ! warranted to effect the result required, ami the letters will be destroyed. In writing, cure should be taken to describe symptoms correct ly. State how loog the disease or trouble has been running, togetber with so nail nse. Always address thus: J. II. JOSSELYN. M, I)., San Frauclseo. Cat., IIox ID 15; or. If sent by KtpreM.tit.'i Washington St., luitcnd of the numbtrof the lox. Aihlce by letter or otherwise gratis. Ofllee hour from 9 t , to !i i m. J. II. .lU3.Sr.LVN. M. It.. Resident 1'byilclan Electropatblc Institute. decU-ly M- - i i m HOOK AGENTS WANTED To solicit Order for a Nov ILLUSTRATED BIBLE DICTIONARY. (Compkte In One Volume.) qUIIS WCTIONAKY KMHODIKS Till: - result of the most rectut study, rtrenrch, ocd Investigation of nbout sixty five of the mutt eminent uml advanced Jlibllcil scholar now living. Clergymen ol ell denominations ap prove it, acd regard it ru the best work of its kind in tho KnglUIi language, and or.o which ought to be In the hands of every Uible reader iu the land. In circulating tliU work, AgcnU will find n pleasant and profitable employment. The nu merous objections which ore usually encounter td in selling ordinary work will notesUt with this. Hut, on the contrary, encouragement nnd friendly uld will attend the agent, making his labors ugrteable, useful um) luvrutivc. Indies, retired Clergymen, school Teachers, r armers, aiuueuts, onu uii oilier who possess energy, are wanted to assist in canvassing every Town uml County on tho Pacific coait, to whom the most liberal inducements will be oflsred. For particulars npply to or uddrcsx " Subscription Department," H. H.lJANCnOFTi-Co.. Han Francisco, uenerot agents tor rucilic Coast. MJCC J h't.ni.1 NEW BROOMS SWEEP CLEAN! T1IEX GO TO PltEATMi'S BROOM MANUFACTORY A.D Dl'V THE 11EST IN Till: JI.IIIKCT, AT WHOLESALE OFl RETAIL. factory on corner of Oregon ond Main St., by the Odd Fellow's Hull, ami opposite the 1-ranco-American Retauraul. Jacksonville. Nov. 291b. 1&07. norSH-Cm Bo! You Dolinquonts J AS OUR S. SACHS WILL I1E 0IIL1GED to leave shortly It becornii uecearv ror us to call on ull those indebtid to u by book account or note to settle at once, rt'o hope our friend will take due notice of this, the ONLY DUN we Intend Lsiilng. BAOHS IIHOS. Jacksonville, Dec. 121b, 1SU7. Uvcl l-tf SEED ESTAUL1SIIMENT, ! 425 Washington Street, i Han Francisco, California. WE ARK orFJilllKG FOR BALL. IN TT, quantiiiwlo suit purchasew, the finest ond most reliablo assortment of SKKUS, FLAXTS, A-c, on the I'uclfio Coast, ut the nioat reasonable prices. trade Lutaiogues can be obtaiutu at Ibc ouice or ibis paper. KPWIX H. JIOORK. UT-IAST CALX. A LL THOSE IN'DEIJTKD TO US AKK JlL hereby notified to come forward uml pay up by the first day of January ensuing, 09 it will certainly bo to their Interest to do to, as we cannot da business without money to meet our own liabilities ; ond furthermore, ileeinlnc it for the bst interest of ull concerned, we have determined to establish n strict cash basis in bosinesa ofler the first day of January, 1808, .and will not depart from it. SUTTON & HYDE. Jacksonville, Drc. 19th, 1807. dec21tf INDIVIDUAL LIABILTY.-tteJ. OCCIDENTAlMuRANCE CO.! -oic!lo-CASH CAPITAL, 11300,000 orncr.: 8. W. Cor. Montgomery California St's. Insure against Lr or Damage by Flro, on Dwelling and all kinds of llulldmg,, and on Merchandise, Hoit'ohold Furniture and nil other Per sonal Property at tho Lowest Rates. 303 All Losse Payable in U. S. Gold Coin. Clin. CiinnTUNK.v, President, J. Orkksiuoi, Vice President, II. RoTitscutMi, Secretary. JAMES T. GLENN, Aor.nt, Jacksonville. 0- oc27.tr HANCKOFT'S MA.P OIF TI-IE PACIFIC STATES! FOURTH EDITION. THOROUGHLY CORRECTED AND RE vised nd brought down to date. It Is nn elegant copperplate map or the region between the Rocky Mountains nud the t'acllle Coast j colored In counties, and showing all tho new towns und mining cauuts. and the latest tiulltl- cal divisions. Sold only by Subscription! CANVASSERS WANTED. Address. 11. II. IlltllL'l'Oft U. Co., San I-'rnttviiii'o, Cul. 2JTZT57 YEAS'S B7S. If AND THE NEW YEAR IN! ncjoicL jmi iik i:.ci:i:mxcLV glad. THE UNDERSIGNED 11KUEIJY NO loll her friend" and the public g'lier ally that rue will give a public bill on New YeurV eve., at the 1 raticu- Amer ican Restaurant, 'the room- have lieen rellttvd and eulargtd. so that every convenience of the guel wlit be provided for. No labor will l spared to make all happj 5 and further, mi In vitation I extended to nil the guests to assem ble on the morning or January 1st, nud take breakout wills the Proprietress. Good iniitlc has been recuicd lor the occasion of the parly. A cordial Invitation I extended all. Alio Lull on St. Valentino' D.ir. MADAM DE'GUILVOYLi:. Jacksonville, Nov, 27lb. lsf!. nnv3i)-td NEW YEAR'S BALL! AT "CrP'f"!' QO'TTIXII' TO" ATT UN NEW YEAR'S EVI3., Docenilmr Illtt, 1807. oC HIIK UNDERSIGNED IIERKIIY ANNOUN- cm that he will sivo n grauil New YearV Uill at his bouse on Tuesday wenliis;, the :tlst 01 jifoecioir. iikmmii 01 music In the coun try t vu.isl tor Ike occasion. No palu will be spared to make the enter tubman! a success, and to nlve entire mIi-Imo-tlon t- the (rtiests. A general luvltutinn Is given to ull. VEIT SHUTZ. Jacksonville, Nov. 2'Jth. 187. ucsrSd-til CHRISTMAS BALL! THE HOLIDAYS ARE I'OMIM PREPARE TO ENJOY THEM. Dvcfinbpr USthf 18(17. THE UNDERSIGNED TAKES PLEASURE In nniioiincini to his old uatrons that bo will Ihi prepared larecelvo them on Christmas uveniiic. iHctiiiiser lith. nt tho U. S. Hotel. A cordial Invitation It extended to all. The Proprietor Is determined to surpass all bis ntior efforts In the arrangement uf the Holiday Parlies. TICKETS, : j2. : 65 00. Al ball ou New Year's eveutug, January 1I 1URJ ., .UUW. L. HOItN. PAY UP! PAY up: rPHK NOTES AND ACCOUNTS OK THE X late firm or McLauehlin .t Wall haviiiK' been placed In rny hands lor collection, parties knnninjr. thf-miches Indxbtid will take notice, that costs will be added, tinUis IKOMIT lAYiIENT Is iude. No extension need bo usktd, for none will Ixt (,'lven. Jaines D. Fay. Jacksonville, Oct. 22d, 1807. roct2fiir HIDES! HIDES! rpilE HIGHEST CASH I'lUCES 1'AII) KOIt 0. Hides or all kinds, delivered at the market or tho uuderslgned, In Jacksonville. , L JOHN OUTH. December 8th 180(3. tr Dissolution MTotico. NOTICE IS IIKKEIIY GIVEN THAT THE partnerthln berotnfnrn ,liil, i...i,.... the umlerslxueil In by mutual consent wholly dlMiihed, except so far as it may ha neceary to cont line the katno for tho final liquidation and kcttlement or the bu.lncss thorenl'. J. In- , 1 , -- -..... WUMICVII A. G UOCKKELLOW. JAPnii U'inui'ii C.K. KLUM. ' ' ' Ashland Mills, Ogn., Nov, 181b, IS67. tw .xxxoxxxoxxxoxxxoxxxoxxxoxxxoxxxoxxx FJ M g G. T. T. C. E. s. M M M M xxxoxxxoxxxoxxxoxxxovxxovvxoxxxoxxx AN OllKlliNAIi POEM. nVTHK MAN WHO WltOTR tT. Some write for fun. nnd some for fame, And some to make 11 splutter ; Hut wc, lika nil true poets, claim To write for bread and butter. Thus you sec our very laudable object of do ItifT good to ourselves, If we cannot do good to anybody else. Wo only wish to have It known, That all our ponds nuisl sell, And then the people nil will come You bet they will. Thus giving us a fine opportunity of mak ing money. We've fancy Soaps nnd pood Cologne!, And Hair Oils by the dozen An endless lot of pood I'erfumw, Put up by old K. Ilazln. Thus giving nil the young folk nn opportu nity of becoming "wccl-ccntcd." Wc have lleslorcrn for the Ilntr, Much better than your dye ; We've preparation for tlio'lvir, And lotions for the Kyc. Thus giving old maids nnd ctuty bachelors nn opportunity of fixing up for the matrimoni al market. We've Dings nnd Hooks j we've Oils nnd Paints, And trinkets of ull kinds; We've Xostruin good for nil complaint, And sell to suit the times, Tho giving old nud young nn opportunity for speculation. Xow, nil who have the ready cash Can call u ron ml to-morrow. For they can find Inst what they wnnt Much cheaer Hutu to borrow. And will thus give tho City Drug Store M lows 0 fine opportunity tn dtplnv their ex tensive slock of NRV GOODS in much bet ter udvantuge than they could pnlblv do on paper. They will say, however, Unit they have n line anrtment nf I'HOTOGI'.AM ALBUMS, from SI' 'J3 to S AO-torSO pictures, Gold pens, Ink Stnmk Ruto, Fancy I'cii-iioMcrs, Paper nclithts, Letter Clip. Horn! Clips. Ink lirnsers, l'.iHr Splitters. Senllns Wax. l'rirU.w. I'nrlmnules, Wnllei", Purse. Pocket Hook'', Crnyons, 1'elicl'is of every description, Red, lHue, llluek nnd Copying Inks, Clmlk Lliu-s, Fishing Tuckle. Violin Strings. Toll hoards mid llo'in, School Hooks of every variety nt reduced prices. Copy Hooks in variety, Slates. Parlor Games, and 11 thousand other things in tills line, that call be seen by calling nt tho Oily Drug Slure. Among the staple urlides may be lound Pepper, Allspice, Nutmeg, Muee, Cloves, Cinnamon, Cusln Hods, Ginger, Mustard, Cream of Tartar. Saleiatus, llread preparation (omethlng new) Ilxlrnclsof U-niou, Vanneila, Cloves, Orange, Celery, etc. I'i:.uti. lt.uu.Kv, IIi.itimi in Du.r., I'l.TKIt l'MH AM) Co.U, UlU We would call on our friends to give us n call. If we can't nil them unylhing, we ulll lake grsnt plenurc in showing lli-ni orne thlng new. Sl'TTO.V A; II VI)!:. Jacksonville. Sept. 'J8, It-fi". UNION LIVERY, SALE&, EXCHANGE STABLES, Jfi &g Comstock S" Caivley, Proprietors. The proprietors havo recently purchased the above well-known stand, situated on the corner Calllorilln tii Jlh SlrrcU, Whero the very liest of horses ami buffsles can bi bail ut ull limes, at reasonable ralm. Their stock uf roadsters cannot bo equaled In I In state. IIOIINKM IMUltl)i:i On reasouablo terms, anil the best care ami at tcntlon bestowed jpon them while uuder their cir.rge. .iao llurra lloiiKlit mid .Sold, lleiiiR satlsflnl that lhy can give Mtitfoc- lloii, the proprietors solicit the patrunaue or the public. Jacksonville. Nov. 24, 18(16. decStr CLAIMS ! CLAIMS ! WASHINGTON T CITY, D. C. M HUSI.NUJS IS SUCH THAT I WILL necessarily be detained In Washington City until next .SprhiR ; hence, I wlllbceuabled to attend (o all collections entrusted to my care kIvIiik them mv ncrsoiial iillcnllnn All ui.n iintvuuims ior cuiiection, or uny other legal business In tho Atlantic Slates requiring atten tion, oio solicited to forward them Immediately to me. Clients In Jackton County can get a jNlunco In ircparliijj their papers, by upplvlng to I). M. 0. Gault, nt my ofliee. In Jacksonville. Address B. F. DO WE 1,1".,, Washington City, D. 0. c n in J&. t SPOKTSMAK'S EMPORIUM, fiilK uMiKitsmsKu utai-ecTrutLv i.nioumb M. 1)14 iublU) n. hi. frltn.U u-nr rally, that li. I,u UKIjr ln In H.111 rauclM, ulir li lcif,l,c..l,. or.ii.iirrrr,ntkij,.dlwr, pf ti,. Si" ",'"t ml oil k 111U ol imiiiin 1 ,! ...-1. .. .1.1.1..' . " ' Ur, shot; l, iw.r-ltk,, tlivt-dMLs, liunllug-'ljinof uvry vrt .ut Ic. di.,..i "ir,u u ." . Vh i:r""pm. ije4iu. a UltUMCIl. TIO UlkDIIU, iHrlntf nt tutr rlH... u(l, . .. .1 -. t the liuiteit node, uii.l In il,e meat .pratt,l tttlr (ir.ltful tor put Htrun.Xf, I rwiwlfully wllclt . OlSAtH. JOUK IUM.it Glenn, ALKXANmni John S. Diau'! MinTi.v. GLENN, DRUM & CO., GENERAL MERCHANDISE CALIFORNIA STREET, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. SBW FIRM, RBV GOODS , .A N I). 3STB"W PRICES! LOW PRICES WILL WIN I rpili: A HOVE NAMED TIUM J take plcaure In notifying their lrleud nnd the public generally, that they arc notr receiving uml opening 11 viry large nnd ex tcuilvo stock of STAPLE DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM CLOTHS, HEANKETS, I HOOP SKIRTS I I ETC., ETC. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies', Hisses' nnd Children's Shoes. 3y We linvc. nlo, in connection with -Yj3B tir the ulmve, 11 very large and "ffla fltVY extensive slnck of chnlec -5a Cay Groceries, Hardware. ifia foT IJiiei-iuwnre, Ba Cair Glim- -rj5a ' t&r- ware, t'ntlery, -a IJT Taints nnd Oilsj nlmi, iQla OurWIndow Onus. Nails, IrnicMiJt r,ztr and Steel, Cat nud Steel -&a Br I'loftS, Wooden and WIIIor ware. "ji3 V are reidv to sell any thing In our lino nt tho LOWEST CASH PRICE. rrnnw.ilim to hoy goixla, Mill Hud It grcully in their ml vaiitagu in examine our slock before purcha lug cLewherc. ns wv are dftvriuiucd not to bv ui.dsrsold by any lion-.- in Jncknu county. (Jlvw u ncHll, and then Judtto loryouriulf as to our capacity to fiiriibb go nil as almte. JLKXN, I)Rl'M,A.C. Jacksonville, March '.', IAT. tf Davis' Yugulnblc I'uln Killer ! Taken Internally, cures SUDDEN COLDS, COUGHS, FKVKK A.VI AGUE, DYSI'HI'SIA. ASTHMA AND 1'MTHISIC, I.l't:ii COM I' LA 1ST, ACID STOMACH, IIKADACIIE, INDIGESTION, HEAUTIIUUN, Cauluir In thu iiiimiIIi L Htoiiiucli, OANKEIl HASH, KH)XKVCOMILAIX're, I'lh., hi:.-siCK.vi:hs, .sick iikahaciii:, ORAM' A.Vll J'AIX hY TUB STOMACH, DIAItltHOEA, DVSENTEIIY. ai'ilMKn comi-i.ai.nt, CIIOLEIIA .MOHIJUS, Cholera Infantum & Cholora. Applied externally, cures SCA7JS, IIUHXS, nttirtT nni:s, 0IIILHLA1NS, Sl'HAINS, HUUISES, WHITLOWS, FELONS, Holls, Old Sores, KiiiKwonns, HEADACHE, ftr-.UHAI.UIA IN THE TACK. TOOTHACHE, TAIN IX rim HIDE, M.V AV 77: BMK AXD I.O.VS, Neuralgic or Itheumatlc l'alns In the Joints or Limbs, STINGS OP INSECTS, SCOItl'lO.NS, 0 E N T I p E 1) E S, Jo And tho blteof nou,, Mll veDc. Ayert Cathartic Pills. Jxwm T. Jk .v. A CARD FOR THE SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING TKADti, OF SAN FRANCISCO. BADflEK &1IDEiRERGER, Nos. 411, 413 nnd 415 Battery St., Cor- Merchant, Stan I'rnnrlwn, IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALERS. Entire New mill Frcnli Stoclt. We would cnll tho attention of Country Morchtltlts to our unusually larRU stock uf 1 Goods. Our stock comprises every nrtiolo in he CI.OTIIIMJ fc l'UI(MSIII.U lilMJ. ' ' . '. rf s. S ' B creale't variety of OASSIMHUM AND WOOL IIAT3 of nny house In Han I-'ronclsco. and our prices ror tliceKi wis are leMiinn inorouimiy 1101, nsnu receive them direct from the manufactur er's conslttiimcnt. Our stock "I Si'KINU.fc SUMMKIl GOODS Is particularly attractive, nud the grout feature to the country merchants is thu unusually low prices t Less thnn the cost of Importation I Wc also keep the 3tvj:lo Artiolosa In the Dry Goml line, which (tiind we have pur cliasrd In this luarkut uiider the hammer, and are olI'erliiR them nt New Vnrk cnt, and le. Wc publt'b tills curd In order that we may make new acquaintances, nud Induce llior who have not heretolore purchaed nf u to c'.ll and examine our stock. fitMMl Altlt'lCH . sOV I'l'lCCH Are the ureal luduccim'ments we tiller to all who purchase to sell nalu. Merchau'ts lio buy nl us can make a cood protlt, nud sell In their customers at a low llguro. We remain, re peclfully, Your ntirilleiit sirnnts, IIADUKH .V I.lNI)KN'IIKUGi:it, 'A'holcfiilc Clothing mid Hut Warehnusu Nos. -Ill, -til) and 41;" llattcry street. Han Fruiici'eii. Oct. 2S, (!.1. m'. FRANCO-AniERICAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT oi'i'osiTi: thi: Odd Fellow's Hall, IHCLhOlM lllc, Ol'fRttll. Travelers nud resident bmrdcr will fine Df SED3 AND ESDDOJG Placed in lirst elas order, nnd In every Way superior In any In IhN n-cllou, uml ui passed by uny In the Klute. iiiik Kiiuais Aiti; .m:vlv itiimsiikii, And a plentiful supply of the bet of iivcry thing thu market affords will bo oIh talued tor II E R T ABL E. No troiibb-d will Ih spared tn deserve list pat ronage r the trau'llng us well us the perma nent community. . Jacksonville, March :tl, 1800. tr Crover & Baker's' ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY .SEWING MACHINES,1 Aro tho bost In Uso, , FOR THE lOLLOWINO RRABOSS Thernru moru tluinlo ami durable easier kept in orili-r. mnkea slrouvvr i ana more chstlc slllcb, a firmer and i mora beautiful tram lluu any oilier. nioy sew ail riiirlw from two com- , inun t)ooli, reipilre no rv-windlnguri llircau, rastrii uolli t-mlt of I lie tcim I by their own oht.ioii. anil thoujli i every nun .lllcli Is cut tho team will ( not rip. I Thoy Stitch, Hem, Fell, . Corel, Bind, Tuck, Quilt, I Gather, Braid, and Em- I I t. - uroiuor. ino otnor ma- chino Embroidors as woll ' i as sows perfectly. Crover & Baker's NEW STVI.US .SHUTTLE MACHINES1 For Manufacturing, l Comblno the must modt-rnand ecn- tut improvcmcoti. Tho attention U requested or Tailor, Manufacturers of Doom and Shoe. Carrlatro Trlmmlnp. I uuiiiig,uuii uu uiuers reipuring i uu mo ui iuu iuoii euecuvo Lock Stitch Machines, To theso Now St vies, which nmw I looiiwaiiauio aavanuigea over all ,.. . .. : '. ' OIUUIS. i Agenta wanted for the sale of tbo I QROVER . BAKER i SEWING MACHINES, n,nPH in -, v. .,ij buu limn nni nnw n. im5uii;u, ror term sail clrculir. upniyio J. U. JIKOWN, AKcnt illSJHonloomery St., San Francljco. DENTISTRY. Ui; Slirtm-Hbiu y informs tho peonlo of I?,1'1,". ,'0.c.0,,i,,,lfv' ",''!"' remain for Slim! I,. I ,1. . ,-V f ... "V "Ml lHH ..,.. .... , niiiijrviiiOHIlU Waldo. Tbono do, iniiK iiih services u ,,ny of 10 brnnelien f de.itU.ry. will peaw calf Imm'dla. ;."C . f GfssrD john bilger; Cnlifoniia Street (between Oregon nnd Third), Jacksonville. ! DEALER JAND WORKER IN Itin, sheet-iron copper, LEADAND BRASS, I 5 EEI'S CONSTANTLY ON HAND AN AS- rtment of the best Tin, Sheet-Iron nhd iiner ware, iirnss; ripcs. Jiyuraunc noztioH, 1'orcr rumps, unnins. i.ono 1'ipo, nose. , riAnnwAiiK, cutlrrv j nails of nil sires. Ilnr, Mate and nssartcd Iron ; Taints. Oils. Hlzes and Glass All qunlltlc" nf I'owder ; Shot ofnll numbers: llrtishes of every variety , etc., Wooden and Willmv am; 'lcty,utc.,oto Hope Ilrars and Irnn Ire; Illacksn.llh, Carpenter nud Miner's tools ot ,,.,.. ,,,ruiJ our ,,iric,y- ..... T .... . tirriT nirnMrnn 1 TK , , KU , W Y I ,h, U Ifl.lV . Coultlng of Ciit-lrnn and Slrel l'lowsj .Vi'ir-sliarpcnlng Feed Cutters; Cauldron and lion Wash Kettles; Cultivators. Wheelbarrows, etc. Stoves. Always on hntid, n large lot nf I'nrlnr. Cook ing, Onlei' und Cabin Stoves, of aborted sli-sr plain and fancy, coutrucled on latest fucl-rny-lug plans. Holler. Kettl?, Tots, I'niis. and ev erything mtinei-ted with tln.-ii stoves, warranted iliirnbl" nud perfect. All articles sold nr manufactured bv him, WAItltANTEl). His work Is nuulo of tho best material nnd nf choicest mtlorn. L.Ordcri attended to with dispatch, und fill ed ncciirdlug to directions. He Is deter mined In sell nt I.IIW ntli'KM soli L'AII. i Call and cxnrnluo Ids stock bcruru pnrcliM I lug elsewhere. Sept. 1 1, 1800. ' JOHN FlLCER, Importer ot Farm Imiilviiiviitiv j AND MACHINES. HOWARD & SMITH, I Miiiiftu'ttiro to ordur, i DOORS, SASH, I D I L. IIU 5, DRESSED FLOORING &.C. fpiIK LNDI'.UKIONEI) AUE MANUFaC X luring ut tlu-lr new slenm planing mill Ibu iiIhivc naiiieil nud many more articles, ut great i Iv riduced prlci'K. .O'li nr nil sles nil baud sir made In older cither uhiK d or tinglar.ed. Moulding, finin oue-biill Inch lo n live Inch clown i ild. U.ders for lln-c urllcb'i. nod ull work in Cnrp'Mil'irhig nud llulldlng, done uilh ill'P'ilcli. und In a workmnu-llke uuii'ier. - IVrsiins vhn contemplate bulldliig. would do i well to call nn us licloru mnkliig eoiilrurt uLe- . wlnire. j I'NDEUTAICING done tu a mat uml appro priate manner, bliop ou California Street, near the bridge, HOWARD .t SMITH. I Jacksnnillle. Nov. JUIh. 181.7. lu2Utf Notice to Is, r. fllcllfiir)', fjDi iiutioii (!iilinaiit. I AmU ARE HI-.RI.UY NOTIFIED THAT .1 the allld.ivllH nt' .lame I'looil nud Saiuu (M Hall have lieu lib d In iIiIn nlllce, alleging Unit Jon have abandoned your Doinillnn Claim .on the N W nl -See. II, Tuuii'hlp II7. Soutn 1 Range I U'ml : and Unit mi have never loco I llll'ig your notllkatlon uu Mid trurt r laud eoiiiplki) Willi tin) riipllienieiils of Hie Dona- lloo law In ivgnrd tu realduucu and cultlvallou Iherrou ; mid that tho 28th day of Ducumbcr, 18G7, nl 2 o'clock. P M., ban been et for hearing the i evidence In suld caie. at the Laud Olllce. at I RiKebiirg, Oregon ; nud that inik-s you appear auii ouur pniom miwing inn uiiuii' ur your claim, the name uill be declared uhnuuoutd and cancelled. Halt d at Laud Olllce, Riiscburg, Ogn,, tbU 23d day uf NowiiiIh.t. IHi;7. JOHN KELLY. Register. ADDISON R. FLINT, Receiver. December 7th. IHU7 ibn7-lir llltOIHSTEIN & CO., Piano Forte i 1 IAWUITACTTJIlEr,8, j 499 Broadway New York. THESE PIANOS RECEIVED THE HIGH-s-s.1 Award nf Merit I at thu World's fair, over tho bent makers Irom London, I'nrl". Ger many, the cllleii of New York, Philadelphia., Ilaltlmoro and Huston ; also thu Gold MM at tlm Amman fntlitult. for FIVE SUCO!dSlVI YEARS I Our I'limoi contain tlm Vrvticn Grand Aelloii, Harp IV-dal, Overilrung Rum. Full Iron Frame, and all Modern Improvements. Every liiMriiineiit uurrnniul gut ytan. Mndfi under Ilia unervlIou of Uii. .1. II. IGIIOVKSTIJKN.wIio has a practical ex-" , perlence uf mer thlriy-llvo year, and if the maker of mt dtun .Awmitid jfwno-foriti. Our I facilities for manufacturing enable uu to eell lheo lntrument from SIQ to i00 chtajxr than nuy Hut eU plunp, Kepleinlx-r 2Uth, IhCli. Sepl29-ly. $500 REWARD Tho undersigned would most renpeotfullf call the uttt'iitlou uf tbo public to bis new LIVERY AHD FEED STABLE, OEEG ONSTREET. I havo a flno stock of IIUGGIKS and TEAMS,, and excellent Saddle Horses, always on hand, as wpll as a good supply of .Feed. TE XMS'-MAftOBrAjna, And a living sbire of public' patronage solicit ed. Try tool try iuoI N. PL.YMAL.E, Pieprieter, Jacksqnvlllo, July -1, 1 807. jylS -ti