Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, December 21, 1867, Image 2

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nn; orim si:'riM;i,.
rou Tin: riu:snKNOY in 1808,
or rn nitst) smtis.
"Well tlono, thou gout sinl hllhrnl servant ' Tho pew
pto lists rswsrili for pitrlott punishment for ttsltois.
Foit Tin: vici: i'itr.sui:NCY,
tu:o. ii. wii.i.i v.in,
or osrooi.
Doth snl.Jt lu the decision of th Nutlonsl L'tilen
Satimhuy Jloitxtxu, Dec. 21, 18iI7.
Our Clirltniun Sermon.
Long, long centimes ago, n star hung
over Jictlilcliotn, nml its brilliant eflul
genco announced the tulvonl of tho
Sou of Man. Down through tho misty
years, amid tho struggles of tho early
disciples of tho christian faith, to tho
proud triumph of tho Church at tho
present' time, the event has been re
membered, and chiislimi nation uniu
in doing reverenco to tho bitthday of
tho Savior. It is a day when age and
youth unite in prayer and rejoicing.
It is n holiday when tho holiest, tho
most sacred, and tho most allectionate
chords of tho human heart arc awak
ened. Youth, with gloriojis anticipa
tion and buoyant spirits, looks forward
to tho moment when tho sprite, that
tradition hasa?ociatcd with tho sacred
anniversary, shall come laden with the
presents that aro afterwards found to
bo tokens of affection from earthly
hands. Youth looks forward, while
ago sits and dreams of tho plcaant
ChrUtmas times of yoro; and the sil
ver springs of memory freshen again
the green sprigs of holly that liud a
place in every human heart. It is an
hour when ago and youth live together;
when tho past and tho present meet
and tho Jmrriers of Time aro swept
away by kindly memory; an hour for
sacred rejections and pleasant social
amenities. Let us all forgive and for
I ct, and remember that charity and
humility wcro among tho mint pioin
ncnt attributes of Him to whom wo
do reverence. "While enjoying the
good things of earth, lot us not forget
liow many thero are to whom the
crumbs from our tables would bo a
blessing; and if wo remember this
practically, tho day will huvu been
well and sacredly kept.
lo.sr.iiui:o,)i:cr.Jiin:u 1-lth 18fl".
Hon. A. K. .McGl'C, ot this county
who has been in tocblu health for some
time, died recently at Portland. Ho
was oiio of tho thrifty farmer? of the
Calapooia; ha? tilled many public of
fice; was a member ot tho Legislature
in 1838, and respected by all who know
Mrs. Ellen Hurt, wifo of George A.
Hurt, died very suddenly at Yoneolla
a fow days ago : Mrs. It. was a daugh
ter of Charles Applegato; crossed tho
plains (when a child) with her parent?
in tho memoriablo emigration of 1818,
and was highly esteemed In tho commu
nity in which sho resided.
Religions meetings are continued in
lioscburg, and tho different churches
aro constantly adding to their member.
Thero has also been quite n re iwil at
Oakland, and novcral havo joined tho
church at that place.
Tho Methodists of Hoseburg havo
recently ornamented their church with
a duo and elegant Founding bell, tho
first church bell over heard in this val
ley. g
Tho Jacktonvllle Htttillt siys that "Oregon
will shortly dun the b.iblllmtr.is nf Ut moeracy."
We earuetUy bopo Mm will wmU them, (Int.
As tho "habiliments" nro particu
larly unclean, "Soap creek" would bo
a convenient place for a laundry.
Lyto.vai. Imi'J"Vj:mi:xt. Our neigh
bor suggests tho propiiety of bridging
Applegato creek. No doubt it would
bo a publio convenience, but opposition
to internal improvements is a demo
cratic landmark, and our peojdo need
not expect a bridgo at present.
C2F"TJio Albany Journal says that
of about 100 children in that town,
only one-half attend school. After tho
abovo information, wo aro not surprised
that Albany weut democratic at tho
city election.
Silver tips adapted to first class shoes
havo been introduced by tho American
Shoo Tip Company. Thoy aro highly
ornamental as well as n protection to tho
Financial. Tho Moot Legislature
debate noxt Monday night tho quostion
of paying tho TJ. S. Howl with green
backs. Snow had fallen at tho toll house yes
terday morning to tho depth of one
;ind a half feet.
(nnsc LuUu
vlu JLInk
Articles of incorporation have been
filed by M. llanloy, Capt. McCall, 1.
D. Applegate, it ah, for tho purpose of
constructing a wagon road lrom Ash
land, in this county, over tho moun
tains, intervening between this valley
and tho Klamath Lakevalloy; thence,
eastward and intersecting tho Oregon
Central Military and Wagon Komi, in
the upper end of Gooc lake valloy.
Petitions are in circulation to nucim1
an appropriation of land by Congress
to aid in tho construction of this road.
Thero is no doubt but -what the
route proposed by this company is em
inently necessary and practicable. It
will cross the mountains, lying east of
this valley, by a pass open most of tho
winter. The ground is solid and well
fitted for a road. The tottto is direct
to Klamath Lake countiy, and is be
yond all comparison tho nearest. The
distance from Dr. Caldwells place to
the old Emigrant crossing of Klamath
river is not over thirty miles. This
distance, it is true, is all mountain;
but tho ascent of the mountain on this
side is very gradual, and tho descent
on the other almost imperceptible.
Having ascended the mountain, the
intervening distance is a level table
land, upon which snow scateely over
falls over three feet, and rarely that.
Having thut entered the gteat Klam
ath Lake H.imii, thero aio no other
mountains of any importance to be
The Klamath Lake country is fat
settling up, and the fertile valleys still
further eat, as soon an the settlers can
bo protected from hostile Indians, will
be tilled with inhabitants. While the
people of Jackson county will reap an
immediate benefit from '.ho construc
tion of this road, the advantages will
not bo confined to Jackson county
Postal facilities must be supplied by
tho Government lor tho people east of
ik, and large sums of money would bo
saved to tho Government every year in
tho tranportatioii ol supplies to her
Indian Reservations and military posts
in that direction.
Thero me no reasons to doubt but
what Congress, if the subject is prop
erly presented by our delegation, (and
wo have no fears but what it will be),
will readily grant an appropriation of
bud to aid in tho construction of this
much needed road. Congress has made
a largo appropriation lor a lar more
impracticable route, a route completely
blockaded with snow in the winter,
and ditllcult of parage at any season
of tho year. How much more readily
then for this route.
Telesrnplilc iNews,
Washington, Di:ci:miii:i: 1 1) Hi.
In tho Houe, a resolution was offer
ed, reciting tho Presidents recommen
dation to repeal tho reconstruction laws,
and declaring that Congre never
would consent to take a retrogressive
step, nor doviato from its law. There
is no reason to debate tho reconstruc
tion of the rebellious States being suc
cessfully accomplished, and no good
reaion to repeal tho reconstruction laws.
Tho resolution was passed by a strict
party vote Ajos 111; Noes .12. In
tho Senate, after tho introduction of
a number of bills and resolutions, the
House Hill repealing the tax on cotton
was considered, and several amend
ments were offered and a long discus
sion ensued.
WAsinxmoN 17th.
In tho House, Stoens asked leave
to introduce a bill from tho reconstruc
tion Committee. Tho bill provided
that a simplo majoiity may ailirm tho
Constitutions of tho Southern States,
it apportion? representatives in Con
gress from tho excluded States, and
makes provision for an election of a
specified number of members in each
State, on a general ticket, tho remain
der to bo elected in distiiets. Objec
tion was made, and the bill was not
Tho Senato finaueo committeo "has
reported tho Ilouto Anti-Contraction
Hill, Senator hherinau saying that it
had received tho unanimous approba
tion of tho committee. Tho Finance
Committeo lias agreed upon a bill for
funding tho National debt. It author
izes tho issuo of six per cent, bonds,
proceeds to bo used in redeeming oxist
iug sccuiities. These, bonds aro ex
empt from taxation. Tho bill creates
a sinking fund for tho redemption of
tho five-twenty bonds in currency,
and authorizes tho Secretary of tho
Treasury to redeem bonds held abroad,
by tho issuo of bonds bearing 1 j per
cenL interest, arid payable in 10 years.
Rotul to
State Items. I
Z3F Tho Stato Journal at tho 7th re
cords that on last Kriday, a memborof
tho hunting party whose name wo havo
forgotten, met with a very sovero ac
cident a fow miles from town. On go
ing to bed he drew his liflo under tho
blankets with the muzzle to tho head.
Tho gun was loaded with ball patched, several reaons why ho would make a
p . Mi!..! I!.1..... ,.. .!...! ........ ..I'
and had a large cotton rag stuffed in
the muzzle. About midnight, in turn
ing in bed, the gun was discharged,
taking effect in his back twelve inches
below tho shoulder blade, and follow
ing the skin upward, passed out be
tween the shoulder joint ami head.
The large rag and patch wore both left
in tho wound. Dr. Ilanchett was call
ed, attended the man, ami removed the
cloth. Ho is repoited as recovering
22T"Tlu Corvnllis Gazctt? greatly re
joiced that the people of Corvallls re
monstrated successfully against the is
suing of a license to a retail liquor deal
er. Wo are of opinion that the liquor
law, now in force, is a stringent as
can be, and works well. There is no
doubt that the radical friends of tem
perance spend a vast amount of breath
uselessly, when they try to get more
strict fawn cnacteil. 'If they use all
their powers, which they have by tho
present law, wo arc of opinion" that
more will bo accomplished towaid
breaking up the Honor tralliek than by
new legislation, l'repap the mind ot
the people, and n prohibitory law will
he graciously received ny the majority.
15?" Tho Onijonlan notices a buck
board buggy built in Portland, for
C. M. Lock wood of Dalles city, the fore
and hind axles being connected with
r thei
simply a board about two teet
upon which is creeled a seat for
diiver. The front end has a dash-board,
ami behind the seat there is a mil to
hold baggage. That paper claims that
this vehicle is the first one of the kind
ever built on tho Xoith P.ieilie. We
beg leave to dlller. Messrs. Comstoek
it Cawley, of this lown, have one in
their slafile built two years ago l Ir.
Ilooth of this place.
22TTho Cnt'oitht publishes thelnr prmx-riy Ivinjr nml Ih-int in the in ol
quarterly report ol Mai. Herrv, Sunt, -lackiivilk .luck.n rmini v. tlrnson. hnown
V .i . . ti i. i' ' . n li'M "til. II ARKANSAS l.lvl'.lli
ot the State Penitentiary, for quarter htAIH.K.-iuM mm... pmlcahirljilifcrllml
ending .10th of November, from which m folium: llcjjlniilnjr nt lliu wii corner nf
w.. learn that at that time there were ' N,J :,7i ,IKV,,S-,;'!';, ,,:l' ' ?.,."r
. .. . . ,. incline of Pine Streei, Mill',, nil U Uvis
08 prisoners in the Penitentiary. 'I he J UL.v llr.c Tor n lienimiini: ; iIkiicc. tnnnlns H.
brickmakingexperimeiitofth'histsmn.ii:iJ :' K. fiOhtt: ilii-mv. N. -II IP K.
mcr has been entirely success!, .here! Pa ' wAtt
having been 1,131,000 biickx made, of ill.- Imoor Otom St rent I Iwt m (JanrnceV
which l,0.'l(),i)0i) were merchantable. J llm ; tlit-nce, mhiiIi tm s.ilil line Ifil?-. firi id
The financial condition of the piison is vot Uvinedng. top-ilur lih ml llm In
better than it was last vear. The super- ''" UMi uppmiinancw tl.m-unto p
intendent 1ms on hand-good endorsed "''pi'opr,. y U OnplyMe.n.l .... one of
notes, b I, Ihh .(); nrticles for Muing ,i Ji.,..i ...v.... i , .....i i. ...n i....
market .1,000 00; has paid into the
StateTreasury .1,070 .V) ; Total 1 1, HI.- j
00. It is thought that the evpenes
of the Slates I'iNoii have reached the t
maximum ; and that under the pie-ent
come ii sell supporting institution. j
:3? Still another niilroad orgauia-'
.,.. ,i1B .'.,,. ... ,.i ..... . ,
tlon s:i')4 llio tJiVtitmian nf tlm lJfh ii. '
............... ... .....,..,1(
on foot. euly, Oregon hut got railroad
011 tho brain. Messrs. .1. J. IlolVnian,
J. C. Aiusworth, C. .M. Carter, S. (!.
Heed, It. It, Thompson, Win. Strong,
and H. Goldsmith ot this cite have in
corporated themselves under tho name
ot " 1 lie Oregon and Idaho Itailioad
Co," with a capital stock of .'5,000,000.
The object of iho organization is to
construct a branch ol the Union P.ieilie
railroad, starting from some point 011
that road, running theiico through Ida
ho and Eastern Oregon, to terminate
at some point 011 the Columbia within
the limits ot its navigable waters. It
is the design of the eoinpaiiv,ns wenre
informed, to induce tho I'luou Pacific
Co. to take stock in the read ami assist
in building it. To this end. simulations
are signed by which a poition ol the
mock is oiieieu to tno latter companv.
tho principal business ollico of the
liiaiich Co. is loouted in Portland.
Two or three meetings of the incorpo
rators havo been recently held, but
their transactions aro withheld from
the public.
J39 It appears from the Orcyouiun
that tho foundries at Portland pur
chase their pig iron at San Francisco,
instead of Oswego, as thoy can buy tho
samo quality at a lower piieo in that
maiket saving about 67 per ton by
so doing. It is dillicult to see what
thu Oswego Company mako by keep
ing up pi ices in our maiket.
C3yTho Ortyont'an says a case of
stalled birds lias been scut to Mr.
Hutchel to bo touched up and inado
presentable, which were originally pro
pared by order of Dr. Mol.oughlin
thirty-six years ago.
Su.vaioi: i.v Oai.uoii.via. Eugene
Casseily was nominated in caucus by
tho Democrats on Thursday, having
received -M votes. Ho was probably
elected yesterday. His nomination is
a damper on the robol wing, ns ho was
a strong war democrat.
County Sunvr.Yoit. .Mr. J. S. How
ard was appointed county surveyor of
Jackson county at the l)eceii))cr term
of the County Court.
ASuitaiim: Oani.ii.ati:. Tho Ortgo.
titan says that tho managers of tho Dem
ocratic party deem it necessary to
mako a military man their candidate
for the Presidency, and aro looking
anxiously for the right man, perhaps
they could not do better than to "ten
der" the Abolitionists their " Heaurc
irard." as thev did in 1801. There aie
some of which tho following nolo is
suggestive :
ClIAItMSTON', S. C. Oct. l.'I, 1802.
Jon, Hw, I'.Jlilcs, Itkhtmmd Va:
Has the bill for tho execution of Ab
olition prisoners, aftei January next,
been passed '( Do It, and England will
bo stirred into action. It is high time
to proclaim tho black Hag alter that
period. Let the execution bo with the
P. T. IniAt'itr.tuiiP.
Hito.NCimis. Fioin Mr. C. II. CJnid
ner, Principal of the Kutgers r'emnlo
Institute, X. Y., May II, IHots. "I
have been alllieted with Bronchitis du
ring the past winter, and found no re
lict until I found vour Tnwhts."
" Hroirni Jlroiwhial 7'iWhw,'' or
Cough Lozenges, give prompt relief in
Coughs, Colds, and Throat Diseases,
and are for sale throughout tho United
States and most foreign countries.
lining I .uniiuiiui wr mvii uiiij, in
II Nt.i: PminWr Itlli, tollie v,lfs.f M llsiile),
SUTTON' VrtmlrHlli,IMlilf if J M SiiIImi,
ni:v AiYKitriHi:Mr:.sr.s
riUES WOIITII $2,300!
vai.laiii.i: i'ii:ci:or iikai. iistati:.
mm ik u.vim:usui.vi:i mas put up
JL lliu Mlimlnil ili'HTibnl mil t Slate nt
Mltry. nt lliu rxmilinir l'v IUhn' of 8'.'.-
IIOO. nt luo ilnlliirs ii Ikkit, ir. : Ttmt piice
pmvol-itwc lifinirn smhle m Ii gofrtt l.ni
hv 'j:i fiti wnlc. wild a ilnil 70 lui liw
Tlif lottery will cotiie off n mou ns nil dip
ticket nre M. Urn imtlp' tliercoT will bo
umm tl.rouuli the ir. Tickets cm. in- ol.
u.rJ. ,,, 1()l lu. !aWi
-v fl'"-' o.priiiiiliy is hem .reinil to ect
u piece ol projuriy that will uUiiw rnt
. '. 11 j
.Tsckmnvllle.Drr. l'JIli, ISCT. il.c'Jltf
To solicit Order for a Now
(Complete In One Volume.)
result ol the 11101 recent Muily, riseurch,
ami ItiU'JtijMtlon n u limit sixty five of the incut
en.ine.it ami uilvaneul llilillc.il scliot.irs now
living. Clergymen ol nil ilii.c.niimliiuis up
prove it, mnl rt'tfnnl it ns the lu't twirk of its
Kind !n the KiiL'Ikli laujrmijsv. uml 0110 which
oiiL'ht to be in the lunJi of every lliblereailtr
in I lie lunil.
In circulating this work, Avenls will Uml n
plt'jnt uml profitable rmplnymenl. The mi
liHTcnii nlik-cixms 1tl.lrl111reluu.1llv eiicnunler.
eil in stlliiiL' eriliimry works will not exist wilh
lint, on tho contrary, cncimnij,'eniHnt ami
friemlly aid will utleml Ihc uxeut, muking his
uuiirii uitcinif. iih'iiii aim lucrum e.
Luilii-n, relinil C'lrrpymrn, School Teachers,
l-'urinrrs, Stmlents, ami all others uliopiMxwi
enerj.')', uru uunttil toiisnUt in canvastiii); every
Town ami Count y on thu Pacific coud, to whom
the most liberal imluce.iu-nt will be oUVrei).
For particulars npply to or aildress
" Subcripliiui )ep.irl.nent,"
II. If. HANDHOlT.tCo.,
Sin Francisco,
General Agents for Puciflc Const.
si:cu i:staiilisiimi:nt,"
125 Washington Stroot,
01111 rrjneifco, uauiorr.ia.
quantities to tult purchasers, the finest
uml mast reliable assortment of HKMDS,
PIVNTS, Ac, on Iho Pucillc Coast, ul the
u.oit reasonable prices. -
Trade (Jaialnyues can bo obtained at the
office of this paper.
hereby noliflfd to come forward ond nay
up by the firat dy of Junuary ensuinL', as it
will certainly be to their intereM to do so, as we
cannot do buim9 without money to meet our
own liabilities: and furthermore, deemlne it
for the beet interest of all concerned, we have
determined to ettabliili a strict cash basis In
business after the first day of January, 1868,
and will not depart from it. '
Jacksonville, lit c. 1 9lb, 1 867. dec" 1 If
thu nfllcUd Willi Ids vuluftble and neer
falling remedies nt lliu
It Is pi-tcii years, tip to February I'JIli, 18fi7,
flncu the Institute WR ctnblUh(il. Tliu 1)1
rcctoVn eh.lleti(jo thu world to shown moic
succcs'fnl ninlleiil IrlumphJV Thero has been
tlons nml nearly TWKNTV THOUSAND con
Iraolc nirtile, with only eleven riillnn-itoeiire;
(In tlioe ces the feu was rcturni.il.) A Inrgi'
ininilier of cms nrcrlbul lor. which, lrom
Hie nnluro of tho Jiwutw, could only be tempo
rarily relieved.
The Doctor m.iki- It M elmly toihelp sufTcr
Infthiuiunlty without togntA In thu amount ol
mnnev lliu patient m.y be nblu to luy Ills
renmillei are mild nml Ronlle In their notion,
Tlrynie entirely free from nil mlnor.il piilsons.
or any siilntance that can possibly Injure I In
most 'delicate system, The Doctor's) mode of
prartlc.. is the IlKKOIiMKI) or IILKCTKO
I'ATIIIO svstrtu. bv which one-lnllr of the ills
discs In the catalogue can bu curid wllhout
In nil eas he warranto a aire or nsks no piy
for Ids siervlces. It lm been too common with
persons culling IIi'iiii-i'Ivck I'hyslclnus to treat
Ihelr poor vlcilni until their funds were ex
h.iuMcd. nml Itii-u turn them nwny, hair cured,
to die by the wayside or become n burden to
the public whllu he llnjr,tm out 11 life of sutler
itilZ nod misery.
To those nnileteil with immenllonnblo com
plaints, the Doctor would rny Hint he can cure
iho wortt txisslblo cae in n very slmrt time,
wltliuut the per-ons nllllcled being e.iOcd to ,
tiioir itiosi intimiiiu menus.
To llinsu wlnie ronstltulions Imre been In
jured by ynulliliil excesses, the llnctur oilers n
imisIiIumiiiiI spi-nW reiiirn of henlih nml inun
iy vigor. To ihu tlbcuhittic, almost iii'tantu'
ueous cine.
To lY-mulcc,
r.ilhcr sick or in trouble, the Doctor wishes; to
s.iy Unit lie Is lliorouuhly conversant with their
del cute nml sympatliellc sjsteiii", the illsrmu
nml troubles Inciilvut therein, mid can asMire
them n pcrl'i el ciin'. nr rellel. n Ihe cu-p may
mp.lre. UU FUMAI.f: MONTIII.V iiuillclii.
are uii-nrpi-sed by niiy other kimnii. They
am pleasant to the tale, nml will be wnrrjut
ul sure mid sure. Thu illmoit seciecy oh
senid All you that ore nflKctcil. .Mule nml Fitnule.
no mailer what thecn-einiy lie. I will ulveyou
relief or n cure, nr n-k 11t1ll1l.it; for my imiibles.
Persons residing nt n dlstunco uhn-e business or 1
domestic nllalrs prevents thIr vlslllui; tlieelly. I
or Ihii-u who fe"l n dellcney in personal con- j
sulfation, can correpnml with the I'oclor. mid '
have iiilvkij nr retnedle seul, which will be 1
MArrauleil In elfeel Ihu result reipilrcd. nml the
letters will Ik' deslrorvil. In wrllliiif.carc
j riiould be taken lo describe symptoms cornet I
1 Iy. .Stale how long llm disease or double liai '
been riiini inr tone tier win sev ami mte.
AlMitysuddnss Urns: J. II. .IO.SHKI.VN. ,M.
!., h.in Kraiielsco, I'iiI., Ilox l!UA; or. II scut
by topless, (MA Watliliiglou St., Initcnd of the
tnimUr ni the I m v .
Aihlce by leltirnr otherwise pralls.
Olllce liiiurs frotii!) a. m . in 9 r. m
.1. II. .IOSSKI.YN. M !..
UeiliUni I'liyslclmi Klectioiutliic Iiulllule.
QL'MMONS. In IhcClrcultlinTri of llm.sT.tle
O of Ori'irou. for the (.'ouiltvkof Jiieloun.
(tinruu V. Isincs. Pliilnlllf, vs. .Vii pheu J.
Ilemlersiiu nml I.. 1, IlemlcrMin. Dt Umlauts.
Molioii lor lutve In Issue. I'MCUllon.
Til .Vli llhtMl J. Il,liilir.ii!i A'ihi nr. rmtilri.,!
Ill mill, iir In sulil (Tiiiiil. mnl iimiit-r lh. rmu
plalul ofsald plnlutltr.liliilKL'iiliisl, vim. wliblu
lei. days from Hie llnio of Ihenrvloe nf this
ruiiimoiis 1111 ini. If servnl wllhlu saldcuuuiy ;
or, if served 011 you within miy nthe,' county
In lhl .Slate, then wllliln twenty dajs from the
time or llio service; or. If sirvul oil )nu mil
of Ihu Stale of Oregon, llien ll Isnnleriilby
I In- Court lli 11 nibllcalloii Imi mmle lor si's
wicks In thu Orejimi AVminki, prior lo thu sec
mi Muiidiy In l-Vliru iry. A. I).. ISIS.
Ami )ou are nolilbd lh.it. If you fall In mi-'
swer said complaint u iiIhivi- itipilnd. the!
plslnllllwlll apply to the Court fur the relief 1
ileuiamliil llniein, tn-wlt: For leavu to I-miu ,
e.xreulliiu ii(.'alii"t vour projierly to satisfy n '
Jmliltiieul lor ftli '.'.'i-ltm dollars, vv lib Interest I
llicreiiii ul llm rate of '.'J per cent. p"r iiinulh
from lliu ISllnliy of June. A, !., Ih'H'J. uml !
Ihi cost, uml disbursements of this iiellon In I
Im I. imi! (ilieu miller my hiiui'i llil. IKIh day I
ofptvmber.A. I).. IM.7. I
o.JAfon.y, Aii'yfor 1'iaiutirr. i
December 1Kb, IKli,. dtcNtiw
ami imv Tin; best ix Tin: jmiikht,
Factory on corner of Oregon and Main His.,
by thu Odd Fellow's Hall, ami oppoklto the
I'ruucn-Aiiieilcau Iteslnurant.
Jttcksomjllle, Nov. 'J'JIh. 1HC7. nnv3n-(iin
IIo! You Dolinquonts I
a s oim s. Sachs mu, m: nm.incn
r. to leave shurlly It becu.n's mcessarv for
us to call on nil those Imlebled to us by book
uccounl or uolK to felllo at once. iVe boon
our Irii'im will take due notice of this, thu
w.1.1 uu we iniemi nsiunir,
Sachs nitos.
Jacksonville, Dec. 12tb, 1S0T. deal l-lf
PJotico to Dolinquonts.
(jlven to those owIiir 1110 lo como lorward
Immulbttely mid settlu their uccoiiuls. I'ollto
lilnl.i that money Is wanted does not biliiR the
cash, and I can wait no longer. Unless 11 iy
menls uro Immeillalely made, thu aid of the
legal fraternity will bu invoked.
, , ,., 11 H. (.RKHNMAN.
Jacksonville, Dec. 3tb. IHC7. deo7-2w
X the Holy Name of Jesus uml Mnry.Sui.il
Mary's Academy, will Kvo un e.iiertalniuent in
the Court House, on Tuesday owning, Decern
uerlMlli. 18G7, commencing at half iiat Tour
0 clock. '
Kutiunco-Adults, si 00; Children, 30 cU.
Jacksonville, December lath. 1807.
F. GIIUHK, HI. 1).,
OFFIOE.-Near M E Church, Jackton-
vllle, Oregon.
Jacksonville D,c. 21st, 1807. dec21-tf
jO. positively pay by tbo llrst day of January
wA; A,'e"l''nl''t or oto Ik not what w
want. Wo want tho money duo us, and per
sons owlntr ui mutt positively pay up.
nov. il, 18C7. nov23.2m
hENriNBi, Orricr; ut 812 per Ihouiam.
JT. jXroxxter"s
On California St,, Next Door fo
J)iu Store mnl PiiHt Ofllcc,
JackMon villi1. Oregon.
A larRo norlnrent ol KNOMSII, SWISS,,
mid AMi:itl0'AN WAT0I1 movemenls-lni
llulil uml heavy rnrtlrdllA'Iilt nml HOLD'
ewes. Small Hue (JOI.D, CNAMKLLBO;,
nnd DIAMOND-HIir WATCIItt lor ladles.-
A larp)norlinentof01,r)tMHi suchns.OO--diiv,
B-day, itnil tlO-liour, i'nniiK
uml WelKbt, with uud without Slrlkiiii;
nnd Alnriii.
A irooil n'sorltuent o HUM) nnd SILVKH
Chains for K',iH" nnd ladles; WAT0II
kevsSnAlii.id CIIAIIMSi Solid GOLD
nml HILVI5II Thimbles f IIO.WMSTUDd-
l'lns, uml Sleeve-buttons.
I.nckct-Sinl, Kunmi'lli'd, Plain, llecnrd,
I'rirmlsblp. nml Diamond Klimcr-Iliugi ;
(Iiild-I.nekel. for 0110 In lour pictures : In
dies line sets nf Jewelry ; Knnniciled,.
I'liibi.HiiiKjiiarl. l'iiisniiil uir-Ornamunts;
Ji'l'I.'iiumellid mid I'hilu (iold Crosses
both plu nml swlnpi fluid I'ens nf tho bcit
ijuallly j (Sold mid Siiur I'eiiclt Cases.
A lariso n"iirtment of Solid Sliver nnd Steel,
bowed Spiclnclee, lor near and lur-slgbtcd
The lines! lot of Silver nnd I'iated-vvaro ever
nllerid In this public, just from tint iimiiii
tnelnrles In Ihu litil; sueb ns. OiKK Ills
KHTS, CvslOlll. Snl.llt rfll.VKII, I'l.lTKII. Ta-
ui.ii. Di.riiT, Ti:a nml M'imii Si-ooni,
IvNivrs. ) ouk. uml lltrrsu-K.MvMt .S'oi.m
nml I'mtkii NariilN IIimh, Hilvkii JIuis,
Ac., Ac.
J. NIIIMIKIt keeps nu bund the vvnrld wills
MAfJIIIN'U; inikm funr sllches ruvrrs.
Ii.-I..,il. Al-n. tlits will kiioivu IIOWK
l-'A.MII.VSi:VIN(; MADAINi: which, foe
Slreutlb. .Simplicity uml Durability, can
not lie evcellul.
A itood ns-iirlment or nKnilfiP. V"RTi:S
HOLM .V SONS' Celebrated Pocket Cut
ler). An endless variety nf Toys nml 1'iinev
;,hhu : Midi as. iiiiti. c.vci's. kancv
Ii.T-. VIOLIN'S. (illlTAUS; nlo. line
In'st or Violin Hiring, llrldes uml Tall
pliKies. (lullar Slrliijis. Arciudenus, y
linns Ac.; Poicul.iln mid (!laH Vusvs, C.111-dle-stlcks,
A lirae ns. orlmenl nf f.'illdrrn's China. Tin
uml llrltaiioiii, (.'ulfuu, Ten, Chamber,
I'ltchwi uud I'm lor Suis.
A lire.0 lot of Dulls mid Heads ; also, 11 flno
lot nf sin ill candles lur ClirUl.nas Trees ;
nil lion Toy conk stoves nml Set uf furni
ture. Small Wheellmrriivvs nml Tip Carts fur Iiots,
ml llinuhiiiils nf .Mm bit j Toy llnituies
mill Ob il-i'K for luge ihill; Infant Itatlln
mid T.i tiling Itlns. A laryu lot of Willow
J. Ni;i!lli:it keeps on hand n larK't lot of
Clears of I he lx'"t fjiiilily. nt wlmlesalu
nml retail ; line cut ouokfuK mid cIiuwIiik
Inbaeco ; hard nml toll pre-sul ti.buccoof
nil the choicest brands, Tho very l'lt to
bacco loiiiul In thu 111.11 ket Is found here.
Tho very best Mvrsehuuni pipes wnrrnntrd
so i ulnrj.'itlot of WiiimIhiuI Clay pipes; llio
bet of Cherry Menu horn mouth-pieces,
Ac, Ac.
All kl.ids of WATCHI'S. CLOCKS snt
cleaned uud reptired uud put In thu best of
order on thu mott reasonable terms. It
111 iy not Ix) generally known, butihliU
the l.iruest mid hot slock of goods of tbt
kind oorlli of San Kraiielsco.
Jacksonville, Die, 7th, 1MU7. dec7-lw
tiii: fixi:st lot of
(iilll IllilS CLOTH,
Panto, Coats and Vests,
KVint UltllUdllT 'I'll JACKSO.WILUK.
Tiir finrsl ?oIs I lme In store
As ne'er were stui in town before 5
I'oinc nil, uml tl your giiriiirnts made
Tor how's (lie time, I'm on (lie trade ;
Vour iutrrrtt now do not ntsltft,
Hut get )our (lollies uilliout defect
Some FIT for dresi nt bull or eliureli,
Or fnsliioiril Irmejou in the lureli.
Conic one route nil, como big ami small,
Tall, short. Irnu, fa I, I'll suit you all.
'I'll, best of Ills I'll KiisiiaiiUr
If ynu ilou't litllv ll,roni mid see.,
I'vrclollit'lioiiHli lo clothe yuunll,
I'nslilon rur Wl, ler, NprlnK nnd Fall,
Ho give llm miilerslKiitila call.
I'aihlnublo Tailor, on California St.
Opposite U. S. Hotel.
uciouer ii, ihui.
Xfotico to Holders of County,
Persons holdliift Iho following County Orders
nro hereby notified to present tbe'saiuo for pay
ment 1 Nos. 4118, -151. presented May 2d. 1859 I
No. 491, May yd. ltol) j No. 4'JH, May 6tb,
18.W ; No. M, Mny 71b, 1B59 t No. S02, MM
Kith, 1M9 ; No. Ill), AiiKU't lid, 1839; No.
139, August ad, 1839 ; No. H9, Augnit 4t!i
1839 ; No. 1 15, AiiKUlt 4th, 1839.
No Interest will bo nllowid on these Orders,
from this date. JOHN HOLT.
County Treasurer.
Kcrbyvjlle, Nov. 30th, J80J. nov30-6vy