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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1867)
TUB ORIifiON SENTINEL. v MonsiW, Dec. 7, 1807. -PkSo WiW-Wlnler i. Rtl,iml; mil with it, tho inevitable In thw oliniato o ten Ih.I nt'iinilgltt, rlictimntiHiri, "". rl u,c'r Y.'V-'irr1 iLim. I,UB,0M" wl, "r " ' n'nv of tlioo 1ixor1cr p-liotild now like Imrte to -Ion their ll.ui.icl uiiikr- loth.'! TIiohu win) nn' wear wool- Lilrt'niirt ilrnwew for tlio flint timo will very "" w ,,,,u,,, ,,ol,cr iw ,l,e cl.:..iirc, that, will never nptiii want t jjive I lien. ui. Siiltnlilu cloth ing lor the ocnxoii is next to whole inu fiioil ami ri!tmy Imbltn, the very bent imwrver oMiwi..1i. Klamath Ti:3kuVation Wo un .lemtniitl tlmt mutter nro t.ropiWmjr liriUy on tho reserve. About ten thoifiiml ilollurn worth of inutility coodt have been distributed. Six toiU.mare enpipeil at plowing; and if the present fine weather eoiitiimeH, a nrj,,, iimntity l grain will be howii. Kevcnty-fivo tlioiiiiuul dollars were ap propriated for the reservation at the last session of Congress; and it is thought that tho ii.aehinory for a saw n,i,l iloiiring mill now ou the ground will beset in operation lief uro Spring. Kitiht or a Oai.h. We learn fio.ii Captain MeCnll that tho Irtvy gale that was evperienced here aK weeks sinee, had a rather slngii irellee.tat Klainatli Lake. The galo irns so violent at the point where the waters of the lake empty into Link river that thu whole body of water was blown baek, and the river wlitrh, nt this point is very rapid, completely dried up. Can't l.i:.T.i.i'Kmis Coi'ntv. Mr. H. I'. Myem inlorius us that he has walnut trees from seed planted in the Winter of 1800-1, whieh bore niitHtho pant seaxou. The trees are about twenty feet high and live in di iiiueierat the butt. If any one has wal nut trees that can eompare with these f .Mr. Myer's, we will spend twenty file cents for a ribbon to tie 011 then.. Oo.nai.aska Kisiiiiimw. An exteu ihe Inuik of Codllsh has been diseov cred in the North. The fish are of the must exiptisito flavor superior oven to thoM of New Koutidluud. A sam ple ol these delicious fish eau be found at the store of Haehs' Mros., thoe gen tlemen having telegraphed to Silku for a supply. Try them. I'liini I"r. 11. Mr. Dan Caw lev has just returned trout the " Fort," ami reportM nboyj two leet of snow 011 the mountain. Mr. C. says that one of the "Modmi" prioouerH, under ceiileiiee ol death, escaped lin-t Meek by slipping away tioiu the guaid. A iletaehincnl of twelve men were scut in pursuit without success. fioon roil Mm IUtik. Smith & Howard have for Mile, at their lumber yard 011 California Street, some t the finest Sugar Pino lumber ever sawed hi this county. Itisfrom"lig Unite," ami many of the planks ure thirty- "Slit inches in width and without knot "rUtmisii of any kind. Fi.k Dihpi.ay. In passing XeiiberV Jewelry stoic this week wo saw the finM display of mlver ware ever ex Iiibitctl in this market. Mr. N. has un i.iiuiimlly largo htook of inereliaiidiho 1'all, for nu enumeration of whieh wo refur tiie readur to his largo adver tisement in this Issue. A Point in Tiiisoloov. Oiio of the speakers nt tho Legislature lust Mon day night gave s a reat.011 why Cain, (of lJihlu notoriety) was not exconted, that it was impossible to get an impar tial jury, 115 there, were none but bis brothers to Mit us judges, of the fact; l.ence, he was not tried and executed. Dkntistky. -Dr. Shrewsbury in es tablished i t0WM jor a iow wcoi.P) nt Dr. Greenmau's oIHqo on tho corier of California and Fifth streets, where ho is ready to take out and put in teeth. Give him a visit and have your teeth repaired, thus saving terriblo hours of toothache. Mby WANTKu.-Dr. Grconman wy that ho wants nionoy nud must iavo it. Our advico to those owing mm is to eomo to his ollice, on tho cor. "erof California and Fifth Sti.-i.oy tho cash and savo all trouble. Is TowK.-Dr. Gabanlu paid ua a l wring tho wook, having bom. tQl S' v attt',ul u Blok Chinaman. Ninv Lamp. Mote-re. Sachs Bros, have got a stock of tho noted Lncino lamjis nnd burning fluid. These lamps aro a new thing in tho way of lights, nnd for hotels and sick rooms aro ahead of anything wo have seen. Thero is no danger of an explosion nnd is free from the objections so common to most other night lamps. Its sim plicity and cheapness are high recom mendations. Go to Sachs Bros, and make a purchase of the Lueino lamp. Jomipiiini: County. Waldo Is said to be brightening up a little some nuw building is going 011 at that place. Col. Buttei field is still sinking on his cement claim, lie has reached a depth of sixty feet and is beginning to strike gravel. The old channel that ho is trying to reach is known to ho very rich. We hope his perseverance may may bo well rewarded. Nkv Papkil We have received the prospectus of the Occident, a week ly journal devoted to religion and fine literature, to be published in San Fran cisco 011 the :id of .laiiuarv next bv 11. II. Bancroft it Co. It will be the'spe eial organ and representative of the Presbyterian church ou the Pacific coast. Terms ol subscription $4 00 per annum. - ' , - Wiir.m.iNo into Lin 1:. Tho Yrekn Journal has hoisted the name of U. S. Grant nt the head of its editorial col umns and suggests; that by his eleva tion to the chief inagislray, three hon ored soldiers Grant, Sherman and Sheridan will be rewarded. Clear the trnck Democracy, tho war horse of Ga lena is coming. Still at It. The indefatigable Col. Drew, together with two others, are still driving their tunnel above the forks of .lacksou creek, and hope to strike a good thing yet. The Col. has overhauled his mill and U putting in the latest improved coudciiMiig or sav ing apparatus. Tin: Mill The Directors of the llogue lliver Woolen Coiupanv have decided not to lay the flooring of l the Factory at Ashland until Spring. They do not expect the machinery till Juno next. Si:vi:m: l.vjrnr, A miner named Christian Ortz had his leg badly broken yesterday morning, by the bank caving on him while working in his claim in Shivelv (Siileli. The leg was K-t bv Dr. Grccnmaii. Snow. Soijie snow has fallen and Is visible ou the surrounding mom. tains, but as vet we have enjoyed uluinxl Spring weather in the valley. Sii:ami:il The steamer J'ticltc sail ed for Crescent City 011 Thuifduy, the .th lust NKW ADVKUTISKMKNTri "a""JJ.,iST Ol'" LHTi'KKS RKMAININtS Uiiclaliiinlliillie PikI Or lia,utltt(.'lsuiivilleOre),'iin,)ru. 1st 1807. Acock Win A I.wU John 2 Ai.'tln Win LuiiiIi A 3 Alnmi Mllis I.eIIu Johnatlian llmneliiirK Jnrduu Kdword l.ollux lluker Niiimlruii l.iindy Mro Murlha IIokuii Kb 1.1-wI-MIm li llalrd 0 S Murrey George T Ilenron II Moogo II llarkiiinn Win Murse Daniel r. lliitltr i'lcuheii Murray Oornellm CbudKlek J W Maxwell Union Mllo Mlirs Jacob Until Ulm 2 Miller Cltarle Clmrltiin Ulmrlen A Myern Mix Hannah Cionk II K Null MIm Martha 3 Ulutrlion MrsChnlly North Itolurt l' Urow Julia H Norton Doul 1 Dillun Mom. Jenu 2 Oliver Geurgo Dillon H l'elerwn l'.liler M Davli tV D J'MIIIP- S W Uty rutterunn Mr M M Duvls A llupell Mr L 7. Dowdl F Huundtree M Dnnrln Antonio illvclraHoMiinin John N Daltumn U F Hichard'Oii J Debitor John Duckett Win UrlccolM.MMary J ElHfiilutrt 0 lihvard OharKs Ulizrolb F Kl-lur MU Jorephlne Gttgo W111 W (; Ml Sitrub J Goriutky Jo OoirJohnW Gordon Mias I.avlna Gay John GlbboiK J J ft Gibbon Mile 3 llmvurd Jumes W IIokuu Kleuor Hubert l.out Ilowlitt Mrs A 0 Hull S M Iaac George W JouoH William A JiiBlimMr Jolmoa Mlaa Amy Kelly E II Krall Fred Kliidrlck Jntnes Kahler MIwi K M Itapp diaries lllte Juvph jtow JllH'ph lUdnr Juckdon Slmpon William cinilth Jnmei i'oy Hubert Sherman l.i-wla .Smllh David Sayner Dr A Sornioii William .fiiiibTH Jame SnUiy Minor Shock Httwklni G .Smith Ileiilaraln Bpnicer Mlm Mary K Smith Mra I.ucretla Trover George W Yiucent Marlah V11II M V William A W Warrelt Jacob Wallace Johii Wise ,-tndrew Walklu Mark Wright N B Wlmer Win J or J Wnralfnrd W Lewis James .Immeriuann John F To abtalu ony of thee letter, the applicant must cull for 'advertised letter. If not called for within one month, they will bcHent to the Dead Letter Office. In mailing letter, place tho postage stamp on the upper rigbt-bond corner, and lTeipee between ho stamp and direction to post-mark without interfering with "'; , r. m. Zfetice to Peliaqaent,' AVERY URGENT REQUE3T 15 HEREBY given to those owing me to eome lorward Immediately and settle their j nunn'YrL tb blnU that money is wanted does not totag tbe cash, and I can wait no longer. Uuepay moots aro Immediately made, tho aid or tue legal fraternity will be '"ftnEENMAN. Jacksonville, Dec. 5tb,l86T. UeuMit .THE LATEST DISCOVERY! Eureka! Eureka! FOUND AT LAST ! The place where goods are not only sold CHEAP, but Cheap er than the Cheapest in this market. Where ? Where ? At 110 other place than at SACHS BROS.' TEMPLE OP FASHION. ' Wo having rccclrcda much liner stock of Fall and Winter Goods Than ever before, now graclonly Invite all to como nnd feart 011 lliu wonJoriof our display. Coploun Kmirlona of DUKSS GOODS In all ! ttylcs but thu old. Wool e n Go nonpareil. odn, Ladiea&ohildren's Cloaks ore liner, cheaper and lalcr lyles than any In tills market. Our Ladies children's Hats thow Iwautirul "IJUTTKItKLIKS" tllil not como nroutid the Horn, but nrrlved by luit alcainer, direct tioiu New York. 0r L a d i e s & children's Shoes nre chiefly of California manufacture, and u perlor to any brought here. Our WIIITN GOODS, FANCY GOODS, TKIMMINHS, KTC, lielnir from our own house In San Franclwo.wc; ure enabled Id nil n llttllo lower lhau any other llrm In JnckMiiullle. OF CI.OTIII.NTS. BOOTS AND HATS, It l well known that we brine only the very IhIitI and liet flylei", and lell lliein at price be J ond coinpetltlou. GROCERIES, LIQUOR8& TOBACCO will be sold at a imull advance oil b'an Franc! 10 cnl. Tlil l no blarney. Wo are preiiartil In prove all wu tlittr. And if, after tin ulorlou "eiiun. elnlliiii," ton will come and look, llieu inii.l - iirnlly will we tHMilenantly uille t mid if, fur titer, ou hhniild buy, will uwuredly laii-h tery lii-arilly. Polay not! Hasten! Hastonto SACHS BROS' 123? Cheap Cash Store. Juckxin-llle, Sept. 28. IM7. iSTAROTIIJU'XlOSJ CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTER8! !Ttwilallloii alunurli lllllrr arit rnllnlrj VrtftUUa, will ln frwu klraliul ul i try liurt-1 TRY JUDQE THEM! TRY I F0R YOUR THEM! I SELF! 1 fniUlilttrdlfUl ! 2 .....i.i. .ii A itrMllt lolilr. lil 1 IllMl drink. Tua mirkt'l la Willi 5ijiiuuui'W"lii"l.;tuUIII'KWIlrr,njnp 2 ruin Ilia purol film I of t liull ruuU, bark a I ttul herta. an aJintrtbl; kUi'Ux! lo lb rur of 1 .1 1 in-M-ilna of tba Mom. Ii. KWuf Ta.IJti r and flknttla. iiili a U)r.u. tttf, iiurruu,, Lo. of A'llt'. eb t lc fvt m!i avi-y lire. I i A. rESKHAl'SIUV. hoMcMAHirAnima, ' mr napi Jaikmi. han rim Im o Annual Proclamation ! BEAD l READ! "" .. ........ TOW, TIIKRKHOHK, THAT ALLMA be benefited. 1 ISADOR CARO, by virtue of the power repomd in me pro prielor ol the j VARIETY STOW Corner Oreuon and Califonia Street, do proclaim, Ibat I Lave takeo great 'lu lo weirding my biocr 01 "Family Urooercie! j 'robacco, Clfuw, Meerchaum, ... , Wood and Imitation Pipe, i Candle, Knit, ' I'laylng cardi, BOOK8 AND STATIONERY. I Fiabinp Tackle, Ulolli auo loom i'i"'i Feather Dimlfru, .Album, ffrom 81 to 820) ,! nllwr Articles the number 01 WIIICU I SO g if a Zl IS i not SalBcleDt toenumerate. ' . . . 1 , 1 - I will ay, however, wi bib v.-v. ......... I have a very large stock of 1 0 10 FAKOY GOODS. WILLOW WABK, JKNLAMI'S&OHIMNKYS, OILS. FAINTS, GLASS. , 1'OWDKR. SHOT, Lead, and a large and well elccted assortment Cutlery, Spectucle,Sy-Glasaca, and a great many other articles. Come, everybody, and examine my good be 1 fore "goiog down" after yonr epare cash. MV MOTTO 1. ( ..IiABUK ALB ANl? "MALI. PROFIT. ISADOR CARO. Jacksonville, Oct. 5,1667. if NOT LOST OR STOLEN! $1,000 Reward AYILL be paid for tho arret and conviction or any person who can't buy Drygood. Cloth ing, nnd Gcueral Mcrchandl.e, cheaper from 118 than from any other mercantile cs cstabllphment la town. Thu arrival or our large AXP WKl.t. HM.VCTM) STOCK OK FALL AND. WINTER GOODS knaiii.k rs to Mm: this i.iiikiui, oitkii, 0UR MUYOOODS DElAKT.MKNT la flocked with the latcM stylos of Flsurcri drcs Kodi. French nntl Kngltsh Merinos, KiiiprcsRclotli. Pullnrtl Dclntncii, Alpncns nnil Mohairs, Wool, , Wool Al cotton Drluliif, French, KiirIUIi ami American Prints, All of which will be raid at tho very loncnt rate. Our aortment of WISH LINKS, I'LAIM AND DOTTKt) SWISS, JACO .MTrS,CIU)SS-IMHS, VICTOHIA AMI IIISUOP LAU'.NS, NANXOOKt, CAMtlllirt, I.TC, I well fclccted, and cheaper than crcr be fore offered In lbl market. Our SwIm and Jaconelt Kiubrolderlea, I.lneu, Thread A Collou, l.aceand Kmbroldertil Handkerchief. llonuet and Hell Klbbon, are the laleit ftyle, nnd fold at price to defy competition. We alao halo tho newcit fa'hlon of LADIES, MISSES AND OHILDRENS' Hats and Cloaks, and an Immcupo atock of all kludi of TRIMMINGS, HOOP HKIUTS, HAI.MOUAI.SKIUTS, IIUIIAKI'ASTUAI'KS, WOOI.KN OIAJVF'.S, NUIIIAS, SHAWLS, Wiudeii and Cotton Hon' of every description, AMoau iii'W MiH'k or Mil lea. l !. Chlldreii mid ItifnuU'Slio.. all of wjilch will bo kold at the tmt reawiimble price. Our llleachiil anil Uubl-ach.i Miollli, Khellnif. Table Diitnaka, Niipklna A TnwelliiK am of the very latct mauufactiiie, uud Mild VintY tow. MEN'S CLOTHING and FilliiMiIni; GiKxta, Hat, Uum, IlooU and Miihm niilriu liloili nud llluukela, Chi IK li, Oil elolha, Wall I'upi-r. Willow Ware. Ciovkvry llnidniire. Groverle. Tiitsicon, Ulnar nud I.IQUOItS aro lying ou tba rhi-lie und In the wuiebouao lu great profusion, uud will Im uld ill it I Great Reduction in Prices. l'leanti give u a call, and examine our atock and prlr-e before purchaliig fluhere. MUl.l.KIt AIIIIKNTANO. Jackaonvllle, K. il. It. 1HU, If .loiiiv r. iioick, ritAcnoAii WalelimakiT and Jeweler! Oilman Strttt,JaiUonvilU,Ui(goi), HAS ALWAYS THE BEST SELECTED STOCK OF - - - n. 1 n , -, NW Style, Solid JepVelry, I Well aworted, of plain, engraved, en ameled Finger Bingi, Ear-ring, Bleeve-buttom, Buckle, etc., etc. Gold and Silver Watches, Of French, Kugllfb and American Manufacture, ' , Fral Quality only, 8-DAY AND 30-IIOUU CLOCKS, Eetb Tbolna' Striking, Alarm, Weight and Spring Clocki, etc., etc. All articles are plrlctly warranted, and will be aold 20 per cent lem lhau at any other kouo In town, tln t aIi&h ttil Tuuralf In naiul tt mr.ulrlnii can be nt by eoreiss, and will bo returned at eoou a poaaiuie. JckWnvllle April 6. 1667. Id ,i,'i 1 I take pleasure In recommendlug Dr. Frank llu Grulie to the people of this and adjacent counties, a a pbyilclau and surKeon Dr. Grube is a graduate of Ibe University of Fenupylvaula, and served durins the war a a surgeon In the United States Army having been brevetted Mujor for meritorious vervlce. Having seen hi diploma and commission, I am satisfied to ask my frieuds to employ blm, T. T. OAUANISS, M. D. Jacksonville, Nov, 201b, lfeUT. tf Dlt. L.BW1S GANUNO, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON AND O'toawtotx'l.olaaxa . WILL attend to any wbo may renuire bis service. Office adjoining N. Laogcl'a thoe shop, on uortb cidu Qailfotnk Street, Jacksonville.. . uo?lH STOP THAT THIEF or n. ootiiius Tl . It H 11 is stealing lrom you your health, which is dearer to you than nil your wealth. Nine- tenths of tho disHMwcs prevalent in this climate spring from Colds nnd Coughs. ROYAL BjULSAM Challongos tho World To produce nnythlns In the lmpe of Medicine thai will remme and eradicate 11 Cough or pore iiimIii the Chel,na matter what form the dleae might aume. "Henley' Koyal llaNam'' I the let Mellclni In Hie world for Ilronchlal or l'lilnionitry affection. For Crup or Hooping Cough, there I nothing on earth that can tiiml It. All mother' and nuraea oughl In have a liottlc cloe by them It will give a child relief In two minute. Ill ntlrely rgetabp, and will prove a blejflng lo tho human latnlly. Fort lie t leu cf It of SnfTcrliig llif inanity. Fiiom Mr. Tiiomi. We hae nrd Hrnlry' Kojal llalam Ir. my fnmllv thl wlnt-r. Thero I no 110 In talking ! It throw everything In the rhapo of Cough Medicine In the ahade that I ever aw. My wife wa Iroubliil with a'lhma or aniolherlng apell for year, and could get nnlhlnit In have nnv effect until I plrnek till "Koyal llaNam " She I now about well. It eureil me of the worl cold I eier had In my life In night. Whenewrnurrhlldrcn Imveany. thing like a cough. 11 few drop given on going lo bed. that I tho lat of the cough. I ncu-r Intend to be without It In I he houe, II. THOMAS, Iha wr luui. From Judge Marqunm. I haveuteil "Hi-nley' Itoval Italaam,'' my veil and lu my family, and llnd it a lrt-rale medicine Tor Cough and Cold. I hereby re commend It to the public. I'.A.MMiqVAM, From Mr. Plttock. We have lled annus of " Henley' lloyal Ila. ram" In my family, nud think It I a aplcndld medicine for children, a well a for grown per ron. For Cough and Cold, I freely recom mend It lo the public. II. riTTOCK. Nrom F. DEWITT. Merchant. To the Public. I had n bad cough for a long time, A friend urged me to gel a Imllle ol "Henley' dotal llabani." He paid It cured him. 1 g"l 11 Ixillle, and pure enough It hud 11 ifileiulld cited. It dried Ihe rough up In n abort lime. I hereby recommend It In tho pule lie. Y, lutt trr. For pale In Jackontlllc by SU'lTON 1IYDK, AT HIK'K I1IINT IIV ..r.if sr. 33. XTVUX'JCXJ. OUEAT SENSATION ! TERRIFIC EARTHQUAKE! 000 LIVKS I LOST ! ! ON MONDAY, TIIH DAYOF OCTOIICH lb(!7, Ibe uuderalgned opened at Ashland, Jackson Co.. Their Urge nnd well pelrcled pluck of DRYG00OS & GROCERIES. Our drygiMHl nui.l.l ol I'll I. NTS (Doinettie and Foreign) HIIKKTINGH. DKLAINH, TICKINHU, Ladies' Dress Goods, of nil kind, uud trlmlng In ureal profusion, OKNTI.KMK.V AMI IIOY'ri HKADY-IMADi: CI.OTIllNtl, iioot, Shoe, Hat, and Cap. In the icrocery linn we are well niiiiillol with FI.OIJU AND IIACON, UOFKKKA.VDTKA. HUi;Alt ANDHYIIIJI'H, UANNKI) FUUITri. l'l.AVOItlNH F.X'CTH, HI'IOKH. AND HALT. We al have a generul Hock of Hardware, Cutlery, Tobacco, Clgan, nnd Flue Miinor. Our I a new firm and new Hand, ami pur cbaaer may nl oured that our tock I new and freab, our patleru of the late! lvler--lu fct, every tiling wa purctiawii 111 hau r rancl- co late tlila MfMMin. while Ihu market wa tery low, and we aro thu enabled In SELL VERY CHEAP. (Jive us a call and examine our Imrneuiu ttook. IIAUM A KOl.OMON. October 17th, 1867. ootllini NEW DIGGINGS STRUCK I WILLOW SPRINGS STOKE; If II.MV ISl'HINOPI JaCKHO.11 I'll., W.M. IHUiKH l'HOI'HIKTOU. The imiloralKiifil liorubv an liounce lo Ihu citizen of Willow Uprlugi, uud vlclully, that be ha opeucd a store ill that place, aim oiler lor aale Ilia large ami (tell kCltcU;'1 ,ock ULOTIJ1NO OF ALL KINDS, IJOOTH ANDRIIOIiS, HATH AND UAI'H, UHOCKIUKH, LIQUOUS, TOHAOCO, OKUHS, and all kind of general mercbaudisc, Terms tale are easy canh down. Call around allow yourselve to be convinced that Goods can bo sold Just aa Oheajp as wt Jacksonville. WILUAM BILQEFL Wilicw Sorlugs, Oct. ' mK octKte IIHDINOTON &, CO' This valunblo preparation, containing in n highly concentrated form nil tho properties of Jamaica (,ingr,ha become on of tho mont popular ilomeitlo remrdlip) for all ilicacs of the stomach and illgrtlvr organ. A n tonic, It will be found Invaluable to all person recovering from debility, whether pro duced by fever or othcrw!e, for whlNl it lni pxrli lo the xyalctn nil the glow and vigor that cnii lie produced by brandy, it U entirely Irw lrom tho ru-nctlonury effects of spirits of nnv kind. h l alo an r xcellenl remcily for Innate who sulTer from ilifllcult menturatlon, giving nmil Immnlintc relief lo the spiism that tut Irnpirnlly nccompanv that erliI. ft given Immediate relief In Nauea.rniitil by rlitini In n railroad car, or by sca-slckness, or other eane. It l nlo valuable as an externnl appllcn tlon lor gout, rheumatism, neuralgia, etc. REDIMTOX i Co., AKKMS FOR THIS MAST. Dated April 34th, 1607. ap'.'7-yl Ins Stop that Coughing! Home yon of enn't; wp pity jon. You bavor tried every remedy but tho 11110 destined by lli lutrinslo mrrit to upcrMilc all similar prepa ration. It is not surprising you thnuld be re luctnnt In Iry something elo, ufier the many experiment ton have made ol traby com pournN loUiet on the public n it certain cure; but Newell s PULMONARY SYRUP I rvnllr tho VKUY IIKST rrimily ever com. piiuiided lor tho euro of coughs, rnliN, sort) throtit, nthmn, whooping cough, brouchlliit nnd conumptloi 'rhouianiVi of Hiiple In California und Oregon have Ihvu nlriinly ben clltteil by the surprising curative Kwers of Newell's PULMONARY SYRUP and willi one occonl give it their amiaalififtl approbation. Wu now uddfiw nurrelve In nil who are unaeiualntiil with litis, the greatest I 'a no ecu nl tliintge, for the healing of all dls 111 pcw of the Throat uud lnngs, assuring yon that Newell's PULMONARY SYRUP Im cored thounaiids, and It WILL OUItU YOU If you try Ii. This Invaluable tnrdlelno Is pleasant to tho tatej soothing, lii-nllng ami streuglhenlng In Itaeirerls; entirely fmi from all Milonoii or deleterious drug, mimI vrfcclly harmless under all circumstance. (.'eMitlcates I mm many prominent citizen ef Kan Fruuclsco accompany every bottle of Newell's PULMONARY SYRUP. ItKDINUTON .t (JO. Agent. Han Francisco. Ahoad of all others ia the 4Martha WaaSliiiigtoii' HAIR RESTORER. a rKMrncr IIAIH limnilKK AM' "Alii MIKCSBII ILtlli hi mi. Tru.l iitfaiti.rt l,.ii'r .Suit tan ! 1 what 1I1U liiilHiPt Tr, II-hiiwI alaa,. k..p It rant,. Mulli (Miiliaivii." Tanty IiuUIhI tia1. latMliM M. lial a IK.1.1. Iral It'a h..l. IIUI.'ii. iuia.lillriia Uldilu., Willi llxlr ll.ll l.i,...r Will keep thu hair Kilt and glowy, chungu gray hair to its original color, prevent Ihe balr from fulling out or gel ting thtu, make old head look young, and' do all that can bu reaaouubly cipectvd f a genuine, llrat-rutu llulr Hedorer. All who have used It prouounco It tuperlor lo everything of the kind, and Mug a II la II lye perfect Ilslr Dreaaer a well as a perfect Try Hair Restorer, It Is an aciiiliitlou to ev ery toilet. Ittdlngtou A Co., Wholelo II. Agents, Sii Francisco. CRAFENBURQ UTERINE Catholicon, If faithfully ued according to directions, will' euro every case of Dlabele, and grratly miti gate the troublesome effects canted by a refut ation ol Ihe outlet of the bladder. It is a moat succeaiful remedy fur Gravel and other dlseusta of the Kidney und Dladder,und for female dis ease is unequalled. The CATHOLICON unlforinlly cures I'rolupaus, Uleri, Whites, air Irregularities of Ihe Monthly Turn, ttuiiprca-. slnu, Incontinence of (rlnc, llloatlng and drop sical dwellings, and all diseaae of I'regotncy. The spcoillo action of this medicine I immedi ate and certain upon the Uterine and Abdom inal .Muscles and Ligaments) restoring tbem to as healthy a state u tboso ol childhood and youth, 10 that iiatieiita who have used Ihu (JiurKNiiKiui I.'omi'ahy'h Uticuinx Oatiiou-i (un cannot siiftioleully expres their gratitude' for Ibe relief aflbrded, KF.DINGTON A CO., Agents, 41G and 418, Front St. Sun Francisco, mediagtoat'tf riavoriag Hxt'cU fmadttuu Iraita, Xwh tortr ItuM tola m uutli m oy oib.r bianj la Ibe uatktl, cuniwiu.nlljr th.jr ar tjit (kafi Ml anJ till beat. USE NOOIUEH, :t .' .' ' 1 '- . i ; a I ' l( lfr 1,1 u .1 ! H Ii IK m I y. Wfi