Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, December 07, 1867, Image 1

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J -o AID 0
U.S. Circuit Court Commissioner
For dig DIiret of Oregon.. -,.
p,t.KJpir. r North of nrkmnV
I...UIHU IlolUf.. 4
tienl- nml nlhef In.lrumenls nr wrlthiB cnre-
Cpillro"'"" ,,,r ""me'""" E",n,
C"jaoic"Hivlf. Ailttu-t 4. Iflfifi,
Jacksonvllln, Sept. W,W,fi-iri
Corner of Washington and Front Streets,
roil Ti.A xi, on no ox,
L. P. W.QU I M B Y,
(UTS riKirillCTOIl nKTIIK"VKTKnsllllTKI.,")
Miilcnllrcly IIKFITTRI) AXl) llMTUXMl
El) It. Is now prepared " rect'ln1 nml iircoinmn
n,,le IiIk friend" mid former pnlrun, nml lh
wncrnl trim-UliiR pulillc. Fur "noily lu Ihn
jyciit nf tiro, nml thu conn-nlnnce nf Kiie'ln,
k .SV.T'O.VJ I'ASSAGliiw Ikm',1 opened tothu
Sl.HM'lFG Al'AllTMKXS, which nrii commie
Jmii.t nml eninolnl iirnniKcil fur llifiiccnininoila
to, r.r families. WARM"'"' COLD
JIATHS ntiuelnii " iiiui'"'"
Tills liuiue I" lornlril nriiirr llir NtraJiilinnt
ImiolloR tliniimi' ntlitrln
will lie In iittendniieo ill llm fvernl Lnmllnc
to convey kui"-I nml thi'lr liajiRMfrt' to nml from
I ho I11111-0 Mil.!-: OK OIIAIUJK. Tin- Imusi-lin
u law Fire-Proof Safo lor ixlunMcn. The
I'roprli'lnr will ninli-rlnku Unit imtlilhir shrill ln
lull undnnt In Wilder III Iiiiiihi iitlliiclilit.tllid
Kin'"!!- coiiilortuMe. ncloll'
11. ni'iuv.
). i). wall.
X3xi.olc XS-ixllcllxxfc;,
'Corner of Front ami F Streets,
IliC nml lorwiirilllic ofnll ,'"i"lrlitru.ilnl In
their care, wlthpriuititiieiiiiildipiilcli. They
li.ivo HttHii up Ihii liiryi- lnilhlliiii lor nioriiiu
P'ihI, nml Imvc nmlit nrrmiui'ini'iilx ( llnU
nirch iut doing liii1iies tlironti them will
lint Miller liy tiny o rcliiircf, nr low.1 iniyjiiil
clrtltii lor irooil" lint.
p!- ConlKnm"iitH nllclted. Merchandise
reMvwl niilonui'. lui'l'illy
: W- "
,r ..,.-.., . ,..," ' I - rfc.
Mm'mxaznt'mrt-hTirm mm u
Peter Britt,
Photographic Artist,
Ambr o ty p o g,
6artos do Vislto
doxi: ixrtik mixr arn.n of Am.
Pictures lU'ilitccit
Physician & Surgeon,
jacksox 17.;:. oiit:oox.
Onicn itl his rcMili'iicc, In the Old OrcrUcck
Ilniiiil, nn Oregon Htrcrl.
1:. 11. ki:i:n3ian',
OFFIOE-Comcrof Oallfornln and Fifth
Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn.
IIi vi IH prncllc In .Tnrktnii nml niljacont
eniintlc,, nml nllcinl promptly to proCr-donal
NO. -(G
SHlTllEL,!'t!,Ji"s nt ,,?",' "'J'1 ,,,B Kn,,ll,! "t''"t nil tl,ojw..krr. nml ctn.loyocol
uii.u i K,i iiiiiu uuiiK ior mho inoy "tim tniin woiv hitvil lir tin Torrltorv.
piean. .Many old lite-Ionir Con-K-fva- "The alltil:tvit of Tliotftjn K. Conu-
lives say they liavo l.ecit ilocolviil liy "litis Into Colonel in tin On-gon
t.lio, DcimuTntH nml Hobolx, nml thoy ".Mounli'il Voliuitei, uliowlng thc!o
never intcnil to voto nnin. Tliry liml " facln, uliould nlo bo lilcil."
bettor not vole than to follow sttrlt Thurp may lo sotno littlo .tpology
Icadem. In 1802, the Tnion inon votv for ruquinu my nllldavlln to tlicne
Uscouragoil over a nrotrnctwl Mar; lacti: lint tlio nlll.tnvit of Colonel (W.
.1 w . . ' - - -- -
Pnf Ono TonMn-arhr.. Tn... tituH-.-i llow llu'J '"v ""CCOUraUCll at tllP tanl- mlilt to till Inter laifc U n. nuitmi.ti.
JtoiiTl Jr" ? STi. nniH0?!11" nf h;r. lire nei-s of Kcconniraction. Hefoix. tl.o blquible, calonlatvil to ilelay the not-
.v"&lUrM ,,nl)1 MwMP,rrto"fl,rerf.lonlInl election of lW, Vlnjlnln, - ll..int, (nml it may ,.,vve,a justice
'" . -rniuH orAi)T.nTin,' jGeorgin, Alabama, .Allllpji, LouIk!. , tfcinj; tlotu, until there i,miother aet
One Miinrr Ml) linn, nt- l..i n... i Ilia, mill lierliatlS nil the Southern nt Piiiurr.xi.1 .111 ili.t unt. i.w.i It t- :....
.nn"'fJXii,,?.,,,,:c ir:cn;lnrnn;;;nU',c,;:; h!tal7 ,T w .17,M,,!W,, .n,".,, fl vc or ,"wil,I for Colo,,cl Conii,Hi,i to k,Mw
wlll.lK-mi.ili.tothiHo,vlionilverileliytl1uynr. '" ,l"'", wl" navo eiuilieaii Sen-1 1 did not have a hundred noeret agents;
tniritrt.ifrm.tr.t ntor and Henublicau Kepreentative-. he i too xmait to make any inch nllL
Kvcry Sntunlnr ."lornlnK bj
office, conxF.n c .t TirniDsriiMrs
Trinjis (ip stiiscniiTroM
In tho Ovorbock Hospital,
V 1v V !TUIll,iiilllriitlliIMill
X J L K I'lMWIltlulllOi
J rj'j A yttf AiiimtM Jiilnkl
UnMir)M.i fir ncllni mrflr bnl nllj on
Hit tfcrrll'in nf III. khliivjr. InihwI.
T 1 Y "'"I'llinnailTfrl
1 'II I I 'nr mI ill ill nlialriili mut rtlalt ll'i'mr.
. 1 ilmic ni iiruMry luir.
J. (I. t'nurii, I'n'iirlrl-ir.
TAVI.IIIti lll:N'll:l. l .Irmlt
jf1A-ljr n.n.i, 4IS, C'Ujr M. 1U11 l'riirlro.
Warren Lodu-o No, 10, A. F. & A. M
AIIOI.D tln'ir ri'!'liir cnmiiiiintciitloiip
.ni tli.. ll'j.jliuifljlav (.'t'.iiiliiiri. ill iiri.Pi.ila
M "" . (I.r ,!.'
, in jtrKtvvit.i.r. 111
A. .MAltri.V. W.M.
tfsr on th
yr Inn llm lull iiinon. In jtncwvviM.r. ok.
(J. W Savaiii:. Sec'y.
The Heft Itciiifi!) forJ'tulljltiK
il IIIhimI, ."Ui':u'IIm'mIiij; the .irvc'. ilnrlii.'
My Co 11 11 try.
nr j. k. ftptt'Liuxii.
Aeiln Vrv hot-Mfl her lilf.ln ,.Vr Ihf Un I,
Ami llirrttiM. nml t'rwl vn, lun't In Iin4
fl rnl kkIIj wnnA, n. knwknl nt t-Ycr.t it nr
llilllnc IliK rlrti unit liMlns ulih rlir ir,
Whll nn Ifrlni nillon, wMrlin. mir liflnlil Mrrf r
Ami I.mIM tn I )n(M Ui .or K n t, nic lnr,
I'rom nil llir rimnilMn mfk f clnrliu III., '
Tlinl Ihth till JIllTiT, lim llir t, l.lil Willi. ,
Aiitnlil ltirli tli,r rtrMlurlns fit,
Mr nillrr1inl! at 111 I.. I- p..l n-l fril I
HIIII to I ilmr In tiilliti il-nM.r ilcir,
Thu r-xrli-' li. Il.c ljrnrit ltln? fr,
Still tn ti rhrrl'lml liy thr R'wl n- lirntf ,
Ht Itl tu bo liilr-I ,y t l.it ih.mnl ,I,p,
Tlml turn In lf k'nltiK rnry fmm thy fw,
Tim mlinir llm rrflrtu lil il-iill.xii,.i
(lilt In li fmil fir tliy fir trnk'nlnc nll.
Tint tl tli. il.t f i. .y l-tiHlM,
Mill In li .ITI liy Hims wlin jr tn '
Tlip mm i'f hi in llif li ipi) , iirrtt, rni'l frt .
V. n. n,r .,. rlreln nf ili iinl,
Nn lyttnt iini mi tliy twilllnf brl,
Tlinii ImwW Ivf.i,. im ip.i'i rnlllT tlimn.
lint If nil t Hi. knr tn llnl, nml him ntHir!
Diiir liiipnf rrmlim, mnjrVI lhH llrr liir,
In nfiiT U). a Klr,ni mm Ilk. Ili.r,
hum lUr HMnpIc ln. .hull lii'H"',
W llli lli inrr eti-w "f I rwl mii'k ivrnl (It.,
Tiwli thi-fti n .Ur wr lu ln.ik tliflr cliliii,
M Ih! frnni Mr I rri-UnV lnvvr ib.i l.waj .ln,
TJiit liili'limliii-l inlii iully.iriiikl.l il.
Anil.linw IhI liniirn ntulr l, if hlr,
Till In gml llmi. n train nf lij m.i hk. Ilirr,
lll'ihilnK nivl Impii):, rlrlu m m la. am) fm,
fill ill lull tli. rMi.1 d.l.r nf tli. train.
Ati-I r ri-ii.Talc c inh. m i r'iMiilH rln.
1 ornap all ot them will be, in part, davit. All he would mate i, who had
represented by Uepublieam. In 18(1", ' charge of the mules nml that I had no
if General (.rant is nominated by themtrent to his knowledge. Colonel Cor
KopublieaiK, ho will be elected by a lielitis ban made an allidavit that I was
larger majority than any President has not present nt the time of the capture;
received ninee Washington was imniii- and that thi-v were emiitnmt ultlmnt
i .....' .. . i . . .:
inrnmiy elected. .Many (front ,(Vtir.i
have been torined since tho Inte defeat
V,sllI.olo, J). C,
31ft Oct., 1RC7.
Tlie r.leedoiis.
nny fault or tipgligenee of mine. This
is all that is leuuiied bvthe aetn o!
of the IJepublicans in lVnnylvania. j Congress or by the mien of thu De
They have formed (fntnt Ctuti in i part iiiont. ThisisniHixtrareipiirement
every ward in Philadelphia; and they ' for my particular ease. It may delay
are forming them in various partH of It indefinitely; but I intend to try the
Pennsylvania and Ohio. They are J tirltio ol mi appeal. All who have
woiking with a good will, andnroeon-iHiuiilar claims in Oregon may take
fident of being nblo to carry boih warning nml make out their eases
Slates in the Presidential election nevt ! Muting all tho facts nml circumstances
Tall. The telegraph reports that on .'attending the coiiiriietniullos,i. Them
tho 27th tilt, the Tnion League nf I has been u disposition on the part of
Schuylkill county held an entlnisiastie this Ollice to continue, delay, and rem
meeting last night. 1 tcsolutimis w ere! der Oregon claims worthier) from the
adopted nominating firunt for Prer-N beginning of the war in lno7. totlm
lent ami Kv-Onvenior Andrew (i. Cur- present time.
tin for Vice PrcMilent. The meeting A great prejudice against Oregon
adjourned with cheers for the nominees. I claims has' been caused by the false
Un nct .Saturday night a ratification and lying reports ol (iencrnl Wool and
meeting will be held bv the League. ' Hoberl .1. Atkinson the fininer Third i ""Inctlntcir.UoniiotiinlclrpiiUihm 7.flfiii.iniii
Liiioii intii, ol Oregon, form Onnit Auditor uhieh wem mailn liefiimiuiy .n.l ihre rrmiliinluUiiM..lo.Hia.nnn
Clith all over Sinte; work with ,appiMpiiatioi was mailn by Congresn which is paid to the (ioverumerit by
earneMiiess, and in .liineyou will again I lT to this time this clerk has, in nearly the. banks for tm prlvilego ol existing,
elect a good Kiiion man to represent i every easo, disiegarded that part of' nn amount which must reduce ton noin-
.1 . ...1 .t II .1 . . I..-1 I... .. .....IM..l ..! .1... !.....
inu net. which allows tilt) easil Vllllie ol ' i""i pmi or iiuitriv i.inrei nm imer
tho property to be proven; nml end
less imiiivri will ioiiow unions
I amendment is mailn to tho law.
and hold by them, Is tld faror to thd
baiiks, and no loss o the Uovei-nmciit,
which lYonld have to pay the same to
whoever else should hold the sanui
bonds if they ttero not held by thu
I banks.
That the policy nf having the Gov
i eminent issue, greenbacks enough to
! fake up the bonds held bv the nation
al banks would only convert thcTrcai'
ury Into nn old-fashioned V tilted Sfrtle
bank, with the greenbacks as currency,
and with its branch ngencics in every
town, thus concentrating into one the
power which is now dirided among
1,000 banks.
That tho objections against nllowing
national banks to issue eireulnting notes
would apply with still greater force to
State banks, since the Intter could not
be so seeltie or uniform, without re
quiring them to put up tintionnl bonds
on which the (loverniucnt would pay
them interest, as it now does to the na
tional. The real question, therefore,
Is, whether wo shall have any bank's"
or drinking system nt nit, or whether
nil such institutions shall he destroyed,
except ono vast " greenback bank" nt
That it is untrue that tho national
banks receive ltf,000,OOOnfniuitinl in
terest from the people on their lniOO,
000,000 of circulation, as alleged ; that
the law requires them to keep In reserve
20 per cent, ol theirelrculntion.orMO,
000,000 nml a further amount equal to
20 per cent, of their deposits (I,171,
000,000) say 1U,000,000 making it
total reserve of $2 10,000,000. This, di
ducted from the $.'100,000,000 leaves
only $120,000,000 nvnilable lor circula
tion, on which the banks make six per
cent', nr $7,8110,000. Hut against this
apparent profit mut be oflsct tho taxes
they pay to the National and Stato
governments, vlr.:
One p.r cent, on rlrcnlntllnn ....
Iliilfiif one err cent, on ilrmiiltt.
Niillmisl 1st on capital Mork tint lie
rtn In (he nulloiml itnnil. . . .
Hiilfof on pir cent, am', i?Mfnil
mm mirpiil
I.'cenai, I of ! per $1,000 of rp-
II' I . I It I t 1 II i
Slain nml noi tutittlun m rrturni'il.
ma arm
Tnlnl , , . . , $ IS, 10.1.0011
you in the Halls of Congri
"(Jeiiernl Dent, of (leiieral flmnt's
iMnlF, acting ns Seomtarv of Wnr dul
ling (Jeneral Orant's aWiice, denies
the story of Di. Hard, of the Atlanta
TI.a !,.!. r.,1. .i .t , ttt MiieMiiryoi ii. uani, oi me Atlanta i , ,. , , . . ,
1 he Into defeats ol the Lepublieans Vfi- Kr published in yesterdavV 7W-I J Um, '"' I,:M'k tn,,n " ll'nr per
in Ohio and I'ennsylvaiiia are not m. .,r. Hard had an Interview wiihj day less for each animal than any ono
nan nst no'e o ifcflj, uiien defeat ill icncral Winiit, wlneli lasted lor only
the field had M-nttered our aniiv be- n,,"llt '" "'imiles, and no Mich eon
fore Kiehimiud. TheuDe.uocrat;nJ:;:::r,;'1'1:l!:iu,Vt 'V''"' tM1 il
-' VOW IV 1'iw-K
. i. . ..
( out. l
pi ii' ii.l i '
ami ut r uhiiiiIiIii riii",
Jaok'niivllle. Out Mi, IM57.
imv or mi' w tin:
II I 111 I 1 1 ' It I
i Mr i "U i
I ii
I i. , ii .1. ,
mil 'i l:rtf !, is
loutod nil over the
' 1'ES.' IIANLCIUi TU. I "" T. W votisl the De,.,.
, . .-...tu.. . ., .m... onmlmiiekHt; oiheiv Htnil at hoim
1 1,.,
U'liallil iilifu:ir ftifif. l)i. (tiK.1 iiimiIji ii
---.. IV . - III! U' II
COIIIItrV I. llinilifHU,, .i,,t(.m,,i. ..nil tli-it Cnml I.... I ,.
. . -.-. ... , ... a-,..- ,-.,, .,., a,,
I'llwiul ttt tiiJL itiilif t.u trill. !.!
m-"t -. ris.e ii llll Il4f,
s.K.Clir.Cnl,J.OHM.Ht.(,tUonvlllr,). I
" "' ' - r
il I! '
'in. Ii
. . all rt I
pii ut
l,.i.i tt.l -tII Ir.i
'. ' (Hi
oml it trV'fjf
(Senenil Oiiint. faiuilv is ileneiibml
T'l'ii tho Ht'tbi'i i'v Hit Vow Jluviin Journal as lol-
rtvJV nptfhiui t'-ii- ';v-:
i.i ii-i'ii
' 'ii:;i,
ll(M)ii l.il
win r'niunuMV
DE0EMBEE 25th, 1867.
l.t.. .1 il 'i0 ,.w U Klve B P"''"0 '"'I ut ,l1"
h. '.at "ook " "llU 0' Wwllioxlay evcjnliiir.
All ri .rIvh ,7" re ,"i'letlo.,,lo din j;uc,t.
All are corJIally Invltcil to altenil.
lin.L. n . . v, '" Jl W'TB, frnprlelor.
Kock Tolnt, Noy. -m, IHH7. nov2Hw
it rerHrini''1 ' Il,u 'l0 "' '"Ike nny Tpn-
rapaJv in ,n 1 .K,mcers' fc they M08T have
mpney to meet their own llalillltles,
Jackonvllle. Soni i To., X- ,.
L.-,r,.),gl, ..
l aLi11"' b'Nr.Mli,,.,r Jniiimi-y
mm owln ,Z '.'" m."y Jue . " Pel'
owing u- mud positively pay uri.
Nov. d 18-r GLE-NN( bllUM & CO.
, IH07. BOT23-2W
jVOTK'I.. llnvlnii iltunoM nf our Knn.
Inry, m inn now priip'inl to (slriioiir whole
nttviitlon to nir I.imiIi'T nml Fimllni; l.u tii'--.
On hSiul, cllrixt I rum Franco, Gulf A Kip,
)niiii'llc LfAllivr. Iliiol b'-K. rto.
Junx O. Ibav. lb. Faviik, iJonvIliuv,
Now Ym k. j I'lirln, Pun ! nmclKo.
Aililrri". lir.lN .V UltAY, yt, 'ranclco
Oil Ihilliry Ptr-rl
" " '' '
Plows ! Plows !
Hycnt.es of len eiuli or set up.
Ilarrlmiii'a Cnlllintori.. Kiirm Mill (nil kliiiln).
Cliler Mill., liny Cittli'M, (nil slf) Fnnnlnc
Mills, (nil ulaes) COHN BIIKbbKIWdloiilil
nml flncl" Imii'l "il loro power). Wuroiis.
Oiirtp. wllh n latin nutl full Mortmeiit of nil
lclu.iV or AC.im.'1'bTUItAI. IMI'bK.Mi:NT.S
nil which will IniMiM nl K.'itly r.dnuil price
at wlmlerule or retail.
Comer of Da-1 nml California Street.
pctl3m:i .Sin FrnncWco.
nUlbOintS. AND OT1IKIIS Wilt) iii fi
"Iff""' - " '. W ! a-, f'.r
' IIXI'IOH ., .1 , ' " . ',
lifl'. i'M . I l,i ri". rt, (Ii
I fj"tit -r- .i f'.' ,i. tt'itl A
Int'i" ... ..
NarW'ijjsliirV,, ,
Nw York. .....,'' ., ' 11,7W
, I'euiiA'lvnuifi.,...' ' l!,Q2l
Xu w .lei fW 1 1,fi07
Ohio '. o,.'577
Indiaiia i 0,54.'l
Illinois IOi I
Michigan 0,014
Wisconsin 1,107
Virginia, Georgia, Alabama and Lou
ifiiinu weiu nil in onus lighting for
their new Conlederacy, and for the
perpetuity of idavcry.
This year I'emisylvania has gone
Democratic by only 022 majority, and
Ohio has just given a Pniou nuijority
for (lovernor of upwards of aflftO,
Malun and Tmliana have this year
given large Ilepublican miijoiities.
In Louisiana, Alabama and (ieorgia j I'nim this mnrnagu eame i seeond
tho "Coiiaervntives" refused tovotont'Xoah Orant, a Captain in the old
the recent elections. In Louisiana tliul J'"'m!1 ,i';,r-1 '"' third sou of this
,,,.,, .. ,...,(,..:.., :.. laptain .Soah (mint, who 11 so bom
Kad.cnlshnvoa very largo n.ajonty..Lli(Ii!im)) ,,, Xoa . n CWii.
tho Constitutional Convention. In Al- ... Conneeticiit. and had a son named
nbamii tho Kadicals chose ninety-five I for Hon. .Icsmi Ifoot, Chief Justice of
iiNbjrlenl liiiesilgHiiir Imrj t raced (ten
end (limit's flimlly back to its appear
ance in this country. .Matthew (Jrant
and Susanna lloekwell hailed from
Plymouth, Kngland, March :io 1 rtrio,
in the Mary and .Inliu, nml ariived nt
Xiiutueket'.Miiy SO. Mr. tJnnit set
tled at Dnrehes'ter, .Massachusetts, but
in lon.l-fl removed to Couneetieiit, set
tled, with others, nt New Doiehester,
afterward named Windsor, where for
many years ho was principal surveyor
of land, town eleik, nml deacon. Here
ho married, in 1 005, Susanna Koekwell,
then 11 widow with lite children. He
died in IflHI, aged eighty years. I tut It
liockwcll, tho second daughter of Su
sanna (irant, mairied Christopher
Huntington; their gieat granddaugh
ter, Mmtha Huntington, married Xoah
(riuit.ii gii'.it giauilson of .Matthew
limit, will llml ncoii,iint supply, 01 mo nnt ,.t ;,.tv.si.veii delegates to their, tho huprcine Court of Coiineclicut from sed by tho nation : ho that uotonlvtho
!rffi"M& Of the Hadienl voters in 7fl"". , ?'' 'lint .fio Hoot national rredil, but tho property of, ho
X SPit Xi& '. MM "' ar0 Clranl." ' "' f lly"l"H b '-'i "'lt',o personal responsibility
','L j black. The Democrats say they are 1 1 of its stfjekholders to an amount equal
t ,..,. 1.I....I. fl,,! f ll, iilnnt Jill. .!( !l.ll.1
else; but this nppenis only to retard
Its payment. However, I know tin,
claim for hire and for the property lost
to be just, and I intend for It to In,
iiaid: at least. I will nroseciite it while
I Itv'n mill W 11.1t (iit. I 11 .nt, ltf...ili.. !
1 j "., -- -. 1
est which Oovemmcnt pays them 011
the lunula thoy.nre reqlred to hold, It
Is further shown that as imviy of tho
national banks an, organized and rnn
trolled bv Democrats as br Itepubli
cans; that they are conducted on
purely financial motives, hy men of
both parties, and hence thoy am whol
ly unavailable to any party for politi
cal ininioses,
If ll...u, ,.... Ilia Tiinl. fl i. .,,.!.. ll.n.
i .. .11 nn ,., v llm ,1,1 I", ,w n lin.,1, fcllliw
I will bequeath it to mv childien, with' whatever thn reforms tho national
tlie solemn injuiiulioii in the hour of "ankiug net may neeil.tnoy ilnnntcon-
leiih, to fight the seouudiels who op
pi me its payment as long as they Ile.
)uy O011U11
011 lite
III! tltlS,
The letter of Mr. .lay Conko on the
national banking system states facta
which, unless the statements them
selves can be shown to bo false, amount
to n conclusive demonstration that the
national banking system is far better
than either the old .Statoliauks or any
device, which Mr, Pendleton nml his
set have piow)sei as a substitute.
Hcsldes the fnmillnr fact that tho
national banks substitute a iinifoim
nml safe currenoy, acceptable oyery
whom, Corn heterogeneous ami inse
cure one, doubtful everywhere, .Mr.
Cooke makes the following points, vi.:
That the uation-il bank notes are
even safer than tho gieenbaeks; for,
whilo the latter are thn nation's prom
ises, to pay iimuidorsed by nny ftpoeial
pledge nf privato capital, the national
bank notes aro the promises to paynf a
privato corporation of capitalists, endor
Stout' Mason Work
ilonooa terinn tomlt llm I Infos. Order from
tho country will wwlreroijait !5JKi
JiickfonflllH, April aC,'lh7. np27
-D. 0. MeCLELLAN, Frop'r.
nearly all black. Oat of tho ninety
five Radicals chosen, seventy-six am
white; .nineteen colored. Yet, the
Rebels and Democratic organs per
sist in their saying that tho blacks, if,
1111: W.Ul CLAWS
For lost piopeityaro all still unsettled,
,f. O, Robeits, ono of tho Auditing
clerks in tho Third Auditor's Ollice,
has again suspended my claim for the
biro of my mules and their value,
llmi- ram will monopolize ofllco and "''"
.;... ..m..nm their asseitions with which were captured on Wild Horse
IIUllll I VVMll-ni. ..-.- ... .. . ,
ho recorded facts, and judge between .c,eelc, on the following grounds: tho fact that now banks, ilobiring to
, " l Ho claimant states, verbally, that hav
10 tho privilege of issuing eircula-
In Virginia the Conservatives made" t!,W' was no written agreement be-, ting notes, and being prevented from
tho entire three
thoricd by Con-
id been exhausted.
"on.orL.. ,nnrt ..ml lmvn n ffood working "epntainiiuj this statement fchoiild bo, havo bought un tho notes nf tho failim
cueet-t ?ivl he PKoprIt.or JJ'j'wfrveif.VS I runjovity 'in their Constitutional On-'"filed. Ho nso states, verbally, that .banks at a premium in order to succeed
uniillo thot he Is now ready to recelve-nnd eii' vntJon. Tho Georgia oleftion camo "fVom and after tho tnno they entered to their privilege of circulation.
I ledtlfj nml prnparcil for the reception 0
" every exertion to carry tho State, lint J " twci' l,' Quarter-master, Drew, and I doing so by tho fact tho
Imndo a' sVnal failure. Tho Radicals "himself, for tho services of the mules bundled millions, authori
DEF.N I mvo carried tho Convention by 70,000 J "an'1 hell-horso ; claimant's uffldn it J gres to bo issued, had be
sist in substituting greenbacks for thn
national bank notes nor In abolishing
the national system. Wi, lay unstress
on the point, however true, (hat thn
national banks aided greatly in borrow
ing money for theOovernineiittoenrry
on tin, war in part hecauso hiisiiiesn
operations am usually mailn mutually
profitable, nml nro not therefore deem
ed to confer obligation nr to requiro
gratitude but mainly because grnti
Hide is an mint inn seldom manifested
toward men, nml never toward finan
cial corporations.
Tin: X.vrtoV.u. Dmfr. Thn Hone
burg .iv'fi says: It is a fact that
tho IfepubJJean party, In a Constitu
tional manner elected a President in
IfiOO, notwithstanding thn threats nf
disunion by Democrats, ft Is n fart
that the Democrats nf thn South with
tho aslstnnen nml sympathy nf Demo
ocrats at tho North, commenced ami
maintained a war against thn United
States Government within Its own Jtt
risdfcli'oii. It Is a fact that tho Gov
ernment in legitimate cfibrts to cnfnreo
Its authority upon its own territory,
ngnlust armed and resisting rebels, did
contract thn debt which now taxes thn
to their stock, are pledged for their re- resources of tho country. Yet In thn
demption. face of tho above facts Hftnocratti havo
That where national banks have fail- the impudnneo to charge tho Republl-
cd (of which failures theres havn been ran party with having crenlwl thn
only nino in all) their notes, instead of j debt. If tho Democratic leaders de-
being worthless, havo been worth from pend upon such shameful perversion of
two to five cents premium, owing to j tho truth for tho success of thelrparty,
it is no wondor that they protest
against Ynnkeo schoolmasters, and con
demn tho freo school system. It Is no
wonder thnt they ptnto abont theorlls
of "jinritanism," for such a party can
only flourish upon thn rank soil of non-
' i ular ignorance, Now, who Is responsi-
010 ior me ficnp r
pHiilio, moi iih i" nuiv 11-...1J ' r.i, Vj . 1 veuiii'ii. " . - j - - r.....-0- ... ..............
ertala all who may favor him witn acau, u. boforo yc,tcr7ay) wi tMn re. utw 8ervico in February, .8,0, that That tho t!8,000,000 per 11
prTbo Tahlewlllbs furnished with th beet the .uit. are not yet known ; but, as far as '" neither ho or his ardent had charge of intorest w'hioh pays tho bank
mnrkpt ahord. permitting no hoiw nvtcel 7or,,m.j,(im arc aj ' tho anjmajs or control of them; and amountof bondsit requires to 1
Itber In qiialily or Tirlty. iicaru i, , 1 ( 1
annum of
ks on tho
No person having lost any of his prop
erty by gambling within four month
of his appieat ion can receive the benefit
be bought 1 of tho bankrupt law.