THE ORGIION TltGL. foii Tin: nut3ti)i:.nv in- 1808, r the rjimo it ati. "Wrll Ame, lhm rou.1 an I fillhful tt trnnl " Th m0- I rlhfi tnl for natrlnte pnnlahmNil frrtrnUoti. KOU TIIK VIOi: 1'llK.IIItKNUV, I IIKU. II. AVII.I.l.i.MI, . or ohmox. 1 Tlotli nJwl In tho dcclnion of tbo National Union I Qonr'Mron. ! D. M. C. OAULT. EDITOR Satuiuiay Moknixu, Nov. no, 1807. I How To Itt'itcli Them. Tho means by which tho wealth now , nbsorbeil in tho Government bonds shall bo reached and made to bear n just share of tho public burden, is be ing agitated in financial and political circles. Parties arc arrayed in illllbr cnt positions, for and against tho tnxn tion of the Government securities. The i Doinooratic party as well as our own Beems to be divided on tho question j the portion ot it that has still some J haiu6 left, is clamoring for the tnxii-1 tion of bonds; the other wing ailvo-' cato the resort to such disreputable! means as repudiation, and iiillames thu I popular mind by outrageous diatribes against the grinding tendency of capi tal. Leading men in our party are ap proaching tho subject tenderly, and there seems to bo a general demand j that the capital invested In bonds shall , bo taxed in some shape or other. It , cannot be done directly without violat- j lug either the implied or given pledge ol thu Government to tho contrary ; , but in our opinion it can easily hoi reached and no injustice done to those ' who are fortunate, enough to bo the i possessors of untaxable capital. 'Wealth j seeks luxuries, and tho higher priced ' they are, tho greater tho desire for them. Tax luxuries, no matter how high, and wealth will procure them. Make silks and diamonds, and foreign wines and other nrtieles not absolutely . necessary to tho comfort ot n people ' worth their weight in gold, and al-. though wealth may groan and old , money bags wring his hands, he will nevertheless buy them as nu exclusive privilege. It may bo argued with a good show of plausibility, that such extraordinary taxation would prevent tho wives and daughters ot tho poorer class from partaking of luxuries thus placed beyond their reach ; but we see no reason why they should not buns ex elusive in calico as the wives and daugh ters of tho rich in silks and satins. They would feel that every additional dollar of taxation levied on tho rich in any , shape, was n burden taken from their , own shoulders and be content with , solid comfort, leaving imaginary luxii-1 rios to bo enjoyed by those who could afford to pay for them. An increase of , taritr, oven if specially directed at the " Shoddy Princes," wo apprehend would find little favor with the Democratic ! party, who still advocato free trado; doctrines. That party chooses to re I sort to the disreputable and dUhoncst plan ot repudiating tho whole debt, rather than abandon any ot their pet ' ideas; nnd to tho Republicans, alone,! must we look for an equitable adjust-' ment of the public burden. We know ' of no surer method to make taxation j equal, and no more certain method of reaching those who should pay well lor secure enjoyment of wealth. It Democracy can or will present some other plan, not in violation of tho Con-t Htitulion, or at variance with thedecis-i ions of a long hue of Democratic rJu- preuie Judges, by which wealthy bond-, holders may bu reached mid their wealth fairly taxed, wo will bo happy i to hear from them. I Xkw Yuaii's Ham. 3ladanioGiiil-: foylo advertises in this week's issue , that she will give a Jfuw Year's ball , on tho evening ot tho 31st of Decom-j ber. Tho Jladam is giving her liouio ' a thorough repairing, nnd is enlarging tho rooms. Sue will uso her present room as a dancing hall. For a timing room, she has enlarged her parlor and refitted it in magnificent style. The 3Iailam invites all her patrons to take breakfast With her on tho morning ot tho 1st of January. This is a now fea ture, but wo a ro satisfied that n pleas-, nut time will bo had on that occasion. I'vurboily should niako up his or her iniud to go to this " the party of the season." ' TiiANKfcuiviNd Day. This day was observed in Jacksonville just as any' other day in tho week. Stores were generally open, and people ajnded to their pursuits much as usual. We , presumo it is n matter of choice, wheth-' er people pay much atttcntiou to the ' outward observances of religion ; but ' wo should think that a decent regard j for national custom would prompt them ' to suspend business one day in tho year ami show, at least, an outward Hiiirit of tlaiikfuliiess. It is doubtful whether j any man would be a cent poorer by so I doing. Wo nrc Alarnic-il. llonil .iff. Uy northern exchanges, the fart has I Tho Indian Department ol this Stnte, coin'o to light, that I J.' J. Pengra, of1 has included another project In the ma KugonoCity, hasgono to'SWhington.i ny uliendy in existence, that of road to fobby a bill through Congress nid-' building. Supt. Huntington left Dalles ing in the construction of a railroad CJity about tho 10th of October, with trom Ilunibohlt, Cal. to Portland Ore- six 'wagons loaded with annuities for gou, via of Kugeiu' city. This road is tho Klamath Indian Reservation, and to bu a branch of the Ccntial Pacilic. arrived at Klamath on the 10th of No Should that route obtain, nnd a road , vcmber, a month later. A great por bo built trom the Humboldt across that' tion of thelinoof travel was over inoiui waste desert, and over the Cascade' tains, and a road had to bo made for Mountains, to Kugeiio City, and thence the paago of wagons. Of course this to Portland, we ol Southern Oregon j took tlmo and money, and we venture would bo lett out in the cold as effect- ually as if wo'livcdMn the wilds of Si beria. A road thus built would bo of no advantage to us whatever, but on the other hand a direct injury. That road once built, wo ot Douglas and Jackson counties Oregon and Siskiyou! Cal. may whistle. Hut wo can't believe that the Central Paeillc I.. I?. Co. over intend to build a branch road from Ilunibohlt. The idea that sharp capitalists will lay a track requiring such n largo expendi ture through u barren desert country, a distance of four or live hundred miles, when they might connect with sonvllle. It would cost but n very Portland, by a more practicable way, Mniall sum to transport these annuities is something very strange to say the j from Portland to San FraneNeo, prob least. Wo believe that Mr. Pengra i ably not more than from Portland to will be bilked bv this Central Pacilic the' Dalles. The only wonder with us Company, and not only him, but all of Oregon. it is to tho interest ol the Central Pacitlo to have only one trans-conti- nental line and any influence which j they can control and bring to bear against tho Northern Pacilic Hnllroflt! will be used. Hence, they tieklu the senses of tho Oregon Central Military Road Co., and the people of the Willamette- Vallev, that thev will build the branch road. If that great oompa. ny could allay all opposition by such promises, they would not hesitate todo so. They don't care whether a road is given to Oregon or not, only as it in terferes with their schemes ot profit. The Legislatures of the Eastern Stales, have instructed their Senators and Ren- re-entatives inCongress, to advocate the North Pacilic Railroad. The Con-1 trul P'lplfli! Cnmivmv will leave no I inn J.iciuu win unu n j stone unturned to defeat this project, even though Oregon and Pengra it Co. bo bilked thereby. It was an unsolved query in our mind, why Hayward of California came to Oregon this summer, mid purchased nil the stock In the Oregon Steam Nav igation Company that he could, when ho already had a controling interest. Hut the thing now begins to bo appar ent. Hayward is a largo stock holder in tho Central Pacilic Railroad Com pany. He did not want a largo minor ity capital, such as tho O. S. X. Co. would be pulling against him nnd using llu infill. iiif..-i fnt it Vnrtliimi P;li!Mi I Railroad. Hayward don't seem to I caro whether the 0. S. X. Co.'s lino' tlilt'C rt ,! II., llfIB fill ill., lltnill. Ill ,.' .' , . i .1 i bis iio-iscssioii. or nearlv so. and there i r -- -- i i Is no power in that company that cares to make tho lino a paying atlair. liny ward would rather loose on his capital invested in tho 0. S. X. Co. than to looso on the greater capital invested in the Pacillo Railroad. Wo of Southern Oregon want no branch road trom Humboldt, and be lieve it is to tho interest of Xorthern Oregon to fight with us. The day is coining nnd not far distant, when two or threo days in tho transniNslou of freight from San Francisco to Portland will be no small item, and wo don't think it is to tho advantago of Port laud nnd the Puget Sound country, to give up their interest in n Xorth Pacillo road for a branch running through sago brush and over tho sandy desesrts of Nevada. RosniuMtii, Kovumiiuu 27th 1807. Tho Galo Uros. (of tho Enaiyn have dissolved. II. II, Galo having bought out tho entire interest of his elder brother J. M. Galo. Hereaftor it will bo firm in tho principles it ndvocates. A prospectus for a Domooratio cam paign paper has appeared, announcing to tho world and to Douglas County, that a paper will bo issued for general distribution in January next. A few spirited follows linvochartorcii tho Jiiisign ; or, at least, have taken upon themselves to fill its reading col umns with their own viows upon tho question ot dividing Douglas comity. Tho old adago, that tho " pen is might ier than the word " might bo slightly modified to suit this case, by erasing tho word "sword" and inserting " auger." Go to Curo's and buy your Christ mas presents for tho littlo folks. He has lots of "nifty" etceteras cheap too. See Miisnnio special notice-, that, that lotol Iroigliteosttnouepari mont twenty cents per pound, to get it from San Francisco to Ft. Klamath. It is a singular thing to us, that the Department did not send those goods from the warehouse In San Francisco, via of Jacksonville to Klmath, as it could have done nt a cost of 7 cents per pound. It may. lie argued tnat iiip goods in question, had to be shipped to Salem for the purpose of being received by tho Indian Superintendent. liven In tluvt case, St would have lionn cheap er to ship the freight back to San Fran cisco, and thence to Klamath, via Jaeli is, that the transportation was not made over Pcngra's road, by the way of Kn gene city. It would havu been an ex collent opportunity of making that way passable. We would think that the Indian Department would be u little more careful in Its transportation coo tracts, and try and take tho route by which it could get the most work per formed lor the least money. SuiNincANT. Pollard, " the South ern historian," who is now editing a Richmond paper entitled Southern Opinion, thus reminds the United States Military Commaudi'r in that District, of tho'scencat Ford's Theater, in which the assassin llooth Illustrated the motto of irmiiia mid excited tin horror nnd loathing of all Christendom: The Ynukei ili'nothnrciminr Virgin- . mouniul in a throw wm iv mit-of Miiii i''c,ll '",l ,cl ,l,m r-rai-mlwr lint Viruhilu li.x lt mottn. the wiirnluuiif "hlc'i In irtiCK upon me iiina cur m mure umn one j rant : " fitc Simftr TyrMt" Of course this atrocious paragraph, disgraceful beyond all expression to any community so burbarniiMis to sym pathize with its spirit, can be eon-trued not otherwise than as a tlneat of nas niiutlimi, or tit an itiruntivt- tinino de based mid brutalized doing to commit it. Such things are a blot upon the civilization of tin age and country that tolerate them. Dnuniitic ChranicL, Pollard is one of tho hiyh mlmleil, rhlvitlrottitit much iibiiMtl yutvimaacn, that the Democrauy of the north like to applaud so well. Pnvsio-MinucAi. Jouu.v.M.. J. C. ltoi, 31. I c.titor; pHhlhcl nt I CI I.! 1. 1.. ... vj.l A,. ... '"'"i "i-iiioiiimj , "i v- ivr mi lium. Hie editor is waging war against the svstem ot phvsie, as prao '.... ' ticed by his coteuiporaries; nnd so far, wo have failed to learn what system the editor hiuitclf practices. 259 Tho Umatilla I'rtsi suggests the importation of "long tailed mon keys" and says "they would soon make intelligent voters." Xo doubt thoy would vote quite as "intelligent ly" as the great mass of tho Democ racy, and far nioro honestly than a rebel. Vi:.i:i). Tho Salem CironMe is quite piqued because tho "Triple Thun derer" wont notice it. Tho fact is, thero are no thunderbolts on hand small enough to suit the game. Con-i.uiiKAD Ho.vitoTY. It is time that thofCopperhead press ceased an nouncing tho Government money 'as " worthless rags," or quit insisting that tho obligations of the Government bo paid with it. Democratic bondholders might stand it; but to our foreign creditors it don't look strictly honest. ?35PTho Chronicle objects to tho stylo of a Union paper in this Stato as "too high flung." Its own stylo is laic Jinny enough to afford a pleasant contrast. ES?"l$rown, of tho JUtahl, has learned that tho world moves. If ho don't go to sleep ngnln ho will soon find out that his granny was a woman. US'" Tho Umatilla Prta remarks that Georgia and South Carolina are "wiped out" as States. Yes! with tho spongo that wiped out the first rebel gun at Suniptor. E57Tho Unionist remarks that tho Oregoniun has " wound up" the "Or gan" with its ablo articles on tho na- .. I t r.,i ... nonai nuances, miiugs tnat mo wound up generally go again squelched is. tho propor word. State Items. PitortUKSM or Tin: (). 0. RAii.unAl).--We mo informed by u friend from Hills boro that thu Oregon Central Railroad Company has iccently decided to put another surveying party into the field, i i.... (,. fiviiinlliM tin siirvevs. " wo lines nrc to be run through iinUiHl J and Polk counties, and a locnuun not less than ouu bundled miles of route from Portland made before the survey ors lenvo the field. An otllcc for the transaction of tho company's business is to bo Opened at Portland in a few davs, Mind Assistant Fngineer Ho;,rt Ra'ndall, recently arrived from Califor nia, .will go into thodllleo to prepnie tho maps and estimates from the field notes sent in from tho engineers in the fluid. The President of the company was instructed to rcceivo proposals from a railroad contractor in California to furnish tho iron and rolling stock for the fust twenty nillus. The treas urer ol the company has been required to give bonds in the sum of fifty thou sand dollars. Letters havu been re ceived by tho company showing a ij iniM- riioiiiiiitteruur W ai in order to select the best ground. Wo are assured that notwithstanding the opinion ot tho Oregon City Rnttr- )rlc, the fanners of tho counties ol Washington, Yamhill nnd Polk can mid iyill build '20 miles ol road. w yoniiin. y IU.M-K Walnuts. A few days ago we mentioned snuiO black walnuts raNcd on the farm of Mr. Miller, near Milwuukic, Irom trees twenty-two years old Irom the nuts. This has brought on a letter from Mr. W. P. Crow, of Starr's Point, Henton county, in which he says: "I can beat that; my walnut tree i's only thirteen years old, and has been bearing walnuts for four years, This year it had about nine numlrul nuts.' I believe it is as large a tree ot ils kind as there is in the Slate." .Mr. Crow's tieu is certainly entitled to a prize ribbon. Oregoniun. IVns ani Meows. Savs tho Cor vallis (iiizfttc: "Tho well of Kx-Muvor Pibean, of this city, has recently at tracted some attention from neighbors and visitors, by tho issuing theiofroin, for four or lvv successive days and nights, u continuous sound like steam escaping from machinery, sufficiently loud to be heard across the street ; oc casional bubbles, during that time, would lise to the surface of thu water. The well was recently dug, and is un united. Xcaui.v a Wiikck. Capt. Tiehunr, built a schooner, named A!.ska,"this summer, at Port Orfnrd, in Currv coun ty, for the coasting trade. It was launched on the :id lust. On the 4th iv niiirni I'iinic on and she went ashore just wliere she was launched, between 'Rattle Rock and thu main, land. The Is not damaired much, and the owners think they can get her back on the ways again. ANimir.u Rah.iioad Company. Ar ticle of incorporation were filed with tlie Seeretiirv of Slate on Saturday last by Messrs.. W. S. I.add. II. Fulling, A. C. Glbbs, W. II. Odell, S. Kllsworth, J. A. Chapman and A. P. Aukney. This company is organized to build a railroad liom Portland via Fugone Cltv, connecting in Nevada with the Central Pacific. Capital stock 8:,000, 000. LlAIIII.UIKS 01' Ti:i.!:(! ISA I'll COMI'A- nii:. In iv case decided in Portland last week, where Mill was brought against the California State Telegraph Company for damages arising from nu error in 'transmitting a message, it was held that the stipulations mentioned on the blanks bound the sender nt the message as well us the company, and no more could ho collected from thu company than the pneu of traiDiiuitliug the message. OvKifini: Cor.vruv. Reriah Rrown, editor of tho Portland Ileruhl, has taken a trip Irom Portland to Sail Francisco, overland, and thinks the country passed through one of exceed ing beauty, and one that is not often surpased'for its many natural advan tages. Xuw Dah.v. Upton, of tho Capi tal City Chronicle, has commenced tho publication of Tie Dully Chronicle, Thero is no difference between tho tono'of tho dally and weekly, . Duownhi). A man named II. Quick, savs the Oreynnian, was drowned near Hfllshoro, on the 20th inst. He walk ed out on a boom surrounding saw logs, and toll off. CoswANDiins Ciianoi:. From tho Oregoniun we learn that General Steel has issued ordura turning over tho command of tho Department of tho Columbia to General Host-ciu. Ghai.v PitosPKCTs. Thero is every probability thnt an uiiusiial ainouut of grain will bo sown in this valley the present Winter. Tho Ish brothurs havo in about two hundred acres al ready, and havo barloy up and looking remarkably well. Farmers say it is the most tavorablo season for seeding tllllt. Mflil lip.ili lir,i'.i Int. ,t,.i.i,F ...... ...... ...... ..vwt. ..,i, ,. ,w, ,i..,,,jr ri.-.iin, .lust enough rain having fallen to faoil- ...... j.iw my irUIIUIIb IIIVlillUMOg WUIl eowing. Josephino county advertises to-day that several othor pieces o( county rcript will be paid on presentation. rrrnnt tlltiiriXt Ill III 0 llllTliriSU III the counties nbove, and olfero ot and by eastern capital. Chief Kugincer Lewis ibas rcachod Forest Grovu and alo i.'.iko, T K Ij J2 II A P II 1 C. Wahiiinoton, Nov. tilth. The trial of Jell'. Davis will com mence at two oMlooki to-thiy. Thoro is no intention of postponement. I he Government has summoned General Lee as a witness. Grant testified be fore the Judiciary Committed that Johnson's policy creating provisional governments in Southern States was identical with the policy decided on by President Lincoln before his murder. This was understood to bo only tempo rary, and to last till the meeting ol. Congress. Grant was anxious tlint some form tf civil government should be adopted, and thought Johnson's plan gooil dnougli for temporary opera tion. Re never ruconimelwled univer sal amnesty, but has recommended thu pardon lif Lee, Loiigstreot, mid dther rebel gencrnk The President wanted to an est the rebel generals for treason, hut Giant insisted that paroles pro tected them Irom nil molestation 'till they violated tho terms of .parole. This does not apply to Jell'. Davis, who had not given his parole. Lonhon, Nov. Kith. Demonstration ol sympathy with the Fenians executed lit, Manchester, trailsniicd at noon to-day. A proces sion of about two thousand slowly marched through Ilydo Park. A con spicuous object in the procession was a black banner on which was inscribed "man's iiibuiiiani'ty to man' makes countless thousaiids'mourn. A solemn meeting was organized and addressed by various speakers. "Washington l!Bth. Routwoll pre sented thu majority report of the Ju diciary committee, recommending im peachment ol thu President, signed by Routwoll, Thomas. Williams, Church hill. Thu report charges thu President with usurpation of powers and violation of law and corrupt nbiio ot appointing, pardoning mid veto powers, torriipt interfering in elections, nnd generally, with the commission of acts amounting to high crimes nnd inisilenteaiii.',s un der tin.' constitution. The report spec ifies events since the inauguration of Johnson ami finds him guilty of neg lecting to convene Congress aller the llnal surrender ol the rebel armies and the overthrow of the rebel goveriiniunt, so that by authority legal and con stitutional nieustiics might have been taken for the organization of loyal and constitutional goveriiiuunts in thu reb el States. N'KW ADVMItTISKMKNTS. HOWARD & 8WH1TII, Inufucture to ordor, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, DRESSED FLOORING &C. mm: rNni:itsi(;Ni:i) auh jianui-'ak- X lurlii!: ut lliclr mnv alcniu pldnliii; mill ! ni.nvo naiinl mill iiiuny ninri nrlli'li'K, at itrvitt y fill I en I prlri-s. .Sitlt nf nil riXi' nil Inunl nr in.til" to iiiiIit vlllir 1 or iinl.iZ'il. lldiiblliijf. fmiii niif Ibilf Inch In n live Incli crnivn iimulil. () ilnrn fur IIk-.o nrllcli-i. mill all wnrl. In ('ar'iit rltift mill lltilMiiit;. iloiif vllli llt.ilel iiml In n wnrloii.iii-Ulst in ihkt ivrriini. wnii riiniiiiiimii. hiiiihiiik. iiiiu on t In g.ill mi il liofiire making vonlriiet qW ttln'rc USDIIUTAKIN'O ilnno In n m-nt nml tipprn prlnlrt iiuiiiiii'r. Sliupon U.illfornlii Rlri'i't. nr-nr llin lirlitftn. IIOWAItO t SMITH. Jiick'ouvlllo, Nnv. '."Jlli, IM'J, mniOtf NEW YEAR'S BALL! -AT- "VXETSlOTTa'IIALL ON NEW YEATt'S EVE., neccMilici- Ulst, 1HU7. ''I-'HE UNDKItSKeNllTl IIKItlvRY ANNOUN. 1 res fin "ill kIvo n (,'runil Nuw Yi-st's IaII ut lil Iioiim nn 1 uiHi.iy t-venliiK, tlm :II1 or IK'Cftiilwr. Tlie l-r nt inn rlo In tlm coun try In e.T,MKVil fur llm i)CCiilin. Nit p.ilns will U rparvil to mitko llin ruler Inlnuicnt n ucccn1. uml In ulvo unllrc wtlaf.ic linn to tlm kiu-hU. A gcni'ml Invllsllon ) HlM-n to nil. VI..T aillJTZ. Jucknonvlllc, Nor 20lli. 1KU7. inv3(Mil CHRliSTMAS BALLl tiii; HOLIDAYS Am;C().)H0 PREPARE TO ENJOY TrlErVl. December 25fli, 1807. IJ o o o 1 TIIKUNDlIltSIONKI) TAKIS PMIASURH In nniiniinelng In liln olil palror. Hint bo will Imi prpreil to rocclve lliotn on Clirl'lmas ovenlnp, Dccemlwr 2flilt. nt tho U. S. Hotel. A cordial Invllntlon Is exlemlcil In nil. Tlm Proprietor Is iletcrtiilnol to surpa nil his prior efforts In tho arrangement of tho llollilay I'arllcn. . .. - ' 1'jrllcH, TICKETS, : : 85 oo. Al'n ball on New Y 1.1 1UPO "cur's ovenlng, Jaiiunry a, loue. h. IIOItN. If otico to Hbldorg of CoWnty Ordors. -. STATROFiOItKOON. ) COUNTY OK JOSKIMIISn: f 1'er.tionst.oliltqrr (ho following County Onlers are hereby notlfled to irecnt Iho wmo for pay. meat I No 93. 451. prccenlqil May 20, 18M ?n4Jlis ': lm No- m Uw 6tn n?,9 KhZ J,' Mfty 7lh 1W i N- 03, May lOtli. JW9 No. MO. A.iBiist 3.1, 1839 No. I8.VI i Np. US. Augiut -Ith, 1859. No Intereat will be allowed on the.o Orders from tbl. dato. JOHN BOM'. v i ... .. . County Treattirer, KerliyvllU.NoT. 30lj, lKf.7, noT30-8w: . ' ALL OVEW The world rcrU of .ouib nnd Judgment )ko UmJ Hit n i i no nn4 1, 1'hANTATION WTTEIIK. . t)jnfU, Willi In rnit)lom, Ilt-mUch ii.m Wn-rU l.tP IIM llrmtli SIIConinlalo"7bY Till. i Ii tho Innit Miccc.rul ionic of if .. w mldJlMflrtl nnd uld, nre delighted nlih la fn'cit. ' ThefliU trlnlatwiijrf'liMn mnrlicil Kimd ,(tKt Nu f Iimw ufiHM Ii iitCFMnrf, Kl (ill M1 iTh . . lint and mint mitilllniM fund. J"""H,oftli, It l llin irrrnlMt enrn r known for nnottrlomi!.., illittoMrd lenmoli, which It relieve) In n fw nmmeml, Ww knnw Unit wu luirr thu let Knd nimt iniiuUr . i Iclnd In tho world. W nr. lull uttM to ubiw wKmii nnird of, " " 1'ihicH!i aub cosrtutt. to .rtoomirjn it. Cllinr IlKK liiu lren relehrleil for ntrrlKol.. ilrM jcitra.ntid nurotd ilnrliiK llm rtlgn nf lui,xi Ulnir f I'uiiico, tho .tlfr n( It, mn wh.V. Iimlifor. ItlerrmnrkiiMedr Dl'nla, lenti M..i nr.., Con.llnll)n,c ' '- I'lwiiiiu IHn.-Vor Mnrrhe,Cullc,ind.lli,tf ilirxluninthsnillwirrla, ' IHnriii)i-lir Inllnniitlon of the U-Ini tnd brct.l. Adecllun.. ClUMDMILt lliwn,. For niifetldrd illgnllon. I.triirn tiMitnf-AnmnUt, llniulntnAtiii,i lihjhlj Intljcnratliiij In-nrrTimi ilthlllly. w , WliTminns, I'.ir ScrufuU, lllieuinatlitn, 4c, Ail.u All ntonintln rurtiilnittlt u t cillnn niL, au rlomi'l iiillk) pmrli iianl t.jr luolliet. liur.liig, A U.j, ctir-bud4, ormigo, rurnwn), cvrrauder, untl rwd, Ac. S.T-1860-X Ainllir WriTlilAtfitl lnS.llA.t ..i IU.LI j i .. , ..,....., .....,.,,.,.. iiinnriii, vi minimum Pnffin.Iffl itlln(tliMiiyto tho nmi1loH Ami lirlllUrw fJlha i.lli.1 U w tinl't-,... I,. 41.1 . . ... J . . " I V.'Vi. ,w " ' ,,,p "nncrJ Ol III HpriJ.ttid rv utilihoM lt iMiiif fur tlm n-nt. Willi IliU rftlriti tuif.trrt II.. c. .... i - i ..ii nf effiTK mrellnp; tlirm nn nil .l.lri, ihn .urn-.l t,t ii? imr .11111.1, fiiunilnl iiii llm Mrk t,f rill It. Almuit mi) f willy b" ")nnCA.ii of u(Tetln n bleb lh I'lixti. 110 lllIttM will alt.iUtc nnd cutv. " Thejr re reftiminen.leit br Ibo lilgliMt m'dliMl Kolhorl tlo, mid nro wurMnlnl lu pn.biconii hmntdlitle iVntfldil eJTt, The) nro cjrtt.lliljr urteibl., Hifccllr i.ui, n. bnrnile, ' Noticn. Aiijrrfl,n pretending In e. I'l.nim nu. ter In hulk or lit Ibo cull l n tiiln.ller itid Imia4trr lll4mtiiii.iljrliiiiurhiir-rAUiilltle. Ibinirrofklil,) refilled Willi Intll lll.ui drUlerlmia .luff, ft which ernil -ranrn nro alri-ndy In 'll.n. Hro II.M etery lllt kit wirUiillnlSUtwalainpnter tho emk antnutlUtaj, u J our alKiialuru vn trel-ibil lldi. libel. HnlJ bj reijKCUllo ilelr, lbn.uRl.iiul, lie lUu ltlbo. 1'. II. UIMKi:, & l'0 .cv York, Sole hov'ti. IIIIIIIXIITII.N .V ri) linn Fnntbto. A(a!,THrillilll.tKOIt.'VI.VAM)MCVAn.. MI.XICAN JIUBTANH MXIIT. TliKinrrllanrthla I.lnllnent nrfMfll known. Ileeffcttt r. In.-iilnrni, ..llilnn, nml rini.tttful, Cilia, I'liilira, airlna and ellJtiir, urn .irDmnton,n-t ftlMIn lui.TUr In rry rinillr. Ilwt it Ulllfi.f Idle U Inirnl I Hi l,t Inirilmrnl llut lw miU. It I iimr rrilnln Umn Hip ilirlir II Mti-e time la iiullnxfur OiBiLictiir II l r lnwKrr Hull Ilia duOur, 1 eliouKl uert r Im, .U-nil ullli. IIIIADTIIK l'OI.I)WIN(l " 1 tnkn .pauri' In rimmniemlliip; llin Mnlren Mt tnnff l.lnlnientnan ,liiatlnnil Imllfptiiiublt nttlcletf Kirnlni, rXirra, ycrntrhea.ur lltllaori llot,ri Our lute Into iitr.1 It for Hum., IliuUra, l.rre. Ill.tumtllini, It, . all my II net llkp inuiilc " .1 W. llm ITT. I'ureiuan fur American, Mtlla, ai(o'e anil llarnJia'i i:ire, "Tli apritln nf my lu(hler'a anklf, ocMilon-J lDi tlcittleifc lut ilnlr, m f nllrrly curnl In in ek ttn licMiinienrtilnlni;vnrrrteliriitrlliiitaiiirUiiluML Oknirralrr, )U AuRiitt 1, la. l.u. Mm. OiilcV nml iir II Cf lUlulj- la. All rimlnr la rifH In elfl i.Htr pinlnir, liuilng ll. elRlialuni f 6. . Wattlinnk. Cliniil.l, iuI ll.f I'llialo U U. iltiuprfli Ui llm.ira Co. oitr llu l'i. ..... ,t t Anelt.-rl liaa lieen ina.l Ii. mnnttlfrlt ll ullnnrhna uni-.UI lll. loik cliaely. HoU by nil VtvrxMr,mr rllorrt, l a, Well, ami II. m'iivii I'm: a iMiwnnii. II a well known ll"l I,xmi'a0enaln Jlat-i'lM 1'na.lrr will irflly ilnir.iT mrrjlhlnr In ll" lu. cf Cms tleka, In.1I.iij., roarlira, la Ilia I II la lMl Whii In llieluarct Irll, lulriitlrljruriulMto llu lnuiau ! fliM nni l..Klllr Ahlinatv. Prill'iiee. Aula, Itindii-a, etr , rr In nery I'M line l'.iiler fa tbelr natural ilrail. II elnuM U lit erym- Jon'i J. o( IlicSewVik CIK-ll.-i Hal, : "llhlUwiljeminilHle r Mli.Tfrii.el." . , , .Nt Vom llutm I'unriutni mjti "M l' LYONS .MAf.rn,l(, I'OWOIMI rirrilenuliiallnelnierle n.l Ttruilu, wllli entlreutle rictlxn. RniKUiv .t HTrrrJokv Aflor Hou.o. 8. T.0iur.K.N. Aiiicrlcnn lloli'l. Ack.nkii A Tiikiiiwki.i.,Sv. NlchuU Hotel. H. I.klimi A Co., .Molrnpnlllati llnltl." Tclliimnv of llila f ImnflT might 1 l ae; Irnilli. Mierrlllaii.nllliiitrlla-lllf TlivKrnuliiv lua lliv .Itinlurn uf B, l.." ' prlralf eiamn or Ilium luii,r Oo. Anjt ll M vt I hl Mini la mi Imllalluii or oMiiilerMI .W axial Hill (.recur tlm ifuinln ir yen lualel jihi mil w na ullirr.' . , . ..... tM Iit All ilnuzM aii.I (funeral elnrekaerrre In em; timntii'l toIdjIhk cjuiii mi llm I'aclfle I'oaet. umM-yV NSW YEAR'S SVS. THE OLD YEAR OUT ANH- THE NEW YEAR IN! REJOICE AND I1E UMTEDIXIaLY CUD. Tiir. uNiir.itsTaNKi) hructy no- y, l"U her frlemlA and Ihe public g'r WW nlljr that rim wIR plva n public UMM ''Sr "Now Yenr'n eve), nt llin Kanco- Aw"' lean neslaiirant. Tho roouu havo lei-n rr"' mid cnlnrKi'il, o that every convenience or im KueotH will m provided or. No labor will" ipnnd o makP iil bnppj nml fwrtber, m '' vilnllon la extended to nil tho nueU to '"' bin on ho mornliiR pf January ltt aqo.n brea,klat with tho Pproprletrei". , .... Oood iniulo Itui been scoured for the occw on of tho parly, .A cordial Invitation i. extend nil. Aleo Uill on St. Valentine' Day. MAIMM lK'OUH'J0YnLS Jackionvllle, Nov. 2Ttb 1807. iiov3H' NEW BROOMS SWEEP CLEASl ,n.. ... THEN CO TO N.EATEI. BROOVI IVIANUFACTOR AND 1IUV THE I1EST IX THE MABRET, I tu II AT WHOLESALE OH RETAIL' Factory An corner of OreRon and Mjj f( by thu Odd KolloWif Hull. nd opP'lt' I rei'Co-Amcrlcan lle.1 jiirniits j0.6bi f iwjnmjiiviiit tw .! - GO TO THK Q1TY DRVG yrO"13 AK