Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 16, 1867, Image 1

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1 . . .. - .,
0 AM) O
U.S. Circuit Court CeimiUper
For Ihe DMrlcl or Oregon.
OFFICT. Fiwt Ior Korth nt Btekaaan'a
ItunkliiK llnnae.
nCel and other Instrument of wrlllna care
fully prcrored, and icknolrtrtment Hken.
Application" for Homestead Entries. Pre
fmption Klfibte and rrlvate entry of land pro-
C"jMksonvHle. An-rnsl 4. 1MB.
Jacksonville, Sept. 28, 18CC tf
Corner of Washington and Front StrceU,
L. P- W-"q"u IMBY,
(utc rnnxrr.TiB op thc "Wktkbn Hotki.,")
EI) it, Is now proprircd to rcoclrc nnd nccommo-
title hi friend mid former patrons, and tlic
noral trnvrlllnij public. For safety In the
ctftil nf lire, nnd the convculanco of rui-Ms,
iSWOXl) PASSA(iEUfievn opened totho
,ttCT.77V APAUTMEXS, which aro commo.
iiom and especial nrraucrd for tlioneciimtnuda-
UoisffumllU WAU3M'" COLD
JiATHS tnclied lo tliii house.
Xl linll.e Is Inralrtl nrprrr III sitraaiboat
I.niiilliiR Illation)' olhrrln
nlU lie In attendance nt the sovrral Landing
to courrv Riicrlh ntul tliclr Im-TRapi lo mm Irom
the Imu-n I'KKK OF CIIAltOK. The househas
oUrce Fire-Proof Safo lor tstimblc. The
J'roprlcior will itnderiNkc Hint iiatuliiK shall be
Wlundotf lo render Id boueo attractive, and
ciicstscoulortablc. octfitf
Corner of (.'!. k. Orepon 8 Is.
The rNii:nsi(isiiir having tiior
uBglrly ri'llllol the aliove named aloon,
elicit u l-.iro if (ho ptilillo putninsRi'. Tho licit
Vine. Uoiior ih1 clnar will lie wrnil to
euttimers. H. M.FAltnKN.
Jacksonville, March 19, Y,7. aplliltf
X (arm or Hie limulrvd and sltly
... . I. ........I - 1l.l.l. .1 II.
wvir-, enuiuvu m-iir nniuuiUH iir- umiu l,t
ioa iruin jiwkkiiu uio to irrstrnt Ully,
ww In known n tlio "Putrid: JUntii."' 'lltvtv
I a piod oreluid, house nnd Imru tipon It. I
rte II Patent lothntiuid from IhcGorwn-
Mi-nl, nnit will warrant the ialo Blutl any and
l'i-t. unit u
Ai'idr lo Thos. !". Flovd. lTlrbvrllle.or John
It 1'rliidl Dclmoiilco lti-tmirn;it. Portland,;
orejon. OUrJTAl WIL-jON. i
ieplfinbvr Stli, IRC". np7rt5
JL atoek or tnati-rlala and tuol formerly be
lonclng to Cosicllo A- ConUi. Mr. Uosttllo
tiavliiK wIllidiKwn. P.ll.Cotlln will cuutluuo
the Imtlnen, and can be found at lilt shop,
Corner of C aud Tbrid (strectv
VrrpHri'd lo do nork In a norkiuaullku mauur
and at rt-ntnnablu raits.
Jackwm-llle. Oct. 13, 16C7. octlOtf
"MM10SE IKnritTIMl fi BiMfTM a. tivnn
. anitsprctiully invlU-d tocoiue Torwajxl and
ll their WH. They do nut mk any eu.
cll refweneo to onicura, but lliey MUST Law
Money lo mcet tl,t.lr ovu Hnbllltlcs.
, S.ttox tJ ZZydo. .
Jaciionrllle.S.ipt.7, IMiT. tf
Police t Stephen Itobertsou, a
Iiumewtead Settler.
JL the affidavit of Ceo. A. Iliii.cliaml John
.Cieorglmoben Hll In thla oltlot, nlleK
in that juti lmvo lor uioro limn Uu Ivciunutlia
aiMndonitl your Kouictewl L'ntry No. 7U. made
'i.N.r..lofttctlou2l, y. as mud, 0f K.
et, and that
Tlio 20th day of November, 1867,
ft 1 o'clock P. M , of wld dy. Im betu set for
"earing tho cvldnic on raid allejtid abtindon
'"ejil, at thla office, aud that uult-ea jou uppar
and mfcr wldvncu tu tbow tho vulldlty of
jour cUlm. tho tamo will I dtcuitd abandoned
M cancvlled.
OeLtx Slh??."11 fflCC' at UOtCbUr3, 0fi"
' JOHN KELLY. Renter,
cc,!2 ADDISON )t. FLINT, Kecelvcr.
" wu;- J. u. WAU-
Sx-iol. Bulldluc,
Corner of tVout aud F HrivU,
their p.! ',vttrdlng of al goods vutriuted to
haVii H,iUh Proiuptne.8 aud dl.patcb. They
modi .?! V ''VS bulldlngaror.lorl.g
mereh'ant. .im T Jni,lifl wrenK"" ftthat
claim" Wrtait'3 ?H&Q'1 P'r lm m
J" Cnn.lo.nmo...' ..,,.,... ., .
. ............... . x, UUIlUlf U lllill.
rccntv..i .;.r. """"" auuciieu. uercnanaue
Peter Britt,
Photographic Artist,
Cartes deVislte
dokk in we finest sms of art.
Plcturci Reduced
Physician & Surgeon,
Onlce at bl residence, In the Old Overbeck
HocplUl, on Oregon Street.
OFFIOECorner of California and Fifth
Btrooti, Jacluonvillo, Ogn.
He will prectlco In Jacktnn and adjacent
countlo, nud ttteud promptly to prufi-Mloual
call. ftbatf
Za the. Ovorbock IZoBpital,
Tli Imt l'ul liter of lh llliol I
A I'lvMihtTOftlel
A tty AftmlU Drink I
On'urii.we.1 fur art In surely tut tnllr on
lh. wrrtluirt nf Ui. llJofj., Uiitla,
itnninrii lino uiivi
rnrlt ll lio!eMl nJ relill loor,
ilniK and rrtrjr store.
TAT1.0R t IILMIFI.. ul. jlernts.
i15-lr sp.uo. 411,Cls) Hi.an rrwt'KA.
Warren lodee No, 10, A. F. A. M
HOMI their ri'KuUr cnimunlcatloiii
ou luu nruncfuar r.Tcuiui; iir pn-cnr i
log tue tun moon, in ju-KNimriuji. on-
... . ''..I
Ec. BAnB.a-y. '
TT" T, .'77
thu lot Atipf tile. I '
' It la the best prcecrvatlw axaluMal most any
SlCUOerS. II IIHII UIIIWJ. vvuiivrr. vi I.',".
only, It cmi bo given sufily to lulant Full di
rection In Uiiellrli. I'li-ncli, Hp.-isnaud Ger-
iiihii. wllheirry tHickac''. THY ITI
eirry imclfaK''. IKi It
at alt the wbolf-ula and ntall drug
For notu
fun, ami trruoerlt.'.
EMIL FKESE. Wholesale DruRglit,
tiolo Aeut, 410 Clay stmet,
6an Francisco.
lVnTIPI Havlnir dlsnowM of our Fac
ifcory. we nro now prepared In jrlve our whole
Attention to our Urnllier am r 10.1 i " .7"
lu hand, direct Irom jtuiicb, win a. nip, ;
aMomvetlo Lvathvr, Uoot I.egaeto. (
foiiK 0. IIkist. IL. Favkk. John "r,
New York. Purls, San r rancKo. i
AllUre. lll.lit .-, IM.f.i,V.i .-.v.ww. ,
ia... HPIV I. IIDlV Cm LmMlun
4 lit iviiiuT nirtc
M 1
Uycuheeiof ten each or sei up.
Harrison'. Uulllutor. rnrm win ii .
i, .. mil. llnv I'iiIIitj n.11 alzes) 1'
Mills tall I.m) COIIN rillKLLEUS (double
IV"!. "!"?!!! i',!l","!..,,"r mLWSli
kind' of AfiUIGULTl'K'AL IJIl'LKME.S'TS,
ull which will bo .old at guatly reducud price. .
ni vi.lwi1akiila4 m ri'luil. J
Corner of Du'U and California Siree',
.San Fruncleco.
llliu-. will Hud cou.tant i-upply. o the
bet quality, III quautllle to rult, at iny ihop
on Mulii street, between Oregon and Third, op
posite Mullcr & Hreiitaoo'a lore. In my ab
K'uce, Mr. Alex. Martlu will wait upon cuktom
tStoue Ma'sou Wurk
dono on terms to wit tho limes. Order from
,ho country TvVOCK.
Jackeonvllle, April 26, 1867. lM
MAXiV a-rri.-EIBT
D. C. McCLEtXAN, Pro?'r.
rrum house hJs" heci-:ntly deen
r wBt&iS jre-Sred tor the M
cnesti and thu proprietor would wy to tue
fuutu o" Southern Oregou, and thy traveling
publ e, that bo U now ready lo receive and en
Urtaln al wh9 way ftvor blia with .a call, at
pr&S K will bo furnished with the be.t , the
market aflord. perinlUlo no Iiodm ly excel It
either Ju uull)r,orltYArjf'y.
Every Baturdar Morn lag br
For One year. In adrance. Four Dollami If
pa d within the flrat ill month or Ihe year, firo
dolar ) If not paid until tho expiration of the
year, alt dollar.
term arAnvKtiTinxai
., One iqutre (18 line or Icm). Trt Inser
tion. Three Dollar; each ubequent Inncr
lon. One Dollar. A discount of nfiy percent
will Iki msdo to tho whoadrertlieliy the year.
" I(rM TrnJrra tcltiJ at catTrnl r(n.
Tour little caon. from May to May,
And here you ttand by my lde ftfraln,
With ooUiIok "llrred, of all, tc-diy,
Uut the heart you offered then.
I reckon you neither fl nor cold ;
Why quarrel with wroojr 10 lightly done?
Lore l a tale that U oHeu told,
Uut truly to ouly one.
The power that drew you wa never I
Sot 1, hut the dower wo plucked, together !
The oduroo cve, the fickle sky,
The blowmy April weather.
Tboo Tloltt aeenti would cltnfr, Ixt mro j
IlrealhliiR a awcctncM almut my nnme j
A ecmlni( life, that could Jmt endure
Till the one real paction (a-ne.
What wonder the freh blown roe exceed
Thoo withered violet, pile oml old !
And, soul of your imiI. Ihlf new Inraneedi
Ko memories' added hold I
I touched but a fancy let It c,o I
.Vy future, likewise, my bnply brlug
That hnrl, a dear In December wow
A the budding warmth of Spring.
rrrni Hi. W'MiilnKlciiClirwiUle.J
Uencral Grant.
His Position- Dki'invh iv IIo.v. E. II.
Wamiiii'kni:, or Illinois.
Cilli'Ano Tit ()itAtinr mli Vt el.n
ii . , ,. '" ""
lion, nciii ycstcnliy utli.ilcna, llliiioU,
Hon. E. 1$. Vijtiliburnt' m.tilc very
Mirciiicl bhh'c1i on tlio iiolitipal I1IIPH-
tioiio la-fore tlic country, ami in tlio
' courMJ ot u di'iiiit'il ( jonvral (imnl n no
J....M ..
n5l!u" UT' """" J ' Knowing
-r- fclilinio'rt Jntinmto relations
casioiiwl very fjenorai iiitereft lien,
tlio course of lii cjicccli Mr. Wash
Imrnc said :
Jlany ppojilt' Iiail looked upon Oon-
cnil Grant as tlioy would upon :. civil
,,... ,
tan and a jiolit leiait, and even a candl-
date for civil ofllfc. Tlicv would seoin
to demand tliat hu xliotilal mako known
!ii political viowH on tliu liuntiiis and
tliron,'h the ncwtpapuis with all tho
artH of tho common dcniajoiie. Thu
public had no inoro ritrlit to exited
R,.,,,.-.! rn.,t In fcno...k i.mL tlmn tliev
-i - j
to expect J.ii'iiU'iiaiaOeneriilMicniiaii,
i(iccral Meade, fioiifinl Sheridan, or
Genera! Thomas to make pnhliu their
politieal viows. Tho general was not
in llin IhiIiIi ot lil-rn-l;lim tll'r IlilliM'lf to
... ..W ! V. ,...........--. .--- -
il0 world by words, but, liko n wiso
'man, lial always inaoo ins reconi
,ilrolIl, .iK cts.
Though not hpeak-
Jug for tho public, no man was more
rank in oxprexsiK M views on all
nulilio matters. Ho was rais-cd
in a
W . , , , iti(.8
,,,n '
His venera
ble, father, m well known in Galena,
was always an netivo and influential
member of tho old Whip; party, audi
after it went out of existence, of tho
Hcpublican party. Tlio general wan
always a Whig, so far as ho was a
politician at all, and novor belonged to
or had any bympathy at all with thu
so-called Democrat lo party, Ho stated
this as a fact. Had General (.rant
been a member oftho Democratic-party
ho would havo been in thu tamo posi
tion as ho now is", and tho bitmo as all
tho most loyal and patriotic, men
who were in that party now occupy.
Though not a voter in Illinois, in lfiiio,
yet after Mr. Lincoln'- Administration
commenced, and after tho firing upon
Sumpter, thero was no man who gave
a moro earnest support to that Admin
juration. General Grant was amoi)'
tho first to poinpiehcnd tho results that
would grow out of tho rebellion, and
tho country will not lorget miu as ear
ly as 1HG3 ho wrote a letter saying that
anions as ho was for peacfi bo did not
wibb to eeo it established uutil slavery
was wiped out. I n WW '' w pro
foundly anxious for thp re-election of
Mr, Lincoln, and no man moro fully
comprcliondtxl tho great fact that upon
his re-olectton hinged tho mtcccss of
our causo and tho suppression of tlio
rebellion. Ho ro fa,r departed from his'
usual courso tit such matters as to writo
and penult tlio publication of a letter
in which ho briefly nnd emphatically
summed up tho whole question. Tho
letter was published by hundreds of
thousands by tho Hcpublican Congres
sional committee, and oxcrtcd great in
tluenco iu tho country. Ho was opun
ly and strongly for both tho constitu
tional amendments, nnd ho hailed tho
reconstruction act of tho Thirty-Ninth
Congress ns tho solution ofourdifllcul
ties, nnd ho entered upon the discharge
of his dntics under that net with zeal,
vigilance, and fidelity. Sympathizing
with Congress in its action, and appre
ciating tho importance of its being iu
session, he urged and advised such no
tion as would secure an extra session if
necessary. When that ses'loit came
he expressed tho most serious fear of
thu effect of a long adjournment, and
a far-reaching sagacity anticipating tho
precise state of things that has occur
red, he ucd all his influence with Sen
ators to have them adopt tho House
provision of the amended bill re
quired tho assent of tho Senato to tho
removal of tho district commnuders.
Favoring the reconstruction act"-, no
effort of Iil has been wanting toseeuro
their enforcement iu thu letter and
spirit, to the end that the Union might
1m speedily and fully restored. Ho be
lieves there is no protection or safely
to tho colored peoplo and tho loyal
white people in tho rebel States except
through impartial suffrage. The rccon
rtniction nets having recognized thu
entire equality of all American citizens
in tho States lately iu rebellion, be bo
lieves that consistency, as well ns im
partial jutice, demands that thero
hliould bo no discrimination against
any class of persons iu any of tho States.
His sympathies, bis convictions, nnd
his hopes nro now, as tboy always have
been, with thu great patriotic nud loy
al peoplo that carried tho country
through thu war. Hu is in favor of
upholding tho honor and credit of tho
National Government, and holds that
all our obligations must bo discharged
in conformity to tho terms on which
they wore contracted. I lo thinks there
Miouhl bo exercised by Congress, nud
by nil departments ol tho Government,
moro rigid and searching economy in
tho expenditures of the publio monoy ;
and wheruver ho has had control lie
has struck oft' every useless oxpenso
and reformed every abuso. General
Grant occupies at tho present tho posi
tion ns Secretary of War ail interim iu
tho Cabinet of Mr. Johnson. His action
iu accepting that position had been tho
subject of u great deal of comment, uud
excited tlio fears nf many good and
loyal men. It invoked tho denuncia
tion ol enemies and brought forth ex
cuses of friends. Ho aceopted that po
sition, not, as ias been alleged, in obe
dience to the command ot u superior
oflioer, but from tho stern scnooofduty
to bis country. Tho President had de
termined to""ro-uovu tho .Secretary of
War at nil hazards, without oxouio or
jiihtiuYatioii. Tho President thought
to ivliovu himself from thu odium of
.Mr. Stanton's removal and draw atten
tion from that action by offering tho
place to General Grant. What was
tolsodonu? Should tho general step
into tho shoe's of .Mr. Stanton, and
wield all tho legitimate powers of (ho
department iu aid of reconstruction uid
in support of tho district commanders.
In tho management of tho Indian war
aud the supervision of war contracts,
should ho bo thero to resist tho raid of
tho thieves and plunderers and war
claim agents whom Stanton hud hold
at bay, and who wero waiting to thrust
their arms into tho Treasury to filch
untold millions of tho publio money)1
Or should ho rcfitse, and permit that
.most important position to 1-p filled by
u Copperhpad nud n Jplinspuman, wIiq
would hinder reconstruction, who
would doinqrilizo tho army, who would
sanction fr-iudiileiitimd bogus claims
of rcbois, and. bring roproaoh generally
upon tho publio sorvice. Gonoral Grant
did nut, tboreforo, hesitate to accept
tho position and nil its responsibilities,
NO. 43
nnd his action had tho concurrence of
Mr. Stanton. Indeed, no steps worn
taken in that wholo business except
upon full consultation and understand
ing between those two distinguished
men under such circumstances. Thq
loyal men of tho country would havo
had good causo to censuro Gonoral
Grant hnd ho refused tho position. Tlio
very men who had censured him most
for taking it would now havo been cen
suring him for not taking it. Tjicy
would havo said that, professing to bo
in sympathy with loynl men and in favor
of reconstruction, ho shrank from tho
responsibility of n place offered to him
in which ho could havo been of inestl
niable service to tho country, nud by
sucliTefusal tho War Department went
into tho hands of an enemy. Uut tho
general wants no other vindication for
his action than will bo furnished by
hi record when it Minll see tho light,
and by his official act-). Ho can afford
to wait. In conclusion Mr. Wnshburno
s:tld ho was not speaking of General
Grant as a candidate for the Presidency,
for ho had no right to speak of him in
that regard. Hu had siiokeu nshuhnd
because so many of his fellow-citizens
had asked him in relation to the posi
tion tho general occupied on questions
of tho most overwhelming publio im
portance, and what were Ills views, sen
timents and convictions touching mat
ters in which all good citizens felt so
deep an interest.
.11 in Wolfe and tlm Tom Cats.
I know by tho sympathetic glow up
on Ills Imlil head, I know by tho
thoughtful look upon his face, I know
by tho emotional Hush upon tho straw-
berry on tho end of tho old free liver's
nose, that Simon WhculerV memory
was busy with tho olden time. And
so I prepared to leave, because all these
wero symptoms of a reminiscence
signs that ho was going to be delivered
of another of his tiresome personal ex
periences -but I was too slow; he got
tho stall of me. As ueuriy as lean
recollect, tho iulllctlou wiih couched iu
thu billowing manner:
" Wo was all boy, then, nud didn't
caro for nothing only bow to shirk
school nnd kep up u ruilvin' statu ol
devilment nil the time. This ynrJim
Wolfe I was talking about was the
'prentice, and hu was the best hearted
(oiler, ho was, nnd tiff? most Ibrglviu'
and unselfish I ever see well, thoro
couldn't bo a moro buller boy than
what bo was, takuhliu how you would ;
and sorry enough I was when I seo him
for tho last time,
"Mo and Henry was always poster
ing him, and plasteiiug boss hills on
his back, uud putting bumble bees iu
hii bod, and so on, nud sometimes we'd
crowd iu nud bunk with him, not'th
standing his growling, nnd then we'd
let on to gel mail ami fight across him,
so iih to keep him stirred up like. Ho
was niueteon, ho wns, and long, and
lank, and bashful, and wo was fifteen
and sixteen, and tolerably lazy nnd
"So, that night, you know, that my
sister Mary gave tho candy pulliii'they
started us off to bed early, so ns tho
company could havo full swing, and wo
rung in ou Jim to havo some fun,
''Our windor looked out onto tho
roof of tho ell, and about ton o'clock a
nouplo of old tout oats got to rairin'
ami cliargin' around on it and carryin'
pn liko hid. Thero was four inches of
snow on tho roof, nnd, it was frozo so
that thero was a right smart crust of
ico on it, and tho moon was sliinln'
bright, and wo could seo them eats liko
daylight. First, they'd stand oft' and
e-yow-yow-yow, just tho samo as if
they was a cussin' ono another, you
know, ami bow up their baoks, and
bush ttrr tholr tails, and nwoll around a
bit, nud then all of a sudden tho gray
cat he'd snutoh a handful of fur off tho
yallcr cat's hum, nnd spin htm around
jiko a button ou a barn door, Hut tho
yallor was gamo, and ho'd como and
clinch, and tho way they'd gougo, and
bite, and howl, nnd tho way thoy'd
mako ho fur fly was powerful.
"W6ll, Jim, ho got disgusted with
tho row and Mowed ho'd plimb out
thoro and Bhako 'rim, oft'n that roof,
t- reelv no notion of dn?n' It,
Uut vyc, everlastingly dogced him and
bullyragged him, nnd 'lowed ho'd al
ways hrnggod how ho wouldn't take a
dare, nnd so on, till bimoby ho lusted
up tho winder, and lo nnd behold you,
ho went went exactly as" ho wns
nothln' on but a shirt, and It wnt short.
You ought to a scon him I You ought
tor a noon hint creeplq' ovor that ice,
nnd diggin' his too-nailt and lits flngor
nnils In for to keep him from slipping
and 'bovo all, you ought to seen that
shirt a llnppln' in tho wind, nml them
long, rldicklous shanks of his'n a glis
tenia' iu tho moonlight.
M'Pl.r,.,. ...... ft.1l.. .1
..v... vim.i i, j mini, 'Hiih uuirji
thoro under tho caves, tho wholo squad
of 'cm under thnt ornery shed of Wash
'ton Uowur vines all sctt'n round about
two dozen sasjern of hot candy, which
they'd sot iu tho biiow to cool. And
they wns laughin' nnd talkin' lively;
but bless you, they didn't know nothln'
'bout tho panorama that was goin' on
oyer their heads. Well, Jim, ho went
a sneakin' and a snenkin' up, oubc
knowns to thorn torn catt thoy was
a Hwishiu' their tails and yow-yowin'
and thrcatouin' to clinch, you know,
and not payiu' any uttvntlou ho wont
a sneakin' nnd a sneakin' right up to'
tho comb of tho roof, till ho was 'in a
foot aud a half of 'em, nnd then all ot
a sudden ho made n grab for tho yallor
cat I Uut, by gosh, ho missed firo nnd
slippcdJiU holt, and his heels How up
and he flopped on bis back and shot
oll'u thnt roof liko n dart went a
smashiu' and a crashin1 down thro'
them old rusty vines, nnd landed right
in the. dead centre of nil them eomp'ny
people; sot down liko a ycnrthqttnko
iu them two dozen sassers ot red hot
candy, nud lei off a howl that wns
hark from tho tomb I Them girls
well, they left, you know. Thoy seen
hu wnrn't dressed for eomp'ny, nnd so
they left. jl dono iu a second; it
wns Just ono little whnr whoop, and a
whish of their dresses, aud blamo tho
wench of 'em wns In sight anywhere I
"Jim, ho wns in sight. Ifo wan
gormed witli tho biliu' hot molasses
candy clean down to heels, and had
moro busted sasscrs hiiuglit' to him
than It hu was nu Injun princess; and
ho camo a prancin' up stniro Just a
whoopin' and n cussin', and uvcry jump
he givo ho shed somo china, and ovcry
every squirm hu futched ho dripped
komo candy.
" And blistered I Why, bless your
soul, that poor creetur couldn't recly
set down comfortably for as much at
four weeks!"
HJ hadn't
A JIkv Stouv. N'car Greenmoiint,
Vn., n hen sitting iu her nest in a barn
was buried in a erevieo which was cov- '
ered v, ith hay for about fifteen or eigh
teen leet, lu June, lBOD, aud remained
iu thnt kltuatlon until thu last of .March
or tho Hrst of April, 1807, when sho
was taken out nllve, having lived upon
liny nud her nest eggs, and nothing
elso for a period of about nine months I
She wns almost as light ns n bunch ol
feathers when taken out, uud thu first
thing sho did was to sent herself upon
a trough ami diiul; wnter for about
half nu hour. Sho had eaten all tho
hay around whero sho wns buried for
about two feet in ono direction. Siuco
her resurrection sho lias raised a lino
brood of chickens, '
WAhin.wroN County, Mr. John T.
Soott, tho Assessor of Washington
county, furnlsbcri us tho following in
formation in relation to tho property
and population of that county:
Tho real estate is assessed this year
at $.V5,V.'(, personal property nt $ I'.'S,
710; total valuation of property,
1,0711:10, Thu number of non-resident
tax-payers is laa, paying taxes on
property valued at $120,'J0S. Tho num
her of resident tax-payers is 817. Num
ber paying poll-tax, (120. li leutl tho
real estate of the county- wns asscssod
at -4021,700; and persona! property at
J.'IOO.aiO; total, I,01H,100; iuorcaso
siuco last year, $3U,0'10. Orcgoutan.
Mrs Partington, reading an nccouut
of a railroad accident, was much sur
prised to leant that tho ongino hud
been driven off tho track by ono of tho
switches. "I should not thought,"
sho said, "that tho great iron cngiuo
would mind suph a little tiling ns a
switch.' " Ves, but you must remembor,
mamma,'" said Ike, gravely, "tho loco-i
motive- ins a teudor behind."
Tho Troy Timet is sweet on Captain
Kaphaol Sommes. Notioing his retire
ment from tho Memphis Jiulletin. it
says: "Though n prqttp good pirato,
ho tnado a poor edltof;?and his litorry
piracies wero never appreciated.'-'
11 tf