Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 09, 1867, Image 2

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UI.VK X, flltAXT,
Of till CtTH mm,
"Kll ifon, theit ipmI nl fillbfol xfT.itil " The r
pt faor reward, for patrlotr riitilihmtnt for trtltort.
KIJIIi 111 t 11.1,1 l.ll,
or ontoo.
TlMh tubjttt to lli J.xlilgn of tba'Xttlonil Union
Ckn Trillion.
S.VTuni)A.Y Mon.vi.vo, Nov. 0, 180"
The Hop Culluir.
Tho wonderful yield ol this valuable,
product in tliu SsivntniLMito Valley dur
ing tlic pust year, is beginning to ex
cite attention among tlic fanners ol
Cnlifurmn. The yield 1ms not only
been greater than that ever recorded
for a like number of acres, but tin
quality is so superior as to coimnniid
the very highest market price. Mr.
Flint, ol Sacramento county, ltasgrown,
picked and baled from ten acres, the
extraordinary umount of 1 7,?0n pounds
worth in the San Francisco market
over $12,000, or a return of over $1,500
per acre. Ask yourselves, farmers, of
Koguu Hiver Valley, what staple you
are at present raising that returns one-
lentil ol tlic above sum. o are cter
nally crying out " give us a market,"
nud to-day, if by somu mysterious
ngency, a railroad would spring into
instant existence, what would wc have
to sell?; a few thousand bushel of
wheat, a few hundred bushels of ap
ples staples, which from their prolific
return in almost any climate on this
coast, yield but little profit to the
grower. Hops may yield well any
where, but cannot be cured for market
successfully except in just such n ell
inatoasours; and on an article com
manding n leady Halo nt sixty to
soventy cents per pound, the small
freight from here to tide-water need
present uo obstacle to a succes'.ful ven
ture. Tho timo is near at hand when
tho roots should bo planted, and if at
tended to early, next year's crop would
yield ton times tho profit returned by
uiiyiuiiig cise we can raise. ) lio will
Letter rrom 1), F. Dowel I.
Washington, 1). C, )
Oct. mth, 180V. )
Ought not to have BtirprNed any one
who was well informed of the Repub
lican and Democratic nominations, nud
tlie issues in their platforms. In everv
State that has given Democratic ma
jorities, there were obnoxious nidi' is
sues in our Union platforms, which
took oil thousands of good loyal votes
from the Union ranks. These issues in
California arc now well known in Ore
gon ; hence it would be superfluous to
try to explain them to the render of
the Shntiniiu Hut Elaine, Ohio nnd
l'nnvlvania demand our attentioti.
In Elaine, the lienublicans extended
their iniueinles to prohibit the making
or selling eider, which greatly reduced
their majorities. The most prominent
sine itsuu in jiin i- iiMiuu ui wieir pro
posed constitutional negro sulVmge
amendment. It contains n clause
which disfranchises all soldiers who
had not been honorably discharged.
It is in these words:
" L'icli male cltlwn of the United Slate, of
tin-nc of tweuty-nne jrnr. whn hull h.nr
Ihi ii a resident of the St.ilc one year raw I prr
crdlnp the clrcllon. and of Hie county, tmvip
shin or nurd In kIiL'Ii l,u nulil,... inch ilm
may Ik' provided by Mtv. except 'icb iiTran m '''''
navr nornc arm in uppnri or nny lnti
or rcWlllon n-piln't the Gnmmneut
United Ma!t, ur u.ive
roldence to uvoiil t
l.iry wrtico Ibcrrof,
PIhr'r Views on MienUwnti'rs.
.Tackhonvii.i.i:, Nov. 8th, 1807.
Enrroi: Skntinkl: I nut not one of
those who nro forever growling nt the
1803, the Republicans again carried
tho Stato by fifteen thousand majority.
In 1804, Jlr. Lincoln again held the
Stato bv twentv thousand. Lnst year
tho Republicans elected Qencrnl Geary, i . . , ; autl,0ri:v. 1 can np
a poiui nr soiuier, ur seven uioiisnim i , ,. ,. , . - , ...i,!..!,
majoritv; hence the Democrats have but locate the d.fhculties under uhiil
little ca"ue ro rejoice over I'ennsylva-' they have to labor, and how Vain it
nia. Give us General Grant, or any , would be for them to endeavor to
other well known good Union man as ; v,0 nj Qii the contrary, like all
a candidate, and in ISOfiwo will again,' ;.. , ,, , j ,,,
canv tho State bv at least twenty thou-1 , ,'' , , . . ' . ,, ....
sand mninritv. "The New York 7W- disposed to defend those in author t
when I hear the wail ol coiuplamt
raised ngninst them. , (
' 'I take up my pen to-day in defence
of our worthy -Hoard of Trustees, for
which I have no doiii't they will feel
themselves under many obligations.
tunc in commenting oil tho Jate clcc
turns, truly says:
" I.ntv In the Miinmrr or 1SC2. Mr. Lincoln
was per.uiulcil, utliT loner urylnir nml lio'lliv
tltm, tu l"tie 111. edict or iii.iiiclputlmi, Tho
country, It ru niM, o not prvp.itnl fur It
that l. tlie lor reach", were not. Anil when
the i'IkIIiiik llint fnnn fnllnwul rliowi-il DeiniM
emtio culm nlwo everywhere -towi Kl in jtl j reallv hoie' as mv services
Vpt Hip nuiKiTritt'ri' ' hwit'il Hi it iiIhiII- , , . ' . ' .. U.J
linn nml r.iil!oa).m hml ttcWm! llirlr il"nlh-i mv emireiy miiiiiiiuiv, unit, wj
hUmt I.ooi; it M iIiik. Ma.iichii'tt. Michi- t-j-c t10 u- for the deed, even tliougli
ran, Ulcniiiit,lli"rp.xclnhmil their lli'piili T ... ... . '. . , , )(.
ilniii inHJ.irlli.n rilnr il innn thnn hair pee J nccomplish iluthlllg III their behall.
IVmi.ylvniihcarri.il iivthr I). ini.crat nml j The subject which I wish to take
l nlliil Slnt.- HiMinlnr lmIik-iI In siiilf or l.ln- . . v . .... ,
coin', lariri' m ijorliv j n e Ohio, m.'pt clnin t.y mt consideration i their Into extrav
fiomi mnjiirliy tor the l)cmiicmt., ho carry 11 1 nnnl aiiiiroprintiiin," as somethoticht
lti'preciilattv.' In totmre--n cl-nr pain of, p . , .. " .
ncven i ice Inillaim Illinois liken lMT.rrlil- ' " persons have been wont to call it,
IkiIIi hninchr of the I.stMntiir. lo-thlnl of f0,. t, ,mr.)OS 0f crcctillg II bicakwa
the lli'pt ni'lilnllves III ('nnfri'. nml n lli'iiui-i ' ' , ,'., ,
cmtl! V. 8. Kitmhir tralnnl In iiieh : eo Now ter on Jiiokxon creek. I wish to show
ich i-ro m I ',,r"v '-I'1'' '' l.l'icjiln riwir of her 'even i j,, ,0 fim .tlivli tijM COiisiduring the
iv lniimrfitlmi ci'Clnn. now wiMit lv the H iwvrnls hy rwr , , , '. .
..,.., i .7 .. H.iiou mslorlir. uivinir anotlhT Seiminr. with I object in view, the appropriation ol
avo U-tl f.ou llmlr place or f""' a '" live lt"WMiiti it In tmiKU'i" tl,ir, v.((. ,lmN was not extravai.'illlt.
twine ilrrtllMl Into the mill- lV nl New orV. li-rc Lincoln hail fltl.lH'O .
r. arw ri.r,,.i ,i. .;.,!, lualorliv. nml the Union Hck. i Iuhi y-nr n htm if we examine the rucords, we shall see
or n iral rnwei iff wtr;orirnmnt mttxuo' hw , ! ;lrc',' 'h-UMMil now il'clini: Si'jrmour (iiiVHtnnr Mlt tt, appropriation WHS to bo ill
dm AJ.l nol ntbtttjMHtltl Wfii htraHy thithumtt "? '""" " " ' '' '" ii'iiri'rii 'in-rii- -- -
from tlu ur, nml h.ill havt- the iitiallllciill on I tathw In CwutrM- tin yon mil rv the fautnl grri'lllntCKb, and Cl
or an tltctor, ami be cntltlid to ot! ut nil
consenueiitlv, only
nrlilnc on Ih.- wall? tii't It hluli lime to eke ,..,:..i. , ...,,,..(i..m .1..1I.,..., ..,!
iiMilpir"r-orh!p. miU nttcml to savins the ';i"""""' '" ". """ "" "'
b'uiou : eightv cents m coin. Kven if the
mi . . -i . . . . ..
.iii I if I . i nt lmilop,1- This oucht to lean, the Union narlv ! whole amount had been in coin, I hold
willful deserters, btuintv juiHper and I "l,"Cl t" .ani im '" r-"': . . .. . . . ' .
cowards who fled from t Ur cmnitlM ! ?ool lewmi nol In ilaci-"old par tv that it could not have been in n Ktrict
to avoid tho draft. II the neoub. hml "'". '" "'i"mtiii. nml to nvoul , hoiiko considered extravau'ant.
adopted the measure, it would have 2? '"" IIIU,om l""0- "" 01,c examining the word extravagant
also disfmnchiu-d between twentv and n "Oce where ne-ro stlfli-ago and lTll.liiri,K.,r wm ,"..,.1-
thirtv thousand good lovnl Union si.l- ;cO'.stniet.on, nceording to the plan ' "iincrH i ii.iuriileiil nm ii.nl
ilien, who wen- neither' traitors in,- "f f 'B. wore tin- only issues, the Hy agree with me.
moral, willful dcu-rtors Mor j,omitv ""i l"rly htive large nmjoritien. In, Admitting, however, the sum to be
jumper: and who had not left theft- l0W" WJ' wv'Hiwamo : twenty inou- al.,M. ,lillk ti,nt T ,.., ),. t)mt tip
itiiim : in i i'iiiipp. iiiiviiinr limn1
oitntles to avoid the draft. Near tho
cloe of tho war, a ijitestion arose in
the army as to tho term ol the enlist
iicnt ol many of the Ohio volunteer.
"Jinny of the soldiers belieied and eon
tended that their time had expired.
The oflieers contended that their time
had not expired, and that it was nee
csary to proorvi the full stronirth of
the army until everything South be
came moro quiet. Under these eir-
cuimtances. iicarthirtvthousand of the
gallant soldiers from" Ohio, who had
sand, the larcest 'majoritv ever given I '"r' P"'"'" y j.i-uiv
for any party in the rflnle I penditnre. hvery citizen knows that
Lot'our party in Oregon take warn-j tlll ,0H" " wmil'dii'd to spend front
intr and read tho sictts of the times be-: om' ,n "vo "imdred dollars a year re
hire it is too late. Let them et aside ' !"'jr Greets mid bridges destroyed
their nri-iiidiees nnd nllav their ,.nl by the floods of Jnekoii ereek. And.
jealousies; let them learn 'tliat in tinitv l'm.v v'"'m'" fnrllmr knows that if the
only, there is stientrth, and that the l'rekwttew now being built by pri
principles on which ottr party is found-' v,,,t fiitorpri-i' i u success tlint it will
ed if nut trammelled will. Sttes that N,vt' ,,,L' ,own '"v" ,,r t""' lumdn-d
li-tmct ittid defeat in localities, will ' ""Ifors a year in repairs,
.... . . I n'1
lie tllO lirst to trr tln nnu- nml nminL.!...,..,! f..:.l.i"..ll.. .1 i. .1 ..
- -- "j ....... ...... ...... hiuiuil" wncu i.iitiiiiiiit Liiifjumi iiim war. icti ' . , t. 1 . . .
ing uraiicii 01 agriculture? Who will 'Hie nnnv witliout leave and went l ? "' ,,l"",I,,,i,"l,.v "inniii reeon- . i -" " ;"
bo tho first to tap this vein of golden I'0""-'. .Lnder the military rules nml Htntotinn as they did through the lierv : mmx "v' ".v """"'i tlml l"L' linvtite
wealth and enrich himself bv it' Wlnt ' roSllIl't'01"'. tIll'.v were regarded us tie- ordeal of rebellion, and make treason h ''"',' interested would com.
farmer in this valley will throw oil' the
sloth from his shoulders and show en
terprise enough to Biipply tho home
market, which is by uo means small,
with this article? Whoever is the
first to inaugurate the culture of this
valuablo commodity in this valley will
be a fortunate, as well as a judicious
man, and wc predict for him a speedy
sorters, nud are so recorded on the inns-1
ter rolls ortlie army. I iidcrthiselnuse
of the amendment, each and all of
them would hao been disfranchii-od
if tho people had adopted the negro
siitVmge amendment. These soldiers
were scattered all over Ohio, and it
was natural for them to spurn the im
putation of deserter, and tt-e their in
Uueueu and votes to east oil' such an
More Imllnii Atrocities.
The Owyhee Avalanche of tho 20th
contnins the following :
William Hlack, of the firm of Black
Pro's, residing in tho town of Oro.was
shot nnd fatally wounded by Indians
on Thursday evening about seven
o'clock, lie died yesterday morning.
It is astonishing with what audacity
the "noble red men" jierpelrated the
bloody net. At the tune, Jlr, lllaok
had just stepped out of his door .with a
candle in Ids hand, and wns walking
round the corner oftho house, intending
to go down into the cellai' from an out
side entrance, xiioiucr itotiso is situa
ted about frfeet distant. Tho Indians
were but ween the two house, nud shot
two arrows at Mr. Uluek, one ol which
produced n fearful wound in, his breast,
near the heart, ruiiMiig his death. The
The funeral will tnla place to-day.
Tin' moccasin tracks showed there
were five of the murderers in town nild
several on the mountains near by.
Signal fires are seen utmost eVcrv tiigfil
oirtlie mountain, nt a short distance
fro.'n town.
The Uailroad Stage, from Hunter's
wns It rod into by Iniliaiin yesterday
morning n "iont two o'clock. It occur
red uiiout.iiiii'cii miles from Silver, near
Ciiftmiu-iinil St lit inn. Onlv the driver
nud olr. Brooks, from the Slteep Htiticli,
were on board. One of the horsch was
shot, ran a few yards nud dropped
don ii dead. The" boys fired several
shots nt their assailants, who, deeming
it too hot, rait away. Tho diher ninl
"Mr Hrooks received no Ijimn. They
cut the dead horse loose, put out the
lamps and drove the three horses to
the station. It was undoubtedly tlic
same band of Indians who have been
committing depredations hereabouts
fbr several days. UreyonUtn.
Coosi: Ha v. The engines and boiler
lor a proicller the hull ol winch is
being built nt C'oose May have just
left San Kranciseo for that place. This
esel is the property of II. II. I.uce,
I'sq. When completed. ilie will lie
employed in earryttiir freight and pas
sengers twiro it week between Kinjiiro
City, on Cmise liny, nnd tlic head of
navigation on tooe river, passing
through a (critic valley iibotit ten miles
in extent tlie distance from fctupitc
City being about twentv mile. She
win also run once a wed. ironi umpire
City to Isthmus Slough a distance ijf
about twenly mites inking frelgltf
and pns..cngers. On the latter route
she will take freight fur ('..quille riwr,
the connection being made by teams.
licsidcs being engaged as a freight and
passenger boat, she will aUo be used
-- .
-o3 K .
S. W. Cor. Montgomery California Bt'i.
Insure neiilnt Lpm or Damnce hr Flu M
Dwellings mid nil klmls of IJultdiiig, '
ml on Mcrchnndia, Household '
Fnrtillnrcnml all other Per
ianal Property at the
Lowest llBtcs. ""
All JLosses I'nyablc in U.
' Gold Coin.
Can. CiiiiisTUNsKN-, I'rehlent
J. GiiKtMuiM, Vice 1're.idei.l
II. RoTiisciitt.ti. Secretory, '
Jacksonville, 0. oc27-tr
r Ootigh.:
It is stcnling IVdrri you your
henllh, which is dearer to you
than nil your wealth. Nine
tenths of tho diseases prevalent
in this climate spring from Colds
and Coughs.
and its BvinicUlirccrs. a scorn and a ' I'"1'"' the work, and thus savetlietown I for towing. beinispeciiillv designed bv
hii-sin-' in the mouths of tho iiont.li. . tin- expeiiK'. I think the Hoard did Mv-J.'."''1' ''"' ,lm.t. I"","'k('' mwr
' .. I. . . .
wisely when, in order to make the en-
t f . "? w
ux ..ii:Mrii.v itiMiii at uiTCii terprise itoiil.lv Hiirc, thev made this
I ow.v. I he following painful details, jluni Bjpniirliuloii. Tax pavet
taken from the Salem J.Wr,l, are in ' mI.oiiI.1 be the !at o to complain,
reference ton daughter of .Mr. Tlio. I ,,r tl.U litil.. ,. i ,....i..
ll..p.ll.l. OI mis COIIUIV. llHMMItlllllt M,e..,Lin.. ulll 1 i;,.i.i Ml
had been insitue from uu eurlv ure. l. i... .i i .. . ,
.Mr. I.itee for that purpose. Timber
are of the bust, white cedar till until
rat bends. When finished, she will
cost about li.',00(. .So miy-h the JUi,
h.y and Srieiitlfit' J'tinn.
More Imiiak Tr.orm.i:s. Tho fol
lowing interesting item is from a friend
in Crescent City, under date ol Oct.
30th. Tho point where the ditlicntty
occurred is on tlie Klamath river, about
twenty miles from its mouth : In nil
probability we are likely to have some
trouble with tho Klamath Indians.
"Win. rUcGarvey bought A. Fnidor'i.
trading post at tho Klamath IJIufl", lo
cated nt Peck wan, nbout two months
ago; nnd week before last .McGarvey
dispatched n boat with five Indians to
get a load of Hour nt this place, nnd in
going out of the river tho boat was
capsized, and the five Indians drowned.
Iliclr bodies have not yet been found.
Their relatives (who are the Coyteps
and I'cekwaiih), demand about si. "thou
sand dollars pay for them ; and it is
pay or fight. McGarvey sent tip hero
for ashistniice, and on receipt of the
tleinaud, dipt. Appleton hcnt I.icut.
Uroom down with twenfy-fivo men;
nlso Hryson and Tucker accompanied
life party. In the mean time, fourteen
of the Schragoin Indians caiuo down
tOIeGarvey'b assistance with Sid. l'ar
rish. There aro but JJvo whito mmi at
tho Klamath JJlutli. Yesterday Limit.
Broom bent up for fifty moro soldiers.;
don't know how it will turn out, but
at any rato 3IcGarvoy will have to
leave tho Klamath.
unjust imputation. This clause nlone " . ,w " mttm ""' '1.,r,y W every year by the ndwintugc of this
wns uiioiiu'Ii to defeat the eonstitutiotial "S "! "ttnek of fever and , breakwnter. ThiiMhe wSmIoiu or the
nme.id.nent, aid to defeat any party ngiie; but, ,e grew ..,,, the dl-imse iran is uvi,,(1 .,.,, mv trMW ,
Calvin IJ. MoDo.vai.o. Tho Union
iet announces that this gifted writer is
to assumo control of its editorial col
umns, commencing on the llthiust.
Wo wclcomo this brilliant nnd fearless
champion of freedom as a tout ally.
His words were inspiration to tho
Union party in California, and wo long
to hear tho Copperheads of this Stato
Rfjuirm undor his biting and withering
BarcuBm. Throw your thunderbolts',
McDonald ; striko homo to the hearts
of tho people ; nervo our party to stand
up again as of old in the glorious cause
of liberty ami human justice, and the
treason-Btnined friends of rubollioii will
crouoh again as they did of yore amid
tho smoke and firo of battle.
who would try to di-''nice our "era 111101
soldier, who returned to their homo
believing they had a just right to do so,
without intending to deert their post.
It i more than probable that the lie
publicans lost in this clause nlone up
wards of thirty tlmti-iitul votes. The
only wonder is, the Republicans have
elected llavs, Governor uf Ohio, bv a
ery small majority. Tho proposed
amendment dixpinlifyiug so inane gal
lant soldiers caiuo vcrv near bcatit."
him. "
In Pennsylvania, the only State of
fice to be filled this Tall was a Judge
of tho Supremo Court. The licpuhli
cans nominated Williams, ol Allegha
ny county, who was wholly unknown
111 me oaiance 01 me Mate, while the
Democrats nominated Judge Seharv
wood, who is profej-or of law in tl...
I Diversity of Pennsylvania, and who,
many years ago, published an edition
of Iilackstone with excellent notes
prepared by himself, which has given
him a national, legal reputation
throughout tho Stute.
In theeitvof Philadeliihia. tin, l!.
ittblicans wero imwiie unouirh to modi.
, 1 , . , , . .1
....... ee a v.oieiu sunpe, Clint it j lw .opriatton show the mjceitv of
beenme neccsnry to procure a l.ino'llml ,Mlllv. T,e money U 1., be',,,,
for her tu the Intone Asylum. On the ,.li...l .,.,. ,i. .Ii..;,.;, .. ,1... . '.
( -. .... .... .. ....,! ..a m- mvi;i
Kaktmun Klihthlvh, l'till reports
of the oleulions held oil the fltlMVere
telegraphed to Portland jul iw we
were ready for jirrss. !ew York has
'.ne Democratic by over as.ft.io.
.Maryland electn the w'holc Demoenitie
tieki. .Mnwmehiinetth gives iiH.000
I(e)itibliuaua majority. Iliinoi nlumt
ii',v". .iiiiiiieom gi'et. lieiiuiiiii.iu.
-... I -. ..-. ...........1 ..a nt kiVVI
. ' , 7 , I, , , v' "' ' """ t'omiiiifciioiier for tho promotion of the "","""" ruuueeii inftjoiity. Kansas
lion but a kind Providence has re- IW,P hlPi.ol1 Xow. w,10 Wl, ( Kepublnmn, but the negro nnd wr,
bevedher, and distreing us it ma v ' t 0(,k at thu matter HiuamK- ., m... ; !'"" tttnv,il' """"' v'nH ,l',,,,",,l I'.v
seem to hor rolativw she is siirulv but. ' . 1 . ' ' 1 ,'"," fi'"" Ut ,0'0ft0 v" " The I.e-i-
ter "III'- ' i tl,!lf W'"h' " UUI l,,,V0 l" "B,i'ry l,,0H' ir.,,',"r" "f Nl' 1"'v IMunenilm.
' 1 tisking aid, the money will be tt-ed for M '"' ''ove 'neral s'vuop-is will bo
.. S,!,!!f'?n l,,,,,y?,,u,;,fl'towiiiiin.uW,iiilv. Agaiu.itisinno- ',''.?l' 'r Demoerafs', and oin-'purtv
siiuo girl who was being sent to the
Insane Asylum. A brother of the
II we will examine the records of all
the uitivii in tho civilized world, wone
young iniiy accompanied nun. am uoi that thev nm enniinnniii- i....ii,... 1
what was necessary and provilling f.fr i tecll"? l"'"I,urt.v bl)tl' l'nvate and
it. Owing to the' frantic infinity of1 l'""die, within their liniiu.
the patient, she was stnipiied down I Thorn are no dmibi nmiiv iwnvnnc !,i
called, who pronounced death not far l"'1!'' lni the probable result of
oil". She was taken into the hotel and "mo ,ru'uteii, being eonstrttcted
died tliere raving mad. Owiue: to su
niruTiiiriiij i.k 1 1 .1 ....... .i:iit 1. . 1 t . - ...
n v :; mh? , "k " " Io" c,lu,ms- Jl w, " v
,, ' i-i'iinu, fill 1 Q
woman could lie not
circumstances of tho
to do it. Tlie !
mate "old party hacks," like Culver i ." 1 T'08 , U, L"", "10 vor.v
Thon.p.01, nnd'Ai.plcgnto, without a ' "":Ii,,,.,"ol-v aml woro llably una
Hinglo soldier on tlio ticket, inopposi-P
Hon to stroiiir war men. who I.miI 1m.h.
good service for tho country in the
field during tho rebellion, this cost
the Itepublicaus in the city o Phila
delphia upwards of fivo thousand
t For tho last thirty years tho fluctua
tions 111 the Keystone' Stato have been
yvi) iviii.irMiu.c, anil every oneexpect
ed her to change a little this Fall on tlie
negro suffrage tptestio.i. In 1830, the
Democratic majorities of Andrew Jack
son wero cut down to less than five
wioiiMiiKi votes, in 1840, she cast her
vote for Genonil Harrison bv a major
lty of three hundred and lortvnine.
Ju 18 H, the -State was regained for
Polk ngaiust Henry Clay for President.
In lb 18, an Huron split tho Demo.
cratto party, and tho Stato was carried
by General Taylor by two thousand
votes over the combined votes of Cass
and an Huron. In isoj, Pierce car
ried tho Stato against General Scott,
(tho V lug candidate), by twenty thou
sand majoritv. In 1850, Uue'hiinnii,
i..,B ..11111,1 n lavonto son, carried
tho Stato against Fioniont and Filmoro
by only a thousand majority. In 1800.
(a freo soil platform), .Mr. Lincoln car
ried 1 cnnsylvania by a majority of
sixty thousand over Douglas, Ilreckin
ndgo nnd Hell. In isou, Pennsylva
ma again went for the Domocraoy. Ju
lUrtl COI'IT.I! Loill! A tiilnnram
dated Weaverville, "tlth ult says the
Klamath Copper .Mining Company, ten
miles south of Orleans Har, have struck
a well defined ledge of copper. J. H.
tonkin, the Superintendent, reports it
as marvolously rich. -Onijoniun,
Tho company, whoso enterprise has
been successfully iwurdcd, havo been
prospecting for tho lodo sinco
with the late iipiironriation niil..l !,.
.. : v
some seventy thousand dollars worth
of private properly, besides all the
county building, two churches, the
Town Hull, and all the town buildings.
Taking nil this into consideration, I
think that tho hum of thirty-lour do'
Ian. 111 currency is not extravagant, as
the town property largely shares in the
protection ollei oil. p,ni
Ko.M) Si'cvEv. .Mr. H.F. Myer,
of Abhland, has boon engaged with a
corps of assistants iii surveying the
road from this town to tho Souther..
irinpoeung ior mo lodo sinco 1803 , " "" '" l,,u "ouuicri
'rohpeeting was first suggested bv the , ry1of ,ho S,Bte' Tl, H,"vy l
. 1' r . . . .T lenilllllf.ll.il nn.l ll... ..I... !
finding of a large bduldur of native
eopper weighing over one hundred
pounds, by sumo miners who were'
working in a ereek a short distance !
fw.. ...1 1... 1.1. 1 - I
win mik-iu nm luuo nns uceii lound.
This hjiucuueii, wo boliove, is still on
exhibition nt tlio saloon of Bryan Bros.
(Suiisomo St.), San Frangisco.
Uksioni:i.- Hon. Krasmtts D. Stmt
tuck, Judgo of tho Fourth Judicial
wiBinui, uas resigued lus position as
coinpieteil nud the plats will soon bo
on 1110 111 tlie Clerk's ollice. The dis
tames from hero to tho Stato lino nro
as follows : To Vandyke's, seven miles ;
to Plueni.v, nine miles; to Ashland!
Bixteeu and 11 half miles; to Toltnan's,
twenty and a half miles; to the Moun
tain House, twenty-five miles; to the
Toll House, twenty-eight miles; to tho
me, iniriy-iournnd three quarter miles.
If 1 quite n crooked road to travel, hay!
Judge of the S.qiromo Court and of !"grvcro"el,'"l'la't'vei,tynngli.s
hib vim mm v.ouri 01 me stato of I
gon. The resiL'tiiuent is nn din ;..
111 01 : ,, . ,. -.' "".
On,."1 tuat l"ftauce, and tlioso who trnv.,1
gon. J lie resigi.mi.nt is on file in the ,t.c1i'". l'rdly lie under tho imputation
. , . ,.-- .....v l 1 ui '
iieccmuer ensuing. Mate Journal
A foji may excel in dross, but address
is tho characteristic ofn geutlcmaii.
A npw tele;
j nud Oioyoii
telegraph ,oiljcoi has b
AS'jJtimd.u-.ijut iC'eun ,Sal
1 C uv. "'
ni'i:i:n Aoai.v. On Tuesday, last,
the new house of S. Abraham tit Can
yoiiville, built on the same hjmt of 1 hero
ecu t former lire, wts burned to the
ground. 1 itdouliiedlv the work of'an in
cendiary. Vigilant measures will betak
en to ferret out the oflender. JIum
Iwij Jiittiyn.
T. H. Fund was charged with burn-
ing the botiso and was arrested accord
ingly. O. Jacobs, of this place, wns
umployml for tho defence. Fnrrel had
Ids examination before tho Justices
court 011 the 5th inst., nud was bound
over to answer at the next term of the
Circuit Court. AVo understand that
tho evidence is circumstantial.
Coii.px'r m! Pi.avi:i.. Upin Idaho,
a Uiiifamau married a squaw, and by
and by people noticed plenty of Iii-
mmi iinoui.iiiore, nut at length the
squaw was missing. Tho neighbors
nquired what had become of her, nud
ho Mild : " Ho belly good squaw, but
one day his fader come, next dnv his
mudder come, next his Histei, dei. his
brttddor come, den all his folks come-.
deyeatnpall my grab, nnd mo no
eatchoe inouco; so I gotto mad nnd tell
him nud nil of 'em to po to hell, dev
couldn't play me for u Chinntnun no
Whoever wrote thu following 1111
quostioiinbly uttered a truth which
many have learned to their cost
"Disconttiming i ndverttne 'is like
faking down one's sign. It is a sort of
intimation of retirement ,fio.u business,
nnd the public treats It as such, or they
inay regard it us evidence ihnt some
thing has gono wrong which requires
privacy for investigation. Whatever
construction is put ,,0 Jt 10 ,.ei)Uit
m disastrous."
Wiii:,:i.ixo Nov. l.Tho fntelllyen.
er estimates that -the Senate of West
ifginia will stand tu-.iiM.....i.i:
n.wl a 'J "IMIllllVllllll
a o hQ PitV '"1 tho House
it 'out tho oamo as lmtycar-r0rtv.lniir
"cpuoiicans to cloyeu Democrats.
Challcngos tho World
To priulucv ntijtlilni: la tlic flinju. nr Modlcliitf
tlmt ulll U'limvr nml t-i mlk-ali' n Cinif;li or run
inula tlie Cliw(,n rotiiit. no nmttcr vlmt
inrni me niM-nfe nngiii iimuiiio. 'IIcnlf'
Royal llalsalii" l (In; l.pt Xcilleliic Id tic
ttiirlil fur Ilrnnclilul nr rulmiinarjr nffrtKooi.
For Crimp or IIuhjiIiij; OiuiijIi. there i nothing
1111 rnrlli 'tlmt run eiUnl It. All miitlicr' ml
niirstis oil(,'ht In Imvu n liottlu clo-u by llicm U
will give 11 clillil relief In twu iiiIiiiih. It (
ntlruly vckcIuUu, nnd Kill irovc 11 Lk-wlng lo
tlm human family.
For (ho IJeiieil! of S111T11 hip Uu.
in n 11 lty.
riiuii M11. Tmivtju.-UYIiave ii((1 Uvnlrr's
He) id lliilnitn Ii my (tinlly ll.U uliilir. There
l nn nw In tultluif 1 H'thro evi rjililiijr in
lliulisi' iifdiimli .Mullolie In th slinil" Hint
I ever mov. My wk win lninlilil with ii.llm.a
ur rniiithprhii; mh'II Inr Tr. nuj ennlil nt
imlliiiii; tolmii' iiu.v vtli'cl tuitll I nuick lhi
Iliiyul lliil.iim " She l idih iilmtit will, ll
iiipmI nn- or tie Mimt cutil 1 cut hml In my
lire In liiuhl, Whi'iiiter inirrlillilrt'ti l.wre nuy
lhlii) lll.e 11 courIi. it fi-w drop civil 1111 (ailng
In Intl. tlml If Ihr ik of the congili. I nctr
liitt'inl tu be Wltlnuit It In lie- limit-.
II. THOMAS. tU r" !"
, From Judgo Knrqimra.
I liaritifi'il "Il"iilry's Uj.jhI ll.il.mn." my
i'll mill In my fmnlly, utid il.nl it n llr.luit
ittcillcliic Inr UiiiikIik nml CnlJ. I liyn liy it
uumiuiiiiil It tu thii litiM.c.
Prora Mr. Pittoch.
W't! Imte 11.nl snmu of "Ilvnli-y" Ileyulllil
Mini'' In my fmnlly. ami Ihllik it u r'.lend.d
tiuillolnn leriililliluu, ui v.i'll u lnr ciuun ti
nn.. For OiiiiuIi uml t'nld. 1 irmly ru'nui
aiuiiil it tu the public.
it. rirrocK.
Wrom F. DEVITT, Horehont.
Tn the I'ulillr --I liml n UmI ohiIi fnruloii;
time. A 'friend 11 r uiil nm in vi a Louie ol
llfiilejTi' Itvui lluNflin." Ilr mM Ilrnrul
lilm. 1 u)l n iiuttte, mill Hire 1'imi.L'b lljiuil u
-ilmlM HUri It ilrlnl I Im roub up In n
hurt time. I beiehy ricvPiiinaul It tu the pub
lic. r. PiWITT.
l'ur fale In JnckouIIlc by
jit hock wiist nr
Ktaitr j-. 23. wniTii.
or rnu rixi:sr lot or
Pants, Coats and Vests,
Tlic finest foods I Imu in More
As nr'tr urrr Mm in lou litTure;
Conic all, mill pet your gurmcols mitt
For how's I lie lime, I'm on llic trade ?
Your interest now do not iicflrct,
Hut get your dollies without ileftft
Some FIT for dress nt bull or church,
Ur fushion'll I fine you in (lie turrit.
Come one eome nil, come big nm! small
Tail, short. Iran, fat, I'll suit you all.
Tlie hot or flu I'll titiatmiNc!
If you don't brllrvn lt,coui midttc.
1'veclutlt nullah lo cloth' jouoll.
I'unhloiia rur Wl, ter, Hirlii; mul 'uf
hogUe III liiulcrtlKiittl cull.
Fblnable Tllor, on CallfornU Si.
Oiinoslto U, 8. Hotel.
October IT, lbCT, ' l20mS
Hlviiu to nil vhom ,it imiy coucern. ii
Ihu undcrslgued lmvo been owiolnlrf Ww0
tors pr tbc eMutc pf J01IK S. 1.0)
til, by tho County Pour t of Juckou couiiJi
Orottwn, uiid every 0110 bavtiiB clulw f.''
lil Matc, are reijuu.ted loiirv'eiiMlilcliuB'i
lli the proper voucberg tlierufnri l( '!,
ileljjnKl, m Jackminvllle, Jackgu ojiin1;.
Slale of Oregon, within nix months In"" w
(lulu of thlii nntloe,
JOHN H. Ultl'SI,
U.WlIi I.INN',
Anil, further, all tliono inrtubtea lo K
of Uu& Uilnrr.Mii wquwU-il "" l
w aril mid mako iimacdiulv u)Wl-wf
tluuiutit cuuuot uo uu without H, ,
OcloU-r iUth, 18C7. o6wi
iycrt Qhony Paotorat