TjTrwjfP JW" m oRECflN mnm Satckhay Morning, Oct. 28, 1807. Thosk Cigars. Isidor Caro, the prince of toy men, gladdened the print ers this week by the presentation of a, box of his, finest cigars. They are nice and no mistake. If there is anything that will tonch the sympathies ot the nmatciir smoker, it is the burning of such smokers as Care's. By tho way, not changing the subject at all, but speaking of cigars brings to mind the fact that Mr, C has not only a large nmotint ol tho best cigars of every brand for pale, but also a thousand other articles, to numerous to specify, but which arc netful, or beautiful and ornamental. Liberal men arc almost without exception liberal dealers. He iilucs an "Annual Proclamation" this week, more important to tho people ol Jaekscn county than A. J's. American Exchange. We to-day advertise this splendid house. It is located on Front Street, Portland, and wc know from personal experience that the travclor cannot find better accom modations, or more pleasant and atten tive people, than are found at the American Exchange Hotel. Quimby, the proprietor, lias made hotel keeping his speciality, and ho understands the business well. Guests and their bag gage are drawn to aud from the steam vr 'landings in a new and splendid ha Xcl coack, and arc spared the vexatious dncident to-public conveyances. O.v tiik Move. Mr. T. G. Devon. informs ns ' that everybody out on Uutte Creek h getting into a fever to move out inte tho Klamath Lakecoun try. Mt. D. has just returned from Oiorc, -and -sa-fi clutius jire being staked off c wry . A Good Time Cuiicv., Hoys. Ih to-day's pupcr will lie Jolind an adver tisement ot a ball, to It given by Louis Herliug, on the Nth itit-t., and ctery body know that he never does things by halves. Come, boys, "grease your shirt bosom, starch your hair" and go, and our word for it, you will be as hap py and light hearted as a flea on a dog's ear. m To the Pt'iiLic. By request, the subscriber-will gio two discourses at the Court I!ouc, Jacksonville, on Sun day, October Cth, 1607. One at 10 .o'clock A. M. and the other nt 7 o'clock 3. ,M. Subject of the first uTlie Go yel o Health ;" text, Luke, Dth chare ttratid 2d verse. Subject in the even ing Nature's Plan in Accidents and JEuit'ijrencies." All jK.rons are cor- dially invited to attend. John Bucson. Ve owe the utilitarian poet of the City Drug Store an apology for not noticing his hparkliug production last week. Wc will endeavor to make .amends, however, by haying that it is still be found in our adertibiug col umns. They can sell goods ns well as write poetry. It's your treat, Jeems. Laiigb Siock. Mr. John JIcLaugh 'liu has just returned from San Francis co, whither he iias been to purchase a winter's ktoek of liquors and cigars. His old cutlomeni are ar-ureil that his bar will now bo furnished with the best in the market. G. T. T. C. D. S. We huve received a line from the individual who gave us the above tuysterous letters for in sertion. Jle informs us that he will be in town next Saturday, from eight o'clock A. M. to eight P. M., to make explanation. Chalk. Mr. Dcvcns informs us that on Lost Itiver, about one hundred miles from here, lie saw a large bed of superior white chalk. Roskuuku Octoiieu 3d, 1607. On tho evening of September 27th, this valley was visited by a severe hail storm, accompanied by a vast amount of thunder aud lightning. Solomon D. Wilhainsou, one of our best citizens, and an old pioneer of the Umpqua valley, died at Oakland on the 20th ult S. F. Chad wick, lias just returned from the "Bohemian" mining district, more firmly impressed than ever in the belief that those mines are the richest in gold and silver, of any yet discover ed on this coast. Among tho scores ol matrimonial ex periments in this valley, of late, is that of our venerable City Father, Aaron Rose, of Itoseburg, to tho young Miss .Frances E Carrington, of Looking Glass, which marriage is said to hauu taken place about the middlo of Sep tember. g Roskbpro Swt. 2flth, 1.887. Capt. II. A. Cowlcs died last night at Salem, where ho had removed some time since, in hopes to recruit his fccblo and fast declining health. Capt. Cowlcs was one of the old " Pioneers" of Ore goncame across tho plains in tho "Rifle Regiment," in 1847, settled in the Umpqua Valley in 1850, had an ex tensive acquaintance upon this coast, and was universally popular with all who knew him. Ho has filled several prominent and responsible offices. Was a captain in tho " Oregon Cavalry" and at tho time of his death was Clerk ol Douglas county. His death is deeply felt by all who knew him. Ho hed from an affliction in tho hip, supposed to have been caused by a gun shot wound, received while in the Mexican war. He has been nearly helpless for three vears. S ' Dr. Mirawaburjr Again t Dr. fhrtwttarr Is town, ai4 bu optnM Mi offlct it fcjulre Hoffman's o!S, anil wftl optnlt la bit Ho frr few osts onljr. Thiv dMlriog il ntat rptratloiu. Is an of lu Tartou branchM, will fit hot 4Ur, but tall, Mrljr M lo ttoc. tor will rtmaln bit V frw dys. Dr. S. has krorabU atasalntaar of tn ytars on thli roast, at an titmrit atd tkiUfdl dcotUt. MARRIED. KAIILtn-OOLMnr At tht rwHrnesef Wm. Robin on, on A rH -.!', Oct. Sd, 1M7. lyll-t. O.W. Rootk, Mr. nnr Kahtrr and Mlu U OrtMtr, IIOrrWAS- IIARKWKLL At 1'orlUod, Srrtrmbtr Z4th, Ittr. Castration, Mr. C. R. ilofftnan and MImM.C. Bark rlt. DIKD. MCKISSICK-tn JwknnTlll. SrrtrmWr 50th, Nirtba Ann, contort of W, K. MeKluIck, fJ 3 jrars, month and 77 din. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. XOTICE OF TOWN ELECTI0X. NOTICE IS HEREBY RIVEN, TIUT A special election will be held Tuesday, Oct. Mb. If-C", In tbe town of Jacksonville, to elect one Trnstee. to fill a vacancy In the Hoard. Tbe polls will be opened al tbe usual place for holding Town Election opening at tbe hour of 10 o'clock, A. M., and aud doting at 3 o'clock I M. By order of tbe Board of Trustees, Jackson ville, Sept. M, 25, lf-67. DAVID LINN, Treildcnt. U. S. IIAYDEN, Recorder. w2 Annual Proclamation ! READ! READ! NOW, THEREFORE. THAT ALL MAY be benefited. I I8ADOR CARO. by virtue of tbe power reposed la me as pro prietor ol the VARIETY STORE, Corner Oregon and Califonia Streets, do proclaim, that I bare taken great palos la svlrcilng my stock of Fsmllr Grocerclts, 'lobarcn, Cigars, Mecrcrmum, Wood and Imitation Pipes, Csodiet, Null, Playing eard. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. FUblop'lai'klf, Clulb and Tooth Droihes, Feather Duaters, Album. (from 81 tn 82) and oilier articles, the nnmWr of which ! so eimi, that spice l ii'it inluclent tornumrule. I will say. however, that among oilier articles, I have Tery large stock of TOYri. FANCY ROODS. WILLOW WARE, JKWKLRY. LAM PS 4 CHIMNEYS, OILS. PAINTS. GLASS. POWDER. SHOT. Lead, and large and well selected assortment of Cutlery, Spectacles, Spr-Glats, and a great many other articles. Cume. tri-rybody. and examine my goods be fore "folog duwu" after yonr spare cash. MT MOTTO IS, -LARGE SALE AilD MM ALL PROPITw.M ISADOR OARO. JacksmTlllf. Oct. S, 18C7. if AMERICA EXCHANGE, Corner of Washington and Front 6treeti, PORTLAND, ORRGOS. L. P. W. "qU IMBY, f-aTe or Ttis: "Wcstksx Hotel," Portukd,) H AVIXG TAtfEN THE ABOVE nOUSE, and entirely REFITTED AS'D REFURXISU EV It, Is cow prepareo to receive aud accommo date bis frle&ds and foTmer patrons, and tbe trai-elllns; public. For aafnty lo the event of firo. and for tbe ceneral eonrnlace of guests, a SECO.VD PASSAGE hu L'eo opened to tbe SLEEl'ltV Al'ARTilEh'S, wi.lcb are comino dloua and rspcclal arranged for tb aecommoda-llonoffamllh-s. WAHM (JOLD BATHS attached to tbe bouse. Tkla kttM la located wsnr Ik sXearaboaC Zudlnf; than mny thrl forUand, THE HOTEL COACH will be In altettdauce at tbu iMVeral Landings to convey itueets and tbelr basigaKe lo and from tbe boune fKEE OP CHARGE. Tbe house has a larxe.Fire-Froof Baft lor valuables. Tbe 1'roprlator will uudertake tbt nothing shall be left wvUm to render bi bouae attractive, and guests coasforlable. octitf WM. HOFFMAN, VOTA1T rVBLZO, CONVEYANCER a A a V. 8. Circuit CMrt CHaalMiBer For tbe District of Oregon. orriCE rirat Vr Bert mt Mks4n's Deeds and other Ustranvnis of- wrltlog care fully propared,, and acknowleddesat-nts taken. Applications for Houeataad Eo tries, Fre eaiptlou Klgbu and Private astry of land pro- Jaeioanvllle. Angvst 4, UC, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 2' "" "'''" r "i j- Qrover A Baker's! ELASTIC STITCH ' FAMILY mm machines; Art) tht baa In )th I ren Thb roLLowiNo rONa, 1 4 ' ? Tht ara more ln;U and Parable h easier ku In order, raak a atroncrr 1 1 and mora tltitle stltth, a Ctntr and , i nor braatlfot Seam tho an? other. ' Tkeyalw alt faWtlt fryn two nu', X tsna t pool a. require no rv-wluilln( ol tkread, faatcn both cndi af Xi mro.1 "I T tbelr owrrtitentlan. and tboiu-hl L ever flrth stitch Is cut ta (ran will I ' not rip. " r , i i l i , Thoy Stitch, I loin, Foil, i i , Cord, Bind, Tuck, Quilt, Gather, Braid, and Em broider. No olhcr rna- chino Embroiders a3 v.'.3l) ns sows porfoctly. ' J;cr'cA C rover &, On NHW STYLES SHUTTLE HACSIIKS i Tor Manirfaciuripf;, i Conblna the mot t modern and Mien I tlal ImprovnnrnU. The attention h renuralM of 1 Tallow. Manuracliirers of Ioot I i and 8hiMt. Carrlare Trlmmlnc. I Ciotnlnfr.ami u ollirrs rvjulrlng , lite tuc or me moil nreeure Lock Stitch MacIlBC-s , To them New Style, which poo unmistakable advantage orer all otiKrs. 1 AgtaU wanted for Um sulo of tho QROVER i DAKR ISEWIH& MACHINES,' I In errrr fitr and Town r.nt now re- I I prt'ented. Fur trnni aud elrcolara I auolr ta ' V R. (?. nROWX, Afrcnt T til Montgomery St., San franclsee. coriLLiox r.Rrr, Mondar ErcBins; October II, '07, r lLiMiffiB rT if ' EW i5 AT IlERLLVG'S, I'OORMAX'S CHEEK. Tbe undersigned hereby nollflrs his friends and tbe public generally, that he will Rive a Grand Rait at his place, tao and a half miles Mrst of Jacksonville, on tbe evening above mentioned. There Is room for everybody, aad nothing will be left undone that will accommo date bis gut'ts. L. HEIILING. Proprietor. OZ111AT SPORTSMAVEHPORIIM. rsnilE CNDKltStdNKU IIKfrCCTri'LLY lMOItXS I JL lh I'uUlr and Mi frln. yfiiroUr. that li lu I liitlr Urn In Saa franclKo, hrt l UrlrlaKl ' toitnitnt vt An aifl cunivn rlA. bl Hun, rrfuhrrt , of MditT.irni klnil., drrrliiftrs "f lh llt Mltrrn, anil all llri.l. ol ininiun II n; lath tartrMgri, j , dtr,Uut; m. tKJtr.nki,tbvt', buutluebsauf ttrrrwrt auJaira. All orilrr lll It S1I1 llb prompts", nrtni tnj dl.palch, Thtnuinufittorlnf ir nt tldn lll ! doo at Hit bvrtnl noilrs, nJ In III nil appruaxl lilt. Oral.ful tor pait pativhxt, I rll fully K.IIHI a rontlnntnc of tb lanf. Sbvp at ItMldrnr on Third Strt, tint dr autitli if II, r. Iull' U r.Blc. ' JOHN MILLER. tt'brBtli,lU. If. SU)IMONS.-In tbe Circuit Court of tbe Stale of Oregon for tbe county of Jacknoo. Action at Law to Keeorrr Money, i John Long plaintiff, vs. J, Wetterer aud Jobn I Wlnljen. IMmdant. To John IMJrii : You are required lo appear In said Court and answer lb complaint of said plalnlltf Mini agaimt you, Hliblii tu daya (rum Hie time of the service ol Ibis summons on you, If rvtd within said county, or If served on yon uliblu any other county In Ibis Klatc, then wiihlu twenty days from tbe time of the service, or if M-rreii on you out of tbe elate of Oregon, then It l urcltrrd by tbe Court that publication be mide lor six weeks in the "Oregon Sentinel." trior to tbe second Monday In NovtmUr, A. I), 1807 ; and you are nollrkil, that II' you (all to aiirwrrsaid complaint, as above required, the plaintiff will apply lo lie Court for the relief de umuiltd therein, to-wit: for a JuiIgtmntaKal'i't you for the sum of four bundrH and elKbly. eil dollars and fill c-nls$b7 ouj.wllblu ieret Ibi-reon, at tbe rale ot 2 per cent, per muiitb from the 21st day or July, A. D, ISo'J and the cot aud dlburenivnU of Ibis action to bo taxed. Uj order or tbe Court, Given undrr my baud. Ibis 3rd day of Oclo Ur, A. D. U67. O. JACOttS, Atl'y for l'f1, SUMMONS. In Ibe Circuit Court ol the iJlale of Oregon for tbe county of Jacksoo, Suit in Equity lo Quiet Title. I'. F. McManua plaintiff, vs. Win. A. Owen and 1 Jobn i'awpaw, defeudaota. To Jobn Pawpaw ; You are n quired to tpprar In said Court, and answer tbe complaint of f aid plaintiff, Died I against you, within 10 days from the time of tbe service or tois summons on you, it served witn. In said county, or If served on you wltbln any other couulv In Ibis Slate, then wllbin twenty days from tLe time of tbe service, or if served tu you out of the State of Oregon, then It is or dertd by tbe Court that publication be made for six weeks In tbe "Oregon Seutiuel," prior to tlitr secoud Monday lo November. A. D. Ilt.7. And vo.'l are notified that If vou fail to auswer said complaint, as abMre required, t'ue plaintiff will apply to tbe Court for the relief demand' d therein, to-wlt : for a decree for an uudlvivlded ooe-balf of thf properly described therein, and tor a perpetual Injunction at asked therein, aud tbe ooaU and disbursements of Ibis suit to be taxed. By order of ibe Court. Giveo under my baud, tbl 3rd day of Octo ber, A. D. 18C7. O. JACOBS, Auy.or Ptt. FA Hit MR SALE. Tbe undersigned offers bis farm, situated on Applegate creek, In Josephine county, for sale. It Is pleasantly located, and well adapted for grain raising and stock growing, as It has a splendid outlet to tbe surrounding foot bills. For further particulars, enquire of tbe subscri ber, on tbe premises. (VM. KOWNsON. Applegate, Oct 3d, 1867, octftwt AN ORIGINAL POEM. KIX Tit J.AJ WIIO WROTK tT. Soma write for fun, woVibme for'KAe, And soma to make Splutter ( Bat we, like all true poets, claim To write for breed tod butter. Thus too see our vtry laudable object of do Ing good to ourselves, If we banoot do good to an y body else. We only wish to hare It known, That all on r goods mtur sen, And tbco the people " wl" come You bet tbey will. Thus giving us a floe opportunity of saak log noocy. Yc'vc fancy 8oaps sod good Cologoc, And Hair Oils by the dozen An endless lot of good Perlumrs, Put up by old II, LUztn. Thus giving all the young folks an opportu nity of becoming "swcet-Kenled." We have Restorers for the Hair, Much belter than your dye ; We've preparations for the Ear, And lotions for the Eye. Thus giving old mnlds and cutty bachelors an opportunity of tiling up for the matrimoni al market. We've Drugs and Books; we're Oils and Pdlcts. And UlnVeln of all kind's) We'vo Nostrums good for all complelnls, And sell tosuitlho times. Thus giving old and young so opportunity for speculation. Now, all who have the ready cash Can call around lo-morrow, For they can And lust what they want Much cheaper Inao lo borrow. And will thus give the City Drug Store fel lows a fine opporiunlly tn display their ex tensive slock of NEW GOODS to much bet ter advantage than they could possibly do on paper. They will tay, however, that they nave a fine assortment of PHOTOUHAM ALBUMS, from 82 25 to St 50 for 50 pictures,' Gold pens, Ink Stands, Rules, Fancy Pen holders, Paper weights, Letter Clips, Bored Clips, Ink Erasers, Paper Splitters, Sealing Wax, Portfolios, Port monies, Wnllei', Purses. Pockrl Bimks, Crayons, Pencils of every description, Red, B u lilack and Copying Inks, Chalk Lints, Fishing Tackle, Violin Strings. Tall boards and Rosin, School Hooks of every variety al rnlncnl prlcrs, Copy linoki in variety, Slates, Parlor Giimes, ami u thousand other things In I his line, tlmt can be seen by calling at the City Drug Store. Among the staple articles may be lound Pepper. AlispUr. Nutmegs, Maee, Clover, Cinnamon, Cassin IIuJi, Ginger, Mustard, Cream of Tartar, Ssleralns, Bread preparation (something new) Extracts of Lemon, Vaontlla, lore, Orange, Caltry, etc. Psarl Bari.kt, Hlchiko tx Ball, Plastkk Paris and Coal Oil. We would call on our friends lo give us a cull. If we can't sell I hem anything, we will lake crsat pleasure In showing I hem some thing new. SUTTON K 1IYDK. Joeksnnvlllf.Sepl.2fi. IPG7. UNIOx LIVERY, SALE & EXCHANGE STABLES. IS 1 Comatock fy Caw ley, .Proprietors. The proprietors have recently purchased the above well-kiiuwn stand, situated on the corner California Vlth SMrrrts, Where tbe very best of horses and buggies can be had at all times, at reasonable rates. Their stock of roadsters caunot be equaled In tbe Slate. IIOHHKN UUAUOKU On reasonable terms, and the best care and at tention bestowed ..pon them while under tbelr cbsrge. AUo Harass nought and Hold. ilelng satisfied that they can give satisfac tion, the proprietors solicit the patronage of tbe public. Jacksonville. Nov.iM, ISCG. decllf 1 ' ' i Notico to Holdtra of Coun ty OrdtrH ! STATE OF OREGOX. I couxtv of JosEPinsr.. ss. Persons holding the following County Orders are, hereby notified to present tbe same for pay merit : Is os. 20J, 183 presented UecrmU-r 7, IM8: No. 408-presented January L' 1859 : No. 377 pre senlid January 19, ibi'J ; N. :7ft presented March 7, 1850 Nos. 470,415,45., 423. 455. 479, and Vj5-pr.cnled April 7, I85 Nos. 482, i'nii and 484-preseutid April 9, 1859; NO. 40ti-preented April 16, U59. No Interest will bi allowed on tho orders after tbls date. JOHN DOLT, County Treasurer Klrbyvllle. Sept, 17. 1MT. sepVllf CLAIMS! CLAIMS I AT WASHINGTON CITY, D. C. MV BUSINESS id riUOil THAT I WILL neceasarily be detaluvd In Wasbliigton City uolil next Jprlug ( beuce, I will bo enallnl to atteud to all collections enlru'ted to my care giving tbem my personal alleullon. All who have claims for aollvclion, or any olln-r legal buslaes lu the Atlantic Hlaies requiring alien tlou, are solicited to forward tbem Immediately to me, CI leu Is la Jackson County can get as sistance In preparing tbelr papers, by applying to I), it. Q. Gault, al uy oflke. lo Jacksonville. Address J3. p4 TJOWELL Washington City, O. 0. Ayer'i (kthtrtlo Pills. James T. Guns',' John 8. Drcx Alcxanhkr Martix. GLENN, DRUM &' CO., GENERAL MERCHANDISE CALIFORNIA STREET, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. NEW FIRM, NBW GOODS aslNDst NEW PRICES! LOW PRICES WILL WIN ! TIIK AI10VK NAMBD FIUM take tileasiire In liolirylng their friends ami the public generally, that they arc now receiving and opening a very 'largo aud ex tensive stock of STAPLE DRY GOODS, BEADY MADE CLOTHINO, HATS AND CAPS, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM CLOTHS, 11 LAN IC UTS, HOOP SKI UTS KTC, KTC. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes. Mr W Imve. nlsn, in coi'tieetlnn lilt "tfifl fSr the ulmve. n wty largr iiinl mX& Icy eXlPliSlveslirkof rhnln! 6Xl faJ (irno'rles, llurilAiiri', YM 3Qr Qiin-nsware, ia Wr t J lii 'Xa J6V warc.CiilIery, "ta y lisiiil hsiiI OtU; ssls-vs. -Xrdai ftayWIndow ll'iiss, Nails, Inii"u93 Sr Mfil Sltvl, t'lfl ami fill I "Xtfll SHr Plows, U'oodi-ii ami Willow wurr, -tta We are rrndv tn sell anvlhliig In our llni'iil Ihc I.()WI:stL'ASII IMHCK. iVrssm wMiluir lo buy itimmN, will llmt It urrnlly In lln-lrw-l-vantage lo I'Xatnliii our slock ln-fin piittlni. lug elsenhin. as wenre ileleiiiilnnl nut lu be undersold by nuy linii'e In JurkHiii county. Give na a call, ami then jinljro lor yourself as to our cupaclly to fiirnMi good us abut v. GLKXN, DKU3I, & Co. Jacksanvllle. March i. 18H7. tf Unvls' Vcgclublo Tain Killer! Ttkcn lot rnally, cures SUDDKN COLDS, COUGHS, FBVKlt AND AHUK, DVSPKPSIA, ASTHMA AND IMITIII8IU, LIVER COMPLAINT, ACID STOMACH, HISADACUK, 1NDIOKSTION, HKAHTIIUHN, Canker In the moiilli L. stontncli, OANKHIl HASH, KIDNEY COMPLAINTS, l'llrs, SEA-SICKNJUiS, HICK IIKAKACIIK, CRAMP AND PAIN IX THE S7VMACII, DIAUUIIOKA, DVSKNTKItV. Sl'MMKK COMrUINT, CIIOLUHA 3IOKHUS, Oholora Xafasitmm 4k, Cholera. Applied externally, cures SOAZDS, A UltNS, yrtosT bitks, 0IIILIILAIN8, SPHAIN8. HRUIHK3, WHITLOWS, FELONS, IJolls, Old Sores, lilugworsm, IIKADAOIIK, NKUHALUIA IN TIIK PACK, TOOTHACHE, PAIN IN TIIK SIDK, PAIX IX THE OA'fK AND WINS, Neuralglo or Rheumatic Pains In Ihu Joints or Limbs. STINGS OF INSECTS, SCOIU'IONS, CENTIPEDES, Am) be bites of poisonous Iuhxi and veno- mou repilles. lyirii Ghmj PtctortL ITHE LATEST DISCOVERY! Enraka ! Bnrka ! FOUND AT LAST t The placo whero goods nro not only Hold CHEAP, but Cheap er tlmn tho Cheapest in this market. Whtrt ? Whtra 7 At no other place than at SACHS BROS.' TEMPLE OF FASHION. We having recelredamuch finer stock o( Fall and Winter Goods Than ever before, now emclonsly Invito all to comu and fentl on Ihu wonders of our display. Cnnlotis Kfluslons of DIti:S3 000D3 In all styles but the old. Woolen Good, nonpareil. Lcidies&ohildran'a Oloiki lire liner, cheapi-r nint i.'r styles than any lo Ibis market. Our Ladies &ohildran'a HntN- Iho-e b.-ftullfiil IIUTl,i:UKLIiy"-dtd not emiii' iiikiiihI Ibe llnru, but arrlvttl by last alenni'r, direct Irum Now Vurk. Our Ladiea&ohildren'a Shoes nre rblrfly of Callrnrtila maniifacluro, aud su perior lu any brought here. Our WlllTKOOOnS, FA NOV GOODS, TIUM.MINOS,ETO., Is-lnir from anroivn house In Ptn Kranclsco, ire an- iimM d li ll n 111 it to tower limn any other linn In J.iok'-rnrlll". MP ri.ilTIIINtJ, UOOTSANU HATS, It Is will kuiitvn Ibnt wo brlbg only the vary Iniiptu d lf. l)e, uud sill litem at prices be yond competition, GROCERIES, LIQUOR8& TOBACCO nil! bo sold at rt small adranco on San Francis eo rnl. This Is no blarney. We rn prenartil In prove all ttu stale. And If, after llils glnrlniis "cniin clallnii,' yen tt III rmnu nml look, then mot i ' yon v Hill Ht m r i illy Hill t iHinlgiiiiuily sinlln ; mid if, fur Hut. you hhoiilil liny, Mill uurrilly laugh very Iniirllly. Solay not! SXaston! Has tea to SA.OI-IS I3HOS' $3 Cheap Cash Store. Jncksoiivllle. Sept. Vfl. T8C7. CRAFENBURC UTERINE Cntholicon, If faithfully ucil according to directions, will cure every ense or Diabetes, and grrsllymltl gale the troublesome rllrcts caused by u relax ation (i I the oiiilel dI I In- bladder. It Is a must siiccemful remidy fur (J ravel ami oilier distance of the Kidiiiya and HtaiMrr, und fur female ill esrs is uniiiialled. Thu UATIIOLICON iinifiiriiilly cures I'rolupjus. Uuri, Whiles, all Irregularities of the Mouihly Turns, Suppres sion, Incontinence of Urine, llloallng and drop bIchI Hwelllngs, and all diseases of l'rrgnancy. The spcclllo action of ihls medicine Is initneJI ntr und certain upon tbe Ulrrlne and AUIom Inul Muscles and Ligaments; restoring them lo as Iii-mII by a stale us those ol childhood and llmt pullniii who have used tho (JHArxMiKiuj l'oMfAMr's Utkhisr Uatiiom i'an cunrml sufliciently cxpreu their gratitude lor the rrliffuM'.iiihil. ItKIHNHTO.V .t CO., Agents, 410 and 4 IB, Front Hi. Kan Francisco. Ahoad of all othera ia the 'Martha Washington HAIR RESTORER. a runrrrr HAIll AND 1IAIII DHEa9EK lloili roniltliioil In mm. Truil noolhtr, l.o'r iUmiiI y"if Call !' bit II U ktiuiiti Ti It ait I lr ki It r..ut "Um Hit Mullia W aalibIM.N Torntr tbouMt.J trmliiJ us lial a ik.1.1. lot It's itu'l. uivir I.4II w Wklnl ui, Milk Ikilf ll...ill ttu.rJ. Will keep the hair soft and glossy, II change gray balr to Its original color, prevent Ibe hair from falling out or get la ting tblu, make old beads look young, and do all that can be reasonably eipeotcd of u u a genuine, first-rale Hair Kestorer. All who have ured It pronounce II superior lo everything of Ibe kind, and belug a perfect Hair Dresier at well as a perfoct llulr llcitorcr, H h an acquliltlon to ev tlyu Try ery toilet, Kcdlnglou X Co., Whulssalo Agents, Sao Frwelsco, It. I '.i '