! t'.. The Power or JLlfe. Last year n tiny lenf-btul Pooned from'thc old loafs stalk, And all through the noisy Winter It hoard thu wild winds talk. It hoard them raging and boasting How they swept (load things away ; Put it only'kcpt growing, growing, It could' wait, it was"strongcMhan they. For the power of life was stirring Its leaty sheaf within, Growing, over silently growincr, Through all the storm ami din. Till now, one fair Spring morning, The powers of life will wako; Thov will touch il, will softly kiss it, Till its last soft fetters break. Tho old leaf will fall, and the leaf sheaf, The young leaf spread glad and green, And gazo on the sun in his beauty Without a veil between. For the Lord of Life is working, And his strongest force is life; Ever with death" it wageth Silent, victorious strife. And Truth is stronger than Falsehood, And needs but an open field ; jum J.ovc is stronger wiiiii iiuircu, And Lovo will liovor yield. , -For God is Love, and ho Hvoth, And life is his living breath ; And one breath of life' is stronger Than all tho hosts of Death. THE LATE RUSH! Hsllo! ITsu-otl What's au. ints Koisn ? And whttiiis bwh 'mo.xost hkx and cots? Has Okn. Hallkck conk to town? Or his sojik NKwqtMnrz i.odk iisen tovndT Not to, sir Lord, vocr ovkss is wrong No CCU TRirLW CALL THIS TIIRONO. Ir voc'u. hut 00 to the " Citv Drco Sroas," And skk tiikhi nooDs, vou'ix ask no mors Seen rooustt qcKSTto.vj as usroRB. V A Dclicnte Position of 11 Chicago J.iuly. Tlie Chicago Post relates the follow ing: One of those annoving vet ludicrous accidents, which will happen in the best of families, occurred lately not over a thousand miles from Louisville. A dry goods elork had an engagement to take his lady-lovo out buggy-riding. Early in tho morning ho appeared be fore her father's door with one of those spider-like vehicles which are probably constructed with a view of ascertain ing how light n buggy can bo made mid at tho same time serviceable. Tho lady is sweet sixteen, beautiful, and just a littlo bit of what is termed "fast." She is full of life and frolic, and is de cidedly fat, weighing about 145 pounds. As tho young gentleman drove up, his lady-lovo was standing on the top stop at the front door, with her venerable father, who had his gold spectacles el evated on his forehead in order to get n distant view of his future son-in-law. Adonis jumped out of the buggy, pre paratory to assisting tho young lady in ; but she suddenly took 0110 of tlio.'e freaks to which the dear sex are nil subject. The buggy was standing about four feet from the steps, consid erably below the step upon which stood tho young lady. Sho probably wanted to convince her lover that she was not clumsy if she was fat, and thought this would bo a good time to show him her agility. lie that as it I may, shegave a jump, ami lauded in the center of tho buirirv. If sho had toi- ped there, all would have been well, ' nf.? At this critical period la the progress of oar subject, the .Muse was called clT to dress some less Interesting subject la the fas cinating garb of rhyme and rlthme, and left the City Drug Store to be done up Id the no less classic fold) of prose. So, la the language of a celebrated prose waiter : do to the City Drug Store and tee their new and splendid stock or DKUOS, MEDI0IXK3.1 PAINTS, OILS. PKIiFUMKUY, TOILCT (100D3. HOOKS AND STATIONKKY, Hwides the best assortment of I)rug3 and Patent Medicines ever brought to South, era Oregon, their stock contains a great varie ty of Hair Oils, Hnlr Hestoratlvcs. Hair Hyw, Colognes, Hose Water, Florida Water, Magnolia Water, Night Illoomlog Ccreos, kolleiton, Cocalo, Lyon's Katbarlon, Lubin a Extract!, and other popular pefumerlc. A Gee assortment of Photograph Album, from 81 50 to 315. A fine lot of French cote paper and cvclopes to match lomethtog new which every lauy tnujt nave. Gold Pen. Ink Stand?, Rules, fancy Pen-holders, Paper Weichu, Letter Clips, Pored Clips, Ink I.'rasm, Paper Splitters, Sealing Wax. Portfolio, Portmonies, Walets. Punei, Pocket Hook;, Crayons, Pencils of every description, lltd. Woe, Hlack and Copying Ink, Chalk LInej, Fishing Tackle, Violin Strin Tall-board) and Iloiia. School Hooks of every variety at reduced prices, Con Hooks fa variety, Slates, Parlor Games, and a thousand other tbingi in thli lice that can be recti by wiling at the City Drag Store. They bare also a beautiful lot of Statuettes, unsurpassed by anything of the kind crcr brought to Jacksonville. Among the staple articles may be foand Pepper, All spice, Nutmegs. Mace, Cloves. Cinnamon, Casjila Iladf, Ginger, Mustard, Cream of 1 artar, baieratui, ummd rnirAitnox. (some thing net,) Extracts of Lemon, Vauclla, Cloves, Orange, Ci!rjr, etc., Pkari. IUrlf.v, Hlckino in Hall, Platter Paris and Coal Oil. Tbey bave also just received a large assort ment of Mfscellanenous Hooks comprising, Histories, Hlographlej, Travels, Novels, Annuals, and other Gift Hooks for the Holi days for Men, Women and Children. We would call on our friends to give us a call. If we can't tell them anything, we will lake grsat pleasure in showing them some thing new. SUTTON 4 IIVDK. Jacksonville, Feb. 9, 16CT. cov3-tf JOHN F. HOUCK, PRACTICAL Wntclinwkcr nnd Jeweler! Urtgon Slrtd, Jiuksonvillt, Ortgon, HAS ALWAYS THE BEST SELECTED STOCK OF New Stylo, Solid Jewelry, Well assorted, of plain, ongraved, en ameled Finger Rings, Ear-rings, Sleove-buttons, Bucklci, otc. etc. Gold and Silver "Watches, Of French, Ensllsh and American Manufacture, Fnt Quality only. 8-DAY AND 30-I1OU11 CLOCKS. Sola Thomas' Striking, Alarm, Weight and Spring Clocks, etc., etc. Alt articles arc strictly warranted, and will be sold 20 per cent less thin at any other home in town. Watohes and Jewelry, In need of repairing, can bo tent by express, and will be returned as soon as possible. Jacksonville, April C, ISC. td j CELEBRATED I jSTOMACHJITTERSIj r inef-uciwuro iirmicn jtmrr an- rnumr. J Vr gtujde, la J tmt f rota ilrc&el ttxl try hurt-! IKT A ' JUUHt THEM! - FOR TRV I YOUR THEM! I r ! SELFI rut In irrJlf nL A rlfnint tonic. 1ml meit 1 jrrc-ibi dilnV. Tj taultl ti Hculnl 1Ui ;rdwnoucomrounilt,tmtTUli:tlltrf.milg: Si immm lh frtttAi M Sp-Si frttttiklA buitd 1. 4 .a M ind herb, in Mmi ratty tdintfel t tho enrrof ) EHiacixuonticiu:oMcnio,ivUC),UTfraul3 SACHS ON THE BROS. WING ! Tnn BIGGEST SHOW! TIIH LARGEST SALES! THE BEST GOODS AND THE LOWEST PIUCES. This sido of San Francisco ! IVo hare Just opened complete assortment of Fancy & Staple Drygoods, Clothing, Boots nnd Shoos, Which for variety, Ucauty and Style, Cannot be Excelled, and all nt Prices licyoud Competlon. Our Dress Guods Deparlnicnl Is licyond nil comiinrlson. REDIiWTON & CO'S! J2l S.T4860X. This valuable preparation, containing In a highly concentrated lorm all the properties or Jamaica Ginger, baa become one of the most popular domestic remedies for nil diseases of the stomach and dlgejtlvo organs. ... irtHt. I. n.111 lu f.M,t,l itivtitttnMr In nil "' ,-,'., in frnm illillliv nhethor tiro-' l'erions of cedentary lioblts, troubled with iiersons rccorcrlng rrom uj"'" "' f, .T,',.,. neakness, lassitude, pilpltntlon of tbo heart, dueed by fercr or olbc wise, fo wblW Him- , k of petI to, l!trJ nrtei-cntln?. torpid r'. parts to the system nil tbo glow and vigor cr(Con,tl'p'Uon;cll..i tlcCrve to tacr t 1C. that can be produced by brundy, it is tntlrcly w, nol ,'ry tbccclebrnted I'IjANTATION IIIT frcofrom tho re-octionary euects of spirits or TER3,wnCU nre now recommended by tho high- ntiv lini. It Is also an excellent remedy for females who suffer from difficult mensturatlon, giving almost Immediate relief to tho spasms that so frequently accompany that period. Il plvw Immediate relief to Nausea, caused by riding In a railroad car, or by cca-ilckmss, or other causes. It is also valuable as an external applica tion for gout, rheumatism, neuralgia, etc. REDIXOTOX To., AGENTS Dated April 'J-ltb, 1807. FOR THIS COAST. np27-yl-lns lliwl. rirh i Ityirtptl. 1'tTir. PUrthtrl, , !lom cr Arpniir, eic. icruiottctrninre,; A. lENKIIAVSEX. Mir. Mixri-Ainrua. cv'r Mintcm A Jnkii. Kan 1 rincl.m; TO JACK MEN And Mule Raisers ! rruiE OROVEKSM & CO. Piano Forte XAri7FA0TUZlES.S, 99 Broadway New York. THESE PIANOS ISECEIVED THE HIRII et Awanl of Merit! at the HVWi Fitr, over the best makers from London. I'arli, (Jer many, too cltlei of New York, Philadelphia, lUltlmore and Iloitou ; alo the GM Mnlil at the .Intnan MttUvii, for FIVE SUCCESSIVE YEAIfcs! Our Pianos contain the French Grand Action. Harp IVdil, Overstrung Hais, but, alas .' the thin boards of tho hot torn of tho buggy, unable to stand tho pressure, gavo away, nnd tho young lady continued her descent. There was a piercing scream; a plunging horso with a young man hold ing to him; a bundle of muslin in the buggy, and two littlo gaiter boots , pointing to within sis inches of the aground under it. Patorfamihes came 1 to the rescue nnd detached tho lmrso from tho buggy. He then got up on one side, tho young man on tho other, and they attempted to raise the young lady. "Oh, stop, stop! you are kill ing me," she cried. Tho boards had brokeu in the center, nnd long, sharp splinters extended downwards, and when they attempted to raise tho young lady out of her pre dicament theso sharp splinters would catch in her le , shaw ! Did you ov er seo a wiro mousetrap? It not, go and get one, stick your finger through tho entrance tunnel and try to pull it 'out. You will then understand tho sad fix that our young lady was in. ' The old man comprehended the sit uation in a moment. Ho told tho young man to get down and break tho .splinters oft Young lady screamed, "0 don't I you shant! 0 don't!" and young man wouldn't. At this stage of tho proceedings a practical neighbor camo up with a hatchet, and the young lady was goon extricated from her un pleasant situation, and sho rapidly di appeared behind tho front door. under tho uprvlion of 31 r. .1. II. iiiun j;Ti;i:.v woo Das a practical ex perience of over tblriy-tlve years, and W the raiker of ertr tlmn ttotuami puiurfetUi, Our facilities for rnanufacturln;; to.iblo ui to sell lbt Instruments from $1U0 to JJOO ehtut-er than any rJrt clan piano. September 2'Jlb. Ii-g6. Spt29-lr. UNDERSIGNED WILL ENTER, AT the coming State iF'ciir.. ! fnt a tirt nromfttm Mi Thrtt"rttKMiri1 t I f . MOTH ENGLISH JACK. "When Ajax strives some rock's vast weight to three, The line too labors, and the words more slow." AJAX Is 4 rear old oast, of n dark. Iron- grey color, large lirntw.l, neu proportioned mule for power and endurance ; It very active and vigorous, a sure foal getter, and breeds Urge. This tine animal wilt be offered lor pri vate tale durins the fair. TERMS OF SALE : One Thousand Dollars one half cash, and tho other half on time, with good tecurlty. N. IIUDsON. Salem, Sept 2d, 1607. ip7w I FARJi"lFbK SALE. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE a. n lurm 01 one ounureu ami si.Myj .. ...-. . .-w.itv. vh mv uit.iu nil road from Jacksonville to Crescent City. i"f - . . - mu and Is known as tbo "Patrick Ranch." 'lucre Is a good orchard, house and barn upon It. I pwfi tbo Patent to the land from toe Govern ment, and will warrant the sale against any and all persons. Apply to Thos. F. Floyd, Klrbyvllle.or John R. Prlndle, Delmonlco Restaurant, Portland, Oregon. GUSTAF WILSON. September 3th. l.'C'. sepTraS Our New Stylos of Ladies, Misses mm Uhuurcn s 'Dostor' and Inndown Bats, Are Certainly tho Handsomest of the Season It Our PRINTS nnd LAWNS ttre of cutircly new designs. Our rarasols, Embroidorios, & Stop that Coughing! Some yon of can't; wc pity you. You Imvo tried every remedy but the one destined by its intrinsic merit to supersede nil similar prepa ration. It ta not iiimmlnz vou should bo re luctant to try something else, nfier the many experiments vou have made of trashy com pounds foUtcd on the public oj a certain cure; but Newcll's PULMONARY SYRUP Is really tho VKUY HEST remedy ever com pounded for tho euro of coughs, co!d, sore throat, asthma, whooping congh, bronchitis and consumption, Thousand of people In California and Oregon have been already ben efitted by tbo turpriiing curative powers of Newell's PULMONARY SYRUP and with one accord glrc It their unqualified approbation. e now nddre.4 ourrclves to r-INDIVIDUAL UABILTY.- OCCIDENTAL MuRAB CO.! Qs; " C3 v CASH CAPITAL, 300,000 office: S. W. Cor. Montgomery California Sfs. Insure a-alnst Leu or Damage by Fire, on Dnelliogs and all kinds of llulldingi, andon Jfercbandlse, Household Fnrnlture and alt other Per sonal Property at the Lowest Rates. 0 All Losses I'uyulslo la U. S. Gold Culit. Cim. CiiRisTUN.v, President, J. Ghkkmj an, Vico President, IJ. RoTUicniui, Secretary. PAY UI!lUiGLE! THOSE INDEBTED TO SUTTON i HYDE are respectfully limited to come forward and settle their bills. Tbey do not mike any spe cial reference to ofllcers, but they MUST bave money to meet their owu liabilities. S-ixttoaa. tJo XXydo, Jacksonville, Sept. 7, 1S07 . tf $500 KEWARD! Are tho most recherche nnd the chenpeat in the county. or ct-ormxa, GENTLEMEN'S HATS, Boots and Shoos, Wc ill spin)- tho latest "Agonies," And we feel confident all those who will fa vor ui with a call, will leavu our store highly Mtlititd with our GOODS, FASHIONS, and list but not least, OUR PR1CCES. saciis imos. Grocorios, Liquors, Tobacco and Sogars, Still selling at our usual low rates Jacksonville, Way 11, 1S7. all who arc unacquainted with this, the greatest Panacea of the ajre, for the healing of all dis eases of the Throat nnd Lungs, assuring you mat Jamcs T. Glcxn', Alexander Johk S. Drcm Mar.Tix. GLENN, DRUM & CO., CDEiUtM i.3 Novell's PULMONARY SYRUP has cured thousands, ond It VILL CUKE YOU If you try it. This invalcablc msdicicc Is pleaant to the taste: soothing, heuiinjr and strcnKthenlng in its effects; entirely free from all poisonous or deleterious drugs, and perfectly harmless under ull circumstances. Certificates from many prominent cltlsjns of San Francisco accompany every bottle of Novell's PULMONARY SYRUP. KEDINGTOX & CO. Agents, San I-'ranelsco. p.'t medical authorltcs. nnd warranted to nro- duce an Imtnedlato liencdclal effect. They arc exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and must supercede all other tonics wbcro a beallby, gen tle Mlmulatit Is required. They purify, strciiftthon nml Invigorate. Tbey create n healthy nppetlto. They arc an antidote to change of water and diet. They strengthen tho system and enliven tbo mind. They prevent miasmatic nnd Intermittent fe vers. They purify tho brea'h nnd acidity of ths ilcmacb. They cure Dyspepsia nnd Constipation. They euro Liver Complaint nnd nervous headache. They make the weak strong, the languid bril liant, nnd nrc exhausted nature's great rentorer. Thny nrc composed of tho cclebnitcd Cnllrtyn bark, viiitcrgreen, tas.ilra, routs and herbs, nil prc'crrcd In perfectly pun St. Crol.x rum. For particular, see circulars nnd testlmoulals aro'ind each bottle. Reware of Imposters. Examine every bottle. See that It has our pi'lvntn U. 5. stamp unmu tllnted over tho cork, with pluntntlon sceuor and our signature on n duo steel plate ride ln liel, Sec tlmt our bottle Is not filled with ipu rlous ond deleterious stun". Any person pre tending to sell Plantation Hit tern by the gallon or In bulk. Is an Imposter. Any perron Imlta tltiR this bottle. Or telling any other materi al therein, whether called Plantation Hitters or not, Is n criminal nnder the V. b Law, and will l! o prosecuted by us. The demand for Drake's Plantation Hitters, from Indies, clergymen, merchants, etc.. Is Incredible. The simple trial of n Iwttle Is the evidence wc prccnt of their worth nnd superiority. They are sold by nil respectable druggets, grocers, phyidclnn, ho tels, saloons, steamboats and country stores. I II. Di-nkc&Co. MAGNOLIA WATER. A toilet delight I The ladles' treatire an? if?'itlomun boon I The "sweetest thing" and largest quantity. Manufactured from the rich Southern Magnolia. Lcd lor bathing the per son nml face, to render the skin soft nnd freslv to prevent eruptions, tu perfumo clothing, ulc, It overcomes the unpleasant odor of perspira tion. It removes redness, tan, blotches, etc. It cures ucrvous headache and allays Inflam mation. It cools, softens -nil adds delicacy to the skin. It yields n subdued nml lasting pcrfumiv it cures iiiiMtieto biles nnd stings of Insects., it contains no material Injurious to the ik ta ll Is what every lady should have. Sold ev erywhere. Try tlie Magnolia Water onco nndl yuu will mo no other cologne, perfumery or toilet water afterwards. Demos Barnes & Co. Props, exclusive Agents, N. T. off. LYON'S KATHAIRON. It Is n most delightful balr dressing. It eradicates rcurfand dandruff. It keeps the heuit coot and clean. It nukes the hair rich, soft nnd bIomv. It prevents hair turning gray ami lulling JAMES T. CLEXS, Jacksonville, 0- A O E C T , oc27-tf B. LtCUX. 1. a. wato, Ax excited gentleman at a fire, head- ed a lino of lire buckets, and as thoy xvero passed to him, ho throw buckets , and all into tho lire, crying out all tho -while "Pass on moro buckets." A genius out "West, who wished to arkaholfdozon now shirts, marked the first John Jones, and the reBt ditto. 111 DUCAN &WALL, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Brlolt 33xllctlaa.K. Corner of Front nnd F Streets, CEESOENT CITY. nPlIEV WILL ATTEND TO THE ItECElV- j. iug ana lorwaraing orallgooUs entrusted to taeir care, withpromptnes and dispatch. Tbey have fitted up two large buildings for storing goods, and bave made arrangements to that mercbanu dolntr buines through ihm iA not sutTer by any overcharges, or lose nay just claim for goods lost. solicited. Merchandise iueiUly The undersigned would most respectfully call the attention of the public to bis new LIVEBY AND FEED STABLE, OEEGONSTREET. I have a fine stock of IlUOQIESand TEAMS, and excellent Saddle Horses, always on band, as well as a good supply of Fetd! TE M- RsZsOZff ABLE, And a living shxre of public patronage solicit ed. Try met try me I S. PLY.UALE 1'rouriotni- Jacksonville, July 4, 18G7. jyi3 GENERAL MERCHANDISE CALIFORNIA STREET, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. SBW FIRM, NEW GOODS ....AND.... TXJ&-W PHICES! LOW PRICES WILL WIN ! 3Fr Coaslnments received on storage, Ayert Cheny Pectoral SlllUIUOIIg, CIRCUIT COURT OK THE STATE OK OR egon for the County of Jackson. John Anderson and James T. Glenn, plaint Iffs, vs. Joneph Gross, Joseph Stachala and John MntJen, defendants: Action at law to recover money. To Joseph Gross Joseph Stachala and John Wlntjen, Defendants: In the lumeof tbeRUteof Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer tie com plaint, died against you In the above entitled action, on the 11th day of November, 1807, the name being the first day of the ue.vt terra of Circuit Court aforetald. and if vou fall in m wer, for want thereof, the plaintiffs will take Judgment against you for the sum of 2. 362 22-100 dollars, with Interest thereon from the llth day of November, 1807, and attherato 01 -- per cent, per montn, anil costs and dis bursements. Ry order of the Court. P. P. Prim '' . u. ri Aut.t, ri'fts Att'y Assists Vl'tiutetl In every county In tbo kiuu umitra, iu cumH ior jwo new ami Im. portant SUDSCRIPTION WORKS. Apply at once to tbo subscription department, of U. ft. BANCROFT, i CO., 10,., Uooksellers Publlihers, Jy27m3-la San Francisco, Cal. Ajefu Cafhmrtic Fills. HPIIK AUOVI3 NAMED FIIOI A take pleaiure In notifying their frlcuds "" I'uuiic gvacrauy, mat tuey are how receiving and opening a very largo and ex tensive stock of STAPLE DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM CL.OTIIS, BLANKETS, HOOP SKIIITS ETC., ETC. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes. ar- in nave, auo, in connection with -T5a Sf the above, 0 very largo and t3j Q5- extensive stock or choice -a KQr Groceries.IIardware, fjia Queeosware, "ijisi Sif Glasj. -xsa I3y ware, Cutlery, TiSa lr Paints and Oils; also, -TBfl S' iB(low Glass. Nails, Iron- oy- Plows, V ooden and "Willow ware. -a .i.F0?f.MlT.'0Ml1 anything In our line at to buy goods, will fina It greatly to their ad vantage to examine our stock beroropurcbas. log elsewhere, as we are determined not to bo ao'X lih anf b0 I" Jackon county Ulvo os call, and then judge for yourself as to our capacity to furnish Tgotdsw above. GLENN, DRUM, fc Co. Jacksonville, March 2, 67. tf CRAFENBURG UTERINE l Catholicon, It restores balr on nroninlnn-lT Imlil hiili. If faithfully used accordlog to directions, will This Is Just what Lyou's Kathalron will do. cure every case of Diabetes, and greatly mltl-, It Is prutiy It Is cheap-durable. It U liter gate tho troublesome cifects caused by a relax- "''J '"'d '' ",0 car-lead, and yut Its almoit In utlon ol the outlet of the bladder. It Is a most Jr,"u'e demand is dally increasing, until thero successful remedy for Gravel ond other diseases , ' LJ,JI,I1,11 e,1XTJ i0'. ,ha,.J ioii m keP "' of the Kidneys nnd llladder, and for female dis-, ora rmlly llll llo "' "'' eases is unvfjuallft. Tho CATHOLICON f" -"oniaa iyon, vnemist, ft. 1 , unlformlly cures Prolapsus, Uteri, Whites, oil ' Irregularities of the Monthly Turns, Suppres sion, Incontinence of Urine, Wonting and drop ' . -,... - -, . slcal Swellings, and all diseases of Pregnancy. ! yon'S Ert't of Cingor. The specific action of this medicine Ij immedi-'. i,i4P.i.i , t t 1 ate and certain upon the Uteriue and Abdoro- lA?,? UlJMl ot P,1"0 .?rocIaGlnger-for lul Muscles and ligament,; restoring thJnHo g SZ" M iS&'c" wbia' v" uth ".oVhatttlenir'o0' I IT" ft """ u1ZM youth, so that patients who Imvo used the preparation and entire purity ruako It a cheap Graveni! UMrA.HT' Utrri.sr Catiiou- ond reliable article for culinary purposes. Sold cus cannot sufficiently express their gratitude . everywhere at So cts. per bottle. Aak for "Ly for the relief nirordol. j 011Y' pure extract. Take no other. Sco that HKDIN'GTON & CO.. Acenls. the private U. S. stamp of Pemas Ilarnes & Co. UO and 418, Front St. San Francisco. ! l,',,,Be cork of e-ch bottle. None other U Kciiiiiiiy. modington's flavoring Ert'cts mtli ffvoi l'rt.h ituiu. lUcli UtlU tolltt.lfen aoch 4 any clhtr tnn.lln tli surkit, roatt-iutntly thy r thi chttp il Mi lb twit, I'SKNOOTIIEU. To tho NOTICE Tux-Payers County: of Jnclison Musdmg Liniment. Ilavoyou a hurt child or a larao horse ? Use the llexfcan Mustang Liniment. For cuts, snrulns, burns, ewolllngs and oaked. breasts, the Mixican Mustang Liniment Is a cer tain cure. For Rheumatism, neuralgia, stiff Jolnls,tlngs nnd bites, there Is notblug llku tho Mosican. Mustang Liniment. ForMined horses, tbo poll-evil, rlngbono and sweeny, the Mexican Muitang Liulment nerer 'alls. b For wind-galls, scratches, blg-bead and splint the Mexican Mustang Liniment is worth its weight In gold. Cuts, bruises, sprains and swellings, arc so common nnd certain to occur In rv fnmttv. lands, lots, or other property, asses.eil for State ! "'' a .bo,,le r "ll I-Iulmeut Is the best Invcst Countvanil Sel.nnl i,nn,V. -. .1 .. ' meut Ibat can lw ,,.! year, and all those Interested would do well to ' .. "more certain than the doctor It saves. aiienu, as no correction will 1m made In said ' rac m ndlng for the doctor It Is cheaper '"1"1"' uiu aner Willi lime. o . , , SILASJ.UAV.Awjsior. September 2d, 186T. sep7w3 Tut; umi.ihm;o HEREBY GIVES notice, that on tho last Monday In Septem ber, I8C7,be will attend at tho cilice of the County Clerk, of sard county, and with the as s stance of said Clerk, will publicly examine the ASSESSMENT ROLLS, and corfectuU er. rons m valuations, descriptions, of qualities, of SUTTON & HYDE, r mszmsrmram m LYON'S KATHAIHON, LYON'S EX'CT GINGER, LYON'S ELEA TOWDER, MAClfOIUWATBl, . JacktonTllle, Sept. 20, 180C tf Administrator's Xf otice. NOTICE IS 1IKREBV GIVEN T1IATTIIE undersigned has lcn duly nppoln ed, by ho Probate Court, for Jackson Co.mtv. A.&Z isiraiorortho esato of James V. Sluart.de ceasedatoofJacWon County, .-ftate of Oregon ' All persons having claims against said estate oro hereby notlOed to Mmni. ..WT verifled. is re.iulre(i h ."."."".-?'"'. ul"7 .1 m. ,.i.i. r " . '.""i . and State hereof. than the doctor, anil llinnM nt Im ill.npnipl with. ' "In lifting the kettle from the fire, it tipped, over and scalded my bands terribly, The Mustang Liulment extracted tho pain,, caused tho sore to heal rapidly, and left very little scar. Cius. Fomier, 420 Ilioad 8t. Phil. Mr. S. Lltch, of llydo 1'ark, Vt., writes: "My bono was consldertd worthies), (spavin) but since the use of tho Mustang Liniment, I bavo. sold blin for $150. Your Liniment U doing, wouders up here." All genuine is wrapped In steel plate engrav-. Ings, signed G. V. Westbrook, chemist, and al so has the private U. S. stamp of Demas Uarnea & co. over tho top. Look closely. Sold by druggists, at 23, 60 ots. and $10t ,. 4 j I Lyoa's Flea 7owder. Death to Fleas-It Is well known that Lyon'a genuine Magn tic powder will perfectly destroy everything In the shape of fleas, ticks, bed-bugs roaches, etc; that It is perfect poison to the ln sect tribe, but eutirely harmless to the human species ami dorncstlo animtls. The genuine has u. iu rrntitrpri 1.1 in... ., 1 -,- hw-.v.w m...m.' residence. In JaikZwu. .nTIf,"l:":.U' ' 'ho slgnaliiroof E. Iron, and tbo private stamp Hate, within six monti '. rV 7s.r1' 'V. ? C.WM "'?c?. wo' -7"i19. "e m a August 15, 1867, months from Ihn .1,A U r. mm . ... "r ""' . iVAuur, AUm'r, ag!7w4 kind is an imitation or counterfeit. Any drug gist will procure the geoulne, If you Insist you, will have no other. lc-3p-lv