Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, September 07, 1867, Image 2

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TUB Oltl'!(!0i MWL
roit tiii: im:i:siih:n,v iv 1808,
ui.YHti'.s h, oit.wr,
n tnr rltm mtr.
"Wll ilvns. thou g nml filtlifcil "mnnt.'' TIik r
pi h-m rwM Tir r" ol pmmiiniMU rr Iniwri,
roit Tin: viok pi.imiih.ncv,
unit, n. w'u.i.mi.,
07 MUMt.
Jlitli iityKt to tin lcllon of llio Nllonl t'nlon
SaTUIIDAY .Mult.VtVl., SlUTIIMUlIll 7, '07,
Too illicit NiRcur.
Democratic literature tlocs not seem
to bo in ilennuul nrnv-a-ilays. The "or
gan" in Portland tell m with a sickly
whine, that Democratic papers are not
properly supported the smaller fry
groans amen ! and lo I lrom beyond
tlio mountains, comes an ollieial
voice, saying that In Eastern Oregon,
the circulation of Democratic papers
is far behind that of ISepnbliean liter
ature, in proportion to. the relative
strength of the two political parties.
Thu reason is obvious : It is simply
.because Democratic literature is entire-
It frtfi lillli'li M.Ivitil -vlfl. 'nfnt. "
Dally and weekly doses of nigger
. stewed, boiled, roasted, friccased,
hashed plain or Hanked with Kanaka
nud Atongolinn, spiced with "Ilcnit
Hutler" and "fiend Stevens," salted
nnd peppered with "nigger equality,"
"amalgamation" nnd "repudiation,"
while strictly intended to tickle the
palate of ignorant Democrats, pall up
on the stomachs of the intelligent por
tion of that party. The class for which
the absurd clap-trap, with which Dem
ocratic papers abound, U published, is
not a loading one, and furnishes few
subscriber. Intelligent Democrats
consider it no compliment to be contin
ually reminded that "niggers" can be
come their equals. Democratic capi
talists, who have invested in bonds,
tremble lct tcpudiation become a prac
tical fact, and therefore Democrats but
illy support a press that is continually
snubbing their manhood and sapping
the foundation of their wealth. This
fault 'is not confined to any particular
class of Democratic papers. It is the
typo of nil, from the ponderous city
daily to the little, sickly, country week
ly with the only difference, that, ex
actly like canine quadrupeds, the more
insignificant thu animal, the louder
and more ridiculous its yelping. If
Democratic editors expect prosperity,
they must educate thu niasso of their
party, or elevate their press to u stan
dard from which the decent members
of Democracy will not tutu with nan
scan and disgust. We believe in, and
hope for, the prosperity of the press, in
the interest of every party, and think
in all candor, that if our Democratic
cotempnraries would give their readers
more sene nud les. "nigger," their
dubscription lists would be largely in
created. Stomach viiusui, Iln.uxs. An Ex
change philosophises upon the fact that
tho.-o who cater for tho stomach are
better paid than tinso who perforin a
like duty for tho intellect. A French
cook feeds New York with luxurious
viands, nnd rolls in wealth. A philoso
pher speculates on tho abstract rela
tions of mind and matter, and is pover
ty stricken. And why not V We say,
let the great city eat all it is able to
pay for. Hunger is dangerous, and the
brain works illy with a craving stom
ach. Let the world feed, and it is hap
pier, bottei iiatured and more able to
do its own thinking. Aftor all, tho
cook is thu true philosopher. JIo
touches tho stomach our weakest and
most vulnerable point. In feccuring
tho fulJllImeiit of nature's first law,
ho graspi a.practical idea and secures
n practical reward. Tho thinker, who
Kpeculatcs in idealism, is rowarded in
kind. Ho gets tho world's admira
tion, whilo its dollars and cents are
kept for tho cook.
Tin: Cai'itai.Citv Ciiiionh-m:. Thu
first number is received. Its typo
graphical nppearauco is fair. Tho
Chronkh announces that it will bar
"slang and the Oregon style, and be
unflinchingly Democratic," all of which
is nbinidautly proven by tho following
elegant extracts from it: ".Mongrel
press" "froth ami fustian" "loyal
lies" "dirty and unmanly" "tho lies
tial and degraded wretch" "cowardly
and drunken whelp" "tho bloat."
C37"flio Oregon 7l'wWhasdiscoy
cred that II. F. Taylor, tho Western
poet, hns located in Scott Valley, Cat.,
and says thai "him" wroto thu poem'
commencing wjtl tho following lines :
"Like n iliutllo ritlM tlirvugU an lrou-Uuul luaui
L La in tutrgy cww Jlug creation tit room."
Wo can stand tho lines, but tho item
is just about as correct us the JkraliVs
Dcm-rlt'i! to I lie l.nciii)-.
Siillleiently full returns from Califor
nia have been received to assure us
that the Union party in that State is
completely demoralized. With a clear
majority of twelve or HUecn thousand,
under ordinary management, the Union
unrtv li'tvn linen "iilltv of the fullv of
throwing thu control oftheState, and
her power in Cnngios, into the hands
ot thou who would hnvetorn her from
the Union, to gratify their own selfish
ambition. The causes which lead to
California's desertion of the principles
of t'no Union party are more of a local
character than otherwise. Political
parties become corrupt as they grow
strong. A houe divided against itself
must fall, nud when the leaders in the
Union party allowed their partisan
jealousies to overshadow their faith
and their principles ; when national is
sues were forgotten in the frenzy of lo
cal strife, the result was inevitable.
The unscrupulous nnd shnineless poli
ticians who have brought about this
result deserve tho execration of every
good Union man, and must, if possible,
sink deeper nnd deeper into tho pit of
political damnation. Like thu blood
bought lessons of history, this tempor
ary check to thu onward career of the
Union party, in that State, U not with
out its value. It will teach it in other
States that there must be no dissimilar
ity between its name and its actions
Unit in Union there is strength, and
that the force, only to be directed
against the enemy, must not be wasted
within its own lines. It is ulwavs
darker, however, thu hour before day ;
and while sorrowing for thu egregious
folly of our California brethren, our
own faith is unshaken, and our own
trust in tho future no less strong to
day than yesterday.
Kosnnntn, Oo.v., Armvr'Je, 1807.
William Craze, of tho Metropolitan
Hotel, has turned that establishment
over to I.oren Davis, of Looking Glass
Precinct, and has retired to private
life, on a small farm near Uosohurg.
For tho lnt two weeks extensive
lires havo been burning in the Coast
IJauge mountains, west of hoa, lilling
the valley with smoke to a very disa
greeable extent.
There appears to be a vast amount
of sickness among the children of the
Uinpqua valley at present. Whoop
ing cough is prevailing to an alarming
extent in many localities, particularly
in tho lower part of the valley.
Louis Ilillieu mid George Pinch, who
went out into the Cascade mountains
early in thu season, on a prospecting
expedition, arrived in town a few (lavs
ago, ami report tho discovury of vory
rich silver mines on tho summit, be
tween tho Willamette mid North Uinp
qua rivers. The specimens exhibited
by them are said to be very rich.
John 1 human, who was convicted of
manslaughter at the last term of thu
Circuit Court, and appealed from that
decision, has withdrawn his appeal,
and took his departure for the Peniten
tiary on Saturday last.
.lohn Fitzhiigh, who was also con
victed at the same time, is determined
to prosecute his uppeal. Ho was ar
rested, a 'mw days ago, on a charge- of
an assault with intent to kill, and gave
additional bail to tho amount of two
thousand dollars. He is now under
sovuu thousand dollar bonds.
Cooso County is attracting some
attention at present, and several of our
old citizens nro moving in that direc
tion, to improve their present condi
tion. Dusiness is very brisk in that
direction, and monoy plenty.
Minino Discovkkiks. While in Sa
lem, this week, wo saw .Mr. S. F. Child
wick, of I.ohoburg, who has recently
been on a prospecting tour into the
rCascadu .Mountains, in tho neighbor
hood of Diamond Peak, llio compa
ny discovered 6uvut.iI quartz ledges
in what seems to bu a parallel range;
at least, thuy found three leads near
together, and running parallel to each
other. Tho rock is rich, with feouio
kind of metal, and it is thought to bo
silver, as it stands all thu tests to which
thu prospectus wcro ublo to submit it.
The specimen which wo have, shows
metal, though what it is wu cannot
say. Mr. C. has taken specimens to
the Assay office, and in a short tinio
wo will know certainly whether tho
discovery is gootl or not. Tho lodes
aie distant from Uosuburg about sev-enty-livo
miles, and from Jacksonville
Giikk.v Seau-TIiu JJvumutlo Chron
cle man is eternally wanting to but
a "Green Seal" with i everybody. Ho
inusthavu been to Alaska, as' wo just
know there's no teals down his way
ynen enough to lot a San Francisco
"sharp" catch 'em.
General Utiles foir ih'MiviiiIiik
Cniri'iH'- t'lilruliiUons.
Gold being quoted at a certain per
cenf, to lind'the iclative value of eilr-
ronov. , ,
l.rt.i'. Divide 10,000 by the gold quo
tation. When eiirreucv is soiling at a curtain
per cent, to find the relative value of
f,.M'.)ivi,ii, 10,000 by thu sell
,)rj(,0 r ,.Urrcnov.
J lie selling price 01 currunrj- in-ing
given, to find the currency equivalent
of a certain sum of gold.
I.trt,i: Divido the amount of gold,
with two ciphers annexed lor cmil,.by
the value of one dollar in curren
cy. ,
Gofil being quoted at a certain per
cent, to find' tin- equivalent of u certain
sum in currency.
Hum: Divide the sum of currency,
with two ciphers annexed for the cents,
by the quotation of gold.
A Now mill r.Mii'iliHoin iWHIioil
of Perlotmins iliiUIillroliiin.
Required to multiply- O'-M-l
by fin::
U.niW.MH Product.
' .... ... ... ... !.!..
OrasATio.v : Coiiiuiewciinf vvi'h tliui
right hand or unit'- llgun-ol tin uiulti
nlier. we sav twice -i lire ", which we.
ut down, ami adding i lie products of
I by 1 nnd I by (, which wo add to
the product '! by -, I by it I by ii.
making L'H; we hero set down the 3
and carrying L', add it to the products
of tl by ', u by .'I and 1 by ", amount
ing to J."; we now ,et down the A anil
and carry the '.', which we add lo the
products' ol 7 by :i anil 'J by "i, milking
.'10; wo hero -el" down 0 and carry the
i), and add it to the product of II 'by ;,
amounting to :i:t, which wc set down
to complete our proce-s.
A iNew mill r.xtieilllniis ftli'tlioil
ol Computing Peireiitne.
To ascertain what is gained or lost.
per cent., by soliingnn article lor which
a specified sum has boon paid, annex
two ciphers to tho dillerouco between
the cost ami selling juice, divdie by
mo cost, nun uic quotient will lie the
gain or os Kr cent. Paid ill) cents
tor u book, nud sold it for :ti) cents.
What per cent did I gain?
Oi'i:i:aiio.: MO Selling Pi ice.
an Cvst.
'-'0 per cent gained.
Paid HO cents for a book, and sold
il for 7it cents. What ilid 1 loo-el1
Oi-i:i:atiox : 80 Cost.
10 percent, lost. '
To ascertain for what an article which
cost a Mpeeillieil sum should be sold,
so as to gain a proposed percent., inn-
tiily the cost by llio with the percent,
milled, cut oil' two liguros to the light,
nud the Jigiin-. to the lull will bo the
price lor which tho article should be
Paid 30 cents for a book. For how
much must I sell it, m as to realize i!0
percent. prolitV
Oimhiaiio.v : .to Cost.
120 100 willi per cent,
3U,00 1 must sell it for 30
Govkk.voi: Wi
oops. bpeakui"
viovcrnor v nod's groat speech in Sac
ramento on the 23d tilt tho Cnion say?:
Iluisa lluent, icady speaker, and
dealt more particularly with the na
tional questions impending than with
the local nllliirs of thihState. Huably
and eloquently advocated the recon
Htriietion of Cougioss mid explained
tho hobby of the Douiociiitie party in
this State, that i, tho danger of China
men being euihiiichiscil. Hi was not
uivnrg entutiw, Inn wu oeeod-
ingly clear in In Mati-un-nts iml
M wi
tiouu. lie (eiu(ii,su,tc. in i,i ,.,,
voicing ......., the ...j,,.,,,.,. IIW, m.
lairucMi ol Mali t.i.uij tiovi.iniiu.in '
nouns which weio given lor iiioucv
loaned to the (iovoriniient in I,,.,- !.,.'
of sore trial nud according to the terms
of a holuinii contract. It would be
most iinj.iKt to tax them when in thu
hands of innocent holduo who in many
cases were the huuiblo and industrious
laboring men and women of the co
try, who loaned their little miiiis, trust
ing in the perinanenoy of thu Govern
ment ami inlying on its faith that its
t-cciirities should not bo burdened with
taxes. Ho closed with an eloquent
peroration concerning our martyred
dead, who sacrificed their lives to pro-
-. .v ..,u vmiui .tint u, on need ti'oin
tho ciirso of slavery, and enjoined upon
upon his hearer thobaeredtltityofilav.
ing California to the eauo of lieedo.n
Tlaeo cheers were given for Governor
Wood at tho close of his eloquent re
marks. TintoAT AiTi:auo.vfi and Hoaiwi:
nkss. All Hiitl'erors from Irritation of
the throat and hoawnw will bo agree
ably surprised at the almost immediate
relief afforded by tho use of "Jiroimt'o
Jh-onddal Trades." Thu demulcent
ingredients allay pulmonary irritation ;
and, nftur publiu speaking or singing,
when tho throat is wearied anil; wenk
encd by too much exorcise, their uso
will givo renewed strength to tho vo
cal organs.
Who aiipreciates the fact that there
is any groitcr importance attached to
such n commodity as imPiM.? It is
generally supposed that anybody can
make them, as all can take them. Jlut
visit the laboiatory of Dr. J. C. Ayer
and you will be disabused of the idea,
that it is a trifle to make nny medicine
and adapt it to the winds of million"
of men to so adjust it to their needs,
nud so cure their complaints, as to make
them its constant customers in all the
zones. Physicians finds it requites
some skill to adapt their do-es to a sin
"lo patient : ask them if it is not an in
tricate problem to adjust a purgative
pill to the necessities of untold numbers,
so that it shall benellt them nearly all.
Dr. Aver's laboratory supplies 00,000
doses of his Pills per (fiein, or 111,01)0,000
n vonr. Think of that Ksciilapius I
Well mav It whiten tho head ot any
man to atlininisler to that ainounl of
siill'ering.aud especially when, as is
hero evident, everything i done with
the extremes! nicety and c.ire. .''
,(, ( I?.) St.lt. ,Mll.
Tin Nrtr Ao-i-isitiov-The iv
moieiie- of I.nniiiu Aiuorieii makes
it n fur country.-- Ilttthm ftt.
Its northern lmittidr ion Km it nil
iev nhiti'd i-ouiitrj.- V ISiut I .
It pMlietn.il "now and lack of veg
etation uf.il.es it avvhlti',l.ar,niiintrv.
.fW Aiijtles UjmM'WH.
Ye-; but a good bearing country,
for nil that, iftwrtu.n'iito liiviml.
Its lisheiies will set many .'coiuV
to cod-gitaliug. Amador l.tdyvr.
The fate ol its sable inhabitants is
sealed. Thev may mourn the trans-fur
but Alas-kau't Iku'-sian topriuttomaku
known their woo. tini livporkr.
It must bo thickly settled ti.o; for
they say you come across u nice "berg"
every mile or so nil along the coast.
hfttimttir ( 'htunit'h.
It made the whales "blubber" to
.,in- i Klein's
sell-fish abandon-
i . ol-.,,
l,ll,,t 0 UM,U
c.vi.ironxt.v l-.i.Kimo.v,
lt is posi
tive that the whole Democratic State
ticket in California has been elected.
Haight's majoiity i'bot ween 7,000 and
10,000. The Democratic candidate for
Congress, in the San Francisco district,
(Axtcll) is elected and most probably
their candidate for Cougiess in the
Sacramento district, (CollVotli) also;
while in the third district there is every
possibility that Dart sou, the Fiiioii
nominee, is benteu. The Democracy
in Siskiyou county elect their whole
ticket, by majorities ranging from '
to 130. There is every pinhuhilitv
i .
that iln ilenineiiiu Iiiivo a majority in
both branches of tho Legislature.
Nkoiio Knf.vi.ttv. Who elected
Dick Johnson and his nigger wife Vice
President of l'nitoil States 1 That'sall
the answer wo have for our "fossil Irieiul
Meriah Urown," who indulged himself
ju a little natural eiis.ednoss" in a lead
ing editoiial this week, on tho idea wo
broached, of our enator Geo. II. II
liams being Vice President of the I'ni
ted States. Faugh! II. II; look at
Dick Johnson and Democrats down
South generally il you want to see
tho mulatto, and practical htyrotijiiat'
ity danger. :'iitvrn,ic.
Cojttxo ll.viK. Families who havo
emigrated to Southern California aie
letiirniug to " Web-loot" in- fast n they
can get nvvny. A gentleinan Mopped
into V, ,M. Ciirter' ollieo nud auuoiiue
ed hiinelf a " back again." He in
formed .Mr. C. that nil who left produc
tive Oregon ami emigrated to South
ern California are gl.ul indeed lo once
nunc Head the noil ol Oregon. At the
present time there aio ovor.il families
Ht V.lt..vi.. ...I... I.... .. I I.
V ..-.ii.-j. ivuiri.i..i iioiii
neory m.M,W ntaliMi ..t Koiill,..i
I .llllurillfl. ll tUla.
, . .
v. ;.... . ii i , , . I
&m- MlllOU A Hyd' ilKHl toil a I
" v--. ""-r m ven.ei,
(,H't ' ''' '" oBi.ir, we aiinH-ut Uiomi i
rroiu tin- invm, inuiik m,,n..,r ... ...i.i.a.
owm" them vviiit it do vvoll I.. .,
- " WtlllMM"'
niise tho iniilter by pungliiig ihiwu the
tin. ,
Fi.ni: Siock. Tin atteniiou of stock
growers is called to the advertisement
of Xf Iliid.son, in this week's issue.
Aju.x is a lino animal, ami it may be ot
advantage for our stock glowers to hoc
him before purchasing elsewhere.
Foi: Tin: .Mountain. Yesterday,
O. Jacobs Fsij., anil .Air. l.angull left,
with their families, to enjoy a eouplo
ol weeks sport m tho mountain. 'I'lioy
H-oreaeeoinpanicd by Air. and .Mrs. IW.
ins, and will no doubt havo a pleasant
tune '
Xiiv S-iaoi: Lini:. Tho now con
tractors, Messrs. Carr and Hall, have
bought tho stock of II. AV. Corbet.,
and tho balance of his contract, from
the 1st inst to October 1st, at which
tiinutho iiowcontract was to commence.
Thank You. Wo nro under obllga
tions to .Mr. John llolton for a box of
tho nicest plums nnd peaches wu havo
tasted this season. Our friund Holton
may bo angry at us for saying nnythinir
about it, but it b way tho printer
lias ot acknowledging genorosity.
, . II IIT-l
formerly clerk of Josephine county, of-!-......
i, .,' I'.itiiok Hanuh for sale. It is
n valuable liirm, and having u Oovern
meat Patent, Mr. W. can give a per
fect title. For further particulars, seu
his advertisement.
IL'I-- "'
NI-JW Al)'i:..TlSi:.MI-NTS.
ii-:maininu UnciiiiiiiMi in tiio it or
IvllftMii.lnrk(iiivlllcOn'gini,.Sl. 1st 18G7.
1m P Arrnwsiiillli, lion. Ianc Cox 4, Dun
iol W Cox. Kcv. W II. C'nlii. Mrs. Siinili
A Coiliry. Mrs Siituli I.. V'tx, Olmrles lliiTtnn
MrsSamli .1 llnrtciti. Uh.irU-tt V llmwii.Xick
il,irniH. W (I I) ll-cti.J W HiiiiirlcU, Ilyron.
( W II.uiips. J W Urown. A II limn Miy, C
I) llistinp. Iltilwrt !! Daiiiim. Duviil J Diivnll,
Mr Dicki'rsmi, .Mi'lvin Dumownml, Jnlm 1-My,
I-'tniii-ls ICIlzrnlli (liorue Kniiiiprlck A (' Umlw
JncnIidiilliiltiT!, Ji"cpli (Icrfild.7 IiCtlircy
Jmiiiis !: Iliivv, William Iv lllll, I-'ritl ICr.ilt.
lymifil Unlj'Cyni" IrtMiily, I. I'wk, Ml-s l J
'U Y C l.ii'v JiiIiii .Miitiit ItnliiTl Mnrriiv
) V MiHliiws. Mis llniry S MllliT, K iziiii-ili
Mel.i'iinv. Idlttiuil .- Meiumi Omni Miiriin
I'linmim vbinln, W It Mclhiml-. () n
Mfiliin, I'liiiiiius McCiili- A'Iht Murks. Miinlm
Null. .li Su li-riiin ()jiiIiv, Kilnm Phi
TIkmiiis Pinn-s. A II Pnllllp. Mi Mary !
Pmii. I. I'.iik .t.l. I (yiinlil J II lEnl.t . .
ShIIk I-. II - . I 'J. J ll" S i " J K"'i
minifl, lilfnli .-tefg, (li-iiflll Stptniiili. Iliiwk
lh,W MliK-k, VVlH H bliiiOtt. linn .IIHliff M.-HI.
nrr Win Siitnii. iIhiim Si-i'Vi., Ilnviil II Sun
mi. ('Iiiirh St.-rlniif. I 'I liiini'iii, Wm'IVlii
iini, S It 'I'm m.Jiilii. Vi'iii-r, Aul'iisi Vol
inn. Wm Ilm AIImtI Willi's, W in .1 WimiT
Holiiiju'i W irv.liA Wul urn, ,M .uuiult'
To .iliMii' iiiiv of I life li'llcti", llie upilic.iiil
must mil (if':!'ln'rilnl uiIits.
irinitcilliil lyr vvithiii our iwjnlli, lliey will
liesi'iu U lli- IlT-iiil Iicili-r Onicc.
In innlliiii lollrrs, plin' llie pnOiim slninp
mi ll iiirr riuiiMiiuiil I'lirner, uml lnivesp.icc
ln-li(ii llie niiiiiip unit illicclli'ii tn post murk
ullliniit iiilcilcrlii).' ullli lie n-rllliic.
.1 JI.SUITO.V.l'. M.
fa km mm SALE.
rniti: rNii:iisK5si:ii ornnts roit sai.i:
.1 a liirm of ' mi ImiiuImI mill l.i .irv
acre. llii,tliil iit-iir WulM'i, on the liuilii mhti
ro.ul from Juckxxivllle to Crciccnt (Jlly JyJJjJ
anil l known ns thu "1'iitrick llancli." 'I here
I n noinl nrcliiinl. Iinioe uml Imrn iqma II. 1
io-t'M tin- I'atvnt In llie Imiil from IliotSovcrn
nn'iil. mill lll warrant llicralonpuliHt nny uml
all prnas.
Apply lo Tim P I'loyil. Klrliyvlllo.or Jolin
11. 1'rimllv, Dolimiulco ItcOaiir.i.it. I'nrtliiinl,
Oreiton. (iUdTAK W1II.SON.
.SoplemlH'r Tilh, t Si.T. p7lii:i
To tlio TiiA-PnyerH of .luckMUi
rpnt: i:niii:ii.sikn'i:i) iii:iii:iiv oivi-
J iinllcc. Ili.il on Hi.' li.'t Mou.l.iy la Sitvin
IkT. I Mi" he Will illli-iiil at Iho olllci" or llie
C.inuly Clerk, ol Mild county, uml nlih thu u
jl'l.itice of nlil Uli'tk. will pulillclv e.MiiiiIni'
llu- ASriiysjIKNT ItUl.l.S.ninf corrivt all it
rurlii tnluiitloiiK. .li'crlitlnn, or iiiiilllle, nt"
liin.l. I.io. "roller priirty,ii"i"ril furHtiile.
County ai i-cliool iiirpnc. Tor llie current
year, uml nil llio lnkreliil uniilil do wull lo
nin-iiii, nt in, corr.cllon will Imj nuulo Ii, talil
AMVMtiH-iil Holla afcr Uml llin.i.
SlbASJ DAV, A-'or.
Jeplniili r'.M. W." m-iTvv-:i
ThilHl.lni. Kiiutrli IHIIi-m am nllrrly
VruHuW.,1.1 tllrw lniHllk.1lliul.-iHl 'T) llllll-
.ful iimrnlulil.
A rtoMi.t Intl., ti',1 n iikwi J
Mltrt'.lli' ilua1.
2imlM.r,uui.rtiiiNMt,ia.: liitliilKf!i.itiH.d .....in
T.. lll-.ll.tt I. . ..If.t Willis
Jffwiillii. ivirwlnti.rl.nft.l .uUi. nel'.'lnrl
ji.ill, il.iri.iuirUyiiUiiiiiliiii.uriirunl
hi.laVisrtktiis ftf lli. Kinnui.i i:i.,n. , i ,.......i
fllwMla.li h m Ii)..,Hj, Iiiir.'llLtrlinj.:
UMtnf AiU.f. C-. cle. ir.ct:.n."ir'(ic. (
.V.mKII.VU .V.Htiu-.MAii-ji.iiiiiii. J
enr f iin-.in.iA,' Ji Irru, n ,u ttnnl
J uyon Inr the County ul Jackmii).
John Amlerxni uml Jniu" T (ilciiu, pliilnl
ln. v. JhhiIi Orn. Jopl, biiiuliuiii nml
John iiiljim, iK'lemlanlii: Auliou nt latv in
ri cnvnr iiHiitey.
Tn Ji.-cpli (iron. Jii.pli fiUi-liuhi uml Jnlm
,,, ., ,,,. si.,1.. ..r n,.
)t iuijvu. ii ihiiiik;
iK-riliy ...,.ur., ,,,.ir , ,,,;,..r ,i, n,,;,
pluiut. niol -I'll l V m lln almve rn'ill.il
aolliiu. mi Hi.- till, ,y Nii mlwr. Ihli7.ll,
mm" l'iu IIh' llr.. iUj-ol thu ,,-xl ,.rnl
Olwiill ' ouri nf,,r.-ui.i ....,1 ii i-,..h,ii ......
"v,,r '"" ihrr i:,. ni.iiniiir. will n.i...
,,,., ;, V.rW
Sflsi v luoiluiiir- .u, ,.,.,
III" Mill, III
fl tkdl.'iill rr.iln
llli lllll il.ii "I .Sin. iiiIm-i. I,i7 Jinl ill tin. ml..
iii :t p iv mi h un, iiiii, ,u i,..h m ,
' " Mini, ill, III,,, l,i.H ,1 ,.
II) mil, r of ill- Cnnrl. I'. Print
JV (i. T'VAl'lr I'l'lln Atl'y
Aud Mule Kaisers !
thu coinlnit
S'tei't lET'&itr,
"Whi'n AJ.ix ilrivuii ,01110 rocli'ii vl wuluht to
Tho lliiu loo llwr. ami thu words mnvo Mow."
r . i Ui4 "?, 1M,I'. ol' Uurlf. Iron
grey color, latgo limbed, well proponloacd
miulu tor power nnd emlurunco : la verv active
hlV'gT.rW l" fW" d' breed,
larite. Tl Ii flno animal will bo oUercd for pri
vate palo durlnu tho fair. "
".y to meet tholrovvo llulillitlu. bw
tSt.f-n t. st--
li'vuu roit sam:. viusiai vv nsou,
Jaekionvllle, Sept. 7, 1887
Itm-ol IIrluiI! What's au.tii, m.
And wnyinm ..us.. o.,l)ST mkn andS
Has ). Hai.i.kck comk to tiiivn?
Not so, mv Unn. youii iiuk-s h vvimin '
No CCCIt Tltln.fcs OAU, Till Tllllll, '
If VOC'M. HUT Ol. TO TIIK flTV i)nVoSTo,
And fcK tiikiii iiihiim, tiiuU ak Ntl i,""'
Such roobisu QuvaTioss as ukkoiui.
At this crlllral period In ii1B nrn
ol our siibjcet, ,,e 'm,w ,1", ' ,if
ilrnssnini'lPMitKtPrrailncniilijvci .,J"i
li nl?. "n'' "I?'""0 '.,ml tW mul left
n'c. nml left
- vin linn Dioru MllllMlmil. in, n i '
ics clnM c lol. s or prcc 8n, In ll, ln,.nZ
or il tvlchrutril princ irnltcr : On In th,. Pi?.
Driiit Store uml K0 llidr wvl ,, jM'7
Slock Clf -1'IIOUKJ
IIi-jMm til.. Iiesl .i.sr,,, ,
mil I...I....I M...I i 'i"ks
if no
.: """vi. . i-,rr iirouirid J-,,,,,),
mul iilher poiiulm iH-O.oit-nt-fl.
A dim '"'"...'.it ..I I'lMMin-r,,,,!, Alhnnw
" "" '" " rt mi' ini in Kr,i,t,
mill' piipir nml Mt'ii, in iiini,,
euiuiilimi! lieu wlnil, ,,,.,. HI..
.O.K. h.it a
(lolil I'.iw. Ii,( Hlnitil,,
lllll,-. fllllt'.V I't-ll-htltllilH. P,i,M
Wcii.hu, U.ti,.r i;,.M
Ilnitil Clip. Ink
f'npt'r H.llilirn,
Stilling Wax, I'lirlfoli,,,,
I'nrliiioiilw Wuleu. pnr.,,,,
Pocket Hunk, CruyiiM,
IVncllg of
rvcry tliTcrlpllou, HM. Iltn-.
Illurk mul (Inpvluir Ink, Clilk
Line. I-'i'liltn; Tiiekh", Tlulin String.,
To II Innirib mul Ito-iii,
School HonkK or every vurlciy nt rnhirtJ
prices. Uiiv lloiikit In variety, Slutei. IWir
Oiiinc, uml ii ihiiu'iiuil other l him' In I III
line llinl L-u.i lie ire.i liy ciillwp nl ihr (Jily
Prill.' Klnre. 'I'lirr liuve nl.n n laulllul Int
of Hlaliteltcs, iiii'iirpi.'.-!! by nnylhlnir nl the
Ii Inil ever lirnuulit to iliirkiunville. Amnnj
the ulnpif nrllcln. m.iy lie found Pepper. All
cplcc, Nulling, .Mucv, Cloves, Cinn.iniim,
(.'usmIii Iluiln, (lluui-r, Muoiiril, Cren.n ol
Tn r I u r, Hulrnitin, Hiuiaii I'iiki-ahtuis. (fume
llilutr new,) i:.irnci of 1,'iiion, Vuticlla,
(3lovc, OrmiKP. Celery, etc.,
PllAlll, II.tlll.KV, Ilr.UKIMl IN II.IM.,
I'i.a-tkii Paiii- ami Coai. Oil.
'I'hey liuve iiIiki jut rcc-ivnla liirci- ni.nrt
nicnl or Mi-celhiiii'iioiiM llonk rnnipriiliis,
llioorlen. Hlni.'rnpliUii, TruveU, Nnrelv
AniiiiiiN. uml other dill Honk for tho Hull
day for Men, Women uml Children,
We would cull on our friend in uive tn a
cull. If wc i-iin't fell them uiiyihiiif, we will,
lukn t?riit lilemiirr in ulinwlu lliein iiiik
Ihini' now. Sl'TTON i IIYDK.
Juckinnvllle. Feb. 9, 1H07. nnvU-tf
Piafiio Forte
199 Browhcitji Kao York.
rpm-sK piano? ui:oi:ived tiii: moil-
X ct Awitnl ol Merit! ill Iho llurifi fair,
over (ho Ik1'! milker Irntii l.oiulnn. I'nn tier
imiiiy, llie cllli'- or New York, I'luhuli lrlii..
Ilulllninr,' nnd llnlon : ul-o lln (IM JMilM
Urn Amtritan fmliliile. for l-'IVIJ SUCCI-WIVIJ
YIIAU.SI Our I'luuu4 cnulttln Iho I'mnch
Crmid Acllou, llurp I'edul, OvrlrunK lln"
l'ull Iron Ki nine, mill till .Modern Improvement!,
l.very bmiriuueul irurrnii'n. Ir v"'i' W1"'0
under Iho niiHTilflini of Mr. .1. II.
UltOVUSTI.nX, who h iipmctlcjlM
purieueuiif over llilriy-llve jiur. and I'll
milker of oetr tlutn UwumiuI punt-tutu. Our
luClllllei. (nr nmiiiiliiclurliiK e"M imIomII
Ih.'x) iiKlriiuiculx friuii $100 to $100 doir
1 1.,. 1 1 nny lirit vlu pliuio.
tfiivinli-r L'uih. IM.it. 'l!?-2ji
CASH OAffCTAl, $300,000
S. W. Cor. Montgomery California St'
luiiiii. itifiiln-i I r liii
l'illliu noil nil hind' l I'
uuil on Mi ii l,iiiid' 11' K
i in iiIiiih-nml nil mil' i 1
xiinil l'ri'nrly ut the
,nwi-.l Knlf
i,-, I
IjOHSI'H I'llVlltlll
in f. S
tiolit Coin.
Cini. CJ.n.inri .s.-iK.v. lril'i-iili
J. (iiiiiKMivuu, Viw I'rtfldeiil,
II, It(iTlli.Cllll.li. .Seeiuliiiy.
JAMES T. G h K N N , A -
JackHonville. C oeswf
"" S..VK iirirniiinf coniiiliiK n i.rnil Yuri-
!) or Il.ttr Oil,. lr lb,!,,,,,,,,,.. ,yr
llvci. Col..).,,..., II,,.,. Vi,.,. .'iriltl v ,
.Miik'linllii WiiIit, V,i 111,,,,,,,,,,,, (Vr ,'
Uiilli'.loo, Cociln, Ia.miV ICulKirr.m. 1.,,1.,.,'J
It. DUOAN, J- O' wiU-
33xiolL 33xxilciii3.Bf.
Com or of Front ami F 8Hce,
lug nml furwnrdliiB ornllgooUenl'ulw,J
their euro, with prnmptnert and dlepatou. i i
havo tilted up two lnrio building" fur ilo K
good?, iitiif huvo imul'J nrrttupenieuts ' .,
inorQlmn,! doing biuln, lluuiiou tniw .
not fuller by any ovci charge, or loe
olulin for goodii lost. ., .t..
& Con.lgnmenU aollolled. Mrcb ii"
received nu Htni'iiuo. , '"'; 1
'i '
Ayer's Cathartic V