Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, September 07, 1867, Image 1

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    Tint pcnilwr tntnt or Infec
tion whlrli Wo mil Bcnor
ut.A lurks In tlio constltu
lion of multitudes of men.
h cither prodnecs or In
prodiieed by nil enfeebled,
vitiated stato of tlio blood,
u herein that fluid licromcs
Ivwto" v'' forcc'' '" ,,,clr h01"
inrnon, nnu lenviwuiu nvs-
UW v mtt$mnm dcrny. Thu scrofulous.
wtJJ(yjfir nintnmlnntlon is variously
saJs;; caused by mcrcnrlnl dls-
Jiol!nn from unhealthy food, Impure nlr, filth and
fltliv Iml'lt'i '" depressing vires, nnd, nlwro oil,
rtlio unorrnl Infcrllon. Whatever lw lbs orlffin,
It Is lurediurv In thu eoiutltutlon, ilcsrcndlnc "from
' ,nt to children nnto tho thlnl nnd fourth pen.
JmiIhii:" liMlocd.lt seems to ho tho roil of Him
XViw "1IH vNIt tho Iniquities of tho fathers
msm 'their children." Tlio diseases -hlrh It orlj?
Instf talc various names, nccordlnc to tho orpuu
It att.irks. In tho lungs, Scrofula produce tuber
fU nti.l finally Consumption ; In tho glands, swell
Inns' which snnpurito nnd liccomo ulcerous foresj
In tho Homnrli nnd bowels, derangements which
produce Indigestion, dyspepsia, nnd liver complaints;
on tin) 1'"i cntptlvo nnd cutaneous nllcctlom.
Tlieo) all lnvlnji tho same origin, require tho tamo
rrmcdr vl., piirllleation nnd invlgoratlon of the
Unoil." I'nrify tho blood, nnd these dangerous dls
tomi'rs leave you. With fccblo, foul, or corrupted
Mood on cannot havo health j with that "liibof
the t!eh" healthy, joti cannot havo scrofulous
ducate. V
Ayor'a Sarsnpnrllla
1 compounded from tho most effectual nntidntci
that medical srlcnco hai discovered for tills nflllct
ins distemper, nnd for tlio euro of tho disorders It
emails. That It is far superior to any other rem
olvu't dcii'cd, Is known hy nil who hare given
It a "trial. That It docs comblno virtues truly c.x
trionhnirr in their effect upon tills class of com
J ilnK. Is'lmlipntahly proven by tho treat multi
tude of ptililirly known nnd rcmarkaldo cures it
l.x made of tho following diseases : King's Evil
or fhndulnr Swelling, Tumors, Eruptions,
Pinplet, Blotchos and Soros, Ei-ynpehu,
Bore or St Anthony's Firo. Salt Rheum,
Seild Hold, Coughs from tuberculous depot
itt in tho lungs, Whito Swolllngs, Debility,
Dropi7, Houralgin, Dyjnopsia or Indigestion,
Sjplii and Syphllitto Infections, Mercurial
DatuM, Fcraalo Weaknessos, nnd, indeed, tho
itowncHof complaints that nrisofrom impurity
(,'. IiO.hI. illnuto reports of individual cases
our lie found in Aitn's Amkiiicax Almanac,
!.:.!i is lurnlshiil to tho dnijr'lts for pratultous
rf.striliiitioii, uhcrrln may ra learned tho directions
Cif its n o, and romo of tho rcmurknblo cures which
it has made when all other remedies had failed to
tUml rvlicf. TIhxo cacs are purposely taken from
all "ectious of tho country, in order that every trailer
mav line mrcss to roino ouo who can scak to him
of its hcmilts from iuttoiuI cxicricncc. Hcrofnla
dcprees tlio itnl energies, and thus lenvos itsvio-
tints far moro subject to disease and its fatal results
than nro healthy conntltutions Ilcnco it tends to
liortcn, mid iloi's pvatly shorten, tho average slura-
tio'i of human life. Tho vnit iniportanco of theso
condileraiffius has IinI us to sprnii years In jKrfect-
I;-.- a rcinoh- whirh is ml iiitato to its euro. This
e now oiler to tho public under tho nnmo of
Aims SuisAiMiiiLt.i, nlthoush it is composed
i( iiiu'niliciits, some of uhidi exceed tho best of
Sirttivi!lti in nltrratlvo power. Hy its aid you
Eiir (irotcrt yourself from tho sulrVrini; and dnngur
tf tlicsj disorders. Turpi out tho foul corruptions
itat rot and fester in tho blood; purge out tho
cms of dieac, and li:oroiis health will follow.
Brfci iKTiilinr virtues this remedy stimulates tlio
tcJ fiini'tiiins. nnd thus cxncls tho disteiiiDeni
six j lurk HitJiin the system or burst out on any
frtdt it.
U'e know tho nubile havo leen deceived by many
fonpounils of Simi'anlh, that protnlcl tnucfi
sn. Ii I nothing! but they will neither bo deceived
r.or tlitjpHiintei in this. Its virtues havo liccn
rorni l.v nlnimlant trial, and there remains no
qiofion nf its surpassing excellence for tho euro
f tlii atllicting diseases It is intended to reach.
Allium, i under tho h.iiiio name, it Is n very dlf
fennt inodiiino from any other which has been
Is fore tho iK-ople, and Is far moro cflcctunl than
say other which has cicr bcui available to them.
Tho World'a Groat Homody for Coughs,
Colds, Inoiplont Consumption, nnd
for tho roliof of Consumptivo
patlonts in ndvnncod ata-
qos of tho diaouao.
This has been so long used and so universally
known, that wo need do no moro than assure tho
public that its quality is kept up to tho best it ever
lus been, and that it may bo relied on to do all it
bat vter done.
Prepared by Tin. J. C. Aykh & Co.,
Pructtail and Analytical ChtmitU,
Lowell, Mass.
JMiy all druggists eierywhere, and by
Agent!., 5)7 California Struct,
bun FraiiclHLu.
WlAMl IKKCII.NTSjMlrluKr.l.l.nt .nrut.orUi.il
itv. I""11""", cn olfrr uwiiur iuJuceiuenli,
.l.V5UU,.,,"'"'", Tlsns lu oullrttluut, Ike iiurckudiuJ
.1. ., -' T.iiJrr Noim, l)rft, tu, luK)lwblus,
.' J" 'u.'" r iruiMclluus re.(ulriL lb. rIcM of .iintl
,lf'JrfllMsuu. riinl,,,, U iu.U fur eti onl.tscciit In cues of
JwiUfrttuitat tutbo cvuusr.
co U). (Dsborn,
nrl;miCB.l..win Co., wholeula dealers lu
C ifi. Scofiicms,
'sm.rly oftli C lt.Uiu.Wla A Co., hol.alo (ricrrs u
";' : 1, liMjbury 4 ,mJ, Jckuiivlllt).
'J UmWr , liM. gpUtf
,, ""'Ho hikI till ftlund gurrsll, that bo lu luly lowi
nil" 'uelM' l'r 1" selnctiMl guml bdurluwnt vt Out
"i cuwuiuii ria... thut-Kum, riolr. of all dilTvrcot kluJ,
-V SID i 'Jfiffi
iii ...''" Iu"' ur, aim an xmas ti aiuuiuui
i. ,' ,'Vc",'rlJ, lwour, stwli li, iHiwJvr-daaki,
in . ' """tluK-Ugs ot Dcry orl auj klu.
'' ""?' lll U filloj wllk iruuioliuM, utatuest aaJ die
I....7 .""'""""luringoi uw nntxwiii ,uonaatllio
iSifft1"' ""'1 lu ,u" mu,x "I'rroteJ styls.
.luJ-r.'lf '"' f"' palMuagu, 1 m.uwllully wllclt a cunllnu-
"r suutU or U. V. Uow.ll's l.w oiiu-..
JiefteuiUrlli.lsflj. If,
-I'lrsl Uoor NorUi of Uuttn'
llankliiK llouso.
Deeds and other Instruments of writing carefully
P A n ' tt.nd acknowledgements takeD,
ltrViPiP. . ,0,q.8.for Homestead Katrles, Preemption
8Uts and Private entry or land proemxd. j
. Jwkaonrlllo, August 4, 1886. prWW'
Peter Britt,
Photographic Artist,
Ambroty pos,
Oartos do Vislte
donk jy the finest stvle of art.
Pictures Ileiliicetl
Physician & Surgeon,
Ollco nt his rertdenco, in tho Old Orerbeck
Hospital, on Qrcnon Htrccl.
UFFIOE-Cornor of California nnd Fifth
Btrcots, Jacksonville, Ogn.
II" will practice In Jnck'on mid ndjarcut
'iiinillfs, nod ntlutid promptly to prolt-Fltinul
rnll. fc,itf
In tho Ovorbock Hospital,
r '
lime, will tliul n constant supply, ol the
best quality, In quantities to suit, at my shop
on Main street, between Oregon and Third, op
posite Mnller it llreiitano's store. In my ah
K'lice, Mr. Alox. Martin will wait upon custom
Htnuo Alusoti Work
dono on terras to suit tho times. Orders from
lliu couutry will rccelvo prompt nttentlon.
JbcKhjiitIIIc, April 20, 1807. apZT
D. 0. McCLELLAN, Frop'r.
1 refitted and prepared Tor tho reception of
iiuests, ami tho proprietor would say to the
citizens of Southern Oregon, ami tho traveling
public, that ho Is now ready In rccelvo and en
let tain all who may favor blui with a call, at
prices to suit.
Tho Tablo will Im furnished with tho best the
market affords, permitting no houao to oscel It
either In quality or variety.
Warren Lodge No, 10, A. F. & A. II
a HOM) their regular communications
syon thu Wedueaday KrenlngH or prcced
r lug the full moon, In jacmonvilu:, ok
Koo. A. MARTIN, W. M.
0. W. SjiVAOK.Scc'y.
rVMTiniv' llavlnir disposed of our Fac
tory, wo am now prepared lo itlvo our whole
attention to on' Leather nnd Finding business).
On band, direct from Franco, Calf & Kip,
Domestic Luatber, Uoot Legs. etc.
Joii.v O. Hiv. I L. Farms, I Jons IIbay,
New York. l'arls, 8au Francisco.
Address, 1IKIN & IlitAY, San Francisco.
41fi Battery Street
Tlio Heat Uctuuity fur I'urlf yttie
tlio Wood, Strengthening tho Nerves, Uestorln
tho Lost Appetite, la
It la tho best preservative ngalnital moat any
sickness. If used timely. Composed of herbs
i. ii l - !.-... .Aaln 1a Infanla ltslllilla
fwtlonsln English, Freud. Spanish 'and Ger-I
man, with every packafre. THY IT I
For sa lo at all the wholesale and rttall drug
stores and groceries.
EMU. FIIK-SB. Wholcsalo Druggist, '
Sole Agent, 410 Clay street.
InvHvl ban francisco.
hides: hides:
mi r .n ktH.i. .ir.1lj.va.1 t thu m&rkel
1 Hides of all kinds, delivered at thu market
of the undersigned, In Jcs,onjN 0RTn
DcBberfith 1866. f
AdmimUitrateai's Xtic.
nmli.r irnMl h&fl been dUlV anpoiuiou ui iuo
sto Court, for the County oi Jaoksoo.8
Strickland, deceaaed, law or jacu uuuu.jr
.. hV.h notified to oresent the name, duly
- m w - . m a i
nd Bute, within six months f.om the date
hereof. W, G. T'YAOgTAdm r.
I'uiuo .!'"- f?;ll:.o','!WAl:,I'il",; ,r,'1e' bl, ?T 8Com n ;, , - Uvc, or a bag what had Vied a load
portuut8U.SOHII'TH)N WOIth.8. Ap )ly at i ii r. ,, Heht onto tho cur , III two ...'., ..? , .. ; . ,
uco to tho subscription department, of '" ", 8 '""', "", , , wi ',,,,, , "1 fresh beef from a shootin' mtitoh."
II. il llANOKOKT. CO n.i.iits. Sho out-brceds , veryt ling on ww ,
J,27m.ln ""'IsTn Vanc'ttca.''0 rivcr-niMl patterns nlUTUv'.y lash- awycr johi(go1,u him; nnd tf
I" liilii nii iivmiu --.,,
A Waif.
Tnko n Ilttlo wife,
Tlio prettier tlio bettor;
Pat lier clieuk, nnd when
Sho wnnta to kiss you lot lien
Keen her in tlio Iioubo
Tltero bIic'U cook your mutton ;
Dnrn your jacket too,
If olie'fl worth n button.
Never miutl tlio lots
Of lier niintfl ami cousins;
Ask them to "drop in;"
Dino thorn nil by dozens.
One of these odd days,
You'll feel full ono inch tnllor,
"When you sec her hug
A whopping little nunllGr.
AMrr All.
The Ajiples nro ripo in tho orchard',
The work of tho reaper is done,
And the golden woodlands redden
In the light of tho dying riiii.
At the cottage door the gntntlsiro
Hits pale in his easy chair,
While the gentle wind of the twilight
I'lnys with his silver hair,
A wouiaii is kneeling beside him
A lair yntiuir form is pressed,
In tho llrst wild passion of sorrow,
Against his aged breast.
And far from over the distance,
VI... I!.li..! 1 '
! ()f ln n'h,a ,,!i.,st "' w )nFh,
Ami tlit rattliiij' roll ul tliu tl
hi.' limn my rriiurff I'limr,
Then tho grnndsiro speaks in a whisper,
"The end no man can see ;
lint we give hinnto his country,
And wo give our prayers to Thee."
Hut thu grnudsire's chair is empty ;
The cottage is dark and still ;
There's a nameless grnvo on the battle
Held And u new one under tho hill.
And a nallid tearless woman
Hy tno cold hearth sits alone,
And thu old clock in thu corner
Ticks on with a steady drone.
Kut LovfBocul'a Shirt
Tlio llrst person I mot wiih "Sut," nt-
tor crossing tho Hilwnssee, "weaving
nnd moving along" in his usual, ram
bling, uncertain gait. His appearance
at oucu satisfied mo tlmt something
was wrong. Ho had been sick whiji
ped in u free light, or was just out
growing ouo of his big drunks. Hut
upon this point I was soon enlightened.
"Why, Sut, what's the matter?"
"Heap's wrong; durii mu skin if I
ain't most dud. Lite oil that horse,
George an' tako n horn, whilu I take
two, (slinking that everlasting flask of
his at me,) an' plant yorself on that nr
log, an I'll toll yo of I ken, but it's
most boyond telling. I reckon I'm thu
dnrudest fool oiitcn Utaw, copt my dnd,
for ho acted boss, and I hain't dono
that yet tillers in somo trap that
couldn't catch n sheep. I'll drown my
self somo day, sco of I
ilnnll Ii.ot tn
stop n family disposition to make fools
1 I
' V
on 'omselves."
"How is it, Sut ; have you been bent
playing cards, ordriuking which is it?
"Nnra one, that can't bo did in theso
parts ; but seeing its you, George, I'll
toll you ; but I swar I'm ashamed
sick sorry, and and mad, I am."
"Von know I boards with Hill Carr,
at his cabin on tho mountain, nn pays
for sich as I gits when I hov money,
an whon I hovn't nny, why ho takes it
one-third oaten mo in cussin ; and sho,
that's his wife, Hots, takes out tothcr
'two - thrds with tho bnttlin stick, nnd
" ,"' .. ,i !,
i tho intrcst with her tongue, nnd tho
j ,
st is more',, the principal-heap
!, She's the cussedest 'o.nnn I ev-
..l ...... . fin. isw lii-.'pilm nn
britches. Oh she's
Boiiiotlnu'h she's two or three.
you see I got some hum made cotton
.. i- - ...!. nam slurr nntnii fttiil
truck to make a now
shirt outcn, nnd
. .A , ' .,
kc, it, an about tho i
coaxed Beta to roa
dun hero cum lawyer
k awful ro,nB ?r"e" T tne8-,
va ." u iron IF iiiniisiiirs nn '
ym pjZCn proo(, iuyo-n, i...-.".. t'
his flask and peeping through it,) or
I'd been ded long ago.
'"Well, while wo wero eatin, she spi-
cd out ti,at his shirt was. stiff and mity
, gQ povcr restsjtttlll sho worm-.
- iiiiii ui n iiofirM iiii iiii. iiiiiii imichvip .
l.-ttoi.na nb hIui's ouo ou 'cm. nnd
timo it war
Johsou nlong and axed lur ureaKiusi . ing a gontioman t0 insure his life, snid, J; ol" ," TK ,,,' ,i
. i .. t j :.,,i i.im turn l.io m . .. . i i n in too use of brushes for tho hatr,
I wish it bed puencd him dnrn hs , "Tako a policy for ton thousand dollars, tho teoth, nnd clothes, nnd boots. Ho
hide, and 1 womior u uimi i, ior wie andifvoudio next week tlio widow's will soon learn to measure manhood
. cd it outcn him, that a preparation of
! Hour aid it ; nn sho got n few pnrtio-
I 'lore nbout tho proceeding outcn him
by 'omnn's nrtB I don't know how
she did it, perhaps ho docs Artcr ho
loft sho sot in nn biled a big pot of
pnstt nigh onto a peck of it, nn soused
in my short an let it soak awhile, then
she tuk it nn ironed 'it out flat an dry,
nn sot it up on its ego ngain the cabin
in the sun. There it stood ns stiff ns a
dry boss hide, nn it rattled liko a shoot
of iron, it did. It wero pasted togeth
er nil over. When I cum to dinner
' nothing would do but I must put it on.
I Well, HetB nn mo got tho thing open
artcr somo hnrd work, she pullin nt
I ono of the tails an mo nt thu tothcr, an
' I got into it. Durn thu ovcrlnsting
nuw fanglcd short, I say. I felt liko I
had crawled into nn old bco gum nn
hit full ot pis-ants I but it wcru liku
lawyer Johnson's an I stid it liko n
man, an went to work to build Hots n
ash-hopper. I worked powerful hard
' till UtVilt 1 it'll il lisiau till tul, Mil l.it ulirtet
nil ntivii nnv 41 iiiirr till is null iiiu nilUI V
got wet it ijnit its hurting.
"Artcr I got dun I tuk nbout four
lingers of rcdhed, and crawled up into
t lit cabin lott to take u snooze.
"Well, when waked up I thought I
was ded, or had thu cholcry, lor all tho
jints I could movu wuru my ankles,
wrists and knees couldn't even move
my bed, nn skasely movo my eyes
thu cussed shirt wus pasted fast on to
mu all over, fruin tho pint of thu tail
to the pint of thu broadax collar over
thu cars. Il set mu ns close ns a poor
kow dus to her hidu in March. I
squirmed nn strained until I sorter got
it broke nt thu shoulders nnd elbows,
nnd then I dun thu dtirudcstTnolishust
thine ever did in theso mountains. I
shullled my brooches mid toro loose
from my hide about two inches of tho
tail nil round, in much pain nnd tribu
lation. Oh! but it did hurt t Thou I
took up n plnuk outcn the lott an hung
my legs down through the hole, and
nailed the edge of tho front tnil to tho
floor before me, nnd thu hind tnil I nail
ed to thu plank wot I sot on. I unbut
toned thu collar nti risbauds, raised
my bauds nwny above my hud, shot tit;
my eyes, said grace, nn jumped through
to the ground llore."
Hum Sut remarked, sadly:
"George, I'm n diirudor fool thnn ov
er dad was, boss, hornets mi nil. I'll
drown myself somo of theso days, sco
if I don't."
"Well, go on, Sut, did tho shirt como
"I t-h-i-n-k i-t d-i-d. I beam n
noso sorter liko taring shingles ofl'ov a
house nil nt oust, an felt liku my bones
was nil that readied tho llore. I stag
gered to my feet nn tuk a look nt my
short. Tho nails had nil hilt theirholt
....! .l... .. ..ink. 1..........M ..M..... ilnlll.1
""""" ""B -".
iiittwlii nut nml n ut ill nu fivor It. Innk.
""- ""! " " -.W-, ...WW..
cd like tho map of Mexico, just nrter
ono of thu first battles n patch of my
hidu just nbout tho sizo of a dollar ami
a hall bill hero; a bunch of my liar tho
sizo of n bird's ues,t thero; then somo
moro skin; then somo paste; then a
little moro hnr; then skin, nnd soon
over that durned, now fanglcd, over
liistin', infernal ouss of a short. It was
n picture to look at an so teas I. Tho
hide, hnr nn pasto was about oknlly di
vided between mo an it. Wonder
what Huts thought when sho como
homo nn found mo missiu'. Spect she
thinks I crawled into a thicket nnd
of woim(g u
KnnA J ' fm - M
. ... " . ' .
must havo
1 tt ff
1 I
:::";'':,:?';.. , ' 1
' - I
as long as you live."
J m
n insuranco agent in Georgia, urg-
heart wUUing for joy."
Wo may lay lu a stock of pleasure,
as we would, lay in a stock ot wine;
but if wo dofor tho tasting of them too
long, wo shall and that both nro sour-
od by ago, j
over n 'omnii tulKs nuotit nat'nin'n,. , .. . , . , .,, , ,,,
.i i ..! .1.. ..j...ii bo so judiciously mixed up with health-
NO. 33
The Number Seven.
Tliis number is frequently used in
tho writings of tho Biblo:
On the 7th dny God ended bis work.
In the 7th mbnth Noah's nrk touched
tho ground.
In 7 days a dorc was sent out.
Abraham pleaded 7 times for Sodom.
Jacob served 7 yenra for Rachncl.
And yet other 7 more.
Jncob mourned 7 days for Joseph.
Jncob was pursued n 7 days' journey
by Labnn.
A plenty of 7 yenrs nnd a famine ot
7 years wore foretold in Pharonh's
dream by 7 fat nnd 7 loan beasts, nnd 7
cars of full nnd 7 ears of blasted com.
On tho 7th dny of the 7th month the
children of Israel fasted 7 days, and re
mained 7 days in tents.
Every 7 ycare tho land rosted.
Every 7th year nil tho bondmen wore
sot free.
Every 7th year tho law was road to
tho people.
In tho destruction of Jericho, 7 priests
bore 7 trumpets 7 days ; on tho 7th
day they surrounded tho walls 7 times ;
and nt tho end of tho 7th round,
tho walls full.
Solomon was 7 years building the
temple, and feasted 7 days nt its dedi
cation. In tho tnbcroaalo was 7 lamps.
Tho golden candlesticks had 7 branch
es. Nnamnu washed 7 times in Jordan.
Job's friends sat with him 7 days
and 7 nights, nnd offered 7 bullocks
and 7 ranm ns an atonement.
Our Savior spoko 7 times from tho
cross, on wliioh ho hung 7 hours, nnd
after his resurrection appeared 7 times.
In tho Lord's prayer are 7 petitions,
continuing 7 times 7 words.
In tho Rovolntions wo read of 7
churches, 7 candlesticks, 7 stars, 7 trum
pets, 7 plagues, 7 thundore, 7 vials, 7
angels, and a 7 headed monster.
Amazing Innocence. Tho editor
of tho Hoscburg JSivtlyn is about to
start out on a collection tour, nnd ho
thus admonishes delinquent subscribers
to prcparo to rcccivo him :
Tho 'fighting editor" of tho Enttign
is on tho war pntli ; look out for him,
yo denizons of tho northern part of tho
county, nnd assail him furiously witli
(2 SO nieces. This is the easiest way
you will find to vanquish him.
We don't think it's pro-eminontly cute
to sound tho trumpet buforo you in that
way when you're going ont a dunning.
It just gives 'em notico to keep out of
tho way. You should keep mum, my
innocent Oregonian boy, and drop
down on 'em before they know it. Go
ing on "tho war path" indeed ! You'ro a
n protty pieco of simplicity to go upon a
" war path !" After tolling your vic
tims you'ro a coming right along for
'cm; do you expect 'em to bo green
enough to stay and bo scalped ? You'll
nover do to run a newspaper in Oregon
my young friend. You might rustlo
through in a pious community, on a
mild stylo of tempernuco journal, or a
Sunday School periodical, or something
of that sort, but Oregon isn't your field.
Go nhead, though, on your "war path,"
and we'll bet you a baskot of " Green
Soal" you don't enpturo $10, and that
will bo in greenbacks. Good-bye in
nocence I Dramatic Chronicle.
Ctn.TiVATK Sulf-Help inyoukCiiil
urkn. Mothers sometimes err in ex-
eessivo tenderness nnd devotion. Clul
dron lovo occupation and will havo it.
""viti, nnao:nr. . ,i:., .in. ...n
AIIU irilDwlUllO IUI UltDilllli: UUUD lUttl no
well bo turned to dressing something
moro suusianuni. j iuiio gin can
soon learn to dress and wash herself,
nnd then to perform those offices for
her younger brothers and sisters. Play
tiAtil1 nni'nis Im 4 Arnof nlln1 lnf if Tmnf
that the toil will not be irk-
some. The boy may as well pull
nia lirflr. nnnta nn nm-n nnnflinr nt
his first boots ; as havo another do it
for him. If he is taught that it is
manly to help himself and to keep his
usefulness, and not by tho amount of
dirty work other people do tor him.
Some peonlo indeed, get too much out
of their children but that, is not. the
T,, helmaiio much ho, flU
picftM,ro and profit a themselves ntul
to tho world,
Anim Ats. Cows at pasture must not
laok puro nnd fresh water stagnant
pools are n poor sonrco of supply. No
stock ought to bo forced to drink front
thorn, and, least of nil, milch cows.
Calves nro better pastured by them
selves than with other stock. Young
horses often get tho bad habit of run
ning after, and striking them, if thoy
feed together. An old horso will tako
caro of himself among cows, but colts,
ono or two years old, nro heedless, and,
if postured with cntttle,m!sybohurtby
their horns, without nny real malico
on tho part of cows. Working stock
should uot lio over night in tho pasture.
It is very well for them to have n few
hours, in which to graze, during somo
pnrt of tho day, but both cattlo nnd
horscs'work better on good hay, and
some provender, corn nnd oats, ryc
Bhorts, nnd tho like. Tho amount of
feed may bo graduated in nccordanco
with the averogo amount of work re
quired, but it should bo uniform. All
animals, not nt pasture, should havo
somo grecu food perhaps one-third of
all they cat. This should bo cut, wilted,
nnd brought to tho yard or stnblcB for
them, and bo ready when tho day's
work is done.
IirronTANCE of Advehtisino. Tho
following from tho Pittsburg Gazette,
a sketch of n business house in that
city, illustrates this matter: "In n
brief interview with ono of our most
liberal patrons a few days since, v o in
quired his experience of advertising.
Wo regard his answer as noteworthy,
nnd commend it to tho consideration
of others. lie snid the samo kind of
business in which he is engaged had
been carried on nt tho samo stand for
ton years by one, nnd nearly ton yenrs
by another predecessor. Thnt theso
men gavo diligent attention to their
busimm nnd wero sober nnd frugal,
but spent nothing for advertising.
They wero just baroly able to eko out
a living. Thnt he bought tho concern
ten years ago, and then begun debtor
for tho whole establishment. IIo felt
poor and only expended City dollars
per niiiium in each of tho business pa
pers tho first yenr, that subsequently
ho increased his expenses several thou
sand dollars annually for advertising
mid tho result has demonstrated its
marvelous utility, as ho ho is worth to
day $175,000 nnd his profits aro nniiu
ally increasing.
Look at the Sunny Bide. Thero
is such a sido in every lot in lifu. Most
children grow up in homes whero thero
nro no scrvnnts, and turn out passably
well. Men nnd women of tho highest
culture nnd social, moro often than oth
wise, began life in this condition, and
the early habits of self help and indus
try there formed, determined their char
acters and success. To bo born in
uflluonco is generally a calamity. Tho
children of tho rich aru most appropri
ately objeots of compassion. What
shall bo dono for such, to mako them
useful mid happy, is a a much moro dif
ficult problem to bolvo than tho prop
er training of thu children pi tho poor.
The men who make our laws nnd
mould public opinion, as a rule, grow
under necessity of labor. Their moth
ers filled the ollico of nurse, cook, and
laundress in their homeri, nnd to this
dny it is the honest conviction of theso
distinguished men, that their mothers
wore the best,, women nnd the most sa
vory cooks in tho world.
Average Yield of Ghain. Tlio
commissioner of tho National Agricul
tural Hureau nt Washington publish
ed n statement showing the avcrago
yield per acre, in tho States east of tho
Itocky Mountains, of tho various grains
in 1800. Tho lowest average yield in
any ono Stato was soven bushels of
wheat to tho acre, and tho highest, 113,
per acre. Tho avcrago yield in thirty
fivo States was a fraction less thnn 10
bushels per acre. In California tho
average yield was 20 bushels, mid in
Oregon 20 bushels. It will bo noticed
that tho average yield of wheat in tlio
two Pacifio States was over 150 per
cent greater per aero than it was in
tho States east of tho Hocky Moun
tains. The papers from that wonderfully
productive country, tho Northwest,
stato that a maniac, known as " Crazy
Hess," confined at tho asylum at Haciue,
Wis., has just presented tho corpora
tion with a present in the fonn of a
bouncing pair of twins. " Hess" is a
" lonowoman ;" has been confinod ;n
tho asylum for several years, and tho
strangest part of tho wholo affair is,
that " Hetsy" was never sp surprised
about anything in her wholo liio! An
astounding result of confinement in a.
luuatio asylum.