Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 10, 1867, Image 2

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von tiik it.:sii)j:ncy in 1808,
m.VWKM H. CIllAVr.
" Will done, Ihon gon an I tillhftil ffrrnnt." Th r-
Jlf hue niraMt or pal-lola punDnmrni or irwiort
- -
Satukday MoinftJfn, At'orsT 10, If 07
t hat dtli-mlnnl to talc- Itlp to rorllanJ, ami Intir
mulUte rlnt pttlj en luilnfM and p.rllj to e eld
ftlfndi. 1 blltf aWnt nbont trowels.durliiRwhleli
tlm O.JucU, nq., hat kindly fonitnttdto HI' (Mr
oMhe t0lterla.dp.utm-ntcifllie JlMl-UL -Our Own
pllmnl' to lh 1'fMi will W -mttkI nnlll my tdurn.
The Struggle in Cnllfornin.
Our neighboring State is alive with
political excitement. Since the publi
cation of General Hid well's positive de
clination of the doubtful honor tender
ed him by the Holler's Convention,
the cause of the Union party has been
much more hopeful. The Unionists do
not, however, feel that the election of
their whole ticket is absolutely certain,
nnd the most strenuous ellbrts nru be
ing made in its behalf. The State and
county candidates have taken the
stunip from Siskiyou to San Diego.
Oregon and Nevada have contributed
a share of their oratorical ability to
swell the Union war cry. Thecountry
jire.-s, headed by evcral influential San
Francisco papers, are nearly a solid
phalanx iu favor of the regular Union
ticket, nnd there is but little doubt
that California will be tavoil from the
control of traitors. Kach day is
strengthening the cause of Gorliam.
Each hour is weakening the entire of
the treason-mongers who ojiiioc him,
nnd each issue of the renegade Union
tory that will conic to cheer them
from across the line. May it be
0 1
jiaj iIWruu.ui cumin, ""
wiiowouiii nave Kirangieiiircwiom ami
would have given our sistorStatoover
to the enemy, are bcntoii back for the I
last time. When, on the evening ofl
the fourth of September next, the icy
brow of Shasta reflects the lingering I
rays of the Occident, may it say to our 1
own giam noun, jii is wen ; i ue
chains that would have fettered the
free nre again broken, and Liberty
uhnll struggle no more !"
.?-... Tf 1 1. tl II. .11
Mn. 3Iai.i.oiiy. This gentleman ar
rived in Jacksonville Tuesday evening
and left the following morning, for the
north, having just nrrived from Wash
that his voto was not needed to pass
the supplementary reconstruction bill
over tho threatened veto. Thoe who
know Mr. Mnllorv, will scared v charge
him with dodging the record, but, on
the contrary, give him credit for being
ns radical as there is any practical ne
cessity for.
.irrui:.i:i). Mr. T. G. Owens, who
accompanied Captain 1 fames to I'itt
Ilivcr valley some two mouths since,
with a largo baud of cattle, on July
27th cau.u dashing into town like a
California vaquero, right side up, and
liis scal iu the right place. lie left
"Cap," with his slock, iu a beautiful
little valley in the I'itt Hivcr country,
where he intends wintering. Feed iu
that section is very luxuriant, and the
Indians disposed to be perfectly friend
ly. "Grundy" left again this week to
pilot a large band of sheep to the same
locality, nnd expects to icturn in four
or fivo weeks.
Ciiuncii Ui:i'.iiib, The shabby ap
pearance nud uncomfortable condition
of the Methodist Church, iu this town,
has long been u matter of comment ;
but we arc very glad to seo that it is
to bo thoroughly renovated. Sovcral
ladies have taken tho matter iu hand,
nnd intend putting down a handsome
carpet, and making tho Chuiohncom
fortablo as possible. Wo do not doubt
their ability to give our place of wor
Hhip a rcsjiectablo appearance, for when
thoy undertnko anything, thero is no
Mich word as "fail."
I'litu i.v tiik Mountains. Thero ap
pears to bo an unusual amount of liro
"out" iu tho mountains this season.
The atmosphero is very heavily laden
with smoke, and tho range of vision iu
this valley docs uot exceed two or
three wiles.
papers that are sowing aisi:Ulection 111 rv lnorc ,robnblc that his persistent & Urcntano's warehouse on Orcon ' particular bushier wasbroiiched to the eonieth to the little ones."
the 1 .11011 ranks tends to lesson their ) 0b,tniutlo of tic lilW8 j, bjmi,h. t0 ' . ,. .. ' ,,,..... , doctor, though he was detained tor , Heuicn.ber that you cannot be lieu
iniiucnce. iie l 111011 mon oi our own tif , r , r H , - ., .1.1 11 . c.t "iuc time, lie ineu many nines u tral, anil there win no n nay wnen you
State are watching this stru-He with f, ' reenger.il feelingsag.. list gl,0. Iortunalely, the oldest of the! Cl nWBV, M11, Ways without success. - wlI ,,L. ulmWt. , ,,,.n,i igporanee.
tlcmoAt lMmlntJtnmn.o V1'0" "" " tht'r 'il'lrcn gave the alarm, and the fire M lastdcterinined to go, if .mI.US , Kep.ember that nil this weight of re
' , . : .' :. ... greatest enemy. 'Hie renegade may, , wa onsilv quenched. Mers. M. it H. ' he ojK'iiwl the bedroom door and made spon-ibility rests with you, as von
nour approaches v, lion the uiu win 11c .,crin.W jiavo n 00.,or motive. It had a (ntiiutitv of powder in the build-1 lr the outside door; but no sooner raise that' cup; then d'rink ' ou
I..I31, iuv iimivii lur uiu riiuiiis ui 1 11:
iiifIon This fpiitlninnii linvincr l...n ! r...,.w-v ... .vj....,. r uuaw r iianciico. .fir.aailae is I ,.- V ,. ' i ".' " . "" "in-, ii 5 ii lui'Miiiu services conn
uigton. iliituitliiiaii '""? 'i 1 5jnWon , u.e pro no njiolo gist for him or ,0k his departure this mornin-M ,'V,l,1""im lltfw worth. Hint terbahu.ee them, ami the country to
censured by some o the papers of l,,snvotliurnmiw0('lot(s; m J on V he l mnl..M tk.K o "bleed" day owes more to Ids sleepless -igi
own party, for leaving his p.t before . . . . .f . . . " .. ' ?r " 1U "J ,0 mUl s ior ,0 '"' the extent of his ability to ,ay. lance and incorruptible patriotism, thai
tho close of the special session, it is due kf " lh.,,llt',l,Ml f he has been guilt j I-U mul Winter trade. If tl.elad.es Alexander, it turns out, wrote the note, to any living civilian.- Oxonian.
to him to sav that he did so under a ""-vtll,,lS ''rvig ol removal, the nre not pleased, on his rotiirn, with his nri,ted by ln wile, and then secreted
messure of unfinished nrivnto business So,l,,tc nre llis ri,,,ul Jm,os Wo taste iu the selection of feminine adorn- l"- n clo-et to li:iK" liU game, Monrs Mn.TicArus.-Wo hear con
pressure ot mi unshed pr a o In. , in. n ,,,0m1 jlowi,vor tlmt ,,,, removnl . . , , . . and to overhear the conversation that Mden.ble inquiry as to where ini.lburj
and not until he was perfectly satished .' .... , n , menu, u win not nuns lauit. .,.,,,1 iM1,Wce ,;, wf mi friend. Seedlings can bo obtained, for tl.o ,,..r
Executive Truciileticc.
Another net iu tlic grcnt national
drama i to be enacted. The adjourn-
inentof Congress lias relieved the great
Mogul from the pressure of impending
I impeachment, and he has determined to
suspend the Secretary of "War. He-
move him he cannot, for under the '1!l(i formerly hung, nnd which was nc
provNions of the Tenure of Office Hill, cidentally left when the door was
all that is left to him is the power to swung so as to open from the other side
surpend tile functions of his Cabinet of the partition between the two cells.
iniiiNtcr, nnd refer the matter to the Ho made excellent ii"e of this tool, and
Senate at its next Fcssion. "When ' n n p.iort time succeeded in tearing a
Stanton is suspended, the next act of j,0l(, through tho stone wall of the
the traitor who occupies the Executive
chair, will be an attempt to remove
Sheridnn, nnd by the aid of his rebel tween tho time the jailor gave him his
tools in I.oiiiana, to undo what Sheri- supper and bed-time, as the slightest
dan has done toward reconstruction. pound in either of the cells is pcreeptl
Fortunately, the District Commanders ijt. jn the jailor's room, lie has not
have been placed beyond Executive j vct been recaptured, and if he keeps
interference, by the supplemental re- jWay, tho county will be saved the ex
construction bill, and he cannot remove I pense of convicting him.
that ollicer without his own consent or
the necjiiiescnee of the Senate.
It seems that this man, of bad and
ungovernable pasions, controlled alone
bv his prejudices, has been sent as a
I curse upon the country, and it is little
I wonder that the clear-headed members
of Congress, who undoubtedly pene-
I trate his designs, urge his own ini-
1 pcachmcnt nnd suspension. W e can-
not even accord honest v of purpose to
Johnson. After the continued cxprcs
ioiis of contempt for the renende
CU 1. S Tvc 1 ee heard ?n .
every quarter of the South, we cannot
think that he is yet grovelling enough
to lick the dust from the feet of those
who despise him. It is scarcely prob-
aide that .Tolinson has any real friend-
.. ... . . ,"!' i.v ..uii.i, mh. uii mi luiiuu- naner 11 niter tue iro 1 oors 01 ji 1 ler wi 11. was rawn iiiiii nvr ui-minim. .' 1 aim u inniiiuii nimiii mu
ulitfk l.it. 1 in Nnllf 1 . Intf .. tint urthlMi. . .1 . it t..1l ... 1 .It . I :..... I. .. I 1.... X .. 1 .1 .1 .1 .....I. ...1...... .1...
may be, that he desires to hasten mi- gi mui m,i the (ire made a little head
peachment, and in the moment of pub- .nv. no bumnii ullbrts would hnvesav.
it.. ...i..riijt. d...a. .... ..... .... i ..
in luuiinwii, mm u mi v.i mi- fin
of Congrcw might j.ossibly produce,
become the centre of a revolutiouarv
j,artv. Vhotlior his motive be merely
tllc pratilication of morbid spleen, or
wj10tiier it be deeper and founded iu
a nlllWt j0Mll llos5rt. t0 niIo tw colllltrv
as 1)ictntori is i,limnturi:il. Johnson's
1M,i.Mi rac t. run. nnd it is scarcelv
.1 '
worth while for Congress to disturb
the public mind or annoy the country
by impeaching him. Iut u Caw mouths
will olapso ere Congress will meet
again, and if impeachment has no ter
rors for tiie truculent public servant
that disgraces the Executive chair,
that body can surely devise means to
scope for obstruction ol the laws of,
Congress that are so obnoxious to him,
and there is little doubt tiiat the time '
between now and the uieoting of Con-
gross will be used by him in the most '
t llU-nrf lllil lll'll llll Mil 1. . Aw f.K.nl...: T- ? . .. T.. . . r. r Olljf. ft liV lift V llflll .11111 V 1.1 fill. I .ml I....1 l..i.llL. 1.!.. ..!... I . !
ir .-uii-iu. vn. it iiiiiiiiwu niav iiinu iil'u i -
- i
ni.l.iiMi.i. ....... .... Tt... i. .1... A
- . I.....
in Yreka, on the evening of the 1st inst., '
is said to bo tho finest and most argu-
mentative speech over delivered iu Sis-
kiyou county. Our Governor is cer-
tainly doing'honor to this State, and '
mtt I nliiiiKiiin iinii.liliiMi.1 ...III ... 1..... . 1
" "B"u ll"-TII.IW,
do us the justice to acknowledge hero
niter that our public men are the
equals of their own iu point of ability,
even if they havo been derisively call
ed "Web-fect."
Foi: Foirr Klamath. Capt. Spraguc
started yesterday with his family for
Fort Klamath, where ho and Mr.
Xourse havo tho sutler's store. The
Captain thinks that twenty or thirty
families will locate at Link Itiver,
where many claims have been taken,
and that a Inrgo emigration will reach
that section early iu tho Spring.
BuitNiii). A house belonging to Mr.
Joe. MoKeo, situated in Uniontown,
was burned last week. Tho origin of
tho liro is not definitely known.
Hirrui!NKi.-Master James McCully,
who has been attending tho University
at Salem, has returned. Jimmy in
tends, for tho present, prosecuting his
studies at our District School.
lllifltl.lll lllillll.ui. llUl.l.n.f.l a lllll UI .-...... ......v.... , mil nniiiiir
reckoning is coming, and it would be ur credit is n matter in which we are
well for the whole country if it were ver.v particular, nnd we have a right
nearer at hand. " ! to ask for tho usual courtesy for our-
.- I selves.
Govi:i:noi: Woods. Wo learn that , ""
his Kxcelloncy is electrifying the peo-1 1'uItik 1-ast. Mr. M. ltonni, for
plo of California with his' forcible and ' lnor,-v interested i" the sutler's store at
eloquent speeches. Ho has already ' I'ort I,:,,atI, lcft s""ly last for the
nindn tbrpn in Sil.-ivnn nnniitv n.,,1 tl.m Atlailtio States, via CresCC.lt CitV and
j linuui: Jail. AVm. Horton, who
was confined in the county jail, await-
Jug tho action of tho Grand Jury, on a
charge of robhery, succeeded in mak-
inn- tA crapo on Friday night last.
It appears that, he drew out a heavy
Innec. upon which the door of his cell
biiilding,large enough to crawl through.
i'1'ho work must have been done be-
Cuter Comino. Mr. Alexander,
agent of I.ec fc I'yland's circu, has
billed thi place for an entertainment
on Friday evening, the 10th inst.
These enterprising managers have or
fimized one of the most splendid estab-
lishments of the kind ever seen on this
coast. Thev have secured Hill v Ken- of the family lie was .lesiroiis or succor -
i ., " I ill ...:.. i,:Jhi" lie tapped liirht vnt the door, and
nedy, the acknowledged star in his - ' ' Ml .11-J ,,,,w, '
'". ns ,,own. nnl mWwln trained
Il"iral. im il 11(,.1!"1 n,h'r' al"1 "
n company 01 .iniam"-e penonuera; m
that the entertainment will be much
.. r T l . ....
1 more attractive than ever before. For
reticulars, w advertisen.en.t
Xi.aki.y a Fuji:. Yesterday after-
,,00I1 soint. children, plaving with
matches, inserted a piece of lighted
(llta.lt.tV Ot IM
' . .. -.. 11 ..
e(( up. town, .iiorii, never auow
Ynr.iCA JoniXAi.-This sterliii" Had -
ical paper, published at Yreka, entered
upon its I'ilU'cnth Volume, last week.
We have few exchanirwho..e political
...! 1 .... ."... ii-nn.w!t
course has been o n. iiorm.ly consist-
cut as has been the .oiimttl , and as
a compendium of the local news of the
county in which it is published, it has
110 equal. Its editor and proprietor,
Mr. lSobt. Xixou, gives his views in
a plain, practical manner, nnd is enti
tled to the credit of building up and
cementing together the Union party
iu SUkiyou. May it prosper long !
Ci:i:iit, if ioi'I'i.kasi:. Tho7W
fendd, of tho 2d inst., contains two
it,-".s from our issue of the 27th tilt.,
without proper credit. Our items nre
so extensively copied that a mistake
mnv snimif ftniiefii.iiiit lmt ..ttMi.r. .......v-
. . .
h!1" '" Ho was accompanied
-v ' 'Io'"1 Jl'iIer, of this place, who
Wb lo ca" '" ra'";iseo to replenish his
8tock o 8I,0rtmcns' eijnpiiinents, nud
ot,lcr '""terial in his line.
UoU.NTV.-Tho lhv.,.n.tr .f .....
V. S. has decided that nil soldiers who
enlisted after July 18th, 1804, were
not entitled to additional bounty. Hy
remembering this fact, men who en
listed after that timo will save expense
by not applying for additional boun
ty. ..j ,v. ,,, vllv
Ai'i'Li-s. Mr. M. Uollinger today
presented us with a lot ol apples. We
nro not posted as to the variety to
which thoy belong, but know of only
two or three that surpass them in sizo
nnd beauty, and iu our estimation none
aro superior iu flavor. Thanks, Mr. 15.
Livhlv. During the past week, tho
town has been unusually lively with
tho arrival of Crescent City teams, and
tho influx of our country neighbors,
who now havo a respite from harvest
ing. 1 '
St. Maiiy'h Acadamy. Tho Fall
Term of tho Young Ladies' Catholic
Seminary, iu this place, will commence
on Monday the 10th inst.
nvrltinc Trinl In n' ..,
LastMonday n warrant wassorno u
tor agiiin'"t Dr. Alexander and wife,
tor, -.' ., .,.,. n.i !,...
tor, niriiiiin i"". iuaiiimu-. - ' , ,
was set for trial. As soon as he c;
was called the house niieu. '" l'." v , 1)V' ,), malster and distiller,
citement J.revailed Iron, some . m m ffnMmmi lk.9lroyC,l.
circumstances connected mth the Kir , an 1 1 w MQ
ties. The trial exposed some s, c uln j I tin m r f
;n..i nut that without the am 01 in iil.iiui, ' 1 "....
illlliii...x... -, ... .. ... .- ...
Accordimrlv foiiio timo aller nine
,.vin,.lc liutiint later than eleven. Dr.
n.M.fmv wended hi- way to the residence
I vm.lll1Si m.0,)t niht uP
' before him. Xot wishing I
inir iiiu wi in v iiwit - t """" i
iparel, stood
to iroilltoa
inenus nou-e m -mum .... . ..- v....,
hour, he dcsired.to know In what man -
. i i i ....!. .... (iiL.iiiili
illustrations it would he unit jo , it;nW hundreds f thousands
?:!i '
Ur as wo could them from t . si. i m)t Armmn
I mhluhr0he!' wit c n , h nc mi, rl.! I , 'ue, but drinking fills our jails our
20th nit., the witiits in i u ....nltimtinr e, our poor-houses, and our
cciyed a note purporting to li.m -J-J-J ' , , our coroners
written by Mrs. Ali.xniijler.Ha) Z V" ' ,f, ' ,. n ,,l Wkn mischief
was in trouble and de.red a u i , , , In... fc
KileSe' .ilution takes
i , ortneen. wished him to be sure cation, lutrjj m arv reforni, nnd
i,XSoi!S.' Theplaintitrdid not every branch ol j-oliticarnnd social .in
receive the note until one o'clock Fri- provement. ...i,:... i
dav and thought he would wait until I.c,ucmberthuUvcryyeann. It. udes
S'.t drew her sable curtain down be- f.,11 from your " motJ.-mtc" ranks, to re
fore starting on his errand of mercy. ,.ruit the wasted army Ol drumlanK
lift ur iviuu - 1 - -- ''
hold of bv the woman and. against his
had he grasped the door kuoli that
would let him out into the free open
air, than he was seized by the
throat by Dr. Alexander, and a loaded
revolver' leveled at his head to stop re-
sisianee if attempted. Using i.npreea-
. til)I1 0,'tMll ,, tcrrifvinsr iTind, Alex-'
under soon had bin letim iu a coudi-
ti" t eoii'cnt to anythim: in order to
escape with his life. With the aid of
his wife, Alexander bound his prisoner,
fl)r H.IiaJ ,.,,., l0ll!l(S u,, jim, lM
j ,ott,,r ,. yUivr MU., eireiimslan.
lees, Dr. Itenfrcw consented to sign a
1 ute lor two tlioiiMiutl dollars, payable
to do lier a kiudne's, and did not think ed ones look to you; and that under
it proper to step inside the door. Ho ifjM it depends upon you, whether they
wax entreated and begged to step in-' be drunkards or sober men.
side; assured over and again that no Keinciiibcr that "to him who know
one was there; and at Inst wits taken (.th todogooduiiddoeth it not,tohiin it
iu eieven o chick me next day. iie.- known that lie is prevented Irom ro
under executed a bond to licnlrevv, nut- signing by the solicitations of those
ting in lor consideration one hundred , who (eel the importance ol having nno
feet in an Idaho ijuartz mine. .Mr. staunch man in the Cabinet. The fact
Ilenfiew was clearly entitled to one of that the President does not dismiss him,
thee paners, but Alexander kept both ' gives color to the assertion which lias
note and bond. It nppears from Alex- often been made, that he dares not
anilurs going to the County Clerk's
It appearing from the evidence tlmt
Mrs Alexander acted iu the matter ' tare. .Mr. l'rcvost, of San Jose, Cal.,
through fear of her husband, she was ' has established a nursery or tho very
discharged. Alexander was held to , best variety, for the purposo of grntiil
bail in the sum of $7.10 to appear for totisly supplying all who may desire
trial at the Circuit Court. Jwene any on this coast. He has establish!..!
o"r"'. I
issuiiiuiv, lie is not a lluent sne-iknr
but is n close and logical reasoi.er mid
ami one of the clear-headed, thinking
men, wno iieqiteimy spring up among
tho people. Thoroughly conversant
with our National and State politics
nn.l fMtnilifip ii'iil. .1... 'i '
sities of the Xortli.Tti ..,.!,... .i ...
." "" sun minis mill lierns.
w...... I . I-. ,,,., . UIO l
oiihv, nonesi, uncompromising, ,,, n
vigorous worker, tho people of that !
vlW -'(. IKU7.
. . " "L - ""l'lirIK
From the Medical Director of the Gen
eral Hospital, llenton Barracks, near
St Louis, March 8, 1802.
" Messrs. John I. lirown itSon.llos.
ton Alass.-Uso of you,-far-famed and
most serviceabo 7VrW,' : i.-.j i
..,...! :.. .1... i .. . r . '" ""K
........ ... my iHisimai oi winch I lme '
T. :V "" ,u! veVf V0"6""'-- nml-
thtm.hu give prompt relief W'
Wi: Pi,i:pgk ot'it Hi:i-i;tation voi; '
uio iniiiiiiiucnt of what wo hero declare
jii iiuuosi ovory instanco
In almost ovory instanco whero tho in-
?nt buffering from ,min and cxliaii
..on.rel.efwillbofou.ld i flftco , or
a'B,JBto ttM M'. WiN8iow;
Som.u.vfi Svbui- has been administered
wires dysentery, and dinrrlin.r. .,.!
wind colic. Sure to regulate tho bow
w ?!?cr3 t8 a bottle. Hostel-
! cilie Coast.
i iV 7 IV i,cau Am ior tho 10.
I'oiiTiir Srvvrr Wo l..or ,,.i.i ""MU,,S U) "icreaso tho raising o silk
Pleas re hat Hon . I Mnr"l, ' Pmm V".1'10 ,,aoi,ic' b0 s l supply
laember ? S Z iV ho " , Sh ' tTT W,t,h V '
and Del Xorte, has bk, ,m .,. na t f ilSrl,k,'?Ct0r' ,,n8 Y?? Vi0'
tlio Senate bv he Tnion mttv In tl Z ,,l,btt ' "1C". which will in
27th Senator!. Di Xt com U , V the demand. Those who take
the conn ies o el Nor c K h . . a ,1 ' t""U h' twi ,,)ru,.nck " l'lt lew
Humboldt Mr Murcl U an or .'b ?"' "' " fi.I,ort timo wil1 ,il1 k "!
"c-imwiin ,a .If 52 mm 3 " I iX'?c uU Tl W .t
the most influential member of the last J XiS.., wM lA"""
I Drink Hut KeincinHer,
Jf you think it is your duty to ilrink
1 1 3 t!n-.,llot, bynll means doso.
I On
tioUS C(,v ctions, but winio you hhn
but wfiilo you
in in ii...", --- . I
n MUX ......ll.m 1 lllllll Mllt-fl
.inii.I.llltl'! I!. HUH H.U..1I.II iiii-ii ...i.vt
I .ember that niuiluuo.es --ii3 ..-
drunkard's death, and go to meet n
drunkard's doom. .
1 Tfcinenibcr that every druiikard once
' tried to fol ow the example you mi,
". t.. .i... fPt,,i r..ll from liis blimwrv
null) iii m.v ...... - t i
ground into tlic whirlpool 01 iiitoinpci'
' i 1 4I...1 if nii entwttimi flinnitu.
uvim-niuci u.u .. . "-" - -
1 you are answerable for its fru, s
.villi - - - -
j nip;" mid that there is u " woe for
tlnnk it m rnjlit ; but we envy not
your conscience. London Temperance
STAXroy. Th" recent dispatch which
staled that the Secretary of War voted
" nay" on the several' points involved
in tlie Attorney (leneralV opinion of
the reconstruction art, did not give a
correct idea of hi votes. Tim merely
tee lineal and unimportant points he
v0WWmUu. l,ut every obieetionnble
feature he resolutely opposed. It seems
stranire that Stanton is allowed to re-
main 111 the Cabinet. It is generally
turn him nwav. Though .Mr. .Stanton
nose of Diamine fur m-nntnnl ulit- ...
"ilk factory at San Jose, ami I... in
. t " . . .'
l ho motto of n Virginia paper is,
htenial vigilance is the price of liber-
tv the price of tho JZ-iwaitur is three
dollars a year."
i"i.ATl!ie.i. Last even no- Clmr.
l . . ...
' raiupum and llnrry .McDonald
Kvo one of their characteristic or.
-m-Io. 1..U in 'the
I "wimiiuwi, -niunuiuciicowiiR
IJllIlM St.i..e Il...l MM I.
""..ui, out appreciative. Tho rending
from Hamlet audl.iehard tho III, was
very good. The perfornmnco ended
with a sword fight, and Mellaril bit
the dust. This was not uimiiticipatcd,
because ho had previously bursted his
(or her ?1 trancr. Tim n.... i ..
for he
lr "
t, -----. ..w &.II1 111 .uiir .llir
una ,!.... . .. . - -to
, " "u,,u "owu tno enthusiasm of
uo -mueuco was unbounded. Tl.n
I V , Z iM "l'Feciated
.Uuvl. HlO perform ..,
by our
Uortl1 tl,u n(-"issioii fee.
wns well
iUoi' 8lvo nnothoi-
entertainment to-
",5ht' aml as tl.oy will Uo w.(.
' l'd and not S0 u-or Wi ,UmV10'
. thoy hono to ,U l vvUttB
oven ,1 , .? !"i U'. lrfon.mco
-Hiig tiiau last night.
(feTTbiw to
tho ad
ST rtKoffho Collector of
..v. I nt P.'ISL O.irUU.Ul'U I....--....- "..' v.. 1
11 iiiiii iiiiii iiiirkiiim m t i-iii i i
i -
i i .
W,. .!... n
flmly "mil Borvico ha, been 2 th
coinuipiico Aug. 1st ?or,1Mto
aihoad, between Hoi 0 C Cc,ntrl
' VJ LIllLIIIir Ifntn (1.. ..
Watchmaker and Jef
Oregon Slred, JacUonvdU, QrtEon
New Style, Solid Jewehy,
Woll nuortcd, of plain, enwaved ..'
nmolcd Finger Ring,, SSi "
Sleeve-button,, Buckles,6''
etc., etc.
Gold and Silver Watches
Scth Tbomnn' Strlklnp, Alarm ttvi.i . ,
Spring Clocks etc (C'tc. ' Ml1
All articles tiro nrlcilv ...i.i . .
tuun ns iiosullflo. ' ' WIU Lo "turned M
Juclnnivllle, April C, 18C7. M
The 01)1) miil.OWR nf Jaclinnvlllc M
No. IU, 1.0. 0. r..ull culctralc Ibtlr
Till AiiuUvrfary la
with niiproirlatc ceremonies.
All I.o.lpts mul Ilrntlier In pond Hamllnstro
Irutcrimlly miuoftnl 10 U prcieut
mul lurllcljutc.
Will In) hen iimlcr Uio mtnuRcmtnl of men-
ircrs ui uio unier. Ol lliv iUiam II ill
uf Viul Hlnilz.
A pnlillo ItirllHllon It hereby cxtcnitd to U
ttliu ulib lu pirllriimlc.
CI.O. I'. IT.N'CK.CIiftlr.CoB.
Juckrourlllo Juljr 27, 18ii7.
Tlirougli from frwent City In time days,
1"m: uNi)i:itsi(;.sr.i) uavi: made such
. urruiiKdiii'iitii Unit llicy nre nuMl to car
ry frelelil from Crcrcvnt (Illy to Jackionvlllt
hi tlircu day, nt leu cvula per pimml
M. CObWEIib.
(J. GAStlL'inT.
Jnckonvlllc. July &1, 1HT.7. JjrCwl
Tlil.t l'uilOroflhlUn)Jt
A rlMuiil Tonic I
A ttrjr Atr.iwtl. IirloLI
UnmrptMtil f r llnf mr.lr but t'M
Ilia .-ifll.mi ft (lit HJn), Umill,
tlon.wl. mul Hurl
lor Ml ui all hltw) an! ntaU th'i
drug ami cructrjr Uortl.
T It Y
J,(l. faiwii, I'ruptl.lvr
TA VI.OI! A IICMiKL, Sola Anl. .
JoIJ-lv ipjiu. 413, Clay fcl.tualnatwo.
n i ii
lniU-ltti.il Tor lot In tlw Jacksonville Co
ttory, nro rniiiiMicd to como lornarU will W"
iinvutent for Hie mine to llio iiuderitpue.1, u
iiionoy U nccilcd lo repair tlio Icacti iJJ At P
llio Kroumli. .
LOTS not paid for by llio tut of Janua
ry lU'Vt-H) mucliul llitin u are not clujr
occuplid will be forfeited.
Sexton of Juckionvllle Cml7'
AiiL-ml lal. 1807. S'0"
I liavo Jut received nnd ect up on ol
Huit'H Union Horse locn,
mid nm prepared to take contmcU for l'
wood, at so low n llsuto ni to dcly corapetmoo.
I'llo jour wood tilclit feet lilgb , nud wve bomJ
liy Bivluj; men cull.
Quick work and complete satisfaction tt
Jncknonvllle, July 27, 16C7. '
Tho ltvt llemedy for rurifyiM
the lllood, StrengtUvulug the NerTCJ, ReitorUft
tho Lost Appcliio.U
It Is tho best nreservatlvo oglntni mo'J "
elckneH. If ua'.d timely. Composed ol B
only, It can ! plvca .afelv tc MJ. .
recilon. In VJnpiliU, French, SPa"l!.b "Dd u"
iiinn, wllli every iiackufie. TH ' ,., .
For sa o nt nil the wuole.alo nud "lalldruz
stores p.nd Rrocerles. , ...
EMIL FKESB. Wholesale Dg
3uyl.yl Hl0Aee0tgrgK
AKcut8 Wuuced l? every cooatJg
Jy27.n3-ln JauFancUcCal.
Marrli.BC nd lal
of Warning nnd InMructloi. for youB8
Alio, DUcn.es nnd Anuses which pro"'
vital powers with sure means of reu
freo of charge In tealcd luller "'"'J.rf
Arsoclntlon, I'hlliulelphlo, P.
mywwv nm mmwm
nuiitu iu in