'fill: OREGON SENTINEL. i Satciiday SIornino, July 0, ISO. Public Speaking. Scuator Geo. 11. 11 arcs iniorms us uy iei - s; . ... . c,i,.. n .,. tertbathe will visit Southern Oregon next month, and will address the cltltcns at the fol lowing times and places: Waldo, Josephine Co July 13th. Jacksonville, Jackson Co July ICtli Roscburg, uougiasuo juiy zuin, The speaking will commence at 1 o'clock P M. of each day. FOURTH AT JACKSONVILLE. The day dawned without a cloud vis ible, and a the golden tints of morn shot athwart the eastern sky, warning of davlight, the sleeping town was aroused by tho deep-toned thunder of cannon, and at the ntne time the Stars and Stripes, the emblem of a great and prosperous nation, was run up to the top of the new flag-staff, to be kissed by the morning breeze, in its passage over the land of a free people. Flags were also displayed from Comstock it Cawley's Livery Stable and Herman Helms' brick building, on Oregon St. At an early hour everybody was astir, making preparation for a participation in the celebration of the Nation's Birth day. By nine o'clock, people from the country began to arm e in great num-, 1 1 .. -'.. !. ..-..-,:-.. square, miner me direction 01 .uarsnais . II VUl, IT It Ull .11111 J.IIIllfl'lI.lll. .VI IV10 it moved, pning up 6th Street to Cal ifornia, up California to Oregon, thence lown Oregon to the grounds, at By bee Grove, one mile north of town. The procession was a mile in length, ami was lead by the Jacksonville Br Band, foil -wed bv the civic societies of the town. The groat feature in the grand caval cade was the Triumphal Car, drawn by four white horses, and containing little girl", repn-eutiiii; the States and Tor-ntoriv-, and two little boys represent ing the Army and Navy. A Mibt-tau-tint bed, about twenty-fivo feet long, was built on the truck of the II. it L. (', covered vtitli an awning, tastilully decorated with the national colors; and oer it the magnificent llajj of Cnptuiii SpiagueV comii.-uiy was flung to the breeze. There wa a sent on each side of the car, running its full length, upon which weie seated the voting mies representing the -inteis of the Union, beautifully dressed in white, with blue silk sa!ies, and each crowned with a wreath of flowers to the fiontof which wa- nttaihed the name of the State or Tirritory she rcprecuted. Standing in the center of the ear, with their right hand elapin; the ktutl' that ixire our country's Wautiful emblem, wore the two voiing ladies, select el as the Goddess of Liboity and the Angel of Peace, beautiful and appropriately dressed. The ends of the car were oo cupiod by tho youthful representatives of the Armv and Xn v. On arrhing at the grounds, the exor cises of the day were opened by a na tional salute a song, in chorus, by the emblematic States "Hail Columbia," by ;ho band appropriate prayer by Kev. .M. A. Williams. The Dcelara-' ui-i. -11 .. uviui-K in -.- nui-c-R-ii,it can be the onlv wish of everv true commenced forming at the Court I Ioue American that each coming ry.mivcrs.1rv tinn !(. i n.l 1,i W V Vi.l.llnr ir,n'u,r ""l,,(-1 uioi iiev, Ji. u. iiaues; ton wai lead U . , tddler, in a for A.M-sor, J. L. Lalso; for Surveyor, clear, steady and earnest totio of voice. J. p. Armington ; For .Superint'iiilent Theoration.bv O. Jacob's, lq., was! Public Schools, John 3Iaitv. n ...nc,-i.. .v .' i . i .i - " a masterly efloit, and most eloquently I - delivered. It was the bet we eur re-, Smasiikh vi. While a patriotic in- mein1.Grtnl.n-.-i. I.nnr.l Tl.r. nn.inr ! dii idunl was turn!ticr the comer ofOtv ....,, ..v...-. ...v ....-. depicted the never to be forgotten hind- i-hijn and toils of the Revolutionary soldiers, and tho brave, worn heroes who have convinced oven their foos of their manhood and daring if not of the justness of their cause in the white heats of the late war, in so touching, ttiulor and vivid a manner that it brought tears to the eyes of many; while the victories obtained by Amer ican valor were so eloquently referred to that cheer after cheer aiosefrom the vast audience. Our limited space will iiot allow us to give a synopsis of the oration, soil must suflico us to say, that with fow exceptions all 6eemed highly pleased. After the oration, the assembly were treated to a song "God Made all Xa Jture Free" by a number of gentlemen una 1mJK led by Mr. Brooks, which elicited well deserved plaudits. "Van cc Doodle," by the Band, and the oug of the "Bed White and Blue," by the German Ilarmonia Club, were then well executed, and an intermission of the exercises was had for dinner; after which the rustic sports of tho juveniles commenced, producing the wildest ex citement and most boisterous hilarity among the participant and their little '"ends, whilo thu ,nv.u-., .... ,M.,,.i - w , j, iivvinv "uitueu tliem with deep interest, and rp, ' Beiuenu inepeo- agieat deal of amuseiuenU ni. a?., . . rf.nt.M. ! 1." '""," u,u uiwiiiooii, "t-iaMUtttllU' fflfli nllirr nrnn l. !' uisnf.rtr.fl oi. i .. .a ---.-. -.. .-.,... .tr.ii, ,,,. agreeable and onlorlymnnner in which the day had been observed. The num - bcr present was estimated at about fifteen hundred. i-nt-tiiTS tvtrr. , rr, ... e - . .. .. The credit of first supcesting the . , , P,a" of the Triumphal Car is due to . Mr. Jon Bilger, general manager. ' Mr. E. C. Brooks gathered the little girls together and taught them the parts they were to perform, assisted by .ur. if. . utinlap. A word ol praise i due to the parents of the children representing the States, for the prompt ties with which they seconded the wishes of the committee, and to the Mises Plymale, Misses Little, Clay ton and Xulay for their assistance in preparing the wreaths for the little girls, on the morning of the 4th. It was the labor and skill of Messrs. Linn t Hall that transformed the truck into a mag nificent car. The Glee Clubs, and the Brass Band, all performed their parts woll. In the evening, by the exertions of a fun-, &14;l 50 was collected and expend ed in lire works, which gave quite a Incly appearance to the streets. Taken all in all, we have had a splen did celebration, and 0110, too, that we feel has rekindled the fires of patriot- MI 0M tll0 0f our countrv, and . . . . . may .,,, as the ait qw rfid-fraught with instructions of lovaltv and love for the free laws and principles govern ing the United States of America. I Senator Williams is regarded through out tne Atlantic Mates as prominent i ntiioiitr those whose names will be pre-' seated at the next National Union Convention as a candidate forthel'res-' ideney. It is seldom in the history of hU countrv that a Senator fu so shoit a ! time has won so exalted a position in the c-tiumtjon of the first inimis of the nation. Lmvitist. We demur to any such arrangement. W'q would like to see Oregon's di-tin-guMied Senator in a better and taftr position. t e would much rather sec him elevated to the Vice IVc-idency, j so that the Nation may have anuueor-' rutible and honest man to fall hackur on in case of Democratic assassination of j the ciiiet magistrate. i ioi:ui no. Ji-LYSd, lt07. K. A. I.u-! 1 tliroji and family, of this place, liave just ret timed from the Statcn, after an absence of nine months all well. T. II. Fnrivll, of Canyon ille, has , sited Sol. Abniham and George llaynes ' for slander he fixes the damages at )JO'oO. 1. IS. Nicho!, "f Canyon ville, i in town OAiiiouing a at aiiiouut of gold and -liver bearing rok, found in Cow Creek alley. It is reported to be ery rich A young child of Prof, lloyal, of Wilbur, died of whoopim: cough, June 27th. -S Ci:ksci:xt City. The Union County Coiixeuliou met at this placo on the 23th ultimo, and nominated the fol lowing ticket. They are all unexcep tionable Union men, and will undoubt edly carry the county: ForSherifl, Anson Burr; for Clerk, T. U Thorp; for Treasurer, yiIliaiuSaville; . .., " , . .. ,, .. , rt ,... . t'c011 ai,( California, streets, vesterduv, .. t.l. i -. i. r. --.. .!. mi one oi v.umniuci. iv ,uw icy s new lill'"io. " moini'iitiim" nnil rniivitn tio'n got at loggerheads, and tho vo- i.:i ,. ,i ,a ,.,...... t...i :..,. :,. hiele turned topsy turvv, smashing its upper wot ks and oneot tho wheels into small pieces. Tho team was stopped in tune to prevent tneir running away, ttud the luckless driver escaped with'a ery black eye and some sore bones Collision'. Yesterday morning, a buggy, with a heavy head of "steam" on, accideistally collided with a heavy wagon ; and, as a matter of course, the weuker machine cavo wav, and was obliged to haul up for repairs. No damage was done, except to the vehicle, and at X last accounts the driver was ear- lying about ISO pounds of fluid to the bquare inch, and singing the " Bang Stangled Spanner" and the Low Backeii "Keer," all mixed together. TiiK Paiitikh, on the night of the 4th, wei o both well nttended. The patrons of Jlr. Ilorno express themselves asex- tremelv well satisfied with the supper and other arrangements. 'I hose who jj.iu uiiituii inu -uiiiiiiin, say inui inu supper was splendid and that the Mad am outdid herself in attention to her guests. Take Xohck. Attention is called to tho Mictions of thu Assessment law, Iwiii l?" mT'' ,AsseBb0 - Jay w ill Mart out in a fow days and peoplo have no excuse whatever for .-.. i . . . . . . .. lOMiiKiersianningtlic provisions oi tne nv - jrr The RllSSiail'AmCrlcan Treaty 1 NOW BEING RATIFED AT MuUer&Brentano's vtnere incy took of! aro ODeulnc tbe most splendid Spring and Summer Good ever brought to Jacksonville consist ing In part of DRY & FANCY GOODS. .4 GREAT rARISTl'OP Ladies' Hats and Cloaks, LADIES, MISSES AND GHILDREN5' SHOES, A Go nor al Ass or t mo nt of Gentlemen and Children' STOCKINGS; CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WALL I'Al'KR, WILLOW WARE, OE.ntEJIE.VS ITRXISIIM GOODS; (Groceries, Crockcrv. Liuuors ' . 1 ' Ilnnlvnrc, .Mining Tools, DUUTS, SHOES, ETC. Jackionvllle, May 3, ISO". myt SAX FUA.VCISCO ASSAYING AND REFINING WORKS, No. 110, Montgomery St., (UCCLS50KH TO KCIXOOa, UkWsTOX .V CO.) CAPITAL STOCK, 61,000,000. Directors. JOHN IMItnOlT. CIIAS. l McLANi:, WM.U. KAISIU.N, A.ll.MWAIlU, LOL'IS A. OAItNLTT. I.OI I- O MtN'l.TT. I'rusldont nnd Mima gvr. JOHN IILMftTO.N Jit , Cbttnlitand Su ptrloicudcnt. pilIS COMI'ANV HAVING GIIKATI.Y J. tnlurged tliMr Itefliilns Works, and Intro duced many oilier Important lmpro emend, arv plaed to announce that they lel warrant ed la again reducing materially their terms of MS business. tuk Tir.ii r or cimikiki Which they nou submit to the public con lcrfd w lib reference to the co.t of material ddcr'd with reference to the co.t of material and labor is lower than In any other part of tbe norld, and reeurei to tho laluliif Interest of lull coatt an important increase in boiii tuc minting and commercial value of bullion. Their charges will bo hereafter an folloiri: on isuvi.vu ttroiiTS rou i'M'iitTtu uoi.u lUKd. One-elRhtb of one per cent, (beretoforo a mia ! sp fis nil Ainnnnli fivut tl 1.(10 Nttsl lurn U W4 Vt IVI US HIUVHIItl VIVI f SVVV Hit VI IMW dollars for any tmal cr sum. Itcturos made n tentyfour hour. ron isiatino vnrotm ior twrABie biltkii , .. , LDM. Tho dollar for tbe gold couta nid. up to tl.coo.andgne-elijbth ( yne per ocut! for all amounts over mat sum, and one per cnt.oa be ill er contained. Iteturns wade In ineutj lour nour. rvK i:ehm.u uei-osits uxdk ron coix ok mc iuiis. nn nnin ,.n, urn .n. i,i o .... . a i.uiiivm Mituv ww jw 's m tfV- n.a ouuee. On bullion from 300 to COO parts cold, u, l' Vu""- ?" bu,,,u0 ,r0? wti ,0 750 parts gold, 6 cents per ounce. On bullion fr0ln' m,0 fa, vttltlKoUi 8 eeo p(.r0Ullce. Above 3U the oufycbaigett ill u for coinage. Ilut there will be no charge for refining lets """' ,nu '" Ti.i m,.,,,. LI OK COIM.NO gold. This charge will be the same as at the Mint a half of one per cent. and which Is paid by us lo that Institution, liut Iherowlll be no charge In futjre for making Hue gold or silver burs from bullion refined by us. KKTl'KNS I.N CuIN MAllK IX lOUTr-HOIIT 1101'HS. Slher lu deposltes for coin will be accounted for at the same rate customary at the Mint. Gold bars of other Autjetn la good stand ing, will be cashed by us at the highest market rales. Dust nml linlllnn ran lie fnrurflrile.l (n ill frn.n any part of tbe country, and returns made through WelU, Kargo A- Co's Kipress. CiMUUKS AT C. 8. UIU.Cli MIST. I For the convenience of those not famllllar Kith the terms of the Mint, mo subjoin the tar- iff of charges now in force at that Institution: I For refining bullion, under 300 parts gold, S i cents per ounce; lor rtumng bullion Jroin 3U0J to too parts gold, S cents per ounce; for refin- lo h""ioa 0,0r cfi0i0.. 1 ?9lP"tof Kia'T7,n,n,U per ounce; for refiui ig bullion from 750 to tjbo tuns itold, 11 cents per ounce; for ufin- X &V& &Fi& ofoue per ctnt!, and the charge for making flue silitr bars, the eainc. Comparing the nett value of deposits forcoln age, with tbe proceeds of uoparttd gold bars sold iu tbe market assuming that the bars have cost of one per cent. Ibey mutt be told at the following par rates to equal the relurn which would have been made bad they been de posited lor coinage: 850 par to equal Mint return, at refining charge of 11 cents. 845 par to equal Mint return, at refining charge ol 11 cents. SC5 iar to uiuai ban rranclfcco A. n Worluturn, At refining charge of 8 ctqti t. I .lr ew ur w wiubi oau HlfW San REDINGTON & CO'S This valuable nrcnaratton. containing In a highly concentrated lorrn nil tho proper lies of Jamaica Ulngcr, liai become one 01 mo most popular domestic remedies for all disease 01 me stomach and digestive organs. At a tonic, it will bo found Inviiluabio to all crsons recovering from debility, whether pro duced by fever or otherwise, for whilst It im part to the system all the glow and vigor that can be produced by brandy, it Is entirely free from tho ra actlonary edicts of spirits of any Kind. It It also an excellent remedy for females wno tuuer irom iiinicuit uiciuturation, giving a'mosl Immediate relief to tho spasm thnt so frequently nccompany that period. It plica Immediate relief to Xaosca, caused by riding in a railroad car, or by tcii'ilckm, or other causes. It is also valuable us an external applica tion for gout, rheumatism, neuralgia, etc. RED1XCT0X k To., .WESTS FOR THIS COAST. Dated April 24th, 180". np'JT-ybius Stop that Coughing! Some yoo. or can't; we pity you. You have tried every remedy but the one destined by its intrinsic merit to supersede all similar prepa rations. It is not surprising you should be re luctant to try something cl'c, nfier the many experiments rou have made of trnsliv com pounds foisted on tho public at n certain cure; but Novell's PULMONARY SYRUP la really tho VKUY UKST remedy ever com pounded for the euro of coughs, cold, sore throat, asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and consumption. Thousands of people In California and Oregon have been already ben efitted by tho surprising curative poncrs of Novell's PULMONARY SYRUP and will, one accord give it their unqualiflitl approbation. We now address ourtclvcs to nil who arc unacquainted with this, tho greatest I'anucra of tho age, for tho healing of nil dis eases of the Throat aod Lungs, assuring you that Novell's PULMONARY SYRUP has cured ilmu-an.lv, ml It U'lt.l. fllllUC YOU If you trvlt. This invuluuble medicine U pleasant lo die luiu-i auuiuing, neiiiing ami simigincijllif in its efTecK; entirely free from ull poisonous or deleterious drags, and perftclly Imrmlrs under nil circumstance. CertlOeute Irom muny prominent citizens of Sau Francisco accompany every bottle of Novell's PULMONARY SYRUP. HKDJKUTO.V & CO. Agents, Hun I'raucikco. Ahoad of all othors is tho 'Martha Washington' HAIR RESTORER. a mtrrrr ll.UIt ni'.STOIlLIt AM) II Mil lutissut llulli tum.iliiril In una. Tiuii nitllir,l.ur'r iUnl ?u! ran ili what Ihli litivnt; Try II nJ la)-i krci II ttit lit Cl.lUMillli UuhlrKli'ii." Tvtnljr tl.ou.uil li4U rtmliiil ui W kit uukl Uil ll' .luul, Millkii iiigm tkall coui tthluil ua, Willi tlitlr tut all ifutmJ. Will kiep the hair soft and c'csiy, it change gray hair to Its orlglual color, prevent the hair from falling out or get i ting thiu, make old heads look young, and do all that can be reasonably expected of a genuine, flrit-rato Hair Itestorcr. All no who have uicd It proaouuee It superior dye to everything of the kind, and beluga perfect Hair Dresser as well as a perfect IIs.fr Ilestortr, it Is an acquisition to ev Trj- ery toilet. ItedlngtoQ & Co., Wholesale it. Agents, San Francisco. CRAFENBURG UTERINE Catholicon, If faithfully uted according to directions, will cure every case of Diabete, and greatly miti gate tho troublesome t-lfecU caused by u relax ation of the outlet of the bladder. It is a most tucctbful remedy for 0 ravel and other diseases of the Kidneys aud Uladder, and for female diu eastg unequallt-u, 'llio UATIIUJ.IU'MA unlformily cures l'rolaiui, Uteri, Whites, all Irregularities of the Monthly Turns, Hunprta ilou, Incontinence of Uriuct liloalingand drop eical Swellings, and all diseases of I'regnancy. The specific uclioo of litis medicine is immedi ate und certain upon the Uterine and Abdom inul Mu'ctvaand Ugamenti; resloririg them lo as healthy a stale as thoso ol childhood and youth, so tbat patients who have used tho Uk.kknbkhu CoMrANi's Utkrike Oatiioli cah cannot sufficiently cxpnts their gratitude lor the relief afforded. RKDlNfi TON Si CO., Agents, 416 and 418, Front .St, San Francisco. .fctiiagtoB' flavoring Xxt'ctw ut intiit from Ficib Fruits. Ewb U.ltl tiolJi twlca as macb as aojr otbss Irand la recvnoriirn JoHM Jj. IKCI I Alexjlsukh Mixii.v, GLENN, DRUM & CO., 3DEAU.K3 13 GENERAL MERCHANDISE UALirUKNIA STUKKT, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. m mill. liooos .....'U. . ,. ...i(,r-- , TTSW FTtH-CTCS!1 0.1 .i-J v J- .A.v.a.v-'.s.J.K-7, . , ' LOW PRICES WILL WIN I THE AMOVE .AMP.I) FIIU1 , A. tako pleasure In notifying their fileiuls ntul llio iiulillo cetiernlly, that Ihoy aro now I receiving nnd optsulng a very large nnd ex tensile stock or STAPLE DRY GOODS. READY MADE CLOTHINO, HATS AND CAPS, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM CLOTHS, UI.ANKETS, IIOOP SKI UTS ETC., ETC. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies', Hisses' and Children's Shoes tf We have, also, In connection with "tuia toilr tho nbove, very largo and -ifea S$f cxtrnsivo itock of cholco -fiVa ftajr (Jroccrlri, Hardware. -Yxn St& QuiTiiswnrc, "a Ctjy Oliiss- -va ftaV ware. Cutlerv. fi.l itiy-rnlnls and Oils; also. -Uia CaT Window Ulusi, Nails, IiiMi-Xra toy nnd .Steel, Cast nnd Steel -(Hi Kir l'lows, Wooden nnd Willow ware, -twa Wo arc ready to sell anything in our Uncut the 1.0WKSTUASH I'ltlOi:. Persons wl-hlng lo buy good, will llud 11 greilly to their ad nntugc lo examine our slock befnru itcl. a lug clseuiiere, as wcarc deleri.iluid not tu be undersold by nny house lu Juckon county. OIo us a cull, nnd then iiiduu li.r voiirtelf to our capacity to furiilih goods as nbuu'. (iLr.NN 1)11 LMl, . C. Jacksonville. March 2, lAcr. if Sachs Bros Oi Tin: wiixi : i THE BIGGEST SHOW, THE LARGEST SALES, THE BEST GOODS, THE LOWEST PRICES, Of any house this Hide of SAN FRANCISCO. I We have jut opened a Complete asHortniont of . ., .,.., ....,,.,- FAXCY & STAl'LK DRYtiOUUS, ' SV r 11 I t""1W ly i BOOTS AND SHOE8 Which fur Vaiii-i), IltaiKy uiitl Style, cannot bit ect-llcil, ami ull lit prlci-i lieyonil coin- lietition. i Our Dress Woods llcpiirlmciil. Ik l.eyuilil ull ('oitiiturlkiiis. ' out Av:ir styles or LADJIdS. MISSES ANJ OUIIDREN'8 'Dextor' aad ubcIowm Ilatu, AlIK UiUTllM.r THE llaMilOMt-NT Of TUK rJKlNOk. OIJll PlllNTN AM) I. AWNS Are of entirely new dealirisH. Our Paranoia, Embroideries!, JACONET AND SWISS wx'xt.xpjaiw Aro the most rulml, and the cheapest la lb, County, OF CLQTIUSU, GENTLEMEN'S HATS, oetH sad Mhoos, We illsisluy (lie latest ''Aguuies," And wo feci confident all those who will fu tor us with a call, will lento our store highly satisfied Willi our HOODS, FASHIONS, and last but not least, OUJt PlllCOUS, 8ACIIH JIHOK. Orocerisii, Liquors, Tobacco aad sfgar, Still selling at uuv usuul low rates Jacksonville, May 11,1667, JlMSJ T. GlEX.V, S.T-I86O-X. i Person of mlenlnry h.blt, trouble-1 wllbf weaknr, lu-'lliiilr, palpitation of the brt, lack of nppvlitv,distro after rating;, torpid llv or, coiMllpiitlou. ele , do-rrc lo suiler if they i will not try the celebrated PLANTATION HIT TKItS, which uru now recommended by the high- i et iuxl'vril lUllliorlU', nnd warra'ilvd to piu uiieeitnitnmciiiaiii iienoliciiil vRvCt. Tliy aro eceeiliii(;ly m-tccuMc, perfectly putr.nnd mini supersede all other tonic wheto u healthy gvn tie stimulant I remtlred. They purify, s rcngtl.cn mid InvlguMti Jhey create a healthy nppotll... They are nil antidote tuchine of water and diet. The slrcnulheii tbe svtteii nnd p.illrrti i) m I ml. They prcfenl mlasmtllc and lutetmltteut fe vers. They purify the bre h nnd neldlly uf tbs tlUIIIACH. Tboy cure II lriicpit nnd Conillpitloii I. Ivor Complaliil mid tu i ney cure hcndiicht1. tarroui Thl'V initio lbs Upilk (lion- till! l.imill.l l.rlt. limit, and nto exhaii'led tiaturv'a grv.il rtiircr. They nro compi.s.d of the celebrated Oallay bark, wlnleri;ret-u, mrsiilra, toota mid her lu, nil prcmed In perfi-cllr purj St. Cri.lxrum rorpirtlciilnr.,ee clrcuura and le'llmoulaU around each buttle. Hen nro of lniio.ter. K-unlne every bottle, bee that It bin our p.-te L'. S. stamp uuniu tlliiteil over the coik, with plantation scene, find our Mgniluro on a Una steel pUte sldu la bol. See that our bottle I not lllled with spu rloilsnnddeleterloii sluir. Any porsuil pro lending to sell Plutilnlloii llllter by IhoKiUoa or In bulk, l an Impostcr. Auy person Imlta Clnsr thlt lioltls. Or selling nny other materi al thetilii, whether called I'liintallmi llittrrsor not. Is n criminal uinlrr Urn I. K. I.nu- nn.l uin i bo so proH-culnl by u. The ili-umiid for Drake's PluiUlluii Hitter, from .idle, olercymcii, merelmuli, etc.. U Incredible. 1 he slmplit trial , or n jiulllo If llio vvliU'iici uo pre, lit oflltlr worth nnd superiority. They aio -old by all J respectable druggUtf, gtneers, ph)lcliin, ho i lel, saloons, steamboat and country sturi-i, l. II. Driiliu f. Co. MAGNOLIA WATER. A toilet delight I Tho bidle' trea.iiro mil gentleman' boon I The "sweetest thing'- and ?r.'1 'I"""!!. Miinreliired from the rleb . J""!,irr,,,!!B1,l.l,i,!l: , ' Vx'1 fw,i '""HI"" '".' ,,c.r son and f.iee, to render the "Mil soft and Ircab, ' lu, " "'""T "" "' ", I"' "w. '"'"". "c, It omcomci the liuiilenianl odor of ncnulra tloil. It rtiuovra ridnc, tun, blolcheii, etc. , ltcnro.1 mrioiis hiinLicliu nnd nlla.s liilhm innlloii. It cools, soften -ml adds delicacy tu the skill. ' It leld a iiilxliied nnd ltlii)j pet fume. It cm is mii'ipielo Win nml sling i.rinecls. It ciiutulns no nmlcrl.il lujurbiiis to thu sk In. It I wh.it every bid) should hate, Hold ev erywhere. Try lint Magnolia Water unco nml 1 .jii III ii mi other colugiie, perfumery or lollut ituteraltirnuids. i Dcmai Harriet & Uo. Props, excliislte Agvuts, .N. V. LYON'S KATHAIRON. It U a mot dillghtful hair ilrcvlng. It enidlciites Kill f and ilutidruir. It kif H the tn-.nl cuul nnd clnm. It in.iKu lb h.ilr rhdi " ' mil iIdsm It preli-'di hair lurnlu v".' and lnllui olf It reaiotii bulr mi prei.mliirely buld hinds. Till I. Ju.l whal l.yt.n's Kuthalrim Mill do. It Is pretty It la chrup-durable. Ii U liter ally sold by tho car luvi, and yet Ita aliaot In credible ilvnuiid It lUlly liiciraidtig, until Ibrr U hardly u country sturo Ihul dues not keep ti, or a fiunlly thut does not ne It. E-Thomas Lyon, Cbnnl.i, N. V. Xyon'a Bxt't of Oirigor; I.yon'" Kxlract of Pure Juuiaclt (linger for ludlgollon, Nau.eu, Ikaitbiiiu.tjlck lK-ailacl.c, ClioUra .Minims, l-'Inti.K-iivy, ele., where a wanning stliuiiluiit U roiulrvd. Jlat careful lirci.urutlun und intlre niirllv maku it a cheni. und reliable urllcle fur tulluury pin puses. i.ld cveiywheieutoOcU. per l.ltle. Ak for "l.y. ' t VL"1; 'kv.uo""'.r- eoXlx lliu l.rlt ii til 1T U a.l..t..a. f.T I II.. a..... I I.. niw'iimuui w. siiwiii ut t lid its iitiiiivvj a UU is on the cork uf iach liottle. Nona other Is genuine. Mustang Liiilmi'iitr late y tho Muiisau MuManir l.lulineut. Fur cuts, kiirutun, burns, inelllngs und caked IffVuti!'- -uK i.ium.vit u a acr l-'ornhcumalliin,iieurjlgla,sllirjuliil,tliig and bites, there is nothing like the Mexican Jin tang i.iunnent. l-'or ti.avlmd liorm", the i.oll-evll. rlncbone and sHteuy, the Mexican Muttuug Liniment rorwliid-kcalls. tcralches. blif-licad ami si.llnt iu Mexican Mustauit l.lnliueut It vwirtu lis weight In gold. Cuts, bruises, miraliis and swellliik'S. are so common nnd cerlulu to occur In uivry family, that it bottle or this l.liilmuul Is tho best Invest lot lit thut cuu Ijo made. ft Is mure cirtulii than tho doctor It save time In sending for tbe doclni it Is cheaper tbuu the doctor, arid should nt-tv bo dlipcuicdi with. "In lifting the kettle fiom the (lro, It lipped otcr aud Kaldtd my bauds tirrlbly, Thu Mustang Llulmviit uxlrnctid the pain, caused thu sore tu hrul tupldly. und loft tury little scar. Cius. 1'oirKii, IJO lltoad SX, Phil. Mr. 8. Mich, of llde Park, Vt., writes: "My tT,ce Z !". of the Mulg TlXal T Cl sold him for 16u. uur l.ldlmeut in doing wonders up hero." All gvuuluu I uiupptd hi steel plate ongrat liig,)Kuid 0. W, Westbrook, chemist, aud al so has thu private U, S. stamp of Dcmsslluruta . co. over the tup. Look closely. Hold by all druggists, at 22, SO qts. und 9100. Xya' Fla Vawder. Death to Fleas. It Is well know u that Lyou's genuine Mugu tic ponder will perfectly destroy every thing u tho shape or fleas, licks, bed-bugs roaches, eto j (hat It Is perfect poUou lo tho la sect, trtby, but entirely Imriuleis to tho human sncclcs und domcatlo aiilmtls. Tho genuine bs the signature of Ii l.yon, umUbo prlvato stamp of Dontas liarues X Co. Anything else of this kind Is uu Imitation or counterfeit. Am druc , glil will procure thq ijenulnc,if jpu In.Ut yon villi have nl nthr ' It; SlJ-ly, ! 1 I i H Ili i '