Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 06, 1867, Image 2

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D. M. C. GAULT. -
"Well done, tboa pood and faithfa! servant."
The people have rewardi f r patriot punish'
. - -
SxTfUDAY 3Iok.vi.vg, .Tf.vE OP, 1S37.
Representatives in Congress. We are
inclineil to be charitable, bu: with all
our charity we must say that the line
oueht to have been run and establish
ed lone ere this. An amide ai'pronria-
Tun Bor.vtur.v IlE-nvEO Or.iK.o.v 'placidly look with apparent indifference ' oIicitous, indeed, for labor, that theyjGeor
.r Piiidaiivii Tlit la n ,l.liWt trt -, . , .-., ... . jtji.tn.n1 Itnr i tt..i9y.t n.l.. 1M . ' I Haill
.. .w.......v. ............... . ... Pn me tiemoraiizawon omie 1.111011 par- """-" "" v ......... .,.,. , 'aj.or j vcars olil. entered or
which the SntL has frequently call- ty, because some of its nominees are J and iought for several years to -' Add He'lms; grey filly, "Nancy Jane
ed the attenttou of our Senators and not mtitc acceptable. Of this number, ''" l"'5 principle. Southern Democ-! March,'' four vcafsold.'enteredliy Win.
tion has long since Veen made by Con-1 enouch. Decause two or three of the Among the many shifts of this deba
gross, to run the line, ami this to a verj-1 ,,,5,4 of a Union State Convention S0(l I,a".v "one are so contemptible,
groat extent exonerates our Congres- j are distasteful to the mnnnzers of a ' "01IC 50 transparent, ns the pretension
skhibI delegation. Dut still we think p3jr whoo own personal record is not tnat l ever has been the friend ofla
that it would be proper and necessary ' nny xoo pure, and to a sheet that desert- r- l ' 'a'1' I a tnonstrous lie;
for them to urge forward the matter iu , C(ito t,e enemv just when its service ' al,d their party record proves it. The
the proper department until the matter ' ,rcrc needed, as did the Itulhth,, i no ' rcnt Statesman, who fell by the hands
is fttlly eonsumatcd. ' renson, whatever, that the Tniou par-, of democracy, was pont-nij.tously
All along the line there is a conflict ty should be purified by its utter de- J veered by that party, because of
oi jurisdiction, between the State off smiction. What are the Sacramento , the struggles of his early man
California and Oregon. Thi conflict j I'nion and the K cuing Il'tlUt'm': hood, to sustain it-elf by honest toil,
lead to bitterness of teeling", and will ' Are thev the Reheruoths of the pros ' When every invective: when every
as soou as the Hue is established, re- J before whose dictum sixty thouand of j contemptou reference to hi personal
suit ia cxbaiKting HtigAtion between r the great Union wrtv"mut bow ?!' was exhausted, the most reproach
the bottler counties. Eaoh party, for How much public sentiment do thev , "' eithet with which the democracy
a long time relied upon their local snr-' represent? Probablv that ot ten or,t'olllll brand him wan "the mil splitter,"
veys, which failed to inlose for miles, j a doten individualsin wliose interest ' hamig the vocation to blacken the
and each party forced the collection ot ;ju.y are publMied. vboe immene ' character of the man.
taxos over the diputl territory, with capital enables them to eoiiimnnd nn ( Demoer-.icy has denounced the work
a strong hand. Finally, Oregon being overwhelming circulation and control ing men of the North,n "filthy opera
the weakor of the two, gave way. and ! a sreat slmreof public opinion. If any uves," as "greay mechanics," "mud
since that time California officers have ' think that eatdtal. emidoved in iour-' '! and iiiRli-fitetl farmer," 'till
had it their owu way, and a clear field,
There is no necessity for the cxis-1
tsn.ee of such a state of thin?, and we
are ooufident that it could not have
existed auy where clc ou onr lorder j
for anv such lensth of time. We have 1
no objecttou to the selection of Con-'of
grosswuen from N orth ot the Calajoo-
via Mountain, but we ask as a matter
(j simple justice fhey remember that
they are representatives oi the entire
State, and that southern Orvcon is a
portion and integral part of the State,
Jvr'&laol LumU ami Utmmon "F 'hor member, of the party. M e ! oyer regains power, its toot will be
SeJiovl J'itJ. Id w: justify political trickery, but , planted upon the people's nucks, audit
Sales: Onuoo.v, June 2Sd., 1507 have failwl to hear of any party iu oft repeated assurance that ''capital
Ed. StntlntLp , which it was nut practiced, and would niun own labor," be made too true a
ifrjpEAi: S:n : Fpowi your . ask our friend of the Journal if the reality.
iuc of 22d7in?.f I extract the lollow. ; abandonment of the control of thi r,--"....1..II c. . ... s
ing: v are infonned by the school ,tate to the Democracy is not rather ,. , ., ., n.. ... ,.,,.,
Siiucrintendent n thi couutv. that a too Inch a itrice tu iav for the imriti-1 ... 1 . ..... ..... .. -, .. I were known of at 1 Jiremx. ,
. -, , wewK, we its r 11 "oniuimur 01 iue nt.e . , r 1 . t .1
numlser of application haelirvu made 1 cation ot our part v. Let us learn some-' c . . . . ., . 1 w.i made on Sunday to exhume them,
..;..,. ,. t . Milpniir iirtnss ; tlie mere oxitonce , . , .1 . .
to the Board of Land Cniuiistonerf, thing tVoui our opponents. Let us f wj,i0i, He' M( jlt.ari ot- fon j but it was found that they were too
to which no attention has boon paid, j bear in mind that whatever their differ- 'tu;s Sj,rjns stHiti out'ofthe mountain much decayed. One immenio tusk
Kven the Oreaoman did not discovor ' oncea mav bo in Conventions, that after m el. w,? nf Jam's viw .i,t was uncovered at a dentil ot oiilv two
,ut ihis mnti was open lor settlement
glveu 1 iv the I mot ', and as the for-
imt ipr MiblNhed our article on the I
subject, without comment, several davs
lwforethe I'nfanitt, it is fair to pre-
Mime that it aUo was slightly befogged.
lie are entitled to, and which repeated '
application by private parties tailed to
. ..
olieit; ami congratulate ourselves that
our remarks had the desired effect." '
Tlie statement of the school SuiKsrin-
touuuut is ontirely uusiiporteil by tacts, ;
as manv ot vour readers in .laoksou .
county know, who have
tion to purohasc School
niiiiltisitinnd Va-AAti'ail tin
!. 1 .i.t, -t..r ;.. ii o.I 1.. i
...V-..n..w1,7 ' '
eVl: .:"." ...... .,....., .. ..
rram iue peculiar siiuaitoii
OJ inv i
School Lands proiier
( j. e., the 10th
it the 80th sections and the lands
knnwn ns iiidi!innit v .olpc.tlnna " lu.inr.
logons made in view of such portlo,,; ,
ot the 10th it 30th sections as were lo-1
cauxl by donation claimants, prior to '
the subdivisional surveys) throughout
the State. Their having been several
applications made it. many cases for
flirt .iiiiu -: ntid tlia. 1 1 i-s.n fj-1 tmiMiwa I
., . .' ', , , ,' . c
Ilia mirnArlt i" ittirli... .ltd lou nl flAt.l.A.
, . , :. .... . f i i
last, deemed it to the intorest of the,
f.i ........ i .. i- . . .... r. . .'
?vuuui j-iiiui, iu iirs(uueraiiiuecnooi
lauds projKr; first at public auction at i
the several county seats, and then all '
tract remaining utiaold will
ed of at private sale, under
be d'wpo-
of the Hoard.
Had the School
Sin uriiitiMiilont At
en afSus ntht
LH.uii.uuus ni int
Jackson County, been
discharge of his dutv iu forwarding to
arerat hnnd than
,'ive this an inser-'
co.tutv would be nearer
it now is. 4'leasc giv
tion in vour paper, as an act of justice
to the ftoard, aud a matter of interest
to all concerned. Yours truly
I Tl. 31oo.:es.
't of the IJf'ard
e win o uy m ii, uiai we uiiciMitt . ireMmillvcor y01in .Vmer- the u''ing scenery is masnificeiit.
any intention of ituimtintr bad motives 1 a """5 reprtseiuaiueoi ioun .mer The water is verv stronelvimi.ffL'iiatel
to the State authorltjes, but were obli-1 wa, whose br.l. ant talent and ...depend-, wkh fulhw VJ. viSuSriut
ged to make the m-.unation in onlerjoneo would do honor to the Gubema- This projiertv is not "owned bv anv one
to force OUt information which the lUlb- torial pbnir of sinv Stat, m slii nmi ! vr it liini.ftn'f5nMm..,n fn.." T
tut- noara. a reuori oi ine acnooi liiki.
----- , - , .- ----- . iaw wuai inns to loxc ii mev can iret , "-, " ucvpiimraii'iii pm,
sold heretofore iu Jackson countv.1 v....... ..'., n-i. .-.... . .?.. ...:i i. ...... it....i .: ,.
(which he was instructed to do, but has " .-- ..cx..y v ., u . , ., ,..- ,. u.M..g a ute
as yet tailed to comj.ly with), as to BoWi,s 1$R0NcmLT0Cuia W1IU,. j oi .
censure the Hoard tu justly, the mc ... tn ...... , , lMPovm-Tho Western slo,,e of
ior iue bic ui iiiuie
We have heard ot people Wing fool- Who are they ? "Oh, the Democra
ish. enoueh to cut off their nose to spite cyl" they always were in lavor of the
their face, hut never saw it more fully 'protective tariff, that prevented the
exemplified than in the present politi- price of American labor from being re
cal cauvas in California. Men who dueed to the European .standard, that
have worked manfully in the Rcpubli- gave the toiling working man of the
canctieforvcar: who breasted the country a reward ior hi labor, such
the tide of public sentiment, when Re-
publicauism was a term of reproach and
scoffing, tiow
ta d their hands anil
mnto accei
is our neighbor of the Yreka Journal, j racy did more for labor! They chain
whoe onlr cxcr.se is. that it is neces-H it, they lashed it, tlmy ground it
sarv to tench jwlitical tricksters a very
severe lesson. A ioor excu-e is said :"o
i, ilfltPP tlmn nono. nnd this is nnor
j nalism, is uerlectful of its own interests,
or that these influential journals have
no axes to srind, thev must be verv
Ou the other hand, nearlv all of the
Union press, representing the sentiment .
probably two or three hundred ot
. - - - !
the workers in the party, are perfectly
aatufiosl that the ticket presonted is no '
worse tlmn that which would have i ru-it it irueath cnpunl, tlioy impos
been itnjiosed on thorn by the defeated , n national debt on the country,
wire pullers, and tervscmiblv accept . that the backs of the people are now
it. Thay are largelj in the majority, .
'and their opinion, individually, are '
. AM.I.1...1 ;. a n..i..t. Atxnt MJ ,l.w... nf
3 tickut is made up, each individual
'. . . '
hoir unanimity is the only secret of
their success. California Unionists ,
have but one alternative Gorham or
jonu)Crati0 rujc. iu ;he one :hev haVtf .
UmQ wU&5e ,Jiee
., ., - ,.
akk) All Dili kliln Af (
and pure was I
reodom. In the '
" v '"v " .. u u. ,
other, a
ravenous and unsparing raid ; no taU 0f becoming a place of fashion
intblic 1 reasury, corruption, , able resort.
c j
i. . ..
misrule, nnu a return oi an tne impc-1
e made api.lica-: sour, and vet more bitter from'lontr de- J 5ram; " W,U bc.sccn U,at the n,ail her'
I Land, as the fwt. Stay away from the poll-, Friend ce bwen this place and Silver Ci
ivc all been filwl Jounuil, give Deraociaev halt a vote l5; L ' bon Wa'"ath, will m
n"s msoience 01 iemocraey, more
bv sumtnimif. vn,,r tiolnf n(i e vn
1l-o1 its. hool uin vour nfict:. smiirm nnf .
- i.. m..-..! :-'- ,
' v iiiiii in- vviiaiuuivu ituirci tuuu iiuu i
mwldlesorae, but we cannot help it.
" he interests of the I mon party are
nt otrciimscrtbort by State lines, i
JwhSSS 23ll?lUB;
own fiy, wc will iiavc "cause for
Pf.tG.vnvE Pitts have become a set
tled nccossity with the American peo
ple. Indeed, cathartics alwava have
.bveu and alwavt must be used, in some.
form, bv nil mankind. Inthixeouutrv,
, ., ', e t 1 .
the lulttlar form of administration has
ii,.: .,.; ; u...
i.rtr ai.if.A nl.la ii'brA
first made of.Uocs and IJhubarb, roll- i
"VVH pIVHH ..I ,..
ed into a ball. Their high jiositton n
the public confidence has finally been
!,ecurid a"d fastened into perina'nency,
by AvEit'ii Cathartic Pim.. the most
8killful oombinatioii of medicine for the ,
,r'-acabes tht'J T !ntendcd ?. I
S0jeme ca devue or art produce, i
Those who need pills, no longer htsi
a icf intluonce to the aflleted partu;!
the hoothinc effect to the mucous lin-1
' ing of the windpipe, allavs Pulmonarv I
'irritation nnd gives relief in Coughs. '
Colds, and the various Throat Atfeo-'
tions to which public speakers and sing-'
ir- arc lial'b
a o other country would give, and
enabled him iu turn t become the capi
iani. ouuiern in'mocraej
was so
" the very dust of the earth, nnd
among them the words, "poor white,"
i werv synonyms of nieanes.
the smell of honest sweat stunk initsia few years, probably, the country
nostrils, and now, democracy, with
, brazen impudence, claim to be the
v' lrtiru!nr friend
effort of democracy iu
hor, are nt crvuitable. Tliev have ot-. .
posed its protection. They hate de-l
. . . . .' S
graded it to the level ot the service of
the leat of the field. In their efforts
bonding under. How Ions will the
jwopie te guiieur How long will it
K llttrrin f Vt t l 1.1.1 .tin, !r.lnn....iiM....
" --.- w .. - vrs a
eitrht mile from Hook Point and t won-Meet, for a distance of nearlv eleven feet,
t: fr,a Jnek;s0nviHe' .Thf, n'"?;l'tKnforttmatolv it was entire! v ton
comes out ot the mountain side but a ' ... 1 in- " 1
S-",?l"r taken up. 'I his is the
short distance from the base, and at-1
...nU -1 tr.rfin '
thinks would till about a 1-2 inch pipe I
The hill is boautitully terraced and 1
water winch .Mr. L. 1
?ne w'u" a small capital, who would
;n,Ive uie piacc, n une opjionunity
. - . f .uakin it ,s
Xo Go. From the following tele-
M probability not be commenced
" .VSIU.ST.TON, June 20. 1 eOT.
io rostmaster, Jaek,onv.lle Or.
t !,,. .,.;.. r t! - 1
roi,te from Jaeksouvilfe to Silver
Citv, make no otlu
route will be disconti
Geo. W, aIcLeu.axi,
2d. Ass't. P. JI. General.
Lost. Tlie Applegates have lost a
shepherd dog ; any person finding the
same, and notifying I. D. Applegate,
will be suitably and liberally rewarded.
In color he is "calico," with much
white about his neck and head, white
eyes, and blind in right eye. his name
is "Cap." Supposed to have left for
Web-Foot land.
. .
'" Jlef
Creek, ii
Sruuirr.ors Smoke. Last week.
singer, living on Williams
inhaled a quantity of smoke.
from rags saturated with sulpher, which
he was using while taking honey from
, , . ,. , .
a bee hive. His face was verv much
.i mi . , .. " .
U,e hill, on our road, leadmr out ot
towu to c"eeent City, has been much
improved by a heavy coat of gravel,
T T " ""
Lost nib Life. A black bear was
kilbd, on Sunda last noar the Stage
mad between hen 'lid N ii. w ing.
, a... 1 - , - -H w 'v v V as tl4. . V
lUcns.-Thc races over the Kybeo
Couwc commenced Thursday, the 4th
i,t The number of horses contesting
for prizes were quite as large a was
expected. The track was in bad condi-
tion. it beintr very heavy; in fact, the
i.. :. frnXi- nvnr nv ran over.
As a matter of course, muter ucn cir-
in'ii iv ""'
.. ......it... tim tutu mmm ivns vitv
slow. The tirst race, a single dah ot
a mile, was run ior a purse ui -nuuy
five dollars-horses entered, loung
ce,' 4 vears old, entered hy mi -
M. Pa'rker; sorrel horse, "Jim
been nassed. when they becan to scat
ter, the grey takins the lead, and com
inc iu to the winning post two or three
lensths ahead. The race nnd purse
were awarded to the grey time, 1:5?.
Further report next ".feck.
IlEAr.nFnoit. Ottrold friend Clarke,
filnncrlv telei?raiiher at this lilacc. has
boon l.i.nrd from at New Orleans. He
was about starting for South America,
with a company of emigrants who
were under the attpiccs of the Venezu
lean Government. The scheme i very
nfcrtA ten itnMi ttiitiitfillf Ik r I !' tl
"" '" '""s .-...v.. ..
a large tract of land, free from taxes,
for ten venr. ami enjovs tmniunities
not granted to the native of the coun
try. The ancient city of Angostura,
on the Orinoco river, is the destination
ot the colony; it lie in the eiehth de
gree ot North latitude, and the climate
is said to bo the most delightful fn the
world. A large emigration is already
IKittring in there from the South, and
11 iiV..liwL-.i Hill " nw inikrinwn. uovernmtnt of IhU Hate jliall 1 !MCd on milt L.VDUtSIG.NfcU HA IG
.."'.' 1 i... t" 11 MTWninU TIipv poll, nnd on pror";r,,v valued inwiual and rale- 1 ouplilr rcflttctl tlie above ni
L-iuvriii . - ' ... ...v.. -". ni,le tironortlon : and all property, real and er-' jollclt a nharcoftlie public pitronacc.
trot A tolerably goon scnu on, aim hcpi ,onal. .within this Mat? not exprelr e.ttmptod I Wlnrs. Llnnors and clear will I
u-ill trritlier until over a nuartcr had ihirefrom. iball be subject to taxation in the I eutomer. S. M.r
mocracv, with xr' be con-iderably Americanized.
;,.. t" 1.,. .1-
i . , i STKiitscciTicoN-. This nltnot 1t111.ro-
ot labor. The 11 1 . -i 11
. 'tiouneeable institution, exhibited by
Ill ,' Warwick, on Satunlav evenimr, drew
Tl..... I...... ... . "'
wl be coniderabty Americanized.
a full Louse and the mauazcr wn not
cttlUnl upon to refund 4,aiy rel."
Thorswaldeu's bvatttittil statue of the
Anrvl uf NSlit, rrn iil.mu i-ortli
the admission fee. The recitaliou uf
"Rcautiful Snow," by 3Ir. Warwick,
was in his verv bet stvlo, the effect f
J which was heightened by an illuorv
fall of the silvery flake-on the staire.
1 The audience appeared to be very well
satisfied and will always 1 ready to
welcome Mr. Warwick asain.
Axemen Discovkhv. The
of the huse tuks and bone on Missou
ri Gulch last week, divlo-ed the fact
that some remains of the same kind
An effort
inmi locantv 111 souiiiern ure;on, in
which the bones of these
monsters have been foil
found, some hav-
inn liAn liiiss ut ot it ittl titra lit a n r.m
vr..l...".n ni, ..vall-,Ts .,, ,
; , , ".-
nreservation. and these discoveries
show, that this would benn interesting
nun i.'ruuiauie nem ior scientiiie rv-
A.v Oi.t axd Well-Ti:iei Remedy.
Jl.a. Wi,nslow SooTiuxr. Svr.vp, fu
children teething, has stood the test of
from nain. softens tlio funis. r..f.nloi..j
the bowels, giu'S an infant, troubled
wit!, colic pains, quiet .lee,, audits
parents unbroken rest. Price 35 cents
a bottle. Hostetter, Smith it Dean.
Aironts for the Pacific Coast.
A MISTAKE.-I,, ourartlcleonthe
State and school laud we made a mis-
PAi-E.tf. Maj. Jack Strat.mn. of
San Frandsco, has again plated a
liacknce of hasten! nancrs on ourtnb a
consisting ot IIan,er, I rank Leslk, P
iiri itflforris mwi vs.Amn .,,-.. ii
V-V '-'"" jiiiii. v
are very tliankfiii ior the ftvori
- ."i."' f. nit
Urn nivv. Il.-nvL... WT.
..... ,.u .. ..... , ,
rn 'hat
the .aw-uiill, formerly ownaJtby jttir-'
roughs on Grillin Creek, fwii.'Luriwsi
last week.
i.ie origin ol,-,Mrha a
not stated
MiMi?-,a J"u0'"'- '"'r H t W -f A, H.
uRttsr:lzMk,,m'1i l". s-
UabUuii, fc.n,
BAXTCII la Cr-.0i ciiy oa Jaa. 2W,
.wu.. IM1HI Mafr
H Alliums
CLAKK arKl'HK.S Oa SmxUr.Jun
rniaac of It.. U I.U lai.n.V i..
t. U. It ...k . ' n .. .1 1
of Ik.uU Co., Orcgua ;
SCllOllELH-AKlNDKLlJao. !?
Kmnl. .1 tht r.i.I-' ot tht ItLU'tSi
n . m n.n .It .r- f
y years. .Minions ot mothers can :.:. T.t'r.l.AV"i.?5::1 '"? " u.VTJii ...
.!.-"., .... .... . . I ' M1I..1I1 lilUL'AAM) llll'Vll fV n
wy uiai it is reiiaiiie niui nerectv iia.m.kv -iiii.ir.T. '." ...'.... V." :". v , i
in all cases. IMieves he chilil at :bk5&. k ,, "k "Z Z ZZT W?: T IMt ' '
take in eavmg that partis could not lrinu:.u
enter State land in li, quantity than 1'ropo.uls to rurnlb ftactional mu?Sm le
three hundred and twentv acres. Pur- ,n one hundred thousand pounds or the
tios can enter bv legal MiWivUion auv "Vfi amowX l " '" ? considered.
quantitv up to' the legnl llnw, three B?on?.t5a,,n,r,U,,,0,prCKM',,he8,en'
hundred and twenty nca-s. Vi.mV. . The A. A. 0, if. rMrr. in i.im..,ir .u.
CnKt.rr.inLK.-Im ate L. h. I illctt,
of Co. 1., earned the beautiful silk flag,
lrescnted by Madam De l.ohoam to
the Company it
Fort Klamath,
til Vo, nil l lie way jruiii
on horseback, to take
part m the celebration, u surmountcu .
tl.n ir. iitul rimcmltul many of our oil I
- -
5cn, 0f the interest ine occasign ot us
presentation. Three cheer for Char-
v ,
. "
Frzrfrty amlvih tuitH to aiNuntni ami dr.rj.Vri. '
Taxis, rnw what aksmsed and uriKp.
That all te inr ine support oi me .
manner provided by Iaw
Ttr.u 'ukal rnorRTT, ' Ptn.Nmo.v oi is this
Sr.c 2. The term "real property'1 and
land.' wherever ued In lhl act, shall be bcld
to man and iuclude not onlr tb- land it'elf,
whether Uld out Into tonu lot or otherwise.
with all thtnes contained therein, but alto nil
bulldlnc, structures, improvements, trees nnd '
rlrlit. and tirlvlU!? bvlonein? or In onv wise I
otter fixtures or wlialever v. mi iiiereon.unoau
apixrialnlne thereto.
Tettu "rciuoXAL rnorrr.Tr.'' tirnxiTiox or. is
Skc. 3 The terms '-personal ctale' and
"peronl property'' shall lc construed to In
clude alt household furniture, poods, cl attle',
moneys nnd gold dust, on hand or on depoit,
either within or without Ibis sta'c : all boats
i, h.lhi.ral homror abroad nnct all
crpltal Invuted therein j all debts due or to
lwnm ititi fpritn inffttnt ilattifnr a lititriitf nn
C..t t
j r. L . & .
aeeount. contr.wt. note. morifA3c or otherwise; j HE niOt'IUETOR WOL'LD RKI-nCT-nll
public stocks, and stock or shares In all In- fully nnnouiice to the citizens of Jackson
corporated companies, and such portion of the mf al"l !" travcllnc public, that be I
capital of Incoriwrated companies, liable to tax. mm ww I'P'"1 ,0 'urnlh board to nil
atloii on th-lr capital, a shall not be iuuslcd ii2JBiw " aT l"urr blm with a call. In such
in rtul tate. & manner and at such prices as cannot fail to
ntorcm mr ro taxation p,VllE CITY hV'SC I, a new bullding-b.rd
Sic. A. Tlie following properly shall be ex- flnl.b-wlth a nell cntlltl and commodious
empt from taxation : I dlninp room The KITCHEN and TAULE
1. All propurty. real and personal, of the wl u,,der the siwclal charge or the prop-l-
tuitedstat. awl uf this stales emr nj uis lady, and thev will permit 110
J. All public or corporate properly of the h0UH. ln ,ht sliMe to excel ills either In the
sevewl cnuntle. eilles villages, town and quality or variety or the food served up ror It
for corporate purp--s j
3. The pernvual property of all literary,
incorporated within this stutv. and sueh reat es.
uw Moojlnp to such InMitutl.ms as shall l
actually occupied ror the purposes for which
It... w.. hi.Afn.iMU .
fBUOUl ...... .M .UI. ...:, UKU VI IUIC1IUCU
for corporate purps j
3. me pwnvnai prorert or all literary.
thev were lucorpurateil ;
4. All bouses of public worship, und the lots , I IIUPUCC Akin CIIDDCDn
on which they are situated, nud the pews or) LUNUnCO MilU oUrrCni)
slips, nnd furniture thereon nnd all burial Got up In the rerr best style, on the most ren
grounds, tomb and rlcht- of burial ; but any unable terms, for bulls and I'arties.
ikirtnfnni Imlldlnc. b-in," a bouse of public I Juck-onnle Jun .'. isil j-2ltf
Ar.liln Mhuk .Knll 1. I..... ........I .. - ...
or shop, or for any other purpo except fur
public worhip or tor Mlsuoli. shall be taxed
upon the eu-h ru'.UAtion thereof the same a
cr-onal propertv . to Ibe owner or oecnp.ua, or
to cither : and the Ux-s shall be culleclvd
tbron in the same mauuer as Uses on person
al properly :
i. All public libraries, and the real or per
saufil properly belungin; to or connected with
iue sAwe
.m, Jhrrori) ofallludinns. wboarenollHAS ALWAYS THE BEST SELECTED
clljiens. except lajd held by them by jMirchase; qTOPTT f)V '
. ' " I""'"'"' pruperiy i an persons. Miio
br Mason uf InBrmllT. air nr iinrrtir. m In
the opinion nf the ui or. be unable to eouirl
buie toward the public charges
Sue . The personal proj-iriy of every .
hOUS-rhuuUr. to the amuunt of lhr- l.m..lr
S? !M? J? ? "-
fccW-r shall ls exempt from taxation
I "LI T4 ITON WrtOM asstsKD
Sue. :.
A biill'tax shall be ai...l .
eeery wtltv mile inhabitant of U,i. sta e 'u.
twu the ages of tweuiy.onc aud flity jari
. : JJ
.-... ...- . . Skrf(1 J
3?a.3T X1Z1.33ZGXXrX, :
Thrunsli from Crcsccnl fitv in thrtr davi.
x arransemenu that ther are enabled to car 1
ry frelehl from Crescent Cite to Jiek.nnriiui
,u ,accc ""' Bl l'n ccnM W RJ?,nWPf ,
Jacksonville, July 3d, IS67. JyCwl
- to
o'clock M. on the Aliluv of a li'cr
?ffA,"vn,lJ't?,7j0i if of.so.H. trchan tM
Wore the 2utb day or NoVember utxt
, l'roI,0al "111 rc!iy the price' i4r nouud
co'"i ""'"addrcMed to the Act't: Awt!
tit"-.l 0rt H-jro-tll". pgn . ond endorsed
nif:i. ur M loon atvt M fltU(Jj miv .
ranvtHi iip inn lt.--... i. , -
it " r. M"V. IU CUtU
lo reject anr and all l.lri. if A.,. ; ".5 ,"nM
b'e ."ia ,De conltaci wlli not be In rorce until
Wj.7.X!K WrJ
n ".e loett respons hie bidders...,,! ih....e
M'L'KnM.l l - MiL ,
. . -- -v.
r1'! ! .'.".""""T"'" wwywBWtf. n.
lacnLLfilar.ik 1,nftrMi..I.i,.i i. .
Ef4. Ile af nm
W M. tUi ., HmlX. TZ2ZJS2
22iT5 IS1" ' IstusN.
wb lo. :
mH4mU lb hid w'ill autTl
n u. oxruxfL
luruiin tne uartennasnr' Denari-, 1 1 1
munt. at Fiirt k'lAm.ii. n.u... ..i.i -.i....... ' .
. . hi xiiiri'ii Tiin.'ei vn tw. .... ... v. . . x j..
...:..'."-."- "f","M. 'ITUWII, . IU IllKLt. . I ri'l Al
tim i
"PI... I 'V I
';iMM4r "vt
HR? Thm-t
'mmimWFmmmWm$B" l't
"' ' ;BnHKDRWiJ! i, Cli Pit;
WmmmWWmmmWWmv W-iW& i'iKU
T-t-J IfBVT .: rTV ..., ', ; T.' nfMSmom
L-3K-7-.. mWmMimWWm1A K. J I tUm mtM.mm 1
'-"mmwamw asmsw -"-""-- i;iri i m uk sh w.1 wiv m-
anlaKBB mWMHm.lL J "Er:jr '.T. Vi 11 -H i.iMliii1y fcali
iUHBH. B iT.IV 1-1 W 11W--41 tUAi4k--ttfw
liLWtrWi sisVw ,TlisisflBi .f FYm z mmwm. mw-.ZZt2 ZBSMLt .
Kti,w.m ,..'i1ir i I i i ! i uw I
mwamimmt y-ammlc 'J V. -;saBnPc
mwmu n. ? v.at :.v-i,itisav wp
f,. V:Bt . 'SVP ?ifx7,1S: . jKUKi
' -wr Vi f Mntmwmmmm . mm ,.-
' rWiiJ amnur : ,- J.''Jsar
i - m (WW r V v t wv m. mm m .
iau wiiAa waxijJ
Jacksonville. Sept. 29, 18CG If
Corner of Cal. A- Oregon Sis.
med saloon;
The best
served to
1 Jaclionvlllc. March 19, '67
The City House,,
nsjsubtwfnClir..niUBn.l JUlo- : w ijoty
of tht l.prM Slovn,'
D. Lavenberg, - - - - Frop'r.
I -vrT'AT C
I ,fltfr..-
Dlinier, . .
Suinr, ..
I - rir- a t c a o
.. to 7 o'clock;
.12 to -
n t t
Wakliiiiakor and Jeweler!
Origan Stitti, Jadiomdlr, Urtgcn,
New Style, Solid Jewelry,
Well auorted, of plain, engraved, en-
nmnlAil Vlin. Si... r-..-:
etc., etc.
U n n;i twr . ,
OAU "aa OUVer W atCUeS,
lft,,. , ,. . . , .
Of r rencb, nusli.b and Amerltau Manuraclurc,
Krst yualliy only.
18 - DAV
Setb Thomas' Striking. Alarm. Weight nnd
Spring Clocks. etc, tic.
I All articles are Urlullv uarrai.ln nn.l .III
! 'M 2o i' cn, h httI a y &r bouse
in town.
1" i"e'V;' "H!1 .' "palrlw.
n nicties amueweiry. In need or n-palrinp,
can be sent by express , and will be returned as
;:," ,7"' 7, "
n npoui.
Jacksonville, April C, 1 p6T. td
li. UHCUt. ti
TkUnt lnllrof lb, B),l:
a ntuini lwftie
tfy A.ttnikU lilui:
UriM.I fr Mtt inr lar.lr hut r.nllr An
the Mtrrtlotu Bf ib, iljnm. Until.
itvniMb and Tr '
Fi 1 'i" "Ug,,uU nJ ,,UH "l"".
J. 0 t'aiKH, l'r.,n.f)r
' t-f.il. S,Osyet s.oFraU.
To whom it May Concera.
lelt ray bed and board without just cauw
trroocalion all ron are named BRainst
trust n her on my account, as niter ihl dt
I will not pay any debts or her contraclInK.
Jacksunrille, June 29, 16CT. je29w
Iinlf nnf r : s s
T W'AUX LABORlxn mpv a vr. ii vr
l)nii. ,-., . :.. . 'rf..,"' ' .Tuir
C toAOKS at PAH ffi. bX
bac$l SOoMhewholenmcuntdue b
JatfcaaafWe, June 27, 1867. JeSStcmbwif
. a5fcrr!
fud Celibncr. an Essav
gpsyTM, Instruction ror young tnetu.
4mu Anuses nnlch pfoatralc the
wUh sure mnim nf r. j.t c.U
tWesrfftJa sealed letter envelopes. Ad
4ltlia,Jrljttip!,t 1a ocllu-lj
Kerned) for l'urif)(yR
ueuing me rerres, lu-jtorloe
s, is
(creative aealml.! mn.i .n.
timely. Coinr.osfil ,( hrlx
feu sufelv to liifani. v., n ,11.
i'b, Frenoh tr.aui.h and Ger-
uac-age. IU IT!
'be wholetalc and rttail drur
E, Wholesale DruvoUt.
oArtnt .lOClaritrtcl.
' Fan Franc.Aen