Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 06, 1867, Image 1

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onto t .
scncruiiiV xsa scr.oru:.ous diseases.
rw.ii SJ't, a wrlt-hwicn mcreltant ef Osfjrtl,
Malm -
I lirvc iltl Vrc ;um hum nf j our SAtisArAntiVA,
1ml nciw )I on loll, ttlilcl. lallul or the ilrirctl cfiict
tvri mil nlhliti'lloii to tl.oac who look It A fbat our
,ioir1n It tlicncnc Hkii lua Iciti to tncdiclua Hie
tilltioiirrotiimtiiilt) "
Eruptions, rimp'cd, Blotclitw, Tustu'ei. XTIocro,
' borcn and nil Dinoasei of tro Skin.
Iran .' II' ' rulton. Drlilol, I'liphtuit
" I n I) i!o '"T ! t lo ou utitl tlip public. it lin I ud
nt nitnnom to llmt toil HjMUIi oT II ctnullcli nl ilitUM
of i our hAH'ArAiiti la Mr ilouplilcr, nctd ten, had in
illKtlnc liumur In litr rar. rjM. or.il Inlr lor jrrnrt,
wliWH we were unable lo cute tiulll we tried your Sar
nArAiilLlA Mic liai Ifcti well lor aotne nioullii"
I'm " Mrt Jimt r. Dice, n trW hiflirn unit mtieh-titttmtil
1 1 i . Ihnnlsrlllt, Uilie MV t -v
"Mr ilat Jner ) aiirTcrcil lur a er tit vltliafcror
u'ltti' eruption, which wa .erv troubtciomc othlnc
glTordrd nny rrllcf until we tried vctir SAiDArAr.aLA,
which won complctil) cured licr.'
lYa-n llutrlri T Cage, Kiij , rf the trMtlflncKn frm e
(Sam, .Uiirray, f ( . niiiiiiiclrcr i) cnar.itl.ta ;ki.
wrjIn.Vi'ftHn. .V . ....
I trail fr wieral tear n cry troiibicomo Atimm-ln
mr fni' win li ?revr comtnutlr wottc nnill It 'llillpuml
rnr fWIU'Maiirt Ucm.tc an Intolerable clllictloii I tiled
almoit iiirithltirjatnitii cotiltl or tolli cihlco Mid twill.
tine but tirlioui nnv relief whatcter. until t loot: ) our
!)Ar.Ai'AiitiLA It Immulintcl) ninilo tnj icrc worre,
ou to'd me It might lor n time but In n lm uecli
I Ik i;i ! in bean lo lo-m ttt.dcr Ibe blolcl er , ci.U con
tlnueil I'll I II my tree It r. rmcoth et cm Icrli , end 1 cm
without I' in aitniiloina nr the flneic It at 1 1.1 ow id 1
cnjoi (erti-cl health, nnd without nCcubtcvi It to j cur
5AtlAt-AhltLA '
Er7lpslai -Ocnoral Doblllty Pcrlrr tho Blocd.
roniIr Unit Niirii Jlou$lmi At.. .V 1'.
H n Avrn 1 teldom tall to ictnote I'.nptitmt and
Tf4'out Sirtt by the percerlrR uie of onrr.ir
ArA!.iLiA and 1 have Jint low mini on attack of
.lj.'i'im'il .rffilpelai xrttii It. o alleiullte we terre
e.tmU thu SAIutAfAIULLA toil lmtouprMcd lollc pro
Mrlon n well at to the iwopli','1
'ton . V. J&nilon, F.i , tPaZinnn. OMo
"I'ur tuelfc vCttrt I had the )rllo I'.rjrlptlcj on my
rl;lit mm, tlurlne which tlnin 1 irlcd all the ceiibrattd
.hiclan I could re.ich, nnd Irnk I Ul dtrda ol lolluti'
worth or luedlclnct. llio lilcct ttue to lad II tt tic
r orili brexmr ldble. mid the dvctoia drcltlrtl it ct my
r.rm mut lm ampiitntcd I bifnn n.klip )iiurAi.A.
rAtiiLLA look tno bottle), mil ionic ol tour ! IU
J uiviherlliey hafc cured tne J am ton relli.llloiird
nnoolv llelii'ln n pttl.Ile place, mt ceel kre-w" to
ceert") " tbMeoiuuiui.ity, ULd excite tlx notdcr Df
Inn lino ,." ," ..V T T. r .Wircaittt. C. .,
li Itit'Uiiu iMxn cy f (rtntnlkiM 1'orliamcnt.
1 I Imre ti-nt totn SArt.M'Ar.tLi a In mt Uuiilly, for
renr.-il '''. .. il ivt imr,-tS Wiwf, itlncrr
bWlltm! i.-!!1!-, and lm cuiniluC In im-nictdliR It
lUtUnlll -Ml'
Qt Anth tiy' Tire, Hoso. Salt, lihsuta, ?cald
no id, Suro Eyes.
rrtm II.tr, ft te'.'tr. V.hi, I In nUt uUitr rf lit 7VX'
hinKtl (nnwrn1, mi Irttiln
"Oirnnlt ol'l.l. nld.it Hi, n: wnirulKi itritttrclrd
liy mnpi mi hw hinlinwl JUt iinll) .putil until
ihe In nieil n liulJi-oint! and ilitiiil ivit itlich cot.
emlliotiie . ouil rcuol ) b'ltn'nl lliiui lorumet'aii.
A -ki'lul p itilelaiinpplltd I liiru ul I tci ml oiler mil
li. witluiut nut apiwrent ifiei 1 or llliien ii tic
r iit'ileO: lu-h.ii.iN, ht Willi tletit le it til il terri'eti tic
ilettlMt awl corrupt noiiml l.kii cuiitul I If tvlo'c
fi lln li, f lunil i.crv il me t :. ve lad rii) li'tc
r, jut uvtien iflilii; jour i!AiiAl'AtiltLA, mil ept't
tt the Imlidv nl Miali 'olini . r mil i. lint. I U toio
b mi I" liml it lieu we bad gum lie Hut lull'e. aid
t . i w.kii we I, ' ! fliiMuil lie i colli Il.ct-llil'a
i h, wlttati ImiI i.hw nit cun ruin, ml le la
mm n lienHht Hint fa.r m nil oiler 11 1 wl o)i iill.
IiI.umI itiedleiwl that I he child miwt tile '
E7but nU Korturlal Dlicaaa.
I'r i Hi tin mi Vi. .V "Hi'. Minn -rt
"I hud tour r AIWA I .Mill I A a moil iKictunl icmrily
. 'h !. ojrj xiiipium- ol vAi'(. rt dlor upl lllife
ii r.i,ciUjo mil other . p't-- II t piulmlon aic In
ibteil to ou fii'iome ul in leal tnnlleitea we l4tie "
l I J l'rtm M I, (in enmirN ;'.a(i Kit '.!!:
!, lw . if t u a jiv:i.i,,ul imiilir tj tin Lt'jlt-
I I'm . t MiHtitftimtli
U.i ,m.g-JI, drar hh I lr.te fitnril iinrSAn
fAfAiin iv nil exevlkiii icmiil) lm fyhtlU Lotltoltlc
j,r(Mirjf mnl ' ., irjrt) m i! ilTixMinl In autiieeaiii
ilia I ni tiMi ub-ll inu in v In mleriinicrtlia J do
lot know ttlnt wu eu inipl.'i villi nunc ceiirlnt) of
ueeeu. wliuien lHMinliil nltvikllte l iaiiili t !.
.Mi '"An, .S la Ai.ie, Arte Jrnunrrt.S J, led
ilittdful iilccn ou lil Ii'ji, cdukiI b) tli abmi ul mir
curt, n r Kitrcitrl'it iHtnitt. nlilcli mew inoie aid inuic
eij-tnriMl lor miii, In riillv ul cun irimdi i.rluiit
tnrnt llmt eoulil be nplil, until III fi'ui(i p nc of
ALi. AllAtAiili.L.i. leleied I lm J ew uiciti to
luuwd moie iiuelcato cud illatiiiilue; then tl,l, utxl It
leak eeer.il ilnaelt tio'tlei lo CHIC I ll.l
liou-orrhxn Whites, rcmalo Weabnem,
are fi e nlly piihIh, a br Inn n ul Sat.Moin fletratim,
si il me tcr ultoN euied bi Il.e tliciktlte ill'.ct ot Ihla
eAUAIAiitu.A Some me leqtitie lottcter, In axl
ol tin At.ArAiilLLA, tU iklilul r plicntloii if local
tttui ,lv
Vp i t ifi.VMiK-ii ntul ir'ift'i r'lelralfil Dr Jactb
1 i ' r i ,, , , il i
"I Mtic fun nd to ' AAfAiilu a rnexnltri I niter
attic In r!li ia nt tirm'ei .Mm eee ot Irii-cuuill),
.euco-ili 'n li ti'inu1 L,c"tatloi. i.i i. loeui OfLlliti . nil".
Inu liom the Kioluloua ulatliel. InvsjMiUd toll. and
then; me U Hint do i.Gt, whin lit iCict II ptopmy
aided by loeftl tieulnwit."
A tails, uiiWoVmj la a'Jaie tin ;uU.'cuUw r l.tr namt,
ifrtltt '
' 11) ilaucliur atiil miH.lt lair I mi cuiedofniery
dbi,lldllii(t IxuconlMM of long Mai.iltn;, bt tnii Lutl.it
ot tour fsAIMAfAniLLA "
ItheurastUnt Oout Liver Coraplfcint, I)?:pcp
uu Ueirt Diwnno Keuru cm,
wliueiiUfcil be .'icwi'x'i in tin. inlim, me iri Idly cared
Ly IkM LiT bAIWAfAlllt-LA.
piaen mj inanv mliniitii'.e, nw il. ntticr purrja
tuc. in tho inurtct, ninl tliclr anirlur irtuca nrc to
uiiiicnillv kitottn time need no: ilo inoro tlmn
to nwurc llio pul.lic limr ipi.tltiv it in lintmncil ciiual
to the lt it ccr lm lcti ninl llmt tliej may bo
lepinle on to ilo nil tlmt tliov Intvo cut dune.
Ircpttml lay .1 0. AYJ:, M. 13., i Co., Lowell,
Mai nn.l o'il bi
Agunti, .j07 CaUfoinlu Street,
bun Francisco.
Ui U.lo aui l,uil trade, c fcl Cwiibilent that t
COLNTIH MlltLIIA.NTsdialrini; i leildcnt uncut, or w un
occ-iiwuil puibhuti, HeiiiioRiraiipviiuriuilUkeiiieiili
I'ArticiiUi niiciiuun mvin to eullictlbiif, tho ptuchiue ami
ulu ef built rtndr Nulei, Dr.ifu, .tanipi, SevlarMvuluea,
etc orolhtr trAuactlumicn,ulriiig the aurilcoi ol expcrl
eaced nud mlUl.lo aconu
purcluita willbn mule fr culi culy, except la caiciel
Pul agieenieat tu il.o eoutrury.
(5co u). (Dsborn,
rlth Cat
J, Mill
t. . Sessions?,
NO. 24
Peter Britt,
Photographic Artist,
Ambr oty p os,
Photograph s,
Cartas doVislto
Picture Rciittccil
JFTo i E E R
.t CO., nnd nppmlle the I'ott Office, where
may le luunj a choice (election of l'nmlly
Letter From B. F. Dowcll.
Galvkstox Tkxas 1
1807. i
the South would bo.tst that tliov had
negro uiooa flowing in tlioir veins.
Thi9 argument is now being pressed
upon our colored population 'by thoso
j Confederate organ, had the following n
few days since:
"Among the peculiarities of Under
wood's Court tit Richmond, were the
May, 21
On tho 27 th of last month I left' wno orougjit on tlic war, ninl pressed , presence ol live black men in the jury
"Washington Citv, and since that timo,'t t0 tn0 bitter end to extend and per- box, nnd the appointment of John IMi-
I have visited every Southern State bv pctnnic slavery, un uaier .womi.iy, i or isoits as foreman ot the Urami
railroad travel. Double daily train nt Charlottesville, Vn., in my native I Jury. The only mistako in tho ar-
- I ..!. ., l.rasaarlAlaiala . - .! I .s.aa.a &. kh a... ....AI.. . l..aA
iiiiiuiuiiiu, ;i uriiiiit i iiiuiri.'iii'.'iii 3? IIIL' iiiilllllir U0119 III
instead ol nt the tail."
Mr. Butts is an Old Line Whig, and
Grocerie anil rrovlIon.
Urjii'irt nnd Tolinccn,
Candle'. Nut, Applet. etc.
have reccntlr been resumed, nnd they county, . ollerson handolpli, a Urand-1 rangetnei
now make regular, and the quickest son of Thomas Jcflerson. an old line the head
time on record, to the seaboard citio ; secession democrat, said in a public
from the Northern, Western, and Mid f P,oeh ' a rgtJ crowd of negroes, ho
die States. The time on tho Northern1 " 'teen the friend of tho IScgro all
route, via Louisville and iiuliauopolis,
is onlv siMy hours from Memphis to
New Voik, and eightv five hoursrom
New York to New Oilcan. On the
Southern route from New York to New
Orleans, via 'Washington, Richmond,
and Mobile, to New Orleans ; and tho
middle route through Western Virginia,
Chattanooga and the Grand Junction
in W'ost Tiiniip5srp. tn '(iw Oilnnnc
... ..w -..........,..-.... w . ..,.. v. ,
il uas long iiecn n uoiorious met at
Uliarlottesvillo and in the vicinity, that
Thomas Jefferson, tho author of tho
Ins life, and that he had been in favor
of the emancipation of the slaves, for
more than f ot ty years. After the speech
was over I am informed, ho told two
negroes ho had several negro relations
and U was impossible for him to bo
anything ele, but a true and devoted
friend to tho intersts of the colored
during tho war was u noted nnd uillii
cntinl Union man; hence, tho A'cic
rails at him, and intimates that the tie
J;ro is better qualified than ho for n
When I first commenced traveling
through tho South, and uti to a few
days ago, tho Confederate .inlinsonitc"
were much elated at tho idea of the
Supremo Court granting an injunction,
not only for Mississippi and Georgia,
but (or tho whole ten States, restraining
any notion under tho Into rcuonsti'iic
linn nrtl.1. l.nl .1 f?... .In.... ... ..,.. . ,.
...in 111 i 111,1, i, ivii iiii n nyi' II u li:
celved tho nows that " tho Supremo
The cars make the trip on both routes,
in about the samo tiino they do on tho
Vmtlinrtt 1inp lint tlio ilintniii-ii is
shorter and the roads arc in a worse lv,,ducky secession Resolutions of 170P,; Com t had derided that it had no juris
-fimirlitinn- title. U nu-in.r to tit., war Had several nccro clitlilrcii. but it is i diclion ol the sub cot. Now t I0V SUV
la fact, eecrytlilnK umally fouaa In a flrttclasn ! TI , a(js South, durinn' tlio war woik. ncu for them to hear tha this Grandson, I hut little, and their faces ore much
,.., . r .---- I t n t ... 1 ,. 1 1 . 1 i p. 11 ... t , I
cd for Confederate monev. This jsy",",o'' "auiioipii, was a i.irucuiar cuujuitiuii. i stijiiiose n similar pue
now worthies and they ni-o not able ' Mend to the negro. Not only Run-.nomena with regard to f. ices may now
to repair their roads. The Northern ' ,0l'" '"" 'nc icuiiis 01 inc reneis ue m-vu mi uvcr nto oouiiieru oiaies,
TiL'tilly Groctry Store,
N. IJ. Marhi t Price paid .'r 1'roJiicr.
JncK.nmill., March 1. lfitu. n,r2"'
Will ItiKc AcUtiowliilircinrnt of Dcnla, rrnlcl
Nulls ninl Hill" nf i:clmiif-c, tnaKo Altertailnna.
ami tiller intrtiiniiiti ol tuibllcation. lllauk
un h mil. f.l2.1m:
roads, dining the war worked fort'. S,
bonds nud greenbacks, and they aro
:ow rich by their transactions.
The cats run night and day. At
will the passengers arc always fur-ni-Thed
nith sN'ping cats and they
can sleep jim as goc-t 'i "i l"llor'',t10
niilo .n we coo In in n ffi'i-' nuiii on n
Istpninbofit. Tho n.t OH either the
that I hac talked with
. B I
sav thev nu'Srri:ssiov. JniivcnviTi? Ili-nrm I'vinit.
the true ft tends of tho colored race, nnd , . m., ...,. i,.,.,.,,,.v-.... .... J
il..... n t.. r. r.i. t .11....' -...1 I ,T A 'AI' 1 Kt I.IHJM'i: 1011 TllUIlt
uti-j in v iii un ur ui iiiu iiiiiiii'iiifit,!' iiini i .
unconditional admission of reprercnta- , , w.v Absociai r.t,
lives from all fho Southciii Stales,
mn in favor of rcnicentatiie.
wih all
tho conditions
with in good
t Mum iiuy nave uiatie. in nines nasi, itnr-
i.V. a 1 1 tieipation in tho rebellion n (itinliliiu-
t "" .lS,i ... ..nt ...! ... 1 !
I'mitnitiPil ill'""" '"' ", mi'ii III utiiiuuin
nillrllllltHMltl I .
faith, before
soei.tl eiielt'S
The schools are sustained by a month.
ly tuition fee of about filly cents, to
which tho Iliircau adds a salary rang
ing from ten to forty dollars n mouth.
Tho preference is given to homt
teacJicn whenever bucIi can ho obtained,
Theso schools are I'onstnutly being
formed, and tho demand for lenchen
continually outruns thu supply. At
this moment thirty persons ol either
sex, qualified to teach could find em
jtloytnent nnd support in these fchools
by applying at thoofllcoof the Hureau.
One of Artemus Wnnl's intimate and
dear friends wns theeoitiedianSetchell,
himself " n fellow of infinite jest," and
himself also gono hence beyond tho
river of Death. Theso two fnatlu a
trip together through ono of tho Now
Ktmlaud States, one Siiuiinir monf.Ii.
riding in a carriage, nud spotting with
tho rural residents whenever cuentiu
lorcd. Thu i-eoord of that month can
never lm known, but such stories ns
have boon told of it show that it was
one of tho merriest ol nil joial times.
On another occasion theso two humor
ists, assuming to bo stoiekeeiters front
"up tho liver," went to lliirnum'a
Museum, nnd consulted n phieiiologist
who was then at that plan, mid who
ignorant of their identity, but hotinte
ouily responsive to their questions
told Artemus Ward that he might pos
sibly umltrtttn(l n joke but could never
make one, nnd told Setchell to "stick
to tho' store," and givo up nil idea of
going upon tho stage. Onu can fancy
theso wags, strolling thus nlong tho
highway oflife.nml tinning everything
into mil tli. Tho skies were bluu over
head, and the roses bloomed about t heir
footsteps, and they went out of life with
tho echoes of happy laughter ringing
in their ears.
The matrimonial market, remarks an
exchange, nbout this timo of year, l-r
pretty firm, but llio ditVerent qimHtici
ol stock throw n upon the msttkit nml.o
the lliictiialioti.t fieqtient. "Swrift si
Icons" tiro active, but tint un to tho
deinaiid, and "go oil"' at previous fig
ures. Lasses ol tueiitv " tinsk. ' nnd
union men
nrcii, nun are huh. in some dei
.MnrttMBc-. Illlls of Sale. I'otvcra nf At- steatuooat. i lie co.-i on vn..---. "".. Sniilftm Sl.t- ,. ,.ntl,.- , . scnneti. mion nuer my un
. n " . Iaa. r ..!. . ... I "".' ""IIVIII V1IMV T IVI'lVa?. IIIV.ll! .. .-.
i.iccniea. Acrecmentr. etc , contintiri oithcrn, bundle, or aci'meni 'uuliviinf ilnnc tt.lu ,i.,nA.ifi,,at..ni c :. ' msiumi, in company vvltli inv
IVsill.'1-lillllV IHIUIU'I-. WHO I ...!,l . ...!.... , .1.. l.. .
.. ' .i Il.llll'! Illt I1I'I1I. I1I1II 1 III lll'll kl'I in
Physician & Surgeon,
OniccatlilaiitMeiici. In the Old Orcrbcck
lluapllal, on Ori'Kdii Stti'it.
i:. ii. iui:rn.man,
OFFICE-Corner of California and Fifth
Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn.
ir. ..tn Mi-..it.A In .InrLinn anil nillacent
I hit mil i i ---' rf,..-
, coitntlei, and aitend j-r-inptly t profcaalonnl
! call.. MM
from Washington to Now Qilmtt. " ,lien't ,ni.ftn? U
37 45, and :t dollar for each iirlit -s ' 'Ifantvanl an
lodging if you occupy a sleeping"curi 'C( ., iMmo'n r
and a dollar lor each meal vou eat.
Is progressing finely throughout the
South." Hut much still remains to bo
done to make the Sottthei u people truly
loyal to the Union and the Coiintitu
tion of the United Stales, as interpre
ted by Congtcss nud the Supremo
Cotttt. Wendell Phillips has trulv
taid "Anilvzo tin American down to
. . .11 MM, .!.... A .......I ". , , ...
Who ft. Ui.M.m untiiiuilloit ...un to.llc' "' ' ' im.K.i, mill ma- I III llio,
llltllill'li'ill " """" "", iii.iir-iiuiyiiiiiii itcciv
means that I.ee, Ilragg, '
nd KorreM. vvho iniiulci-
at Iort Pillow, after it
hsd Hiirwiidercd ; that Duk Taylor,
their own iraves nnd then
them ou the i."ot ! that, these men
impenitent, with their hands dyed
tho blood of Union ,oldiers for
pin pose of perpetuating
not come and sit down
Stntes Congies, along
men who lought for fi
God foil
an old and
had lost Ins negtoes. After lea, his
wife learned I was nil Abolitionist mid
llmt I was in llivor of thu Retonsliiie-
I'gieu pie-1 Mlw mmv i. lively." Mfssos of ,i .igo"
",nl 'll'lvlueak, nud fullv up to llio dcm.i'ud.
y hrother, p,,,riiol ,,, 0 tj10 ,K.0ine. Old
five liiindivd dollars In havo
Htoeked. M.iehi'lors. in swnllow-tailed
coats, very seedy ami disconsolate.
Spruce bachelor, ol thiily, Mi"idy,
wild n Prospect of few sales. Young
and fiiseiiialniif "swells" in irooil de.
III' . M.I... . . . . . -v
the last drop f his blood, and you will ' i.ornctuitv of the Union ? God flu I.I.I I ".1C,U. Vl im W Vlnl ,M' H."1'1 ,l't
find the Fourth Day of July in it anil .that these whoever voluntilary took up I UC. V'"8 " ' ?"U1 '" '
tho ivcojriiitioii of ono nation ns the arms against the United States, hI.oiiIiI , co!j!." l() ""l Ult' L uu.!u- .
law of tho Continent." If Southern lever have an v patt or lot in mnkinir, ..,1,1'.0 Brl" V1 ,to""rt7 ;r tw lr'!li
I ii ni.-vi iuiivis "in oi inner, aim n nit)
Confederate lefuncs to givo thu Union
rorneil with CaafJoIiI. I'ionim k C , wboltul daalm In
mm. .0iuio, tun f ranciaw,
rutaiarljr witli C.R.OuuIwin L Co, wliuUulo grrxera 2an
1 Clacliw. iilw, Urailkur 4. 1 tula, J.wnrlllc.
aamuUr a. livi) aejilStf
- I'uunc ana in. irieiuu Kuncraliy, iui i
men had been convinced. that tho ni-iti
cipfes of the Declaration of Indepen
dence vvctc not to he found in the Con-
fi w I 1 1 ( MAI ttl(llil linl II at i-t t-.-i.lw. 1 lrt.1
---. . - . iya-a- . aw - i it'IIVIV s- SSWIII14 IIV. II t U I V UL'I I VII
A3J.X J.-XX-CVJUJra.toj.r.'-sinst the United States. Hut the
.. , . ... vvli '? ''Od viiolitic, is ehaotie and rotten
An xuo vcrDCCU liospuax, ,l0 the tcre. blnvery, seceion, nnd i The AViM.fi conscrvnt
i . . -., .!.:..; i..i: i .. . . ...
wvij-vr r-m-n r.ciTntvi?! tiatiic vvar, nnvc destroyed .-'' '- iwiin, says u was fomnienceii uv a soldier,
....wi..i,v,w .vm.v.,.....u,, n(, inrinvoctlc,n -., ,-o these idols calling thcMienkern liar. Tho JSuUo
RTTwriAVs Ann wtnKP5Tivs in the very taws of dentil, iney aio,tf
icasonnuie on nil oilier suiyocis, mey
lrt.. lH .l.n .A..nl.,tl.t Ar,,. A... !..
.i.iii? iui inu n.'ijn,inii ii -jur lieu in-
Arc very common in the South. Since
my arrivnl in Galveston a Republican
meciiiig nni oeeii nroKeii up in a row.
ivo Johnson sheet
iv4tin.i uiu rvfv 4 fini i nu JUKI"
i i?if a Union paper, says it wns coininvn
'rod bv n citizen lirr'SciMl in tint Pnifufl
........ -.. .... .. , a , . -. .- .. ... .. ...,...
nill ifjoico and dance over laiiK'-'o j States iinifoi in. I was not piesentnud
the street icports nre so conlliiting,
A..l I..1I ,l,lt, II.MA ,tl,Al II1..I...
man the oidinary facilities of trade, ho
vyin no the loser, nud in n very short
timo those things will legulate them
selves; but the boeial relations in the
South between tho Confederates nnd
Union men aro harder lo manage.
Some boast that the ladles vv ho coquet
ted with thu Confederates aro ile.if to
CONCRKSS AT ITS LAST SJ.'SSIOX Hoodie and Nail Columbia, as n, day.
Iiyviwr its-ilu UANKUUI'C LAW, il of vote, but, tell them you are oppohO'l
i nutr. ttlHiln the .oir of cvwy man tlmt li to tlavcrv and secession, and that tho
lu.pt.lwMv hi debt, tofrcj) Iilm-iir from tho Yankees "were right, and the Confed-pref-D
of Ut'lita hat cramp il action, and which ,,... .,.?. t' .
. i. uimiiv ii.iui.i,, itiiHrui.., in ,UiPi.nrW. crates wrong, and they nro inn rage m
The District Court of the Unhid States, tthlch a minute. It was, and ib the bane of
ilt alone In the City nf rortlutid, bai, under blavery which has smitten and hatden
un. in,iiii vcii . jtiriruicm... ... iiw ca t ic' hearts ol our .Tjoutliern peon e
In Jlankruptcy. The iitidcrMKncd hare procur- ,, ... fc f, ...'' .,.
ed a copy of tne law und aro ready, ua toon an uiiiUo nnu still makes tho wrong np
n KeclMer l appointed, tu attend promptly tol pear to be right. v hen Saul of lar-
procnrliif.' dlcchiiieen In iliiikriiptcy for all who
may till tllrpuiiu to lavor mim nnu tucir put
Ss5- Abo attention paid to procuring LET'
TLItS PATENT for new lurentlont.
Mitchell, Dolph ii Smith,
Attoroeyi-atLau, Porllund, Oregoi.
ap'17 mil
D. C. McCLELLAN, Prop.
JL reli
I' HOUSE HAS MX I XTI.Y BE jorjt of t,,-0 SouU,crJ ,)eo )lc 1
e tlcJ mid prcpand for tho reception of J -'. . , .. . i I
, and tho proprietor would wy to the ccpt in good faith tho terms and
is of Southern Oregon, and iho traveling tion of the icconstructton acts of
bus led Ilia baud of pcreetitors to Dam
ascus, lie thought ho vvas doing God's
service. Nis coiicientious regard for
what he thought to bo right, made him
a peihccutor of the right. lany made
war upon tho Constitution, in hopes to
save tlio liberty it guaranteed. Hut
when holy hands were laid on Saul tho
scales fell fiom his eves: so nro the
scales begining to fall from the eyes of
tho rebel, ino om democrats, seces
bionibts, Johnsonitts, nro very bitter,
and nothing but tho military will prob
ably ever keep them in subjugation ;
but l finniy ueiiuve a very largo ma
in ac-condi-
of Con
gress, l havo iceeiitly talked lace to
lace mill tlio leading men ol both par
citizens of Southern (Jrccon
public, that he Is now nady lo ucclve anil en
tertain all who may favor him tvllh n call, at ,
1 Tho Totde will bo furnlahcd with the bet tic i ties, and every fctep I take, and every
market atronh, permitting tio house to excel It thing I hear confirms mo tu tho belief
either In quality or variety. that the people of tho South ate thor-
, oughly conquered. All tho politicians,
SIWIAL NOTICKS. 'allthoofHcers.andall the offico seek-
can't tell winch is true. About 10 shots
weie fired, mostly in tho air above the
cro"vd. Only two men wore slightly
wounded. The wholo object of the
riotors appenrs to havo been accom
plished, when I he visitors dispersed.
A icpublican merti.'ig was also receti
tly broken up by n yiob in Mobile,
whilo Hon. W. G. Ivelly.ofreufisylvn
nia, was speaking. Theso thififs aro
deeply to lie regretted, and shouii! bo
condemned by nil good citizens, nn.'l
punibhed by law. They aro the last
ditches, and dying agonies ol tho
rebel Johnson Democracy. Thoy aro
mere bubbles on tho grent bea of tho
prut revolution in public sentiment.
Tho great masses now desiio pcaco.iud
harmony. All parties South ignoic tho
name of Democracy. They nro known
as conservatives or Johiihonites He
publicans or TJadicaJs. A fuw years
ago democracy and war covered the
Hon. John C. Waters, Judgo of tho
U. S. District Court for this District,
who has always been a l iiioii man, and
uiro urn i -.i .. i". . .'..::
...... . . iii:n.ii. nun Mfiiii. nri, i...iii.... i.v i. i..u.i-
l llllllir ilpmior. I lif l...vl...,..l ..,.., ..1 ... '. ...v, ........, ., ,1.1,11,.
Ill ' ""'.",:'.. -- .".".". n'y i" soino L'lltvs." Tito niaik.-l i.,wi. vow
ti.oi r." : ,;.M,,xn ,,,s oi,!,j',,l,,,,'1'''1 b.isk win. hcaw to,.u . .i.,.:. . '
A shout iiue ago, a whale was strand
ed on tho N'oi folk Coast, ninl pincliascd
un ii speciiliitliiu bv n shiirti iirautloiiei.
I who uihertiseil lor Information how to
pii'M'i-ve it. A Siiiiileiland wng replied
1 to the ndveitisoineiil, teinleiiiigtho de-
Mit'il iiiloriiiatioii ,tLveipt of half n
crown's worth nl potflH stamps, which
arrived, and tho'follolvHig teelpo was
duly Ibru anted: " Put thu whale ran
fuMy into ;i glabs botlle; cover it with
I spirits of wint! (sltong whiskey may
i do) ; then eoik and seal up." The poi
jingo stamps woto handed over ton
, charitable institution.
A young gentleman, with a con
siimptivo patch of wax ends upon his
upper lip, called upon n young Indv re
cently, to see hertofholhe.'itie. vheii
bliohtepped into tlio pin lor, "till lenity,"
ho i iv etedhis cj o r.pou tho lie wfo-hioiieil
nhoit iiiiibrelllwiil dtess t-ho woie, and
inqiiiied : " I hope you nto not going
lo wear that dtess V" "I am nothing
shorter, Wlij V" "0, nothing, Only
If lied been auyshorU'rl woulilu'l havo
gone," Iluoflorcil liir liiriaiin. Shotook
it. Luuhville Democrat,
An old negro woman, in accounting
for tho lack of iliscipliuo among thu
youngsters, insists (hat it is beesusu
their mothers wear gaiters ! " Ye see,
when wo woio low shoes, tin' the chil
dren wanted whippiu', wo jus' tukolf
k, air gavo 'em n
now, how's n body
togitngaiter oil' in lime' So tho chll-
tho wooings of loyal loveis; that tlioso
who iJiincoil in loving closeness
to n giey coat, lefiiso to have their
tiny waists encircled by an arm in blue ;
that tho disloyal ladies of tho South
piefer to lemalii "sad and ungathorcil
rotes" on their respective ancestral
trees, to wedding with the sous of tho
accursed Yankees; that Madam I.o
Ned drawn clone her skiitH lent their
punty may bo soiled by contact with
tho tegs of a hushing I-Vderalist. Tho lips
once kissed by Confederate youth aro
held to punt for Ynnkeo pollution.
Ihchu nro in soino instances painful
truths. Hut tho Confederates. In tin.
cud, will injure themsdves moio than
they will the Yankees. Not only nio
lnnkco men emigrat usr South, but
d if tho Coined , n shoo, mighty miie
erate women icftiHe to mini y loyal Van- good spankiif; but
loyal Yaukeu women, ami
kees or lecoiibtructcd tcbcls, it will pot
bo Jong ero thoy will disappear fiom
the faeo of tho earth, without leaving
any descendants to cherish their p res
ent animosities against, the recount met
ed rebels and tiiu Abolition Yan
kees. Union men will ho juefeiied
in mi political omcies. I
be compelled to take n b.ic
Paul was content to take u back heat
u councils oi tno early Chi Julians
i-o let i constructed rebels bu com.
nellcd to feel and know that whatever
dreu gits no whipphisat all, nowadays."
FAsrTminisnTiMi', OiiSntui.lay,
at tho Fashion Course, Long Iblinid.'a
match for ono thousand dollais be
t ween "Dovler," in harness, mid "Kthun
political ollicies. Hcbels jiiust ' Allen," with runiiiiig mate, took plaeo.
ack seat. St. i tjnvani "' iweniy tiioiisami pei-ions
weio preseni. "Uele
o. o.
la 8 la I nii,liv, uliuru 1,0 .aimtoil a gufi
nI cumaiM rltlui, tliul gum uvolieri it'.
"iiiius.t.ollli.liliil iltari.,unil all
lion, .kUi ciriruUoi. innuor, alial.
Hi' I'MullitfJ-l'-W vf i-rjr Kirt !
.... viugia Kill lu iiiuu vkii I'tuuiini
llcl. Tho iimiiif wmrliij of i.ow rlfl,
"' i" lu.iu,, mia hi inu u.ait a.irui
urilefjl f,M1t (jij. I lu.JK.l
auceof tunat it oiiolt llailjiuui
tU.r mill vf 11 r lijtaailaUwuthc.
. . JOU
McinaiiiucrMin 151 J
wm, hoff:
afkSiv ' v J.
iiati!-' rbaM' fll m'
' iiBr aaaj..
SBrlM ....l.p il C.j . a.n-i
'SSEK ,jVIMiBsHHawiAPVt! sMilaBULaifsp IsirSPPjil
i 1 1 Ml .'L V.. iii&arbimfrir
. -!. -...J '- - 1 WT" t ".r"-!
era and every iebel leader. North and
Jacksonville J-odge South, in tho United States, could not
;iu. in. noma na. it-jgiim incito t ic masses ol t no sout i ever to
raise an army again, to opposo the mil
iffiry ofBi of tho Government. Con-
fwuii hwugui to proiecf, nun nil up
ipiiMt,-u, inu j.oor ucpt'iiueui.
mac. ana it win bo done with-
ti dblvJHoriug, or degrading tlio
it, Uie whites who accept tho
ttetr will thrive and flourish.
wh iltill cling to their former
meeting on every Saturday
exewijiM liieuuu iin-
who was coniiielled to (leo tho country i
to savo his Die, now holds that the
Congress do not compel, '
to emjianncl negro juries I
t Heiijamiu Shrojwhrie,
)ihtriet Court of Texas, i
snow mining co.u uv i.ouwo..,u..ii rights under tho Constitution; that
has two lunns mart I v coinnosed of no- .. , c ?. , . -"'"B"i"" , .
.... ... ii ., .. .. . . ...
iircM-m nciH ui voiiKrenii no iioicuiiii.fi, i.. .,.,, ,,, , . , , it
' ii.... i ! . ?... i ..''. honor may bo coi leiied noon them s
ey set up for themselves, hail
nor it on, i in to eiiniaiu ei i ii'irru juries i,,, ,..,, ..'. ,. , , ,,',,: i
in Texas but Heniamin Slirot.shrie. 'L tUiS. 8.I.,l0.o,..,"?,0?nl """'tt "'"I
Judgo of tho District Court of Texas, i wjieiwi,'ty ,
it: that tho Confederates,
Ji(jrtViB ptf 'end 8,
r.iiii i.irifiii,.1 .in ... i,.i,u .i ,.... I...I
gioes. J his Judgo was n con eileralo i ,..,va,,..u ,ii:,t, t V ..
b , i i .i " r . t ted states, ;ind by to awn ol nations,
rebel during tho war. I was in Ins' ,,, '.,,,. ',' ..." 'A.",' ,,. "
Court a few days ago, and heard a jury, , ' , f , ,
composed often eroes and tvvo white ',, lift ' ,
men, reiider a verdict in lavor of the , . , , .,,......, rt I
piamiiii, lor tno sum oi bi.ihu, in u, .,
I ,OI W. V, 1.1,
1 ;' i;" ,." f i' ""' '
wvmiAim mt. a. y. k h
wuv mmw riftur if in TV p
-OFFICE Plrt Uoor NollfcM
Wk Ua.ikti.g Hoiui. ffy .,
. ........ . UteSr
n ucctu anu oilier instnuncnls c
prepared, and itcknowlcdKi'men
Appiicauons tor UoraestcaU lit
IllRlite and l'rtvatn nntrv nf laa
s, Wjl vlpeconio jioor, obscure,
key v. ill be never heard of nrntn.
i4crol pdc are generally true and
loyal, biiv
waa o)
conversition tno neeision oi luoicoeii
Judge is cited to prove that tho Con-.
federates aro better friends to tho ne
groes than the Yankees aie. It is tt no
that General Giiflin, tho commander
of this District, issued an outer on tho
27th of April last, teciting tho 2d sec
tion of tho Civil Night's Hill; nnd from
inaKing great progress.
r was the la-
voi he, one bundled dollais to I! fly
dollars being ofleivd. " li'tlitm Allen"
won, in three straight heats, Timo:
2:15, 2:10, and 2:10; the fastest timo
ou reeord. "DexterV' tlinu ou tho sec
ond licit was ii ; 1 U i.
A dancing master, on being east
away on n desolate Island, lived six
months without other food than that
which lj derived fiom "editing pigeon
wings," nnd stowing. Ncio'h a hint
woith having. If learning to danco
will prevent you from shullliug oil' this
mortal coil, it is thu duty ol'evei ymaii
and woman to grow wino in eolillions.
in ediie.i-
ThoLyiiehbuig ViryininH sayuthoro
tzicat cttorts nio now
tlteir former disloyal maslci s, this older tho rebel Judgo dorives, or
lo tjonlr d their votes, and unless their pictends to derive, his authoiity, 'I Ins
r ". '. . I ". .. . . I
?, I.., fi. '. 1 mi " ". :ret',','I't'- I n child in Montgomery C'out.ly Ya.,
H. reau for tho following inhumation: w,,k.,, WM virinM Audiow Jack!
I ho enrolled attcnditnco of pupils for' sou Gordon James Hiiehaiiau Nniso
Apnl, JH07, considerably exceeds flvo Tho Flag And Fiio Tlio Caniion
thousand. n iDobviirJ." ThoastoiiihhbiLrtliln.nbnnt.
I j. 1 .1 IMII -....--....... ,.
jvctloiisntjleouiitcpcted by Southern 'section prohibits the coloicd raco fiom
joy,nsis, J some iiistanccs tno negio tieing ncpiivcn oi any iigui or nnvj
Yot( wUIJvo cast n l.ivor of measures Ic
. . . i .T . ... . ... ...
which mao end will tend still to de- law
1 IO. ,.C ..,!,,.,..
9, , , , 1, 1IIJI.I
Noitheru icllgious coeiu-
it is, (he child is appaiently healthy,
ego accorded to whites by nny Stato aro colored natives of Ti
nw; but sitting ujlou Junes is not a havo been piepaied to ;ict a
Number of teachers
10 aro fiom
ties. GiiAtii.ii.i Wnni.u-A.iii AVullu Pn
About 33 per cent, of tho teaeheis LtCVs. travolliiL-ALmnt . iin.i.! t'i,rnili,
.- .. ,-.--. "-1 --n'-'i .- ', ii ?.iiiiiiki
who town n fuw davs airo on his wav to
us iiistiuet
.! 1.. I
gruv-o i iwri. in a jinvaio letter some ngnior privilege, out, niiiiiiy n uuy un w iiiii i.wfti m uictu wiiuiiiiiiiij that place.-f aVfift aourK'
time a0) a friend in Jacksonville, I enjoined on tho citUcu for tho public the past two year?. - -
favor?'! JJKing tho negro the elective,' good. However, lexas is not tho on- i'uiiy bo per epnt of tho whole nuin- AYpru it pot for sin, death 1
francliii,"jnd I expressed tho opinion , ly southern Rtato mat appeals to navo oor o leacners, nio oi noiftnern birth iud a begiuuing; weio it not
:1ml. Ill a, aahnrt. limn tl.n Inmnrirnti nf' nnrrro fnripl. Tho GalvCStOtl NeUS. a . Or of OOflliDiatod rCbideilCO. Uti, ., 1,1 ,i.,? !,.. 1!.
C'nnyonvillu lo establish an Qfljco at
iftd never
for doath,
JvkaonvUIn Annual 4, thfifi'i
ni -a -'- ! lauuiiisaiiiu - ta ..-... -t --.., -..- ...---, ...,. . . i dim n iiiiiii iiiiibi Halt ii iiii iiiilllllir