.-. juii.il aww:!iiiwiwW TUG OREGON fflTINRb. SatckhayMoknin'o, Junk 22, 1807. Jacksonville, Jose 20th, 18GT. To Ikt Bonnl o School Dirtttori of School Dii- triet Xii 1. Gknts : Wo hereby tender to yon 51C0 00; co!il coin, which amount In tho nctt proceeds of the flcnoflt given nt the New School House, on the evening or the tilth lntant, In nld of the School Fund or your DMrlct. Very Itespectfully. Commllteo f FAMUKI. SACII?, J JOHN 8. LOVI). 1 HERMAN IIKI.MS, of Arwngrmenti, VFAJ(!i;i, IIAI.L Jacksoxvim-k, J cur 20th, 18C7. MuSM. PAVfUELSUrilS, 1 JUIINB.kOVR I Committee HLItMAH lir.LMR.fof Armnp-mrnU. PAMUKLIIALL. i Qrnts: In liehnirof tho District, nnd tj (, friends or Education, we cordlnlly tb.rtnk yon Tor the Interest yon hnve manifested in thli 1)3 lmlf, nnd for the generous munlGcouco of your donation. In accepting It, wo pledge you tint It shall ho sacredly de-voted to. the purposes for thlch It was donated. Very Itospcctfullv, C.C nGRKMAN.t J.1IOSVAI1I), J-Dlrcctoo. 0. JAC011S. iIesult oi' the School "Mectixci. Tho meeting called by tlic Directors on Tuosilny last was attended by about fifty porpoiiH, and it gives us much pleasure to state that there vrni scarce ly any opposition to the levying of an additional tax. Tho meeting was pre sided oer by Mr. Howard, and a state ment was made bv Director Jacobs, as to the amount of money expended in the purchase of the site, erection ol the building, and fencing, which showed that the District was in debt about $!1B0, and that it still further expendi ture of five or siv hundred dollars) was absolutely necessary for the purchase of seats," stoves, charts, globes, and other applivmccs, before the building would be ready for occupation. A mo tion was made and seconded for the lew of u tax of three and a half mills on the dollar, which was amended by ' substituting two and a hall mills : nviitti ftt-niittilful In ctiliotittitiiwi tli twi ' slsiili iiiiviiw it i rjiiwriiitivniu ihm mills, and adopted as last amended, with only three diosenting votes. This will give, after tho expense of collec tion, about one thousand dollars, which it is thought will be simply sulllcieut to meet nil neceexary expenses. This community, in common with all others in the ytate, feel the present burden of taxation to be very onerous, and it is gratifying to s-co them thus liberal in the support of the Public School. It is an old and forcible axiom, that: "the inoro schools we have, the li'hs need there is for iirisons;" and we doubt not that every dollar that is expended in public education, will be returned with interest in the general prosperity ami intelligent standing of the communitv. HoHimemi, .Tfxs: 10, 1P0". The De mocracy are circulating petition, and soliciting subscriptions for the relief ol their poor, suffering, rebel frkuids of the South. Those men, in our mirist, who cursed the patriot soldiers, who worshipped at the shrine ol JelV.I)aU and glorified .Audcisouvillo and J telle Nle, ho mourned over Union icto ricti ami rejoiced at tho assahsiuation, are often seen approaching Union men, asking alms for the benefit of their poor relation tho South; and, in stead ol laughing nnd scolHng nt the idea, as did these verv same, co-rebels, when asked to eontriliuto to the .San itary Commission forthe benefit of hick and" wounded soldiers, I notice, sis a general thing, Union men, with their characteristic, open-heartcdness, are contributing quite liberally even for that purpose. J lie house ol Jienrv becKley, in Ukton Precinct, in this couutv, was I Mcitroyeu by lire a lew day ago. J lie family werea short distance from the house, and the tiro was so sudden and rapid that it was impossible to save tiny of their household goods nnd furn iture. Tho loss is several hundred dol lars. ltcv.T. P. .loyal, of Wilbur, ho has been inconvenienced tho inot of his life with a still' knee-joint, was tin forlunatv enough to break his leg, by n mis-step of some kind, in giving les sons and e.eroieh in gymnastics. After suffering some little tune, he re covers, and finds, much to his surprise, and happy disappointment, that he lias the perfect uso of his leg, and now much regrets that tho accident did not i - - Happen twenty years ago. Hksult of am: Soiiikl-. Wo aro in formed iby Mr. Samuel Sachs that the handsome sum of ono hundred and sixty dollars was netted, on tho occa sion of tho ball for tho benefit of the school fund, on tho 13th inst. To the zeal of tho Committco who had the niattor in hand, and particularly to Mr. Sachs, is tho school indebted for tho result; and soveral of our lady ac .quaintances have remarked, that in tho '.matter of giving "tone" to ailiiirs of this kind, Col. Sachs is a perfect suc cess. Lkad Min-k. It is reported that Jim 0'Meara li found but riot seen a lead mino in Idaho. Unionht. He found ouo in Jacksonville, in '01, that ho couldn't sco without eyes in Mio back of his head. Xo KoAo.Soino parties on Immi grant Crook woto indicted at this term of coiirj for obstructing tho highway. I lip jury gayo ft verdict of not guilty, ns H was proved there noyer was any ''gal roacf up Kinigrnnt .('wok. MEETING OF THE MUM) OF TRUS TEES, J USE B, ISC,:. The Hoard met in special session, at tho usual hour a full Hoard present. The minutes of the lnt meeting were read and approved. First in order was thounfinislied business on tho minutes, which wai, on motion, continued, and the reports of committees were thou made. Tho committee appointed to draft an ordinance to regulate the pub lic. Cemotory, reported an ordinance which was read and adopted. It pro vided for the annual appointment of a Se.v'iOii defining his duties, requiring inn to bo qualified before entering up on them, nnd authorizing him to sell and dispose of lots, at not less than five nor more than twenty dollars, at his discretion. Tho proceeds of the sales of lots to bo paid into the treasury, as a separate fund, to bo expended for tho improvement of tho Cemetery grounds. The ordinance requires thc Sexton to superintend tho digging of graves, and ail other matters pertain ing u ine vemeicry; 10 Keep :i recorii book of all biirialsj'name, age and time of death ol every person burled, so far as can bo nseertaiiieo, etc. his com pensation to bo such as the Hoard, at the end of the year, shall deem reason able. 1. S. Dunlap was appointed Sexton. The committee nlso reported an ordinanco requiring tho Street Commissioner to keep the fences, en closing that part of the Cemetery deed ed to the town, In good repair, which was passed. Tho committco appointed to report on the subject of employing nn attor ney for the town, reported nn ordi nance and recommended that it be adopted being read, it was adopted. The preamble to the ordinance sets out that, the interests of tho town would bo better secured by an nctingattorney; that there are many important matters requiring advice, etc., and requires the appointee to be qualified before enter- Itur 111, ft, i lnu illiti.ifl (i, nl i n.fn.ul I . nil matters in the ItvconlciVs and other Courts. It fixes the salary nt $100 per annum, to be paid quarterly. W. 0. r unit was appointed attorney for the town of Jacksonville. IHM.S rin:sr..vri:i. Oregon Press bill of Jf7 .10, forpiint- ing blank; J. W. Hull's bill of $22 SO, for building fence on town lot ; M. Cos ti'llo's bill of fcP, for painting fence; Hopkins it Co's. bill of 22 Rfl, for furiiMiing Street Commissioner jtoss lumber for bridge on Jackson Creek. The bills wore severally read and re ferred to the Finance Committee. I'l.TITIOXS ritWUMT.Ii. Petition of John Ililger, and twenty six other citizen of the town, praying tho Hoard to appropriate funds to re pair the ling belonging to the town, and for the crection'of n flag-stafl in the town, (tho estimated cost being $13) was presented, read and referred to a special committee A. Martin and II. Judge. A petitiou wn. presented On behalf of the citizens for the use of tiio Hook it Ladder Truck, on the com ing Fourth of July, and (J. M. Hanks, Marshal, was autliorized to grant the r.se of the same to the jiroper parties nnd to see that it be well used nnd re turned to the Truck House. Jus. D. Fay laid before the Hoard, in behalf of II. Judge, II. Klippd, (). Jacobs, mid himself, a petition, asking the grant of a right to a siilllcieney ol the waters of Jackson Creek for irrigating purposes, to bo taken from tho creek nt the head of "11" street and carried thence in a ditch, with permission to open a ditch for tho purpose, under such regulations in regard to crossings as the Hoard shall deem reasonable, etc. read nnd referred to Martin, Love, Judge nnd Orth ns a committee. Mr. Fny also presented to tho Hoard tho following petition: The undersigned, attorney for David Linn, respect fully represents that tho said Daid Linn, and others with him, aro owners of n certain wa ter privilege, on California Street, to gether with ft water ditch, and that he, together with said persons, is desirous of gaining tho privilege of supplying tho town of Jacksonville with clear and wliolccomo wafer for culinary, irri gating nnd other purposes the water to bo conveyed in suitable pipes; where fore, tho said David Linn, Samuel Hall and Wm. Hoffman pray your Hon. body to grant them the exclusive priv ilege of supplying said town with wa ter, lor tho term of years. ' Jas. D. F.vv, Att'y lor Linn. Tho petition was read and referred to tho abovo committee. Tho Hoard adjourned to Friday evening next, nt 8 o'clock. D. Lixn, President. Houses Stolvx, Tho roads being bad, a detachment of ftvo men, from Co. "I," stationed at Ft. Klamath, was sent out, on tho 10th inst., to meet and guido in Co. "A," of the 1st U.S.Cav., which was supposed to bo on tho way from Camp Bui well to Ft. Klamath. Tho detachment traveled about forty five miles tho first day, and camped at tho Council grounds, on Sprague s Riv er. About ten o'clock that night, im mediately after tho guard had passed around the horses, two of them broke away and went off at full speed. Tho camp was at once aroused, and a pur suit made. Tho horses wero taken up a brushy mountnin side, nnd tho pur suers soon lost sight of them in the darkness. Tho sumo night, nine horses wero driven oil' from some Klamath Indians, who wero camped about eight miles from tho soldiers' camp. A dc tachmentof 14 men (with 2 Indians), undorSerjeant Stearns, went in pursuit, but at lust accounts they had not re-trued, TERM OF THE CltlCVlT COURT. Present Hon. P. P. Prim, Judge; J. . Xeil, District Attorney; W. U.S. Hyde, Clerk; W. A. Owons, Slicriil'. "Tho following named persons were drawn nnd impanneled as Grand Jury for the term: Samuel Sachs, Samuel Grub, W. C. Greenman, Wm. Kithler, Matlicw Lyddale. Patiick Donegal!, Hciiben Sa'lttnarsli. They found live indictments. The following cases were disposed of during the wcek fitiMiN'AL nocicirr State of Oregon vs. Jeremiah Brittle Indictment lor obstructing n road verdict, not guilty. Xeil, District At torney, nnd Fay lbr tho State ; Jacobs and T'Vnult for defendant. Stale vs. Philander Powell Indict ment for obstructing a road. Dismiss ed. State vs. David H. Sexton Indict ment for obtaining money under false pretenses. Verdict not guilty. Xeil lor the State; Fay for tho defendant. State vs. James Chadwick Indict ment lor larcenv of a hog. erdict, not guilty. Neil for the'State; Fay for deft. law cam:. Viet Slintz pltft'vs. Kbcrhard Illcech cr deft. Continued for service. Jncobs forplaintiir. James D. Fay pltft' vs. Michael Biley deft. continued for service, pro. per. James ICjIgore ct al. vs Henry Den linger and K. S. Morgan judgment for 23n 50 against Denlinger; dismisB ed ns to -Morgan. Jacobs for plaintiff. James Kilgorc, et al. vs. Henry Den linger and F. S. Morgan default for $220 00 against Dciilmgcr; dismissed ns to MonxHii. Jncobs lor plaintiff. James I). Fav pltff. vs. Mathew Gra ham deft default for 20! 200 Fny pro. per. .David II. Sexton ro cu'en ami of II. F. Xiday vs. H. Thompson nctlon to recover possession of mining claim demurrer tonnswersustnined tiudjnrig incut for plaintiff. , Fny for plaint ilf; Jacob? for defendant. F. Chancy pit If. vs. F. M. Chapman deft. continued lor service. Jacobs for plnintilV. John Anderson and J. T. Glenn vs. David L. Hopkins default for tl, 108 o0. T'Vnult for plaint ill. Herman Bloom respondent vs. I. It. Hodgings appellant writ of review, from Jtiftlcos Court reversed nnd sent back for trial. T'Vnult for respond ent; Jacobs for appellant. M. A. Harris vs. Higham t Laugell ShcrifFs sale confirmed. Fay for plaintitf. C II. Burton and It. Owens respond ents vs. 11. Wines appellant notion to recover possession of n mining claim appeal from County Court verdict for appellant. Jacobs for rcxpomlcut; Fay for appellant. lUil'ITV rASlW. K. Hendricks vs. 11. Harms contin ued. Jacobs for plaintitf. Ilowlaud, Arigd it King et al. vs. Tho Occidental (JuarfzIjning Co. et ai., nnd fcrnil'iurv S: 'vVndu Vs. Tho Occidental Quaitz Mining Co., et al.- sale of Fherilf confirmed. Jacobs for plaintiff. James Haines . Chas. Williams et al. sale ol'Sherilf confirmed. Fstvj for plaintiff. ii. 11. llargadiiie vs. Thos. H. Kecley default taken and case, referred to Cleik to compute interest. F;iy for plaintiff. Linu it Hall vs. J. Michelbach and Main it Winchester default taken, and and caso referred to Clerk to compute interest. Fay for pi til. TnitOAT Ari'KCTioNB. A Physician writing lrom Xewfane, Xew York, speaking of tho beneficial effects result ing from the uso of " Jtnur if Jlroitrii al TrorK," says: "For alleviating that horrid irritation only felt by thota who have sullered from any Jiromhial All'cction, nnd for Hoarseness uud Soro Throat too, 1 am freoto confess (though I am an M. D.) they answer nil you claim forthenr" To avoid disappoint ment, bo sure to obtain tho yenitine " Brown's Bronchial Troches." Diamonds. A friend writes us from Wine's Camp, that 31 r. Stephen Gale found a diamond, while "panning out," a fuw dnyh since. It has been exam ined in tuo dark, and pronounced a genuine brilliant. We give tho infor mation for what it is worth, and are in clined to think that when examined by competent judges, tho precious stone will bo pronounced a rock crystal, sim ilar to tlioso found in abundance in Cal ifornia and Owyhee; and which aro of but little value! Its Vai.uk is Lvcam.ti.a!.i:. For all diseases with which children aro aftlictcd during the process of teething, Mns. Winslow's Sooiiiixo Svitrii is a safe ami certain remedy. It has stood tlio test of thirty years, nnd never known to fail. Cures wind colic, reg ulates the bowels, softens tho guins, and allays all pain. Hosteller, binith it Dean, Agents for tho Pacific Coakt. Fl.OCR TO JIB TltAXSPOltTKD. Wc understand that tho A. A. Q. M., at Fort Klamath, has been ordered to take all available transportation at that post, and such assistance as ho may re quire, and transport the Hour purchased under the contract recently mado, from Ashland to tho fort To Ibaiio. Several droves of cattle liavo passed through tho Klamath I.pko country on their vtiy irom Cali fornia to tho Northern mines JVXK ilEDINGTON & CO'S This valuable preparation, containing In n hli-lily concentrated form all the properties of Jamaica Ginger, has become ono of I lie most popular domestic rvinoliis for nil diseases of the stomach and digestive organ.. As n tonic, It will be found iuviJunblc to nil Icr0M recovering from debility, whether pro duced by fever or otherwise, for whilst it Im parts to the system nil the glow and vigor that can be produced by brandy, It Is entirely free Iron! tho reactionary cUVcts of spirits of any Kind. It Is also nn excellent remedy for lemalrs who suffer from difficult mcnsturatlon, giving a'most Immediate relief to the spasms that so frequently accompany that period. It gives Immediate relief to Nausea, caused by riding In a railroad car, or by scn-slckiies, or other causes. It Is abo valuable as nn external applica tion for gout, rheumatism, neuralgia, etc. BEDIXGTOX A To., AfiKXTS Paled April 21th, 1807. F( TinsnnsT. np27 yl-lns Stop that Coughing! Some you of can't; we pity you. Yon have tried every remedy but the one destined by Its Intrinsic merit to suptrscdo all similar prepa rations. It Is not surprising yon should be re luctant to try something else, after Ihc many experiments von have made ol trashy com pounds foisted on tho public as a certain cure; but Ncwcll's PULMONARY SYRUP Is really the VERY IIKST remedy ever com pounded for tho euro of coughs, colds, snro throat, athmn, hooping cough, bronchitis nnd consumption, 'thousands of people In California nnd Oregon have been already ben efitted by the surprising curative powers of Newcll's PULMONARY SYRUP nnd with ono accord give It their tinnualiflcd approbation. Wc now uddress ourselves to all who aro unacquainted with this, the greatest Panacea of tho age, for tho healing of all dis eases of the Throat and Lungs, assuring you that Ncivcll's PULMONARY SYRUP has cured lhnnand, nisi It WILL CUM' YOU If you try It. This ItirnliiNhlo medicine Is plounl In die taste: soothing, healing nnd strcnglhcnlng In ils cfTecis; entirely free from nil poisonous or deleterious drugs, and perfectly harmlttn under all circumstances. Certificates from many prominent cHImiis of Son Francisco accompany every bottle of Newell's PULMONARY SYRUP. KI'DINOTO.V .v. CO. Acents. .v. CO. San Francisco, Ahoad of all othors is tho 'Martha Washington HAIR RESTORER. a sTiirn r lain ii:i)Tuui:it ami nun DiiitK llolli luiiililiixl Sii unr. Tru.t itullirr,l.ote'r tiut Noi ei.11 di vthal StU 1,41 iSxtiv; Tiy II nl !) Iimi II iririil "L'to lli SlulU.i Wwklritli.u." Toililjr SllttUMB'1 llM'U isiuln I ui W I...I a iiukls lul It' sluil, )IIIIImi iimici iIikII ruui 14-hlii'l ut, With llielr SlM.M Kit rrllHl. Will keep the hair eoft und glossy, change gnsy hair to lis origins) color, prevent the hair from fulling out or get ting Iblu, make old htadi look young, and do all that can lie reasonably expected of a genuine, flrstralu Hulr Itentorer, All who hate utcd It prouounce It superior tocscrythlnguf tho kind, and king u perfect Hair Dretccr as well as a pcrftct Hair Itestorer, It Is an ucjuUltloii to ev ery toilet, ltedlngton .1 Co., WhoU-kule Agents, Sun I'runcltco. It 1H ISO dye Try it. CRAFENBURC UTERINE Catholicon, If faithfully used according to directions, will cure every case of Diabetes, and greatly miti gate the troublesome tllects caused by u relax atlon of tb'j outlet of I he bladder. It Is a most euccesaful remedy for (J ravel and other diseases of the Kidneys and Madder, and for female did cases U unequalled. Thu UATIIOUCO.V uniformity cures Prolapsus, Uleri, Whites, all Irregularities of the iloathly Turns, Suppres sion, Incontlriepce of Urine, Moating and drop sical Swellings, and all diseases of Pregnancy. The specific action of this medicine is immedi ate and certain upon the Uterine and Abdoiu loal Muscles and UgumenU; seslpriog litem lo us healthy a state us tbono ol childhood and youth, so that patients who have uud the (JBArstNBssna Covrixr'a Uikbinb Oatiioi.i (u.n cannot sufficiently express their gratitude for the relief afforded. IlKUINUTON & CO,, Agents, 41G and 418, Front St. San Francisco. XodiagtoH'tt Flavoriagaxt'ctfi tre roiJs from rrub rrulti. Escb UtlU boUiSlcM oiucb si ujr otbtr trsnt lu b wtkl, fcut)uDtlf Ibtjr r lbs hiip ..tolh.Ul USB NO Olltril (Jl.KX.V, At.KXAM'Kr. Joiix 8. M VHTIN. t'tUSI . GLENN, DRUM & CO., GENERAL MERCHANDISE CALIFOIINMA STIiKKT, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. NEW I'lim, MiW CMS ...AND.... neav :i?:rtc:es! LOW PRICES WILL WIN ! rpiin AIIOVK XAMKI) I'M KM X tnkc pleasure In notifying their Irleuds , and thn public, generally, that they arc now receiving nnd opening n cry targe nnd ex tensive stock of ; STAPLE DRY GOODS, BEADY MADE CL0THIN0, HAT8 AND CAPS, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM CLOTHS, IMjANKKTS, HOOP SKI UTS lvrc, rrc. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies', Misses' nnd Children's Shoes. Jhsiy Wo linvc, also, In connection wills -Ml BtSf the nbrtvc, n vesy largo and "XrU ' 4aV extensive stock of choke 'ttsjl , C5flf Groceries, Hardware, -yu Bf tjnceiiswaro, Tfa C- Was -tifit tiV ware, Cutlery, -uKl Ctt' I'alnts and Oils; also, ttja WdVlndow (llnss, Nulls, Inm'tea i ftriY- ami 'Steel, I'nit nnd Steel -fta C6t- Plows, Wooden Dtid Willow ware, -a Wo nro ready to tell anything In nnr line at the I.OWT.STOA.S1I I'ltHl!. I'.tm.iuhI.IiIihi In buy goods, will llnd It gre.dly In llielr ml vnutagtt to I'Xiiintnn our Muck lcfint purchai Ing I'bvnhiri'. ns we are ileliTiniiinl lint to lm undersold by tinv linn... In Jitikoii county. (live us n ciitl, nud then judgu bjr yourself as to our capacity tu furiiMi goods ns hIhiw. iilAISS, im'M,KC. JacksftiiTlllo, March 2, 1807. If .IOIIi l IIOlCK, pu'actical Walcliiuuker anil .lewder! Oitgan Slitl,Jmkioiivill(, Ortgnn, HAS ALWAYS THE HEST SELECTED ; STOCK OF j New Stylo, Solid Jowolry, Well assorted, of plain, ongraved, en ameled Finger lUngs, L'ar-rlngu, Sleovo-buttons, llucklcs, etc.) etc. Gold and Silver WntcheH, 1 Of French, Kuiillsh and AmcrUnn Manufacture, Frst Quullty only, 8-DAY AM) nO-llOl'll CLOCKS, 8eth Thomas' striking, Alarm, Weight and Spring Clocks, etc., ito. All articles are strictly warranted, and will Iw sold 2J per cent lets than ut uny oilier liuiie In town. Watches and Jewelry, In need nf repairing, can bo scut by exprers, uud will be returned ut soon h possible. Jacksonville April 6, 1 ftCT. Id GRAND CELEBRATION BALL, o.v Tin: 4th OF JULY NEXT, TOHrJIIKMi I.V SHUTZ'8 NEW HALL. A(JJMN!MKU:J-JUTI(A' ilk It. Wilt, HKUWHS by l uiiJtiiiii-l, nl llttt liiusj ftjjvl )lsu mUjiv ititill'iiH, t lh I'rt'i'llHrf Uo to isfti mht iIi Jtrtsn. mI1u man imw oh: .S'u m tallt ( tijirfloii il,u irfitlui, ,iiu'ti r nil brr KutiUcniuS.iil- Ua, WMl MlklO L Urn nitnye.! It llu..i-n. ,11 A 1J A HI JwVinrlll.,)!. II. UCT MAUASI lia liSISS.S OIS.K. Ninety-One Years Of TJnparallel Prosperity ! lillliri!iyiB"IIAV HAM, .Inly, Hie Ills, 18(17, ut the United States Ilotel. rnilK UNDKItSIGNKD l'llOI'ltll.TOU hereby nives notice that ha will irlv aurami snisi'.rr.riisr.rtuK-isAV iiai on lh (jviuluu of tho lib of Julv uexl. . . r... .: ": . vshkh lime, be hopes to renew tho uc(uululuuco of, ull Ids old patrons, and form that or many new ones, A cordial invitation is extended to his (tcrmati friends In particular. Cvcrylhlug that will udd tu the comfort and enjoyment of tho guests will by provided. Ticicirr.s, $j, I.OUI3 HOIINU, Proprietor. Jackeonsllo, May US, 18U7. Id HIDKS! HUMS? rpiIK IIIGUKST OAHH PIIIOKa PAH) Fon X Hides of all kinds, delivered at tha luvrkei i of Ibe undersigned, in Jacksonville. Drcsmber Hh IMG, Jamks T. JX &T-1860-X. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled wlll weaksu'M, lxltiiilt palpitation nf the hrarl, lack or itppi-lltr,(lltrt .tiler eating, torpid llr er. conMlpnt.Pst.ctc'. de-erve In sutler If Ihey will not try IhoC'lohr.sled PL.W I'ATION' III V TKIljt, which are now rw oinincm'etl by the hlxh est med'ral uiitliurltes, and nrwriviUil to piu diifo an Immediate benoitclal riled. They aril rtowdlngly nisrrc.thle, perfectly pure, nnd mini t supermilc all other tonics where n healthy, gsi lie stimulant Is required. They purify, Irciistthcti and Invlgnratf. Tliey create t healthy appelltiv They nre nn antidote loeliaiiKeor wafer and diet. They strengthen tho sylm and enliven llii . mind. Thry prevent mtrtnntlo nnd Intermittent fo I vers. ' They purify the brra It nnd acidity tf i , stomach. Tlicy cure lrspcpln nnd Conllpllnn. , They euro Liver ConipUlut mid nervous headache. They make the weak strong, the languid bril liant, and aro exhausted nature's great restorer. 1 1 my nre cninpnseil nl llm rclrbrntnl Uallay Ipjirk, wlnlergriMii, sasnlr, rouls and hfrli, all presernil In perfectlr purj Kt Crnlx rum. 1 lorp.irllciilars,seo circulars and lctliminlaN around each bottle. ' llewaro of Imposlers. INimlno every liottlo. I See that It has our p.'lvate P, .S'. stamp unmn. Illrttwl over tint cork, with plnnlnllois scene, 1 nnd our signature on a flue steel plate side la lid. See that nur bolllo Is not llllrd wills spu rious and deleterious stuir. Any Ji'rsoii pre tending In sell Plantation Itlllen by the g.illnii or In bulk. Is nn linnuler. Any person Itnlln , ting this Nittle. Or selling any other snaterl nl therein, whether called Plantation Milters or not, Is n criminal undrr (he P 8. Law, and will Ini so prniM-ciiteil hy it. '', demand for Oroke'i Pliinliillnn Hitlers, from ladles, clergymen, inerelnnts, etc . U Incredible, Tho slmido trial urn Imtlle Is the t'tldence we pri'int oflheli' worth and superiority. They nre sold by all respectable druggist, Rrneers, physlebsis. ho tels, saloon", itrninboAls nnd country stores, l. II. I)rnk N.O., MAGNOLIA WATER. A toilet delight I Tin) lad ht' ttcviin) ntit genlli'iiiau'it boiin' Tho "sweetest tliiuu" and Inrgent iptnnllly. .Munuracluted lrom tiie rli'li Sinitherii Magnolia. I'nd lur Imlliing llm pr ion mill fiu-e, lo lender thu klu soli and lteli, In prevent tritptlou, tn peifiinin cl.ilhing, tlo. It DTCU'innei thu iiupleiiKtiil mlorof pcripli4 tlou, It reninvei rednes. Inn, Mulchm, etc. It curen tierwiu hembiehu and alt.iys I n (Turn mitlon, It cools, softens "lid adds delicacy In thakln. It It-lil" 11 sulnliird nnd lnlng peifninf. It cure iniixpieli) bllp nnd llligs nf Insect. It ecnlnln tin malerl.tl injiir'ou-i to tho kln. It Is lmt i-tery lady ihniild lme. .Sold rr eryshero, Try thn Magnolia Water oncn and jnii will iio no olher cologne, perfumery or toilet unleratlenvnrdn. Dcmtu IJnrnes & Co. Props. rwluln Agents, N. Y. LYON'S KATHAIRON. It l is tnt lUtlghlfiil l'lr dret.ln. It erudlculeii ffiirl'iiud dsiiilriitr. It keeps Ihn heiut eiMil and elenil It in alien the hair ileh, itl mid ytosy. It prvwutt hair turning r,ray and t.slllng nir. It reitnres hair oil prematurely bald heads. This UJuit shit l.ynus Knthiiliuii vtllldn. It Is pretty It I cheap- durnllv. II U liter ally roM by tho ear bud, and yet II' nhmt In crullhli) deiimud l d.illy lueroi'lug, until them In hardly is country torn that dues not keep Is, or 11 family that do nut u) l. K- Thomas Lyon, Clmnltt, N. V. Xyon's Ext't of Gingor. I.you'ri 1,'xlruct of Puru J.im.icl i Olngtir-for Indiise'tlon, ,S'iiiiii, lleurllmin.Sii'k Head ichv, Chulerit Mosbu, riatuleiit.'y, etc., uhrru i svnrmiiig stlinuUiit Is i-iiinrvd. Its curelul ptvpurutloii nud cutlru pusily luuku It 11 cheap und relluldu usllclc for ciilluary piirput, Hold vveryitbisra ut St) els. per Iwttlr. Ak 'or "l.y nnV' imsi) extract. 'I uku no oilier. Sco that thu pmutu U, H. slump of I'einus lUruei A. Co, Is 011 thu cork of mcb bottlu, Nona olher Is genuine, Mustang l-inlinciil. llavo you n hurt child or a lame horse ? PlO thu JImIcuu iluilung I.lnlineut, For cuts, stirulns, burns, cMulllngs and caked bloat!, tho Mnxlean Mustang l.lnliuent l a ces lulu euro. For IIIieumjtlin,siviiralgta,stlil'Jolnts, slings nud biles, theru Is nothing Ilka the Mexican Mwtung l.liiliiieul. For spavined hnrrcs, tho poll-uvll, rlngbono and sieiiy, thu Mexican Mustang l.iiduisiil neser 'alls. Fnrulnd-galls, scratches, big-head und iidlnl the Meilcan MusUug l.luluieut Is totlh Ils utilghl In gold. Cuts, brulnes, sprains and snclllugs, uru in common uud certain lo occur lis every family, that a botllu of this Liniment is thu Usl luvvsl uiviii luut can bo made. It Is snoru certain than Iho doctor- It saven tliuu In tending lur the doctor ll Is cheaper limit thu doctor, unit should never bo dlspcuted With, 'In lifting the ketllo fioui thu (Ire, It llppel over and calded my baiuU terribly. 'I he, Mmluiig l.lnliuwut cxltuctid tho palu, cuiiK'd Ihu sore to heal rapidly, and left very lilllu tear. Cuss. Fohtkii, liQ Hioud fc't. Phil. Mr. S. J.lteh, ofllydu Park, VI., writes; "My boreo vtas cuusldtrtd uoithleM, (ipavlu) but since. Ihu usu of the Mustang I.lnluunl, I Into sold hi in for $150, Your I.lnlmeiit la doing wonders up here.'1 All Kduulna la stiunped In slctl plate engrav ings, slgnid G, W- cilliroolf, cbtinlit, aud nl so has Iho private U. H. stamp of leuia Usrnes i co. over Iho top. l.gok oofey .Sold by all druggists, ut U.VA0 ? uud 100. Xsyos'tf jfloa Powdor. Death to Fleas,- It Is well known that Lyon's genuluoMugn tlo powder will per lee tlj destroy everyllilug in ihu shapa of Ileus, ticks, bedbug roaches, tlo, j that It Is kerfvet poliou to the In sect tribv, but entirely banules to Ibe htiuiais spvoles und duiucstio snlmtK Tho geuuiue has nt nmiu Itunni .t- (f.. Anviiilncr'ri.n uf ihU U signature of ii I! S.vmi i.ii.l lhrtlirlkiili.iSi.nln kind Is an Imilatiuii orcouiilerfcll. Auj drue JOHN OftTII, gist will procure the genuine. If you InJit you if will base no othrr. ' lO'vTl!? i'l M