Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 15, 1867, Image 2

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" "j
. .-,,.,,- -,-fl.T,.
VJL.:T35 S, GBfiHT. j
"Well ilon. tiioii ffftoil and faithful servant " I
The pople h.vro reward, f r pitriot punish-1
ment for traitors.
Satuiiuy Moi'.s'i.vn, .If.vi: 16, 1 POT.
on: si;xa7'oi:s.
We see, by the Ofionian, thnt our
Senator. itit returned from Wn-hliiB-
' . , , . 7
ton. have received a becoming reeop. I
tion in Portland, 'lhcy return ""
able to render a srood account ot their,
tewardhip, and dcervhiff the thank
of their coiMtitiieuiv for ther lenrlev.
....tl!....i..i..lflvnt...'t. therisht. It
iiinv.irlini..H too much to ak at
' '
come and ,eo the Milwtnniial and wpiil
growth of this section of the ijtate,
Let them enquire bv ob'erration, and
'ornition nml
ern tion, anil
ile, it ain leg-
,-oloiw our re-
bv jfoiiitf auions the ikoii
i'liUion is needed to dev
5onree to encourase our nsriciiltttml
nnu nimemi intcrets, ami to imluce
and taeiiitntc imnii-ration. Ut them
('lltllf. ntlll loArfl fllflt fill OruA-rtll 1 llrt,
......t. .,..!... r-. i i. .: i
"'"in "i mi- v .iii.jn-ii.ii iimiiiiiiiiii, nnu
that we have iintumIivoureo.iniM)rt.
ant and diverged and thnt tli inter-1
et of Southern Drejfoii have been too,
p,vont that they come among .,., but We are infoined thnt there are a numWr l ,; ; ,nlv0 Meil fm. ' J '" ,, i, aV mo W " T T iJlHhof
the people of Southern Orepon have a of per,... in this neighborhood who . he T,( 0K.mtiln thou re famSw "orr " to learn Complete aSSOltnicnt of
rtuhtto a pood harc of their time, ' ;wn!yit.B Innjl under the Ilonijw ' , 'mitl tlB .,', ,, tIn..proclttion ; K L tk I liiiumau h.ul
should thcym. fit to go ....one the' ,A" J;" TliSrfTort. In T -"mlu"T " re S ?ne cKta.' w. enten. the rice
people before returning to their legi- SrtldtoM MCY & STAPLE DRYfiOMIS, ,
lative dutic. Wo hold it to be one ,e. they have no right ij, do .and . f 'nl0ll l!rt,.Rve ,llIlldw, SX'.ieX . !ek" a rud C"LOTT-lToNG-,
of the dutie ot our Senator to n-ecr-. which lay them liable to have tne.r . f(.et ,, ,, nvo ., B" ,, im.hl,, in " l"0 S , -e . .t R OOTS AND SHOE S
tain the want, ot the country ,outh of IJJ-g; gJP I J TRguSr ' " V -;erf wSS If VnS "
the Cnlnpooin, and they can certainly ,,,,, enonnft anil vrith no ,,,, " 'r? J "-JJ1, J"1,''" '".v woman who will ue a uteutl to- s t. ext.,.t.,
doo in no Wtter way than by coming , ol Wfaj,. tIie actual entry of I ) ' J &hCi. flff! I,?S,W fiSaS,1 . i k tS uo 1 e " l "l"'
and eein for thcmelve. Let them I the land, only, l rcniured. witli the i .:!. .i:,.,,.!,.. 'i'l,U rrior I deail t Immiimii. a k iiini n hi nr iictltlon.
Ions tieirieeted by the public men of, Grcei.m.nn wn ririviHs n very i.irited 'e uv t ... '. ",,;, ,t '.,:,, J '. (h,,lu K" i" "", ' 1,r"nia' "f ,l11' ' '"":, "'
the.state. Le our Senator come, and yoiu.jr mare in hi nl!ir. ami t he mii- ' " J' V ' !XmmXS rtt-,oiiiitr. Someofit iidto .... ,,UNTS ,v
with their voice cheer and encourage hml t.H.k ,. n..ti..n to trv her mnele I wh W ,.i In' Zl r, !,-v ,,,H),U ei?l,Uon "" "M Vll. , r ,. ,it,,lv ..
the l-nluii partv-teach them to heal on the vehicle. When kiekinir r.mt. Ji ';;,, , iiS' ? ' v'0 "' ,,?' ," lr t. A,t f l ,,,l,t, ,,in
the r feuds, to t'orget their dirtbreuces n.cnced in ramet. the IWtor .lid i J " '"" ' rf.T.1.1 li.- rS;' v ,. 77 ,. ..
riroB.rrr.rjsr i - hilmmZ. ,:;:i "' , ".".:, tt::.,.: o parasds,
" .' ........ i mii-' imiu mr nun uini iip inn n, n i ... i. ,. l1,r,.i,.. ,),., i,,tl, ;,., il ' '""-""'lis iviiii a ininnii. ..-. . m
hlllX. a-fll list a Olivines of tho num. ,.,-., li..Vji.l J, i,rt a..li.- J. .... l ,Bk 0" M '. Va ,l."1' ' ',I"1 Ih.iho in Hraii. .... l.ri..fc nn Tlilr.1 JAUOWET AND
trv. .s.,imI,1 Mr. Willi i s... :....."1 nVli'...'"!.! .V." it.. " "ow ' w' they hmilil itrt re- , ,.,. . r-..iw;....:.. .....i m..s..
Inr ;vi, Uthi eei, , ' m7.rf ', 1.1)1 I .X- " rY.. .V t-iX a v ."' "" ,l ' IMr .7" " ,":Z'11B "1 ' i Ani.Le Bt W,nr ami Ite
iiiiwrney will iwhai lw dinbu.ed ot , her-eit out of breatli, and then tried hi S, "l.!! i-'-S, ' ! L?llH ,'w &' Pt thp '"w M' '''' .v I-ml.li-- t0U y'
the idea that lie i.. a ghoul or vampire, hand on her. lie mint have winner- ' j "'' r "J: a"',r", .t,a '',l' r' ' hoi.se in JneL-Minvltle. Th.e wUlns
and learn tliat lie is itni)lv a Chriitian ...1. n h. nm mi1.1I.. on hr H.l !! i l '. lmr,lc' "... " K ,,u !'" J1 lo i a ".onnre" menl lionl.l .It .... li.,. ur ci.uTlUS'0.
!. tin ...1.. I..... .1...... 1.1 . .1....
would tfiu-lHrsf DemoemtieniaioritiV...
wJiieli was it slidit mitnkf. l'oor l!o
riah, of tin- Orriun Jltrtihl, appeals to
ho in "sackcloth and asiie." and in a
niot tlfliv'tful humor.
The I mo"r.uic mom that Umbo in
glory on ihf banks of the Connecticut.
fi". "ii ' "aims hi iu v, onneet cut, .
F.a iound h. eveuing on the chores nf I
tlic raeitie, ami no liugoriu mv of noon-
tule splemlor ligbu up it eliniif,'. '
The Deiuoeratic sun that mo in the .
Ka with a Inint glimmer, failed to
warm the party into life, we have seen
it .ouing in tht sombre shadow of
the Wot, and mnv it never rise again. ,
Plunders, the Radical, i elected.
Daily Mail. We are lad to
that the Miesestioiin of tlJswT.v',.,
Kv.iiitniiiii, nnu ims uuiiu iiisiuuv a. noine to town, lie reeeiveil some
lie "aw his .lttty: and they nmy el bmifw, and certainlv had a luekv es.
some pride, porhap. that Orvsmi lm ' cape.
one ot the ablet and most jwwcrfiil i ,.
ivprcsentntivN in the Senate of the! Srvkkk Arcinitxr. I.i Sninlav
I uhtMl states nAoniwrn, .Mis Mynmltf was severely
Whiipv ts... t.'..... 'ininreil by jnmpiiijr from a busrgv,
J .U.IH....TO.N TitunrrnRv hutrxwa. xvliileoiu'rhlins. It eem that hii-
I lie telegraph told u last week that , coinMuion, Imvintr no whip, .struck the
Clark wa elected. The information horse with tiie end of the line?, and
wa jirolmblv lm.eil on theaniiinptionl ,'H' iiinl jiitnpiiisr uddeniy they
fl.it U'..ii. Vii.. ..i'i..i ....!. were jerked out of hi imiid. The
u.iii. rn. .- t-i -" realty, 'liio sulnenption lirco S5
with reterenc to a daily mail .erviw, eeiiii ,r week, ami we ho.i tho pen.
are Jwiiig earrieil into pmetieal otlWt. pie of Salem will give it a lilwral up
I etitions ate being cireulniud. irrotrai. . iwrt.
I etitions ate being cireulniud. irrotwt
ting agniut any elinuge or reduction
ot the .orviee troiu Lincoln to Portland, j
TlT- v?;.v "","; ;.bhi. Pro,,, .
icuwi ui vii-nunu i hi won io t io i
Z& r-To r ' ICll, , .1?1": "V
,'i. :ni., .. ....
. .... ..,....,.... ,,, tm
iii.ihi mv vrvice on ins route, ami,.
bnekeil l.y iietition signed bv thou
. """ I H
snnits ot eitien, tlieir otlorLs must be
etVeotual to .rovent anv change. A
petition will be foimil at the Post Of.
lice in this place, until the 20th, and
as every puron is more or les, inter,
estod, we hope it will receive the sig.
Similar netition's lime Leon iw..iv,i .'
ii.iiuiv in cerv one 01 one cit i..n.-
eacn jiou ottice tlirougliout tliocountv '
and every one shouhr coniidor it their
duty to atli.v. tlieir nniiite, nml give it
. . ... . . ......
additional iulluence.
lJtfoirTA.Ni Di.siovjjiiY. Koriah, of
the Ifcriilil, Ims di.covored that tiiore
is really ueh a thing as "ti-unsnn"
not treaon against tho Tnii..,! snt.,
j.,. ..ni, , : ."v.. ,w i iviuininor ni .sewing machine. n:
f 7l,r we J'"'f that the! ,l,o Pnited Stated is about s,vu
ill0""" ' t,,,n' n: -.". dred and tiftv thoun.id. Evt
but against the Democratic partv. Mr t .. ,s ,,leetl,wa,s sut icieut to give ti
Ilrowit is "spreading" hhiiWifit liow ' ,! iU."' tl,iU tJ'oeIomlants (Applogate
to make it verv "odious," but 'it ho Ins i !V' cntlile'1 to 0,1 Ilf of tho
no better luck" than A. J. did. treason ' ;. " V" SIV0 t,,c lleci'' i
against the Domocratio party will . fu" "oxt WCtik
"flourish like a greon bay tree." ' t.
"We know of one or two uch heads ! troupe performed at SluitzV Hall, on
about tho Si:mini:l otlice, but we j Wednesday evening, according to nn
woiililn t like to prospect 'em. Vw. noimcemeiit. The entertainment was
.Nobody's afraid to prospect vours ,
ithero'.s. uotuni In em, but we couldn't i
vouch for tho outside.
Don't PoiMiirr. 'llemeiuber the
school meeting on tho 18th, nt the new
K'hool house. A largo atlondaiico is
uesircd bv tho Director.
sj'oiM.nmx ox pubi.iv
Protection to the timber on intblic
,nids u Qm 0, t,R, illci,k,Ilts of ,,ci,,.i
Ailinli.l-tmtion, ami, in our opinio... n
vcrv important one. Consro )u
pactl law for tin- protection of tint
Mr anil the regulation of the 7.miii
0,i. , ... nv j, tIL. ,jtl.v of I!etiter
and Iieeciver tiV iinru the public in.
tcret. In thi connection, we will
remark thnt it i the pre-emptor riv
elope to ilctioy anil ue only tnii'lintim
her n is nbjnliitolv neeenry to clear
for tlieiiuriiose ol cultivation, for leucine
mm wr in nuns .ur,...M- .v ,.,.
hnviiit: clainteu a piece of land under
l)m(wU.m, Act. .oc not acquire
titlt until tlif requirements of the Act
i.nv0 iIOCn eomnlied with: in otlier
! word until he ha ren eil me year
I l einnn mm reeencu n iuem ior
""'m. thl l "l!" V.. T!1:
'It. li.t tin a tn l-iiVllf tn flOMlll! fhl lAllll
V. . V. i. ". : i, i, ,H i-ri , , v
hi m tuii"i " " ...
lyment of co
lwava greivosb,mle.,.wehould
think it more enmble to enter the land
' "". ttmmnw.9nn h,f ,o,0,Urr ,,om,,rt
ll)thc fl,s, pt((.0 and take no pJhhuhh.
A e limy po5ibly 1 mirier a mmpprt -
inion with resjnrd t.. tiwrnen.
lesrani our iniornmion arei inn e,
llllll -ii'rii in ;nf uniiirr ni riio
T , ,,..,,.," MM,""
titiMMAdr rt hi. ititmiroi tn
' ' . iZ ' 1 "J i " "' a,b ;,
. m( .In. .inl.lln itil.Mitj Hia..! ln ...-
; . . .. . r . r
'..... ' ..... i .... ,
' ipiiremeuis ni me mw an rniorcen on
'all alike there can be no injustice done.
-- -
M.-sit l. On Inot Tuedav Dr.
. a
.?". ty' ,e"f numway, .raug ;
troin the buvftry. strikins the ground
wun great torev, recoiviug a terrible
s:ah on the riglit cheek and n very e
vere .'ontUMon on the right hotildcr.
Tht lines were recovered in n moment,
and had not the voting ladv become
,., .. , , --'-.,, ,
"IP"'''""1 "" W"M Imve result
Falxu Daily 11 mom. L the title
of a uent littje daily, iuoil nt tlie Cap
ital by 1). AV. Craig, fonnorly bu.ines
manager of the itilinnn, ' In senti
ment it will mvorViiionpriiieiplf, l.ut
doe not propose to mix in politic, re
innrkins, "that a the colored neonle
n vo, ''verywhere but in the Iyul
i!lw. I0!?1 nixl enough nb
Srwivo .MAnit.VKS. It is estlmateil
,im, ., , tht. Crt,c of lm tll0 ulltiro
....... ,. M r ....:. ..... i. ;." . .
, ........... ... , . ,, .,, llHltMIIIV- lUIIMV 111
on huu
f if iti".telvn,adc,i, reported
"" 'ii1" iiii'ii-uiiii. r.vtirv ma.
w ,.,
ias Howe, who is entitled ton rov
on each, a no machine can be
made without sniuo portion of his pa
tent. Ily tho rovort.s nmde to him,
there were about 200,000 machine
manufactured during tho vcar 1800.
Statk Paul The time of holding
the Stato Pair for this year has been
changed to October 8th. 0th. loth, ml
'"". 1.-l,,!t,X(,a.VSi
'''''"irmngement g
al ''"vs or "S'"S"
i :-.... ... , ' ' .
gives twoaddition-
lligor l0i." merelinnt
and learned pigshows to catch pooplo's
, quarters.
Prim rendered a decision in this cao
" ' V..,.,tm,'Lll.v' ll ""' tiiat the
f "lroi- to anytliing of the kind we
f,', ,1:"' 1,0,'otof"r'- 'P'tcy had a very
! full house, a number of ladies 'being
I present, and avervone seemed hHtlv
: grsititied.
l.ATiis. Dr. Oferbeck ,is now pre
pared to givo warm baths at all hour,
and nvorv dav in tho week.
... i..... .i....," . .- -".' . tn riMHtii tiu .iorv o I e "lion niniH.
it. ..
Tiik Pm:i mati Pi-puvii Ti he is
I'aiii. The Loudon Jw.'iiii r ray :
The tube eomin.t the tclecrnph ta-
tion nt the Hotire and the Cinind Ho-
tel, and i theiirt ititnlltiient ofaeom-
pleto svtent tiiroiiirliout ran. t the
uiuthoil" adopted i the n-vcrc ot our
own imiiii'Iv. the elasticity ot com-
nreed air in nl.iee of a partial vacuutn
io that neither an air-p imp nor a
team ensiiie i reiiuiroil
The lwww
neil i water from the recrvon o
the eitv of Pari, which iveanacen
4tini ni' t-iilnr more than titty teet
There are three veel. mmle ol : min
lilnte, niul uieaMiriii'.' each al.otit l.'.on
Kiillon.: the tint of thoe receive- the
wntor and oll'eet the compre.ion : the
two others are the receiver of the com -
pre.vied air. As the water arrive, the
air within the t!rt veei i of eonwe
(nnet ;, tj,0 other two. which are
i t.onMeett(i wj,l,a valve oponiiKTimvanl.
When the lint veil i tilled with
-t I ... .1... t!
I r ? ' iwk V j. . . .. ,-
aitirtll l.tu.. tliiln !. nrfivn tiinlikA
fe eio-.ii mle en,L and witl n
,1,:...i.i n..r nt .i... .i,.. i, ,.:u
tnovable cover nt the other. It vill
! w1a,n nboiU for;v .iNpatehe-. in
, ellv,0.ief. pirc mn are found u 1
, 4,,illck,it in practice tor the id-tot to
m.xxM .,,,, ,,0M,lle j01lrtlev. Tho
' . r
. -t -!.. !. . l
.jwcnniwi in inv i.nev.m i'""
rX ".,,,MJ ,,,,Wct,,,,, " ",8Hl l,r -
(nice iiie iivceaarr ireurv iur lie re
i lltrtl.
T.. xv,.n rmn.i.nv ivtii.iVil
. . ! '.,K K,,,, Ciiiu.rk.n am.tiii 1 1
w: '.' "'" " ' ""V?;.01 Hl'T
I iiii..-iini in iiic nnuini uiuiiirvil bi mr
Ill reference to the above, the Her-
nut make? the foliowinsr remark.
A an ori-'lim! uranni:inii. wear no
nuvnenie oi ine civil ami weial eijnnlity
of the negro. If we had the riffht to
dietato in tho matter, wo would pre.
. ( . t . .
nmting the diverse races in all our .so -
rtl..l ...! ....l!.!...1 ..1...! f...
ervu nit niaiiiiciinns oi uailire lV e
. mil ik m nmi iii rim itii imui int' nil hi i . .. i .i. '... ..i. :..!.... .unin tut ttt- tift rwnnan n '
vim nun niiuiviii rviii.ioux. J nil wtj are " ""
an advocate nml delvmler of the law ' runMwwnanwi
whether we like it or not. We insist ' Tiik .Mi-es have been .siMkeii to
tiuit every human Iwing, wiihout re- aUnt riding in the Triuniphai Car on
gard to race, or color orc.mdition,hall , tho coining Ith of Julv, are rwiiie-ieil
have the lwuctit, and pronation of the to meet in the M. K. ('hurcii, on Sun
laws ot the land, hvery thing n.lvooe dav at 2 o'clock P. M, forrehurnl.
to law in lnwl-, and tend toaunrehv ' ,
and disregard of nil civil right. The Green jK-a, new imtatocs and ripe
l'oplv liave decided, through theirreg. 'cherrie are plenty in this market.
tilarlv cotititiited autlioritie. that'-""- '"- tii"",?" 'i-i-.1
eipmlity betore the law, without dis. ' ' . JlAHKlHtt.
Unction i of race or color, shall Ik the iii'iim-ninTTK.v-, ,w. ,Mn "j.i viiTZi
rule. I he now dominant partv of the i!55 JS?r2,"l.fM.r,.i,'V " ll"u' '" ""' ,
countrv wan founded am .'..w i..m
. . . .
power on the idea ot iwrteet natural
e-iuality of all mm of n.ankiud-that
a 1 .nun nre Im,, W,,al. Werepudiate
tiic idea, but we must obev tiie law or
wo are no gixm citueii.
marking iihiu the approaching Kuro
iMNin Confureiice, a Loudon mpor forei
bly remark: It i a inelniteholv sigiit
to ee the late of a million .unl' a halt
of lighting men ileMjiitliiHiiithcntlirm.
ative or negativo of a lw ehlerlv gn
tlemeii, who will it round ta'ble at
the nppronchiiig conference, represent
ing a huiiilreil millions of the most in
telligent and best educated men in
Europe, the .subjects of tlieir respective
sovereignty, and that these hundred
millions ol people, who will luneto
bear the brunt of the war, if it come,
have no moio voice in urrostinr- it tlim.
if they were lintues of the Empire of I
Chum. '
Snow Stokji. Last Wediie.dav a
miow sipmll paed over our city, giv
nig tho surrounding hills the appearance
of winter. The weather lm l..m. w,...
cold for the lat four days up to ve.stei:.
day. .Voiiiitiiuittr .mi, s,.
i.KOAi.l.oAKs. In the Circuit Court
this U-P.-.L-. it u-ns iln..:.1..l .!.. .-
county roads legal, they must be .stir-
voyed and a plat of tho urvev record-1
- --.., .. ...... iiv.nuii kllL.L 111 lll.'.k'n
eil in tlio I ouuty Clerk's otlice. 'I'liis
decision, in effect, makes tho majority,
if not quite all, tho roads in this couh
tv illogal.
Chops i.s-Joslm'hinj:. Our neighbors
in Josephino to havo had consid'erablo
more rain during the past month than
wo havo been blessed with, and.conso.
ipiently, the grain crop looks much
more favorablo in that county than
Ai'I'kalkh Cask. In tho caso of
Hurton and Owens vs. Wlnns n......i,i
to tho Circuit Court, tho judgment of
tho County Court was ivis.n,i o.,.i
.potiosjion ( ile ruining ''roue I i ,.
to inos.
Tm Ntio.ip P.rsKKrr. Tlie ball at
.. . .t ..t trnn mi Tlnirdav
'' . " ; , ,...., Althoupli
. - Wls .mpwhat crowded, ev-
cn. on mim to enjoy tlieui.-olve
W. amI nhoKetlier it vn one of
Jju, ...jutet parties wc line.eeti in
tt.u.)!,om m,.. Jhrnv peroii from t lie
mimrv WIW ,,re-ent. and we urticed
, ;.. .. w,are not in the
, , .-
i. ..!.:". nf .iMiiiulitirr initio, who went
).,!,. from R (U0 ,0 flrt,ier ,,i. ,.
Meet in view. The Clipper wit exceiiem
and all the arraiipeuient retloct credit
on the maunor. We cannot irivc
.!.., !.. r.wnlt till nevt week, hut
1( PIM,cllllilirv wl,i, till nevt week, hut
(.'j );,,,,, .m, Well ntistied,aml re'
I tm ,1(,nj.s t0 tw,v uhooueiHroiil
, ,-...lir,i ; i,l f rlnxehool. K-
; wi(jjv tM(4p fnm n ,Htniiee, who
i ...., :,. ,itv i,0Uinl to attend,
a were the citizen of thi ehool Di
e mm flu PIitiini ill
,Mm, 0, Momll tIl0 rru.,i o tne
. . . . .V i .
' llu -"o.
Cori'ttn SMKi.Tt.v. Mr. Caldwell,
the Waldo mail contractor, iulorni in
thnt !ir. I'miiilnll. CliiliK and Crane.
.... i.....i.:.... . . ..
,tho Hr.Ct n.n at their lurnaee on M-.n
li rurcinilltv V 'film i r a-vmi ' in.im
' dav lat. The ore w ill lW reduced t..
' wnni I mniini ni'inn, mm inni-
..,.. . ... ,.. .... i. v
Kirtd to C'riHevitt Citv for shipment
to the llt. Tlieir works are situated
on Illinois river, about eight mile. Irom
Kirbvville, and their ore h eiacllv
m.. , , l... ,. ..... ..f , ... it A ," "
Kill III Hit' iritfllAV I'l IIIV J.llil.
mm lie hi.
-...I f. ...!ll
I.tn. The editor left thi niornin?
for lort IChimath, to visit the scene ol
I ,'1 terrible enrtlniiiake, an account of
uI.!..t ....1.11. 1 -I i
which wn published in thuiVtMMime
time since. Special notice I ...mm.
.1. ....... i. ... i , , .,
that no tights will be intended to until
hU return. Moncv. oIkim ticket. ..r
loxythiug ot that description, received
In. .....,1
I IlfllMllmiM, All (Mill. M'
u7Zr "' "ln T
' i-i.wrrn. in 4.Koft,ll, ju, lih ..
."?-','?"' hsJw..ii.iii i a wii.
?il?J!! ,Mh
HSiJSX 7.Zt!Z:?
f tM flW. that frknJ-iblp , , ,y ,!,, u tu
Mta-t rwt Ua-itMt -JWp- nir ,k II Wnld i. .k
"4 km. of llMn Cooi.n, bfr I4..uh0( ij.
, .r Mijr U.i.liig.cluilrr irotud fokoM.
ml Umw mot, utKiw thwi hllic fr lUVti In
Jr m -!. .Mi tt ,, o0 Ulth u. ,(,h
fxi. Mil to I, rMt Oruln 1 .1 1, IMJ. ) Mr Mib fcr.i
trs Um Uf fhf-l. tunry, ,, ,, Mr wo ,hl.
:Z . 'J.i '"fcttu-aUT-woo
mt ""'" ' WMr"nUo "k""'
TRY l!h,.h',,'urt'r9'i''Bii'
T.m. "lT..
J 'J1 1 AvfiyAjrWUril(
I ruvijuMi r ns ,qr,ir ,, ftn
Jflt-lT.p 41..CIVS, S4otfntlK
FO I'll Til OF JLT.V
" ,'J
AlUllVerSftPV Tt'ill f
" J 11 .
X ted to attend tire Annlierary Ball at th
i houie. In Klrbyv le7 Oregon on
"l c? 0f ,,,c I,,easam eTeat' of July
'Wli. KlrbjTlllf. liAn iixT, w,,,,,
l V .! J'
'pl.t I i
ee wiai u I (oriucoiuiii
g r 1
W t. ' V,,;,
Sachs Bros
Of any house this side of
Our Dress fioods )iiiartmcnt
Is tie o ml all coin.iirlon.
'Dcstor' and Sundown Hats,
Ant: CtnTiiM.Y mi. IIinmuuimt or Tin:
clieojifjt la the
Boots and Shoes,
We illsplii) the liitest "ApoiileV'
Ami we f:l confident all thou? who will f.
vor in with a coll. will l-.iu- our iore hlfjMy
r'!!"?J ",!',..?ur...i.l!?.'.,;'L "AS1I!0.SS. nml
CAf tlri tv.lli rt jnll ti ill !..... . !... 1.I..1.1..
ran uuihw iwu. ulu run i.is
u . f.t,i- ,,nc
bAt lib IIUUS.
Groceries, Liquors.
' "
Tobacco and Sogars,
Still M'llliicnt (Mir imitil low rales
Jackioiivllli-, Jiiv II ISC'
Joy to the "World !
to tiil si rreniM. m ji vmtv or this aoh
Ilai r.eve.l mcro I'.iln ami cau.-il more Itwl
Mn nay one tWug That e!!u ""'
w UAmeil.
i i ( ii
itisn iiuliu for Kvery Wound I"
Our tint Pliyiclani uw It. ami recomtneml It
u,Vl w ,')P,nry (lads it tltil among
mw rug;:lit conilder it a lead-
All tte nar in Medicine pe.ik nlikc In its
favor; ad U reputation n a Jleillclne
oi great merit and virtue is
muy ami pernu-
eitablltbi.l, aud It ii
The Great FuiuIIy Jltditine of Hit .1st!
Slonucb, General Debility. Nunlnc
-"- i. v,nnher i.iver
InJIgeition.Oramn ana Vila io tbo .?toraach,
rainier'. Cholic. Asiatic Cholera,
UiarrLcca nml Dyentery.
F"0&aM0.,UCni,.1!1. Sr! nu"""J
c' ii "' 'fr,,1cs nnd Spraliu,
Swelling of too Joint,. RinV. '
worm & Tetter, Uro.
t!.... r... . . .. ""I
' PalnTnthe'Kaee Nv!!,b'?ilM0?,tlachc'
... --"."ifi... uuu
S ?R M ft CSS
more eflVctlvo ibin V.'?ari ea,en w' cl,2r0 ofU cl8
60ltETHnn anything else. For n 8'5 par to equal S
"too Pain KnI'S1 ! L . U,rMt Ki,,, a & Cb,,r0 0t U ce,il'-
l,:rla "'"' nd Wilier, an.l thr.n.rt. 8G.1i.nrtn -,,,l
rancithin .;..... "."""T. anu me relief is
..- . . .. '"
- HIHI Lllll' Illlklllf A .. '
The Russinn-Amcricnn Treaty
Where llieynro opcnliiR the nint fn!cm1!,i
took orSprliiR mid Summer CSiioihgTer
brought to Jackouv(llo consist.
lug In part of
1 Git EAT VAltlKTl'OF
Ladies' Hats and Cloaks .
S I-I O E S,
A Con oral Assortment of
(.cutlciiicii nml Chllilrciis
numrjiKS's itiimsiiimj noons;
Groceries, Crockery, Liquors
iliiriluiue, Alining Tooh,
i Jnek'onvllle. Mny 3. lSfi". rnyt
JN'o. ll(i. .llonlpoinerv St.,
(succts-iDia to vi:i.ui(!ii, iii.w.ox ft co.)
CAPITAL STiiCK, $1,(100,000.
joiin iwnnoTT. ciias. i mclas:.
Wil.C. KAl.STON, A. llAYWAltl),
louis a. -.itxi:rr.
LOUIS A. GAKSnT. rriilfiit nml Mam.
jjw. JOHN II i:Vsj ION, Ji:.i Utimituml.Sj
liwiiitcinlviit. ,rT-iUrf COMI'ANV
cnlnreil tlivlr ItolinliiK WnrKi . ami Iniro-
ilnetil nnuy oilier important lniproiemnli,
n ru pliMH'il In iiiiiioiintc Hull lliey K-s-l warrant
vil In ngnln rmliioln;; malvrliilly IbUr tironot
doing binlia-n.
Tin: T.viiirr or ciiaiiiik
Wtileli lln-y mm niliinlt In ihv rHiMIc ron-utilcn-il
Willi rclcrenco lo tlie out r initrriil
nml liilxir U lower limn liinny utbrvirtof
tho norlil, nml feciirci' lo lliu inlnliiR lntm'inf
ll.i cifi't mi linporl.eii Ini-riM.i' in Ifilh llie
inliiiinu nml ciimiii'Tclul vnlu.' ul IiiIIhii.
Tlii'lr cli.irgvs will Ixt lierculkr l.illoi
roil isjAviM) ntirosim ion iMuiirtD aow
One-lKlitb of ono per cent, (heretofore a
nuarler) lor till nmonniii over St.iiUO, and two
iloll.ir for uny iinulkr turn. Iteturns laiJeiq
Ittenly-foiir linnrf".
roil jismyimi imroiiTs ion i'mume jiwib
To iliillnrn for tlio koIiI contnincO, up to
Sl.t.Oo. mill one-elylitli ot ono per cent, for ill
ninoiinls over tlint turn, nml one per ctnt.oa
tlie tllvvr contained, Ueliirnt uuilc In ticnlj-
four hour.
rois iiinriMMi uki-oiiw mm: ion cuison
On Iliillion un.ler 3ni) part- gold. 2 cent ptr
ounce. On bullion Iromauol loi.OO parUtoW.
i cent per ounce. On bulliou troni tOOlto
730 p.iru gold, ti cenli per ounce. On bullion
' Above 3o tbu oiiiy cliargo Mill In) for coiuigf.
jimt Merc. till bo no cb.irgo ror rciiowj in.
' Iban iwo dollar.
ion coimso noi.D.
This charge tt 111 b ibe amo a al the Mint
a half of ouu percent. nml which U paldk".
to that inilltiitlon. Hot there tt ill lwnocnrg
InfuUrofor nuUIng lino gold or iHwbir
from bullion retlneil by m.
IIHTl'ILNi IN Cil.N uxw. IX iOI.Tr-r.10MT HOCM-
Sllter In depojltca for coin will bo accounted
for nt the .imo ruto customary at the Jlinl.
Gold bars of other Altera In good lUw
ing, will be cashed by us at tho hlgheJt ''
Dujtand bullion can be forwarded to us from
any part of tho country, and return! b'
through Wells, Kargo & OVg Express.
For thocontenlenco of ihose not famllusJ
with the terms of tho Mint, tvo subjoin the '
iff of charges now in force nt that lotilutin:
For refining bullion, under 300 parts goM,
cents per ounce; for refining bullion from swj
to liuo parts gold, Scents per onuce; for rtw-
ing bullion from 600 to 730 parts gold. 7n
per ounce; for reflnl.ig bullion from Wl"
ACiin,.i. .,i.i ,. i. ... ..n. forrroa-
Ing bullion fiom 880 to 940J parts gola.
Ptnta nil nunni. Il.i. k..i Cnr cnlnaffe IS "
nU no ounce; tbec'bargo for coinage! Ii
..nil lll VIIIIW.) IUUtUlllU IU. vwiM-p-- .
, of ono percent,, and the charge for iniD ""
silver uar, the wine. ...
Comparing tlie uett yaluo of deposits f'c
age. with the proceeds of unparted gow "
sold In the market asiun.lng that we w"
bate cost of one per cent. they muJlM.(ra
at the followIiiK par rates to equal H; ,a.'r
which would luvo been nude had Ibey beeno5
posited for coinage: , .....
eou par to equal illnt return,
Mint return,
at reflaini
,..V . .. .. 1
. oua par to equal San i-ranciscu
II- 1 i " -
Works return, nt refining ohargo of w7" ,
W )wiS 3!ISi.
'iJ i .