mi; iii!i:i;i!: VIHXESJS ZAJIOJI. D. M. C. OAULT, FOR THE PltESHJENCV IN 1808, ULYSSES S. CHA3VT. Well iloni'. Ihoti gooil and faithful errant.' iKTINRL.1 - " - j .Tint now, our Democratic cotempor- EDITOIl. arj05 iro making a jrent stir about the Chinec Labor Question, with tlic view of nuking it a party iJttc. We ilo not propose to tltctts tlio question nt OOil nu fillthflll rervanl. ' l,,n..tli .. ..vmiiiir. if in its lnvir!i? nn. The iMopt litre rewartli ( rp.tttiotsnunlilf, - . ., , , . - .,. '. men! Tor traitor". Oil our established system of politiCfli . . - . .. economy, but to make n few ciuriii.ies Satuio.vy .Miwxtxii, .May '.'3, 1807. i reelecting the employment of Chinese 1 labor. TJM HAL LOT. What a w.onderful thing it is ! How potent.' Jiow inetimablethe right to ue it ! ' How dignifying i the privi lege of dropping the little piece of pa per into the ballot-box t There is mag ie in the ballot. Place it in the hand of Africa's sable son", and lol their eb ony line grows pale and they are at once recognized as "men and brothers." lii'et a menial and degraded nice with a right to ueit,niid lie who wu "only a lit companion tor the beast of the Held," stand at once in the attitude of n frecuiin, courted and fawned upon by thoo who would ue him. The glorious and dazliiig light of the Iran chie, that ha, broken through the (ombre cloud ol slavery, tin bewilder ed Democracy with its radiance. Prin ciples are forgotten land marks are disregarded and the black people the "children of Ham" with the mark of Cain upon their lorehoad, stand in vested in the robe of political equality and infinitely superior to the lower eludes, of the exclusive Caucasian nice. Who employs it ? Republican ex clti'ivelv ? Xot bv anv means; but ev cry person, of any party, who desires cheap labor and is satisfied with an in ferior article. We see Chinese employ ed in nearly every capacity, from boot blacks and scullions, cooks and nurses, miners and farm hands, to clerks in stores; and have known thorn to be the business partners of good Democrats. Why i it ? Simply because Chinese labor is the cheapest in the market and and people choosaftpTln.y it. It is en tirely a matter-of taste. No person is compelled to employ Chinese labor or encourage it, and thof practlco is cer tainly not confined to any particular elaK of society or to nny political par ty. Prohibit the employment of the Chinese, as n measure of public safety, and an out-pry against such an "out rage' would be heard, that would be joined in by every Democrat from Maine to flic Pacific, and they, no doubt, would make the most noise about it. We respectfully nsk our democratic friends, who have such a It attVat 1 . . . III this light does the organ of the "" '" ' long-taiieu, gii.iicnug, Northern Democracy (the New York no,"WJ.vw- harbarians: Why, M'wht) view thoo who were ju Intel v '" lho ,,mne of vnmmo " J'01' cm- "the tliick-liniKMl. wool v-hcaded hewer I"0?" -...) nlhw them the con ..I . 1 .....1 .1 - . . . .X ui nuuu aim urotvci oi water. lie mocracy has made another discovery: The peculiar odor ol the Xcgro ha ceased to be olVctiuvo. Nay, it is po itively fragrant; and, liko the honey burdened breezes from Ilvbla, is at tracting the olllee-seeking drones of Democracy with its sweetness. Not shot, nor t-ltcll, nor mangled limbs, nor sutl'ering, nor death, nor defeat, have brought the Southern chivalry to so suppliant n po-ition as the now-found power of tho enfranchise! race. The thunder of tho battle appalled them not, but the quiet, noNeless ballot, in trol of your kitchens, when they un known to be thieves? why allow them to prepare your food, when their filthy habits are v patent? why entrust them with the care of your children, when you nro well awaro that thoyaie heathens, contact with whom Ndan gerous to morality ? We -ay to all who are really opposed to Chinese la bor, that its encouragement because it is cheap, is a very poor way of exclud ing it from tho country. Its employ ment, we apprehend, is simply a mat ter of taste and convenience; quite as much so as the wearing of cheap dry- goon, or uic purcuaso ol cheap gro tho hands of their former slaves., makes iceiies, and a matter, also, not within them cringe; and, in fawning, they for- tliecontrol of statutory provisions. get all the trad tonal sunoriotitv of . wnu uuiiie.-e lanor in the mines, ---.-..- .-......- .. . ..i. .. i iipenoi the Southron, and acknowledge that American manhood recognizes not nice nor color. Northern Democracy, thonsiiiiiudchnmiionsnf'vhitoiiiciiV' government, are already bending the knee to the ebony idol, and the only danger to the Negro race- is, that con tact with democratic ofllce-seekors will demoralized it. Verily ! a wonderful thing is the ballot. . Social I.nt.ijuamty. Old Joe Lane's "lick-spittle," lho traveling bummer of the Oivyon feralif, has given us a gratuitous pitf'. It didn't cost us a cent. He is forced to acknowledge that thoo who run the Si:nti.ni:l are "equal to the Chi We regret, for the that wo cannot conscientiously return tho compliment. The dirty rebel has, evidently, tried to force his t-ociety up on the inhabitants of "Funktown" and Kanaka Flat, and has been booted out for his pains We advise ibis lnivti.ni. If we are not much mistaken. Chinese are not permitted to take up and occu py mineral laiuis, in tins state, in the samo manner as white miners;, but re- A jIkpical Jofii.vAt. We clip the following from the Galveston (Texas) Daily Time! The February number of tho Halves ton Jftdlcal Journal has been laid on our table. It was stalled about rt year ago, under ditlicultics, by Dr. Dowell, who still continues Its editorship, in con nection with his practice, and the per formance of his untie as Profcsor of Anatomy in the Galveston IMcdical Colleireiuid as Surgeon to the Citv and .Marine Hospital. This is a com mendable example of industry. We expect to see the Journal miteli enlarg ed some of these days, and have no doubt that the uumliers now issuing will have a historical in addition to their present practical interest. The number before us ccntains about a doz en articles, most of which arc of im portance1 to the general reader as well as to the physician. We find, among the rest, meteorological tables for Au gust, September, October and Novem ber, 180U, at Houston; a Hu of new remedies, with their application, doses, etc.; a contribution from Dr. Kobison, of Roxbury, Mass.; Tuberculosis; In duction ol inverted Uteri, by n new method, etc. The editor ol the Journal is a broth er of the. proprieror of the Si:xtixi:i.. Wc wish him great success. As slave ry is overthrown in the South, perhaps literature and science may now flour ish. Ho I run N i:wija I Capt. Barnes led' the valley on Thursday last, with about !200 beef cattle, for tho silver mincn of Washoe. He proposes to reach there by the Pitt River route, and is accompanied by Thomas Owen, who lays down the "composing stick" to get n glimpse of Nevada. Look out for you scalp, Thomas; those Pitt ltiv er devils are no respecters of persons, and would as soon skin their friend, Mr. licosoii, alive as to peel the bark from a soap root. Keep youreye skin ned, Tom. Fonrrn or Jn.Y. On Saturday evening hist, a meeting was held at the Court House to devise measures fortho appropriate celebration of the coining "Fourth." We understand that the chief action was the appointment of u committee' lo wait on the German Club, of Jacksonville, rtlld request them to MAIL sun VICE. The Post Oflico Department adver tises for proposals to carry the mails between Lincoln, Citl., and Purththd, Oregon. Proposals will be received until August ndi and an invitation is given lo begin the service lit Orovillc, or proportionate arriv schedule from Lincoln, of six and clcv en days. Proposals may aNo be sub mitted for six-tiines-a-wcck service, i i.. ... oi .i. .:...., iroui i.iiicuiii to oiiiimiii, iiniu iniiwo ) meats. week from Shasta to F.ugenc City, and TK judge that this sentiment six times a week from Kiigcne Citv to was quite gratuitous, and that our Portlaud-the bidders to propose'the Ocrnuiii citizens makes no micIi preten- ., ... ., ... t, ! .,..,!.,1 S10II3. : ntnii" "iv hiwi-iiiiiim fUMlMllllU UK'IM.MJI -.. 11 UIIIUII.I1 Oi:oiKfr.v Sli.NTiWK.VT. -Tho Macml Ga.) Journal takes n Hcnsiblc view ol mil bio 'resident Jolfilson nnd his course, nnd gives expression thereto in n lorcibh way thus : the terminus of the railroad, with a j Q 01!Ugc f our National birthday, ,n.m j,,lVc us, and then, nt last, qiortionately shortened" schedule of fn t1!lt jt ,j.it be celebrated appro-; kept sectional halo and animosity i ivnls and departures. Also, for a I ",j.,tciv. One speaker who seemed to red up against us by his unwise co . . I I .-.. . ' 1 , if .. !... .. I I 1.!. i....l.il ..illliil .li f1t.... In chief cook, remarked, that the Ger mans understood how to do such things better than us, and were far ahead of Americans in matters of public amuse- u nllntvnil in ii-irt t I'liirit i iii thn cole- with the Department to accept a bid ,'r.ition of our National birthday, and if for the performance of the service the ' we arc unlit to take any part in it ve whole distance lioin Lincoln to Port-1 might as well give up at once. We land (O'.M miles) and back, dally, or to accept the latter service tri-weckly between Shasta and F.ugenc, and six times n week between those places and excuse the person who made the above suggestion, on the ground that he has, perhaps, been running with rebels nnd forgotten what kind of a holiday the Fourth of July i. gon av Gi.wintAL IIallkck'm Special order, No. 07, directs that company A. 1st Cav., now at Camp indwell, will pro ceed to Ft. Klamath and relieve com pany I, 1st Ogu. Inlt., which will be mustered out as soon as practicable. Capt. Sprague is ordered to inarch his company to Jacksonville, and report by letter to Headquarters, Department of Columbia. Hlauk discharges have been received at this post ollice, direct ed to Captain Sprague. Company I will, in all probability, bo soon muster ed out of the (service." Still Tiir.v Com:! Two droves of cattle, from rmpqiin, for the Washoo market, passed through tho valley on each terminus. It is the opinion of, - --; General ilidwcll, of California, that the , Hav P.ikss - e saw at he wag :.. :. ..n .i :n i... i.. ! shop of Mr. Ilooth, in this place, n li lillll'l i-VI 11.V 13 till lllilh Mill .V .VIIVII- ... I , , . .. , . . C1 . , , press that, to nil appoaiiinces, is a mod- salcd to the people between Shasta and ' ,.' , .' ' , ' , , ., ,.,.. ' , ., , , , ! el machiiic. It is made to work by Kugene City, and it our people feel n- 0W piiwpr Imvlnir f, lin,t. ,itiii that tcrested in the matter of a dally mail, . vvnrk ns a lever power to a small one as at present, we advise the circulation on which the "slack" of the press rope of petitions at once, piotesting against I is wound. Power is obtained by the any change in the service. Such a pe- lenvt'r " iMMmil pu leys. I wo ...: , , . ., . i . "ion and a hore required to work the tition would receive the name of almost lm.ul,)ill(. ,r ,,,',, ,,,, fi,p ,,, every person south of Kugene and j machine great power and speed, with north of Shasta, and would undoubted-' out anv loss of time to the laborers. quired uVncquiit he va ley on Who sells mining claims to Chinamen I " c,,lll',,a.v l!,t- 0,,t ntained about Is it Hejiubliians only for the pur i230 head, mostly beef cattle; tho other, pose of giving an inferiorVaco a loot ' nbout ISO head, was milch cows. The ngiuine country.- .Not at all; hut , drovers report 1'inpqua Valley as being Democrats and ltcpub leans alike, who rapidly drained of cattle, and' the price desire to dispose of their property to ' ra'siii". ' tho best purchaser. This question is I " - governed by precisely the Mime law as Auilncv. -Messrs. Love & llilger is uieoiuei- cnineio lahor is jiuichas-li:ve received the appointment of an P.hwwlf,,!.":? l Ca,l.U " I'cniK atrenoy from Mer. Knapp, Hurrell & Chinese purchasers for mining property r . ... ,i i ,. n . . v , .. nro sought in the market, lie?au.tl!i.v .Cu".,or1,,! hal" ol "ll Fnrni- give the highest price, and wo Imvl. m'e '"Mlcincnts. This is one of tho Failed to hear of a sinylo good Demo- lai-gest firms on the coast, and farmer crat rcfusiug-to sell a mining claim to ' honld exaiuine their extensive eatalo inesu nnd re-mil-., ' , Uimi,t I'lHt'liaser, for fear of giving t'".' before making purchases, ini.o ami v.inak.iN ,lilt ,,m. of ,0 ft f(J0l,0ll j( ,j - - rj e sake of huniauity, , country. Suppose the present Con- Pkiiso.vai, K. Corbetl, Kq., nii-, Having cntiro control over the public domain; were to iirohibit the sale of mineral land to Asiatic liurchas- ers! Not a bingle good Democrat on tuo coast out would go wild with in dignation, and say, that it would be equally just to forbid the calo of flour. born tcallawag to return to tho society ' 1)ork, (-,,'i.cI"-''"! cabbage, or any other of tho Mongolian th tutesof the emporium lie became m familiar with Chinese from Democrats anil others, tho Civil names; nun were li is too mean trious CJiii "III III IHU S1ICICIV i ' ,. f "O-l ' "".' MIHWI doves and pro.tS- c,0,,Ill,,01.,t.v Xmw, to that people. . " V10, AmUoit would. It is in just Mich , where, no doubt, rights, obtained by purchase, fairly ml fa cniials. Ho ''-'"i" i protects the Chinese in ner. to associate with the in.l.w. , a"! " '""' 'mocratie citizens sell Mon- ioonfsii,i,,n,.,n, goliansa foothold in tho mines, they icso of Southcui Oregon. blireIy tt.m ot ,)0 ,1ljlst e10 h ( J Citv. The Del Norte is m-"' " ,'.,kl'n awtff or.ol,JPCt toprotec Chescunt now in eommaud of Captain Howies, formerly chief mato of that vessel. The Crescent City peoplo arc delighted at the change, as Howies is spoken ofns a good sailor, and a man who will ac commodate tho public as much as pos sible. The steamer landed between 200 and .100 tons of freight on her last trip, and took away 125 tons of copper ore. Leonard IL Murch, formerly Union Representative from Klamath end Del Norte counties, is spoken of as wo candidate of the Union party for State Senator, lloth parties have cnlled conventions, and lively times, politically, are anticipated. i:joioi:. It i said that when Jeff, was released, ho seized his secretary by tho baud and exclaimed, "Ilooti do doodendo!" Tin: old Tin Hra-jn-. Some think Jcfl Davis was bailed out with Greek's old white hat it was with the identi cal tin bucket his Kxeellenoy started with to tho Bpring, 'J'iik first team from Crescent City arrived on Tuesday last. It was load .'d Jor Mullcr tv Hrentano ' llnn In lit. .wi.wi.il.l. ,...1, ..w.. ..o jv.ll.iuiu VIIJUVHieill. Depend upon it, tho question of Chi nese labor, in relation to white labor. is one which is wholly governed by tho laws of political eco'nomy, and which can never bo mado an issuo in party politics. Its agitation is bosh mere political clap-trap, and candid, reason able peoplo must acknowledge that so long as Mongolian labor is oilered for sale among us, purchasers will not bo confined to any political party. Wo venture to say, that if tho assumed an tipathy of our peoplo for tho Asiatic races wero to take practical 8b.inn-.iii an inflexible determination not m koll mineral or other laud to them, or to employ them in any capacity whatever "John" would soon leave our shores in disgust. When tho loathing of our tlemocratio neighbors assumes Mich a shape, wo will then think thoy are in earnest and givo them our hearty co operation. Tho relation of these peo plo to us as joint occupants of the soil i entirely auoiner matter, ami wohavo no hesitation in saying that it would afford us great pleasure to K'e tho in. flux of tho barbarian races to ourshores eltectually checked, if tho wisdom of oiirdeiuoeratio coteniporaries will point out tho manner iu which it may bo done. At present, wo view it ns one f those social problems oiilvtnl.onnlv. ,d by the Almighty gener al stage agent, passed through town on luesday, for Portland. He met Sena tor Corbet t in San Francisco, on his way home. Mr Corbett was unable to give any information us to the charac ter of tho next mail contract, for which proposals are advertised. Sopa Fountain. Messrs. Sutton it Hyde havo a soda fountain in success fill operation, and can just deal out tho nicest, coolest, and most refreshing drink in town. Try it, everybody It is warranted not to intoxicate, nnL is especially adapted for Good Templars oecaiiso woy can't drink anvthiii" stronger, and for Good Tippler bS cause it cures tho "whisky headache." Struct Sciiinklino. Mr. .l..mm Hubbard is making the streets quite comfortable with his "sprinkler, and in view of tho unusual drought, is ready to tako contracts for irrigating louo River Valley. b Ciioici: Rats. Plenty of elegant Slimmer hats for ladies 'at Midler it Rrentano's just arrived by telegraph. ly have the desired effect. If no one feels interested, then we will get just such mail facilities as the Department chooses to grant us. Roaiiii opThijti:i:s. An adjourned meeting of the Hoard of Trustees was held on the evening of May 17th. Present I). Linn, President of the Hoard; J. S. Love, A. Martin ami John Orth. Absent II. Judge. The inin- iiton rr tbu preceding muiitiiig were read and approved. A verbal report was made by the committee, to whom was referred tho application of Viet Shut?, for a deed to his water-ditch premises, and tho application of Dr. Overbcck for a title deed to lots No. .'j and 0, iu block No. 32. They report ed that thoy had examined the said Shutz's water-ditch premises, and that but a portion of tho ditch, or canal, was on the vacant laud of tho town, and recommended that a right of way, for so much thereof as occupied totvn lands, bo granted to him; and that they had also examined tho premises claim ed by Dr. Overbcck, anil found that ho had occupied but a fractional part of the lots claimed, and for that portion actually occupied recommended that a title deed be granted him. Tho sub- ject was disposed of by granting Veil hliulz a right of wayforhisditch.orca nal, over lauds held by tho town, and granting Dr. Overbcck a deed for such part of said lots as actual occupation entitle him to for his present water works the premises to be ascertained by survey. It was remarked by the Piesident, and other members, that special caro should be taken in deter mining the rights of claimants to these lands, for no rights could accrue to per sons after the entry of the land by the town, and tho rights acquired by the town, should bo held lor the use and be icfit of tho same, to be disposed of to tho best advantage. The bill of Hopkins it Co.. fiirfta? ?n coin, being collected and properly eer tified to, was ordered paid. Si:nti:nci:p, The Roseburg murder ers, convicted at the last termofcourt, in Douglass county, of manslaughter, have sentenced. Fitzhugh to five, and Hanuaii to one year's imprisonment in the Penitentiary. Thev will be remem bered as the rowdies who broke up n dance, near the mouth of the South Umpqua, on Christmas Kve,by violence that icsiiljcd iu tho death 0i two per sons. It is thn opinion of most people that they richly deserved hanging. Hauuau's sentence is n mere bagatelle. Siiaiii: Tui:i:s. There have been more shade trees sot out in Jacksonville the present spring than ever before; since the town was laid out. It speaks well for the taste of our community, and seems to indicate that thev intend to stay awhile. Had this matter been attended to ton years since, Jackson ville would now'be the prettiest and most attractive town in the State. Fini: Ciiiaus. We acknowledge the receipt of a box of choice cigars from ... I T..I. ........ l...o .. 1..... ..!..!.! i illMHUW .PlMIIIPllll lli- III linv lUIUClli Thank God for it. Ho has done us nir immense ileal of harm; crippled us when our armies wero iu the field : re jected tho terms which Grant nnd Slier- as stir- coursa mid his foolish conlliet with Congress' and Northern sentiment. And now we hope President John son's opposition to tlio government will cease, lie has opposed it so long", and induced our people to oppose it so long holding out to us tho falsa idea that he would do something for us, that he has done us infinitely more harm than all other men, than all oth er causes combined. Hut for him vri would long ago havo been admitted into the Union, and upon far bettor terms than we shall now lie able to ob tain. He has been the most effective enemy we have had. Gold. We have seen sonio fine specimens of gold brought to town by Mr. Hamilton during tho week, which was taken out of a branch of the Coast' Fork about .'in miles ubovo this place. It has been known for several years that there is gold on this stream lint it has never been prospected siiflicieut Ut ascertain whether it would pay work ing or not. We hope the matter will be settled soon. II we have good dig gings near home why not know it? Quart, has been found near the head of the Coast Fork contniiilng both gold and silver, ami nowhere can bet ter indications of the "ore" be found than on this stream audits branches.. SViifiJ Journal. MMiUllJ). Midi, Alii:-Mill l-V In Ciriit Cllr, WnWlTr. May tlli, ht l.lhtf lllU,JIr.:d.ril JliOUJ, ioJll.i lUxf valtf. IIEITIIICK-IIOSi:-leiCriMiitClly,SunJy,JIyl!ilj. '.7,"'.-'-',c"..-"""'' J' ' Mr-"I IMtilcklo Mix Atmlh llo.o. JUKI). AVKItV In Hit- County lliw ll.l, Jiukionilllr, Orrcon, Junta Attry, mir.1 II 'tin unit ! uiuntlu, iitllit it t lille county, TiDixl.cc. NKW ADVKItTISKM KNTS. Ninety-One Years Of Unparallel Prosperity! lKI)I51,IiiDBti!E--IIAY BALL, July, the -ltli, 1(407, ut the United States Hotel. Mullcr it Hrenlano, for which they T'SS have the thanks of this oflico. Then I l.run.1 I.NDlTiINIIKNUIMiay iiali.sR? gentlemen are now receiving a large supply of diHercnt brands, which thev nil i . i ne siiuieci came up respecting per sons who had applied for title .T..,..iu ,-., -..--...-, .....i r.. ...i.. . nn n Hum iiccns were prepared anil executed, that yet remained iu the lown Recorder's ollice for non-payment of tho assessments. It was suggested that siiflicieut notice had l.,.i. ..!...... oiler to saloon keepers and retail iir,,V dealers cheaper than ever before olfer ed iii this market. We can assure tho public that those preiented to this of lice amokefrt(. To Moth nits. Mas. Wivsinu-'i Sootiiixo SviiL'i' for children, is an old and well-tried remedy. It has stood the test of many, many years, and nev er known to fall. It not only relieves tho child from pain, but invigorates tho stomach anil bowels, cures wind colic, ami gives rest ami health to the child, and eonifoi t to the mother. Hos letter, Smith it Dean, Agents for the Pacific Coast. Ax Aiiticli: or Titui: Miiiiit. "Hiiowx's Hiioxciiial Tnociins" are the most popular article in this conn- ") " ..nrope mr iinoat diseases and Coughs, and this popularity is based upon real mciit, which cannot be said ol many other preparations iu the mar ket which arc really but weak imita tions ol tho genuine Troches. Oil lilt) eU'lllllL' uf Ibo llli nlMnli- m.vi ni's tthlcli time lie liopes lo rciictv the ucmiuliitunco or ull lila uMuirun. mill lurm Unit or muiiy nmvones. A viinllal Invitation U extended lo hi. (Ktiiian lih-mli In particular. KvurylhliiK tlml ttlll u.M in the comfort and enjoyment ol tho Kuot, w bo provided TICKETS, 65. i l ... ';U5 UOltNt:, l'ro.rlelor, JttCk.onvlllc. Mity '.'5, Uii7. id fourtiiop jujlv: Anniversary Ball ! IXI0X H0TEIKmi.YVILLE K W&S&vQfrtok mmx.M a ? Wl V m - "m Foit Russian Amkuica. A regiment of soldiers is about to bo sent North by uiu ciovernmeni to raise the stars and stripes over our now territory, and to hold possession of it. General Steele now of Fort Vancouver, will probably havo command of tho expedition, and Captain McGil vray will bo one of the ac conipaiiying oflicers. Tug Boat. Wo hear that arrange, ments are mado to bring a Tug to tho mouth of the Unipqua river. This should bo done by all means; piloting over tho Columbia bar was over at tended with greater danger until they got a T ug. Here, though losses have been low and but little loss of life' yet tho security nf property demands a Tiic. Hnsiyn to such that action be taken iu the preiniH's forthwith, and the lots be of fercd for public sale by tho town. No definite action wan imU-hk r,. ii. ...i. ject, and it was referred forfurthcrcon. siucration. Tho Hoard then adjourned. Rai.y. The cloudy weather of the past week culminated on Tuesd.-iv night in n slight shower, just enough i" i.iv uie in si. mt ira ii.'ir.wu .,.. .1. to help tho sullcring crops. Should tho lry tveather continue a fuw days Ion ger, short crops iu this section would LU inevitable. I'ho Farmers riv poorer the crops, the better tho prices:" but consumers prefer tho other extreme. FoiiSiikiiipv. Jiiq. Andrews, Agent of the California stage Company, at i rcka, has been nominated by the Dc C.y ,f S!8ki:( fQr tho Sheriffalty. iST1, ?.rr'"g ,1,s l,0,itics. i8 very to nof "T 0Ve" ' JJolltici arc not of the ultra stripe. Ilo will make hi opponent " soratch gravel" whoover ho may 1,0. fer.tu, tl "c3Iwo notice that tho'building desicmed fnf. !. n.i.ir Z" tfH' U 'A B t little 'struct- Daxokkol's roit Srocii A horse got the telegraph wire round his neck, oiith of Ashland, last week, nnd it was ucceswiry to cut the wire to exticate I'lji). In his eflbrts to disengage him self, he pulled down five telegraph D.vokces. At tho last term of tho District Court iu Crescent City, the following divorces were granted : James Haight from Louisa Haight, Laura Ru$. -v, ,,, 1;oweiun missel, Ed t h Ran som from Win. C Ransom. Fituir. It is said that wo will have :" p.'-'". wuiii oi iruit mis year, over known in boiitliern Oregon. 'ri.U end ol the State will sustain its reputation tor big red apples. ' lyauo Doci.mkxto.aVo are under obligations to Hon. Rfll3 Mallory, Hon. A. A. Denny and Mr. Dowell for many valuable public dnnmm0 ' TnouTixVo'heaTilnTt trout, in """" uver, are in tho humor to bito Pomt ST bci"g aU8ht at Rook Wk havo on our table some of tho uaKiancl. It is coal, no iu stake. An. other reason forthoRailroad.-i,, " , m . o --cf' -- fijr . mS&M&tt&i,riV 'iffl"l Ia it SI , i A U. l'AltTIICjJ AUK LOItlllAI.I.Y 1NVI- jrx io In oiiind Uiu Aniihei-iiry llall.nt lho sliovf imm) lioiiu, In Klrl.yvllle. Oreunn. on. Uiu -vii1iik of July ih. No exertions will ho pared (o nuke the parly inch ns all c-tn look J,1,lck1'0 ' e or the pleasant events or Juljc GOOD MUSIC IS ENGAGED- FLUOR MA.VAdHUH. TIIOS. V. rLOYI). Klil-Tllle, DAVID HUNT, W1J. WJI. M. LINO, Proprietor. Klrlivvllln. May 25. 18fi7. !! 500,000 CZGA111BM ? AT -S35, FIVE DOLLARS PER THOUSAND B. C. HORN 8c CO., Hjr:,.,.!;.r.F'0'i ' .'ly. Hmi r'nrlco. ftOXKBS BANSAIfTiS! A SOCIAL DANCE WILL HE GIVEN DV MR. LOUIS HERLItfG, ON l'OOUMAN'SOUkEK, - MONDAY, --jUNE 10 TH. Everybuqygocg to Ilerliuv's Balls! "re, but too small fo , '" V Hi "C r i0"ry, .w"8 a Jl0's of the Sid "n. .re. in ,i1,,,;S h" 'WM" of jtook he is six years old, ineasurc! nanus hifjh and weiplu 1800.- Jh Pink lloiwu.Mr. Sintrleton nf !,!. county owns a horso of th si.i CS 18 J( Ntoleu from tlio Ituli llro'a. low er form, on the 21et,"one pair or Uluck Clotb pants, worth. 12. Lost on the Deert, near the ranch of r. I'eteriou, ouu Colt's I'istol, No. 157, patent ca September, 1850-No. 40157. , ,. ... .'. M. 11. FIELD. Jftckwnvl(te, May 25, 1867. tf -a. OA.HD. JlPIIAM fJ Aaaflitu t.u AliK 1 BAT Towiinu it i.iMSS,rSl.""'""i -' '"" "v" Th ittltiut.nl llit I, u, II. MELD, did iwt ptyn'! ttit tiptttt ufputtlug ihl, yetr't ervp on Iht portion of Ui.tlliBdUroi.Lowi)rrrinttpr(i.ut rtute4 bjrwt utttily Mii.u I tn proit. Wbotvtr ttji tbtl I in In lb Or putting In ntl I crop, clrtul.lti flttboo1, -!f