Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 04, 1867, Image 1

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    . i... i..r...
t on win It "n" B,"'r
, lu.ss I" 11 ro,,lm,
Hutu or niultllmlcs of imn.
It clllr iwoiUifM or Is
produced l.y mi enfeeble. ,
tltliitcd Mine of 1'ip liiioil,
..i...i ilini Unit heroines
I' nfotnclcnt to hi '."In tlio
!"!?, Til t cciiii in I ll. lO'l f Illin
trl"uni i'S II 1. 1 to Iniquities or lloftllicm
. . i.i l!ir
upon ...... ncioullnj- In mo orunus
lnjl , mU "' "Jj, ;Scl0(li, p.odmcs tuber.
", '".VilHi v t' "M",on '" ,lu' .R,',m,, """
f10'.' ,'i! . P-into mill lo..ic nlrcioiw wiwj
'" '. Li, I i(iloi.ilvl'CHl'i,'l liurcom llll lltd
prl7'f '"" ',,,"' , 'cutniicu.u nlloclious.
S; iwi nn.1 lntlf;on.tio.. of the
h!Li' 'mVfViho Unoil, nwl thcu d.iiiBcioin ills.
" i.nnii It i feeble, foul, or rorruiitcd
.iEffSnC Into hIU.rlil. tlmt "hoof
Si lie" I'wltliy, on wimut hato Miofuloui
Ayor's Snrsaparllla
1, wmponndcil from the won cITcctiml nnti.loies
tonSuril science hot discovered or Ms nfflic t
Ktcmiicr, unit for il.o euro of tho tlLonlors It
lata Tint It ii to superior to niijr oilier rem
Tu ot ilovi'd. It kiionu I'.v nil who linto cltcn
li'i trial. Tli.it It il"M nimlilno irtuc truly cn-
nonhmrv In their elicit upon Hilt ilns or rom.
liina. U ln.lip'inil'ly mcn ly llio urent Jniilii
!,,j of piiMI lv l"on nnil lcnmrl.iit.lo iiirca it
Ui mile of itio followlns ill'cuci : King's Evil
or Cludalar Bwollbiga, Tnmon, EruptioiiB,
Pibp!cj, Ulotchoj nnd Sores, Eryslpolas,
Bon or Bt. Anthony'a Piio, fialt Ilhoum,
EnLdHeaJ, Courrln from tuboioulouo dopo:
ll'ibdo luiifjj. Whlto Swollinpj, Debility,
Vnwr, Hoainljjli. Dwpspjla or Indigestion,
Sjpillis and Syphilitic Inioctiom, Morourial
DllJUJJ, Toniaio W0lkn0J30S, mill, Inilccil, llm
i i iof uiiiipliliil tlmt inl.cfrini impurity
ifii'uol. Mciiiio rvporti ol in linliml mm
i h fun I in Alim'it Asnitictv Aimanac,
t i h lu 1 1 'i il In tlio ilmu'piits lor pniuiltoiu
J-i.'kiiioi tt'icain liny lio KMrnul tlio ilirccllon
I.: iu uic, mi'! ionic of tlio rvni.trUilitu rtiivn ulilili
I: ha', r il'in'i u nil oilier rciiiiillci liml liillnl to
ir il re' f '1 liO'O rnM nro piirpo'dy luLcii from
t'lh'ijn of 11 uiuiitry, lii oulcr ilintcuT.v niulcr
rnr hiic n w . id to no' otto m run rpcuk lo dim
if i! i K. iln fum pimoiMl CNpciicnce. Soiuliiln
J prc.tii'uMlnl ciicikIm nnil iIiik IcnicM It li'.
m fjr niro !.ji.'ct In iINiiw nnil ll l.iliil nuli
Ijati are lullli) itiii.llnilloin IIciuo It icinls lo
iMrtcn.aihl iloc pv.illv fliurien, llic incniKo ilnrn.
tioi of hum in life. Tlio wut Itiitiortniu-a of llieio
remJcrJiioiw hit lol n lo IchiI tenw In pcrleit.
i a rcnr.li ttlikli U ml iiitilo In itn cua. Tlih
j irnir o'Kr lu tlio piiMIc iimlir tlio niinio nf
Atll.S tllllMI'tlllLI t, nllliour'li II l ompocil
( fixn'i mm, ioiiu of ttliMi cfcicil tlio Ik.'I of
iri.jn .1 in nt.iritho ))imcr. Ily fit niil to"
rnvp'o' I tiim ll'lnr.i ilio s iilTcrint: niul il.uicer
cft.c iImii'.I n. l'ur,M iiiu I In' liml nirruptloiK
I'M lot a .1 Iw.icr in tlio Komi; puijw out llio
ntwt o( il to K,niii ti.iiroui liciltli ttill ImIIou.
llrf K il ir tit iff lliU iinuily tiiiiiiliiti' llm
i il fa n mi , iiinl iliui rsivln tlio i!itcmcrs
a i i lir u.t'iiu the siitcm or Lurst out uu tiny
jn vf ft.
Wei aw ihe iiuMii lino liccn ilcrcltcil l.v ninnv
-"in .It of .WiimVi, id it piiiinlcil iniuli
t 1 il.l iidiIiiic; Imt l.'ioy w III ni'lllicr lio ilctvitcil
ror ilii.i))iniiil in lliU.' It tin no luitu Icon
pirn In n'.u ill uu lilil, mill ilivru iTinnini no
ijt in r tt ku pi lu CMCl'cnro lor tlio tiro
n'.li i ili.ni.o-i it It liiliiuiiil lo iciiiIi.
A im ii il" tl.c Mtuo imino, it i ii tort ilii
t I i ' i'io f i (im nny mlivr wlipli Inn U'iii
I I .Hi', iiml l-i fir mii'v (H'cMliinl tli.ui
..v u ... ..i.. . ...ij c.cr liccu ntullublc to tlivm.
ThoWorld'n Groat UomodylbrCouchB,
Coldu, Iuolplont Contitimption, and
for tao roliof or Connuni'jtivo
paiio.ita in ndvanoad utu-
003 or tlio diuuauo.
Tnii lai been to long ujciI nnil so unitcnnlly
iromi, t'ut ho nctil do no more limit insure ll.o
ru'ilii" that lu ijtutitr is kept up lo the lest it ever
lai Utii, nnd that It way bo rvlivit on to do nil it
b ercr Jone.
l'rcparcdby Dn. J. C. Avili & Co.,
Wrmi'uw' Aiiahtlml CUmiilt,
I.owcll, Muss.
J&JWJit all ilrugglsu etcrt where, nnil by
Agents, ri07Cuilftii-uiii Slrtst't,
nan Fiiincihto.
HMQ'l.''",1K.N!ilVK JIM'hllll'.NCr. 1NII01II
Cuiitim ii .,,.,".'. !lrUI1 ,r'ul'. fl emill.lul Hi il I"
cliiJn.i, ,. fc,,M-.M l.lrlms a io.kUut Ktiil.r loun
J'2iiP, .."' M" "r l'Hr Iii-Iuhmh
if w ui ,T M,r S"""' "'"" ' ""l'. : Im JUclilnw,
cii,'lh,.','',l'"t,1,,.,'','l'l'l'' tl" rvlv. of .ii..il-
Pu ,,,",J"' "struts.
t co ill. (Dsbnvn,
'. . Sessions,
r.I"!J."!il! Ii .R0uo4:"" . wlUU sroc.ri5.rn
ThX? Zy "CTl'MSTroUV 1NI0HMB Till:
'6a kr? k ' 'Vf ''"iU kJ"illy. Ilu l" l..u Utcly Un
'l ruiU1J. iV:. .Tr? '" 'Hi'l KU..I lUMCliiiint uf lino
f.11"' H. Luiur.,11.1.1".' w"i' 1"ui"I'Iik. Hue" nnJ ill.
lUorl...." ,,U,"".llirillirur lien .III.,,. ,n . .!., ,, I.
''Tt ii, ,,' 1,r,,1, "'0',, "W'f ' !
of tl. uul L i .7 "1 l '"iwllullt .ulkll it coiilliiu.
i"'tUi-t2tu,u?tam l,1,a ""' "
i!PlwUti, i8j JOHN III,I.KIt.
OPPIrp ...
Til" pcdillir mi" ;ur in ii.-
Vt-Vrffiiirton, "Ml Icium I'm fv.
ft .ifcifilom i) r..U Into disorder
(l$M MMm iTcrny. Tl.c mihIiiIoih
f.;,&2& U 'iS: loiiiiiniltmilim i t in ;o i y
'-Sii?nm.cil by mrrrurliil.il.
T'TnS'c i',low In"'?.'" !,rdm'
'V h' "i lu c im'. Winder bo It. mlRlii.
I T ' V 7ll .ta n lliulion. ilwiiilliijr ." Ironi
I UAi JaU -. SS. i - I. I f..,IM 111 Illl'll ll'llllllil
mure"'" Y." Iltli r.iul inutlii ecu
& cnrora
-., ij 4 miuui ,
iiikli,B l,0,
Prl't!bluia0l'l"'V,l,',gi,u of w'ltl8 CMcfully
nAppllcalluTw tu, ' ?wK'-i.iiis taken?
"'ibis uud . t1"'. Hlead Rut.lts, I'lccmpllou
,wwiXu.uf 108,8,6na ,,rCllM-
(j f
VUIj. All.
No. -1I0 Montgomery St.,
(HUCCKSS01IS TO Kt'M.oaa, IILttSTON' .t CO.)
CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000.
LOUIS A. OAnSTrT. rrosldenl nml Mntm
ger. JOHN HCWSrON, Jn., CliomUl and Su
e ilurRi'il their RediilnK Work, nnd Intro
diici'd tunny oilier Inipnrinnt improvements,
am pli'iind to nnnotincu llmt tin) kil unrrnnt
nl in njjiilu ri'duclug mnterlnlly thtlr tijrms of
iIjIiij; IjiMltiws.
TiiCTaitni' orciunttEii
Which lliey now nilunlt lu tlm pulillc ron-
.1.1 1 ...I.I. .. I ........ ... .1... ... .' ... .....!..
piuv-i'ii "1111 iiiuiviivv; iu iiiu cii'i oi inniiTliil
mil liiliiirN Iiiui.i tl.miliiniifi.il ..vilnf
tlio world, nnd ecciiKR to iliv inliilits lntvict rf
iliUcomt nn Imporiiint lueuiiM-in both tho 1
mliitiiij and coiiiiiu tcliil Milne ol biilllnu
Tlielr cburgvH will be birmrut us Inlluns:
I'olt AHSAYINU DM'iHITH loll L.M'AltTM) Got.0
One-clghth of one ptr cent, (heretofore n
(itiuilur) lur nil numum otel il.l.UIJ, iiml two
ilulliim liifiiny muller auiu. llvtiirus made in
Iwuiily.luut liours.
1011 AHUIMMJ IlLI-nilTS lilil l'M'At:TI HIULIt
To dullnrx fur the put emit lined, up In
$1,1.011, uml iiuiM'lKlitli ol one pi i cent, for nil
iiiuuunta titer Hint Mini, nnd one per ci nt. un
llirriltri contained. Itetiuiit uiidu In lueuly
riiur Iiourc.
nut iim.MMJ i)i:rmiw Mtiu: ton coiNoiii'iM:
Oil Uiilllnn under yui) mri ftnlil. 2 crtilf per
iiuiici'. On liulllon tinmllDU lutiuil pitUKuld,
A ci iil per outlet'. On bullion lio-u t.lllij to
7"iU purl (tulil, ii cents per ounce. On buluuii
I ruin '.Ml' lu 1HUA p.irtH cold, b ceuW per ounce.
Abutc 1 .Ml tho only clmrcu will bu fur eiiluu;v.
It n t tlietf ttlll bu uu tlmrcu lor il..ilns lets
lll'lll two doll.lli.
ion eot.MMi uot.i).
Tills clmiRO ttlll be Iliv tiiine us nt the Mint -it
bull ul oiio per cent. nnd which is p ild by us
to that Institution, lli'l llitiettlli beiuulmice
lu liil.irt' lur ui.ikliiK Hue (,'nlJ or ilt tr bar
1 1 oui bullion rellued by us.
biltvr III dipo'lUH lot coin will bu uecouuled
fur nt tlio rmue r.iiu ciiIhiii.iij ut the Mini.
Gold bun, of oilier AfMjcm lu cowl liuiil
Iiik. tv ill be cuslu d by u ut the higtiot umrket
Dust uud bullion citu be forunrded to us from
uti p.ut ul the uuuulrt, uml iiturut mnUt
lliiougli Willi, I"ryj A C',i' L'xpri'.i.
I'nr Un iiiuteiili'iiu' ul Ibii'i) nut fiiiullllnr
ullb (he linn ul the Mint, uu Mil.jolu llm lur
ill ul cliiiiui'K no 'i In luue ul llmt iii-lllulloii:
I'm ull.iliit,' Imlllon. nuiKr IW" p.irls itulil, 3
cvuIk pi'i ouuii; Im itbuiii.-biilllnu liniu::ouj
lu liUll puiti. i;uld,.'eeulii ptr ounce; lol leti.i-
mtf biillmn f i iiiiuj In i.'i'l p-irts pild.7eiulf
per iiuiici'; Inr nll.ii buliuui liuui "Ml to
Phil pirli. !iilil, II tents pur luiniuj Im nilu
in,: bullion hum Mill lo Hill pirli. uolil. II
cmils uu nunc, j tin iliaicv U'l euinui' In luill
ol one pi l ii ut., uud Ilie tb.il 8 lor lu.ikiug Hue
flltrr Imhi, Ihe miiii.
Coinpiiiliitbo iutt wililiirib'pnllfiircoIu.
ujje. Willi the proctids ol iiiiparuil puld l-ur
mid in llio inuktt-u.uinlli Unit the li.il
luitu tosl $ ol onupit cent. the) must be mid
nt the liillmtliiKiir rule lu tijuul the return
tililth ttould li.ite btiu nude bad they been die
itutltt.il for colnntjo:
MO pur lo ntiiil Mint return, ut reDnlaj;
cluirKu or 1 1 ceuu. ,
hj. pui lo npiul Mint returu, ut utliilng
chmcuol 11 eenln.
feL.; par to eipiiil San I'runclfco A. A It.
Woikii it'turn, ul rt'lluliig clurfe ofb culls,
mram l'o
Shoriif's Sale,
viui'tn: of an i:xr.CUTlOV.
duly ImiikI by Uu- Citric ol llw Circuit
nt ul Urn Klute ol Olt'jton. Im Uie count) "f
cent-(Sl.U3U 0), tilth nU.eM.coMsuu
au.Vo A
!?! wluU'. lo-itli: 1 ho no. th .Im f ol the Doim-
lion Lund CI.1I111. toKothtr tiltn all 1 no i.iiu"
intnti Uii'ieou. sltn.Ui.il 111 Jo.il '; y '
i'liitiidl Uii'iton. uud kuottii us the Donation
I. , Cb". or Geo. i: IIiIkb. ".!' ttc,loi'
ltt.no (US), lounthlp ll.li It .nine tail), touib
oi rui.KO tlliht "(8) ,l. coutafulng one liuudnd
imdsWty .ic,es u,.Voo.leFrL0YI)(
Slieritf tit Jiiplmif cuuni), Uii'uon.
Dattd Kiibitllli', I
Aptll lli.lbiu.)
np20n I
seuce, Ml. Alex
Stono Mnsoti Woik
?.:.' ,u .!, times. Order Iron
uoui) oil iini -"; ",.,,
lie, Arll StJ. IBfcl. "!'
Hid country
of the undetslBiii.d, lu JwKwuJmlli,N 0RTH.
Duoembor 8th 16C6
jo.ciiii tie, u.iinii me iiutoiMi 11 mi ui in "I . ,.,...., iiea,ls uf fiiiu lies, ttltoate
l! llriuK- fiirVl." lecuieryilf lUe ..mi or One V(,u,. As hatching takes .luro th.ee
v a.7.1 mid iiitt-lx d1dl.11 uml ii)i.i:. a .,.... .,M,oii. nnd ns tlicie ate
U me ; HI nml loMiint M.pply, ol ll.o
bci'iiulllty1 .!.. "!.a...u. ;;''.,T:!fdtl:
.Miirtlii wi uru" -"""
He a Woinnn.
Oa I vo ltcnrd n gentle motlicr,
As ilie twilight hours, began,
Pk'MiImg with a ion on rtutv.
Lrginghimtobcit mm'
But unto her blue-cu-il ilaucrhtcr,
Tlionch with love's words quite us"
Pointssh'e out (he other duty
"Stme, my dear, to bo a lady,"
Wlmt'b n lady ? Is it toincthing
JIado of hoops, and silks, and airs;
Used to decorate the pat lor,
Like the fancy tings and chairt?
Is it one that wastes"on novels
Kvet'V fi'nlilinr flint U Iminnt. "3
If 'tis tins to be a lady,
'Tis not this to be a wotnntt.
Mothei1; then unto your daughter
Speak of something lusher far
Titan to be mere fashion's lady
oiuan is iiiu onciiiest star.
jr ., . . ,-
' ' VOIIf btl'OllC alleetlOU.
L'rgc your son to be a tuio man,
l"rire vour dauirhter no less struni'lv
To aiise and be a woman.
Yes, a woman btlu'hte! model
Of that high ntiirpeifeel beau,
Where the mind, nnd soul, and bod
Blend to woik out life's great duty,
Be a woinnn naught is higher ",V
On the gilded list of fame:
On the catalogue of ittue
There's no blighter, holier name.
Be a wonitin- on tu duty
liaise the world ftoinall that's ln',
I'l.tee high in the -(iciiil heaven
N'it lue's fair and radiant bow!
Lend thy influence to each dibit
That shall raise our uattiie human;
Be no fashion's elided ladv,
Be a brat e, whole-souled" t uie woman.
The CnnarylJlrtl Trade.
The Gorman steamers bring large
quantities of canary birds, forming a
eoiMilerable trade." The itnpoitatioii
for the current year comprises liotti Ill
teen to twenty 'thousand bird-, valued
at say eighty thousand dollars Some
curious fact's ate connected with lUU
bus'ine-e, as obtained by the Journal nf
Comineice hum one of the importers
The L'ranil bird ccntie of I'm ope i
jthc Hiutz lountains, in the State of
Hauotcr, while tlicie aio ttmeroii
villages specially addicted to itti-iiig
these little songstets. The inhabitants
lclf inainlv for stibsNtenee upon niiii
iiug gul'i nnu Miter lire, mn, in-iu-i
poor, almost the entire itopulattoii, its
liv a eommoii instinct, devote their
hiVne time to tearing birds uiid inaking
the little wooden eatrcs in which theso
cicatuies me caiiusi to mo i.nint
station, I'm tv mill's distant, and after
wards tmiisjiottcd actoss the ocean.
The Ilartz Ii'tiiitniu lire not sup
posed to be especially udtiiited togrotv
iiigeanaiii", tisno dilllciiltyis cieri.
eiiced in raiMiig them in any mild cli
mate, but the people in that legion
shaie their dwi'lliiics with the biidsoii
equal terms, saerificittg so inuehof per
sonal comfort ns may be necessary for
the welfare of their featheieii compan
ions. The houses aio 8innll, but one
cotnerofthepiiucip.il loom is separa
ted (torn tho i est bva light parlit ion,
and lesctted exelttsivclvforthe vauotis
iHoeesscMifuest Imililiusr and itienba.
tin... At the end of the bleeding heli
con the bird me ' to Hamburg or
f.u. wl.ii. Miciit. cNcein oniy ii
Qf ,htf , ourv
fiom want o p.oper nue.. . - -
. ..n....iiAii f..m tlm
iMieiits; ami tno iniis-..u-' -
r 1 ... , tvientv.fito to lorty
iim.iii'ii in iivfii .-.- . .
a!... .t.l ut I Willi
erccnt., which is atttibtttabje to con
erne inbitd weather. ,Tl.ee toy-uiitiiiv-n
, . ,,:, ns
,... in e nccessaiiiy "u " """":
tho bitds loso their
voice iliui num i
... 1 .1. ..........
in tho warm
season, linn uniw
1 ' .i if sent to tlio inaiKfi .11
tb'VTiiiu'11 Thev aie not nppicci.ited
if thef can't sing a'"1 ,l "ot uW,uar
if they
soiccicis tnni 'r" ,1 ofF.ee-
. . !.... ..rmi'lsOa 10 lit-
dotn naya.nl..i,l.t,.:!.t-1 ,,
j7 4JI.. inn IMII1I Iliv - -
lit and day,
inlohl le.n e, " '"' ""',.
1 ...111. ,1...
1 1 1 1111 n vi- p. - . .--.-,
t!,t,lr!",ll'rh of.'r.i ointoryn.i.1 Tin: Madison Argu, told
clectiwtlioiigl ' bv thestiongimanied friend that ho tvoub
poctiy, wcie """p. we;0 (nkeu upidilleienco between the innti lino;
nimsot steaui. . j bUCpt fiom 'editoiial experience. Iu 0110
m(sito wind","'';
bv inpuisiie '"""., ...:.,-. ....
t,''rt'',t?ol cimo heinountaiu;
They 10,0 to hoc ,c.
y$ , dowuX mine; they lloat-
'eJ ' " .. .1,1, ocean, until
,i,n iieonio
cottage 01 -
Finn. ,
a lot o' rye.
at lengiii
e,l out " ",r..:011 Wnr for iieedom
Wn,flVmefo. a 'cicct citili.ation,
fallow He Lost HIsTnll.
Gentlemen,' said a tall Kentuckinn
..!.'.... .... L.l I..! I.. .-I!.. . ,.
Inuling up, and
I leisurely taking" his
chair, 'don't make fun
seat in a acant
of that tba'r dog, it you please,' and
with a face of profound melancholy
and touctiinir natlios lie added 'unless
you want to hurt his feelings.'
vi luuin- uiji mi, ii tun moling ii.
years nco'I used to take mv riflo
and old Hiptcarcr, of an arternoon and
think nothing of killing ten b'ars. One
cold day in the middle of w inter, be-
in' troubled a good ileal with an old
he bear thnt used to cam oil' pigs by
the do7cn, I started with .Jiptearer dc
termined to kill the old rascal or die
in the attempt. Well, after we had
gone nbout two mile iu the wood,
we all of a sudden came light smack
on tlm old b'ar with his wileand thiee
cub, i know'd I couldn't shoot Yin
all at once, but I know'd if I killed ei-
t1.111? ,lcnv lul ' ''ccomo cm tailed lmo'iQi-i' to do with the niennturo
of his fair proiioitions?' IdjJoSjt of such men than tho excess of
ell, gentlemen, I'll tell yon,' said mnnill 'Jabov. W had, n shoit time
tho Kcntuckian, replenishing tho spa- since, a "long list of French authors,
cious hollow of his cheek with a quid w1io,1i4m fnlleninltfprcmnttiro decav.
of tobacco. 'That thar dog was the Now, IflParis, corre'pometit of one of
greatest b'ar hunter of Kaintuckv. A the I.nndAii InuninU inVes nn tlm nne.
either or the old 'un, t other wouiil tion of which has just nppeareiM j.c
make at me, for I could see that they brim at oiir.i'J Xwot '"' u ,,U'L' n l'vcr'
were mortal hungrv. So savs I : 'Bin . Villtinain, the lather ol the Arid-my,
whal'll wi' il" 'i kunifrt what I whose election took place in eighteen
was say in,' and w ithout waiting to hold hiiu.lred nnd twenty-one, is sevent v-six;
anv confab about it, ho guv a growl I cterv now and then we hear of his be
anil pitched ilitht in among them. iMg seriously ill, but for all that helms
With that 1 let llv at the she b'ar, oo not the icmotct idea of either acating
I know'd shn wMo'iiie worst of the two hg faiitouil or of giving up his fiine
when the cubs was about. ' tions ol perpetual secretary, w hlch ho
'Otershe lolled as dead as a mack- fullllls with the most assiduous ptti.ct
eial. Hip ho hitched on the b'ar, and Ualitv. Iunartine is seu'iitv-six, yet
they had a mightv tuel fur about five ,i, step is elastic, and he holds himself
minutes, when tlio b'ar began to ro.ir ns upright ns when he saved tho conn,
enough like blue murder. I rati np'trv from lepublicanlsiu in eighteen
then nnd knocked his brains out with hundred and foity-eiglit. I'louietis,
the butt-end of my lille. The cub wore sevcntv-ciglit, has been ill forlenyeai,
so skcered and cold that I killed 'em nil yet attends icgiilaily. Count Chillies
in two mimitci with my knife. But !0 Alontaleinbeit, iiml I'ousatd, the
Hip took on ten ible about my knock, popular poet although both ill are
ing of the b'ar on tho head. At fust I m! in the full possession ol theirbiil
thought that he wn going to tackle i;:int faculties. M. ('itil.ot, seventy-nine,
on me, and sas I, 'Hip that's down 1 ,i .,, Thiers, sivtv-nine, htill reiite
light ungrateful.' With that he sneak- K.t the July inoutiicliy with all their
I'd oil" in a liuir, but 1 could see he wa. wonted vigor, nnd eaeh'of these eter
tenible mad yet. Well, I left the :..,8 Orleanist btatesinen enjoy robust
b'ars on the ground, concluding to call health. Berryer, seventy-four tho
back with the neighbor for 'em as staunch legitimist, is ns bright and ac
soon as 1 could let 'em know. On tho ' tivo as any man of his ago; Victor
way home, Hip kep' ahead of me. J.v-1 Cousin, tho delightful biographer nl
erv tune lie tlioiigiu now 1 kuiuu uie
olil b'ar, his tail would stand light up
on end he wa powerful mad. It was
gettiu' on to night and began to gtow viiit to Cannes during tho winter,
lieein' cold. About a hall'aiuile fiom q'he Duke do Broglle, 1 ighty two, son
the house. Bin he camotoa halt, think in-law to Miidnmo do Stai'l. is still as
in' he'd hate another look hack in the
direction ol the lais. Thesccnt ofViti '
raised his dander wttss than ever. IBs
tail stood light squar' up as still' as a
hoe handle. .Mist ineu 11 come on jH, lueaking ilown 01 a gieai intellect
colder than ever, andrtJ tip's tail fii. under set ero toil. One of his liiogni
ex'ictly as it stood. I wasin a bad llv I pliers says; That Minister who, for
I h'ul 110 tiro to thaw it. While 1 1 nearly a quarter of a century, guided
was thinkin' what I'd do to get it down , the helm of the State, and weatheied
agin, a buck deer spuing up and stait- tjl0 stotnis which asalled him, died in
ell right over a fence about fifty yards eighteen hundred and siv, on the mint
ahead. Hip did not wait to bo told versniy or the day on which, twenty
whar to go, but pitched eiil-bent nrter fnr jvars previously, he had pronoun
tho deer. 1 crocked away with my 'ced in l'arruiinent his' first speech, whieh
lillu and just raised tho fun between made him tho I'riino .Minister of tlie
his horn. As soon as Hip got lo thoj fountry. In tho latter yearn of his
fence, ho thought he'd make a short if0 ho was broken down by political
cut, so he dashed right through, but u'tersos and by illness, as well as by
his tail was so btittlo that it broke the fatigue ol perpetual intellectual ex
oll'bet ween tho 1 ails, 1'oorold Hip was ,.rtion. Almost continually Hii.l'ciiiig
done for good. He nover had a tail to (Voin aU'eotion of tho stomach, which
show alter that it bioko his feelings 'tlcpiivcd him of all appetite, ho had
us well ..s his tail, and that's how he neeiistomed himself to seek in tho im-
came to lost-it. And now, gentlemen,
I'm gt'ttiii' a little dry, and il you ve tho physical stienglh, pcihups a n.o.
no objections, we'll take a horn.' meutiiry relief fiom meiitiil suHering.
--- 1 Iu alloititig tho habit to gain on him
OiiKitO.v Ff.oi'it ik .N i:tv 1 oitK. m()I0 and inoie, and nssutiio tho cluir
ICnajip, Burroll it Co. of this City, ,a.trof an iuipeiioiiH want, ho coinplo
have icceived a dispateh fiom Chas. t,.,i tho ruin of hU nliendy shnkuii eon
IJiition, of Now York, informing them ,jtutioii, although his powerful ciier
that the invoices of Oregon Impel nil .. faculties struggled energetically
Flour, shipped by thoin to .New l ork, t0 t)l0 asl ,,j,.,jsl itH decay. His in
had been sold at tho highest figtiies, jj.um., countenance, the pioloiii.d al
vi-t: 10 iu cutienev per banel and l0,atio his feattnes, toriuerlv noblo
that it was sought after. Our Caliloi-, ail(i ,..,1,, jcVe.iled sadly to till eyes,
uia nelghbois can now pr.itu about l)ic Im.,llic10y chaugo 111 his habits,
"lack of gluten" until they are tited.t, Austerliu is said to have killed him.
Oicgou flour has been found equal il .
not superior V) llio oest juisteiu orwai
ifoinia bi amis. Wf html Herald,
. 1 t s. r t
T. U'ar Department has decided
that every bounty claimant is icgaided
as having served to tno cnu o mu tvur,
who enlisted for three years and was
mtisteted out becauso his services wore
n 1. ,...,.. ii.nniifd. bo is thciuforo en-
.til, ..I "tn fuliliiiniiiil bo.intv under tho .
' VfJulvSS. 1800. '
. I
Tms MmlUnn ylraw told a nowlv
Id find a I
caso tho
1 devil cues for copy, and in tho other
the copy cues like tho devil. I
Wo bate known "cony" to beat tho'
devil badly nt that game.
Bktiiii.ved. Dr. O. P. S. Plummeri out."
and family arrived yesterday on tho, Humanity owes that barkeeper n
bteamship Oritlammc, with tho inten- vote of thanks.
tion of making Oiegon their future
home. Tho Doctor's old fiiends web' A dissatisfied husband consoles htin
come him back, and tire proud that Or-' self for his wife's humors at tablo by
egon is still his choice. Herald of drinking a silent toast to tho martyred
1 8fA. ' memory of Bluebeard.
NO. 15
lhain-l.itlior ititd Stliiiuluiits.
n article nas tieett ironiir tlio rouuiis
of , tlio, paper, of late, put porting to
slto' bow soon the labor ol the Drain
bL down the health of
ed wW-fearniiiij and liter.ttui
iiieii devot-
A eloo
liiOusfii'-it m nf tin. ni,itt,.r will tinw
thtif lil neglect of the ordinary laws
o iieaun, ami tno usu ot mimuiams,
nurti'il. tnkes nn tlm nue
tlon lifticr mMitpd in retranl tothfeelloef!
0f hard brain Hlboron longevitv. He
notices tha'.'most of the talente'd men
0f Franco reach ft mature age.
Look, for instance, at'some of tho
men of tho Aendemie Francaise. M.
Viennet, although eighty-nine years of
age, is yet in tho full enjoyment of his
intellectual faculties. M. do Segur, nt
elghty-ilx, is as alive to all that is go
ing forwatd a he wasthittyycaisago;
do I'otigertille, sevenly-siv, comnleted
the other day the letision of his line
translation of Lticictiti,' '" louitli etii
0 eeleliiateil women ol I.ouisaivh
time, although sttlli'iing fiom chest ills
t.Mso, preserves his health bv tin anniial
polished and strong as though ho weie
tiimlis of steel.
q')0 inv.xl Knglish statesman, I'itt,
; usually put down as uu Instance of
matleratu ue of wine, 11 stliti.iltiH of
Incidknt. At a second class hotel
at Frankfoit, Ky., a few days since, a
little gill entered tho bar-room, and Inn
mill. I tone told the oar keener that
ter mother sent her theio to got eight
"Kight cents!" said tho barkeeper.
" Yes sir."
. . .
" What does your mother want of
e'K"1. ,?e,,ta (
? 1 don't owe her any
"Well" said tho child, ''father
spends all his money licio for ruin, and
and wo liavo no btead to-day. Jloth-
er wants to buy ti loaf of bread."
A loaler suggesteii to 1110 narKcepor
to kick tier out.
. "V "'! t,,5 barkeeper "I'll give
her mother tlio money, ana 11 iter latn
er comes back heio again, I'll kick him
Tho whole channel of tho Mcditcra
ueati must bu strewn with human
bone. Carthngcniaiis; Syiian, Sidon
ians, Kgyptiitiu, lVi-sinn, Greeks ami
Homaus there they lie, side by side,
beneath tho eternal water, and tho
modern ship that brings freight from
Alevandiia, sail In Its wholo courso
otcrbutictl tuition. It may be tho
cortitption of tho dead that adds that
biightness to the prophitescnec of tho
waves. The Otientnls have a super
stition on this subject, which rcprcenti
the spliits of tho departed as hovering,
wnetner on lan.t or water, over tno
spot wheie tho itiins of their earthly
tenements are found; so that in plough,
ing the Mediterranean we sail through
ai mies of ghosts 11 10 it multitudinous
than the wave. Thoo patient spitits
sometimes ride oil thu loam, and at
others rcpoo iu thoo delicious llttlu
hollows which look like excavated em
orals between tho crests of the waves.
It is their armies all thionging togeth
er, they believe, that constitutes the
phosphorcsenco of tho sea wherever
there is light; and tlm billows Hash
with tho lumlnousncss of vanished gatt-
oration, that concentrate, 4s It wore,
tlio starlight 011 their wings'.
a IIi:itoi8. Man cati do nothing
greater than to lay down his life for his
country. The human in ml uan con
ceive o'f nothing grander or sublimer,
than tho act of one who immolates him
self on the nltnr of his country, and
quits the ttiuld, in older that others
iniiy bo greater nnd happier. And this
has been done for us by multiplied
thousand. Duiiitg lour long yeais,
the Kti'inal gales liavo been constant
ly tilled up, to let iu thu shades of out
countrymen, who went up in lliitleiin
cohotts I ruin the whlilpool ol battle.
Tln.It- liiuketi tabei nticles lie upon every
hill, nnd plain, and wilderness, lu thu
(link and tatal laud of slavery', and
years hence, the whistling plowman
will stop iu silence and dismay as ho
upturns a home's skull fiom the furs
iy;J)aily Flat.
Iu a recent case in Indiana, n Justice
complacently reiuaiked in summing up
the testimony: 'Gentlemen of thejury,
iu this case ll.o counsel on both sides
tiro unintelligible, tho witnesses on
both sides aio iuetedibli', and thu
iilalittill'aud dcleuilaut tno both such
nail characters, that to me il is a mat
ter of indiireiei.ee which way you give
vour verdict."
Tho following is f.oii. thu Zanesvillo
Times: Among tho mnuiugcH occur
ling in this city last week, was one of
.1 highly icspectablo young woman, to
tin inditidjial who wits a Southerner,
and at the beginning of the warn slate,
notwithstanding tho fact of his having,
to nil appearance, no uegio blood 111
his M'iu.
A Wealthy man who lately died in
Toledo, Ohio, left a will bequeathing
half of his wealth (being childless) to
his wife lor her use as long as she ie
mains single, thu other half lo be git en
to her when she mairies again. If
such nets weto molt' fiequenl, charm
ing widows would bo luoiiM'hariuiug
and widowhood much shoi ter lived.
A gentleman iu tho spiiugtiino of
life, when walking with a lady stum
bled and fell. On his lesuiuing his
peipeniliciilnr, tlio lady lemaked, "Mm
was sotry IbrhisuuloiluuutoiiK.r' mm.'
"I didn't hint my foro paws," said he,
"I only baiked my knee."
At a Ith of July celebration in .Mil
lion county, Illinois, a young lady of.
feied tho following toast: "Thoyor.ng
men of Ameiica (lair anus our sup.
poit; 01raiiiis their luwuid. Fall iu,
men, fall iu,"
A teacher said to a llttlo giil at
school: "If a naughty giil should hurl
you, like a good giil you would foigivo
her, wouldn't yon V" "Ve," she to
plied, "if I couldn't catch her."
A oleigytuaii gavu thu following
toasl that was not te.y gallant, at u
Into Ii. ennui's celebration: "Ourliineu
giues may they bo like old maids ev
er ready but never wauled !"
A young man being asked, as ho lay
sunning himself on thogr.iss, what was
thu height of his ambition, replied,
"To marry a rich widow with u ;ad
An editor says that when ho was iu
piisou for libelling a Justicu of tho
Peace, tho jailor had tho "cheek" to
ask him to giu thu piisou a pull'.
Ttventy-flvu yens ago, but a slnglo
house uud a log cabin stood upon llio
site of what is now the l.ugu and flour
ishing city ol ht, Paul, .Minnesota,
"How does that look V" said Mr.
Camp, holding out his biawuy hand
and looking at II with admiration.
"That looks as though you weto out
of soap," leplied Amos.
A couplo weio ma. i ied iu Ohio tho
other day, not leat ing their sleigh, but
tho obliging magistrate standing on
tho cuibstone.
Theio is an aitcsian well in Indiana
which squills un '.'00,000 gallons of
sulphur water a (lay,
When guns go oft' do they icturn
again? No, but wo hear fiom them.
Woman is a delusion; still men will
hug delusions.
Tho skeleton of tho theater tho
Tho fair sex recognLo cotton as their
"bosom fiicnd."
When is an infant liko a cannibal?'
When it eats its "pap."