C n r-v t 1 ft Hi. e . ,' I mill,' ffiTlffl nnrniv li uunuuii .Ul'KSO.WIIiLB OltlMiOX. H"TciF iillINT." I 'H Till' ."INTINM. ...Pun t'rah.do Cnl. .Appl'vatc. Otfli. ...... vilir . lo . . Hock Po'nt do .Crnxlons Dlrlin it" I,. P. FMter. ... Thnm lvi KT. K.IHll I'. (!. lllr.lT.v. ThotnH Uroxion, .. Jor. (SUM J). M. Thoinp'on,. W. M. IK-an" 'I hw Carr Thotni" I'. Klnyil.. 8. W. Sawyer II. P. Arnlenoa. .. A. Ireland ('m. t. DAn TbftolrteOMMron. Jams I. Watson .Port aii J ...Allnny i ..Allhoutc i1" ....elit do Ketbyrllle do do ilo Phoenix ilo ..Mvt He Creek do . . I Jbttburi! ilo Prion Town elo ltoseUirg ilo Illneer IISTtnsn. of CAnjonvllli. general Ariit tor lioueM Utiimy. .tuni:.... ..2.1.1, IfGfi: ron Tiir.incMprM in i. ULYSSHIS S. OH ANT. "W'nll tlmifl thou euod nnd faithful nr v Mil." Tho penpb bavr rewards for pall I all -olbmtnt fur ttnilnr. Tito Aiiii'tiititU'iif, Another grand stride 1 ston lo bo (n- ktn In llic nmcli of American clvllintlnn. Tlie contittiilonal nr.undm,nt bos been officially piMMied by the Secretary of ytnlc, ai1wltl hi Immull.tteiy transmitted hy tht President lo the (lovcrmits of the' emr.tl Stutrs for I be nciimi of the State IHtlslalnrw. Tbtre Is ttltU doubt that It will b nceeptod by the wpillir number of 8tlrs nn I Jattlcfprae and fnlure- se ciirlly be among tin gn.ir.wtres ol mir ftw lUtiKnUl In iv. Among the -Hootliern Htstes, Ter.mftt Mhssoufl, Went Vir ginia, Maryland, nftd.pethap. Kentucky. m.iT bo revtnlrd on ni sore to accept Hi "nmendimtit. Kentneky 1 eltangipg rapid ly', ami the (irnp'e nf the Sunlit must be Mind, Indent, int to fairtt tint tl.y can iiol Maud athwsrt lb rocrMi uf civilin ttoti. nml by a continuance if Ibrir inl tsken folly, imp! their own ptlillrnl rr oiganlxtllon. It Is timet Inr ihein In Worn that the guilty Imdrr tf lie rcbrblnti art to linrc no biro In tl control of ll cov frnmnit. ntnl that rrconHrucllon rin only tnkc pbec on n In "In of wUttg atxl tin tVllonnb!c mnrlty. One tiiMirdi;liiK fi'ittiiri? In tle final inapr of the Dl;iftl . mfnlli, ll.c flgnllicant (net Ibut every ITnlonlilTn liolh l!ruCJ votcil njc, ilmw Iti? condiiflrrly Hint the breach between tl lVutdcDt and Cntiprc wn clwed, ntul thnl IhfTtluM meet cordially nnl harmrj nloutly on (hit common (.-round, ncreein? tipnn a riKftJiirc that hsi for lt objet the ultimate prtupcrlty of tho hIio! country. We apprehend that ihlj nimrdment ulll form a middle ptotind, on which nil can unite who rea'ly dMre n.cnrnplctc ariTlait InjT rennlonof the Itrpiibllc not too rail leal lo alarm cnnjcrvatlve men, not too con Krvallve to only half fatlufy the frlendi i.f cjircme tntaiure, not too mceplns to ex tmuo rcuuiwrn rrjirc niniicn, nor Iihi yielding to (fftud luueli hopo for uulliy trolton, It cnoournRii and nilmuhitci the loyoliiti of IIjc South to continued cxer tion,ai.dnMtitci tin in that n diMltietloti Miallbpinade between the Mjal and thf dliloyal. It h.lriiiKd no rIht'of n State In repeet to Miflraye. bnt dtnlri any Stale the right to enjoy n fictitious reprffcnla- tlon. It plvc evrry State tho prlvileBf 01 representation (or the actual Totlnj; pop ulatlon, but force no particular Kind id lutTroRe on any Ktute, In lliln, it ctublm the eoptoof tho lately rcbellloui State to enjoy the full tcprcxntatlon for their cob ured population, provided they choow lo irrant il,em the franchlie, and there I little doubt but the people of ihcec .Slate will Dud It to their luterett to do ro. Wu canicjtlr Iioi that this matter will bo calmly comldend by our owulejjlila- lure, at Hi union In KeptemUr ccjt that It nay be looked at, uot In n partisan plrlt, but with a view to the fpeedy and final Mttlcmuit of the diflicnltiei that Mill crdangtr the couutry. We trust our leu Walute may adopt tho amendment rd . ihow the States be; ond the mouiitolnj that Oicfjon U In favor of any plan of recoti. Uruclioii that will Insure a laitlnsiulon, bMtd onjuitlcaand right to nil men. iMrjipvKiimi. Tie town of Juckwn vlllo pnseota quite a lively nppearaneo thin Summer all the earpentcra mid paint iwurc busy at work with hammm.saws and paint brushu. Many of tho old building ore belmj rcpaln-d and paluted fup, and many new one will booh bo vl.b b!c. TLo demand Vor lumber Is to i;reat that all the tawinllla mo over full with order. Ono brick kiln bus ulrcady been burned, ocd another one I on tho way. Two llmo ldlna will be burned this Summer.- P. J. Itjau I making preparations to build a lirlck residence on Third Ureet, between II. I JJowell'a law-offico uud the Imprint Saloon j II. P. Dowcll will com mence building on iiddlllon to hi reeldenco oo 0. W. Savage I building on 0 strut, between Oregon nnd Third j Dr! Qreinman Intends bnlldlug oq the corner of California and Plftli Btreel; 0. P. Allison will build a carpenter tdiop this Pall oo the eamcblock.frontlng Oaliforula street j Wra. UofTman hat bad hi old res idence) torn down, and I building n new rwtdence. Tho improvements mentioned, lojjeiuer with tno many minor ones, such uiljulldlog feneei, grading nod repairing slde.walki aod alrcets, etc., give our town frwb and lively appearauee. The coun try has the same thrifty appearance-rnew buildings and new fences everywhere show themselves. Can't J)o It. . COI.VLR. AffM-flATK I CO. An excruclitlngly pollto and pointed fpltlr hn come to hand, rc-iur'tlng us to 'recant" the article In Ial week's Inie re fitting, to bolter?. Wc aro sorry, very nrry, that we can't comply. On examina tion of the poll bookj, wc find Ihal Mr. ('. K. Klum bolted the Union candidate for I)lirlct JndR'1 ! nnd. lh,r,fori', cat on half oti for the ('opprrlfad candidate' A n tnembrr nf the t'nloti trty wjip n fiuni" n promjocnt portion, and l exceed ingly bhlant nlut "political principle"."' wp think Mr. Klum bad belter vote for principle and not men. It exv the Im putation, you know, neighbor Klum, that yon don't bile Copperhead quite as much n you pretend lo, and lend Union men to believe that jour politlcil principle l con "Idembly mixed wllb gammon. You Lad Juta much ilacttt to bolt each and every nominee of the County Convention, alo bolt the candidate for itilcl Judge; hiid our Iaiprelnn al preenl l, that you won't do lo lni"t politically. An examination of the poll !oftk lirln, eeral other little thing" ti light. We njl that the ieronal enmity of every "Applegato" and o( their em ployee.", prnmptnl them to fnrrgo "pollllcnl principle -boll tiro Union candidate, and caet half a vote rack for IV person they have lookril upon a an unrilllgatrd Cop ixrbtsd. Tho only conolurlon l, that Ihey. n Unlonlit", are unmltlpted hum Ut: Oan of tlice genlbuifn wa drle gate to the conventluii that nomliiatul Mr. llowtll. Tim, luitiiaeulate, patriotic, antt eorH)rate, antt enntraet, Mir-eeellent champion or I'OMTICAl. I'ltlNCII'l.iy. Mr. 9aiaurl t'olnr. U foil nil lo lute lolled or enmlMat fur Senator nml County JdV Me'-r. I.oveatid J teob'-probxbty lernii"e thewt gnllcmth-4q'irHhrlr money nnd time and lallufiw In the advancement nf the eery prlnelple" lie Is unworthy In talk nlintt ; nnd whll he wa gtltldlng alnml principle, they ut their lmulder to the wheel and workml for II. rrunaHtl bare defeated the Union randM.ttes of lid" county for lhelat two eletllon". .S. Cob r wa enlni'lid with the pruxb-s of l'orl Klamath. The toldUrs nl Tort KUinttlt, all except one, vnteil the whole of the Union ticket i yt.. Colver. wlioheld their proxies In the ci'inly convention, bolted two of Id nomlm". Wc think those gen tlfwen bad lettrr renmln qitlef; and nat try to folt IhemMdvex n the piitdlc n deeply Injured Indltldual". Union men of Jack son county, vole for principles and not men. ami never let meli men n Klum. Applegatr nnd Colter, tier any one who holt your ticket, enter your convention", and the Union ticket will yet triumph In Jackton county. On1 lire Tin ilo. Why the cltlMns of Southern Oregon can't liter Into competition with Northern Oregon and Northern Cullfurnlt for tho Owyhco trad l a mystery to ti. At. fur at wo are geographically cot.ctrnid, wo aro neanr lhK rich mine than eliher. Wo haeoln thl valley, or in'ght lute.Fiirplu" enough to kop fifty or sixty tmtns supplied with freljthl. The f.irim r havo the team and the freight, and rould they oneo gel the trado to lids valley Ihey would lixvo the money which goes to other parts of the .Statu. All, the supplies to the nuilhern country hate to go there over wagon road', nnd wo can as well have the roads as any erne. Tho United States (Sovernment lu generously explored nnd legated a road the greater part of the way. and we havo no doubt would do so tho balance of the dis tance. .Sgmo m.ty say that there I danger from tho Indians but we answer that there arc troop In lint country for the purpo-o of prote-ellng tho eommerco of that country, and the military autliotllles havu nlw.ies showed Ihemulves willing and rady to furnbh nn c-cort to any train which has goue out through the tavern part of Ore gon. Now, the thoroughfare! from Chleo, Cab, to Owtheo, and from the Halle lo Canyon City arestronglygsrrlsoneil with troops, nnd If such a thing were nieded, n road from Iloguo I! leer Valley to Owyheo could havo the tamo protection. runners now begin lo talk of wheat being wortlj only fifty cents per bm-hcl this 111. Now, If the-y would load up a large wagon train and ship it ofT north, It Is our opinion they would realise a dollar per bii'hul as readily a fifty cents. And again, let a Woolen factory lo built, so that blank ct may bo turned oul by (he bale, und our word for It tliey will find ready sale for them In the mine of Idaho, There ore hundreds of teams going from Chlco ond Ited Mutr, Cab, thh year, nnd wo might a. well freight u few Iralus from thl valley as to let the CallfutuUns havo ull tho profile. In u letter from Captain Spragua, IH'uklns of tho Owyhco mines, he rays t "They arc probably tho rlchpst lo the world, and are of tho lasting Mod, and will nllurd work for thousand." These thousand" have to eat, and why should not woof Iloguo Itlver Vulley play tho good Samaritan? l'linncm nnd teamsters think nnd talk of thl Owyhee trade, and doti'l slop at think log, but net. TELEGRAPHIC. Sl'UClAI. TO Tim SHSl'LSKL Dates lo the 211s of Jim;. Nkw Yoiik, 13th. Gold payment" this week will b- nearly nominal j there Is ctcry Indication that wo liUvo nliout reaeheil the endf the specie drain. Thco have been day when the llucj tnatlons in gold were wid r, but they were liioro'Treqlieni today, and Ihc excltemsnt iin" greater than on any prcvlou" day In the hMory of the gold m.trket. The trans action" have been rnormou". '."The I'eenlng Ws money article say the eaoltemtnt In the gold market appears to have exhausted Itself tho loan maikcl Is easy. WasiitMiriiv, 1'Jth. In the Senate, when the morning hour expired, the special order wa the bill to regolelu the occupation "of mineral hud. which was taken up nr.d dbeu"ed by flier man, of Ohio. Henderon. of Indhna, MeDotignl, of California, nnd Stcwnrt, of Nevada. N On motion of Hoisard. of Michigan, the ltou" Joint rcolntloilrrnpiestlnir the fre Idenl to tranmlt to lb" several States for ratification the amendment to the Constitu tion. va taken up and pawed. In the lloifc, A'hley, of Nevada. Intro duced n bill granting the right of w-siy nnd other prhllegn to nhl th construction of n (iiiuiel for the (Vin'lotk bod, whleh wa read twice, nnd rifcrred In the commlltee on mines and mining. Il'dwell. of Crtllfsto nla, Introduced rf bill to encourage the con struction of n t-Iegrnph line between Call fertile nnt' Idebo -lend twle. and referrnl lo tho committee nn public bind". The i-'p nker stated that the cnnlltutlona1 aintmtment wa pnblishfd Mllolally by the Secretary of State lhl ii'.ornln. In the llmie, l'rlee,' of town, front I he Pacific Itallniad Comptny. reortn the Simile Idll gtantlng aid fur Ilo- construction of n railroad nnd trlrgr.iph from l'olom lo I'heertltle, with nmvhdmeut., which nder eonshleralde- debate, wnt lefvttnl lo the cominlltep on pnldlc taml". Six UaeM-tscs, 21st. Tho V. S. Sub. Treasurer shipped flee hnndml tlom.iend dollar. In gedd on tb ht s!eiiner not talfet'd. TLo new steamer S. M. Whipple built to run nu tho otMiltbm line lutween S.n I'mnrlscu nnd .Vieramanto, wa hcc-lully lanjthi) nt Coueon's strip yatd.nl Chik's Point. U-t ctetdng. She l expected lo raako be r llrst trip Inulioilt n week. No iffiirt" were made by the San Matlro authorities to proven! the prl fight In thHr country, or If nny, Uy were untiic cesful ; for the fight came otr nl Cunning ham's Stilloo, nn the Snu Jo. Jtillroad, In th'preenec of nU'itl six hundrid sptela tor". Taylor and lllak y fought 'J' rounds In one Iioiir and twi-nty eten minutes, Hither winning the flyhl by a foul blow, although lb? myt severely Injurr.l of the two, A seeoud tight, bttween Johnny lie tine, alias "The Chicken." and Thorn t Me Cioeern. alias '-Soip." was won by the latter after IIS round", occupying one hour nnd I'.liy-flve nltiutvs. lllakey was so severely pummidel ax to require surgical treat ment. Tho Spring Valley Water Company have concluded to'liurraw live hundred thmi.and doll it" for the eoinplrtlot of their work, and Id Iur bond a Mcurlly for the loan. The people are contributing liberally to wards the coming Fourth of July celebra tion, and the dirplay will not Ire a failure for want of fund". A great deal of Inter est Is mxnlfe-sled In thorn titer by allcla,k of citizens. Onu of the Uxecutlvc commit ic, alone, Im collect! .S 50. Tho omland mill Isruulilug very regu larly now, and wlih commendable speed j It hat m!rd only ono day In the lat two or three week, nnd on one nveatlnn brought letter from New York In twenty-one day. The steamer Iel Norte, which sailed from this city for Crescent City yesterday, re turned to port this mornlug, having broke h her piston rod. There has been au advance of two per cent. In Legal Tenders, owing to the limited supply available, and on Improved demand for the pajmeirt-of federal tax ; open prices at the hoard were 70 a 70, adt anting tu 71 a 72. Kastern lino down beyond I.aramle. Return of lou'pliluu County ''lection, Button Skntinkl; I Fend you n copy of tho election returns of Jweplituc county, us early a poislblc: OFFICIAL ELECTION RETURNS. rOlt CllNQItKSS Pay lf.fi Maltury 15(1 10 Majority. IdllllOMIIiNOIt Kelly 1 1511 20 "The WmiiKii. Last week wo ttnumht tome of writing a slatldng weather Item, as wo had two or three ilnysj tunihluo t but vfe aro glad wo did not, as thl week the weather has ''slashed" us. On Thursday last wo had a very heavy thowcr of rain, Quaim Macuinkmv, On Wednesday last we noticed threw teams pas through town, loaded with machinery for tho Occidental Quart Mining Company. Wo understand that tho company Intend having their mill running by the frit of September. " " i - - PuoioQturnr. Wo aroluforwed that our old townsman, O. Dodge, has taken rooms at itoeelmrg, nud is prepared to take pic tures in all styles of tio art. Woods Majority.. SIC'STATK, I-sno 178 May ,.,J3I Majority... 21 rTATK I'lll.NTKIt. O'Mearu 171 Mcl'heron.,..,.jf)r, -Majority, 15 BTATKYIIKANUIIKIt. Hell 17(i Cooke I&i Mutnrllv QO die ruicr JUDO K. Prim 191 Dowcll 131 Majority. . 03 ntSTItlOTATTOnSF.V Neil 171 Uault , ,,,14'j Majority... 2.1 IIW'llKsKNTATlVK. I. Cox 1C5 U.D.Southtvorthl-12 Majority.. 23 (X)UMVjfJmi!. 0. Oaldwcll(U.),163 u, Kurnam,,..rioa Majority, . 1, biinnrj'. T. Plotd(U.)...181 U.lliKhby.... .135 Majority... -Ifi cuu.Mvel.niK. It. Porl't(U)..IC1 II. K. Hannah. 119 .Majority.. . 11 hTlT tXIM. pTIIOOIJi V. Chapman ..171 S. Mc(3.tlUter...H0 Majority.., 31 MUMBtmtX 1". lioli 188 S, W.Sawjer.,.lI5 .Majority... 73 ... AKWll. Y-Sauinkr....172 A. Watu 1-lfi Majority... 20 cojitiicSiONKita. 0. Covle Ifil S. MeMlnger..,.162 .xtaioritv... 9 O.Logan(U.)...fi5 Howell 139 Majority. . 20 CKSIIONl.il. I- Kendall 178 W. ailiSOOt-rrrrlM Majority... 22 We have dono ps well ns could be ex pected In this forsak en count y, , n. 1,1 a. in. VOTE OF JACKSON COl'M'V, JUM2 4, 1800. , :NAMKS OP lMlKCIN'OTS . CmeUe'iUes. .U ; j fj?J fl v. ' : ft : . TS-lr.. Vl: " I : !l I : : i. ':':': i: i: "i: i : i ij ;: ii I ! I ' I I W III -r It'll I ' Fll III II (' Oonk it Dclviutr. Last week Mr. N. I.angol started for Portland to attend the lirand Lodge of Maeoos, lor 'C'oiigffM, Itnfus Mallory Jo.. P. Pay.. lor (nucrriorv OeO. L WooilJ .lames K. Kelly. ........ Vor S'tcrttarij o Sialt, .SumuerK. May Iifayctlc Iane 'or Slatt Trmtuttr, Kilwln X. Cooke John 0. Hell for .SWe 'r infer, W. A. Mcl'hcrioi liiiue 0 Meara lor Dull nl Jiulat, II. P..I)oweTl P. P. Prim lor l)itnil Atto..ity, II. M. C. tlatilt .1. It. Nell Vtr Sintt Stmt'nr, ilohnS. bive .I.N.T.MIIIt I'or llrpituntnlirti, Samuel It. Taylor C'lmuticcv Nye Horace It sol ,,i, P. II. Pnudray... John I'.. Ilo I (lib Wells . .....r or Cminlii Jiuige, Oraiiu'e .hitolif I.. J. C. Huncau lor t'nunlu Cltikr Win. ilniritnn..., W. II. 8. Hyde l'ar Men. - - Win. Itay,,, Win. Owen.. Vvr T'tiuum, Max Mailer David I.lcil lor .f"esoi Pat liitieC .;.... Sl'u.e .1, Day 7ur Smrtitor, J. S. Ibmntd. ....,. . W..I Ply mule y.. for Sihviil Snirinttii4ft' M.A Williams I. T. Davis For 1'u'Ik .tlminntrtittr, Win. Ilitcrr Hitman Helms For Cumiitr. .Iixeldi Jacobs,. P. II. llrceiiman I'or Co. VtanmmtoMtt, Pat Domgan W. (J. Myer .1. II. White P. Ilcbr. ir:. 191 155 :oo lfit 201 152 202 151 190 III) 207 i , 'l r.i.u 'tl XS1 IVI- 12 25 52,00,11 20 fi9si30 2rfir,5'i P 19 23 19 1119119' 9 02,10,31 1127.57 59 11 79 19 2.119'ld 19,20' 8 Cl!lO::il,lll27!54!r.S!12 2,80,1 GG7-I 5 9." 31,23 502 1 55150 DOI&T 101 ISO 150 78119123 19 Id 101:11,11127 1 19 23 20 19119,' 91 ft 50 1U20 C0!11 19 9 20 385 7.C91 I. 93131 ,22 5.J8 BieOili.CB'J 23559 17 094 wwn 505 9SI31 380 -lo'ni ; 1 1 isn.Atrcb' 1 1 ;:ic 3!.31i7ic7iHi09 73'IP 22 12 13 IMP P, 5 92 30 21 01 11 '32,.20 50 00,12,20 363,19: III 75 JO'22 20 11,18 21; fti'if, 32 23 31 13 25,55 6P lliO 3P2 17 109 CO 10 I 50,2 19 23 2115118 20 51 129 131 13" '701 55S C05I .'it C7j5P 10,31112 21 ftn';2 ifJOTlo l-i 1 iPsfto Triy-".' iiti 1 7519 22.19,11 H 5 S'1132'23'659 !.',r,l69l2'2.'it.:i 81(17 C52l I -IP fill ID0I57 19157 W7wft fi2,-ll)..,l2' II 22,51 5199 3212 II&S2 ft JH 32123 5.9'31 22 58lli25' 3 81118 no 170 15B ltU 131 211 011141:31,1122:55 58 11 25 5039,31 70'19,23 2011.120 50l40 31,1322 51 I IIS'MO 382 17 552 510 073 Of.7 G05; 1 771R,2I23,I5'21 21 &5i lipo' ItrSI .A3.57 7321 2I,I9'I3'17IP 01I38I33'23 57 0I 11, 1H C 9 21 5 97'3II23,573 3, 30 17.013 IGn.VV75IP'.'. '.T1-I.19 20 179j07j"KJ,ll 31,12,22 fift 59 111 19 71 19 23 19 I IIP 20 202.5'ft9 10 31 II 2260,5 160:50 7-1 19l22 19 1 1'ls-oi: 30:25ft78! ,M i& 15,011 23 531 G92 3,H,1' 181 107 9.1 121 115 117 03 1G1 1.0.0. P. ..,,,,. s K,n' I!rother',ln pfcllli1 .' lli.NnrI).MlXly"'ltl Trutee. -J i K , ,c Warn A Warren .Utaft.J eeat'.,,,... n,-".,' "t I't'Cii.nfii,. ,.;:""! 10NVIU.B 0Mix """'I C-WSlesMR!- ,052,, II 91 ftCii'32'l7'6t0l 11,25 3.bl 123,(183. 181 ft7 I.M.Mi 8,25 T 59"'33 11 13 1 H 3,500 thl I? UMi -.-' 1 - .i- mi in'-ii 11 I I 110 81 78,19 21 19 I22.2ri0 5 932 23 605 ftl 113 201 55,58 10 30 PJ'CI 19 22 ftiiSO I03I I2 22 52'6p; P25 ' I i 1 81 4 17f20l 9 13 22167 MM 1 18 13 18 201 . 6 3 81 .17,0-18, III 9S30i23 63l 3'8I17079 IM l'l r.Titv 22 20.1 Wi.fill, 10,-11 '16;22'50.69 12 25 3 83,17!C82 IC1 I 92,30,23 621 89 83 MB t- 'it llf.sl.MWP.l'.'l 20 14 lp'lP 11 5'98 30 23 655 j 115 fill 76,19 22.2o!l I8'20i f! 6 9S 30 23,518, i'.M 60 68' 10,32,13 22 60 68:11,25 3 80H7O71 ,110 I9l'50 01,111 33)13 22,60i6'Ji 9,25; 3 81,17 009,il21 Nonritw'Atut llorD. A drote of nliout one liuinltiil hoises paseel through town nn Tuesday litkt. They started from llulle County, California, nnd expect lo stop at Portland or tho Dalle. 1 certify that the fore'golng is n true ropy of the nb-lmet nf the vote milled In Jack ion Couuty, Oregon, Juno the 4th. IbCC. W.M. IIOPP.MAN.County Ctcil;. Steamboat City und Daidaitells prrclocls di not appear In the tubtc, owing to the fact that no poll book werc(i nnl in tho ft'tmrr precinct, and In the latter the voting n done by ballot until noon, whrn they we.ee teiiiTii'd.nnd most of , the voter went to Willow Springs nnd Prikmsvilto nnd voted ncain. U .Si.xot'i.en Cask. One of oar exchange- says there I a ycurg man In a town In Vermont who cannot sprsk to his father. Previous to hi birth, 1010 ehflirttice eroe between his mother and her Imtbaud, and fur n considerable lime she refused to sjcnk to him. This difficulty was lubscipieutly healed tho child was born, and In du6 time bsgan to talk tut when silting with hi father was Invariably silent. It con tinued to till it rvai fltn cars old, whin the father, after having rxhuuited Ids pow cr elf iicriuailon, thicatcned It with pun ishment for its stubbornneai. Whrn tho punishment was Inlllctt-d, it elided nothing but sigh nnd groans, which told but too plainly that the little sufferer was vainly eudravoting lo speak. All who wcro pre. rntuuiied In this opinion that It was Im ponlbto for the child to spralc to his father! and time proved their opinion to be correct. At a mature sgc its efforts to converts with its parent could only pre duce tho moil bitter ilglis and groani. A similar can, known to many pcrioni now living, occurred In one of the wcilcrn counties In Ihi. Slate. Th son is now living, nnd is a man of ordinary Intel!! Iff ne-o ; is a farmer, nnd resided with Id father up lo the lime of the death of the latter, which occurred when the son was about .twenty years of age, Many txpr. dlents were tried and fulled lo Induce him to speak to hi father; nnd although he rarely convened with hit associates about other matter, immediately became liltnt when asked the reason why Im did not sjeak to bit father. We never heard that the parents of thl man Lad uuy dlflicolly beforuhji birth ax that n'ludeeUo above I'mnl leite'i U'tdly. 2VXex'i-ioc. -At tho residence of lliu brldo's father, ou Wagner creek, Juno 17lh, by 1. M, Wagner, J. P., Mr. (ii-orgo llolawa and Mis Uebecca Ann .Stephens, - In Crescent City, Juno 12th, by the ftcv. Mr. Itlce, .Mr. John A. Ilaxtcr to Miss I.eno ra J, Wendell, bolh of Creeceut City, Call fornla. " Oood for you, John I You were always fur tho -'Union," nnd tho Union of worth and beauly must always prosper. Muv your happiness be lasting, and your sorrow as envrvciccnl as tho choice ".Slllery" with which you remembered the Press, nud with which Ihe Printer congratulate you. Soru. -of' -In Jacksonville, Juno 20th, to tho wlfo of Henry Julgo.atlaughter, I A T THK OITV DRUO AND HOOK Storo you will nod that hfy keep the best articles of snlce. seamnin ri,.,. and oils, crcajn tartar, tojla, pcr llarley, etc. " NKW TO-l)AY. tiii: c u r. at .snow or ickm I coining, nnd will soon be on exhibition at U. S. Hotel Hall, On VVcilni'Mlny 11 ml Tlittrsilit) r.vtiiiiigs, .Itine 27 i 28. Two Compauies United! lLAISDELL'S GIGANTIC PAH0H1BA Of Irish Scenery. TBS IIZBSlUnOOZf . Mil. T. -H? WARWICK, Delineator, it ml Blnisdcll Brothers ' Troupo of OriKliial SWISS BELL RINGERS, With all the Original members, assisted by MADAM BLAISDELL, Solo XX Y XT 13 last, FRANK MOORE, S o 1 o "Plxxtlant, AMI ZSS CLARA, Tho Charming IRI8rj BALUADIST. POORS OI'UX AT Jo'flofk, Jacksonville. Juuu 23, 'CO. , LOST NOTBsi T.'-I'. CAlUXlssv -'U HU.T ,J- Mcdicino(SWf ln.Iack...nrda,u f ' MtDce-lnJaekswti-i, f "" S- D. FARtio NOTA1JY PfiiL WamiVu'Vt. Wllltsktcknrr,t( t--t.Not..iMJfM-i,w "J l.rsjs Mill a,lnNl.J. a '! L. L. DAVIS. I'inslCIAS .IMsxtjJr OPPICK-Urt,,, Unit, r, ' lti:siI)KNt K1Irt. Vlr?E. Jackwotil'i. M.-,;; . ' B. F. DOWtn .T XjA-?, Jik i.r nKl Will pratiic- m ai; t r .. Judblal Iiitltkt U . f.--, gon.andin rtls j, ,vk-v. ly rollittcl PETER BRIT' IMIO'nTfsliAIMUCV 1 i'in:i'Mi;i) itiTtitp. tienii) n Mm OPTJIKAIlT. ' WITH AUlli; l..'II. IMHStilT. If I'lelsp-" b ; ; n'Ai charg" w,lH tasd' t,i bry. e tbr h.ll. ftsw. nr'r, sit (ot ywr bki-nr." J. S. HOWARO, SURVEYOR A CIVIL Ul JjtT?AtiLix vn llcldenee ner tlis Sv 1 U street. Jmv Oftlce at h', it JeweonM DR.L S TH0MPJ PIIVMCIAN AM) MM J.eiKioMiur,0ux Can be fviund either at lU !!m or tils it-oiienee, one 1IVK1 iiri-s s Cflire, tirepared ,f I teiiilinlotli'ierijuir';ui utknuiv he(n. J. ORANQE JAttnJ A'lTORNKV ANIi feAS .A.T XiAW, AND KOI.ICriUlt IM'JUN JarKsojr" j Ciius. eilOrr ,w.li Iki toil it At) business c, wa vs isj 1 Im- litoilipttr all, t-a "'; DFI. A. D. OVERBK Dr. On.rUVsUs"!"v' Irensol JiteVcM 1 . 'rsNitt: he has rclursid to J vaxJ- s the practh ef nMc'sf. lis ' U louud at ti'M slmJ,ai Hospital, onlfss s'wst I albudcr.'. IlceaM rfpf4 a ri-nvt of 5'riw r atroai,i J. II. US4TU, rtl LASATER4.LANCFCI AnOBNEVSalli Walla WhII flu, One door ett of KjptiKrt Sum- . .MASO.MC (BtBIl! VY M..willerl.UiiV KVOPSr JOHNS DAi s3 June. I"C6. , . All Maons is fw '" r fully Intiud 1.1 be present ' luiliefisiltlileseftnw. Ily ordor of -V'D Jacksoutllle,Jtioe.lfl A OUAIfP Will b given la tie tree'rf' IIOTKUacd every est M'5 In and make rperry. - tt It. IifOiV. DUCAN&WAl FOBWABDIHG ifl MERCIUS Xlriolx. Huil NOTICK IS IIUItEHY GIVPN THAT wo havo lot tho fob iwlng dc. irlbcd notes, and all percrns a.o notified not to irauo tor 1 n em : un noto tor iuu,payao:e On ItoBiin litvr in i7iT.".I,i"""T"l.m R01'1 c01"' or currency or tuo Unlteu iiro!,.-xjnacntr7a eon. . 3nn inorjco, Uaiti iiWi ,0h July( m and duo 7th July, I8CG j also, one noto of wiu niino wuor, 01 too amount 01 aw, and dated tho same date and due the 13lh of June, lBfiO. Itolh notea.wero drawn by Win. A. (Jlbson, and payablo toArabam V Uro,, or bearer, Thcxo notes have Inith been paid, and If any ono trades for them they will never get n cent. AllKAHAM k DM. lloecburg, Ogo., June 19th, J M0. CorucrerFroBlM CRESCENT CUT- miinviviu.AnES?.g 1' celling and (Of swi-trusle-d to their i'. ,?, sfM 11 . . . s -iriliflf K"l X celling anuivi".'-- jm rusieu 10 iuni - -;tlj tiipatcb. Tacy '" T1 1. nil, Unci for itormgw" ....W arraugemenlisolbsltfl'l 1...... Vi,ri,ah them aiwjj ore rebates, or low " g0,t?o.lSatlB ,!!. received on storage. ..tDi-nr GIV .Nxyeaa B'tmlnisiraior ' '.-. ,& li.iiM-k.'lalsor Jsessea.s ,k ""::zi:.u nooi mt sj "r",'.!: r.rwai-dwr:i 5jjsKa sujneu, ,r:,.'j, ao'!ZjM pfeenlx, '''teMessisl All persons 'Bd'"J,UF.'!5l qutstcU to wke ,mmi. A-fjl June H, '8Wl V