Good IYciys for Ladies! MULLER& BRENTANO, Agents for Graver A- Baker' eel- corated Elnstlc Stitch Si-tvinc Mncli'e, Hare on band n variety of these ma chine far trial and In spection. TO thee m.whine wa awarded tbe flrt Premium at the Stat ri- of N York Indiana. Vermont 'h' !' HI nols. Kentucky. Michigan. Pennsylvania and Otean. over 'all ojirHItiin Call around. ladies, twfore purchasing elsewberi. and examiue tb-i machine MULLEH & BRENTAXO. June 3d, lyW. uir.itf Veterans &, Recruits. THE lat I.g Mature give a bounty or SI.sO iact recruit II the regiment now belug raied It alo Vi't--d rite Dollnis wr month etra pay to en- b perot belone- las to the eavatn reatntcnt enii'ieo three vear aro These amount are to I rv In state Hood- Tboe wishing tbete loudJ wouM do well to Mil on ORANGE JACOBS. Jacksonville. Jab. 12. 'i. Ja-.Utf With oil thy Gtltinr. Gtl WISDOM. GET UNDERSTANDING. O A DAVIS Ii-t started a GENERAL BOOK AND Btationory Agoncy. ht.a v WMfter -ae mnu ihmnMt JACKSON And perhaps ADJOINING fOfSiTICb. For tbtpurpete of sollcltis? and PlUing Order roe all Ktxw or HOOKS ASD RTATIOZERX. Alt Order will be promptly attended to. .No money required before tbe article are delivered, Jckmnl!l. Wr?b 24 'e mar!4tf GOTOI our y THE CITY DKl'U iTOKEund x;:: nu:m cmamoc t'tC pur- cran. tcta ptr- h1 l?LuUR AM' I'RODUCLu-cnt CI A change lor MercbandtK. a: July 1;. -'.'7 MAX M L'LI.ERS. TABLE 01 STAilP DUTIES Utl..lliA" fJut.l' tllMenatloiif on MAinp Uutlro It If not Ia ful i record an untampd or lsiprupriy iaaipi inurnment, ilwct.-' nest or ppr and If recorded tuob r-eord , kail be void, and ball not U u"d in er-, dtnee : bat tbe Inurnment, document, nod paper 'hall not In cur.mtuce. be deera-d Invalid and of no etftcs : and nil met p. p-r of ati official nawr. Iul or uted by tbe officer of ib I'&iud Sutee govern-, ment. are exempt from tump duty. i 200 6n for l"alnr any taxable doeu-' otnt without a lump. $100 An for paying, negotiator or ont log In payment any untumped draft or ord-r. $10 penalty tor not aSxln; tamp on cot rate, cnatcbee. wo iiicurea. ta. SJu penalty for removing and re uilng nay ttump to evade itamp duty. IMiwnienu made In furelsa totsntrlat. to be uted iu tbt. mu: k ttamped a If made here ; asd tbe itampe matt U a(Scd and canceled lr tb- party to whom web docu ment are Utvi. or by whom tbey ure need in thU country. No deed or mortgage of real ettate fhall ' 1 required to pay a jump duty cedio( Vi'bere land l Htld alf)-et to a nMrtsair. ' If tbe grantee aatome payment of tbe mort gage, toe ftap man M for wbol value of tbe land ; if grantee, due not covenant to pay mortgage, tbe 'tamp matt W appropri ate to tbe conttderatioo of the grant. Incomr, i Tbe Intersal Itevenue La requlref every potion to pay inoomv tax on all income for ' tbe pat year over ana above Siiuu derived from any ourse a hatn r. Taw nx W ftve pr ceaHira oa tbe tw il.txiO. In eso ' over $6W and tet. pr centum on tbe excee I over ti.wy lnoooi ibauM bt made np for tbe entire year from th Sr dav of! January to tbe l4t dy of Ktvmtwr. Loth dav lacluiive. Tbi tbi it made up after the MpiratKjo of tbe vcar, tbe more i corrrot It will luelr be. fbi iMiaat Ibonld be nude up iu detail abuair.- tbr rvoeipu and expendlturw from dinVrem tourcw. t rom inn (lavement, tin aeetur will be enabled to make up a cot reel Income of all pernni Tblr -ment Aould be raade to tbe I S. Awe on or bafor the lit of May following. Acknowledgement of dead or otb er iuitrumenU Exempt. AOnlavit $0 05 Agreement or approliemeet. for web sheet 05 Alignment or trawfer of rort gage. lease, or policy oftaiuraace, or the renewal of any agreement, contract or charier, U ubject to tbe tame duty a orl(lal inttru meet -Rank Check drafu. ordtri. " tight or on demar.d. for all sum of money exceeding $ 10 02 IJ1IU of Bwhane, (inland i droit or order tor the payment of nny turn ot money and any promi tory n t, 'evcpt tank note U iud 'jx circulation,) or any memorandum, Cueck, receipt or other written or priuttd evidence of money to I" paid, on tuia not exceeding $100 , Q5 For every additional $100, or frac tion thereof 05 Dills of Exchange, (f)ruign) drav.n In sets of three or more, fur every bill of each tet where the turn doe not exceed SHiO or in equiv alent In foreign currency 02 Forever additional S1U0 or frac tion thereof 02 If drawu Jingly or In duplicate, tame rate of duty a Inland UI1U of Exchange. For any foreign port, on every bill of each at io Hill of tale of any vend or part thereof, when the consideration does not exceed $500 50 For every additional $500 or frac tion thereof CO Dill of ule of personal property 05 Pond for indemnifying any person, whore tbc turn does not exceed S1.000 For every additional S1.000 or traction tnoreor . Pond for due ixccutlon of duties of ofnee i Pond for deed or convcvnncc of ! land ' Hood of ncy description, otber than such a are required In legal J proceeding!, and such ns are nut j otherwise charged , Card, playing, per rwek. not ex ceeding 'in price 1 5 cent I Over U aid not over !6 cents , per pack Orfr :'5 and not over 50 cents. Certificate of Lm. same as prom- sorv note. Certlncatcs nf deposit In Utnk. sum not eeeedlnc $100 I Sum exceeding 100 I Otltkatw of nock In ac Incorpo rated eonipany C'.TtlBcnle of pro lite In an Incorpo rated company, for a sum not lev than $ 10 nor tueeedlns: $50. 1 00 25 hieetting sao una not exceeding Sl.000 5 For every additional1 51. 000 or fraction tbcrof .. 24 , Certlleat of damage or other dscn' menu U-med by ort warden or marine tarvcyor Certificate of any otber descrlp tino tbtn tboc pecined CertlnVd transcript or ,uulcmat. satisfaction of judgment, and of otber paper recorded, nod of pa per on (lie. each Contract, broken Conveyance, deed or otntr instru ment conveying real property, tbe actual value of wnieb exceeds S 100 and dot not exceed 500 . . For every additional $100 or fraction IHpatch. telegraphic, where the Orrt tD vv or d deee not e.xoeed 20 eent 05 06 10 50 50 10 90 Esceedlng '.'0 cent ' DocuMent made in foreign conn . trie, i power of attorney, deed. or otber document.) to be ned in tbe United St-. tball pay ante duty a If lamed in tbe United dtaHt. Entry of good or ware at tbe Cus tom Houk. eltber for boohibip tioc or warehouiing. not exceed ing 10o In value Kxceed'.rg iluO atiu not txceed- Inc 4uo Exceedinc VW la valnt Withdrawal of good from bond ed warehouse Insurance, (amriao, inlaad and ore) wbere amount uaM doat not ceed J10 From S10 to :50 Exceeding iiu 50 00 50 10 25 50 lnuranc-.. ditei when aatoaM ta ured doe not exceed $1,000 .. Exceed) U.OOu and doat aol ex ceed I.V0OO Kwaadi 5,U0Q Lae of land or tenammw. wbere tbe ntal value don not viewed $300 per annum Exuetdmc i Sou. for ewrv addi tional iW or fraotiawal Clatfe of of eaarantoe of pay ment of rent 5 cent additional! Leral document, writ or other orig- J Toal praeeM. commenced In uny court of law or equity Wbere amount claimed In a writ iHaed In a court nut of record If $luu or over Upon confeeelon of judgment, or ooaort( for $140 or over Appeal from juitlca'. or Infer! or cottru to ooart of record. . . . Warranu of dmre-t. when am't of rent doei notexoaod 100 Wbeo tbe amount exceed 100 . Manifeei tor Custom Houw entry or cka.-anc- wf tbe cario of any T-wvel not etmeetlitig SIM IMN.. . From aoo to now mm SMoadtof tiuo tone Matcbee. in packactt of 1W or lee For every additional 1 00 In ft pnebat Mortgage of real or pertoaal prop erty for a um excelling lw uad 50 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 50 1 00' S oo i 5 oo , 01 01 not exeeedlnc 500 dollar For every additional StXt deflari or fraction Fawner' cneok Pa ticket to a forvleo port. oeitlng not orar M dollar I rum 25 tu 5o dollar For every additional 50 dollars or tractionat Patent Mtditiaea. Mtten, prfam- 1 oo ry, cMKetic. etc.. on atn pack- 0 xv tetiilling ut not over 25 ceou 01 I'roin 25 to 50 emu 0.' From 5o 10 75 cent ua From 'i centa to onr dollar... . 01 Over one dollar, each additional 50 cent 0! l'or of attomay to sell or iran fer Uk. boutl or terip, or col lect dieideud tbereoa ;j To vote at vtention ot jneorpo- rated eompaav To receive and collect rent Tu convoy real eetatt. or rent or lea tbe mbm Far any otber purpo-v PbotoirraplM. ape xaeb picture, tbe prtoe of which duet not eaeewd tt nu From 25 eenti to 5J cent From 50 ceou to one dollar . . . Fur every additional dollar or fraction thereof . . . Probate of will, or 'letter ol ad iniouiratiuo. wbere the value of both real and penooul ettatv due not exceed S.UOU dollar . Fur every additional l.lxju dol lar or fraction thereof llucd of executor, admiuitra tor, truitee and guardlane Certificate of appointment Protect upon note. Mil of oxefaaoge, check araft. etc I'romiMory no to for a mm not ex- eeedibg 100 dollar for every addltiunal lmJ dollar or fractional, wrt thereof 1 0! OS 05 05 1 00 50 50 05 05 05 itennHai or prumtMory uote tub ject tc ame stamp duly. Quitclaim deed bould be tampd ' Conveyance," cveepl when glv en a rlae of niortgage," In which cae It 1 Exempt. Releaie, dtbarge, nud satisfaction of mortgage Exempt. Receipt for a um wceeding 20 dollar 01 Returns, Guager', for quantity not exceeding 5U0 gallons 10 Exceeding 5U0 gallons -,'j Returns, .Mvuiurer', for quantity not exceeding 1,000 bmbels.... 10 Exccedinx 1,000 bushels 23 Returns. Weigher', for weight not exceeding 5,000 pounds 10 lixceeduig 5.0U0 pouiide 25 Trust deed uiado to n-curc a debt, same a mortgage. . . ., 1 00 Com eying eatate, camv as con veyance. Warehouse receipts for property or good not exceeding In value 500 dollar jo From 500 to 1,000 dollar 20 For every additional 1,000 dollar 10 Warehouse receipt not otherwise provided for - , , 35 .TTnTrT71T,"RL CLOCKS. WATCHES, 0 FANCY ARTlGLtia - AT- NEW STOEE! N'evt Door to Miclts Hro. a "1 02 T XEUBKK bxs .loekxl bu new ter 04 1 t r. M r. hrr' and vaUsble a.uriroent o. 10 lt.t i'iki an.' r i"-" .srRlNo ANDWLIUHT Cl.OCK SILVER WATCHES. DI.VMoM' .UWrLlil PEARL. EMERALD, CAMEO SETS Togethor r itb a pl' nJ.J I : o: ot'i r nB"'m''3l3Xi31C"3t", UreaM-rin. Braochef. Kar-Rinin. I'mwr Rin. Locket. Buckle t'nup. Bratl Sleeve Buttoa. Necklaces, Wotcb-Cbaiw. CbatekiiM and Stab: Abo. complete Hti of incemparaule Qiinxrtsc: Towolry. manufactured from the nchf: and meet beautiful peciutw of Uohl Hill and Fow ler quartz. 10 In addition to the above, may be found j at hi store tbe best qualities of ! TABLE AND POCKET CUTI.IT.T. And, in hort. a genera! tanc'v of j Nlfh-NitcU!. 5. ritiii') Artklf" All o.' wtitcb will be Mid at low mtc and warranted REPAIRING -C!ock Watch nnd Jewelry repaired witb p-nmp'.MM ulJ . t manoer to snarantee atii!actioo. I MAIT ACTl'RU' tu order nry a-. , cle of tleweiry. with D'otoea and difpatcii C. Cal and ee bit nea 'ock. at hi ' new nore. on California itreet. next door to SacU Broj. Jackionvil.e. OrefOC. JackMnvilk Dec. lJLJet tf ,' Happiness or Misery ; ' THAT IS THE QUESTION. I THE PROPRIETORS or THE J. MUSEUM 01' ANATOMY AND SCIENCE." have determined, regardiew of cxpente. to mo? FREE (for the beueflt of tbc MnVinr bomamiy; four o.' their mot iDterwtmr and inetructlre LLC TUBE: on MARRlAUE.abdit duai ideation! : Nervou IK'bili'y. Premature Decline o Manhood. Indigrt'.ion. U'ruk nee or Depreiioti. Ijx of hur'gy ai.i. Vi tal Power, the ercot Socwl Em. 'anJ tbo) maladiei that reault from y u'Liu' fi'I: exome of maturity, or tenoeanc of Pby' wioc) una ,aiure ijirs. There iuvaloaWe IcturN bare U-e tbe Bni or enuebtenlns and eavioir tboound. and will be forwarded FREE on reesiplti! 1 wenty-Dve f.eoti io pottage (mpt. bv nuurMiinc "ecrta-y Pneme Mofeum o! Anatomy and Science. Pine Street, San Francico.' t3Mtten to be tent tnrouch Well i-arroA-Co. marllyl in HIAGIC OIL! SAVAGE A- SUTION Having piircband tb- rlgi.t , prepare Murray' Magu Oil would citdlall invito ev-rybudy tc g.. te r fity rrug St"re at oue and prneure a l-.ttle. It cure NmraljH. lib-umatim Tooth ache, Hum uud StwW. lirui.ti Cramp colic. Mux Plptberla Sprmut and Iiru!e. and I ready death to Corns. In faint, no well rvgnlated family will be without a bottle of ll In tbe bouse. fir- (sealers will be farm-bed on liberal trnH. Semi in for a Doten bottle and try It- inarlUtf ' Jacksonville. March Ttb. list. LOYE&BILGER California Street. JacktontlHt, DEALERS AND WORKERS IN TU SHEET IBM COPPER. LEAD AND BRASS, HAVE just rcelved from the Atlantic sux-t and Sat. 1 rnnci-f. a iimni..t itoek everything In their line, and will Kep constantly on band an assortment of tbe be. Tin sb-et-irou and Cupperaare- i Draw Pipe. Hydraulic NoMle. Force Pump. Chain Lead Pipe. Hoe. HARDWAItE, CUTLERY; NAILS I ui an sue: Bar, Plat and aborted Iron ; Painu. Oil. 6m and GU,; All qualitle of Powder ; Shot of all number : D rushes of every variety, etc. etc. .. .Stoves. AW, alnaytou baud, a lari lot uf Hove of a- td Aim. Ruck' Patent Cookine atuve,' and the New Worl.l Sivr ,k rid htAr tl.M uu -i. V n . "Ppro" Ierns In the WtVlli. I'lFll. lift,.... .l JI.LI -.. world. 'Parlor. rancy an. p,ain. constructed ou lato,t fuel-, i-vlng plan. Hollers, Kttls,, p0u. Pans. I "'Mf.v unit unmn Miil-et mm e,.,uiiiSconneoiel with thwe stove. warranted durubl aiid jwrfect. rtii uniem soki uy taera or miniifai-. ' ' .iVLRANTp' ThrworKade f th 1 st material and of choli-t patterns I i.Orderkatten.ledtOKitbdi.iatch.and, 111 d according to direction. In everv-1 thing, thoir t.k i the largest nnd lst 1 ever brought to Jaek.onvllle.nnd they are I determined to sell at low ,-hi. m oK cavii Call and examine their stock before pur- i chasing cU-where Jan. J.J. Uto -23 I . AKenU for Halllday A Co' Wire Itopc I 35XjOH33aroi3 Sewing' Machine, Tnuv- v-t't-t.i.,. . .. . X"; )"? fS! the lt - I feTu &M SfeaSBa.feSSSsSSfi - I'-.wi'iv procun-U eh.n. nn,1 w.n'i.. I',"' :" r"" . I ctirmW nn 1..1 V1.1- . , "'"' fcWI supply on band. Thl. hem. ombroiiWa at.d kllld l(f rlllCbe. machine eailr. makes -t diffieut Jacksonville. Januarv 2Ut. 1. M. C. GAULT, NOTARY PUBLIC, JACKSONVILLE, OBKGOjt. 0Dice at B.F. Doaell's Law Office. no . lo'TlIE C.TV DRUG SToIlYuDd VJ buy a bottU or Kenedy'. Rheomat,c and Neura gle Linament, and your eS, will soon Ucomc umUm. "" FRANCO-AMERICAN hotel and restaurant orrosiTE THE Odd Fellow's Hall, ,lnckonvillp, Oregon. TravcleM and reldent boarder will find MADAMS D' ROBOAM'S BEDS AND BEDDING Placd In fir.'t cla order, nnd lu every Way superior to any in tliii section, nud not urpajed by any in tbe Stale. HER KIWIS ARE MUL. FTRMSIO, Abd a plentiful upply of tbe best of every talngtb market affords will be ob tained for HE It TABLE. No twmUnl will be spared to deserve tbe patronage of tbe traveling n well ns tbc perasaaeot community. Jarkinnvllle. March 31. St.C. tf IMltTLETT A: Co,. FOBWARDIIfG hB COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire-Proof Warchotue Main Street, i:i) HLurr. TK RESUMING TI1K FoKWAKDING J lmint a li-glvm- t utter our tbank for th very liberal patronage for tnerly -toKd upon the lot- arm ot Hiuchman A JUnict'. and prom.-lni tb tme prmpt and U.tb'ui aitentii. to Imiluw eairul ed t on care . tbt characterized tbr bui- I new transaction of tb' late lirm wi re- pectftilly ak a bri uf public jutroHaje. t rtHKliiliH J i.. -m... R.(.t... - WCKmH.V i ( AM.V --4. Ik. II IIAMV1C. U.ta KedVlur. Apr IT-.l, l..t. ai'.Utr The Last Chance! T HIE DiUDlXELLS HOTEL To Iiet; A FINE CH ASCI. T MAKE M NEY ' Tbe undrMien-d is l-it.u of renting hi property t Dardantiis vniting ot a fine farm t'lOo acre under cultivation) a Hotel, newly tuinted and tatrfullrrentied fine garden, orchard and vineyard adjoin ing it. Tbre I a fine spring war tb- Ho tel. For furtbet particular, call at Thorn- as utravutr itancn. at lilacuuell. ! THOMAS CHAVSKR. I February 1st. l-w;. febamS 1 JOHN P. HOUCIv I Wutcliinnker and Jeweler! 1 O'iptm .Vfrre Jo'ltonviilt, O'tgon, HAS STILL THE BEST SELECT Kl'slOCHOF t.ENUiNi: ji:vj:luv, GOLD ASD SILVER WATCHES, HAl ...Mi tu linn; ILlirhS. Price 10 per cent le than any other buute in town All article art t-j'-t'v warranted. 1IILI1 F0ISDE1' MACIII.K SHOP. cS NGS of ull kinds executed at rtWt notice. Wrmw.lit n, Cr.jt iruo worn nwnuiacturtj from the best ma terial. All kind of BraH Work. Uur-re- and Babbit's metal for sale. Cuib paid for Old Iron. SPBIXG EACES, Mil THE BTBEE COl'RSE, WILL COIMENCE TlltRSWY,.)!AV2llli,pbu. nitfT HV MAYiiltb-Mil. Lt t"t Ik Id JUtoXU MX JUV tl,!,si ,ia tit. fin all llfM.tMi .ur,. , pJ'j'. "t Sutt mi.e It? r r , u.-r luv iiiv ,. . ... .... iiriiirrr""i,.,?,r ' S"" r" " "r. !.. a.., , ia liTsiW '" " llJ" ' ,lfc" fall I'm SKij. -.tT.'rl?' e" "' alt efik.' lo..r., llWl L-ll.kL - .- v . . liuiliil t llflim.'w nrt., ,. '""rtll' "th . Mh ! t FRESH GARDEN SEEDS! Just Received at the CITY DRUG STORE. THE IOtLOWI.NO CATALOOl'K of gULbS. lUrlv In ! ru r.n- tu .1 .,. ...... )liiu.i 11..... 1 , T " ' " " "" oii-into. ? 'ai VVurul J... Lu una,; CUirui lu,i . i iinimku L.1111.. ii...... ii i..'rf-""' ''' . tr IVk SrfV 1. r.,l. hj .. ...".. . H rvivVvr,' oii nmmoiji, i,ll4 Whir 'a: IlLVn. T... .... ; . " - M ... .- .. ,a J.UU IUJ 11 lir....n FIRE! FIEJI 1 BlKASS,?r. I I can I the of Oregon . , ct!P"cl1 w'' ' la Stat gr,'.i. 7 depp-Itlng 550,000 In th In the ,-.... v.UU,UOO. Ja'kionvlll p5AC,IS V"055 ACenU. Ja.nioovllle, lebruary 25th, 1665. feb25U A CARD FOR THE spring & summer Clothing Trade Or SAN FRANCISCO. IMDGER & UXDEXRERGER, Nos. 411, 413 and 415 Battery St., for ?ltrr limit, .Son l'rnntlrn, Importers and Wholesale DEALERS. U. it tiro New nml Fresh Stork. We ould call the nttentlon of Country Merchants to our unuunlly large mock of Goods. Our stock comprises every arti cle in the CLOTHING .1- FURNISHING LINK. Wc bare constantly on baud tbe largest nnd create! xariety nf CAaSlMKRl. AND WOOL HATS of our botie In Snn Francisco, and our pri ces for tbee goods arc le tbati ttmc of any bou, us e rtceiie them direct from tbc moaufucturvr's cntiignmcnt. Our stock ot SPRING A- SUMMER GOODS Is particularly attractive, nnd tbi great fea ture to tbe country merchant it tbe unusu ally low price Less than the cost of Importation ! Wc nlo ki-ep tbe Stnplo i.rticloj In tbe Drv Goods line, which Goid we have pnrchacd in this market iimW the bnmmer, and nre ollcrliig tlicin at New i'ork cost, nnd le. , v publieb this card ill ord"r that wc may I make new acquaintances, and Induce tho-t I who have not heretofore purclm'nl of u to I c II and examine our stock. Rooil Articles . Lotv Prlcea Are tbe great Itiducpmemeuts vollr to all ulto urcbae tonllaguln. Mercbant'ubo buy of us can make a good profit, and sell to tbeir customer! at u Ion ligure. We re main. rei-ctfully. Your nlxHllent rvant, BADGER & L1NDENBERUER. Wltoieeuk Clothing nnd Hat Wurciiott'C No. 411. -IKI and -115 Buttery strict. sun Francisco, 0C. ". Cj. m3 ATTENTIONr ! reliable" SEEDS. EDWARD E. MOORE, 425, Washington St. T "'HE rSM'.RMGNED. A PRACTICAL Aericultunt is niw prrtnrid to sup- tilv the wants 1 ! merchant, ranchmen uiid ut! other by wholesale ut retail, or such i ! k.-1I1 at will not disappoint tlm.e whnue them, as our eei uiier uing tuc utmost cure in their selection iu geltiug thetu true tu their kind. We have suitable grounds prepared in tet the ditlereiit varieties, so ns to inurc thetr entire reliability. The Ab-ortmeitt Coimihtauf All kinds of vegetable seed; till kinds of (lower setds; ull kinds of gru nnd red and white rluter seeds; ul-o. alfalfa and Lu cerne. :vi:iu:iti:i: si:i:ns. Satire of Culilorniu nnd adjacent State. All kind uf tree uud shrub; All kind of Sower tn their season; Ali kind of Bulb In tbeir season; Struwberry and ruspberry-pluntt. p Tbe subscriber deem It supcrtluou to uasnr rwry arlii l lor ate. but mrrrly re mark, tbut uo oue ha u tupvrior uMirt meut. nnd bu out will deal inure bouorubly by hi customer, to whum be refer lib conNdetice. ut univeisal approval hat been nHardedblm. Siwill upvr nt wholesale or retail. All ..t!tmiltnil-uliiiifi ttr i.r.lMP l,v n,ntt ' or 1 JpreM Co.. ntteudHl to promptly, I luMiugufn lunmnvu on appucution by letter or utberw ie. EDWARD E MOORK. es." Washington St., Nearly oppo..t the Po.t Utile. Jan27 San Fruucico. INTotloo. TE tuke tbi method to inform the T ! Public that their steam saw mill is now situated on Gritlina creek uhout thiee nnd a hulf miles south cast course from acKsuuvi'ie, nnu w.:i have constantly on I ham a good supply of lumber, all bills (or lumU-r cut on short notice. N. B. The came of the firm formcrnlly doing buines under the name of M. Mil j ler A- Co , has now disolved as to Miller, nnd will hereafter do businf under the name of I). H. Burroughs A- Co., and all lmines transactions must be done with 1 D. II, BurrouL'lw. 1 D II BURROUGHS & CO. j January i!7. lhb'i J4u27f. Westchester House. COllA'EH ( BROOME St. tf BOWERY, "BXo-w TaTor-ls.. AliRANOKD ON TUB Kl'BOfKAX PLAN. Actoiuiiiufltiiluii for Tlircr )Iiuircl UutaU, THIS IIOUSTs" CENTRALLY l-pcaud. and near to ull business poinU. uity car llaVi lint hnl.-l in nil Ih.i f.-rri... railroad depot and places of amusement erjr mrec minute, biogle room one dol lar per day; double two dollar. , J. F. DAKItOW k Co., Prop's. marcbS ly GO TO THE CITY DRUG STOflE UnU buyKeiltdv' Mwliml DlinnvHre. irnd lo your boils, pimple, und all other 11 Ta wli,cL J'011 ure ulJcl, Uke w t --.-,. ..-...., ...v.. 14'HIU. Willi BEST REMEDY FOR BHE A raatlsm JInll's Sarsparllla Yellow D and Iodide of Potass. 3 REAPERS! The well known and celebrated Ohio Reapers, Improvements, having a ' ptlt STEEL CUTTER BAR Cnn l changed from a reaper loan... in ten mhlnt . CTl P 'Wet, within one Inch or two fi f,ni .IrJ"?. i vu in io .-v acres per dar. mill U-tlh ln. . v ' '. irl .,.1 II .. . "W prouad; Ued with twnnr nn i.'". " 'U.V,Jb on SIDE HILLS, wbere o.berffi wll not. Theyareea.lcrto prttttr off than any other Mh!MeartorK or tbc way of tbc reaper. The l ' GIANT REAPER Cut. SEVEN FOOT SWATH, wDJ thirty acres per day. ' " Wc also Lave Mormirk's 6-foot Rtapcri nndlmn, llall'i Ohio Btaptri and Mm, MANNEVS, WOOD'S PRIZE MOWERS. UNION, BAY STATE, KERREY'S CTC.jALSO, PITT'S IMPHOVEI) TI1UESH1NG MACHINES, Htii-cll'S -"Massllllou nnd SwocpMnkei, Thirty to thirty-six Inch cylaadert ALSO, HAINES' ILLINOIS HARVESTER (Header). WIRE llOKS&RAKEinwhd; REVOLVING It A KES, all lixrj; PORTABLE rOWER HAY-PRESSES, with a general nssortmtct of AGRICULTURAL GOODS, A? low ns can be parcbiiede'seacTe. J t. mum i M.v. nwLvlnit Cur CJi(vnu id Nw Ji-u. so Frse!ce. Cheap for Cash! a.fisherTbroth cor.srx or California A, Oregon Street, JACKSONVILLE, Hare on hand a Large Slock of Staple, Fancr Spring & Summer DRYG00DS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, blJ SHOIS, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, CUTLERY, CROCKERY, etc., etc., etc. All will be told at noduood xrioo JackMinvllle. Jan. 9, 'CI. JmlHf The Haines Fire Proof Brltk, Corner of California and Oregon Eli , Ja uutv occupied by 3 .T. ROW'S -ST Variety Store. Everything ew and PrettJ' I.V THE WAT Or JEWELRY, FANCY GOODS AND TOYS, Can be found at the tfbove pUce. i..b.nn,lll. Veh. 15. 'it. W7tL SUMMONS, lMArCWart P. W. Stow. Plaintiff. r. Tboma Pyle. Walter II Davis, William K. Isb, and Siy l ester M. Waltc, Defendants. r(A Counli Ji- Milt I" KiOllJ'. TO THE AU0VE .NAMED MfE-NPAM You arcmiuredtoap- .?U,d tiOurt anri Uliswer vv"r,7," ,,0j.. plaintiff, Hied against you, witbia ten W rom the time of the servi e oMWJ moo on you, If served within said' tw or If served on you witblo any other " in thl State, then a uu.u "- -g Joq i. ,i. nr ih u-rrlce. or if serveu "' Z of theSf Oregon. h - cd by the said Court that KEa. mado for eight week, in tbe W Jon., ,tnel prior to tbe M I Mo "(A IhCC; and you ure uo .- " airrd. nvf ifiwl JhCC; anuyou ui """ " ..Murn. to answer said compU in a J'Jgrtjoa tLe plaintiff will tab WTX if ' ror tbe sum of '".""""'.tVrton t J5ti5) dollans, with Interest 1 her w rate 'of ten pvr w-WJ t CasJ. 10th day of July. A. . u UItd. and dlslmrsemeuw of hi ac ion to t( nier-n under my hand ll " Marcb,A.D.lFS.ojvpLLiAlt,yfofPi'f marchl7 BOOK STOKWi aQ TO TUB uii i "X;"Ku bwW , bow very ehtsp tueyteu p they Kiij r.,t vrOBE! G O TO THE CiTi ww