Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 21, 1866, Image 3

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,,21st, 1SGC.
faliforiiia ami Orrron .Utan Time.
Hi mw Sits.
Mi. IStn. M. fli. 4.1m. A.
Sti. Urn M th. 44m. A.
lxj'i U-wrtli. lib. Win.
April si.
April ""
pilu. tt.
. Mi. Win. M Mi. 4ra. A,
Cl im. I, fin. Jl. an. 4m.A.
AC"1 .... t.,,,.,1,. . . . 411i. Km.
pst ' Uuflli,
Ckwk slew llu 3S"e.
local" MATTERS.
hr.vs most South Kartehs Ommon.
From a tetter written by Capt. Kcllcy,
bearing date of April lllb, wc take the
fjHewlrg :
Private John J. Mocker, of Co. 0. 1st
Oregon Cavarr, was shot nlil'c on post
a! sentinel, near Harney Lake, on tbc night
Fedruary 14th, Strpnnt Phillips and
ttrtc men of tic Oregon Cavalry were font
is pursuit of Indians, from Camp Lyon,
Id tLc direction of the head of Owyhee.
Overtook them and recaptured 30 head of
stolen stock, and killed one Indian. Pri
vate Miller, Co. C, wan wonnded and one
horse killed by nn arrow. Scrpant Phillips
atd party joined Capt. Walker, on the
Mallcnr.'nnd were at the killing of IS In
dians, destroyed a camp and captured sev
eral head of horses. The party returned
after a march of 200 miles.
RcinEnr. Prom Mr. V. 'White, of tin
Crcsxnt City Stage Line, wc learn that
there has been tonic hcary robberies In
Josephine county. Mr. Crondall, of Wul
& liuJ his safe robbed of about twelve
hundred dollars. He was not in the habit
of opening his safe every dy. ond is not
certain as to the exact day of the theft.
He found his sale locked, but tlic money
pone. Mr. Win. Kvntss, of Althou", had
nil store broken open In 1111 abseiiee, his
safe taken out, broken open with a sledge
btmmer nod about two hundred dollars
taken oat. lie had only n few days b(
foic taken the remainder of his money to
Ketbyrlllc, or it probably would all have
been gone. At yet, no tinces of the burg
lars can be diicovcrcd.
Pncx His Mvtukk. In tlie mall of
Wednesday, from the South, was foond n
pocktt bible, bound In morocco, with tuck
faiterlng. The wrapper bed come off nod
there is no Indicutisn, of whcic It came
from, or where Its destination Is, on the
fly leal this Inscription Is found, "Oliver
P. Mills, from his mother Catharine Mills
Wekeley." The or tier can Lave the book
by calling ct this office.
Oregon. Wothlnglon and Idaho papers,
pleaie copy.
Qur.TZ. Meters. S. Messenger, and L
J C. Duncan, went Into the mountains one
dy lust ivnk, to prospect n cpiartx kvlgt.
Tbey returned on Wlath'y last. Mr.
M . Informs ui that they found the ledge.
aid Id, In it, the only dlftlculty being
the unallntss of the ledge. Tl protprtc
tors are going to prospect it. more thor
oughly, cod to do tblt, they will build a
small crasla, and grind the rqek ns tbey
take it out. It Mill probably pay more
lLan eipeuss.
N'ew V.l Dorado. Messrs. IJuckcer &
I'errcn lmvc caused this old resort to be
newly renovated cud titled up throughout,
and arc now prepared to rtceive tUir
old frkndi. When yoei dessltc to "throw
yourself outside of 'juleps' and 'sdngorcos,'
'look at the sun through the bottom of a
tumbler,' smoke a good cigar or hear a good
ttory, call ou Sol.
A Voi'No Akny. From the biennial
Import of tie Superintendent of Instruc
tion, of the State of California, we learn
that tie total number of white children, in
the State, between the ages of four and
eighteen, in the mouth of July last, was
ninety five thousand and eixty-seteu.
N'ew IUgoies. Mr. Augustus Taylor,
arrived home on Sunday evening lust,
bringing with him, via Crescent City, three
new buggies, trimed complete, harcem.
robes and mats. Those desiring to take a
ride can get as Coe a turn out at Taylor's,
as any where on tbc coast.
May-Day PAiiTV.-Those wl.hing to take
"a day In the country," should go down in
the vicinity of Rock Poiut, and in the
evening attend the ball given by Mr.
White, lie is the man that "can keep a
hotel," and who provides for the pleasure
and comfort of his guests.
Democratic Clvu. The untcrriGed,
some weeks since, formtd a club atI'ba
nix, bat on account of the lute news from
Washington they wtre unable to "come to
ime" last Saturday uight.
Ir Moh Dr. L. S. Thompson is mov.
log the homo which formerly stood oppo
titc Mr. Hull's- on to the vacant lot, near
the Court House, formerly owned by Mr.
0. C. Hetkman.
Kably The furmera ore boj making
in the .Sacramento Valley, ond ripe strow
herries are plenty in tbc Marysville market.
How our mouth waters !
Ox Tun Uoau. Seven freight teams
burled out for Crescent City lust Wednes
day, We understand that others will set
sail In the same direction soon.
A slight shower of rain fel Ion Wed
dnesday cvenlrw,
Tlint it .Michr. be Fulfilled.
JjMchar is a strong as, crouching down
between two burden.. Gtmtit, et!, iH.
When the end of Jacob the patriarch
drew nigh, and he felt the cold hand of
death upon him, he gathered his tons
nronnd him and gave them his blessing.
As he spake to each be added a sentence
descriptive of his character and his future
fate or condition. To bis son Issachar he
spoke the words of our text ; and from
that day to this, the smile has suCieed to
signify the strong, stnpld, good catured
man who bears the burdens of deslcnlne
and knavish friends,
To day there is a group on the so-called
Democratic ticket which fills the picture
most appropriately and to n. dot. Xoth
Ing cither of light or shade Is wanting,
The "strong n.s Kaehar, Is the Democrat
ic candidate for Governor, and the two
hardens are the O'Fnr and the O'.Mcara.
Nothing but the pencil of Hogarth conld
do justice to the subject, but we shall
make the attempt.
At the foot of a long hill In the valley
of "great expectations," we can sec Kelly,
broad backed, strong limbed, good nalured
nnd withal a little stupid; while hanging
upon cither side of bis galled back arc the
"two burdens," O'Pay nnd O'.Mcara, smirk
ing and chuckling to each other at the
prospect of being borne up the devious
Democratic trail to the offices of Congress
man nnd Public Printer.
The patient Issachar, ttnc to his nature
and destiny, toils and trudges up the steep
ascent, amid I lie jeers nnd sneers ol the by
slanders, sinking to the bocks In the tniry
cley ns he Is goaded on by bis selfish and
worthless "burdens," who care not bow it
faros with the "strong ns" so he but
brings them to the top of the hill on the
first Monday In June. Hut they arc doom
ed to disappointment. No Issachar can
be found stupid or strong enough to bear
up two such characterless adventures as
0'1'ay and O'Mearo. Indeed Ktlley Us
tried it with O'.Mcara alone ever since
1?55, and tl single burdtn" has ultvaii
been too much for him.
Wc care not for the "two burdens," but
we arc Krry for our Issachar. However
the fitness ol things has forced us to speak
of Col. Kelly's position, we do not mean
him unkindly or Intend to detract from bis
real worth. If Lc will be tLc Issachar of
tbc Democratic party wc cannot help It If
we would ; but we warn him that Lc is
now "crouching down" between two of tbc
heaviest "burden" that evir ats did bear.
Oregon mil
Jlflc'Cts of Vrvv Trmle.
The Democrats begin to bowl about
Free Trade, nt.d mule It a plank in their
platform. The following picture of a
nation having a protective tariff ond the
oootcqotnces following when that tariff Is
removed, Is taken from tb New York
Tnbuht. The same argument w ill apply
to all raaoBlac'ures. Let every working
man rend ond ponder long before Le throws
himself Into the arms ol bis enemies.
'The cost ol Iron in dollars and cents
depends upon the wages paid for the labor i
which produco it- i ue contrast wuumi
lirilish aua American wage in the pro
duction of rails, is presented at a glance In
the following table :
WnirM or American Puddlers 1580. Per
ton, S3 04 i Per day, ?l 52. lfcCJ, Per
tun, SC49; Per day, S3 24. 16C6.Per
tun, 0 54 i Per day, 327.
Wocea of liritbli Puddlers 16C0. Per
tun, SI 20 ; Per day, S 90. 16C4. lVr
tun, Sica j Per day, $ Pi. leCS.Per
tun, 1 90 j Per day, 8 93.
The question of the protection of Amer
ican Indastrv, which the svlGthnus of JJri
tish capltullitt nnd merchants, cod the
prtfldy of the American tools whom tbey
have hired to advocate Free Trade, have
tL-ain thrust unon our legislation and our
politics, surely should be Instantly decided,
so fur as Iron Is cocccrwd, by Ibis simple
exhibit of figures.
There are 860 of wages In every tun of
American rails. That portion of the price
of u tun of muikettd American Iron which
stands for the wages of labor represents
dUtrictschool cducatioo, frb ond whole
some food, good and handsome clothing,
the homestead, unlimited freedom of move
ment nnd choose of occupation, participa
tion In Municipal, Slate and National j
government, with a prospect of comfort
able old age, dividing oceumulateo earnings
at last with blessings among prosperous
There are 20 ot wages in every tun or
Hritlsh rails. That portion of the price
of o tun of Imported Iron which stands for
the wagea of labor represents gross and
enforced ignorance, coarse food, mean and
insufficient clothing, jwlitlcal nullity, serf
doio for life In a single occupation, with
the prospect of an oU oge in a poor Loue,
nnd a pauper's burial by the parish.
UritUh Free Trade, as advocated by five
daily papers In this city, purposes to drag
down American iron-workmen from tLelr
bight of freedom and well-being, to wrestle
for existence Willi Me luoruime unu
Welsh slaves who sell their labor for the
sheer means to keep soul and body togeth
er, When crimes against country get
truly defined, this crime will be called
Ik'ix Fioht. One day thc-preseutweek
two of these animals on Poor Man creek,
became enraged and appealed to horns for
the arbitration of their difficultly. One of
them became satisfied, nnd went off and
laid down, but not so with the victor, for
be pitched at his recombunt odvuary, and
gored him to death. It Is said the groans
of the victim were heart rending.
Half loihclMh of Jprll.
Six PrtAM'isco, 18lh.
The Slcamshlp Labouchcre. that :il!
between this port nnd Victoria, sailed last
Saturday, and was wrecked the same night,
off Point Keys. It nnpears that the foe
was very dense and the vessel got into tbc
orenkcrs before her commander discovered
the danger. All the po Mongers, about 100
in number, were in bed when the vessel
struck. They nil ran on deck. The en
gines were Immediately reversed nnd the
cttt) finally got off the rocks, when It was
discovered that she was leaking badly. She
was kept afloat until daylight, when the
passengers were put Into boats and on n
raft and headed for the shore, which was
some ten miles distant, which they finally
reached, with tbc exception of two men,
who were In a small boat nrd capsized.
Tliey were n passenger by the name of
Wilcox nnd a mulatto belonging to the
vessel, both of whom were drowned. The
U. S. Cutter, Shubrlck, visited the scene
of the disaster and reports the vessel a total
Saw JIim Tlio Snw Mill, nt 1'lioenlx,
which came so near being washed oway,
by the late high water. Is being moved on
higher pronnd. Mr. I.lndley, thinks the
water cannot tflVct his mill now, unless
the bed rock, is wabcd away.
-. - -
P.o.vn Orrs. The Crescent City road,
is now open. Mr. A. Taylor, came over
the iMotintHln lust week, with several bug
gies, and reports the road to be In good
1 mid to be n Jewel. Wc Invite our
readers to fvast their ejes on the following
trlogof Drmoetallc pearti, to whlehwe
will ntM from time to time, until election
day. Sojmt
LoflkOxTHim-icnm:! Asotiikx on run.
We shall exvrt our-
s.'lu to theexteotof
our ability to retlft
the (Tort now Wins
Hfolrtl, That the
made br some of the
Democracy of Jack
leading prcfeed swi county henrtlly
nir,cruts. u Urf con. endorse rresiueni
and i In where. In
AWcf, That the
IVtnoeracv of Jack
wean the Dtiaoernrt
from ll true alleg
lane nnd tritnslrr II
sun counlv will stand
totbeMiMrior An-iiy Me n
drew Johnson an ly'st
I'lefldtnl. -
Hfl w'
apostate Democrat
and a time sertcr
Mtf IN 7jMi Uli,
.ltrrrA 'lh.
nnd thus make It llie
tool of Individual aui'
billon. Wy'i ()!.
I will never bract We will hoM In
or vote Kle aid tolernteful memory
any irnn who ha.llhwe through whom
inuny way eenlrlnu- patriotic strike the
1 In llu. ktr.,u.rt iA 'llltff-rllr ftf till I'll-
Ibl. war.--.-". I). Vyllau mi pretriwl.
MantJobiMon that lit Tbeaiinptlonir
Ibe pwipl eir gel, the ipioitluii that
I b control of It"1 guv ibe Democratic Mily
ernniMit lhy will m- Is in Imor of rtpudl
tiasruMi the corrupt ailng the public iK-Ll
lrtiblle debt In le,l slaiHierwu nod
than IblrlT days, with lulse.-A. 'Wwx
out any tax Ji. 0
Mmr. ttuJUtli fvr
Sue yViafor,
I bellove la the'
rk-ht if eelon n. ihat the Deinueratlc
a Milne rlsbt, and rly I In Javor of
dvHn-l Hut the
Sou lb U allow! to
ittun und nullill-
ealloti Is u fiilicbood
go lu June sy.
and a lanihr. 1m.
It will ntier do to
support Johnson, bs
We sustain Tre!-
It nelibtr hoai nurj
Hrm- O'.Vwni, ufltr.
dent Johnson, I to.-
Ihwittit "W'STM.
Lincoln waii bad,
but a worse will suo
eotd him. tuy'i Or-
We bale no faith
In Johnson's bonty.
leUad that will
bark without biting,
by in Jt'j'OrUr.
Let them remem'xr
Ihnl A ntlreu Jobnlon
Stc Dem. riutform.
See Dem. Platform.
it the murderer of
We sustain lum-
Mrs. Hurratt-lbein-
ilitiiti if nnirilrlnt
son. UfMemHt 11m
mllIUr commissions
tuyi urjan.
Johnson deliberate
lv ii,!atnl Lt. oatb
and the Con.titutlon,
. . it.... i...
Hurrrah ftrJubu-
uv uoiiui,ie ... ...- ,---,-
w rlt of LaUas corpus sou. tij i
In order 10 uraugio " "
upon tbe gallowa an
Bed woinau. by'
"Willi all lliy (Jtllinr, L'tl
Has started a
atrttioox-y Agouoy,
And will hereafter run a wagou throughout
And perbsps
For the purpose of soliciting and
jniiMMB Orctorw
All Ouleru will be promptly attended
to. No money re'iulred before tbo articles
are delivered.
Jacksonville, March 2s, 'C6. war24tf
1 OAHl 1 T Ti 1 T I
On the Kicnlng of
TucMlay, 31tiy 1st.
No p.-ilns will berpnreil lii mike this IM
BMI ol the teaon A SI'I.KXDIl) VV-
fl-.l! will be proildiM, and the but of inus
It scctm-d,
1:0- Ki cry body Is cordially Invited. TK
I..J. WMITK, l'rop'r,
llook Point. April 12th. iMiii.
Will be given by the
Shooting Club,
United States Hotol,
On tlio l( of 3lay.
Will meet nt their (Jnllery.ln llybce'a
Urovc. nt 10 A.M. All nre in
litcd touttend who desire
so to do.
For the HA I.I. will not be ImiicI. but
ull ntc invited, nnd it is hoped uoilc will
full to lie present.
JilltN Milt. I. II,
Jilll.N OKTII,
M A lllll'.NTVMl.
JnckHilillllo, April II 'M, aplllld
Firc-l'roof Wnreliouso Main Street,
iti:i) in.i ri
1 IrtisliicMi we Iki! leiiic- In oirt-rour llmiik
for the lery lllwral palronuKi- toimerly In--rlowiil
upon Ibe lull' firsts ot llinclnimn A
Ilnlllelt, uinl proint.lni; Ibo Mine prompt
ntid ftltliful altrtitlon to Inislm-r cnltiiit
td lu our cure, that c!irttctcrU"l Ihe bul-lit-sn
traii.aclloni of tlie lain firm, wn re
sectlully ask a sbare or puMIc patronage.
(A HcmilAllf.il J..U-HHK
;,.i,kh, - iis.Ikiiis v A (AM.V. Vr.ss;
l. II IIAMiYAO), ii.U.
Ited Illutl, April Tlh, IMif,. npllltr
To i)(liiiiiu,iilTii.-l,H)'(i'.s.
Am. i-KitsoN.-TwiTo iiavi: r.ii.i:i)
, to iiy llielr tave fr the year -ba,
are ieiH.ttd lo coim- forward and "iy the
suint linuiMliatily, or tbilr pto'iiy Ixilh
reul und personal will be bvud upon nnd
toM to sallifv the deiiiamls for sold llellu-
iiient Taxes mid eo.ta aa.ilnt them.
' it i .lu-ij-i'.j ui.lir
II , II II l.17, MIIT.ltl.
Ily TiioiukIi Wm- llepl'y.
Jueksonillk April i. Iei.fi. aplllwl
Onlnaiice .No. '2,k
7b tiifortt ihe toiiilnuliuii tuul itjxtiri f
ttttam Aidt II ii'ai.
The ieoilc of the town of Jacksonville
do ordain us follows :
Sixtio.s 1. 'I'lmt the Ktreet ('ommU
hIoiiu be, and is hereby dinclnl to cuuu
to le rrHilred all side wulks upoti "(.'ull
fornia" Street, between "Iirst" and
'Ihinl," and on 'Oirgnii"Klriel, between
(" and 'Muiu"Slrt-el1uud upsn "Muin"
.Strict, between rinl" ntnl ''I'liird"
Stritts j und alo on -Oitgon" 8lrtl from
Jlulii bttiet to tbe "Arkanaet hiuuie,
and to remove or cuusc to be removtd ull
obstructions from the tide walks embraced
in the foregoing limits.
Si"-. 2 That upon the south side of
"California" Strctt. between Orejron" nnd
'Thud' Hliotls; the sidewalk shall be
uwde lo confiifiii lo a umforiii grade, and
lh grade shall budelriliiii.id by ttrilehllig
a bis from Ihu comer of '(jiegoii" und
CslifiHiiiM" Hirtls, lo tbo corner of
Third' and -('.ilifuisiia" Slittls ; ml
tlie grade of lueshle wulks along ihuiuit
aiik-(if ' Orrgoo" Hiftll shall also be do
teriniiMil br strt-udiing u lii.e Irons Ihe cor
ner of -C ami Ongori" hlreets to Ihe
oonr of "('tlf.;iMa' hihI "Oregon"
Klin-Is, Iheore lo l la south west comer of
lb MeCully Jlu-ldiug.
riM- .1 it snail ie u.o nuty ol ine ntreei
(iiimiioii('r to give tweniy dajt notice
in writing lo all properly owner to con
struct, reiair, and remove ull obstructions
ujou m Me wttiKiironttng llielr premitit
us aforesaid j and Ihe conitruction und
repair of any tide walk shall be under the
direction ami superintendence of the Street
C-uiiiurMwior.fr i und it is further provided
Ihat on failure und refusal of the person or
pexMus not, lied us aforesaid, it thai! be the
duly of the Street C'omimtio(.cr lo con
struct und muke ull the necctfiury repairs
und ulteiutloni of the bide wulks, and to
keep a strct uccouut of Ihe cost und ex-n-ues
ol tbu tame, which may be recov
ered in an action ut law before the Town
Heejrder with cost of suit.
Six. 4. This ordnance lo tuke effect
from and after the 11th day of April,
IfaCO. I'assed April 10th, 16CG.
JAS. It. WADK, 1'rc.ldcnt.
Attest: U. S. Havukn, ltec'r.
April ll.lfiCC. 3w.
tVlll practicu in ull tho Courts of tlio Third
Judicial UUtrlct, the tiupremu Court of Oiu
goo, and In Yreka. Cal. War Scrip prompt
ly collected. Oct. 1"
I. 5 I H
I - i H
I . B I d
ti K j l
? - w a s r
u I m fad u
5 5 a r
r B ! H
P t3
? a a r-J Jk
Cm -A " LJ t!
mm '"' t"-1 l
g Na p M
1 1 I ! & P
is 5 1 s
ft r
5 1 t 9 i P
I CI? f n
'i Sit)
.vi.iii.iir iiiniii.i.,ii:ii:Miir i
IN Till: Clllt'lMT COrilT, STATU (II'
J. Oregon, county of Jnck.ou,
To Albert llutliel, DcleinUnli Veu nrc
hereby reipllrid til Ik) and upH'iir III lliu
Circuit Court of Ihe Hlute ol llii-gun, for
Ihucoiiutv of Jncksnii.on Ihe llllnlsyof
June, A. II. Im;0, to au.wer u coiiiphilnl on
Hie 111 Ihu iiIhiio iiilitled mil. You nre
benby notllled Ihul if )ou lull loiiii.wtr
Hild romplnlnl, a. alion- mpiirtil, the pluint
llf w III apply lo Ihe court lor tlie rrllef il-mand'-il
Ibeieln lu-w.lt: for the (liwilutloii
of ibe bond of iiialrlmoiiyi-ilttlr.it Iwlwi-eii
you and plaintiff, mid will futther nk Ihe
Court tu iliiree to Iblt pUlulllf Ihe rare
and CU'tinlr of Ihe rhlldli'il, the Issue ol
Mid lutnliiiie. mill fur Hie cotli u ml ill
iHirniiiiiU of llil mil lo be tuvd.
Clirii tinder my land ibis UNlli diy ef
March, A. I). Iei.
O. JAL'OIW, riu'irttfil.
Ily order of Hon. I'. I. Trim, Circuit
Judijte. nwhaiwl)
illA;iC Oflli!
lluilii)! tmrtliMMil the light to pri'trv
Murruy't lKlc Oil, wooM ruidlwlly Imlle
everylKHly to k" to the City Dhik Store at
oucb und procure Iwttle.
Hemes Neumliilu, Klieiiinullnii, Tooth
nebe, lluriK und Maid', liirucb. Cramp
oolle, flux. Hlptht'iU, hpulnt ami llrulws,
und it ready death lo Corn
In Inline, no ,. leiculati-d fninlly will
Irt wilboill U botlle of U III tbe ll'fMH'.
p-O- lieubr will Ut fiiruWInd on llberul
teiiim. .St. ml In for a Hozt-u Ixitlh-t uihI try
It. inarlOlf
Jacksoniille March 7tli. lCO.
wii:iu niniiiii
ttAHTlN'OS or ull kinds cxeouleil at
the thorlett notice. Wroui;ht or Cast
Iron work munufactuieal from the best nm
teriul. All kinds of Ilrau Work. (Jar
re l'i und Habbil't lueluls for tale. Cuth
paid for Old Iron.
1'. V. Ktow, i'hiiuliir, ti. In lU Cmtl iXuil
Tbiiiiiat I'jrle, Wulter) lU
II. Hal it, William K. ) fHuk On.n,
Mi, uwl HlyhMltrM. r fur l"
U'ulle, lltfvlidalilt. ) 6UW 1 Jttkinn.
null in ltiiili.
TO Till; AlUllS. SIHMi lift JMUAV7
You ure teipilrtd lo uppowr In said
Com! and answer the comphlut of tab!
plululiil, llltil ugiilmt you, wilhln Ion days
Iroui lit lliu ol Ihv senke of ihltmui
moiiton ou, II ktrud wlihiri tula county,
or If seried on you wlibliiuiiy otber county
in lids .Vuito, lbn wPblu twrnly dyt from
ib lime of lb sen Ice, or If trtdon you
out of Ihu islute of Oieou, linn it it older
nl l,v Ibe said Court that poldkatlun U
inade for elj(ht weekt lu the "llietou Ken
lliii-l," ptior to tbu 2d Monday In June,
U,; und on nre nolilUd lliat If you full
to un.ner said eomidaliil u anove rwulrtd,
Ibe pluiiitllf will late judgineulaualiisl you
for Ibe turn of 1'lvc bultdrtd andsul) Utu
i05j dollait, with interest theieou at Ibe
rut ol Uu r tint, per onuuui, fiom tbei
lUtbday of July, A l 1HCI uml Ihe cost
and ditlmrseintnlt of Ibis uctlou to bo land
(jlrvri under my baud this !lh day of
March, A. I). I860.
IJ. I'. IKJVI'.M.,Att,y forlTlf
ruurchl7 w8
l. il. (J. f.AUl.T,
Office nt II. I'. Dowell'd Uw Onicc.
SUI'l'.ItH ThotOKrupli Albums cull be
hud cheap, for cash, ut J, 1 tow's, next
oor abovu Hradbury & W udc.
r for your coal oil, castor oil, boiled oil
o'vi spirits of turpcntino.
WfORtltM or
All (.'sslor.t llruisxr, ViiruMi,
AMI) - -
.'riiii I it!? .H a I or lu Is
Mnehlnl'tt may nt all timet be supplied
with old typo lucliil by calling nt
411, Clny syitx'oot.
California Mrrrl, Jntkiontlllf,
n'AVI'. just rrcelied from the Atlantic
. Intet mid Sim I'niucK'ii, n completu
teck of rtrrvlhlni; In their line, and wilt
keppciiiwtniill.r mi bfind nn KMorliiient of
the tifat Tin, rtherl-lmti and Cop-crure.
IIiiim I'Iihk, lljdruitllo Noriles, l-'orco
I'limps. Chains. Lend 1'ipe. lime,
of nil sites;
liar. I'lutennd nsiHirled Iron;
ralntt, Oils, Hlret nnd (ilas;
Shot ofiell uiimbers;
lluislieaof cu-ry ninety, ulc ,ec.
AlMi.nlwnitoii li.iiid.u lariic lot ufttovet
if nwotled site. " lluck't fulfill t.'ookllls;
XliiH'," ninl the "New World Stole-," Ibo
two lery bei-tniid nppriiirit Hitlernt In tho
wnild. I'm lor I llllce und 1'nMti ftuve",
fancy nnd it llll. iwunttnrteil nn lutnt fur)
i.n Iiik plant Itnllcrs. Kelll 'ot. I'uns,
nnd vivrylhliiftcoiiui'cli'il with tliwo stolen,
Miitritiiti.it ibirntdx nnd eifict.
All nrtlelea solil ly them or intiiuifsc-
Intnl. VVAIIItANTi:ii. Thtlrwoikltuuda
f the liett nmlrt UI nnd of I'liiileest patterns
Vi..Orileisutteniii li)wllhdlsKitcli and
lllleit n nlliiK to illrii'tlmis. In every
lliluir, their stiK'k Is tho Urire.t nnd lnt
ever litniiuht In Juckminllle. nnd Ibey nre
deteriiillHil lis tell lit row rme'sw suit e l.ll.
Cull und examine their stock In-fur.' pur
charlnit elsewhere. Jiinn i I. Ihtlll.-'JI.
A;eiitt for lliiltlday , 1,'o'n Wlra Hope.
Tho Lnt Ohnnco!
Till; I HIMIMI.P N iium
Tim under. Ixiieil Is ilesliout of rerillni;
bl pioperly nt Haiiliiiiills, coti.Ulluu of u
Hue far to, (Hid net is under nillliNllou) ft
Hotel, newly palutid mid laslefullf re titled,
line Kiitilen, oiil.nnl mid llnejntd ailjulli
IriK ll. 'I brie Is it line spriiiK le the Ho
tul. Tor filllher pailleiilats, cull ut 'I bom
at C'liatner's Uunvli.nl lllnekwell.
K-biiiury lit, Ihiiti. febm.l
.loiKV i hoick
YVnli'liiiinluT mid .IcmcIci!
()itnon Stint, Jin lniiuttlr, ()rtim,
ii:m;im: ,i i:vr.MtY,
SIM) 1 II ID Willi 11.01 hS.
I'rleot 20 per cent (est llmn uny other
llOIIM' lu town.
All iirlk-les nre strictly warranted
Hi in-Weekly lino of Mayes from Jack
sonvlllle to Kerhyville und Waldo, Or
egon. Uavta Jacksonville every
.'Mssiiiluy K TlsiuseluVt ( A.AI
Heturiilnif, leuvet S'ulilo eveiy
Tiieilu A. I'iIiIuj u( !i 1. M
TliroiiKh paMriiutri will bo fiidii.htil
with (ooil saddlu-huiMst at Waldo, for
CiisMut City.
1.00 AN it THO.MI'rfON, I'ro'r.
Oct. Will, I HOI iH.ll If
e:. w. NiiAUt:.
4, M.M1TOX.
.HV FIKlaii(l.KV(;iMH)S.
riMIH uiidersJunl bailuj,' purLhauMl fiom
I. l( U. H Tbouipioii hit eiilliu ttock of
imiMis ami .ii:i)iciNi:s,
Hutu nidertd, und uro now lecelvlu. a
large luvolcu of slock Irom Ibe bull e.lsli
lisbed houses III tiun I 'runt I ko.
Our stuck lousitls of Ibe pore-sl und most
reliable Officinal Preparation lu Ihe mmkut,
und all tbu popular I'atimt Medivluet of tbu
iluyj together with u well tvlected assort
ment 01
und l'anc Ooodt In our line.
Wu huiu ulto udded lo our butlueta
llisesliH itnel hluliuiis-l)',
ami will keep contiautly on baud ull that
Ihu inurkut lUiuaiidt. Auy books or paport
publltbed limy bo orderid through ut, and
will bu furnished wild ell.natcli.
Jacksonville Kept M.'Oi. Kp'.'3wl
I' and cnrjulro foi Kenedy's ilealiuK
Ointment, und apply to your bruised flogcv