Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 14, 1866, Image 3

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    STregon sentinel,
AI'BII ". l-lb,18GG,
ruliforiiln nml (irr?oii Jlcmt Time.
ivt wr. rn.
. ... . 1,1 Mi. asm. M, Oli.IUim.A,
Afiil '- IHyt cnt,,t . . . 13 13m.
tv nits. situ.
...iltut, (ill. Sim. M fli. t"m. A.
H i Mi. Win. M. th. 41m. A.
'"' ""'imj', Ungll.jjj 131.. 2i.
Sun 12 t linou.
Clock 12 nt nn.
jiiiiv r notTK.
IU'away. Ilurrnti! tcor smash
there's a runnwny and licllcr, skelter, go
the whole population of a country town.
Women, men, dogs and babies lu promis
cuous confusion. Wo sow it lost Satur
day, n genuine runnwny of the fastest
kind, nml tliouglit tlio wliolo population
had got scared and was on ttic run, too.
Ladies turned wliltc, (at men bounced along
like rubber balls, lliln men split the wind,
iqnaws blubbered nt tlio Impending danger,
scd wc thought Ibc population of our tonn
liad Increased to about 40,000, dogs In
clined. The scene was on Oregon Street,
the principal actors, Dcnn, of Willow
Springs, nnd bis hors o, nnd the time made
beat lightning. Iu crossing n deep rut,
cviJcntly left by the Street Commissioner
to save men's lives, thcJ-horsc broke loose
from the buggy, Dean went overboard, nnd
the buggy slopped as If nothing had hap
pened. The principal nctor, Dean, was
thankful that he was not n dead Dean, nor
a Sardine, and guess'd he'd cuter that horse
for the Spring races.
Srr.t.vn. lloary headed Winter has left
ui nt last, uml geutlo Spring, decked In
bloMCmn. has taken his place. Wc rather
like the contrast ; the rapid vegetation Is
lilt changing tho nppcuruuco of things ;
the air Is redolent with frngrnticc; the
swallows nud other feathered choristers uic
twittering and skimming gladly about
their last year's haunts ; the prettiest kind
of little hats (latter to and fro ou tho
streets like buttcrllies; the eye and ear Is
filled to surfeiting with beauty, and wc
meditate. Wu listen to the birds and feel
(hut they have something to feel glad for.
Wc look nt the pretty faces under the but
tcrfly hats, and sighingly wonder If they
arc not very costly. Well, Spring Is with
ui, and wc expect to get tired of her also,
nnd sigh for her cldir sister, who will come
In the glorious beauty mid full fruition ol
Summer. We hope to welcome Summer
also, though old Time comes with her to
steal away our pleasures before they ore
Frozk.v. Oil the Drat lust., ns private
Stephen JIulleck, Co. I, 1st Orrgon In
fantry, wns returning to Tort Klamath
from thin valley, he became confused uml
lost so that he wandered about tint ill after
night, when he becamo so ewhuusted that
Le was unable to reach the 1'ort, although
Lc nus but n fourth of n mile an ay. He
heard the bugle when tnttoo wns tnundvd,
nnd fired 4wo shots from his revolver, but
they were not heeded, as the boys had been
April fooling each other ull the day.
Next morning he wu' found, though not
quite elead. lie died during the day from
the effects of exposure.
Si.nuu.au Att.vciimu.st.- Tlitre Is no ac
counting for vagaries of taslu, oven when
so strong ns to overcome natural Instinct.
Tho family at Mr. Hollmnn, in this tonu,
are poc-?ml of tin old hun that nlt'ord an
excellent Illustration. Sumo time since.
kr chickens vteru enticed uudcr the wing
of another feathery protector, and unable
to bar the lose, the desolate mother made
nn attack on the family cat nnd tc-ciircd ttto
of her kittens with which to console her
outraged maternity. The strongest attach
ment has sprung up between the kittens and
and their new protector. They follow her
about tho yard, run at her call, take foed
from her mouth, nettle under her wing Iu
the coop, every night, nnd when tho old ben
''guts her back up" ut the advances ol the
kouc "jiurp,'' they follow suit. There's
no accounting fur lustcs. Woulttays knew
the fcllno race had a ;icm( for feathery
IrlU-p, Lut neer before taw It exhibited Iu
to lingular a manner.
A JlfciuiY Timb. Tho f.rst of May U a
time Vihcn all should throw off the cares of
business nud attend to any recreation that
may be provided. Iho Juckonvillo Shoot
ing Club, knotting this fact, lime dte-i-mlnc-d
to provide enjoyment lor all. Thoio
who desire to look along u tar of cold steel
are luvlted to take their rillcs to IJybcu's
Grove, aud thoto who desire tho ocIcty of
tho ladies should nut omit to go to the U.
S. Hotel, on tho evening of the 1st of
Jt'oT Satisfied. From n private letter
from Itojcburg, we learn that tho result of
the Democratic State Convention was re
ceived there by tho unwashed with unmis
takable manifestations of chagrin and dis
appointment. The nomination of Fuy
seem3 to elicit the roost unfavorable com
ments, in fact, there is is no man prominent
among tho copperheads es unpopular as
"s. D. Fay.
Coukt in Josephine. The Circuit
Court adjourned on Wednesday last. The
business transacted was of little impor
once. A Portugee who was in jail for
breaking Into a cabin and stealing a revol
ver, was sentcuced to one month's Impris
onment In tho county jail. Divorces were
Rranlcd to Mrs. Dooic and Mary Keek
ford. Kemeuiier the Uuiou ratification at ttto
LSI. to-day.
Jacksonville, April 10th, 18GC.
Ho mid of Tbi'stim Special Ses
sion. I he Hoard of Trnstees convened In
special session at the call of the President.
Present I T. Dnrls, John Miller, and
Jn. It. Wade, President ; abntMn.v.
llrcntnno and A. Taylor.
Tho mluutca of the previous meeting
rrnd nnd approved.
A Tsylor's absence was excused, and
leave o! absence granted for thirty days.
A petition of many cltls-cn. nrnvine?
the Hoard to causo certain side walks to
be repaired, nnd a uniform grade to bo es
tablished, was presented and rend.
A bill to enforce the repair nnd construc
tion of side walks on Oregon, Main nnd
California Streets, was passed as Ordnance
Xo. 25.
A communication from L. J. C. Dun
can, ngent of C. Davenport, offering for
the sum of two hundred dollars to release
to the Town n part of his premises to re
establish the original lines of California
Street. The same was read nnd placed on
L. T. Davis then gnvc notice that he
would report n bill at tho next teflon of
tho Hoard for the appropriation of tno
hnudrcd dollars for the purchase of the
ground of O. Davenport, to restore Call
fornla Street to its original lines and
boundaries ; nlso to repeal the Art fixing
tho tei minus of California Street nt First
Street, nnd to re-establish California and
Malu Streets to their original position nnd
Deeds wnc grnntcd upon applications
filed ; 1st, to California .Stage Co., for lots
Xo. 1, 2, ft nnd C, hi block fl2 ; 2d, to
Mrs. Smith, for lot In block Xo. CI ; .Id,
to Chas.IllocUcll for lot Xo. 7, In block
Hill presented by Uradbury t Wade for
fixtures for Recorder's office, 8" 50, coin ;
nlso, Win. Hoffman, bill for stationery,
S3 75, coin, laid over under rules. Ad
journed to the 20th Instant, at 8 o'clock,
P. M.
J. It. WADE, President.
IIavhi:n, Recorder.
Democratic Platfouu.
1. Hacked, That wc affirm as the end
of our political faith nnd practice, our
Steadfast devotion tQ tho following pricl-
pies, viz: Equal and exact justice to ull
men of whatever state, party or reel ; the
support of the State Governments In alt
Its vigor; a Jealous care of the elective
frnnchie; the supremacy of the civil over
the mihtury authority ; opposition to the
centralization of power ; economy lu ull
public expenditures ; the gcucral diffusion
of education ; the encourugement of moral
ity and the highest civilization ; the right
of every man to worship Uod accoiding to
the dictates of his own conscience ; free
dom or speech, freedom of the press, una
freedom of the person uudcr the protection
ol the haltat toipm.
2. lUtolml, That the action of the ma
jority Iu Congress iu refusing to admit the
Representatives of eleven Slutcr, is un un
warranted assumption of power upon the
imrt of Com-ross, revolutionary in its ten
dency, nnd dangerous to the liberties of the
people j that we do and will sustain Presi
dent Johnson in his determination and ef
forts for the complete restoration of ull the
constitutional rights ol all the States, and
wc unreservedly approve his veto of the
Fredmcn's Uurcuu and Civil Rights bills
nud nil his constitutional efforts to prcuut
the funaticul majority iu Congress from
changing or destroying our cherished form
of Government.
3 licsolted, That the position assumed
by President Johnson, that the Represen
tatives liom the Southern States ought to
be ut once nddmltted to seats iu Congress,
and that legislation uffetulng such Slates
while they are unrepresented is unconstitu
tional, meets with our hearty approval.
I. llaohtJ, That the assumptions of
the opposition thut the Democratic party
is In iavor of repudiating the public debt,
and that it Is in favor of nullification uod
secession, is slanderous and false.
ft. Ktiolitd, 'Hint wc endorse the sen
timent of Senator Douglas, that the Gov
eriuncut was made on a white basis for the
benefit of the white man, ond we ore oppos
ed to extending the right of suffrage to any
other than white men.
C. lUiolud, That the exemption of
L'uiied .States bonds from toxatloo Is sub
stantially the ixemptlon of rich ineu from
taxation because they ure rich, and the
taxation of poor men because they are
poor, nud we ure in favor of taxing thoe
bonds for county, State and municipal pur
poses. 7. Roolitd, That strict and imparliul
justice demands that the expends of the
(Jeueral Government, es well es of the
State Government, should be borne by the
people according, to their nbility, und not
according to their neoeattles j und hence
thut ne condtmn now, ns in ll.epait.a
protective tariff that tends, noarily, to
oppress the musi.es for the benefit of the
8. lUolud, Tbst In a Democratic
Government the real nurtienty rests In
lUepeoplt, and all efforts tending to wrest
potter from tho people is a war upon them,
revolutionary nnd dangerous ; uod that the
existence of national banks, after the ex
perience we bate had with and without
them, especially In times of peace, Is a sub
ject of just alarm,
9. tWt, That the unlawful and
shameful squandering of the people s money
by our promt State officials meets w lib
our emphatic condemnation.
10. lle.dud, That wc will ever hold
in greatful memory thoe wboBe patriotic,
not mercenary or partisan services, the dig
nity of the Republic nnd the integrity of
the Union were preserved; nnd we de
nounce as n base insult to the gallant liv
ing and heroic dead, the present efforts of
the Radicals to convert tho nation's victory
into partisau triumph, seeking to make the
late war ono of conquest, instead of the
suppression of tho rebellion for subjuga
tion instead of restoring the Union for
the neirro instead of the white man.
11. Reiohtd, Thut the miners should
be encouraged and protected in the free
use of the mines.
5an Fnutciico. Greenbacks buying 78
to 78 ; Selling 79 79J.
iTocinmntion or the Presi
dent declining Pence.
Ciiicaoo. Anrll 3.1.
The following Is the President's procla
mation declaring peace :
Whereas, by proclamation of the 15th
and 19th of April, 1861, the President of
the United States, In virtue of the power
vested In him by the Constitution and laws,
declared that the laws of the United States
were opposed nnd the execution thereof ob
strueed In the States of South Carolina,
Georgia, Alabama, For Ida, Missitstppl,
Louisann nnd Tcxn, by combination too
powerful to be suppressed by ordinary ju
dicial proceeding, or by the powers vested
In Marshals by law; ml whereas, by an
other proclamation, made on the ICth of
August of the simc year, In pursuance of
the Act of Congress, approved July 13,
18C1, the Inhabitants of Georgia, South
Carolina, Virginia, North Carolina, Tco
iicsjc, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Arkan
sas, MMssJppl nnd Florldi, except the In
habitants of that portion of Virginia lying
west of the Alleghany Mountains, and of
such other parts of that State nnd the
other States before named as might main
tain loyal adhesion to the Union and Con
stitution, or might from time to time be
occupied nnd controlled by the forces of
the United States engaged in the disper
sion ol the insurgents, were declared to be
in a stale of Insurrection against the Uni
ted Stales ; nnd whcrca, by another proc
lamation on the 1st of July, SC2, Issued
In pursuance of the Act of Congress ap
proved June 7th of tic same year, the in
surrection was declared to be still existing
In the States enumerated, with the excep
tion of ccrtniu sjiecified counties in the
State of Virginia ; and whereas by another
proclamation of April 2d, 1SG3, In pursu
nncc of nn Act of Congress of July 13th
18C3, the exceptions named in the procla
mation of AuguU lGtli, 1SC1, nerc revok
ed and the Inhabitants of Georgia, South
Carolina, North Carolina, Texas, Arkan
sas, Mississippi, Florida nnd Virginia, ex
ccpt the forty eight counties ol Virginia
designated as West Virginia ond the ports
of Xcw Orleans, Key West, Port Royul
and Ilcaufort (S. C.) nerc declared to be
In n stale of Insurrection against the Uni
ted States; and whereas, the House of
Representatives, on the '.'-J of July, led.
adopted a res olutiou In the words follow-
Ing, viz : ''Resolved, etc., That the pres
ent dcplnruble civil war has been forced
upon the country by the dlsuulouists ol
the Southern Slates, now in revolt against
the constitutional government of the Uni
ted Stutes, Lnd in arms around the Capi
tal ; that In this national emergency Con
grcs, banishing all feeling of mere passion
or resentment, ill recollect only its duty
to the whole country, that this war is not
waged ou our part Iu any spirit of oppres
sion nor for uuy purpose of subjugation,
nor for the purpose or overthrowing or In
lerfcring with the rights or ttubUhed
institutions of tlioe States, and to main
tain and defend the supremacy of tb Con
ititution and preserve the Union with ull
its equality oixl the dignity of lLo several
States unimpaired, ami that as soon us
thes objects are accomplished this war
ought to ceosc ;" nud whereas, the Snate
or the United States ou the 201b of July
18C1, adopted a resolution In words the
same ns above ; and whereas, tbe resolu
tions, though not Joint or concurrent in
form, are substantially Identical, and as
such may bo regarded us having expressed
the sense of Congress upon the subject to
which they relate ; and whereas, by my
proclamation of the 13th of June last, the
insurrection In the Stale of Tennessee vvus
deolurcd to have beon suppre-oiod, the au
thority of the United States therein to be
undisputed, and such officers as hud been
deputed in tho unrestricted cxcrclcc of
their official function; and whereas theio
now exltts no orgauiz united resMunce
of wii-guIJcd citizens or others to the au
thority of Iho United States in the Stales
of Georgia, Virginia, Xorth Carolina,
South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Iu
Islani, Arkansas, Mississippi, Texas ard
Florida, and the laws cun bo sustulned aud
enforced therein by proper civic authority
State or Federal, und the people ef sad
States arc ttell and loyally dispo I, and
have conformed or will conform In tlir
legislation to the condition of affairs grow
ing out of the oiueodmtnt to the Con'l.lu
Hon of tho United States prohibiting s'a
very within the limits und Jurisdiction of
the United Stales prohibiting slavery with
in the limits and Jundietion of the United
States; ond whereas, in consideration of
these before staled premises, it is the mani
fest determination of the Amwleun people
that no Stute of IU own will has the right
to separate itself or be separated from the
Americau Union, und that therefore eaeh
State ought to remain ond constitute on
iutegral part of the United States ; and
whereas the people of the Rvcral before
mentioned Statos have, in the main, given
satufactory evidvoce that they ucquUsoe In
the sovereign and imporlaut (?) restoration
Of the natiooal uoity; und whereas it is
believed to be a fundamental principle ol
the Govcrnweut that the people who have
revolted and have been overcome and sub
dued must so be dealt with as to induce
them voluntary to become friends, or else
they must be held by absolute military
potter, or cle so devastated as to forever
prevent them from doing harm as enemies
which last named policy is abhorrent to
humaulty and freedom ; nnd whereas the
Constitution of the United States provides
for constitutional communities only as
Stoles and not as Territories, dependen
cies or provinces ; nnd whereas Heir con
sent must necessarily be had by the Ccr
stltutlon of the United Stales to be pineal
on an equal fooling ns to rights, immuni
ties and powers with the several Slates
with which they arc comie'Ctcd which
political policy Is based upon n principle
of right nnd justice well calculated to In
duco the people of said States to become
more constant In renewed nllrglnnce; and
whereas standing nrmles, mlllltnry occupa
tion, military law, military trlbunnls nud
the suspension of the writ of habeas cot pus
are, In time of peace, dangerous to public
liberty, incompatible with the individual
rights of person, contrary to the genius of
our free institution, nnd exhaustive of
national resource, and ought not therefore
to be sanctioned or allowed, except In cscs
of actual necessity for repelling Invasion or
for the suppression of lrraoii ; and where
n, the liorcrrmcnt of the United States,
from tho beginning of the Insurrection to
Us suppression, ha been carried on in con
formity with the principles heretofore
eminctntcd. therefore I, Andrew Johnson,
President of the United Slate, do hereby
proclaim nud declare that the Insurrection
which has heretofore existed in the States
Georgia, South Curoliin, Xorth Carolina,
Virginia, Tennesw, Alabama, 1mlslana,
Arkansas, Misststtppl and Florida, Is nt
an end, nnd Is henceforth to be so regard
ed. Iu testimony whereof I have hereunto
set my Imnd and cnucd the seal of the
United States to be affixed.
Done ut the city oT Washington this
second diy of April In the year of our
I.ord 18CC, nnd of the independence of
tho United Stales of America the nine
President of tho United States.
W. II. Sewaiui, Secretury of Slate.
Ux-CoM-EiirRVTK Secketviit or the
Naw Mai.wiiv to iik Ih.i.KenEii. A
Wiishingleiu disjhilch to the lloton inn
itript says that Mallory, now in Fort Iji
fayette, nt the urgent solicitation of several
nhylcluns, will be released In a diy or two
ami allotted to join his l.imily, who arc re
siding in Connecticut. It is said tlml he
is el ing from gi.ut.
Probably some of the victims of his
"letters of mat quo" could relieve him with
a hemp poultice.
AeviniNT. Yesterday n Gcmnvii named
Ilnutun, living uu the lift hand fork ef
Juekon creek, had his leg broken below
the knee by the caving of a hank upon him.
On the 3d lust-, on Applegate, by Frank
llaldwiu, J. Cut Ins re ide neo, Mr. D.
Culdttoll and Mis Funny ICuox.
OntheCth In.t . at the Toll Gate, ou
the Prickliy IV.tr river, by the Riv-SIr
Campbell, ('! (ie-urgit Washington Kee-le-r
to Mihs Kelunur llrunuiug.
3D X 33 33.
At th rMi uee tit her parent.., In Jack
Mintlllv, ut four o'cloek A.M., on (he Mil
day of April. IstiU, l.lltlu Kir, yemiigeMt
daughter eif !,. II. uinl twruh Iglir, ukiiI
two ywrs, NiU'll muii lh uinl thltlvcn duys,
L'totMUMlli th UVj UmkSw
Of Ik Ml wl lUtolj' H,
VV brr IU MHUIfbl'i pMm laftM
t4 Ik tt4 I Ktitlrrln.1 11m.
VV Uf IU wl A.H.M lift IK rUII..
t m Ik Uati iHtllllc (Mm.
VtoWtii loivjtutr itMinti Kti,
VV Imm ' ImII hw (!.
0, Iww Mil l jIIm nl,
KlirnwM In rU ..r Mlr,
lift llttl ui- ft.l wU,
Tv U In llMttnl) llfil.
AMi b"W, ku Ik. lklMkk.4.1,
Tl.f"Ul IL tlltrij k4v -!!,
VV r I, KituiWr ek. I4-I tilf tut.
'eif wl. IU Iti'iil-uKf llMim.
"b1 in jo i KTitiflJi
rPlll.utily liiMiruiH.ij ( 'iuiuiiy thut can
1 I', 'ally do bu n' s In Oregon I the
'ai .In' Tli'y 1 1 ' e 'inpli d with th' laws
ufllrgon, Ly il.pj i ii,( jOOW in the
f-Utc, Cub e tptlul "M 0!)
, U'll . A HIIO AbhiU.
Ji k
t,'l 1 U y . ji'- P' - f.W.II
WestcheHter House,
CVI.St.U i.f Ith'n Ut, ,V If UOW IM Y,
lVow "Vox-It.
.VkoiiiiiiihIuIIuii. fur 'Unit llumlrxl
Kuculu, uud near Ui sjll l4ii4u;M joints,
(.'ay turt pM lliu hukl lu ul th fvrrt,
ruifriMul deists nml places of auiuwiusnt
i",ry three- lalnuLw Single room one dol
lar tr day; efoublv two dollar.
J. V.D.KllUUVf A (Jo., Prop's.
march!! f
ii i'jei:i'.viti:i)
loTMili fie;'it ui:h
s r.vi'.uv bivi.K
If Pictures do not give sutlafactlon, no
charges will bo made. Call at his new Gal
(cry. on thu hill, examine his pictures, and
sit for your llkcuce
i sew. is;',
l'or which we offer
vioiwt'Kis ih. eii.VMtwvm:.
In original pickage, or re pekrd
In lot to suit.
A lll.MI'l.rVm AHMUT.tli:T Ol'
Soth Thomas's Clocks,
ll.peclslly nditpttil In the Oregon Trade.
ALSO "tin:
Getehls, Comprlrliig one Mid eight dny
And nil sires I.KVKR CLOCKS.
rintod Britannia
PLAMHir.l) TIN WAIli:.
IJ"llnl nttrntleinls cnlle-d to neir
rintocl 'ClTii-o,
Which vtu guttiiiileo superior tunny olh
erlu the mnrkel.
And Uiuip Stock In icrt-at vatlety.
Siipe-i leu- Tulitt' Ciitli't v,
In Pearl and Ivory.
Wcglvc tsehtl
attention to clashes of good suitable
nnd nre prcpari-d lo furnish oi'Titrs
of the best class.
Your orders rwpeclfully lullcltnl.
IIVM .. I.VVVleiN,
fIC .V ftlH.Sein-omoHt Cor Merehnnl,
Hun I'rnnrlN'ei.
llilttreu S'.tt flat' Saloon uud llMdlxiry
V Wude'r, JuckHiiivillt', tthleh
BoHt CifnrH nnd Tobacco,
M 4 sst t s ""
frksii fruits, irru.inu
i.enci: stock f cvtw.hy,
And u due- tuortmi-nt of
.MP.CIC SIXI.VI I'll'l'.t
Ciiu4iltly eu ha ml If
WI-; laltu this methexl to inform thu
Public thut their steam saw mill is
now situated on Grilling triek uboul lliieti
and u half miles south eunt vouru from
Jae-kkouville, and will have eouiluiitly on
hand a grel tuiply of luiuUr, ull bills for
lumber cut on short notlee
N II Tim name of thu 11mm formtrully
doing btiiuiess unde-i the nsinv of M. Mil
ler A Co Iiuj now ilioltid ni to Milltr,
und will here-after elo IiuiIiiim mwUr the
i.aiin ol D II llurroughi A Cu, on, I ull
bu- I'M Irausartions IllUat b done villi
D. II ISurroiiithi.
January, 'J7. IttCC. Jatj'J7lf.
"Willi Ull III) lirlllug, litl
-- Jltu stuilwl A -
Utatloieury AKunoy,
And will ImiswlUr run u wugou throughout
And ieihap
AUJeilMsej oi 'l'ir.H,
Por the purpow of soliciting uod
apJiiiiin Oi'ciui-M
Kill A 1.1. K I. M' Of
All Oleleis ttill U prompily atUndwl
to. No money requiied lieforv thu uilleUs
are iltlltne.l,
Jaekxjuville, Manli 21 eC. wai'Jlll
Dr. OterUcW, has re-litted his bath rooms
at thu
Thoso vtho wish lo ludulgolu thu lunur
ies of it good bath, can lo accommodated by
giving him a call on Vciluifcl ays and Huu
days. febll
Jooil iows for Liulirs!
Agents for Grover.V linker's eel-
i:iati4!StlscltSiuiiit( IncliV,
Have on Imnd a variety of lhee nm
ctilno for trlivl nnd In
riv lhe mftcblne wit t,iudfd the first
.1 I'ri'inlnni nt tb ,Slnl. Pairs of Ne-tr
York. tnell.ttM, Vermnnl. tlhlet. limit, till
not, K'Milucky, Mlchlgnii. PrnnsylvniiU and
Oreieiiii user nil eippn-tlleui
Call nrttittiil, ladle', Iwforo purchasing
elsewhere, ninl eitmlno lhr innrlilm-
June M. lnoit. Jiso3if
M S5000 M
.c i:, M-st
The iiiiilerstunM itenild most rif pec I fully
call the allvtitlon of Iho ptiMIc lo their
PEI! I SI A 15 Is 10,
On Ocelot. Street, JncksonvlllCs Wc luno
n tlno Block of bujiijiri nml leum, aUo n
rtrtiut snittiviV nt itiUlfi littraosl in til Vi
littler ourselves thut wo hato ejlttn satis-
rariion ino p.isi jriir.nnu nro eicitriuiiicei
In tlit mi Iho next. Wu solicit n lltiio-
share Of tho patioiingc.
A cooel supply ol fettl eonstuntty on
hmed. im.ym i .i : .v Ro.st
.litchnniivllie, I'ee '.'il. . ele-elfir
AhkihIuh Tit) leir , Prop'r.
tint ireprlrlnr tin rrei-nlly piirilunil
lh nlHite we-ll kiiotttt stand, tlliiitli'd nn
the ee.rni i of
Hlllilllllll .V. Sill MIIMll,
ve'ii..r.. el... t...tf iu.i ..r 1. ,.,., u,i.i i.,,..Mi..rf
)....l. . -- - r. ...... .'1,nh,l -.
cud Ik Iiml nt nil llnuw, ill rwiHinulilx niliie.
Ill sIikiU of lo.editem cannot ho eipiielnl In
the Stall-.
On iiMMiiinlilu le-ini, nnd th brut euro nt.el
iiltentli.it iH'rlotteel .hiuIIhui vthllv under
iiineiniri' .vim. i
IIiimi llitelet nml Hi. Ill,
ll.'liiC Mti-llrd llmt lhi In emi ulvo mils
fuellon, lln proplleteir suite
elleill, tin' iroileleir Sullclls llitf pi
uiji'iif Un' pulille.
p. en un' piiiuie.
Jiukmnvtlb' l'i- H, IHC,,
HnppinoHM or Minory ;
flMIK PROI'ltTM'ORS of Tin:
SI'II.M'K," Imivc ilnlfiiiilniil, ri'KHtilli'M
iifi'iriiM' In Uue FRP.F. (fur the benellt
of lb mllVrliitf liiiiiwiiity) four of their
ni'-t inli-retiiiK nml lintrnctito l.l-.C
1 1 III.H em MARRIAGCamliUdiMiiiul
itbulions i NertiMM IMillity, I'eeioiliiro
Dlt'lilMf ol MiiiiIiimhI, liMliifrilloii, Weiik
iirtM or Drpie-tMiiin, I . of l-.tn-ryy und Yl
tal Pnwtr, IIh Knnt J-hm-ikI i;tll. uinl Hkho
liwlaillif. t lut I I mill I Iroin yeHilbliil fiillles,
iaiiwns eif mutiirily, or luiioruneo of Ph)s
loli.sry oih! Nntiires Utws.
'I I.OM- iiiVHluablo la-cturrs lmv betll Iho
iiwiih iif e iilyhli-nlHK iiml niviny IIiihixumN,
iiimI ttill In fitrtviiideil I'ltDP. em receipted
'I tt niy rlvn Cents In Ktuxtt ttumjM, by
iiildreMin "rivcrvtury PuciSo .Mum-iiiii iif
Anatomy uml Sele'iiee, Pino .Street, Hun
r)r Utters In U Miit lhronli Wells
FaiKO ,V Cu. mirllyl Ins
'Po Tlteiitiiin Muss I'll,
DONATION Clnlmnnl In Tuttiinhlps 31
nml :vj Honlli of It Uit.
Whvltfu. ullklaVlN have- U-tn ninl In
Hill olllii-, win i III the ulllaiitSM'l forth sub
H.iHtlally an lolloHn 'Ihat thry ttem ac
ijiialnlwl with kiid Ihoinm llarrell, vtho
liuil luWa-n it iloiialloii olilni In luttnthlps
M uinl :i'J roulli of rniit 1 't. In th fall
of lA3, uml ulNttnlouol II In (he Ull or
IMS, uinl ha not tliioe resided thereon,
llil in violation of lli iirotUloiK of thu net
nl (!iitirM"eieiitlux tlio ollknof Kurveyor
Gtut-rul of the Politic l.itnds In Ori'Kuii
nnd In make) donations to Settler; aiipiovtd
. i.l.7lh, IH.-.I)."
1 lumforti, In iiiiraiiance) of uiilhotlly.you
uib Imnliy iiutltlnl lu u.rur at the) l.mnl
Olllcet In lliil.iir((, Ort!oil,vl ten o'clock
A. U., em low lUlli ela e,l A (H II. A D I HOC,
thou uml thurs lit pinaciit Imtliftuijy uf yuur
lil rl jht lu hulil aii( claim.
Uituos our hands ut tl IjiihI fljSct) in
lliwtihuri.', Oivkoii, Ihla l)ili U of i 'ul.ru
ury, A. D. lstiti
JOHN la.'f.l.Y. lUitlnUrttr,
limtlwl A. It. PI.INT, llewlvr
ITnipquu Academy!
'PHISTiusle of l'uiniuit Acad, tit htt.'i
I tlioroeeylily reiMirc-il lliu IhUIiiik, uml
Il U now ready for nboul 'Hi Whiter
'IVrm uf 'ti vtMk ttill uuiiiiii Nov. Z7lh
11m HSj.rln und tiummur Turn, lit Momiay
In May, Ifclo.
Prlntary l)eMrliuiit t a O'l
tievomlaiv ilu , 1; 01)
llljelar I'iikIhIi . . . 7 un
l)ad latUHUSKeM, Drawing and Paint
ing, emeh, tjelru, 3 uo
lliitlo .. In on
lloatd in privatu familial a 0U
I' F. ROY A 1., Principal.
Uu Cmiik .Vxitii,
Au'l Tc-ucht,
I. .LVVTl lo ricilvo ull kuiiUuf
Produce ou UomiiiiMioii uml Sturai' on Iho
mot reutonnlilet Urm. Pur particular,
tail ut his Piro Ptuur store, corusr of Call
March Ulh. ItfoU. uiarlOlf
.i buy n hotlli. of Kethtily's llheumallu
aud Nvuralglu l.iuaiuoiit, and your crutches
Will SOOII llOl,o umi-S.
I ever you tt.mt mseiicluo of uny dctoeli.