Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 31, 1866, Image 2

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ran mm wnm
. . . Pan Francisco Cal.
. Apple gale. Ogn.
Wllber do
.. ..Itock Point do
Cnntoni Vaftla do
J. 1' KUUcr.
Thomas Davis. .
FT. K Hill... .
T. G. Hlrdsetc.
Thomas Croxton,
Justice Is Wind.
Win. Snlcer Jump-Oil-Jo do
(5ov. (Jlblrf Portland To
I). M Thompson VlUuiy ib
W M. Kan Altbmwe Jo
Thomas Carr do dd
Thomas 1'. Floyd. Korbyvllle do
S W. Snwvor do do
1) P. Andeiton Phoenix do
A. Ireland Myrtle Creek do
Goo. L. Dean Kllenburg do
Thcodrtc Cameron Union Town do
J.ime I,. Watson Roseburg do
Miss Hattta Hunter Rogue Iltver do
Dinger Hcrmin, of Conyonvlllc, general
Apint for DoueUs County.
march niit iecG.
For Congress,
Tor Govomor,
For Secretary of State,
For Treasurer,
For Stato Printer,
w m wii wiipi imii i !
M. M. MELVIN, Canyonvllle,
voit coM:iiKto:;sM:
ou Jiiniirn
It. A. C0WLE3.
rOI'. AiltSSORi
Protection or Mixa At a miner
convention, held iu Jacksonville on the
17tb, the miners rctolved themselves Into n
mutual protection Society by the (allotting
agreement :
We, whose names ore hereunto annexed.
do ngree to form ou'selvca into n Mutual
I'rotcetion Society, for the purpose of de
fraying any and all expenses in prosecut
ing to a successful issue any claims that
may arise on tbe part of I bo mlncra of tbh
county against pcrsoDj-wbo have entered
or may hereafter enter, mineral lands of
tlii3 county in the Land Office at Hose
burg. And we further agree to pay the mm of
ono dollar to tbe Treasurer of the Associa
tion, or any other person or person au
thorized to recclvo the same, immediately,
and such further saunas raav be voted nec
essary by tho Association, or a majority
thereof, from time to time.
ltei-oiiT or Road Suivkt. By the polite
ness of Hon. J. U. Underwood, wo have re
ceived the report of the Superintendent, D.
J. l'cngra, of tho 0. CM. 11. Company
It contains accounts of explorations in tho
southeastern part of the State, made last
summer. Tho report is well written, and is
a document worthy of preservation. Speak
ing of tho survey of tho Eastern part of
Jackson county, iu tho neighborhood of
Ft. Klamath, tho report says: "Away to
tho Eouth, in the dim distance, is thownito
form of Shasta Peak. A little nearer, nnd
Anther round to tho west is mount I'itt.
At the fcot of tho mountain ranges largo
springs of puo water burst forth, which form
broad and deep livers at their very heads.
litre, then, arc the 'Kushlui: springs'
'pUctd lake,' 'gcntlo brook,' thy 'deep i h er,'
vaows of winter,' 'summer verdure,' 'high
walls,"towcring mountains,' 'green forests,'
and tho 'lovely vol,' of which jocls havo
sung ami the tourist became entranced, all
seen at ono view." After stilklng It, Su
perintendent l'cngra found it advantageous
tolocalotho road for the gieater part of
tho way on the trail explored la 18GJ, by
Lieut. Col. Drew, of the 1st Ogu. Cav.
(iBaix Crois. Tho prospect for n heavy
yield or grain tbo coming harvest bai not
been so Uatteilng lor .eraVyeaw. Not
withstanding the hard winter, farmers haw
generally been able to taw tho usual amouu;
of nhcat, oats and barley. Tho warm rains
that have been falling for tho last two or
three weeks have given the crops such n
start that they y, 111 not bo affected by tho
drouth us they wero hst year,
lai bovkme.st. Street, Coinnjlwlgncr Rosa,
commenced work ou tho streets and roads
of Jacksonville road district on Monday
last, ami from tho amount of gravel being
used wc aro led to beiiuvo that good and
i ul 'auli il work Js li g pe-rlortmd
Amid tbe political excitement nt the na
tional capital, the distinguished Slate pris
oners seem to be forgotten. In their anx
iety for the enactment of now laws our
rulers appear to have overlooked the old
ones that nrc still in force. Justice is said
to bo blind, and wc arc willing to believe
the assertion correct; and her blindness is
no less apparent than her sloth. Wc are
accustomed to hear that laws nrc enacted
for the security nnd welfare of social or
ganization, but they seem to be quite n3
mythical as the Goddess who is supposed
to administer them. There seems to be n
species of moral opthalmla that Increase iu
a commensurate ratio with the magnitude
of crimes against society. The poverty
stricken man who perhaps steals to sup
port life, or who takes life perhaps in n
moment of desperation; is hounded n3 a
social pest, but he whose villainies take n
wider range whose crimes arc measured
only by the limit of power to commit them
whose victims arc counted by hundreds
of thousands, need not fear the gallows.
If the finger of scorn Is pointed at the petty
thief Is it just that those whose unscrupu
lous ambition bo3 resulted in the loss of
property counted only by millions in loss
of human lives almost too appalling to con
template should go unwhipt of justice?
It is time that wc understood whether
the word "treason" is n meaningless one, a
dciusicn of our Constitution, having no ex
istence In fact, or whether It signifies some
thing that Justice will take cognizance of.
and to which odium will really bo attached.
It is time that tbe scale were torn from
theeyesof Justice, that she may confront
iu the neendny sun those upen whom her
sword might rlghteocsly descend.
Let htr glance at the desolation tint has
fallen upon the Southern States; the ruin
ed cltlesr the once fertile fields scarred by
the track of tbe spoiler, and the social ch.v
04 resulting frsm bold and bad ambition.
Let her stand by the little green mounds
that mark the graves of the nation's name
less dead; lot her mark the accursed places
where sixty thouand of the nation's brav
est youth were starved like dogs untildeath
was welcome to them; let her mark tho va
cant places in Northern homes, to be filled,
alas, no more by the manly forms of fathers,
sons and brothers who sprang to tbcnlarm
of danger, and whoso rest is cow eternal;
let her ceo the cruel wounds in the hearts
of the people that can be healed by no hu
man skill; let her count tho bitter tears
of tbe orphan and tho widow, cadi in itself
a scalding ocean of anguish; let her reckon
the almost countless treasure wasted toke
the bandages from bcr eyes, lead her to the
grave oi a martyred President upon which
only a single Summer's flowers have blo
scraed still moist with n nation's tears.
and ask her If she has not indeed been
blind and slothful.
Wc bear also that Justice is impartial.
but wc know that intelligence and social
position will outweigh Iu her balances the
blackest crimes in tbe calender, ami wc re
gard this reputed qualification as n fable.
If sLc not deaf as well ui blind 1 The peo
ple, through their Legislatures, have urged
the (luthorltlcsat Washington to bring the
leaders of the rebellion to trial, ncd yet we
hear that their trial, much let their pun
ishment, Is beyond the range of probabili
ty, and that treason instead of being
"odious" will be tho most successful path
to human glory.
Democratic Consistency.
Who knows what it is? Show as one
who can catch n shadow or a Jack O'lan
tern and wo will show a man who can ex
plain Democratic consistency. That Im
maculate party in this county have given
us on admirable exhibition or it. They
cry down with radicalism, invito conserva
tives to join their ranks, and request their
Stato Convention to nominate Jas. D. Fay
for Congress. What a beautiful spcctoclo
of conservatism I Eodorso Johnson and
pat forward a little, miserable rcbsl, whose
venom against the government has only
been measured by his puerile capacity to
injure it ; who has openly declared himself
such, and whose political record is as darn
ing, in n small way, w that of Vallandlg
baw or JcU'eraon Davis. Little Fay is a
pretty specimen of coninatt$m, Is ho not?
Littlo Fay for Congress 1 Well, marry!
but this is ctTrontry. We reckon the
Jacksonville Cops, are sick of their dose of
"endorsement." They swallowed Johnson
a few nights since, body, boots, breeches,
tailor's gooso and all. That goose must sit
heavy on their stomachs for they ore often
seen with tbeir hands on that region evi
dently in uo little ogony, They remind U3
ot n flock of sheep following their "bell
whether" to certain destruction, or n flock
of silly moths scorching their wings in the
glittering generalities of Johnson's policy.
Wo wonder how thoy liko tho interfsreneo
with that good rebel (Monroe) who was
elected Mayor oi New Orleans.
ii.mn iuuouw
Roc I'in't (ncre too the Dar-da-knells) 1
Marteh tenth, lfCC f
Mn. Enum-n: Itak bac the lettur I
ront you last weak, knus I've orltcrfd ml
tipplnyon sum; that Is too ea, I hcv kon
kloodid to oltcr ml taek-tlx sence I cum
up too Oaxonvll too sco the ralle. I wos
ov coarse intcrdooccd too menny ov the
reeal-roc diraokraU bl the troo roc ilimo
krat I cum with. He ted Ide find 'cm roc
hartid fellers, spcssially won ov 'cm. and
ho wcm. 1 torked konfidenterly with 'cm,
and thoy sed taek-tlx wos mloptid bl the
dimokray fur nnd ncre that wee must
tak n lessun ov the Ainlnrl ICat who
roalled itself ovcur, har and nwl, in the
mcel bas. .fc trl to make us team tu be
whot wee alnt, St don't kalkcrlatc tu be, &
speke t hoo-ror fcr Jonscn en the rite
korncr. It wos firtherstaitid that wun ov
the nther taektlx adoptld wus, the npplnt
In to little ofices (scch ns dcllygnytes k
cttscttezry,) them nz nin't nllu3 ben ree
dimokrats, & it woold make cm furm k
voat rite at tho mark and this iz nwl to
konkcr. Tha scd wee must pet mour voats
(rite or rong, our motto) or the trco di
mockrasy wil kontlr.er dod nz ivcr. I herd
nwl th spech ov Mister l'hny. the trooly
ontcrriCd son ov of tho sonny South, at the
korncr, (this wos on the rite korncr, n re
frewln korncr fur dimokrats) the unkonk
crabel lecder of mcdJcl dimokrasy. and be
illustrated tbe taek-tlx. He scd it wos so
plane that nun ov the fools thar kneed ur
tharln His tork was high toned and cl-tow-qucnt,
nllho it wos a departin from
our kontincred hoarse in tack-tix for the
last fa memcrrobel ycrt. and konsiJerabcl
ly chohin to the lion, (this don't meet:
honest, kaus lecdio dimokrats ain't oblecdg
cd to Ik.) Spcker, as well as the underiind,
as he toald me konuMeotaly; bnt it is xpeet
Idtodosarvli to the kaus. It was well
nown that the sblralrus son bed only ilo-
tld tU tack-tix. ft still bleevd in Stalls
rites to sce-secd. & aunty-kocrshun. ez an
nowDfcd dooring tbe war..',; that scd .Statu
ort to bin let alone p Ja Davis, Eskuarc,
sed. These sentiments he sos he stil kon
tincrs in, furm. lie did not m cnnythlng
of Jonson's hangln the womin, nor about
tha hangln ov Habius Kcrpus (who's still
supcndld fc hangln upp Iu the sonny
South), but bo was cl-low-qucnt on the
vet oc & abbcrllshncrs & nwl homers where
they coodot mak dimokrats, it be cl-low-qucntid
ogin 'cm shlverallusly, & ive
scnse.hccrn that tha wos lo big too be cn
ny hurt bl so lectio man, & I wos sum
afcerd he hed ingcrd his own konstltushun
in sum parts lie wus cheard nccmcros
times bl tho anvel, ospeihlly when he el-low-qsenlly
nloodcd to the abberlishun
TodsIIs & the Doo-wtlls it ettsetlry. Tho
scm scd be wos a blae-goutd it diJnt sptke
gud gremmar, I ipofcd it woi sum ov them
rccdln abberllihncrs (a i htv no respect fur
them.) o most ov that reeding kind is agin
The l'rcydil ov tbe koroer ralie per
seeded the grate speker ov the sonny south
A konkludid .fur him also. He, too, spok
azadlmokrat.A torked in troodimokratic
stllc. He stood onto the konstltushun
farm, x be is like unto won wel Initrucktid
In the churtch, who bod alters kcntlncrly
red boath sydc ov bat wun dimokratlc
noospapur far ycr, a wood stil kostiner,
as the ucdersiad trooly islcerc. Ho ted
he'd faynt hopes of tbe kons tltushun in Jon
sen, and (oz fur tack-tix odoplld by tbe
dimokrasy fur k ncre) wee must ledors
fayntly nt tho prefent time. Ho stent i
wos cbcared bl the anvel, the underslnd
went awn rejoisln home far Roc Pint, i I
shel rcmanc at scd plaso til I levc.
Lalt ordayned paitur ov tho
Churtch ov tho noo dlipensasbun.
Pe. cS. Sum abberlMner hes writ from
Hoc Pint, kolllnc hUself n dlmoVrat. i
worn awl troo dimoKrats uln him; tint Is
to sa, he's an obbeTlWinuit In dlwlze. A Is
I think he's au ablw
airin tho troo kaus.
Iltbu furrlner.
Idaho News.
The following news Is from the Idaho
.S7.ifr.rmn, from the 8th to the 13th Inclu
sive :
In Tuesday's issuo we published n short
note from Lieutenant Pcpoon In regard to
the attack on Dr. lnsklp's house In Jor
dan valley. The following letter give
more of the particulars and mentions also
the killing of the other men since that
time :
Orrici: W'ms, Fanoo fc Co., 1
Rvnv City. Match fith, IBfifi. f
More pail news was brought up from
Jordan valley this nlternoon. Last Fri
day cvcnlngabout dusk, the Indiana chased
.Mr. Osborn herso and nil Into Dr. In-
sklp's bouse nnd kept up n Inrlons attack
en the premises nil night, completely rid
dllng tho board part with balls fortunate
ly not hurting any oho. During tho night
they killed a horso within sight ol tbo
house, built n fire, cooked and nto him up.
Mr. Osborn pot out of the back side of
the house and went to the camp for help.
Thirty soldiers were sent out but unfortu
nately lost their way and did not succeed
In intercepting the savages, who continued
their firing on the house until after day
light, and until about eight o'clock, when
they left down the road towards the Owy
hee". Some hours afterwards parlies pass
ing down the road found the bodies ol two
men, .Messrs. Lockwood and Urown, who
had been murdered by the savages and one
of them horribly mutilated being scalped
and bis heart cut out and stuck on n stake.
Mr. Lockwood was well known here nnd
universally respected, and this brutal
outrage caase Intense filing hereabouts.
I cannot get full particulars, but this Is
tbe s-ilistnnoe of tho lamentable affair.
This band of Indians wcro about thirty in
number and seem to have followed in the
rear of Ciploln Walker's party. TIiom
pidity and length of time they continued
to fire on Dr. Ioskin's house proved that
they were well armed with firearms and had
plenty of amunltlon. Everybody is asking
where this was obtained, and the universal
opinion here Is is that it came from thin
CVy. Wiillc you ore sending men out
keep a watch for the fntndly Indians
prowling around your town.
Mr. Osborn and Clhb3 had started for
California, but losing their stock were
compelled to return.
Vours, llnow.s.
Tub Latf. STonst. During the past
week wo have had n rain storm nearly
equal in its fury and amount of water
precipitated upon the earth to the hard
storms or December and January. The
raia commenced to fall on Wednesday nt
.1 1'. .v., nnd continued without intermission
UN about 4 r. H., of Thursday when it
ceased lor n few hour.', but commenced
ogain and rained for tho greater part ol
Thursday night, and until 8 a. v., Friday
mornleg. The damages done lo tho min
ers of Jackson creek Is great, scarcely n
oiaira utit what uas surL-red more or less.
Tbe season had advanced so far that uo
moro high water was expected, aud the
miners had quit ground sluicing and
commenced cleaning up, but the flood has
filled many of the claims with gravel to
the depth or four or fivo feet nnd at the
samo time tearing up aud washing nway
the flumes and slulw-boxcs. Men that
had worked all winter, and had got their
ground In such a position that their wholo
winter's work could have been secured in
a few weeks, find themselves ulmost where
tbey began lost fall. Such floods arc dis
astrous nnd the consequences can scarcely
bo avoided.
The- Kxpce.iiuitH.
Who shall tell the hopes nnd fears that
arc stitched Into littlo frocks for the form
not yet seen I All tho world over, tho
quiet, thoughtful brow of expectnul woninr
hood bends over them silently. Sometimes
n glad emtio lingers on the lips ; sometimes
tho busy hands He idly folded over tbo soft
cambric folds, as memory carries them
back to their own childhood ; Just so their
mother sat, with Jint such thonghts busy
at heart nnd brnln, before thoy were nest
led in n mother's welcoming nrmi. Ah I
never till now did they ever fully renllze
what n mother's love may be. Never till
now did they retrace the Blcps of childhood,
girlhood and mnturlty, so carefully, to note
all the Christ-like patience and tenderness
to which thoso long years bear witness.
Then solemnly comes, tho thought : "Just
as I looked up to my mother, this littlo
ono will look up to mo. Mo 1" Warm
tears fall fast on tho littlo frock that lies
on tho lap. "Mo 1 Ah I how do I know
that I shall teach it nrlght?" nnd with the
happy love-thrill Is mingled a responsibili
ty so overwhelming that it can rot be
borne nlonc. Nor, Ibnuk God, need it be,
nor Is it. Ah I whatsoever fathers may
think, mothers must needs look upward.
Tho girl-mother, from that sweet, socrcd
moment, will rise, if ever, disenthralled
from her passed frivolity, nnd with tho
earnest sent of a new baptism on her brow.
Fanny l'trn.
Unit. As wo go to prcrs, Friday, 10
P. M., the rain is rfccetidlng in Hoods and
the wind is blowing a gale. Jackson Creek
Is rapidly rising and threatens to do much
damago in town. Hear Creek U said tu be
higher than It wun nt nny time during the
Statu Cosvi:ntwv. On account of bad
wenlhcr nnd tho dlfllculty by which the tel-
cgnipli Is noticed, wo were ulilo to get only
thi names of tho nominees of the Union
Htnte Convention. W- nro compelled to go
to press without any hints oven as to the
Tin: Uuaso.v Wnv.-Mr. Fay onkcd a Un
ion man theovcnliig of tho democratic rally
Why his parly wcro not endorsing John
fon." Tho Unionist quietly anwcrcd "He
cause ho hung Mrs. Siiralt." Tho copper
head walked off with u Inge sized Ilea in
his car.
"efts'. 5ffi ra
i-10, l-Alf,."5P
(Train; :: y
Ilrnll..'Y . "IUFdlA.-1.''
...... utl0 , eooi. ,., --" 1U.
miA.1 ....: "WW I 1
8. J. Day. M 8utton-l WnuP.,; 4Pj
Wnrroa Lodeo vn inTTT
vor prcccJIng the to lL,n'M
m ,VM.OllM0.X.
ft 111 practice n all the rwt, .ml ..
Judicial District, llioSuS ?&$
gon.nnd In Yreka.Cal. War&?I I
ly collected. "ar,'WoinPt.
vn, io.
Jacksonvhxb, Onraox, ".
mrc xs)s, uic Court ll0M,.
All business committed to my ears m
be promptly attended to. July :j .c2
Mcdicino V.Sargory
In Jackson and adjoining counties I!a
idence In Jacksonville.
Near Jackionvllle, March aatb, to the
wife of M. Hanloy, n son.
Mrs. ItlcCiilly'a School Kmiiii
isiatioss. MEDALiiuVAliIEI.
Dcst in Spelling, 1'irtt Class, Mi3 Llzzlo
Clayton; In Second Clats, Miu Amelia Mil
ler; In Third Clans, Master William Ulrich;
in Fourth CIhss, J. C. Ovcrbcok. Ika
Reading, Mbs ltocna Uunyard. licit Writ
lug, Mim Itoeua lluuyard. Most Improve
ment In Writing, Mary McCuIly. lK-st Iu
Arltbmetlc, Fir a Class, Hint I.lzzla Clayton;
In Second Ulakfl, Mary McCully, Dentin
Ueograpliy, Mlu Laura Short, Dest iu
Gramme-r, Miss Llzzlo Clayton.
Thames aro returued to our lleprctcnta.
tivca fu Cuugrees for public documents and
Tho Ticlict.
Tbe Union Stato Convention has complet
ed its labors, and presented a ticket for tho
support of the Union voters or the Stato of
Oregon. Woods will bo remembered as
ono of tho Electors on tho Union ticket In
tho last Presidential canvass. Ho Is a good
speaker, a sound Union man and will raako
au eirectlvo canvass. Ho lives In Wasco
county, and Is not generally known in
Southern Oregon.
Mallory, the uomlnco for Congress, Is
well known throughout this portion of tho
State. Ho lives at Salem, and w as formerly
a Douglas Democrat. S. E. May U known
to all. He, too, resides at Salem, nnd was
formerly a Republican. E. N. Cook Is a
Salem man, and wo bclicvo was a supporter
of Dell and Everett. Mcriicreon Is tbo ed.
Itor and proprietor of tho Albany Journal,
lu Linn county. Wo know nothlue of hl
political aate-ce'dents, save that he Is n Un
ion man.
tbo ticket Is a good one, and with the
men named as etaudaid bearer we can
again inarch on to victory. Wo endorsa the
nominations aud pie-dge tbo ticket our firm
Nahrow Escape. Wo learn that Mr.
Lucicn Applegatc, Telegraph Operator nt
the Toll House, had a narrow cscano from
drowning on Thnrsday last while endeav
ortug to ford Cottonwood. Ills horso's
feet wcro washed from under him, and he
gained the opposite bank with much dif
ficulty. Tho operator from this town, who
was out on tho samo day, reports tbo very
small streams greatly swollen and even
Wagner Creek nearly Impassible.
Anobkw Johnson has been guilty of too
many usurpations nnd acts of tyranny for
tbo De-mocracy ever again to confide in him
acts for which ho can never ntonc.
It is the same old Abolition snake with a
Dm ,i'lho aiu black, hitler, nauseous
rill, with a very clunny attempt at eucar
coatlng-bcwaro of it& Ki3M Vmo
crai, 17IA.
Who will decldowben doctors disagree ?
Doctor Fay administered that im iiniiio
to bis Democratic patients on Saturday
evening last, and Doctor O'Mvara wants
them to vomit It up, Instanter. Detwccn
purges and pukes, tho chances aro that tho
patient will bo drugged to death. How's
your bowelry department, Jacksonville
OmoToniKs Kxur.cisKD.-Our neighbor
seems lo bo a, smeller of bad smells. He
ba.1 better provldo himself with a bottlo of
Cologuo water or volatilo salt noxt limo
ho attends a demoeratlo meeting.
Sc3 'on a Ijivoucc Sarah iieu,i n
Monday last, bled a bill in equity a tbo
Circuit Court of Jackson County agaluet
Albert IJethDl, setting forth cruel treatment
anil desertion, and praying for a dlssolu
tlon of tho bonds of matrimony now exist
ing. Postal.-Mr. E. D.Foudray has been ai.-poiute-d
Post Master of Phomlx,
Wk shall strictly adhero to, and defend
tho pure, iru, aud successfully rIt"i $ !
plM or our Democratic lathers, wilbont any
modltloatlon, "reform," ''reconttruc ion X
W. -"-' I'uiiutiii uuKers.
That old fogy woulda't swop his chances
In an Oregon "mud wagon" for a first-class
rall-road tloket, and probab y thlnksNoah'a
Ark could outsail the fustcst clipper afloat.
Oien your eyes, friend, nnd see iho world
Tup. Oat Jturs. Wo have been much
puzzled, of late, to know what tho Demo
crats wcro going to do, but conjecluro
ceased, when wo saw tho candldato for
Cougrces hoisted by tho llirttr last week.
What a leap I
i Si i i
School will be opened Iu tho District
whool house, on Monday, April 3th, under
the mpwldou of Mr I). II, Davis.
Tho well known and celebrated
(called tho New York Improved, or Seymour
A: Morgan) Combined Maehlue', with great
Improvements, having a
Can bo changed from n reaper tort mower
in leu minute'; cut li mid R. I'vvUwuth,
within one inch or two fvot from the ground;
will cut K to 'Id ncreM iwr ilnv. din Ihi
uh-l with two or moro hornv. Will work
on SIDE 1IILI.H, where other machine
will not. 'iVy nro easier lo gut tho grain
oft' than any other Machine, leaving it out
of tho way or tho reaper. Tho
Culsn SEVEN FOOT SWATH; will cut
thirty acres per day.
Wo also have
McCoriuick's G-foot Ktapcrs ami Mowers,
Bull's Ohio Reapers nuil Mowers,
HmsulPS IIussllllou
and Suvcpstukes,
Thirty to thlrty-slx lacb cylanders.
WIRE IIOR8E-RAKES,on wheels)
with a general assortment of
As low as can bo purchased elsewhere.
. . J. P. AIITIIUK a so.v,
mli31nil Cor. CalitirnU uj limit S-irU.
San Francisco.
62SAr.AH IlimiJiL. VMI.VTIFF, tj. I
J. Oregon, county of Jackson.
To Albert IJethel, Defendant: You nrc
Jicreby required to bo and appear In tbo
Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for
"wtuiiiiiy 01 jacKson.on tno nwuayor
June, A. I). 1SCC, lo answer n complaint ou
110 In tho abovo entitled suit. Vou nro
hereby notified that If you fall to answer
Mid complaint, as abovo required, tho plaint
Iff will apply to Iho court lor tho roller de
manded tucrclu-to-wit; for Iho dissolution
or tho bonds of matrimony existing between
yon and plaintiff, and will further ask tho
Uurt to decree to this plalutiu Iho enro
and custody or Iho children, Iho Issuo of
said marriage, and for Iho costs nnd dls-
uursmcniH or tin mil to bo taxed.
Ulycn under my baud this 28th day of
March, A. D. 18C0.
O. JACOBS. Pla'tTs Sol.
T Wy order or Hon, P. P. Prim, Circuit
JudKc iuab31w6
Jacssoxviuj: Ockoo.v,
llctldenco near the 8onlli fn.irfn,....
sheet. Jauuirv. ?. ttl
11 -, ..
Ojlcc nt his residence on Oregon ittttt
Can be found cither at the City Dro'Sitw,
or his residence, one door below tl K
press Olllcc, prepared to give rrcapti:
tcntion to those reiulrlng bLinrriecs.
Jacksonville, Sept.'fllsL d23il
Dr. Ovcrbeck would snowies to the cll
Izens of Juckson county sal vlchltj, laat
ho has returned to Jacksonville aol rcnistd
the practice or medicine. He wlU ahiji
I Sound nt his old stand, llio Ovcrbeck
Hospllul, unlesj almnt rnfrtslra
at bualucss. Ho would respectfully sollett
a renewal of former patronage.
Walla Walm, Wasiiixoto!! Tnsrrosr,
OFFICE over Hank Exchaw, Mii
Stteet, will prnctieo in all lie IVms
or the First Judicial District, also tk( Si
prcmo Court. Collections prosntl; it-tei.de-d
lo. All business cntiutol to v.i
care will receive prompt attention. J3if.
IS I'KIIl'AItl'.l)
If Pictures do not clvo satWsclioa. b
charge v. ill bo made. Call at his new ui
lery, im lh hill, exaailao his pictures, taJ
sit lor your llkeiicw?.
Walla Walla, W.T.,
Will take acknowledgments of dfrfs-l'rs-tost
Notes aud deeds made out at start M
tlco and acknowledged. ""
Dissolution Notico,
ItHE undersigned has hHd17i
. drawn from Iho firm oHIioupwa 4
Davis, aud will conllnuo the 1 prjetice g
Mediolne. Surgery and 0."
Jacksonville and vicinity, and sol e "
share of the patronage. Office it Wi r
deneo at the old Murry HoemjiM;
1.1 J'Ar..
Dec. 1.1th. 18CI
j. ii. usatm,
w. 0. uow
Wnlln Wolln Citr, W. T.i
vtitlof They h?voeopiedwWOl
or Oregon, by deposi tine 0,000
State. Oashcaism .
To Thoiuns Barrett,
A DONATION Claimant lnTowisMpX
A and 3t South or It.
WHcrca, aiuu. - '-.,Kt forth sm
this office, wherein tbe 0m " "V(N -
stautlatiy as iono;
irht llievi
quTn.f with "Id Thom" Wtwy
bad taken n donatlot 1 Wjftii
US nnd 30 south of range 1 cast, w cf
f 1 i. nml iibandonul l '". , ,i.Ma.
I.3s ? ..""'.Jidoasofthof'
j wo, nnu uai ". .: ,,-:Uoas orw '
,l,ls lu vlolat on of bo Fov'''o e;W
f fVinrrreis "creating tno ou, -
w. w..n"i ... ,,..i,,(- r.anili III "- -1
.' ;,... iniini to annesf '..infh
oSco in lio-sebiufi OJilfc
a. M., ou the lOthdayofAK1 of joar
Goto the orev ffl,
auu 101 )"' ,,,' nre su
tumors to which you are
their flight.