Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 24, 1866, Image 2

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-immid ,Pr.,na.MW ww w
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1 arSI
I.. 1'. FMier Z.Sin Fianelsco Gil.
Thomas Davi iipl tr.'lo. Ogn.
FT. It. Hill Wilier do
P. (J. Illntoye, Hock Point do
Them Croxton, . . , .Croxtoii" Dlggint do
Win. Fplcer,??!' Jii'ii Off-Jo Jo
(Jov. flilili IViilund '
D. M. Thompson, Albany ill
W. M. Kvan. Althouso lo
'ItiomMCivrr do dj
Thornae P. Floy d Kerb vlllo do
8. W. Sawyer do do
1). 1'. Anderson rimnlx do
A. Ireland Mrrll.Tr. ' do
(Jo. L. Dean, Kllenl.urg do
Theodric Cameron Union Town do
J.IMM L. Watson Howburg do
.Mi H.illlc Hunter llogno Hirer do
Dinger Herman, of Canyonvllle, gnrol
Agont for Dong-la County.
M Aliolf . . ." 7.7. . 2 Ilh, 16
-Douglas Count)- I'nloii Cou
ventlon, The County Union Convention met at
Honburg on the 17lh, and nominated
tbeir county ticket. Our advice from
there speak of great unanimity in all the
proceeding of the Convention, and that
the ilelegale met delermlmd to fight Cop
IMrhwJ. Hejolntloo were introduced,
dwlariug the tnlwlon of the Union party
Incomplete until the pacification of the
I,i Ii rebellion! State bo been effected
advocating all proper and conitltntionil
raeamrta for the advancement of Larmony
ami a satisfactory reeoaitraetion of the
lately rebellion State; that every attempt
to sow ilieVord in the Union ranks In the
work of our eneniet for the destruction of
the Union party ami the downfall of Ile
pnbllcan Institution"; favoring the itrlct
cat economy in the management of State
awl County Ann new, and providing for the
taking of the nemo of the per-plo on the
question of the tlivfeion of Douglas county
to be submitted at the county election.
Seven delegate were elected to attend
the Union State Convention, at Corvallif,
vfr.: Jete Appletrate, John 1'ullcrton.
Jam WaUon, Win. It. Willie, John Kel
ly, Jam Cole and Thomas Deal.
The delegate were Iniiracttd to rote
and uee their Influence for the nomination
of It. F. Mallory, of Salem, lor Hipretent
ntlvo to Congreat.
The Union party hai always been sue
ceetftil in Douglas county, and the canvas
fj entered this year with the full determin
ation to gain n larger majority than ever
before, ami we beliovc they will do It.
l-'or the nominations of the county tick
et ece another column.
Hoc & Stationary Aniscr. Our
reader will notice 0. A. Davis' advertise
ment In another column, llu ha started
n Cencrul Hook k BUI loucry Agency,
which wo think la urgently needed in Ibi
part of Oregon, for It will enable people to
get anything in that line thy have a mind
to order, delivered right at their own door,
nml we have so doubt the pcoplo of this
tee Hon will appreciate and improve tho op
liortnnity. This 1 truly a reading age,
ami the man who fall to supply himself
nml family with useful books will find In a
few year that be has inado a great mis
take. Mr. J J.wl U agent Or a great num
ber of works which are sold exclusively by
subscription, among which is ocothathe
Is now canvoMing for "firaot and Sher
man ami their Campaign," by J. T. Head
ly. We do not hesitate to say it Is one Of
the very best ami most popular works ever
oflereil to the public. .Mr. Ileadlty Is,
without exception, the most successful mil
itary writer now living, as thousand of
readers of "Napoleon and hi Marshals"
and " dsiagton and hi (Jcneral" will tes
tify, and lie has (rented hi present sub
ject with lib rarest genius. The stir and
Ore of his dewrlptions will touch a popu
lar chord, ami we think this work will meet
with a large sale.
Dmmhjkatio Oiutorv. Wo subjoin the
following synopsis of Fay' tpeech, deliver
ertd on Saturday evening hut, nod reported
.pcclally for the Kkminkl. "Tho distin
guished Copperhead was mounted on a dry
goods box In front of a -Lit" nlil.ky mill,
nml lielag pregnant with hU duty a a democratic-
eltlien, till new born admiration for
1'iMldent Jobnon wan delivered a follow :
Constitution, Ohl Constitution New Con
atltMtfon Johnson "or any other man"
OAoe Democracy Creuback -8ovn
tblrtlos-'OIBoe Loaves and Klrbcs-C'oniit-tutlonally
or any other way Democracy
Thieve Swindler- Jublleo-lIalUIujah !
Celory I when the Uulon jwrty built. Old
Uolver Niggers- Culver's frlendn-More
niggrOM Thompou-Not o much nig
ger CoHtraeU Union leader Kuiply
pooketa Hungry Democrat -Andy a brick
(jmt liera the orator seemed to have a
tirlek In his but, aud n allowed a rIai of
"leii-oent rot-gut" to baUueo it). Tho bar
raugue aM an hour or more, nml woa
loudly ohwrred by the nudleuee. We have
only to say that while language that too
plainly Indicate the frequenter of grog
gerlst, am unworthy tho purlieu of a flsh
market, I cheered on tho public streets,
copperhead reptile will still liugtr among
To San Viuwiwo Mr. A.I'ither went
out on Tim i why uioinlug' stage for San
l'rancleco, Ho will ituni with a new stock
of goods.
1 MWI 11,1
DhMociuno. The dvlegate to tlie I)m
ocnitlo Statu Conventlou at l'ortlaad.itart
ul down on Widiiotday morning latl.
1'ouCoiu vli.in
Jlen-r 11 V Dow It hi it
lli I li.lt' tO til'' I 111. ill
I. D. Appleiratc
Couviillon. kltirtul down Thursday J
Count j I niuu Com fiitiiiii.
J iihiiiin Xliirih 1", I8GC
1'ur unt tiu call of tho Chairman of
the County Union Central Committee, Un
delegate from the various precinct met in
Taylor's J lull, on 1st Mreet.tn caticu with
closed door, at lina' A. M.
II. Hoot, cf Kden Precinct, was elected
Chairman, and I). M. C. (iault Secretary.
Several speeches were made by tlm dif
ferent delegate, on tho course to lie pur
snscl by, and the project of tho jwrty.
On motion, the Chair wo instructed to
appoint a committee of three on credential,
and Instruct (htm to report at the opening
of the nrternoon session. !. V. Unwell,
(Chairman.) Albert ltoekafellow nml I..M.
Wagner were appointed.
On motion, the conrention adjournal to
meet nl half past two In the afternoon.
Convention called to order by II. Hoot,
in the Chair.
On motion, IT. Hoot was elected perma
nent Cbalrmau, and in tho absence of the
Kccretary A. Itockalellow m chottn As
slttant Secretary.
The Committee on Credentiul reported
the fallowing gentlemen as entitled to scat
In the convention: Klamath l'rtcintl0,
A. Steam, and proxy for ,T. M. Hums
and W. H. .Marquis AVoi-II. Hoot, I.
M. Wagner, 8. Colvcr, U. U. Gore am 1).
K. Steams; 31iW llork Cbauncey Nye;
I'icw Spruiin-H. 1. Dean and Joseph
P. Kccse; DarilmtHtl. Jtillcr) Stirling
ne-John Wright; Jtmic Crttk Wil
liam Freuoh; I-oral C,:-William lUy;
j Mamantlaif. Thomson ami N
T. Lm-
Ter; .UihndA. (I. J'ordyce, l'raok
Smith and A. 0. Hockafellow; Jaobon
ei Ocorge Jlrown, 11. Duncan, H. V.
Dowcll, W. Hllger, 31. Ikllingcr, J. 8.
Iive, U. Kareutkl, I 8. Thompson and
X. Iangcll; 1 kmwllt John C. Camp
bell and C. Shcffllu; I'mvn Twn M. D.
Htnrgi and It. 8. Armitrong; Applegatt
Jane Wilson.
On motion, the lienor t wa received and
the committee discharged.
On motion, 0. A. 8 team was empow
ered to east the whole six rales to which
Klamath Precinct was entitled.
On notion, A. II. Chapln wa admitted
a delegate from Pleasant Crcik, and It.
Ikntdict from Steamboat City.
Moved and seconded (bat one delegate
from each precinct bo appointed on a com
mittee to select the delegates to the State
Cooveolioo, to bo held at CorvallU on tho
29th of this month.
Alter n short absence the Committee re
potted tho name of the following persons
a delegates: II. F. Dowell. Jacksonville:
C. Nye, Table Hock and lluttc Creek; I.
1). Applegate. Fort Klamath; 0. 1Todd,
Pvikiosvllle; N. T. leaver, Mansaoeta,
and M. II, Drake, Applegate.
On motion, the report was received am
the committee discharged.
Moved and seconded that the Iteport be
adopted carried.
The convention Instructed their delegate
not 1o urge the claim of L. 8. Thompson
and J. C. Tollman to a nomination oo the
State ticket.
On motion, the convention adjourned.
II. HOOT, Chairman.
I). 11. C. Oaclt, Sec'y.
HitMOVKD, We have to ehroolclo the
departure of tho fumily of Mr. Wm. I Inn
ter from Jackson county. 'I 'hey left tbelr
old home, on Hogue It Ivor, on Wednesday
last, bound for Albany, which Is to bo
their future residence. Mr. Hunter was a
itannch and devoted Union man, am be
and bis Interesting family will be a valu
able acqulslltion lo Linn county. li
Ilattw haa long been an agent for tho
Skntixbl, and she will pleaic accept our
thanks whin we express deep regret that
our only lady agent Is leaving us.
A Mutai;, Wo committed an error
hut week in saying that McDougulI. of
California, whs drunk on the Uoor of the
United Slate Senate. It wa Saulsbnry,
of Delaware, who bad received such an
over dose of Democracy, and not tho Sen
ator from our neighboring State, who gen
erally goes to bed when hi "keg Is full."
We will make amends by not mentioning
the fact next time KoDoogall get drunk,
and expect to balance the account very
Ji'bilkn j Conino The little red
mouthed Copperhead, Fay, who spoke on
Saturday evening last said that if Dowell
wero elected tbero would be a oaruival
among thieves aud crimlual. Wouldn't
the Democracy have a good time, theu?
Wouldn't there be a jubilee a general jail
delivery and a glorious ro-union of Fay ami
hi democratic friends. The orator seemed
to be thankful that even thie crumb !
oomfurt was left them, and wisely conclud
ed that it was an ill wind that blow good
to no one, as Ihe election of Mr. Dowell
seemi to be inevitable.
Naw Monthly. We linve received the
first number of "Tho Miner," a monthly
magaxlne devoted to tho promotion of the
mining interest of tho 1'aclfio Stale ami
Territories. It 1 publiihed by, aud is the
organ of the Cal. Mining llurenii Associa
tion, San Frauclsco, Cul, Terms of sub
scription, y.t 00 ier nutmm in mlvuuce.
Camtaiun Pvi-Rit. Tho second number
of tho Kugene City News has nudolts np
pearanco. It is neat, typographically, but
politically, very democratic, nml exhibits
its lack of education by tho nso of eucIi
wonU as "lawyalo," "yunyun Ac.
L'roin .1. II. l).IIfiiilcroii.
Di: W II II.viir.rT.Ii-uiFiUKND:
I presume you sec by leleRrniih all im
portant movemnls of Congrew, and know
obout as well as we do what l going on.
I have tried to net since I came hero
consistent with lli polltS!is I took while
a mndiihite befrire the people. 1 haw ail-
voeatid and voted for every meafure pro
pweil for th" welfare of Ihe eolnred peo
ple, except gMnfC them, the rijrht of voting
amonprtho whlt( in the District of Co
lambla.and thl I felt bound to oppose.
If there should be any mcflcnrc prnprwd
to npproprlflto territory to their benefit, I
shall favor It; and If Ihey are to be perim
ncnlly located here, I shall favor the ex
tension of the right of suffrage to them jo
soon as they arc wfficletiUy enlightened, as
a class, lo enablo them lo voto understand
Inply. I suppose there I beginning lo be con
siderable canrasslng for candidates to pre
sent to the people nt the June election, in
Orecnn. 1 suppose the question will nat
urally arise In the mind of the people
whether I will be n eandlJatc for re-election
or not, and T will say tn you as to
one whom T regard a n friend, that I am
a candidate just to (his extent, that Is: II
the people should think proper lo sustain
my couro and re-elect mo I will accept
the position ami servo one more ttm In
Congress, but no longer; as 1 hnvonowlih
to consecrate the remainder of my days lo
the care and anxiety of political lire r,nt
I would like to serve a second term, from
the fact that no man can wield his full
strength the first term. First, ho haa to
become familriar with parliamentary pro
ceedings to be expert, and then he must be
come acquainted with his fellow member
In order tn commind their confidence.
I believe I have the respect and good
will of all so far, as I bare taken what I
considered a conservative course, and ex
pect in tho general to sustain the Presi
dent's policy.
This is a private letter and Intended for
yourself, bat you are authorized and re
quested lo explain my osition to our
friends on proper occasion.
Yonrs Irnly, J. IT.' D. llixniatox.
New Vork, Jan. 80, 1808.
It is Wkm The California dallies
have got a big thing on items and they arc
prcnlnjj It. When everything tlc fail,
they fall back on Wells, alia Donald Mc
Donald, the Sacremtnto murtkrer. The
present conditiou of Ihe item market stands
thus: The man arrested in Idaho has ar
rived at Sacramento, ami is being exhibit
ed dally to crowd of sheriff, policemen,
constable, jailors and diver disreputable
character (or Identification. Some think
him Welts and others think him not Well;
wbilo Donald swears lie I neither Wells
nor any relation of Wells, and feel very
nnwelt at thus being mistaken for a mur
derer. The majority of examining wIidcm
csaro one day pretty inro that be i Wells,
and then the crowd shout "'lis well;" but
the next day the preponderance of opinion
gds the other way, and then Wells tblok
'tis well.
If the man really be Well, then It r
well. Hut while tbero la any reasonable
doubt.it would bo well to give tho man,
Well or not Well, tho lieucfit of it.
Twcre well, Well were hung, but not well
to hang a man not Well, for Weils' crime.
A TaaamuK Mwrurr. One of the Al
bany paper ys: "Mr. Smith and wife,
living between muddy and Calapooia, in
l.luu county, were both murdered on Fri
day, tho Oth. Smith was shot through
tho bead ami was found lying in the yard
III wile wa shot in the shoulder and was
found dead In tho mnoko hoiwe. On some
of the neighbor culling nt the house, a
brother of tho murdered man made his ap
pearnnco and declared that Smith had kill
ed hi wife and then oommltted tuicldo
It was observed that the bullet hole in tho
hiad nl the dead man wa not powikr
burnt, inihenting that the weapon had been
In tho haul of some ono nt a considerable
distance when the fatal shot was fired.
This led lo the belief that Smith's brother
bad committed the murder. It was rum
ored that thi brother hail been intending
to run away with one of Smith' daughter
a girl about sixteen years old ami that
she and a younger sister, about eight year
old, implloated him as tho murderer."
Fbom tiih Uiw.-Mr. 0. ilyer relumed
home tlil week, bringing a very fine hone.
Wo have not seen tho borte nor do we know
of what stock bo I, but undeistaud that he
1 very large ami well built, which woaio
rady to belleio, as .Mr. Jlyor went lo tho
Stolen for the purpose of wiling bluittlf,
anil no in a gooit Jmlge ot Uoito-llotb, and
nothing but a superior article would Mtl.Cy
hi Duo latto.
Dklkiutk tuou JiwKniiM:.-Jles.r.
William M.Kian ami Campbell Caldwell!
wero elcokHl delegates lo tho Union Stnto
Convention, by the county Union Conten
tion, held In Krbyllle, on tlio 17th.
Not to Skhvk l'reshleut Joison re
cently nolllhd Ciov. Wells, of ,., Itiat tb8
rebel Monroe must not be jierinittul to
sere as Major of New Orleans.
AVm. D. Caktkb, of Portland, lias be
come associated with Judge Odenenl in tho
public-alien of the Corvulllg Guulte.
Monbv to Loin. Seo advertisement of
D I.lnn, County Treasurer,
Greenback i nro on tho rise.
special 'io Tin: snxrixni..
IMIps lo Ihe Ml of Jforrii.
No conelulon Ins teeii arrived at by llio
Way and Mentis Committee on the Finance
IHII. The Commllt-e will take a vol- on
the matter to-morrow with lh probability
of reaching the Mil and aimltt running me
bill which came ro near i!ng.
Tho Gentle, ycflcrdiy, pased the bill ail
thorhtlng the construction of a submarine
telegraph trttween the United Slate and
West Indie, with cxclnsho prl liege- Tor
fotfrt'-en year.
The Senate, yesterday, confirmed n large
number of appolntmonl. Among them
S.JD. Ward JlcCorkc, of Coloiado, .MluUler
re'ldsntof the llaw.ibui Hand. Wm. 11
Sargent of Oregon, Indian Agent In Wash
ington Territory. D. C 0 ke. of Califor
nia. Agent for tho (Iruiid llher Indian,
it. ,. I-'nlineld, Agent for Hound Valley
Indians. J. S. HiMigtoti.nf New Moilco,
Assoc! itc Justice or New Wexlcn.
Several Connecticut men had an Interview
with tho President, among them Penalor
Foster ami Cen. Ilawley, Union candidate
for flovcrnor. The Interview was or a per
sonal and private nature, and It Ii reported
lo havo liecn Mtbfactory to tho caller.
The President a'surcd thm ho had given
no Intimation of a desire Tor tho election of
a Democratic Senator, but. on Ihe contrary,
.'.eslron tho weeet or Ihe Union nominees,
ami i glad to sec a dlpollion ly the peo
ple to support soldiers.
The House Ulcctlon Committee vottd fl
to 3 that James llrook I not entitled tu a
seat In Congress and thit Dodge Is.
WasitiMirox, !W.
A Cull ha been Inmd by tho National
Union Committee, of which Alex. Itandall,
Ast. Post Hosier Ocnerat, l PitMcnl. for n
grand ma meeting to be held at Wahing
ton next week to endorse President John
son. Hone paecd the diplomatic apportion
ment bill, with an amendment aitlborbtlng
tho appointment of a Sollcller for the State
Department, at an annual salary of 3,oW.
The IIouk- paued tho bill to prevent
rail road, which bavo received land grant,
from lecetvlng any compensation fur (lo
ernment business.
In the Senile, Drawn Introduced a bill to
aid in the construction of a rail road from
KnnmM City lo Oalrcaton.
ltamtay, of Minn., presented a memorial
from tho legislature of IIIhh. for Ibe ea
tabllibment of n port of entry nt tho head
of Lake Superior.
Julian Introduced a Mil lo equal! tho
bonntlee of Soklier and Sailor, which ra
referral lo Committee im Military ntlhirs.
ll'-ndvrson, of Oregon, prcNnttd a joint
resolution ol Ibe IgUlaturu of Oregon, in
rcjrnrd to Oregon War Claim.
Ward, or New York, said Ibat Ihe friend
of deceased soldier buried at Arlington
cemetery were apprebenslvo lett It should
r-rvrt to the heir of (Sen. I.ee ; therefore,
he detired lo read a letter from tho Secre
tary oHVar, which stale that the Arling
ton properly wa bid In for the government
at iiti.m, at a i!o for l. S. Taxe. Jan.
lllli, the certtllcatu or sale would sotmlm
placl on Ilia in the Treasury Department.
Sin KiaMi-fo, S.'d.-Ugal Tender"
to 7sj.
II. M. MKI.VI.V, Canyonvlllo,
JA.M1CS COI.U, Oakland.
nut 2tiEiirri
rou cono.NiiHi
TA ilTh .i..'" ""Wn.: March
S,, " '"" ""u Wl J- " l wojood, a
nkw rrrj)AY.
Irrmliicililc School l'liml,
nillllli: IS. IX Till! 'rni'tarmv
X Jiwk.m County, Oregon, i inm II,,,,.
Ilidandeighly-IUo uu.l H-tuiity-ono oi '
iiui.uiimh(UM 71-100) dollara-lneoln
udc.,ru-Uey-:o tWaboto K,ln.l to Jo,
m Ileal l.,u,to Security. luulttst lo b
lieowiror lor JacKon County.
Jacksonville, jjarch 22, lsi; y'
of .i,"J'',,"'1?y"h'lrawn fioni (ho arm
or Abraham A lire, ot Hamburg ,l OaU-
in,- :.'"' i'"iiiei. .Miraiiam
A llio. aoumu all hbllllie of toldflim
" 1 oZla! ,'rU;'1 "' 'lleutlll", ffi
ail oiiljtaiidlng dtiiuud dm Hit- iluo.
uoi, Aim mum,
llnSl n ' HI-UK.YNUr,
-.I, wii-kuii, I
March 11, is,;, mr21ff3
en nn nn am e " 5w
o w in m w i o.
Court, for Douglas County, Oregon.
J. Abraham and llyman Abraham,)
computing the firm ol Abraham
A Itrn.t r. I. (I. Thompson. )
TO I.O. THOMPSON', Delondnntt
You nro required to appear In raid Court
and annwer tnu complaint or tho nbovo
nanieil philutlfl'4. Hied ngulnt you, wllhln
ten duyii from llu tltno or pcrilco or thli
summon on yon, IT sencd wllhln mid
Douglas enmity, or II wrxil on you wllhln
any other county In thl .Stnle. then wllhln
tueutydii) lioin tho time or tho rfrvleo
Ihen-or. m lfcrid on jou out or thoStnls
of Oregon, then It I nntorul by the Judge
ol the nboM' nam- d court, that publication
or this ummnn be undo Tor six wcehi, pri
or lo the Ul .Monday or .May, A. II. iKfifi,
in the "Oregon frmtlnrl," a newsiawr or
gi'nernl elteiilntloii, published nl Jackson
ville, Oregon theru being no nuwspiper
publUhed In thl county; nml you nru here
by untitled thai IT you full to auwer iahl
eemplalnl n- herein required, tho plalutlU'M
wilt take judgment against you lor the sum
or two humlrid and rotcniy and seventy
eight i lie-hundredth ($27 1) 7H) dnllan,
with Interest thereon at tlio rate or ten ier
cent, per milium, from the "7th day of" .May,
IM.",, and col and disbursements or this
notion lo bo liivd.
h k rn imrtcK, aio ii ir.
j.uwiJitnr. ihwiwiii, 'vii i
Msnli II'. ISOO.
"nllli nil Hi) l.'cllin;, d'et
lias started n
Qtntlonory AReaoy,
And will hcrvaftor run a wagon throughout
And imrhap
For the purpote or soliciting and
3Tilliaapv Orclora
007v.V AM) STATIOXr.llX.
All Onli'iM will be promptly attended
l. No money required Irtforo the arllole
ar dvllvenil,
Jacksonville, March St. MC. marZltr
For which we ofier
jmi i.u.vrr.s
1)11. (U.ASSWAlti:
In original package, or re-paekid
In lot to suit.
A l'0.1II.UTi: .1!ilIlT.1!r..T III'
Soth Thomas's Cloclcs,
Uilieclally adapted lo the Oregon Trade.
A I. s"o T II H
(!oo, comprising one and eight day
And till slue I.P.VHK CLOCKS.
Plntod Erilannia
IM.AMSIini) TIN "vaiu:.
Hpelal atleiiU"u, "Jailed lo our
Plfttoel "VC7".i'o?
Whteh wo gu.iranteo tuperlor to any oth
er In tho matlvst.
And Lamp Steele In great variety.
SuiK'iior Titlilo Cutlory,
In Pearl and Ivory.
Wo Uc especial
attention to claseca of cooib suitable
and aro prepared lo furnish outfits
of tho boat class.
Your order icpeotfully solicited.
61C & 518,SaniomoSt- Cor .Merchant,
. San Fiancltco
TK tako this method to inform tho
1 1 Puhllo that their steam saw mill is
now sitimud on Orifllua crick about thico
and a half miles south cast oourso fiom
luchsonvillo, and will hao constantly on
hand a good supply of lumber, all bills for
lumber cut on short notice.
N. H. Tho name of tho firm formerully
doing business under tho iminu nf M. Mil
ler .V tJohag now ditrolwd m to .Miller,
and will herealter do huglm under tho
name oil). II, llunoughs ,v Co., and all
ins iiiwi trniiMution muH bo dona with
D, II. HurrniiuliJi.
Jniiiiary,27,18t;(J. jan27tf.
I? LOU It AND PIlODU0Ktnl.cn In ox
X" change for Alcrcluuiilho, nt
July 10.-27 MAX MULLKH'S.
I.J Slow.Pl.Mnllir.M
Tbomaj I'vle.Wato
II. Dav k William K
.n"' Slylvwter
Uc, Defendants.
for the '
irom ti)
' time r hVK,;? .V?
iuonyou,,,,,,,!" co
J"", wllhln
mom on
or ircru
' "'.."? K'ee, or If . ;.:.'".'ron
oi,,, no mate f o, , ' V
m.i vviiir i .. .
'I- lor e R XS'f . L KHon U
IBUOJ and von urn L, in j?? ? ' im.
') me sum Court l. ..:..,','.".
to answer said cotniilab , . l lJ0 fl1'
III" Plalntlirwlll la ej "iN,
for the sum 0r l'u liii b? iSI "nI
(.;.',) dollars, with erit ttta,y
rate or ten i er cen .Ir ,M1 alH
I. O. (). I Inrltmmt III.. I ...i
ZDfcJrz N. It). LoMiV. ...
4."jIu ar mecilnit, n ...
'. rs,.i..Ki,-:"::,"" v '7
r- i m -X, " .v .w.
llrolher hi good slaudlng are ntiM i.
alt-n.1. NI'.WMAX FISIIKI t, N fj
III niiv Dive vs, It. s-.-e'v.
S. Jt.Day.''J' M" B"ll0U, ffB,K' wl
Wurrcn loilco No,lO,A.F.&A.M
A HOLD their regular commasl-
u.catloii the Wediicl,y Hrealngise
VNor precnllng the lull moon, in an
,. ... e N.,I.ASOni.I, W.U.
C. W. Savaiiu. See y.
-flL.11 x..VEr,
iTAnsan.Nvii.LK, Onrno.v.
Will iirnotli-i' In nil tn Court or lb THrt
Jiidiolnt lMtrlet. the Siiir"" Court of Ort
gon.ttiid In Yrvkn.Cul, VrJxrlprept
ly Oiilleclnl. (MIS.
AT XV.7U",
Jackonvii.lk, Oawox,
4lllli opiii.lli' llir timrl llnux.
All Irti'liie-x ciimmllUd lo Mr can- all)
In) nromptly nttvmbd In. July 20, 'Ci.
v i i.i. rit.u-Tia-
IVIodicino &. Surgery
In .lnekn'Uwml unjoining countiM. 11m
idciico in Jacksonville.
Jai-kmiwim.!: Uiikuov,
Iteetdenee near the b'uulh eudofOrrxoa
itreut. January, 2, 1S1
Onicc nt Ida resldeiiee onOregoa ttrctt
JaKO.NVII.I.K, Ollli.".V,
Can lie found ellher at the City Drag Store,
or lit residence, one door b. Iw llr !
prvw Olllec, prepand tn give prompt at
tention to those requiring In Hrucrt
.lackwnvlllv. Sept. ;ilnt. dKtt"
Dr. Overbech would nmiounce to tieelt
Imiii of Jackwu eoimly and i welly, l
bell, rclnrnvd to Juek'iilllett"Jrj"iieJ
Ihu practice of mitllelno. He wl alw;
Im louml nt hi old Hand, Ibe Overbeek
Hipluil, mile .,''' Jv3
ul Uulmis. Ho would n-peeim11; wllclt
u leuewul ot lormer imlnmarfe.
JAI. I). MIX s.B.niwJ.
Waluv Walla, W.wiiimitox lKiiniiosr,
FFICK cuer Hank Id, '
Sireel, will practice in an -"
of Hat First Judioial Ilwttict, aw
nmoin IVtltPt. I IlIltrLUIUIJS I'l"'"!"'-
i . .... . .nj t.rniiiiiiiv
ier.de.lto. ' AIlliitoim-cirtiMWMW
wro will recelie prompt ntteiitloo.Jl'J1-;
i.-, inr.i'Aiii:'
tu taiu: I'icri '
If Plelnres do not l K
chin go will I made, fallal Wne uj
leiy.uii Ihe hill, A.unIi hi pW"s' ,Bq
elt lor your IU.emw- -
' S. B. FARGO,
Walla Walla, W. f .,
Will take cknowledK...enlof $$
test Note and ileu wado out k" 3tf
tlcoaud ncknimlulgiib '
dissolution Wotico.
riMUSumlcrslgncil Mlto;'"''!'
1 drawn from the Bim "' - ,lW 0(
Davis, nud wll
conunuo '"",r;-;.,. in
Jacksonville ami vle.nl.).
shuro of tho patronage. .O""0,",
k, a. tAotow-
Moil n ni B lriiVrj " . il.il, II
Viill CiO'i
Wallu "' l T-VT'iLese'sftl
Olio door west of iv-.b" iue.
.VI inc.
niiirn SIO.K
in to "in. vm
0 TO
...... II'IIV
VJT mid b"1 Kei''1
humor to which jou
their llight. .- ' uj
-"",;r.,in fliTY hook stora
l 'U '. '."".- l.nn
JT KO IHfir new