J. M SITTO.V. AEWnUMniKiAllWOOODS. TIIK undersigned having purchased from Dr. L. S. Thompson Ms enllte slock or J)1MTS ami .Mi:i)ICLi:S, VT TIIK CITY DIIUO STORE, Have ordered, and are im lecelvlng. a largo In, nice of flock I mm the best estab lished liOU'e", In Sun l'rnuclno. Our flock eniifiuof tin pun-l and mol reliable Ofllclnal Preparation In Hie imukel, and nil the popuhr Patent Medicines of the day; togetlur with a wdlscleclid n-eort-ment of 3?ortt.inioi'ion, 332CtX-Ot and Fancy floods In our line. We havo nlro added to our business Jtoolc mill .Stationer)') and lll keep constantly on band all that the market demands. Any Iwoks or pipers published inty he otdcred through us, and will be furnished with dlf pitch. SAVAOi: .1 SUTTON. Jacksonville. Sept. 23. 'cs. sep23wt A CARD POR THE winter & spring Clothing Trade OP SAX FRANCISCO. jiAiiiJiiu vM i(ii)i;iii;it(ji;i. Nos. 411, 413 nml 410 Hattcry St., L'or. .llrirliunl, s.ui 1'imii l.ul, Iniliorlvr.s and Wholesale 3)EAL,EJtS. JhiUri! i"iv nml Fi-uhIi Stock. We would call the attention of Country Merchant to our uuu'iially brf ! k ol (iixNlii. Our flock comptiM.' ccry arti cle In the clotiiino .t ithnisiiino link. We have constantly on hand the largest and greatest vailct or OASSLMIllti: AND WOOL HATS of any hotif In S . Francisco, ami our pri ces for these goo- ' 'ire le th.ni tbois of any house. a w reiilw tlrm direct Irom tbumanutactiir' rcousignnient. Our stock it WINTER if SI'RINO noons ii particularly attractive, and the great fea ture to the country merchant! It the unum ally low prices Less than tho cost of Importation ! .. . . ... ' -ep the in the Dry (ionils line. w hleb Good" wo h ive purchased In this market m.der the hammer, and arc ollcring (turn at New Vork com, anil less. We tiblih IhWcaid lnon1rrth.it wo ruiy maku new leipiulntaiices, and Induce lho who have not hi rctol'orv purcbated of u to ell and c.xuulne our stock. Howl All lulus X I.oiv Price-, Aro the re.it Indue, mcmcui-wu oiler to all who purchase to -vll again. Mutuant who Iniy or in can male- it good piuiit, and tell to tlulr cmtoiiirr at a low Ugiitv. We re main, respectfully, Your nlxillent servants, hawjkr .v i.iNni:.vni:mii:n, Wholesale Clothing nnd Hat Warehouse No. 111. II.T uml IIS Hattery street. Kan Francisco, Oct. 'Jrf, 'liS. mil SPRING TRADE, l'or which we oiler 100 CliATia AGOUTI.!) CUOCKfltY. aoo ciiati: in). iii..isv.wu:. In original package, or re packdl In lots to dull. A CO.Mt'J.r.TK .'l)UT.Mi:.T OP Soth Thomas's Clockn, i:pcclslly adapted to the Oregon Trade. ALSO tin: NEW 11A.VJ:X CLOCK", Co., AM, AMERICAN CLOCK CO'S., Goods, compiling out Mid eight day WKiuiiT.imoxsa: mantlk, And all size LP. V Kit (JI.OCKS. Plntod Britnnnin IM,AM.SIir,l) tuv WAiu:, Kipcclal attention Is called to our SUPKUIOIt QL'ALITV Plfttocl Vrni-o, , Which wc guarantee mperlor to any oth er in the market. COAL OIlTaMI'S And Lamp Stock In great .arlcly. SuiK-rlor Tahlo (Jutlei y, In Pearl uud Ivory, Wc give especial attention to clusbcs of goods tultablo TO STKAMKIl A N I) HOTKI, UBK, aud aro prepared to furnish ouTfirs of tho best clut3, Your ordeis letpeclfully (ollcltcd. IIAYNUS .V J..VWTO.V, OlC&GlriansouiuBt Cor Mtichaut, anl'iaiitleco. C, Xt. .MVlllK. TABLE OF STAMP DUTIES As iimpii.led by Act or June 30. U04.J Oliteiiittloiis mi .Mump Untie-. It It not lawful to record an unstamped or Improperly stamped Instrument, docu ment or paper, and If recorded, such record fh.ill be oiil. and dull not bo used In evi dence ; but the Instrument, document, and piper shall not, In confluence, bo deemed liitiilltt and if no ellect : and all such pa- peril of an olllcliil naturi', Issued or usul by .. A1 -r .1... IT..!.. I L..l. .... ..... w ouieers oi im- miiuu oi.uui .,11111- 1 went, are exempt from stamp duty. 'im line lor lsulng any taxable docu I ment wlllinnt it stamn. $ihi fine lor piylntr. nogollalliiR or offer Inn In piytncnt 'any uutUtupcd dr.xlt or order. 910 pttnltv for not aflKiiiB stamp on cos-molle-. matches, run picture-, .Vc. flil penalty for rettmiiiiK and rctiflnji anv flntnp to evade stamp duty. Ilociimentunnde In foreign countries, to lo u-cil In this, inti't be stamped m If niaile hero; and the stamps mut bj nfllvcd and canceled by the pirty to whom such docu ment' nto Issued, or by whom they ore used In lhl country. No deid or mortgage of real elate shall lie teipilrcd to pay n stamp duty exceeding S 1 .000. Where land ! sold sublet to a tnnrtirnpe. If the grantee uwumo piyment of the niorl (rage, the fiamp must Iw for whole value of the hnil t If gmntee iIimm not covrimni to pay mnrl;i(', lliu stamp must lm oppropil ate to the contlderatlou or the grant. Inriinte, The Internal Itevenue Law requires every jicrson to pay income tax on all Income lor the pHt jirover and above SfiOO dirlivd from any source whatever. The tax Is five Iter centum on the llrl .",iU. In cxccm over SHOO, and leu per cenlnm on Ihe exee over l.i.DOD. Income should lie made up for Ihe entire year, from the Hist diy of January to Ihe last day of December, both davs InclusU e. The Mioner this U iiiaile up niter the expiration of the jwr, the more eerreet It will likely 1h. 'I his statement fhouM lie mad'' up In detail, show lug the receipts and expenditures liom dtllVrvni sources, l-'rom this statement, the aiessor will If enabled to in ike up n correct Income of nil K-rsi,n. Thlc "Mment should lw made to the V. S. AseeHor on or bclore the 1st or May follow lug. Acknowledgement of deed or otli- ( er lnttrunintt Kxernpt. AfJlUvIl iU 0.'. Agreement or nppralnment, for each sheet OA Assignment or imnHtr of mort gage, leiise, or policy 01 inmrancr, or tho reneiviil of any agrwiimtil, con true! or chatter. Is ouiiject to Ihe same duty n original luHrn ment. Uank (.'hecks, ilrsfts, orders, cic.at sljhl or on demand, for nil mum ol money exceeding $10 Oi Dills ol l.xchange, (lul.indi dralt or order lor the piymenlol any turn of liiuuev, uml any proml" sory not':, (except liank miles U iNiad Or clrcuiulloii,) or any meoraRiluw, check, rcovlpts or ether written or pilntid hleiie of money to lie paid, 011 miiih not exceeding SUW 05 I'or every addltlouul SllH), or frne Hon thereof 0,1 IMIUor lixchaiige, (foreign) drawn In mj of three or more, tor ovttry bill of ili sl, where lha sum does not e.xeevd jlOU or lt uiuiv- nlcnt in loreigti ourreney 02 l'or every wlTltlou.il 1U0 or frac tion tbeiuof 02 If drawn thinly or in duplicate, wine rales ol duly at Inland Dills of Kxcbange. I'or any lurelgn port, on every bill of each s.'t 10 1)111 of rnlo of any etsel or pirt thtreut, when Ibn eoiiidratlou does no' exceed WoO 30 ror every additional iJoilorliuo I II011 thereof 10 11111 01 Mie ur penonai property . . OJ llond for liideinullyliig any erni, where the bum does not exceed SLOW 50 l'or ery additional $1,000 or fraction thereof 50 llond for due execution of duliw uf olllce 1 00 Howl fur deed or oonveyance of land 25 Dond ot uiiy.detcrlritlon, other thau such as ere liHlriil in legal proceedings, uud kuoh a ure not ollierw io otiargtHl '.'5 Outds, ploying, r jkioI;, not ex ceeding In piloe ISoents 02 Over 18 aud not over '25 cents per pock 01 Over '25 aud uot out 50 oents. . 10 Cvrllltoatea of Loau,sume ni prom wry note. Certificate of denotlt In bank, bum not exceeding $100 02 Sum exceeding 3100 05 Ccrtlllualen of itoek in au incorpo rated company 25 Certlllcate ol profits In un incorpo rated company, for a hum not lew llian Sit) nor exceeding $50. 10 Kxceediug $50 uud uot exceeding Sl.OOU 25 l'or every additional 51,000 or fraction thereof 25 C'ertllioatu of damage or other docu ments iMiicd by port warden or marliio tun oyer , 25 Cvltlllcutes of uuy other descrip tion tlriu tliOM f pecllleil 05 UeililUd transcript of judgment, Fatiifucllun or Judgment, and of other jiapers recoided, and of pa. peril 011 tile, each 05 Conduct, brokers 10 Conveyance, deed or other Iiutru ment conveying real property, tho actual vuluo of which exceeds $100 and does not exceed $500. . 50 l'or eiery uddlllonal $500 or fraction , 50 Dispatch, tclogiapblc, where tho first ten wouU docs not exceed '20 cents 10 hxceediug 20 cents UO Documents made In foreign coun tries, (power of ultoruuy, deed, or other document.) to bo uml In tho United States, shall pay hamo duly as If Iseued In tho United Slates. Knlry of goodior wares at tho Cos- 10m iioune. etitier lor consump tion or wurcboubliig, not exceed ing $100 imalue Lxccidlng $100 uud uot exceed ing $500 Kxcecding $500 In xaluo 1 Withdrawal of goods Irom bond ed waichouto Insurance, (marine, Inland uud lira) where uiuouut pild docs not ex ceed $10., l'roui $10 to $50 Kxceediug $50 , Insurance, (llfu) when nuiount in sured does not exceed $ 1 ,000 . . . Lxcceda 31.000 and does not ex ceed $5,000 Exceeds $5,000 1 Lcatu of lauds or tenements, where thop'ulal vuluo docs not exceed 25 50 00 50 10 25 50 $300 per annum,. .... .,, 1-wccdlng $300, for every add! tlcual ?juo or Iractlousl . , . 50 50 J Claii-c or or guarantee or pay meui of rent 6 cents nddlllona . Legal documents, w rl t or other ord inal pioces, commuieeil In any court or law or unity .. ... Whcr.' omonni claimed In a wrti Issued In a court not or record is Slminrnrer 60 50 Upon ronresloii of judgment, or cogtmWt lorSlOOormer .... ou Appeal" Irom justices , or Inleri- or courts lo court ol lecord ... "0 Warrant" or illflres", when am t or rent doe not c.xooid 100. . . . . w'l.nn iliiintiiiiiint exceeds I0U.. iu Manlle-l Tor Culom Houhj entry tir clearance or the cargo or any vessel not exceeding 300 tons . . Krom oi) tn 000 tons 1 00 3 00 5 00 01 01 llxcccdlngf.notons.. . " Matches. Ill packages ol 100 or Ies l.'or eiery additional 100 In a rnckage .Mortgage or leal nr personal prop crtv l'or a sum exceeding 100 and not exceeding 500 dollars...... Por every additional 600 dollars or fraction Pawner's checks Passage ticket lo a foreign P0'1- cntlng not out 3' dollars Prom 25 to 50 dollar ' 50 50 05 50 00 l'or every additional 6U tioiun or fractional Pate.it Medicines, bitter, pi rluine rv. cosmetics, etc., on each pack age ictalllng at not over 25 cents Horn '25 to 60 cents Pi nm 60 to "5 cents Ptom 75 cents to one dollar. . . . Over one itoll.it, each additional 60 cenl Power or attorney to fell or trans fer stock. Iionds or scrip, or col loci dlWdcmls thereon To otc at election of Incorpo- laud company To iiccleoinl collect rents.... To com cy leal estate, or lent or leas" the same Kor any other purion Photographs, niton each picture. Ihe pi Ice of which does nole.xceid 25 cents l'rom 25 cents to .i0 ootils Prom 50 cents to one dollar. . . . l-'or ei try uddlllonal dollar or fraction t'hrrtof Probate of will, or Idlers ol ml ministration, wbeie the value of Isilh real and inrtonal estak iihs not exceed 2,000 dollars. . . Per every addition.'. 1,000 dol lars t.- fraction thereof '. llond- of executor,, wlmUiUlni'" ters, tnwtew -M,l gnardlans.... Uertific4ie of appolnlnwnt 1'rotejt upon note, bill of exchange, c'aeck. iirslt. etc Prowlsssiry iiuto fur a sum not ex ceeding 100 dollars I'or eiery additional too dollars or fi.iotlon.il part thereof licncwnl of promissory note sub ject la mine flump duty. (jiiliclalm deed should be stomped " Conveyance," e.xcipt when ilv en as ieletie of morlguge, ' In 1 00 i which case It Ii Ilvtwpt. Itelsxise, dlfclmrge, and satisfaction of mortgage Uxewpt. uecvipis iwr a sum cxctniiiag :u dollars IMiiriw, (iu.igem', forn,uautltv not e.xecvillng 5O0 gallon .'.,,, lUcecding Aimi gallons lttturns, Meoiiren.', for ipinnllty uot exceeding 1,000 Uii4iU. ... Kxceediug 1.000 bushil" Ileturos, Wirlgbers', for weight not oxceedlug 6,'jOO iouiidi Exceeding 5,000 iounds Trust deed made lo secure a debt, wine its murlguge Uunveyiug estate, sum a con 10 1 00 veyance. Warehouse receipts for properly or goods not excetdlng In value 500 dollars 0 Prom Sim tu 1.000 dollar . . Jo I-'or eierj Hilditioual l.oon dollars 10 Warehuuse receipts nut othirnise provided for m "niBKAiwiiiir"' rUSTIMLS of ull Iiliids c.xtculixl at J thcshi'itist noliec. Wrought or L'uit Iron work mamifai-lurcd from tho best ma. Uri.il. All fiintls of llrass Work, (.'ar rets and Habbil's iiielals for talc. Cash Mid for Old Iron. To Lewis Sisloy, a Donation Clnimant in Ths. 38, S.1MW: IPArinit, nOidavits have been filed in tills office sotting fortli sub.tantlally as follow: "That we were unpialntid with Lewis riijley, oml the iracU ol laud taken by him ns a, land claim utider the provis ions of mo Act or Congress, usually kuoivn nj tho 'Donation Liw;' and i know from our own personal knowlixlge, that tho said Lewis rilsley J,d uot nsido on nam tracts ol laml for ll.o paiod of lour years, as rfipilred by said law ; and that he voluntarily abandoned said dona tion claim niter u ribldeuco upon it of about eighteen mouths j Hut lm U not now n nident of this county j and his present abode is not definitely kuou." You arc therefore, in numinnrn ni n thoiity. hereby nollfhd to appear at the I Jinil Ollice, in lluscburg. Ogn.. on the -'Otli day ol April, A. I). 18CG, nl lo o clock, a. m., then and theio to present testimony in Mipport of your legal right to hold said clu " Wllnras our Immls at the U Ollice, in ltoscburg, Ogn., this 13th day of Peb ruary, A. J). 1800. JOHN KKr.I.Y, Itei-Uter. A. It. I'I.int. Heeeiver. Peb. 21 hv. To Tlioiiuih HuniMt, AI)0i,o110N.ClaIl"'l"t '" Tonnthlps 38 aud 3'J South of It. Utl Wheicas, allid.ilU hive been llltd In tils ollice, wheieln the allianUset forth sul ttanlhillyns lollons: That IheyuerVa, qualntut will, said Tbo.ua llaficlt. who had taken a donation claim in ton iithlm 3ti and 30 south of uiige 1 east In tl !f W or 1833, and abandoned it In , ho UU lfc55, uud has not tlm... 1...1.1...1 .i....'"' this in violation or the ,,rn u, '..., "" or Congress "creating tho olllco of Surveyor (.emral 0 the Public Lauds In OieLou- Therefore, In pursuance of authorily, i0l. aVZon.helo;W,lA';rnA,',',rir .heuand,biTe.op,4tuV.iu.0Vofiur legal right to hold said claim. Witness our hands at thu Land Ollice In mn3wl A. It. H.INT.llcceiicr 1OTOTIIK0ITY DIIUOSTOIIK M,m'i JS'" K . K Healing Ointment, nnd apply to your bruised fi Wcstchostor House, coitxm of Monm: a novimr, XJofTV Yoi'lt. AniiASitmi on this Kbronian Pi.an.1 A,roni...mlM.i for THi Ial (lllMl. THIS HOUHiTTs OKNTIIALLV IincaKd.and nmr to all '"';'"(l:!'"r"t,1 '' Cllv wrs p.i"s the hotel to all the feriles, r llro.nl depot, and places of aniu'cment every tlnco inlnitti Single looms onedol l.ir per das: double Iwo dollars. 1 J. P. DAItUOW A Co., Props. mirch:i . ly A JSOCIAL ISAlili WII.LIIKOIVKX AT WILLIAIVISBUIia, SI. TiilrlrK's liny l'.tr., Mnrcli lGth, 1800. MUSIC HY IIP.HUY AM) HHONVX. .Ml nre lnrlle.t Ij otlni.l nllluijl ,llllmil.eu IV' 21. I'M ili.tlnfll'in uf UHT. M.ja Sid BROS. IIIIV 1KB FAKCY GDOIK, CLOTHING, BOOT.S AX3") .SlJOJi EMPOEI'IIM. "WE HAVE JUST Rocoivod aud aro now OPEJMIIVIC MMli: LAIKJKST. HP.ST ASSOllTKI) X. oih! most Ptishlonablo .Slock in the t&r ulxnti line. In l)! found -fiit Cy this side of San Fran, -fta Ctly- Cisco. Also tlic "va Latest iSlylc Of Ladies' Hats, Cloth BASQUES & CLOAKS, WOOL MOODS AND NU1JIAS. ASSOlt'J'IMJiNT Ol-' Xndioii, VfiiHHcs and CHILDUEN'S HOSE. X PAOT.KVKUYTIII.VO APPKU- J lainlng to a Pint (Jlasa Dry Ooods nml 3y Ololhlng llmw. All of -ftd CSf which will b colli tit "tBa CST" unprecedented TDa LOV 3JtJOK.S. Ail Imineiise Stock Of Groceries, Liquors, toiiacco, j:ic, Or tho best quillty, and at prices war ranting us to say that they are the cheap est in this county. ' Pnvor us with a call nu.l convince your selves SACHS IJItOS. beplctnber .'iO, 185.1. Wp30tr lX,UUKIi MILL. nUP. underslgnul now having full and im .l,.'.lr 'm!1"!1 0,,U,V "oiwooVl M "0 lilies ll.e.iiililln. Hi ti 1.1., ..:.... .1 :..'..' " o,wlihanexi.enc:;.,u.. .J'l?'.? lmfl,t: ..f K0U1 Wl heat ,3i ,on ," 7" ", ? tn- rrauted an -... . v.... uv iuiiV 111 nil) COUIllV J. P. PAUKER. .Teptember SO, 1805 sep3Utf lMUiTLAIl JJISPATCII hlXR lletweeu SAN ntANCISCO nnd UMPQUA. rPlli: following new and llrst-clasa vessels -A. will run regularly iii il,0 abmo Hue. Schooner. W. P. Ilowne. ...lIKbes, Master, b hoouer, Pacillc, (;,0 Matter. ); '!'r superior Inducements to thin .aat! V''0''1' '-r Height or o- -It'V M ,, 8HKD& WItlOUT, 'l.bleuartSt.,.SauI'iMiiclK iiucisco. Gb uv'boln l'n; lm,C' ST01": -1 bYi n T "i..1 u of Kwwly'. Itheumatlu ili;nlo1uuuS.ttmly0MrCn,lCljw QO To Till: CITY UHUO TOItKand teamofturtat.pu.oiodnrctc. C II E A P l-'OIl Ls 5BL SP JsmJH. A. FISHER & BROTHER, coiiNr.it or Ciilil'oriiiu S. Oregon Slicets, JAOlCSOiVYlLLK, Have on hntid n LiirguStuL'lv ol' Staple, Taney MIYUOODS, OI.OTIIINO, HOOTS, nml SIIOKS, OIlOOKltlKS, LIQUOltS, OL'TLKKY, CIIOCKKUY, etc., etc., etc. All will be sold ut nocltioocl 3Px"1cjoisi Jack'imvllle, .lap.. 0, '01. Jmil ttf Eoye&bTlger Villi for ni;i Strrct, Jiickxoiullle, DCALCRB AND WORKCRa IN TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPffi, LEAD AND BRASS, H'AVi: Just received rrrtm II... Atlantic . htnti-n nml Sail '; rauclf 11. u complete stock ol ovcrythK tltfr Hug, uud will KCcncoiMtiii.diy on hand nn iisorlmciit of the best Tin, K'hectdroii and Coppcrwnrc. ilia's Pipes. Hydraulic Nur.les, Puree Pump". Chains. Lead Pipe, Ilo.o. IIAHDNVAUK, UUTLKUYj XAILS or nil sb.es; liar. I'l.ile nnd assorted Iron; Paints. Oils. I Slz.es uud (ilasn: All qualities or Powder; Flint of ull numbers: Druslic" or every varlety.ctc.otc. Stoves. AliM),nlwayou hand, a large lot ofslnvcs ofiwMjrli.il sle. " llueh's Patent Cooking Stove," and the " New World Klove," Ihe two xery lie'tund nppnivcil patterns In the world. Parlor, Olllco nnd Cabin Hlovc", fancy nnd plain, cointriieled 011 latest 1'iicl i.ivlng tdiitis. Hollers. Kettb". Pots, Pans. uml everything connected witli Ihe'o stoves, warranted durable and perfect. All articles sold by Iheiii or manufac tured, W AUK AS'TIID. Their work Is made I the best material ami of choicest patterns. -U.Ordcr attended to w Ills. dlsMtch, uud filled iiccotdlug to directions. In every thing, their slock Is the l.irgc"t nnd best ever brought lo Jucktuiivlllo.iiuil they aro determined In sell ut i.nw nui-n nm emi. Call and cxamliio their stock lieforo pur chasing elsewhere, .lime '.M, lMKI.-'.M. Agents lor llallhl.iy A I.Vh Wire Itte. tue rriviArxjs ARE MOVING- UPON KREUZER'S JSOSAV STOHEJ, Jlctivcen Now Sl.ito Saloon and llradbury .t Wttdo's, Jnclironvlllc, wl.lch IS STOCIvKI) CO.MPLin'KI.Y WITH Best Cigars and Tobacco, FltF.Sll'OANniKS AND NUTS, NEW TOYS & NOTIONS FltKSH fp.uits, i-rru., KTO. a uiiiii: stuck or ittm:kv .linl 11 fine nsvorlmriit uf .Mtrrsliiium Jlr. Kieuzer having purchased Iho new store onu door south of llradbury .t Wado's, calls Hid attention or Iho public- to his com plete stock or smoking nnd chewiue lolmcco. Also lo his various brand" of cigais, from tho common ball'-siuinlsli lo thu mint Ira- giant Havana. All sold at the moit liberal prices. You can bo bout supplied with any nrll clM in his line, uud save money, by giving him a call. January 18. lbt.C, WM, FAULKNER Cs- SON ' IMl'OIITKItS or OAlU.S & OABD STOCK ALL COLORS,PRINTINQ INK, All Colors llioiizcs, Viusiisli, PRINTING PRESSES, TYPE AND Printing Materials OP KVKUY OKSOHIPTION. OLD TYPE METAL. -Machinists may nt ull times bo supplied with old typo metal by calling nt ail, nugOui Clay atveot, SAN FHANOISCO. rPlII'.only lumtanco Company that can ,. , 8a,iJ! Uo l"'lucts In oiegon is the UCtllC. lliev I1.IV11 ein,i,,ll,.,l lull), II. 1. Inu.u of Oiegon, by depositing 3Q,qoO in tho falute. Cash capital $7.1(1,000. , , , HAOIIS .t IlltO'S Agenbi. Jacksonville. Pebruuiy 23th, 8(!3. fcbWlf GO TO TUB CITY "ilOOK STOHFad ico their ucw books. "UHIOK LIVERY, SALE EXCHANGE A ... . """''" -rnyior ptcp.r The proprietor hai rceonit. ., l the comer or ' mW ea c.nru,u ilh Where the very best of horson n.i 1 , I lis stock of roadMcr, cannot t, iioitNi:NiioAiii)i:i) On rea.onablu terms, and the best circ wl Ilnn.es lloiiglitnmtHolil. Hclng MtMcd lliaTihc lio can sire sttt. faction the proprietor solicit, $$ ngooT the public. na- Jacksonville, Dec. 8, I8M. dccjlf Notice. Wi:iwv(. this ,l.,y fQl,i our L, Tl.-.l,r.?ih.B.!..,l ..Al'"""!! ?' Ihimkrul to our old patrons for Ibclrllbtr al palroimgc, wo take plcaiurc la kccd: iiiendliig Mr Taylor lo Hutu. , 1 . . CluRago&Drna. Jacksonville, Nov. 1 l.lhU 4 "new "stand!" TlicInliicsl,lri,,.1.llllriw , Qt0". of California ami Oregon Sts, Ihiiou occupied by $3" .P. ISOW'S "2ti Varioty Store. Everytlilng Xcw nml liclly in tiii: way or JEWELRY, FANCY GOODS AND TOYS, Can bo found at Ihe stave hcc. Jacksonville. Peb. 13, 'CC. feblTtf .lOlLV l IIOUCK Watclnnaker ami .lewder! (htgon SticttiJiukionrillt, Oitgm, EAS STILL THE UEST SELECT i:i)SM)UKOK i.nxnxi: .ir.WKi.KV, OOI.D AND SII.VKIt WATCHES, SD.WlMllOIIIIL'IllLOfKS. Prices '.'tl per cent less thin say other house in town. All articles nre strictly warrants.!. COUNTY COUItT, PKimUAUY TEI'.M, lfe'Cli. Klale of Oregon. ) y ,, &llIenK8t County of Jackson f Is TIIK xi xrrKtt IIKTIIK KnrATK or Jois- HON', liKCCtsKH. Nolloo Is hereby gieu Hut CmrrMsE (lore, ndtiilliiir.ilur of said ,utc. hsiEld his ilnal account Tor tin- ilnM n ll! meol ot said estate; and that .Monday, the Jtbdir or March, lotio'.has liven set ujurt lor tb Html Kltleni'iit or said utalc Mitb tb ftd iiilnlstralor thereof. Ily order of Don. J. (' Tolmso. fostt Jud.'. WM.UOFPJIA.Vtws. Fib. 0, D-CC. fcblOwt JACKSONVILLE RACES! May 24th7 25th, 26th. rnili: UNMIKUSIONKD I1KIJEUV AS- .L 110uncelh.it tliey are making m lion Tor Spring Ibices at Jacksonville.M 'Ihurtday, Friday aud Saturday, sy!tu. Wth un.l '.'Uth. Due notice of plsce sal purses will be given. Addison Holms. lpfop'r. Thomas Uiamnm. I Jacksoinllle. Pebriuiy !) lew- The Last Chance! nim UlllMitMS II . ...777Tr.,.i-i.'ifn'f:Y! APISH OIIAMii; 10 inu'i.7t,i ThoiuderslgndlsdeslrousorrniS his p.operty ot Oatdauel s, com UllJ llno'fa.m, (100 acres under cu I Irs ls Hotel, newly l''VinfflSS lino garden, orchard and MJ' 1(o, g It. There Is a line spring n ' J teC Por further urlcu ars, cat m asChavner'sltancMUIUbjell., February 1st, 1660. JL, Attucliinciil Notice, IN tho Cl.cult Court of thoStsts of 0rege X for tho county of Jackson. August Jacobson, plal nllff, ' J rJwi lfvans, Ceorgo V . heeler awl M" ins, delvudauis. 4OTI0X AT WW TO HMOVW l To said derendauts: rerelM Ily older of said court you were, 1 Wear in said .Xaj complaint of said pU 'll'1.',i'..fu ftbrs. on or beforo the second MonUJ i j., II or oviuiu i ; . ,, hvlOD.'- y, ISCCj nnd It Is "vSilblics8 Vim, Judge of d court, hstPuu 1 run, u "'(-- , , ,k lrfKel'';- bo made for 0 weeks In .tno , Feb Unci," prior to the second Mooasy. ruary, 1000. i"?.,. notified Ita. if fsllf? And urea. nubwer wld wP,u,1" , ihe co''r. tho plalntlirwlll "Jl'l'1 '0,nl,. r "J' JclieV demanded there; lo lt-rehuD. lb. ment againit you fo lainii you .. "-.--. oac-s ')"'1.?'1, .?' Tl h.ereVt thereon si ilmitus uoiiuisi "--. 01lD ', '. or.en..ercent.per y,V,wsU mmarn, Irv"-;: i.rt IQB B.hd?ypf4unc.A.l.--7lw,al1cl I dUburseiiienlsoi i 7 ,, tlhjM liven under nybwg p DOWfc'hh. iu.r a. D. 1W' " ',.. Pit nil"- ". , .1.1. Jin utj - December, A. D. AllnrnCT IV" ' c. t dec!)