Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 10, 1866, Image 3

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    rfllB OHM piffljli.
MARCH l0ll.,18G0.
' fnllfiirnin niid llrreon Menu Time.
e bum.
fill. aim. St.
' rii. Im. SI
. 2m. A,
. Jliu. A.
,r(li lClti
Unci IIHi
IHj-'s Lenili, llli. 41n,
l.li.-JIni. M
eii.lm, A.
-Oli.'.'m A.
tt.rrli Iflllli
i.,,1, Hill. 111. Vm. .
M,rt" ', bay's L.t.Rtli, llli. 43.ll
I'll, l'lin. 31
Litter' from Hem. Mr. IJciiilcr
son. Washington, "Tau. 1st, 18CC.
W. Siittemum : 'You will doubllo's
frtl nml nnxioly to know what course will
be token by Congrci's In reference to those
States llmt lmvc liccn In rebellion against
the Government of tlic United Slntcs ; nml,
as n mutter of course, no nnc cnti tell at
present wlmt It will lie ; tint from Indlca
tiom during the short time It was in scs
lion, 1 arrived at nlioiit (lie following con-
, , , 1-.! . il . .1 II, t
elusions, viz : ! irsl, that there will be nn
i.Tioiu division among Union men, ul-
' IhoVh there Is n great variety of senti
ment among Ihcmj nnu" perhaps no two nr
them would ngrec In every jinftlcttlur, yet
there Is no fixed determination upon the
part nf any to have rveryllilng their own
way or "sink the ship." There are proba
bly not mora than three extreme men in
Congress, If there In n single one, who
would father sec the Union parly dissolved
and defeated, nud thu secessionists and re
bels in possession of the Government, than
to yield any portion of Lis theory. .As n
matter of course, the true friends of the
Government will muku tunny concessions In
regard to pninls of policy, rather than en
danger the Interest of the country be
encouraging division mining lis friend
Senitor Sumner nml Wilson have taken
radical grounds, but I do not believe they
would persist In their peculiar views so far
is to endanger the existence of the p.itty
that has saved our beloved country. As
they know that the Union parly In the
Senate Is strong enough to curry lis points
without their votes, they may still slum!
olonc. TI1111I. .Stevens, In the Home, may
do llicnimu thing, ns he knows the Union
party Is abundantly gtrocg to do without
his vole.
The Tennessee I'neiiibers, mil, In sliort,
nil who can luke the "Congressional oath,"
will be admitted to Mats Mils h.mou ; ,hut
that oath will not bo rcpenlid until nei.r
the cloiie o Ihe present session, If then.
Amendments In the UuiisiHuilon of Ihe,
United State liavu'been ulrcudy Intrnduc-
di; nut lo hate representation In Congicis
bj.ed upon thu number of ' voters, lustcud
' of popuhitlou in the Slates. 'This will ,
' certainly pass Congrew nt the present sw
lon, whether It will be rntlll.-d by ihrte
fimrllw nf the .Stales or not. Another, to
a....... I,. .1... 1.1 .!.. .1 . .ii.
rvv.m- in nn.- iiiiickk uie rigiu oi iriinojuiie,
I .1 . I i. a .. . . I
i iiiiiu. ii very iioiilitful whclher IhU will
lussornnt. It may puss, with the view
of Idling the J Suites, or ralher tho ;icoy
of tho States dtciile on the question for
themselves. No doubt many would vole
for such nn nuieudment, not because they
are disposed to refer the matter to the poo.
We will be called to my whether Ihu
ul,rii snaii voio m u,c msirict ol Oolum
bin or not, In ix sliort time, iin'd.as the ii-p '
'ICK.I..IN of tho ..eoplo of Oregon, it np I
rUf1lJ Irt Si... t ?. I I
pears to me that consistency would tuy
that I should vole ngainst it, because we
do not let them vote in our own State, and
Oregonliins, I presume, would not wl.li to
force negro suMrugo on other people while
they are unwilling to tnko it on thetnielv.s,
and especially t.s tho'peoile or Ills district
'have no vote In choosing their representa
tives. Wheuovcr Stutes cstubllsh negro
mllrage at home, their representutltes may
consljtwntly vote for it IicrO. Tins reason
fog appears to mo to bo correct.
Voorhcw, of Indiana, one of tho vilest
'Copperheads in Congress, introduced a
'string of resolutions in tho House, just lie-
lore tho adjournment for the holidays, In- j
dorslng and eulogizing thc'ITIent In the j
strongest tirms, and pVdglug Confriii to I
Hand by and sustain him In his polloy of
reconstruction, which he unquestionably
ditl, with u view to creating a division
among Union men. And hero Is the hope
of the Copperheud parly that is division
among'Unton nw j nnd if we arc foolish
enough to divide nmouj,' ourselves, then
they ought to beut us.
Although tho President may have com
mitted some mois (for to err is ium.in), yet
It would bo lufinitely betlir, according to
my Judgment, to bear with llico than to
divide the Union 'parly, nnd thereby throw
the (j'overnmciu into the hands ol rebels
and Ccpptrlieuthj, liottvecii these there is
n perfect iilliuity they as nntiirnlfy run
together as drops of the same thud.
While I 'ailviss! union uiuong Union men,
I om fur front liivonng thu abaiiiluument
of principle. Tlic freedom of the emancN
Tatid sluVes their right to "life. Iiberly and
I he" hntrnmmclcd ''phrsult of happiness,"
hc right of the 'Government to suppress
Insurrection hnd punish treason, can be
surrendcied under no circunHtances. Hut
t what particular timo members from the
ojutes that have bicn in rebellion slmll be
admitted to seats in Congress- wlieiher
the negrota shall bo nt once admitted to
t "0 privileges of franchise, or whether they
hall undergo tome system of training first
"-Wremererpiesiinusof policy, nnd should
never be suflered to divide the friends nnd
"porter's of our glorious Union.
i J, II, I). IIkmikiison.
-. S.Sinc,e writing tho ubove, I learn
nut Sen-itor 'ilsnn lius not taken tho ex
Jremo ground thut I thought he had
J. V W H
The New Coilt- of South Cnro
linii. The following synopsis of the new Code
of South Carolina, up reported by the
committee appointed by it; Stnte Conveti
tion, will doubthss interest the members
of our ,Slnle legislature which is to con
vene ai ino cnpitui to morrow :
"l'eisons ol color arc thereby defined to
be nil freo nern-s mulattoes, mcsllzois,
frccdmeti and frecdnamen and their descend
(hints through cither six. Tho.. however
who may have seven-eights or more of
Ciiiicnsiinii blood nrc detntfd and dec'srea"
to nn while person. '
"The rights and remedies respecilnir,
persons nr properly, nnd the duties and
Nubilities under the luw, whether civil or
criminal, which 'apply to while person',
are cMendeil, t,n persons of coor, except
wlierc mudifled by the regulations institu
ted. "The first subject treated for Is the refin
tlon ol husband and wire. This relation Is
fully established and ncocnizcij. Tic evi
dence of its cNistmce Is ileclurcd to be en
habitation nndreputntioii, or acknowledge
incnl by the respective parties.. Tlio'C
who now live ns sneh urc held to he In
legal marriage. Hereafter this which the
law regard nan civil eontrnct is n quired
to be duly solciim!jd either by a Minister
nf the Gospel, the 1'is.trict Judge, o Mng-
. Iffllllie III IIIIV llllivr JIIIIIL'llll I'llll'lT,
I ,. . .. pi.ii.i,,.:. ,rc.,(1Jfrn i,oril nri,,,i.!).rr,l
isirnic or any nmer jiiiitciiii otiicer,
to be legitimate.
"The following nre Incompetent to con.
tract marriage: Males under twenty-one
and feinnks under eighteen years of ngo.
thoe who nre paupers or n charge to the
public, mid appriuticesnr persons bound to
labor, or service by eontrnct until the ex
piration of such apprenticeship or term of
service or labor.
"The liuhb.ind Is forbidden tinder nny
pretext to ulmndnn bir wlfe.nuil n ruse lie
shall so do nr fail to irutlt ri in her and his
children, he shall, upon siin'iMcnl proof, lit
bound to service by ihe District Jud.'e
Irnni year tn year, and the profits nf lilt.
labor applied to their imiln'cimurc. Hticli
nn nhiuiilomncnt renders the wile cnmpe
tent tn engage Tor service and tn Ittnc nil
Ihe rights of nn unmarried woman, ixci lit
the right to re contract marriace. In case
1 u,crc H.ul.l be two or more reputed litis-
IkiihIr or Wives, the parties arc required to
select nml the ceremony of tnarrlngc Is to
be, performed.
"The f.illier h to support nil of Ids clill.
dren, whether they be born of one of Ids
reputrd wives, or of nny other woman.
The relations of guardian nnd turl ore
substantially the same ns 1 hey now exist In
this slute." Atlanta lnltlligtmtr.
Wasiiinoton, March 2d.
The' Congressional Ciimtnlltro for the
circulation of documents among the people
li'ivo made urrangi'menls for a, rnpst
thorough diffusion of such dneumei.ts r.s
will put nil ((UcstiniihconiKCteil v(tli reenn
slruetion fully nnd fairly before tho coun
try. It Is chnrL'td that lids Committic Is
benl mimi seiidiin.' nnlv the mot radical
siieechi'S. lint the eharaelrrof IliPimnmin ,
' ... !...'
iiosIiil the Comuilttee Is n sufficient guar
nnlee of Ihe falsity of the allegation.
The Miscellaneous .Aporoprlatlon Ilil'i
as it p.T-nfil the Hume, included Ihe follow.
lo.wing : rir tlic survey nt miinc minis
tn California, 5,10.0110 .' Oregon inul.U'n.h.
Inglon, 'lOfiOii each ; Colorado, 81(1,0011
FOB 1K00.
jl.- -s -- v - - ,
Our moist iiioimiitiiii', alibi""" sirugt'le
Inning ri'Mili-d In tlie tiluinpUol AuH-iieiiii
Nulloimlil.t. the tut-r iiHinnlitur- ami
iiterlhiiiw' of K..-VHUI urn. Sluveiy, Tiik
Tuims.K. proro. nil'y i juicing In this rwiib,
will liTlmr to conceit-- the li-gllimale trait
of thin grand. In-nlguunt tloiory by rwidei.
log Mlwrty ai.d Opportunity ih coiitiiimi
heiltago ot the wholo Amvrleuu l'tioplv
now mid eterinort
Dircoiiuteiuuciiig all unmanly e,Miltnti(iu
utiriirueedliMi liiil.ollon ol ulnorprlui-
will Insist on tho esrllest Kirslbl recloia.
' the .ou,l,rn fJJ Mj
I . .. . .. ... . . . 1 11 ll t II 1-
lion on tho iipiioltlur i me n-i cuub, ii,
.. in ,..,.. ... '.i . -j...,,... .in.. .-..-,. .ni
IniaU nl' All Uliflit lor All their 1'oonle
It will labor iuh"o to pinto that the
substitution or I'reo lor Shut Labor mu.t
Incvllnlily nnd uniterally ciuidiiio lo lh
lucifiiMi of ludusiiy. 'Ihrllt, l'ioperlly
and Wealth, to that the South, wllhtu thu
iwxt Ion jimin, must look' Imck aiimir.eil on
her King ivrli-leoce in u practice o Iwlelul
nt tho olmttell.l(lg or Mun. .
it will labor lor the dlllulon of Common
School liiCHlloii,.Mauulaoluri's, the IWul
Art. Ac, Ac, throutOiuut tmy porlou of
our country, but ospvclnlly throughout thu
sections hllherto ilevuid-ol them. Indicting
Unit t-tery goil end wilt thi-rel.y bo sut
nrved and tho Interest of every ut-rul and
woithy oliixs piomnud.
It will urge tho l'rutictlon of Homo In
diiflr) by illtcrlmltiallng duties on horelyn
1'iuduoli Importul, with u tiew to dinwlna
hither tlio mot capable and skillful urtlll-
f Xa l$ Ztv TZh? f
pioilnctlun hitherto all but coutlueil to the
Old World, ttinioii wouin sirciiguiuu
V,it-iid, those which hate urteudy a foothold
it will give oarerul nltenllon to pmgrc.8
nnd Iniprotemtnt In Agriouliuie. doing its
bet at once, to In tug iiiulkul lo Ihu tloors
of our farmers and teach thsin how U nwko
the most of the opporlunltlw thus ullurdul
lliun. , , ,.'
Il will devote constant attention to Mar
kets, ci-picliilly for Agricultural I'roUuets,
nidi Intunt lo save both produour uud con
miimrlrom Iwing ticlltiiUed by the specu
lator nnd foresiailer.
And. giving lair scope to Current MUrn
turo, to tlio pioot'idings or Congrti-s, ami
to tlio gtiierit Nt of the Day, it ho;s to
ret tin Its old patrons, and attract many
new to bear them company.
Wo lately employ truvtlllng agents, ns so
many Impostors are habitually prowling iu
iiiuasMiuuu capacity qi suiiiiii iu, j.mm
nals Wo prt-rt-r that our u!iki lbrs shall
pay tholr money lo iiersous lliey know uml
of wlioto luttgrity thoy mo nnrtd. Any
Irlctid who bellotes hu will do good by in
cruising the circulation of Tut: Tlilta.sK Is
nuthoritd to fcoltcit nnd ricmtc subscrip
tion. Specimen coplii will be promptly
sent without charge to thote rWUiilng tin in,
anil e tmt many fricndu will o moved to
a-k then- ueigliliurK uud atipialiitauces to
join In making up their club.'
The (irou'i ruiiiIly.e.vsMiii'cr
OV liilllK TIMt 10 bL'llsCJtlJlK.
H. Y.
is priutulouu l.irn-e duublc-iii'diuiii slitel,
making t-ight pages ol six columns deb
it contain? till ihe inipoitautlMllotUls pub
lishul Iu Tut. I an Tp vi j.a t nt tfc
or merely locnl trilcrct 5 also Literary ami
NMcnlilK Intelligence ; If. tlews, r the mof t
Inln.n.lln ....I t. ..... a.
i ,. " iinpucism new Hooks
mri-siing ami imporUnt new nooks the
ellcrs from our large corps of correspond,
its 1 the Inttt news molted by Telegraph
om abiti,jton and all other pirls of the
country i a Summary of nil important In
)iviii.'i.- in mis cny nnu elewliere!
ynnps. or the proceedings t) Congre
nnu Mflte IieiriLiturn ulinn In in.. . it...
orelgn uews received by every steamer :
l.cli.ve Ueport of Hie rroeeedlngs of
tlie 1 nrmers' CI11I1 of the American Fntl
tiite; Talks nbout Kruit nml other llortl
ctilliirnl and Agrlculliiral Information e.
mtlnl lo eoiintrv rehlenls' Slock, l'lnnn
clal, Cnltle. Dry Hoods ami Hem ml .Market
Iteports, making It. Imih Tor xnrleiv and
comilefenes. nltogcllier the mot nliia1ilc.
Interesting and Instructs p Wi.ki.v Nlwi
l'Al'i.u piiblWud In thn world.
The I'ull lteporls of the American In'l.
tute 1 nrincrs' Ulub, nud thcxarlous Agrl
cultural ltcporls.lnei.ch number, are richly
worth a year's subscription.
Stall Mitwrlt ws,l )fr Mnnmls-rs - -14 00
'lull nl i-rll.-r, Cinln f r .... m (Vi
Ii-ii ci-. s.Urf ir.1 in ntwr, irf ul.nlUr. IT ii
Twi-at r'ln.sMrrultnniiiv4i(Hilnn-rtiS4 isi
ICIimi-l.a. Ik i4l S-Mrr.a . - . - . . Ill IX)
Tnnit.rc-i-li, iimn,Hrt. . . . . .jkjuo
An Mini Aii'ir will IwM-nt f-r ncIi rial, uflm
lvrcllM-.riiFiit.r, twii 1 tint r.M, i-r mh-cviit
of tho !miiUrktr, will Iwanit rnll.
lor rlnl(.f nn, ne n-lM, er .-i-m, uf lbs
Iuiit Turn r Hill li- rnl amlU f t .-nr jiVr.
CuWrlla-M In 1'mio.U mini ni. 3D renl rncli ,n
n I.IIII.111, tu iy U s. nin,
. tiii: ndv-yokk si:mi-wi:i:kly
, lit J llf NT.. Is imMbheil cu-rv Tl'ISIiAY
nml HililAY, mid coaUlus all the K.IH0.
rial nrliolns iifl mrri ly local In chnnielrr ;
l.llirnn IteUewsand Art CrilleJuns: I.(.
lers rriuii( our lii(.i eorp of Kori-lgu nnd
Pomt'HlaCnrrc'i'oudtnti i special uml As
snclfiKd 1'ress Ti-legrnplilc DlspiileliPS j 11
caul 11 1 ami ccmpkle hutiitimry ol I orelgn
nud Dome-ale News; l.nchi'ivc Ileporls nf
tin- Proceedings of tin' 1'iiriaers' Club of the
Amiricnu Itirtitiitc: Talks about I'rtlit, uml
otln-r llnrtieiillnrHl and Agrieultuml Infnr
iimtlnii iimk. I Iimiuiul, ('mile. Pi (loi-l-nnd
Heiitrnl Market l:-Mrn. which nre
puliiblii-il in 1 UK Daii.v Tiiiihm:, Tin
MiMi-U'KfKi.r TKimK alo gUii-. In ihe
course or n jeor, TIlltTtf or TOl'll of
by lit Iiik Binliors. The cost of ll w alone.
II lnilit in liiMik-ltirui. would li from six
loil):lil ilolluis. U )iurchnrd In the KN
(il.lMl MAHA.I.NT.S Irnni whkli lliey nre
Ciirelllll.t H-lecl'-il. the cu-t hiiiiM lliicf
or four lltui-K that sum. Nnwlurt) vl-ecriii
m much curt cut Iiitelll",eiice. and H-ruiiineiit
lip rnrj mutter be had nt so clo-uti 11 tuk- as
In Titv Pi.mi-Wkkki.v Tiuimxi:. 'l low wlio
iHtlietp In Ihe prlliciplv mid npprote of the
character of tut: Tinw Nl, onu Incp'ose lis
power and InHuonce liv joining with their
nelghlior In forming elulis to siibcilbe for
Tin: i-iMi-U'i kki.v Wlllnn. It will In that
way m supidhd to II11111 at the luurn-t price
for which null u witT caii be pilnUd.
. , - ,
SlciilsuU.il'!!, 1 rtT, I jMr-ini hooiI-mi t "4
,li. 3mi-, iK (-i. Irt
il, I e.-1-Ua, 14- wrer, ft sl, inf-) a li
Oil receipt (if 3U fur ten copies, nil e.ll
copy will ! sen l i-l iiiiuih. On uwipl
..T A I . I..H im..J .. A....I.U. M.I Ml, ...... V .till
of el-'i lurlirttin clle, an extra copy will
lie K-ut ouejesr. Kiir flOO, wu willss-nd
thirty-four oples, nud one copy Daily Tut.
iiiwfc, grails.
SuIi-cKIh r In Caimdn mut send 10 cents
In nddltlon, to luejiay L'ulted Mutu pu!
oge. , .
J)AIhV TltlliUMS,
610 )irr Annum.
Subrcrlb-rs lu C'miail i inu.t urxl $1 20 In
addition, lo lir py I'lilled Stati-s puslaye.
'. mi. i k-.Ii In uihuiH-e.
Di nfi" on Ni w York, or r.ut-Oltlee Mdn,
pHtiii'l- to llu order of Tiik Tiihh t.. Mux
sal'ir, ate preferable to any other mode ol
ri'lllillane- -Adiliors.
TIIUlltllll'M.. TriUine llullilliis,
New rk.
K lJ
3 qq
"-' LsjJ
fli "7
WW '
' I
E- -
Y? U
l S3
1 s n
I. s
2- -
- s -:
m r- s
'r t
J, II. Ul.tTt.ll,
l .1. I.AMilOllll.
......... tli.llt, l-'lr. l '
lllllllt ,.. -.., ,, . m
One- dooi w s i Kj ger A
Opposite he McCully Kiiildiugs,
JACKsoivviLni: OitiK.'oi;.
33 "y
Madame Jeanne DeEoboam.
Tho Mmlaino inhw (lii.s niolhotl of tcinlering lior llituiks
to tho pttlilic. for llu pntvoiiitjro wltifh luts liidiorto lit'on t.
tom.etl to ltt'f; nud would rospeot fully solicit a' ooutiiutuucu.
Itrt- Tnlilo, ,
nh'nlwajs under lur Imme
diate contrul; and by hi r long
ctpcricneo In Ihe lui'Ineii-i he
feels eontldent that she will
Kite entire satlrliietlou to nil
Oregon, .lun
C u d i u c s s vC a v &
i. o.o. i
-.Iim'Km)ii itlc laoilm
1k iu. 10. hold, lis reg
i( luliir ni-'i tings on etert
.-'utn'dnv etiM.liiK at the
Odd Keflous'llall.
Ilrolheis In good slandlhiT are luvllril In
alleud. Nr.WMAS I'l.SIICIt. N. (J.
lliMtr Di'M-ts ll.r-'ic'y.
Ini'lies.- .1. M. Sutton. , Win. It.iy .tnd
S. J.Dsy.
Wfirrcn Loiko No. 10 A. r
A 1HH.I) tbrir ri-Kuliir
"Cireallons Hie ttiilintsiny i.veninnnii
vAur preei ding the lull uiison, in ju'k
SilNtll.t.l., Hill HON.
C. W. Stt !...)
.lArKSON" 'US. Ohvimiv,
Ultlrr niiitallr llu nil it Itnll.i.
All tmslness C'-iiiiolll'-d lo my rare trill
he iirnmplly nil 1- l lo. Jul) ''. 'M.
j.k.,'.B.",r:ia",c tat w '.mxz m-
iljtl'KSO.tlM.K, OhKWiV.
.VIII priittlw In ll lie Coiii tnf tho Third
Jiuliclul Dlfiih t. ihi-xipji uuCuurl or Oio
Koi. nnd ifi Yrtil.H, Cl W: fc'erip prompt
r- . .... . .. .
ly millet
Oil. I.
-Hiu. intniri;
IVXcdiciiio tL Surgory
In .lacks u and udjiiiniiu cotiutits
lilenci' In .liukaonville
JvlKMi.Wll.li: OlIMSON,
llWdriuv ihi" t
sire. I.
As-ilb Mid of OriTim I
Jminuiy, 2,
OBkv nt his niodeiiee on Orexoii street
piiYSiciA.v am) .sri(i:o.,l
.1 tl I.MIMH.I.K, OmKuov, i
Can In- foim I titlu-r A the City Jiru $!.
nr tils le-liMiO', Ulrf uoor neiw inv r.
press Ollliw, piewrtil lo gitc primipt at
lenlioii to lliose inpiiriiig ins Kiiuie.
pcrcrt dritt,
is. iiti:iMiii:ai . , , ,
in T.tici: jsit'ii'iir.H (
i r.tiiiif siTVM,
OF TIIK Alt r,
IT ricturw do not gltw mtl.lwstlon, no
churgi'n will be made. Oil nl hl mm (,'al-b-ry.
ou the lull, otumluv his plsiturvs, uud
sit lor tour liktmn.
I)r OtirUtk would nnnuuoce to the clt
li-US of Jucktoil
In. Iu r luriud ti
lb' riietlti' ol u
I... I..1. I.. I til lilts.
I lulllll) S'lO VIUIIIIV. III.! I
tn Juekstint lile uiM i-Hltiiel
imitliie. list will utwuys
Im I-hiIi'I
lit his wld staiid, I lie OteilHSk
iinlis. kIimtiiI proliwiiHi
ul luiMiiess. He w oul. I ucilully sulnjit
u itnuwul of tormtr pHlioiuige.
us. ii. mix s. i s'aiiim.
F, rAnr.f)
i Walla all., Waiiimiih Tlmmiidbv,
OI'I'ICKorr llsiik Kxelmnge, Mum
Hired, will nrucliet- in ull ll ('iori
I (I bo First Judifif I Disiriil, ulso Ihe Hu
piuiiu Cuuil, I .'nl lc l ions iirotuptly ut
' ii-r.drd to. All business intrusted in our ,
' cure will reet-ivf prompt intention. ju.'W
fe. D. FARGO,
Walla Waii.a. W. T,
Wi'.l take uiLiioithilgmeuts ufditds I'r
tut Note ui.d dull- iiiudu out nl slu-it ii-tie-
uud ULknnwtrdti. jm-.lif
lOissolution IVotfoo,
MIK undersigmd lus this iUy with
JJuvis, uud will iwntiiiii') tho pructiuo ol
Medicine, jjurt'sry oi.d Obstetrics, in
Jacksonville arwl vtc.nity, uiwl solicits u
rliuro of th I'alroiuge, Oilicu ut bis resi
dence at the old Murry Ilocuistead.
T. I.. IAVI.
Dec, Kith, 1SC1 diulTlf
J my wile, Julia Aim has It-It my boaul
uud lied, Million t cau.o or piotocutlou.
therefore, ull persons uro wuiued not to bur
bor or trust her on my account
Kcibylli Feb. 27th, Ibbli m.i.ln2
ro to Tin: en "i hook tohi' imi .
vj te
eC'U tllt-li 11' ll Ii -k
llrr Itrils nml Uihiiii,
an' lllnl up In llu- mosl coin
rorlalile si tie; sullol to the
nrcommoiliitlon of slngU' im
cnpniil", nr fiimllle". Jler
Intls we nlnajskept tleitu
nary "Mill, iSCiu.
rPltn uniletalguidrerpeeirully Informs his
I Irti'iiil" and the jiulillc. Uml he li,i
l.titly In-i ii In Sim l-'rniieiiH-n, where he
leeliil n line .i-.nrtriimt uT line nnd e-oiinnin
nll'-s, aJiot-guna, letilrrrsul nil illlli-reul
klnda. deriluirers or Ihe laliat sttivru. nml
all kind ol Hininiiiiltloii t niih, I'xrtriitgeis
iiomler. stiol. hIhi, hihiI- r II i-k. Iml 1'iuks,
ilUllllllK-lMS of i-ttry Mill nhd !'.
All order will Im lllliil with prmiiptneM,
motln-ss, and dl-lviti'li. The liittii'ilruintluy
uf lieu rlllenwlll be di 'He at III" slmtteal
notice, ami In I lie most Hppintnl slyle.
(itiHltnl for pii-l i,ilroiiiiK'. I ln-Hvl-fully
seliill u tiiiitiiiil.m:ejir llu- same
Septeiiilier !lb. I .". tr.
HappiacfiH or Miociy ;
that is tiii: tirnsiin.v.
1 Ml'
I'lioi'itiirroiw ok tiii;
CSi:t'.l til' ANATOMY AMI
SCI I'.NCl','' have iltteriniiHil. irgnrdli-M
nl exNun-. m Imiis IIIUU (fgr the Uncut
f the MitVniiK liuuiaiiil) four of lluir
iniwl Inleri-siing ninl liHtuiclite l.l-C-TI'lll-Soi.
illeiiiHHis; Nutous tl-luliiy, I'luinitnie
llicluie nl Miinbnod. linhgisll"li, Wiiik
im-ss nr llrpies.liin, latk nf Muergy uihI Yi
till 1'iiMi-r, tin' grnil Social IMI nod tboe
miilailnv thai nult from yniilhlul fnlltes,
i-xeeiwi nf maturity, nr liniriiiieo nf I'lijs
lohitry iiihI Nutnti's Ijims.
TIh-m- intiiloiililv Is-cturea have biin Ihe
II1I1IIIS llf I'llllghll Mllg IIIHI I Ht lllg tllOIIHIlHls,
uml will bii fnrwiirdid I'll 1)1'. nn receipt nl
'I'm nt) -flu-Cent In p wlune sI.iiiijm, by
uddreiwiiig "riteii'lHry I'm-ilie Muiiiini nf
Anatomy and Scit nee, I'ine Hlteet, Han
Francisco " i
t3if l'ltirs lo Ik- Mnt UhoiikIi Wells
1'iMgn ,V Co, mill ll In's
Sfin IVuliI' l.tn-,i,f Stjgi-s from .l.iek
sniitilllc lo Itii'.j ill- h'.-I Wulslis, Oi
ig'Hi b.itts iluekksintille i-tt-ry
.AIiiihIii) . 'I'liiiiKilii), I A..il
IteluinlliK. leutea Wiiklu eteiy
'I'licullit .S. I'liilii) lit 'i l. l
TliroHirti SMMVftii will U fniulU.I
wllli gnul tMiltlW-hatsm nt U'aMu, IW
CrtMMsHt City.
I.OI.WN ,V TIIOTll'riO.V. I'rsi'r
Oct. iSlh.ls'i.l ocl I If
rK lake Ibis method i liifir(D thu
TT I'nlilie llmt il.i ir sii'sm imy mill is
now sitnutid nu OnlJins cntk nbout Ihiie
iiihI it bull utiles K'Utli eut ouih) fruiu
.liiik.iliVllli'. IHJ Will lUe Cilistulilly (ill
IiuimI ii uonil sat t'ly of Itainbvr, ull bills fur
UHil.r out on sliort i.otiic,
N ,t. nunw-nf ihuflrni fiiriutrnlly
doing business umlrr tl, name ol M. Mil
Ur ..- (j4,., now dbsoltul ns to Miller,
uwi win iii-ruttir no iiii.iiiiss umier the
ill ll II llurr"igis A C, uml all
s Irutj'i
t, iiii-t be d'inu with
llurr v'l
ir ; ,
' nn. jii l,i(
Just Received at the
CITY J)KUCi hi iJHil.
'rilLHll.IJJUI.Mll ITtUSll liofSLI'liS
Uily Uliaal lluj, Uu4 IUx.1 -I, W UlU H'lr.ii,
Mauiiri tl mtlnl tin , J.i iHsbtfn i-rn4, lrl
lluit ,1.,.. Uilr .4k i.Mki.i liarl iltLiwfi J-,
In uuilii ,'l S , rui Imwli -I , L.r'iliiiiil Vuiui, .
Irl I l iu a.. Iu. lUuuili.Ail lluie, llutUf , il -
Hill Nlltjlli.4 Muakllltlvll ll' Slll-ji'MI llu, 1 e
CfLUi tlultlU.I-1 I L UK tH.II. I'tflaUIIM, I'UUIlk'il,
SmiUl Tuiui), IUJi.li, L.H., IkwUl Ji, cuuiui.i
Sisll'j Iluab S'lU'iili, lliailuu MuaiuiUh, ttiiilvr
Cl,a.k Noil,, llu," Mllv It. .11 ,, felllUi luaf Tuililli
ttlnlu Ilulih, 1", ItuU lUss, J", Oul-.u t"A,
ilitant T-1 w UrUut -l-i tirifiiia a. . r-i-i,-r
A.. rti'I l'-,,i r llrtuii- S iKr n fea- lu 1
lillllu J-uiiuni silly 'Hum 1"Ua) lllik
If , a-,1 mill II ill, y i.'ii uil
M"t i,f iLu ul vu .',!. ji. t II ly vmglil la
iiuantifi L. nmt , ,ir 1 1 , uilivir
mt j -ir i
10 'Hi Till' t II'. Dill 0 .S'l'OUL
rr M-: i; he : ummM
Net Deuir Sue-In Hts,
I M-t Ml'lt h.ts M.il il Ids new slots
.' with n large and talimbl- it"ortni-nt n.
btlet sltli- and pullernsiif CjsJ
ciAU'Ky. LvJ,jm
Together with it pleiillil,liit or oilier
llmtsl-IMiis, Itrooebes,
Knr-Ulngs. Finger Itlngs,
lockets. Ilurkles, t'lasps.
llrmvlets. Sleeve lluttotis,
.... nml ricats;
Also, complete ssclt of lueoiiipsritblc
Qunrtw isTowolvy,
inatiumctureil fioni tho rlcht uml most
btuutifnl sH'clmins nfdoU Hill nud l'or
In addition to the uliote. may bo foind
nt his store the best qualities nl
And, In short, n gemrnl tarlely of
iMflt-Nnct.H x I'uui'V Aitlelrs
Allot which will bo sold nt l.mt rutin
nnd warranted. .. i
I .lir.l'AIUI.MI - Clocks, Yuteles and
I .leni-lrv itpalnil tvit Ii promplnrsji, and Iu
it nunii.tr id giiiir.iniii' saiisiuetinii,
MAI'I'AITCUI'.ll tn onUr. uny ..rtl-
elt nl .lewelry. with nentiiessi n,id dispatch.
r1 Call nml see his new slneh. at bis
new store, on (ibrorma slreel, net door
til SuelrS llrits ,,lii'hsniitilli, Oii'gon.
Ineks.ifitillo, Dec 17, IMP,!. If
(i'(ii)il im,s lor lailli'.s!
Aiiil.fur lirut-rA ll.il- r s eel-
el. nihil
i:iu-.llrMUcl. Scu lug .tliicliN',
ll.iu-on IihihI it tin nly nr llu.o inn
ilitues f-r lioil ami Iu
'MO llir'i. inneliiiits n awnribil (he flrt
I Premium h! ,)! Kl-ile fairs nf New
ioik. Induim. Yi'il.,.,iil, Ohio. Iim.i. lilt
iml.. Keiilnoky. Mid, van. IVuusy It snl.i nud
On nun. nti r all npjiialluii.
Cull iiriiiiiid. lailiis, tnfiiiu piirulnttliig
t-lsenliric, mi I exiiiiiln" ItnHo mji Isini'..
June n-i. imv jiii-:ur
Uni)(ua Academy!
'I Mill Tinsli-wi of I iiii.iin Aeii'lit'iy lun
I IhmiHij'hly u-p-ilri'l tho luilbllii, uml
II Is liou lenity lur stliunl. Ihe Ulnlir
1 T'llll nl ll wwks Hill folllUlrll. Nny. vJtli
llu- SprliiK uud riiimiuer Tn in, 1st Mninlsy
In Ma), Im.j!.
I 'i iiii.it y liMtiiiniil f A Oil
I SunniUiy , .
' Hitler liiMl'-li
1 1 ml jiij(iitiit.-, Dmu lug mid I'uliit
I lug. CHt'll evtM ,.,.
I Mil-I.
llu ml in pritMle IuiiiiIims . ...
7 nn
:i mi
In nn
:t on
'J F KOYAI., I'iiiic'ImI.
Mk Ci iiik .Swim.
Am I 1 en, In r
Sewing- Machine.
ioiin ni:i'iii:ii wiuiiii iiiiiiuiiiue in ii.
IihiiipIu of Jsokmii ('unity. Ilt.it lis Ims
pint-tired mi uKemy fie llila ih vrb u iii.i-
chine, uml will in it alinil llmu Imve it H'miI
Hipply nil Imiul, 'I'll I a inurilnu gullir,
Ii. in., eniliillili uinl ni.il.ia I illlKreiit
klmlaul sliltht-s.
Japk.iiiivllie Jaiiuiirv VI. I tf
3te S5000 " M
.Uiit HCmU
Tbo uinlirsigni'd would uut.t rvspectfully
cull the ullinlioii i-f llu- puLi i, in ilu-lr
riJTsl STAIMil),
On Or,KuiiSriet..Iucki0Vil'r Webnwo
u lino sJVtk of buguits mid l-utus, iilsn a
good supply of tuiidlo horses lo let. Wu
ti.tt 1st vurstives that wu hute given sails
faction the pust jtur, nml uie dt-termliiiil
lo do so ihu ntAl. Wo solicit a living
kliuri fif lliM ll.llrfilinlf.
I A good supply ol ft id conttuntty nn
1 hiu.il. FI.YMAI.K.t ROHH.
Jucksonvillc, Dec. 'i, '(ifi det'.'lf
IN the Circuit Court or Iho Htalu OfO.e
J gon, Tor Ihu couuty or Josephluo. K
Iluiriet Douku I'lullillii, VI. John Dims -
I rem' -ml.
' ir ik i:jinv ion t lutomi
To John Duuke:
nu are liiiilriil In upM-.r In said rourl
Ui.d uuaiur Ihu eomtiluint ol said iijsiullir,
lilul ugitluat you, wilhluleu d4)s from lliu
Inns ol ll.e sertiosi of tills iiiiiiiiii.ui on you,
tri'rve.l wiihlu taiilrouniy, or If strtidou
)oii wiihlu any olio r ii.uuty in this Slate.
I lit u willilil twenty da)s Hum thu lime j'
Hid srtice, or il rtd on joit out or iho
Slulo or Orsgon, Ihcn ll is ordered by Hon
I'. I'- Film, Judge of sold court, that publl
talton l) iimdu lor six wctks iu Iho Orvgou
Miitluul prior to tho suoud Mondiylu
April, Iftcu.
.Mid )ou uro nolllUd llmt il' you full Iu
uiini.r naiil compl.iim us intuitu (npjlrtd,
Ihe pliilnlllf will upply u thu court lor tho
reller iK'iuaudtd tlaivlu, i-w.i.
Fur it dltorcu from Iho bauds
or malriinouy no-v etistlnu betHit-n
tho plalntlll ami dolfiidaut, and for tl.fl euro
and cuslodvorihoLhililr.il or Ihe man (ago
uml lor Iho coats uml duhursemeiits of this
suit und lor g neral r I ef
(it veil under my bund IhU 2d day of Iau
uary A V ibCa II KUII.T DOAKK,
In prop r pcrtolt