I'llll OREGOK ffiTMBL riACIvMKVVIhM: UKCIiOX. LITOF U1KNT Still Till' 'SKNTINll. ti 1 I'ldicr . Sin Francisco Oil Tlioini I'm iplfe.ilt Onu UT li Hill Wllber do K (i Wrd-eye. Itivck Point do Tliomi Cmxtwi. . .C'roxloinDiiMliHiln Win Smcer... . Imtiii-Ofi-Jn iln Out. (iibb Porlluml 'o I) M Thonimni U''0 ' ' V. l. He .ins Uthoiisc -In 1 hoin i Curr. . . . il" Tlnini I" l'tntd. . Kci live Hie il" S W Swier.' '! '" I P. Anderson Phottilx do A. lielund Mtrll.' Creole do Ceo I. Item. I'.llenbiirit do TliMO.rlcCmir.n . . I'nUm Town il" Jami" li. Witl'on Hu'dmrt; do Ml llattlnjlunler.. . Itopue lllcr ilo Hinder Itermin of Can) out Me. uoneral Acint fin Ihmiii'i County. M AH CI I .lOtli. le-iifi. Tiiioii Stato Convention. 'I he voters of the several counties ol Or egon who lino been and arc In fivnrof nMlnlnliilni! the supremacy of the Union, the Constitution and the laws o( the U S , oiInU nil opposition, are rcpfctfol'y in ltiil to hold conventions according to the mini custom for the election of Delegate to it Union SHte Contention, to I held ntCorvttllli.cn the '-'Olhdiy of March lfiiirt, for the purpose of nominating can did itos lor Governor, Mcmberof Congres. Secretary of State Stite Treasurer. ai.it State Printer. Wc respectfully recom mend the holding of County Convention! throughout the Hntc on Haturdiy, l"th iliy of l xroli. ISoY'. t which time Dele gate to the .Stato Contention can be se lectctl. And tl.it the Precinct meetina beheld otiSitunhy the lotluliyof Mtrch. The St ite Convention from each Judicial District assembled nt the time of holding mhl contention, to nominate candidates for Judge anil I'rosccutln;,' attorney, where vacancies o.xiit. Iliktr -I Line 7 Jlwilon J I.lnn 10 Cliclntnas 7 Marlon. .. II Clatsop 2 Multnomah ...13 Coos 1 Polk C Curry 1 Tillamook.... 1 Columliki I Umatilla. ..5 Dough) 7 Union ' (Jrant ' Washington.. f Jack'en Wasco.... 11 Josephine .. .- Vumlilll. .. 5 I It MOOl'.t:?. ('hilrmin Cnlnn 't.ite Central Com. W C WniTo..Secritiry Union Comity Con vent Ion. At n mccllng of the Union County Committee for Jackson eounty State of Oregon, at 0 Jnoob's ofliee, Feb. 'SM. lertfi, It wai ugreed : 1st, Thil (ho vote for Lincoln be the bii'i rri apportionment for iMamIcs in County onvei.lioj. 2d. Iltery pre-ciuct is allowed onf delo gitc, nml also delegates for every 1ft vote nnd irictiou ot 7 ami ner, less Hun 13. Under the abate rule the precincts will be entitled to the following number of Jcl cgitra Aslihud ... Kden .SterlingvlHo. Inckrontllle. Appplesate.. lluttti Creek IVrkloivllle Manzaniln.. ..1 Table lllc 1 TorcH Creek 1 Willow Springs. ..'J l't. Klamath f. Steamboat City.... 1 J) in) .niello... . 1 ..1 ..9 ..1 ..1 i I'niontonn . .'-' 1 Ivans Creek . . ..1 . '1 i Precinct meelinj: March 10th, lPfiC. V couvll S. D. VASP'.Kir, Ch'r. Union Count) Contention IV.om Vw AtAonu. Ily n letter from Capt. Sprague, dited 9lh of Feb., we learn that his command is well. The weather h very set ere, forage scarce, and their cav alry nnlnuls were on quarter rations of barley ami half ntlons of hiy They had n skirmish with a band of Indian on Christmas, who attempted to run oft' the horses and mules. In the action one horse was killed, ami un Indian wounded, '1 lie Mtages threw awry their nrmi und cloth ing and took to tie mountains. The clothing was burned at.d Ibe arms taken to eamp Ki.tMtTit lliiirmr, ,' lim Gonk. A'o bate been kludly furnished the fol lowing item of news by Mr. I.. Applegate, Telegraph operator at the Toll House, on the California r,iud. Toll Hojsc ath.i' r. m. I learn from Ilev. 0. II. Nowton, just from the KIjiii uth Uitir, that tli" bril'i across tint stream went down eierilny morning, n portion of which carried away the firry below. This is u set ere lo-d, as it uy Impedo the earying ol the mills for sotr.o time to come. Tn . Many )car bate pascd since wo were more agreeably surprised than ono morning this week. We went into our sanctum and found a Leg of cider from Jimmy Twogood, proprietor of the Grate Creek House, with directions to keep it coiked tight. In qrder that the "Devil" may bo kept QJt. 'I liis, precaution was unnecessary as the Good 'lemplars have got that pertomigc , but wo propose to get in even if tlio devil follows. Messrs. Hicks .t llcllmger, who htel) Usvul a prospectus foi n nettspipcr at the Dalle, to be called the Vmdicalo), hate bold their pret.s uud uiaterhl to W, G '1" Vuu It, who is pow on his way with it to Owyhee, where be purposes to estab lish n newspaper. IgHcrs. A slight mistake us to the whereabouts of Col. T'Vuult. Ho ij hero with his family. ItKciviiKU. From Mr. Kelly, ltoglsler at the I.anil Oflico In Iloseburg, wo learn that the authorities at Washington have reeindtd the order to that ofliee requiriug un Oath of Allegiuuco from Doualion claimants. Hereafter, tlio filling of tho Oitli prelimiiury to the Issue of the final wlllie-ate will be dispensed with IVi'Cro SuIItagc. Mr llemlerfou, our Hcprcentnllte In Conmes, is an olil Kepnblicati. but xotcil against negro Miflrayc in the District of Columbia. This l a mnto in the rijilit itirectiou. liel not only Ortgou but ull the loynl States ctnlilili ntgro fiilTrngc at home berorc their Heureentititee Mite far It in the District of Columbia Xegroin are now nllmtul to tote in Mnine. Nen IlanirHhire. Vermont, Mnsa chuctti, llhoilo Ilanil nml New York lu Maine, New Hampshire anil Vermont they vole on the lame term! nml condition as the nliltiM In .Mninclitnelts the) niut be nblc to read nnd write, nml In llhodc Island they mutt hold real estate tt tlio amount of ono hundred nnd thirty dot l.ir!. In Nen Yotk they must be worth two hundred nnd fifty dollars oter all in cumbrance. Pico negroes xntrd for sev eral yrar In Mart laud nnd North Caroli na, beforu the slavery question ttna ugltn ti.t. A nnjorlty of tlo people of Connecticut. Mi!ourl. Mino'Otn, Colorado nml the Di trict of Columbia nrp ngnlnst. ntpro suf frage. Under the present excitement, no doubt n mijorlty of the loyal cliiiiiof Ilia Southern States are opposed to it. therefore It Is uunfceswiry, useless and unwise, even If It ttos constitutional, for the President and Congress to force nrpm nif frujre on the North or South. The Pie ident ami his Cabinet are oppo'nl to nn agitation of the question at present, even in the District of Columbia, where Con gresi bus llto same right to prescribe the quiliflwtlon of the Mite that any State has. Washington City ami tlic tthole dis trict of ten mil square, Is under the ex clude legislation of Congress; jet Mr. John'on hiys it would In- belt for Cun groM to ntteml to more important bii'ltte ami to let nogio sufl'iiige( alono for lite prcunt. He thinks p' uiiMnstltutioual nml tiinvlw for (?ongre to try to force negro luffragt' on any of Una State : nml 'thnt the end would be onr nccompllshed by each Slate to legislate on the subject of the,oltv:tlre unchle. Tbfr I the true policy of the Government. The negro In many instances is ignorant nnd n poor judge of his own Interest, much les Ibe ttuc interest of the whole American peo ple. The State are better acqnilnted ttitb his rapocltylli.nl Congress; hence. I lie legislatures of the States are better qualified to Judge what restriction ami tthu CQiidition should le nttaeWl to tie gro sufiruge The Corulllutlon of Oregon prohibits negro tuffriifto, and nt present we are op posed to any change in this subject, nml oppotnl to agitating tlic question in Con grets; and wcare in fiver of tlio atlmUrton of total member from Ihe South without lr)ing in force negro suffrage on any ol the States. Inst tM.Pi. The following is n list of the oftioers recently initalled in Phoenix r ..it... x. .. i f i m r.. it. ....t. t IXJjrr 41' U, 1 l. I 1V1 HV CIMIIIf ejuarter Orvll DexUe. W. C.T., Hawaii Maeom btr. V. V. T.j Olney Miekelson. V. M ; Jjidh Ho.-iie, W S.; IMnard Deeit. V. l'.S George Ashley. V. 'I.; Ilatlli Shook, W l.Gj Wni GlfTord, W. 0 (!.: Mury iliook, V It. II. S.i liable Amkr eon. I.. 11. S.i i:iizi (iiflonl. W. A. S.; Clurlw Hoxle, W. Cj Ithoda Shook. V. D. M. iMi'nnvKMK.M. Wo notice lint the Court House square is boiug set oat in maples. 'Jhvse trees make a tery haiHl some shade, nml when they get well started they will be an ornameut to the town und speak well fur the tusto of the originator ol tho enterprise. Only ouo improvement could wo suggest, uud that is, tint tt row be set on the outside. of the bide walks Ii.tiiuK Ni'aiiKT. On .Monday lust, n Frenchman who mines nt the mouth of Shitely Gulch, on Jackson Creek, picked up n mass of silver and gold weighing about fito pounds. The piece was mostly sliver but had some fine specimens of gold In it, together witli particles ol crystuliad quartz. KrKiiiMK.Ti.sa. Mr. (,'raiidlv,of Wal do, is experimenting with copper ore from his lead on lllinol's river, to the end Hut some nietlicd be reached to reduce the ore to such n bulk as will piy shipping, 'Ibe results o.far aro cry (Uttering. Tinnsmmi TIkj company tunneling into tic Shitely gold nndsilter ledge, hate got in about eighty fiet. 'they ore work ing two sets of hands so that labor pro gresses night and d ly. Krtuhmu). John Lane, Lieutenant Colonel of the lata Confederate States, son of Hon. Joseph I.ane, returned to Portland on tho 21 111 of last month. Tow s Ui ki ti(.(n.t-1 ho Llretlou for corpor ation oftlcera was held ou Tuenliy last and pa-s.il olf very quietly, tho only contest being between the rital cindli2it' for Mar thai. Tho number of votes pollid was ISO an lucre mo oter the nuniU'r polled at the 1 nt election. Tho olllcirs elected were, for Trustees, J. It. Wade, Augustus Taylor, J Miller, M, llreutauo uud I.. T, Datii ; Re corder, U. H. llayilen; 3larliil, G. l. Ilauks; Treasurer, Win. Kreuer Street Commissioner, G, II. Hoes. Got Haitv. We learn that tho Good Te'iuplurs are increasing in numbers wry largely ut Cottonwood, and it must be u good institution, Judging Irom tho remark of it joung lady who recently Joined the Order at that place that ' she was never so happ) in nil her life J ith Jnirmil 'ltnll)! Ie rial. "J !!" About the first oriastwffksnnll "P ers" were printed at tho rjiw ' and put up through town, and In miens other place calling upon the dfn.ocr.it to trn-ct and emlorse tie veto In this. won!- . Jla Meeting! Itallt! Demoerfit. 1UI Iv! A Ma meetlnc will be l"'d i "i Court ilu in Jickmitille.Mituila), Maieh 17II..18CC. to ratify the action or Ptenl('nt Jolui.in in tetolmt the I reeti mnr lluriwi Hill " Theelllst-nsof JaeK son and udjnlnlmr counties are Imltnl to ntteml Dkmiickitii' (Vivst tovt. In the feprri of the Puturdiy follow ing, strange to say. this oil catuot In found. Alter reading this call, wc invited the democrats to attend the wake as fol lows: Walk up stetentl. hour penitent , rail) all who weic oppoetd to the war for the Union, who called It nn Abolition war; "Hint Lincoln commented II war," who ud that "the war wis an unholy crti'ude uirilmt the South i' "that the snldlei ol lh lb public were b!od-ttiirsty hirelings .' "Hat the) neter rotild suimIih thechltiil roas South i" Hint the vlcturiff as com inelienl were " lei lie cripli who reloid at rrbtl viclorli-. and hung your head In mrrovt wIkii theexigle ol victor) pcrcliid mi the banners ol tour country who openly proclaimed "Hint ou wou'd nut support any mm for ofliee who had sup pcirtilthew.ir:'",tliat the Onwrsinien! hud collaped, awl vou were glad of It , Hit! the American Plug "whs a dirt) rair." and snetieil at It In derision, hung the Confed erate lUir In Its place, hurrihul for the areh-trnltnr DivU diimneil Lincoln awl all his support! rs. culled .lohnon n -loorili tailor," and a traitor to the South s ) who were elmp fallen when Grant tixk Vlikburg and ltiehmoml. eapiuieil If mid Johtt'on, and Hlp.d out nur biiaril Cxninltrney. raled tour toi'eea In mjlnl acclaim when I.lnenh) wa 'iimiImI ten rail) iln rally Come from )ir hi le like craven heartrd Uirtroni. ml lick the .feet of xiwer In hopv of n few of the erumli Irom Ibe nwster's table. DGr For further Mrtienkirs, see small bills. We go to pre eight or ten hours be fore the lltpniitr, und. doubt les-h, our call was read by lite ninnuk'sr ol that paper Im fore going to pre", and I lie little would be exndldite for Congress imi) hate forgotten the action of the committee, or he ma) hate changed Ids base of oper it ions alter rending our rally! or ierhaH I reason is still rankling in III heart so fiercely that he refuses to publiih Hie nction of the Democratic Committee in his own count) Oh neighbor do mblih the proceedim: of the organiiMlloc of modern H'moctHCt "What dne it milter to tbt-m that, in 'the meist virulent of lunguage, they di noiinceil Amlrtw Johnson when in the Uniteil Stale Senttc. lie breattetl tbe Irvutoniible ouslaughl of the Datises, lltu Jimlns, Maonttiml Alaliamaelats? What di'OS it nutter that they almost hounded alter hi life wlien he dared, in their teeth, in accept Hie portion of Military Gorer nor of IVnmvee ? What II tliiy'diiiouiie id iter) ofllt.-i.il act of Ills as Itriiinicul while Ih- held his pnsillnn n such Gmtr imr? What If the) imligned as 'tell us rhllcilrtl him when lie wa u cuiHliiliie fur iln Vice Pnsidenc) ? Whit If tl,i mml him the target of all the arrows i'i tlinr sp'ieti whtu lie sureeidid the liunnileil . l.mcAln1 Hint Iwve e.illeil him n traltnr I to bis. mrly; is be to be Iruitid utiain I then T They hate called him a ui'gur j ami low bom tyrant; will they now, then, I recojnlre lilm ns III to sit in the sent nnee oceup'e.1 by n Hiichiiian? 'Iliey hate call.il him. in deri-ioii, n tailor, has tin late tela nui:lit them to look up to un honest cillin.', however humble, with re spect ? 'I hey bate culleil him n ttomni strangler, wlrro I their Innir IiojiikI chit nlrv, tlieir sympithy for "poor Mrs. Sur ral" und her lellow eiiipir.lor ttlimi they s'ng loud ienns of iiraise to Andrew Johiion, by whose hand they say, the was murdered," , "Come one, come all" of the whole Dem ocratic crcw,,Ht)d rejoice over owe gro,l deed of tbe President Hepe.nt ojour Kit slim and "you may lie happy )ct." "While the lamp holds out to bum, Hie vilest sinner may return." Kasteiii iVettj, Cuiotno, March 1st. The Minnesota 1gUhiuro adopted n rfholution by a strict party pte that it !s to CungriM that the people look for, a Hue rtcunslreicliun policy, uml ite lely upon its firmness and wis loin in Hie present exigen cy of public nil "iirs. ItesoJutinns sustain ing Ihv President wereTtublid b) u parly vote, llutli branchth of tho Legislature udjiuriiid todiy. 'I he Wlscousiu legislature adopted the following r Jittchul 'lhat tvldlo wo remember with gratitude the noble nnd devoted patrinlbm manifested by President Juluison during thcilurk ihysnr tho rebellion, wo should be guiliy of deceiving him uml misrepre senting our coutitiieuts if we faikd to do cliire lint the inesrago tetulug tho Fried men's bill, in its general tono und spirit, bus called juin atiiiliippoinlment ninong his truo friends uml supporters, aid has been b tile il with exuberant joyiindexul I itmn by ctery nun whosympilhl&Hl w n, thefebellivn.or who was cold uud imlil ferent when treason threatened the life of the lit public, ifioifd, 'Hut we most eordi illy indorse and upprnw' the actitu of hen Horn und Keprismlatiu's in Congress who lute per .nniiHy assert the right of Congrem to determine for itself when, nml in whit mm ner, it will admit represenhtitus from Hie St ilea disorganized by the rebellion, and earnestly request them to firmly resist the admission of reprisentaUtps from such States until peiee is folly Hcurid. nnd un til the people of each hi ite h no pojitnclt guarantees! equal and oxuet justice to nil men within her borders. Tiik Nnv Com Tin book binders Messrs. Win. Sibert A Co , urc uow deliv criug to Secretary May, who arrived from tho Capitol on We.lnesda) last, tho new code und laws of Oregon, which is a very fine book, nnd one Ih it reflects much credit on both tho printer and bindir' Secretary May hi" already bei?an the b-lrl'miiQ,, f Hi w ' (I f, - rawwr!.!' IH'iiinciallr Stiiiws. V drowning tneti cateh nt the (lightest hone for succor so hate the Democratic Journal In HilJ Slate grasped frantically it lhetruw tint President .Inhmon ha Hironti to them in tbe sli o of " I'rel- driitliUcto At firt. Itune iruniic rxii Ixwiice of their Joy they forgot the Detn oentle ti"it of the pmt four )ears "oppo sltlon to tyrunis," and the miledlctlons which they had henpeel upon the Adnilnis trillion of Johnson and his ircdecesor ; urd now the lip thnt arc seared with curse deep and bitter against the President nnd lleloval parly who elected und hnvostn tallied him, ate slobbering wilts eMrnta pint pr.iles ol Jolmon for eommllling nn net which although constltutlimal nnd nee eiry Is no less arbitrary. They have been pufl"1 up wil1' Vrt'" ","1 'I1'1"'0 hope. The lireach between the President and Congro"!s not Irreparable, mid Hie delerniiration of I lie late Union caucus in Washington not to nttaclt the President hut to work laltlifull) and earnestly for the country regardless of the checks of arid trary power, brings Hie democracy but little consolation. Abend) they met advis ing caution and announcing that they will nielaln him if be does right and carries out what he profiles. So will we. When he makes "trenon odious" nnd "brings in telligent traitors to Justice." and curries out In practice his frequent abortion "tint representation should be bied on the actual number of votes, wc will say nnien j but II ho almmlons this policy und proves unmistakably recreant to the princlp'ev uihiii which he wn elected, the democracy lire welcome to him We fear no such result. We have still confidence in the patriotism uml Integrity of our President, mil in the wisdom ami moderation of Con mes. The great popular voice has lieen lieord swelling from city lo city, from hamlet to hamlet, saying that the Republic shall not be robbtelof Hie fruit of their sacrifices, and doubtless n bill for Hie protection ol the freeilmen will be pieil that will be npproud by the Pre-siiKiitaml his Caliincl iind more full) endorsed by the people than the one which bus just been .tciiud. The denioeraey find lhat Ihey line reckoned without their host, nml Hiey dare not give Andy Juliiison their unqualilltd endorse ment. He Is not IlKel) to sell himself for a "mess" of democratic "pottage." Con groM ami the President still control the question of Southern reconstruction, nnd 'the country nnd the porly Hut saved it 'bus nothing In fiar Iteconstruction will continue nnd the Untonwrty will poijier with or without the rrceiltimtis llureuii lllll. Conx cntioii orComl T(iiiiluiH, 'I lie following aro the proceedings of the Convention of Good Tunplirsi held nt Sa lem on Ha- 'illlli and 'Jlst February. ICIIO: 'I lie Contention was called to order, uud orgnniil by cketlns; W 11 Paine of Piirll.ind Hi ('li.ilflimn mul IT.nrv II i 1 - I l-.ll... l L .1 I' .. ... viiurj u. caivm n .--ecreiiiry Alter Hie transaction of some buslnei uirecting the iutcreit of the Order in Ore gon, n committie ol three consisting of (bothers Mordant), Pouisonnnd Gilfrv wus upiwluti-d to draft n solutions, '(he com mittee reported tho following resolutions which were udoplcd: llttoluil, 'lhat it is I ho sense of this contention Hut tho fearful prevalence of the use of intoxicating liquors on the Pa cific coast, and especially in Oregon, de mands at the hands of etery Inter of our rue', earnest effort, and untiring perseter oucc In the great work of mppres.ing (Ids grcMt etil. Ilaohtil, That while wc fel ourselves as friends of the Temperance c.iufe, In array ugainst no political purly, ami promise our support lo none bill that which accords wilh our political sentiments, wedeem It the moral obligation of every member of our Order to u.e his inlluence to secure the nomination of such meii fur oflico. as favor thogre.it work in which we nro engaged. Iluolnd, 'Unit the success of our Order hitherto, induces us to beliete that no method better ndipled, to accomplish the great object of n perminent Temperance reformation has yet been establi.lml Hun tho s)stem under which our Order Is tturk. Ing and that, it being un organUitlon, in which all parties and sects can unite with perfect harmony, wc earnestly and cordial ly invito all (riends of tho Temperance cause to rilel m in bringing about the day "when etery thing that cun intoxicate sh ill be driten from our 1 md und, when the ong train of evils thai follows Ha u,e ol alcoholic drink shall be scattered by the "golden beams of truth and temperance." Jloohul, 'lhat wo hall with joy tho news Hi it our petition praying for u Grand liodge for Oiegon mid W.T . has been uc ee pled by the It, W. G Lodge o I North America, und the ussuraueeof the larjy completion of tho organisation of oiir Grand Lodge. littvhul, 'lhat we recognle in onr par. ent Lodge, the Grand Lodge of California, u zealous, ublo ni'd eflicient bod) of Tem- lieilllice laborcis. nml imp ll, ,!.., i.... und are hereby tendered to tho ofheers of viK'iiiiimiiiii ior me wiilolilul care inuullested for tho subordin He Lodges of Oregon, and Washington Territory. I he following resolutions were also adopted ; lhtd ', That we slumlil njn nup nn... eneo to nenre the passugo of a prohibitory lllilinr l.i in t ,... ' ...,-... --... v-iiKiiu, 'l'jf. ' 'I hat u copy of tho proceed iugs of this convention l,..i rn.'....i.iu.. Hon to iho iieiv.iiaiieii of Ore mm, Hie mis mi l- . . .. .... i,r..(fr, iU Wl0 j(tS(ue ut mv . ia.r,,liiill lieu j"l,r'!l W. II !, cuer.in inio. im ii.,.....,i ...... ad H II GiLiftv, Chalriimn, sur tar) Owjlict! lli hum. JckoviiiK, Mnreli 8. Ifiilfi. ,Diiiim Skstinui.i Col. T'Viiiill tins fo vnred me with the following, which I nllcr W you for piibllciitlou, dt lulling that It may be of grent interest to )oili n nders. V S. IIAYIIKV .TjtrKsoNtiii.K, Morch 7, 18(50. U. H. Havdkn, i:g DfAti Km: In compliance with your request 1 hasten to glte you n brief und somewhat Imperfect dc'criptlnnnf the Owyhee quarts-. District, In the southwest corner nT Idaho Territory Hy reference to the act defining the east crn boundary line of Ori'gou, which is the western boundary of Idaho Territory, commencing in tlio middle ot the main channel of Snake ltiver,i)ppollc, the mouth of the 0 ivy hec riser; thence due south to tliu -Vl" parallel, said line lenvlng"Sllter uml Ittiby Cities, uml the rich mineral monntnliiH of Oro Pino uud War Fugle, to the east some tweho or fifteen miles In Idaho territory, nml the Inrgo und ex ten site valley of .Ionian Cretk to the west, In Oregon Thus fur, tlic vulleys nlrciidy set ,. tled, nml tlio'c succptlblc or settlement, itttlie0wyl.ee countr), ore cnnfiiitd to n small portion of Cow Creek, (ensl of Fort Lyon,) Ituuulds, Sinker, Catharine nml the casern portions of Jo dun Creek vul lo)S. The valley referred to luivo been mostly iipprnpriatul lo the production of Negetub'es uml making boy from the wild gra, which is iibttnihuil nml' luxuriant. The greater portion of these articles nru obtniiied from Jordan Crci k und. Its tnbti- tiry vallots. in the Stnte of Oregon. Ow )hee' county, bouiiilid on Hie north b) Sniiko river, mi t lie south by the -ti!"" pur nllel, neter can be it good iigriuillnrul dis trict It must be confined lo buy und tig ciubles on account ol its great ultitudc; hut for Its lllin.tT MlNKUll, WCAI.TII It is hardly surpassed by uny district of country )ut developed. Silver nnd Knby citle. situated on n small trlbufury of Jordan Creek.th.it IIuwk into the()w)liu' Uiter, nnd immediately nt ll.c ban' or Oro Finn and Wur Iluglu moiitituin. The mineral wciillb of these mountains Is per hups better developed Hum uny other por tion of Hit country, silver iilwiits pmlom! intlngr As to (he placer mining ofOw) hce, thus far it bus be mi of little luilorl niice compired with Ibe di "oterics of neb silt cr uml gold bearing i 'iirlK lodes. 1 would be glad if 1 had u full nml complete list of lite Dimes of the ludtH dNcotercd, and those iilrtudy tested nnd now being successfully worked, on the Oro Finn, Wur Lagle, and other inountiiins in thai section of country, including what is called Flint ilisricttomcc7ghl .miles lo the south of Silver City, where Win. Fugus Is erecting n large mill this spring, uud where several other mills nre in )rogrcss. That the Oro Fitio and War l.ugle nmuntiilns nml the Flint district nre rich is no longer n question to be solved; for they nre) lidding diily nn amount of go'd nml silver bullion that almost n'tntilshes the1 iiiiildtious tnll liotmlrn nml plnei's n quietus on the skep Hci' portion of Hie community. There lire ten mills immediately iirouml the base of the.e two mountain!. Fight of them nre siluutcd within one uml a half mile's d s- tatiee, nn the small branch on which Silver City Issituited. Tho "M Incur" mill some three-qu irters of a mile nbovc, nnd the ' Vew oik" mill near Kuliy City, sumo three-quirlers of n mllo below, Ilelween these two mills nre tho "Shiuinbar," the Web-foot," tho "CiniM," tho " uss," the "Moore & Fogus," und tho "Lincoln," making in nil eight mills. Tho exact i.um her of stamps worked In tins eight mills, I do not now recollect, but It is somuwhero near one hundred. Then there is the 0. S. N. Co's. nml tho "Grim geiback" mills, on the east of Hie Oiro Pino mountain, on the waters ol Sinker Creek, that (low into Suako Itivcr.om! I do not know, or recollect now, the e.xact number of slumps used in said mills, but it is not less tlinu Iwenly, As to tlio rich gold nnd silver bearing folks of the Wur Fugle and Oro Pino mountains, I can only eompiro them to tho ribs of nn inverted basket, ami the dips and nngles of each lode to tho Initio) work of tho basket when completed. Their is no question but that their tveuilb is beyond estiunte. ihamonui. Lute last fall, just bcfoio the snow com menced filling uml thereh) put un end to prospecting, liiero was quite un excitement at Silver uud Ituby Cities in regard lo the finding of diamonds on Sinker nml Culhu nuocrcc!8, which form u junction before fluttiug liito'Snuko Hiver. 'Iheso creeks have their sources in the eastern slopes of the Oro .Pino, War Knglb nnd Flint inoiiu tuius. The period ol tune between the dis covery nnd the first fall of snow was so short that it left but little opportunity for prospecting. Tho stones found nnd sup posed to bo diumouds, weic o a small char aclcr but very brllliuiit, and pronounced by tho knowing ones to be diamotids of the first water; however, Hieo precious look ing stones when tested by a No. 1 Lapida ry iiiay be declared not diamonds; yet they have created nn excitement bufllcieiil to put thu peoplo ol Owyhee In n ferment, euch man calculating his wealth by bun died of thousands, to accrue from dia monds obluiucd in tho diamond district, that has, jn tlo Htimntion of nmn'y, al ready promitcd to far ou rival the dia mond mines of Itra,11. Would at uny tlmo bo pleased to give )ou,oriny of my old Iriends.ull tho infor mation I can in regard to gold und silver mining, diamonds or uny tiling else in tho Owyhee country. W. G T'Vaixi ,V?!!!,,critktasZrr? v.. . uur ingres in if t..i.. " l".eii. -At Hie fiimlly ItesMpncc.iTTarT' .lacksimville, oi, Satru"J 'jj '" Allen, yniiniet ilmniiio, J , cn Hit Cluila (jon.tnnt .3 h 'u?t on"0 " mouth, and tend"),? r,,rlccn Tn1fw, Olilmoiirpnotforhr, our Alice so dear, esorrowlsrrcnt, if,t; d Angel nroiiiul lt m"H, .., ... Areknvcrliigneir,' y uftlng her soul from this world lo anotlK; The trial and cares Of long weary years, She tircly would meet on life's ilormyM " Are happily pt.., And salel) at tt She swcejly sleeps, on her' low eatthlp, -Of Dlplhcrja, iWruary 2,1.' Utt, aiik. .- , ,,,.i.. miutun", run Ol A J. and ru . Ann Co.ikley, nKe-U tno ,,u, seven timulh and leu days. "'""J""' si 1.1 II,. IH .n.tlrtl.i ig, M """ lrIinu ,ili, Ih, .,: f.11, lloji.li I th, Irlhl, .il.r j,,,, ' " ' "li?."1".1","' onM "' """'l1 Mr Us tip All in tul, nm, I fliwlij u. ' Tlirv r Ultr Urn, ., tll,, , flr T(un Invtllng lit, norm; ,, ' "11 Iho lUttitic iImis the lit nlllwHt' e 1 1 riulf m ntrr I hr horr. As Ihn )rfi W l.y, , I w, J. Ami nirtt in nit i n i inert " NlttVTO-DAY. NOTICE to FAIUVIERS. 1 "R nW""iff MEMED !. . 1VV-. ' ' ,0 nel all klndmj I'riMiiice on I niumlsulon ami Stors go.cn th most reii'iiiiahlv terms. For pittlcolirs tall at his I'lre ('roof store, corner ofCtll foi ilia and Orettuii streets. March tilh. IHl.il mulOif SJ'JUNG llACES,- " OVIillTIIBlll'lllilifllillSi; WJIilj CCA1MEN0E Till CMll.JU 211b, Iff. lltT IIAV. MtY!llh-SIJ,li,, Ull I.1d Ihirv, l'iir,St,& KirOMl lit, Vir iilli-fit.l, .lull (( n lnllr. Iirr fjr nil thtrr-iMrlli Ioim.Hjx MlnriliJ, .illjtlrai.liif kilt UlU.fr,, tlC I'lir-o, CIj, J.tPT 1HV.MW yih-.!-pV, WT(4k nrinilr rut tis "Km'k. lt"e"ii(ei.iM M.m, I. . li , if I, k iih til), llnsli -Sl W mm vlf, tirt- rirli.'t.r. Iliit tu vii Ui l-CiiU.I lull 1'iinr, f Im Trti T rTit tnltJuf, t ll tf lb lUnivte )rrl thrhrr,lllr AllorihailMtl lW(. sinvUIr e'dlll.iiilirnlri (llmiliil I llrllill.'lrrlilKi j4Ckinltlr IUii, Mirth H',t, NOTKE TO UMIIIKS 01' SCHOOL DISTItiCTS 1 lie Onltrt to draw your share ef tk t'liinnion r-'cliiiol liind nro left ilibtbt Tn iiMire-r of the enmity, which you cjo ftl when toU call lur the money. Sup. ConlWoa ieboMts. March 8lh, lHifi. bAVAc;i:.t sltion llatbiR iiiirchand the rilit W,re Murray V Maic Oil would cotJUIly Intile etery iMidy lo pi to the City Hrinjbwwst once und liroeurc a buttle. . It cures Neuraliila. Illie uiMll'in, Tools tiche, lluriis and tcahls, Drscue. Criitp colic. riuV. l)litherl.i.Pir.iliisau(lIJruit, uud Is ready death to Poms ... . In riiture.no well miniated tmf Ik. wlthuiit a buttle or it in Hie hesisf. r-iJ Oealers will Im fornblml on llUril ter'ins. Sci.iT in for a Holm toM! 'ja'cksontllle M-iiWijrjh.jf'jfi. A SOCIAL BAU wu.Mti:(iivi:NAT LOUI HEELING'S, ON POOKAIAN'S CKUEK, jiomi sY.Arnit Tin: (. March Olh.lfiCC. jil!?!L Salo of School land; IN auce or an order by the B,9 " ,,,iioners or JMl-, ""iliS?, signed wll.l oiler lor sale, ut put ut iho Coin Iloue deer '" JJffn.fg6" of. laluubi), the fill, day of Af, . W. hetween .the hours of 9 clocn a. k school !'? M3i ,& ot Mfe.awl ll'e-""1,1 1Wi st tf I11W msullioiiili. "US&i per cen per anin.ni. jiayatici at, l ul derer ed paymeuts IXTJ notes ol thcpmeliAeeriM r"y- SimfcohSliooUJC. ........ , ISMtB. I2. 1U(V,U "iv- To JOHNATHAN B COBIJ ..ovvwns OI.AIMAM ' A I 3ihM.3..s:" ..VfaiidtoiW? Here... iuf V, 11 at the pjrli fvr olllce. setliun toyj$to 6.C$ ..tte,,ualnte.l with Job fJoa ,otJ 3iW-aSB K.O!,a'"ffKi";thii.-rwlJS jjth ot SiiUu)ber, W"' m, coa; ore.ide..coauac.i m- jo yeaio, -- f ,o3, iou - nosebuiB. Ogn "" KlU,Y, losebuiB. "' yo,;N Ksu-v. Wm' ffC';' ., Fl.M.ltur (' '"""' . , p.ikT. new"' AlUUSUN H Jlar