Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 10, 1866, Image 1

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pmniisi.M) ii) roMinssiox .lira
6l3 3!crc!innlS!., Smi rrmifiw, I'nl.
.lng liatl cMcnslvo experience In Loll.
Vholenlo and retail I mile, f- "H
rami in"' ....... - - ..
."Miring a resident ngent, or to nn occasion-
aljiurclnicr,wecnn oner superior induce-
Particular niicm on gven in co icciionM
cpurcha'c nnd sale nt Local lender note,
nits. Stamp, Hewing Jlncblnw, etc, or
other tranwictlons rtitlr!njr tliu services of
experienced mm reunite npciui.
I'lircli ics will be tiinilu lur cnU only, px
;cpt In enscs or special agreement to tin
contrary. .
0co 111, (Dsbovn,
.tawrlV Willi OaNTIKl.tl, I'lKllsu.VitCo..
Wholesale dealers In line clothing, Sail I'luii
if. & sessions,
Formerly IUi C. H. Gnonwis, .t Co.,
Wholesale Grocer, Sim Francisco; uko,
Uwrntnv A Wade, Jacksonville, Oregon.
A V Ollll, I. ..I Kh.Uli'V ilonliT, Pah Irmirl-Co
L. It. IIKSCIII.V I CO., llitnlnam liwilfH, Fan
I Mm In u.
II W II:.UAmt.t, Pun VrnndTu.
CLUIKX I'niKlSS, ttuullicilcrs, S.iii l'raiirl-n..
Jlinl.ii.lM, tiwIiJMir
reliable" SEEDS.
425, Washington St.
riMIL'l'.SIi:USK5Ni:i), A 1'KACTIt'AL
I Agriculturist, Is now prepared to nip-
j.r tliu mints ol merchant, riiiichmeu nnd
all nllivri, iiy wuiiiviiiu i ivinu, i riitu
foiliaswlll not dlsnppolnt thori! who uc
Hum, u our xi iil'ier uIng tliu iitmuM
care In their ivlectlmi in getting them tine
to lliolr kind. We Inivo nilliilile Kroun.li
prci.ud to test the ditl'erent varieties, o n
to Insure their entire reliability.
The Amii tincnt CoiihlstH of
All K liuniii vi'Kviauiu rein", mi mihik hi
flnwor ,..!.: nil kinds of unit nnd rut uml i
white clover d; nlo, nlfullii and l.u- I
i:vi:ii(iiii:i:.v m:i:i.
Natives of Ciillfiiruln nnd ndjacent Stale.
All kinds uf trees and shrubs;
All kinds ofllowers In their season;
All kinds or llulbs in their remain;
Strawberry and rasplterry-plunts.
Tho tubrcrlber ileeum It tuperlluniis to '
natneeury article for sale, but merely re-
rairki, Hint no one has u superior nsnrl-
uitut. and no one will deal more honorably
by hit customer, to whom ho rclem wltb '
cuDlMei.ce. us universal nn-roviil has been I
UHnnUtl lilui
Small paiKirr nt wholesale or retail.
All cuimmiulciitiun, or order, by mall,
or i:.prvM Co., ntleuib d to iromptly
Cituloguen luriiUlud on uiiiiltoitli
uppltoittiou by
1-tUr ur iilli'Tivl-e
i:i).iti)i:. Mooiti:.
4'.'. Wiildligtnil St.,
Nearly opposite tint I'd I (llllce,
J.iii27 San l'r.iiicl'0v
RITOlti: U. S. HAVDL.N'.n Justice 0
JJ the IVace. for Jackiouvllb'. JueK.oii
the lVace, for Jacktouvilb', JuvKsoii
ceuniy, Orejjou.
Dm M llnnoiiuli plnlnllll', vs. Henry II.
vi.ir,j. r, nouver, pari ier, iiuihk mis
low under the umuv of II. It! Ubirk, de-
Action nt Law to Recover Money,
To Henry II, Chirk & J. V. llnour:
Miurore.,uimlt.. iippmir in jam coir
and answer tho complaint of mid pl.tlutill',
bled against you. wllbiii ten days Iioni the
lime ut the service of Ibis munmoiis on you,
.. lerven will, u tain county, orii kicu on
jou in any uttier euiinty to tins Jsinie, men
wilhln twenty days fium the lime ol the
or Oregon, then It Is ordered by v. o. liny-
den.ttJustlcoortho lVace er .aid county,
that publication bo nude for td. week in
the Oregon Sentinel." prior to , the liilh
la March, lstiu, a to tho said J. 1-. Hoover.
Andyouuro iioiilied that If you fall to
answer n.ld eoiuplalut as iil.uvo rciuirnl,
Jho plaintiff will apply to tl.u court for a
Judgment against you for thu sum or one i
V.nn.1.. .1 ....1 .1.1.... .1 l,.ll..ro ...1,1, In.
-.uw.uu ui.u iiiiri-inieu lltllHiir, n . -
ttrest thereon, nt tho rate of ten per cent,
per annum, trom tho 1st day of December
A- D, lili, and tho costs und disbursements
pf Jlils suit to be taxed.
(ilvcn under my baud this 2Gth day of
January, A. I), lbfcii.
II. V. DOWIXL. Att'y for lTt'ir.
To Benjamin K. Qulgloy:
WIIKKKAS, allldavlts have been
liletl In this lllocu wherein thenlU
t tet forth sulistautlully as follows: that
wekuow of Uenjamln K. Qulgley linvli g
taken a Donation i claim In T. 3 S. K. 1 W.;
that to the best of our kuowledge nud be-
iM. said qulgley was residing on sain
.cUlm. In the year 1653, and in the suroiiier ,
of that year that he abandoned said claim,
ir,m.i-... i .1.. .c.. ...i i.. ..,.1 ..
sided udoii said claim since! that ho left I
.i.;"V"r-.,M,'.u'"j ""."'"".:-." ;"!.. i
L..?.u,ll'r.?Ja.cKi0n nbout ,,!'at '!'f ""') I
-vui iuvuiiiornia, us wna taio, iiiiu UU3UU.
been n resident of said county blnco he left,
fa the best of our knowledge and belief.
Tatreforc, we hereby uotiry you to appear
at the Land Otllce.' ot llos'eburg. Oregon, i lea irom tnai nine .au.e ..... w. "---.on
the 15tb day of March, A. D. 1S0U, then never usked nny one to help put back mc
d there to present testimony or your leg- en,, Knlista was a zephyr on a kiss,
alright to bold said land claim. j ' npnr . .... ,..,, MllknB
"..net our Hands ut me L.anu umei,
iloscbun-. Oirii.. ii.u -ntti .lav of January.
,. JOHNKi:i.Ly.HeBUttrer,
A. H. tbiM, receiver.
BATHSt fant mush bubble and sputter like n fellow
Dr. Overbcck, has refitted his bath rooms kissing n baby with his mouth full of beech
al ll" nuts.
OVtiRpeOK H08PITAU, 'e Courtcd, sparked nnd courted Knlis-
Those who wish to Indulge In tho luxur-. . BVpnirpn lnnL' vears She grew
les of Bnn.i i.. ii. .......... . nniinniiii-ii hvta lor seventeen long yearn, ouu b'
giving bira a call on Wednesdays aud 5uu ' from size to greater size, nnd nll went mer
.S2. tehit I Ty as a funeral bell. Kalistu's paternal
GOTO TIIK fll'l'V IIUITG sTOItK,m,ll'orsaidwcm'S1't.nn(1 wc lntcntle,, ,a
ni unTgeli'toSK kS?8s!S ' Wc set on mil fence.; end boards oi wagon
Ointment, and euro your old fever tore. boxes, piles of pumpklus, heaps of potatoes,
Tin: ojjkgox si:ntim:i
KiiTti KViinr HATnitur MnuMn.
II. F. nowinn Proprietor.
SiwcniiTiojf-I'or 0ic wot. In advance.
Four IJollanj ir paid wlA.In tlio first slv
muniiii oi ine year, live dollar i r tint nad
nm n,u oxi.lrntlon of the venr. .Ir .lnl , V.
Aiivi:istiiisii-Oiic square (10 linen or
IP";, nrsi iii'cnton, 'Jtircc I)nl mi-: caeli
,ul,.WMl;nt scrion 0ll0 r)oUnr A , .
cniml r nrty percent will be nmdc to thu-e
Wm ,ivcrtt-c l.y the vr-nr.
CTr I-cpil Trt.it. ti ri-n-lrril nt ntrrrnl r.lM.
tOli! rltrp all
A Bully Little Song.
Am "Jt mo M1 Mm fir lili tnolhtr."
Let mc hi? licrlorber mother
The bewitching Tolly Ann"
Let mc 1.1(8 tier for her brother,
Or for nny other man.
Let me kiss her for somebody,
Anybody In the world,
With her hnlr so sweetly auburn,
And to gloriously curled.
Let mc hi, her for her 'Tcllci."
And I do not care n red,
If he tap. mc on the smeller,
With hi billy inndeoriend.
How that ''feller'" lips would kits tier
Till hi Jacket strings would break,
Hut )crha he wouldn't thank me
If I kirn her for hit Kike!
Let mo klm her Tor her daddy
The pretty, pouting elf
Or ir that don t suit the fondly,
Let me kiss her for myseiri
Which I the best iuiiic" 1 ever writ
on In' to the subject.
ltrick mill Jvallstu.
'I'lioic other girl ol ours us wc arc In
formed by letter bus done gone and got
,, , , . . ... . .i..,..,i
ell lockwl unto n tlnkercst of the gospel
wbo attend prayer meetings, swops horses,
j nets vlinplln in the army, steals midgets
, driuilc on the ly. Oh, denrl This is too
much misery. Wherefore (hull wc IKc nowt
How wc nwd to do the courting for those
! girl. Ciiiidy, peanuts, worm loEMigcs, ( p
j perment drom, little balls of honey soap,
I iitL'ht blooming for seriousness, und such
evidences did we pour Into them lap of
, ,1i,r.i ,M.r pblium this head
hw, whcnoii nt eKr cl.liiiw mis '
of ours did rtst.so iwcctlyrint. Uli.dear!
qj, j K,itn!
... . ., ..,. 01lr .,. slnrcb
I ..V MB. .W ........ ...----
our hair, gnaw our shirt und curl our eye
brow for them girl. And wc drove horKH
(or her iuternil derivutho to cultivate
corn; und we milked the briudle Iwifer a
what no other boy cuuld milk; and wcsplit
oven wood, ui.d who would not, for henna.
And at iilght.wlien bats cumc forth nud turn
bit- bugs crawle.' over the leii, nud young
. .t a t !.!.... A.I Iln I tnn fnnrt
!"" al "' " "'
free, holding their heads under one wing
no us to learn loe by heuiiug their hearts
n.rt( we ou, iascl', Ulilicr Kallita's
, , , , ., ... i m,. i,i.n
window, and she would, with her lily while
Iiaml, snail us up y me uair uuiii "'
rived ut the bo
Bwcr of love, as she styled
was thus our hair became
wt Karrtt. T
. . nll. ,.,.,...... r0, Kullftn Ij-
'"'. "" w"' --"- 0
When the week hud busted on the rock
. , . . , , d bv
-; -t, ----
the brooklet nn.l let the brooklet wander
00i AmJ jCalista went forth with us.
. . . ... . c- ,- ,,,!., itb
Hand In bund, like tho Siamese tw lusters,
tt0 roamed, snt on tlie dewy bank to catch
,j , , ml uxurlntc on the
t, u , ""' ' v . . , lo
"bank wet with dew." Aud we iiU o
rucUno nguiost u fatherly nnd motherly
, , id neh 0,iCr'g bands
l"" "" uu" B,lu"" ,
a un rn Oil Mir KIM (1.1.1 DCVUCU UllWUlU
us we rolled our coa and peeked upw
Into the blue vault, which our spirits long
ed to vault into, but didn't. Oh, this
sparking Is heaven In two volumes, with
the price mark omitted ! Did you ever
spark t If not, orivanee your works upon
n female crinoline dear, nud commence nc
tive hostilities to ouct.
Once we uparklfd Knlista when her
mother wna looklnir. Tho old lady Mop-
. ,t rcll,lnded her of other
Pcu u' cau ; ,l ', . ..... kccn ug
times, she said. Hut the didn t heep us
stopped. When wc wamcu iim''
. , iCallsta lieU her lap and into It we
"ca" nllsla '" ' -.
woni ttkn nn finnle. t ben we wauieu io
.. ....".
m u. tolsl Kalista such was our desire,
wben she would lean her amber head over
..... in.i,.b inn ti
'our forces nnd say: ".Now, wieif, lea
You ust
can gnmuie we iooiv
i. .1 . it. .i. i..t.t.. Lia n( lltnoa nnd
.. ... r-v -
. m.wl. wna Knlistu's cburin. oen ine
I water did not boil, how she did sprinkle
j Mq irol,ronrtefptca kettle,
I and shake her locks In cleo to see the in-
uoor-stcps, taw logo, plow l,eam, pine
siumps, wnere wc pined for each other and
told our lore, and In anticipation, combed
our hair, peeled our potatoes, chopped our
hash, rocked our well, never mind wore
our old clothe, except when wc had com
pany, nnd waxed fat on love and slch.
Kuliita's paternal author fald wc might,
and there we npaln had things bagged.
We counted our calve, (KoliMn had nice
calve.) nnd wrighed our pork, nnd sold
our veal, r.nd churned our littleness of hot
ter, u'jd took our wood to market, and put
up our little preserves and reveled In that
Allure which is o r uch like an oyster,
more shell than meat.
One day a balky steer Hung one of his
back hoofs In nmong the old gent' waist
band, and after a series of dk-Ptnforts, the I
old roofer went hence In February, when '
,vo nil f.illnirr.1 will, n mnrrl, Kntl.ln
was a sensitive plant, measuring fif) Inches
I !.. mtuim a...! ...h.1.. I.I... ...Iji a....l.M.I I..M. I
.... ... , , , ' I
And at the supper table, and a wc lunch-
' ' , , , i
1 betw-een the heap-courting, we diawc.1.
he l.wf. mil thus Kallstu nnd ...go. satis.,
'T 7 ?:s " n"u ""'""'ilinw been taken in your district by tic
his foot so wickedly
Then Knllsln's mother, who would not
pnrtake of the beef, tool: cold In lur head
and went hence. It was Autumn one of
the full months. The mother cf our hearts
pol-wn, n we fumilinrly cnlled Knlista, was '
or an cmulring disosltion. .She nlwny(
iiktd numerous thing. She nked the i
egg man if ehlekcns abided in the lirn-frult
she bought. She wnnted to'know why I
iiants were not made so that a man could
tukc them o!T over his head. She Mid in I
her innocence that an ecllp'c was canted '
by n negro convention between her ami the
moon. Hut why the moon fullid rntlierl
butcd the venerable mother of our Knllitn, I
nnd she sought to study it out. She read
Hoy's arithmetic, Sand's spelling book,
und the I-n Crosc Democrat, but she could I
. . .. .1 MM.- -1.1 I
not get ner iooi inio mc roisuu. i .. .
dy trad in an almanac that on a ceru n ,
night the moon would full. Wc to,
MC Kalistuthat night to sec II our love
would full. Mg.it eameni... sue wruppeo
apalrof re.1 llannil drawers .round her
head, nnd when nil In the l.ou.o was si II
.he emerged Into the .llllng room. ...iri In
would full. Xlsht came nod she wrapped
ber nntlipic costume m hhi, linen, u
,. 1.. tl C .. - ...... 1..IV ll.n ....rli.r
is rmuy. ou i "" "" " r--
and kisMd the hours unuy.
'J l.c old lauy .o.k no niinc, a . c ,
. .1- If ....S .... ...! I. .Hash IUI,. 111 nut ill
i o.u uneeiorj u. ... v.... -.... ,
thu back stoop. She anchored in u big
ctiuir tinJ aittl lu see the inwni chungc
Its clothes. Site looked uml looked and ut
hist fell uskeji fur u moment, whin, as the
said, the darned thing uji and fulli-d, und
MIC uiuo i see ii. i
She was not nu observing female but i
lic never lost nny children, let lor nil
, ,, . . S
that the moon worried l.cr-her candle'
went out ni.il K.llsta was left to be her
own mother or do without, hulista took ;
grief ury h.ulihily. She wore wn,'nI."ueorl'(if00f M,ude nr.d TIwiimi to Hk-
'and looked well as the wept because the
jeweler did not get her mourning pin done
in time. She ironed a new cotton Hand
kerchief on the coffin lid, so us to huve
some use of It ere it was knocked down,
and was ready for wedlock then. Kallsta
was lonesome when her uuthors were gone,
nud wc Miould hac wedded but lor the
looks of the thing.
Theu there came from the warn Journey,
man converter, owl he olleied Kalislaull
he had nt once, und Kalistu boing n louc-
some girl, naid the would, and she did-,
And her and the good man went to the
carpenter oi.d ordered a grauyard fenoej
or tne loveo re.ame., ..u .... "-"",,.,..., ,...,,, unii i.rttVe as the braiM
wood threw in o cradle, und the pair wed
ded ot once, nnd now Kalista is telling no
other delegate thut "teu Is ready" and an
other of our hopes U spilled over life's
precipice, nnd wc ore left to inouru for the
candy we gave unto Kulista, who has lift
us ull for to die.
"Hr.icK ItoMEnor."
urn. Henry '" "' '" V"
speech on the Presidents veto, take tie
ir II'.. .1 flt.A.l.n. In n rrriViil
ground thai Ihe negroes of the Soutli have
!.,!,, r,l ni pn...l! rllTLt 10 VOIC, BI1U
., in Mrl.
I " ,
. .U.i ... ifi.f.l(l
deprive them of that right Is !'"
thinks the negroes oug, . ,u --- , ,l0W ufu, , ow my miij
S StiTwS ' o-.! WotU-r. ;enera. Thomas, for this con,-'
be 1 1 prcS U S "rtura himself by pliment. If wc may be permitted lo con
e oca ing r s oration of the Southern side, this distinguished onor n. an approv
adiocaung lucre, M they! nl of our course In tho late war, which, by
Slates to seats In Unj,re.s, just m i j ,nr!nusI ..
are trusting to the laws Ol laoor, nuppiy
are, i.u'."r. '" 1
d demand, .ell-lnlera... g -"" uuu
.iiv,r r.il.er elitlering general
lines 10 secure
the ballot for the frced.nen byand-by.
ftn.litor whocalls thcTerrlto -
w,v.-- .. . ,
ry a paradise, invites the women 10 emi-; 1 0 jij uot stem nt urn disposed 10 uo to i maner oi oieeeu . B,....-t.-grate,
there. He perhaps forgets the con- but flDay 6pobo ob follows. I rUj'b7rteep said old" Meredith lo
Kqueiicn of women's introduction into the "Gcnllemcn ; I did not Intel to say any- UJ, xM oi)r boy Ql,i0 ,, golg
flnt J'uroeiue.
.lAsThaWTobe still a virgin," said
lASwi'i;1 . . " ... ..
1.1 mn .1 to o young
hi to a young bride, "les,
Ull U.u . .. .... .
eald the bride to tho old maw, "a vergin
ou fifty, I should tay."
riKtcrii Intelligence,
Wasiiinoto.v, February 23d
Mnjor General Howard has prepared,
tho following circular letter to be trans,
mlttcd to each or the Assistant Oomiuis-i
!oners i.f the Frcedincn' Itnrcati i
War l'Kr'T., HtnKAV ok Fmckiivkv,
Hftuokb axp AnAXDOsri) Lamh.
Waiiixoton, l'ebrunry 23.1, lFt'O
To the .l!.taDt CommUsioners-DMr
Sirs : Anticipating the excitement that
will neccMarlly follow tho action of tho
nirptnwptil trllli I.UrtniM Ia ll.A ..I..V
Oovernmeht will, irfernnm In ll.o t..r
l-Wmen's Mill, you may reel somewhat
i .it., .i " !.... ...i i..i... !
you under the law nnd regu'utiom nlrcaly
existWg. That you may net flcndlty mid
firmly in any emergency, you must be pre
"" u " r "" . ,,,"lu' " , "' , ,,,1""
A Bta I fBh I i4H AdV.1 l.JAlIIItH Aim ll.A
l'arl '" ",U'L """ '""L' '" lr.'..-m., .....
ilercil and troubled you and your agent.
.There may be nti
'Tt r'f!,WT
aMirrd the Commissioner that he regard
,, ,, ,, ., ,, ,.,,.
the present law as continuing the exUtonec
hmM nl ,TO vwr from l0vv
j,, m tfM
State and munlclml onilioritles to provide
for the absolutely indigml und sulfirlng
relugees nihl froodmen who have horn and
are being
uirown upon ine i.mrai ..or- i
.r support, (ontinue to u I
.1 ........ r
crnincnt f.
every polble (llort to find good homes
for orphans arid minors who are itf pi orient
and to reduce, by means of tlc employment
oilier, the accumulation of wflph! In the
different cities nml vllkige. niM to find
homes nml labor fur them. You have sue
cccritri In allaying strife, arranging liibur
und promoting education in the midst of
great difficulties. Continue with your ut
most iiT'Jttt to pursue the same coor, s
ui to demonstrate to the people ol your
district the good Intention of the (Jovern
inent nnd the complete prnolle.tbillty of
tlie system of free lubor. (live a thoro.igh
.,, , .., .,. for ,. il0I11 ,,.
,mmorulltV( m,ttplkn.
w,H,Wllir a wm-
' ,
,,',. i,.....,, ir ,..,w r iu.
- 1umi
j q
J . wJ
J j "
Hima ui iii ......mm. .. ..."
Oil InvrttigutliHi, tin
nt ot.cu rcmotoil,
ptueo.1 or not. Thank
, f ( ,, fllM
B - T
you have thus fur ilisphyeJ, llw 'ininl-
sloncr is pWael taexeruiM tin unwaveriin;
, ,,, , wilh UMy
" "
llimeui,ul tluit nwv arise. I am. re
sioolfullv.jout obed'ieut ivaiit.
O. O. I low mi.
Wasmimiiok, IMi. 21
Today Major (Jemrals Meade awl
T bonus entered the hull, awl were Imtne-
.,.,,. KurrmiIljai i)v
large uumbr of
.' uL.t N.
iu ttiwvs """ "--
Mltf YiHK was 1)11
the tloor nt the tin, defending lil eoulisl
, ' , ,. W. of ()Mu
,0 Mk'e mo,io ml tU 1JljUH( take u
. . ,,1.,uI1.-.i, i, ,euted to
s . tll
J ,;
Uir. IIIM WS Ogrrt-u i
.. 1 .. I
unanimously, ftwaner
(' If X I -ft the 1
chair and escorted the lo liewien down
the main uUlc mnW Imminw dmotwlra
tlons of applause on the iloor and in the
ovoillowliij; gulleries, the ladies wuveing
their bunkerehiofs. On rucbing IhoSl-onk.
er's platform General Meade stood on the
right und (j'enerol Thomas on the loft of
the HjicuUr. The Sieaker said :
"Uiuthimn ol the Houki of Heprewnta
lives : While time iball Inst, and our re
Hlb,ioCM,aie,uolieof u, can tverf.el loo
I 1C tnkcrl fcIjd UWu who
J n , a0lli
was Major Genual Meade of the Army of
the Fotomac, und Major General Thomas,
of the Army of the Cumberland, whom 1
hac the pleasure, by your order, to iotro
duce to you to duy.
Applouto greeted these remarks.
Major General Meade, iu u clear, loud
voire, spoke as follows ;
Gentlemen of the Iloute of Heprescnt
atives : JixproHtd as I am, and as I may
"".... .' ...i.... , n,,. ,.,,..
t,ay with the solemnity of the occasion,
having been Introduced lo you In to coiu-
nlimeoiary ond distlnguishid a insnner ss
i..,l . I t-, . I.s.ruit
, iinno,. te for . . filld , tt0rdj to
.u .v-....B. ...-,.. , .',.,
iM i ulll Up in in n reward which
. "" ,". , ","". ,.,nk.
e i"ij' " ""
. T ..1 -1.n..1n r..11n.n.l lulfli tnn.l
jveueneu tutt.t.jj .wuwi-fc, -. -w-
idpmands for General Thomas to speak
... ... . . .. ........
uiing, oue 10 m my irieuo, u . .
J00 (of this distingui.hed honor ;
lint, na von have called unon mo. I will say
, lin T .. - ,v,, wor'j Lo L-. .noke,
. .UU. lUUU(M) IH.I - "" ""l
that I Indorse nxety
- B0(i thrtDk you elnccrely for this compll
1 SpnMuifcof Ohio propixol Ihrctf chrtts ,
for liuieral 'rhoni.it, which were giu-tii
.. ,. i .,,.,, i
I be bnrakrr Ihcu lulrounccd each inem t
, r .i ! r. iii
wtr hi mc iiiMi'c, nmr niiieiivii'inuny i
the usual legislative tusinca was resiiin-
AvnusTA (Maine), February 23d.
The Legislature this morning adopted
''" tricing conn.lenc,. In the wi,
, and patriotism of iIhj Union member.
I'ongiT'. eprcing a belief In the
ot i'oncrr
"l"'"J " "'"" nMiiivi i.;iiir, niiu
tt t I.it ...1 ...It.l.t l.-l.i- .. 1
"ITN; nflhe clb.il m.ido In IVmeiM
to extend the i-IcetUc franchise In every
flute, Irrespective of lace and color. A
rcs'iltitlon declaring that this Ugislnluri'
cxprees the opinion that llw loyal cltiien
of .Maine will give proper ill'orls for u com
t.j. .! I...Bf ! .dli.feillT.tll III ll.ak I'ltl.tai 1
nolItln.it iiiinlitviir ll. A merl.MM lv)t)l'
lirlhc of color. mf.l the Mouse,
ijui mil irjniiii in ii iv; .ri'm
Nkw Yiiiik, Ftbruiry 2.1lh.
The lltuM't Wiiihiiiton special dis
ititch wynj Seward's siroch lieioro the
Oilier Institute meeting Is luvosted with
additional iiitrresl nnd nigui flea nee by thu
r.i.. .K....n...y .
lug two or .W .1 isp.te ,, .
fuel of M reoWv
from Ssnalor Nye and otlters in this city.
ttlii,. iIliI iIim l'r.4i.lnt tin. I ltuibl n trr
fi(t! ,lww,,0He ,,,, wmM , ,i
' w ,,,,,,, ,ttl , ,,
'.. ..r. ...
Inevitably break up Ih Hepubliean jwrty.
Seward was not ileleireii, tioweve r, an.i on
Imruing what tho I'lrslrisul hid suiri, tele
i;raphrl full und conlial npprovul.
WAHiiMirn.v, Feb. 281b.
The Union inrmlKi of L'ohkivm gener
iilly ngree to the pliin-siiggented in eiiticiM
hut Friday (.veiling. They will not upon
their lu Merits upon the I'le-sidcul. but
proceed with busluesM nnd leave the reviilt
lo the country. The Kxerutlvecommlttie',
which consists of Kelxnek ((.'l.uitmaii),
Hullliis, Hurt, llroemall. .Moultiii.CVnuess
uml lleihlerwu, will iriKivil lo organize
buaiucM ImuiHliiilely, mhie lumls nml cir
culate document. .
The lecoisttriicllun Cuminittee Is butlly
ut woik, und will nut be diverteri Iroui ti
ilioriHigb ii.vttlg.illin of the pruMtiil
eoiflithiu of tlie South. Thiy show
no diipositlon to cUngu the proKruuiuie
l.irelofore agreed to nmniig H.iiiihIvih.
Hiiigham's coi.stitutiuiwl ninruilinenl, Kit
lug power to CougniM to mi laws lur the
protection of civil tl(M, will not oaiiio to
a ote in lite llou fur HVernl dnys, but
it Is isitreted that it will pM. Tins Mouse
w ill ftlo HKMi miw Trumlmll's I '.v.l Itighl's
N'kw Oiii.ka.ns, Feb. 27th.
Tlie'lVxus Convention xiMri n ooititl-'
tutioiwl piovlslou nbulUhing sktery ami
prolselliiK tins fircilrnvii In ll liglitsof
properly, nud ullowing lUm lo testify In
the CWU uy fifi, mom 2C.
N.w imsi, Fib. 28th.
The foMwrrcui soys: Monetary ufTalie
steadily ImproMog. There Is gnutcom.
. If..t ..!... it.u i.Liii.(f tn ti It tit It tlm irnlil
IIIUIIIV li;wi Mf ttrmtirwm ( ....... ... r" -
, ............ .. ...... , .,...,
rosMsiiwwj, ii i m.i;
Slo.ilu'J.uuu nmiug ihiii miunn hi ...
ct during the last two
weeks through one
bioker, u relative of the heuri or the 1)0-
(Mirlmtnt. Four iiiilllons Interest will be
paid tomorrow,
Coi-NT d'ArtoUe wore very tight leuiher
breeche. He had or.Ured bis tailor In
ultend on him one luoriiing, when bU
grand daughttr, who residwl with him, had
ut.o ordered l.tr thne muker lo wail iijiou
her. 'I lie young lady was touted in the
breakfast room when the muktr of leutUr
breeches was shown in ; and as she ilul uot
happen to know ot.o haudcraflsinan from
uuother, ilie ut ouee Intimated that she
wlsUd him to meosure hsr rr u alr of
"Iculhera ;" for. as she remarked, the wet
weatUr was coming, olxI she felt cold iu
cloth." TI modest tailor could hardly
believe hie cars.
"Measure you, Miss I" said he, with kw
"If yon please," Kilri the young lady,
who was remarkable for such gravity of
deportment j "and I huve only to beg that
you will ghe me plenty of room, fur 1 am
a greut walker, and I do not like to wear
' .. .inil.U.) ll.nl tfiimni fiift '
... MUl, Melai,nl the poor fellow
in much jrplexity, "1 ncm In my life
measured n lady" And here he paused.
"Arc you not a ladies' shoemaker!" was
tho ijutry calmly put to Litis-
"Hy no means, Mhu," said lie ; "I am a
leather breeches maker, aud I have come
to take the measure, uot of you, but Mr
Gilbert." The young lady became perplexed, too ;
but she recovered her self possession uftcr u
good common sense laugh, and sent the
I-... ., . l.. ...,! ,,,.
cro f(jr ,)(.a u innIn at lLc plow- he's
lrt ,.
. B. . ... . . ,, , . . i,i
to blmseii wnerever ..c goes. -ouT
I il . t 1 It. ...si il..v.. .Inn'l ltlAW rtfilli
. ... , ,,, ,
- 'man "saiu uis wiie, -you uuu.auw.iuv...
,,u uv vin.v. u bv. ....-.- -
1 i I i.i """""' ' .,.,., itruetion, the old rude tcjt of ItJ grimlne
on the lwis nl hiimin ritihls nml eivil nml . ' . v..n i
'I' lie Dliiitioiul,
,. , ,7""""". . , ,
'1 he dnimond, like most olLer Jewel, l
found genera ly, In cran to gncls, nnd In
. f , , ., ,
tPtrrut.1 of rncrt scnltcred nrcr the whold
world: but they arc mainly to be found In
tropical countries. U would seem that
where tho run shines with the greatest
splendor, where the vegetable nr.d ani
mal creation put on their most gorgeous
ru-iiVi-.! Iltfit mIjA 111 llirt i1ltllil II T llirt Prlftll
lI(j of (;u Mm)
I. . A. ,......,..,,,
tlon. The mines underground bloom on
irorgeouily n the llowcrs aboic. Thcdlv
iiiiuid, as we nil know, Is composed of pure
O.itbon cryttullijld, and is tho hardest
known sutntntiror'-Indeed, this rjnallly,
upon which much ofltn valuo dejiciids.has
In many Initmiec been the cnuso ol Its do
nest U'tng tn pluoe ll upon nn nuvll.nnd
to ktrll.c It forcibly wild n hnmtncr, tho
irim be'inu: thnt, II pure, It would rather
break the hammer or bury Itself In Iho an
v II than split. Of courso many vnluablo
rihimonris have been destroy id In llinrn
p,nt. The riinuion.l Is by no inrnni nl
wnys coIoiIam. It In s iindtmiw, red, pink,
mid opalescent i Iho ndmlx
((f n omf
it mstiillc oxide. The Indian diamond up
prnm to lie the most priM.1 in the imukct.
Newtnti, from its great power of refracting
and riiietiuu; light, compared with glum,
came to the oouolmriun llmt It wus combiii
tllile; u H'lontlUc forccusl, which l.avotstcr
venfiid by burning It In oxYgui, nnd ob
taliiliiK as u result enrbouio ncld. Al
though our uiiiilysli of this genu is xrfect(
all e Hurts have fuiltil tn construct It ; In
ri'iil, cliciuUtry is wholly ut fault to pro-
due.' iirtllleally nny of the pteciout gems,
witli Ihe exception of thu ruby, suiull lcc
liiiins of which Inivo nrtiially bren produc
ed in tho laboratory, Tho diamond, is
pllt easily with the grain but it Is upou
the luct nud Jiidgmcul with which It is cut
nml polbhrd Hint much of Us vuliiu ric
leiKli. Tho Knglisli were ut ono time fa
mous us geui-ciillcrs ; but tho nil Is now
wholly loit among us, uml mo.il of Iho flue
genu mo now Intrusted to Dutch Jews.
The gem Is cut upon u wheel smrnrnl
with diamond dust the only material that
ettVctuully touched It und ll Is piilUheri in
the same manner, n still iUk being em
ployed for the puipoe, smeared with lluu
iowrir, nml revolving nt a grwit oeri by
meui4ofsteiiuiiowr. At Ihcpriicnt llmo
tho must f.idiloliabU f.irin U the doiiblo
out, which proseuts u gieit iiumber of
Ueals, renderlnx the lUb of the gem ery
brilliant. Thu bible cut, iucIi us we Uml
in oM dlumoiids, Is much In sparkling, ns
it bus u ery much leoi number of fueesl,
uml u greut exclusion of lublo or Hat up
lr surfsce. Thu Indian diamond cutters
inivo m much of the griii ns powlble when
eiittlnn t uu liMluuoe of this was seen In
Ihe (lieu I Kxliiblllon or lb.M, whtic the
KublNoor wus exhibit(i), In vhlcb this
euttlnu follow ! iipparently tl' oilglnal
oullinuof the stuns. Our loaders will re
jneuiber how iiiueh this gem diMppoinlnl
lUlr ixuratutioos. as it looked like u mere
:,,,. rf ..r... i jai.. wu, .i.n, mc
i r " " . w- .
carats. In the Interval between this nu.i
the lust Inhibition it wni, idler inueliooii
sjllallun, given In the bunds of M Coster,
of Aiiiiterilaiii, who (tout It with such skill
thut although It lost In the process 80
oarats, It yet uppeurnl rpiltu at large, am)
was transferred nt one. to 11 bUe of Ughl.
When diamonds are found ilillicull to split,
without rear ol great lose, they ure some
time sawn witli tine wires fllttd Into a
taw bow, uml unoiuted with diamond pow
der and olive oil. ItoMi-cut diamonds uru
now oomliig much into fadiwu, us they are
ury brilliant In upurunee nt a ve.ry small
expeme of stone. It Is really wonderful
thedelleaey with whkh these gsms are cut,
oonsidsring the suialluM of their size ;
as many us fifteen hundred having been
known to weigh only one carat.
Ur.AV. The Itev. AUixaudsr Campbell,
tho Under of a reform in Ihe liaptist
Church, popularly known as "Campbell-.
Ism," nml one of the most profound schol
ars on the continent, died la Kentucky
lately. Oumpbel was n brilliant debater,
and his controversies with Hishop 1'urcell
of Olneiouati, Robert Dale Owen, Hev,
Mr. Kite, 1'rcsbytcrlan clergyman, nud
othsrs ou theological points, luvo been
very widely lead.
If you doubt that women would mulo
good soldiers, go lo the opprn, and you
will admit that tl.ey know how to tai
Jjuge numbers of women have been ap
pointed i'ostinlstrcsies ut the South, on
account of Iho inability of the men to 'nko
the required outh,
Hum not after blessings; only walk (ha
commandments und blessings shall ruu
our you, pursue and overtake you.
"1 AU going to draw (his beau luto a
knot," as iho lady said when standing at
the hymeuial altar.
. hi