Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 03, 1866, Image 1

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VOL. XI. NO. 7
nnnnntl o. OCCOinWO
riin..si.r. ami rovmssiox arums,
613 .llerclimit St.. Sun I'mnrisro, ('ill.
if.rine had extensive experience In both
Wholcnlo and retail trade, we reel con
Llrlnc n resident iigcnt, or to nn occasion
at purchaser, wo can oiler superior Induce-
'"particular attention Riven to collections,
ticpurc'mc nmt snlo or Local Tender nolo,
limits, Stamps, Sewing .Machines, cto or
ctli r Iran-actions requiring the services of
cipcrlenccil nnd rcllablo npents.
i'urcua-oa will bo made lor onh only, ex
cept In cacs of special ngreement to the
,:ontr.iry. v
0cci ill. (Dsbovn,
Vormcrly with OAxriixn. Pipi-on &Co.,
Whole-ale dealers In fliicclothliig.San I run
el'co. ,
(0. . 005510115,
Formerly with 0. II. Gnontvis, k Co.,
Wholesale flrnccrs, Sim l'ranclsco; also,
IJMtiBfnv k Wade, Jacksonville, Oregou.
Wllilli lilmlliwillrr,Biiiit'riiehn
L. II III.M'III.Y . CO., Ilimlwsro ItalrM, Ban
fl W IH'.I.I.. .-nvcr, H.iii rnnr.o.
CI tl'.hA rilllMNH, WuutKniltn, Hnn 'ruiifl.
ilHih&.lvv, m-tliSSir
Tin: our.uox si:ntim;l.
wso :ri:nr satuiuuy Monvixo.
H. F. liinVFAA, Proprietor.
Suwciitiims For One year, In advance,
Tour Dollars ( If paid within the llrst fix
month or the year, lire dollars ; ir not paid
until the expiration of the year, fix dollars,
Aiivur.TisiNd One square (10 lines or
lesi), first lncrtlon, Three Dollars : each
sub-cqnent Insertion, One Dollar. A dis
count of fifty percent will be made to those
who ndvcrlle by the year.
a lpil Tender- rrrrltwl tit currtnt rntM.
tVrlttsn fur IU gmtltitl
To I .
reliable" SEEDS.
425, Washington St.
L Agriculturist, Is now prepared to sup
ply uV wantiof merchiiiits, riiiirhiiii'ii unci
all others, ly wholesale or retail, or such
iwliM will not disappoint lliuso who use
thtm, at our seeds niter using the iitmosl
care In their selection In getting them true
to their Kind. We have suitable) grounds
prepared lit lvt the illllercnt vnrletles.so us
to Insure their entire reliability.
The Ahsoitiueiii CiiiisIhtMir
All kinds nf vegetable seeds; nil hinds of
Hotter scuts; nil kind iff grits and rid nml
white clotcr tiuls; also, itldilln nnd Lu
cerne. i:vi:umr.i:v hi:!:!).
Natives of California nnd neljaccnt States.
All kinds of trees nnd shrubs;
All kinds of Mowers In their season! '
All kinds or llulbi In their rcuson;
Strawberry nnd rapbcrry-pluuti.
The sulitcrllxr deems It stiieflltimis to
nanvewry article lor tale, hut merely re
marks, that no onu hits a superior us-orl-mtnt.nnd
no one will deal more honorably
ly his customers, to whom ho refers with
conlide-iico, us iiidtcrsnl npprotnl bus Itccu
avtardtd him.
bui.il! mpi)rs ut wholesale or retail.
All comimiulcullous, or orders, ly mnll,
or llxprt-M Cos., iillemled to promptly.
Catalogues liirnlsln.il on uppllcatlon by
IstUr or otherwise.
liDWAKD i:. Mooni:.
CM Washington St.,
Nearly oiMiositu thy Post Olllee.
Sun 1'muulHo
uir ki.u.
DKFOIli: U. S. UAYDKN.n Justice of
JL) the Pence, for Jacksonville, Jackson
county, Oregon.
David lliirroHcJis pliilntlir, t. Henry II.
Clark, J. P. Hoover, p.irlners, duliiK l"'
Iiu'mi iiutkr the inline of II. U. Clark, de
fendants. Action nt Law to Itccovor Money.
To Henry II. Clink k J. V. Hoover:
You uru niiulri'd to uimeur In said court
and an.wcr the (.oiiipl.ilut ol suld )lalntitl,
men aKnliinl you, wltlilii ten nays irum me
1luie ot tin- survicu ol this summons on )ou,
if terid within said county, or It terud on
ou In any other county In this State, then
within twenty days from lliu llino or the
imlce, or If wrnl on joti out ol the i'lule
orOrepm, then It U onltrid by V. S. lluy
dcn.aJintlcoorthu Peace of said county,
ttiJtt pulillcatlon ho made for six weeks In
the 'Oreuon Sentinel." prior to tho 12th
la March, lelili, in to tho said J. 1' . Hoout.
And you uto iiotilkd that ir ou fail to
answer ull complaint as ulioo requlnd,
the plalnlilf will apply to the couitforu
Judgment nualiut you lor tho sum of onu
miQUuil nml tlilriy-lliiee uoiinr, wim in
terest thereon, nt tho rate of ten per cent.
IKir annum, from the 1st day of Diceiiib r
A. D. lSt,6, and the costs aud disbursement
of this suit to ho taxed.
(liven under my hand this 2Glu day of
January, A. D. lbuil.
II. P. DuWI:LI., AtPyJor PIViH
To Benjamin K. Quigloy:
WIII:U1:AS, nnMnvIt hao been
Hied In this llloce wherein the ntll
outs st forth suhstanlially as follows: tlmt
wo know of Ikniuniln K. Qulley liaviiig
takcu a Donation claim lu 1 . 3b S. It- 1 !
that to tho htst of our knowledge nnd Lu.
Her, said Qalgley wus residlnt: on said
claim, In the year 1855, ami In the summer
pf that vear that ho ubandontd said claim,
jomctlirc In tho Mar IMii, and has not le
jshkd upon said claim since; that he left
the county ot Jackon nbout that tluie, aim
.went in(,.illf,,rnhi nn una mid. nnd has not
been a resident of said count) since he left,
Would I were tho brightest star
In yon' blue clhorlal sMesj
I would mirror lights that nro
Hcamlup; from thy gentle eyes.
Would I were a zephry soft,
Thy lofty brow I'd kHj
I'd play nmld thy ringlets oft
Sly power thuu'dst never miss.
Oh, would I were n little bird,
To trill a happy lay;
Sly svcctct notes should then ho heard
I'd ever near the stay.
Would I were n little flower,
Thy watchful care to be;
I'd bloMtim lu thy favorite bower,
And spread my fraj;rancy.
Would I were nn unp;cl brlc,ht,
From realms of purift love,
I'd turn lo day thy darkest night,
And guide the safe nbovu.
Oh, would that I were antthtnj
That enxl't be loved by thee,
Sly life would then bo always spring,
I would so happy be.
''Struck III-."
Kditou Sbmiski.: While your enter
prising cltl7en of Jaclvson county urc de
veloping I lie treasure!) ol sliver timi uuve
Iain hidden bemutli the surfuco of thctarth
since the Creation, nnd gold has for years
ust rcwatdi.il Ihc lubora of lioticst toil lo
such on cMcnt that Juckson county may
justly ho called "Old Hullion," your modest
neighbor, over here, (Douglas county; nu
lately made some developments in the way
of Petroleum or coal oil, which ghci l-cr n
prospect of being nuilad lu the more for
tunate cntigory of her Miillhy Iter.
From some Information of n peculiar scent
resembling petroleum, fouud In the bed
rock, lust l'nll, on ColtVc creek, one of our
citizens vislleil that locality und found,
upon digging down In the shell rock.u
scent of petroleum os strong m petroleum
ItwII. Upon the strength or this proiHt,
S. IJ. HrlgjM, Wm Hrlggs nnd Mr. GaiVy
visited ColTcc Creel: lust week, lo test still
further the existence of petroleum. They
succeeded lu getting down lu the rock
about four feet; the scent of petroleum was
now strong, und us Ihe water Hewed Into
the hole tho oil was so plain that the most
casual observer could not full to perceive
it. Upon closer observutlon the oil upon
the llttlo veins of water wus plululy visi
ble. It was tested wllu pure pctrouum
Pacts Worth Knowing.
Mr, Knnon. When any serious dan
ger menaces n community, Stole or county
It Is but natural that we begin to cast
nbout for some means of averting Ihc
threatened danger that seems lo await us;
hence the reason Ihnt we sec co paper con
talnlng foreign news without niectlmt with
paragraphs relating to tho scourge or epi
demic now raging In the Old World Ihc
much to be dreaded cholera.
It Is well known that cleanliness Is con
ducive to health, and It Is verified In the
illstrlcts visited by this death-dealing
scourge to n greater degree than by almof t
any other disease. The cholera vislleil
America In 18.12, nnd utter disappearing
(or n tlmo made its appearance again lu
15-10 to 1E53; nt tlioe visitations Its first
appearance was In Arabia. Its course
was westward, nml It visited nlmost every
town nml city on both Itfnilspherw, swip
ing Its victims off by thousands, insomuch
that the countries vMteil by It was filled
with mourning for the laved ones suddenly
carried nwoy by this blasting lirenlh of
death. It Is not ftrnnga then thai wr
should h the accounts of Its ravage nml
prpgres since its recent appearance In tlie
Old World, nml as It steadily adrancn
westward as on former occcoslnns tht
the (juwllmM should arise In tlx minds of
all: "What can le done to ward off th
results of Us terrible visitations, or allevi
ate the s ufTerlnfis enuwd by It ? Or can
anything b devised to render it lew fatal
than on lormer oortwloni!" In turnlnic
my attention to this subject, I find that
which may be ol Interest to many that Is,
the statements ol eminent 1'hyslclana ami
other )ersons of distinction, rthttUe to the
disease ns it has formerly nppcurcd.
Dr. Ilrownaon, of A litany, who ipnt
sonic lime In Montreal, Canada, during tho
prevalence of Ihc choltrn In 183'., wrote ns
follows: "Cholera hasslnod mi Iterr, ns It
has everywhere, the advocate of Timpr
niirc. The disease has si-arelM-d out th
haunt of the drunkard, und bus mldum h.ft
It without beurlng away its lctim. Kwn
moderate drinkers luue been but little bet
ter oil'. Ardent spirits In any shape and
In uny quantity have been very dstrlment
nl. Inte'iniieraticc of uny kind, but jwrllc
ularly lu the uo of distilhd liquors, bus
beta more productive cause of cholcru
tbuu any other. There seems lo be a tialu
rul affinity between cholera nod ardent
Dr. lHiinelatidcr, who was deputed front
New York to visit Cuiiuda ut the am
time, sojs: "We may ak who are the vic
tims of this dissowt 1 answer the ln
UuiK.rot It Invariably cuts ofl'."
A Montreal paper stated, alter twelve
hundred In that city hud beu attacked,
"that not u drunkard nltucfced by the dl
eose had recovered, and that at least nl
most ull tho victims were moderute drink
ers." In Paris the thirty Ihouiaml who died
of that dkac were, with few exceptions.
ihotc who drauk freely of lotoxleollog li-
Kiiulite't'ttiiK Kih'irv In America.
lions of Physicians on the subject of Its cf- 'wle nnd dongtrotu lo pursue n course
feels, we will find that It is ns stated the which will unite one largo section of the
most fruitful source of dlscnso and death, country against another, no matter how
Again, inrn .0 tne rcco u oi our crimnm. i mum oc ,uer may pmuu , , ., .. ,. n hf f , m ,taoril
court;, nnd jou will find that It li the most Is Imrdly i.eccssnry for me to Inform I on-1 n (f Amtnn
A few ir on I In slnco the piophcls of tvll
collapo of the great ,
...If..l a. . .. I -! ll.l kab !... il. a ! &.. a t.i.lai.tnHl Itinal it
ru.uu, r.sC o, ,-., or ... ,c, K, -. ... . un j......... .- ltopulslf 0. TI.O bubble W1 about tO burst
large" proportion of crimes committed wore these fetntw, ns far ns.lepcnds nn their own . .,,,.,.,,, ,,,cll ,,.,, 1Q
committetl by persons tinder the Influence . action, have already been fully res ore.
I tnlllnllonnl , ., ,........ ..
of minor nt Ihc time. (.0 to any Inrce and nro entitled to nil their Ion
city or town In the world; visit their poor 'rights. Reasoning from the constitution
houses, and cnqulro of the inmates what Itself and from Ihc actual situation of Ihe
brought them tliere, nnd a large majority country, I feel bound lu presume, that with
will answer,
drinks." do
examine their record, and you will find that , teres!, all climes will, with Ihc aid of the
"tho use of Intoxicating the 1'ederal courts restored nnd In Ihe full
to tho lnsano Asjlum and , excrcUe of their functions, right nnd In-
inicrtcrniico Is tho cause, dlrcclly or hull
rl" f3 '"fR proportion of Insanity.
Visit nil the sinks of iniquity you can GnJ;
team the history of those who frequent
such places, and you will sec It written
on their brows nnd stamped on every fen
turo Intenqiernncc.
lntcinpercnee U Itself more terrible than
cholera. I Is march Is onward and ever on.
vear after rear ami age after age. It l
not felt as the cholera, for unlike it, it does
not kill its ietim in n few hour or al
most dajs, lint it is silently at work ul1
the time, and the volnrlea of the Inlox (ca
llus; cup are going downward in the scale I
militia, bo essentially protected. .Should
this expectation unhappily fall, which I do
not nntlcipatc, Ihc Kuvutivc l already
armed with (tower to enforce tho laws." I
Pit't'tlnit'it1 llnroiiu Hill.
On motion ol Sir. Trumbull the bill to,
enkiree ll powers o( the rrtedmtn'a Hu
't i roan was taken up ami re.nl ns amended by
the Judiciary Committee.
lu provides that tlss act lo establish n
bnrcnuf.tr the relief of frrcilmeu ntnl refit
jrers, approved .March 'J, lti53, ahull oon
lii.ue In force until ulherwlse prunleil b)
l.itv. null limit t'Ylflld 1,1 IrlllSiH'S Hlhl frtCll
of morality. Pomty often follows In lite "
iu- " '" " -
nakeof Inlemiwruiice. Degradation
grace, shame and often crimes that make
us almost shudder to think ol, are Its legit
intatv fruits; ami although the ior, delad
ed Inebriate inny Late behmned tir Ihe
most rntet'ialtli' class ol society, hi i-miras
U ilpwnwanl till I emls his pottr, misera
ble rxh-liMcc, lu many caws, in lb very
lowest .lepih ol degradation ami misery,
without a friend to perform tlte last offlftti
due tltt dead or to ttbttl one tear ol regret
ut his grave. 'IVmiuu.
Pt. Klsmatii, I'eb. flh.lPCf..
lasting smash." No doubt the wish was
father to the thought In most instance,
nnd tho prophets, ns Hen Disraeli says,
arc ' bafllut and mortified." It Is not our
province, however, to point out Ihc errors
of our countrymen, or to speculate on tho
political destinies of the American Repub
lic, but rnlhcr lo utter n paMlnjr comment
on the amazing Industrial energies ot
Americans, ns Indicated by Sir H. SI. Peto,
at.ltrlslol, on Iho t.'llli Inst. That prluco
of contractors went with others to Ameri
ca to end rtver lo find fiodt outlets for Dug
llsh capital, The newspapers have al
ready Informed in that wherever ihcy went
tlx-y wcro wnrmty uu.l culhuilustlcally re
ceived. Sir Samuel, who Is neciMlomed lo sea
great engineering works achieved with
rapidity, nppeiirs to be startled by Iho
strong, buoyant, and iiiiiliitu.llnniis ener
gies nf our American cuiislits. I lo nsrer
lalttcil lint when the southerner destroy rl
Ihe bridges Ihroughout lfiO inllis of court
try, tlenernl Sherman only ntluwrd (Iruer
al StcCalluni smeii daja to iccuustrucl
litem ; one bridge, 1,'JOO frit long and 1ft
f. etwlde, was coiislrueleil In thrro days
the President may divUle tlni sections of
country containing snch trfugces and freed
men into districts, each citniuiiting one or
more States, not to rxctid twelve in mini
bcr. and by ami with Ihe adtlce and eon
senior the Seitati", aptolal nn usUlaut Hll n ,f. that In six da)s (Jeneral Hher.
eoinniissiiHiecr lor each of said districts, nian was tnntlnt; llm wholu of his army
who shall glva a like botal, rroite tltc m-er tlw 150 inllis. Sir S.imuel also states
same compensation and rtfurin the aaiae t)Mt on iho termliiutloii of tho war thero
duties prvscrllxil by this net, or said bit- , were actually coiuieeliil with tho supply
London Mowing Utiald, alter
and was Its counterpart In every particular. ttatjliatlllC tliMa8e fa,toned Its grasp
The strongly luqiregnnteu rue, wuum ut ( n C,UM of ,I)6ll ,ltje micmieruie;,
placed in a pool of cleur watcr.nudasklm . j, ll(. pHlj-8rcllcc or il)0 intempr
or oil would Immediately rise to the surface, BleUa(,m,lficull01 u llCU, overlooks."
presenting the most beautiful prismatic I ennnlWBlnB fuots such as
hues. Pure petroleum dropped on ue L bovc ttllll0Ul cnj, but Ihe testimony
surface presented exactly 'ho came apiar j fvffm ,or ,u ()rett.nl.
Another appcurance imi.cat.ng on u,mcnj Mr. JWwurds, D. D , writes
wos equally uccmtc me
natural oil, as
it emenated from tic rock and fell on the
water presented the round shining globu
les peculiar to oil.
That extensive oil deposits will be
fouud on Coffee creek is fully believed.
Oue and a half miles above this place the
same oppeurances are found, and along the
creek as far as the same naa oeeo worn
indications of oil hato often been seen.
A company Is being formed hero for the
purpose or sinking a well, which will be
commenced this spring, when we hope to
be able to materially reduce tho price of
Skkator WiM.ui'.-The Slafrsmon
,uys: We lake the following handsome
pen-and-ink sketch of our Senator, which
is no more than just, from the Itiehmond
letter of tho X. V. IttfaU, mane uuri..B
to ihe best of our knonlulgo ami Mler.1 j j villlama' late visit to Hiehmond:
Therefore, we hereby uotily you to appear I b . ... . , f ,UjIIv
aethn i.,n,i nm'nt i!,....,nrL'. Oreuoii, i.Rrnutor Wi lams is a man of equali
on the 15lh day of March A. D IWio'. then , prMijTt, appearance and manners, and
airss land1 ci:r f ,.u"r ;B' i .- . - "f z
Ituofi our lia.uls at tho Laud Ullice,
Iloseburg, Ogn., this 20th day of Juuuary,
1S6C. JOHN KKI.UY. llepl.lerer,
A. H. FLINT, lUcelvcr.
feb t4
Dr. Overbeck, has reflttcd his Lath rooms
at tho
Those who wish to Indulge " ,bo, 'lix"r"
les ol a good bath, can bo accommodated l.y
Riving hlin u call ou Wednesdays and iuu
jays, fobn
and get a bottio of Kenedy's Scrofula
SP..r,tor. JJo is uiariy ll ooi . u..c r.
leet In bight, slim but proportiouatc of
build, with an ample forehead, tiiict. uari.
hair, dark complexion, utid possessed of a
quick, moving and shurp, iKiieiraung eye.
Ills utterance Is both intelligent and l-cir
live, and hU reasoning logical, close und
convincing, In personal manner! he is
wholly genial, entertaining und unusually
instructive, und pretenis the appeurance or
a culm, unlmparsioned thoughtful mau ol
public ullalrs, skilled lu dialectics und Im
moveable in Ids convictions. He is evi
dently a Representative man on the beo
atc Committee of Keconslructlon; und to
this rcasop is duo his presence lo Richmond
on tills official tour.
. .. .,. . ...... ...Ll, n tutnlltntlon
us loliows: "in ji'mu;, - r-i
ol lus than thirty thousand, there died
that year (1632) of the cholera throe hun
dred and thirty-six persons, otcr eighteen
tears of age. viz: of lulempcrate persons,
one hundred aud flf'j; of fiedrii.Urs,un-
Dvc; ol moderate drmkers, tnosiiy nai.iiu
al, one hundred and thirty ot.e; of tl.0.0
who were strictly temperate, live; of five
thou.aud members of tho Temruncc eo
ciely, there were only two. Three died
whose habits were not known. All the
aboto cases were particularly examined,
and a certificate obtained with regard to
each one from the attending Physician."
These facts are certuinly worthy of our
serious consideration; and as the cho!ra
is g'.eudily udtaucing toaards our bright
PaciGc shore, wo should pause and a.k our-
. si n ...a lfu.i.t
seltes the question, tt ouiu u oot
us a sanitary measure to abandon tLc so
cial cupt Aside from the lac
ubote.we are.o poae.sion of abucdan
proof that ardent spirits Induce w.u,..
aggravates most all diseases; and, again,
,Ut It Is the most fruitful cau.e of disease
und death. ,
.. .. ..i.i CSPm stroDire to any one of us
practice of eating poison, or Mowing he
Tin1 Prt'lih'iil PjivoihIIm' Ad-
iiiivlon of Soiilheni ." I s i -Iici-k.
New Yttik, I'eb. 18. Tl Philadel
phia llullrtw'i sitecioldlsjvitcli from Wash
inglou soys : The Presi.letit's teto mes
sage on the I'rtedmco's llureaii bill was
tery eluborote, covering upwards of thirty
pagss ol foolscap, lla !e opposed lo Ihc
bill In every sbae, and Ulietli.g Ibnl
many of the feutuies are uacoiistltiilioiMil
lie says no such kglslutlon fur the Sooth
ought to be udupted while tlie SttullHtin
Statu are not represented, awl tutnus users)
la loo mach of tlie apitolnting power lu ihe
1,111 couuilud to the Prisukiit. He enters
Into full dUcnsslori ol his reeowlruetiwi
policy, nnd thinks that the Southern mem
Ixr ought to be admitted.
Washington, IVb. 20 -'Hie Sutrewe
Court lias deolJed lo resume Iho oonshWra
tlon of such oases from tlie lately rebel
lloas States as bate bu suspended on the
dmket during tlie wur, Chief .lustieo
Cltuse alone dissenting. The Court ulao
has ordered argument to be resumed on tlie
test oath on the second proximo.
The Presklent after stating LU objection
to the Preedmeii' liuituo bill as unwar
ranted as a military mtasure awl likely to
entull a great excuse to the (iomruotnt
sums up as follows : "I cannot but add
another tery gruve objection : The
Constitution Imperatively declares that
each State shall lie reprewnted In Congress,
ami the original freedmen's bill was neees
sarlly to be a'id In tlie nbsiiee of tU
States ohUHy affiled, bacauae the opl
were eontuinaclously engaged In rellliMi.
Now lite case is changed. The States are
attending Congress by their representa
tive eolieitiiiK tlteir constitutional rigltla.
Tltetery fact llmt the report were and
arc made ogainat the good dispoition of
the Koutheru iieople, Is lite odlitionul reu-
son why thy should have reprseentutlve
of their own to txpluln Ibelr cowlition,
reply to the accusations, awl assist, by lo
cal knowledge, In perfecting such measures
immediately affecting tl.tm.sl to. I woukl
not Interfere with the unquestionable right
of Congross to Judge, each House fur llielf
Ihe qualification ol Us own members, but
that authority caunot be ooastrutd as iu-
..l.i.H,,.. u ililit to shut out lu time of
peace any Stale Iroin rcpneutallou. Al
prmnt ull the jieojtle of elivui States are
reau may, In lite illserttlon of tlie Presi
dent, be plucil under a i-ommlseiourr and
uaslstadt cinwinlssloiKls, to bo drtulltd
from the niniy, lu which event etich oflicer
so nsalgneil to duty shall scrtc without in-
creaM-oI piy or allow anees.
Section two protidia for the ditislou of
the districts into sub districts und ll up
point men t of clviks, and aii(hoflu-s the
PnsiuVut ol the Unlle.1 Sliitra to cxlcud
military jurisliellou iiihI protection titer
all the employes, agents nml other efli
ccrs. Section three aulhorlsea the Secretary
of War to Issue protUimw, fuel, clothibg.
,t., for refugee's awl freedmcii.
Seetlon four uiilhuriaes the President to
reserve fur sale, or from settlement under
the Lnu stead ol nre'eirililiou luws, ami to
set aitart for the use of Irudimii and loyal
refugus, nuoccupM lamls in 1 lorlda, lis-
sMppI a ud Aikn ws, nnt vxeeeilhtg lu all
three millions of aerea of goott land , und
tlrf) ('ommlMlontr, timssr the dlieetlon of
the President, thuil cauc the same from
time to tint" to be allotted ud assign. d In
jtarceli, not exetedlng lurty acrre each, to
the loyal refugie ami fneduKii, who shall
l protected in the ue and i njiy mct.l
thereof for such It-cm of time und ut sueh
annual real ns may be ngrrnl on betwesrii
tlie Commiasioaer ninl such refugH-s or
frtcduten. Tlat rental shell be baud iim
of Ihe nrmlea 2,5(10 miles of railway, .'187
rngluie, fiOO e-ars, ne.l 70,(11)0 employs.
Well might Iho Imagination of Iho
steakir be nlmost overwhelmed with tho
Hier which produced such u slato of
things. Sir Samuel further stales that
Chicago, which n few years ago was it
mere village a dot upon Iho map has
now n population, oxcie-dlng n quarter ol
n million, "with public buildings surpass
ing anything ho has ever seen hi any pro
vincial town hi Hits country while lis
bridges, Its roads, lis hospitals Its univer
sities! uu.l public works were of Iho most
magnificent description." l'roui Chicago,
Sir Samuel ttrnt to llostou, nnd he found
that even since tho commencement of the
war, the Inhabitant of Ihe city had ex-
ie tided jC.'i.OOO.OOO In Iho erection of pub.
lie woiks. Wore not Ihc sH'ukcr u sober
common sense l!ugllshman, wo should have
thought ho wanted to play upon our credu
lity, lie, honour, Is particular In fuitl
fying LU statements by substantial evi
dence. As an Inttaiico how soldiers arc absorb,
ed Into private lire, Lo sa)n llmt four
months before ho visited America the army
amounted to ono million (wo hundred thou
sand men. (lencrul (hunt told him Hint
he had mustered out tight hundred aud
seventy thousand, ami that shortly they
Inteixlwl to have onlv tlilrlv thousand men
a valuation of the land, lo be ascertained , (t;ti rorvlec. When at Chicago he
In sueh manner as Ihe Commissioner may C, ow ft Utkc trlntln establishment,
under (lie direction of the President, by j wMch wrl)..wull r ,)0 COmpwllors
regulation prescribe at theemlof such term j 1Bll ,rtt. I0,c, qu wa, a captain,
or Mtoner If Ihe 'oinmls.loi.tr shall assenl u)0lCr ,vft, a clf,ia,lt) ntlll ft,l0ll(r wn
thereto. The occiqioitts of any parcel so j .,,,,,, Ull,i ,(0r ,u,ro M ttl W0lk Bl f
attlgnetl way purehaso Ihe lamlaisl receive ,)ll(, ienr ,lfl lU co,,,,,,!,,,.,, jefc,
Ihe title thereto from Ihe United hlalee,' N, MM of 1M0 J( ,,,, ,lClllIori( an,i
in fee, ukmi pajing therefor ll tulueof nould have foil Iniulled If ho had been
tho Und ascertained a aforesaid. ,, T,10,c f UmeuU ut ,r jjut
Miction lire provides that the fsesor Mu,,0I j,,,,,, uf0 ccuuoruted by indispu
of titles granted lu iHirsuaneo of Muje-n uMe ,,, Wo my ,tt,.furc.as a
i .,. i in. ii. ..i... i. '
lienerat rsiiermans ptci.ti iwm uhkt, h 1Wi!0ll. wlii ,,i
le) ut Savannah. .January 10. lhOft,
hereby conllrmtil and made talk).
Heotion six prorates that the CommU
aiontr shall, umlr the dlnetloii of the
President, prooHre, In the name of the Uni
ted Slate, by grunl or jwrohuse, sueh
hinds, with lite diati lets aforesaid, as may
benquirwl for rsfugees uixl frtedu'Sii dev
Iiemleat on lite goternment for siqqtort i
und Ik shall prorids, or cause to U built
uitable ukly uuts uml ie-l.ooU. Hut no
sueh purelwM: shall be made, nor con
tract for the tarn entered Into, nor other
i-xiN-iises Ineuned, until after appropria
tion shall have been provided by Congress
.ructice of eating and
xcludtd, those who were the most faithful
during the war not less than others. 1 be
Stale of Tennessee, for Instance whose au
thorities wre engaged lu rebellion, wus re- BUC(, autu, from time to lime, lo I taluwl,
.tortd to its ooiwuiuleorwl relations by tlie llatU.I, a-tgm.il awl sold, iu manner ami
btra)td people aud I know no reason why J tM (i)M ial) , c0l lhtfv)( ,u
Tenaesc shcsuld not fully re.itc all her, bc jui6, ytotts.
oonslltutlonal relations to the United Section seten authorls Ihe Preehlsnt
c, ,. I to extend military protaction lo Ihe fietd-
0 ..... .,...,., ..... i. n.n.imeninullcasof luws making discrlinl-
j ne ifismtui .uu.n ,n,. ...v .-.. jall(n 0(,ulMl ,,e(1, aocount ot color.
try in u uuureni niiuuue iioniu.iy ..icinuti
joico that the Americans
have conquered their greatest ihrticultlcs,
ami that III ull probability they will be
puriflid and strengthened by the sufferings
lliuy hate endured. Al all events, even
tliDiighllora aud sullldi Knglishmeii aro not
likely to speak of them m contemptuously
as wm tho fashion a short time since.
I.uiulun iiiiing .Ysuti.
Johm U. HsrsuN. The bruisers of !n
don gave J. 0, lleeuaii a dinner a short
time ago. John Is about to visit this
country, but will return to l'ngland, aud
proposes to lite there. Iltll't Lift, of Dec,
bib, sa)s: "Per some time past Mr-
lor the general purposes of Ihw act, out of ((ttimii has devoted hlioself entirely to turf
I which pulmonis lor tuid lands shall be , pursuits, unJ, being both u ir.ember of
' made ; and the CuiiiuiMMouer shall ouuie i q'utirsall's an I the Victoria Club, has bs-
come as well known and as much esteemed
in Iho belting ring us he formerly was lo
I smoking of Cuugres who is chosen from u single tubl. cling frtedmen lu slat try.
eirecUarc di.tr.cl. The Prea: '-m is cIhmii by IU The bill tvus, after read n,
Jinny bodily ken tell wharu lightning
struck last, but It tukes a smurk man tew
find out tvharc it it a going to strike next
lime this iz one ov Ihe differences between
Section eight presenbes punishment for laming aud wisdom,
Chinese practice oi ea.mb .. -i''' --" - ,..,... 1.1.1 -A- b.ll wus. after read ug. on motion
opium; and )el their poisonous iikcu arc (d...r ct. . . - ;-" -, - ,l(Hllln(lk( po.lpts.t till Monday, effe,
nn e certain than intoxicating liquors;, people of all the butts, l.lotco States, 1 . iy(
tile habitual uso of liquors, and cveu arc not represented, and It would seem 10
the intemperate use of them, is so common
that there Is but Utile regaid paid to it by
the great mass of the people, aad yet If we
will turo to the statistics that have from
time to time been collected; and the asscr-
be his duty to present their just claims to
Congress, 'fhe Indefinite or permanent
exclusion of opy part of the country from
"All bitters have u hcatlug teudcooy ol
effect," said a doctor to a young lady.
ou will excent a bitter raid uiornloir.
" Joliny, does you love me ? won't you doctur V Inquired tho lady.
Nv"ell Susy. I dus," ... V
"How does jou know you lote mo V "vby do you keep yourself so distant I"
huw, husy, wt.eneter jiooKsui iiu,,aljaf4ir 0D() ,0 Uf (mrj ijecauwi.
rnv lie art .ilinl4 UT) UL'lll IUV btUUlIcK 10
representation, must bo huceeeded by ' "irsl Thot f doa'l have ooy appetite for a ) he, ''dl.tur.ee lends enchaotmeat to tbo
spirit of disgust and complaint. It is ua week aitcrwards."
view " What a villain
'inimeni, ami cure your ow ict "-