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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1866)
TIIR OREOOS XKSTISBL- .lACicsovvihhi: oim:ox. LIST Or AUE.VTS roll TUB "SKSTI.NKL I.. 1'. Fl'hor Tliom.i lMvi. . FT. I! ltlll... . K. G. lllrd'oyc, Thomas Croxttn. . Win. Snlccr Oov. Gluli I). SI. Thompson.. W. JI. Krnns.. . . Thomas Carr.. . . Thorns K. Floyd . P. V. Sawyer. I). 1'. Ande'rou. . A. Ireland Geo. la. Dean.. . Thcodrlc Cameron. Jame la. Wntou. Mlii HMtle Hunter .San FianclcoCal. . anp"cit'1. Ogn. .Wlllfl ilo ltock Point do Croutons Dlspltn ilo .lump-nfl-ao ilo . . Forllind i'o ..Albany . Atlliou.' .. do Kerlivvllle tin l'rnvenK ..Mvrtlo Crock I'ilenlmre lo ilo ilo ilo ilo ilo ilo . PnlonTown do . . HoselHirg ilo Hustle Hlvr ilo 1)1 nccr Herman, of Cnnyonvllle. general nt for Pongim County: A eo FKimt'AUV 2ltli. ISCrt. riiion Conn tyCiiiivsJiitloii. llo mullnn nf lli. t'nitln I 'all lit V x. .. ...x........ VI ihv - . lSGG. It was agreed : lt. 'I hat the votes or Lincoln be the bais ol apportionment for delecates to Comity Convention. 2d. l.vcry precinct Is allowed one dele pate, nml nlio delegates for every li vote and fraction of 7 and over. 1 limn 15. Under the above rule the precincts will be entitled to the following number of del egates. Ashland .! , Table Hock 1 Kden 5 Forest Crtek 1 Sterlingvlllc. . ..1 Willow Spring. . . .2 .Tucksonvlllc. . ..9 Ft Klamath C Appplemte 1 Steamboat City 1 Itutte Creek. ..1 Dardanelles I Ferkhnvllle. ..2 Unmntown 2 .Manzanltn 2 .-.vans Creek . ..1 Precinct meeting March 10th. 1PCC. County Convention .March l'th. nt Jack lonvillc. -S. D. Vasoykk. Ch'r. Union County Convention. i rtiimtrl ftvnmni Suit: of .Mineral I. anils. The scheme of Phermin of Ohio to dis pose of the Mineral l rapidly ap proaching coniumatlon Tin- committee to whom that subject was referral will report n bill, tome of the provisions of which will l found In our toltfsraplilc columns. We are nt a los to know whether It l content template to ailvertl and sell the Mineral Land now In possession of. and itetuully being worked ly our mining population. If not. the survey ami talc of those Miner nl Lands yet unuceuplvd will not yields very rich harvest to the Government. unless bought and held by capitalist for specula tive rurpoH's; if so. then we ttrtly pro test against so glaring an frJutlc? to that Induitrial class uiou whom, in n (treat measure, depend llw proprly of lint l'a ciflc Stales. Tlio-u now working; the Mlutr nl Lands have occupied tlieu In thf faith that Government would adhere to it poli cy of the last seventeen ywrs. nnd have, by adventurous and patient Industry, siven value to hnd that otherwise would have been unless to the (loNtrnnient. W'v would like to 1k shown the lapilty of r ipiirlriK n miner, who bad perbap cxpeml ed yearn of severe 1 tbor and thousand.! of dollars in opening a mining c'altn. to at tend n public auction for liv purpose of buying that which had only bn rondeml valuable by his enterprise, nml wrlmp to have the mor'.Ifleatloii of slii It taken from him, by some person competent to out bid him. We may Ihj mwler false Im pressions with resurd lo this bill, We Irust that It may bo so; but fiom the ,ipKiriit disposition on the part of CoogreM during the last icssloii to destroy wining enter prise, by odloud nml impolitic legl-latiixi, wo have every reiion to fwr that It will be again nttempted, We are to have mints. aaying ofllcw and Geologists In each land district. Doubt less the former would b- convenient ami en able t ho miner lo obtain the full value for Mi ore or dust; but we must confex that the latter, no mittcr bow well verred in tbeoryj no nntler how convernant with the technical language of his craft, would udd no value to our placer and quartz mluw. Wo do not want pampered, nhlle-shlrUil ofllcials among ui to perplex us with Geo logical technicalities, but who are unable to point out where the precious ore lie bidden and Inform the miuvr where he might hope for iMcceu. We want an enter prising population to search for it with practical skill, and the brawny arms of la bor lo dclvu for It wllh sturdy blows and put It In circulation, We Jo not waul Gov ernment appraiser' to place a flcllcluiii val ue on laud that, peihaps, does not contain tufllclent mineral to pay for extracting It; we want capital, only, lo tlou'lop the mines and give an Impetus lo the mining Interest. If Congress understood the matter thor oughly thoy would encourage the miner by giving us n mint In every dUUict whertt necessary, ami impose Just sudlclentwlgiior age to pay Its current expanse!, but plaoe no resliictlon whatever on the free use of the Mineral Lauds. The miner does not care n straw for the "feo simple;" all he desires Is peaceable possession until his claim is woiked out and leave to search for another. Wo trust that tho Ilvprctcnta tlvea from this coast may b wary nnd tec that our interests uro fulthfully guarded, Dy their energy and able argument, tlmy prevented tho pasage of an odious bill of this character at the last cession, and wo hope that tbi'y will defeat any schemoat the present lime likely to crush so Important an industrial Intercut. As we go to press this (Kil day) evening wo leant that Mr. Alex. Mar tin Is expected home on the stage due to night. Mr. MaMin is accompanied by Mis Nannie, slater of D. Liuu, lUq., ami two sis ters of Hon. Jus. I). Fay, who have just ar rived from New York with hlin. We con gratulate MlfS Linn a'l Mr Martin on tb ii Bil'-re'ur" mil '. pe t .i' t1 .-ihmi i , '. ' si Committee for Jackson county, State or i iHneutct Arnoi.i unKv palnolim ami iup Oregon. ut 0. Jacob's ofllee. Teb. 2M.porl tf lht (iovtrnmtnt the disqualifying A Muic'rilS'i-st ! Our penetrating cotempornry lias dis covered n mare' nest containing a very large sized nbolltion egg, nml nks the peo ple to unite n "note of It." A noteil Ab olitionist of this county tins nertcd that till; Is n nation founded upon Intelligence nml education." Good t "Tlmt German nml lr!li, ns n class, nrc n. illiterate ns negroes," etc. Perhat Ills Abolitiot) frleiwl alil so; we will nilniH that lie did. We hold thrtt a parly is not responsible for the random expressions of individuil member, nml if It were, n very damning: teeoril couM lc found njrnlti't the secession pnrty in Jnckon county. If we ntc not greatly mistaken, there I' n blatant lender of the Copperhead party In this county who ha unhlushingly declared on the pub lic streets that he "would not support nny American or fnmpn hetn citizen for office, even for the effiee of constable, who had In nny way contributed to the upport of the wnr." Your cMee-iceking disciples of .. ... . a ,e,t , ...Voted Abolitionist" make ....... . . . lack of Intelligence education Insur mmintable barriers to citiMnshlp. It initnke not the lleprejentatlve from this county, elected on the democratic ticket, was greatly Incensed nt n younp lady lie cuue she rfued to dance wills lilm. and inmltingly told Iter thnt "?he would rnther dance with n d d DitlchnMii tlmn with u white mm" If wo mUtiike not, nlo. thU affair threatened to nlleunte the German vote and was cpiieily huslied up prior to the next election. I'ut these tilings in your Democratic plo, Mr. Iltpoiltr,anA inoko them. If you Kill force the lsue on u, be kind enough to inforni us wheth er Negro suffrage, in the eveml States where negroes enjoy that privilege whs not granted under Ksmocrntlc State Guv ernments; thus proving practically thnt the Democracy onslileml a "nigger" n goo as mi American, (ierman, Irish, or any "other man" wlsen lie wn liable to vote the itrnlglit iltmstcmtlc ticket. We rather think ymi will have sons trmible in disproving these significant facu. nml we ask tlie eople to make n "note of them" Four Ki-ixatii. Feb. 8lh.l6i:0. Miiitok Sr.nti.nw. : T'lse following cfli cerj of Cavalry Lodge, No. 0. 1. 0. '. T--were ImtiilUd for the present quarter, on Wednesiliy evening, Febrtury "lb : John Y. Starr. V. C. T.; V. II. Uyars, W. V.T.j H. Conn, V. S.; 1. Masey, F. S.: (5. W. Humphreys. W. T.j II Nlclti, Y. .M.j M. I'arker, V. I. (i.i Geo. Conn, Y. 0. (!.; S. Smead, Y. 15. II. fc; It. J. Clark. L. II.S.j (!. Flemmlng. Y. A. S.; I. M. Smitli, Y. C; b'.' Ilailey, Y. I). M. This Is the only lodge of the 'lYmpcriiiieo reform, in existence among the Volunteers of Oregon. It is receiving commendation for the good it has done and U still doing, from many who are yet advert to its principles. Yours, II. Conn, Y. S. A Nrw .Map. The American Conti nent Topographical nml Itallrfttd .Map ol the Culled States. Ilritish I'ossesslons, West Indies, .Mexico nsstl Central. Amer ica. CompiUd from the best nnd luii-st aulboritie of 16015. by It. Itoy, giving (he sum Her towns nml villages, nnd general census of 16G0; the routes of (be pro iiowd l'uciflo nnd lite Nortkrn Pacific Itallroad. The map ulo comprint a valu able time nnd distance table btlween Washington nml the principal cities of North America & .Mexico. The map Is well finished nnd mounted on rollers, mak ing n complete and reliable work of refer ence. The Agent, .Mr. Volney Colvig, is authorised and now cativjtslug Douglass and Coos Counties for subscription for the above map. M. K. Traver k lire, (Jcu eral Agents, Portland, Oregon. N.VTfiui. l'UK.NOMBXOS. On Tuesday night last, the most beautiful natural curl olty it bar been our lot to behold for years, made lis nppeuranc In the northern iky. About 8!.; o'clock in Dm evening, the Aurora llorealls loomed up very red, cov ering almost n Iiemisphtrc. Hctwcen nine and ten It softened down to n strong, clear light, not unlike the early dawn. After ten, large rata shot up into tho heavens ami the red light ngain was the command ing color. The (fleet of our rare visitor would have been grand, had the moon been dark ; as it was, tho scene Is seldom if ever surpaxd by anything of the kind In these lalitudoa. Tub Wkatiikh For the past week the weather lias been exceedingly clear ami lino ; the balmy nir of Spring is stealing over U3, ami the snow is fast disappearing from tho mountain range beyond liogue river. Our streets nrc pcrfictly dry ; peo ple nro beginning to put their litllu Iloner gardens in order, uud everything nud everybody in town wears a pleasant ap pearance after our very eevero Winter. Wo may eoon expect the bloom ami fra grunce of toft eyed Spring herself, nud sLc will bo very welcome. Fair I'i-av Siivkr Company. At n meeting of the incorporators of the origi nal Fair l'luy Oold nnd Sliver .Mining Company held last Monday, MessiH. K. Smith, A. J. llurnctl, Tho. (J. Deveus, J. S. Howard, K, 0. llrnoks, .M. Uunley and 0. Jacobs wero elected Direclora. Tiiiim Volumk. Tho Slate Jounml has enlead upon Us third volume. Thtu jonr- uii' ha- been niiimy I m.'i pjpi.i aid I The lilisiTlyoT thf Vre. The tclosr.inli infornn in thai (Irani hnj taken step" wills a view to cur tail thefometvhat iinlimltrd freedom of the disloyal priM. Doubllc", this oflteinl nc tlon 'will rnle n howl of virtumi indigna tion nmong our detnocfntlc coiemrmrarins in this State and elsewhere. n ihy c-"1""' well pour out the vials of their wralli on the wwnell of the Onvernraent wlihout showing their hostility lo the (iovernment Itself. We nrc Inflexibly tippled to nny eenor.h!p or restriction of the press when It does not exceed legitimate bounds s but 1 we hold that there is n wide distinction lie j tweeti "Illjerty" nnd "liceti'C." A a than. we regret the issuance of lhi order: for In the unbridled nnd shameful abuse of the Government by democratic leaders through their pre. lies the weaklier of that party and our strength. Hut a in American and n memlier of the great, common brotherhood of the country, we commend the action of Hie comuiamkr-ln chief, nnd hojie it may Induce a more re spectful lone on the part of the npoltlHi pre towards the constitutional authoritiH of the country ; and curb sentiment that tends to irritate the public mind nl pre vent in from becoming what we should bo n homogeneous pwple. I)rtCTii.-A few days since a war relation of the Sun and Moosi slipd into the telegraph cilice with Chlwe "1I1. IMtehec." which he de'lied tninimltletl lo a celestial brother in Han Francisco. The Operator informed him In hi blntsdnt tones, that as far be wa concerned it was 0. k ; he understood it irfecily. but unfortunate ly the wire didn't ' sube chins), nml the Chinese education of the -ilsiMttlrte nwn" at the other end was very iWeciiv. John left wllli n jioor opinion nfMellennwl"," but soon returned with the diMtch reii del Into an lutelliglble hinging?. Tims:. There is lime to douce ainl r time lo sins;, ami n tlnse for evi-ry other thlisg j and it It Ibeicloro very lntrljit to have an .iceurute time keejr. In onler 10 do eery we do ut llr iror time ; and we advie all our pitroiw to call upon or order ik' fiom llayiic.V, Uiwtoii, AIG ,v ril hanome Mrcd. .-an . l-'rancifco. And If uny of our fritmls. or the hotel and rnl.iurant keepers of (In--gon with to repknisli their slock uf cliina or plain! wurc, they cannot da better than I to order what they waul ol .Messrs. Ilayne .t Iiwlon, f-ho have one of the largest ami liest fclecltd ilovks of crockery oihI plated ware lo li.' fiMml in the Hay City. See their advertivinient In to-day's ir. IIrut IlomsKKT. W. I. Adams, Cidlec tor at Astoria, wu roljld on his recent trip 10 San Frnncl'eo, of $17,000 In enln ami between six and eight llimiMiid In cur reney. The money wa sinleu from LU trunk while b was engiusd In writing 11 Uller. Sorry for you. Uuele Hilly, bat li red you right for yoor C4rletne-.'11 put y.Mir money In the steamers sale next lime. Ft. Ki-imuii. On Wiilisr-iilst nljiht Usl. In rahlleo e.inio Into town frein Ft. Kliumlb. Tby came Ike W wagon rit.ul over the mounulns, awl wore four iliy, in waking Ibe trip lli snow was f.niil to be nbniit ren fiwl ilwn. ullh :i ,n.i mi it MiQletenl lo bear Ibe weight of a man. I They mj that bone are able in walk on ' Ibe crusted snow about tin- Fort. j Nrw .Mauazi.nk We have rrceivsil the second number of Healle's .Monthly, n magjzlue of today, ntl as faraswc can Judge, it will be a publication every way worthy of patronage. The subject matter is entirely original anal Amerhxin. Published by Ildle & Co., 118 William Street, New York, at 83 00 per year. Hicii Diuiiimjs The diggings struck by .Menrs. S. k J. Taylor, on Applegalc, aro turning nut hugely and more nre being struck. Steamboat City promisee to bo the best mining cimp in this section of country. Kacli bench at tho mountain it ascended, prcwjiectg well. Ai.tkh Homo. Will pleaso remit his name, as wo can in no instance publish contributions wlihout the writer's proper name. Wo don't dcslro such namo for publication, but for reference. Savaor fc Sutton, of the City Drug Store, havo our thanks for (Irceley's Al manac. I'.vcry farmer, mechanic, ami poll tlclnn fliouM havo one, for they aro in valuable for reference. Quick Work. A private dispatch was sent from the telegraph office in this place to Wllkesbarre, Pa., n few 1 iyg slow, and on answer received In less than twenty hours. Thinks. Wo uro indebted to .MaJ. Slratman, news-dealer, San Francisco, for lato files of tho leadiug pictorials and comics of the day. Tho Oooil Templars are h tvlng n big time In Salem, having gathered (hero ft-cm all part or the SUto, wc believe for the pur poso of organizing n Gian.l Lodge. ..,Cn rlvl.T-K" Womkn-. sal.l bean fully, "Women govern us; lot us render them perfect : the more Hiqv are enlighten ed, so much tho more shall wo bo. On the cultivation of tho minds of women depends tho wisdom of men. It Is by women that nnturo writes on Iho hearts of man " t()v.: iii.m bums ,irui 11, UliiriliT r IVnl. lnllproii. Through the jiolltcncfs of .Mr. J- ( Ward, Telegraph operator nt Portland, wo Imvc received the lollowlng. token frcm the Orteenief ol Tliursday: From the I Mile iVmnifciinwr or.vcstcr ,,iy. (Wednesday) weget llic following 11c count of the Into homicide In Walla W11H.11 Ferdinand P,itt"rsoii was killed ut Wnlln Walla on the li'lb lnt.. nt nbout eight A. M.. by a HMD named Thomas Doiiuliue. The circumstance, as reported to tn by seieral gentlemen j"" ff'1"1 nl,ovc' "f that Patterson ivas in n barlier's shop, on Main St , a few doors nbovc the City Ho tel, where he had just been shaved mid was still sitting In Hi b.ubcr's chair. Dona hue had been sitting for some timo inn Iwck room of tho "hop, nnd u the barber wa? nbout lo remove ttic towel from Pat lerson's breswl he (Donihue) said: 'I will kill you or you shall kill mr." nl tlsc fame lime' diseh-trglng Ids dragoon revolver, striking Patlcrnn In the cheek or temple, ami prokibly penelmtlng bis hciid. The bullet n!o 'penetrated the towel, which wss between Patterson's range nf sight and the pistol. The wounded man nl mice prune to Ids feel, and being unarmed, started toward the door wllh the evident design of going to Welch's saloon, mw door fitrthir up the strict, lo procure arms. As he passed out of the door, Don ahtse fired again, the bullet uMinj Ihrnugli his throat, nnd lollowlng up Id victim Patterson receivnl nnolher bullet in hi Iwck, through Hie lung, at lie stepid In to Welch's f.itsNin, where befell on the Hoor, nml DiMuihue coming np l where be Uy. died two more lulls thrmigli lii-s linil. The munlend iimii brealluil for about the minute, during which time lie iiunilottil no signs of fullering. Donahue was nt once arrcsttd. No cuise fur the terrlbW' dee.1 has yet lieen uigmd; nn the contra ry, lie ami Pattcrs.n were on Hirtirularly friendly term. Grout cxckhihiiI e.xisieil at Walla Wallu in consiipience of this net. and it is xslblc that lUre maybe usie of th.Me teirlblf outbreaks which bai tins ollen di'graeed I lie country. Donahue was n private watchman in Walla Wnllu at the time of the minder. He hud been watchman in Portland, and ipilte recently was M)rler In aVrrigonl's Hotel. Tiik Tax Hii.i. Somebody proposes llic following new amendment to the Tux Hill : Por kissing a pretty gi'l. one dollar. For kliug a very homely nn two did l.irs ; the extra nmount being uddul prob.i biy for the man's folly. For ladies kissing one another, two dol lars. Tl.u lax Is placid at this late in oi lier to break up the custom iillog.'lher, it being regarded by our M. C's us u piece ol inexeu. ilile nbxirdity. For every lliriatiuii, leu cent. Ih'ery young mm who lias more than on.' girl, Is Wxril live dollars. For courting in tlsc kitchen, twenty Titc cents. Courting in the sitting-room, filiy rents. Courting in lis parlor, one dollar. Courting in u romantic pUev, fic dol lars, a 11 J II I ly cents for well (ifl-'Uce there alter, Seeing n lady home from church, twenty five resits each ollVneu. Seeing u lady home from Iho Dime So ciety, live cents, the proceeds lo ! devnied to the relief of disabled army chaplains. lot a lady who mIiiIs, fifty cent. For wearing a low-necked dress, one dollar. For each curl on a lady's head, nbovc ten, five cent. Fur uny unfair device for entrapping young men Into niitrimony. tlvo dollars. For weiring hoops larger than eight feet in circumference, eight cents for each hoop. Old biclwlors over thirty are taxed ten dollars, over forty, fifty dollars, over fifty sixty dollars, and sentenced to banishment in Utah. liich pretty lady to bo taxed from twen. ty-fivo cents in twenly.five dollars, she lo lix the estimate of her nwn beauty. It U thought n very largo umounl will be realized from this provision. liach boy bihy, fifty cents. liicli girl baby, ten cents. Families having more than eight babes aro not lo bo tuxed, and for twins, n pre mium or forty dollars will bo paid out or the fund accruing from tho tax on old bachelors, l'.jch Sunday loafer on Um street corn ers, or nbout church doors, to bu laved at his full value, which is about two cents. Lr. liiB I.svaui. Aubiuu. It is n sail thing o dloiHvay fiom home. Tell not Iho Ima Id, who is yearning alter his .11, taut coun try, thai the almo.pliero uround him is soil, hat tho gales are lllled with balm and ihJ lowers are .prlnglng from the gieen earth : he knows the solu.t air lo his heart, would be the nir which hangs vir his natU land ; that moro .gralclully than nil the galsts of Iho Soulh, which breathes low whl tiers or anxious nfl'ecllon, that tho very Olclw clinging lo lib own eaves and snow beating against his own windows, would be jr more pleasant to his eyes, than Iho boom and veiduro which only more forci bly reminds him. how lar he 1s from that one pot, which is.ilearer to him than all the world btidtM. Ilo may Indeed Dud o.liina bio Irleuds, who will do nil in their power to promote his comfort and a.m.iKu his pains ; but thoy cannot supply Iho placo or the lulu I.1111W11 n.i 1, .,,1.1 . ti.... resit m In a book tho unite language or his 1 .'. ' '"1" """ iviiriivis 10 wan upon Ills bah tl nn. I n.iii.i. ..,.. 1. 1.. ....,.., 11 ' -' .v, '.u ,110 ,,i,iiv, il.J.I UK bus nut learned to coininuiilcato, without W.4UUII mi ma wuues, imnietlons uud thoughts to them. Ymo M1.SS111K .1x11 If f c r.. A wo were (jo- 1 ' I' ' !.,,,! ,1 , I LATEST EASTERN BXSFATCH. TO THE SriMTIIMEL. 1'rfslilrnl Vrlnnl tlir l'rcnliiirii's lllll. Stuiilon mid Jlurliin about to resign. Dales to lh. 2'Jil. New York, I81I1. A Wnsbingloti dis patch gives what purports to be-thc testi mony of General Ia:e before tlsc Hecnnstruc tlou Committcu. I lo Fiiid 111 fur us he had opportunities nf Icarniug, tliu people uf Virginia had accepted the result of the war in good faitli mid were noxious for n rehired amity In the Union. This senti ment was much stronger just niter the cloe of the war tliiin now, for there np peured to be fonte Impatience nmong the people because men who had been idi'ull lird with the war in the South, should be ptrvented from representing their Statist in Congress. He declnrid there was u dis position to (rent frcrdtncn well nut (if re gard for their interests ns well ns for those of the wliltrs. He expressed the hope that the Government might endure for nil 111111'. He regarded the course of President Jiiliu sou uud General Grant toward tl.u South us liberal nml humane. Washington, lHtli. During last week there was Slllll.nilll In fractional currency l"iiul In nutiotiii! banks SiiO.lHH) lo Ass'i Treasurer nnd others. Then- is still nn urgent demand for innrr, especially in llie Southern Suites. The Providing Itiireau is instructed to Issue SltliMHIl) dally, or till dsnouiinatinns, until further older. New York, lfitli. lUnM'f Washington special, nf the 17th, says: The fol'iiwlng circular letter, lo cunimnuders of Depart ments, was issued lo day by Grunt: IliiAiiijiwnTKKS, Army uf IT. S 1 February, 17, I8lill. You will pleniip send to this lmuhuar lers ut soon ns hhiIIiIc, utul from time to time then after, such copies of snub news pajiers iublished in your ileKirtment ns contain sentiment of disloyally or hostili ty to the Government in uny of its lirnneli es, and stale whether such paper Is liublt 11 tl in lis utterance or such sentiments. Persistence 111 Iho publication ul such ur tioles is cilculaled to keep up hostility ol feeling between the pinplu of the dillerent sections of I he country, nud cannot be tul er.iliil. .Tins information i culled lor wills 11 view In their suppiisiim, which will be done from these heuihpiartcrs unly. 4Vew York. 1 Bib. The Fenians nf lids oily uud llriHiklyu, to the number of twen ty thousand, will Kir.ule in commemora tion of St. Patrick's day. Washington, lDth. The President lws veined I lie Friedman's lliireini Hill. aV Ciliinot mi-etiug was held this morn ing. No visitor were iillowul. A report prevails that the meeting had reference to the nui.'iiilnH'iit of the I'retilinen's Hill. New York, llllli. Ilmtltl'i special ili pitch says: The resignation ol Scorvlnry Harbin Uih current topic of conversation, lie is known to havo e.prwtd ton West ern Congressman, n political friend, his In tention not lu roin.iln inueli longer. The fame special soys; lhou inoit likely to know thu President's inleiillniw, assumu that it is evidently the plan uf the Itecuu slruction Conimllteo tu Invito such Cabi net .Ministers ns nrc in known accordance with litem to vacate. The Ihrald't HI Paso correspondent says: There i a great uud very favorable change in tho fadings or the people to wards Juanr.. There is little fear of I lie udvuuce of the ImperiiilislSaUiml he is con templating nn expedition to tho city ol C'hiuahua. The Imperialists have only 8,000 Iruops nt thut town, nnd nrc fortify ing It. The officers and soldiers nf the IuiM-rlil army lire said to be greatly dis gusted willi tho service. Large numbers uf them have deserted nnd some ure crossing into Texas und enlisting III the American nrmy. Tho 1'iijnro Venle, n newspaper publish ed in thu City nf .Mexico, dated Juuiriry llOlb, says: The adhesion nf Pupantln to the Kmporor is nnnounccd. The place is held by Generul Tliun witli an Austrian garrison. The Kmperor has issued 11 tle ereo authorizing the formation of n com puny to explore tho Districts of Iliitcliun lingo und Ainixlliin, Wuslilngtnn, '.'Otli. The Houso Com inltlec on public lands has agreed to report an important bill, providing for the sale of .Mineral lauds nftcr six month's advertise ment in the nearest paper, the lands there uflcr miming unsold to bo open to private entry. Section -I provides for tho appoint ment of a Geologist for each land site. Section 5 provides that tho discover, or worker of uny mine or lend shall havo the right to purchase nt tho minimum price, Section G provides for the clarification and appraisement of lauds. No person (ball be allowed to purchase more tlmn twenty acres, nor enter a second tract without selling he first nt public miction. Section 7 provides thnt the President of the United States may luy off the mineral regions Into nsenying nud coining districts, having rclerence to the mines now estab lished, and requires tho mineral to be us ywl and coined in said diilrict under strict penalties. An udditional section provides for the recognition of existing surveys nnd sub-divisinns when tho convc uiiiiw of Mtttkrs shall be best ooiiiultul ti., 11 In '"' " ' I" il ir il n m,l tl,. mil 1 111, . J' tcnlny Rrnnlin qiv.1 . , ... ian,i, .rr,.'"'"! Dro imcd.iry J Central ...i....,.,"0llskelis.rf T"3 Co-lon . "'Mllr.,! amount lo ttl,M, , lro-lke U. ''i-moc-nllc clatman, ' ,K??' '"'" on election, tZ 1 CCc" nccuplc! by D. W v!L2 Mt ,l""t tinrn. a promlntnt mock bmfc,, I b -'-'tordayon,hec5Vor b'KMnoney under (.dserrctonsSs. lmn n ,Iftk for rh "" k!'J elf-'lLylhe dollars, JnZI -jr U. -tank with dtposl,e,oc '"'''" check, wl,cn the money l" inrfio! In l.f pmwalon. 7 U M.ig.on.l!l,.Onccoteflh. excitement nttfdlg lf Vc, j '.ltll reception ,,,; M cvrninr. The cU,,!,... 1 .1 . ' cni.d.,1 the President Monday ma jiHlsil by the circumstance tlut itetre limit! t.. .1. e .1 ... ( l"":ro'-'"c crowd walkcil op ,01l. lurnt Dillard's, nml with grMl'arU drank a Imut In Ilo three trrrate.t w cans, Jiff. T- Davis, Amltcw JobscasiiJ S. The fnllrtlr 1 . Hubert I ",! it ilc nycs nnd noes In the Senate on He pi,,., nf the bill nver the veto : Yem-Amhoej Hrown, Clmniller. Clark, Conncti, Crs-s Creswell, Crittenden, Fowler.' Ilnrrison, Henderson, llonar.1, Umtt ICiikwnod. Iinc nf Iiid,, UK of Kiwm' Ponierny, Morrill, Itamey,.SIierrjii,j,, Sp-ngiii!. Sunnier. Trumbull, Wa.le, C limn. Wilson, Yntes. Noes-lljcka'a Cnwnn. Davis, Dixon. Honlittle. (ijtkre llindrlcks, Johnson, Melbiupll, Jlor-it, Nestnltli, Norton. ItiJille. RmIsIit' Stewart, Stneklon, Ynn Wlslle sid Hntkley. F.xeept the veto, Ike l'(ssiJt:t Ims gained nothing in tlie Senate; taeeu Jtirity k thirty ngnint him itrosjcr tlii ever. Humor siy tlsit sotli .ijbIwss.1 Ifir Inn will both resign is evwqtweol tlie veto. Wnshinglon, l!l)lli.-Tbe FrrsWrafi ein messsge is nil the Ulk. Tte first re mark of embody is tlm the FrtsUiit did not w rite il. Tlie neit ttmtl; Is tbit the President has separated from tUei Jorlty in Congress, ni.d gone oter it tin other side. All agree that the nrmjdi luiMt nlily written,ucltninilillnar;ars:tti, nud with lucoiitnivirlible ),nti. Tht eoiniiion luili.T is that Seward ftrotecrrc vl.'iil it. 'i'lu n comes the suii,ciea ill) how the Oiililiict flood, ni:lrqertujilht Seward, .MeCiillueh, Wells nml Dii fnviirid Hie veto the olUn cj.posing. The tfl'fCl Immediately nppirtot Lsrtii Ilolli Joy ami anger, snJ prr lms dismay nrc cAhiblled. It is only IM uppiirent that the breach Is wlJenlrj l iween the Presiden. ,"d !bcpartT.Ulltr it is too wide for either to jimp sfr.w.or whether either l disposed In jump, rem si to be seen. The veto hating Wen a! dressed lo the S.nate, tlie rpnstioe M up at one o'clock, wlicther tlie hill rtcsM piover the cu. Lost 3l,sii 1 8 not two third. Tbe rpieslioo wwoi, ilnrerorc, rwch the House, the veto bMirr been put on generul grounds. Noitttsift will be made tn pas another FrteJm.a'l lllll. Tho whole question of rcconstrse Hon becomes moddW. It Is dunblfal LI iho President will sign II Citil Kiu Hill pending in ll.e IIou-c. Itimw doubtful since Smiiucr, radical oppoitiM of the Hcpremitalives' CotstiluthMl ...iiendent Ki-ed tbe Senate. SpcsViej plainly things are maul. An Iininewe crowd beaded bjJc3 Ilngla-jof Iiid., Green, CTjy.Sailk.oM Geo. Francis Train, with 0 band of ' serenadiil the Preilduit lt W honor of the eto meiwfic Tit I'l"1' dent did not respond. List Saturday General Grant toac"! order tn tho military couuiuraVrs In t Soalh, to report the n-imes of KrP" luiving n pernicious li.liuwc. nd W the lamo mlghi besupprfd- wl ,ho President. In ctt-cl. revoked Ibe onW. allowing (be Klcl.mond Cammir to K sumo publication, , San Francisco. 22.1-aoT.I ,o.d..y. be.wicn 10 onl 11 oc!oA Howard Street, in Ik ptwrnee of tboa sands of spectators. - Indlanopolls. 2.M.- Vto SgttO vention ...etnt - a' '" '?, 'sVm aVprecatl Wallace. chairman. .'iaiia'.r"Rl)V DA .Uvislon and urged katinoo y. 0 o liurmanent IW vl'L,Cr? 1 fsllb tloiis wero l'""l ,,w," " ," MsCsUM's coulUenco 11 the ''"'oVconjieftW nud In thu Union majority orto M pledge siipnorl to each of tw ,boriiy ai .1 mull" Ksrflilo.o rssto , in Iho Soulh. Ike MZt In A rosalulloiisi 'Itefolved, tb ,nJ Johnson we ricognlse 0 r , c08. tried, ami wo will "W'X ,ltoh Sg.on.d.-H xvMrzzzZ ,.11.111 I hank IK i" :" . 01 W--f Sl-lm lATGmvereTFry 1 .."dBreofconsni-j-fs,, .... . ...I T(II ,.,tv i,,!,(J;,:,!Ui.i..; 1 , , ll. "' s'"1 v n 1 i 1 'i in