Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 24, 1866, Image 1

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riRfiiisiMi ami nnuiissinx AircxTs,
(19 Mcrcliiuil Sl Snn rrnnclsro, Cnl.
U,Tng iiJ extensive experience In liotli
Wholesale nnd retail trade, we fuel con
deilrlng a resident agent, or to nn occnlon
si purchaser, wo cnu offer superior Induce
.. .1 !.. IIiiIaii nlnfln tt hhiIiiaIIahi
lumen"" iihi-ihiui, hhh, iu vuntv.iuu
Ibewuvia'cnniisaieoi i.cgni . cnuer uoics,
pratl. Slnmp, ScwiitR Machines, etc., or
plser Iranmctlotu requiring the services of
ijnerifucal nml reliable ngents.
i'urcliacs wlll-bc WmIc lor cnh only, ox
ttfl In case of flrcclifl agreement to the
contrary. ,
(Deo 111. (Dsbovn,
Formerly with Cashkui, 1'ikiwon .V Co.,
IVoolcsalc dealers lu flue clothing, San Fran
10. i. Sessions,
Koriiirly with C. It. poomn.v, ,t Co.,
lYuuleralo Grocers, Snn Francisco; nlso,
Ilruiwi'iiV .V Wade, Jacksonville, Oregon.
. A "AOOI. ! hihI "lino itmlrr.Sau l'raiipff
L II. IIII.VCIII.V t CO, llnnlKura Dmitri, gati
(i W 111.1.1.. .Imrrr, f in Franc lira.
I'UUK I'l.lllilSS, MuulliMlrts, Fin l'r4tirlni.
ind.1 spensable
to every family!
Mitchell's New
wh coutiti k'H of the World, plain of cli
ff and embraced lu lllly-llvo quarto mai,
forniltig a series of eighty-seven map and
I'Um. acli Statu of the I'lilou It given
In countk on a large Male, with the popu
htlon of each county by tho census nl lb'il)
and Ief 0. Lint or pool olllces lu the United
Stales mid Canada. Canadian tariff of cus
toms und population. Governments and poi
ulatluu of the various countries on the
globe. Height of mountains length of
Uteri, nml n Time Table. iilIiiiI hit the dlf
fen-nee In time ln-twit-ii thu prlnolpnl cities
of the world; nbo showing thuli ntr-lltie
uiuaiico iiom vtaiinr.giou.
One of iko general agents, G. W.
TR AVER, l now canvuwdiig Jack
tun rounty,
Str Auogciil wanted for Siskiyou coun
ty, Lai.
Jacksonville IVIi. 1(1, 1PCG.
reliable" seeds.
125, WttihliiBton St.
'piii: rNDWtsiGMiili a imiactical
i. Aiirleulturliit, Is now prvpirtd to cup
plr the wants o( inerclmnts, litnclimvii nut
all nlbn, liv wliulwalv or rvlitll, of wieli
mdtai will not ilIrHtpiMjlut IhOMt wIioiuj
Hkdi. as our hxhU iilur mint; the utmost
cart In their K'K'Ctlou lu (Km); tln-iu truv
tulMr kind. Wu lmu nillnli.f urouiHl
Hfwrul to In) the dufi-roiit arlvtivs, so u
toliMire thwlr intlri' iflmlilllly.
The Ahsoititioiit Coitblbtstir
All klinlsofxi'tfiituMt) n.il; nil hinds of
flower tmU; all kinds or ttritM iiiul rwl und
lnicclotr miltj ulio, nirulfu und I.u-
r.vi:m;iti:i:.v si:i:ns.
Natives of Calilomlu mid tidjacvut StuUxf.
All kinds of tiutw nml tlirnlts;
All kinds of ll.murs In thvlr wnwn;
All hinds of llullis In tlmlr wasou;
Slrawbcrry aud rapurry'plauts.
Tho mbtcrlU'r doms It superfluous to
na.uiTry nrtlolo for s.lo, but tneraly ro
marks, tlmt no ono has a tuperior mort
aut, and no ono will deal muro lionunibly
ty his cuatouiers. to ulium lie rtlirs wltli
confidence, us universal npprovul has beeu
Small pajxirs at uliolutalo or letall.
All Cbiuinunlcntlons, or oidm, ly mall,
or llvpicM Cos., attondid to promptly.
L'.iulogurs lurulshid tin application by
25 W'nsblntston St..
Nearly opposite tho l'ost Otllce,
Jn27 Sau I'rauoUco.
BCFOISK U. S. IIAYDUN, a Juftlco of
llicl'cace, for Jackconvlllc, Jackson
county, Oregon.
David IlnrrouKha plalntlll', t. Henry II.
Llark, J, V. Hoover, partners, dolus bus
iness under the imtno of 11. II. Clark, de
fendants. Action nt Law to Recover Money.
To Henry II. Clark A J. V. Hoover:
lou aiu rirpilrvd to appcer lu ssld court
nd answer the complaint of said iilaliitiit,
"ltd ag.tint you, within ten days from the
flmo oi the n-rvlco of this summons on you,
it sen id with hi said county, or If ten id ou
you In any other county lu this State, theii
within twenty dajH from the timo ol the
Mrvlce, or if sen ed ou ) ou out of the Stuto
of Oregou, then It Is ordered by V. S- Hny
an.aJustlcoof tho l'eaco of said county,
hat publication bo made for six weeks In
bo '-Oregon Sentinel," prior to tho 12lh
in March, 18CC, as to the said J. V. Hoover.
And you are tiotllkd that If you lull to
ftiiiwtrn.id complulnt as uboyo rc.ulnd,
he plaintiff will apply to the court for ft
uuginwit against you for the sum of one
hrnuUid and thirty-three dollars, with In
'rest thereon, at tho rate or teu per cent,
Pr annum, from the 1st day of December
A. I). ibt,5, nud tho costs oml disbursements
01 this Hilt In .n Ikvi.1
Glu-n under my hand this 2Gtu day of
-uuarjr, A. II. lBUU.
U. F. POWELL, Att'y for l'lH'ff
and buy a bottlo of lvcncdy'a Salt
"heuni Ointmeut, and cute that 6culd head
of jours, and cuto tho6e ugly ring-worms
j Jour neck and face.
iici:d Bvtnr DATcniur Monvixo.
H. P. DOWKI, Prniirlctnr.
StnsciiirTiov-For One. rear. In advance.
lour Dollnrn; If paid within the first six
months or (lie year, live dollar ; ir not paid
until the expiration of the year, six dollars,
AnvMVTHixn One square (10 lines or
irwi, nrsi incri o i. 'iiit-M-.nniinr. . v,.
subsequent Insertion. One Dollar. A ,11..
count of (lfly percent villi lie made to thoso
who nu venire ny ineycar.
- lfl Ictiikn rewltril lit current Men,
Tlifc ItinUcn Jyrc.
All thaltcrcd, low beneath her feet,
Tho chcrlrhcd lyre's thrown;
The grief-wind o'er her will hath iwept,
And nil the music's Down.
She's learned, nU, the bitter truth.
Thnt nil that's fair mint fude !
Although tho morn Is beauty bright,
Still evening brings the rhade;
No path through life, where prM our feet
Amid tho roes fair;
Hut, nil concealed within the green,
come briers, too, arc there.
nr isiuci, i-onoi:.
Fold the coarse thrniul on her liooui,
Lift her with Jesting and mirth,
Take the worn ring from hor finger
Little the mMe Is worth.
Tangle her curls but no matter,
l'u-li them all roughly away,
Itnek from her paslnnless forehead,
'Til but a Magdalen's clay.
Who will come forth to behold her !
No one so ou with tho lid;
Press the face downward and firmer
It looks as her poor mother's did;
Juit such faint Hues on the temples,
J urt so deep sunken tho eyes;
Hot their remembrance forever,
Living by craft and by lies.
I.ny her nway from tho sunlight
Why should It rest on her race!
ln t her nine-box In the shadow.
llurdeiicd with sin and dl'gracc;
Knmeless the colllii no matter;
HUfK3th hc well enough mi
Dig htr a hole In the corner,
Wherc'the rauk tblillc-uecJs grow.
Stop! 1 bethink me a moment
I'shawl these are woumnUh tears;
1 have a fair little daughter
Lilly, of truderest years:
Whalir-oh! horror to think It
Gently men, geutlv, bshold,
Out on the rough side hanging
One thinning rlugUt or gold.
llutli men, this mirth Is untimely;
Carefully bear her nnd slow
Though a poor victim of sorrow,
She wus a woman, you know;
Iluoli men, this mirth Is untimely:
Cvase jour rods laughter and dluj
Though full or frailty. remsiaUr,
.Muu is to blame for her siu.
Lay her In sllmice to slumber,
lit wily oover her lied;
Fur the tike of my ono little daugbUr,
1 will be kind tolbedcftd.
Thu Tin ft- IluntlibuchH.
The following Dti.usiutf nml fcemingly
incroiliblc narratlw Is from a lute French
publication. It is neatly told, and will be
read with Interest:
Three brothers, nil humpbacked, and all
nccurutely nlil: In iippwunct1, lived at
Iletaneon. One of them ktllfd a nmu in a
chance melly, but, not beliur taken on tin
inomeut, the proutors oould only swear
that ono of the lliicc brothers bud done the
iled. Rather than put an Innocent man
to death, the judge let the guilty one os-
cipc, but, to avoid further Inconvenience
of the kind, lie banished all from the prov
ince. One settled In 1'uris, became rich
tnd married; the others, alter nearly starv
ing in England, returned and paid a visit
to their fortunate brother.
Tho master of the home was abroad
when they knocked, nud tho poor wife was
troubled more than a littte by the lslt.
"My husband Is very jealous," bM the
to them, while giving them something to
eat. "You must go to the lartnercst quar
ter of the town, and never come litre again;
but I'll make your brother look to your
wants." While ehe was speaking, she
heard tier husband's knock, and cried out,
follow mo If you vuluc your lives.
She ordered the servant not to open the
door until she should return, and then
conveyed tho brothers down stairs uud
locked them in the cellar. Her husband
scolded lor beiug kept out so long, but a
good dinner restored him to good humor,
and ut night be went out to pay a visit.
The wife then went down to the cellar,
und there found tLo two poor brothers
lend, nun lvlnf here, the other there. She
acnt lor n strong Auvergoat, brought hint
down stairs, showed hlin one of the corpses
which she had previously tukcu out ol the
cellar, nnd promised hiiu a Loulsd'or on
hla return, after having thrown it into tho
Seine. Ho made uo scruple about the
matter, but popped tho body into the sack,
took it to tho river. Returulog for bis ro
word, the wife deputed bis clulm, ns the
body jva3 still lying outside the cellar door.
Here the stupified man saw what be firmly
believed to bo the corpse bo bad thrown
from tho bridge, and resigning himself to
destiny he took the corpse the second
time. Oorolug buck, be was terrified uad
enroged by finding tbo twice-drowned
oorpje knocking at bin-own 4pnr.
"Arc time your trick, muter?" said
he '-Ah, Monsieur Uhost, clever ns you
ore, I'll settle you the third trial."
So saying, he forced the poor husband
Into the sack, carried htm to the same spot
and affected the third discharge.
This time he rriurnrd In triumph, for
the wile, lenorant of her husband's fate.
and having no more corpcs to remove,
paid him twice what she had covenanted,
and gae him a good glass of wine in the
"Your good health, midamo," raid he;
"you nrc belter than your promts?, but 1
earned It. I found the humpbacked rogue
or Ills ghMl knocklntr nt the door ofirr I
had thrown him In for the second time."
"Oh, wretch I" cried the poor woman,
"yoo have drowned my husband."
AVhile she was screaming and he stand
ing In nmiment, the gtns d'armes enter
ed, secured both and sent them to prlwn.
Xcxt day they were brought before the
magistrate of the quarter and examined.
The poor wife conotulcd nothing; the Au
vcrgnat was not called on for an explana
tion; and while both were nwaltlng sen
tence of death, the three brothers with full
life, but wltb very pale faces, were u.l.ercd
into the roem. Some fishermen stationed
war the bridge had saved, the three. The
unmarried men had been only dead drunk
in the cellar, and tho submersion, and the
C0Dqatnt pulling ami hauling and tject
mnt of wine and water, had recovered
them from their drunken lethargy before
the natural time. On their first appear
aocc before the magistrate they could give
no explanation of their visit to the river,
nnd the husband had no Idea of the cause
obli being seised on; but his wife's ex
planation made all clear.
The King bearing of the strango advrn
turc, settlsol n pension on the unmarried
men, but they were not to dwell within
fifty miles of Paris, and the married man
was not jealous for a year and a day alter
his seizure and escape from the river.
Iscnr.uixtTV l'rnoxinr.i. There win
living on Martha's Vineyard an old man
who bad never been ofTthc Island, ami the
extent of bis knowledge was bounded by
the confines of bis borne, lie bad becu
told of a war between the North and the
South, but as be has never beard the din of
battle nor seen any soldiers, he considered
Is a hoax. lie Is utterly unable to read,
und Is Ignorant to the last degree. Ami-
oelltnt story it told ot bis first und only
day at school. He was quite a lad when
u lady came to the district where his fath
er resided, to teach school. He was sent,
und a tbt teacher was classifying the
school, be was called up lu turn and Inter
rogated as to bit former studies. Of
course be had to say tLut be lwd never
been ut school and knew none of bis sellers.
The school mistress gave him a sut on
one side until she hud Onlthtd Hie prelim
inary examination of the rest of the Khol
art. She then ualll him to htr, nod drew
ou the black board the Utter A, loll him
what It was und wished him to remember
bow it looked. He looked at it u moment
aod. then inquired, (b stuttered) :
"ll-b-o w do jou know Its A I"
The teacher replied that when she wssa
girl fclc Lad been to shool to an old genths
man, who told her so. The boy eyid the
A for a moment and then u.kedi
"II bow did he know I"
This was almoit a stunner, but the
teacher suddenly recollected that lie had
told her whin a boy be bad gone to school
to o lady, who bad taught bltn that It was
The boy cjod the letter a little longer,
when be buist out with:
"II b-ow did be know bnt she lied ?"
The teacher could cot get over this ob
stacle, ond the poor boy was sent borne as
The way In which words nrc often divi
ded, when set to music, somelimes produce
a rather ludicrous effi-ct. At a methodist
camp meeting, once, some young ladies
were beard to sing: "Oh fur a man ! Oh
for n man I Oh for a tnan-sion lu the
skies I" Some very attentive young men
In the next tent immediately responded as
follows: 'Ob for a gal I Oh for a gal I
Ob for a gal 1 Ob lor a gal-Ion of old
rye 1" On another occasion a cuoir sang,
t0 tbe best of their ability;
We'll catch
tho ike! We'll catch the
flee! We'll
catch the flce-tlng hoars !"
S.so. The I)ndon Saturday Review
is teldora puzzled by slang phrases, but
confesses itself unable to undersold a sen
tence which it finds lu a recent American
puper: "Everything being lovely, the
goose was greatly elevated." Tbo aston
ished critic says: "What or Whose goose
was elevated, why it should bo elevated,
what the process ol elevating a goose con
sists in, and the councctloa between tbo el
evation of the goose ond the general loveli
ness of tbiog, ore all points on which we
can throw no Hgbt.
Mao a bubble oo the ocean rolling
11 r.
A'usiiy Wailclli over
On tuk Wino. Xov. the 9lb, 18CS. ' JCC ,ofrlJ V,,,0M '
Never wiullnso plessant n frame uv , .a ,I,C Um,lcn B,,J A,ly. f'KS"
mind rz last night. All wuz peace wltb ,rfl''"a'-'""i t U'O pool., niggers I
me for oiler belli buffeted obout the world , " "(n ,",H w fl"J 'crtigc t
for three skore years, at last it fccmcd to In the North f NolltTls barred nglu
me that forchune, tired uv petscokootlu n u ''' Abllshnlsm.
nnforchnlt bcln, bed taken me into favor. In the South ? In tlulr eyes the North
I lied n solemn promise from the Dcmc- crn copperhead tlndclli no favor,
krnllc State Central Oommltty in the! ," Mexico I There Is war there, and
groat State uv Noo (terser, that ox soon : we might be drnflcd.
m cur candidate for Governor wuz dooly
clcc'ed, I shooM hcv the position uv Dore-
IfMVwtF Ift llirt UniivA nw 1 1. n I ns..l .l.t.l.
t 'Jtls Slate means the Capulnl Sr whlrli '
Is certainly better than dweliln In the tents'
uv wicked proscry keepers, on tick, tz I '
! w iw asvissji. M t lliy A'lll I1SIIIVH I
do) nnd a joodishus exhibition uv
promise hoi prokoorcd for ino urilliultcil
facilities for borrcrlu which I Improved
On Wednesday nltc 1 wuz a slttln In my
room,, n ctijoyln the pleastti rcflecllou In n
few thy I should be placed above waut
k beyond tbo contingencies uv fortune.
Wood I ob wood ! Ihct I bed died then and
there bfforc that dream uv bliss wuz rcnxl
ly broken. A wicked boy cum running
pest with a paper which be bed brot from
the next town where there lives a man who
takes one. lie flung it thro the window
to me nnd pat on, I opened It eagerly,
ami glanced at the,beJ lines 1
"Noo Grnsr.Y 0,000 iirmiMKi.y I
One long and plercln shreck wuz heard
thro that bouse. and wen the Inmates rush
ed Into the room they fround mo Itmny- lug reminiscence ;
mate on the floor. The fatal pa pet lay "John Adams Might the baud of the
near me, cxpalnln the cause ur the c.itus- daughter of the Itcv. Mr. Smith nf Wry.
tropbc: The kind hearted landlord after mouth nud MIm Abigail was pleased to
feelln uv my pockets and dlsklverlu that nceept the proposal of Mr. Adams, much
the contents thereof would not pay the to the chagrin of the puson, the ribjeclloii
arrearages uv board, held a hurried consul- being that Mr. Adams was n man of htim
tatiou wltb bis wife as to the propriety uv bio origin mid moderate ability nml could
brlngln me to, be Insisted lhat It wuz the never asplro lo anything more than I Ik po
ddy chanco uv gctlln what wuz back she sition of mi bumble village biwyir, ILs
Insisting that cf I wic bruug to I'd go on visits In her borne were ficquent nml pro
running up tho bill bigger and bigger, and i longed, but no bnpllalltles were tendered
never poy at last. While ll.ey was nrgoo by thu Kcv. Smith, either to Adams or bis
lu the matter pro nml con, I happened lo I nag, for whllo Abigail only bad watebful
get a good smell uv his breath, which re- ' care over him, bis "buy" passed Ihe wpary
stored me to conctouinoss to wunst, wlih
out lurtber assistance.
When In trouble my poetic sole ulluz
finds vent In song. Did iser poet who do
lighted In tombs, and dark, rollln ttrrams
and consumption, and bllgbleil Iiojk-s, und
decay, ami slcb themes ever hcv such n
pick of snbjects iz I bev nt tbUtime?
'ITic follorln may be a contolution to Ihe
few Dimtikrals uv the North, who have '
guue so far into copptihesulism that they
cant change their bate :
In tho mornln v go forth rt-jololn In
our strength In the (.renin we ore bustid
ami wilt!
Man born uv woman (awl most uveu
arc) Is uv few ilu)s, ir them Is so full uv
trouble that lis tkarscly worth while belli
born ulull.
In October I waded in woo Kneedeep
and uow the wqtcrs uy nffllclnhuii are
about my thin.
I look to the nasi, ami Massachusetts
roll In Abllshun,
To the wst I turn my eyes, and Wis
consin and Minnesota und Ilhnoy answers
Southward I turn rny Implorln gaze,
and Muryland sends greetin Ablishun.
In New York we bad cm, for lo I we run
a soljtr, who fought valiantly, and we pul
him on a platform, which stunk with i.ig
ger yea, the savor thereof wui louder
than the Abllshuu platlorm itself. j
Hut behold ! the people jeer nud flout
and say "the p'utform stiuketh loud
enough, but tho smell thereoor is ( tim
smell uv whloh 11 Is composed and the cor
rupshun tho Lev placed on it" and New
York goes Ablishun.
Slocum held hlmlf up and scd "come
and buy." And our folks bought blm
and bis tribe, but be getteth not bis
Noo Os-.iuev AjiusiicnII
Job's cattle wuz slain by murrain and
Lollcr-horn end tlch, and not lirfn near
Noo York, the flesh thereof be could not
Hut Job bed suthln left still io cood
sell the bides and tallow 1
Lazarus Led sores, but be bed dorgs to
lick them.
Noo (Jersey wuz the bide k tallow ur
the DImocrisy, and lo that is gone.
What little Is left uv tLe DImocrisy is
all sore, but where Is tbo dorg, so low as
to lick It?
Noo Gerscy wuz our ewe lamb lo 1 the
strong band uv Abli6huu!sm bez taken
Noo (Jersey wuz the Aryat on which
our ark rested behold ? the dark waves
uv Abllshnlsm sweep over it I
Darkness falls oyer roe, like a pall the
shadder uv woe encompasseth me.
Down my furrowed cheeks rollelb the
tears uv anguish, varyin lo size from a
large Pea to a small later.
Noo Gertey will rote for the Constoo-
lincl Amendment, and lol the Nigger will
! possess tie land.
Who will deliver us? Who will pluck
s from the pit Into which we Lev fal
Where I slid go II, o Iifd only knows,
but my Imptcssion is, South lCarllny will
be my future home. Wmle Hampton Is
elected Governor tvrtnln, ami In tlmt noble
Slato, one may perhaps preserve enough
uv the Democratic Slates Kites leituu to
ten ven whole lump.
"I'm nllote- I'm allot
On the dark rolling sea I
And into what harbor fate will drive
my weatlier-brntcu bark, the undersigned
can not trooly stir.
Noo (Jersey furorcll ! The world
may stand It n year or two, but I doubt
Mournfully and sadly
IVrnot.ieru V. N.esnv.
I.ato Paster uv the ('hurrh uv the Noo
Despcnsahfii. (.'in. .Viiinrti Cam.
John A tin in O (,'oui hlp.
The ltoston 'IranHtifl says: A cor
respondent send us the following Interest
hours of the night In (ceding on thu bitch
ing post.
"Now Abigail bad a sister whoso name
was Marry, who was betrothed to a
wealthier uml it wus believed more prom
ising jouiig man ; whose prrwneo was uel
comril most rordially by tho reverend's
"The good parson lud piossibkil rstcli of
his dauihttr Ilia I on Ibst itcoanlon of lr
iiKtmugp tie wowmi prencu a ss-imnii iriiui
, , , ,
the text of Ur nun seleetion. Mary first
married, nml beuutifully appropriate did
the father think tbo text: "Ami Mary
bath vlioseti that good wrt !" In due
time Abigail inirrlet, ami chuoss for Ur
text, 'I'nr John came iiIUt lullng nor
drinking, iir.-l they my, he luth u ileUI."
Tradition doe nut li-ll us ns we mm in
ber, luiiv the text phuted tho fulher, but
the sermon was ptfichtil. Mry, Indeed
' -
chosen goo-l part. I.er life was u happy ',u" l"u tt,""u """'' Ain.ncan rnwlmn
one, and I.er husband wus a nun or meiibs "" b'l lnd.stiunlib'o and lulo
bii.1 rnrH-clabiliiv. Ahiuuil was u won.yn ' ' ('on.liliiili.n uml Government.
' ,iT stplni, fiir.'rtiutirf npni.llj.ul ix Iftt .1
w. .,, ....v.ihi.-, h .vui-ii .rv, n.-
possessed of groat nobility of olmtuiilir,
while the names of her hiisbainl am son
will live as long as ll.c love of libv-rly In
t plr is the soul of man,"
iww Hngluml dinner lu this city, soys lU
(J.goiiuii, Dr Hillows made some slutn
ineuts which uru particularly worthy of
note. He said;
'No less than thirteen millions of urmey
paMd through his licnd fur the lellifol
the widows uml orphans of thu bravo mrn
who flight tins! battles lu the late strug
gle. He would stato a ciruumstanon lhat
would scarcely be believed unless It cuu.e
from uuthonly, that no K( than iilntty
per cent, of the army who fought through
out the war were purely American. Ie
did not think bis friend, the I'rcsiilunt of
I lie St. Patrick Society, would be obliged
lo him for this statement, but it was, nev
ertheless, the truth, uud if bis worthy friend
wus chagrined Mlh this statement, he
would say to hlui, It Is so; but let the
London lima put lhat fad in its pipe und
smoke It. More than thut, more than nine
ty per cent, tl the claims of wounded sold
iers and soldiers widows und orphans came
from those of foreign birth. Ho did not
say this to reflect upon the gallantry ami
loyalty and bravery of the Irish ami Ger
man and other people who bad so nobly
fought for the Union and the country
they had adopted. He merely did It at
this time ut the close of Ihe great events
thiough which they had pased lo vindi
cate the character and patriotism of thoriu
live element, and In disabuse tho.e powers
abroad who imagine,! or wUhed to please
themselves or their subjects Willi tnu mea
that the great American struggle, onu me
great victor7 which closed it was achieved
by tho foreign clement lu this country,
1 ins was not so, w itn irianKS ami grati
tude to the Irish. German and other ele
ments that entered Into the struggle, no
was bound to make this declaration st the
present time."
VOL. XI. NO. 0
On Chousing a Wife.
If you, my friend, would havo n wife,
To cheer the gloomy hours of life,
And give you constant plen'tire;
First look for one that's young and fair,
With countenance devoid cTcuo
And rnollsh affectation,
Mark how her lelsuro hours she spends,
And If wlllt wl'cntnl tlrtuousftlciidt,
In cheerful cotircsntloii;
If at ilnt) times the lnlruellve pigs,
In search or truth, her thoughts engage,
She merits approbation.
I'hcWot'k lii-forr Slit) National
Union Party.
Tha Washington Chronicle of the 20th
,n!t devote n long nrtlcle to tho work be-
fore the National 1,'ulon parly," In which
it advise thu union of thnsu whoso caunscli
Ihio preserved the Government, upon a
platform of principles which will Insura
ful n ro success. Wo make the following
extract from this nrtlclo:
Tho materials for tbo base, tho super
structure, the solid wall, nml the crown
ing canopy of tin Great National Union
parly nrc, wo conceit c, tu bo found In the
following ptnlu proposition) :
1. That Ihe rclvllioii neither destroyed
the Itcfmhlic nor the Slates of which It Is
2, Tlmt slavery having provoked and
hastened nml (ought for Ihe rrbelllon, It
was forfeited by the first gun fired by treo
son, was disiro)eil by thu distinction of
the rebel armlcn, ami was burled In tho
same grave with Ihe rebellion llM-lf.
.'). That the four millions of human be
Ings made ft re by the suercs of the Union
arms must be protected lu their iffarls to
labor fur nml lo ihvalo nml Instruct them
nlvts; ami lhat Ihe Government should
iiJnpl such n policy us will fnieur pre
vent them fiiiui Mug nude the victims of
the cruelly of their former inmlus.
I. That tu hiy the national iKbt prin
cipal und IntiTist, Is nu obligation us sa
end nnd ns binding us tho covenant to
milnliiln the Union and obnlicnro we owe
to Cod.
5. That not one farthing of the dt lit
Inclined to begin nml to prouculc Ihe ro
belllon shmiM etir be rtvognlz-d by tho
Giaeriiineiit or ll.e xolo ol the Unitrd
Stale, urn ltg.ided save us n inuliuinriit
ol the fatal drlutou uml iirisMu.iible retrl
Imtlim nf the men who took urms against
tlmlr bfiiefjclor uud fiieml,
C. That ii mm nf aniliurs ami Inulrs
of the inlwltliMi sIkxiM ovw Ihs uilmlllul to
pliuM of Irust or honor uudsr the Gener
al Goveiuiutiit.
Tf. 'flwt htiiceforward the energies
of tins iodo of tho reslond Union
ihmiM U devoted to Ho ileiehqi
iik nt of tin natural icsuurcti of tho whole
counliy, to tin protrctton uf thij doincillo
IihIii. tries uml maiiiifueluris uml to Iho
jMiftviion of thoM) s;r(it conueotiug uvir
laiel thorougfaiu by which ull sections
""" i,,u," u' """',,l """"""nd togolber
The New Ymk PiwyiiMH u funny pa
per. Prof. Hanmbil'a lectures ure uUajs
in lb point. In a recent one he describes
MPogrufy" thus l
"0'iisf.uly, my frens, miens ile longer
tilde, I.ism r luds uu sllcwushuuiibdi-i-arlh,
or tie ulnU. Ut am, It (ells ycu 'uclly
wh-ir you am, wedder in ds temperance,
witrsorile inlsui'Mruiice zone, or weddir
ymi am near de espilu oxtail line, or In dq
l.oml.feur. Darfore you kin see wt your
eyisshut di great tlluly ejb 'bslo pested
I ndd stance."
"Will Iho Whilw work J" a Georgia
journal tuggMts, Is a question of I ho
r;ra,t Imporlanee. HltUrto, the hull
nation portends n negative unjwer. The
grejt inaMof them obtusely, prefer loafing
In bar rooms am) country stores, pitching
pennitM for drinks uml chewing plug
tobacco, to setting Ihctnsehes resolutely to
HxcitKii OitATon. "Yu havo lakeu
Atlanta, we have lakeu Savannah, Colurn
bus, Charlsatou, uml now ut last wo havo
captured Petersburg nnd pecupy Itlch
moud, uud what remulns for us to take ?"
An Jrlihman In the crowd shouts, "last's
tuko a drink." The crowd disperses lis
various directions.
The following prior lu punctuation Is a
good illustration of the comma. At
banquet, this lobtt was given : "Woman
with out her, man Is u brute." The re
porter had it printed "Woman without
her man, is u brute."'
Jr.fr Davis says Fcnlanlsm Is a bubble.
An exchange remarks (but "ibis Is looked
upon us an opinion as Is an oplnlou. II there
is a judge of bubbles lo be found, DavU
Is doubtless tbo man."
Why are husbands like dough? Bccsum
I the wooea kcead (otxd) tbem.