M.MMUM.raaj MtgMMMMMMMM THE OREGON vTi'nnAY rei. 10. isoo. A flood Tlilnp." Mi Snooks : I found the following r-,igrsmmc In n newspaper of recent dale, tnd l:a come to the conclusion to join the Good Trmplurees), right away. I ffcnWn't mind jolnlnc throe or four time ,0 o to maUo sure you know : i.TA'c understand tlint ttiayoitnp Indies of Krcrat counties In thl Stntc have mutually ,-recd to kiss the lips ol the young tem perance men, to see If they have been tm poring with liquor. Just Imagine n beau tiful young girl approaching the young Itnipcrnncc man, with nil the dignity of nn executive officer, nnd tlie Innocence of n dove, nltb the charge: .jif, ,thc Indies bollcvo tlint you arc io the the halilt of tampering with llgttor, nod have nppolnted mo to examine yoti according to our established rules t nrc jou willing ?' You nod acquiescence. She gently steps close to you, lays her soft, white nrms aronnd your neck, dnhes back her raven carls, raises her sylph like form on her tip toes, her bosom ngalnst your own, her angelic fcnturen lit tip with n smile sweet u heaven, places her rich, roy, pouty, iitcet.sugar, molasses, honey, butter, eggs, lurfl'iwcr. strawberry, llliy .rosebud, honey ruckle, tart, cream, baby-jumper, npple-ple, peach pudding, npplc-dumpllng, ginger bread, nectar lips Atnlnst yours and (Oh. ,Tcrualcml) Hurrah for the girls nnd the Maine law. nnd death to till opposition!" Now. Sally, wouldn't that be nice , No wonder you're n Good Templar. If Hint's tbf way you Initiate n fellow n Mr. Nasby says, "I'm onto It," nnd if you're tn he the executive officer, just consider mc a candidate at the next rrgulur meeting. O.sk or tiik Nov.. Jacksonville, Tcb. 10. ?mr.w Loosk. We are not In Hit kbit of growling nnd don't like to do It, except on extraordinary occasions. We thick that occasion has arrived. The cemetery road is In n very bad condition almost lmpailble and should be repaired. We don't know whose bubiness it Is, but to fill up the ruts nud put In culverts tn prevent future washing out would be but the work of a few days, and out'ht to be attended to by some one. A Nkw Ccrn:niiK.iP Pai-kii - Rumors arc rile in the city that it coupta of Cop perheads ure purposing to start a pp r tare, to be devoted to the work of re-lnr-iep Slate rights, together with slavery uihI the political principles on which the late Southern Confederacy was built. It Is! (aid that It will nlio steadfastly oppoe j this "infrnul Abolition war." The nunc of the persons who are to engage in this j sttipenduoits work of bringing the country Lark to "Democratic" principles thut is to say, to the principle which were our tkrcwuwhen the rtbellion was quelled' are AbUolt nnd ItnlS.r. Tli. former it. SIOTRI,. lv,, i ii..i.. ... m: i . i . i I Woolen Fuetorv nt n me ii'drl in the coun Lear, It latelv from Illinois, we have It-urn- ... . ., .... ,, ' ... .1.:. ...n .. .11 0 notbiny ubottt the latter. We do not koow win their puKr will be loued. Some of the faithful inform us that it will come out in u few wetks. Uregonum. Tiik UrjiociiaTic Ccmimi. Couuittck. The Slate Ctttitrol Cuinmittce of tlut cjlete organfeatloit l;nou us tl.C'Uem OMiitlc" parly, met yesterday in this city. urt lite or six counties appeared tube' represeuttd. Wo ore informed Ihal the 1 Alb of April is fixed as the day fot thtir State Convention. It will bo held in tins place. Tbe county Conventions nrc re commended to be held ou tho i'li of March. Tho meeting of the committte ywterday was the first appearance of the copperheads for the season. Ilereaficr, however, they will appear on numerous oc casions until the clo of the first Monday io June, when they will be withdrawn. Positively their lust appearance" will be made on that day. Qitgoman. 1 1 - .. 1 .. 1 8tat. it uppeurs from published reports! that the expenses of maintaining the Fed- wb..4(. 1.A1-AABU u, 111b 4 Aiirn tral troops In the Statts of Californio, Oregon and Xevuda, dorlug the year 16C5, amount to 512,022,901 ; while Hie Mt receipts from customhouse dues, tamps, and internal revenue, foot up about SlO.228.ie8, showing that the espmses of tU former oerbulance the umouut paid tbe General Government by the people by some two Billion dollars. Pair Play. The tunnel in this mine bas beo run so far that the edge of the kdge has been struck. Dy next week the fc.dgo will be better developed, .when we w'" give a more extended occount. Pat Dolan, at Inkeriimn, bowed bis aa to a cannon ball which paired six laches abovu bis bare skin, 'l'uith.' lf Put, "oijo uecr loses unything by politeniiB," Plod. r-Fehruary 7th, EllKabtth Ann. Contort of "w. U. Arundull, aged thlrty-thtee years, e'eun moulhi aud tlghtcuu days. At tho Ply male Residence, six milts from K.!!u"vUle' oa February 12th. James ltb,BeatweDl y-tbrte years. Dtceased w t paUre of Eastoq. New York. .... . . . " . inuhlnjtootount, K.y,pipri pUu.copy. JQoi-u. -February 4tb, to tLe wile of M. Bellto e'i oo, .finr HhrhiVKD. nt l!ic CITY I1O0K STORK the M)nrn. frmn 1) ckcr.' work: David C'onpcrlHI, Flckwlek Papers, Oar .Mutual FrienJ, Ureal Expectations p,hrf1ltn! P'w'm. OM Curioitv Shop Mnrtln ChiiaVwlt, nn.l Oliver Twist. A WOXDKUrt'r. VALF.NTNKI! On cxibitlen t the City Hook Store NKW TO-DAY. JACKSONVILLE RACES! May 24th, 25th, 26tli. rpilC rNDERSIOSKD hkhkhy an X notincp tint tlicy arc unking prepaid lion for Spring Race At Jacksonville, on Thursday, Friday nnd Saturday, May 24th. 25th and 2flth, Due notice of place and purses will lo clvcn, Addison Holms. I Pro, ,. Thomns Qianlnni. f rrl "' Jacksonville, lelinuty a. leoC HERMAN, WDURD & TEKTRlLOQUlSr, IS COMTXG ! His Gorgeous Temple OF MYSTERIOUS AND Mechanical Science, Will be opened on TIT.SUAV nnd WEDNESDAY EYEM.NGS, February 13th and 14th at the TLT- - EMCt.. ADMISSION 61 00 MINERS NOTICE. Tin: citizi:n's or jackson coun ty generally, and Hit miners particu larly, are ben ly rtque'tcd to meet at Ibe Court House, In Jacksonville, on Saturday, the 17 lb or February. 10 lake Into consider ation proper measures to prevent the fur ther eutrv of mineral 1aml. OEORUK VANIHS. W. A. JOHNSTON, JOHN WltlCHT. T. 11. HA lI'M AIISH. MUM.i:it.t IlIUINTANO Ketimary 7ih. lcfirt . Mild. 1 COUNTY COURT. FHHHUAUY TKHM, isce. State of Oreoti, 1 ITnal Settlcmint County of JacUou 1 I I.v tiiu mii: (!' tin. man: or John nrsi son, M.OI XsKl). Nntlc" l l.er Ity ltf that Emerson I. Onto, adinifl-unlor nfsaiil estate. lm filed hi tliiitl ermil fur the rlmil stttlrmenl of tuld c.iHl-: HinltliKt .MoiHla. Ih 6lh day of March ImX hnx len mI Hpart Inr thv Diml t-ft I U in' nt ofMtid estate with the ail niUilrtinlor theriof. Il order of linn, J C Tliiin. county Jnd?H W.M . 1101 1WIAN. Clerk. 1VI. 0. 1C. M10l WOOLE2M TACTOHY. rpilK CITIZrV-: r, j rK'fiS COI N J ty are t -Ut -t. il Io licet ut tin ('urt Hour', oil Saturday I .I'litvy lo. Xf'h. to dike Mi'tw t'mn.il the totai.llrhineiit of a . IV. Jill IIIIIM.' Illll Il''r.l Ml lid l.ll i, till .ix' at I ilid MXY CITIZENS. Juck-mi. Jan 31. 6. fWw2 TweiiCy-Secoml Felinmrj! UNITED STATES HOTEL A GR&HD BIRTHDAY BALL Thursday, the 22d. iGENEKAL INVITATION TO ALL. MUBK'SKCTHKD. Jnehsonville, Feb. 'J, 'CO. feb3 - Clerks of School Districts. i rturc nrK..iinni i)ut,li-t are rwnie.t- S '"" v. .-- . - -...7. ... V t-U to mud In lliuir Annual urpuur u toon u prHdluaUlv, inude out tlrictly nc coiding to law. As jet nut Uo hav Ueu recIid, l: J'lum flock l'olut and 1Mb-Kbi-m. Thoo ilUlilcls. n yet without n deQuutlte ,Aif an- icfjuetted to give town selve n ciusisTtMNO at their next annual meeting. M- A. UIU.IAMb'. gup. Com. Schools. January 31fct, 16C0. fcb3l The Last Chance! TUB MDliLLS HOTEL TO 3! ATINE CIIANCETO MAKE MONEY! Tbe undii.inuid ImUvIious of renting his property at Lttrdau lis, cvtisistinK ol a tluefiuiu. (lUUacns under cultivation) a Hotel, newly pamUdund Ulrfullr rifltud, lino gulden, oictard and lnejaid adjolu lug il. Tlaro Is a tine spring uear tbe Ho tel. For further parliculau. call at Thom as Chavucr's Hunch, at Ulackweil. THOMAS CHAVNER, February 1st, lfcOC. feb3m3 Novel Holies! tf.O F0" eiSENT TO ANY AD tj5Oc) dre" on receipt of ,onc dollar, le gal tenders, five $5 notes of (the so-calltd) Conftderalu .Slate of America, Iiuol at Ktcbnond S- I't 186J. oUo -Hank of Ten-oessee-10e lUld at Nahvill''. W'C , 1861 Address Box 70, JackMioville- GOTOTHi; ITY HOOK STORE wd f r how vwy sbtap lty sll lool l T?om r..u ,n rivi. rrf (Vt' 1.LJ- l&atf k-t BM - i isi3Ss FRANCO-AMERICAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, Opposite the McCully Buildings, Jacksoivville Oiiegoiv. Madame Jeanne DeRoboam. The Mntlmno tnkes (his method of tcmloring her thanks to the Dllblio. for tho niifrmmn-n u-lii,ti lina Iu(Iii!m 1w.ii hv. tended to her; and would respectfully solicit n continuance. Itrr Tnlilrn, trc always under her Imme diate control; ami tiv her long experience In the business she ftels conliiiiiiit that rhc will ghc entire tallifactton to all MEALS WILL BE SET AT ALL HOURS. Jacksonville, Oregon, January 1-1 th, 1SG5. M i a. li er 2? & a; o m ft 7 ? sw s S 2 v an E ISlJ m WW O V t H a r1 X U & r 9 4T SP Q ba 5 0 r s c 5- PC p 0 0 b ill f a n 72 ! H r X I 3. o 4w i tfJl &m ,rrY U2SE LATEST BY STEAMER, Kvcryllilng A'ew and PrcUy i.v tiik wav cr JEWELRY. FANCY GOODS AND TOYS, C'ii) be found at Variety Store, Olifox-axin. Stroot, One door above Ilradbury & Wade. TK take this method to infurm the Public that Ibtir steam saw mill is now situated on (Jridins k about ihtee and a half miles south ta.l course from JackwnUlie, onJ v. .11 have cftntianlly on baud a good supply of lumber, all bills for lumber cut on thort notite N. II. The came of the firm forrnerailv doiu" businets under tbe name of M. AllI ler .t Co , has now diolied us to Miller, uml will benaftfr do buslmsg onder tl.s. oameolD. II Uurreughs i Co., and all business irarnactiOBS mujt be done wltii I) (I Jlurrouslu. t jj 11 uunnocans & t-o. January 27, 18CC- Wat. 3STo"tioo. CHX Oil KIGI1T MtN ACCUSTOMED O to j-rralug aod teaming, can Ond bus- liitss, hy th y'- v ,al1 wa'':' l7 o?11.1"! nn the rub:rilr oa me rue CyRijn3 II. FJCKENA Tank-'ck Ranch, ) Jan. U, JkW- I Jan20v6 G 0 TO TUB CITY DB.UQ STORE aLd boy yoar wu irpo 3 " i 1 -5vV llrr ItfiU nul Itoonu. arc fltrd tip in th imitconi fortnhle it.lc; mltisl lo the accommodation orIugl oc cupants, nr fnnilllpi. 'Her beds arc always kept clean tf UXITIII) STATIC MAIIi. Orcpoii. Post OsriCK llriMiiTWi.T, IPntHirori )tt.blh,M!i. 1'IlOPOiSAI.S will be receUiil nt the Contract Ollieeol lhl )rp.irlineiil until .'I p. in ol February W, lftllfi, for conveylig the mails of Hie Unite,) States, from duly 1.160C, to June .10, 180, on the follow ing route In Oregon, being in addition lo the routes etiuniernlcd in thcadmti'emt'iit ol July, .'II, tn which bidders nrc referred t irl22. From Hie Dalles by John Day's (My lo Canyon Clly, 180 miles nnd back, once n week. Iliddt-rs to propose a schedule of depart ures und arrivals. W. DKNNISON. Postiaastcr Oinerat. Summons. I N the Circuit Court r the Slate of Ore- J lion, for the county of Jn-ephlue. Harriet l)o.ik- l'lalntlir,. John Poako llerendsnt. hit in io.iirr 1 on a nivonvr. To John )oake: You are resulted t appwrln mM court, mid nner Ihe eouipl.Ont of wild pliilullH', illui uiiAiu-t jou, wiiiiin iiii il;iji irom tlie tliui' dI tin tIc' of llil- ruiiiiuiinson you, If ciiil within mid county, or If nr Mil mi you within ituy ollivr euuuly in (Ms Slate, then within twenty dujs from ihe llini-nf 111.' M'Miei', nrlfMrwd on jou out ofihe t bt:itt orOri'goti, iIkmi It I. ouhred hy lion. I'. I1. 1'rlni.JiiilKi'ot Mid ciitiil. lli.it pulill cation Ih' in.i'K' lur six weik In the Or'gm I'litlui'l prior to the second .Mond-iy In April. IM,il. And juii are nollilid that If jou fall lo aiiMt.rMul couiplaliii as uhoiu reipilrtd, I tlie I'l.ilntill'Hlll apply to the court lor the nlli'f ihiiiaudiHl therein, lo-wll: , I or 11 divurcu from the luinls , of uiatritiioiiy now olttlnt' IxtHien j Hie pl'tintill and il'-f. ndiitii, and lor the care ami cu-tHiyoi ineiniiiirtii 01 iuu iu.irriiif( ami fur the cots uitd dl'I'urniiieuU of thlt suit, ami lur kcihthI n lf. (ilteu iiml.r my li.ni'l lhl 2d day of Jan ury, A. I'. IM1. IIAIIIIIIvl' llOAKK. In proiH-r pi'rson 1, w. AAliK. 1. M.MIIUN. tKWFIMiiinlXEW0S. SMIli; undrrslKneil hating purcha.cd Irom .1. Dr. I,. iS. TliompKiii hU (iiliri' lKk of diucs ami .mi:dk:im:s, AT IIIB CITY DRUG STORE, lime ord' r d. niul are now nwlvluj;. a I ir Imi'.' or rteck from the bett estab I ti'i h'Mi-'i In San I'lHiii'beo. (I r sl"i k ioiim.U of tlie purif I nnd imol til u'jI 0111. nial riiniatiiii'.ii the nwikel, a 1 i',ll I', iH.iiiilar I'utiiit MwlieilH'ii of the day, I'M I''1'" "ith a well tvleettd uioit "ml ut X'oi-fiimorlow, 32Jx.tr tott at-1 1 am y Oood In nur lli' We liato alro added lo our butlnvst ItiiokK uml Stationer)', and will ke-p coiulaully on hand all lint the mark I demand'. Any hooks or papir p'llib.htd muy U: ordered tlirungli uu, aud will Ijo fiiiiii.IKd with dispatch. HAVAtiK k BUTTON. JackionWIh1, Kept, 'i'i, 'Cft, repliUw I Veterans & RecruitH. fPHI.' lat I.ogMatiircJeltes u bounty of I 8liO lo each roerult In the regiment now Iwing railed. Italiototid I'iit Dollars Pr month txtu my In eathpertonlwlont; lug lo the cat ally legimeiil euli.led Hint' ji'iiraxo. '1'li'K' aniHUiilH ar lo loul, Hi rilate lloud'. ThoM wli'liluy these bomld would do well tocull on- JACOIIH A ItUa'SIIM.. Jaekrontille, Jam 12, 'ill. janlllf ri'llll only Insurance (yumpauy that can I. legally do I'UkiueM In Oreuu U I lie f'aclflo '1 hey hate compiled w lib the Una of Oregon, I, dpfilini( 3iO,0UU in the State. Cub upital i7SO,0ul). tACIi.S A. IlltO'rf AKnl' Jatk.onvillc I'ebruaiy 2flih. ItiM. lel,Ut Good .cw.s lur Ladies! HOLLER & BBENTANO, Agtritu for OroirrA Iluker'scel- ehrattd UlUbtic Stitch SuwiiiK Alach'c, Have on hand a variety of those mu- ihiues for trial and in- pecllou. rpo thete machine was awardid the first X Premium at Iho Hlate Fairs of ti'evv York Indiana. Vermont, Ohio, Iowa, llil- not, Keulucky Michigan, I'enutylvauia aud Oregou, over all opooiltlou. Call around, ladles, before purehaslog ebewhere, aud examine thu-o machines. MULLER & DRENTAWO. Jane Sd, lao5. jueSlf G 0 TO TUB OITY DRUG SfOiWl. TABLE OF'STAMr DUTIES , lranvlt.t Act tf Juni3klCI1 Olitrrrnllioo nit Slump Putin. It Is not lawful to record an nutmpctl or Improperly stamped inttrument, docu ment or paper, and It isccrded, such record shall be lold. and shall not be ued in evi dence i tnil the Instrument, document, nin) ptper lmll not, In eouseipience, be deemed iu.Yttlld and of no effeot 1 aud all such pa pers of an omVhtl niltifc, lsuetl or ued by Ihr odlv'tTS of tin' Cnllrd Slates govern ment are exempt from stamp duly. $200 line for Issuing nny tasabto docu ment without a ulaT.p. SlUl) flue fur it.t uitr. nccullnllne or Qller- liifr tn pijnuDt any utHlarupcd tlrftp, er onler. $10 penaltr lor not nfllliii; stamp on cos metics, mntcfie. sun picture, Ac. $S0 pennlty for reinnrlnit and re urlnn nnv sump to evade sinmp duty. ilocumentimtde In foreign countries, to be used In this, tnutt Im stamtted as If undo here nnd tho stamps mut IU afllted and canceled by the parly lo whom suh docu ment are Issued, or oy whom they are used In this country. Nd'dftM er mortpige of real eslalo shall lie rciinlrctl to pay a stamp duly exceeding si.ouu. AVhcrc Jutiil I rold subject tn a mart;aK'' If the crnnt -e nmne ptytneul of the mart Kuc, the stamps must e for whole vaueof the land ; If Krat)lce docs not covcn.tul to pay mortgage, Iho stamp mtil tic npproprl nt to the consldrratlou of the tant. Inrtmir, The Internal lli'tenue l.w require every person lo pay Income lav on all Income for the p.tt j ear over nnd nlnitc SOW) derlted from nny ourco whalcter. 'I he lax Is live per ernium on the llrst $.1,000. In execs 111 er $000. nnd ten Hr centum 011 the excew over $,'i,(i00, Income should to made up for Ihu entire year, from Iho llrst day of January To th Iat day of UrccinhtTi IniIIi ibijs Inclii'lve. 1 lie sooner this i made up alter (he uipliatlon or the year, the more correct It will likely he. 1hl sliitemeiit should U made up III detail, sIiowIhk the receipts niul rxpeiiditurr from dlllireiil souires. I-nun this stall meiil, llni n-tessur will heeniihlid lo muke ui it correct income of nil person. Thl ' ' 'finrnt should K iiiinle to the I', & Astcvof 011 p; before the 1st of May following. AcknowledKemenl of deeds or old ir instiiimeiil...... I) Ani'l.tlit Aprvt'ineiil or appralsemenl, lor imcIi sheet AsilKumi'iil or IrnutUr of inort KUjte, le.in'.or policy of liiiir:inco, or the leui'wal of any agreement, coutrai'l or ehatlir, Is suhject to the same duly at orlttltntl Inilru ini'iil Hank Cheeks, draft, orders, cte,,nt lht or 011 drumml, lur all sums nl i.n.ne cue.illn,! $10 Hills ol l.tili.in.., i,lul,iid Jrujt or older for Iho pajmuil of any nun til money, nnd any prnml sory note, (except lunk notes Is sued rjr ciicnliitioii,) r any mir.ornndiiui, cluck, receipts nr other wiltlen or ptiNled evidence of money lo ho paid, on sums not cu-cediiij; $1(10 For every additional $100, or frac tion Ihinof Illll of lltchaiiKO, (liiielitn) drawn In sets ol three or more, lor ttery hill of each set. where the sum doe mil exceed $100 nr II riiilv- ulcnl In foreign currency For t very additional $ loo or frac tion Ihireof If drawn singly or In dupllcat, same lutes ol duly n Inland Hills of 12xchaiii;e. For any foiriKii po.'l.cn every Ml) of ouli Sill Hill of solo 0 nny tusul 01 putt thereof, when the cootideratlo.l ilora not txe'd rflo" I or eivrj u'lilllionul aU0 or liao lion thereof.... Hill of mIv of intnul property . lloud for liidetiiuilyluK any ,rnin, wluro (he sum doe not uMcvd $1.000 .'. . For ertry additional ii,W or fraction lloriiir llond for due eecutlon of dutiw of olllce llond for deed or oouiejaiico of laud liomU dI any ileserllillou, other than riah as aie iiiiilitd in legal procoiliugs, uml siuih us arts not olhvrwiM) ehargtd Cauls, plajlng, wr puck, uot ox vmliiU In iilu Is) oiti...... . Our In aud not our "! centu perMik .' Oter '-'' aud not over AO cents Cuiitlcaii h ol l.oau, hi me u prom sory tiole C rlilicttes of depo.lt In hank, sum not uWidlug $100 hum uxcoedliig lo0 Cirtllicale of slock In an Incorpo rated rompiny Ccrtiticatu of prollls In un Incorpo rated company, for a so in not ju limn $10 nor exeeiillng ff'O, Hxcwdlug iCO und not oiouidluy $1,000 Kor eviry addHioual il.ooo or fruetion then of .... , C( 1 tiUcatu of dauiav or other docu mails taxied hy port wardeu or limine nn myor , Cerlilkatea of uny othr dcnrlp lion Hi in IIiom! ,eei(lil Cvrtiliid lraiik:ripu of Jiulgiuent, Mll.facliou of jildi(liiiit, and of other paper leoonUd, und el pa per uu Dlu, oath Co;i(ru, broker ' Coiiteyaiu.0, detxl or other lllilrtt in tilt conveying real iitoiivrty. tempt. (Jft ' OA 03 01 02 10 60 Ml 03 60 to 1 00 '.'$ 2ft (li 01 10 01 03 25 10 25 25 25 03 03 the actual value of whleb eieeeds tlUO uud dotM not uxveeil flOO. 10 60 I'or ettry additional oOO or ImlIioii . ... DupaUh, telegiakilu, where Iho llisl leu rtoi.lt doe not exceed W cent ,..,, Ktfwtdiug VO ctuts Document inadu in foreign coun tuts, (power of attorney , deed, or oilier docuiueut,) to M utui lu Ihu United status, shall py samu duly u II ImikiI ii tho Lultml .Statu. Fntry or oodsor ware at thu Cus tom Monte, either for couiump tipuor urthoutlng,uot oxcud- lug blOO III value laucidiug $100 und not exceed iiiK $600 10 ao 23 30 1 00 30 lacetding $i001o taluo. Wuhdiawal ol goods Iron Irom bond- . . . , . in "Ultxu.iuj . , ,; ,'f Iij.utaoc'e, (marine, Inland und Are) where umCiuul imld doea not ex ceed $10 , From SlO lo $50 , Kxcudlug $50 Insurance, (lite) when amount in sured doe uot exceed $1,000... Exceeds et.OOO and'Vlocn nut ex ceed 43,000.... KiMisls $5,00fJ. , L(aie ot lands or tenements, w ln.ro the rntal laluedots nut exceed $300 ptr annum L'XttudluK 100, for eyery adds Moaal iJcsO or tractioo! . , 10 23. 0 23 0 1 00 50 60 Chi!l' of of jfiMrant' nf rniy ni'Mil "lie il . V' nt" itiMilioiiitl. I,"Kiild'H;uinesit writornllirorln- ) Inal proees. eomnienciil In any court of law Or equity. ,...,, it. When ami'tinl chiimetl b a writ lsucd In 11 court not of record is $100 or over 59 Upon confession of Judgmcut, or cognovit Tor $100 or oter ., 60 Appeiil from JiitUei or Inferl- or court lo eonrt of reeord... . 30 Warrant of dllres, wIimi am't of rent doe not exceed 100 . 33 When tlie nnionnl exceeds 100 . 30 Manifest for Cmlom IIouj entry or clearance of the cargo of any vce not exceeding 3011 tons... 1 01 From DCO lo 000 Ions 3 Of Kxcecdinit (!00 ton 5 Of .Matches, lu package of 100 orleu 01 For every additional 100 In a package 01 Mortgage of real or personal prop erty lor it sum exceeding 100 and not exceeding flOO dollars 39 For evtry additional 000 dollars or fraction 30v Fawner's checks ,. 03. l'ai.igo ticket lo a foreign port, costing not over 33 dollars ... 30 From 23 lu 30 dollars 1 00 For every addition il 30 dollars or fractional t 00 Patent Medicines, bitters, pxrfumt re, cometle, etc, on cash paek ate retailing at not over 23 cents 01 lioin U to 30 cents 02 1 rotn 30 to 73 cents 03 From 71 cents to one dollar.... 01 Our one dollar, each additional 30 cents 02 Power of attorney lo sell ir trans rvr"stoek, laind or sstlp, or col lect dividend Ihercoii 23 To vole at Mectlou n Incorpo rated company 10 To reeeltis and collect rent. . 23 To coot ry real estate, or lent or leusii Hie snin'e I 00 For any other purpn.o 30 I'hologr.ijdis.iipon each pleture, Iho prire of which does not excc-td'.'fl cent 02 From 23 cent to 30 cents 03 From 30 ceiils lo ou dullar 03 I'nr tu-ry iidillllounl dollar or ftarllnn thtreol 03 I'roUito id will, nr leltets nt sd lnllil.lt atloti. whro ll tabo-iif Uilh teal an 1 h'ioiiuI estatit dowt not exeet'i 2,000 dollars.. J 01) For every additional l.ool) dol lau nr traction llu'itnif .... 30 llond of cxefiitot, itdmliilslin tors, Iril'lee and giiaidlam SO (Vtlllloali) of aplHtlulm-1!!! 03 I'rolit upon nole, lilll ofuxchauge, check, itnift. etc. . . .. 23 Promissory note lor n sum nut ex irtdlug 100 dollars .. 03 Por etery aildllliin.tl 100 dulUra or fractional pirt IhertMif 05 Iteuewal of promlssnry note sub ject lu Mime slump duly. Qniljluliu detd should n slamiied " CoilVej'auee." exeipt wli'il glv en a ' teleas.) of mortgage," In whleb wise II I Ilxcmpl. Itelea-e, illKli.irge. uud snlilclloil of iniirtgiigFi Mlxempt. Ilecilpt for 11 sum exeeedlug 20 dollar 02 Keliirn. (Suagen.', fur ((iiuullly not exert ding 3nO gallon 10 l.'teeetlliig Alio giilloiis .. .. 23 Iteturns, .MeaMirur', fur iuanlily not exceeding I '100 bushel. . 10 i:cefdlog I, IMI(i1h(Iis ... 23 lleluril", Wetghrr', lor "ellil list eicudlng A.UIIU pollttds.. .. 10 Fxcetdliig 3,000 pnumli 23 Trust dud made lo si euro it debt, same n mortgage .. , . I 00 Com ej lug unlaw, Kim u oou ifjaiiv. U'an lioli-o reeolpl for proirly or goods not exei ding lu vain 300 dollar' in I'linii 300 lo I.0IIO dollars ' 20 I'nrt'Uij ndilill. H, al l.ooo dollar 10 uit hoiiK' rKflpIS liol iitli. rwl" protld'd lur .. .... 2A A CARD FUR TIIK WINTER &. SPRING Cloth inc. 'J1 kadi: OF rlAN FRANCISCO. ItAIMJIlK & MMlH.MtlllUiKIt, Nos. 411, 413 and 415 llnttery Ht Cm. .XltuliHiil, siuu I'liiliiUeo, liiiioilcrs and U'liolt'sulc i)KAKHHS. Kiitlio Nnw ami 1'iosli Slock. Wo would call the attention ut Country Morclmnts to our unusually large si out. of tiood. Our stock comprise uicry arti cle lu tho CI.OTHINO k FURNISIIIMJ LINK. We have constantly ou hand the larjjtit und grealett urialy nf (JASSI.MJCUK AND WOOfs HATH ol any hojiw lu .111 I'raluilsoo, ami our pri ce for (heso gmW nra less than tliowi of any lioii.e, nswo teceit Ihvm ulrcl from the inanufaelurer'sconslguiiieiit. OursUsek ol "WINTIM A SI'RINO (IOODS I particularly utlruollie, uml Ih-great fea ture lo ihu country mvichuuta 1 Ihu unusu ally low pric Less tliun thu cost of Iniportaiion I Wo also krp th Uttiilo iVrtlolors In Iho Dry Hoods line, whleb flood we bau purchuktd lu tills market uniltr tlio hanimir, uud ure ollvilug them ut New York cost, und lets. Wo puMUh thl curd in order that wo may make law aupiuintaiit.', uud Induce Ib6 who liatn not heitloliiru pniehat! of u la C II aud examine onr sti. i.ooil Ailii'liH N Unw I'rlfca Am the grtut imliKmemuil wt oiler to all whopurthuM iqsollugaiii. JltrcbauUwho buy of u can make a good proljl, and sell lo their cuito'oi i at it Igw uguru, V( xt mala, ."jHWiliiUy. Your olmlletit servants, IIADOKIt Si I.INDKNIIKHOKH, Wboltiule Ulollnug utul Hal Wurtlionso Nos. -Ill, tl.'l uml 113 (lattery sirtet. Buu Fruneisco, Oct. 2d, '65. mil 3sTcti,oe IS hirthjr giun that there will ha a went lug ot the stockholder lu the tlallloo, Vermont, on Sututdiy, Fetruaty 10th, an tvjo Court Iloute in Jacksonville, Oregon, a 7 o'clock y l. , for Ibu purpose of elvctiuv oncers for the presuiil year uud dolnj iucu other busiues a nay cme Ulcro II. 8 TOOK HOLDERS. January 19, IfcSA. Juu20w3 G ) TO liiE CITY DItL'L. Sit REwlun over yvu wxut med.ciaa ( ay cietvrl; llou