Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 10, 1866, Image 2

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Lilt of Agents ft
L T Fihi
Tboma Davis
IT K Hill
F. G illnavc
Tbom Crcxten .
Wit Spieer
Got. Gibb. .
P M Tbompon
V M Etmi...
i nomas Carr.
the 'rsoon Fiatimh.
5i Fmr cc Cl.
Mtpu. Osn.
Wllbrr da
Hock Point do
Crevton HiwIb do i afcrnj. nbot
. .PoriUod To
Albe.T i
.Altboac 1o
do dn
jhmi' lc wrjucn jp.' could be urdr'ood
H-nest nnd candid rrviceor' yon Imvet
bfiT be luborine the unfo'tnnate P'osident
tfil your tgv shut cowg i blind get
ting the meaning of lit mrs'ace throngb
tbe deep prolundjty of you intellect, till,
like a thief shut up in a dark cellar, you
cry for a ktj. to release yonrelf with, and
eomV that you don't know what vour're
Thomas F. Floyd KertnrvllW do
S. W. Sawrer. do do
Tbes Mr. O'Meara SieaotT at a tangent
and condemn the President because lie
will wither worship at the "ebory shrine'
nor break it to piece, io fact tbc Pre
Woolen Factory .Mrcllngnt
Asui.Avr., F.b M 1C6C.
Pursuant to a rail, publ bed en the
23d of Janna-v for a meetinf to b Md
ot AWnd, lor the purpose t organising
it- mi Mm Mr IIP POlllVl"
il Ul'Itl " .'!! --.-
L F. Pratt, we arc enabled to place be
r..re our renders the following facts In
rtcnrd l lh 'ooca 1'nctory at Oregon
fiiy : , ,
There is In operation lliere what i
termed three et of "Woolen .Machinery
a oompaay to ereet a Woolen Factory t pif, consisting cf three sets card ' them that he had been nppolntcd by the
th id place, citiieo met at the noiei 01 (nhw pineblnes).. four spinning jicm ivc-u territorial uovirnor 01 vv nqiington Tcr
tbt appointed hoar. .plmlles) nineteen double width looms and rltorjr to solicit female emigration, and had
On motion, Thomas Smith. Kq.. was I fashing machinery to match When tlo- 810,000 In gold, to be distributed among
called to the choir and II F Mytr chosen ( fa WOrk will make, of middling quail i,Cm. (or a handsome settlement.
Secreta'v I tr of rood about fOO jard" per day. St. Lnnls, Jan. IS The Knna Slate
Tb ebair bavin; stated tbt object of ' -j-j machinery, with watir wheel, etc., Senate yesterday paed resolutions favor-
New York, 3d. Proceedings comtnenccd
yesterday In civil court for several victims,
of the Mercer emigration fraud". The
complainants allege, Mirccr represented to
I) P. Andiron
A. Ireland. . . .
Geo. I.. Peon.
Tbeodrle Cameron
James L Wats .
Mis Hattle HuElf .
IliBstr Herman, of
Agent for Pou,U County
Pnoea'.x do
Mrrtle Creek do
.KiUnburr do
. . Talon Town do
HotboT do
Roffue River do
idtnt's mot jnst and coMtrvathe policy
the nwtlnr. and It harlaF too rtpreHet- in u .:, f 2u 000 coin j freiclit to
.i . .! . I.t-. uaaat m ' n Ann .......-u . faMl1.l In
LmtrTi V '"" -St OC,.,fr.-S F 82.000 coin; cos,
ibsi.. waf uermea io j'wjij'wiii iv w.-u Bf buHninc nun capacity lur tiut rtio
iMtion of tbt cotapany until after that machinery. 832 000 ; location nnd water
roettlcg. power. S10 000 i cost ol getting in oncra-
On motion, n Committee of three wn't01)i 51000, cot of wool for the yenr,
ToUl, 8133.000
ed and extremely logical dUqaWiticn on
ew HngleDd nod New York monopolies
Canyonn.lc pcaertl Dt tB crowning jewel In this coronet of
Jia.kui! a . 1 a La au-.b ! If VU IJIVHUI
uruiLTirrBLiK: L-ruua is tuc naurance mat ii .......
,. . r . ,. . . ' ttpno nt3 to eoorir with tta frttow of tne egoKIO,
l.li. 10. 1XIO. of tbt iwimi, they will estlngn .b !,,,. ,. kr Wllf, ,u. lrtdr Hrws D AV,iv.-Our cotempornry
tbe national debt in lew than thirty days ., , ,.. .. '. i Mmnio that ome "abolition thief" i in
lIC IO lOt COOipBBt r
the advantage to ar
V K lew of the .Meaanpc. , J .J r;". ' ' ' -- '" lolwi f 1,,,feri,,ir W' P"P. T0"1 "''
Uie lowest depth of political Infamy.,,. ,;.. I noat iffiee on certain routes. Tld pae
llic Slav lUehl Dcmc i hat at las, would make so sbatnt fol a suggestion to
dtlirtrtd Itielf of a kcrtry tevitw o! the tbt American peopk 1 We do not que
Prctldtafi Mewoge V Meaa says it ( tioc tbt prlva'.t ebarscttr of Mr O'Meara.
wai baitily written W"c doL t behtTt , bat we raost be pardoned if we expreas the
him. Oilearai article ii evident' t n firm conviction that noy man who suggests
carefully prepared tiuse of olirtpreeMta-, rtpadkstlot of the public debt is h!raelf
tlon; by syllcgiiow eos&ttnclog with fabe unworthy of private trust or confidence
premises and esdin; with foist and unfair It k a fair inference that bv "the mud'
runrtallant t nnunli In 111 tmJm ftlt k. T1...-.I .. .V. .5. .1. ' ' H'Mt in
"" rM. m .w.r ... , ttm iTnmriH UHIII Ifln Ul IPT UKIIlDCfHLir
Faclo-r at tfall nlaet . poll wnee. on crna.n r0U i-. . . .-,..."
The Committee unpointed were !er. ) comp-ehewlon A e know that nl.o
TImdw Smith, 11. K Ih-gadlae cod ""w1 n" 6rrflo1 ra n,,d W,U ,,ca'
James Thornton. h,n-' lht ,,e,mrnU c,,n,t nnf- ",c)
Moved that these proceeds be sent to j "ipp"' nnd rid hot stovw. V c have
tbe Se.vt:vk. and Htform for publrca- rn 01 mwmu m..p t..j.rvrf
thtsnbllmt obecurltie for wbieb luiapl-rly. It te fortunate, indeed, that nil
cct editor has leconie so pre-eminent, and , that party are not of Mr O'Meara opio
endeavon to cram them down tbc throats J Ion. and whatever tbelr objection may
ol tbe people ai good, sound doctrine. Mr. J have been to tbt canst by a blch that debt
O'Meara inpug as tne Presidents ioira'.toM ( ha been Incarrr1.. we hope they have still
by the :aot unjust and Hioj lea! reasoning. ( MfSclent patriotism not to desire n cotnum-
ctargii nia witn lnsmetrity, vwt prerar- station that would brand us ns a nation
I On motion, tie meeting ndjoaraed to
Saturndy, tbe 17th !a! at 10
o'clock. A. 1!
Thoka Sutra, Cbafc.
D. T. Mver. Secy.
Lass Omen. ItotbHrr . Orn.
January 80th, ls6n.
IMitor of Sttttmtl :
We refiet tbt MCwlty which coMpel
tbe eye of deceased F.thtoplnns; ncorn
from blind swine, and of vnrious other de
gree of jietty larceny, but they htc played
out. Hereafter, the moitt extreme mark of
app'oblum by which to dktingulsh n mean
ing tlo trial, conviction and hinging of
,hfT Davis nnd other lenders of the rebel
lion equally gitllly of treason.
Chicago, Jan. 2S. The Tennessee Hemic
of Hcpresentalivrs yesterday pa.cd the
negro testimony bill nycs 41, noes 32.
WnshinRton, Jnn.2A.--In the Senate to
day, Hendricks of Indiana, from the com
mittee on public land, reported a bill to
establish an udditlonal land office In Ore
gon, which at the request of 'Williams, of
Oregon, wns puscd.
Washington, Jan, 10 Three days ago
to wit : Sottirday, January 13th the
Hon Stephen J. Field received through
the mail from San Francisco, a package
nddreod to him, nnd mailed In December
the date too nlueure to be deciphered. On
stripping off the wrapper, a small box was
di'dnsed. A peculiarity In Its nppcar
nncc attracted attention, and it was taken
out of doors nnd burst open by being
thrown ncain&t n stone pillar. All means
tl,lf t!l tu. IT itnlr n rnur of tlip Oi
rm lUprttr. And hai humanity fallen of determining Its mode of construction
m lew ! were thus destroyed The cne was thin
discovered to lie n pnweriitl torpedo, tilled
with mir.Ie pistol bullets nnd powder, nnd
Lrcki Fntiow. Our Irie ml Mr. Vittt
Sckct: hat cone the way of all IImIi. and
ieatleu. with partiality, with perjury, -lth of swindlers and thiett. We ask pardon to request a small space in your valua- , taken unto himself n wife in the person of
biepaptr itrceotly. an illegal enter w .mi ioKrn.vK J(h.i.uas. liiey were
1 nnoderrd marrird in the Catholic Church in this
malicious and revengeful persecution of the of our reader' lor occupying n
South, with partiality to New Kogland J upon tbU wbject: but wt cou
aeoooollta. with bilog a false economist: sent to have such u document i
nnd, finally, brands bhs ai a despot in re-, ra's Hview" go amoo? the people unoo- which is suppetvd to contain tmoeral ( Ki-v. Futher Ilhinchet,
much space
uiwin Ibli uihUMl. lut n ,M. ..m. ... ' l!uriMfillr lifmltld Ulinia
i"l " r- wi.'itv.. m .,, VWHPU H', VVH .-..., r..r.... nr
to have such u document m "O'Mea ! i'1d township at south, raegi 3 et, , piitce, on tbe evening ot i uiiruary r.tii, iiy
so nrrnnged as to explode by the. friction
of opening. Pasted to one of the frag
ment of the box was found n printed
MAM iiialmt inBuitontiti onto I (in In tl.n j1rtlj
111 " Ps('Vl irni U,i M iviuuii U tllV UCVI" t ..., , tit I --- ,(
ion of Judge Field rendered OCober 31st, I ! :D fSfe
Best Cigars and Tobncco
rni:sn candies .ld. vets'
a uncc sTurK or mm
And a fine Biiortmint cf JttnluM.
.,nMJKrMr hiving tmrchmd tk tm
store one door -ouih or nradhorv A v,
calls l!.e attention or the VmJttltZt
pl-tc Mock of nnoklncauf .hi;, . fc
Alvilohls arfun. Lraa,!, ordnriTi
theeomnion Ulfsnan-b to xhXVZ
pfires. "U A'"M aUb"M"
ties In his line and save mflnj wj( ,,
him a call Jit..,.'i. .f'
Happiness or Misery;
'pm: rnoriilLioRi or thl
MM..Mh, lmi dftrrmii'tl, tttiiUu
of expense, to lui Fill r (for tbe benef
of tin snUtrmff hnmuiitty) Mir r,( th-i:
nioi imeresttnc and iwummim IK
1PW, In the Put bio cae of Son Frnnchco,
The Judge had just received his Han Frnu
cieo mall of the 21st of December, and
was optning it In his room In the presence
htioc to our country and a coward in re- ' tieed There is one tbinr more, nnd we TRI preeame inditeed a number of Tne happy b'idegronm generously re
ration to first elm foreign IV wen. ! will let him ro for the present He wind other prMo to make fimirar app'ieations numbered the printer with u heg of -tier-
Tbe first ttrtMM cbarte I that be harps' p with tbt usual stereotyped tirade about ul,der tbe impression that all reetrietiuos man Iteveragc," ami we hope the matn
upon tbe rrpetalty o( the Union Who 'deenotltm If wt forget not, this same ,0 tne Dlr.v cf "li rH "' latu) bad monhil voyage ol the fortunate jniir may
wottW Dot harp upon it Who that loved ' dtmocratlc txpontnt devoted half a column DB removed. Such, however, is not tor ( le upon a sea of higer, lntersiertd with
his coentrv rould not rlo-r in bersolendid a few weekr since to eulocv on General , " attd ,0 disabuse tbe minds of tbe bland of"prltiel." surroundVtl with mnun
eminence nnoog tbe nation of tbe earth ? Jaeltson tbe man who pended the writ , PP1 ot your itction. of this erroneoui tains of sauMge. ami fringed . 1th festoons , j dleored that It nptienred to be held
"Who but a low political huckster a coo- ' ' btat torjnu just when the public ex- aP''Oo. the following briel statement is , of -saur kruut" nnd all the other luxuries i,y a wire. He then called Jndgc Ulc's
teaptlble trailer, wboe bast cflbrti have' leenclH demanded its suspension; tbe man m&- ( of tbc ruder land." Good luck to them, attention to It. nnd. under the Impression
betn directed to tbt nsslslanoe of ourcoan ' who put down tin South Carolina traltori ! A" ln embraced in teanshlp. s , and may tbelr voyage be n happy nnd i tmt it might be a torpedo: it was tul.cn
nfJndL'C I.ahc, when the torpedo packngi
came under notice. He opened the lid o1
the cne ubnut one eighth of nn Inch, when
try's eaetnie recreant nlikt to tbt land ol I wl'b a wave of his hand, and who eitetm "& ot I'op 3- d 6 wet. 'I own. , prosperous ent.
Lit birth nnd tee rand of bi ndoptien, could
ice nogbt onwortby In oar Prttfdint'i pj
trlotlc KDtimtat ?
' ed the public welfare mora than written ,d!P 3' ,on,D- rate es 2 nnd 3 wast, and
Cot-ulna No. 2. Duly received Still
.nminli Wm 9nAm fltrtl W ..M t . TOWIiahtn ST Otilh. nsll'M J &AA1 AM rA. ,
.,.,.... ... ..,., IHUk ,,n am iir I i - . - -". -..-. , . , ... , ,,.. .,
ro. boot did not rattle in the sra;e at ' from pr.tfe mk t bat lb hmb in -",, ' RU"' U'"U-, . , , . . ...
i.ftf id. P..l.ii. l I. t I . tlu. (tntun.,. .l - ...i... ..J . Mid tawnrfilu nr b AUJ r, i,U.. ,1. i """" w "l '"' " """ ' "
v, ,., , M.,.,iwn MC P liaUl rumica . N,,,mnnn.. Hinm Wl W MatlVj, RIHI I ,.,.-. . inn.. wot. .nvi,. ...L-1VI1. ,..,. ....,. .,.,,,
to ley that it contains within itself ample ' we can nature thl distinguished ndmirer , Uiead or Preemption Itwi. subjeet I ,, ! .,,;,,. ' .. . ,. , ' of Col
rcsonrcM to enforce the law, punish trea-' of Jackon, that if he had lived during his , o an ittvclbjatkin conoernmir tbi mineral .. , Ti i . ' tr?"g'iF' mv j
j i j ,. ..L...." .1.1 , .1....1 :.. ..,... r. i. uj " nn... i. .. a I l-,' relotiowhip with the Pni-. tu
. iiu.e uuHtCTtiv iracnuiiiiT, AUO piiim4h uhu umru m cxprat le I - iHiHuamni inui w , . . ;, . ., i
.. .. .. .... . ' . .' i .. .L.. ,.. .... .... .V ..'- .u. i . . ..... , . 'uemii
vti, iiraagc to cay, nc cners no sort Ot avoumsoi mai ur now iioei, lie woum i "" "" uews oi turn cisim wiq i .
nporogy ior tne very numerou and Ha- al """ eIUU7la '" mat tae uiriH i i""" in jwi uouau, louening tne
grant viofatloo be like committed asd tlll ' of V'? ""'d not have reached bis worth I predominance of the nprlecliural over tbe
continue to commit." j carrion. , mineral value ol meb traeti.
Certainly tbe President i very well' W'e will proceed no further. We can! TV aov Is In coniemano with reeent
out oi the room nnd opened In the manner
above nnrroted.
Mr. Clurl:. of Kaixns. U now speaking
on the negro su(Trai:e qumtion. 1'hc iue
tlon of extending sulTrugc in the District
lumbia enmc up. ami after contidvr-
dieuwion the Hnut voted on the bill
r nattinr him in tbe txitian nf the ' D" r'K"'r inirwmewi uy .ur. tvmcy
nwarc of tbe foregoing resource of tbe "dd notbiHt- to the wvlcht nnd eneet of tb ' iMtructions from tbe ComniiHiooer of tie
ilon" betwNn tno hay stacks. It's n
very quiet little democratic batitluii;
IlMo't got to teething yet. Gut tin
llditw need n huneh of tbUtlet ai No. '.
looks kind of hungry.
CoMtltstioe: he ha so exnrasd Llml. Mefmie nf our Chief Maristrate. Ncitb I ''eoersl Uad. and whhifc it it deiiroM
end It is not left to tbe pnnv mind of (be ' w wn tfc scavente-s of the democratic kt all olassta lnttrtted in ike mmttnl re-
Dtmtcrat man to remind hitn of tbe met. Pr detrant from Its merits hy torturing Fao should underttuod.
Hot what wil! wit tin democratic bnwr?aw mlaeonstrulns; It. It Is now before
The aeeonipliet of Iluoth In tbt awio-1 Ptop'. " tby most have Intelll
ntlon of Lincoln, tht cruel wnntoo murder-. moofb to regard it at the honeetly
crt, Wirr and Fars-uson. are tried, oonvk-1 wpreel views of a man who Is not to be
nnd reported buck by Mr Wilson, of Iowa,
without, nnd lncli provide that all las
and purls of laws prescribing the qiiuhfi
rations of (lrtiirs for any office iu the
District of Columbia with the word
"white" shall be nnd the suiuc is hereby
stricken out j that from nnd after the pus
ted and ponubed by tbe ery puner t oonlriilltd by cstremUit lmt whose only
Gbavh Anmvmmav lieu.. Dim't for
teet that u splendid ball i to be given at j WKf 0f tbU et. no jierwin shall be dwiuoh
tlofu itutei on the anmveraurv nl WuA- ,fi-l .,.,. i-nn- .,,,. ..ini...., i i,i i
try Jtesnect fully. I ioftofi' birth d. We Ihiih-everjbo.li i ue, DUtrlet o e.i.i f .ior.mul ilmt
Jo.w Ksxlt. Itntlster. -the world nnd hi wifr will ntterxl I ii .M .. (',!., ...,.t iiu. !. r iu
Auweos It Kut. Itreeiver. , Thow who don't wish to dance can hk on ; 3lale Murrland it) force In sold District
As It may not neraliy be known what nul enjy the plta.u.e of those who do I BWi Wuington and Georgetown in-
-... -. innna m hit huotc mgHn i .i nMEiiioraii niiirwf win ue nrvnar! i -...v. i.i. .1
- ,--,---.., UIISWIQIU nun III
granted by the Constitution, and be wscps 1 solicitude th welfare nf the whole con. ' tonsilp, we girt tbe loealitiei of tbe that will trxevl unjtbin;
like n whipped icbooUboy, and with maud
lin, sickly sentiment informs tbe people
that imtrument has been gruesly violated.
The President propoe- to try the master
of theie villatnle by military commission
reserved action : Allol Applrale.Sir-1 got up in Jcknnn die.
hur cr-n, up ib aieriingvii, i-uo.r .Mans 1
try and tbe jatt adminittrntion of tht law.
ui . r iV? 1 "l0cVw . ll.l!Wr oreek.uuto the lov,oihin line above Her -New ,,H-We Imte ruied th
Mature of Iikbo i ununlmoudy Demo- . f . ""p auove tur 1 . j,i.mm., 1. ..riulH.. 1, ..,.
cr.tle iuu,. ' l'ir . Jaekss ernk, to town I ne obnut 1 0,r'0 'v,tM"t ,n Mebange. It i pub
wmju ai uowmcviiie uai , and supports
Andrew Johnson and Lilian principle
What a slsnlfioant announcement: What ' ,w0 ,"M' aboTC IIwb. awl n part of
nod he howl nsain that the rlalm of the in ''wlrnlniu" nmnHi fm- ik n.nu. I "oot1 creek.
' I- ,"" -- "'
people nto fading cwny. The President i Dimtxraey Take courage ! Idaho Terrl-' Wotvisi i Snnurs Clothimi W
tory, tbe resort or thieve, '-rood ngenU." conjure tbe Union men of this Slate and
desperudoes, Miouri cut-throats and reb nil Democrats who desire to support John
el huihw hackers I dlmocratle. To thl son, to look out for copporhead knavery
unn.uu,v miiwiiuti ui nu-rau n eye 01 ana tricrscry. 'J he sign of the times oleur
ucmocrai arc now turned
propoie to defer their trial until civi
courts shall have Ucn organized In tbe dis
trict where their crimes have been com
mitted, and Mr O'Meara indignantly ex
claims, "Another violation of the Consti
tution!" What will the poor fellow say
when treason is punished at we frvantly
hope It may be ?
Then we have an exhibition of the pro
oucd reviewer's logic. He taw. "true
... r. ... ...... I. .. - I '
uie term aovercignity oi tne Silute U not let 'em look away from Ideho. Tell them ' rebeldom O'Meara seem to have the In
in tbe Constitution, but neither Ii theluot of the olmewt total annihilation of 'side track nnd waa latolv hnnnr,,! .m.
word, skne nor slavery yet the constltu- yoeir rebel Democratic cause eleewherc; ! proxiw to the Democratic Stale r.nimt
but tell them Idaho is safe There pure committee from four counties Thl may
Democracy i In the attendant. Tell tbem ' wem like n haiardoui arrangement, hut
in jwir way 01 111c .Me.rage 01 tue vm- ,
tient 01 tue uuiuu aiate, nut don't pub
lish it In your aper; it might lead to a
uow discovery to some of your patrons.
Idaho I "DiniQcratic' thl I enouerh
he provision! of this net
ol the kind cur I are hereby npnil.d nnd unnulled. The
bill passed, yens 115; noes, M. Whin
the result of the vute wus nnnounred op.
p!auc folluwed Irom floor to galleries
The follow Ir Representatives, rankrd
as L'nlou mm, oted ngainsl the bill ; Kuy
aud Kendall, of Illinnm. Hill, Stillnell unci
It is a neat look in" iMiir. nml furnM it.,.ir
Into tk coMideration of the journal world ' ''""I'd'ur, of Maryland ; Smith
iirciineoi .mkihioikI. Judignitiue ,.it
neim r Dipre.i"n Ls of l.iK-ryy.rdV
tul Power tie great coaull.vi, nidu
muludivs that result from tuuiIjIl. ,
excees of maimitv, or Itnonaee efl'Mh
iblucy and Natures Us.
These inalnab,e Lectnres Uvt bsrt tbe
mean nfeiiliehleiiiug ami av n; thimMsdt,
und w ill lie fiirwardrd I'Kf.K set rree pt 0!
Tweniy-fiu- Cents in pashm Heaps, by
nddrereing .-': tarj IVtSc Moivam ot
Anutomy utid Science, Vim Strut, fca
CiW.cMcrstobe Krt tlrooth Wej
Fu'go k Co mirllyl ins
with strength nnd spice which arc certain
to insure sueces
Afkip or Kxrnu'RK A late dNnatch
Announce it ( ly indicate that they will build up a Union , y the Secretary of Stnte has Isiued un I brisk parliamentary skirmishing which ut.
and Randall, of Kentucky j Ntal, Vun
Horu, IK'iij.unin nnd Anderson, of Missou
ri ; Henderson, of Oregon ; nnd Hubbard
and Lathiim. of West Yircinla. In the
, , . .,',' , . V ' 1 l"""u""' eworsing rrcjiuent Johnion. oruer prohibiting any member or the press tended the panose of the suflYuge bill, the
fore the foil hfol, that Idaho Is democratic! , and then rnn a copperhead such 01 O'.Mea from entering his Department. No such rulings of Speaker Colfax were u prompt
Here tan st mulus to your hopes; one sink, m or Fay for Congre.. Tbe copperhead. ' rdr was ever made during any Democrat I and clear exhibition of his eminent fiini
hole eft 1 Hang your "Dlmocratle sign, tried thl, game in several State, and were I le Administration. TI secretary must be I for the position.evinclng all the uncommon
brord over the eyes of your dupe. Dou't 1 soundly whlnned in everv Stato n,n,i,! r afraid to Im n,n tt,.i.i e.n i.t. .... ' ..,, , ... .
---- , ., ...,HIMV vt , .- .,, ,,,v .! taii uiiuu 111B nt-ii. 1 uuhlt ni 11 nnr nn nn iirin 1 irniPii ma tn&.
tlon cerla'raly provided for slave and sla
cry." From this proposition he wtab
lishw the corrollary that "Mate Sovereign
ity otigif alto to be recognised by that in
Htrnmcnt. The next charge in the indletment i
that ol wanton, malicious penccutlon In
No wondar he Ii. Dtmotrat.
The secretory Is probably afraid of dem
ocratlc oasIns. Who blames him!
On the 20th of last month. T.
- -"" uilMlijiCUICUl, UIU I 11 .,. j 01 r e r ..
the cop, arc losl.g In the game nnd tnav ! ' W Shcr'5 " JopW county, rc
a well go blind as any other wav. ' ' S'gn,J Gcorge l ' "wiser, of said county.
.u iuc v ui uawiuorne and l)ryca, at
TLc notorious Gen. liuker. Gournment
detective of Wushiugtoo City, bus been
some of the Southern State. How and J When the last prop of your dmocrotle ! 'Bl,icUlJ hf ,IlC ernnd Jury of the District
wherein are the Southern people prosecu
ted? We will tell you, Mr. O'Meara.
In the just and righteous refusal of Con
gress to admit to seats iu that body tbe
black hearted traitors who come with urn
lignnt venom in their hearts agaiuit a too
merciful government, without first solemn
ly disavowing that they had been in arm
ed hostility against it. Next, in pardon
ing so large a number ol the Southern
leaders, who would hae built up their own
greatnesj on the peoples' rum, und who, if
strict justice were done to the Southern
people, would adorn Southern gibbets
nnder that ery clause in the Constitution
relating to treason. Iu the first instance,
the question was strictly within the prov
ince of Congress; in the second, If Presi
dent Johnson has erred, it has been on the
side of mercy and he in scarcely liable to
so datnnlog a charge.
About this time the distinguished Dem
ocrat evidently becomes eomewhat mud
dled in his ideas of the President's mean
ing, and candidly confesses that ho don't
quite noderetand whnt he has been writing
about, by saying that the President should
lae a key to hi policy and that the key
hopes fell in the resurrection of New Jer
tey from the dirty stain ol modern democ
racy, and you were left out in the cold,
how comfortlog for you tLcn to turn your
eje to Idaho. While you cixcile their brains
about the annexation of Fort Klamath
tell tlicin Idaho is safe. Crumbs of cono
latfon nrc needed, aud small favor greedi
ly taken In nnd readily dispensed.
Monomania Tho causo nuigncd by
eminent Physiologists for this melanchnlly
claib of lunatic is, the constant Applica
tion, of the mind to the pursuit of one ob
ject. The preventative remedy sucttesteil
is to change for a timo the occupation so
Ihut other mental powers may be put in
action, and especially tho mirthful inclina.
lions. Such being the fact deduecd by
science, wo ndvUo oil to go nnd tee Her
nial), tho Wizard, perform his laughter
provoking tricks at the U S, Hotel, on
next Tuesday and Wednesday cveulngs,
Vi'u. Hvakts has Uetun the preparation
ion for tho trial of Jeff. Davis; he Is
employed by the Government as counsel ;
he is overhauling treojon trials from the
days of tho Btuorte.
1 ortianu 1 nrajlicr has been nflhctcd
...I.l. I -!. ., .. .
, nun imaiiiiy since trie latter part of De
of Columbia, for the faUc imprisonment of
a man, and robbing a woman of u few
hundred dollar in frtf-nlmrU ti.;. :. ,i.
style of spies and pimps that ore salaried
to watch "Coprheadi "Conner.
Hallo, tlirc, down in the mud ,' don't
you know you arc badly sold, sinarty?
F.verybody else dee, why, that false im
prisonment was only u sharp trick of Geo,
Maker's to catch a she democratic pardon,
broker. Never mli.il, though, bawl out:
"Constitution butted again!!!"
The Abolition Slate Central Committee
meet at Salem. Feb, I5th, to formally dis
band the organization ol the party, we
presume. Vemotral.
Yt that's so of the democratic par-
Murckr's Oiru A dispatch has been
received at Seattle, staling that Mercer's
girls sailed on the 27th of last month.
Let em sail; we're satisfied with home
productions '
Minkk'b Mpktjno. See uotlce of ml.
ntr's meeting Every one in anywise in
Ureatcd in mineral lands shoatd attend
MmruTioN or MACtii.snnv. Most of
the silk machinery that was thrown out of
uie In Covington, Kngland, by the opera
tion of the hlsh tariff established in this
country during the war has been brought
over to the Uuittd States and is already
in operation.
MiMtiui. Lands. H willbes-cnby the
letter from the Register and Receiver, in
another column, that there aic many val
uable) mining claims which arc subject to
entry. The miners should look to their
Interests in this matter,
Circuit Copkt for the County of Jack,
son convene next Monday. The busmen
at this term will be limited, there being
hut few new cases docketed.
Mails In consequence of bod weather
tbe mails are still very irregular, Some
days wo get a few exchanges, but more fre
qucutly noDe at all.
Kxciiance.-We received the IxaminM
Ust evening, which Is the only San Fruu
cisco paper that Las come to baud for sev
eral days.
The Commtrcial'i Washington special
says, the ndmlssiou of the Tennessee dela
gallon to congress is regarded merely ns 0
question nf time.
New York, Jan 31. Senator Stenarl,
of Nevada, has iatrodutxd u bill granting
one million of acre of the public lands for
the support.of a mining college uear Aus
tin, Nevada. The scrip to be iucd fur
the amount, which is to be sold by the
State, aud the proceeds put into United
Stales stock; tho interest on which is to bo
sold by the the State, end the proceed
put Into Uuited States stock, the iuteresl
on which shall be used for the express pur
poses of the school.
The joint committee on reconstruction
as has previously been staled, has been
divided into five sub committees three
members each, as follows : First, Sena
tors Fe&seuden and Johnson, and Repre
sentative Sleveus, to whom is intrustod
the general business of the committee and
the examination of persons on the condi
tion of the South as n whole. Second,
Senator Grimes aod Representatives Dirg
ham nnd Grider Investigation of 'j'ennes
sec matters. Third, Senator Ilowurd end
Representatives Cockling und Jiluir re
specting Virginia. Fourth, Senator Har
ns nod Representatives Murril) and Uuut
well the situation of Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi und Arkunsas Fifth, Senator
Williams nnd ReprtTtnlatlves Washburn
and Rogers inquiring ubout Furida, Lou
isiuna mill Tern Oue or more of ihee
sub committees are in sewon about to
hour every morning, that on Teunetate
being parllenlafly bos.
1 Sem-Week's hi (f 'uj.'' '' '"
I sonvillic tei k'lliwu ml Wu 1' Of
' egon. Iz-avm JuU 'tville t-viry
3l(iiieliiV . TliuiMln), 1 A.-M
I Returning, leave WalJe ever;
ITuchtln) jtl'iliiii) at 2P..M
I Thrswch painini will ' niniWsd
with koh1 mMtdle-bunwi at WaMv fur
Cretonne City. I
0.2ib,lft6t eclltf
liiruMHw or
All CciloisUnmi'v Vuriiiil'i
AM) '
Print ing .Malerials
Machinists may at all time be nopW
with old type metal by cal.mg at
day &tv:n
J frleuda a..d lb -s" Kk
lately bean In San rraaciKO 1"
UcU'd a lint oworlioen rf 6m f g
riil.s. hot-Sun, a U'n 'trul lri
kinds d.mogewof tbi Ib..t 1 " ,
all hind or ammunition. . f'tw t&
powder, shot, also powder fia'K'
bunting bas ?,", V ''SiTufth Vro?'D'M"
jeotner. und Ui patch. "'". ,i,W
uf new nlksw be done at ms
notice .ul in 'l" ' fWriffiecr
Gr.atf.il for 1-ft.t P'U
fully wlicU conlinuiMCtI,M,UiEB,
September jKh leW; "
X? at tbe Olucc of the 1 fcaWP ft,
Mining Co., Jo-eyh Ini Co J. ,,,
25th of February, for 'ft ' mf J
one thousand tons f f'"r ,ri e ib r'6t
their ledge The company rri .
to r. jlct y m " Pf0 p. Qod
locations, appl) 0
vnt.rn.e. Feb l.lacj: .
at the , uosPITAt- .
OVERBED.-,-,. t,IMr-
Thow who wlsb I" 7fwm4i
gl?iufc- .