Kl fl V. '1 I THE 0I1EG0. SEMKEL JACKSONVILLE OREGON. I.M e' Ar tb """o jr-wn. t.. v r-Arr aS 1 reaCVV V. 7Mm Pen. Arjr- tt a arm wUfcee 01-' to to r. G.BtoMr. -- ar Crcnow I cr.a if wj picc?. . . . Gar. Ciaa. P. N. 7aBp.. TT. M. Braa TbaaWL' Carr Tbana'F.Fky--- 5. W. sawytr p T Aaaerom. . . A. lMMi &. UDmi. . 7Vdri Caavra J .aw L Vat iffci Hart Haafr fear? Herewat ' ...IVttoad ...AIMt ...AhbOtMt to Kerbrr . Fftfltaix V'rnkCrttt ZiMahcrr i ! it o e E-.it:s o Caroar; ftrfci A?ta fc If.i C tt-ty 5ATU11DAY Jan. C7.16G. T1IK r.MO.N STATCCKX TRAL CO.M.MITTi;i;. TaU CaaH art rt;td to as: at 5aW. oc Tteritr tbt HJi of Ftbrary str- VChKt rsetaeioi aty near is 'M OaahW. tbt Cowty Caitte art rt ,iitJ to S: tboas !'. it ifrabk it baw a hC ttteWaaat at to'. : I. E. M0CRKs Cbtiraat Uto: ? Ct-: CammiiUt. StbjOL, Ortcaft. ax Irt !?; lackfon Coun:j Tniou Cen tral Comlttee. TaC tte it rtoMatoi to aoe. it JockoavrHk M Wdaaday. Jaa. r. im. to IB tb TeaT ard by tb r cm of E. T. Rl Emi trom btrt UaktStatt Ctatral Caamiuaa. . I. Viln:t. Ck. Ut. C- Ct. Coc Jatfcworrj. J at V St. Woo I tit Manufnctur). It aftotbtr eolaaaa w... bt foaad a eal. kr a ptbUe actti&p at Aatod tx tb parpOK of uWc; tbt prt".tt's7 ft to ( orpaaat a Wooitt ICasaJactBrioc Cot- ptpy" at tbat pke. Wt casao: coaataeoJ T;shd Statoi. or is asy otber wiy uyM as ortorprkt of K aaek taspottasct toe fc .fc rtbdliOE. Hk tbt tkm of tbt bily. Tie adrcatspot ark-ap frox a , crfaratt Orpas. nuVQoboMOt of a aaaekctory at tlaaort Cat Mr. O'Mrars. or try otbtr Pts tay pokt wittia oar eooaty art oorioat trat wbo ba ptrjiiuttly oppod trtry tiat k wiU tab bet Luk patisaaios W b ' otttmt of tbt aatiooa! txcat:rt (or tbt ittt osr ehaaat to taabcr'c it tbt sadtr- , kn fotr yttn wbo lai dooaeovd tTtrt takkp. Apricaltart. Maaalactnra tad CkoaatcM touiitctt tbt trat wcaht ol a cowvy; tbty pt bsad k bead tbair is ttrst'J art idcauoa'.; spot tbt taecM ot tbt dtfeedi tbt weetM of tat otbttf. tad a oUBocsity at sot awaat to iu not viol LaaaraMi at sp.ca to ektojof , td tortar tdtb of tb prtast brasca et of iadattry. aasW crb kratablt oir ctaauacai ti tbwt b? wsict oar oaasso- ; s? ii itrrassdtd. , We bart a distal, aad hu aaiarpai- t rar tprtccitar, aoaoaaooe aiaara. i a-ealts. ttt: rtaatrai otjy capital to dt- rtkpt it! tad a lup t cottoraattOB of pristi. A krpe taacot af rao! it raind k tbe tpkiakp ooaatir. aad ao ieoeandorabtt qsastty is tail oostt? ilf- Tat oel? naritt at prweat kr tbu wapk U at Sa lts or Sas Frascisco: tbt tomer ii du- tact abast 36 relief, aad it ii cdk?4 to ray tbat tbt faraen of Sestbtrs Orrpos ' ca'saot ioecwflly ooapcte witt tbose of I tbt Wtlantwe. aad tta: wool rtaiap ' it particoiariy profitabk to tbtr,. Girt ci a naacfaotojy of tEcat capacity to tbtarb all tbt wool raind ie tbu part of tbe State, aad acricaitcrt wit baTe a aew ispotoi Icoa tat detstadi of a boett aark- ot; aer papaiauos will be iaorad by a i i dtnaad kr kbor; tbt clattor of kens tad tpiaoiep raaebiact, aad tbe bsc of bsiy Sadaiiry will tt't ttt piact of tiket idlexeat; osr people will be oktbed tt leu: oat Isodrod psr ctot. eteaper tbaa ' &ew, tad capital bt retaitxd anoep ct for tte dtretopatot U esr ai&araU. We i pnssBt tbert art ooat io tapl ai te eo- ' ire-Will ttt ecurpr; pay V If tier trt, wt wlU ocJy poiat tc tit tatottt tuc-. ci of tte woomc naaofactarei aa Califor cia tad tbt Valiaaeitet . jsataae profiu ykldtd to tbt fiwitokkn Is aj ref J40UTC ooapaaitt. V t trett tbwt will be oo lack of cotrpy ;a tb nattar, bet tbat osr eapiUJau will atoacc orcaoet aad eoaoMibee ofratioat. Tout" ure naoy otbtr aebttaotial reasoei wky. we ttottk derekj esr naaafanaricp fa-' caBtier, tbat ssh b appareot te tbe nwt obtuse utdtr.-taadtBf tul iM oy witb a tearty wll tor tbt immediate ine- oea of tbu iBpertaat eottrprw. ' Uato o Hosais Doriop tte bipt i rater last week, ttree bw wercdron- ed ii!e ooc of tbe item wai atteaotioe to crts .Oaayos creek, aboet ttirtt niie tbit tide ii CaayooTiUe. Os Wedoday nersiog lts tbrot oae o euek Jooet. ty a&soe nbtao. rca (C of a bridge tbtret a nllt frwc tewo aod wai astWt to get kii ' brdCf ost for aboet tire bocre. ' t kiod reparci lor ttpAtt i&ioe of tbe oat rT4e; o.ow wtica oe tai orasrea -ii to bt test ta at eosstry peariy asapttc rawap ae tatata! rtttrraitoo. nipbt as : but as- of lit rws beep tttir etarttr. a rtry Sat ( erwt of tbt eraarUrr. tbt dai I ';f l wtt L' wkraal tool itipk by wbiefc osr peopk art ciotttti. , exetiosbk(T) Jlaay wosli etrtaialy piece of work, bear cp rarie.' wB cxtca- tbt eoaetrr ebsrtb r-rd. Var blao ' 'rt " ""? balf rlpbt. Aprkeltsrt kpJbta, oar rcb poid aad , be a dWracbd wd:rK:cal V t ooo- ttd dip3i. Oppwite. a rcrr bsir crowd .w am, tt !,.. m l c4. iku ' se, estaia a aore illTtr tjsaru ii ? caqaarnad. tad t pratchtt tbt Orepos dtnocraty os to rtV appeared, aad ttt kaowisp oat istd tbty liTWf. taj j, wrpUw, ittrud tt It, psrttiJt trary utaeripawB as wwnbb . MW as tcoeHwa to taw raaw at lb , wart baliOtiap tor ntnbtn. At tbe far- hk a m e-o wt. t.A to iw -u,tJ rtdj reqalttd is oar narket-aottly frox . dtaocraUe iaakratkc; aad w coacrat- , tbtr ead of ttt tall frea tbe estraaee. wai . i.,. . ,k. . . a arbbortap statt aad at txtraortioary ,k oorttlrt tbat tbeir oiabtn art a a luod. eottrtd witt tbt etsa. eoapbatat i .T etttl .. ioaa a- to Mi The lroporrt Kcelatrr Law, Tbt dcnocratic party af tit State art rr;s cap and tbat what tbey art pktawd ta tera :ae ' desperate tebtat ff tie Tt i(ct cf Orpoa ost eAassaated at tbe Sreia2 S: Littk J D. Win O'Mta-t. of tbt Oocfederale wpta at A'- t buy k particak:? yaailtai. lit tbit w "to dtpnTt Ma4r4i M ..ma.. ANt fvl r!1 !! !h d? cntie tettruti cf iut J- of - . lire lnaLe." wu M tsstei. Ht ia3 1 ib iosocnlic eoirtr x 304 birt a riri tbt f!tciit litre. Tt civ- arlcr of wat el Ut ytr- teifratr. 'wa.ck:bat ltp.lata aM bar rra tbts: r r waos tat paief asa ' ptaaltiei of ptrytry.ttw or iertafter. o ' or Veil bar bot few terrerj. 7brt at a Jew -oW ieaoc-atir wterj" k ti-i? ?ta vbe do exetl k a rtry etteot d- f tb patriotls:. it!rti or sort! ft'.M of tb fcaairntft. tad wt adasirt tf redor witk wtiA tb powlbflfty of ;bir dtsfraaekistaott M ads.ttcd. Wfco ar tb btadredi of DtnorraU Wbo tod wbkt Mcec&dcat' tbt a ,odpper aaar: falHM ' rilRM and abd :u ptnoaa! obarartcr wbo rrjoited at Fdral rtrtTKf aoerstd , ix bitltr apoty at Fdra! cietorkf. oppt. ti tbt draft tctonrartd dwtrtio: and ts- ba-raowd tbt pertrsat:: te tbt cxtta: of tbeir abfiry Tbty art tb dibasdd fol- dkn froos tbt rti-: araii U iiioor; aad , eiKTbor' btodhi. aidairtt aariu tcmati Tbt aaartd stitbtr art aor kx. ooodhioc or eeior. wfco bt fffxa wrt dlrtcMal to tb dWtraetios of tbt portrc Btst tbat tb:r aort coward y bettbm rfard wiU tact aaUcitad wfco bart rt pMtoily riokttd tb aott roktac parok ootbt aad so kp kktart cocld dtriK at oatb tbat wocd foortx Upt atady nuti witk prrj. Wky wtld tbt propond Rtrktry law bat 04Kja;Ad tbta '. Siaply bteaaw t aTt rftjird tbaa tc ak cati ut tbty bad bora ara tpaia: tbt art tbt dtaocra:,: laairnati ! to ant); txeJ tbt w will tbe " T u , v L lT3 " " F""'" .- t dtptaded cpsr: Tbey art ' aad aay wrtr dry cp. aad wfU take frtr ? ' ' - '. .t .v ' .7 'T w wul aim- "e it0" lMl " . 'f . wbo. wb tbt rertriaeat seed- ' ebaxt witb tbts. Waie 1 wcb-fe. F?" - - r -- ute wrtr tfcawed oat iron tb ireeaec ;.tft-wi It is trery pwjSblt , rocrt wtireat to year Prt -" raw- -"-"--"--" ". .,'' '"" F" , ' 'uw;li' "" . ' " 1 . . i ear&L raUti:iL aas rnlriosf wacil Of -.i.f...i. :. .v uj.iv r .it i..i ; Tb. tirosct a traltorics prtss. ' aWt Untctrt earr. eaa aocs pw aay - ; - - v.. . -v .-. - - .... L. . I Imil ! UtuiiOBt AA Vk . IwT avtf. -l .VWT . aw Wia-'VW. v - vw I act of tbt p-arMMt. daria? iu itrappk ? f-1,1Ta -T"sf E '1 lor eiivat. is troatooabk tad opprob- rs trgc- kw ttrat. tac tbty we tik, bold rp tbtir Ccrmat Ctu.oam. Tarda? ciptt baadi ie tb prtftecc of God tad dtdart ' iu:. tbt Cbiaaats aiwabkd froes tbt tbat tb? kav aot p:re labttaatkl tc- mrrooadtor wastry, aad coeprep atri is eoarapesMat to tbt tatokt of tbt coos'.:?? . tbt Ilaiwi Brick tor tbe nsraort of bod- (.t tb laaaealatt O'Moara. wbo, fron eorw4ft(kMii urmpu uiA ikVt iu tbtr caUHt rrrt aiaaeaj. aat wt ware ns oetk profcHbed by law btfort rtceiriap a ' blt toyodpt wbttttr it t oor oot. It warrtat oc tbt Fablk Trary, (cWeribt wxj coruit'r trcftortoai aad coiattiri- as oWtpatks. a k tsaetkp, in ordr to etjjo? tbt prirllept of Totisp tbtdtaoerat- tc tkktt! Otatr CopptrWeadi wbort eoattkscrf at nor StxIWt. or bo art Rrt faaltiar with tbt nsierc icleac of eaSekat te daaape tbt Usioc parly is tbH Statt ii h wen aaotrtioMi at .at react la- nipratks tai bc oo&tldered by tbt kyal peoplt of Mlajoon cswortky to partlcapatt la ttt atTaLn of tbat Sutc; aad tbat aU wbo bart Dot takes tbe annestr oatb art exdoded fron tbt ripbti of citiststblp for tbe pcrkd of fire yeart. by tbe aw State Coottitatioo. Tat art faeu of to ordi- tlrr i5pai6ctce, aad wortby tie attctioe trerr Deaocrat tot attcrlr rd is trraiot or bliodtd by partisae fceliap, aad wf jj w,jj o&Mdr tbtio wtl!. wnb nt it x a aattcr of profoaad re- crtt tbat tbt ekaot tlat bat reacted ci tie rebel troia coaid aot bate bres iti tbt fracblc ia our Statt witboni ' dtyvpardicp tbt S'jste Gonstitutios. Itie tj8 8 natter of regret tta: tte Dtcusary .. wtfi b6t taken by tl e Lz-pUiatcre to nxt!li tBd ,aead tbt Cowtilutioc te ai to i mum additioaal qualificatioaa aad to di-1 fe ,f pwblt. tU wbo were etpaptd ' jo 6ctMf rtoeUioa. ootil tbtr coo id learc I tte duties of wtizeastip. Wbea a Coasti-1 lUllSS It loaocqua-.e IO proitti wt uunir ;.. ,. an. m nmiH.! U r.nritr Vtlky aadae'ftftKf Liliot-bax aad to aeccre tte end i a.k iwMV4t v ' wv fa bb it aa frened, we btlitrt. aot , jc ttrctebmp or auUicf it aside, bet ia eoofermiog it to txistiop circuntiaacxa, at j tW)t M TKtitlc i - - iliu.L U.M.E. e icars iu wirae Ilii r ba ' of ttt bwt nioeral laooi in ttu couoiy j & ttt 00 Jckos Creek, Keer'i Galeb, at WiMow Spriari, tod tt Blackwdl'f dippiopt. trt betop toierta at toe iaoa & at P.oburp Tbe citacu. tod mom ia particular, ttoald look after ttu ' natter, tod prtTtot tte partic fron .nek-, jog as? more curie, tod ftbn gettkr ; oaicctt oc lie nioeral Uodi wbicb lat, been catered. If tbt nioeral laodi are ap-; proat6d lor private psrp-j. it wit ( very nuci mpair toe grswto aoc prtp- ( ut of ttis fcccuoa of tte couttry AJi , Itodi tbat ue nore raluable lor iter nto- j erali tbaa tbey are lor farniog purfic , ; fcre eatHipi irvai cu.. uv. (..,. ( II lOIi IBCl U UlbU? i.uvv &bW.fti tfcli4j vllicb htTi w. . . . . it ot ctoceiisd and taauiloa. aaa oo nore wiu be waed Cnur S:o Hanoi. A tbert . t:ae tier. Gcvrraor Fickericg . of Wa.b- iegtcc Territory, offered G:rcaor Gibb. or tbt State of brepes. 5N w Mercer V expected carps ol cU'fuliooed. peranba lauar Kiar narkiue fer tbt taali fen of S3 009, or txect'y tea k'..art ap vrbcskr Wilwc irt p'.ayed ott ' Mar- cr i artick warraate- to lT- . iMinn is i rarenr aasaer; to .....V t.. il m: .4 V.,u tft . -" i --- . ft flteT Yu ar ut.vary ta..WSJ. e p "..' r : ..1. -IJ VftLl dB os re TilaiWt is jarortitws. Oa- ct for tbt rk --1 )T :ta &&& ltnBCzi tbat will kw oc bsttesf, et tb i VHlk . roek ut eradlt, pi a MUwi ba ea ereatBrt aad M orca- a-xul ai. Tbt baWal eW bacitteri of Wb-Fwt art bicby elated, a ad roaxof tb ViTt ipckea for tirtt aptect. It i KarxJt fu- tbat tfcty fbh2 be all fob bld p it tbt WallamHt. bat we do at cart aaocb. Ve are Mtit&ed with tbt ar- tick M tbt boat nark:. Tbey bare tbt crarefti fora, tb ritt ebtk .tbat seed ao rtrmUiOil. Httk fst. aad Faft We bavt ja bad tit pleanrt - , octiaaiaiopi'aruyi -tw.-aiKa.pi:- tort of Wuiiaptoc Irrjar aad til Lstarary Frieadi at ssasyiidt. Tbt ptsrt rtj- rtusu as isurior ntw of Irnsp i Libra- ry at tbt ab:rt pact Is tbt cveter of a proep of Mated tbt .'; Aarcas celoaritwj aaiabit aad csaaiosiop Irrirp. or, Raocroft. Loepleacw, aad is a wdr eck Eaarfsc. Bryaat. Pasldiec. Milk. Hawtbota. HaUrk, Holatt. Siasu aad I Taekernac. tbt wbok forak; a pr:p of " wliok CTry A.atcicaa aay bt yeitly . proad. Ttc ettpransp it is tbt ti:bK ttyk of tbt art kaowc u -Ubt and itippit, , aad tbt labor &t it, acjad; tbat of ttt dtcipa, til oecapitd atarly fosr yean of ' tiat. Tbt list ii US by 31 iueax. as beary platt pa;tr 31 by 4$ iacbet. It caaoot fail ta btcoat of prut iotcreM te all bo art faailiar witb Anarkaa liatra- tcrt, or wbo bart a palnobe Fyajatby , witt tbe t5ru of A.aaticas peiusi. , j8r wst kisd of a wet K-ttc biet , bk esocpt to tbt caicitiatrd to btioap to tbt a?iVerH i4 tbt aatotGreL Frta ' no to lidt trt airttchrd nsaU eord. . beariac rxece of ckth or ccrttiu. Ktib - ed with Cbiatrt ctaraettrt. Os at ndt ' of caadlw etc To tU kktr-oa it vary nest rotable as aoetiic rait. After ai as tow anew to to csriwity tsaten tbt dwrt wart dsd aad seat bst ttt faittfcl wtrt adaitttni. M-r ticnrxoT. Tbtrt u aeat tall ' t'-ber lUnpedt ffba Idato aad Mor J t"-8 froa ttu aectios dcriap tbt ccnicp rpricp. i.p?s wni ptntcsiar a:irar.os tbt astinpatcd exodti dtpeadi it aot dc4 aiU:f Iwwa, bat probably eps tbe cec- r'1 prueipkt of Califeraiast petticp tired of a piact aad kn&p a ebaace. Tbe BlacuK-ot fertr appran te be tbe pria t'P1 oootaptoa. aad it beptaaiap to aflret & annber ol osr eit:zt.f. Fric JturM. Let ttt uaeaty crt cent oter btrt ie Jaeirwa cocaty. aad tact notk ie our Ht - tt niae. Ttt araey u aet ae kep om tbt txpccsei ao prcat, tad ttt pay ii btt - tcr. Cont os. ' TcK AatAaajtanea PimTbt La Croa (w,t"o) Dmrnet aaya : Jc wik o BM"'b- "vS ptl K,lsP tft l.rj-T Vrfiintnif" V H- !. c r.A ttnit.ui ti mM more & mW mir .,J. V "'T:: '."'.' .,"." " r mar mwm4 all over tte wm-U tkte i,Aer,i ,mtr fTr.t cv rripnd wi .m tbu sboalder-ttreppid bettt. Bra Bctlcr Jobc V itlw Bootb, tie awaicis of Abrataa Liacolc. a Democratic aapd! Aad tucb ii adders Dea&cracy-S,ci- wan. y0, dsa., Bajmtaad tbe fcow, Mr. &eiemtnt le Belni fiB k0jd dtrL, j woe xuvien deawrtti ar ttw.i, lft ja .nvtWrf-r n . &k)Bpt3t r t crs?0 Difftfj jcdrf ..Cufrrt- yoiti itBlWXiiic ticket. Foe Sale. A fatteltai Wbetler 4 Wjis Stwitp Mactioe. fcB eas', witb all tte lattt itooroTeneoU. ' furaak at Brad-' bcry Wade'a. It it offered tt ?I35 aod uooe of tte ott pketi of fcroiture ertr orouptt to JactaoariBt ortt tst ia J ew York at $US. Aocu.er-Oot day latt week, Eiuirt ....f, ....t ... rrt..v, . i,nrJ eorti cut t.n aerereiy oo toe cowl boot, at.4 ti a iA J l.ic ft Ma a ct iJk . - . -... .. .M un un aeTtrti iceta aaocaw osl i .... I . . CJ&. .VN tea au Jfc n Mri .' r- v... . J .Uuktut In fMAtaoo laL IA t - I Arotw! tbi psta sa tit tr.ut U bar woarf tqaa: tbt work W aU ta Cri j (ffitj le j,;0 jt Bf, . w Kim M wwu w m v.m.u.11. m..i. uu HWtiii ua wuinj w iir; i ,, .j jj p jj j ryfus. Lpoctat npa; taa icn, ac ja , tipatoa wort, it airas. awweTv. h h j ftKtT uw L'Tiap i taaodatt vet;ty rrawou, tof- wti tiptueJ witt a tra. fcarwe. carmiM i Ulfcj. w. ,-.. u....ir What .Mielil be Done. Tbert art nor tbaa oat bsndrcd tata is tbe cit? cf New Yc-rk wbo bare a yur .'i ioMiae o! fifty tboound 4'..n or nor, trisf from Sft? tSosd to tlrt nil hot?. "VVbt power tbt tan karc & jf k tlt.f aerr drara4 rf pawrr w5citt te'tbikt tbt wotW pew to iocrrvi. Mtirt4 btrnaA baan coapre WioB. tb bipwowi erfT bmd. " 18f rt'" ,a t5rt. "If "Ml t Ml """" r-- M.Htifrvf nri &rKi iillii m ujr Sot aad JeJ.ckt-a tvawer to akt , s . ,,,. , . iD-..,.t..,.MI . .,Li,r, Tie 1 .!. l.f.11 ..A.a .! A.l lkl fk.tr 1.4 lH '" l J " !L..M f .5 f-J . , w . - . . ,,. . i ratB. tor all toru of ptrrwc. V e bare eltb hK wbert oea coerrtcatc W kill tiaat to -tat. drit-k. (inoke. cbtw 1 aad be atrry " We bare alto c!ab tc proasot many pood object, to eocoorart art. to HiasaUte a tbirt tor littratert. to patbte birtftrioal kpowloipt, to oshiratf Bie. to arahipiy praM ad reSceaeatf. aad to do til wra of dL-aW tbiacf. otbtr ciui.tbt cxprtu object "kicS: wi.. be to do rood oa a kreer Kak A .... tea of n aa a M8j w auuio.r t t;tb ot a.rcaat prioott-a tlab of ac wbo doe't kao wbat to do wata tbatr as to do witb tbeir as seal iaeoat. fcXr: to iacrat it Iroa rar to nar. Witt a rtrtost of Uppi zmt aid plory a lew nob olsas oid pro - dot : We doc't My tbeir ooaabaaod la inL'it. W aat't iav tbat tat woakl mt . . 7,Vv- I ao -f ... vanMN. . , V Amm a bJ ll..i .a. &.. hk.Amvl - - - - OTC.U b .:. .-. IF. ... spot ". ra u imk -- r. "- itrteptk wrt pet lortk. Bst ooald tby , ado,iftWy wertauaarrf aadd, witi tbt PL-.t of tbt inrot Mut.-iv , tfcpOMtar. rr? r Dr.ne. K. aa E:lilfc ...... , . c cbtaakt. k a rettat KMDtt. :mbi:1 : watfc os bij faroritt -r-o it ti. taat at w an eprasp wm pa - trtwatioa. or ton dVad aatvar tbat btf wvtr blortbt ritaliiW. w is a lilt aaaaer. aatt all oar Iran rctsrx tkro.pk tbt ordval v.' patrtfaetios to tbt irui work. Tbt asfckt of tbt ttroap aas. tbe blooB of btast?. tbt brak cf tbt pbUwo- pber. cett act norc rot. at. doebtkw tbtr tart oftts rottod bdort. aad art dai - ttatd. te tbt ooatiwal pbaw aad cireaJa - lia- of aattf ta rat a-ak. "Tbe baai tbat wriwi tbx hcU, at? k rtfT -ir. tht Mtwiix tk tWiKc ikat tbt tasd ii aarkk; doaa. wat ut h wei; u til trtipk oo, aad toot. ' u'"tk h rra,k- Ao tx-Calitoralati & & tftjt, taj pttap. art tttc ' ,D0 prf k f'n? tatat tb Was. i ti, mfiiTi acaw Lai awtttt btatft."" fcdratt a pat of lb Goldtc state. , tkv .t - ..i, .w-- w wu. tv.it ; t. totarooc bt traataarard kto . wia OTtf itrrlbit wrd road otar it of . ..jm .. .,, .j , .i ,. .j - tv- i ., n-. of t?MkMi an cam bu. .&! t Ihtit rk u.1: ; tad alter a little ttae it wUl be water aad r&tk tilt eact aort." Trr Voicti or TBam.tFjriD. la kit rtpert of tbt Cakkaxacpa battlt D. ' F. Tay'wr rwordt tbt tolkwiap hn : -If aybJy tbiakt ttat U osr tats art ttiwLec cp ttt id tbry tu. tbt air wtb aria tad rrotti, till it abnart witk tridtsoa of apocy. be prtatly nn. ! Aa ara W tbattard, a kp carrid twy, a bolkt prc tU brcu. tad tbt K-ioVr ' tiakt dowc aikatly cpoe tbe peooad. or ; ? away, if tt eta, wittoot a asrntt ' f ooaipitist ; fait ti tit fparrew fMi. i apowaitsd?. tad like ttat fptrr w, I ears. , t1'? belkve. falls at wiltost aott by tie Fattw. Tat dyiap bore pirw ost bij i f-rfal cttaa of alnoit benaa assVkp. , bet ttt naepkd ndtr k daab. 'Or enb , of ncVrtry tbt cratk of rif.i. tbe roar ol ' r"- t tbritk af tbtdU. tbt rebrl wbw.p ' . ' wn..,.wre , i uit Brti cottc. taa ttat itdetenbabr nwtrtaik af prtadu-p, ruaWkc. ttCiattr- , - P Mu&a. aatt sp tat voioei of tU Bat Ue-rld." iitrt ix tae M&extuiat. For tie iaformatko of tto&t wtodo oot ktow tte , . v;u... ikiuut IV IOJX s nwp ta tot taooselike. wt cappy tie tolkwlap : A boy, 13 ytart of are, sarutd Jleory w- ""? "r -"-auafy. OU, ' u Toftfi.T c,?bt latt exjlltd Iron bw I bwoe by In aattw tor wa.e triflitg aia- ' dctoetaor. lie at ooce rso awar to a , eortoeld close by, toj oa lyp dowo io tbt Mt air toll altea lie iVm iVrv. j oat ttt oigtt, wtieb wai i. nocoligtt oot ' Some laborer oo tteir way tew ork.atticp ) toe pxf ooy apptreolly atlttp, arouij tin ttt ltd ototd til era. but dedu ' tt oould oot ae. He wti oooreru! J bui fron tine to aa ocular iottiiutioo i wotrenwieaiaaTice wti cu.iw tj.. wd fron a'epiog io lie tooooalj Toe ... . xj u toltJiy buoa aod lew tooet are eotertaiooa t-I tai rtcoTtrr " Soclrt- In California. Fwa oa of A. I). niebarda' letter? to tbt 7Vtht, w nute tbt Wlowinj ex tratU : Society is tbt t'ottod State hi? Mroog aUttettirt featcrw. FrontWr hit nV tb bead browkr aad tbe beart warntr. After a few yar txptriteee, ma tic neit itspid wU bo Tbt tetel!'?oec of tbt pliiixil workiic nta. day libirtr. nistrj, teamttn, U pe catUrlr noticeable. It It partly dat to tb om aod doM. Lately, I root oa . ..! tb "x "',l11 '?""r "uu " "- f ' noatb. Two year, ro b $l.OM. Next year, be nay owa It arato. aad lb preNt proprietor be fittiop I oc tb b. lb a wbo 5rt foqod rold it Califnrsla Iimi por. So I Utbti iittCTttit of tbt Great GM arnL Carry ,i!w 9-M ,& bu ytttded dtTta all. i, jf,. ' y ltt Wlrn tRj d n04Htratirf. q tkMB - baek to tbt F't ii I cerioDtlr ooabte ibrtwdtti ad 1 ifw4 ikaiH viiawflint iki tivwtn or , ...... ti.. -.... v .1. . !. ; k .. I .-.r-, aoi , tspfj.f At a ball tbe 0be. tTBl:i j soji Jdr i a qoad- i r;n j, jaft,: dren wi profaMiT tnnjed witk bndred dollar late. As tad of tb kc bttaac dtacbd ; btr foot : txfx j, lt tti Uwrd a ' jrfia tt u A ts yard or two , weeld bate I I.Vj... mIi l.rf. ' lv-. w.r..f. , itrase aad ksbaad. wbo war t.mA Ti t . - - - . . . ' . .. ... . . ..,. '"BOJt wai taoroscaiy oaaranoriiiic I coi,. r.r,i9.r ii tU Cka'Tbi. ! i , h ,k;rt tfc ,k 0 Jsh ,mtc ' ,-. . ,- .. u 1Bi- .a. Scytkof extrarapaac. Wo to bks wbo h ;. 0 Ut &c tW LJf pan Tbert ii a otrtaia aairtraal rtl w , " 'W " ".T " "r,, .T os ' .... .. ... ,. . . . . .. . , '""- '"" -" I ta aeitoraity witb wakh trtrymtB aad oaat eot tail eUrt tait. c aaatsor , "";-- " '7J v " ""."., ""'-' " " "- "" ' i(Tt- bl" r" w ' "" P" " " " 1 at orata w iwmai surr km? u a 'adkw. Allkrad Ha : bad b !itd. be ' woald bare brw made Usitrd Stat Sta ' ator ic i pltt of blaitlf. Fill ttcotmr. tbt ' RT " C ?. It a itroop aaa. wbo ' M '? a rood wort. A taaaraiot intwi siu mi s ' f,tf " ' Calitoraia. SaWM eatD tt bai Hrrd le Mae? bait lts rtr? t5ta ' an? ssmom py u ; yes iarc H a cvriaia ' w4. -If y 1SW Calitoraia w wtll. ! .T ' - ''. tWft J" Ht replied : I Ht- lt world oordkl. wbolt- t wakd peatroai jopk tbaa tbt Cailtor- aw. j-fcftr uarti art at larpt t tbeir 1 aaoattaioi aad at warn m tbeir clnaate. Tiaatwi!! correct fas'ti aad ap(iy dS- ' e-iw : tJ ptatratkc oaplt to n ' hr l" " aTcrape ckty k at Uskc i juty ik yoe&p statt tro4ac a nLi riiiap. likt btr preat cataract, to tit kftl est itat&e. talarplcp, like in woaderfel raltbow, te a nert roaad aad perfect fsK ten, ttas ttt world tai acts befert. lUfc&.Tcc. Is aa articU io tbe Uoi td statd Strnet Mapaaat. tbefolloaicp batd-uct itory ttvd ; It appear tbt box io wbic'a ttt "tack" it parked al- ', wayt bear tt Wa&d of lit baker or naktr, aad a kt waicb arrirtd is tbe eaap of tie Fifia New York Exetli r, nb ttt nark ' "B- C. Wl." cauwl nacb ipeolatioo i araoap tbe boy" at te wkat it neaat. It i ai fically aprted caaainpwJy tlat it ; natt be ttt date wbeo tie cracker were , taadt aix tcaJred aad three yean before t'trwt. , ; . A' "" JP" lUt gwwyardi io rv?K,B esl8lB tLt " rufiiaa.ta , !'"J "bicb tai btea o-k.iieg 00 lle J C4St dsnc5 fua J" . " jfi" sftodfT jjj! jci: " uadrrt.powl would not rwpectfully , call tte atwotioa of tte juUic to ttrir NEW LIVERY XSD my --, ., - , . - - ' - J MU MJ 3 1 AUIiL, - 0a Oroo trt Jackiociill wt. ' a Sw atockol baeewaod ttaio". aUoa Fi wpply of tiddle lw, to let. We flatter ouiVlret ttat we late eiieo tatw- " I" Jwr.wJ ". kttrioioed scat oTlte pauooaw. " xils j A , baad good Vupply Si" frtd cocuotlr oo Jaekaoorille, Lt. 2d, '65 dec2tf CITY DRUG STOReI ttie of Keowly Scrofula ,. .. j .., 1 ipOTO THK , VJ a aod get a bottle curt your old fertr aore J tee IbHr otw boolt. CHEAP FOR AS, A. FISHER & BROTBEK, ooata CT California X Orccna st,tt JACKSONVILLE, Hare oa baaj t LJirCC MOCK Of MatHC Patin ' ' PRYG00D5. CLOTHLVQ BOOTS, aai SHOKS. GROCEEIB LIQUORS, CLTLKRT, CROCKIET etc, ttt, ttc. AM will bt rU at ItOClUCOd 'S'iOBH JacktwatHle, Jaa. t, 'CI. juir. . -... ' I .ft VI? A' RTT tftMl -' - -J-ivijn falifwnis StrttJ, JttawttEt, DEALERS AND WORKERS Till, SHEET IRdCOPfE LEAD AND BRASS, HAVE ;uM c!T3 'roa tbt ACui rulrt aad Sac FniK-i, a ct.- u tit'crttua: r tvt.r.jf aair. spaaauT6 aaaj a- DrtiK .. -"" r ".--.' !? . . b. b.v 1 f. ft. Va .' " -- w i att I :pn. iijurauc .tuti ft Paatx. Cfcala. L.1 i'irt Hm UARI'WAI'.L. crTLKRV. .iH5 of aU ttltt Bar l'Ut aad ajtorttd Iras; i'alaf 1 S if aadGitH; .UlaabUrtiflVitdtr, Sbt of all ssVr : Dma of tTery tarttty etc eta S-tercres. A1k. always m ta4 a urn M af rtroi f aoMrd him. Iiu.k.' ltrttCL: I 01 itoet.- aad tb New W.i sytt"iii j t Try b.i aad arprvtM patttraiUttt otn rarrcr. ua aii l. . faatT aad plaia. t.trurtrf oaUf, " l-rsr r'" ', Ktl. Prtifw. aad crrry tbia : ooaactrd iti taoe wu, arraaM JarM and prrfrct. All ankkt -M. ? tbta cr rxz& tart WARRANTO'. Ttwxktttali f tbr l-rl taateriai aad of tboiettf48at fc.Ord attcadd to wtkeirttt asf ttl4 aetwrilsc to djvctwsi. 1: trtr; talsr. tbtir Mk tat UrpfJ aad bt tree brocbt to Ja.-kK-iT.lli arflbfyat dttmalavd to tell at uw raxnroaac Call aad taaaiae tke.r uk Wort jt ebakf rlKber tsat rS. Wl-S. Arwlt for HalUdky ACa WjtEtf. "" OSBORN & SESSIONS, m Xrrfheni M- Sin rncw.fil IUt'.b; bad ert.Te eat5ea Is W Wtx.;: aad rruil trade. wfidjj ftdrat that to ColNTUV JfEEClUM? dMruip a rwidcat aptat w ascco al parcbam. we caa oJrr taperiw t I'antcakr atiot!o c'reo te w&di tbt pur.aH aad a!t af Lrl Trastf lra(u. iuaijrt. aVw.se M,8iZ:5 ota traaetioai rjo fit; tbt Krrsfla xjpfricd abd rrliaU arrati. I'arcbavt will U aad fvr cajboa? tr cp ia eai 4 fprc.al aprrrarat v evaarary. . (5 co ID. (Dsbora, Ffrawly witb Cantii-. I?ar Wb4clt dtalm la fiae tkti. ta. I CtKO. r . . Sessions, Foratrly Jtb C R. Cooaww, Ce. Wbaktale Grocm. Saa rraad: a BaawnaT A Wade, Ja:Vtvilk,Orff REFER BY PERMISSION TO t. u i:a.cuLy a, iut i " Irurfwv- W UilL Atujir Eft lna ,n. ctaLK a m.i:iiV. u i-t, a 'S ft..n -. iii.r w Mint Si IMt Umpqua Academy THE Tra.u of Cmpice -Kf;U itoroBe-tly teua.rvd tat le&.'S it u oow ready for Ktool l"! Z Tern of tt week! all .WDf. M Tte Epriuj: aod Saiototr Tr, """' RATES OF TUlTIOSPerQ Primary Urpartmeot " ( e Scoodar do ; d liibrr haglub . i'witv Drtd LaogBage., Drawicg aad Yvv . $ mt cfctb. eatra, iiK t Uiulr hi Board lo prirat fanillrt " , P. F. ROYAL, FnP iir. Class Sxiru. At't TeacttN .. , AIf ;. u, LASATERtLANGFORW, ATTOKifEYSATUW' Walla alia Clif. w g Oae door we.t of Kygtx 4 ' Ctr. Z D. 31. C. GACLT, NOTARY PUBLIC JACtiTlLLB, oatooif' Office at B.F. DowtllW ' f0 TOTHEClTlf DBVG.pit aod Neuralgic Unameot, aod yew will toco Uoom WFFP tfatX' O bid J. our above Uadburj A ". wr above Biadbnry p. -J G O TO TILE CITV vu. - - ' r buy your eatmu, B"',C. I pttr crtaa of tarUr, pur , tO TO THE CITY DBl'G Jll5, pur crtaa