V,, V U i,nii iiniiM jzmmz. . ... nrnnv finnniivrT !iJj J5ATIHDAV.. .Inn. 0, 1SGG.J - 1 sUmdoxx n tlic Strenni. i.inm t.Irif: tlmJowg Tl kl (liaiwngiounu; SiViM T bcntltoons 0tns.'0Hi SirertlntulllliOfcToUHa. J, mi n o'iMIip biittri'M, litilii'il. gray, mid old; j.itfkiBh'liilo waters, ' ' ?il ill, still, nud cold. Wlrn our bright reflections ltonee its surfhd o'er ben like oenseless music The ill'tRUt totrenti roar; , .J the rock Iwforo us fu-s tli" witter' brim, F.iiig.ng n ri flection Ijilnetut mvfclf nrnl blm! -) A we stood'together, Win-pering soft nnd low, 1 uii'.a harebell blossoms On tlic ttftvon blow. Laurel lonro were gleaming . , ltouud li! ttintlt-A hair, ' ' uib tin1 rock were frowning O'er mine cold aud barol s ai J tli y not prophetic .Sli.id'iH'a on the stream J ii 'i u vMons haunt in 1 rum a troubled d rerun. Mu y, many summers, uli tli.-lr wreaths of Iluivcrs; Mil"- nriny winter, With tlivlr dreary Lours; Honing liku thus waters, LIli's iwiijIi wtkway down; llnngin? fnme'K fwh IntfltU I'm hi- lutirvl rromil h lu'' V-1! "hi buttress Lonely now i dream; gloHlr, Mdly watching :'iau in on tlic stream! Li.afcwj j.'.cw aacjwi fttttitlit)' I-nxv. t """' TLe f .Lowing is die amended Sunday 1 w We hojtc nil ;o(i(l citlr.'tH will -' j' ', in. i;my Imvc ito prosecutions ;: t!' c utti: Vs Air tn ulnt'inl no nut entitled nn act ti ptuiidi n endc ol criminal procedure ui d It (Ji lino rrttntj awl tlielr pmiMi- nvnts, upiirovcd October Vi&, lcO-t. l ' rit tuiby tht Initiative Annuity i t S:ulc of Oitgon. rtiu 1. Tlut Section GS.1 of. the - ' t. li'l'd net, be ntnl L'e iun U tiy rep"ii.'(d nud tlip (olloiving If. n.n d lupure ilnrwif: Sic. CSy. If ntiy I'd ! all lc open Any ttore, tlioji. Slurry, bul.'ulhy, billiuril room or tip I I, 'i:ko for inrpoifP of labor or twlllc, o uiiy place nf emuniiiueiit on the firt tlay tl.i nlc vomiiwiily chIIkI Hunduy or V I ' - d.iy, neb. permii ujmn convic- ' I ' !I le pillilflnd by n fine of tuuii Uv uor more tlmn fifty dul- .i jiriiviiitfu timi tlic nt)ov provinjon r it upply to ti It'p?ri of dru-f i, t' itftor lioH, nwvrUkttf, livery tat. . kficrf, barber, Imltliir niul Im- ' an 1 tilt circiiuHtancct of iiiy ui I tin r.-y uiuy U plwdltl ,in ilefcnw, n.iUi aiiull Ik JresUtl u (jnfWloni ol fact (' ili' jury to ditcrmiut wLcn tint ci&nc M'.'nl b; jury. Anj.rov.d Dcwmbcr 18tli. IPCS. Mvit, Roitw. It los not appear in ""MlYUIiwiMMit for curryiti'T llio inaili in 0.i' ii. UK piiil,ln.d lo thcSK.Tl.vrt., Iiuw 'Ii iiiuil nutt.r ui tofjel from Vnko to 0 Aland Oregon. Tliii section of tin ttJUte wag ndvrrllwd In tlie California pit-rr- 'i'lic folluwinj, ja u incmurumluui ol '! wrt ortlH. roud, from Vreka to Oak- , !l75 J'rom Yrcka by Henley, Ash- "I'd MiIIk. I'limmir. .TiwUm, vlll,. t!,-l- J'"'Ut, (Jruiitfi I'uMi, Inland, '(luloVvlllc, X'ftb Cnymvillc, Mwtlo Crvtk. Uoc "v ui.d Wilbur, to Oakland, 175 miles )'l liiick, dully. Wtdblt from April lf to N'nr.i4er 1. UlC Yalta dalK ut 1 p. . ' - - ' "-e ut Oakland tbird duy by 1 v. it. ;ui .iO lioursr) ltio Oakland tlnllv ut 1 r. M. Arrive nt Vrekn tl.'ird duy by 2 r. m. r - liomsy " .f.fn. f,0llX KownUr U to Apul Ut. '" Yrtka daily ut 6 a.m. Arr.vo ut Oaklund fourtli day by C v. m. aie, Oakl.mil daily ut Arrncnt Vrtku luurtli b a. m duy by C r. it." Hkm.ux uv am, Mkams. A Frenchman a' I'lawrvillc wUbea to know lvliothcr, In c -nt of u war with Franco, we would drl fjuiet French miners in (bis coi.nl ry to emigrate. -Ccrtalnly.no:. Tbere could U no objic.ipo "to indi;3lrious French w'nrs remaining In tins Slute, provided "wy nmke no uctlve demontrution. Hut c oeiisider tho prospects of a wur with France ns very faint. Sac. Union. IUnrv lUnry Wrryi, J'., Recvivt'r of the id Oflicu.- ut Oreoi, City, bus bten u. n'ed Cuiied Siutis Depositary in place Point f,". Matlock, ruicued lie bus i-Ai-cutid lie ruiuirfil im.i.i., ,.,i ,...i..,, ,i upon the ''"lies of ifw.oflKe. ,--.-.. ....ut, n u,,., villVltVI Jr lnnlinm'MinnaAlmaM A LL those knowing tliem?evcs Indebted WU', elthur liv Look aeeonut or nolv. rwjilwtid lotettlo tho aiuo oil or bo fif Ik . .. ' VVIUHIJ 1IVAI, 4 ill'' euu In ii , lme ""Willed oluimi will Lo placed U lue llilnlj,.,fll... ..:. r ll.-.i... "' WIU Ik. i,l' rebrwily next. At the end -.i w uv uuigi-rn lur uuiicuiioil, jjyjivlllc. Jan S. 'litl. jqt,w3 QOTOTHU OITV HOOK STOIIKnqd c how very chtap they tell books. T UHWiuli Minim -,m iumwii urn imii imn" UTTin i SotllC Of OUr rpllitlnn nl.nn. l.ll - story oboat a woman being relieved from Miciciiicss pnet oy n hymn. AVe have affected nm KrcalIj p b blmj J rmA lIii lOlU llli?t Since the Democracy lest General Sher rqnp, they Imvc but two generals lelt gen eral failure nnd gcncml despondener. 5. '. Hag. X3T,"SV TO-DAY. List oi letters KDIAINING Unclaimed In the 1'oit Of. tico. nt Jnckjonvllle, StatoorOgn., on the 1st day of Jan., 1SCG. lk'rker.N'npoleon Jones D H 2 Kluknde W 11 Kcuton J I Kevrldsy W F Klcrmnn Miss M A Matties Win Myers Thos Mirritnim A L Mafcol Miss Charity I.'eivton Hev C II E Osborn T O Perry 11 It IVatsc (J M Riddle .f U 2 KiJdteJ U . llodgers J W 2 nodgcrs Mrs 0 E Ueed L P Row land .T F Swingle J II Snvbnni Clms Svwely D Smith W I) Sperhs J M 2 Thompson David Tou ner A M Walker Jnckson Wrrn Jackcon Wright WF Hiicketi rumen llartlttt Cliiu Hratid John Hally Mrs Mnry Clollen Win Carlllc David Cssslriny Patrick Caster Henry Oluy Ada Conly Ilcbrcci Cnitc Wm Drain John DuulupJ II Davis Silas W Downer V Imic'rinn 'Hios Ftousc Samuel IS French Win Fiilrnmn T W (3rcgsby Mrs A 2 Qillllatid J F 2 Gardiner PS' I Toll Hamilton MlisL llnrmlnson Iko Halley KS Hiipwood JlU Huston 1) W Jncl.sin Jim .'I .07 To obtain nnr of thee lettcif. the sppll cant tmit call for "advertised letters," give the d.ite or tills list, and pay one cent for udri'tibliig. Mf not aflbM for wllhln mt nxmth, they wtll bo Mlit to the Iend Letter Ollioo. In irMlting letters, pi see the pottage stamp on the upper right-baud corntr. nnd lenve spuou Ih twccii the slump nnd direction fur iKw-t-iimrl.lng without intcrlvrrlug with the vtHtiug. J. M.SUTTON. P.M. Summons. TN the Circuit Court of the Stale of Ore .L Kon, for the county of Josephine. Harriet Druko Plalntlir, ii. John Drokc Defendant. wit in ixjt'iTr tor. a mi ono:. To John Droke; Vou are required to nppenrln said court, mul a:iirur iliecunuilaiut or said plaiutlll', fllrd tip.lu-t ion, wllli I ii ten dais from the time cr tho service of Ibis tutunout on jou, IfiHTicd ttlihtn suld county, or ifM'rvidon you Mjlhln any other county In llil Slate, then uitldii tii euty dujn fmin the lime of the kh Ice, or if served on jououl tifthr Stntu of Oreuon, llicu It ts ordered by lion. P. P. Prim, Judue of said court, that publi cation be made lor six weeks in the Oregou Sentinel prior to the sicoud Monday In April, lbtiC. And you nru untlliid that If you fall to unmersuid complulut us uIkjiu nqulrid, thepialulilf n III apply to the court lor the nlief demanded tliervln, to-wit: For u dhoicu liom the banilt of mutriiuoiiy now eAlrtIng hetxeeu the I'laliillll'und defendant, uud lor the care nnd custody of theehildrvu of the marriage and fur the costs and duliurtemenls of this suit, uud Ir c ueral ril iT. (tied under my linml IIiIk .'a dsy or Jan uary. A. r. lbtiO. H.UIItlliT Ult'JM., In prop'T MTM)n. I Vnitod States Internal Rovonuc Collection, Dis trict of Orogon. 1 PURSUANT lo the provisions of "Sec. . 2b," of nu net to proride "Internal Revenue to support the Government, to pay intend nn the public debt, and fur other purposes, upproicd June 30th, lbG4, amended Murch 3d, lr-C.'f," notice is hereby giuu to all roi)s llublc lo pay duties, or taxes undtr ild act, in the Dis trict of tho fcir.te of Ortgon, that the Col lector has rctt.vtd from the Assessor thereof, his moiithly und piclul collection I.Ms tiursuant to the provisions of said "Act, that the dutlts ur.d laxifs OFsessed by the AsH'tsor, have become due and pay able, tliut tl.c s tld Collector, or his Dep uty, will attend lor the collection ol the &imr, at his office, in the town of Jack sonville on January 17 uud 16ii. I8CC. MLDORA.M CHAWl'OJCD. Collector, Uy L. S. Tiioki'.on, Deputy. JaeltS'iiiville Jan. Cth, IbCC. ICw2 Masonic Notice. Tl.o reguljr comuiuiilcition of WAR REN LODGE, No. 10, F. nud A. M., for tlic i rsnin.' Mu tonic yi-nr ivtjl bt holdeo at their Hull, In Jucksouville, on the tvcclniji of the folloniiig datoa. to nit: Julillai' itl. I'lliruaiy lit, Slunli tii. April i. 9luy !M. Jlliit HO, July MS. Aiik1 '4'i. hilimlirr 10. ., loltrl 17. '.Sowmlirr ;JI. Dicfiulirr 1U mid 'Alt The Lour of meeting will be frpm Sept. to Murch at, ball-past G V. H.J and from March In Seplcnbcr, at half-piist 7 o'clock i'. . The brcthien are eurmsily requested to utlcdd curly, for iiurk will be couimecc id ut tlie uppoitited hour. lirfthwu will do well to e&vo this ad vertisement for future reference. N.LANGEL, W. M. Ciias. W. Savaok, Sec'y. Jueksnville. Jan. C'h, 16CC. STATE OF OREGON, 1 ss CotrsTV of-JackoON. J the Ooumy Court of the State of lOi Oregon, for the county of Juckson, De cember Term, 1805. IS TUB MATTEK Of TUB KSTAIE Or J0IIX MITCIlF.,JKOi:ASKi Whermis, Jtrinuu Ilellm; Administrator or said E.Htnte, bus tiled his Kxhibil tor the final settbment thereof, notice Is hereby glien, tliut Tuesday, thu second day of Jun Uiirj, Ibdti, bun been set apart for the liuui seltlemeiit of sAid Lttate ivitu the adintuU trator Iherc-of. Uy order' of Iho Hou. J. C. Tolman, coun ty Jude. ft'v HOl'FilAN Clerk. Deccmcer 3th, 16US. dec9w4 QO TO THE QITV DRUG SrOHE. SACHS BROS. DRV AND FAKOY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AN 13 SIIOIS EMPORIUM. WE HAVE JUST Received and are now OFEXtfmO rpiIE LAItOEST.llKST ASSORTED X nnd most Fashionable Stock In the CsS" above line, to be found Vj3a Cs2 this side of San Fran- -a fta? cisco. Also the -A Laics! Style Of Ladies' Hats, Cloth BASQUES 5t CLOAKS, WOOL HOODS AND NU1JIAS. A FULL ASSORTMENT OP Ladies, Misses nnd CHILDREN'S HOSE. IN FACT, EVERYTHING API'ER- 1 Uluiiig lo ii Firt Clais Dry Goods und lltiir Clothing IlouM.. All of Sia dT whiih will le sold ut -Via CiSf' uniircccdcntid t&u LOW 3IJ1CES. An Iininciise Sloek Of Groceries, Liquors, TOUACCO, Klc, Of Ihc best (pjiilily, nml nt prices war ranting us to say tha't they arc the clieup- miu,L,4COUn,J- Favor us with ujrull oiulannilwo vour. selves. KACIIS J1KOS. September 30. 1655. sp30tf Attachment .ollco. IN the Circuit Court or IheStatcorOregon 1 for the county of Jnckson. August Jacobou, plalntlir, ic Oliver J. Evan, (jeoree W. Kulirund II. 0. Jeuk ins, defendants, ACTIOS' AT LAW TO IIKCUVKU Xo.NUV. To mid defendants; lly order ol raid court iou arc retjulred touiurln said court aud uuurr the cutiiplulut of mid philnllll'. lilJagulit)ou, on or befoie the xcond Moud-ty in IVLiuu ry, 16'.o; und II l ordered by 1 1 Hi. P. P. 1'rini, Jude of said court, that puLlication U. uiade for C links In the '-Oregon Ken. tint),'" prior tohoscccail Monduy in l'tb riury, ibC(. Audjcu are notified that if jou fail to ansucr said compUInt u( aboiert'iulrcd. tlie plalntlir h III upply to the court lor the relief demanded lliereiu, Ui-wit: for njudg. meii fjjdlust jou lor the sum of Thnohuu drid ui.d forty-lour mid set euty one-bun-drvdths dollars, with lntret Ihtreuu ut Iho rule of fen m-r ceut. ner uiiuutu. from the till day of Juue, A, D. lbCI, uud the cvts and dlilwrsearntseJ this action to be laxid. UlrcQ under my Band tins otu day or lay December, A. I) lou. ii, r. jiiiiri,iij Attorney fur Plaintiff. few j,-k ii i.. iinu'Lir r dec!) FLOUKliXf; MILL. rpiIE undcrsignid now buvlng full and entire coutrol of the Iloimood Mdl.iio , .:.., ,i in. .i. ., ., i. ii... ii, ZXkS3 I For cicry Lutbc) of itoml Ull wL-tt, io tKjutids ot flour lull be uiun, uarruntid at good as can be Ciu4e lu the county J, P. I'AKKER. September ?0.Jjf S MpJu tr 1. II. U8ATL, W. 0. UOIOiiO LASATER&LANQFORD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wiilla Uullu City, V. T Onodoor west or Kyger A- ItetsoV lirick Store. J"""' I). 31. C UAVLT, NOTARY PUJIO, jaci:s'jvju.k, on won. Office ot IJ.F. Do ell's Uw Office C0'lQ TIIK OITV DRUG STORE X und buy a bottle of Kenedy's Suit ltlieiim Ointi.neut, uud cute that scald head of yours, nod cure those ugly ring-worms on your neck and face. -lOTOTJIK CI'IT DRUG STORE y for lour poal oil. easier oij, boiled oil uud spirits ol turpentine, vo lo iiiL" err y TjFug htokk J and get a bottle oi Kenedy's Bcrolulo Ointment, nnd cure your old fever tore. JEWELRY CLOCKS, FANCY WATCHES, ARTICLES AT- NEW STOKE! Next Door to Sachs Hrus. V NP.UHrU has stocked Ids new stor I with a large nnd valuable assorlmsut o, latest stvles and patterns of CJT SPRING AND WEIGHT TXO clocks. it- -ja SILVER WATCHES, 3fiS2W DIAMOND JEWELIH. PEARL. EMERALD, CAMEO SETS Togethrr with n splendid lot of other Hrcnst-Pins, Hro.vhcs, Enr-RiiiR. Finger Rings, lockets, Ruckles, Clasps, UrnccleK Sleeve Ilultous, Nccklncrs, Wntcli-Chi.ins, Chatelnlns and Seals; Also, complete sett of incomparable Qxn.iMS Vo-xrvclx'-y, manufactured from the richest und nioit beautiful specimens of Gold Hill nnd Pom icr quartz. In nddition to the above, may be found nt his store the best ipiulitles of TARLE AND POCKET CUTLERV. And, In short, general larlety of yicU-Nut'UH .v. Fiinvy Ailif'loB All of which will be rclJ nt t.ow rnicKs and warranted. REPAIRING.-Clceks. Watcl.ni nnd Jewelry rcp.ilied with promptness, and hi n manner to gunrontrc satisfaction. MAl'FACTCREO lo order, ntiy -rtl-cle ol Jewelry, with tientnrss and dispatch. B&U Call nnd seo his new stock, nt his new store, on California sireet, next door to Sachs I!ro., Jacksonville Oregon. Jucks.iuvi!lc, Die. 17, 1HC2. tf USTTON" LIVERY, SALE EXCHANGE Stable. Sa 5 21 Aiib'iiltiMTa)lor Proj.'r. The nroiirlctor has recnlly ihiicIuimiI the iiIkiIC well-ktiuiiu staud; situated on the curner of fulirurnlH V III! Mlitt, Where the very btt of horn's uud bugi;li- can Iw bad ut nil times, ut rmtiotmhle r.ilen. 1 1 In stock of tuadttvrs cannot Le Kjualed in the State. noiti;x iiii.iiinr.i) On reasonable term, and lliti In'tt cant and attention bertoued ..pon tlum iildle under his clrirge. Also llor ltmilit unit Nolil, Ilelng s.illified that the ho oan give alii faction, the iupriilor suliiits the patrou iige of the public. Jucktonvill", Dec 8, IbM, decttf UNTotio. I WE have this Jay sold our l.lieri A f Sale etable l Augiutiis Taylor Thuukrul lo cur idd patrom. fur thilr llbor ul p-itronuK. , mo tuku pkd'urs In hcihii UHMidlng Mr Taylor In tli'in. Clugago A: Drum. Jb V-.ii ill'-. Ni.v 1 1, 1'lu. il'iU JOHN !'. JIOIX'K WdlcliiuaKcr ;iml Jeweler! Uitpon Stint, JiuUcHiillt, Oitgon, HAS STILL THE REST SELECT i:DM0n; or tillM'IXI! .FTAVKUtV, GOLD AND Sslf.Vnit WA'ICIII'j. b WV AMi JU IIIIL1I (ICthS, PrloM 2D per ont LouMt lu town. 1m iUaii nuy other All artlelo are strictly narrwnlwl. STATE OF OREGON, ( ss Coi'MV of Jalkio.v, (""' I N the County Court of the State of 1 Oregon for the county of Jackson, Do ccinbcr Tirui,A.D. lfcoO. In the matter of the estate of Robl. 11. Custecl, DeoeutcO. I'luul Mllli Intnl. Wrurrui, llernun ili'lliii', administrator of said Ivttut", has lllid his cAhlliit fur the liual seltleineiit thereof, liotieo la hereLy giicu, that Tuesday, the Kcond day ol Juu uary, ib,o, nus ii-eu set apart tor me ii- uai eeiiiemeni oi tain i-aiaiv, hiiu me a minltrntor thereof. Uy order of lion. J. C. Tolman, County Judge. Wm. HOFFMAN. C'krk. fJecember PI h, lfeo&. fec& I Who Wants to Huy. ' ' "uair.iguiu iAingue.irou ui rtsm- -i. i nk' iterinarieiiiir m wie Aiiauiic ntatis. '." !. . i-rlcj. hlch cannot fail t.i Milt any one who dclres to nuicLaw. the iiiim properly known an tlmt formerly Im longing to tfio ".Sailor Digging Wutir. Mimiig and Milling Co.,' ooiiutn., of wutir diictiss, fi.irvti.ri, ailrilng iluims, etc , itc ; -uIhi (iwtlliHg bouw, LjIii, i n . 'Hie uImu tseiitivnijl i.iopirly utituaud in Sailor Diggings; Josephine Counts, Oie gun, aud will pay u revenue wpial to I -r lent per ruoiilh, on He amount rupilrtd to purchase Iho lame. 1'rlcn-fceiiii tl.ou tnnd tlie huudrid dollars ilfiW). tor further particulars, uddress, during the next ninety days, J.O. WKS'ION, Waldo, Oregon. Dec. 10. 1866. dwrtHtf I'ublic Aliiiiiiiniatur't So- lift-. liirsonn hmiiis cluinu uiraintt A LL the IClale Ol II. llutliaujn. iko.. urn uvuoy noiiutu to pji-aeiu the kuou) lo ILe undeiklmd, l'ubu Adiuinltlralor in nnd for the County o Curry, urni yatu ol Ore gon, at his toiliUiicv In ElUu.burg, said county, uithiu Six month, from da to. Elleiisbiirg, I W. Kti.i,v uctzau, lhqa, ( I'uiiiio AdmlnUlMtor. fjo to thu any piivo ptoiib ma VJ buy a Lottlo cf Jvcuidv's Itkutmalic and tieuralglc Llnamcot, ami your crutches willioon btcome ufclew. TABLE OF STAMP DUTIES Ai raiJ.l bj Act of Jun .13, 1CI t)lmivllon on Mainp Dollft. It Ii not hn fnl to record nn untampcd or Improperly stamped Instrument, docu ment or psper. and If rscordeil, such reoord Irnll lie void, nnd shall not b lucil in evb denc; but the liHlrtiment, diKiimsiit, nnd pHr hill not, lit conietptancs, L deemtd Ininlld nnd or no effect ; nnd nil sueh pcrsof nu oBlenil nnturi', IsmiJ or neil br the odjeers of the United Slatsa guteru ment. ate exsinpl from stamp duly. $20(1 fine rkr Isitilng anv tai'aVlc decu tariit tiilhoul a itamti. I $100 line for plying, negotiating or offer J lug lu pAymout nn uuttamped dnill or order. $10 prnaltv lor tint nntslng "tsnip oti co nwi A, uinu-nef, inn pictures, .vc. $,"0 pentlty for remnilng nud tv using nnv stamp to cinde stntup duty. Documents nude In torelgn eotintrlss, to K' ucd In Hi Ii", milt bo stamped a If nwils here ; and the slumps mut in iitylxrd n-id canceled by the pitty to nliom luth diKU merits nre lml. or by wliom they nro nl In lhi country. No deed ormortgn? of reil wlal shull be rrnulrvd to pay n ilnnip duly exceeding m iw, Where lind Is sold mliret lo n mortgm1, If the grnntec nmuttie miment of the mort gnge, the stamp' must la fur wholo value of the land If grnnlrt' iliiei not coieuant to pay mnrt;ngf, I lie stamp mul te npproptl nte to the conridentllflii of tho grant. Imiimr, Tin1 Internal lie.ietiue Law rnpiires eiery person In ay Inenme tax on all Income lur ilie part iear over and aonii' Mini denim from any iniirca nhnleier. The tax Is live xr erntutn nn the tlrnt ffi.OOtt, In eee vi rr $1.00. and ten per centum im the pom ol r 5A,l'0l). Income should be liiaile up Tor the entire tar, front the lltst day or January to tho lnl tlay of PeerniWr, ihIIi d.t.is Inclusive. The 'oolier lids Is msde up nliVr I In' explrnlioti of the icnr, the more eortrct II Hill likely Ih. 'ltd atatiment rboulj U' made tip In detail, shotting the receipts nud expenditure from dillemit ources. rrmn lull MaUmeul, the neMr will tie ciml'lnl In tmike up n cot reel iiteotui of nil prrxjli. 'I lit; Umelil sltoukt Im made In the I'. ?. Amcssw on or U-fore the 1st ol .Mny following. AcKnowledgiNpsul uf dawls or oth r liKiruinenlK.....' lUtmpt. Alllduilt $0 OJ Agrei'iiient or npprulwmetil, for (itch sheet OA Algnnienl or lrnuftr of mutt ce. Unn. or tmlicy of Inati tuiNX". or the renewal of liny ngtveminl, eontrtiel or cliuilir, Is mljisil to the aino duly amtlglnnl iiitru mint Hank Chck, drnfls. otders, v!o.. nt sight or on demand for nil sunn ol iimiivy i-keewlltig $10 . U? Hill ol Lxelungi', (inland) drall or ntder lur the iMimetit of nny mm of monev, nud nny proud. wiry not', (exceiil ImiiU notes h. sued rar clieiiiatlon.) or any tiH'.oranilii'n, elei'k, nliits or (.lliec uilltiii or prliilid cildMim ol mntiey lo i ill, on miiim not i'eeilliig $IIMI Fur eiery iidditlouHl $100, or ftse. Hou liieteof Illllnuf Exchuiigi', tfottlgu) drawn In seta of three or more, Tor eirry bill of Mich set, where the rum do not excei d $100 or lis pilv- iilent In InrekMi eiiiM'iiey Forever) mlTilloiml $100 or fr. Hon IheriHif Il druw n singly or In duplicate, Mine mto ol duly ns luhiiid III list of Exchnnge. For any luteiin porl, on evsry Mil -.r enoli m-I Hill of side iif nny mud or tiart o:. 05 111 thn. or, when tli eoirtlde ration ilne not eed eJiOO. . . . I'lireivi uit.lllloHHl $A00 or ftM- tliMi llimwif ... Hill of sale of personal projwrO lliunl lor liidemnilying uuy nrH, U litre the sum iloo itbt itKtmtt JI.WO For rury uddltUul $l,ooo or fraction ilmiKif Pond lur due encullon of d Jlies of oaiet- AD 01 50 M 1 00 Iliwid for del or tonieianee of laiel ; IS lloml. i, uuy tMrii'Uxi, otltsr Hhiii Mteh an nre rnpilred lu brgal ituidiftjis. khiI tuali ui nr nut otksrwiM ebargd ?5 Uaid. phiybig, )r wik, wot x- tilwdllig iu juiM Ih Muts o; Over U iwul not ovsr ti aouU pr Kek .... 01 Our 'it uud not omr 60 wnts 10 CtrllllcalcN of I. wit, sn prom sory itole. CerliMulea of ilrMll in Unk, sum liut nxetdiig $11)0 Oi Jmidi exaliig $I(H) ... OA CVrllhVatu of l.ck in un lueurpo mtwl cuiiuuy ii C'ttioeate ol pioB' In no lnoor ratal eoiniUiiy, (or it rum uiit bus ll.ii 410 uor oxeei'ibi)! ti4)- 10 Huowlliig i'iO und not vxctdlug $1,000 M For every additional l,iiim or flucllbti llieitof ..... 'il Cei lilUute o damage or otln r doitu. menls UmuJ by txirt watdsii or marine surveyor Cetlirkuti-a of uuy oiler dutvrlp. Hon thin Ihuau piiUid 0$ Ceilitled IraiiMritil' of judgment, 4tifaetiou of Judginolit, niel of other pajn-rs rwxiidld, und of pA prH on )ll, oath . . 06 Contract, Linker 10 Convtyancu, dd or other Imlru. ment eonu'mj,' rial projurly, the aetua lalue of wLltti cxumlt $100 tui decs not ejnartd liuo. . &0 For eiery additional $AU0 or fraction 60 Dlip.iWti, telegraphic, where tbu lint iu toui, dot not esMul V) cents ... 10 rvicwilug Vi cwits, , . , , 30 Documents imdc In fvrolgu conn trios, (power of ntluriwy, dwl, or o Ur i document,) to m und lu thu b'nlted States; ih&It pay same duty us II IwU'd In th Liiits.1 b tales. Ijitry of gwIior wares at I lis Cus tom Uoum;. iiltlmr lur ooiionii I lou or warehousing, not exceed ing $100 in mine. if, l.t4lug fioo aud not sxcsiil Iul suo ing 3il0... 30 ,1 00 30 KxMiisling 600 iu luluo WllhdraMal of good liom Und ed wurtlioiiKi. ... Jumtanee, (.nuriiie, inland aud Hit) ivLere .imount paid duos not ox- cswl $10 From 510 lo $80 Excetdiug $60 In 'iruuco, (jlile) n hou uitoiint in. si. ed does nut exoMd $1,000 ExoieUs iJUiU aud doe. not ex cud i&.OOO ijfi di $5,000 Loisy of lauds or tenements, whero llifi i"utul value does not exuitd $300 pi r annum . Exceeding 300, for every addi tional $300 or fractional 10 ii 60 U 30 1 00 50 30 Clause of of guarantee of pay. mcnl or rent 6 cents additional. Legal documents, writ or other orig inal proec". commenced In any court of lxw or tfpilly . . Whero amount claimed In n writ Issued lit n court not of record Is StOOor orcr Upon confession of Judgment, or cognovit Mr $100 or over Appeals from JiuUeea', or Inferi or courts to court of record. . Warrants of dllr, when nm'l ot rsnt doi not oxteiM 100. . . Whn th Amount dxcred 100 Manifeit for Custom ltmM entry or cleiirnueo ef th" cargo or nny xceel tint excelling 3U0 Ions . Fruit 300 to COO loni .:.. Exceeding COO tuns . .Miitche. lit p-ickagwx or 100 or lei For every nddlllon.il 100 In r. vscknur .... ... .Mrrtn' or real or psrsotml prop crl.x tor a sum exceeding 100 and not exceeding 600 dollars For every Additional 500 dollars or finctlon .... I'liw ncr'f checks I'liMdge ticket to n forrlgn pott, co'tlng not over 33 delists. .... From 13 to Art dollars For every rddtli)iinl 60 ilolUri or frnellonil I'atettl Meillclne, bitters, perfume ry. comet(es. etc , on well paek ngo tctnlllng nt not oier ii scuts From 2A to 30 cents . . . . .' From 60 to 73 cents From 73 cents to one dellnr. .. . Oier one dollar, each Additional 30 cents i'owtrof attorney lurell or trims fer ttnek, ImjihIs or tcrlp. or col lect till Mends thereon. ... To lot at election of Incorpo rated company To rrrelle nnd collect rents. . . To eotney tenl wliiU, or tent or I. .! the snmv For nny other putpe I'liiilogrnjihs. upon mob picture, tht price of iihlcli iIihm lint exeeid ?3 t cent . . Ftoin SA cents to All eenls. . . 1'iwni 60 cents to one dollar. . . For eiery nddltloual dollar or fraction theicor , l'iobte of will, or lellrt ol ad. mliiUlinllon, when) Iho mlueof Iwlh ten) ami pf I son a I itlats du not exovoil J.IWO dulhils. . . Fur eirry Adillllim.il 1,000 del- bus or liMCllon th.-tsof Ilttttds uf exneittnrs, ndijilnUtm tors, trusliM ami giinnllani. . Celtlrkal or npioliitmiit ... I'rnlet iimm note, III II or uxthnug, check, dtull, etc . I'rumbauty nolo for n sum not ex ceeding lyo dollara For eiery addltlniml lull (Julian or fractional part llistnaf 1 lieiifwHt ot promtwory nolo sou jeet lii iHlliHf slnmp duly. OmIIcIhIui ib-rd hoiibl Iw stampsj " Cotireyntiee," except when giv en at" ttlniM of mortgago. In which omi It l , . Hieniil. ItelenHi. illKlmigr, nnd s.Mliliicllon or iiHirljtH'..... Eiempt, llvorlnts lur u iuri rxieiHlIng '.'0 dollars '. . ... o.' Ileturui, GuHgern', fur nuiinllly not oxofHlllig Aim gallom Exeseillrtg 300 gallons Itetiirns, SbiiMirera'. Tor iiiisutltr mil I'Xcvedllig 1,000 biithets.'... ExeecdlliK I.OUObuiheU Ilelitrns, Welghera', for weight not exceeding 3,0(10 jioini.li F.icvedilig A.OOO pounda Trutldetd tiiude lu secntu u debt, hi ins ns murlgnge Ctmiryliig estate, mioc ns wit Teysnctt. WurttioiiMi tcvelpla for property or goods nut exceeding in l nine 300 dollar From 300 in I, nun dollats IVrewry ad IIHimmI I, Win dollars WurehouHi iwalpts not ollisrwlfo inovldt-il fur HI ii 10 III '.'A I 00 Salo ol' School Lamta. NOTK'i: In hereby giien, Hint In pnriu iifice of nn Older of the llihird ol t'lilit lulwiiiAeia of JiiLVavll .oiiiu. the under Igned will nirr lor Mb, at pnlilu. e;iduo, ut Iho Court IIiiumi d""r lu Jaik.initlle, mi Halnrday. Hie 10th di uf Febnury, IkCi,. U Im en Hit hour, or J oVInrV A. JI. and I n'eliK-k ,, Hi liillowlllg diwcrlll h'M.1 lnihu. in wii. 'ibes. i: i or n i:. .St 1 1, emit. lining lo m-reai III" N fine lion N. i: i Mm. '.; nnd N. W rrtwlion N. W. I istc. 7.1, (oulojulntr )JI nere; alio, IwglHtiliiK at IhuH. 11 oi tier or a.c. IU, and liiiinlug liiii W on Hie imiiIi iHiinnUry ol Hmi. Iti, i'iiTl ehHlim; Ihene.o N. H:l'i ohiln Ihoiitn l-J. 1.1. ii chains: thence H. Nil'.' tilialm, in Hie plaw Of Ixgluulug, eon lulMllig 3ll:3U ncro, more or let al.n, Ihs M 11 I ol S. W , and the A 1 nfN. II. or S. Wrie. !, eiiululiiliig AM.Oi ailvs, moru nrlM -all In T KH.It. I W.; ul.o,loimtlou sIjIiii No NO. In T. :i7 M, II. ., cnulalii. lug IWU31 nertv, nnd UmH. K fractional 1 oj ILe H. K tfeo ti -.t.i6'r. uud II con. lainlug IH.HJ uere., ul.n, Hie N I). I orfi. VI. ui.d 8. II o N. W. . Haw. 3li, V. 33, S ll.IIW containing hi) ncrea Toms or aale-one-fourlh or llm pur. eha money to Im paid In gold coln.ou tbu day or sale, and lha residua In Ihrrouiual, annual liiktullineiiti, hearing lutiiettat ten purenl. peruniium, payable lu gold coin) ' nciKiiiii paimeiu to bo secured by nolwof the purchasers with url'clent seen. rlly. M. A. WII.I'.IAHH, i-'iipl. Com.Kcbools J, C. Jjieiilber 30, f(J3. dec30nC Kllllllllltlla. IN the Circuit Court u( liiehtatc of Oregon lor lh county of Jackiou. John V. It. Will, idaiuliir, is, Jeremiah 3leKuy, John, 11 lived.' Ilenjamfn T. lu ll', It V. Maury and Alexander II. Mil. ler, defendant. AOTIOS AT LAW TO hhCovtll I.OXKY. To the aboiu iwimsl Deferidant, Vou uie rripiirtd to ajipear In said court and utitwsr the coiniiUlul or said plalntitr, lliwl agulnat you, wllhlii Uh days from the time o iho sen ice of this summous on you, If mini within aald county, ur Ifsericdon you within uny other county In this Stale, then within twenty days Irom tho lUi.o oi tho sirvioe, or ir serml on you out orihu alatoof Oregon, Hun It U ordered by Iho said sourt that publiuuHou bo made for six we'uka lu the Orogon Kuillnul," as to the ilsloudALut Jiremibii MeKay nud lliiijamln Hails, pi lor tu Iho 21 Monday In February, IfetiO, Aud you are notlllid that If you fail In amwer ald complaint as uboio reiiulred, thu plaiiillir will upply (o tho cjiirl lor the lellefileinaiidid therein, to-fit! for ludg. tiistit ugaliut )ou Tor the u in or Eight hup. ir-duml mveu uud uglily nine one-bun. drodlhs dollars, wilt iuterei thereon at the rate, ol leu per cent per annum, 'roni the l.tday of Augti.t, A. . ISU.undlboco.U uud (lUbursimenla or this suit to be land. Given under my hand this 3lh day of December, A I) Ut!3 UF DQWLLL.AU'yforl'U'ir. dccJ 6W rHi'l'O Tliii CITY HOOK STORK and VT see Ibelr new books. 60 JO SU 30 1 w S 10 i 00 ut UI to 30 UO UO 01 01 03 ii 10 Iri O'J 30 02 03 01 03 UO i 30 ui ii 03 03 10 'it) ID j I h h