Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 06, 1866, Image 1

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    IMHH i '
f '
VOL. X. NO. 01
m mfwmiwmw - p tw'n i
Wi . Mtiin W
mn I I ' ! "
. ntni-wli IT " """" ""-,M" J
(lirn(lnn tut Hlntit l)nlli.
It Is not law ml to record mi lim-tamped j
nr Improperly stamped Instrument, ilocu-m-iit
or paper, nud ir recorded, such record
ball In.' void, nud hnll not Ite used In cvl
,Vni'' i Imt the Instrument, dnenment. nnil j
rsni't 'hall 'Ot, In coiieqiioncc, be deemed .
Itiialid and of no effect i mid nil such pa
M, Pr nn otllelnl tmlitre, iMtiiil or ti'cd by
the nOtcer or tlic Fulled Stntes govern
in nt tire cM-mpt from stump duly.
o ) lino for Issuing nny taxable docti-'
nntt without n stump. J
81(11) lino tor paying, iicgmi.inn r m-i-ing
In payment nny unstamped draft or
order. . . .
S1U penalty lor not niu.xniE sutnip on cos-m-
tic-', malefic, miii picture, Ac. ,
$.,0 penalty fur removing and ro-uIng
nnv lamp to nude Mtimp diily.
Il.iciinicnt made In foreign countries, to
lj ii'cd In till, mtirt lie rdnmiictl nflf made
hv i and the Mnmps "UI1 - noised mid ;
canceled by the parly to whom nifh ilocu-1
in -ill arc failed, or by whom they nro used i
In thl country. ,..,,,'
No deed or mortgage or real estate "hall
I r iiulrnl to pay n stamp duty exceeding i
SU'iii. I
M here html Is old fttljcct to n mortgage,
If tho grantee nwtmio payment or the niort
la ' the Mump. miit lw for whole value or1
(Ireland; If grul.leu dor not covuiiuni to(
iu imirtnp', the Mninp tnii'l lw npproprl j
jt. to (In consideration or the grunt,
The lnlrriinl lli'voune l.w require every
ii-rmn to pay Income lax on all Inconi" fur
(k pa-t 'ir over and ahovu SGUD derlvtd
fr.iii nn vinircc whatever. 1 lie tax I live
i i n'ti.ui on the first S.'i.iiiin. In cxce
,vr e'lUD. and ten per centum oil the exec
our s ..trtlO Income should lie made lip
ir li. entire venr. Iiom the lirl day of
Jauuarj to thu 'lut day or Deciinhor, ImiIIi
ilir liiclnnivi'. The winner till l made tip
an-, i Hi" expiration of the yeur. the more
irr.ei It will lllfelv he. TliU Matemeia
Mi.mld tie made lip In detail. hIiowIiir the
ri'.cipu ntid expeiidltuiw rrom dlllirent
(ourcw. l'rm thin rtutinwiit, tho n-necor
will li. cnnblid to mnl:c up n comet Income
ol all (htmiii. Tlilc itiieiil ftiuiiUl U-nud-
to the I'. S. Auci'ur on or lielore tlic
ltol May (uUowlng.
Afl.nnu1i.ili.,ntitit uf iImhIii or oili
er ItistriimviilH Il
l.XflHpl. I
Agr -mi-til or npprnl'emunt, tor
iiuh rhevt
Alignment or tnuufer of niort
(,ai U-ax ,ur pidlry ol'Inurmicc,
or Hi-' runcwal ol any hj.m cement,
conlraet or charier, I' miI-JmI to
llii ame duty ua orlglmit luntru
in .I
l; nil. 'li'vkv drarti, order, u'.c. nl
.i ,!i- nr tin di'inand, lor nil Milan
ol money vxoMdlng $1IL
I. n ol I vlmiK', (Inland) drnlt
it ordi r for the w) infill of nny
nm ol uioney, mid any promU
iiv not-- (except lutili not !
MK.l '.r clruiilutluu.) or nny
in .Titidtru. check, ri-clpl or
'r r wrliicii or prlnkd eildenvu
(l iih a- in lie puid, ua wiiii nut
vuIiiik l,ll)
1 i cifi.v mldlltouul HI0, or fino
mil en-Ivor
l.iil.yi l.ulinuge, (liiilgn) dniMii
lu kU ol threw or inoru, lor uvry
hill ol t-ucli Hit. whvto lliv Him
il ..... n.it ceul luo or IU oiuh'
ui. ut lii IuiuIkii currvuvy
I nri r; additional tluj or Iruo
Hun tlmrcof,
II iluwu lugly or In duplicate,
Mm.- ratennl duty n Inland U1IU
of Kxclmiigc.
1-or nny Jorvlgii port, on every
lull ol unuu ii
Itill ol Mile of any u-tiwl or pait
llier of, when tho coiuldcrailon
do' not iwoitiI .1H0
1-or every iiddllloiml 35UU or li ae
li'Ui Ihetvof
lit 11 or wle or croiiul properly . .
Hum! lor ludviiiiiilyliig any peuou,,
whue the mm dovn not exctrid
lor cv. ry additional 61.000 or
lr.iolmii iliureot
liuud fur due execution of dutliM of
liond fur deed or cuutvyuucu of
II.. ml of any dmcrlption, other
than ucli u are niiilrid in legal
liiuceuliujr. uud miuIi iu me not
otiiirwiitj eliArgid.,
Card1, pl.tyiug, jmr pack, not ivc-
Cii'iluig in price lSceut-i
Oier 18 aud nut over 23 cent
!' r pack
Uver ii mid not over 30 cento .
Cirtiilcutea of Loan, tame iu pioiu-
ory note,
OrtiticUeii of depwlt In hank, sum
not executing Slot)
Hum e.Hieding lu0
Gcrdik'uiua of itocU lu an lucurpo-
rated couipany .
C i liligate of ptollt8 III uu lucoipo.
rated company, lor a um nut
Km than $10 nor exceeding W0.
1.11.1.. ding SiO unil not exceeding
Hr every additional Sl.uOO or
fraction thereof
Cei Ullcato of damage or other docu
ment hailed by pott wurdcu or
marine nun ej or.
Cuniiiwim of uuy other doscrlp-
liun Ih tn (bote tpecilkd
Oidlinl (rauciililn ol judgment,
wti.lutduu ol'judgiiiviit, und of
othi-r paper recouKd, and of pa-
Jn-rs ou ble, each
-uiiltact, bruKerii
Couvej.incu, deid or other Instru
ment conveying real pioprriy,
the nc(ua aluu of whicu exceeds
1L0 and docii not exceed $300. .
tor eery addilional $500 or
traction ..
UlltcU, telegraphic, where the
filet ten woidn doe-H not exceed '20
cents ,
bending iu cenu
Documents made in foreign couu
tric, (puwer of attorney! deed,
or other document,) to lid used
in thu L' nited .Stated, iliall pay
wtiio duty an ir luid In tho
United Slate..
1-ntry of goods or wares at the Cus
tom Houie. either fur consump
tion or warehousing, not exceed
'iKSlOOlnialuo .
Exceeding $100 mid uut exceed.
'"8 $500
$11 u. I
50 I
1 00
- 4
1 00
S 00
:. oo
fer Mock. iKind or fertp. or col
lect dividend' thereon
-To vote nt election o'. Incorpo
rated company
To ncehu and collict rent. . . .
To ooiuey nui ortatc, or rent or
lciiro the rnmc
l-'or any other purpoe
Pliutoginph. upon each )ilcluri', the
price ol which duet not exceed '.'5
l'tom .'.') cents to So conm
I'rom 50 cent to one dollar. . . ,
l'or every additional dollar or
liaotton thereof
Piohalo or will, ur lellvt ot nd
mliilttrutlon, where the value of
bulh real nod perninal clato
does not excml a.tioo dollars. . .
l'or every additional 1,000 dol
lar or Irtictloit theiW
llniiil of executor, admlnliilra
torn, truatto and gitardluns..,.
C'ertilleatv of apHiiutmeiit
Prolont iiH)ii nuti-. bill of exchange,
cheek, uralt. etc
Plumlwury Hutu lur u tutu nut ex
ceeding 100 dollar
l-'orei cry additional 100 dollars
or fractional part thereof. ......
licnc'wnl of piuuilwory note cub
jeet to Mtme damp duty.
Quitclaim deed fliuulil bu fc'amped
"Conveyance," except whe-ii giv
en n iileiuu of mortgage, Iu
w hlch cm-e It I Kxempt
ItuK-atu. dlM-'harge, uud natUtuctlou
of morlgagv Uwtpt
Ileovlpts for a sum exceeding it)
Hettirn. (iiiitgew', for ipiautily not
exceeding 300 gallon.
Exceeding 300 gullou. , . .
lie-turn, Meicurvu! for (uantUy
not exceeding 1.000 luiihel....
Exceeding 1,000 bushel
ltutmiu, Weighi'u', tor weight not
exceeding 3,000 pouud
Exceeding 3.000 pound
Trul deed, made to tceuru u debt,
fame a mortgage
Conveying vntnte, tame as con
veyance. WiirehutiM' rieolpl for projwrty or
good not exceeding In vuluc 300
l'tuuiSOO to 1,000 dullitts
I'oreieiy additional 1.00U dollars
Wurehoujc tecelpts not otherwitO
pruiidid lor
1 00
Salo of School Lands.
NOTICE U hereby git en. that In purtu
mice or an order or the Hoard ol Com
lulmloners or Jackson county, the under
flgued will ollVr for sale, ut public w-uduo,
nt the Court IIuiuu door lu JackiiOuUlle,
on Saturday, the 10th day of robruary,
ifai-.n iu.tur.nn (lif. hours of 1 o'clock A. .M.
and i o'clock P. M. the following described
School Land, to-wlt: ThcS L. j of .N L.
1 Sec. 1 1, containing 10 acres: tho N. frac
tion N. K. i Sec 22 and N. W. fractiou -N.
ii' i s.,f'vt. rnnhiiimiL' 7:01 acres; fiUo,
beufnuluK nt the S. E. corner or Sec II!, and
. V. lie lL. r.ll 1 .-. I 11 fl t
ruunlnir thence n ou inu muiu "'';
i.. in 4r'-2 clmlus: thence r. b:
; i.ii,eiiui'. tliiiice E. ia:22 chains; thence
i a.io ..i.nlnu I,. Hih ntuec of bc-L'Inill
. tabling SdiSU acres mote or Ui nUo .the
K. K. for S. W. , and tl.o 8. 1 of N. E. of
S.WJSec.D. containing Zb.VJ acres, more
I ! M. .ii ... n. ,. e HI W . ,,l.n Ih.nal fill
I or ie4--uii in i. ua.i,- ! -.-,-"-.
m No. 80, lu T. 37 S. It, !., conta n.
160:30 acre, nnd the S. E. fractional 1
ie jj. K.lSec - samoT.audlt. - cou -
. . .i vi l 1 ..i C
j inn
I ot the
tuliilug lb:bi acres
T.xceedlng S300 In value
Withdrawal of goods from bond
ed warehouse. ,
Infttrance, (murine, Inland mid lire)
where amount paid docs not ex
ceed $10
From $10 to $.'0,
Kvceedlng $50
Iniurnnco, (life) when nniount In
Hired does not exceed $1,000...
Exceed" $1,000 mid dbetiot ex
ceed $3,000
Kxceeds $3,000
I.cne or land or tenement, where
the fiitnl vnlito does not exceed
$:ii)0 per annum
Exceeding $300, for every addi
tional $:ii)0 or fractional
Clauc of or piarantee or pay
ment of rent ft cents additional.
Iii-gnl document, writ or other orig
inal procr. commenced In any
(Joiirt of-law or equity
Where amount claimed In a writ
Uued J u a court not of record Is
$100 or over
Upon confelnn of judgment, or
cognovit Tor $100 or over
Appeal" from Jutlce.i or inferi
or court' tn court of record. . . ,
Warrant or dllre!-, when mu't
or rent doe not exceed 100
When the amount cxccids 100..
Mntiirct for Cii'lom Houie entry
or clearance of tho cargo of any
ve.scl not exceeding 1100 tons . .
I'rom tlOO to COO ton.
Exceeding nil) ton
Matches, III package or 100 or lets
1'or every additional 100 iu a
Mortgage or real or pcrcomil proji
erty lor a mm exceeding 100 and
nui exceeding 300 dollar
l'or every additional 300 dollars
or fraction
1'iuviierV cheeks
lWuge ticket to n foreign port,
co'ilnc not over 35 dollars
rrnin'-'ft to 30 dollars
l'or every addltloual 50 dollars
or fractional
Talent Medicine, bitter, perfume
ry. eomt-tlc. etc., on ciich jiack
age retailing ut not over 25 cents
I'rom 'J3 to 50 cent
l'riuu 50 lu T.t cent
I'rom 75 ecu In to one dollar. .. .
Our one dollar, each additional
50 cent
Power of attorney to cell or trans
-"V;?' , c A ? V'"' ' empire than tt.ey nau prc.iuu.., ......
&S J?;- ' '-Mthe republic. P.."
u , anu . r.. 4
lbSiJT I of tbonur
IHIi" " -
- one-lourtb or luo pur- 0f outruges comimn -
i. n.ilil tu uold coin.ou the' ., ,. ,, nnrtlcularlv
day of tale, uud Ibo reslduu III thteu uiiwl,
ntiuual InstallmeutB, bearing lutircst n ten
percent, per unnum, payubie In gold coin;
mo 'icierrcu pav.ne.us o o e-c
nutc.o..iuepurenasU. .uBTv...-.v-
Sunt. Coiu.ScbuuU J O.
Uecciubcr SO, 1805.
. i.Mfi..
n,.n,.nnmv nni.f cTnii (. .mil
U1UII1I.WI1UIII-U ." - -
buy a bottle of Kenedy uucttiuuiie
mid NeuralgloUnameiit.autf your crutches
will tnnn l-onmn ui.i1ok.
50 1 will soon become cisclcs?
I-UtT.D Minr HATt'lfiuV JIOKVI.SO.
11. T. DOWr.LL, l'rottriedir.
Smcr.trnns l'or One year, tn ndvance.
Vntlr llntlnra . If ..nt.1 ...ltl.l. .1. mt .1.
. . ..... .- , ., Jin... ,,, ,,, ,(!l c,
j months or the year, live dollar ; ir not tald
until the expiration or the year, l.x dollars.
AnvKiiTWxu One niuarc (10 lines or
'lew), llrit Inncrtlon. llireo Dollar : each
fubviiuenl Intertlon, Ono Dollar. A ill-
' count or fifty iK-rcent will be made to tho?o
, who ndvcrllt' by the year.
I b J UPI Toiilrm rrrrlTinl nt rnrrrnt rulM.
Ahvicej rnoM tiik ltiu GnxNDE Qkn
KiiAt. SnniiinAS Tai.kinq Plain to Mi:
jia IsTKnr.uiNei ('onitcroxnKM'K.
New York, December 21th. Advices
from, the ltio tl ramie rrprescnt nffulrs ns
SO growing more mixed. Additional corres-
pondence ling pacd lictwecn Grncrnl
I Wcltzel and Mejia, tho Imperial Comman-
- .. -.- .. ... ...
1 ncr at .Maiinmoras. citzci alleges that
Mcjla m, on mere supposition imprisoned
jltmoecnt American citizens, nnd Informs
him, by direction of General ShcrlJnn,
thnt If such outrages nro repeated, no per
sonal npologtiH will be accepted, uud
i strongly Intimates that he will be author
Ized to tcttic matters by forco of nrmi
J General Mejiu's complaint li tho old otic
of aid and comfort given to Mexican lte
f,0 publicum by Wellxel'. troops. Vcitzl
03,sa8 be Is orderti to My thai, hcrruftcr
when nny gurrison under Mejia's oominaud
Is in a gtutu ol Fclgc no supplies ol uuy
klud will be permitted to pan to such gar
rison from l hi tide, General Sheridan coti
tiderlug it a violation of neutrality itgaluil
the legitimate authorities of Mexico to
rend puwdcr to such peroiw ; nud that lie
U'cltael is old trod to stop all liitcrcwiiH!
with nny garrison during the prognss of n
Jselge, txcipt that which humuiilly shall
The ILrahl'i Hrownirlllc Ictlirrays;
Forced loans of tnonry mid olhtr prntiorly
are cotiitautly being collected by tho Im
perial Kildiers nt the point of the bayonet
mid citizens who demur to such treatment
Incur the penality of deutb or Imprti oninent.
Tiits correspondent (urllur soys the proba
bility of active Interference by tl.o L'nlud
States in the affairs ol Mi-xieo Is the only
03 1 thing thought ol ut urotwisviuc, unu me
, . . . ...... ... ...
bupropion Is cry strong that this will lie
delayul but a short time. Certainly the
tone of tho author! Ie Is such ns would
wurrant the oonclution that no great mln
will be tukon to avoid a rupture.
New Orteuiw, Deeember 'J3d. City of
Mexico advloes to Xovtmbtr 30lli wy ;
The Emperor lm extended the per lod of
bU utumniy
The 'lima Mexican correspondent says
General Diaz in carrying nil before Mm,
and the whole Slate of Gajaca is In anus
against the Imperialists. The Ltbcruls
arc masters of the whole coast between
Vera Cruz aud Tuspan, nnd also south of
Vera Cruz. Tho Austrlaua Lave met
with several defeats.
Marshal DjsuIiiu writes to General Mc
jla that the Northern froutier Is under
double protection ol the Emperor or .Mex
ico and the Emperor of tie French.
The 'lima' Jlrowtisvillo correspondent
says : The Austrian rclnforcmcuts amount
to -100 wen. They ure un.xlous to dcu-rt
to our uriuy.
General Weltzei demanded the rctenw of
au Ami-rlcuu .learner seized by Mrjiu und
converted into a gunboat, but was uubuc-,
wrul. There is no doubt that American
citizens were forctd into tbe Imperial Ircn-
cues during the siege.
New Vork. December 25tb. A letter
from lirownsvlllc mentions tbe return of a
party of Amcrlcuns who have been explor
ing Ho Mexican States of Tamaullpar,
T ,.... hn 1 rtl.illA In ilifi tnu'na
uerii iwu iu "
Mnza, Guernero,
r ,., ,,. ...
OIIOCIUIO, I Ulim-ius,
Catidala, Salinas, Monctcvo and Maury,
und others of less Importance, the .cople
acknowledge the Juarez Government. The
French troops lelt Monterey about No
vember 1st, reaching Kultillo on Novem
ber Ctb. Four buudrcd native troops
were left Iu the city. The Fuucb Com
mandant elves us u rcaou for iiiewttu
drmvalof the troops the uubtulthiu-w ol
the place. There was a luck of u iurB
auti.y of .upplu. in Monterey, which,
tt0ulJ bo tieeery for the tenauce of,
luck Of tt larger
LaJ lm.y reuwloed in Saltillo. It
roop-, uau ) tf
I is rendered probable that me i reucu uu
I , , I ..IV.,ra nlxiUt .MoUtCTi'V bttd
ijjiniiiruiiuu ut " .
lyrunical, und the oplo eury.
been ur) ijrau.ca , r
ilicre were more dUati8tieU Willi ine
. .1 ....iiH.ilu limn tuitli
- i: niiWes committed ou citizen, by
, ,ore:eBCrg
cans and other foreigners
I'lie Stato Department has completed
., n3lrUclon3
which il desires tio,Miu
- . follow, uud he will be
.t.1,,1,0.1 nt once to the Leudtiuartera of
- 'tho Juarez Government, aud remain v;Hb
i , uisimn.uvM
iho Prciidcutof tho republic followiOg
- . , ..., .
tjm wherever uv gves, i""s uwniuj u .v
I ,em0Djlration to Majfimillan of tho
policy this Uovernnicnt Intends to ptume
This couwo lias glrou olTento to the
l'Vcncb Minister, i
The Republican ImiiciI an extra lajt
levenlneoH Mexican nfl.tlr. It prorf.'
to have Information from London tn thej
TeCt that there Is n secret tindetstanding ,
bctticcn Xnpolcon nnd Maximilian, nllow-
ing tho former to withdraw the French !
troops from Mexico whenever payments ,
should become tin month. In arrears.
, Wnsliltitlon, December 23.1. The Sec
retary of State has, by direction of the
l'rcIJent,scnt letters to l'roi Isionul llov
ernora lloldcn of North Carolina nnd Per
ry of South Carolina, relieving tlictn from
their trust nnd expressing the President'
acknowledgment of the loyalty nnd dicre
Ulon which have marked their ndmlnl'tra
itlon. To the Government of South Caro
lina be temfers the co operation of the Gov.
eminent of the Unilcd SlntM wlir never It
may lc found tnceSAry In effecting the re
storation of the jicrmaticnt proerlty and
welfare of the state over which helms beet)
called upon to preside.
Governor Orr sent the following
ipouici I
Cn umb a. fS. ('.). Decemiicr 22d.
W. II. Sewurd, Siwi-tuiy of StntiM It
will be v
ery gratifying to the people of
South Carolina to have u goitriunent of
tlwlr own erk-i'tion. In their mitiio 1
tlmnk you for the boner ntid fur the prof
fernl cooperation of the Goveriiment of
tho United StutM wlmn found ntoeMry
iu ilTcctlng early restotation uud permit-
neiit tinxiierlty uud welfare uf tho ritatr
" . i
01 the l, 1111111 ninte. mill III niivauoilig Hie-'
honor lulcreet nnd prosperity fu common
country. Ja. I On,
Govrrnor of South Curubna.
Tho Treasury Depurliiunt, during the
witk luding to-iloy, udixined certificates
to tbe amount of one million two liundrnl
and filly thousand dollar, and Intercut
bearing notes to tho amount of four Mil
lions. On the ro assembling of Congrrw, Joint
resolution will be ofUru! nnd prenKtl, pre
punitig mi iiintndmi'Ut to the Cunttitution
to tho tflVct that ijuslifinl votim, Instead
ofgrom population, shall be tbe basis ol
The (Hirdou bitiineM lui grown dull, m.d I
lUIUg such deeumwiU bi nlmut eourwl.
New Vink, Deeember 2ltIi.-Tli
American Consul nl Toronto awl the
ugent ofthe Post Oilioa Depattmeut have
libeled d I OO.OOU world of United HleUw
I tbrie-wnt IMsluifU ttullllli fuUIld in bond ill
, 'j-oronlo (Jusiom buuke, and fuppoted
to lime lisxn cuptured at ea by the pirute
Florida. Tuo fjuention ol owitertliip will
shortly bo argu txl to n Canadian Court
Military oll'iocm recently r.rrivJ from
(be F.ast siuto pwlllvily that Gcueial
Grant bus iWieruiliieil ou paying an early
villi to the Puciflc Coait.
Gold In New York, December 2:M, wa
H5'tf (steillug I0'J'4'.
You may bo nnrod of my uunlltrablo i third proudce that ny iermn viol I In
purpose to itid in uplivMing the supremacy the provlslune of tlila Act shell lie guilty .
. -...... . . , t ., ......ii i ..... l. i ,.. n I
Weihlngtnn, December 23d. Tht. t crime, wligreor tbe arty Htuii iwve neen
Treasury Depurtmtnt Is limiting prtpera- Muly eonvlctul, shall tUt wltbiii tlw Unl
tlons to ooiniiience the iayineut of gold Ud fitatcs, or any place niljeol to tbelr
ooiipons due iu January. jurisdiction.
There ure rumor that Oencralligan.lm-1 Stc. 'A. Congre" sliall bevc wwer to
mediately upon communicating with Ibo enforce this article by appropriate leyhla
republlean Goixrumeut, will propro a , tlon.
commircial treaty between the United! Ami wherca. It appears from offlela!
Stalwand Ibo republic, which shall secure ' ilociimmtl on (lie lu tbi Dewr linen t, thnt
. .i i a . a .. 1 1 eA 1... IIai.iIIhiIi.si .( it,
to Aim-rleu Imporluni rigiiw ojiou utii .iinwiuiiiiiii m u ummimH"" w m
...... !!.,.. r.n, it, a llnlfdf M, rbin tn I In.
- coa , wcU MlCMio 0f ,)0,been rai.fltd by II Ugl.Uiture of the
. , . .. , Slutu ul m,Mti JtU"J Island, Mlchbien,
lean market for American manufacture..
In exchsngo for tl.wo privilege, which
may be secured by military Interposition
if ut-cmary, tho United Klatee is to loan
twenty millions of dollars, or guarantee
, ii(,.nn
bonds to that amount In behalf
.,. ., r.l.lt .'a u ,linil,
I bo received with allowunce.
j W'ushington, Dec. 22d. The Mexican
i Miulster today rcccivid ofliclul intellt
Igcuco from Presidml Juz ol tic uban -
donment of Chlchuabu by the l'nncb
force. Two million coimd in .Mexican
Isllver dollars, ut LI PM, were deposited
1 1., m. nr.,nr ,.llv linnku In ,1jv In iLi. r-rnd.
........,,. Un,ubllc.
tenotltA io ,.,',.. ,,ja, ,lC H.cre-
It I. reported o U tl t he
tar "it!.J2!
,.. .. . i.. nnrmutiad of llit--t-oi.il
Wa t . I . .1 1 . ..I. .1.1 liis.l 11. JS, w,,ll
lli';f '"" . '' . .
Spanish Minister
,u t lv.
i , t
i0 0rK ,0 I'"'.
alters ore flltiog out In
prey on Hpaultb oornoicrce
under the Chilean flag.
Geueral IJgau has poeltlycly declined the
misslou to McaIco. A successor will be
appointed immediately. IxiwU D. Camp
bell, of Ohio, is mentionoJ for tba place.
There ure indications that ud valorem du
ties will be done uway with by tbe present
I CoiigrtM. as far us possible, and other du-
I (.,., L.itvafltntml
ilea ouu0,,vwvm
i'i. Purij nnrrr-irmnilpnt i,f the Ivoudoii
Fouuj. it is generally belief Inoflicta.
circles that Spalu will putb her flemanrts)
' iigaiust Chile. England uud France still
, ....., ... ITI..l l
- reuiiiiu ueuirui, wuiio n nu.iyv. j.-..
wlll espouse tho caue of Chile l
tliought lliec.xpccteM xUItot the I'mpff" '
Cliarlolto to I-rnncc I lirellmlnary to
Mnxltnllllnn'it return to 1 ratier.
The P
pers arc strlclly fotbldiltn to
tmV ou'of
Mexican affairs. i," .
Thu January Inicrct of the pnlillc dulit,
amounting to from fourteen tnflllcen mil
lions, Is now rendy.
-There Is reason to lifllevu lUnt Mvtml
le.xlcnn privateers will oon sail from
porti on the Atlantic and I'aoifte to pry
on Trench commerce.
The Mexican" hnvo ndilew lbt tl
French expedition wa" corralleil nt Ala
mo, Sinaloa, nnd imnblo to return tn
Giiym. Another account wy that Al
nmo wni captured by the Libcrnk
The following wa", n j nopuis of 'llmi's
bill, Introduced to day, to tivnmlnln ntnl n
force frcfilomi "The prx-ntnble recltw tbnt
Concre'S submitted nn Anindmenl to tb
Constitution providing for the Abolltlmi
of Shivery, ami official proclanmtKin lm
been tnxda that such Amendment lias luffi
' rntlflrd by tliroe-fniirtli of tho fiM
'The bill provide) that nil htws, onlliMnere
re-land regulntloiH In any Slate of Territory
ti-eogiihing imipiality of olvll rtbt t I
ImmnnltlN anions ine iwiniiitttiiie. in n '
ciiutnec ol rsrt or color, lie null kI tew,
imtd lowkrlng It lllejrnl to mekr nwl en-1
foroe sueli
limit bemiftrr. HeetlvN tw)
1 pruviilin Hmt the InlmblUnls ol any Stete,
wlilmut dlittnction of oolur. I erititHM to
( make contract. ie nnd le etitd, tretlty in
Court", purchase or HI reel eetete. smrl
Imvo nn ixpiiil bene lit of nil lowi for lb'
.sccurtyof iierwui ninl proiwttr. Jrellfi
. - ........... - ...
IH mmieilieiiiinr, uihi imunihii u) nnr mm .
impriMintiKiit. IV pruceolluf under this
action In Insurrectionary HUitee uiey be
made In military Court till the civil courU
arc re cetablUhrd. Stctlnu four provi4e,
that diftmlants in any notion In uuy eourt
who sliall ulaltii nny rights under this Act,
by way of defense, may rrmove by etltu4)
such suit Into the pronr Dutriol or Cir
cuit Court.
Major (itc, who was In charge of the
Hniilsbury prlitou wiiin lite iuorUty
ainotiL- Union orUonem tbrre wue the
grrati4t, ba btrn brnugl.t UiJ fur trial,
j It I hinted thnt Lo orlmlimtM Jir l)xU,
jnollmt we limy yi-t see that urcli-lrftller
It, lure a .M llitury t-.mrl
Nittlmiiil AlMilllliMi uf SIu vcij
Procliiiiiiilioii of llii-Si- n--ttti'V
of. Si ti 1 1'.
Tho following is tbe prooUrmitioti td
Keoretary Heward, deokrintf tba hIhjIIUi
inent of Hlttveryt
To ull to whom thcee preeenti shell
.. .. -
come, grtijliugi Know ye, thet whrree
tho CougroM of thu UnlU-d SlaUe, on the
lit day of February last. kiikiI n teeola
lion wbleb is In (be Horde lollowlnjf,
AllTtCLK xiii.
SkIuhi 1 . Neltlier elorery nor luvoluu
lory servitude, ex or pi aw it imuWiHieel for
Uiiiltd nlatcs propoMKi us iilcrnni! bee
1 Maryland, New Vork, WW Virginia,
Muine, Kune, MuKiehiitU, IVnusyl
vuuls, Virginia, Ohio, Mmweri, Neredi,
Indiana, ljulsuna, Mlnnmitu, Wutconiln,
Vermont, Teimt-tw, Aikawas, Coiti
cut, New IluuiiJilre,Soutli Ourollun, Al
ubama, North Carolina ml Georgw, la nil
twenty-t'veni and wheioas tho whole imuv
Ur ofHlstcs in the Unitfxl Stutee hi MU;
and wliereas the before ijieehilly miaoiI
Hlales wnoee itgitiuiuree nave ruuuwi u
,M propo.! auicndinent voMtitule three-
lourtiii "i ine wnuie nuiiiucr i '""""
in the Uuite.1 States; npw, Iherefor.' be it
known, that f. Vi Hilars
Hint I, Ilium il. isenuru, ncv
irelory of State of the United StU by
virlueofand In put.ua,
o() of m u( Q,
- ifril. W01.
Villus. mtm 1- s' - "W t ---.
ongnss approved
pril, ltlo(J), ebtillvdau -Aet
i -..,1.1.. r. it,. ..,,1.1 1...1 1 i.,,, ,,r il. Ijb
, u i"- " t -"- - r
ofthe United Sla'.w aud for oilier Hir
pecei' do Urtby certify that the AimMjd
ment bus beuome alid to ull iutaute aud
purpose;, us part of thu Cvutitutltu o Ite
Unltoil Stutw.
In testimouy whtireof4)le.
W.ll. Hkwabp,
Secretary of tylaU.
- - - .
An exchange gives reasons for not pub-
IbhlnL' a noetic effusion, as follows : The
rvthin soundi like pumpkins rollinkf over
mSwX J'MlM
! olbc Wllh a tc,,.f00t nolc
To remove staiui from Iho charnt'ii
la. get rich
1'n I'r.KujutH Hut. -Mr. Woglwr,
oi .mrK..n oomiiy. tniriniiiwi inu iiinow
In bill, Vti h Petrnto. nt the call 'C'jfott ,
tlte"l4tWalttre, DeVembcr 0,1863.
A Hilt.
To elmnge tho iKiitmlatle". of JnckjOit
Ih it ftiit'JVW 4y tkt lAtitUtn Atn
Wye iht -s" "t Orrpm. m follov:
kalian 1. 'Hint so miieli of tho terri
tory now luoliulsil In WnKii county m U
cntnhM In the following boundarle, to
wit; llfglniiing nt tbe duthrnit corner
of )oiigln.i owinty.'theeco running dne
! tn tbe nn Imtidtitlilt ami twentieth
im-riilmn of wrsl latitude, tlirnee ituenoutli
nleof tW bottmlnry ttctwren Grant nnd
Vnw comitlM to iIhj fofty-seeoinl par
nllfl of ttortlt lelltml, tlitno? due wrat
along mill fot ly-teeoml mrallrt to Ilia
MMitUaul cortHT of ilnckoit eduiity, tbecce
northerly along tlmciut boiindaryurJitck
oh eottnty to tlio pkiro of beginning, he, and
tbe seine liereby h, nltaeheil to Jackson
Sn. '.. No pfllltlcnl or civil right of
nny irreH reekliog In the territory nlorc-
Mid nlmll lie
nbrklgtd or destroyed by
Mult at law, nr In equity,
"ocu transwr.
Iwhleti lw-e lieeM Hiiifncd in nsco
wanly prior to llio vrnw f Ibis nut,
shell Ue ilnUrmlncd in tint some nmliiicr mt
If tho ct bud net MM-d.
.Sec. !. Ilcrvflller the territory huielu
hcrild 1mII be h pttrt of thu-ksen oounty
nnd willilti IheJiirHnliotlun llronf.
.Vet. I. In order thet no ihy or ln
cONtcHienae tHty remit, it U enecteil that
(hie shuiiiie in luroe rreut ami niter Ite
opprevnl by the Governor.
'- - - -.-
,., t. .,,.
'' fi mnrvvn rt f enn"
mai-k. The "prliiB-flefcl (Ma.) IUpMi-
run of November 3 1st, an)ft
MoCnltoMffh Is ndmnclng slomllly with
Id plan fer the grmliml con trur tlon of tie
currency. The revenues are "iicli (bat ho
will soon be able to withdraw ami sup -preee
twenty live inllllonj of grnmliacU.
Of ceuree IV) vltteof lliow wheh reumtn
In exUlrnee will be cerrrM)ndlngly In
rreiuxd, mid I lie price uf oominndltlfe pur.
iliieil with Iheui eoireipimdlugly decrea
rd. 'I'U CAttntry will ree-ie tliU lofor
inntinn with iinqiMlifltil pliusure. Tho
SeerrUry of the Treasury U on the rlyht
read, nnd l( he doe, not atleriipt to fco loo
fast, be mx aafrly count urii UtlaUlf'l- -tali
which hi mre In lie ntrarihT to n
great public Uncfm'tnr.
A t u jebllee tneetlHtf In Itlchimiiul, ono
wetk nfler iUevnritatieHt by Grnerul Ijv, u
roleeetl elnneli intmlur rehitHl hii experi
ence m folio iv tt "llraliwi, I'so jut ono
week ok) In-day, I bin Imwn tbrco time.
Fna I wni Ikiwii nioo-rdlng to I do lloli,
when I come Into Jlr world. Dn I wui
Uiwi In liberty, dls one week ugo'. Ho
Pee jee u week obi. 1 gits up every morn
lug ut tt n'oicxik, nud gow out to smell and
waller the fiwh fits) ulr."
A frteed of ours In erOHliig thu Hlnlo
of Nciv Jersey laldy, fouuil tha N-ople ull
aetlr before winrlw. They, too, like nur
wMik-oM ooUittd friend, were enjoy ing llui
elfganl, free freeh ulr.
Swt'Bt. to a llAMtjvirr. A writer In '
Ihe Clileege ',i deserlbee the serptpl to n '
public Umpiit wbleli lie utlemleil i
Tle neit Mornla( (lie Judge of iJf
I'ollee Coert -ut fur in, I went down,
ami he leeelved rue conllully, fluid bo
Ubd heanl uf tbi wonderful thing I bad
ueeomplltbed ut Dryad IUII, ami w)i3
I toud ef me. I wa a promlilng young
men, ami all llrtt. Then in (JIVrwl u ibast,
(Jullty or not guilty T" I rciiond&l In u
btinf and elcwinent speech, settiug forth tio
bnportoneeof Ihenecaclon that brought us
together. After tbe usual cercmoitlgt I
loaned the eltjr ten dullare.
A little girl, four years iM, wai on bcr
way home from church villi her father
when lliey jhi.miI u bey splltllug worl,
uml the lall.tr reuiurkeil, ."Mary, do you
ee (IkH boy breoking tliC Habbatb t" Tha
ebikl imnle no r- ply. but walkil homo
vtfy ibougfully, anl meeting bermotlitr,
I L.f,BMhl .-oh, mothir, I sown boy
breaking the rtubuath with a big nxo I"
Mohn," icrenintil u country girl, wateil
by the side of lur dull lover, "Icaie mo
alenel" John, avlonlihed, crlul, "Vhy,
i ain't tonthtnj yer I" 'So," replied -
she, "but ybu might Imvo done ir you
A tall fellow, (landing iu the puriUOltu
of n tbtaler, wue reiientwlly desired tu jit
down, but would not ) when a voicq from
the Hcmid clrvlu called out, "J At h'w
ulouo i he's u tailor, and lie's resting
Pokir flmrw juyu iU wife (j tijeiul (o
Ihe "fulW-ibcoutl ful, dutiful, armful
youth fill, ami atc-ftil!
V g oJ motto for vi'iiiitf women whojo
beaux tluu't too thu mark Double or