Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, December 30, 1865, Image 1

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VOL. X. NO. bb'4
-AT -
Nit Door to Snclw Hro.
NTl'DER lnw Mocked Ills new (on
DIAMOND ji:vi;i,kv.
I'i:ari..kmkkai.d, camlo sets
Together wilb u .plcndid lot ul othci
.-r nRm"r3B33CijB. "3bT9
Jrra't-l'lne. Ilroncliro,
Kar-Itlngs, I'lnpcr Klnp",
Dockets, Duckies, Clasps,
Urocele!, Sleeve Huttorn,
unci ScuL,
Alio, complete sets of Incomparable.
Qunrtz jro"wolx37-
KurvuTacturtil front the, rlcln-st and mo.t
beautiful ppcciniitiii (if Uolil Hill mill Fow
(r quartz.
In mlililion to the ntiove, may be found
at his store tlie bct qtinlitleti ol
Anil, in short, a Kenerul variety of
NIcU-N'hcUh A. Fancy Articles
Allot which will he sold ut tow riiii;si
acJ warranted
ItKI'AlUINn -Clocks. Watches unil
Jcnilry rt paired with promptness, mid in
anuimrr to piumnlce ulUtuflion.
MALTACTl'ltKH to order, tiny -rtl-clc
nl Jewelry, w illi m aim w mid ilwpulch
tOjL. Cull uml we his new slock, ul hi
tick niore, on C'uliforniu Hired, next dunr
to Saelu Hro-i., .luck.nnvilh', Oreumn.
Jiicksonvillc. Dec. 17,lbU'J. tf
Good flews for Ladies!
Apentn for firnvcr it Dakir's eel-
i briileil
Klnstlr Stituli Scwliis ."MachV,
Have on hiinil n vnrlely of llioc ma
chine Tor trial ui.d In
.t'tlon. rpo Hi' so machine. wu nnnrdi-d Itic find
J I'miilnm ut the State l'lr tt( New
York Iiiiliiimi. Vermont. Oli.n. Inwu. Illi-
n.i K mucky .Mlchlcnu. IVnn-il.uiiiaund
Or if"ii mir iiil oppodlinn.
(.ill nrumii). hidi-.. Id fore I'liwlm-lnj;
titeaki'ie. uml examine tin 'i niiii'lilti-.
Jum r.il D-i Ju-3tr
0tPXjOXl233M 033
Sewing- Machine.
70IIN NDl'DDIt would nnnomice to the
al people of Jui.-Kmiii Comity, Uml In-ha
procured mi nsieuov lor lid
.erlea in
clime, uml will hi u .hurt time-
law h lmhmI
mpply mi hand.
I" iii'. embroiders
Tliin IIWllllllU tntllT',
mid uultv i ililleieul
Jkllalaill htitflKf.
Jacktom Illi), January 2It If
.10 1 lis r. iioi'cic
M'ulchmnkur and Jeweler!
Oitgtm Stieit,J(ids(jnvil!c, 0rgon,
Uti a J ol K ur
i:nuim: .ii:vj:j,uv,
l'tlcM 20 per cent Ie4 tU.ni uujr other
Loutoln ton 11.
All nrllcloii rtro flrlutly wnrrantcil.
CollMV uF JaUKi-ON,
TN lLo Cuuiity Court of the State of
J. Urefo.i for the county of Juvksun, Do
cemr Tirin.A. D. 1805.
In the matter of thiilate of Itolit.
II. C'usteel, Dtceiieed.
Fliml bttlllriuciit
Whereat, Heruinu Ilcllm-, uilinlnUtrntor
of said Kit.itu, li.u mid til fxtnlnt for llit-f-iul
tcttleineut llu-ieot, liollco In hueby
fc'lteu, that Tued.iy, the fieood day ot Juu
nary, IbliU, has been tct op.irt lor tin- II
nal fcetllemei.t of tuld ealute, with the Ad
ninUtratur llienof.
, Hy order of Hon. J. C. Tnlmnn, County
JwlKe. Wm 110KI .MAN. Clerk.
. Dtcemlier Olh. Ibii3. gi.ei)w4
J- County, Oregou, ouu 1'ioiiiirtoiy Note,
cjllinj; for $10. kIi-ji by JucKmiii Walker
tttd (ieorue Iurain In Ipi or il M Oglwhy.
Any one lliidlut; ld note nnd dine iiib it
to.be dellverid ot the Oreuon Sentinel of.
tee, Jucktoiiille,Mll be Mutably renuidid.
Jacki-nnrtlle. Nov. a7. b(,5. jhc2
' U. la-SAThll, W. O. 1-lMJrOIID.
JValla W.ullu Cifj-, V. T
One doo'r Vwt of 'fcyger & ItieV llrlck
H: j , an
D. M. C. GAVIr9
Offiw at U.F. Uunell'd Law Office.
J, with a larpc mm vnimimu utjorimeni o
litre! lyl "" patterns of 12L -,
" CLOCKS. rt-a$
sit.vi:n watch HS. 2&i2tt
Received and are now
-vm: i.AHOKST.iinsT as.oiiti:d
mid iiiot I'llilninilile SuvU
ill the
Eif hIiovi- line. In lie fonti.l -tf3
f thl wile nf San I'rnn- 5s
Cy cl.co. Alio the GJ2
Latest Sljlc
Of Ladies' Hats, Cloth
WOOL HOODS and nuijias.
Ladies, Blisses and
1 turn
iiiinir 10 a rtr-i t iu I'ry inni. himi
fray- Cloiliinir lloo-e. AH of "J
C-2?" whlili mill lie Hikl ut "TfrE
Z?r unirecwlitl 1t55a
Ail Imineiise Stock
Of Groceriers, Liquors,
Of the bent quality, and ut priei war
raiilliig u to cat that they ure the c!hjj
cmi in this county.
Favor u Willi a cull and convince your
feiv.. SACHS HKOS.
Seplcnilier J10J8M. Hji3llif
AuptistttaTajIor . ...I'ropr.
The proprietor lm lecuilly purthawxl
Ihu ubo.4 wvlt-kuoiMi etand, slluatwJ 014
lint curuur of
C'ullluiolu .V. Illi Mioli,
Whero the iiy lt ot hornt. mid iHimlw
tan be hud ul ull iuih.. ul r.aMiuable laUia.
111. .lock ol mad.ur. cauuul be iqualtd in
tbu Slate.
On reiwoiublv triiu'.niHl llie bl oaio uml
ulleutiou b.ttonid uii ihun ululu uiidil
liltclniu AUo
lloi.i. IIoliKliI uml hul'l.
Ilelng nillfllcd that Ihe he can give fall.
taction, the proprietor eolioits thel-atiou-uuu
ol ihe publ c.
Juck.ou.i!..-, D.c fi, IfiC5. dveDlf
3M crtl o e.
,7"i: U.ive iln daj Bold our I.lu-ry A
Sale blable to Augu.tua Tuyloi
lliaiiklul to out old patron lor Ihilr lib.r
ul palloiiae, wo I like plia.UiO lu Muui
mending Mr lu) lor to tin 111.
CIuKOge & Drum.
Jacksonville. Nov, ll.Uoo. due J
I'ubliu Ailiiiliiibtiatora
ADD penoni huvlns claim against
A tho DMate ol D. Math.oon. dec, nu
lieieby uotillid to pi..KUt llw .amnio the
uml. uln-nul, 1'ubliq Aduiiiu-lrator in and ,
lor Hie County ot Cuny, uud fttnU ol Oie-j
troll, kt 111 10.1(1 IU.. iU fc.ll. II.I1IIIK. in tu,u
coiiniy, within Six mouth Dvm date.'
Dlleuibuig. I M. KlH.Y.
Oct Slid. thu3. ( Public Admlntilrator.
Go to Tut: orrv hook sTOitDaud
ko how very cheap thoy eell booke.
Al lUiion.W I j Art ..f Jun SO, lm.J
)i. Mail,,,,. s,n,., ,.
It U not lHml to rwonl 1111 ui.Mmneil
or Improperly mrnn,l lu.ttument. iI.k-u.
inent or )iii. r and if r. corde I. Mich rnwrd
, 111 II Im iiiM. nn.l .).ll ....1 1 11 1
deuce: but the InHrnm .nl ,1.v.,i..ni .
jiajHr 'hall not. In conwm-iice, tw di'inii-d
Invalid and of no enet j uml all nick r-1
rs of 011 onieial nature. Iuid or m ,r
the ollloerii i.r thr- I'ttilnl Slule gnwrtt
inrnt nrHixmipt from .tmnpdtitv. I
$2110 line lor Iwilnn uiif taxable decu
went without a ftamp. .
S10U I, lor imylmr. nisotlatinR or offer-1
Inp lu M;imnl any uni.tamiirl draft or 1
fin inllv tor not anixtnjt flump on eo-
uirin-a innientr. phii iicilirt-. .n. ,
$AU penuliy for rdmnlni; and re-uriiif
line flmnil Ilk l.tAilf. llntnli ilnl.
t . ......I. ....v.
iM'i'uiimin Kinne 111 loreifni countrle". to
Im' iiMd In lhi. mutt le .Iniuprd a if nmde I
liere ; and the Mamp murt lu ..Hived ami I
caiiccl'il liv the puny to whom mh docti
ineiilH are lumid. or by whom Ihey ore unl 1
lu ilil country.
No di-ul or motlmfc of real i-late .kail
In- niiiirid to y a ttuinp duly eiemliiiL- J
$1 IHHJ. I
Wiiere l.i lid l told mliteet to a morlimin-.
' 'r ""' Braulw n'Mtli.if p.iinei t ot the rnorl-
,'Hite, the Mamji iiim-I Ik' lor whole Iiic.r
the land ; If erniiliv doen nol eowtmm lei
pay ini'-lupi'. the flump tiiiift b apptoirl-
ate to tie coiifldt raijon of tte (riut.
Iiiromr, J
The Ime.nol Iti vunur l.iw reiiulrr everr I
,f ,.,.,, ... ,,, iwww, in iiicHH- mr
llie m.I jear over uml alaie IH.OU .1. ritwl ,
riom any oulc whattr. 1 h Ux In Her
pvr ttntiitn on the lln-t immI In ixeew'
oirr ;i.imi and teiiH'r (eiiiuin tat Ibr tu-i'im,
iter i.VlXnl liK.me Umild I made up
I..r the mitre year. Jrom Ihe Hr.t d.v of
.iiiiiiiary in the lat day r l eeinl r. buth
ihijc lnclii.lt e. The HMmer thl. I. mwle np 1
all. r the expirallonol Ihe r. tin in..V
t,'ii' t 1 it tuti iin 11 n. ihi' iti iii ()
Iiould la- made op In detail, hk.miuu ibe
neeipit. uml .JLi.ditur tnin ilalr.ui
.line. I mm tlitr .laumni(. llie a--.r
will U' iiiabli'tl to make 1111 11 coned Incoine
of all r-on. Till- nwent 4)Wild I;
made lo the V. S. Awmr on or blor the 1
Ulof May follow Inn.
AtklHiltd;( went ol dvd or olh
1 r liintruiiivni' I.ittnpt.
AlUdaiii U 0a
Ajrreiniiit or aprnlMCiiul, lor
etteli fletl OS
A.dirnment or trau.l. r ol iHort-
gago, IiM-e, or polley of InaumMt,
or the renewal ol any itrroetout,
con 1 rue 1 or cluri.r, 1. ..uldeet to
the aiue duly u. orlgliutl lnlru
lueut Itaiik Chwl.. drafl. mdera, etc.. at
lglil or 011 d umii.l. fur all miiM
ol money ce-fl!iir lo Ot
ItllU id l.icbauiir, (iuUiuI) dialt
or older lor Ike jk.yn nt ol uuj
turn of iHom y. ami any onu
Miry now. (exuiiit bank iHttml
mumI '.r iiicuUtloii.l m uny
im'.raiidu'n, cli'-ck. ncvipt or
01U1 .ilutin or iMU-d 1 1 nh-UM
ol luouiy lo u iaal, oumiuwimjI
euonllb.' loU
Fvri'iiry adtliHoual 100. or ln
lion tl-iul
WIU or l.xelianjf. (I r.-.j,n) drawn
lu t ot ibruv or mora, fr iiy
Ull ot ek . 1. biti ik" mm
tbio not excotti loour ito mjJv-
ulrui lu loreiyu cut ivi.ey
lurtr.ry add Uuual IOor Ime-
llou tn rul . . .(
li drawu nuxly or in daplltaU,
Mitt- iMlmot duly Mlitkiwt lUU
ol laokaosv.
lor uuy lor. !j;n (pw t, w Try
ll.l! Ul l-IU.ll Ml
Dill ol M.I or any twt t urt
tber.-ol. when Ui VH.u-ddt'raiiwU
dw . uot xo d 400
I uret.ry uildltul sAovurfiao
i Inn ibi'iof
Dill ol Mtle of lrwnal iHwmi y . .
liuud lor iiul' uiuifylof any rwu.
wbrie ttiv mui now not OMti
I'vr eury addilluual lA0 or
I me 1 Ion tu.r-of
iloi.d lor due e.uoutiw ut dnlum of
olke l
Doad lor dual or ceyuMi of
land ;
liuud- ol uuy dH)riiiUMt, otnr
luan ueh a aiv injuir.d lu legal
pi.i .d iij. aial uoli a. are uot
i.IIi.IWIm; ckargwl
Card-, play in. r iok. not iw
e diiitf m H ion U ef
Ot.r Is aod llb( over
Uiui ib uud out over AUMUt. .
C.ruuoalot I.uau, wt u. )we-
aory nule.
C.rlllH)Ulei ol dqxnk lu baak, Mini
..ul exovullUj tlUV.,
buui txevtaliutf tW
Cuitaleaie. of iuek iu an lucor-
mud ooiiiuauy
CerllUuMe Ol pi oil U lu UU lUOWpO.
lakd couiii), lor a aom nut
lwi il uo 10 uur exoMdlu? 4S0.
lixewdin 6U uud but wokIIh
i'or every add tioual jl.OOJ or
irncliou ill. h ol
Ctiitltualool danwKKOi otVcnUHW
uittui. UmiiiI by Hrt wardea or
marine wmeyor
0riiuuiv ot auy oio.r damrip
liuu Ui iu lltuw! .pwcided
Cvrlifkd liuuHiniiU ol iud;;uit,
.Bliitactlou ol Judgment. Md ot
?5 '
00 I
otuer air r.-ooiouii i
pel ou tile, vacb
Contract, btukif
Louvvyauw.ilvwl or otuer iwiin.
muni cuineyurf rt wof".
tbe actual lalue ol wbU)b rf
SloO awl dot uol aMitwl BOJ. .
lor e.ry uddiiwuul aSuu or
Dl.iuukTul''il', w,""r,! ,'!:?!
Ili.l Uii woid. dow uol e,0d O)
J (J
a..- - -v - , i.... .,
LtiU.U Zvcu
Oimwikui. w- w '-'-, ' 7
. tP,,"r"i S J uVd
or uu '""j,,,,, wy
.an.u 0UI It l-Ul " lt
1 ...till .l .A ..
Dutil ui yood.or wale at lh Qu.
loin IIoumi .i.im r loi oontump
liuu or naiiuuu.iUK, uot IXCeed-
lnat 1V.0 ..'ej'
i.rtt u ..ii iuu
uud uot exceed-
iUg JiUO.i
1 00
Iiiirncr. imnrliie. Inlaml rml flr
""V" 1',"ml l'lhl ,1", "ot M'
, y"l .' . ,; :;;.
l' ,10 '" ,50
hc illtC .M)
I""l.e. lllfe) Wu
atkannt In-
.Hrisl iln.' nut eveeeil i I WW . .
UsoenN ?l.(0O a a.l doe ut ai-
ol ift.fRM
l'.xeel S 000
!. ol 1 iimI" nr tTiemeul", hfi
Itie r-ntal alne doc not rtevvd
tSot) h.r annum
Kxeeetlinn J. 'KM' tor ererj adttl-
tii.mil LKi or rational
Claimi ol of ftiarantee or pny
taeht nf real S cent. niMiiioMl.
Inl ttm-iici'u. wt It or ulber orig
Inal irooi. eomtaenced l any
court of law .r hhH.
WIiiit atniHint clalw.'d In a wilt
If in-d Im a eonrt not of reevrtl It
Uhii eonre-ioH ul Judgment, or
cof(iioit lor $100nr mr
Appiil from Jiutle'. or Ihfei!
or oonrii. In enrl of reeonJ ....
Warrant of ili-lrfM, wh.-n am'l
of rent doe not imnil I0U. , .
Wh.'ii tl.r amount errrd 1CW
Munll.tt for Cu-i.mi llou entry
or elmninoe f t!i caruo 01 any
xri'l not etcetllBc 3UO ton ..
l'low Utf In 1 uo torn
lwedilirf MM) loM
Mucker, in puekac1 0f 100 or let
lor every atfclltipNfal HID In
1 00
I 00
A Oil
mcKirc .
, (,rizm. of real or ixrwiual iimt
,rl, r m rHCvediuk l mJ
nui vwHIm fiuu iIuIImh
-ur tTy 4.1.Mooal MOdolkiM
or Iraelinn
l'aanti'. ih-vk-
Pa- Uekt l'. a rVrWw 'mU
c.,u iwt oer dutUt.. . .
rw jj i,, an ,uUn. ,'
-r i.l wIiLmw) 40 dollar
1 00
or lirfetmiiiil.
1 00
j.llUlll .MnlWiiea, Mttar. iwifuitw
rjr. co-ntellei.. etc.. on laebiwck'
ai r.'U'lliif at nut wr tti emu
I Mini to .'ill ot-nt
i I. hi An to "3 cenl
1'roM 7A .Mis to one dollar. . . .
Iliernut iIoIIhi, eali additional
40 ci'iib-
1'im.r of m tunny tolt or Iran
f. 1 .u.fk. lHid4 nr hcrlp.nre.il-
.t dhbltud. lUr
To lolu ul 1'lt-elfon of lMOMr-
r 11 led eomHiny
To ntelin uial cllot lnt..
loeoateyieol wlate, or IWt or
Ivam Ihe mine
I'or any oth.r purine
1'kuloitraph upoN null dlnn, ih
puee ol wkkh dowi tuiawil it
I'l-Kti U ciita lo 40 omit
I'tmn uO OMlt to iw dulnir. . . .
I'or eury additional dultar or
traction llnr.ol
1'rol.ile of will. 01 li'll. ul ad
mi. nhtmiloii, where Mw value of
Iwlb leol ami r r-aial tflntt
J.M-. not exoet-d I MM) d.dhHe
I or itny additional 1.OH0 dot-
Ur 01 liueliuu Ib.ieol
Iloi.d. ol eawutur.. dullolU
tor., iin-1. e aial irnarillaii", . . .
(riilleM ul upnolnluvttl ....
I'li44-M upuu Iiul. , bill ol eMjbaUKf,
oti.vk ui all. lc
Proan r uW U u mm not rx
oti-diiiK loo dullai
i'orewiy wtdiiional 10" doliaw
or lrm.-l.uiml pari lb. rmf
1 00
lll-llW.ll Ul laoulMMWy HUM MM.'
Jrcl li Hiiue- .lamp diiy.
IjHMeU.ni d-ed rbould U- Maniftl
CuuKyanne-," .eeil wben an
on a " 1 1 1, aw ol iwh Ignite, Im
wbitk mm- i ! Kx.-mpl
tek-a-. diKUuigr, uud Mltblavliuu
v4 Mioriage Ix.lupt
Kylpu lor u him M.-uliug .'0
lUturiM, Cuayr', for .(uuuilly iwt
eMN.liU! u00 gulluHt
Ku-.cduirf Aoo kuIIum
Itiiuru-, M.urureir', fur ijuaiiliiy
ljtxc.-.dluj; l.ifiO ImMilii, , . ,
I jietcliuii 1 .000 Ui4i I
It. luru.. ciab. I', fur WMSbl uot
exe.-.diug 0,000 jawniD
laev dioa 0 JIVO pottltib
Tluld.ed maiU lu Mur u debt,
tame a UnHif
Cuuveylut; nrtalu, MM u tut
nai.biu ieliU f'Jr (nutaifly or
liuiata nut ejuje-iliug lu iJu OoO
I ruin .'.00 in I, gun dollar
hen . i.ry addiiioual l.uoOtiulkui
M r. bouM ivovipu nut utberwlw
iruiidtd lor
I 00
Tin: okih.on hk.ntim:i..
li, J J)0 I'J.l" I'iojiiIMoi.
StiMOiiliTHi For Owijuar. In adraucr.
i'our Dollar. ; it mid wilblu Itw drat U
woulli. of lk y vur, liro ilullur ; 11 itot lw4
uulil Ike expiration of lb yner, MX dollar..
AoiKnnaikii iim wiuur.- 1 lu llie-. or
l.;. tlrt ioe-rliou. I blue Dollar.; nacb
mjImuvi.1 I niliou. (nwi Dullar. A d.-
ijhjiiI ul Wly reeht will be made lu IkuM.
a bo adurlU by lhe-yt4.
r ' irirr' r r"- ---" -' -' --'"
" ., . . , "1 1 .
J'lbB AImuI bull pu.l ux ovlock tail;
eviiiin. Il iliiuilMl ulullii id lite nu '
en, uml volutin of tiiiuHe wtie K-eu ii
luitum.Mr. John H. Dinm'. iiulemc.
'I'lio eilii'ii. lurii.il out aial tuecnUd in
ixtinguithin ll.i 8uiin. btlort much dam
ujjo wus done to tho buildup, excepting
IXceclinpt .MIl) In nliie. .
Withdrawal or t,fd fr.m biuul
the parlor, our which the Crt origiauud.i '"V11:, , ,,,
' 11,11 ,1-1 1 1 I did nol meet any ou holding (ifTia.-
I1t rutin wm badlr iijurtd. Ilolurn-I, . . uMIMJ.t In He Hoih.,
Hore wua .nimwhal biokeii and unilinl by Kifct(, wlm Ihniulil H iltwiruldp In w ll)
1 moviur' ut.el by Ihe wutir. 'Ihe dl.a.tcr jdiuw llie md. lury from llie pluulh at pi-
I uittibutublf to the difict'lie arrariee.,""- 'I h e 1. -ueh no v. 1 -nl m qui .. ncr
'...,, , 1 .1 . 1 in llie uutl.nnll of lln (jewrul llnlerii
iinHitofthecil.tiif ..rouml Ihe a'ou-pqC ,M mtlJ, ,,, (jf ,, wlllly
, Our ill Win. dip!a).d C.ilull.iudali.r liar- ,,l hr lie rr irrta-ii"e nl a military lone
J try uml gpnil in the piotiipl maJ liUcicpl, wiibmit r. t'.inl in imuihvi, w tnUleieiit In
I inaumir in which Ihey wunt to work, onci mainiidn mder.
'..,,,, , . ' Mv oii nuti ma uud IW In ll.e i-nnelii-
and all, 10 .avepmiKiiy ami pmcril more -U lU ,,,,, ,,,, ,. h,HM
ixlcnuno luvujjes by tho Ucvourtn.' -!- .are unxott- in ic"iir.i t'i' (toverniatnt
luetic. j wltklu the Union, m toou a J poisible.
J(cugo to tin1 vuntt' I'ioiii tltc
Tlif folloaliu' 11HH-ii;e from the I'reil-
n iimi bj inrneti ami rewi 1 in inti ecu
If late of Hie Unile.1 Stntrn In rrply to ihe
'0' reflation mtoptnl by thSinate on the
.1 . .,..,-. .1 . ,' ..... .-..
nth intl. I hnxr the konor to utalc that
the rebellion wared by n xrtkm of the
pplf nnirwt th iriiprly intluitN no
thottltai of the i;.iernrint of the U11I11-.I
Stnlra k bin wqiprnwi 1 ntnl llxi Uni
ted Stale li In Maelnn of ewy State in
whlck lo.urre.ti.Hl 1 xi.tnl ami that to
far M ecakl lw doae, lU coo r la ol the Unl-U-.I
Ktatw kae been reaioml, oat ollax
reataMiahed anl tupa ttiken lo put Into
tlffCtlee opcmtkM of trmnte lair of
the eotinliy. A Ike tiimll nf the iimwi
ure lottttutrd by In cxiimtut' with u
ttw'lo linlnelnr th icaumplli'ii nl the fuuo
jllom of l be Statu eanipt. b. nded in the
Inquiry ol the yit, Ike wufd of North
Cnrnllmi, Son Ik Carolum, I)oikIh, Aki
Iwnw. .Mu-t.ppl, UmiainnH, Arkan.i
ami 'leiiiaaart; bale 11 e'.mn.tvd Ikal their
nrfwvilve -Stair ynieiiiHnnla are yielding
ik.dieoo to I ho law uml f.oeniHieol of
I lk United Slate wllh mi willingiM-M
are) jrtr M-initilo.l iIwh ntnter Ik
I'lieOHMIabCe could reaaonalily Im anliri.
pateil. 'I'ke pinp.ie.l aiMuaJuivut In Ihe
C.uittitulldii, uruinJiof; for Ihe nUlit'a
of 5 la very torvver wltklu the lintitu of lL
ewioiiy, U betn mlid.il by each one id
Ikew) Slatta, with Ike eA.tplloii of .MImi
aippl, Irooi wkleli no official Inlbrmation
line liern n-oeiid. In nvarly all of tkeai
iewrrt have been adoftlad, or are now
(wmllng, Ut nmhtr up.in Iretdnvti the pi lv
iWm wbiob niw mwetitial lu I heir lumlort
prolrcton and aeoortty. In I'lorldn awl
IVxaa Ike people aie making oooimci.da
blv projirM In lealorinn the State (lovern.
uieuta. Nn ih'Ubt l t'literlainnl Imt Ibut
lltey will ol an early petiod tv In 11 conill
Han to rtirt-w nil pnullenl itdallun with
liw I'nWrul (iuV-rniMt. In tbnt tortMi
I of tb Union loiuly lu kIh-IImmi, (Im u.ii
of ullain i-i mom iioaninf than, In viw
of alt the cliiruBKtaneik, could well bo vz
.lart. Il ki I roe, tlmt In rmne Hlate the tle
inoralut(nK 1 Id eta of tbe war are to Im mil
n owm.khuI dteoiitwa, Uot tb uim Inrnt
iu ekaiacler uml lapidly diMpjirutinii.
A tlw Htkutily of lk end (tower U A
lcwdt.1 ami Mi.taMieii, prrpkrliHT qufntlotui
wcie iMluiully to b . xprivd Iiom lli
gfoulaiMlauiliirMrliai't lu lb r-ktlioo. br
tau Ike luei, kill )leiu ar uraduajly
ik u-aufiMK Ikeiiaad.ta, uwhir abivb Ir.-!-
mn will iriiivi- Ike prolietioii to which
I key aie ju.tl) lolliled, aial by tucM m
kn klir w ill Mtako kiwanli a nwlul uwl
wtlepMnkiiit Mwuitwr of ttw liuuMNONwwIlb
IS arfclek br iiaa Imvie,
I'be iMtpk tbrMOjiluiul lk iniire Hoh'U
elincvu latelul -rr lu Hirt-W Ibeil a lie
g anro 10 IIh- I loi-i mm HI . aid Itpuit II
OVva.ii.tHMi ot lite war oy n pfoinpl and
elwirlwl tetNin In jaaevlul puroun..
An i.tmliliif laiili a. intiilaiu.il tliat
heir aoiauia will confiH-m lu tboir urol.-a
aiinii, ami (bat in aekoow slyinii in iu
pr. inaiyot llie iuiiuiiii ami l ol
tk IliiUnl Hlate., their k.yaliy will b
HMHwrvnlly K,vrn '" tke iOeiiuMil,
bu.u Ivnn-Key ibty ounnoi tail in aiHiwi
aiu. aial wkiwo uleriii) enre will wam r
on lb. hi to a vinhIiIiihi of ptoU'iiiy.
I'riWl all IbfiHiuallou ill Uiy VmiIhi
and fr.HN Ikal wbivb waa lee. ot.y uVii.mI
limit tine ima)t r.kabie auiboriia-a, I am
ItnMcril lu t'lM-ll.li lit. Ix In filial rfMHui
aniWMaity in .urely uml iu,uiy .n-iH ut
luVlf into a apiril "f luilnHialny. and Ikal
remrMitilalloil. t.Hioe-vl.d Willi u pi.q.nc y
adjuiil .y.iciu id' !.. k-ii, will Im lla
iMiMMiiiiiM Maioal nn i. 1U1 rekiiUNH of
liUle lo lla jNuluiiutl OiiMdi.
'Ilai niwiil id Uarl He-kuiU t heMWilb
lran.niiliu.1 an niiu-aiid by lk H. nnie.
)'(t r.iHirt froi Hon. .1 wi Cov.-dir liaa laa
M-iv. d by ll.e 1'o.i.kot. Tkr alliunoli
Ol lla- tie-mile i n.vite.1 lu ihe acvifinaiiy-
uiy r. ut or l.ieni j 11 (jrutit, wi.ornin
tly ma.l a lonr of intifi'liun iIhomkIi a. v-
ifal Stun, wbrra Ibe llibtkllant. partioi-
ald III II i.liellii.u. (Hi(ial)
AMIHI.wJoMh.llW 'l.aUl0t.
fi I'll ITU I (illllll'a Ul'tlllll,
Oi-iwrai (i'ni in llw MhmI m company
inif Ik l'r auWiit'a .Miwaava ua 1 mn
aal ark-d Iknt lla. ilia, of llnlifeiuw ih 11 of
..... LJ ...I. . !
i.M- g uN uc. l. MV or. n-ii, i,i.uai...ll 1.1
tfiaal lailk 1 Ibe iiuealioia ahuli l.nlip.
d vulr.) Ibe penfiK nf I Wo a.rilui, Ht iv.r)
uod Slate l(iki or the riabl of u Suit
lu at ink- liuui lla- Union, I be) retfald a.
M-llkl fiaeief. by ibv li W.I lubunal of
arum If .w t nn man can le- ai llw law ex
eeu'.d at lla ixiinl of iht ImtimwI, I
(hliik (Im IjlulMi in Ksbelli.iN kuvelefl lla-
lu , u 1,,1, , .i, ,,u,
idaniiiliiai lu oivil uutkoriy Ikal lh
j A in-'lean pritpb- kav (frneially Im-ui in
llie hubll of yieldiUK. uml winch would
I rrnuVr Ike pie, new ol rniall nurrn'm
1 ihimiplwHit llitMi Hlairi ia-ji.ury uniil
fuch lui.u m labor relurw In lla proa-r
I channel, auel civil uulhurlty Is fully e.tab-
Mammoth Hkmkto.n 'I hr r e ro tlicr
Iniportatit uml vuimlorful ilcveloptnenU
tniile In nilninij, nsMc from tlio exhuming;
nf tin- untitle from their recent Itid intr pta-p.-..
lterrnlly nn Mutflien Itir, oppoello
Netn.la, tiya the .Uufiiiio Pott, llid to4lt
nut'ilu nf 'n race of httmati luring., which
t .oiiio pttiimu. Hind had luhnbiteil that
ooiinlry, wort! ilMnterrcl at n ileplh nf
iitmiil IU f.ct from llie surface. Jildlun
fiotn Ihe Mri of the nkcleioti found, I ha
Individual to whom they originally iK'tiiUK
id could not h.iu I11.01 le. limn from ten
to twelve feel high. Itctnnini ol n hv.
ritiwl na aln found, In-llenllnr; nn animal
twice- the ao nf the A.lnllo elephant.
'Ihcrcmnlm were tinhiilril In n rlnmnlilu.
tkil ile'll nml In what the couflijiim.
tlwi nf the counlry aliow wai once tin
eil.ly of n rlxcr.
M MO lxTU.I.ro.s. On WiMneial ly
erenlmr lat, the M. I. Church m crowd.
n looverlliwlni: In vIiumh the lii'lnlln-
Ikwi of Mitantilc nfiWr, The exrrctar of
Ibeeeenlriif m.fvl dfT Hid.nm the v.irlom
tvirla wire iirrf.iriii.il an well that cnmnlU
ni.ula would U nully nut of plan;. ''hp
niMnmnfO .lacoln, 1'J.q,, wui brief, Iiul,
n mini, rnfrnt uml lo Ihe point. Ifo
uhl wlut ho titennl, nml ntrnnt what hri
anlil. Ill were tie wnrde ami .cnllmcnt
to which tin: "common pul.o of nun kou
fiintatei t. Aa Inr a wo hive liern
inr0rm.1l thf feailvlilcarif Iho wnk haro
hem liarmniiioui uml pVa.unt P.very
on weme.1 pleo.nl with nianklnd In Kcn
cral nml lilniMlf In pirilqiilnr. Tho only
Ineblent llinjt irniiaplrvtl ilnrlnu; tho week
in ileoote that ilm anitry paislnns held
way In 11 lnlo Iiodiii, vvai an owault nnj
Iwllery caaei liefore .IihiIc Il.ty.lcn.
M 111. - llnrliij; the put week Ilia
tiw hn had urrut ilifflcully In making
ihrlr tPKtilu lrl. 'Ilia roudi uru In n
tcrribV atato. At Iwclvo 11'ilwk on 8tm
daj nlxlit Imt, the lii(; from Ynkn Riit
mlfPil ilnii nhniil four 111IK1 from town,
ami wo ou;nll(i tu atny there until next
At lloMr Mini J. Wuner called po
u Ihi wenk, 011 hi ret ifii from the h.
lalnre. lie tjlvei 11 iloteful account of
lU toad. In IJmiqii!i V!ley, and n)
mr roadi arc turnplkia Imalilo their. Wo
aen ln.leitlr.1 in Mr. Wnpiirr for n iiuiuUt
of bill pAMal nt the .pedal mulon.
'I'linan hi fc , HUy Hay ,1M?ff,.j 0
tkraalu i rirhool I.iml., .IioiiH rind I h
adeatliaimeiit nl lU HiiierlNitraloiit of
CiMMNMMi Sekeaita for .tuekaou county,
wkkti appaMr. in tin. piju-r.
Thu IIaij.. 'i'U viiiuriulum.nt ut Mr.
lluriM aa 11 Imiiiiy MicoiW. uiai ull wero
hfhly 4riiHil. Tin. lkit utlin led tho
l'MMdHia bill vay ihey are uolnj; Iq Uio
ball Mi ix-il Mi i ihi ay.
I'r lUatMril Th) lllll unnexliijf this
final am) .urrouialiii oouulry In JiitfL.on
ceasuty urua nut drnutJ, ui tepoilul, (ait
week, hut wain mid le now u law.
Th U'tiATNiui for thv put wnkhai
Uwu very ulwiiiiitMhlc. It-tin ihieudid
ny fi.nly nn Mnmlay uml 'I'linnlay, uml
Mi Friday linipili. the .now loll hlk and
h'i but hajftno noon nhmiid to ruin.
Clll inllllllH (ilft,
On Ohrialina. Iliv lh hidw utld fen
I. uu id .I ,ik niivilln huv uonwouly
inri,ln 8l-'.ft .10 In the Si.leu of ,u
I lol Nuimanl .I..ii4uml Maty; for llna
tanmiiie K( 'he K-al'ra i,,r ihelr all;
ili4ii inn I lie i(,..,,.i
Sale of School LandH.
jVjilTICH ia h.r.by yum thai In juir.u
J. ante of an onbr of Ihe Hoard of t'um-lu'-iiHirra
id JaekMiu eoiinly. Ihg ulld
lKii.lt Will nitui- Inr emI.. ul iuiI. Im 1.1..I.11
allb.'tuurt llou.. door in jatk.uiiville,
.ii Halmday Uu- Kali day or I'.Uuary,
lefc U-lwraiii i l.ouia nl (j o'clock A M
d I n'lUli M. ib- lolluwiiiK dvcnl d
mbuul laiml-, In wit: 'Iheti I'. ol N D
J i II, euotamiuK 10 aure.t tbu N, Iruc
litui r. I. I i-eo it uml ti Vi rtaulioii W.
, x. coiilaiu ui; 7.01 aen. alio.
layliiuWH tt lhh. KiMnierur&o lU and
iiiuiiinti tli.iuc W on ih oiiib l.nindary
tliie. It. li.ti chain. ; lU-uca N tui
ihaiii., IbaiUO 1! iZ-.Tl chain. : a.'ngd 3.
I2iik(iim, U Ilm placa or lx'iimlujf. cou
talnliii 3U.-39 acre., mincer le; l.o th
S K or 8 W , uml tho S t ofN K I of
'tic.0, ooiiialrilrii iti.Ql acre, moro
or laa,-all In T. 3 n l v,i uU'i.Duuai'pa
claim No 86, iu T 37 rf It. 1 W , coulaiii.
iiik 1 1,0:30 acre., and Ibe S K. fraclloual
ut the ti. U 4 So 20 -.ame T. aud It coir.
lu.uiiiK In n'i ucre-i al.o. ihu N L. ol S.
W Ja.dri E tr,,N W siu 3U,'. 33,
rf II II W eoiitainlntr, hit act.-.
leilin ot lib gin toiirlli of Iho pill
i haw mom) In laf m. Hi KOld coin. oil luo
day vl il ami ihu rv.idim in llirio ei'ial,
annual iiiMalliui i,. Ikuhii inttliut ul Ull
mre..'iil. iui unuiiiu, pa)ublo lu jyld culn;
llir drfarreid pi mnla In' bi- ..-cured by
uol. nut Ihu pualia r. Willi amll iim.I a.cu
ray M v Wll.bl Wis,
Punt. Coui.fei.Luul J O.
December 30, IbOo doci
- V
' li
0 9