THE OREGON SENTINEL. m $4 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1SG5. VOL. X. NO. 49 i n o. r.--Jnrkwm IIIp LndRO I, W ' .. ... i,l.l. . r. i'tWl"'l'r ""-'"""K' " every tKt "r'Miliininv evening ni mc i m I iiKi K i nwr inn,. nmibcrsln eooil standing ore Invited to .Ucrnl GIMKO I! I'. FUNK, N. G. IIfbjhs IIKMH. u.occy. Tru'tccs. J. M. Sutton., Win. Uny nml S.J. Piy. Warren Lortoo No, 10, A. F. & A. M. b HOLD llielr ri'Riilnr cnmmunl- JrVcntlnns thu Wcdnedny Evenings on or preceding the rnll moon, In jack- n'VIIJJ.. OHEOO.N. s0'w .tOIlK i:. HOSS, W. M. C. W Svvaiii:. Sec-. ORANGE JACOBS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR ASP SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY,. .TaCKS.ONVII.LK, OlIKOOK, Olllrr uiiinltu tlx' Cunit House. All business committed to my care will h nrntm.tly attended to. ,1Lf'i.'Vi, B. F. DOWELL, JaCKSONVILLK, OlIKIIO.V. Ti'lll practice III nil tin; Courts oftlic Third JuiIIctnl District, It" Supremo Court of Ore- & nil., unci III l rctm, 1111. urocriiiriiiiiii. I1 i. . I lint Ill CUIKVICU. vi;. ". T.T. CABAN1SS, M. D. -Ml I.I. niACTICIl Medicine and Surgery IN Jihkiiiini: V Adjoimnii Con. ,Tarknuvilltf, Iiiiii- Kllli. joolOtf TAKE XOT1C1S3 rnnz STEAMSHIP DEL NORTE J hiII sail imiii Sun 1 uuicoco lor Lies cent City on tlio Dtlx s QOtli ' ?''' For freight or paugi' Inqulro nf Jesse llolladay Agent comer of Front nml. lock ion sir -Us. .s'.m 1'rnnelscn. DUd'AN .V. WALL. AKnlf. Crescent Ciiy. Cnl CresCfi rily Mnv 23d. 'liS. J' ''"'" J. S. HOWARD, SURVEYOR & CIVIL ENGINEER, Jaikminvii.u: Om.un.v, lte-sMensu near Iho South end or Oregon HtvU Jumuiiy, a, lfiril Oflice nt Ills rifnili-nce on Oregon street DR L S.THOMPSON PHYHCIAN ANI hl'UUEOX, Iackmi.nvii.i.k. Uiimion, Can be found cither at the City Dniff Store, or hi icodiucv, one door below the Ex rei Ollice. prepurid to give prompt at tciillon to those n quiring hi scrvici. Jueksunvilie, Sept. .list. ihc'.'3tf PETER BRITT, 1MI0T0GRA 111 JC ARTIST u iitr.i.Ki:i) 'Ml t.vki: iicti'hi:s IN i:Vi:ilV HTYI.K OF THE ART, with ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS. If I'lctures do not give Httl'factloii. no cbtrgvn will be nmile. Call nt kin new Gab lry, on llie lull, e.Miminu lit pluliire, ami lit lur your likenvi. DR. A. B. OVERBECK. Dr. Onrlnok uoultl uniiouiico to the clt Iznit or JucUon county mill vicinity, llitit Uln U'tnrneil to Jucktonulleuml reMinivil tli irucllcu ol mullclne. lie will ttlvuyi Ui luiinil ut liU tilil etiiml, lliu UkurUck llu'l'ital, nnl.M uUtnt prob-flon albuiiH'. lie wiiii Id rtpvctlully tollclt i renew ul of 1'onm.r p.itiuimxu. )xs. t. itx I. V KAKQO. rVLIX & FARGO, AUOUMiYH AM) COUNSKLLOHS jO-T IiA'W, Walla, Wakiiimito.n i'KiiniTour, OFI'ICKuvir Hank K.clmnKe, Muln Strut, v.ill priieltee in ull llie Cuurm ol llie l-'irot Judicial Dulritl, uUo tlit Su prinnj Court. Ciilkctious promptly ut tti.iltil to. All bumm-MKiitrudkii to our care will receive prompt utteulioii. julllf. S. B. FARGO, NOTARY PUBLIC, Waixa. W. T.,' Will take nckiiowlcilt;iiuiiln ol deult I'ro test Noli-i. unit iUnl miulu out nt thorl no Ce and uckoowltdKid. JucStf Dissolution Notice. 'PIIK uiiikrhiunul lm tltt duy with. X drawn Iriini llie (inn of Tliointoil & JJ.tvm, uud u ill conliiiuo the practice nl JtUiliouie, Knrirny nml Obstetrics. In JjcLMinville md vie.jity, uud solicits u fh.irb pi tlie puirofluRiv CHIico ut Ins rt-i-ie ut lk old ilurry Iluciu-tuid. T.L. DAViri. Drc. I3th, 18fil ikcHlf KUGUL.AU DISPATCH LINE lletuteii -SAN FRANCISCO and UMPQUA. rVl IoIIowIiik new mid llri-t cl.vx vcwU will tun rvKUkrly In the uboiu hue. Schooner, W 1-. llowne. .. IliiBliet, Muter. gchoouei, l'ucltlc CiJo .Muler. ocboouer, Noyo .Allen Mater. We otter tuperior liiilucenieat (o ihlp- Peru to Southern Origou. 1-or Irelght or PMJ5 upplj to lll'.l) ic VI JIIUI1 I, 6 J. Steuarl St.. Sim Fruucleco. GOTO I UK OITY DUUG STOM uod buy u bottle ol Kenedy's Sjml Jlucutn Olotmeiit, und cun H uld kud ' yours, nod euro thoo ur.. iiu;5-worma o your neck und luce. C&& Til 12 OREGON SENTINEL. tssfun Evunr SATtnnAT mormno. H. F. DOWirLI Proprietor. Sriwntirms ror Oneyenr. In ndvnnee, lour Dollnw; If piM within the (lrnt tlx inonth or the jenr, live dollarj ; ir not paid until the cxplrntlon or the year, nix dollnrn. AnvKitTixixn One wiunrc (10 lines or Icm). Ilrnt lncrtlon, Three Dollars : each MilKerjttpnt Interllon, One Dollar. A dl count or firty per cent will lie ninde to thofc whn niltcitl'eoy the year. tiT I-cirl TciutiTu rrorlrwl nt current ruloi. Ilmiil hi Ilaiul wth AneclR. nr UTT I.USC0M lUnd In hand with nngcls Through the world wc go; IlrlRhtcr cye nrc on ns Than we blind onc know, Tenderer voice cheer ui Thiin wedenr will own. Never, walkltiR hcnvenwnrd, Cnn we walk nlone. Hand In hand with ancel Some nre mil or flplit, I.cnilliiR us unknowing, Into pathV or light; Bnni enft hnndi nrc oo(ned Fioni our mortal clap, Soul In rnul to hold mi, With n flrmcr grnp. Ilund In hand with nugcW Some. nla! arc prone; Snowy wlnpp. In railing, All Kuril) Mulned have grown. Help them I though polluted And deupWcd they lie; Weaker ! your foarlng When they ceac to llf. Ilnnd In hand with angels OH In menial gulic, Ity the same straight pathway lllgli nod low tniit rise. U we drop lie' Angers, Toll rui-liiowned mul worn, Then one link with Heaven From our lire Is torn. Hand In hand with nngcls In the busy srteet, lly the w Inter hearth-fires, Everywhere wc meet. Thmigh unfledged and qnglcfs, I'.lrds or I'aradUe; I lea veil looks nt ns dally Out or human eyis. Ilnnd In hand with ungels Wnlklng eviry day, How the chain may lengthen None or us can soy; Yet no doubt It rvuehei From earth's low Heft one, To the loftlot wrnpli Sliimllng In the sun. Hand lulinnd with nngcls "1'lsit In lutid chain, Winding. hcBunwnrd, earthward, Up nod down ngnln. Theio'su p.iluruljurrlng; There's a clank of duuht, K heart grow heavy, Or n hand's left out. Hnud In hand with angels Dieted so lobe I llelpid me ull the helpers; Who give light shall cc I He who aids uuother lllcK8 more than one, Sinking inrth he grapples To iLogrmt White Throne. Hand In hand with angels Never let them go I Clinging to the strong ones, Drawing up the low I One electric lot c-noto Thrilling all with fire; Soar we, thiough itl ages, Higher, out higher I PioviiUiitiui Utlivcruuce. In one or the thinly peopled dales of the Peak of DirMshlrc. stood a lone hou"e, fur fiom neighbors, Inhubiled by a farmerj and Ins wife. Such is, or was wool 10 uv. the primitive Bunplicity of this district that It wus usual for people to go to kd without taking the precaution to bolt or bar the doors, in the event of any or the Innmies not liuving come home nt the usu. ul hour ol retiring to rest. This was fre quently the pructiee with the family in question, upicinlly on murhet days, when the farmer liming occasion logo to the nearest town often did not returo until lute. One evening, when the husband was ..I.......I. Dm wife bdu'.un B'olrs, heard gome one open the door and enter the house. Siuitiosinir it to be her husband, she lay nwuke, ixpicting him to come up stuirs. As the iinul time clnpsiu.ouu ne did mil come, she arose and went down, win 11 to lur terror and astonishment, she saw 11 sturdy fellow searching the bouse lor plunder. At the flrst view of him, a she ufterwnrds miuI, bhe felt ready to drop; l.i.ini' imiiirullv courageous, and of a lilwnli ruliL'lutis disnosiliou.she recovered Isuniciint self pension to suppress the cry ll.ii' was rising to kr hfs, to walk ....1 1 r,..a m u eluir which stood opposite, uud Scut hcrfelf in it. The I inaruuder immediately seated himself in an J other chuir, wfiicb iWid (119; ud fix ed his eyes upon ber a mast savHgc I cxpresjion. Her courage was almost j spent; but recollecting herself sheputup, ft Drover to Almkhtv fJinl fnr nriM.iinn . ft prayer to Almiehty Gid for protection. 1 nnd threw herself upon His providence, "lor vain was the help of man." She tm-i mediately frit her courage revive, and look- ed steadfastly nt the ruffian, who drew q! largo clasp knife from his pocket, opened It, and with n murderous cxpreion In his ryes appeared ready lo spring upon her. She however showed no visible emotion, but continued lo pray earnestly nnd to look upon the man with calm scriousnes j. He ro'e, glance I first at her, then at the ktilfe; again be setmul to hesitate nnd wiped his Weapon upon his hand; then once more ' Alabama. No Information of any kind glanced at her, she all the while continued j.,in' "" received of Its adoption by Call to Bit calmly, calling earnestly upon God," ornla, Orecon; Florida, Mlslslppl and Suddenly a panic oppcarcd to se'hM hlm;ir,')la' Official Information of Its rtjcC he blanched knealh her still flxid gi,'tlon by New Jersey, Delaware and Kin- closed his knife nnd went out. Atnslnfileiiufky umnHo been received spring, she reached the door, shot the bolt with convulsive rapidity, nml fell senseless on the floor. When she recnvrrid she luird her husband's well-known itrp at the door, and heard him calling out In surprise nt finding It fastened. lilting, she udmlMed hlm.nnd In tones tnmulous with agitation und grutitudi', told him f her danger and deliurance. William Jloicit. Si-crctiii j ortiitt-'s Itvport. Statf. or Onions, s. ip Statf. inbirl,l8C:. ) Iirpaiitmf.nt or .c Salem, Deceii lo Hi Kxetlltiitij, AJdnon C. Gilbt, Goienior of tlit Slate of Uitpon: Sits In compliance with section ll ol uti "Act to regulate the Tnasury Department, ap proved dune 2d, 18.19," I have the honor to submit the following Statement show ing the receipts and disbursements of the Statu Tni'Miier from the lOlli duy of Sep tember, ISC I, to the close of the quarter ending November 30ili, 1SG5, Inclusive, together with bulancis of the several funds In the Treasury at reported to the lA-glt-latiic Asecmbly ul Its third Uigular Sis lion, and the balance now in the Treasury: Ilu'nnce In Gen eral runu c .lu.y'ji cv Received.. . 110,384 e3 8131,362 72 HulanccMilita ry Tax. 3,412 EC t Kecclrcd.... Dulancc School Furd Received.... Huluncc Uni versity Fund... lleciivrd Ilulaice IC-d'cnt Fund Received.... Ilalance Insane Fund Received.... 10,396 23 19,611 09 5,107 05 7.1C4 75 407 71 2,712 40 300 00 4,GM 82 12,271 80 3,120 11 1,914 62 702 92 Total 8172,203 4C Dihburicmcnts Lave been uude ut fol lows, viz: General Fund .' Incidental " Executive " 4.417 81 5.331 07 13.097 55 10.C8C CO 3,515 9R 7.759 93 46.809 91 15,027 49 Judicial " legislative" Convict " Printing " Insane Asylum Fund Military Tax " EKheat " 2.6CC87 Penitentiary " 11,555 63 Pcoiteoilary building Fuud. . 9,019 26 Total 14C835 99 leaving n balonce iu the Treasury of the several funds amounting to Military Tux Fuud 8 4,183 CO School " -" eu Unlurslty " 3-2 " K-cheat " 3-047 65 Geocral " 3' ol Total 25,307 47 Your Obedient Sirvant, SAMUEL K. MAY, Secretary of State. The great Ciuciunati bridge, ubout to be suspeudtd across the Ohio rivir, will be the longest in the world, being our two thousand feet longer than that over the Niogru river, and flic hundrid and forty feet lonKer than tk Menul bridge in E"g land. Its total span will be ote ihou.uud und fifty seven feel. The massive stone piers tower one hundred nnd filly feel I v... ,i. flnnr of the bridge, and two hun drid feet above their foundations. One year it the -K.-riodalMd'n " SriT.FCLSAiM-'lbe Uuion MM. of Nov. says that for two weeks pre vloos the Provost Guard at Sail Lake ,lUHled ,k city for house to ,, I. bo. could fiod none; 00 account ui .... ,u. lioess of the Mormons, who not only rtfuie to rent their houses lo the guard, but pre- vent their . leases that specify the uses for which houfes shall be sub-let. none of which ua jar provwl Mawtal Ltedquarter. OVEULAND TELEGHAPII. - Wnshlnglon. Deerinbcr lllh. OHlela1 Information has been rrerlvnl nt llip l) Information lias been received at the He' Prlmc"t of State ol the ailnptinn of thp Cnnstltullonnl Amendment by the l'cisla (hires or the Slates ol Illinois, llhode Ward Michigan, Manchupetts, Ohio, Misouri Mim. Pennylvanl, Wicinin, Nevada, Mlnncota, Kansas, Nrw York, Connect i cutjAVcst Vlrgtnla. New Hamphire. ln dla'narVcrmont, Imlslasa, Atkansi, Tennefsee, Sonth Carolina, and Virginia 23 States. Telegraphic Information has been received of the adoption of the Amendment by North Carolina, Georgia" New York, December 11th. The Utr aid's Washington dispatch says: A let ter received from London SK-aks of the nr rival there of personages. He Informal thcc persons that he was sent by Jill Diivls, In 18fi2, to negotiate with NapMc on for n recognition of the Southern Con federacy 5 thul he was accorded two Inter views with the l'mperor and the Invasion nf Mexico was undertaken In pnntianfi' ul n plan tliey agreiii upon, lor wincn .n-i poleon lnItcil iipun being aecuml "l,,r pnnwsslon of Snnora, Sinulon and Iiwer California. Sanders adds that he remon strated nnd offc-rcd much ercatcr Indiieo ments than Mexico presented, but the I'm pcrnr would not consent to lake anything else. Wellington, Dreemkr 11th, About 400 editorials on the President's Mriwige have bem received nt tic White lloot und about 99 per rent, of nil heartily en dorse the President's policy from the Hart recommend tho measures he proposes for the future. Wuihliigtnn, December 11 lb. In the llnuse of Iteprisentatlves to duy. Ill.iine of Maine introduced n resolution rilmbursmg the loyal Statin for money udvancid and debts contracted for tho preservation ol the Union. Elliot of MnmchuMtts Introduced a joint resolution which was referred to a Select Committee of fifteen, defining ll position of the Stales recently In rebellion. and the position of Cougrt-M Iu relation to them. Schenck of Ohio Introduced n joint res olution declaring against the attempt to a monarchy In Mexico, and re quiting Ik) Piwkwnl to lake suehlip us will vindicate the Atmrleun pedicy and protect the houor ami linritt of IU UnilKl Stutes. Rcferre'l to the tom mltlMCon Foreign Affairs. Yon Horn of Missouri oflVrcd a reoolu tion Instructing the Committee on Foreign ligations to Inquire what mwsurs ami intuns should k token on the purl of Ik United States to rittors to Mexico her dec and unrestricted right to a repablicun Government. .Iuid over. New York, December 11th. Tin Mu cnn (Ga.) Jouinul liiu a letter from Miir rdirovillc saying thai Prnvltlorwl Govuruw Johnson hat received orders lroin Wash ington lo retain his po-itiun until furlkr inttrucied. He hat ulto orders not to U sue certificate of elrttloo lo Georgia Gun greasmen. (iove-roor Parsorm.of Alabama, received u dispatch from Secretary Sewuid, Decern bcr5lh oongrutulhting bun, the South and the country, in tho l'rciitiii's iwme, 011 the adoption Alabama of the Coostiiution Amendment, which complclu the noiiiUr of States rculrcl to make it th orgauie law of the lur.d. New York. Dcmkr 20. The ll'iirW't special says the Slate Department hus ro-e-ene-d by the last Kurniui sttuimr im porlont dispalchss from Minittrr Adum. There is strong reason to boliere that Eng land will buck don from kr pi-itluu on the Alabama qumtion. and ut ouw ooiM-nt to a jntt and iquuuble adjualmcnt of Ik question In dispute. The temHjr of the last dispatch winch f initiated from the Pnsidelit himself, was ralculultl to bfwu the eyes of the Fnglish Governrneni, A geritlemeo writing from Fog land by the last steamer to a gentleman of im oil v sjvi the liuc-eiu is our inenn, ar.u won 1 ullow Ivirl Itufia.l to take any position that will cuuiu ijlrangemeiit ktweeu the Governments. The 'J'imt't' special says ; About four hundred editorials on the Prisidcul'kMerS HL'e have been riceivrd at the While llouw, and about ninety nine r cent, of ikm heartily Indorse the President's past und commend his future policy. Congressional. The following i the text of the resolu tion offered in the Senate by Wade and in the House by Schenck Whirrus. in a letter of Inttruclloiit, do- led July 3, 18G2, directed to Ik General Hon of Ihe public, they king Ihe only commanding the French forces in M' xico, laws pusud ut Ihe lst icmoo which r the Eoqieror or the French Indiculid u w psbliakdiu the officul papir, nn.l jwlioy cocoerowg &e -JVi 9, lfe qojU'lvbe'awato. aouabiblo lo lie JClwtitod, jmnt, by d.clnriiig tt win h iiit.niiim to 'rstalilnh a monnrrhy In Movco which wu Id restore I o the I.atln race nti tin I .1 1. ..r .1... i.i....i. li 1L1. .n,l ! side of the Atlantic, nil their strength and prctlge, guaranteed security lo the French sold nt price not noovo the coit of pub West India colonic nnd thoe of Spnin, licutlon. Upon objicllon being mud to secure the Interests nnd rstnblWIi tlw inllii 'their liie by the Si crctiuy. they were ence ir France in the center ol America, withdrawn until alter n l. and preienl the people of the United twevn Mm nnd yourself In which he purtl Stutes rrom taking fcslon of the Gulf ally wlihdrvw bis objection. Of this pam. of Mexico, rrom which they would com- phlet, not over thirty were sold and as mand the Antllhs and Smith America. miny given nway. The UlanM are lo my and so become only disjH'nsers of the pro- j povslon. ducts of the New World; and wherem, In I On the 27tli nf July, tho day on which pursuance of suld policy, an at tempi h.i ' the order went east lor paper, tho telegraph licen inudo to establish n monarchy In Ux ico, contrary to tho wlhes of the people and to support Maximilian In his usi.rp tioti by European soldiers; nnd wheren. among other acts contrary to the spirit of the nge nnd humanity, tho so culled Kmper ' or of Mexico, by 11 decree nnd regulation dited Hi pi. 15, 1805, has practically ro csiuhli'lifd slavery in bis ilnmlnintM, nnd by a decree dated Oct. 3. 18Cft, has viola ted the uuages of civilized wntfure by denying to Mexican Republican troops the riiilit of ol belligerents and ordering their execution wherever found within Iwolmnrs after capture; Ihrrefnre be it I'nolvftl, bv the Smite ami lloow f , II prtH-nlutlvtM of irw Uoite.1 Slain i.f , 1 11 nre-,, i-o. in Cungrrs-t asoemblnl: I'irt Thntw contemplate the prewnt cindi- lion ol nflalri In tk IlsimWlr of Mee with the most profound solicitude. Hi eon I That tk nhtempt to subject one of Ik republican governments of this continent by n foreign Power nnd to establish on Its rulM n monarchy sustained solely by K11 rnpean Uyonets l oppofl to Ik ik-clnr-int policy of llw United Stolen Govern ment, (ifirtiflvc lo our opJ ntnl con trury to Ik spirit of our iiutlliittniM. I'stttlrfl, Thai the PrnsMenl of the Unlteil Slates bo repii-stwl to take such steps concerning this grave matter m will vindicate the ncognlxe.1 policy, booor ami Interests n( the Government. In the house, Ashley of Ohio prtwnlrd the memorial of Charle D Pnaion. cluitn Ing n sent ns Delegate from Aruwmi. Itrpmt of lli Sluli Pilnlt'r. Poim.AMi, OaixioN.Dxc. 4 1605. To Ilia ExiTLi.r.Nor, AlintiiN O. Giiim, Govfkmoii or Oiiikiw: Sta; The unlonkeil for ih lay In print ing tk Compilation of laws, limy reik it desirable tkt HM ejplawtion k iniule. Tk law nalliorlilnj; tk xliring, enn lempkttitl its kmg dune In Ik Sime, nod tn do mi large o work It was IMKtstmry In Mrehaw u press nwl tye cipreaaiy hr il.e HltHie, os no prtsdioog i.esaiier vi'uik was fit lo be usshI. Por this airMit at soon ns ixisylble after the adjMiiriiiH-iit ol thu Ij-gialatarr, I sent Mr. A. G, Wubim to rinn Praocico. IU fwuial no pr-a auituble for the work fur solo there, but w!UHurl that one on llw way was du In silly days, Uul.r thw uwuniM-e. llie prow was piirelmMrtl lo arrive. Of Mpr Ikru waa not of one quality u soflkieni (puntlty to do the work. All of um qui) lly tko in the iiimkut was purolwanl, aixl ll aus understood with llroi.ks A Co.. tin dralrs, that !' would be brootiht lo ihut oily by steamer, uml that I omuM b Mippbml ta iM-eilid. The pre dnl IHl reach hire until April Ual, ut which Iinh Ik work was commenced. As tk work protiriawd, eonliniteil iiMpnrhra were maik of IlrooU k Co., as to the arrival of more poper of the wun quality, urn) 011 the 26th nf May, iky wrote thul Is was klug attipped round (.'jhs Horn Inatrad uf by tlauirw, at ogrHil, uml that the vtaul wit tkn fully due. 'Hid vessel arrivml on tk 5lh of Jane. At this tune I utktxl Ik rWcrelary or Slate lo jHirohuse the -f for toe biute. wiiteit waa umu, laonlti'JlliiirJuns,aialaHllrirlwtMrb,w Kri umMUitW. Tk lady will k was ordered lo be iMirekml by the Slat. I u, hi"1 ",hI f'"""1 Ue "' ,J1C":' P, llien in Sun I'ram:!. lo 0.,m- plele the work In the ineaniim. Meaais Ilrouks k Co., sold out und closed ikir btiiioeat, n-tsirviog only u riari of Ik m ier, 'I hit wus liicuhl by the giute Treu orer. Ileiore selling (oil, Ihe old linn haa not ordered a furlkr supply and tk new firm soil ull tho paper on kiwi ul highur rates Ik 11 wm in k twid by me. 'I be I 'I'ri-u.urer (a.nt ginpls of Culifornia (Mule wMfr, upuu wlneli it was sogvitnl that the work uiirIiI k fiouhul, but on hi return it was not thought btst lo uw it ur.d Ihe Seeitlary inslruelid me on the 2Cth of July to order through fouhl 1c Til ton enough paper to fiolth the work. This wut done immtdiately, and the telegram went forward on lhe27lh. As there would probably be tome delay in the wok, il was duincd udvi.uble lo1 publub the crirniuul code und justice's act in a separate pamphlet, for the dcomiw'da I peiimtnl Mr. W ilnd coplis Tin recl.intl the c-p m,ui uwr. Tl.r ailing to print two hun- no slk'Unlurrs bad to bo pic were printrtl on com Hum piiper. Thcv piimphlfts wcri to b was destroyed by the Indians beyond Salt loike, nnd wag not rrpaired until the 25th of August. In the meantime, I mado In quiry nt tho telegrnph olTlce, and was Informed thai when the line was down, da plicate of incougw were usually sent by any expresi going thrnuuh. On the 2d of September I learned thai the telegram had Just retched New York, and rccolrcd a answer asking further Instructions, which were sent onlhe-tlh. On September 13, tlto New York homo ol Lmld .t Tilton luformi-d their Inline here that there was n paer of tho Und sent for In that marktt but that onbrs hud been ill'pulclicil to tho mi'ls to nuike It ut once. Information hat tine?! been received that Iho paper It now In N111 lraneloo nml will tic here by the oomlnif tlouiiirr. I.ltihl Imntlrnl nnd olght pugen of tho (-.k lnivp been prlnhnl, a bound sampto of wlilch lina Ineen plaeeil III llie liaiuls 01 Iho Heerelary or Slnto Tor public lutptclloo. I 11111 Sir, YiMirs ItMpectfiilly, 1 1 EN It Y L. PIITOOK, Sluta Printer. routine TcIIIuk. The following uru snino of tho rules by winch fortune tellrra profiai lo k guided Iu their prucllco of astrology : .limitary Ho that Is burn In January will k laborious uml u lover of good nine, kury sulij.ct to inuMtlily, yet ho will be coinpl.u'snit, und withal 11 line singer. Tho woman limn In litis month will nuke gitod Iiuuh) wife, rather uieluucholy, but yet good natured. February The man born lo tk month nf February will love money much kit la dles more. He will bu stingy ul home, but lirodigul ubriNid. The lady will k humano mul urtrethuiiile to her mother March The man born In March will bo ralkr l.mi'UixiH- ; bill ho will b honest und pru lci.t. Mi wit' die poor. 'I ho lady will k hmi oMt.-, jeuliHit and a chaltrr ll.V. April Tk rnnn who hat the misfortune Ik k born In April will Ih subject to luab milt 1 he will travel In his doadvantage, fork will marry u rieh kins:, who will hinU what you, no doubt I'lnh island, llie ludy burn this limn I h will k Ull and 1imi1, with nuiotuhh wit and great talk, Mny The 10 in born in tho month of May will bo humlaume and amiable be will iiinhe his wife happy. The lady will k equally li'itl In every rect, June The muii who Is burn In thu month of June will I hi of small slalue and aiiiniitely food of children. The lady will k u h Loriuge fond of coffin and will many young. July 'I'l.o man born In the laonlh of July will be Lit, and sull r death for Iho woiimii k lovnt Tk foniulu ol this month will k hawlime, with a sharp nose, and a fin boat. tsb will k of rulher sulky teiup-r. Augoat Tk man bnrn In the month ol Aotiust will be Ambitious and courageous k will have two wive. The lady will k uuilaMe and Iwieo liuirriid, but her aecood IiosImihI will enuw her lo regret the first. Supltiinliw llo who Is horn In Keplem lr will b strong uml prudent, but will k loo easy with his wife, who will givo ' """ ""u" " "" "'"' Ociukr Tho iiiuii bom Iu this month will Iwvii u hitiid.ouie faro uud florid com. plrxiuo. Ho will k wiekid and Incon lunl. He will promise one Ihlog ami do uml rriuuni pour The lady will l preiiy. u III t IV loud of talking, will huv (wo or Ikfe husband who will die of grief tk will kal krow why, Nuvrinkr The man born In thlt mootb will huv u fine luce, und will k u guy d eeivcr 'Iho ludy of this mouth will bo larue, likrul uinl lull of novilly, 1-( Toe 111.111 bum 10 thlt month will k u tr I gori of person, thi.ugh put- miiule, f Iu will devote h'iuelf lo pohlica und k kin v il by his wife. The lady will be uiniublc and hund'orne, with a good voice and well proportioned body,aod Tery houetl, O.v a ncent trip ol one of the Illinois .,.,.. n..,tf i... ., . ,',h. river packets a light druuuht one. as joiiunnel Ihe pusenuers were siurihdby u.e cry 01 mun overoouro: V I bo Utaro r wus stopptd, und prepurutlon 10 uve him, win 11 ihu sound of his voire nil liruid, pxcluiuiing "(jn ahead wlih your d -il old Meuaiboat J 1 11 walk aluo tV had yoo."