Till! OUEIiOK SIMIiffil ill JACKSONVILLE, OREGON SATURDAY .Di-c 1, ISlio. IIktikfs From Swivick. I.t. I). C. Undcrwnosl reached town from I'l Khtm ath on Tuesday lit. I.t Urn! rwoial rn trreil the Army. Februirv 1st, ISC'.. n 2d I,lrnleninl In li lt'p. Or.gmt Chv. Vol. and Ih October Mo, lie sent in lii rrigmv Hon, but wa nnt rele'ved from tlmy uniil the. 'M iii9t..coiiKo1iently helms been In Hie service three jenre and ten monlhs. Du ring tint time lie was promotm! to n 1st Llciitcnincy. He onii red the Q urirrmi.. ter nml Commi.irht' office In dune. I?ii2. anil has dichargnl the duties of lhee Im portant positions, bolh nt Camp Hiker and Tt. Ktamitli. from that lime until he win honorably discharged on the 3d of De cember. 16C3 I.t. Underwood has made, during hl term of service, an honet, vigilant, active nml uitful officer. He lias kept the post con ttnntly supplied wiih n boiinliftil supply of Quartermaster and C.immlsary store, un der the mou trying circumstances, lie ha purchased inpplie In some Instanc on hl own account, when hewa unable to buy mi the creilit of ihe Government. When lie w.u without rnnmynr grttiibitck when the natlon.il credit was nt Its lowest ebb ! while cop)trhcad were constantly predict lug the ill"o'ulionof the Union and tb downfall of the Government and even while pood Union men donbted in tttceess, he was confident of the ullimatc triumph of Ihe Union CJUte and he pk-dgtd hit own prop crty, to buy supplies for tbe soldiers. Now, when Ihe Unvornmrnt Is out of danger, he retire Irom lb mmy. and in x few days he will join his wife and family In Douglas county. May the CtOTernnv-nt nev er ngaln netil hit services In Ibe Mil. ami Ionic may be live to bin country prs'er, and way be enjoy n unlet, peaceful and ruml life among the dtllgbtlul bills and dale of North Umprpm. TilK UoriMNnR't .Mnty.ioK.--We Irens ftr to our column, tblt week, tbe.Gover nor's SUstige. There ure many Inltnti Ing qurttioix which it will bring up at the Special Settlor). The rceton given by the Governor for the call icuwu ur, no doubl, tufliclent and Mtitfactory to Ibe majority ol Ihe people of the State; tome ot courte will not be Mtttfitd. Tbe annex allon of Fort Klamath to Hilt county i advocated, which, no thiuk. is -a move In the right direction. It In but juit und proper that the people of Tort Klamath ihuuld be allow id to e.eroc the privthrgs of bufTrage tlie great bulwuik of Ameri can Cm-slum. Not only for Ihe privil- ge of voting should tliey be annexed lo Juik ton county, but for nil other county pur witi. A Ihe boundary now wish, tltsrie are over a lininlrl kgul uiert who lo tkiir volet by beiug ') remote Irom the county H-at ol tlieir county that ilicretmiu, do not irucli there in lime lu he vomited. TIm Stale Tiru.ury it in w healthy mu dilion mid It it reo.iiunwodid by the (Inv entor that the tax iliuu be rssluerd, uusl bespeaks "til for ll tlmtncml udmluwiru tloo, the due und cry ol o.xir.nnjf.irwe uiul money fquandeitd, raiietl by tbe Cvpjwr head to the conlrury. The ilocumtnt U one of great merit, ami rcc.imnuiuh Itself, both as u literary and political pruluctiou. Tbe rejxiria ol Hie Stcreiury of Stme ar,d State 1'ilater will be publiihed liereafier. DnsTHi'iTivic 1'ihk. On S.Uurtky night hit, the barn of N. C. Deun, uettr Wilhnv Springt, nat contumeil by Bre, burnin'.' all hny and unthreutbtl imi. am four of hit belt Imrn. Tlie'C it little doubt but lint the lire ns Hie wmk of an incendiary. Mr. Deun. as toon as Hie Are tas ilirouv crcri. rushed to free hit borni and fuc ceedi'd in getting them all loe from llielr itallt and Ihree of them from Ihetiuble lilt mnU valuable horte uwl three collt but the other four nere hi frighleneil lliut they laid dnnn ami refued to eel up. Ilw Iom amount! to about Uunty-fhe humlrtnl dollar. Samuel Gohcen was nrreitdl for Ihe commission of Hip derd. and required to give bail by Juitirc lluyden in tho nun Of '2 000 dollars to appear him unsnerto the crim", nt Hie Kcbrunrv Trm o( Ihe Circuit Court, nnil In default of bail vn commilcd In the county j ill. Comic. Lnph ami Gro tml.n comic paper, publieliiil at Salfin, made lit np-pi-arance nt our nfliiv l.nt week. It ro minils us of the 'ux Vttpvh which wut publi6lntl nt Salem In 1851. Dn.Minnv. Dr. V, (J. Jlearn will bo jn Afhlaml on Monday next, at which time nml place ho will aiuiulioexlracliug or mending Ihe teeth of all ihotc who may call upon him. ' ' i . . Public 1)cj. We nchnnwlidge tho re ceipt of J.Quin Thornton's opinion on Ihe SpeciGc Contract Law, at the hands of Uon.J.D. Fay. m CoNVALEtctM. U. V. Dankj, City Marshal, Is recovering from u revere ot lack of Iho typhoid fever, and nlll toon be able to return to the discharge of his offi cial duties. Hkatino. Tho boys at Fort Klamath are having gay times plating on tin Lake. Thusuow it about a loot deep urouud the pott MESSAGE OF (lovenior Addison C. (Jibbs TOTIIK IiKGISLATIVIJ ASSHMIIIA'. srRCi.xt. sr.ios. nrc. C, 18C.1. Contlnuevl (Vow lit p(f. If slavery w,n not wron In nny olhrr KWif, Hie fiet that it wn tlie catiH' of an1' began the late wicked rebellion, U n tnfll dent rcaon for lUalralltinn. Slavery llreil the first gun ul Fori Sumpter and Ihu bp iran the war. To deny thie, U to conilMi one of the liMt eorporuttd fad In our Idstory. If its exigence be oiifTv'red, it will remain n consiunt menace to our gov ernment and nn Inevitable source of future trouble, sooner or later lo culntlmte In open war when the objret we now seek will be itccnmplishcd or slavery will be nittonnlhwd, Tho slaves in most of the rebellious slated have been eminclpaled by prnclutiiii lion nml ect of CongrcM, but It Is ten lended that uch net!" are llllegal. Willi out stopping In nrgue that ipwtlon, let in now, as II nothing had been done. nbolNli slavery In Hit m inner prescribed by the CoP'tllutlnn.so Hut none can reasonably cavil. Not Included ill sueh net or proc lamation, there remain probably over half n million ol slave scattered over n long narrow border strip, botindid on tho north by free State and on the soulh by Slate whence slavery hat beee legally bauUhed, or ele scattered In Isolated district' luiir mixed witli cnfrancliirtd slave. Cert du ly such nn nnumolotis conIillon ol thlni us tli it cannot peaceably e.it. At every step. Innumerable emlKirrossmenu obstruct our pnvjre. Nn hum in energy nml sa gacity would lie able to ili'leriiiine Hie leu ilnitituiid em llieilngipiesiioirf ivhleh would inly arl.' out of such chaot. It wmild be iinpoM'blv, If desirable, lo pmtect the trusgling remnant of i ivrry in Ike iMir ihr Siuie; uiwl no frerdinan would be -cure In hi liberty no long as slavery ex- itteil in a single spot In Ihe UnlU-d Siulet A'.'iln. Ihe nearNS have earned their Iruilom nml fallhfully pahl Ihe it lee in blood b'ood shed not only for Ibeir liber ty but for ours und lor theoaiiseof human ily. Nearly two hundreil tlmusaml erel our betovitl country in tho recent I'f. strtiglu' Hud all the skives ',, , f.uu, ful lo Hie rebel ai ,hofc soldlert ere to ui, with ' aid and comfort given In le 0f9tl(MiUlt by their friends In Hie North and lwiroe, according to hum in wIhIihii, it would ;ii.ive lit 00 Impoetibk' lo Uie ernshtd tho rebellion and sited the Gov ernment. Thus we owe n debt of grud liiile lo these brave ul f.iilblul blaok so'il in. wliich no righit ihat we wo ever U tluw upon I lim -vlll rejwy. We liave tries, I trim In I be MtUfte linn of all, Hie e.Vieriment of lin-plng Ne iiroet in slavery ami ignomnve, nml It has proven an utler failure, uml nearly dee Ih tl one third of our eounlry. which hum miiiir.il rrtoureet, under tree Uunr would h.tve out vieil miy other part in nt-Miib I ml print i eM. It l tluw we begin Ibe h. icy diciated by Justice, reHttxi und hummi ily free Hie tluve uwl olocHto Hem -in neaiiism are hi unr uouie. llrir it Hie fle-d lor the philuiiihropui and mlf ionary. Hut no am no longer keep in ilavsry lliote wlm hive briMthtd the breuih ol fretum and tinted Hie tneelt ol llielr own labor. They now know the powerund the nee ofarms. I.t u proflt by the leamm luught Franee in Si. D.iinliigo n tton laught by the bloody retittanee of Ihe m habiluuts of Ihat Ulutid lo Hie attempt ol their former matter's lo re-enslave llim. livery pnxiilile irritating cause, lemlingtn uuoilier attempt at disriipiiui; our oounlry ilioulil be removed. The pertltlent opposition to Ihb culled seNion uml Ihe uduption of Hilt ameud ment both hero und in Hie ousi, IihIkmIi that plans arc formed to prevent the fur ther ubolilion of slavery and if oiille in re-etlubhih it. We Imvv had nne Slae hotdeih' rebellion; let us preuut Ihe hU'fc riau from reconling uiiuiher. If wo wish to iireive und proserte Ihe respect ol man kind; If no would net us statesmen, having in view Ihe peace und safely of our coun try In nil future time we limit meet the greit quislinn before ut broadly, (flrclil ully, lionoriibly und in uecordaiitv wiih the die I ale of Clinsliiuily mil civil liiion Lei us follow Iho noble example ol ut lea nivenleeu Stales wliich Iium wrillin llieir n.uiies upon the honorable page now laid before you uud iiwuiiiug your signatures. Huglund, Fiance, lMnn.uk, Swidiu, l'urtugal, Ilullaiid und Uuia huu ml IheuireUea ol iho ile incubus. Let u do the same nud out promptly; Hie relation existing between uiund Ihe iiegioisshoulil not be lelt in I lie prtenl unomalnug coudi lluti, their slutut hould Lw drllued ut nine, uud Hie nece-Miry legiklaliun hud ul fii Coiiioks to K'tllo Hie e.cd question Four mllliuiig of oppressed human beluga look up uud slielch lot lit llieir bauds im ploringly for deliverance. A )iur is an uge with tbetu in their present uspeue. Oregou has u uublc record during this war let us. not now refuse this crowning act of glory, or be the lust Slate to record its n.imo on this croll of fume. Vultcl has mid that ''lo deliver an op-preoH-d people is u uublu fruit of iclory ," und hUtory declares that lutluna grow in honor und power us they do well, Lvi us place our gieilueu in Hie front rank o Christian U'puoliuiii rtiU , by doing vjuut ami nutl witiit to all mm I herewith lrnnmlt the revolution of Con gress on the juibj ct: ncrrnAnR, Article II or the Stulu Conllltk Mvs.tl.it "In nil ehclloin not olhrrwie provld.d for In this Constitution, every while mile citizen of the Unlltd Sinie. of the nite of twenty ono years nwl up ward", who skill hive rehhd in the Plate ilurlna Ihn six mnntlis Imniediutely preced ing tucli eleellnn; nnd every while mile of forelu-ii birth of Hie aire of tiuntynne y art and upward who shall base renled In the Ulll ted Slut"t one jear, and boll have resided In this State during the el month Imnudiuiely preeeilinu sack elec tion, nnd slmll lne deelareil his liileiillnll lo liecome n ritlgen ol Hie Unltid Stale one year iirtcnllnu' such election, confarm- nbly lo Hie laws of Ihe United Smtes nn the subject or nsturulbiitlofl, lwll be enli Hid lo vole nt all elections authorized by luw." Tbe purity of elections Is Indispensable to our tnrni of government. It is n well known fact tint heretofore there line been tinny lllegil vale cist nt every ehe lioti in Ihecounlips Imrderlng on CaHCir nlu nnd Whlngloii Territory. Theie are ulo many in gruiory cbirueiers rumbH laiing Hk- IMelfle coui, who hive no pir tlcu'nr Inlnesi or home nnywhere, oral many of tl m offer to v.iie nial ir nerull) do me whereirr lli-y hippeu n la-, re gardleaa of any compliance with Conslilil llonulaml lawful piovialoni giving such riii lit. Good government Implies tlwt lis flleers hon'd be the rrleniN or ul least a majority l the gowrmil. "A ierin wb" Ikis no sympaihy with our gtmernment iHixhi not to vote." We do nnt allow a muno.en from frletally lorelgn power t oxrrcise the right ol Miffraife immeillnielj mi his arrival In our country i moeii lr should we pel mil n nun In vote, oh, after Mug iduentnl ntider our fmm rf ttovenimsrii, hale it hi badly thai be improvtS) ihe first oirlunliy to lake up aim ayalnsl it. '1'iea-on hi h cilme. aral f-rson iriilliy of it. In nil cwiutrh- fsirft-li Ibeir right nnd cannot vote unlet ibev have been Hrdnnn. Thai nr h.ivc ar eets- in Ihe Slate wt0 are h. uafrierally lo ih govers-mt thai are miwlllii.g in 'uke Ihe iMlh ol ntleglanee. and Ihat Ibetv uiQ otlten among ut who hive fmudit against the gmtri.ment cannot be den) 1. Such persons ought not lo uttrmpt to cool ml n government ut the polls which I bey could not deitrny by the iword. We ainnot Ignore the nalloa.il delil llie deinl eintvot be rah-sd there can lie no Indem nity for Ihe past j but we should do nil in our power for security in fuiwre. To rem sily eelli I mllir to tbe above and lo pro vide such tttunly, other Slute. have mss esl rea'siery law. There can I no iilijs-c Hon lo lueh a law here on Hie wrt of uny man who wUhw I lie elective fmochtae ox erotnsl by leva I oiert awl In; a I men. The term velliaens of the United Stales" as imciI in our Consiiiullm, luiaos mine than a ma a wlm ha bes-n horn and ruiwil in the Uniinl Sial.t. It imphe ihui he if u lawab sling, hi.wil ihii- noe wUi lm not fur feitesl bit riyhit by Ihe eomiiit-hai ol any .crime. V-.ting In n loyal Sale ninny iniplie hiyaliN it Ihe uler. Under ibe Cooitlliltinn ol the Uniled Slatra.one of ihe ubligatioM which it S.a'e utume no lit admirtisiri into the Uuioil It Ihat ilt uiiiams elmll remain lojul lo lite ( lover n-ui'-ril. When tucli obbgaliuu Is thrown I'tTby ti Siatv, It lot lit lightt ut mcb Siuie, but Hie general guveiniituil it liouud lo (ecureatal mamtuiu a repulilieuu form of goienniieiil within Ibc bouudurie thereof. Ilesiee u majority of the ciliaeii of n Slate miy nqu.ro us a fulfillment o' meh ubligulion uud us u keeping ol il phghiei railh, lh.it its iuluibiluntt slull swear lh.it they have nnt done Hut whivli lorfelU Ihsrir tight to vole uie nut trai tors iiorubetlort of irwiMHi, on wiialiy of rjury und Hie exclusion from the Kills, Tbi I no new principle, but Hie cx leudiug of one invarubly ricogmztil hue. ever nuev tho ogaiiuaiiuu ol uur Stuli Guvcfiuiieul. Wlm. ihe vole of a man has bteu challenged, lie hat been nquirtd to wear that bo wu. iwnil; one jtuitol uge, that he nus u cinztii or hud Jcijicd lih uiltlitwii, ihat he hud ruiJul in Ihe Stale u ul county Hie pii;cnbed lingtli ul liuie. If till Hut cun be iiquind, may we uli with a gieaiir pmprieiy, in lliuet tiki lliiee, istpnre lhai u ,s hull tiol.bi- u liallor uml Hull he lias i.o. euiiiiiiitud Uu crime of liea.un which is iubvcisivu ol ull good gumiiuiliit. This principle vva9 pecially rtrogula.il by un uel ul Ihe Ugidutuie, uppiuvui October 10, 1801, but the uct nu not u couiplulu u it oiylit lu have been, uud li nus not made uuj body's sjuchil butinet. to challenge, uud Iriquelilly wliele ihulleii- get nere mmt luedul, none were mude. A regllry law should iiipnru every nun to lu!(u the oulli ol ulli-giaiioe before his ikiuu iteillrred on the list ol vulert. und none should be allowed to vole who nun us uie not regi-lernl. No goul cilueii who has been true aid luilhlul lo his goveriiiiiim tan reasonably object lo lukicg the oaih. The lav? should bo so framed us not in make it burlheusume or expensive to the people. coumiks, I respecirully oall jour ullenlion to Ihe condilioii ol Ihe country in the viumilj ol Fort KIjiiiiIIi, in Wasco county, and re commend Hut you luke into consideration the proprn ty of vliunging thu euuihvrn line of Wasco uud the eastern hue of Jackwn . . .i t,.....,l. Tjtbn counlv. so no to Inelmlc me imiu- country In .r.ick..ii conniy. 1 '"" '"f""" II,v reliable clieti of Southern Ongnn llMl such n change Is .Mmblc. A nmi rand is now cnmplolid from Jiick-onvlH. I Fort Klamath, n il.nim nul ninety tittles. WI ,ll!""ncc ,,nm "'" Fort inthe Cuniy so.it of Wmco rnniii) Is nhnul two bundled nnd fifty mile.. I think it is nlmtit the tn'P dustunre 'rom Uh. Fort loCinvou City. In Ihe trinitr Hon of nil county business tin- sellleitln K'lainilli valley can be li.'H.r uecouimoda t,d by lieing conneclwl willi.Iackroti Cain l-OIiK. Fight hnndreil and riaht pices of Hie fade nml Lms In" Ikcii printed. To correct slight irroisnnd oni'ddons which miy have crept In, some nmnidmrnle nueht to he made! but It "ou'd be very unwise to re(ieal the Code n u whole. A question ha nrben In llu- public mind concerning Ihe proper construction In lie glitn lo section Co.'t of Hie rrimlnnl code, rommonlv colli d the Sunday livv. It l. are lliere nny klmU of sci ii'nr labor In be deenml wnik of necc-lty. i wv lhoe peeially ileelitreil to lie ? For ihe pur lneof preventing nniiercary 'Itigalion. I would recommriid lliut Unit rcllon or Hie crlminnl cinle be nmended o n lo de clare vital copsiritellon should lie t'iven to It In shi pirtletlhr ; ns for Isirlrsiic that rictpt a lo Ihrwe uels specially pro hibited or nllowed by Ihe srcllmi, vvlui cnnslltulM n wmk of ntcesily shnu'd lie n qiiMtlnn of ftct lo bo determined nn Ihv trial t'f Hie iictlon Ihcrefor. The lietier npinino seima lo lie lliut such is the prop r eotailrticllnii of Ihe seellou ns ll lion lamls. and douhthii sueh was Hie unsler standing of Ihe Asa tiihly In wing it llll la well enooth lo lake the club mil of ll bands id llne who seek In make Ihe law iKllnitt by eoiMliubig il slriij'ty or tnlorcliij it bfvond vvh.it vve.s inlewk!. I iilii reoimm-ml i nniidiii'Mii of esc tkm '.', of H'e ,iic,-v aet. deHiili lh eiiniiTil juri,ieiioii of ju.nrv'a iwirt The flr.t nib division shoitM be rhuntfiil to us In stive jurisdiction oflarreoy. when the puiilsliinent may lw imprison men I in the county iil or tine. A- nil larieu ut are liable lo be poulshul by lin prkoomenl In Hie penltentl iry, the sub ilivislon as it now siiinds confers nu jurla d let Ion on .Iiim lev's courts nt nil. I would su.'sest Ihat it clause be nddiil In Ihi section, allowing a jmllcsV court tn Iwikc n lese puiilahinenl in the case ol nsaulit, und astiult uud battery over which it has jurhdiclhin, tliau n ktiiiI lesl liy s'Clloii fiU.'l of Hie erimuiil coil . ireeribing the piiul.lim-nt for such acta It is only in est ol Ihe most simple n null. and Uilliry, lliat j'i'tiee's imvv j--. rii-dicllon and It ofitll liaprw Ihat lbs hmest fii, now iiIIowmI fifty dollar-,! an vxeH of Ihe iiflenee. 5lll.IT.VKV. Tbe AdjulauLGeiieriilV report here with luiisinillnl Is hi full iiihI csHaphle ihat I dm It limn cemiry for me lo uihl more thin Ihe follow log lUKgesthuis : The C'oinl Uu lion of evecy Siule pro visle fur Ibe nrguuizalhui ol Hie Sjuie Mllllia. All Ihe ('.veiunrs or fliegmi have lecomnwiHUd lhs iirtraiinialiofl ol the mllllia, uml for the fust lime, we now have HHiwlliliig like ucompkii' aysiem. Il it difiieult in ilevkas nny plan Hiul will piwse overybudy. It U not e.xaclnl In please Ibn' who un- npHi,td lonll ,,w nor lo sillsfy IIhh who fur thsi hist four' jear Imvo billerly iippo the mllilury uower of Iho Government. 'Iho law re quire every man who U liable in do mili tary duly lo tiihur join an indx-mlcnl conikiny or foy Hie mm of two dollura n jear In lieu thereof. The mniHy thus ruhed isexpniuVil In xiviiig ihoe vvlunh, Irulu, Hie mm of two dollars a day while Ihey are thus cmplojul. F.very dollar thus colleclid is uceounled for in Iho Ad jaluiil.Giiieiurg reports. The law is not oppressive, at two dollars u year is nut high lor ' exempting n man from doing military ilmy." Those who lliink il is, can iKifurm mllilury service in.lead id iwyiog lliut amount. A stiein thai n quinil mllilurj sirvire. wholly would br of little iilly,iin!es il r.quirtd at le.isl two or Ihrie diyt service unuuall), uial that umouiii would be win lb more than two dollars u Je-ar lo mint men. Unless there ure more iuni.inlM of llif orumslAil militiu foriWHl, Hiilv will bo u tuiphu ol iii.ituiy fuiui. in tin li.iitmy ut Ihe end ol the jear, uud il may no will lo milhorlAMlic Trtusurer to pa the same lo the general fuud vvheu-vvr meh mridm ureiiiiuiUti-t, The lu,t Lfgisluhno iiulhoriiid uie lo use the sum ol ten Ihou-uml dollais, m my di,crelion, lor milituiy purpose, und I mil happy in tay ihut Hare I u bUn no oecnion lor ilt use ; uml nm u euu m ( hi b i-n UHilsir diawn Irom IheTnumry. Tliu liicidellls ol Hie Wur have rnnhusl Ho laboit of the Ailjuiunl.G.nerul inmli guuler tliau wus coiiiiiiipjiud, ami rt. IiOiiM have uddiiiunal (.oiupenmlion. For the unlit ol Oiignn, it ulhuds me pleamre lo siule Hint ull the iroopi calleil for by the Wur Deparlrmnt tltrtsituli Ma Jor Gtiierul MeUoncll, have bun rui.nl, ami our patriotic citizen, who re.poiidnl to llulr country's rull, uie iiitltled lo greater roiitideraiuui when no ufleei that ihej inlisud ui, l8s iniluteiiii-niH, in ihe wu) or homines, n,j w,rt. ,t.j, 01 hy uiiy oihcr Siule which wus ruising troops ut tho some, time, It would Imvo been uu act of giut Injustice to Imvc nquirid thcc vnlunlerrfi In perforin tnllltnry per- vicr. in which ull were nlikc liilereslid, for pevrnttrn dollurs n inniiili In rurreney without nildlllmml bonniies. The limiu-Ih-s should have liren grrnlcr lnlead of lc8 Tlie low provldid two cluei of Immla lor this purpiw. one clam rrileeirinlili In ten vear. nnd the other in twenty. The ng uregatu umouiit dirrclrd to be Issuul bus been greatly niNreprisentrd. Tlie ni'gregntc bonds ol each clnM Issued U ih follows : Additional pay boniN S.riB"!)! If, Itounty bntids .'17.1)00 110 I'mhahlc nmniinl lo be issiud B.'JDO 110 SlUI.B'JO 10 riNASUKI. Thi' finiinclnl cond'llon nf Ihe Siule np pcir In the tcpnrls nf the Sicrelnry if Slnlc. Thers nto no llnbllillcs or ilcli'H ngaitist Hit' Stale, oilier Hum Iho bom's above nferred to, which lire due in leu nnd twenty jenrs. while our Stulo Inxm ure hi"s iliuu they ure In u tnujoriiy of Ihe Sillies. 1 urn ol iho opinion Hint the C'ir. rent expfihcs run be mel nml III" reilemp tinu or Iho bonds prnvid'd- for nt u le rule or luxation. I llniefore iicommeud Ihat the Mil' be trduiiil. INSANi: AKYI.I'U. Ilciewllh, 1 transmit a ieport from I Vs. Ilawlhorne .t lairyen. upon the condition of Hie Asylum. ItntTorilt uie pleusiiro in li- nil's in state Hut tho Institution con tinues d be will mannged, und Hint Hie proprietors are falllilully Mtf"-ming ll.e oi'iiilltlnii" of llielr contract. Ti" imyliun is u credit to Hie Stulo mid Hie projiris lor. The past year lias In en un even' lid ons- j lesliiiiis mini: hd with hope, sonow nml rejoicing hiivo - rvmloil Hie public m ml. Tl'f oiil'iil Hiroiigli which tlie nn lion tias pisidhas bicnu lenlble oik, but Ihe triumphs of Ihe Iwtlle flihlutui the ballot box present u sublime speVSnc'' . We have teied Hh- ciiiiraL''', cromluney uml strength of the penpV. nnd in tplie of tlie dbrourtigi rmmin of the men of mo ,ii. in splti or llu' prediction ol lik'li fUcHiU. even III Oregon. Ilial Ihe war ' musl result in the eteroal scrinesiif Hie Un'oo ;' Unit "lie war vrnt nevr intends il to restore the Union ;" thut the lime is now close nl luiinl.ui.il li ginning In be felt, when nil lliiNt share lh"l'ouimoii ruin." In spile or such I'ppixlllnii to Hn ifforie of our governuuni ut self preset va tinil, the iirrnlM of the t ih issiVh of-mii country lire teal lend, nnd lhoe vvhn were llulr leader ure now huinbly bowing with cntriiitles for mercy from n power lils.li ihey could not bteak. "l'ower depart. Poitexlonii vanish, nml opinions elinnge, inl Hiloii hold n lluittu.iling wit. lint bv Ih, "liirm-of elieum-laiiii'iiii'liiiKcii, And ubj-cl neither to eelipse uur vvivvu, lll"T MStiS " The work of rc-nrgiiii'Xlng suciely und ealiiblislilng law nnd order in tlie rebellious S'iiics ir now iiefore us. Nothing ahoiild Is sImho In the spirit of inallii' or revenge The great m i't of Hums' who rngaieil in lhetinhot,v warf ire iiguiu'i the (loviinni i.l were duvivnl nnd iliragid liy lain1 Mul livenls of llieir wicliul Iraileis, us lu Hie churuoior uud pnrHisea nf Iho ps'opte ol llm North. Uiiunslukulile security f r lite liilnio iniujl however be riquirsd ; ihut I'rnvi loiice winch bus so nianilwlly gu did our de-linh-e. hua H-ruiiltid ihe ilincllon nf Iho work In lull iiiln Ihe hands of the able und pnlrintiu Ambew ,Iohnon. In him nc trust, nml with him ure the dullce of the gold, n hour. From lh isuiiig nl Iho Hminclpnlion Proclamation, vieinry it I Is r victory follow, til inch other in quick tik-cesimi ; und when the spirit nf fccceiuioii found it could not iilli-rwin conquer, it nus pri'nitil In minder. Ami in halcyon p'-uce win pic turing In r"U upon Hie bosom of Ihe tui tion like n ilceecmhd god, Abraham Lin coln, Ihat good mini Iho prifcrvcr of his eounlry fell, sliuck down by the hum! nf Ihe HK-iisMn. Nn pen run dweribc Hie gloom that pallid tho nation and sln.cl.ul the world. Twite tho nut inn had been cu lh.il lo mourn Hie loft ol Ihe clncf nng i.trulc; Inn now it hi mid that the loui luin or leiir li.nl In en binliin up und then was mine m fiimfor1.. Tho lilnw nut m I aimed nt him only, but was ili-iguiil lo siriko ihe cntinl power uf ihe G'lv.'imneiii, Wo would ll-.il ho might have liwd out Ins three scoiovnir uud un, that he might have seen u miiiou's giutitude for its dc liveianee in her hour of peril. And If ill he muil, we would Ihat it might i w-lifu a calm und peaceful ihnlh, In ihe in i i -joy im ni ol his fainlt.rr. -urromuKd by Iiih l.iiinly mal Irienil.. II" richly do we eheiub ihe f.iriwvll uiIiIiim of tliefutlar l Iom cnunliy; nnno Ihe lens would we pri-one fiom iik prererver. His no ii.hulmiil lu the memory nf u gratelul piople, with lima-ol our brave, puliimic ami si-lf-acrifieiiig Mi'dlers, who nill'ied loriure in prisons nnd laid down Hair lives upon the nllnr nl our belovul coun liy, shull be hiiiiilii down to n gicallul p'wlinlj ; mid " llu blood ol thin nnlie unity ol iiiuityia (hull be, us of old, ihe Kid of the chinch," "Hung In llm viewless winds, Or on the wain cat. Their ushi-H flsiill be vvnlchid And Kutheisd ut hil.it ; vvhllu In. ni their s-culti-rid iluit, Aroiiml in and nhroud, Slmll i-prlng the pieclniN seid Of Hti,ifes for God " ADDISON O. (JUIIiS. Hoi.iiiAvGiKrs Head J How's new add, for vvt uie very coulldenl you will tie fciiiiu'ilimg mentioned, which is dedicd lur the Holidays, uud go Ibero to parch'1 1. nPRnRMoTTiTrra -v""us ou arxvinun C19 llrrrhnm v. i..... U,L'"i '" "' mii irnnrssA r.i te.,!:al.?e"Mf,,ce ,.,.., d;-lrlng u re-ldeu leu L XLllC,,A mentis. u"lr "'f'-'tior Iojuet. I'urtlculiir nllcnllnn glrcn in ,u he purcl,a.ean,l sale or Uml T teH I'ralts. Slum,,., SmwIi b llnKrnol, other 'nu.ciln. t , ,,, afc' ' ol 'M.erlee,ll,,(lu.,lll1l,,i:11 mHcot rurchiH-s win ,n uiei... " . . 3.,,rsufspec..dtft; co 111. (Dsbovn . ScfisionD, Formerly will, C. It. Onnnw.v. 4 rft VMmlesiilu (Irocert, Sun Kranri.f , ' IIH10..U.Y .V Wle,ks.pYiig REPER Bv PERMISSION TO VWsteaaiB8r0l n tt in a . I Is II 11 A Ml ttklH u...i i. .s - 11. (in; i'l :iufh, in'4 I. ' ' ,,l .".-"" ""wt in-aurt, hj lri.i4. t4hSi(f ATIKiTlOi ALL! P. H. LYNCH TS AGAIN IN TOWN AND AT HK I "hi liMlie. ur saloui id uV. 5 li.uidscunllnd him, with the ' " BEST LIQUORS .... .VND .... B'"' u.bb "t fl C.E j sxm In town, In tho old KXPitr.ss orrici:, N'.-M door west otV J. llyan't Store. Ctm nil'' otii'' all OiiniT i; isr.j oetllif kp.w in .iackso.wilm:. lusimiiK nil III.OOH'rf I'A'IKNT, H7iti Wringers Attached. rpillS work the Mine as by Imml iMn; .1 a iniieh work in mieil iyn six wni, wiih iipial ele.iutiiio. le wear In clotWl, and oiu-h.ill lt-s o.ip. A child -a Jrtl old e.iu work till iiiicIiIiih wllh i.-e, m-ti-lug nny faliilc Irom u thread lu lil qmlt. I lmv purchaHil llw right lor ihe ma ulacliire nnd Mle ur the uhove lumtJui-elilm-n in thl county. 'I lie machine Is lor sale ami can U sew ul my shop, on Cullloruhi htiect, oatil'tt aliove Diuin't I.iury Mnhte. (iiv' Bt cull. C T. VII,SI)N. Wringer will lie furnldied as kxm si tluj'jirtive Happinef3S or Misery; THAT IS TIIK UUKSTIOK. rnilK I'HOI'HII.TOIIS OK 'HIE J MU.-.i:i'.MUK ANAIOMVAMI M'lhM'lv. huve il.liriinn.il, is-ganl s nl exiHiis- in lu.- I'ltKi: (iur Ike bint ol Uie mil ring liuiiMimy) f-ur uf ilair niiMi iiileiittlng m.d nmiuiliic UL ri'HI..S on .MAHHIAtill.uiiditsiWqus!' .Ile.inous: N.rvousll oiluy, IWnri ll.cliui-nl .Muuh.Hiil, Intligitlii'li. W"' ms or Ibprifion. Iis ol lios-rgy oml U ml Power, llagrial bueml l.vil ,Hl'e maluda that rsvull from Joutlilul MW .xeeews ol iiiutiiinr, nr iiiuraiicerij lologv und Niiiurea laiws. Tlw- invalii di!e Leciiire have been IJ! mei.i.s ol siiligliieiiilignliduivuigtlieii'i1"1'; 1,,!willb.rorvvaiihiirUi:i.onriltipU( Iweiiiv-llve Onls in Hlage HhiiS, W .hl.ug.Sserel.iry I'ae.lio Mw J Anuiomy nml .Suiem-e. 1'iue biri, w I'llllil'lrtil." , ,..,1. ttjy lii-liert lo be sent Ihroiijh U l-'Hsgssjfc Co tiiirllyl Uinpqiui Academy I ' I MIC Trustees of Urnpijua AwsVmj 1 il.orougl.ly ir,ulnd Ibe bu Mu It i now iiady lor school. "'u''b Term or it w,Ks will cuii.ineuee.N ur His. Tho fcpriuguud Summer liiui, 1st Mows; In .May lm,U. KATES OF TUITION FcrQnarter I'liuury lKMrimnt jW S coudary do "" . lug. ijch, e.Mia ju(rt .Mu-lo 3 oj lloatdlnpi'vate luuillics "'". . F. F. HOVAL, i'llncipsl. Mu. CtaiiK A'mitii. AmU 'I "' Masonic Notice. 4 I'UItl.lC "Imlaiiaiion" ol '''.''j? A ."l ol W.....KN V,,Pf,ta Y.Jr. tr- A THIS! n,OverU,k,hasrefiU,M'.r ill IUV ... .!.. . t n-nVI'IIKCTlYlUtUO;; (x ,,, .it... K....iy'--M, i i"-"f .ShlljourbailMjl' SUU l,u rn in winch oU are j G( ineiruK"" . OUI'IIHH Pb''''WPhB,7TV. .lour aiiim- - !BoriYi.n G ,Vro S oritur, P'v- "'uius mi