. i '! I THEORE L LL-L i-UI GON SENTINEL 7 I. g.j PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER "o, 1SC5. . their' regular communl- u.p,o,, initio: 6: ol) iliiX, l-tely made n speech n U I Kv o Z nT ,T! u"','' the We.lnw.lay livening, on count or fifty percent will bo made t ,tho,c the imtl-.li.veM, , t M1-on quartz. Dcndttood Uulch Is fiv ce.ll.iR the full moon, lu jack- who ndverlU.. by the year. ' """' amendment to the Comtl- mile coil of Ulaclfool City. 1,0, (). IV-.Tiwltsoitvlllf 1 -oil go V-v,. --iN. IO, hold It ri-j;-r?Sti4iA5"'!ir ,1M-,,I"K on every 32jv7tG 'jf-AnUmtay evening nt (lie -aUS-$ 0.1.1 Fellows' Hull. Itrothcr'n In good tntnllng nr Invited to attend. 0 KOUO K P. FUNK, N. G. IhRMts Hbmh. U. Sec'y. 1 ni-tct'i..- -J. M. Sutton., Win. liny and Warren Loduo No, 10, A. F. & A. M. n HOI fV cation V.ir pre ' JOHN i:. 110.VS, W. M. C. W Sivaiik. Sec'y. ORANGE JACOBS, ATTOItNKV AND CUUN.Sni.01t AT XjVCT, AND SOUCITOIt IN CIIANCKItY, Jack!onvim.k, OiirnoN, (Iftlrr ojimmII.i tl.r (.'..lift Home. All liti'Iniw committed to my enre will be rjrumptly nlt.'ii.led ln. July 2WjJrt2. B. F. DOWELL, A.!" TiA.'W, Jackonvm,!.k, OlIKIIOS. r.'lll practice In nil the Court r the Third JuJI l.il lltrlot, the Supremo Court or Ore piu. mill In Vrelai, Cut. Wurl-crlp prompt ly collected. Oct. 18. T.T. OA13AN.RS, M. 11. w i i.i, I'li.trrici: Mcdicinc and Surgery IN JofKMIINK fC AlMIHXIMl Cos. Jockumvllle. tunc Kith. JitelOlf ...-.. i in. mtiiuos si:ntixj:l. MsTKtl KVKltV SATUttUY MOIINIXO. n. F. DOWEM Proprietor. VOL. X. NO. 8 Oei. Logim on Xcgro Kiiitulttj-. This truly loyal gentleman, formerly TAKE NOTICE r THE STEAMSHIP DEL NORTE J wilt sail lioin r-'uti 1'rmicUcn lor Crw ctnt City en Ihu Dtlx &S COtil OPKAfliaiOKTll. For freight . r pnmgr Inquire ol Jewo ll'dltil.iy, Agent i'iimi"! .if I-'ioiit utnl Juck- 1JU tltctl. .Still 1 MW ''CO. lll'HAN A WALL. AgnU. Crescent City, Cnl. Crtwnl City May '.':id. 'tlrt. J.SmU "j". S. HO W A rd, cuavEiroit t civil raainEEit, J.ii'AMiM imj: Oiik.io.v, Ue!inc near the Son lb end of Oregon itmt. January, S, trill I Ofliw nt til residence im Oregontret't DR. L.S.THOMPSON PHYiilC'lAX AM) Ji:itGi:0., JaI-SsOM'IU.K, UlllUUN, Cm bef' ua.l either t the City It tug Store, nr in. le-mence, one floor Uuluvc the l.X prw Office, prepur.d lo give prompt ut tcutiuu to tin.' requiring hii scrvicia. Jaelismn i.le, Hi.it. 3Ut. ilu'J.ltr PETER BRITT. WiOTOGIlAMIJO ARTIST, iJi'iti:i'.ni:i io r.tur. I'tt-iriiitH in Kviatv hiri.i: W'THKAUT, WlTrtAU',,TIIH. I.A'IK IM 1'KOVKMKNT.S. If rieturen rfn nut jiho mtretton. no (UlkV Kill v mail... (11 nl LU n..- (Int. I'O, tit, tin hill, exiinloo hl nlclutvt, and lljrj iirllleiiv. DR. A. B. OVERBECK. llr Ovi rheck nould otiiKiuuce to the clt 2iu of JocLmIU cuiuilytftid xiclulty, that u b- rtm m.t to Juilxmt lite miiI rwunie.1 Jl.'Ni . r niwliifiio. Uo lll ulvuiyn J him I at hut ..Id rtiiul, the Ovcrlnck ''liul, miltrv khtunt prulloii MMiuen. lie would respectfully tollcil rtucal of former patroiue. U if liil Tcii.1it rrrrltnt nt currtnt ratf . Tin- Cciiimofiliu lluniitirni. Scatter the penns of the bcAittlfuI, lly the u'.iyM.le let them rnll, That the roso may tprlnj; by the enrden jfU RKlc, Aim ine vine on me Rardcn wall; Cover the toitRh nnd the rudp of earth With a vail r leaves and llower, And mark with the opening l.ud and ettp, The tuarcli ortinimcr ilitmcn. Scatter the pcrnn of tho Iwautlfut In the holy fhrlno of home! Let the pur, and Ihe fair, and the grace ful llivru In thtir lovillent lifter come; Leave tint n Irticc of deformity In the temple of the heart, Hut jmtli.T utiotit Its henrth Iti genu Of Nature nnd of Art. Fcntter the germ of the lienntlful 111 the temple of our Ood The Oml who ntnrr'd the upllfte.1 nky, And (lowered the triimplv.1 nd; When Ho Imllt i temple fur Llmmlf, And n liome for h!x prleitly race, I l.i reared eaoh arch In rymetry, Ami curved etch line In grace. Scatter the perm of the bcaullliil In the depth of Ihe'htitnan aul; They fIihII bud, ami Uovoin,uml Itocrlhe fruit While the I'tidlrM age roll; I'litut with the llo'.veri of charity The portaU of the tomb, Ami the fuirtuid the pure about thy path lu I'aradl"' 'hall bloomt 1'rom the I'matilU Ailrrrllnr. Aortlieiu It inn. TflC tnnlnnn !.. H r I member of Congre from the district of loan, by Do Foe & Co.. In IV,.Bo. Oulch, wclghl.lg fourteen nn.l n half , pound, nvofrdiipoii ; meaMirlng, in lensth 3 inche ; lu breadth 2 Indict ; thick ' nt! 1 1 , fnrliO nlmmt MlUnt.. f. r.., , , .... ,- ( ...,,,,,-, VKiilin IHX: III'III vc or aix tullnn. Rome nt .1,. I....I .- i.in-iiy, head.ofOrrL.nn will .1 ...... i. ." I lnK r l'ATTKMox.The Idaho . :' """""' Wi kimruvier nnu ciinngc on the jlavcry qucs .. SrnciitPTlox 1'nr One vmr. In ..i,.n.. Four Dollnw ; If pnhl within the flrVt ,i ' "0Wn ,n EW where lie ur1 tn jnonlliji or the year, livo ilollam ; ir not paid et 0XfT 13("" mnjority over nnv '" a1!.! 0;e,f " Slw, Ar ' T?T cuud!'laU h "" S ln.V fli... I Z ' " ,V Y. ",,e' n.r' tllO last four Ve.ir.nn ll.ttI-.l!. i. tion. He nld ! I have frequently Ml emotions of nmazc incnl mid unumement ut the holy horror with which nomc tu0j LTntOtM,; quota dnm Mavc Stales rToprccintr iot they nllect In believe arc the intentions or Con grew (riiiuild this ntnendmrnt bo ridopteil) In regnrd to one quntlon over which it noes occur to me 'vcrj- untie man with n orld of the -till lnt. inn : Wo linve delaye.1 publication till oenlng Io otitnln the verdict in the rnttrraon cne. Tho jury, nftcr two hour! iibnenco, canio into court nnd rendered a verdict of "ol guil ty." The Judge coimrnlulale.1 the prion cr.nnd ordered hi! Immediate .Uncharge. Jons It. Wtuox who left Umatilla for Montana wtih a p.ick-lrain, to month! Mncc, writing from lllnckfoot City, Oct. tMmblo full of broint in lit bend ought to a,M' ,0 hh "rn,l"'' I" H'' p'nw. give. hnrnv CongreH can hnve no juil-dlclinn. p'ow'm' """tinl! of Ihe jinwnt nnd rnltirc Inlliule.ftfcourw, to Ihe dellcute nucMlon l,rp,PrcU of ,l",t rrp'on.. Mr. WINon I. of Kiclnl lntercourc. II.niiLhter.l llmr M'l,,ne n 'inll. nml Is rairtng the dul r . n lit M ..) !.,.... i YlllllllHligllUUI. can (!ongrei! ps! n law to mnko any otic while man say that nnnlher white man or blnck man !lmll be bit gMcl nr compan ion r .sneint Inlcrconrfc will rrgnlate It Mfnn.1 at the Mtne lime it will regulate nllqucstloM of quality nn.l t quality Ikv longing to tho private walk! ofsociiil llle. To tho! gentlemen I will ray that I wa! born ntwl rrnred on free will ; that there 1 ntver mw a black man .iih a while wife, or a white man with a black wife. I.nughler ntwl upplanio. There white people nrc while peop'e, nti.1 there Mack t iconic nro black nwmln. wlirrrnt, I find throughout the South "klnkyhwdi" almost in while an nnybody. ItJreat upplaiiKj It U nn unfortunate thing for the iKproe In the South llmt they like tlielr Hiatus Irom their mother. If from their father they would be iilmntt in universally frc n! they arc nlave!. Itugh ghter. Tho truth Is, that the prueticul uiiiiilgumati.ini!! uru the Snutherii (lenple, I wit.) told mi iimuiiiL' rtory lmt winter at n prodlgom rale. I.at A fielghler l rngngnl bujlng up fat hnrrM. nnd inlemU In iimLim irit, from IhU place to ltluekfoot Ihl! iKm. f1"'"1' Intemlj he l paroled, bimworn to llcpropor! to carry along feci, nml th.w ol,ri' "" ' r' itt Ion and law!, nnd l! go- Tu.k or llAnnr 1-. Tmin.trn.i. The Gold Hill Newt. thin. ili.conrien uHni IIh? recent talk ol tliin re;etiliiiil youth: "It we! rich when Hurry Thornton wna here Io a lot of old Copiorhcnd buni- tner! get nround him nnd commence to talk politic!. Harry wouldn't cor.icrw with a man that didn't un.lcrilntid llmt the South wa whipped. lie ilrvlaml with empha!, Wc were whlppe.1." He had hi! idea bow It wmilone "They outfought u." No palaver, or excusing, or qunlillcn lion almui UnrryV talk. Klght out, hon imI Injun. "Wo fought well; the other! fought bolter." "We got it little Ihe nd nntnge occasionally; but they got n cli-nr advantage In the long run and kept gain ing until they bent m out of our boot " lie nppcnre.1 n'tnuNhcd to tiud people In Nevada apparently nnconvliirrd of the fact that the Sonlli was llrk.nl nnd the iiiMltu linn of flavery gone to the devil, It wn even refuelling to henr him talk In Ihe nil.M of unMicvfnff CopjH'rhend!. He ray! he litis had enough of politic., n they were; nod for politic! in Ihe future, he !np port! Ihe AdminUtrntloti that It in ron qiifrr.l power. He nn.l n few othcrMwnre IlK-y'd bust Union; they Ihrncehei got Don I'iutt nude a fpecch ut D.yton,, ? huvnmuh, In this euct : There Ohio, during tliu luto flection rtnvnm. ' Mto the I-gikluturc of Oeorgla n in which he "rousted" Vullaudighum 01 1 ,,1l l0 cxpulrlule all Ihe lire tiegroc in . .. ' .1.- .... . .. ..... ..... i..-. . IOII.IWM "Why, do yon trmember, my fellow-clt. Izcii!, that previous to the lute war, Clt in cut L. Vullundighum was allrlgudler0.il ernl? I rcineinbcr It, for I raw bim. 1 happen to be in Daylun when the Cover the fllntr. Atulu.l the barburnii! men urc the citizens nl Savannnh entered n mn!t pathetic prot.it. A rcmn.wtrancc went up from that good city Io the Iz-gltlatlire, lgne.l by ulmotit cverylndy. 'J'he rimnii for the rcinonntrancc, it wa raid by the nor of Uhlo. on p.elal Invitation, came i 'f'1'1"' ortl.e m.'a.uro wa, that everybody hero to Impoct tho military nnd naval ' fe'uvmin.tli wore kinfoll;!- Uughtw. fore of Mon.gou.ery county. Uughler. - i,,,.,.,",.!,, Ufa lft, ",,wl Uam. Oh. ywi nIn't laugh, It wa u big thimr, lnlH, (tom Mte rt.Ilf.rttlli. t() ull,icr lUa iwltfrt, I tttlgbt fay It wna liiiiiK-iioo An lflIllllllM ia ,umo Utm .,, u,,..,,., , m.leKMi.le nt coniwny ol thirty men. trues- ) , . , , k ... , bwn r.tor,l uml can Im. m.lntulrl wlih- eil up Ida- woclcockii prepared fur Ihe plt i warc, ur,er t , ni,i, nll ilS'irli for it '"ot "l"1, ory Mrp will Lt Ukni, while ncqunlnled with hi plati!. urn! Ihe road oy the trip will be crccajfully made. Pahtim from Helena, coming by U way of Ihe Uld .Mullali Hood, irix.rt a flight fall of muiw on the IVn d'Orlfllc lllver. They were icvcntectulaj making the trip to Umatilla, nn.l nlimatc thcilkw lance lo be 510 mllc. Calvin I Hummi, nn old nnd ritmned rrwilent of Iduhn Territory, dld nt IlnW Clly Nov. "th, Irom n!trokc of apoplexy. He hai lield I lie iifficcof Ae.ir of Int.r. nal Ilvveniie fIiicc lat fpring. Tub grnnd Jury of Ilnlic County lately found a true bill again) n man for liikini; n woman ngainM Icr will, and by fore nnu menace compelling iier to marry him. Tiik Idaho Stiitrrman of November 'Jib kay: Onv. I,jon nrrlvt.l ot Ilolie Oily Tuenday, nnd met with u l.enrly rvccptlnu rroin tl.e cillwii. A. I). Hlchrdon, Tribune ccrrwpond- tnt, arrived ot iLcmme lime. Wahhinuio.v, Nov. 2f.lh. The UtfuUituH publUhe the following dl'jmtcli: Wnhlngtnn, XovcihImy Till. To II. 0. Htiniphry, (.'otcrnor of MUU.ippI: The tiKu w ill lie withdruwn frin .Mm-i-flppl wImni, lu ll t'piiikm of th Uotern in.-ut, !.(, ordr mxl civil uuthurily hue Ing In keep hl o.illt. That'! Urn way Harry tnlk. He My JoeMcKibbiHrnl him a demijohn of whUky aero ll line. All thing! were nmlabte until the light came. Then It wn tmtgh. Hut nlloime hack or down to the point: "We're lieui. fubjugnteil, clrnne.1 out; we give up the battle, necfpt the pnllWed Irrino, nn.l net lH'nafter a proerly n we know bow." Thla wouldn't .lu for n ('opHrhrad !KXfh of hi Itrnt Hint ranvaK!' date. All will lvo lo cfltne Io Ihk Then the tny-nt- lionie Hrnili will tell n llmt they hnte Un ot lhi mind ull i.loug. Hut they will lie; while llnrry peki Ihe truth out of and upon a v. pfying experience." ..... , aiiaiKiigiiam ,nwM. It ia not i-o. JH. D. UIX 8. o ixuao. MIX &. FARGO, AnoitNKYd AND COUNriKLLOKS ... ,-A-'3P XaA-XAT, v aiu Walim, Wakiiimiton Tkukitokv, Oil ICI-: over HjiiU Kxchuiige, Muin nlrvvt, will pruclice in all tliu Courl! " lw Fir Judicial Di.tricl, alio the Hu j"vme Court. Colli clioiw promptly ut '"utdto. All bu.itiosiiiliusUil lo our carcj, riccivc pr.uupi ulUntioii. juStf. S. B. FARGO, NOT A BY PUBLIC, Wai.u Wai.i.a. W. T Will tiko nckiiuwlvdgiutnli of dvttl! I'ro ... "'"""id itviilu uudu out at thurt uo Wad achuowlidgul. jucatf ur.d Itrlgmlier Clement I iiiiu mail, hub was me wiiuurys ua lor 111,,1i ..niiw.i r ,.,. the iiav.il force I cannot ay. I tnppoe, I ..... .. lirmr. nnJ vlt.vill ..,.. llmv upon tho'rngln'c.imwl' you hud a ahow u. cfe Vilut., but when nil nre groupvd ulioiil uh tho ltrlgadler Oemrul. I w together and judiciounly comblnvil nil Hit, Handing on the tt pe of the I'lillip lloiife tiwy (um u llrtt(lj, kllj Kruw(u, ttoW we,i ie t.enerai came seeping urouuu , co,. i,,, 'Jrullll!c , umUfoot. I raw him but n niouienl, MulhlukK I n.v bin. no, With liiiinlnlii'll work.tl upon hU tall, And war upon hit brow, Laughter He was on n trcmcndoui charger mid had bia breast Mufl'.d out like t wet nurse, und his behind like a bunly tailed rooatcr. Hxcctilve laughter. Ilm epaulet! dazzled the eye, his leurful sworJ banged to and fro, and wide us your ttreeta then, the little pleaurea which n grnclou , und grvut and exciting joy, we arc w upt to over look. Why thould wo always liocp our eyes 11m d on the bright, dittaut horizon, while there arc to many lately (loners in the garden lu which wc ore pennilicd to walk ? The very urdor of our chare ufler me they were not wido enough lor him. happiness may b( tho teuton It eludwour no came on eunterinff, curlcoling nml ca- KrMp. Wc paotlngly strain after hir vortlng. He feared a woman with a child ,en f)iv 101 betu graciou,ly brought t.igh lu her arms on ono corner; "lie upet nn up- uuto us. Van Htgnttr. pie stand on the other. And so he twept by, out of the present, I believe Into n glo. I Tub l'ciriu UAiu.OAD.-Thc Comml. Jon rlous future. How secure our couu.ry Is I h' "" """ " T'lTi,"! "'.' -i.i. ...-i. -i..r. ........ i .i...i i ,,' IwHonirortyiulMofttal'MiaelWIroad.1 "t BUI.U tll.lllIVI V i IMVUfjIII v Cem! vulliunt Clem I rode on to glory. Ah, my friends, the unity of human wUhesl Tho wur came; and did Clem. Happlnesi is u ' mere, in iniorce strict ill.rlpllm- nnu ruuviuiiiuii.in .u uivii uuinoriiv. There cuti lie no ollur nor greater iiur unce glvcu thuti hut bervlofurc bieu given outU'itart of the I'm-idwit or (.'imm inent. Thre Is no ooiioutsi'iti required on lUpcrtoIlh iieoplu of Mi'iiN.iipi or I'gUluture other than u total coiniiliaiic Providence tcuttcr in the daily, path, und "j"' ,l"! lttVM of ,,,e Ul'U", Huiw.uil the hlch in the eager search uftrr iwant eiwt ' m"'"10" u ",K1,u,a '"' P'""""" dissolution 3Motico. rP,,I uiiderslgmd bus this duy with A qruttn Iron, the firm of Thompson A: 1) "t, uud will contluuo tho practice (, Wieine, Suruerv und Obsteiriui. i 'fcoiii die uud vic.nity, uml soliciis u ,ufc nr the puiroimge. Ollico nt his tub ccattheoidMurry lluvm.ie.ul. ,, ,, . T.L. DAVlsl. J"c 13lh, 18G4 dcoKlf KKGULAU DISPATCH 14X12 ' Uctwvcii -, 6AN FRANCISCO and UMPQUA. P1'1'' following new uud llrtolas vessels wl run regularly iu Ihe abuvu line. gbooaer.W K.ltowue... Hughe, Master. &"tr. IVil'c Gago Master. wjwnvt, Noyo AllUn Ma-ter. wr.; ulir "Ps'rl'r Imlucemeiits to hlp- W.SSyu 0rt'uu' I,,or ,,e,l,tur SlllJD.t WUIOIIT, . '.SteuuitSt., Sail 1'iaucltco. G0,cTet,T1'U: C1.TY 1I00'C STOJti:ud eo thtir new boukc G0?'1 UITV 00Ksi0llHttud '"Mwu-ry cheap they tell books. lit... T..l. .. ... l.n.eA tt..ul. (..it ..ti. i.rirf I nnu v vu o . m. iiuir. , ruicii inv uuiuv lm Ves, my friends, and immediately run into Ihe lull grass und washed vS the paint. And when he came out his swelling bosom hud wilted, his bulbous behind hud collaps ed; ull tho pride, pomp and circumslunce of glorious war bud disappeared, and the luto Hrlgudicr Oeuerul Clement L. Vullun digtudeuhammcr appeared as Amlnudub Sleek, the ungcl of peace. This villuluous sulpetre, digged from tho bowels of the Imrnifess earth, nud exploded in shells, makes many uu angel of peucc who was be fore us bravo as Julius Caaroo parade." Soukiiouv suye that uu euterprislog clt izen of Tehama county bus taken up Ihe gopher hole in which the editor of the LV animer hid during the wur, und Intends to open u saloon there. He thinks thua cur iosity will induco u greut muuy people to como to see how small u hole u Constitu tional Dcinocrnt can squeeze Into, when stumpeded by tho dralt. S. F. Flag, A Diii'ATtii says thut the jilrulu Shen andoah is in Liverpool, und her captuiu eastern divlsiou, rKirtd agalntt its ac ceptance, but the olQvvrs of Ihu road Late i pledged thviimiltu to rvmedy cvrlaiu dv fvcts or construction, aud tliu l'rusiduut hat o'dct.d Its acci'ptauce. Tliu bonds are con sequently to bu leaned, and the- lauds lulling to tun road nre to be c milled to them Among those interested lu the road under its new management, who called on the rretident, wee J. Kdgnr Thoinpaon, of the I'euuxylvanla Cculrul Head; fudge Jeuttl, or the l'ittuburi; uud Uiuoiuuatl Koad; Cell. Iinli.n.1. nt U. frmU .ml r?nlntli'l KOtt. ' formerly Assistant Secretary of War. TLy ! ldri-n have met to build on empiro ihow) ull Irteiiini, in person und properly, with out regard to color. Thj will entitle limn In rume their couslitutlonul rights in Ihe Federal Union. The people of MiasUsip pi may feel well ui.uml that there is no urbitruty desire on tl.u part of the Gov ernment 10 dictate whut (thou I J be done, but, on the onutrury to simply ti.d kindly uihiAu policy which It is hcl.cwd will l.ciill in r(tnnug all Ihu relations which tJiould t-xitt betwieu tin .Stale coinpriting Ihe Federal Union, It is Impel they will appreciate the fcugu.stioiui hrreiu made, for Ihey are nlfurtnl iu Ihut spirit whiih siould pervade Ihu bosom of ull theM tvlm i!i sire K.jtf-, harmnny uud the thorough ristorution of Ihu Union. There mutt be oontidctico between the Oovcnimeut uud ihe Siuttt, uud while the (jatcrtiiii.nl cnu Dhs in the ople, the people must have faith in the (Joteriinient. 'J'liis must be mulual uud reciprocal, or all thut bus been doue will be thiown uwuy, ANDKKW JOHNSON. Up ia Montana, whore Uncle Sum's propose to make coiinicilou ttweu ine lVunayltutila Central aud I'uclDc ttoads. so th;t lu duo time onu csu liutel ftom Sacru mento to 1'hiladelphU by rail. The i'rtl dent was assured that the road should be completed to Kort Itiley by -lib of July next, aud to Ueuter City by the Chritmas of 18CC. Tho Iron for the road a far at Tort lliley has been bought, aud the Invest, luentslnlocomotltea aud cars alicudy ex- oouiing from the Katl ore culled "Under feet;" coming frpm tho West tbey ore called "yonder ide"r," thee being ihe names (uruiihtd us a distinguishing mark formed other. They ore vuttly umuHd by each other's "lingo," JJcte is u sn:ci meu from u "Ituder fuo," who bad beet) out on u prosicctliig tour. He says, "he dug u test pit, ubout un ux bundle and a hall deep, and found pay girt, ubout half lS7Scars will be run across the continent Meanwhile. Joslah 1'erhaiu Is endeavoring to eiill.t th" Dritteli ca.Itallts in New York Iu hlsNurtheru route, aud with Some propect of succc.-6U. Sue. Union. ,. 4 tl.i... . - . 1 f und creitv will be sent to Culifurnia. They Chinmk uiam.- uu.ucwj giant i6 should be delivered over to Ihe pluudcrcd , uow ou cxhibittuu iu Europe, wuo u ulue whalers to be 'tvhuled,, to death. feet cigut iucum 'B"- ..... ...it. -j . l-ilmir 'I liiit.m ceed ouo luiiliuu . iui.au. ,.i ......,. ,,-., . - - .- , , sou exi.reed hit taugulue U-lief that by j u0 "-I'-nelle deep ubove the U-dstone, and iiiiuks mere is incline enough to run water troughs." A California fuddle, fulbrigged beuts u "lender foot." Tupaderos, ho culls "loe fenders ;" mucbiers, "saddle scubbardj" cant.enus. "bati.lj.bags " An Inquisitive old lady Inquired of u diuler "whut kind of si cruMcl the whtut to make self ris ing flour ' Dealer, who was u yonder, eider," unswered her "ou ulkali nit." Umatilla Adititutr, (Jbami Jrnv nr Somk Vai.I'i:. Wc o infr.queiilly fine uu nppurluiiily lortmi iiiiihI l lie action of a Ornnd Jury lu Ihe iuteallgallfla of n r.illroml murder, that wc lake pteutiire In tiotleelng ihe finding ot Ihe Jury in the te ol tho laic ilhtuter ut .tumaciu, on Ihe long Island road. They found a bill of indictment ngaimt the con ductor of the mull train for munshiiighlcr In llio fourlh digree, nml ubo for "earning Ihe death ofpumiigrr! on bit train by neg ligence." The culprit iu thii rae w.. behl lo ball In Ihn sunt of six lhounan.1 dollur. Tlik. Is tpry well, so far n! il bh- and crat'kli ring llmt the oao Is one ol lullriwil munlr. H-iImp nv ought lo ! wU1ImI; lmt it e.n. In ti that If tU Mbl iiHwIiietor was fnosd to Ik netually pullly of milling the .Imtb nf puurng. r by rrlui lt.nl txgllgeiire, a! the Jury deelarril. utoul two of the df grit a wight lo lie dhqieint-il with inuLIng ihe nRViiso manslanghler In ll.vmoon.1 d.gree. Ilowi-irr, Ihl will do for ou iniiiivallon. Tho inuul proctlreli In entlirly txeiilMitc nil iimi.agei! and em- ploy.t-a on I Ik- road, nnd it in worth a gnat ilo.il to hut- railroid murder Jmllci ully deelaro.) to lw b rrinie, even lli.niith Ihcpfnulty be lighl. ,V ' .S,i, (hi. ' A Kaiir Pathivikav, A jpung man of Nurimburg, who bud no lorlune, uques led a luwter, u friend of his, to nooiniueud him lo u family, where he it daily vm pnr, and where was u bandsum" daughter who was to have a I urge fortune. The lawjer ugree.l , but the falher of the young lady wbu loved money, imm.illalely kedwbat prnperly Iho joung insu had. The lawyer said he did not exactly know, but would inqulrr. 1 he next lime be saw bis young frltml he utkul him If bv bad any proH-rly, 'No' r.pliei he. " Well," said thlawr, "would you sutr.r uuy one to out our your jjo, If he would glte you $2U UOU." "Not for ull the world!" "'TIs Well." icplled the law. )tr. "J bud a isatou forui.ilig." The nest Hum he saw tliu girl's father ho said, "I hate Inquired about this young man's cir cuuiHuuces. He has, Indeed, no ready mo uvy ; but ho has a Jewel for which, to my kuottltdge, he has be-u ottered and refuu-d, J2U.U0U." Thl. Induced the old father to conn-lit lo the marriage, which accordingly look placa J though It Is said that, lu Ihe sequel, he ollcu hook his head whsu be thought of the Jewel. DrSTKtcrnVK AWKUK'AN AOKNOIkS M Kl'Konc Jutti ;nglisli pujicrs hute con tained elaborate uccouuts of u new torpedo of American iuvtntiou, suid lo io.. wouderful destructive properllts. Hevt-rul tests of its tflie-ucy hute been nude, und wiib such succaWuI results thut the dis cortre-r instead of being blown up by Ihe Admirably authorities us uu iinpolcr,uct Ually succeeded iu blowing up u coiideuin- cd vessel of wur in that tery limited pe An (Hit Story. Knee deep In lc.tve, In tho .latum woods, I followed n path I knn; I followe.1 It once, wheu Ihe turfwangrcfn, In Iho bright days lung ago. Tho palhway trad to n foreM bower, In Ihe leafy depth of June; Where Ihe ay wind fang, the ildweri bloom In Ihe light of Ihe harvest moon. Tho wind tang wrel, but sweeter a tilt A voice imng nt mr tlc- The tolct of n girl dearly Inviil, And who should have Ihtii my bride. She married ite- Vcr, cob' "', .r And Ihey.M.v.n it splendid stute ' HeJIngle hi senli, nud watc lib. baud A m-11 of wealth nud "weight.'' Hut I Ihouqhl, Ihe nlher day, wn nut, Her heart rHiirtuM tit ihn .1 irs, U'hen n l.y uud girl went tuind In hand Through Ihe Wary woohtmt wnyi. We nl, alt atono, for an hour In t.tlk; Then I u nut! nud wmiI on my way, And (Mine to Ihn woodland path I know, In Ihe twilight .tan nnd gray. Knee deep In Imvw In Ihe Allium wew.1, I live In my yimlh oneo mnrr; And the !tmrie IreiM nre rolnl In grcon, As Ihey were In th ynm lfniel And hsre. In tho silent forsfl Iwwtr, A maiden til by my ,,.. A maiden I lore.1 uud ttho lot id mv, Who thuiitd havn Iimi my drill. I.irji'iiiArioN nr tiik NAriox,ti7Driir Acciidlng lo tin. ofllel.il llgitrt, the' n tllon.' al liiilihUiltieM was niltirtil lo nearly llilr- iitii iinlllnii ilollnr! In September, or at tho rule iifiii'a hundred nml lifly six million u year. Such mi rnercutir pr.nirM of ll.iul- hitlon would remit iu Ihu duclnirito ol nil the national p cunlnry obllgnllnm in nboul twenty y.itnt. Hipldly, however, us tho public debt is illoiliilil.iil, iho Inlerrtt r hiifgi- will, or cour.., fnll oir. Economy In I IiIk imporlntit Item mutt leasru matrrl ully the iintlonul (xH-rir uml nccclrrute Ihe liquiilaiing prnc's. Ilenco It may bo tufely iiwumed that lieforn tho longslx per tvnl! (now tinting sixteen yen to run) shall Imvo tualiire.1, IJoternineiit will lintel panlolTnll other chiln.s upon il, nml tiudo ad. quale irnviion for Iho prompt oa.h to il, nipt Ion Ihe Ihfil bon.N.im "prctciilatloti by Iho holder!." X. V. Vitus. The following disp.it. h bit bcensrnt by il Piosldrnt lo tho Unmoor of Aiknii- ' sas: Hiri-iTivsi Orrirt:. ) UaIiim.iios(D f). Oct. at), 'lift, -' To Oiimiwr Murphy, I.Utlo llorir ' (Ark) I Tlwru will Ik; no liil.rf.ieeco with your on. ut oruuiiittlloii or sinin U.ittiuuHUl. I havn le.in.il liom II. W. Uaiiti. and otbtrr auurivr, that ull It wink ing w.p, und you will piuvK.I uml n,uuiu Ibv loriiH-rn hit inns with the Fill, ml (Joy. " finiiH-iil, utHl nil iho uld in the power of tho ' (internment will be glteo in r.m.Ting iho the- Statu to Us form, r ii-lalionv. ANDllhW JOHNSON, P.itiiltiit of (ho Ublltnl HlitlU, Anuii.Ai. FAiuiA.iir tell u goo.) story of a young boy who, iq u great sl.irui ut , si a, when the ship's ctciv werv nil lit pray- tut. hmst intnu 111 of luughler. Jtcii.g id'., lum.lfur Ids il-iiu..l tulrili, mul u.kc.1 , thf rtuson nf it T--Wby,"ral he,"l wus. , laughing to uu what u blMing Iho boitU swuina ted mo will muku when In- g.U into Ihe wuttr." This ludicrous miu.k set the crew luugl.lng, Impired Ihem wills new ypMts, ami, by great cxerllont.lhey brought Iho vessel afely Into port, Im-otat Ukoistku. A tcgi.ltr hat bun compiled thH War Deimilmeiil. and Is now In tho bamU of H.h nrinii. which girct iho nuiiie Mini rank ol vwtf volunteer i.flicrr who Krsr.1 sinco tho com. uifneement of iho laiu war. Tho register contains also such other official iuformulloii colicernitig eucli naicvr us can bo of uny In terest lu him or his fiiends. AfTKH uu Ki.tr rn.N Tho Uoirr luil ore tlrra.ir.tlly dislrtvsed over tho fact of ihulargu Irith vole given Iho Un ion ticket Ibis rail, In Ibis Hiatt. They utc full of udvfco to tliu I'Viilisiu uo( lo dubblo Io Ihu "filthy jiool of jiolillcs." A few wetks ago they deodc.1 ,C lda of' Irithmen voting Ihu IJuloxi ticket. Xttw they cry about Ihu fuel that ttcu sti'diJ ihe Irish. 6W. AVwt A Tttiri.iMi J'aot. Wlicniro iu.ot.Io Of Iiclaud were slurvinir uud nrrlihimr wild cull), more food uml clnil.iiM . coiilribuleil iu MuMucbUM-IU owl ulbrr New linglund rjiuttis, m w,il lu the stif. fering ones ftom tho port or Huston, ihun finin all ulht-r places lu tho world uggicgai ltd us sources o relief. Tut female pcfitioits In fuvor of Ihe par, don or Davis, uro vuslly accumulating on Ihe- 1 resident Hate ifu, u.,,,. ,.r..u rhnl described somewhat uguely by Mr. ltd Ihe idea llmt beeuu.u Davis uli.mpicd Hichurd Swttcller us"ometbing less tliun ' WC"P '" Itmalo utiire, he really isti' no time." The component parts ot this ' jj"" oW wymu" Wviug of public chur- d.struclltcageut urenot uccurutely known I . but they ure sumioted locmbruceguii cot-' TllK papers uro passing around an art I ton. powder, old seceth sHiches urliclen do advising ypuug ludies lo be neul Wo from Ihe late ltichinoud Stulmtl. and oilier I will give ihu cseiicu of it. llu ucat uud equally iuQauiablc materials. iV, 1'. Vimrt you will be sweet.