TlilREiN 8BTBB " n gATL'BDAY Nov. 8.7,805 lATBBlJ!. Or TIIK N'KXT CoNOnESS. It) Ihc Senate, 25 Stales nre now represented by38 Unionists nnd 11 Democrats. Ac cording to the party division Hint existed before the nor, the Honso ol Representa tives now stands 101 Unionists to .1-1 PtmocrnU; but on the grcnt question of fttonee nilinlttltig the Representatives ol ,fcs. Southern States, or keeping lliim, or DNt of llicm, lor a longer period in prona tion, U Is "ol Pfobnblc tlint the sumo pro portions will he preserved. Should nil the Southern Slates now without representa tion, whose Senator,, nn,i Representatives ire'jct to be clccltd, choose Democrats oppceil to universal sulTnigc, as is to be xpclcd they will do, mid, should they nil be admitted, the Senate will then contain 4; Democrats, and tho House of Repre sentatives would contnln ICO Unionists to 32 Democrats. 1'fag. Mad as a Maiicii IIakk. The editor of the lliittmntr is obviously Insnne. Wc arc satisfied of this fact by the cxtrnvn ganec of nn article In relullon to the hanging ol the nionslcr Wlrz. No one who was not sum-ring from chronic dellr um tremens or constitutional treason tabiu could conceive nnd execute anything so nlxnlulcly foolish. The miidmnn thinks that Sccrelnry Slutiton was hanged In the pewon of Wlrz, nnd prnys to spied the day when lie may be hnngi'd In his own person. If- Oncrnl Ilullcck docs not think proper lo have the mini arrested, the city authorities should liuvo him taken arc of. A person Inlioring under his pe culiar domcnliii ought not to be at large. s, r. nag. AXr.wANii Urkiti. Invention. Mr. i:. I). .McCurthy, of this city, bus Invented a tsppct fur quart)! crushers, which lie tialmi Ij greatly superior in many respects tolhoicat present in uc by miners. It is euJc of viilcuiiiziil Ii.dla rubber, in the ibape of n hollow eylauder, tiio sunn1 us wed for railroad car springs, and when in place cani'oi bo removed by uny number of Wows. The cost of the tappet is lies than one half that of the iron nuts mid will wiar jimcIi longer. It is known in thu "Noise less India Itubber Tappet," nnd ho lias ap plied fur n patent fur bis Invention. Mr' McCarthy Is n practical uiacliiiiuist.lii ev ery department of Iron work. .S '. Flag. Union): Acciiiknt. l.ust Monday, us n w.igou unci team was crushing u bridge itl or near Willow Springs, thu stringers gave way, and Ihc wagon was priclpiiiiicd into the cut, breaking It somewhat and proving almost fatal lo the life (if the driver. There nre good reasons for finding fault with the manner ol bulliiiug intiny bridgia In this connly. Il is rt ootid fuel that rain fre piciilly falls here in grrnt (piantilies, and, ni u coiircrpicncc, ninny gullies are washed out, nnd have to be bridged. The Ktring m lo these bridges ure cither Ion small, so that they soon rot, or they arc cut too abort, mid when the mint cuino and softens the ground, they give wny at the end. vvhose fault this Is, wo arc tint prepared lorny, but tliiuk that It should be reme died in some manner. Tin: This frulllul theme of comment will have to ho lirnught up again, for the pad week has nut Ken prolific a regardi matters of Interest. Ihc rsln has fallen In Inrriut u gnat part of the time. A mijurlty of thu streams aiv iiiuuiiig full o they cannot lie crossed, and mud aliuuuds almost ou'rywhcio, llio inluii in tamo localities havu b-eu much Injiiud by the wailting away of flumes, sliilcubo.cs,otct It vvus thought, fur awhile, the hulk head, put In during tho fall for thu protec tion of the lower part of town, would go, but up to the pu-sent time It lis wltliMond Hie pnweror the water. This morning (Prl. day) It Ih hard to tell what tho weather wllj U-In nn hour. On account ol high waters, wc have had hut um or two malls Mils w'eck. Wr understand that lbuN(irllicrnsliig can not get further than Cow Creek. The Cres cent City stngo has nut been sldo to cross Applegalo fur moiu than u vmk. Tho ''ago liom Yroku bus not hem In fur n-vor. al days. ami It Is I Vn rul that Ihu biidgu across Klamath river is wnshul away. Th telegraph lino u u, tad condition ax the "agu Hue, Having iih coi. pleloly cut nil' from the iet of the world. Since writing the above, llio YnkaSUgo has arrived, and rcpoits thu bildges nil ilaiidlng, Cjkuit CuutT. 'IliUcuiitt Is allll In ks in. U baa Lwu vety Udluus lor the pat Week, ua theru weru oiue long, Intricate ess. Thejury will piobably bedlicharg. Hi today. Friday. lleluw wo glvo a continued llt of dicidul. up to Fri day morning, November -Jllli, Jud;ju 1'. 1'. ''run on the lleticli: N. 0. Dean vs. John Sears, Sjiii'I Go wnciul Judgmuit lor IMi. lor 81 lift. Jeiluluh Tuiijc vs. V. A. Owen-Judg. ntm In fvor ol Deft. Born. Near Phoenix n tbu 1'Jlli luirl., "Ueoltiaimiel ItobUuo, u i-ou. tu the Special Notice. 'J'0 'h m inbeiB ot 1.imI0i..i. h i i v '-! ou "f0 btui'y nu( ,,-' l" the Annual Uiui.ou ol uIIIcimoi .' eu.ulug uu.oiiio vmr, will be bild oil i oH-uiiig ut Asuv. 4l(lli lbll3i ull j,,u uu 'iUAua tu iu ,,u.,Ji tt,, unbuilt luilb- autlcc. cuas. V. aAVAOK, ato'y. SACHS BROS. DRY 1KB FAKDY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS 'AND SHOE EMPOBITJM. WE HAVE JUST Roceivcd and are now OPENING rpHK I.AROEST.ItKST ASSORTED X nnd most Kn'hlnnnhlc Slock In the Jteiy nbnvc line, to be found "YjJa 0)3?" tills side of San Fran- "(ytx Z&f cisco. Also the -a Lai os I Slylc Of Ladies' Hats, Cloth BASQUES &. CLOAKS, WOOL HOODS AND NUI1IAS. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF ladies, Misses and CHILDREN'S HOSE. TN FACT.KVKRYTHINU Al'I'ER- 1 tabling to u Firi-l (.'lies Dry ttiwds and sjf Clothing llnuc. All of -TjJu OSr wlikh will be sold at "SH lrjT unprecedented "&a LOW PIHCES. An Iinmensc Slock Of Groceries, Liquors, Ton A ceo, j:c, Of tho ln-st rpiallly, nnd lit prices wur ranting us to suy that they urc the chcup esl in this county. Favor ti wtth a call and convince your k-Ivi-w. SACHS 1JIIOS. Se)itcinlK-r .'10, lPM. w-pauif A CARD I" OR THE FALL & WINTER Clothing Trade OF SAN FRANCISCO. Mi)tii:u & n..)i;iii:Mi;n, Nos. 411, 413 and 416 Battery St., Clll'i .11l(llllllll(lll t'CMIllilll, Imporlcrs and Wholesale DRAXISRS. ICntii-v New uiiit l-'ri'bli Stock. We would call the attention or Country Merchants to our uninually lnrni rtixik ot (iomls. Our stock cutnprlK' iv try nrtl- CliiViTlNa & FUltNISIIINO MNK Wo Imve coii'tantly on hand the largest nnd cretet variety of CASSI.MKItK AND WOOL HATS ol any Iihum- In Sail 1'rancUco. and our prU cc for lliew goil uro vr than lhoo of nuv hmiM, n we recdvu them dlncl from the inuiiufuctiireiVcouslsiiineiit. Olirstock FAI.h & WINTKU flOODrf In p-artlcnlarly atluictlve, mid the great fea ture lo the coiinliy merchaulf l the iiiiumi ally low price Lets than the cost of Importation ! We uImi Ke.p the fiJtojolo AX'tiOlOM III thu Dry (iuod line, which GoimIs we have In thli- market under the hainincr, and uruollcllng them at Now Voik coft, and lees. Wo publWi thlscaid In onb-r that we may make, new ncipialiitaiicef. anil Induce tho-e who havu not lieretolort' piuchaed ol us tu o II and i-jkauiiiiu our t"ck fjootl Aitiflt'8 . Low 1'i-ici't. Ale llic gnat tndiiKiiieiiieiilMVftilfirlouU who iiiiclmt- to n-11 ugaiu. Mi reliant who buy or ii can mako a good piulll, and tell lo their cii'loiui'is at a low llyuie. v re main, rei-pioltully, Your oladlciil M-rvants. IIADCKit & I.iNDKNIlKHUKH, Whiili-Mik- Cloiluiig nnd Hat Viiri-liouc Nih. -lll.-tia anil Jl.'i Hillery strtvt. San l-'ruiii-n-cu, Oce. "J8, (15. mH 'ANTED -Ity thenib.cil'r. tho mak V ing ol nun IS not) rain, tor winch fail- pay will lie givtu t.'Vl.m H. I'.okrns. l'lc-kell's Table Itock liancll. no ih f. 1?I.0UU AND I'UODUUKiuheniuex ; chaugt- lor Mi-rchaudiriv ut July 19. 27 MAX Mmj.WlvVS. News Dealers nnd Bookselcrs, Rend nnd Remember. .f. ST RATI?! AIV, Wholesale icws Dealer, I'acks nnd TonvanN nil the Dallv and Weekly Newspapers, Macarlne. etc.. "to nil parts or the country, with Great I)Ipntch. I SELL AT PRICES That Defy Competition ! Every New Novel received n soon ns publMicd, I have special arrangements wllh nil the mflercnt publMiers. ilnlloners, etc., nnd furnMi the trade with Books, Stationery, lilniik ook, Mimir, POIITIWITS, PRINTS. MKDALS Molainotypos, otc, m . 3KoftlM IX OHKAT VAIltrTV. I lmvc nnciiunleil fflcllltle, nnd puaranlcc dealers the clnest nttentlon. J?-cml for n jirlcc list, nnd give mo n trial. JOHN STHATMAN. sax riiAXCisco. American Flags! Willi full complement of Stars! printed on Mii'lln do l.alne, Im'tatlun ol lluutliig, In l-'nt Colors at tho FOLLOWING LOW PRIOCSi Slse, I root 1 Oil p.-r doen. Size, 2 feet J .'ill n-r dozen. Sire, .'Hoot U 00 pi r doziti. Slue, 42 Inches 10 tit), BUNTING FLAGS, Or all lre, irom sixty cents lo oniMliillnr per loot. UNION BADGES" AND PINS, In CJrrnl Valid)-. J. STUATTON, Major First California Artillery. KmplreNews Depot, nirthi-nt corner of Wanhinglou nnd Snutotno streets, Ssti Fran bco. litiliirlinn in I'rircs lu Sulivrrilirrs. ATTENTION Is called lo the following list or American and Foreign lVrlu.ll cals, for which 1 receive sulriptlm. I'eriimnent nrrangemeiils lmv. U-eit tnndc by the t'ulted Slate' Government lor the carrying of tho Malls Irom the Atlantic States by steamer, three limes a month, I iiiii cmiiiUd to receive suliscrlitliins el a imiili lower rule limn formerly. The Mine care and utteiitiuu will be mU1 In tin lor warding of ull ackaKs, lor vvliloh this o lablMiliieut hat. gained such nil enviable reputation throughout the I'm." I tic CVrvt. Atlantic I'eilotUcalr). 1' Yuan. Martyr's Monthlv Mngns.lne $3 fill Gndcv's Lady's ll'iuk S ill Atlautto Monthly 3 60 l.elii.-'s Family Magazine 3 All KiilcketUicker Mnuiuiue U .'ill Coiillueiital Monthly 3 .'.(I I'ctcnWs I.iulios' .Watluv 3 Ull Arllim's Home Magoglne 3 li'l l.adiolti'piK.ltory 3 ill Tale, of lti-Day .'I All Mii'ilhly Novi'llello 8 ol) IX-lectic Mngazlue : (H) Hunt's MmlmutV Mnguiluc C nu Ilauktr's. Magazine t' I'D Lellou Ton 3 OH llrowiiMin's KevIdH' 3 DU llraltlinaito !lulioi-t 3 no Tin r Kcgi-trr () early) 2 Oil llulliui's Magazine 2 AU Vulikuo NotiuliK (eoiulc) 2 AD 1 lies lludifi't ol Fun (omte) .1 ml NIc Nax (comlo) 2 Ail Coinio Monthly 2 All 1'htiiiny I'ullow (oomlo) 2 ,'U New Volk Weekly lUruld 3 (HI " I'ollcvtiazvltv 3 fill " Ullpp-r 3 All IIoiiid Jourual 3 AU " Wwkly I'rlbuue 3 All " Sunday Atlas 3 All " " 'Iiiik-s 3 fit) ' 2 IHI"tek 8 M Mercuty 3 All " " CouiUr 3 AU " Weekly Tluu 3 90 " World 3 AU " Journal or Comuitico 3 AU 11 ludelK'iideut 3 All " hwudtr 3 AU ' I.(.ilgr 3 00 " I ,v-!ic's t'ictorlal 3 AO " Harper's Weekly 3 511 '. Jlliitrald.S'uw 3 AU l.(vle's .ktuug(Getiiiaii). 3 AU ' Ikiiiokrat 3 AU Criminal lelung 3 Al) Family Dialler 3 AU " Vanity l-'alr 3 All Iil-li Americuii 3 Al) Scleulilic Atiwrivuii 3 AU Wilkin,' Spirit ol llicTIuiwi AU Tablet 3 U Country Ueiitlemau 3 AU Wtekly 3 AU " Meicuiy 3 SO 1. Il..r,il,l .,f lr,,..,,uu M All .. Cm,.. I.I, ,,,url...t ,, .l,,lf t-tl..t A on ! " Albion..' fi UU i:iu d'ltulU (Italian) OU l.u Ciouicu (Simnbli) 12 UU lloslon Weekly Journal 3 AU " I' lag ot our union ' Pilot " Wuverly Haulier or Light TrueI'lag " Iuviligiilor ' Lili-iary Coiiipauioii.,., " Litlell's Living Ago.... I'lilladeljihia l-'oiuey's Wiirl'rws., " Dollar Ni"fp.ixr ' Saliliday Lvuiung Pot. . Ilaltlinoro Wi ekly auu Loiilvillu Weekly Journal Uiiiclmiati Wot-kly Coinimicial.... 01. Louis Kepublican 3 All 3 AU 3 AU 3 AU 3 AU 3 AU 4 AU 7 UU 3 AU 4 ill) 3 AU 3 AU 3 AU 3 OU 3 AU rort-lgn J'fiioilitals. Loudon llliilr.ilid .New. wild sup. pleuit-iits VVttkly l).patch-- Illn.tiaUd News $11 UU 13 UU ol the Woild "U Illu.lralwlTini" 12 UU Weekly Tmis 1U OU ItelleVl.llo 3 UU i. Athuwiiiii 12 00 i. I'uimiIi 8 uu OnoeatVok 8 UU Llvirpool WdmrrASiuItU' I'limw.. IS UU Dublin Nation U CoriihlH Magiwme Tuiiiile liar Magazine si. James Mazmo Lundoii Lautfot ... ; World ol l-anhlo.i. li UU 0 UU i: uu o uu i; uu Cli nnliei's' Jutnnal tUU All lilt- V'." lt"'oel Dickons o UO Loudon Ail Journal i UU lllackwuml Magazine j W Wl.iiui r ouaritriy Ituviuw 3 UO North Jintkh " " 3 00 Bllngbnrg " " 3 oo London " " .. . . 3 Pfl Tthcrour Uevlcwsnnd Dlncknootl 13 OD jCTSiibcrIpllon recetrrd for Ml the San Knvnclsco dalllc, nt Publisher's prices. Any Newspaper, Magazine or Review, not mentioned In the nlcvve lint will Im irnth cd lo onler. Order Tor Ilook. Mulo Pan. cy Articles, etc., filled promptly nt tho Ion -et nnrkot rntts. Subcripllon payable Invarlnblv In advance. Aihlt-o", .1 RTItATMAN, my2ltf News Agent, San Krivnclco. PXiOXlEWOE Sewing' Machine. I'OHN NKfnni would nnnounco lo Ihc t) people or Jnckon County, IhiU he has procured nn necner lor lhl iieerle in 1. chine, nnd will In n short time nave a good supply on hand. This midline gather', hcm, embroiders nnd makes dlilerrut kinds or Mltchc. JncksonvllM. Jnnunrv 2lrt. If lUIIDMIW IIOIISI!. DAnnjSKi.Ls, ogs: FliJST CLASS HOUSE T N every respect, where the inrsonnl n 1 H-rvision of the proprietor guarnntivs prompt nnd courlcous nttcntiou to all the ri'(iiirnh-nts ol guests. This house has bctn refitted nnd re fur-nl-hed. WM.ltltllKi:. nplltf Proprietor. .mux r. noi'cic WalclimaKer and Jeweler! Orrgon Stied.Jrrtwnvillt, (frt$on, HAS STILL THE BEST SELECT lillMOl'K tip t.nxriNi: .1 i:vkmiv, GOLD ASM) flt.VP.ll WATCHIS, bilW A.MIWIidllilUHV. Prlcw 20 ier cent K horn In town. Hun nuy ulhir All nrlleles arc strictly warranted. 3 1 M GPS g Z o & e rs a 1 1 AA "9 s 5- S S J r Oq " X, m rO c . 8 r 6 D OD c c H C R a s O c w pi o o P IT I 2. c ?? tat 5 so 9, 5 V. c o c c; S o o o o p o a s t- s- 1 0 0 d 1$ e i p:-td vj II. UHATMl, W. U. MMDOIlll. LASATER L LANGFORD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Walla Wullii (ii), . 'P., Ohm door ut or Kyger A- Ition-'s Jlrlck .S'lole. Jill 3tr IMihltc Ailiiiinixtriiliir'n Nu lite. ALL pen-mis having claims ugnlntt thu L-lnlo ol II. Mulh.iMjii, dec., urt loreby iiolilled to pn-w nt tbe ame to the i!itdcrlgiiiil. Public Aduilnlslrulor In ml lor the County or Curry, and Stale or Oio gou. ut hl riwuli-nti- in i;ieiiburg, lu tald county, within Six months from dale. Klleiuburg. I M. IIiki.v. Oct TM DiU. ( I'll bl io Administrator. j). .m. ci(;Ai;ir, NOTAJIY PUJ3Lro, JACKMI.SVII.LK, OIIKUON. Onitv ut II V. Powell's 1m Office. GtOTO TIIK OUTDItUOKrOHK r uud buy u bottle of Kenedy's Hall Itlifiiiu Ointment, und cuu- that ic-ald bead of yours, und euro iIkuo ugly ring-worms on your neck und luce. tO TO TIIK cjtV diiuo rfrrofi-: UT und buy J nidv's Mulicul Discovery, uud lo! your bolls, pimples, und all other humors to which you ure subject, take their light. rtO 10 THKI'ITV DHUO HTOHK UT and eiKimre loi Knmly's lliuliug Ooiniieiil. uinl apply lo your bruisul linger. (t)TOTIIK CITV DUUG STORK J lor vour coal oil, cantor oil, boiled oil and spirits of turpentine. FRANCO-AMERICAN HOTEL AND STAURAHT.RI Opposite hc McCully IJiiildings, JACKsoaWiLLK Oregon. BTadame Jeanne DeRoboam. Tito Mntlniiii takes (liis ttiotliod of (ordering her thnnks lo Mu public, lor llio patromtgo whii'h hits hithorlo bocit ox luiitlotl to hot' ittul woiiltl rcspoiM fully Kolieit n contiutiatico. llrr Tnlitra, are always under her Imme diate control; and by her long experience In the bii'lnessrho reels confident that she will give entire iallrscllon to nil MEALS WILL BE SET AT ALL HOURS. Jiu'liHoiivillo, Ori'gon, .liinnar- Mlh, IS(55. American Kxeliaue Hotel, (mum u or sanso.mi: A IIAl.l.r.CK SI., Srtxi. Vi'niiclMOO. rpill! proprietor of Ills favorite hotel I would rcpiclfully Inlorin the Imvelliig tiubllo that the American Pveliiiuge, having la-en recenMv eiilnr ged mid llupiiiviil In nil Its depnrlllii'ilU. he is now prrpaieil In oiler siipi l lor llidiu-eineuts lo 111- iatiuns nnd the public In gem ml. lie can now ollirele gaiit suits or single room tor families nml single roonntnr gentlemen. on terms Insult the times Tlii house contains u h inil'inne Iv riirol-lii-,1 public parlor, U-aulirul larce lining IIiiILcoiiiiihmIIous nnd densiviit sit ting and reiidlug rooms, together with older fnellllli-s not liei-isary tot-uutiiernte. tins lns men and travelers will tlml Ihc- Aiiii-i-leau l-lxeliniitfti sicoiid to uohotil In the city, wlietln r ns regtmU luxury, comfort or reonomy. The table will bo supplli-d with all the delicacies of the nivsoii. (Inibriil for past ilronage, the proprlitu ri'pift fnlly solicits iv coutlliunuctt of the public ravor. J.W. SAIKiPNI', iiug3ni Piopili'lor. To Walker Uhriminn, n doneo on public lands : Greeting. Whereas, an.dnvlts have Uvn lib. I In this olln-e, K'tllng forlli that I In- alllauls are "AC'piaintiil willi Walker t'lrlsman, who once llded In d county I n-ks in) and with Hi" laiiil elnon on wliii-h lie te ld I j I'iiiI II i situsli d due east of C'h irb-s Wll llauis's old land eluu. lu Towi-ship 37S , r liaiiKi' 1W lu Jackson futility. Ore gnu ; I tint said Clirl.nuvi H-tlnl on said claim l.i the Hummer or Pall or IK.Vj ; nn.l abandoned said clilm lu the full ol 1.AH $ that he is not a resident of tho Stale of Orrgiiu; mid has mil lesidid on said laud claim since the ssld Pull of I Nib ; nnd lur I her. thai these ulllatits haw no lulsresl lu IhU claim." Thin foi c, yi. are hereby nolill'd lo no pi ar .t the I. Hid Ollleo, ut llo-elmru, In llm Mule ofOn-gou, on Ihe 101 b is of Doeriii- Mr, IM..1. ut -j o clock, a. v . IIii-ii ui'-l thi re lo in, miiI testimony of lln- b-gnliiy of your ciuliii lo lln- Mini in iiH'siion iiiiiiiise your claim then In will Im eancilbd. JOHN KIII.I.V. Ilegl.ler. aiidlsus li, il.isr. Itieilver. LindOnicell!oKbiirg.Ogn.,.Sov-lUt INC. WM, FAULKNER & SON, IMI'ltllTKHK Or- C'AUn.S&CJAItDSTOCJK ALL COLORS.PaiNTINQ INK, All C'(il(iKlli(, 'uriiUli, PIUNTIIIO PllKSSES, TYWJ MI I'r luting Materials or j;vi:uv Di-scmpiioN. OLD TYPE METAL. MuclilulsU may ut ull times 1st supplied willi old lypv mctul by culling nt lll, Olfty rrit x'oot, niigCm KAN I-HANfl.Sl't). LOGAN & THOMPSON'S EXPRESS. Kim-W'itklv lino of Hlogea from .lack sonvilllo to Keibynlle und Wuldo, Or tgon. luvia Jucktunvillo every iMoiiilii) tV. 'I'lunsiluVi 1 A. Al JU-luriiliig, leave Wuldo cvtiy 'liit-MliivM'iiiliiJ al 'J I'.M Througb .iiigiT will bo riiriibbcil with uuimI sioldlo-lioists ut Waldo, lor I Uresctiit L'lly. 1,00 AN A TIIOMPriON, Pro'r. I Oct. 'J8ih,lb0t octllf lalUl.b rOJIbKK-K. JOHN JI.VIillN COMSTOCK & MARTIN, glO-UMS TU VttlUit, Ouisiu I Co , I'OllU'Altl'iMJ V (OJOIIHIJIOV MKHOHANTS, Illcr. IllXJ.- UIIICK WAIltllOL-BK, OAK St. NP.AII sTKAMIIOAT LANIlINO, HKI) Ul.VVVA FLOUKHVf; illlLL. rnilK uiiderslguid now having full uud 1 enllro control of tho Hopwnod Mill, no lilies the public that it Is in exci-llent milling order, with an experieiic d mllbrlu charge For every bushel of good full wheat 3U pounds ot' Hour will b- given, wurruutul as good as can bo nude tu tho coiiulv J. P. PARKER. September 30, 16C5. tcpSOtr llrr llnl noil llmim, aro llleil up In tlm rnitstcoin Tortablo style; suited to Hit accommodation of single oo ciipnnt, or famille. Her beds arc always kept clean If Now ! Now ! ! New ! I KREUZER'S TSTTCAV STO RiW, llrtwi-rn New- Slate tfivloou nud Ilrsdbiity A Wade's, Jacksonville, IS STOCKED COMIM.I-ri'KI.V WITH Boot Oignrs nnd Tobaoco, PUKSII CANDIES AND NIITH, NEW TOYS &. NOTIONS I-'ltiail I-P.tUTS, ETC., ETC. Mr. Krenser having purchased lh new store iiiiii door south or llrudbiiry A Wade's, calls llm atlenllon or Ihu nubile to bis com plete stock of smoking nnd chewing lobatco. Also In Ids taiioiis biainls nl cigars, from ihe common li.iir si.tmsli to tho most I'ta. grunt Havana. All sold at llm cw.l lllssrnl pi lees. Yon can ! U'.l supplied willi any srll-eli-s lu bis llur, uud save money, by giving him a rail Dccctnls'i IH. I MX GREAT SPORTMAN'i EMPORIUIVI. 'Plli: undersigned lesprclfully Informi bis I Irlrnds and Hie juiblle, that ho has l.i'elylen III Ssn t'raiiclfn, where base-lirli-d a lino Bssorlment or Hue and rominon rillm, shot guns, revolvers or nil dlllrrenl kinds, derriiigirs ol Die latest patterns, and all kind or iiiiimiiiilllon i such as, cartridges, pimdpr, shot, also, powder llnk", shntllSski, iniiillng bags, or every sort and lx. All onlcls will Im, ,-d wllh priililpluris, iiealness, and dispatch, Tho man-ilnclnrliig or new nllmwlll Ini done nl tho shorlcil notiei', and In llio most approved stylo. (in-atlul for past patronage, 1 rrspscl fully solicit u conlluunncu ot Ihu same. JOIINMILLLIt. fiepleinU-r 9th. IrM, If. VRUKi VOIIRDRV "" MACRIIJVIO.SIIOP. tASTINOS of ull kinds cxecule-l at J the shorlisl mil Ice. Wrutiglil or Cast Iron work maunfai-tuiiol from llio lust ui. H-rial. All kinds id" llniss Wink. (Jar rel'snml ll.ibbll's nnlals for sale. Cash paid for Old Iron. J J. KMlWI.TIIN. II, w. CIIKNir. J.J K MIUhTIIN HI). ) ADVERTISING- AQ'TS, "ii i in ini tiiii.riiiir .IuiiIKoiiiii' ,V I allliiinu Mlrs-tU, Opimult tl'tllt, -'urgo .Ji Co'i) ttAW XXIA1VOXUOO. c. w, (uvaui:. J, m. hn to.s. iVKWFliniaiHlXEW GOODS. 'PlllJiiiiderslgncd having purchased from I Dr. L H. 'I hump, on tils cullru stock of Ditiujs uinl jh:dicim:n, " AT IIIK -- CITY URUO STORE, llavo ordered, and aro now ncelvlng, , largo Invnlco or stock ffoin Ihu best rul. llshrd Iioiims In Kan l-'raniisco. Our slock consist or Ihu purest and most reliable Olllcluul ('rtiiarulloiislu Ihu market. und ull Hit) popular Patent Medicines a tin dayi logelhtr with u well silccUd ayfjorl- liieul or Pox'fiiuiui'ioM, inctiwiotsva uud Pancy (ioixli In our lluv. vu iiavo ulso added to our business liooliM ami hlulioiiui-', uud will keep constantly on land all that Ihu market dimaiiiU Any Inioks or paper publislKd imty lw ordertd through us. aud will bo runilslitd with dlsuatch. HAVAOKA SUTTON. Jacksonville, Kept, ifl), '(15, sp'jjw Veterans Sl Recruita fPIILIast Legislature gives a bounty of I fciliTiO to each iicruit lu the regiment now Uluj rulscd. Italsuvoleil Five DiilluiH licr month extra pay to taih person belong, lug to tho cavuhy regiment ciillsttd thrca viurs ago, Thcsu uuiouiila uro lo lo pals. In Hluto llouds. 1 lioso wisbiuir theso boudd would do well to call on JACOliS i HUSSKLL. Jncksonvllle. Jan, 11. 'ot. Jmilltf 'PIIKonly lusuraiico Company lhat can X legally do busiucsa lu Orvgou is Ibu 'acillc. Ibey huvu comidlnd willi the laws (d Oregon, by dcpu.ltiug $30,001) la tho bUto. Cash capital $750,000, 8.VOIIS A llltoy Ageals. Jackionvlllo, February '.'5lh, 18M. fcb2St( I Pi :I, Si W)' till l i