Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 25, 1865, Image 2

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vie K
f -
ft. A
TUG eREtOJl SliiVI'Mlil
V 13v i
w I
strtictiblo States can bo kept under milita
ry rule, or n Territorial form of (Journ
incut, for twenty years, unless, lliey sooner
reconstruct, am these irroivlers about lib
erty and States Itiuhts can be silenced.
for these States linec the ''rlht" nml nrlv- t..i.i J r u .,.i n,t. nfirr-'
1 n.. ., -. ... , .. ., ' ,,1,h " ."; - -
, .v. .., ., viImIICI nmi ii mcy refuse noon availed lhrmelves of the opportune.
tin vindicates tiik roi.trv OF TUB
Acncnx.Oct oberOlh.The friend and
ui iKi so. thereby luring their "rights." the
' Union party or l'rcs.dent Johnson cannot
Ijl IilM responsible.
Anoiiikh L'M'OMTiTi'nnvti. Act.
ate political contest in New .1
ly which hl temporary presence at home
afforded thfin, ami paid him n visit to con
irr.ttulalo him upon his escape fioni nwas
slnatloti.to renew their expression, of friend-
ship nml sympathy, and lo lltcn to w-ltal
SA'ITKDAV i)V.tffi,IH.li.
i V. I'lslm, .I..I. KmihiKcii.VCii., nml
W. II.Tnl.t',ilrrlliliifnujtmt fur Nun
l.'rnnrl.iii, (nl,
V.. K. I'lilpp., n.lsrtllO.it; nt til lor
Nfitriiitiiiito, f',il.
Mil of Apcitts for the Onrtiov Skvtiski,
K. V. IIii"cll. general agent for Oregon,,
ami Idaho Territoiy.
I.. I. Flihcr San KrAticlrcodl.
J..I. Knowltnn ,tt'o lo do.
Thomas Hans pdccite. Oen.
KT.i:.IIIII vilbcr do
K. 0. Hlrd-eyc, Itock I'otnt fjlo
Thomas Crouton Croxlons Dljrgins do
W'm. tfplcer Iiimp-Oil-Jo do
(i civ. i,iou., rorllaml
I). M. Thompoii, Albany
V. M. llvan Vlthntiso
'I human Corr do
Thorn is 1'. Kloyd Kcihyilllo
S. Svvycr do
I). I'. Anderson l'lioenlx
1). M. C. (Jault lo
A. Ireland Mvi lie Crude
(co. 1 1. Dean Itllt nburir
Theodrlc Cameron 1'nlon Ton n do
James h. Watson ltoselwrj; do
Ml IlAllIsi Hunter Itnjrue lllver do
U. W.Sulllns. .. .Knrt Klnmatli do
Hinder llrrmin. of Cinyonvllle. trencrat
Ajfont lor Ihxijtl'ia County.
I (I
There is an honest difference of opinion
as to tiiv corn-elms and
President .Johuon's position, and I he (voll
ey pursued by him in repaid to the recon
structlon of the late rebel .Slates. Jly this
dinVmicc of opinion is meant, that exist
ing between Union turn ami Union Journ
als, for tl.c tcnenls and beliefs of the Cop
perheads nro ro foolish, Inconsistent and
differing' so wl.lly that they deserve no at-
Unlloiii yet Union men should so conduct
themselves ns to dlsnim these detractors of
everything noble and good of oil power
to Injure.
.Mr. Jobnion' theory, whether the Slates
arc in or out of the Union, can only be n
theory, and he probably has. the arguments
for supporting his view of tl.c matter. He
recognize no power superior to the Con
stitution, and under that the lansand preC'
fdents of the United Stales. None of
there lake nny cognizance of the right
of secession. This view or the caie lews
the'lale rebellious Slates, in the eye of the
law, in the Unlonj because tho Slates
had constitutions and corKratt govern
ments, recognized und rtileil by the Const!
tuilon of Ihe U. S., and although for nn. Idle
they were subvened mid overruled by nrm
rd rcsliiuneo to that constitution; yet,
when It overcame this power and took no
session of Ihcro corporate governments, they
could not but by recognized by this higher
authority, and, under it, by the I'nsldent.
And ll.c fact that Ihe war for lh Union
was undertaken and brought lo a success
ful Ifriio uuder lliv Coiutllullcn of t he
whole Union, provw that this supreme in
strument held there gourmncnts as being
In tho Union, mid rcvgnzril no power
which wui able to get Ihtm oul.
Hut as far us the people nro concerned
they have furfeited ull right to protection
under Ihov Slate lioveriiiuenls, and by
that fact are out of tho Union, and, conso
qucntly, aro treated us criminals, and, In
fact.uro tuch, both to Ihe Generol and
Kiaic (JoveinmenU, for they ore Ihe onlv
power that lutspu.Hd ogaltut the laws ol
their own Slate nml through Iheui thoteof
tho denerul (jnverouieiit; hence, pardom
aro ukkdl lor and granted. Although rome
of these rebels have bun pardoued by tho
1'resldent, it is a question whether they are
not amenable lo aud punlihablo under their
separate Slate corporations for treason.
The Constitution of Iho (Jeneral (Joveru.
ment has been changed, as well as the laws
aud usages under it; therefore, the Stales
recently in rebellion aro allowed and order
ed to reconstruct eo that when tho amend
ment to tho Couslitullon Is ratified, thev
will be ready and prepared lo lake their
position in tho compact. This policy of
reconstruction is claimed lo be but an ex
periment, ami with some of the Slates it
will be n niecees. but probably with others
n failure; in ellher caw, it is ono of tho
happy policies of President Johusou. It
was uecetsary lo tjlve tLcso rebels n (rial
and let Iheui show what they would do,
and tl'en, if they could not bo trusted, Ihey
may ue Urougnt under the slroug arm of
military authority, which has nlreudy
laught Iheui that Ihey arc no bitter ami
no stronger than their Northern brethren
"mudeills" though Ihey be. Such n
course on (lie part of Iho Kxecutito was
necessary to silence Northern trailers.
Hod the conquered Stales been kept under
strict military rule, or uuder n Territorial
form ol Government, wlthuut tho privuVgo
ol making the uttempt to reconstruct, the
people In tho South us well as Iho "Democ
racy" in the North, would havo kept up u
continual howl of tyranny, ami not without
eouic color of Justice to it. As it is uow,
however, theso unconstructul and uacon-
rqu.irciy iiciwren Ihe liiion party and the
iicmocrnilc parly. Tlio canvass was ne
livound hitler, tho Coppcrhends everting
their best efforts lo maintain their siiprcm
ncy. The Union man bearing the brunt
ol this fight won (!cnral K'lllpatrlek. Jlo
took the stump against tho Ilcmoerntlc
party and in l.ivor of Iho Amendment m
the Constitution abolishing slaeery. The
election lesulted In the triumph ol the
Uilun parly and the defeat of the Copper
heads. What next? (Jeneral IClllpitrick
ii hardly off Iho Jersey stump before he
receives the nppolntinenl or .Minister to
Chile. 'Che man whore Inlluence defeated
Ihe Democracy of New Jersey-was Imme
diately honored with n high mid honorable
onice. Who ,v? W,y, ,y rMilIu),
Johnson, who is claimed by the Coppcr-
ne.wisi iiiMKimitit us u strange way
In the President lo tninlfesl his Democra
cy, ir tho President has gone over to Ihe
Democracy It Is very odd he should re
ward the man on Ihe Held In the very act
or slaying the Democratic party. '
should like to hear an explanation of lids
slrnnge frctelc by rome Copperhead editor.
II llic President l really going lolhe (!op
Ml.iu.l I... .1 II . t .
....ivuu nt-ruiMiiii certainly begin lo ap
point them to cilice. There was r. fine op
porlimlty in filling i,0 c,n0 ,,,.
There was General Slocuni. of New Voik.
who had just gone over to Ihe Democracy,
lie had sacrificed himself In behalf of the
errey was , vcr 1(, mg,t ohooso to say In reference lo
the present nsnret ol tioliilcnl nffilrs. On
presenting themselvix, Mr. Il.iwley.lu Iheir
li.ilialf, delivered an mlilrers.
si'rkcii ok SKWenn.
My good friends: A meetfng with
you here from time to lime, ns opportuni
ty servos nnd duty permits, is not merely n
privilege, but even billing. Your greet
ing on this occasion conies in Ihe season
when fruits are chi'Und ainiind us, al
though the leaves nboveour heads nnd the
gnus beneath our feet are wt fre-rh and
the consent ol the whole American people
he nv-umed Ihe pic.il responsibility,
f 1,011.1 npplause.1 Tho lntirrrcllnn soon
becinu llagltiom, Insolent, ilifiant, nml
announced, to Ihe astonishment ill mankind
lh.it tho pretended free empire which It was
building by usurpation within forbidden
borders, was founded upon Ihe cornerstone
of slavery I The newly In ununited Presi
dent, Lincoln, with ihcislon. not iirmcc.iiii
pinled by cbiiraetcrhttopriiilew, announ
ced that henceforth slavery siiniii.i new. en:
ed nml Irvitrd ns n public enemy. Ap
i.tin. 1 Andrew Johnson ucceptri! the
new eondllloiu of his popular Icadephlp
which this nnnmineemenl crealtd. and
hfiicefonvard he openly, freely nnd honestly
declared, not only that Iho erection ol the
edifice should bu prevented, but the corner
stone of slavery iireii, w.o rocu oi nn our
part ns well ns of nil our then future dun -gers,
should beupllllid nml removed, and
cist n-it from the republic. Hcnow(i)
Applause. Whatever may huvc been
thmight by you, or by me, or by others, it t
Slates, These Slates nro not slakes driver.
Inlo Iho ground iy nn Imperial hand, nor
are Ihey posts limited together, squared nod
hewed, nnd so erected loosely upon It ; hut
Ihey nro living, growing, majestic trrc
wnoso, rooes ure wnteiy spread nnd Inter
laced within lh. roll, nnd whose shade cnv.
er Ihe earth. Applniec jr nt nny llniu
nny or lliec trees Mii.ll bo blown down or
upturned by violence, It must , If ftotl mi
ng.iln tu Its proper place, nnd riislnlneil by
kindly hands iinHI It Ims reitnweil Its tint-
ir.il sliblllly nnd rrcelnc. fAiiiihiusi. i
Ifut iinv time Iho American Union IslVac-
tiirnl fW jV'u n Icrlon of one of lis limbs,
that llinli iniisl ho rclored lo soun.liiesi
IL'VHI I! AHlil. .
- "'"",V.(Cl -.,---
'"" 1MJ were f rwk , 7 '" ff"fg
nlrnsmct,! lh. l.l0 !, .7" "Be . I
".-Iarncs: s'Yon l-i.i '-'""HI4
r TOO.
rulo to clll,,.t. - , ''.lwm
iiothar; :r.tn,vw
'inning 1
''Yon b
lo Hnulli
o Clllr.cn.
omics." will o the I'nol .C , U0l,ftl
''y'"claln,e.l,,WlZ ncn',
i me parties: i'y0l. ,, ,-- "!
!!-!'-t ib.i it,. Z , f
lLC'n men i
green. The nssemblae which has gather- "'1' lme. It l now npparent that Iho nt
e.l to c.xprws to me lis good wislies, Imr
mnnlzes wltli the soitton and the scene.
However youthful n townsman of Au
burn is, he Is noverlhrlcsj habitually
Ihoughllul; however old. lie is yet always
cheerrul nml hopeful. This particular
greeting calls tip not mere lauciis, but
nirtnorles some immv nml others old : some
phasing, others mournful; some private
others public; with nil of which, however,
you ull arc inllmiitely nml generously asso
ciated ; und thosv incnturlw have become
it indelibly fmpremil npnn me that lliej
seem to mo lo constitute a pari of my very
living. We lime met occasionally during
Hie past five years, but always under cir
cumstances which were piinful, bh.1 which
tempted revolution culinlnnle.1 wlien llie
nation, 1 1 lunner was for the first lime sue
eewfully repl-inled by our gallant army on
the btnks ol the Cumberland, nnd when
Tennessee, first among the llnr.ler Slntes
wlileh Ims been reluelanlly carried into the
reliellion. r-fT, tcsl once inoro u foothold und
a resting place to Ihe ntilhorities of Ihe
Union Front thai lime, while il was yet
wwasnry In prosecute the wnr with such
energies ns hum in inlurc had never befme
exerted, it was nt the muc lime equally
needful, wllh wistlom which has never It. en
surpassed, In prosecute the Ixnelloent work
ol restoring the Union, nnd harmonizing lbt
grml political family which. nllhrHilt it
bud been lemporarily dlstrncled. was des.
excited deep sollcllu.le. You freely gmvltlmd. neteriheless. in live nnd grow for-
lier.ire due cntKtlliltlonul hritllli nnd vlgof
can lie brought I. tele lo the whole system
K ono or these limb nlli-nd, wo have Indeed
tho power nnd I will not cavil nbntiithc
rlghl-to cut II riff unit cast II nwny from tii
lutt when wn should have done Hint, we
would hae then done Just what oilier n.i'
lions i,.n wise limn oiirselvert Imvo done,
Hint have suhmllliil itiinecessnrlly In niupit
hllon.nn.l given up a material portion or
their strength, to save theinelve I'rom up
prehrnilnl desiriiellon. Wo know iho Inher
ent strength, vitality i.n,) vigor ol the whole
American people. We neither passionately
loriueul nliy niTcndlug limb, nor consent lo,
Us being cut oh". bconuo we know that nt'
or our limbs nre capable or being rerlorid
and nil nre necessary In Ihe prolongation or
ournallonil lire. pplntise Von will
tuk whi'lhera reconciliation which follows
nt closely upon military coercion can he
relhdupmi. (Jan It be sincere? Can II be
pcrminciil! I answer. Do pnii ndmtt sep
aration In lie In nny cnn posslhle? Due"
mi) body now believe that It over will here.
nller Income nn!lif ? Vl you yourselves
nnw or ever consent to il ? Von uiiswer all
lln-j questions In Ihe negative. Is mil re
conelllatlnn, then, not only ib-irable, but
Inip-iMlltcf Is any other reeouclllatloii.
under Ihe clrriim'ttnoes, tiosdliln ? Cer.
n"y '"'ClAlmcd, boil, ,.,, ; """'Wii.
" '""Lt ,..! tut LI ',''"
excllcinei.tofhow,r ,,, 'mlda'I8lt
''-wncontitrymonlt; ,0P:ter
llior people In the world 2 ,a
' there Southern leader, ,t S'
wwinlry Into the 11,... 1 n?.ri ""
or bereaved, h.u n r .... wfniM'eq
of lltose loaders than he I,,, nl
f-ret where he can &,?
-vrelhat hi. ternofmne,.;,fteLS
nre Tar more rlKnrnus than il.n. n.i
offered by Abraham Lincoln: II,,,,!!
M.rwi, lhem.Je.t y of lawmorcBr;
ey-rcNe or discriminating clemoacv! a
oniL'nrv t ri.
Some or von term ink....
"Ililhlly tllsi,,rU,lt.prors.lon,.i-r
me jour Minpalblm lhn, even wlnn my j ever ttrxlrr I hut majestic pinlecihn. l,ond i lalnly ymi must acoept this proposed recoil-
visits were hurried; when my appnils in
jou.nml thrmuli you to nvue distant fel
low cilUhni, to nuke new efforts and Mcri-
ivn1lwl ...1 . if .... ..
-n, uiim rtji-nyiiN tioiincon iioino
i runt sir Mmi Ut,i.. ,...1 . t . ti t . . i .
pruciicabiluy of J ' , ."'", """ " ,nc '"" i Ikvs lor our siianng country, must have
-- i 'j I-,..,, ,,., urn uriirtcti imii
Ihe Inlrucluble) he should Imvo remember
ed poor Slocum. General Sloctim. It is
said by Ihe Johnson Dimociuts, was the
especial candidate of the I'nsldent. Dels
also deserving for Ids services lo Ids coun
try; and on that score his claims nre equal
lo KlllpairickV. Will some of the Cet
perhend papers explain this Inconsistence?
Ihe Presidrnl must stop Ibis woikoriion.
orlng tho slayers or the Democratic mrlv.
or he will be excommunicated. The Cop
crhcae!i r.tvor ihe "Presidenfii plans"
but curse his practices. After oil, we can
comfort ourselves ns General Sherman did
at Viekrburg "I have never been concern
ed about llit-fo copperhead gabblngs. The
Smith shuns and desplrcH them," ami lei
may ere .,
I'nKKDMAN's Jli'niuv Dermis. Colo
nel Thoma?, Assisitant Commlrsloner or
Iho llnrvau or llefugrw, Krtidnun. und
Abandoned I.uiels, for Mlssfsslnnl andn
part of Loulsana, has made u report. Six.
ly six thousand acres o I abandonee laud,
tiiinliviihil inlo two bundled and fifty one
plantations, lave been leased by the Uureuu
In his depirlmcnt. Of tl.cie, there have
been .'cusul lo whites ono hundred and rev
enty plunlatlons, coinnrlilnir about fifu--
three thousjiid ucrcs, und in negroes eighty
one plantations, or over thirteen thousand
acres. Nearly the whole or this property
belongs to citizens who will resumo their
rights to it in January next, in accordance
with n circular Issued by General Howard,
the Commissioner In Washington. As yet
ine oi u lias i.ccn libelled for confiscation.
Four thousand two hundred and seventy
eight negroe-s ure receiving Government
aid, und to thousand whiles nre receiving
Government rntious. Coloucl Thomas
says the Hureau is constantly growing in
usciuincss in his department, and, so far,
there has been but little trouble between
the freedmen and their employers; but he
I'l'iiiiviius rcuuus evils ironi me organize
lion ol Ihe Mississippi Slate militia, am!
Ihe withdrawal of tho 'National troops.
A Nkw Pakadisk Discovkrrd. A
most Important discovery lias just been
mtuio lu South America. It Is tint the
great river Amazon has been fouud to be
uavigaDlo Irom ono end to the other; that,
in fact, n liew routo bus bcn opened be
tween tho Atlantic and the Pacific. The
Morona, a Peruvlun steamer, which wus
sent to explore the Amazon, has arrived
at Muyro, about three hundred miles from
Lima. The Morona navigated more than
-',ouo miles of lliu Amazon proper, uml
COO of tho Yeayull and Puchilia rivers,
which until then had t-een only Indian cii
uocs, The country is, of coure, inhabited
only by savages, but It is of wonderful fer
lilny. 'I'his Amazon country, it will bo
reeollecle'd, is ll.c home or that beautiful
uud wonderful plant, tho Amtiean Wuier
J.illy, und many other rare und beuuliful
plants Lave been brought from there. Tins
important eiitcntery will open up n new
world lo bo reclaimed, redeemed uml settled
by the Anglo-Saxon taw.llulltUn.
Tiik Dkuatjmi Cuu, This necessary
appendage lo every American village and
town, wus permuuently organized on Moil
day evening lust, und, we ure informed, tin
.i I- I.,. ,
"vi iiiuru imuruuie ovspices inun ever here,
lofore. These clubs uro ono of Ihe curiosi
ties with which Kuroptuns meet when trav
cling In this country. These tourUts have
frequently remarked Iho ease and skill with
which Iho great majority of Americans
speak In public asemblugcs, uml truce il
ull lo the eurly Iruining uud discipline of
the villsgo debating society.
seemed finer iiIuim and -e.etinrx : nml
wlnn cither public or private itnxisjllci de
nied me the privilege of even Kmjiorsry
rest nml caliniKim. Who tint IoIhiusI un
der lite weight of ii disprMirtlnnate re
sKntlbllity could have reteil e- been at
cam- when the Is ltd which he ought to love
with more than earthly iiiR-ollon wn
thresittneil eveiy day wllh n violent disso
lution of Its political Institutions, to be too
quickly lollowed by domestic anarchy, nnd
ullrrwurd bv Imps rial, nml possibly fr.
olgn despotiim. Wtmld to Gixl that the
peltlnis of Mexico Imd never. In Ihe mid-t
of her civil commotion, taken In tbeoi
slvos the comfeirt of Indifference and ro
op. Ilul all Is now cbmiged. The civil
wnr Is ended. Death hai removnl hi. vie-
ilms; liberty Ims crow nc.1 Iter Ihtow, nml
humaniiy !ns ctnonized kr inaiyrs ; Ihe
slek nml llw itrleken nre curel ; ihe sur
viving comb Hauls are fraiernlzitig ; and
the country, llw object of our Jim pride
ami lawful nffrcllon. once more stand ool
leclcd and cowiftcd, firmer, stronger ami
more majestic than ever before, wllhoat
one cause 0r ilsugrrmi discontent at home
nnd without an enemy in the world. Ap
plause. Why should we not felicitate
meli oilier on I lilt change, nml upon Ibe
new pr(ntcls, which open brure in?
Thetm prospects, however, cover n brood
field. I could not right! v tax vour ldn.l
im o much as to survey Iho wliole ol it.
ami even it 1 were willing, you ,VquM
kindly remember lh.it al I Ik- present mo
ment my power of sikycIi Isubrhlged On
ly magnanimous themes are worthy nfy,M,r
intellectual understanding, or compatible
with the feelings which hive moved this
interview. We hive lost tlte great nnd
jjood President, Abraham Lincoln, lie
hail reached a stage ofmorul consideration
when his name alone, If encircled with n
martyr's wreath, would be more unful to
humanity nt largo than his personal efibrts
could bo benel1ei.il In any one country ns
her chosen Chief Magistrate. He Is now
associated with Wushlnuinii. Tl.n i,.
Annrio'an chiefs, though Ihey are dead
till live, und they nre leading the
enure numiii race In n more spirited
progren toward fields of broader liberty
and higher clvlliitloii. Applause. In
tho place of Abraham Lincoln, we havo n
uetv President. To most or you he Is per
sonally unknown. The people around me,
with their customary tlioughifulnos, uro
Inquiring of those who are nearer to him
than Iheimclves what in inner or man An
drew Johnson is uud what manner or I'res-
Idem ho hi iy be expected to be. When,
In 1601, treason laying usido for the moment
the already obnoxious mak of slaierv
and line-sling iuelf with Iho ulwujs mirac
live and honored robes of Democratic free
dom llashid its lurid light through the
Senate Chamber aud announced, us nl
reudy completed, n dissolution or Ihe Un
luu, then u leuder, who should bu ut li,i
u Senatorial und ulterwards u popular lead
er, wus required, to awaken sleeping loyal-
lv mill tint, .,!-... .1.. .i .. .
v - 1- luruuxiioiil Die luuil, to
applause I he nbolitioii of slaeery was ciieiaimii. oryon must propus,. in ,e,y and
theneeforlh equally an element oriH'rrlsteiil va" lml" vo" 0,," l""ure u lieiter one?
war and of returning pence. Continued '"mm N,rf'ry rrfpilref that even simple Irsc
npplaue. lie nellher reml liUinry with
eue nor similes the ways of Pmvider.ev
with reverence, who dnw not h Ihatfor
Ihe prosecution of these double, diverse
and yet iquilly lmMirtiit jwirposer of wur
and peace, Amlrrw Johnson wus fitly np
nointed to Ih h Piovisional Guvrrnoe tu
'IVnnsHihc first ol n srlf-s of Provis
lonal Governors nllerwanl In lo assigned
in Ihe losurreclloiiary Siaii-. nnd w.
subsequently Inniiguralid Vice I'resldenl
or Ihe Unilod Stale Henewul applause
Wn arf continually hearing debtimi con
cerning the origin and aulhotlly or Hit. p in
or reslorallon. .Ww converts. Norih mxi
sMsUi. call It the President's plan All
S'(k or II ns ir It weie n new and recent
..v.,vnv,i,. ,,n liiueuuirary, we stw now
lb.lt It Is nut sitoclnlly Allllv .li.l.n.ni'.
Plan, nor even n new pliu in any rnpecl.
It Is Ihe pUn which nbeiintly. yetdltlnlly!
irre. It-ell to tlte last Admfnlrlnillfm. nt
the ntoMvat I hive liror riOiille.1, when
Ike Murk or restoration h In begin nt u,t.
wmeol when. nltlMNtgh by lh worhl tin
-rcelvl. It did b-glii, nnd II Is liio only
pUn nbleh thus eewobly prswnh-il llwir,
and therefore llieimlr powllile plan which
I (ten or Mer ufler wards eon Id ! iiJAnlxl
C.rtut appUus... Tbl plan, nlthituth oe
easlonally respilrlng vsrlalloii of deiall.
ueverlheleiMitdmlN or no substantial change
or nexllflmllon. It could neither lw en
laried nor eoulraetesl. Stale Convwitlon.
In loyal .Suit, however favorable. In ills
loyal Slate, Lnwever ho.tll. could not
lawfully or effectually disallow It : uu.lm.n
iuo opie Inemseliirs, when uineudhig the
Ciuwtllullon of Ibe 1,'i.lled Slalw. are only
Kivlug to lb.it ,,!., u J,i au, ei H)V.
reljn Hiueilon. In ib hiiwiiIIiih.', tin. oec
tilleaudleijll.itw(iiullioilllihiorcu,,grt.M on do no wore tb in dlchar.. thefr pr.,..r
runcllons of protvctlntr He- recently i,Mir
gent State, from mi irehy during the Inter -veiling
period while thN plan Is Mug enr
rll Inlo oveculloii. Appla.. u t
essenllal to this plan that tl,v ln,,.rrectoi,-
net Ci d... l. .!..
..., .a. ,u.hi, uy iiiemscliiM ami for
I hemlves, accept and adopt this plan, and
I hereby submit them.ehes louud recogni..
I'm mtlonal authority. This U uh,i l
meant when I Md In MlnMer Adam., In .,
pissage which you miy pimlldy recall. h u
in Iho tense. In wh.eh il,.. ,, .ii,jx,ii011
MhlUHNj by the wlllM(ir ,,;,
fJialw. nt homo nnd abro.il, t Wl1 ot .
If t lie boiilhern mate should In suU,,,, ,.
---.,--..... , uio.ui Mt j.ll(iii
would be l.rouxhl.by ihojudlclously ml,,..!,.,!
ov-rclsoor pioturo and perHi.tlon, t n
conditio,, In which Ihey would ol,,r,y
return In their allegiance 'lid-was thf,
evplunatlon which A.l.ut. gau, lo .,m,
PalmeMon, Ihe Prime .MlnMer or -:.,11(
niendly, Uatesnun Mhl that ho .11.1 ,
Wlevo that the l-Vdcal L'nl.,i. .i.i ....
rerlored, beoaiuo hu knewih.it ui.tt
".n could lead a horse to water, no,,,.,,
could niikohlinililnk. Tl.eplll,,tl,,ll.rol "
doe, not recognl,,, lu Uer,rc01ll
eii the Ml.verlon of Stales. ,ber ac
tive exigence ; u.,,1 it .eason, in,,,, ructa
Ihoy ,e, not fro,,, iwum,, r ,
Hide changes to bu en.cli.l by coli.,l
ar, much los doei It r...u,,M iv
I,I ,. . " "" im-li'
rouse its uucouscious ho.ls und lo !, J .. . 1.M'I'I-um'. This ,i1,mi0
them wilb tho re.nli.ii,,.. ........, i '- oi me hlales w
"" "siui-u lurcicuc
the Connlilnlliin sin. ..... .. ...
II"1" urn reneiiion
und paervo the Inlegrily or the republic
To me reason seeuud , wmtli ,
this case, in ii neccsily lesuln.,.. r....
eireuuisiunecs, und that that ha.l.-r. ui.u..
hu should be u capable, itillexible uud ,U
voled patriot, sliould ubo be u citizen of u
besltutlug Hurder State-u slaveholder In
prucliee, though not in principle, uml yet
in principle und uMocl.ilion i, Dv,vrj
Andrew Johuson, of Tennessee, compile ly
filled thoso complex conditions, and with
lllcll COIKlllli,,, I...
lepuhllo Is the mo,t palpable of all tl, llcl,
wuiciillie Ameiiciu state.iuaii basin
II many have Mumhl.d m..,-1.
treason and rslielliou. Iho laot, for all leuit
' lednclloiw and pu.poH-H, neieilhe
hti leinains. I ...aeil..,,! ,.
!!. were bei-oie, the Aineilewn li0
jv.'-.l.veu while Ihey weiecolouos of Iho
I ,h crown Ihey ,,,, t,,,ISiili,)(
'' Our K..n-r..l lepuhllo avlMs, and
ii. 'I;..' mu ""' eomblimtl
lure-, loncli more eomiuii.l ones, rln.lt !
hnilnl. If hisIii. ut the llrst liiieudon.
Would not delay necessarily prolong iiimr
ehy ? An you sine Hi il yon o.iu procure n
Idler recoiicllliilon uTlor prolonged itnir
city, wlttioul eutployliigroies1? Who will
.i'lvoc;Uit!lii.riiip!,iymi'iitor I'.iro'' metoly to
hl.Mh-r ami delay, through proloii!!n iinar
elty. rreiinellliitinii which I- Inn-llde nml
le-rreellyeoiiMslenl wllh lh Coiisllliitlon?
In what put or the C.m.lliiiilnn N wrllten
Hi" power In coulltitm civil wnrngalnsl rue.
oumMiig Ml lies r.ir iiltimilo pulltletil Irl
tttiinh ! what would this I' li.it. In last, lo
liMHiUe it new civil war. nfier one bail en
dul wllh Iho complete nltalunviit or the
lawrnl obj.-cls for which It wns ,.,, i .
UimgniM nnd the Ailuili,.lnillou have turn
er lo levy wars n;Mlii.( foreign Stale., for
wo iii-ier emise lli-y h-e lit. Congr-i. ami
Ihe- l'r sj.i HI I. no n r'ht lo iiuopt or even
mike wariigilnst M,y p,rt f . p.p. ,,f
li Utilie.1 Htnles only und'-r Ihelr llmlte.i
po-ier In suppress heilillou uud Inoirreelloii
and for lb it purpnoe only. What then T
MiUtweglvc up Ihe finite of further rlftii
Ibm orclaes In the severul .Slules wllhoul
any new guarantees for lmlivhln.il ,.
eriy and progrew ! lly nn miti. .March
ing In this pui, of proKri-M nml eloviillon
or the w . uhnt we have been doing
nlwnys In the ssmkoii or pnce, und what we
have Iwu doing rtlll moreeirclu.illy In the
,r....-euiioii or the war. It N n national
march, in onwaul uml ns irri'.tlhhnn the
late ooulliet Iwlwui, r,.o und shiv,. labor
waselgormis mid IrreMsllhle. KulhioiiiH.
Ho itpplauw The plan or reconciliation
we urepur.uliig ha given us two gieat uu
Hoiul itdvnneos In, tills iirosreM of muni
ntol polllle.il eloviillon which nre now lo lw
made fast nnd firmly IK..1. Pt. It secures
n voluutiry nbollllun or slavery by ev.-ry
Hlnle which has engag.d In Innirreellou ;
and HH-oudly, Il miift secure, nnd does ncuro
an ell'.clu.il udoiillon bv tl.o lnin it...
SI lies lhemwlveor Iho Aniemliueiit Dflbii
1 e.l.ml Co.,,tu0. tthlchileUl.r.n. Ilml
nellher rl ivery nor Involuntary servitude,
except ror crimes, shall ever hen-afler exist
m uny pari or tho Hulled Stales. Ai-platiH-.
'iho peonlo who have iteadllv n,ll,or...i i
Ihe true path of tK-m.r.itlc progrew uud
civilization through ,1B n-d.iclionHof
peace, und Hiiimi-I, h, mny ,iiuci,lleM und
al siiel. liirful ,.,.t. t . ...I,, .
", ""I, "111 now navu
new Imlucemviils ,,,.l eiicoiimg.iueuls lu
l"-f'iTe In lh.ll path until Ihey kiii1II,.o
tlcccsrlHlly Hduced lo Ullly Iho sublime
awrllon or Ihe political equality or ull
men. which ihe founders lu their Immortal
declaration laid down ns the Hue basis of
American IT,,!,,,,. ltlHcerlnliuh.it Iho plan
of reconciliation which i lV(. ,ii- I.iKely
' "' '" " ami win b0 adopted. t
my, howoicr. Ihj hindered or li.i.ieued.
How can It bo hlmleied? You jourK-leeH
urouwaro of the nt.Mver wln-u you IiihIch
'" '"' violent, fuclloiiH or serlillouaexhl
billon of parsion or dlscoulent lu nny or Ihe
lately lebollloiis Sluice, mid urgtio fiou, It
I'm failure ,,r lu pttlli Vol ,.,, j,,,,,
onnygnu inattu-ty lurbiilelit and fao
HouspeiH.il lu (he lately liiHiiiectlonuiy
hlatesl-HsMlng. hlndeilug and delaying
""'work ol io,loialon to Ihe extent of his
'"'Uy. Hill tin, can. N precUely the same
wllh ouik'Iu-s. .Munili-.iuiliuiB ,.i-.i.,..i.i
dblriit. ciliniunllon, eoutenipt or defiance,'
"'ll,e,,la 8,.1W , l(.lw,y ,,.,..., ...,
't'lly U-nd lo delay the woiki.rie-co.icll
alio... How. Hi. ... k,n n ... ,.,.., ,
, ,, . - v ,iti.,vilVl I
! '""'"- " ll' Ihiibimki. oV Iho Pre-'IsmiI-Ii,
ll.os.,Uor,io Con.liiuii,,,, uud
1,1 ""'""'). not only will, oi- pollticH. bm
will. or lellglo,, --MVe must tiu.t ench
""ir. Cuu wu mil titeucli other? Ouco
" "v... .ueii.iH. ,v l.aeo H..eo been ene
'le Weaiurrlcn.1, K.,ln lint whelhe.
Hi rileu.Wiipor enmlly, ,..- r ,..
we ure nnd can bo n.,ihi,,L, ..r.., i..,.i
er Ihan brelhren. A lew eveol..,,-.
-..iiiuiiH oi invor owar.1 ii,. i....m...
'; nrlie. who have heretororeep, h
Hon or Ids prclcccor. fL.111,1,,1 ,..
youu.k: My not the Pre.l.lct y,rrot
uiif.illl.nil lo u.J Kor,ny,cir.IlI,,,X
l-ir.waiisinp.il 1 B.rtBnyta,M hntt
salviUion of Ihe country demanded th.tMc.
rllloo. It I. ot, ihercfore. my nurp.ie t,
! feend lo more pirllzanihlp now. AnJttw
J.d.n.on laid a-lde. lam rare, wbatetertr
pirli.aildi lieli i.l. at llivramotiroe
ViiuttNiA 'fhc election rctaroi Ibmfir
reeelv.dfiom Virginia, says the Tribune,
iu.lie.tt.' Ihe elecilon of the follotrin? rsem
her or C.ingtess: Cnstls I,. J. Cfaandler,
II. II ll.iiln.iir. Hobl. Hhlgway, Charles
I.. Mosby, A. II. II Htiiaft. Jbt. fon
r.id, D. II. Huge. Curtis, ChunJIrr, ltir.
hour, Hjdgwny, Mosby nn.1 e elslm
they can lake tl.o oath. Sloitl declsrtd
during the canvas, that ho wouM "despise
hlinsell" iriie could lake Ihe oalli. L'on
rud nlsn nekuowledges his Inability to tikt
the oath.
U. S. DiHTiiiiiT Couiit. In the report
given by Ihe Oitgoman of the U.S.Iw
tncl Court, Judge De.ly on tbclkstb,
we find Ihe following;
" United Stales vs. Charles Ilrooks lo-
ilieiment for practicing as n physieita
without 11 license. .Motion tosctaiiJc,for
win, l of d.ile,ullowed, uml Icueo lo re-submit
In (Iraud Jury."
A true bill was found In lieu ol Ihe etc
set usiile for wuut of date. A demurer to
the s. end !i,dlclmrnt was overrutidssd
llic defi-iiilinl p'euded guilty, nml nss Coed
C'-'ll dollars uml costs, In default of pay
ment of which he mis committed lotbe
county jail, there to remain one day for
each 8'i of the amount.
DKNTiMtitr. lr. II -arnl ftirimoreilfrcm
h 8 olliee II ar .Mrs. Ciod.y's to the billdinj
opposite, tin Siati.nki. Otmx Dr. ll.bss
been 11tlllc1.1l with n.i" of Job's comforters,
011 hi" lock, but think hu will he aMs
to "pill Ifi'lh" next week.
jzl m h.
coiinkr or
Culiioriiiu Si. Oit'Kon Slreels,
Have on band a
Large Stock of Siuplc, Fancy
etc., etc., etc.
All will be oldt
noduood xroo.
Jucksouvllle. Jan. U, 'ell. jinHir
Dr. F. G. HEAHN,
Ok Yiikka. Vau
co 10 Ihe cltiwn- ol Jucksoui He
.iPii.iiv tin.t hu will rtinulii luJack-wu....-
n.r two three wteks and Is prepaid I 0 P"
l...i.inll.peulloi.ut the low est rain ir
l'iist-c.iKM U'oik
November II. Ii.)
OIK. . .. ...,i.,ul.
Oilieu diiictly ..pposllo mo oi" "" -.
11.... """""' " me combn.it on or'1,,,,,,1.. 1 .. ., " "" "venuiKN uKo, on
'- , H,UBBi MubbernlKor'T!;;;.:!!", MW.
I -.,,,, vsu( tVUIIIII
iiili? iiaJ
nn 10 Tin: city '", ".Yru.
I t 1.,.., .,, ui,. nt Kt-iiidy's iiui""';
awl NwhSIjiIo Islnaiueiil, uud your cru.c
will soon be come tiseiew
. MnnC ami
.1 'io tiii: wTYimuo -
iiov vi,,., exliacl. iiulnieil'.Ciusa"'
' ........ ..,.r.. ,mta. e.r.
01 iariii i"" -
pin 0 cream
Oiulneut, uud cure your oMIrt"