Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 18, 1865, Image 2

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1 1 m Z3?i5'9
SAIVIUMY .NOV. 18, 18(15.
I, P. I'lslltl, .T..1. Klliitt ltli iV tl.. itlitl
W. ll.Tnhy, mltrrlllii(t)iiiiil loi-Nmi
I'liiiirlxo, till.
i:. K. l'lilii, ntlxrtllsliig tiRtitl Mi
Mnciitnmilo, Ciili
Mil of Agents for llio Ontaov Sfntimci.,
K. 1'. Hum II. general agent for Oregon,,
nml Idaho Territory.
I.. P. Plsher S.w l'r.inclrco Cul.
J..I. 1,'nonlton ACo ilu.... do.
Thnnu Davis Applegate. Ogn.
IT. . 11111 Wlllwr il
1 Ci.lllid'exe Ituch Point ilu
Tliom i CroUen CioMon Oigglus do
Win. Spleer lump-Oil-.lo do
(luv, (lllib l'orll iml do
I). M. Thompson MlMiiy do
W. M. Keans llliouse do
'1 honn Oarr do do
Tlionm P. Floyd Kerbyvllle do
8. V. Sawver do di
1). 1'. Amlirsou Phoenix do
1). M. C. dull d" do
A. lrel.mil Mville Creek do
(leo. I.. Dew Pilenburg do
Tbeodrlc Cameron I'iiIoii Town do
Jams I. Wniou Itosburg do
.Ml Iliiillv llunler Hon"" ll'wr do
L. U . iiulllus ... .I'vii Klamalli do
Illnger Herman of CaiijomlliV, general
Agent fur Dougl x County.
I .a it xvcckV litpcilir coMalo Hie xalo
dlctory of Mr. Mulonc. wlilcli closes llmt
gentleman's labor with the dnnocruey of
Jackson county. There can lie no doubt
but llmt nuiiy of lit politic.il adherents
will regret the departure or Mr. Mutant'
froot the cdltorUI cbulr of the litpeitti
very much. None can doubt hid energy
and pcricxcrance in promulgating uli.it be
contidcrti the true principle- of Democru
cy, fearless of friindi or (ut$; jet we be
lieve the Union party hai greater cause to
regret his dtpirtuie linn his own, for hud
he coiiducful the piper in Use same man
ner on he lis fur the Uit jenr, until iiltvr
the uext June election, wo li.no no doubt
but it would li.no ftcurtd us a handsome
majority in this county. IIw fearlr iln
uuuciiiliun ai d condemnation of every uct
of the Adminlitrailun to subdue reason
nml rebellion; hi continued op so 1 1 Ion to
military comuiissloiM, winch Ik- say orig
hulid with Pruiiltnt Johnson; Inn bluer
conilenin.ilioii of the "murder of .Mr fcur
rati" by raid commission; hi holding
l'resklent Johnson rrjKnille for the
tame; III feiblcfiT.irls to make .Ml D.ivw
it patriot inileud of a truiior; uml "luM
but lint lean" his Heady development of
that moiQiniiwiimHi prominent in nil
his "lendrrs" "Puritanism on the brain,"
hu opened the rrb and cleuitil tin- under
standings of many gotd citizen) of Jack
aii county and tltcwbere. and caused them
to pjusu und consider where hi political
dogma were leading them. Mr. Mulor.e,
and othtrs of hi party, bate tliimtlull.v
polluleil the name of Democracy, by asso
ciating it with secession and treason, there
by obliterating all the patriotic and noble
principles that (mbelished and mudu it
great under the guiding hni.d of the im
mortal Jackson, who sworc."lly tho Kuril.
al this Union imnt nmlihullbeprctcrxtd."
The portion ol hh vakdiclory which U
the moil attoniihing,uud rlupi themoil
unaccounluble, U the folluiug: We ure
glad to tee that l'reiiilent Johnson U trial:
ing an iflorl to deitroy the power of tin
Kudical). In our i.ew cpherc or uctiou
wc intend to aid him to the eiidit of our
ability In that direction. It would be whe
for the Democracy in Oregon, and clrt
wherc, to do the same."
If it was usual for democratic editors to
bo consistent witii their political record and
antecedents, we would feel juslifud, upon
this occasion, in pausing with profound as
touiihmcnl ut the above rceoinineudatioii,
and rex.-uiim,', "Oh, wud come power,
tho giltie gie u? to eeo ourtclvcd as
olhers cee uj." After Lo and hu parly
hate exhausted the vocabulary of the Ki'
lisli language to find words of sufficient
weight to vilify and slander I'rtsident
Johnson, he now calmly yields to the press
ure ofcvcnU.uud recommends .the Democ
racy to support linn, This Is "sirulegy,
tny boy." Mr. Maloroaud hl friiuds llud
Iheinnhes In a brokiu, dimoraliztd und
mbjugaltd parly, wofully in the inliiorily.
'I hey must, therefore, abandon their old
copperhead pnnciplee.und graft tlumtelves
to tho war-mllitary-icominlo3$lon-anieml
nient-to-tlie-0 onstitutlon- uegro-suiriuge
policy of Andy Johnson.
In the Ittpotftr of .May 27lh ho find the
following: "We hae uodoubt that Andy
Jolniion is u wortu nun than Mr Lincoln,
nnd gruitly lear u worm one will follow
President Johnson." The Htportwlui uoi
seruplo to call Mr. Liueoln u nmrper, u
despot and a tjrant. Compared him to
Nero mill C'allugula, of Itoiimn burbarity.
Yet Mr. Johnson is u woise man than Mr.
Liueoln, mid Mr. Mulonu proposes for the
Democracy to support him. Air Malone
nnd his Hlute'r Rights Irieuds have lulleu
into the dirty, filthy iniio or the last dieth
They ore, like n drowning man. gr.iplii!r nt
icrylliing that comes within their rrnc.li
They linxe made one grab at Andy John
inni but fell far short of him. Tnc m.i
grab they in ike, In our jiiilgiiifiit, will lu
afier negro suffiage und Wendell l'litllipi,
who may succeed In keeping I hem from
sinking into everlasting political oblivion.
Anni'T Tuiciirn Ji. V.diloi: lleing
n teacher in the common school of i!im
county, and fiellng nu InteriM in the twine
of education, and Itelinic th-xt trochcr?, ns
will a puplln. ncid some drilling prncifi,
I would like lo Inquire, through the liuili
11 111 of oiir piper, whcihrr it I not poiblc
for teacher to nrgiiniiie tlieiiwhic Into 11
body o( any kind, by which they may Ini
prou each either In methods of Iruililtig,
and other thing pertaining to the profes
sion. My experience na n teacher In lhh coun
ty prou-s to my mind tint If teachers widi
or exited to rcceiee nuy sympilhy, they
mint look for It trout one uuolhir. Pa
trons ol school seem to think that if they
furnish their children- with book nml other
school room Ihtmes, their whole duty in
discharged. They do lint conddcr that
they are iindir any olillgntlon to visit u
school, advise with teachers as lo tlie
things to be done for the best Interests of
the pupil, or lo express their approbation
of his or her mode of gmernnunt or In
struction. It is generally believed by wrnit llirti
teachers ought lo know all things iitccsm
ry to the conductiiiK of 11 school success
fully. It Is true tho majority of teneheis
are young men, not optrienced hi leaching,
ami mid not only the sunp.ilhy but Ilu
iictlve coojteruilon of purents. And by
almost any scinlbht person, wihiiIIhim j
Irom patent would Ihj reetixid gladly, c
liechilly If I hey were such as were cmIciiIu
ted 10 iiilvance th" interests of the school.
I would like to hear from lt-cUr lo
know what they think iibmit tlie scheme of
rerniiiiif nn association of leuclieis, lor their
mutual iinproviiiiinl and the Hilvaiicemeiit
of the cause ol education. II such uu ar
rnngemsnt should meet with Hie npprnlM
llon of our County Hu)ttintii)lent, 1
should like lo hear fioiu him.
Yours lor progress, A. Thaciikr.
Jackson (.'oiinty, Nov. 9,18').
Mil, I.'nirou:
I cannot enumenUe In detail all the spec
imen of block whleh weltf oblbltid at
Concord New Hampshire, the Kcond NVw
Kuuland l-'nlr, IhiI will only glance nt tome
of the most Interesting lo the readers ol Hie
.SV.ntiski.: Or tlie cattle the most nuiHer-
011 vntlety was the Durham or rihert-bnru.
The most conspicuous among Him wa tbe
I unions giant wblte u, (iviivuil (iraut,
which w.i diawn at the great Saullary Pair,
atso'it a t-.ir ago, lit llo.luti by Cbaile
I'leicu. or Ibat city. He weigh upwan'n at
I, Out) iioiiivls, and U beautilully pioporlloii
il. He Is, taormur, gentle a a UiaK
Mr. l'Urcc also exhibitnl a pair of tleirr,
three yiars old, whleh iiunruiid k-wii fict,
Ax huiI om-hall Inciter, each, ami utlhul
togelbir 8 000 pounds. Jlr. Hay. of Dun
baxtou, e.xhlblted a maniuiuth fle year old
heller, which weighed S.fiuu poll D Is. Sbu I
llnhiiig llnely, liaeiiig grown upAnnliol
()0 pound In Ihu juar msI. Nolhlug lu
thu onllle Hue could exered In U-uul) Ibv
iMSHiitiful Durham IhiII ixhiMltd hyll.li.
White, ol 8 Kruinlugham. Mw , only one
usir nud nliieleen day old. weighing 1.040
pounds. The Dm ham helfvr, laul) Mury,
shown by Mr. White, is n buaulllul crea
ture, only cuenliNii muiithsold, uml weigh
VM) Hiiiiids; the grand-dam of which made
fixe- toiiudund lourteiu ounces of butter
iutxbd.i)s, sexentven and a half pound
In one week, nud sixty (winds In thirty
d lys. It Is said one thousand five bundled
dollars have Leen offend for thl heifer.
Cailos I'leico exhibited .x Merino ram for
which he paid thiee thousand ilollur. A
tleecc, wiighlng :)l) pounds, which Ms
sheurid from his biek, wan aho exlilhlted,
Henry 0. 12 Potter exhlblteil ecxeral fleeces
of wool which were wvlglud before and at
tir cleaning; four pieces ol l-'reuch Merino
wool weighed kruro cleaning 32 jwiund.
and alter cleaning lllleeli nnd one-half.
One of them weighed nineteen pounds Us
foie, and only four nflerwaids. Ihtee
(leeces lost sixty-four percent in cleaning
Another Interesting fcatute of the exhi
bition was a model of a machine to inaku
brick. All tint is mressaiy to Imdone by
hand Is to keep the hopper supplied with
clay, und to put ou nud t.iliooll' the moulds,
Six men und two horees will make SO.UUU
bricks In u day, Anijes.
Kctby. Oregon. Knv. 12, 1EC3.
Klkctius Nkws. Vcws fioni the At
lantic Slates shows tl.it tho Union ticket
1 elected In Massachusetts, Michigan, Nexv
York and New Jersey by grcitly increased
111 ijorltiis over last j ear's elections. Tlii'e
results are most gratifying, nud (specially
the redemption of Nexv Jeney. Kilpatriek
seems to fight Copperheads us well us tinn
ed rebels. Tho Democrats will probabl)
still claim that their parly is gaining
ground, and that tho Union party is split
up. Of course they will be belie. ed in u
Lx.cs.UM. We huxo been lequeslcd by n
number ol individuals to announce u meeting
at tho Court lloiuo tins exemug, for the
purpose of orgeiiumg 11 liletury society, or
debating club. This wc ure prouo In re
gard us esFentiully u moxc in the right di
rection. Let nil who can possibly make it
conxenient to ullend do to, und encourage
tho undertaking by their pretence, it not
by uctixu participation.
Nnv Jersey has fulled the Democrats In
their time of teed.
A we Inllmati-il mini' Hin " '"
pioposed now lo show lac pin. lloWIU.
nilanttgi'and source or wealth and Im
piovenii'iil which would acern In oar mr
tloli of Hie Slate, weie then- a woolen
factory ctahllfliid In Jackson cmitity
Tlieru nre soveiul place In Ilic coimtj
where natural niotUe power eanbeohulned
for drlWiig any amount of mtelilnery which
miy bo ilelicd to he put Inln motion. As
for' capital, there are many wen In the
enmity who could lake the amount of tmtnex
I10111 their regular business, and not pereep
llhly Tee! It. which would 1 quired Tor
an enterprise surh a Hie one In ipieMIon ;
nnd, IiiiIcchI. the) would llud It u prolltahle
lnetment,a we think can iK-deinnii'lrated.
Another iiiellou of pnieilctlilllly l'i en 11
wool lie prodiiel In mtlrlelent ipitntltle' to
keep it faetory iiutnliiitl We think I lie
question oan be mlvly nnswsrul In Hi
nfllrmltlve. During tlie'eason jut Ms1,
seviral Ihniisunil iioumls of wool liuclxen
exported liom Hie Valley, and the probi
hlllty Is lli.it next )cnr Hie amount if III lie
gien'lly Inciensnl, unli'sii the erection of
iMtory 1 commenced ; In thai east-11 noiuu
probahly ln retalmd nt home.
Our county Is iH-culintly ad ipteil to sheep
ril.lng It contain hlh and dry ml ing
hills, the very home of sheep, ninl buck In
the mounlAlu there are many open glade
where Immense held of sheep could lm
supported during th- PiimmiT month
The mountainous iwrllon ol .Scotland fur
nlih wslt nuthentloiteil e.vtmptes.
Wlrit thu occloii iWmct.l'. Ilteie will
lie wen rwnly to engage In sheep and wool 1
growing, In fuel, some halo M) e.pK-ed
lbetnrlves. Of course mny will not h' In t
favor ol InlioiliKiitg sheep Into th" county, 1
liecause, I hey say. grazing land will I' 1
inlued for other stock 1 hut what if that
slionld liippen when the country ha tut mil
Itsniole attention lo prrafncliiir wool
Surh an iittuduotlon of si new hrnmeb or
lwiltry would be of geent mlranligv. not I
only lo the iniMifuclnrcr and he id .man
but lo all the counlry. A It I now. nil
t w(r Mw,u-W jc-hm! eh flannel, Wmkets.
1 CC i,rtro to ,bBprd limn alirwid. tber-
, dmlnlnu oiireomnitinlly of all the money
obtained from other rmourees.
What we want And need 1 something
which will stop this ilmln, ami keep the
money at home among us, If we cannot call 1
It from Ahmad. I
It l h well sellUtl axiom In political
economy, tbttt when country' Imports are
greater than lUeHrls, Ibtt country I on
the ivirogmile. Hut we hU, further, lb it 1
a factory, once etnl(llneil here, would not
only keep umeb money in mir inld't, but I
' would mil It lu from atittml
Tlie whole
' notlhtru con r. try bas la Im supplied with
: blanket Irom nhtiMil. nud I bey are uo snuill '
item. can a well Mil order coming
' from there as for tbem to be. filled at Salem
or aii l-'ranclsco. We are tieaitr, and have
tbe toads by which wu can icacb those
In conclusion we urge anon our cspltal
ItUan earnest eonslderallon or Hh- sul.J. el
The opinion of some, with whom we buve
conversed, Is, Ibat a factory, wich as would
meet our 1 uuimU for the prevont, oulJ hv
put Into operation for dtuui.o. Thlsnm
t mony ibouhl be ruld without anv
' dlfiteully,
'I'm til Ilia Lall ..... um-a 1.. ... ... I
adreriWng eolumii lor any ad vet Using
xx bleb may bo nccoaary fur tbe cauimenoe
laenl of tbe en lei prise,
Ui'iM SruUA.-lty tbe pollleni" or
Mr Me.M.iiiuii' we slv Iho foloxrlng lelu-r,
wbloh 1 tbe latent new iecelve.1 of inu
loss or tbe train. Mr. MeManau it the
suflVrer, a the Irani belonged lo bim cud
not lo Miller and Maury, a reported lu
sou) of the nwtKiprrs :
t'AJjf Lyos, Ocr. '.'3, 1S.
I'ltiasn l'.xi :
We arrived on tbei'V. last.,
ami on that night bad 08 or our luiilo stol
en. W recox end :i I or tbem the next d ly .
tho Ikxlanco, 2 1 mule and the buy bell. mare,
are gone to feed "In I the )or Indians''
this Winter. The mule tint are nno, ar
geuemlly the very best mule In Ibe train.
We leme, here thl morning wllh thu remain
der of the trulu, and If -xe hive no Jml
luck, will bu In Jueksonx HI aboat Ibe 1st
or December. YouisAc.,
Kotn Oui Mr. Jnhn S. Drum, who
has been engaged in (lit livery buslnevs, In
this place, for many years past, und who
ha,9, during lint time, (stahlisladnii cnl
nblo riputallnn ns a prompt, intrgctic ni.il
worthy biisincts man, npd made numerous
warm, personal friends, 1ms so'd his stable
lo Mr. (Jus Tux lor long nnd favorably
known In Southern Origon who willcnn
duct the bmlniM In n iiuimer tint will, no
doubt, prnxe silisriictory to his pilrons.
Hain. On Sund iy hut, ruin commrnctil
falling, und conlliuitd until 'IWdiy morn
Ing; und since that time it Imsiulned uioie.
or less each day. Jiickton creek wa cmin
shlerably swollen, nnd uviny of iho fords of
Applegalo were impassib'c.rrinielhing Hint
is not ofien Hie case at this season of the
jear. Crass Is better than it has been for
many ) ears.
Minino in JoiH'iim:. Dau. ShIn i
Co. made n cleari-up in tiitlr claim a few
days ago, which paid them Sl-i n day, per
A company has been formid lor Iho pur
pose of flumlng und working out theb,d
of Williams Cnck next summer. Thej
say, from the prospect they get, they will
have n "big thing,"
au.s.N'a Nmv Tasiilv I'hvsician. Wc
uro Informed by the general agtnt, (. W
Truver. that the books ordernl by subscrih
us in this county, will bedelniiidiistoon
us reciiveil. 'I'hey left Nexv York, per
steamer, November 1st.
Prom the Orconin. 1
ummv, November fi.l, Holnr-r.-
Sprnce. Union ean.lul.le Tor .lud.-e or he
rH,ril,.lu.I.c..l D,.ric..r.dihe election
of franklin. In one d.tnct in Mot.tg-.-u.
rry counly no election look place, the
.....moolnUd having hirndiHiualilleil
an,rilipclil-nwclni.1 to let them In
.1,.. liiol rneislcreil "ters 'the Un
nr lu elected four out of the l1o
Judge voted lor in Sll&
New York. November 'Jib -A special
,.ilelilu the 7Vmw. 1I.1U1I W'8""
N,!WiilHrHll..MJH: The Joint Couin.i
.. . ..r f '..iMniltlii itii-l
slon lor Hie t.ovrrmii-iii ...
xislerdty. Over two hundred wes. In
'xolvlng millions ol doll irs. are before the
Coiiini ui The larger rlainmiic Iho'
Of the Panama llullnwd Company and l'.i
rltie Mai! Hieanidilp Coinpiny.
A spinal dlspilch to lire 7i-ii'if.dilid
Novenilar 8lh. soy : All 'hi w.ukni.t.
hate been bny eiretln,' the gulhms. mid. r
the supervisloiuiif I'mviut Marshal Uu
sell, lor the execution of Wirlz. A curlmts
multilii le hu lliroiiif.il Ihe 1 nice for .ie.
to sre the i.xeeulion. The pnss will Ise
Mippliml and 11 few hIIk r curiou one .i.lmii
leil. Hclmde. coiiii'el tor Wirlz. in mi in
tervlew wills the I'lHilenl.slinunl hs "f
Ihlavil from Union prisonei. Imprnelilnir
tlw Ic'limnny of the wlme. elalmlng to lse
gran.ls.rn of 'Lifiyetle. It Is itwrlnl
I (ml ho wa n cotuumn J.xv from New
York '11 same xvltnes wore he wiw
Wirix murder IW11 ill Hie slockad.
WlrlR still tmilnliiiii 1111 ulr of .iiigior.
New Orle.ni. NovrmW Bib. (loxir
nor Humphrey, of .MIWp;il. cull upon
the people of that Slate lo orgiinlw! militia
comiMinhf.aiid the civil i.iilhorillen In in 1I11
lainintr Miler. lie caution them against
opposing uny clas of ja-opV.
Trn.li' Iselween .Me.xieo nnd Texas la In
crraMng. and promise to lie law.
.St. I.ut. Novciiilser 8ih The election
for county oftlcei ami intiiiheia of tin
Liwer IImteol the Uglflulure, In llnnu
yteriltiy. jmh1 nlT quietly. Tla- Uiilon
ticket was-ehctisl iti Douglas, Atehiisuii
iiim! JMxenwnrlh. s
Cairo, .Viivriiilwr 8ih. The Memphis
.Ipptnl U revlxttl. It Is print.. I .hi tin
saute press tint .leeompmiiid llwl el'ib
lLhwienl tliroughm-t lis wreglimllon In
Tenneee, .MMssippi, (ieorgia, uml Al.i
Mobile (Ala.). Novtmlier 8tli HultfvrV
majority hr (iovrrnor, in 1I1U1 clt, ucr
Ctsllou nud Sinlth I l.UIU. Lniigdon's
niij.iilly for Con-iios, oxer Cleveland nml
Matthews, is 1.110.
New York, November litis. A series or
hurricane liuve raged along tbe whole
North Atlantic seaboard during tbe put
xxeek, ai.d wtie Ihe sev.rviit known for
twiitty xenn, Oer oe handr-tl vestel
large and small are, so fur, leporiid, driven
ashore, w reeked or fnuiwiered at eo- All
Ilu- Miiboaril towns l.axe ixpiikncid gnat
danaire. Ma-y iixes Imve Ikiii IimI at
sen ueailv ixxo l.m.duil being nporttd m
The fulltwlng I a list of the eases di.
poMd of in Ibv Circuit Court or Ibv Ktute ol
Orei.'on Tor the counly ol .lackoii. Noxem
Iser Te-ri.1, up lo l'rhlty. November 17lh:
Ssram-I fuillli, Jr., xs. II. P, .ihleld and
P. Shields dUmlMeil. Augut Jaok-ou
xs. 0. J. Kxeos, et al-cMitinuvd. 11.
Kliebits;r x. HuIhmu, et nl juUgiuenl lor
lUfeiwiii.l's ttir cuts, nu demurrer. Vii
eiat 'lull 1st x. ImvxM I-'. Julm.on-Juduwiit
pr plalnli'f for 932 1 to. J. V. 1!. Witt
xs. Jui'uUah McKay, et ul couliitued Ids
wrtice. CoIdsullk, ItxaiuVCo. xs. It P
Mairy.VIJ. T. D.xxis, et al-oiitlrmatlon
of .SblTssale. Tiiamus Uhuvner xs. I. I).
Huiues .V It. II. Ilaluvs, et al ooiiflrm sllon
ol Shlt's sale. Win. Kn-iier xs, John
I..)l)eker approval or Shtl' D.-ed,
Stale or Oregon xs. Hong Tim (Chin inian),
I iioeiiy-dlseharged. Peter r-iultb xs. .M.
'I bonus, et al judgment Tor plalutill lui
iUWJ GO. Claude Kino xs. IMward
Heinlrlcks-dUmlsHd. P. I). Poudry xs
J. . Aineliuail c. ntlllllul. P, ). Pou
dsyxs. William JuttiM-Jiidmeut for plain
tilt for UU UU. I.'. I). Pnudry vs. Jaino
lluckley ,, John llucklay Juilgiiwnt lui
pliluliirfor $iV 00. 'lhoinis Cluvnei
xs. I. Williams nud V. A Wllliams-eoutii.
uutlou ol .Shct III' Sale.
H1.11 Lick on Uuiism. 'I'huo is much
complaint of this insect in the upper part
ol thu (alley, nn Hear Cuek. It is said
that liny will ,i a horse, und uho llmt
ll ty me tl e cause of the sore tongue. Tn
ileslioy the-hie-, it is mcusuiy lo nil the
liiiiHH.ul over, or gnaw: limn xxiih 1 ml
und x.-yiklhuaiiiunU until H, laid is melt '
id. illue vitiul is und for the cure of sore
Countv Tmciimi's .Woi'urmv, Tho..
Inliivsltd me iileind lo the suggestions
of "A Teacher" in another place. Wo en
dorse them, and think gnat u.lximtnjj,.
would icsull, bolh I) teachers ami patron-,
It a lu-o iiiteichaugB of Ihougbls ami Idms
could be ohtulued upon thu subject. Ihe
bet plan Hi it iiuiv occurs lo us I to call u
taichir'a coiixeullon, uiul establish a county
teacher's Inslilule.
Nasiiy's list rjuini's Ileal, "which Is
New Jeitcy," has gone over nncoiiditloi:
ully to ihe Imrbaious Abolillomsls. Poor
old miu ! where will he find iinolher? A
pMhn of wiullng ..Inuy be looked for ulmul
this time."
A FmuiiKiis-m. Wi, i,el n genlli
inun rciu.uk a few dajs since thai he did
nut wi.Ihohc .1,(1 Davis hungj llmt In
wuutwl to ke-ep ,lia us fi0'urc-liead foi
the Democracy.
A Hnril Story on the Gopporlionds
In n recant spoieh ut (told IHII, Tom
Ulcli said that Iho recent campaign xvn
only the iklmum Irtnmts xlslous of Ihn
Copperhead pirty, nud lu Illustration told
Ihe following story:
"A man named (lu Adam, n tragedian
of tho elder llooth or thu lluclinnuii sort
wa engaged lo play Iho chief character
Itolla. In 'l'1arro,' on 11 certain evening,
In 11 small utty of Ilu Hist. Now, (iii,ou
this illslliigiit'lnd occasion xn just over nu
c normiin l nder, nnd 11 tolerable clear
xxi ek of ilihniim titmtmi. The iniinnger did
not like to ltiii hi 111 t lu child, who had
usually pernunliil Cora's child In 'Plarro.'
In the ipip.lloualile mercies nl" AdanW, lu
Ihe cene ((here he snatches the yoiiugter
and bear It ncron 11 bridge nud cut down
Ihe bridge behind hlui Willi hi swoid. On
lh same ground mmi'Timi pireut rcruud
lo lend llielr pneloii ihrllng lor theuxe
nlng's euterliilniuent In Ad im' tingle re
cne and rnli olf. .So Iho iniuiiser was nl
I il couipillid In pick up 11 dwarf neitro
hcgirurotillit' strc't. alil.iouohj.ctorehar.
rllv. 11 111 111 liiynis but 11 fuiii-yeiir old boy
In sle. Tlil'tiioii'tr.Hlty w-i slrippul or
Id regnl irrag. dii'nl up in prelty clothe.,
lunleid. tic, ami 11 wtilitiaiur..l m.i-k
proxl.l.d l.irund lnteuid 1111 IiIk Taee. (If
thlsearelillly nude up mulaiiioipliosi, Ad
am, of eniti'i'. xn not upprl'.il. ll being
thought ipilte Imprud -nt by the plixslchiu In
notify bun ol' hWteul "oljiet s.r lutere-t"
wlieii he nil. only 011 the uouviih-seeiit Irom
ih'llriiliu Ho Hi'' pliy pr.ipenl.il. All
uorreat -tiollilug uuiisiial unlit the rescue
sc. lie came A1I1111, ngienible In time
honored hii-Iiiem" ctislum. sn.tlfhid up
the child Irom the slug.' by tho Imn.l ot Ids
tilulu. nud iHlug mir) museiilir 111 111, he
mind ll lightly ul. tit, mid with hi- diuxxii
swoid In hi other hand, in i.U hi "g iiurul
si) ech" nrlor to the enus- briduo 11111. In
'hi xlolelit liilrlilgol III.-child, Hie while
I inisk had bte'i. iiiiloisnd uml had dioppril
I iihii tb gr. en eirpel. Ad nun il.it uol
liolici' I li I -. but Iho riiigiilarlx n-iiaiuriaii
I iditiuk pl.mdil of the audience p.iu-e.l hi-
sktcIi, nud while in true tragedian attitude,
he took his lirst look ul Ihe real thing
Diopplug hi swoid, Ihu sweat starting out
xl.lhlx Iromu. rx Hiri in hi law, lie giied
out. "llx (5 d, I'xegol 'em ugalii !" S. I'.
MtuitKK. A hoiilhle l.Uu of murder Is
going the- louiid' at .Salem, which Is uippond
lu liaxu oecuried ul tho lulu Mate I ulr.
AllerSw-xcrul attempts to get al the loiiuda
lloil, the .Vn'ie r,i, wo luxe learned tli.lt 11
money bull, Ixxo HirwH nud u mvlius
raiidiini Inink xxeire found mulct Ihe rlxer
luuk, Iseluw Ihu terr lauding, supposed lo
Imloiig to 11 miu, numeuiiktioivii 10 us,ioui
Ihe MolallA nxvr. A liolhirof the mldug
miu uame to thu city In svuich or him, but
no trace us xit has be-eu diseoxiled. A horse
J wa. lelt Iml in lire In ihu slieel.nl' ihl.s
uliy, aiwul that tune, lor thieeda.x, whvu it
xeas llexnl by .Mr. Mobsman, nud udxvr
tbstxl. 'Iho goiitlvumu In teaieli or his
Mother h..', wo tiudersbli.il, l.kllllllul Ihu
wnlilto foi-.iid on the hnr', u belonging to
hi brother. The mUsliig man oxviied or
bad uutc interest in u horse llmt uu at the
rfutu I'.iii, ami I supposed lu liaxe liad
euus.dtialde luouex in Id hsiIii.
i '. '...
t9 tj WskMaVMlATlM
Hooks s.ik tiik I.iiiaki Mr. Tuner,
I lie tune using agent in r?,niiliern Oiegoii.
j for ltuyiiicnd'.i Life of Luieiilu, ui.d '-The
I Nurt und .Spy " will b.- in llonglna cuun
! ly ue.xl weulc. ItamoiaPa Life of Lincoln
I Is 11 slnn. 1.. 1.1 (iik and will be dry us fit
1 us a book ol red mice. "Th" Nnre und
Spy" talu-s well wllli tho ladies, 11 ll 8
xvntieu by nl.nly nud rcconni her nnu nil
viuiiins. Tlw ugeiil is meeting i'h veiy
urent sueccH us fur us lie has canvas, d.
Mr 0. A Divis I appointed am-i.t for
Juckson County, for lhonbo(v xsoik.
Sad ('.xi.ahitv. On Monday last, Ihe
wife and child of John Riddle was drown
ed in SmhIi Umpriun Hlver, near Oak
I Grove. Mr Hiddl.-' brother xvn xvllh
I hi wife in n hugi;y,niiil iitlernplul lo ero a
the rlxer. The luigev got into awlrnmlng
water uml upset. All exertion were inidc
by her escort to rescue 1 er, but to nn nvnll
John H'dille, fuiring dimmer, crnsiil n
tnountnln to try nud xvnrn them not 'o
cros. but xvns only in lime to sp lliein
drlxo in nnd gu down. The bodies had not
bevn rccovirid up loTiKsday,
Oo.m; Kst Wo mo bv tho piongT
list lu thu Hneraiicuto Unton that our old
townsman, Ale.. Martin, all..l on Ihe Hllh.
In tho st.niniTSacraineiilo for the Atlantic
iSl.tlu. Mr. Martin has been Idenlllied
wllh Jacksonville from a very early d.iy,
and I one of our most xxurlhv cllieii
Ho goes, as wo iindeietaud. to ( lst Iho '-old
lolks nt home," Wo wish him n happy xlslt
and a speedy letiirn home.
Town hii'linvK.MKNTi Messrs. Hulls
ire putting In n very siilnlnntlnl breuk
waler, for the protection of their premises
ugiiiiKt the iiiermichniiiits of Jueksnii
criek, in time of high wuter. Mr. Glnsmirc
nnd Uo Citj Fathers Ii.kc put In another,
lower down on tl 0 envk, for the purposo
of protecting the town lots.
CiiicuiT Court. Thi court I in ses
sion thl xxeck. The (Jrund Jury found
only one Indictment, nml wero ilischurgiil
nn the sicoud day Tho imlicliiienl win
found ngaint n Chin mum for stealing to
ll icco. Tlie Celestial xvim acfiiilled in the
iiliseiico of evnlenie suflieieiit tn convict.
Anotiikii IlonsK. Mr. W. 0. Myeis
sillul 011 the saino steunier with Mr. A
Martin. Mr. Mxera is nn old resident ol
County uml n huge owner lu real istate
He goes to IViiyv.mlu to putchuso n flue
horso lo liring out home.
A, hnm w tub hnt.TT1
l'Cim.lll.l,n. .!... , ."DU,'--0. 0.
wlilcli we earn ihai h. 1 . ' l,lt
"Pou hy linlhin, In siahusl, ,,7
no "lainage done. """j
IWA,,-Mr.Jas. Mgu
lnekniixilli. ,l
Nenr ,liirkon, ()C,r
"xeri:i.ii'iii,wif,rsbPC,i rl
To Wntkor Chrinnan, "-Ja"ia
ndonco on public lands: GrceUW
Whcrea aniilavlls linxe 1 (nl . ..,'
olllce. selling mnli. lint ll S
"Anpuduled with W.lkrr Chrl 1'
"lie- i-h.1,1,,1 In . lM ciiimty fc "V ?
will, ll." laud ehlin nnwhlri, M,
nit It I- riiiMl.il .In, .t oUrt-ttK W,I
Ihnn.'s old laud cl.ln, In T.urisl I,, 373
T Ila.iK.. 1V In Jackson ro-inl,' o1J'
gon ; that s-,1,1 Clirlsinin N ,,
claim In Ilie.-'mniii.rorPallof IMJn,
iibiudmiid said el 1I111 In lb,. Pall of Ihj
hat h I not a resident or '.he Stsfc J
t r.'gon i und I, i urn riuh d un t a ij
c aim since Ihe s.nd Pull id ISoS ; m,j .
Hit. Hi it these Hniiut, huve no Intersil l,
ihl claim '
1 hen fore, yon an hereby iiotlfl-J toi.
pi ai- ut the Und ontw, at lloHhiire,lntt
rtltile or Oi..'jii. on lli Kih d j or l)rra.
li r Ho ."i, in u i.Vhick. x. i Hi, n and lUrs
lo IllUWIlt e,llll.ill or IhU leg llilyur tow
olalin lu Ihe I mil lu ipn-liun ; riibnuue
your claim ther. to will i. c.u.c. IIm
JOHN KIXI.V, ,,.tw,
aiii.isu 11. ri.iNT. JCeivrr.
Land Olllce, ItoM-inirg 0u.,.S'uv,.ihM.
A'' ANTED Hy H.es.ih.cilstr.ilH'miV.
lug ot sum IA linn rail,, for Kbits
lair niy will lse gixiu,
Crnull l'ickfji.
I'lckvu'd Tahlu Hvek Itaueh.
3m h
I'ltllfiunia Mrctt, JnrKotnillr,
RAVI! jut received from the Allinllc
r'tale nml 8 111 1'r.uicRo, a tetitilrU
slock of exerxlhlugiii their line, uA UI
keep cnnstiiuily 011 him! an asarimtat of
thu Im'M Tin, r-'le-i t Iron nud Coppimtc.
llnissi I'Ih Ifydnmllc Nozzles, Forte
Piimiir. Chains, l.eu.1 I'Ih', llor,
ol nil slxe.
liar. Phi. and ttnrt'd Iron;
PahiN. Oil. Mie nud CU'C
All ipialltlur or Powder;
iiliot or till nunil''r:
llriishesor every (arlcty,etc.,tfc
Al'O.nlwnx-on hind a large ht 01 iIotm
or nsiirl. d sU-s. " lluek's Patent Coo'sj
SliKe." and the "New World .Sure' l.
two xiri lil and approved patlerulnllt
world Parlor, Oltlee and Cabin Hiotes.
lime) nud plain, coii-tl uot.il onhtestfutl
1. .(ing plan lli! r- Kelll I'l I'"'
nml I'dTxIhiiiu run iMlwithtlivestoiM,
warniiit.dil.ir.ihl' nmlu-rhct
All .irllel.- .iil hx Hem or winarsr-
lur.il. WAItUANTPD'. Tli-lr work ttnl
f the Im-si material und id choicest luittrti
illl.il nci'onlliig lo ilirecllniis. la emj
Ihlng. their Mock I the largest sml Ut
ever broilglil to Jueksoudlle and Ihe; we
determined to sell at I me iiim'
Cull ninl examine Ibelr 'lock Iwfore Nl-Cha-lug
elMitthere J'S ",'..' 'L
Agenl for llullldiy A Co's Mroltope
Sa S5'000 Is
Iho uu.l.MKmd would "a;'r,'c5'f"!',
call Ihe alt. ntlouol Ihe public toll""
On Oregon FlrM JaokorwIlU'. '
.111 hand n go-l sapp y or excel hn U
JackMinxille, January 21st, M.
Dr. P. G. HBABN,
WTOl'M KlS.'a'TFL'UI.Y; ANN0l;j
'V ce to Ihe c.t , ns ul J' ,7: "k "ar.ll
viciulfy.tt.athewm.-eM 4.1 1 J of(.
riir ,wo II... e week, and Is fJ.Jdf
Miiiullopcutlomtttt the lo'
Phl-Cla Work c ii froisbj''-
Oilico one door west of Mrs. C
Nnvemliei II. lous -
" J. M. C. UsirisT,
JA(hs.".VXLI.K, 0'M'
OfllivulJLP. lhWU2
(j i,uvu holtlo f ''Xucrs'
nd Nturalglo I.in '""'" aua'ou
will stmbtiuusi!2!!l-
XJT buy your exliact'. ' a'fc
, .Li. id la. lar. par.M0,U-
no totTu: oitv nnuo stok
(j bnyjoni hlueslojuj -
o t. ta -rr "";
I . ... si. ..In iwtvi Ij()0h"s -
(j M.o how xerv che-P L" I -