Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 18, 1865, Image 1

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S4 vm annum, in advance
VOL. X. NO. 5
,. ., "iwrtRiiiwhi-,w,iw ! ra.fciaifc,rti) w - . i
.fin: oiicc.ox si3Ntinj:i
ijsrrti KVKiir HA-mimr itonxtxn.
jj. V. BOWBI.I', Prnprlcfor.
srncnirrinv For One year. In nilvimce.
rjar Dollars; If IM wltlilii tlio flret six
n,,nlh of the year, live dollar ; h not mild
.-HI (be cxplrntlnti nf the yenr. fix dollars.
AtivcnTt.JiN.i One square (10 linen or
mi) flrt lncrllon, Three Dollar : cncli
jkcmient Insertion. One Dollar. A OIk-
coiint of nflv irceut will lo miulo lo those
l-1 Tf nilfM rrcclTr.1 at f tirrrnt rales.
I 0. 0. F. -.IiirKnoiivllli JiilRo
1. T.. 1.1 I...I.I- II. ....
lU. II. "IHU- II" ll-H"
In ar inui't im on every
".Saturday evening at tlio
' vat"Tr- .Mil'lllllC llllll,
Trollicriln pond standing uru Invited to
S fllMHOK 1'. FUNIC, N. G.
llntMAV Ilr.r.M". It. Sco'y.
Tni'ircf. J. .M. Sulloji., Win. liny nnd
Warron LotV3 No, 10, A. F. & A. M.
n HOLD tlii'lr regular communl
..fVcittloii? tin' WcdnoMlny livening on
or jirrrnlhig (lie lull mouii, In jack
iotiU.i:, oiikiiov.
m ' .lOIIKH. ROSS.vV.JI.
C. V. SAV.im:, Sec'y.
at Xja-"v?rf
(Idler iiiH).lt- I lie i'oiirl IIiiimc.
All Ihkiiih commuted li my enri will
I prrt'tly H','i'l' .1 l. July '-'!'. '.
mil practice In till the Court of tlio Tlilnl
Mku District, the .Supreme Court or Oic
ri, sml In Yukii, Oil. War Scrip prompt
ijculMcd. ct. ll
-llll.l. I'lSAlTin.
Medicine and Surgery
Iimkiiiink k AnJoiM.sn Cos.
Jacksonville, June lOtli. JnrKltf
1 will mil limn ft.in I'nuivifi'ii lor Crcf
(rntl'liy mi Iliu
ntii its aoi3i vt' iwt'ii .'to.vrii.
l'.'f fri'luhl or mmiui' lii.iilri' of Ji'pi1'
1iIIjiI.ii, Aui'iit. coiiirrtir l-'ioiit mill Jul'K
ti iirvl. s I'liinci-nn
Cimct'tit City, t.'nl.
Crrtcwit City Miiy Siiil. 'i,:,. Jr3mii
Jai'Kmimii.i.i; Uiii.uon',
n'4iKo uror Iliu b'oiith cnil oT Oregon
rti. Junimiy, '.', Ibbl
Ollkv nt Mh rwlilencc nn Orotjon firiTt
ilAn;o.Nvii.i.K, Oi'.Kdo.v,
Cm befoiiml tilhvr at the Cily Utug Slnrr,
orliitciihiici, one iloor In-low th"i;.V
Mi Ollico, iriuirul to (jive prompt ul
ImIioii tu iioc nrpuriii); tiU n.rvKm.
Jailuuiivlllc. h'otil. aim. ili rfJIlif
i i'in:i'Aiti:i)
ao 'I'aki: l'tcii'ur.s
in livintv stvi.i:
Wl'IM ALL Till-:
' Picture ilo not elm tutUfiictlon. no
rgu n u- iiiuik'. dill nt hii new 0.il
''). on iliv lull, I'xaniliic liU plctuivn, mill
'iiiurjoiir llkcucts.
Dr. Overlii-cli iionlJ niiiiuiiucu to tlio clt
uij of J.ickton county nml vicinity, that
J ictiiriuil to Jiicktoiivllluuiiil u-Miimil
M I'racllci; of iiKilkliic. Ilu will alniivf
lound at Iliu M ttnnil, thu OiurlHck
!''' ""Iiw nlwjiii proltfi'liiii
i w.uM. Ho woiilil rciH'Ctfiilly tollcil
ttuw-'l of loriuvr putionuaf.
JAS O. MIX 8. II, KArs(Ji.
... ...--T XjACSr,"
alu Wai.i.., Wakiiinutu.s' TcnniTonv,
OPFlt'K over Hank K.chnnge, Miiiu
olrtvt, will practico in all the Courts
l ll'e rust Judicial District, ul.o tht Sn
P'tme Court. Collections promptly ut
"Wed to. All bumut-M cntrustid to our
ejill receive prompt nllcnliou. Ju3if,
Notary public,
Waixa W.u.i.a, W. T
.l!,J4k ocknoftlidgincnU of ilet.ls Pro-
Auiiii uud ileiiU mado out t short uo
'1 ncknuwUilgcil. jucatf
dissolution notice.
pilN uuderbigiiul has this day wilti
.f umwii Iroui ihe firm of Thompson &
is, uuj will couiinuo tho practico ol
Ja k i','e,i Smf nml Oneirics, in
ihir-,0"v,'"Ml vic.nlty, nnd eolicila a
dl U.le PlroiWK"-'. OHico ut hia tibi-
, m uie old Murry Ilwiustcud.
Jc-13th, 1601
T. L.
A. mat sm itnii- u in . -V..H ... i.
Wa Io.lM.Vf ':.'' JU'J"n'm w
-v ui i UIUSS.
. MA. .. . .-
rv-'i i iraF
y-XCTSl V2
.-(;' ,W-J
an:d shoe
Received and aro now
X nml mot FiKhluiinlilo Slock in the
JCy iilmvc line, tn he foiiiul "IgSd
3y this niilc or Sun I'rrm. nRa
r Cisco. AIolhc-a
Lull's! Sljlc
Of Ladies' Hata, Cloth
Ladiou, Iilissos and
, IrilniHU' lo it Firl Olms lry (.'ihhU ih1
fi Clolliliijr lloti-c. All of -tba
CT vihlili will he hAI at "iM
) tiuiriilntfl "a
An Iiuiueiise .S(oi'K
Of Groceries. Liquorrs,
Of Iho best (pi.iliiy, tind nt prlcu war
runlinp us to my I hut they arc the cheup
cdt In this county.
Favor us wills a call and convince your,
-elves. SACHS HKOS.
Seilcml)cr30,J8.'i.V ?ll,:,,)!
All Colors Hi oiizt'S, Vainisli,
Printing Materials
Machinists may nt nil times bo supplied
with old type niclal by calling ut
111, Olay jsta-oot. '
WutGlimnkcr and Jeweler!
Oirgon Stit,JacUonvittt, Ortgon,
KDs'lOfKOK s:xitim: .ii:wj:miv,
gold and silviul watchus,
SlUi A.U 10 IIUI it rUJtivS.
Prlcni 20 per cent lo.. th.in any other
limioo In town.
All articles aro Hlrlctly ivarr-iulcd.
j. ii. uisATi.ii, w. a. uiNoroiin.
LABAlivnni vi.i
Wnllu Wnllu City, W. T.,
One door nest of Kyger & KeceV Ij.ick
More. l'JLl.
6UPKUU Photogrnpli Albums wu bo
O hatl cheap, lor cash, nt J, Row', next
door obovo Hradbury & Wkde. I
Sum Jnhnon wns n coloroi! man,
Who live! down liy the wn;
lleownH n rut tun terrier
That Mood 'limit one Toot three;
And tlio wny that creature chawed up rnl
iVagoJits Tor lo ee.
One day the dorp wa flnmhcrln'
IWilml the kllchen flove,
When md.letily n nicked Ilea
An ugly little cove
Cfltnmenced upon hit rathfnl lack
With lmuiy jump to rovo.
Then up arorc the terrier,
Willi Irenry luliUeye,
And wnillnj! only lnng enough
To nmko n touchln' cry,
Commenced to twlt hlnelf nrwmd
.Mint ioBtli'rfiillypty.
lint nil In vain; hi thapc na flcb
So mi fill Hiort niul fut
That Ihough hcdimMnl up hlwlf,
And drained lii-elf nt thai,
HI innulh a hair an inch anny
From nlicratluMnnrtlnt nit.
. The di.jr "t up an niiful yowl,.
And livUtt-d like nit ml,
KwltUiif orlw of mUtry
At cr'ry iilp he'd Tctl,
And tnmldln' dnnn and jtmipln' up,
And tuniln' Ilk n whet I.
IIhI ntlll that met nudet(mf Ilea
K.'pl up a e.iiHniit ebmr,
.liixt win re he cotildii'1 Mtatehnt mil
lly any ri'Hcli of w,
And always half hii liieli lynnd
111 iilvtltn'f Hmp1ii; Jnwr.
Sum Johnwm hoaid th noIe, and caiiia
To mivo hi anlmlle;
I lilt ivheii lii: ma hi erlller iln
And UiKIhh all lh wlille
)U4nled liydwr.iliy,
A ltd IIich Ujraii ttf ilk.
'Tlw wrp N ml WKmih," mvi he,
And logtrlM' In hi-me.
lie cv tbe irblil it rrlir
A ilr of nn fnl crnekn,
That 'IMcbetl IiIm imiI upon tint (liter,
A dud a cwtt tocU.
Take rniruln'liy lM lurler,
Now liirn.fi lo aml:e mat)
And when mUCur'uii'" ll-a hall coino
I'pon your laek In -m1,
lhWMrr. or you miy din lauo
You can't "' 4"' thd' mtH,
The (it anil Dor Tl;
lit In I'iok-
There l nu excellent moral to the fol
lowing story, which I told with print
kkill. II shows us how n wholo village h
omvlim li''ii tn pieces by n fieht Ixtwcon
two puppies.
The most renwrkuble fight on record
conic of at Frostowu, on thj frontier of
.Maine, soma j ears ago. It eiurosH-d the
entire communliy in ono liiilUcrlmliiiite
ineh'O Intermlable luwtulls or Hilts ut law
d'strnotiou of llw town ami Its downfall
or rulu.
A fanolfitl geiilui, mined Joe Tucker, n
nun nbout town, a luuuger without a visi
ble means of suppurl u do nothing, loaf
ing, cvar-sui'iking, good nuturid MIow,
owiimI a pictly beust.ulnuysnt Joe's heels,
ii ml liiiown us will us his nuslcr, uud liktd
fur boiler limn Ins master by tho Frog
lowntrii. One day Job uud his dog were
passing Ilunloii's grocery slorc, when u pic
bald, ugly looking dug, standing utoiigiddt)
n wagon, bounded onlo J o Tucker's dog
knocked him hels over heud.nnd so
irlgliieneu iiiiuvuritrsH.,r...ua,,.
t B. .! !... .. If.. ...... .....A.-.
f.... ..... .lj I. p l.nkli i.kil'a liliirlfhrtitlli klilll
liK iui,Hlu. ,.v. ... . -,
.....nl.t.,1 lin.-l.-
niriiek one ol Uiiuiboe children on Un
heal, killed it for a short time stone d.ad,
and eo alarmed Mrs. (Jumbo that she drop
ped a stew pan of boiling hot oyter Into
..til. l.t-. .IL.rinB llmi Cll
ward nnd h.r old suu-lmnnet llonpnl off, I u " ,u""ai "". ' "' inori '"" -"'" " -,,.... , nean onui.i be iook.il Inlo, then, you would
riwn0MKto4 to the wag-1"1".1""1 "'"' ',uw '''"'"''' ,W lkU "- """;-,'"lV find Iho Imago or some w an. If yoi.
n H. . arteJ S Ulerum's barUr,jrtti"' frl,,,ful ci,J'- T,'e friends n tU.u pu.t and pmenl suffer.!. II.. re- (Klk into .he brr.sl, of Iho Isdlw, you Hud
on. Jlo si uriw. nu i . . Iaw f,ow churchmen of Dsocon Pugl, suit of rebellion. 'Ikbw who limstod o... d.iguerrcolypy of Charley, u porlmonle. u
,,o ,, upset II. oad of woo I, . I . which u ( h J, a
falling down Oumbo refreshment cellar, .ilon.,,n r Al.r.l.m.s ' ui ono of Iho Inevitable results of the re- .,.
W III! II in lllllIIVIi lliw v imsss.si.i .v.. i . . . ... ... . .. . I ... .11 ..,.. I It s si ,. ..!. I.
lhcli.pofl.cr customer who """.,, M MllCrlmln..elell.t In less limn by luxe KvIchI on thcoplu forsuol, ,,ur
for tho savory coucoc.ionb, , , lub.e In q j , Asmm Jl)NWV,
corner, instead of Ihc di.h. Mrs. (sumbo ' ' ..,, ,. " . . v.. vM. vn,i, f.ii..Tli (..
nulied for the child,
the customer fur tbe
door. Mrs. Gumbo screamed, the custom
cr jelhdl
"Oh ! oh ! oh, oh, oh, mj poor child,"
cried Mr?. O umbo.
"Eli, eh e c f," screanud the poor child.
"Oh, murder I Ob, my everlasting si-,
I'm icaldcd all lo eternity I"
"Murder! murder! roand ihe poor cus-
nd some '
...ii ..i nr i ii wairnn.ana bo nu
I lie nor. c,
W" r.i B.rnt.re dv" c-mo out of the ,
oiuicrorinesirnui .p,,..., wiM
atoie jut in m WVJg0 dog. and not '
a rOCK 10 , , .'
Wuiiin :"ic Jee1-' '" '7' e '
u 110.,,m the back that poor Joe fell loriyj
fl t ,, . ,,,.. und sinking a long M-,
,, J, which jln, Kd,,by was rohed,
., band, wine Ihirly feet above
Joe lei iirne. gave ouu such ,
Jcrrii)Irl)abr()USi,i ladder, Jim und paint
cnr,,wijnjr to the earth, crippling poor i
pot prowiiotr i
Iim lor life, nml apriiikling liluo puiat
over the broailrlotlK, Mthiels nml calictw
of Atirnham Miller, n formal anil eventemp
crcd Quaker, who ran out ol the iloor jut
in mc iwo nogs pot iniriy nt it, nip nml
thigh, nip nnd catch. A glance nt things
seemed to convince Abrnliam of the true
Stale of the cae, and, In nn nniitually e!e-
.. . . . . . ... .. .
Viilwl lone of voice, Abralnni c.tllcil out lo
.locTuckcr. who had rlphlnl up:
'lofcjli I uckcr, thy dog' n fij;hllnp I"
"Let Vm fight It ont'yellnl the pimn.t-'
clous owner of the tlranpe ilog. "lt 'cm
I1f!lit It out. Ill bet ii log of wood my dog n,,I' "'i " "P If -0.000. Tlio Unlnnlitn
can bent any dog In town, and I can beat R"'1' number of Slate Senator nml A li
the owrr." ! fembly men. llenAVood U sleeted Stale
We have atd Abrnliam Miller wa a Senator from this city. Tlio election In
cpitct man; Quakers nro provcrbiablly to.
Hut the paunllct thrown down by the
atrnnper from the coutilry ulirnd the pall , the first time In several yen tr, Ims pono
of Abrnliam; he ruluil into Ihe stote: nnd Union, We'll Is elected Mayor over Far
from the back yard, havlnp sllppfdhlco'.' ro, by about 100 inajorliy. The county
lar, Abrahum brought foith u brlndle cur.
strong, low and powerful. "Friend," said
the .cllcil Qimtar. "tliy dog shall be welt
benlcn, 1 promise the 1 Hike, sciae upon
"Turk, here boi!"
And Ihedogi went at.
Hob Curler, the smith, coming up In
time to hear the slrnngcr'a defiance to the
town, ami bent on a fight uiili miuuhody
lor the ihiimge to hi wife, clumKd the
collar ol llw stranger, and by u uriwi o
ten pouml ten upon llieluee, back nml nMn'
ol his bully antagonist, ivlili his natural i
i4i!ge-lKiiiiiiifrs, lloli stlrreil up the
Mrenflh nnd Ire of III., bully stronger lo
tl top of his compass, nnd tlwy made
sparks lly dreadlully.
.Joe Tinker's dug, icirforciil by Abra
hum Miller's, In ik n fioli slarl, nml lie-
twMii ihem Ihc strung, dog wm being cm
oily Hit to hit trum. D.nieun l'ugli,oiM
ofilie mewl plum nml substantial men mi '' ? .1.1,1 ,n, ail ( ouch lUOa. Ihc 1 1 rol, he is perhaps iinjHtlienl of coiilrudic
Frogtowi!, ounie up. nml imli.l ihc ti link i vntl' " ' Sinle will nm probibly cxwd i il" nml nwill.!y scmliive. Ho Ii pmli
ton n not utss'inbliii:?. ami iK-awm I'u-li. 100.000, of uhicli llullotk will tetvivei bly ronccitcl, piwilily pcdanllc, nnd
nriuftl with ii heavy wulking slick nm)
lrtikdni llie riissctriehs iMrfitrw lilin. iimrpls. t
ul up to th dogs, e.eluliuiii u he did m: i
"I'le. fie. for slntw! dlcrneffHll ymi '
uiwn cillrns of I'rogtuwn, will you sIiiihI
by nml" I
"Don't the-1 don't thee slrlke my Inr.
Dmcoii I'ugh!" orle.1 Abrahuui Miller, aih
vuiiring toward Ihe Dmeon, who wa
abiHil lo cut right him! loft with his cane.
Your dftfj," shoo twl the Dsuoosi, with
ovhltHt lervor.
"Not my duffs, Deacon I'ujli,' kumI tbe
"Wln.l ili.1 yoi say so (or, llmi," siwnt-
m1 ihe Dmcim.
I netw-MiM my dogs, Dmeon I'mch.-
"Youdid'cxcludly nHlwrulnJ Dsueon
"Dedcon 1'mli, thee speulw grodndlew
ly." snid tine Quaker.
"You toll n (bftuod, Abrnliam Mlllsr."
"Tlie utlirs u mendacious asserliou," re
Iteriiled Abruham.
"You you lull u lie!" bawW tin
"Thee hail provoked my evil piss nn,
Deacon l'ui.'h." shunted thctiulwart Quuk
or, "and I will oha.lo' Ihec."
Ami into Ihe Dacori's wool went the
The Deacon, notlilnif loth, on tired Into
the fight, and we lo.ivo tliom to "nip uud
luck" to loik to Ihe struugcrund Hob Cur
ter, who fought and fit, nnd 111 nml fought,
uutil Squire Catchem nnd tho constable
came up, and in tho utlcmpt to premie
peace and uncut ihe (jQVmlvrs, Ihe Siuirc
was thrust throtiu'h ll.o window ol a i-cigh-
. tmrimr u. nlftliiiiiiL'str. stsitn-'r n lissmi rifslistn
IVtSv ..Mini,.,..!.!., .lll- M IKHir W Mllll
- . , ,. , , ,.
HnV. .....IV ft.".. . ...v... I , II. M.,. .lllll, ilu
,,,,, ,...l.. ...!.!,
lu u misluku
'" ""' ",u """.-". "- '
iiiir their employer thus besot, came to I lie .
rescue, while two Irishmen full of fun und
frolic, believing it to be u "free fight," tried !
Ihtlr hands and f ticks upon tho combat- I
'" - """' V ' ' ". '' '"."y. "'.T
grai.u, suuiiuieiy riuicuioua, uim must ur-
rifiu battle. I
Heads and windows were smashed; chll-1
dreu and women screamed; dogs barked;
und so furious, mad and excited btcume the
whole commnniliy, that a quiet looker on,
il their had been uny, would have sworn
iho evil once were all in Froptnwn.
A heavy thunder btorin finally put on
en' ,0 ,ue row '',e l'0t'' He ' ",ore or 't's!
killyil. a L-hlhl Keverplv u-nuiwld. 11 nnin
" - i
wJ' wfc'on bfoke. Ihu horse ran him-
sell to dcntli, his owner badly beaten by '
Hob Carter, whiwo wife nnd Iho wives of
iniinv nllinra u-f rft ilfinrfPrniiBlr cp.irril llio
. ' ------- . ,. .
PlnieT was crippled, dry goods rulntsl. a
Q "J "n-, two IrWimeu, I-iwyer,
j ; ho bv U cl.njei, am some 11 f y
" r ' " ' "" ';, 't1" " l.8c".
j ;- v - -i -i
plied, Jvivvfults en
f udi lollowi'
uud Ihe entire peace
and good repute of Frogtown n
nil by a reruarkablo dog fight,
- i "j- -- --- . - , . ... ... -.-..
From tlio Or. onlan 1
Xcw York, Xovcmber Till -Uoturn
rom a mimoer oi town" ami cinci hi me. -
Slnles shmv a falling oft In the Democrat-' Ivpohtanck or a I'n.icycAU IlmxKfi
lc vole n eompuetl with last full, (tener ! Kih-catihn -'-In tho eilucntlon of the
nl F. U. Harlow (Union) Ncorlnliilvdoc- )'"ur,t.' man great care should bo take"
. . r. .... ... '. .. III... 1.1. I..lll. 1.. .... I .1.-1 ...111..
If' Secretary of Slate by n Inrcc majority
The whole Union Slate ticket li elect d
'vcvcu wanK in thli city have lifcn he.inl
from, plvlng 11,000 majority fur S locum
' ("cni.) Tim rcmalnlnc ward will prob-
llit elty wa genernlly iilet.
llufluto, Norcm.ier "In. This city, for
' l nlsn Union by nboiH TOO majority.
New York, Noiember Till, ll:30
r. i. Nearly complete return) from this
cily give Slocum (Dfrnocrat) over 'JOOOO
miijurily, being n Dtuincrollc loi of I .'I,
000, compared w llli the vole of hit yiiir.
Iliu majority In this cily will be nbout '.,
000. lit turns from tl c Intirlor gruemlly
show Union galim. There Is nn ilnnbt of
tl lection of K.irlow (Union) ns Stcri
lary of Sinte.
N'cw York. November "III 'i r. m.
'llw ,0,B' number of iiamen ronl'lered In
tltM city up to hut night uns ,.0M
HrHlon, November TUi. 'Hie Slalr
el. cllon was held In day. The nti Is suwll
nlioiit two thirds of that if last year.
The icturns Indicate n larger proportional
loss to the Deinncnits. The volo of IttW
tnn whs 0 FP0 (or A. II. Itullod; (Union)
nml :i.S3l for Couch Dent 1 Itctunu
f""1 "Mt' hmidml ami luetic town give
'r"" T.VIMJO lo F0.O0O, nml Couch less
-MOO. Denernl Ikiuks Is tlvctid
U.mgres In tho Sixlh lUtrict, to fill u
vacancy. Ills volt Is nlmut the same ns
,al flir ''"vermir, In Wiillham. The
D'inncrnis chotcil nm Snwlor In Siiflulk
ouniy the only one In Ilu- blulo.
Ne York, NovnnUr Tib. Iltlurns
from New Jersey nlm.t Invailobly cnhlb
It Union gains m er the Mile of last ytar
'I lure Is not murh doubt nl Ihc election of,
.MutCM I.. Wiinl (I niou lor woienior
iiw-r llunyoii llrm.J by u liinj.Kity o!
.'I OflO lo :..()00. The l.tiirM ulso show a
lit r go Union gain on Amll)imu,
Riltimore, Nui'iin'Hr Till. Tho vote In
Hlllioro U ry llht. Tlmre iins ry
little oppnelilau, lss llsm lliio lliuii
swhI voles neru nit. Thomti Uilclnl
In tin- wound District to Congraw to fill u
vaiMiiey iiccasloueil by Ihe icslyiiutlon of
CoIihwI Welxicr.
Clilcsgo, November Till. Itoltirn from
Minnesota Iwllcnlc Ihe election nl Murih.ill
CnliHi Camlldalo fur Cuvernor, by u Intg
Waililnglon, NovsmWr 3d. The fnl
lowing disKitcli from the President lo the
fjovcrnor oiCuorgiah.is bicn piiblUlnil :
WmJiliigloii, October '-'aih.-To V
Joliiuon, Provision il Uovtruor ol (.torgi.i
The pixiplc of (jvorglu should not hul
lulo n elnglo muiuuit in repudiating rvury
dollar of debt muted to uld llUlllon
n trul in t tho (iovcriimeut of Iho Uullcl
Stules. It will nut do to levy and collect
lares from a State and iei)ple who ore
loyal urn In Ihe Union, In pay debts erea
lid lo ii Id In making war agaiuituiid sub
verting Iho Cnu'liliillmi (f the Unite I
Klu.. . ... .. n. ,,.
- ...--, . r
of tl'0 ptople of (ieorgiu, when lift uiiiiiflu
belllon, though It may Mem hard lo them
" should be willed, at home and abroad,
",ttt no 'ltljt conlracled for Iho purpose ol
'Hjsvohiiijf Ihu Union can or will bo paid
...... :..,,;: """..,.. " "":
"iniwi ' iiu.uih.iuii iwii-jimi(it .;;
Though members fleet from Iho South urn
not placed on tho Clerk's Initial roll of
Kcpre-ecutallvte, it Is rigarded as Hlllul
thut seuts will ultimately be grunted lo ull
whoso respective Slates hare repudiated
tho war debt and adopted the Anti-Slavery
Amendment, If Ihey cao luko thu test
oath of l&G'J, The announcement Is tcmi-
officially made to the politicians of the
Knnlli Ihnl llinr infiv Intm llifl ilnn nntfrn
thereof and govern themselves accordingly,
It will also be questioned whether the
President's pardon does not overrule the
laat nnlli nml timtn Iliu rorlnifrnt f.llfrllitA In
- ....-.., ...n
oHlelal pralllon.
Xcw York. Nov,
cml dl,)alch ,
Information nrtg.
vcmber 7'b Tho Timis'
savs tu re Is no Miiemi
,.., ,,.. , , ii'i.,.-.
"" 'h....
i lie (iiiuiii i rpeviai uijiuivnij . "-
reported departuro from Fortrees Monroe,
, for tin l'acifio coast, ol four iron clad, I
wonoun.l untrue l.ytl... tyxy Ihpart-
ment, Tlrc.Mnrinilni'ck l the only one or
',crf.i tn ,..,i ,,..tim . rr,n..
niiii mi uiiiiiii in- iiui iiiiiiiiiii, nun iliu
mind oe lln spring and elaM icily, under
lo ill of cumbersome nnd uupriictic.il lenrn
lug. It has been said that nt tealnnc
fiiurtli of the liiilenl of our literary col.
lege lonvo them wllh Impnlrcil hroltti.
I'ull ouc-haH nrc too sensitiio lo benr thu
rude Jollliigi of the wor'd. It is wonder
ful hotv nmiy MrcnlJ Svnd money which
Ihey can ill spuu to unlit their son for
futtiro iirfiilncs. A rollegl.ilu ediKMllon
cannot be reconimeiidnl for tlio majority
nnd Ifnllaliribto, It not iWlrixblo. When
n youth h;ii pursued n courii of prrpira
lory education he should then go Into a
counting Ihvimj, wlmlover miy lift lili fu.
Into Pociip.it Inn. Ilrcrge S. Millard has
' drnn n n graphic picture, Intended m n
wiurco of coiMnhitliMi to thoso n ho nre tie-
plorlng Ihvlr falo, that they ennnut obtain
ii colk-giiite cduciitlou ; nml no ui It to
show the ndvniitngiss ofn practical biisinri
(iluonlloti over n (sdlvginto rdurallon t
"Two youllis, for linlamv. nf the mnio
ngf Niivc hom nt the samo tlitK1, nnd ono
tutor eoltogo nnd Ilia tilhsr gnei Into n
cnimtlng limitfi or businoM ikjImuI. Ami
let lis supMM tin in npully rutiM'Ir'iitlm) ,
and equally ilki-i1 to tuako the best of
Ihflr opporliiullle. Tlio cullegltiii works
bard, ami lonrns inunli, nml In timet ac
ipiiiMillstlni'tlnn ; but from the rrcluro ul
life In) Ihis led, h.' Is likely lo hive nwl
wunl mniiiwr nml nn utiprcpisitsslug nil-
die, nml irlinM has Impilred health.
I mm nut hairing Ixi'ii lr.ih.isl lo K'lfcon-
pretty sure lo want Ihc sixth sen0i ivhtcli
is culled taut, lie kiioivs much olliooks,
but little of man or life, nml fiom mcro
confiitloii ol mind, Incurs the reproach nf
iteukiiHs of iharactcr. On tho other hand,
ilu youth whocnlcrrd upon n liiMlnes k,
MimIs wIki lever nf ctniceit ho limy havo
broitglit Irmn the vllUgo nmdemy Ii soon
rubbed out of lilin, Ho Is obliged to kicp
hit nits nhwit him, tu dscld (pilckly, to
have ucuralo vy nml triithlul uis, tu
'Imtli Ihut thcrvmc hut sixlv ininutiv lu
w m
nn h.mr, nml Just ouu hundred cent In a
"11m haunt ol his day oomo freighted
wllhlnH)Mof srlfrelhiNOO und solf-coui-iiiiifI,
nnd I lie grain ol his ihuructer will
gruir firm umlrr tins dUclpllue nl lilc. A
buslmvs uluentlnn will In of uilvuiitugu to
eieiy mini, ulmlevcr his futiiro occupntlon
may be, Tn farmers It will leach busluesi
Imbils und nltiiillnii to uccounls, which
will glv.i Ihem liicremo.1 iuti rest und suo-
In their IniHliiMs. To iho mechaulu it
will leauh Older, sysKm, iiuiiuigimriil, iho
piuelical value of book keeping, und reined
many of their defioieiicies. To the pro
fessional man II will ulTonl n clear insight
lulu thu Ihe practuul ox rations of bml
ucm affairs, on I give hiir. faullillm In ob
taining pruGtice." swfsi's Ti rutin on
The day labour, who lurni wllh horny
band und tho sweat of his brow, coatso
food for n wife nnd children whom ho loves,
it raised by this generous motive lo Irua
dignity, nnd allhoiiuh wanting Iho r fine
ment of life. Is a nobler being limn Ihoib
who think themselves ubiolved by wealth
from serving others.
Axexcmnguys ilut if every man's
A dancer once said lo a Hpirtsn, "You
can't stum) on ono leg ns lung as 1 can."
"Perhaps not," sold the Spartan, "but
any goose can,"
Tuku ull sorrow out of lirr, and ynu take
away ull nehuoss, nml deplh, und tender
n. Sorrow is ihu Furuucu thut mills
teltldi hearts together In oie,
The soul liiul body uru us strings of two
musical Inilrumtrils, set ixuclfy ut ouu
height ; ir ono be touched, theoiLertnui
bles. Tlio I'ofMi recently scut out his bull lo
but ugalnst Iliu ivulls of Musonry, but tho
creaturu will only hurt his horns.
"Pardon my wuruiath," as the red hot
poker said to tho clown, wheu he Inadvcrt.
ly put it lu his pocket,
Tho love ofiuturo H sure to cxrwnd lo
lotho love of God.
It is upon tho smooth co wcsllp; tho
rough path is safest fur tho feet. ,
To give pain u Ihe despotism, to niako
happy the true cmplrr of beuuly