to H 1111 II. y,m , UNITED STATES MAILS, I'out Ornrr DerinTMrvr. rcijAmgcii .lulu ill, lPHS. I'rrpoMU will I recelvtif nt the Con tract Offlceuf this I)cp.ttment until 3 p. tii ol Wednesday. February 28, lWrt. lor convrvlng lire mull of the United State from "July 1.18('6 to Jong 30. 180. In tin State of Oregon, on the ronte and by chc-inle of ricrMrture ami arrival herein specified. lh-cilon ntimHiueed by March 14. ISJ6. (Urammt tht lam, fomt, and mttrut tions mutiltii.) Ifil 01 From Portland, by Vancouver nnd Hunt IKI-n. to MonlU-Ito, 80 mi e. nnd bck, Ihrri' time nwttk. lo Meant boat. I-avc Portland M.m.l.y. Wnlnn. day. nnd Friday at it m ; A invent Mon llcello mim day by 12 in t I-ve Month cello Tucfday, Thumlny, m I Saturday at I p in ; Arrive at Portland by "pm. 13102 From I'orllami by r-prlngville. Footle' Ilam). Vancouver. Fadicr' Land Ids. Handy. Vabouga', Caaeade, ami II ocl ltlvcr, to The Palle. Usm; nd'a nnl bnck, ix time a wcik. Ltavc Tort lunil itiiilr. nrvtil Snnil.iv. at Jinii Ar. rlie at ' he Dalit next day by 10 p m : lveThe lUIli il.illy. exept Sunday, at f a in ; Arrive at Portland next day by 10 p m. lolOU From l'.rilnr.l. by Taylor' Fer ry In. (. ) and Clul ikm (lap. (n. o . ) in La layette. 30 mile, and back. once, fink. Ietuc I'ortland Mondiy at fi a m : A r Hu nt Iifaicttc by fi p m i leave Lafuyelle Tnetday nt Caw; Artlvo at Poniard by 0 p m. 1S104 From Portland, by niIIborough. Fom-t Urovi. ard ,vint(o, to Lafayette. 13 m'le, nnd buck, once week. Leave I'ortland Miduy at Gamt Arrive at Limyittc b; Up mi Leave J.tfayettc U'ednCf.lay at C n m s Arrive at I'ortland by 8 pm. 1.1105 From Oakland, by Co'iiq drove. ICuger City. or.d Fredom lo Cor vallk 90 mile, ami bark, di ly. Sthtilule I torn Xpnl l ' X'itt!.'ti l. Ixive Oakland dally at 4 p in j Arrive at Cotvulli next day by 5 p m. (in 25 liour i) Iaie Coivalli 6a 1 1) at lo a m Arrive at Oakland atxtdayaby 11 am. (la 23 bourn.) 1 1 etn Aorembtr 1 to April 1, Leavo Oakland dally at C n m ; Arrlva at CorTiilln next day by C p m ; J.ave L'or ihIII dally at fi a m ; Arrive at Oakland next day by t p tn. If ten ice on ibi route be let, that on Xo. l-ITs'.'. California, will not bv. l.MOrt From Corvalli. by Albanv. Jef. ferwo. .Salem, IMpani. Aurora Mill. Or rjfon City, ami Milwiukic, to Portland. 107 mile, and back, dally, ScJitJuk f,om u JprU lo l$l Kovmbtr. Leave CVvulll daily at G p m t Arrive at I'ortland next day by 11 p m. (In 39 liwir;) ve l'orllaid ilally at 0 4 t Arrive at Corvallli next iltv bv 9 am, (in -'ilheurt) l 7Voin Uf ArynSrr to ! April. Iv L'orvalli dullyat 6 a m Arilvr at 1'ortUnd ncund di by ti p m; J.uir IVrtlouil daily atbau; Amu; ut Lor Vtt'lw pccoimI dure b G p m ; If ervicu on ibm route be M. tbat on Xo. JITS-., C'al'lotiiid, will net be. 15107 From Balcm by Ka. Jtdfpen. iirucv. ami .Mor.moain i im.ik, sj milra, and buck, twice a Wtik. Uw Hkm .Monday aid 'I'h'irtda at 1 p tn Arrive at Italia by 7 p in ; Uavt It.. I la- Mm.u and 'I'linrrduy at 9 a m ; Arrive at Ailcni by Vi m. ISlOtt Sakm, by .!..! n, IaIwooii llruwiiaedle, lliauiorul lt.i. 1'iw, Wiliam k'lte Fork, and Kuih- llit). to I'lrumnl Hill, -'.", ml w. ail batk. tmeua wfek Iamtc ftalviu Tutki.ii a Vi ut Ariivt-at I'liatant 1 1 ill Friday byitpmi Ioure neaaut mil Watunlny at n a m ; Airlvi' W "KHI 1 MVWVmj IJT V B tuii:i 'rnij:im, aronte;, to JfAy cite, 22 mile, ami bacti. once a wet. IHre alem .Monday at ft a in i Arrive at Jlaivtle by 12 ni j Utile Ufayritv ion d iy at 1 p ui ; Arrive at Hal?m'bv 8pm Jlkln to ton by a fluwt-r wkdole, tu be i jieciHtd in the I'd. invited. 16110 Hrwn Ulijett., Iir McMinnvllle. Modih. and Willani.nt. tu Uruudc Kouile. Ill) inllea, and uu-k, ouck a weik. Iove Ulayctle Wedi,eul.iy t Dam; Anlie at (iraude lloi de h ' p ui j levi' Ciruode Hondo 'I m Miay at b a in ; Arritu at la l.iytlle by 6 p to. 15111 From Ut lyette, by Dayton, Am ity, lklliel, Ktua. liaila, Undgeporl. and lAckemute, to Curralli, Co , miit, baek, one a week, lavc Laiayette't'ttea day ut 2 pm; Arrive at ( 'urvallU next d iy at 7 p ni ; I -euro CorvalU iloud.v at Cam; Ariiie ut Laf.vtie next day by 11 a id. 15112 From Ufayelto lo Tillamook (n. a.) .10 mile, and back, onoeawtik Ine Lifayetie Mondayat6am; Ar riie nt Tillamook by p in ; Leave Tilla mook Tuteday at 0 a m ; At rive at Lafay etlebyOpin, Ifilia l'rom Albany, by Peoria, liar lingtoD. Ilatruburc and WilUmette. Forks, to Kutfenc C'ny. 15 wlle,auii back, oncv a wik. Iie Albany Thursday nt li a in ; Arrive nt Lugi-nc City by 7 p m Irfave Ivuireoe City Friday at C u m j Ar rim at Albany by 7 a in. I'llli l)!!BC!)' jjiu iur twice a mk mi ice milled. 1511 1 From Corvalir, by Siarr'a Pulut, Loin; Tom, SjuUlaw.aud Vuucalla, to Oak iatid, DO nubs, and back, once a wetk. Leaie Corvallli cdnedy at U u ui ; Ar liie ut Oakland next day by fl p ui Ltnie Oakland FilJuy ul ii a w ; Ainu ut Con ullii next day by 5 p ui. 15115 From Oakliud, hy Keliojrij', Klktou, Seotuburj. uud tJanbiier, to Uum iua Oily, 7;i'.iulle. and back, once u week. Jeoie Oakland Satuidav at la m ; Arrive at Umpipu City .Moi day by 5 p ui ; Leave Uupquu City Wuiotwjuy at 12 ui j Arrive at Oakluud Friday by 5 pm. 13UG From UiaiM)uu tJHy. by Umpire City and ltiudolpli, ., Von Oi'unl, b2 miles, nod back, ouci u vtuk. Iuvi UiiijMjun Oily Wediitiuy ut Cam; Ar ,'he ut Port Orfonl Friday by 0 p m t IMve Purl Orfonl Sulunlay at G u in i An 'vo ul Uiiiu'jua Oily next 'lutwlay by J i) ui 15111 Froir Uc.vburjr. by Ttn-inllo i ( .. ) I. . .Mil", (m in d ti 1 1; I i 1 r. i.i t .H li l - I'l , I li") . ) to I'orl I), -id. it nub. II il.l i i i .i r i'. on'ii -clirduli ol tlipiiltir. mill nr 1.M1S Fmrn ,T.u':nvilli'. by Apple irate. Hlrttc ('riil;. mi'l Cirby, to li .iUIo, C t milca, nnd liack. twicr u wpk. luvi dacktonvllle Monday ami Tbatnilny nt (I n m ; Arrive at Waldo next dav by 12 m t Iwvc Waldo 'I'iicmI iy nnd Friday nt 2pm; Arrive at Jacksonville hy 7 pm. 2'119 I'rrttrt Antorln, by Cithlamct. Wwlpoti, Onk Point, nr.d Rainier, In Montitvllo, 55. mill, nnd back, twice h tvri k, in tciinihoat. t-,e Atorla Tues day nnd Hatniday nt 7 n m ( Ariivc ni Monticfiin by (I p m Leave Montlctll-i Monday and Friilny at 1 p m Arrive ut ivpii'im uj i p in. 15120 From Auburn, by Pocahontan. UipKMrllle, (n. o., ) and P,al' Hiution. (. n ) In Umatilla, with n branch to (irunlir Creik llmw (n. ..) nrd lndi-pen di nci- t'ity. (n. o.. from Uuiiy" Station,--mile, ami back, onon a week. Itiddrr to etntr distance, and propow acbedule of dcoarinrri ami arrival. 1.M21 From Mambuli in Umatilla. 32 mile, and back, once a week. Iavi Mar Miali Monday at C a ui ( Arrive at Unn (ilia hy b" p m i Leave Umitill.i Tmliy at fi a m ; Arrive at Mnr-hnll by fi p ni fixe Irllrr 'n 01 lnllM iImi n 4i1orini itn. l.ll IUJI1-1 l liiiMli,of thUuiiilll.rliKiil. t'nrm of PmiiMMtl, Otiitt-Mittee. Ullll (Jut'tliiL'Htt. Piopoul. Hie nnilcrnlgneil , whow poet oBc addrcM la , county of .. 8tat" of Sropoae to convey Ibe jnull of the Uiiltel tstw, irom duly 1, IHfiG. to June 30, ! 16,0. on mute No , belireen at d . nmlcr the ailcef tin ment of the Pout OtaMKr tic ,eral. dit.d July 31, 16, with Celerity, Kcuiity.'f r Ibe umiual ram of didlare. 7im jnm I i' marirtnth full kwl flit of l'if 'Itt'ciite of , innfe. tht tri'it'ii l of Hit ml' to It rnrrifl i,t nil dhtr p,i,: tiailnri ui if ft if ft to t'i' route ami ti rirr tlnd nltn iilltr tiirtut rowtiiiitnn v) the !' lttraiul lutirutl ,, ,"; 'ml to i',e nJiti t mint 1 1. IUd (f ;nrd.) f7iit u Iff . The ULoVr-k-, id, nci i at -., fitati 'of, itnliilulu' tbat, II the fort'joiiu' bid for curyn? the nmll on mnte No. In- neri'piid by ih 1'iwlrc "ter tl n era!, the b ilder ha(l, prmr in the lt dm of July, lf.;. crter Into II nqui.-ed obli gallon or contract to frlnrm tin rvie.' prnpoted, with good ami tiflkicnt tart'tie. ? i ilo, wMrHnftlmg JntmtHti tht oUigalnm am) ImMiliti otiimttl hy gwir. nnhii uuJtr tht 27M ttttion of thtuttvf CMgrasofJttlii'l.WM. DaUd (Signed by two (saraalor ) CtrtiAmlt. 'ITio MdcnlffoedT puninwiter at , Stale of , o-riioe. i noaa mm ojitii or orrn-R, that he i aequaintad with the above auarantor and know ilum to be men of property, and able lo make guid their pnnrantec." Dated (Hiynrd) liiKtttvtliMis tu HlUilfia i'minustf n. mill Contiln'ifr aleii i-nditloni to he Inc rK.r al in tie contract to tl, istuit lU Kartnunt may deem proper. I. Btieo minatoa are allowed to each iulHmnliate erlice, wbtn not oiberwiw ptvirlul, fur a". tinff tin- mail, but on rallroud and Mtamboat rrnin thtre i to be no more delay than I cuflkii-nt for an exebanjf" of Ike mall ponchoa. 9. On railroad and tteambm in, aad other matt wtere ih- mh ol convey am adwta l it. tlto pii-lal Mg itt ifi, Pot Ofllec Ibiiartiiiettl, a!o Ht iflui blank, mill bafT. l.-ck- md k i, are to be ceuv. ,ied niihont extra eburgr, S. On reilnittl and "mboat :im- thi route agent of Ibe buiimnt, hIm tlH llritikh and C'anu.U uil'. when otf.rnl, and the nu''it accompaniing lliem. ate to beeonveycil without cUiy-, ami fvr ll.e ue of the United Stale nyi-nt a cnimo (lion car. or apartnnnt in lb culer ol a ear, properly liithted, warawd.aml fmnh eil. an-l adapt, d lo the ntriii-ni mpim lion ami ilne ninty n lit. iiwik U to Ih prii'ltd by the eoniiuelor, uudvr the di-rvH-tiiHi of the ib-partuiwit. Railroad netiiulmit eompinir an required to lake iIm- mail from ami deliver it into the putt ofleo at Ibe beffioninv ami end Cf tin it loule, and to an I fiom u I ffiits not more than eighty roil om a s'ulioii or laiiiimg. ProixMuU nine U aibmilied by the companies far the per forwaiiee of all Hide reiiice-ibai i lor office over elshty rod from a ktalion or landing. There will be way-bill" prepared by poMniaaier. or other aft niauf ie lAptrt meal, to accompany Hn- mall eonwyed en iumuu'j Biui Biijiuer, vcuyn W number ami dot Ion of the aevrral bag. On otlK-r prinoipal ronlw. likewiw receipt will lie rq'llrd and w.iy-billa lorwarded ; the lall.r to be exammed hy the aeverul p iimaler. to Insure regulari ty ill the delivery ol mail. 4. No pay will be mud.- for trip not performed and for each olsqeli omifoion., not nalUfueiMily explaiotd, Ihrtc tiirn tin pay of the It Ip may be dtdueted. For ar rival to far behind time a to break con nexion with depending mull, ami not ufllclcntly excumd, oncfonrlh of tin eoniiiemallon for the Inn I niildet-i to for. A-liHio. Fnrrtpeiiid deliiqwnele of the Bum uercin picino, eoiargeu iieuallii. proportloth-d to ilio n.itura tlu-reof, and the Imporlunco of the nmll may be made. fi. For lenvlug behind or throwing oil the mall, or an. orn'ii of il'.m, lor tht udiiiiiin of pM Hirer, or fin bein-r con cerned ill celling up or runi'lng nil ev pux eonvivinif iiilelllt-i'iiei' in advuue, ui the mail, u (juuiitr'i pay nwy bo iltiluctid. 6. Fuiea will be impMd. iinle the delmqutuc-y be promplly ami ntifactonly explained by cerllfloutea of pnalinadcr or the atUduviu of other ciedible ierM, tor fiiiling to mrho in contract time ; furneg leellug tn luke the mail from, or diliveilng into, n pan nDloe ; far tnUering It to lie wet, Injurtil, dirn)ed, lobbed, or luat ; and for Hluinir. alter demand, to eonvey tbe niiiil e Iriiiueutly a the contract run, or M ooneerntd In running, n coaeb, car, or iteuiaboai on n route i. i in i-uiiaaier uenewi inae annul lie ('miliar! f.,r top ilul luiluriM lo rm Tli' l i fllP-KM ulauiji i i i !.( .lilt. ) i il lllll. K l lWt(! IUfc ( I 'i I" - I .x I'J'itiille JIW'IJPM,KIU'U iiiwiwuw urn ii'U'wt i c ti o I i on o tn- ill"! I IIIJI' r epjrim nt i. inrlnii i! . I ' r "' ; t" r.nrii r l ti I 'I'l '' '' hi tilt to iln .'i ; lor iiitiniii. n i ix- pi il lllull Jl" I or lur Irnii imrni'Jt r- p i-MtH r pnel. ii'.i" conjr iir ut m ill' r oui oftlre mini. 8. 'I ho Potm idler Oi ncrnl may order an incrcfti' or nervia- on n route by allow ing tlnnfor n tiro rata inercaw on the contract pay. lie may c!iti(t whcdnle of ilerwrtttreaaml arrival In all ee. nml ttartlcularly to wake them confirm lo connexion with railroad, without increase of pay, provided the running time be not nbridjjuh He may nl-o order an increase irpeed. allowing, within lire rclrletlin o' the hiw. a pro rata infrriio of nay lor the additional lock or carrier, il nm I h contractor may. howevrr, in the of inerea'C of prel nllnqnl'h lhvtonlnn-1. by mvinjj pro-npt n-.llre to the depirtment . .... ...... I., 1,1. t hut he pre ! m ilolns . io enrriin-r ine oidi r tnto eflWt, The Potma'cr Uener al may alo diiwonliniie or curtail the rer vice, in whole or in pi rt. in order lo place on the mute a greater h ?ree of rrviee, nr whenever the public Inn n t. In hi judg ment, bl! require neh dicontlnnco or curtailment for any cihfr caue ; he allow ing a a full InderRiiif to eon tractor one month' extrn puy on the amount of aervlce riwprnavd with, aid pro rata compensation for the amount of mice rvtalnol and con llnoed. 9. PaymBi will he tiwde by tolkellon from or draft n purtmmter, or other wle, after the expiration of each quarterMy, in rcoruary, jiuy, Auaoai, ami i.oriin- bcr. 10. The dittanee are glvt n according to the bett informatiun but no imreawl pay will be olioHid bould I hey bf greater than advertteeil. if tbe point to be pplinl art C'rncily tated. lliildcr mnt inform themtelve on tbi point, ami alto In tU r eiice to the weight uf I he null, the omdi lion ol road, bill., trraui', ate, and all toll bridge, ferric, or obiiruclion of any kind by wtilcn exptMc may be iccurred. No claim Wor aitditimial pny. ba'td on ueh gronul. can be conld-rrf s nor fnr'nridge d utrojcl. forth diwMntiitUid. or other ob. urnetoun iticrcattng dinunce. ocenrlng durb'ij ihr contract term. Offlct et iM.ul after this adverllaemi nt I iml, ami li during Ibe nuiiriet term, are to tv vi- ltd Without extra uy, il the di i' ' not lienamd, 11. Hiidcf are ranti'm'il to miil tli'i I proK(i in liin lo n-uch the ihpirlm, ni ' by tm day ami hour mmifl. (il p m F b- rit,, .f i,,r oui- rte-'ivifi biiit ma nue will li-it bv1 coitileird in e mp Hlion with a bid ol rc.i'iiiubte am unit iceiul in time. Xvilhtr can ImI b ronderd which are witln.m liie guirauice r. ipurid bylaw aid a nriiBcale ol the tuSeuiM ol uch guarantee. 12. 11 ddcr hmtM flrtt propnte lor rr vlee Ifiolly neeording to the udverline menl, and then, II they de're, earairl d Uvtent (crvice ; and II tbe regular bid be lae Hwct offend for tbeadverlwiretriee, tht other propmition may be cooaid, red. IS. 'Cheta ahoahl ha but one mutt bid fat lo n propowil. ComolidaiHl or com bfnatron huh ( uropning one nm for iwe or more route.. 1 are fufdiden by law, and cannot b conaiaered. 14. Tbe route, the aerviee, the yearly piy. Hi- name ai.die-uknn' of the bidder, (that m, hw unial pol iBia aiklre-,) and tliote of eeh mrmlter of uflim. where a n'mpany i tlr, hou!d U-diiiincily tied. 15. 11 dde are reqitMl to an; a far o pra'tiraMe, the prinnd piopotal furn l-hvd by th depaniii') -i, tn wriie out in lull I he um of their b.d. and retain conic ol them. r Alttrril bid boold not he nbmilted i nor thould bl once nubtmtled be with drawn. No withdrawal ,.f a b;dh r or gur aolor will be a lowid nule thu wilh drunal I daH1.! ami m.iveil Ufore the day hr reeeiv ng promnil. K-ieh bid tnnt I g mi i-iii,, hy two re-tx-IKibk p muim. 'I lie b d and guarantee ih-uiid be gueil plainly with the full name of inch (R-rni-u. The di par I men! ref rre the right lo njeet any bid which Way be deem- d ex travagant, and alo to ili-regard the bid or failing contractor aM bidikr. 16. Tbe bid ehould be am!,.! ., ctlbd ".Mail ProiMwl. .wiutt- ol . ," t!difed "r-eeomil Ai tant Pimi. matter (lioeral, Ci niruet OBiee." ami iit bj mail, not by or to an ng ni ; m d i n -muier will mil iicl.-' pioMw,,, i, i,.t Hi of any kiml) In their quarterly return 11. Ilw Cixiiel n Ul be e.eculrd and rciutMil to iht- J) parinnm hi or be fore the 11 day of July. lsUfl ; but tht ervke wittl be begun on that day. or on II MMil day nexi alter it. whether the con. tract be executed or nni, Tra.if.i of iH.inrucl. or of Iniere-t in euairaeia, are hrbiddtn by ln. uial con Kqnently Miinol be alhiwul JSidd.r will Ihenl'ure lake milieu tbut thuy will be ex peeled to perform the rvier aeeepml to Hem though tb whole turn of the con tract. 18. IVnlmaler at nllln m a. ....... ,.,mw.i. mil more man eighty rod fiin u ailon, will, Immediately alter tin 301 li ol March next, report Iheir exact 11,110111 fi.un Ike m-wrui Malum, awl bw they aie oilwrwhw wipplied with the amii. lo enahh the Poaima.ier Ui-mral tu direct a iiw.l meengir mpply from the l.i 0f Jv next. 19. 8.CII011 clehtern of an act of Con. gre. appioi.d March 3, IMV pio.i.l. .11,-1 n i. ... .. . . Hem raainfilfhlP hit rane.,..!...:.. .. .1...1I i. !.. "" " Mi'- inn I -'- . w iiuiniiiniiiHi III . a u...i : ;.w tsvsrietr;,;; lallulu .r. .... ..... - -.' eueo lo Iho mode or weh lraa,iorlallon may be neoery to provido It ih- due T M. y eiHalnty auil eeuriy of ,cbT.,nl iwlallou." Uin.-rlhllaw l.t.1, n7,. . 1 'V,,,,I ,1,(11,,',.. ullll,.,,, ..,,.... . i . poi lo tranport II... m ill . . mil i:te:!l!rv,;''?'''''-r.'da!u: with ..tiroviyoVihe.xr.iX;:: lartr. mid wbaui-r in ,. ,.. ..A. ' n, c,.n id .imn.i,..c,i. , ' eertalat, and cur ,'y, ,,, ,,",. g"1. STd? tt" ul,,u ",!'-- 0. A miNt'Oeailon of a biu in aui-i.rit. wenilal .uu,. , m,,Uu,o,,,u to UV M ami eanuo Im. IWi.,,mIi w JJjd with tegular eonipemiou. alter the w hour art fur ivcelvluu i-ut. u'v ,.. ,m bkl l,h tUnlXuT only hw u, modity a pi.elou. uT ' "" , I 1,'0,B"-"r are to tw careful i,i . --.Illy b. ...flk'i,.c.v i, giiauu',, " , " ,10 I .ee without know mi thai IM arc ir " loaliucliuu by woluu.ter in ,V1T 'oiiollhnroalh i,aie. iuli'.,. c lllllll Out ii ,, ,1 111 , " - ut I I , It' li -III I '(that on a MIiuiv to mtu liito w p.'r'u .1 I wo.i - 1 (. r In lit I'' tjf' th " rvn ,1 ,'c I'' II I . jir iip ,1 liiliillti tt'll . I . .1 II 1 I . " ,".,., ,-t en.iraelor. nml tef..n l,; at the Depar.menl. tunl. .-pmjlv , npiul ul i, Ml w.inoi...r....-.... r-v .,l,1.l,,n,ny .. ..i. ..n,oir. rfll IPnilltir" '"' I'-" In JhTirm- alaip v.i.d Theirllflenl. W.-"e,m.tb..lad VKm, i.r orl a lu.L'i "f court ol riconl ! iLr ill ! "a.lmlHi.1 The cerl fleii ie .. .!, I..i.. to 11 II livi-wni -'. .one nlaitm. rwlhd leoilireil 0) III"' oct W HI'SSI-tfiN l'ot- tli,ti: s n IbiIT m nm noons, CLOTHING-, BOOTS ax J) sn ok BM'PORIUr. WB HAVE JUST Reooived and are now oyssffzzffG rnili: l.AltiiK-l.lll.T ASSOHTKIi J and nin-t rihioiinlile Htoek In the fr-jT alnive line In be found "Vjajt, isf thi ule ol Hun Fmn- -H & cco. A lo the "xtM LHll'St .S(ji Ladies' Hat, Cloth Of 23A3QVx!S & GLOMES, WOOL 11001U5 AMI M'ltlAri. A Fl'hh ASSOI5TMKXT O.I-1 IintlicR, rtisscs nnd oiiiLiir.Eirs bus:-;. 1 N KA(T.EVKrtYTm,V(I APPKIl- 1 lainlng tog I'im Cm -4 )rr Cia-.) m,, Art" Chrthing lliMie. Afl of -Va Stir which will lie oM nt tya Meg- onpreeedenUil -trJVa LOWPJIICaUS. Am Ii.i.umisi! H.oi'k Of Gt-rocrica, Liquora, TOIIACCO, Uv., Of lite bet quality, and al price war rani mg u-1, K,t that they are tbe vucmh el in iln rouniy. Favor u with a cull ami emvince youi- hW:- (,1IS i;i;oh. ,eilciiiler 30 lH.'i.i p.'IOif OSDORN & SESSIONS. hllllOII i 'J iiiilli.lMM, nil lOHilliSIIK JIllLMS, WD Hwlinni SI San I'nintisro, I'iiI. laving had eMi.. .-xwrlncc In laith 11 h.. mi,. , r.-l.ill trade. w f., ,IV. IWenj thai i flll'.S'TltV JIM'UIU.VTH : iwieiii iigoui, or lo an oecaden. aUuicb4Mr,wi-can olhr niwriur iuduee. 1-arlicular attention Klvti In eolleell,, he purcbaM, .na ih. ul li Tender i5V "'r ''' .MacJ.Jiie,i0.7 other iraiwaeibm reipdrlng the vhtoiof ixperieuewl , rei(,,,,t. "Z I urebweii will U- in wiu (or wh otil ly. e. (0 the -(. , wm oi tpvcml uaiwinent v"iit,.,rjri UL... .1l , . vu w. vusonvn, '"""'''ly lih UiNeiri.1. Pimmok a Go ?. . Scaoions, atti t V .. " - 11 lilliKnlu 1--.. . . .1 tjss:wr " "t -aw tiliH-ix. n.ili I'a......... .... BY PKRM16SIOM TO 11. r..Mlll.v cu. Harai..,; ,. :- ton-Mian,. II IV IlKLL. luulkur H... V. ....,. - --. VHI ci.uiK4 1'i.itKiii .' :,;;:.. :." .lKh', ISIm Iw. &ui 1'nuirlM. aun-ir a-Jits-jieajuia WVKKYAXDSAIiCSTABIiES. (or... rot California iiihI "ourlliair.-t.u 1.LO.VUK.V I) It CM, Vmi,ui opiiiton. life lllfeKMAIILI-S uu' -' 'ill il llv Iih-uImI. nml ...... lUiu.t'to the Union Ilo. tel. lloi Uli.l mi.,1.. ..Ml I... ..... .II".'.1" day or wek at .nmlerule ehaiB,,' ' "" Th itfTi., .'. , . "" to' 1V "uiulwr of ftiio iiuudiKs vi, I'tiini i,i.,.. .r,r ,r.'h"ll""i' ,0 lut "ll moilaiali whX U. J it1?1 ''"" '"" "'l 'l'eH, eounlry on reu.,lu,U i.t,,,. llrw hiok, tolhe.a.Mloorlwiiiewi. , WU Bourrht HUlt Sold. , ' ' ' l" l""l. 'Iieiu t-iii. i, jii Utall I. , .' "" ''or ''"I" -villi aull Jauavllle, 0Kn. Au-J al.' Mimunun"'1"' ivwm News Hcnlcr nntl HooktolcrB, Kcntl untl Romcnibor. Vliolrsnk1 KcwslU-nlcr, Park nnd fuiwurd nil lliu D.illy nml 'i 1 hi) Ni wpiper. Mnttiirlne. ele lo nil part-Mif tin coiiiiiiy with flreut Dl'pntib. 1 scll 7Tf"pmcEs TJiat Pcfy Competition ! l'.ury New Novel received n won 11 piililllnil. I liuvr pii'!il nrrniigetni-iil ivlth nil liie illtl'i r. nl pnlili'ln't" flnlloiier". etc, 11ml lurul-h lit Hail'' Willi Books, Si nlionory, IllllliU IllioUu, llHic, POUTinirrf. PRINTrt. MPHALS SSclainotypos, etc., rr5 st an .-J, "C!2;rpBkftjj IS IIIIKIT .IUfTV. I have iineipiuli d luellilli"., ami ptiuruiilic il il. i 1I1 i:h'-' l nll'Miiloii. rtSimil lorn price llt.imil (ilie men trial. JOHN STRATA I AN SAN ntANOISUO. American Flags! With full complement of Slur! print. d on Mll-llll ih- l.llllH'. Illl.tiltllltl III lllllllllIK ill I'll'l tailor ul the FOLLOWINO LOW PRIOCSt S .", I loot 91 "Ml per ih-xoii, ,. 2 I..I 2 fin ji 1 do 11, ,... :i l"t y no p. 1 d ''ii, 1-17.-, 12 inche Ill IIU iK-rdi-ii. .U.ti BUMT2NGJ- P LAG- S, Oi all U-. Iiom nlM.i cent to on- dollar p"i IimiI. UNION BADGES" AMD P1HS, In I' .1. HTUA'ProV. M ijoi Klrt Cullloriil-i Arllll. ry. 1'mplr-N p. miI ttrlli.nt rone r of Wahiugton and naio-otne tr.-vt. .San Kran i.eii. Ktiliifllmi in I'rirra It) Kilbrrlbfrv ATTI.'NTI'IS 1. , to th- following lil ol Anier ran iinil Kur.-mn IVrlmli .il-. lor which 1 r't'i.u Milweripibun.. I'ermniieiil urrnnemelit have levn mad" li the t' MiAl'V (iovi-rnnieiit foi tin i-'irmiiir nt the Mull Irnm Ibe Allanlle -inli- 1. kieuiiier, three litm- a inoiitri. I .uu enulilnl lo r.i'lie iilm'rlpli,in ul n niiuliliirriite!lian lornii-rly. The mini. can and attention will Ih- pud to the for wardltiK o' all utekaa.-.. lor which till e tailllinul h.i ifiilnnl u li an enihihte rvpuialio.i lhroiilioiil the I'jwllie Uiuu, Alluntht Pi'iliiiliciiN. rxH vuan Harper' Mnnlhlv Magaxlm t.'t ."ill (i.Nly'k Lady' (look; :i An Atlanlle Monthly n in l.i b-'a Family .Vlagiuine St Alt Kiiickerimehi r M ijaaine 3 An Omtiuerilal Mmilhlv it An PcterMHi' lnliex' Magaaiiu' S no ApIIi.m llMtau. VIawm1.. ft ,u. l.ailivolluiMMltory U Au ' Tule- of Ib'-lhi) S .Ml Monthly Nov. Iletie 3 ihi Keh-eliv Vhigaxine , mi Hunt' .Mi reliant' Ala-Maiue ; mi Hanker' Mngualne t IMI 1- lion Ton .1 IHI HrowiiHin'a Mevlw ,. H IKI lirailhwuile llulrwp. el IW Turl II gilro.-.irly) J iw II.1II011V Muiniiirn' t Au Vank .i' Notion (emtio) 2 au L- lie Ibnlget ol l'uu icowlt) 8 UU .ic itx (comle) S AU Comlo jl.mihtv. ... sail ... fltl ... s wt . . . .1 fill . . . 3 .Ml . . . 3 Afl , . . 3 All , , . 3 AU . . . 3 .it) lltuiiiiy Kello (eiimicl Now York Weekly Herald .. " Police (inutile,. .. " Clwr " llniiH' .liHirtnil . . . . Witkly Trllaim. . . ' bund.y Ailm " " Time. ii-p,ilcb .1 .'0 ileieury ,'l All " Courier 3 All Weekly Tlhw S AU World A 3U Journal l UimiMMMW 3 Au Iil.l-IHiMjent a au leader 3 an l.etlger 3 i hi leik'a I'iolorUI 3 Au llnrper'a Wi-ekl 3 .Ml lllulraiitt Ni'n s flu U'lie' .iiluug ((ioriu.iii). 3 All Ik molt nil 3 au C run mil .leliui 3 Au I'umily llluller 3 AU Vuiuty I'uir 3 AU lrlb AiiHirieau 3 flu fcehntilic Auiiciiii 3 AU Willxa'Miiril ol Ibe 'Hum Ail " Tablet An " Country lieiillcmiiii 3 ,-,u " W.ukly 3 au " ilereury 3 au " llrrulilut I'liidreM 3 Atl ' Scoiti'h A uu " Albiui 0 no " lieiiil'lialia(liulluu) 8 uu " 1 41 Cionltm (HihiiiIi) IS uu inwioii 3,10 I lug ul uur lii.oii 3 flu " I'llut 3 au " Water ly ilugiuino 3 All " It.iiiunol Light 3 au True 1 lug 3 au " luvwliyuior 3 All Uoiiikiiiioii 3 Ail 1.111". . ,,?.' ,.,"K " 7 " rnllwlclphlu luuiiy'a I'u-., . .. 3 AU Nt-wKtKr 3 iu " JMitutdiy 1. veiling I'oit.,.. 3 AU IhllliUloru Weekly Mm ;j 3U Louiv iltu Weekly .loiuiml 3 au Cliiuinuuii Weekly OuiiiiiKtohil 3 uu at, I. oui Iiuutliii9iiu 3 au Kot-oiKii PfilotUcali. Loudon IlliiMitiiUil Ntn. rtiih nip- I'l-iutut. $n no vVeikly llitimlch IJ Ul) " Illu.11.ti1d Nuiv ol ihu vim Id II UU ill uu 13 uu li uu h Ut) H UU 1A UU 13 UU (i 01) ' lllulrule Titm-a " Meekly I'liin Itolle'al.llu " Allituia-uiu " I'unch " tliiuu u Wo'lc .' " 11 'i pool ttilmvi .tSiiilih'a rime lliililiu Niiiioii Out uhlll Miifrulnw ', Ttlinik AUtfiioi,, Ol. J.IUIM Jlimaliiu (! (U 1 .. "r - 1: uu l.-i.,ijl l4IK.(.l World ol 1 u.i.,,'.,'. ' ' " ' ' ,1 uu Ml Chau-i'ii. luutual.. a All th ..u UUI1. iJmKJuV.'.'.V,'.'.' (; 4 UU o UU I.' U) t UU 3 UU 3 DO 1." 111111 .111 ,l,, , ItlicUrti nil , , , 1n1 " " " )' I 111 I ' Ill U, viLVV lillttr-hurg 1 ,011111111 T.I.elourltevW.M,,,,,- 300 3 00 13 M j --iioicriitin, fnii I r.iticlco ihllh .ntPiii,ii.i,.a,.w " "'"priixj, tilionrihr. 0nlr, rr L J." tl" ey Arm I,.,, cttl( ,, " Mu-ic Yn. ct mirket Mb. .iC1PJ,7nu'lo'v. InwrlnMylnmlunee t,pUo!M P;Ni ": -rWsaa. A LLper-nmlmH,,,!,,, il Cull, or Imvhu ,.,, ,. .. .. Ic' 'r'Ui..e1.ill.icnini.orardfn 3.T nml in ilie tellteiiMit. "'" W'AIINIllt.t- tn,t. Arlil.ini' MilKJuly l,,lgC3. "u notici: pni:A.ltiaii.1Millaarrnriw mrnd bt 1 ''iC'iltWuan.rtii.dCliirlwK Klom ...ii ,.11 bu.l, ,,-., Itl c,nniB,to ". will be conduriiil bv i it 1.V,IN,:il;ia A-dlllHllI .Mill. July 1, IfcC. ATTKKTIOX ALU P. H. LYNCH IB AGAIN IK TOWN AND AT HIS I .'1.1 l- ol mhwii Krwae. 111. fn 1 can tlml him wub ihc BEST LIQUORS .iii. In town. In ibe (H.I) KXIMU'.SS OFFICE, Next il.Mir wi one rotne nil (h-lolr I'J t ol V. J Hyoi,' Sterr Ceae IH'.". Mimr SLOCKS, mWHE8. FANCY ARTICLES T& n2 CLT HE B2'ieN NEW STORE! IVt'.l Dour In Sarin llroi. J NIX'!i:i! ha ttotlod IU ntw Hop .1. with a l.r'ii'iil v.ilu.tlih u-'ortm-nt 0. I.lle.1 lyh- nml n!trilof tj? SPltlNti AMiWKIlillT faQ CLOCK.". H.-J-5 tsiLvnu wATcm.rf. i&sia IUAMONI) .ILWI.I.IIi, im:aul. lmi.kalii. camloscts 1 oK.'llier mill a pl. Ii' lot of other 3 .H2,a,'ir E2 BLt.aTaT, llreMt-Piiu. llroitehv, LuiUiiiji. Finger ltiBfi, Locl.el. Iluckle. l.'lnl'', llmeeltil. Skeve llutteo, Neikl,l''e. Wntcli-C'batni, t'lMlrUint ind ,S'; Al. cmnplrle i-ti of incomMtaij e Ci.tivtBi Tnwolry, hum Ilie rifbert nml twill linvilliliil KvltinM of OoU lllll JoJ ' Ivr qiiitta In addition In Ilie iiIkic, rmjr U feiiJ ul lit -.lure the lust qualillM ol TAIII.i: AMI POCKKI' UL"I LKItY, Ami. in hort. a .emral larirlj of McU-NiH'Kh i. Knur) Ailiclti All nl uhich ulll be sold t tow tKCU uml iittrninteil. ... , ui:paiuino ciocki. witkM Jewelry 1, pii,e,l with pronipiiu. w u a 111111111.T to giLiruulee ratulacliou. .MAL'FACTL'ULP lo wdr, an;'!" ole id Jewelry, with iiiiitnn and dupHji. D--i. Culluiid mi- In liew.l-Klf.atM iH-w Mou- Culiloriilu street, urJt ' lo a'ucln Urns.. .Inckroiiville, OrXi"- . ,1m h,uiv Ilie. Ihc-17. 18M- L Umpqua Academy! rii:Tinlee orUinprjua A";'''', J Hi talklmg.wj It I. now u.uly lor rchonl The ltllt .1 cud. into ytar will cuiumfuce SxfU" Mill. lM.A. KATES OF TUITION Per QuarUr: I'rliiury lhp.iriim.ut ( w Siooudiry do .0 lllhur liiglUh ' l)o-.l LaiiiSiMge. Iliiiwingaud I alill- lug. each, extra ,0 w .Miilc ,- 300 lliNlld In plivate lauillie F. F. 1IUYAL, FfjJ!iL niuar j au JJttFA'JCU J.l .- IL'tueell -- SAN FRANCISCO and UMFQUA ' I MIK following oew mid Br.t dw w-1 1 will run legularlyiulhoutaviiui. Sehuoner, W I'- llowue SeliiKMi. r. I'..tliic Bohuoiier, Noyo... - 1 We oil', r .lli"nr ii lliiahe.)!"" . ILijjO ilaittr. .Allcu M-ttr. p ! o Miiilhirn Ourfou. j-ur irt.ou"- IhlM-uge apply 10 ni-n t- U'KIU Hi BlsliuiilSjjififi- J3-X.OBBWOB Sewing Machine. .". l."l nllllOllllCO I1."1 1011N ni uiii.u !",;, ,hJ( Ju.0,,1': Of J""' .nr filial-"8 U'; I'llHlll i-liiiie. .Hiueil (ill iiM'"" ". . e ,iV',lw -imiil v 011 hand ik ' rrr akbi ii. in-, iinoio.M" ml wakw hiiMl-ol .lium. Jacksouvlllo, Jauwr.' 11 .. S! 1, - o iiiutiiul cniieiit uf .i.. .,, . . WeeiiJaenh Vi.Acr n,l ,f KJf ,,w,''y )iv.ii,exc..t.r :,Hi