fllli OREGON SKSTIXBL ' ... .ami n,Mmnwin J"U .'' gyrt'IlDAV- ..Nov. II, 1SU5, Twin (lie Orejnnlnn. BY OVMLANIMUEGRAPH i'oroic" Xiw. IlAlirnx. Oi'l. Blilli.-Tlio itrim from Mmpool to llwlltli "'I'' uccMonto tb.15lli.lm arrived: The EnjrlHi lip centrally have nrllclw on the corr?pomlrncp between Adams nnil rae. nnd repaid It very linporlaiii. ' Ibe 7W wy HI" ,!, n,"1 'mporlni'l jjrfimlnn In reference to Hip rltbi nml dil.. of neutrality tlwt I'M been curded on formtny year between ttie repren-nlullve oftivoirn'iil iiinnitimo potter. The Tim cnu liunlly doubt Unit lliieU' ptopowl for ii ciiminlfloii will ultimately Irt necptfl' n tin-' 'ut uttlifiictnry method of nJJuillitK out'landlug cliilms between Hip tno nntloiu. Ho foreign foverclRn or Stnle conbl liave cnUrct) Into nil the detail or onch tpeclllo clilm mnl counter clnlin, for It mnt not be forgotten Hint wp too Imvo Ioiir bill" airnln'l the Unlletl State Coverimicnt lor ditnj?es liicnrrcil by IlrllMi .uhjtct during thenar. 5llll lew could we Imvo consented. n Ka-foll lnti ""I, " 'ubiiill the rliilit of cur fiox eminent or Hie legnl cotnietency of our laxr ofllccr to tho judirmi'iil uf nny foreign (Internment. Tbe belt, If nut tho only poliillnn of the tlifJcully. therefore, xvni tint Mihinltlrd by Ku'jcII. We cnrnetly hope llxxlllln tin Bfins of tcrniliinlliip n couti overly, xxliluh. Icitfor tbe forbearance tinin by both ptr tl, certainly would lime lend to n rupture bttirceu (irenl Ilrlt.tlii nnd llie I'nltid Stale The candid nnd friendly tone or the nrgu BKtit conducted by Hin-rcll nnd Adam will jtittify Hie cxcrliueiit. Tbe Tumi concluded by pointing In the FmUii Riociuent In Amerlcii, u Ihrouletilujf a truth uf the foreign eullftuieut net, uud HTill nlll help Hi to Ionic lit Mich proceed hpfrewnn American point of view, tun UlplMrclH.eni to luol; nt thorn from our petal of view. JMnllme let in agree tn differ nmlcixhly. isd net allow a trou'lent feollnj; of Jettlnuay lo prejudice u periiiiiueiit retllgimmt of diMcullIe. In xxnluh nil nuwllmo luxliunr are equally couceruid. The J'iwi, In niiulhcr article, contend IbU II toicl.iud cIioh lo be ulipry nr Incon ihkrutc, Hio would Iuiyo j;reixtcr reuun to compl.iln of America' portion n n neutral In I'culnn inovemciitK than ever America hm! lo reg.ud Dijiliinir Kltlnn tAnardi IhoSiiillh, luaimtich up the I'enlun plot xa forimd In America by American clllreini, iillhoiiph Hie cotnpiiutormy Imvo Un molly of Irbh extraction. Tli.i Timti, however, ndinlln tlwt Hip American (,'nxcriimt'iil hu iiclul In P'runI to the inovi'ineiit til' the Penhm with nil p'lbh' opaline iiotwllhluiid!uK Hie nvirt llllllmtrrltij pbiU of 1U citUli. Tb' ' think that UiiiII' propndilou to the American (lovrnmi'iit will probably U awiUi, Ttc lktily Mm 'wy It l (War Hut (hu ditcunlun uf thv ijiieallou I tibiuiliil, Tbe llntUh Milliliter hAndlitliietlydoelnred tbinwlloii to be, ILiilier Mnjviy' CJhv tuiii.iit ncted wllh kiioiI fiillh or Inuivily ! If lbi U ro, the public will unite wllh (he llUUlvr tlml It cannot lie viiterliiluid or rcftrrvil lo nny peium or body wlmluver. Tb .Vc.-i coutinuv, If It be ulmiluliily ueo ciiry lo llrllldi honor uud ilinlly Hint Ibt cUhut Ik inut by nepttlwii, i'nrliiiinvMt tii'l Ibe pvuplu iiiimI in.iliitulii lint po'ition It bopf, howvter, tlml the pmd IIK' of BiMfrii ft.itctni'ii nny Iwl'ure Ioiik. Ilnd u elutlon ol'diniciiltluii which may lw mrloiw tut arc i n rely not luoiirinouninble. Eiitiukii Knin Aiiknt Kii.uin. A lerrl M cvw of homicide occurred nt Wulhi IValU on the :iht of OotoUir. The clrciuu lances In duttxll nre tliew : Aimnt n we'k ajo Ibo driver of the stage that wn robW war tbe Slrniv Itiinch, came Into Wiilla Walla, drlvliiK one of the Muroh ol Thora i A Co., and uinnu); Ihue who Kitthunil to wo lb picner nllj;ht, mir n mill who the driver thought hu rtcngntju'd ns tho roldwr bo Drit h.IUd the nlaj;e lit tint lime of the fnMwry, Tlio ni.ui was nt once phiwd uudr Wrvelllance, nnd effort wsro undo lo col let tome proof of Ida connection wllh the transaction. Tlicro wero also two uthur men who were uocl.itfi of the nikpeotiil Win, auj who were nbo eupvated of bulug coonicted wllh the robbery. Time wore on, Md the man (lmt tnnpecUiI wn evidently Pprehenlo ur being nrteetid, but huh too cloK-ly watched to ntlempt to orenpo. On tbe evening of tho hilling, about ilimk, ho Mln the Ivxprow odlce, uud ofier writing n ttr and dropping It In the iwpram in.il), went out. I-ilu-vii.iuluiitM ulteiwards the town wai atuuli'il by thu report of near n dozen shots Hud in I lie toulh idgo of town, "ar the brewery. About twenty minute ter ibo ihoU were Urn), the limn lir.t iii Pcted was fouud uc.ir tho road. hot by two joadol heavy shot, nnd llvo or tl piMol bullets. Two men were feeii to rldo hur riedly away Irom the neighborhood whore c khots weie fired, in n few Kcondi ullei i e '4,t report of Ure-anus, uud the pieiiinp- tlOUlstbuV ll,., 1 1, ..,,,, ,..!.. ,....., Tli .1...,., ,. Of thecajela, that the.o two, or nnylw "ree, other men, liwhlw tho limn who wiu wiled, weie Utbociates In the utage robbery, aad that upou komu dir.iguenieut or ti ml Plciou that tho inuiiKrul man might diiulg.' lllIr TilUliu,Bm,HU,i id,,,, 'n,u ,,,, "jJopM ipptum m juvu btc'ii, that one ol 'aeinthouldlahehlm out lor niiulk.uud '"e oilier tboutil .hoot him down n he Plsd. Kveu hud the murdered man mu- ll! it m iUS"r' llU I'd not have Imagined bli ,U would bo ntlempted in tho plain lew ol mveral hmuo.. The name, ol no .t , ,lil) partUa have Ueu inado puhUc- nntHIMJH-UnULIMl.1 MHJimmuL IIHUm., 'itn hi 'mati'iiiMpyKiiiinuHi1 f It. . V, , , , Mr. DaMs' Chll AiliitlnlMi-n fion. nr Tun iiEtin, ux.:ntt, Jonnox. When Toomln quit the Cabinet 'to become n brigadier ppn-nxl. Hunter, or Virginia, took hl place, whleh lie foon left, for rea fon lxt known lo hlm'cir. lo tulip the ct or Senator In CoiiRrew, only .eenred nftor n warm eonlwt. There whi a Virginia elated man pre-oinlnenlly llllwl to mcceeil llimtcr InthcCnblmt. IVe menu V. C Kiven.whnm nil recojtnirwl n n man or p-rnl brvndth and nceur.icy or eiiliiire. enlargid vlewn of ptiilo imitiMilp. and who. Imvlng jwrvn) w n dliilom.xtlut with UrIi credit, wa rennnlnl n nl n urnib' Mip"rior lo lhoc genrnlly employed In that oapmlly by the Unlteil 5tate. lliu cnmipctlon with (he Cblnrt niit't have glvpn xvcIrIiI to (he cniwe ultrontl Hut Davis could not i-lllle the clmrseteriKilr ill'triiKt nnd Intolernnov nr pupcrlor men of independent mlud, which have made linn by hl cnur'p n rrenldent of tho Confedor nlc Ktut, nt once a pntrtehlo mnl n morni utlcldp. It wai" enouRli that KIvp wnr brought to hi' notice in one whuin the wo plu would like lo tw utnong hi ndviier That looked like dictation like nn Inter ference wllh IiIk prerognllve, Jmlnh llnujamtii win trnuiiferrinl to tho Stale De partment ; (lenernl Ilnndnlph at It hap pened, n gentleman of rent mlmlnlntrathe uhlllty, nn well nx of loo much Imh'pHMlciice lo remain rx Cublnet olllner merely In iinmi' wn mnilc Fecrelnry or War. tlinuph nt t lie time little known for onpucliy Iwyond lliu place or bin rtwldcncp. A little biter, DavU ulm appointed nn hi Attorney (leuenil the Imv ndvlwr or hl (ovoruinelil rt geiillemali doubtle of much civil worth, but who nt the time rn ix Lieutenant C'olonid under Oeneral llruga In iirrtfKt under cli.irgeii for nn net or recent litruhordlnatlou or mah llaxmnt clmraoter lo make Oeiioml niudden place hltn Tor n time under clo v nrrenl In IiSh tout in charge or nn urim-d enlliii'l. A a imtiiml counipieiice of (he prcdnm inutil ipmlllteiior I lie umti, IhereliainetlUlely (frt'iv up In the fmith a porty of "l'rcfp deutV Irlendi," from wImmo rmik. a f:,i ua hhmIIiIii, were drawn I lie oceiiul of nil vlvll plaeo. Men far the mol part milieu hie to b will, who, looking tip lo Mm ni lliu pouroe of thu blghent wImIiiiii In both ulvll mid iiillllHry Hiralrn, upheld hl xlew mid xrl.he at tho only life rule nnd law ful the time. Thu In a little while ulino'l every jietmin ofnblllly, nearly exery oi.e of rpirlt, xvtxp drlx en trim the council of the jjoiilh nnd the direction of urTulm, lenvlng lliu Oox-enimeiit to n Urge degree lit Ibe haml. of Ihorv from whom i fltcioiit ndmln lnlrMtlon wn not to lie axnlitl -wlect'il n they were for hulruimul thought to be lwt wlapUtl lo hi purioM, tlml of HUaorb Ing In lilmair nil tl ntb-tmitliil funtloM or the Pluto. The longer he held power the narrower grew hi conception, tho more lwj)Wloii hl will, until lo illtTi r from or ero the orbit nl hi funcle. or even to tun counter to the plan and wlbw uf hi favorite, be oh mo a K-ron 1 1 ttrn-nnt. No wan In a' high and critical n petition ever It undertoid the value of wle. Iiidepndeut mlnlnKr , or wi leiy tible lo give up ii minor poriHi olJct for the Mke of tnajur advanUge, I'rmlilent ,Mmon In wi'y loglw ii buck tho old Union jiut u it mm, to lie the pmoimI Wnitiingtou uf AnitrltM Sun i'miKMCo I'.itmiHtr. To every Mem) of frfdnm, Iiumnaliy, prog rew nnd olxiliaallou, thu "Union M It win," ii known to lie i thing M Impiwible in It In pnvcu uudelrabkj. The "Union II It WIU," XVUi UOt Hie COMIMMIWjitHI o1 our I'lnintry'ii grentii nwl glory, l'or many yM jirlor to tl nholllon, the "pei fct Union" which our father thought tbey were giving u, luul nu esUteuof. Iic tween up)oiiiig KCtioui there wm no bom ogenlty of interwU; no ilinllurity of feel ing or HHitiiiHtit ; no lmriminloui inier cnurw. Couiention tote to w great a height that Inr yeur the country itood up. on the etge uf olvil wnr. J'or thi. there xvn one prune Inciting cue. That ctue, i now rtmoxid. The Union which lumen lorwnrd will groxv Ih the l.ourt of the people, v prove u far difn-reut thing fiom tho 'Union in It wan," which the noUy nnd unwise leader of imtoriiblc political faction nujiow to ba rwlofl. Not n few mm to think Hut great oom nintloni sueli ns our country ha lately wit. uiMiCil, make or hoiild make nu oluue in politic or Government that af'er no uplieuv.il of ll.o foundation ami lrueture of political soeioly, thing maynturoto precUely the same condition In which they retcd before the ooitmotlon bfgan. AH history says the contrary. All esurient is ut vuriauoc with the kuppoiitiou. Yes terday never relurn. Much lo can there ever bo nn exact repetition of all the evenis they have feeii, or u oomplele rwloratiou of iiutilutioiu which buve heieloforo esi tul, uliil xvbloh by law of prnjiu havo pasnil uwuy. Iltnco the "UniBii n it was" will noxcr e.wt oguin. A Utter wil nuccetil it. W'cio it powlblo to give the croakers oud bruwliu the object of their clumur, the country would ut ouie be placed iu u ntuation which would rwiiwr uuothw wur iueviiublo. Shuu.il we gne tlieui tho "Union a it wa," they would eithtr gixe iu uuother rebellion or something quite Miuimr to it. Vu hhould have nnoiher I'luuv, uiioiber lluvhanun, more Fiords, UrxoUiurul0'e uud llwiijuuiiu. Tho uutag om.iiH winch vrue gwieratwl by the cxii leneo of slavery among u free people would mirniL' tin anew. It wa imiioible lor true rcuuiieiluieut to grow between III- orent sections while u ,-t ui lU '1 Ui We do uot waut the v'ulty still remained, (it i'-i n it ) n it wn, " I-, o i !-- we do rot w.int n ri pctvnl ol the ncrlmonioi's focllng of the f,i-t, n ir n repetition of the fcarfii mmim lately wllncwcil. With our expert. cnc before Iilni.n Washington would not trlve tw the "Union ns it wa." lie would laltor Hither for the ncenmpll.hmcnt of n higher object for the Institution of n Oov. ornment under which the people could live ln harmony ntnong thcmnelve, lnlend of being continually at enmity, n Ihm been the ee In our eonntry for forty yenrs. Onpnnian. As lntprrtlng e.-mmnnleillnn on the Hided of a Teacher' Aoclallon.from the imngcnt H-n of a teacher In Pnugln county, will gracr onr ei.luintu nrt week, TXBCn.vi'iat:'!. At the rcMnnce of John Mrem, by tier, T. II. lloxal. Mr. I.rwm ."erniT, of Marlon county, I in'gon. In Mi la i.aiietii It. Itv Kit", ol'PnuRln county Oiegnn. A CiVRD POR THE FALL a. WINTER Clothing Trade or SAX KIIAXCISCO. BAIWKU & lilSWEXBERGEn, Koa. 411, 413 nnd 415 Bnttory St., t'nr .Mi'M limit, Nflii rinnclitii, hnpord'i's tmil Vi'holcsalc DEALEKS. Kaiirc New anil Trcnti Stock. We wi.niii eaii the ait ntion r Country JoerclMLUlA lo "ii r unnunllr Inrif rlwk i ul (iiMKl". Our iock eompi.-i' eiery nnl ole In th" C'I.t)TIIING A- I-TRMPHIXO LINK. We hu"c constantly on baud the Urgett and imnl'it variety ir ('ASSIMHtlK AND WOOL HATS ol aiv Iioiikc Ih San l'raiielio, an4 our pri ce lor the" pmA ar 1 Ihnu tboe of any bou-'. we receive tbew direct from tlie mauufaeturei V eonrignmMt. Ourt4Kk . PALI, WIS'THR OOODS l purlleularly attmctive. ami the jtreat fm lun to tbe ruuntiy merihauti J Ibe uuimm ally low jiric"' Loh than the oot of Importation 1 W ilwi ki-"p tbe ltapl Artiolow In llx l)ry (tin d line, which (i('di wv have pun lml iu llil iii'itkrt in.der th- Iminmi'r. nnd are oU'eriiiB ttii-ni hi New or I; iut, awl lew. We publish thl card In ortler that we may make new aoquaintanooe. nl Iwdnw ibo who have nut heretofore purctnued of ui la call and tsunun our lik. Uonxl Articles it Lwtv Price Are tin- irreat luUne'Wi menu e oBVr to all who pnrcliaw lo wll aain. Uirebtil ho buy of u can make a g'md prulli, and wll to "their cUhiouiiT at a lu Ugure. We r luain, neilully, j our itlmllent erBt, ItADGEU LIMK.NHhltUKIl, Wholvaule Cloihlnjr and Hat WarehoUM No. 411.413 and 413 Itattery llreet. fchtu l'ran-'hico, Ool. 2b, '03. mlt The unib'rulirmd wmild inot iwpeelfully cull the utuution u! the public tw their NEW L.IVERY AKU FEED WTABIiE, On Oreirnn 8lr,vt. J.nk-gnvllle. We ban on baud u kwmI ii!) or ncell'Ul elaildle lliitM. to I' i. and will mmhi hale a tuck of DuxVle. We arc il. i nniu"d lo i lv ali faction to all who way lavor u with their a ituod utiily of fr'd ooniantly ou haml. PLY.MALK IIOHB. Jackaouville, January 'J lit, 185. tf iVKW IN .lACKSONVILKK. DiSHlWiV ffiSIIISO ItLouU's I'A'IKNT, Vith Wriagors .fi.ttp.chod. rniilS work lk aiai- a by baud. dolu; J a much wurk iu one Ui a ix wown, with equal eleanllue, le wear hi clothe, aud one-ball In uap. A child teu)arf old cau work IbU unu.hlu. with -umi, wualf my uuy laUue Iruiu u thruad to a Ud-quilt. 1 liaxu iHiraba4 the rlbl lor ttie wiaii ufuuture aud al of the aboxe banted ma ebiiu" in thivcuuiity. Ttiu utavhiue i lor tale and can be keen At my hop, imi Calitoruia Hlutit. on d- or above Urum' Lixtry stable. liie ' call. C. K. WllAON. Wringer will be furninhtd a wou fc they arrive. j:ou j.ah djm'A'jcji j J Uetwuuu SAN PRANCISUO and UMPQUA. rP)IK following new and llr cl vel L w ill run igulrly In It bti lia. Schooner, W. I'. Bonne. .. Himhe. Ma.ur. liehoouLr. Pacilic tiage MaU-r. isehooner, Noo AHm H". We ollur Mperiw loiluwmeiiu lohip pi. to boutberu Orego"- l'or fuight or H-aSapplto , SI, Steuurl St., Sau 1'runuUco. Public A!ii"ihlil ''' No lii'tt. ALL i;rou huxiiig cUlw against the wnnc ot . ilutljoMiu, dt., ai. hrrl.y uoiitied to promt the muio to the uudagMd. I ublie AduiiUiliator u ami ,, iu. t..uuiy ot Curry, aud oiak- o Ore Lou at hi. reUT uc iu Kih.U'burg, in uid county, withlu mx uioi; n "root uaw. Oct i'M lM, I I'uUhu Aiiuiiiiltrntor, . -.IMH.-IMI Ph it ,'M'. A'lillin- C.,'. hi s li-nllta-il1. I t.l,li: ul tl. UUIV f, LCAl I door above Nwdbury U ude, I.OTE&1HJ.GEK rnllfomla Slrcrl, JnfKwntillf, DEALERS AND WORKERS IN TIN, SHEET IRON. COPPER, LEAD AND BRASS, HAVK Jnl received fVom the Atlaullc States nml Sxn rmnci'Co. a eomplct lock of exerjlhliiir In their line, mid will keepcniwtnnlly pii hand nn aorlment or the IhI Tin. Sh.'i I Iron and Onpperwnre llm Ilp. Hydraulic Xoisiile.. Korce l'uinp". Cliii'ii li"d 1'lpe, Iloe. IIAItHVAl:i:. iTTLKUVj XAII of all Ikp: liar, l'laie nnd norled Iron j I'alnl". Oil. ige. nnd films: All qualltiea of Powder; Shot of all mimlier; llruhe or e i ry x ai lety , olc, c te. Alo.nlwayroii hand, a Inrcv lot oftoT ornworled Arc. ' lliick'" Patent Oookln; Stove," and the "New World Sluxe." the two ery lift nnd apirorisl atlern In the world. Pallor. Ofliee aul Culdti Sloxe, fancy and plain, coiittriicled ou lntrrt fuel laving plBim. Holler. ICeltl, Pot, Pain, and everything connected with thei-e ttovrf, xrnrranled durabl" Hnd iwrfect. All article oM liy Ihem or manufac tured. WAIIIIANTI'.H. Their work l made T the Ix-t material and of cholcoM Mtlrrni. a-( )r,ler attended lo w I til di'palch, nnd (lied ncconllnB to illrecllmt. In exery thlnir, their Mock I Hie large! nnd Itoet ever broucht to .tnckonvllle. and they are determined to wll at laixv rntfiw ton catii. Call and examine their flock lafuro pur obatdilg eWwhere. June 2.1, 18i!0.-S3, Agent for llalliday Co' Wire Hope. PROCLAMATION" 11Y THE GOVERNOR. TN cnnld ratbm tint cerIMn meaure, lii plil v impiirlant to the Inlerert of Iho Stnti' nnil N.iimn. ripilre Hie action of the .c -latim ui nn cntlu r pi riod than the reg nlui lili iinlnl Hfimi : 1 hrreforv. by virtue o; the auihi'tiiy Mfiul Iu me n (iovernor, I hmby proclaim and make known, thai n 8tiecial aetlou or the I,i':bhxtixc Awrmbly ui I he State or Ori'ifou, will be held at Hie Cn i.l I ul of the Stale, on Tilenlnr. the 5th day of PfcptMhrr t)''t, nt whleh lime and pUoe tbe inetubcr lltrnof. nre ripilrel lo altrnd. In witm whrrmf. I hare here- 1 . unto Ml my hand and ciiuhiI the I.. 15. Mlreitt.eeftloriheStitteloUtamxtd t ' at the Litt-cutitu llllice in Snleiii, thl Jib da of Uc ioImt. A.I). IMO. llv th' (ioiptinr, AbmsoNcuiuns. SLxui'Dl. K Mir. Sre'y of Slate. oetllwl L0GAH&. THOMPSON'S EXPRESS.! Sem-Weekly line of Wage fioia Juek 'uvll!! to Kttbyvil'eHiid Waldo, Or egou. Iuve JucLaonxille iveiy iMotiilny i. 'i'li ii i Mitt)', -I A. M lUturulu, leave Waldo eviiy TiifMln'f.ri'iilaynt a P.M. 'flirowuh tw'OKer will Ui furnWivd with gootl l'llchore ut Whlo, for (,lie-tit i My. LOU AN k THOMPSON', I'ro'r. Oct. 2bih,lW oolltf Good A'ews for Ladies! IDLLEB& BREHTAHO, Agent for Urvi r i iJakir'ed- I'bl ut (1 j;iiulitSlllcli htwliiK iMiitlt'i', Have on baud h variety of Ihekv cm- cbiur tor tiial uud Iu- tjioclioil. rpf) tbew tuacbiliea Kiu itwarded the first J I'leiniUUl Ut the Slute i'ulu or New Vork, liMliau. Vtrmout, Ohio, Iowa, Mil- uoi. KHiiluvky, Miehl;aii. Puubjlxuuiu and OretroH. oxvr ail upiMJuilioa. Lull arouiHl, ludle. Iwfure purcbuilng ulawwbvre, uud Hiuiiiiuu thou imM-hluo. IdULLER & BRUNTANO. June Sd, I .'.. JurStr American Exchnngu Hotel, t'OKMHOK SANSOJIi: I IIAI.M'.CIC St., Srm S'rnnolMoo. fiilK proprietor of Ui favorite botl J would reKptetfully infurm tin tianba public that the A ui' ucixu L'xuhnue. baiiu Lueu Itovutl) eulur gul auil improvid in nil lUibpurluieul b i iiom prepartd to olTir upt nor iiiduviueut to fcu pulrou ud th puidlo in oeueral. lie oau now o'Jr el guut ult or kiugle room, fur faruiliC tnJ dugle room for entUmeu, ou Uiic tg uil tbe time. Thi Luuio contaiat a Laud. oa.e ly furulthed public iarlur, bkiitiful Urr diuliiK Hall, couiiiiodiou uid pl.nt It ting aud le.ulinx loom, lo.lLtr wllh other loeiblle not ui.Lekary to kiiuajcraU. Jlur ini' uieu and Iruxeler wilt fmd Ihr Aucr icuu rAcbiui;e kcuik! lo no bottl iu te city, whethur a nai(l luxury, couilorl or economy. 'Ike Ublu will It kupplir J with all the delioucieti of the i-tumii, (,'rltul for ait iMtioiiU(e, the proprietor (eapctl full) kolioil a couliuuinit tf the publl faxor. J. W.SAHOENT, iuii3m Proprietor. I 7LOCR AMiri!Orr'('Ktttl.!intx cluiiijL lur .MtiLuui.li.A nt July 1027 MAX MULLEN'S. Wlllll HWWWlgiUI FuMlHIMd HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, Opposite (ho MeCuIly Buildings, Jacksoivvilli: Ohegon. Madame Jeanne DeEoboam. The Miiilntno (nko. this nu'tliotl of lotuk'ritiK hor tliiuik- fix lli. ixnliliiv ('.ii' fli li.ifi-miniv,, xliii1i InlM lit t IllM'to boot! ON " " ' " v .. lomlotl to hor; nml would tvupoot fully b-olioit u ooutinuiuico Iter Tnlilf", are alwiiy under her Imme diate control; nml by her Iomi; experience Iu Ike hulHe tw feel exwtkbnt tbt hc will clie rutlr nxtlifactltin to all MEALS WILL BE SET AT ALL HOURS. Inckumvillc, Oregon, Jiuitiary Qg H Now ! - r I s s 2. u z 4 W p a. "2 E. f r 2. I 5 7 St Cm aaaal 3 7) O St1 SO c o V5 Sat a p g. o V I v D 'A I i s r- I 'l H aiel r I- - m - J CI j : ? I CHEAP ron jin: A, FISHERY BROTHER, COtlKKK or Callfornlu U OifRiut Struct, JACKSON V I LLK, Hate eu band a ..urgGtStock of Staple, I'aiicy DHVOOODS, CLOTIIINO, HOOTS, and HHOKS, OHOCKU1K8, LIQUORS, CUTLKRV, CROCK Kit V, olr., etc., etc. All will be cold at nocluoocl Pi-loow. JachMJiixIllu, Jan. a, 'CI. jjultlf lill.XII, COJI51WK. JOHN HAIITIN COMSTOCK & MARTIN, (hnUKU io I'liiux, Chimu i, Oe ,J rOIIWAltDIICi ,W (D.HJIISMIO.V MKHCHANTS, met. I'lUXJf IIIIICK IXAIIKIIOUEK, OAK Sr. Ni:.U MKAIHJOAT LANDING, RKI) IILCb'J'rf FiiOUitiw; iiiiiJi. rpiIK undvrli;uid noxv haxlug full ami J. lultre contiol ul the Ilopxxowl Mill. no title thu publiu lliut it I in caoellcul iiiiIIiiik ordtr, xxilb uu exiwrUnc d uillh-rinchaigv l'"or iry hui-lnl of flood lullwhiut.30 pounds ol llom xxill be jrnui, xxunauud an . .1 a all t I. ..I i.l ll i ' li'' J. 1, l'AUKLH. .Vcptlinbcr SO. 1865 tepSotf Itrr Itril nml Itoiinn, at lllrd up In Hie miwtconi. rntlixble ft)le; tulleil to Ilia nceommoilatlen of iIiikIo oo nipoiitK, or fiimtlle. Her beds arc always kept olcitn i son. tf Now ! ! Now ! KREUZER'S TSTISAV STCRTS llctwcrn New State Sulonit nod llradbury A WadeV, Jiiokwuiilll, IS STOCK KD COMPLKTIILV W1TI Heat Cigars mnl Tobacco rnnsii candiks and nuth, NEW TOYS &. NOTIONS rmaii I'r.ui ts, i:to., uto. Mr. Kreurer IiitIuu Hiieb,inl the nex ore our door nxiIIi of ItnullHiry A Wad'.. ,all Die ullHilioii of Hm iHildlo lo hi com ph'tu loek of miohlnnnndebewinii IoIkiivo I-.i In hi xnrloii lriiinl or rliu., Trou ilif ri'omion lnilfKiul.li In Ih iiuhI Iru raiil llatitiin. All rold at llie luont libera pi iee Y'Mi enn Imj lt Mipplied with any attl rle in hi line, nnd Nile inoiiey, by ulvlu htm mill. Ilrrnnlx'i IH. 1HUI. GKBAT SPORTMAN' EMPORIUM. r PIIK undiraiiiMed reirctiHll Inforni lib 1 hi. i.. and the jiiililu', Itml h bu' Ulrtv I, en III fail Praiielwn, wh''r he e lit'leil h line own Inwnt nl line nml eomniei lilh'. chi'l unit", lexolver of nil illllolell hiiid. di'iriim' t of the lnl"t mII' rn. uu: nil kind f auimuoiliou ; Mich a. i'4trlil((in txiailrr. aliot. hImi, mdi ll,ik, hot-llAjki iiinlluK big", ol I'Xi'tX ort HtiiJ kit. All i'iil'i will In ill lid wilh pnniiplneM, i, niu,.-, and ilwiMleb. ThiHaoufaclorli; nl nvw ritli- will Ih- duuu at the clicrtvn nut iv, ii.nl in the iiid.t appKix'id t)l. (iiiallol lur -l 'iiti"iiire, repcct lillly kulleit it voiiUnuaut'e nl Die nmu. JOIINMII.I.I.It. Meplember Sib. In.. tr VIIIIKJl FOIAIIKV lAHIINOH or all Kindt cu'ciilnl n V I the khorlcat notie,'. Wrought or Cat lion xyork luaiiiifnetuieil limn the bint un lenal All WihU of Ilia Work. Our tel a ami ll.ilililt'H imitulj for rule, Cu' wil far Old Iron. J. J. I.Mjlll.TO.V. II. XX'. CIIRNK J. J KKOVLTOS &('., ADVERTISING AG'TS. Nomiii v tints tutor .IIihiIkiiiih iy .X, t tillluiiil.i hlirv . (fVnir ll. i'liriru If (V) fc-A.xvr iTiAwaiaao. I-. XV kiliUU. 1. M.ainos. XKWriininiidXI.WHOO.1:. fPHI! underriBiifd hnvluu purebtitd In . .1 I'r. L. H Thonipkon hu entire nlock l)ltl'(.S ami .lIKDICIMiS, at Tim - CITY DUUU STORE, Hai'o ordered, nml urn mnr iteeirlni; larue Inxoloe of tliwk Irom the bett ml IihIkiI boitaea In Mali 1'ruin.iKo. Our floek eoiwiil ol the puri.l and in reliahleOinvlual riiiuralloiMiii the uiurl uii.l all Ibe pnjiulttr 1'aUut .Mulieiui-a ut day; togvlbiir xvilh u uill hjUIkI at, mint of ISxti'iiotu and 1'aney (SimmI iu our line. We hum ulxi aibltd to our bunlu HooKa mnl Klaliomtr)', nnd will beep ooi.tui,Hy on hand alt I the market iluniind. Any book or pup publUhid may he ordertd llirouuh u, a i nlll ho lurul.lit'il Hltli ill. natch. HA V AUK .V SU'ITON Jkiouxille, Sep I. Ti, 'oo. .'p'.'.1ix Veterans & Recruits rPHK lat LegMature (,'lve a bountj I tliO to each neriilt Iu the rvfiliu iigw Ulng mitul. Ilulioxottd llvo Dtilliu jir mouth extra pay to euxhertonhela lux to the 04xulry rejjiintut uili.Ud tl xeanugo. Tliuto uuiuuiitt are lo lo f Iu rilatu lloud. Thoeo tx Ithluc thine bu ViOitlil doxxell tocull on JACOIIS x RUdHKLI JaokKiiivlllit, .Inn z 'i,. j,tii ' rpiHiouly ili.uraiice L'ouipauy that i. legally ilu huniiii' iu Ore-'ou i 'ueilio. '1 hey mi- tiiinpliiMl xxMh Ih nl llHs'im. hy ilipib-iiiu JAU.OUll lu Miti Ciuli i.j, ii.it , m nun f vi u,i ,v Mara Aki Jackeonvllle, ltruury ioh, I6ti. M Mtli.