Hi i Hi....... i.i i iiimuiin.iiiiiiMijii t' mnr wt min i rmmmmtmmmmtmmmmmm 4 pR ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. MH I.IWW J. ROW'S I cusci Stoi'e ! I flrnciitc liuTC A 15 leer's. California tt . Jiu'ki-olix.llc, Oiffoii r"TOYSr'TOYS.'TdYS'!"'' : .11 inAV rMITTC? : HOLIUA i Ulr I OJ . i .h .. .!. al. !.. if TajitiuH t it nil i!e pubic ptnerally that lio ha 1 it en vul nnd oners fur tail bis mi pi Hut ,Uef . HAVANA IMITATION... j Kow im cm. " ---7 , I eii.cK--ras;., e; I Si TOBACCOS, PIPES, FIGS.g , - CCTLKIIY, HA IS INS. - .,.,,- i "Stationary fcSrcliooi-liooUi.jK, - . CANDY. NITS, - TOYS. SCO A Its, ? AI.Hf.MS. KTC. " rr'"1' U fu.t the tlmw. Cull itee yeur money. 4 ' o.i.ivno.i, y. audp ,00000000000000000 ito0nooooooHKV 2 A I.sme m"1 I'ln Aoi Intent orMllluu Wait- mi linlnt, liir J (all. tiooocoooooooooooo ooooeooooooooow A Wet eo'Icctlon of tbc latwi und bt ' TtlltrP.riHUtiOii. IWU.H), .1. H0 Happiness or Misery ; THAT IS Till: QCISTIO.V. vm: nitil'HILIoHS. Of TMK! l ilf-M M Ul- AN ATOM ANH I M.IIM'1.. liavi- (UurmiiKl. tP.-ulJ'T ' t tsp' t. to 1up l-'ltl-.K (fir tlw Ih-i.i1i I c.tlic inlTiritit; liumutix ) (r t Hm-h ! rt in"T'''.ti; nil lnnuct ve I.Ki 'ilHi:a ou M Ai:HlA(2K.kti.1 t ilitUii : . i,is -iv un p-billty, rrt-mu'un- i.cc' Mui.Ii.'-hI. IndigwMiim, Wmk I r I .'-'in Ijm frf Ktitrej aud V i 1 ii ,-rw 1 Soc:i i.til oi.J tiuw . . i ' f.'u!'. from Jou;l..ul r lit -, i 1 1 r mn'tiriiv. or Ipuurmne f Ilij- j jynt'l .NnturtV !.. j ,,.- i u.iiuti.i lACturM Imit bum Ue I i -'ii i.l.t.i .i eumliRiiigUii'Utiid., j n..-iKtl j i;hh on rttfiit i ; 1 ' lit lt"lBire 1RWI. lit I r ' r . ! iRry 1'iiribc Mucuin ' . i - .nice, I'ii irit, 8ui i 1. -'.-rati, be KBl tbiori-jh V! i. t nwrllyl in $0,000 ptr M JSSjTBi'ttta" :.nr.;iki- i"..Vr'.-n . .Li ull' d w..' Id mo.t p.-jKilfn!ly :.m. ot lb', public lo tlii-ir XEW LIVERY AMI- PEED STABILE. d if..20n Sir.il. Ji-Vniv!ll UV bare 0 laud hkm.kI niiily i.r .icr'.l.-ut Cmldlri I rwii j i , Hiitl wilt uou Iir a stuck ul i uuiii-.M, Ul' art-('! riinii'it io In w.ii ft .."n to all who mny taior u with lLi.li 4''a;.. .1 gvud supply of fi- d ron'tnn'lv on band. IM.VMAUii'miSS. Jackinville, Juiiuury ait, lWii. tl to Tin: lr -k V". k v-T-n c. i JJ Mj x LilJ , R'ji .3 i OF OREGON rPHK under .gntd Imvintroii hand a nunr i. Urof tuieriur, Ihor uugh-bred i-pan- Ii ,. - . ,,' , , . '. I l-u. tr i-rnuif,f M. rii... Ii..lr f...l m I..U- i. . i, --. - - . i ' rcncti .Merino bucks, cotisuitiii;; of lattibs, jwrl '? t,d twoyeur-old, utsunwe tins in. ..(k of iiifurmiin- ih public, that be hi ''lfJo tUtn very teusonubly for cash. Jut Sputjith or innont Merino are de tcndcl dinct from the dock of Kdwm Harumor,d, Vermont, nnd the Kreuvb .Mi now from stock imported iuto Orefow bv JCtet A: Hock will, uf Vurmont An excvliiiit opportunity is here ofllrtJ ! rl I wa8,cr ,0 improve their stotir. v tuirji can now be nn ul tie lurm oi Ibe ucdMsijfned, on the North Utnpqua ' i.itcr.atthe Wint-limter Ferry." Like f. .. . , . -uuii oi Incrcllttbal.l,. nuiiirnt i etianied VAUIUIUl,; jolm3. 'J1IUMAS SMITH. WM, FAULKNER S SON, lMl'OIITERS Of CARDS &C A HID STOCK . . : A-L COLORS. PRINTING INK, A'l Colois-Jlionzi-.-, A'aiulnli, PRINTING PRESSES, TYPi: AND Printing Materials OF KVKUY HKSCHH'TION. OLD TYPE METAL. ,Ifuioil'niBy nt ull tune be tuppli.d 'lh old type a.0 ty culllllb. ot "1XX, oioy rattioot, SAN ITtANCJtUO. WIMIWWiU M- m WK M ! -tWJ mi: om:(.o. si:.vrixr.i 1' Iimihu i.m:ii nmtWAV momimj. H. F. 1)0V1:Li7. Proprietor. i SriHcni ntox For One year. In nd i'mn, I Pour Dollar : If paid within the first M month' of the jmr, lire iV.Unrn : If not paid i until th rpirtlon of the war. riv dollar. Arr:HTifl.o One Miiife ,10 Hues or ilr"'- r,r' "iwruoii. jnrrc lollar j rfh tuWqnent tWriinn. On- IMIitr. A AU- count of My n.r cent will l made loll I who mhrrtl-' )y thdPRr. ( " le' TmJrtr'-rlil emftt rstrt " - I.O.O. r. -.Ini'Ionillillo l.mlrtt ftCryi," Jc"' ). 1"M H n-c- Sgyiij ySnlunlw eipr.lng r Uc V. .i - .Mnouie IU1I. Ilrolbvtt in good stand'ae; hit Invltxtl to ttr-iii. gi:ok;k i kcnk. n. . Hkuuin Hn.us. H.See'y. lrnipf. J. M. Sutton.. W. l!r sn4 - -:1y" warren i; o, iv. a. i . ii A. X. ft llol.t) ttirtr regular eommnnl- -n .. . .... . m vr ration in ucflnewiay i,rniii on VVr t c.-dine the full taooa, in jack- OX'VII.IJ.. tlllCUVN. JOHN' K. r.OSS, W. M. C. W 5vjiaK.Sy. ORANGE JACOBS, ATTOUNKV AND lOf.NsKl.0H ANP FOMCriOH IN I'HANCKHY, lAf'SRgNVlM.R. OllFlHiK. (Illlir iiiIU' ttir (OHit lliitl.r. All UoIih' cpnim'it-j t" mr crp iil In- .rtriitly rMcihM io. JiW '.'f, 'It.'. D. F. DOWELL, jAlt.n.SVII.I.K, (wajuN. A'lll pmctlrp In nil th. Court f Ui T1.IKI Ju4IcrI IHMrlcl. tin- Mipr.mc Court of Ore- ron. nI lu rcka, t--J. n m bcrif lrjpi Iv eolWviod. iit. U T. T CAHANISS, M. D. -mix Mui-TH'i: Medicine and Surgeiy IN JutrtiiiNr: A- At .'uiMNu Co. Tor Mill! Inn loth. jmlOtf XOTBCK! TAKE rP3IC STEAMSHIP DEL K0B1J .!. uliaill lb -i I l.-v iv l'l tut eeUCVj 0 th- Cili t SOtlt or i' At it m. anil. Kr fW-lgbt or pa'-af liHu!r ol J.-i-llnllaUny. Airoi.t. eorm-r of 1'iwut nU J.ek on atrt.-et. Ann Krjnc-!e. M'tiAN t WAl.l.. A.liia. CrvKniit C.iy.Cal. Crrweut C!lv Mie 23d. Vi. : ' J. 8. H O W A H D, IsURrS'fTOR A (JIY1L 22IG!lfIX, ) Jack-io.vii.iji Oukuux, i;mmm iivtir the iJi-itli pi-d ( r vn .tii. - 1 - t. Jauuuiy, i, leu ee at his rfWncconJ3 -esonsjrert 1 Dft.u-- i nur.irouH I'UV&ICIAN AXO bfUGKO.X, J .VI K"VlU.t, OBKUt'S, ('hbsfjuiJi.ltbi-ritilieCiivl'riiirtorp.'ureii knew and Intcnl-d, ud-bile Iberv or lilt lo-itiiiic--, our d.Mr b.low ttov K- prt. Office, prepaml io give piompl - ! PETER. BRITT. PH0T0GHAP1I10 ARTIST 1M J'ltJtl'AItlill -jo T.11C1C iirii'HUti IX KVMKV VIVI.K OI'THKAHT, WJTM AJ.LTriK I.ATKIMI'HOVKMKNTS. , If 1'icture do not git satbfaet'.on. no eburges will U luaeV. Cell at kit iww Utl- I !. ..k el... L..II ..tutt.ls.u V.j t.letlaasMtst ikBjl "'' v "" " "' "" " !'-. - u,!!r-Ju, '-,"-. DR. A. D. OVERHECK. Dr. Overbcck would tnnouuee to the ell- I . . I....1. .... a.i4 ,lltilV tttut VI riRKMtMl vOUUIT tun iiihi.iv. . j. ,.-.. .H.....J -.......ui ne nas reiuruva tiiarRomiiipiHi i tU practice of luedUiue. lie will always ue louuo ai ui km iiiu. iik ".-" Hospital, huIim uUvul inol-wiun al UusUmsii. H would rpi-cifully solUa a lunvwul of Iviiucr utlioutge. JAS. II. JllS n KAWJJ. MIX L FARGO, ATTOHNKVis AND COUNSKI.LOH3 Walla Waixa, 'AiiJioro Tkhmtouv, Fl'ICi: over Hat.k . Kxchangc, Main J Street, will practice in all the Conns of tlw ! nst Jud.tial District, also the bu- preme Couit. Collet l ivus promptly al- Uuttd to. All busitits eiittusitd to our ! care will receive prompt ntteutioe. , ju'iif ! F. B. FARGO, NO T A R V P U Bll O, I Wlla Walla. W. T , Will take cikiimhdi'm.uts ofdud.-1'ro. lest Notes Mid lit uls made out ul dioil un- tic, aud nckuuwkdgid. ju.atf Dissolution 2Motico. r'pilK undersigned bus HIk duy with J. drawn from the firm of Thompson A. Davie, and ill continue the practice of .Medicine, iurtrrv nud Oostctrio, in Juckaonville und vie'.uity. uml solisili a stiure iT the juitronu 'Olliec ut hie reei dtcoeut the old ilurry Hu'insiiuil. T. L. DAVlei. Dec. Kith. 1SCI ik-cHif J). HI. C. OAl'l.T, NOTAltY P Ulill Q, ja('i;m.n'ii.i.k, oui.gox. Office tit H.F. Dowtll's Iaw OQivc. JACKSONVILLE. SA'ITKDAY, OCl'OHEK 7, 1503. Wl ... IWJ IW Jlil !! Ill MIHIWM Jlll'IMt ..WIMiMillllWifct"'t'WW,W 111 V1S11 AND A MAKMMii micndiaa ! tkvleniiiL' lo infurc tlw hralth When thou th"nV'.t of ilayt rwio by. l.nly fiilr, May thy bitom behvc no th, Iidy fair. May no bitter ibtjught rrprMcli iW, As the fading tliyii npproeli thw, l'ret from tesr-tlrop m thine eye, l.nily Mr, If tuth Wrlnj looa wtmldVt tfaivt, ldy lair, Girt no bMM prrmit palu, I Ally fair, Willi no honed heart dheemlile ; U thou di-t oh, lady tremble : '1'ktB wilt draf a heavy chain, ludy fair ! II a wm)l fate tuou mectett, Iy fair, (Fate tbc bitten it of tW sweeteat, lady fair.) r.ith rh.1 truth .! Um n !.. ' i i If ishhoat there I no erart llwe i HHtilhlbm.j..vi.complto.t ' I Ijidr frflr I """ i m.-.jiihi i"i H uii street operator, he m uipciHiiiiy -.ffie Year Hound ,b l,"di bbJ HmW tT huilivw wli;li;..w,t)P,." (Vrtlt)ly tbe woi.t mlvmnry n!......,,.,, jlbey there an.1 then ilnl, when by Inrge ,hc tJvVernmenl 1,1 , cmilen.1 with I. Tn Cimkuh AUAtjc.T VwTS.-1V,,m",,M of prhtoocrofwarwfco.lhliliir.WBqaiibei u m,y twtlicliwwn to your following ro the rbrge anil njieciflcHti.m-1 ,nK ,h ,,,M ror' ihe their CKUpe, tritti (,lt ,j. W(JW wt,t 0f iIm) imw for which Wfa. the Andcrjuvillejllor. nl rceiplnrnl. wv cruelly hikI in 1, fl(1,1M wlr,jl(i ,y ,, WMnbr llrm It no- belt. tried .- bmnuuly lJiml au.1 Rn-Rt numbem iliwl , of ;ehllm nni (., ia, in ,,rm, Chwjre-VioIatlonoftbcUwiiof wr. ' lV '"" "r twU fiihawRti uiiiitil, inrillMl ba (averiu,,,n. Tliey eem to Specflcmlou 1 In tbi. thwl Henry , ' "') ' -"' H'WMW , nct.nte.! by Imt n Ute motive Wirti. at Amlewoerille. In tbe Stt 0rt Wwuurl ctilly lutemW. Ltf ik, mmfy. ftni My iNtltovhif-. or ('eorf Ir. eontlnuouily from the Hi it ,Uy or, - I prob-wln to belkve. In the ultimate failure March. lMl.to tbc tenth 0y of April, Tint Nut Srvati The f!lmvlitjr llt I of tho nnelal expeJIiMln uiloplftl from 1SCV then ami thrrt being n oQlcer in tbe o membetn. eoiBiolur the next Senate, In J time to time by tbc liorarummt, they went military err lot of tbc kcrIUi1 Cunfetler j beliexttl to be m-arlv If not unite cornel. ' oo mfuUtint' In eM until overlnken by ate SUte of America , of tbc rank of Cap tain, and a tuch officer, then and there ' beinr rotninandaut of a prison there loea ted by the authority of tbe so-called Con ' fedeiatc State, for conflmment .f prison , erf of war taken ami lld by said so called (Wedi-rate Statec. from tbe artu'e of the fiiie.1 Statts ol America. wa, such commamUnt, then and thvre fully clothed with c-nttH-tMit aailnr!ty, and in duty b.miid to treat, care and provide for such turn n belonging la tbe L'niieJ State a1 Kt-rv or uVjriit be pUoi-d ih liU rutlmly at , prli airs of war, according to tbe laws. and nsagte of v, wbieb be then an-l there well k-aew, but be. Ibu M IK-nry U'ulz ' willfully Red maliciously, designing awl voutrirli'jr to Impair and injur tbe health ; and destroy the tiers of sucb persons in lu ' custody a prisoner of war, did. during , tbethew aforsald, in violation of bit duty , m that regard, nod in furthcraoce of bis ! said tril di-elfw, confine a large biiNber f mrh prbantvf war, bolonglng to tbe 1'bitul Hlatis, to the amount of thirty tiiUMiMl men, in unhealthy and unwbule. son.- q-turu-rs, in a close and small eren of ground, wholly inadequate to tin Ir wantt, and d.'rucliv of their bealtb, wbicb tie eoiilnod duriu the time aforusehl did, iu fut tlwVsncv of hie evil iksign. wlilfullv aud racil', or o'ber skelter luffivient lor ihvir Dmtcetloo from the iucUiueucr ol Wibter. ;,nd the de-satd burning uu .f Hummer. and with ivil intent did take and cause t be takeu from twin clmbing. biaukit and oamp tqupage of whek tbi-y were pot nettctl at the time ol U'ing plaerd lu bis cuitvdy ; and with like malii and evil In- lent, did nfase to furaU. or cause to ! farubmed, food, litber of (futility or usut.' ty tuflk-U'Ot tu preserve Leallb or suttuin life, aud refuse and negltct to furnish wood --------- - - -.- i siifliekut for cooking in Summir and t keep lb fuid prUouen warm iu Winter ; aud did compel tbe said prisoner lu sub sist upon uu wholesome food, and that io limited tfutiititiee entirely inadequate to sustain bealtb, wbicb i well kuuwa ; ami did eumpt-l the tald priymer to uuwhok sohm water, with the li.th and garbegeof tbe juisoo and jirltoo guards, whereby tbe Mid prisoner! became greatly reduotd In their bodily ttreugtb, aud emaciated and injured iu their bodily bealtb Ibeir mind impainsl und tbeir iulelWelt broken, aud IIIIBV itf ll.AU! U'I1..M HAIL., a MM HmLiiuUII .. y . www n. w. M.r.v mt hwbuwwm. kuew, awl iuleuUtti, and m know In; and , , , , . . . , . cvKly iotendlug. dal n lute and neplect lo , (lfs-iVliLA luAher fiiifuinutt lierul fir iiultiniwvtl ,.,,. rv,K. .oi.S..F., liM u, -,..:. for kk und naMaary medci.w aud ineai-, cul uilt'udaoee fer restoration of lUir hvalib, and did hoewiogly, willfully ao malicioualy iu furtherance of hi ertl de. iga permit them to Wnguib aod die lor want of cure nod proper treatment, and when dead Ibe laid Henry Wilz, ttill pur uia bit evil purpose, did permit to re main In the said jirisou among the mc u. ted tick uud langeishiag livit;', the ! bodies of tbe dead, uulil toe beeame cor rupt und loathsome and filled the uir Willi iioamii (tfuvw, ami iheriby iocreatcd un w)wUomeneof prison, iuswuueh tliat great number of Ibe prUoncri wbote naeic are uakoown siekeucil ura) diet) by teuton tlienof. AH whieh U the wul Ileory Wirlz there and Ihon well knew, aiul evilly and malUdou- y Jssiguei uud iu ttiwled. SpedCesiieu Meoi.d charge! (he prisoner with "willfully und malldoutly ' ; i. . i ..j i i i .i i-i ' ay rouoery wj oomwiiuu une oay mt eivktued nud dud by reason thereof, which , ,, , . ,, ,. ,, ,. ,, . , ,. ... ,,'week, near liurot river, on Ike Umatilla the said Henry Irix then awl there well ...... . . . . iO. V - ml ikwtray liv of jirlionrrj tirnir hit control, to tbc rr.il Ihnl tlicnrmli- of llw UnltotI Slntp might 1 nrndrnnl ami lm - jnircd tbcrtliy." lit tbc llnnl fptoiBiM- i lion be : chitrgcil nltli tiMliolotttly imUr - Injt. wtting. rocurlnfj iml iticilliifc mM- j lew in the pwic ol tncminilfal Conlcil , cmle StRtw to bot ami kill Mtoh xtm I a were in hit custody k irlort of r . iiwn t-liht, trivial ami AciitloM rtttic, j by woim wborctrfbirifcuttmlwrt of coblier j from tbe Tmlc of tbc L'niloil Stittt were ' .totily ki!ll nml mtirili ml while prl I or ol war. In the fourth fpeeifloMioM j Wirlrl rcitelofwilHttllymlwitli inal. ' let aforeihotight killing nntl nwnbrin(r tie- fcuctle prkMer. Tl firth hihI lt I ieeifli-Rtioti cbRfft him with ket pioi; rih! !ins btieloi nml bloo.1 tbitnty lieat. ,tlnfctoas to bnniRn life, oullul blooJ- . . . . . . ' ,w"m" ul """ pritMiiicr oi nr who , M lMl1' '" rod.v a ,'"1 ,bw llUl1 1 ,bcrt "lllfttll.v tMliciily wB.-r the , W jive tbe lit from the Cull, am rod tog tbe oluHiflcntlon slljhtly uml addlns; wine note: Tnb( (Union) San Francisco. l)ai(ff (Union) Sun I'raneincii. ItrtWitttlwfl (Uuion) -S.m lVapekeH lltefiiueil Kunti time hikc. V,. Namnn tills uwipluii lernn Shaw (D.mocrat) San l-'raticlsco. llawm (Uniua) iau 1'raaeiseo nrA 5h Mateo. lk-nton (Union) Saetameolo. Seatoti ( rieceek l''niii) Amadiir. Murray (Uulon) Sao l.nis Obispo uml Santu llsrbiir.i. ItitUieoa (Unitvn) Ahmrnln. OMumngham (Unlmi) Yuba, lao (Unit"') Tuolumne auh Moue. Kerry (lmocrat) SuJjiuh. ITils ovun tr I believed to l in mh; doubl I 1'ikbwu (iLiuoecat) Prtuo and lure. Tu liwer (Uaion) Itutle, lU(Uuioa) I'laeer, M auer (Union) fJ-ilaon and V.du, Itanning (Union) is Angelna. llartiOH (UbHMi) Itukv, Napa nod' jleadieiao. lleacek(ltVcb 1'utl.)-Sacramento. Tetganku (L'uiuuJ Yubu uml riuvur Jobasoe (L'eewcrat) Kl Dorado. Wuieot (Uumm) Tuolumne rmI Moaa. Joor (Uuion) Trinity and Hbaalu. Kuia (Union) Nevada, Jteouaid (Uuion) L'aJevaraa, Ieft Uuioii liuflitfey nml Hontu Cru. Maddox UulonJ-IJI Durado. Knox lUu.uuJ SituU (Jin I a, Meyers lUuioul Man Jotujuiu, AleNtgomery iDewuerul .NlarijMstu, -leieeu ami otuNlaUU. I 'rait Uuiou)-erra, 1'ieioe lOtwocriJ , I 'or lor (Uumn) t'utilra Costa aud Ma rln. JWdcn (Unioo) -Neiada. Hash (Democrat Colueu and Tehama. Hardy ( Union) Calevarat. Smith UaiouJ-Unite awl I 'lams. Tattle (Union San IKraaidioo aud baa Diego. Wiigbt lUuM-'W 'V"H numbuhlt awl Kiamatk. Iliadley (Union I'lacer, Uuioaiat. 30; Democrat, '.--Hmi- miulo Uaum Staor Itoaainv. A most daring high , , . ami iioi uny stage ruuie. a immi oi road ugvnlt, wearing masks, attacked lb tt,4,wurU trip, ami robbcl tbe ! i ,., ,u.v. n , , ,.U ulll r ,' tfl ,, 5 IM). ru r,a.. hers (intrgwl from the broth by ibe rvad tide, and ordered Ibe stage driver to hull, wbea lie pat whip to lib horse awl en dravortd to laeape. One of tbe rubber fired, killing a hurt In the learn, and J course stopping Ibe ttage. They than torrouoded tbe ttage, nnd look from ibe W '! sjeger all tluj moocy and Inatuie ol ewirary, iwve comparatively perliot illt every ileterlption that they could flud. The df""". "" wt Ihey need, uwl uro well robber e.biljiled ibe ferooilv or A Itferlust ' iiiaJ and fare well. The oonfliet will pirut, iveri goln; to far a to tear the riugi from llieeauufa lady, three uf whom were uliioo the uCHgers. Alter they hud tooured their booty, Ih puttengei wrc rinitlul to iean, or, left without furtl.tr injury. 'I'he robjiery waa ooiinuit ted In open daylight. Atlmuy Juwuul, A torr aiiiwer tcrnollt nwoy wralli but grtevoui wordj stir up unger, -.. u.-:iu.u (.'o.ii.Mi:itcM.vii m:vs. ew Yetk. Srptcniltcr I. 186."'. I Tlio Rtrrsl of Krlchum, tli fot5r, ml , 1P ,iKhrg of .Mumfonl, Hit) nlltynl il ifi-Nuilr, lm lnvn tl ixi-ntt of the llmin fchil i-irob-i iltirlni; tlie ntl fmtnlulit. , Yoiiitff Kctehnnt. Inttw.l of lakinft IrR Ixill jHml Mkm-Mloty In ll'ht, nimiJ blnm-lf , Wlmiui'at to hl liMinirnnc from tbc fWlf 0f , Imtlixiw ocritllnni by tntlii, t,lmK-lf to n private IwnrJittg Iiohm tip tow n. llMlj openly pentmbMUlwl tlie itrciiU, twin n( Bbont tnlml 1'ittk, tcmling. i-tc. to kill lime. Heliuil, when rrete.l, iM'.I.OOO i grwiibuck. 1 wrote yon In my but that ! M,jr. Kctchuin.Mn A Co. nml.Mr. Mor rl Keirbum bml mnilo on nultnmctil im4ir the iiwolvont lnn of Coiineotu-tit to ' .NUr. I. C. Cnlbonn nml l lUincnt- j n, power of the M mnn In tbu witleil. mav rem uK, iMrotithetleullv, that tbuuieli . - .. . ... u wtrrow. .Mr. .Morri. Ivilclmni Unit tbc imptbiw ol .reryboJy. yet coniM tw. ft.w tejfrtt that a fimtneier. or I ... an Hvenglng NemesU. 'IVIr tlitent tlmt they woiiM take nil tlie gold the (luvern nient wihiW sell, nre well rcinrmbeml In Aaaiicial cirelts here. Thengh rrjrrtllnp the means by which this Iionm lut been brought down, i-op!o cannot Imt congrni-hIbIi- tlwuuelvea thttt the greatest obstacle lo it return to sperlc payment in remoreil. rihI tbe retury of the 'I'reasury will frod onoifinwerful opMinent k lo thwart his plant. 'Hie resuKiplioii of sjieeHj ynieiiU at n n ilisliiiil day In far mu;e praellcilile vmvi than when Ketcliiini, .Sirunnd Co. wen in tht heyday nf their sucocm. 'I'be money market h iiltogilier imiIit Tim supply of capital Ir very large, sihI cull loans nrv iniilily put nut on (InverumenlM cwrllkM at Ave nr unit uml fomttimua four per oeut. 'Ilie HeercUry f the Trwtiury Is berated for keeping n large bnlaiicetn bank, uml U aanrgcil with nirioM-ly inanlpul.i t log the money market; list the tiuth it we have ii Ural elate financier nt tlie head of tbe Treasury, nml the luulcunteiiti lire at their wit' (ml fur a II iw to pick in his management of the Treasury Department the "ll'ui.r leadio; the tan na usual Thii appoiutmcul of Vuu Wyclt aj Aail !aat Treasurer gltes imire and more satis taction. With McCullochand Van Wyek l be finance ol lb country are safe, nud there will ben tuturuptlouof eptieuymiit al the ecili'jtl jKMlloalil ntomieit. All Ibeir energhe are InI In ihi direoiiuu. It will doublht com befuie people ;;iiKr ally expect It. Con. S, I'. Ilultlm. - .Maiimw, Sept. lyth. Tbe Dtiuocrutic Slale Cnaienliou yesterday iieuiituta I II C. Hobarl for Cevernor. The platlwin eadorte I'lUHleiil duhnMii' restoration jiolicy on the lutitnf tlw 1'iilmul Uomtltu tiou.uud pledge uujpialinVI ixirt there to; oppiees negio Mlfrug in thu .Stale awl interference with tlie tull'isgu in otheis ami tbetbtpi-ution of tbeiuteaiceiiui, nml favor tbe must rigid oeoaeuiy nud ujuali xaliod of laxi. Ntw V.ikk, Uepl. IBlh.-Th W'i Waebinglou tpeelul say : 'I'be I'leshUnl hat grnutetl Ally pardum toiliy, umung Ibeee Is Dull lireen. Tbe I'oi.'j Hueno Ayrti uorratpom) ml, under date of August 27th, wy the Paraguayans urc aUl tu have .'10,000 men under vommawl of Ivpe unJ UnrienU There uru three bulle uf Iroopj, varyig from five to too und twelve thousand eaeh, eeniDuuikd by other officer. They ai .ro-Tsin with but Utile interruption. They have no commiatary (tore J, tiur is there any ileur, rice, tugur, oellUi, soap, wit or wine or brandy. 'J'hey have iu caiuii iige of any hind, nnJ m ambalaiMU . or (ilher w again, except oart drawn by six oxeu 'J hut curt weigh, when em ployed, about two too. I'araguay.utoh dier fare priuoipniiy on slitep uud cattle, get no pay or tbai of tl.o jiltiualer. TU latter of lloelu uml herds govt lo the alutk of Ibe (j'uvtrr.moiit ; and thute whu vi wonudwd, it is their tiiUforluue. Surgeiy M not ery leuueil. The Allies, on the I . ... . . . . J 14 JtS.lt J.r Jtfv....f li.lt Ait be one "if gieul inkiest. Tbs war btgiui io w;riuu.i y uwiei ijusmet iu nils city. I he value of real c.Ule hat fallen. Klock fur lurm lu greatly fallen in pi ice. There is grtut tuarvity of work, aud hmidi by Ihoutauili liuvu inleiul the army. The war hm alto relartkd i!?o duvelopuicnt o' .t.t. InUiin. 'IM.n ill',... 1. ... t..ll ll. puli lie landi since l he war, hu been quite umutotwtful. Only one tract was told, uu 1 that at about seven ly cent per ucre. iny .t.iv.wi, i um ii.oii iiiauu iu evil uiv m ,T jj wiwiir i -1 ii'i1 VOL. X. NO. 38 Tlu Sentiment of ('ntimtu. The tpocnt Jonniry of Mcilciinnt (lenrrnl (rant through Camilla hssdrnwa ptiblio nttrnlioii lo the fi-ellng of I lie people of tlmt province iu rc'allon lo the Ualted Slnle. more particularly than ever before. From n Krntlcmitn who wai n member of the ncnrrnl'e Irnvellngpitrly, nnd who en jnyed tin; best potilblo opportuultic of oonvcrnlloti with the lending men ol Can ail.i, 1 have learned coma Interesting fact relative to the annexation iUMttoii and kliiilreil nutter The roiifrderntion tchemo which about n yo.tr ngo, wm earnestly ngl. taled throughout the several Province, bin fa I lui through. Thcro I far tn horn, ogenelly belwivit the people of llio Canada, New llruntwlck. Nova Scotlu and New fmindland than cxl.tl between the two tec. Iloni ol our Union, nnd to the want of this I to ht utiribiitcil thu failure of Confcilora c ml Ion. Canada Wet nud Canada K,it tl virtually two illitinct untImit--onc Huglliti I'ratMtaut and enterprising, tha other I'rench, Hoiimit Callinlic nnd Inert. Tha comniercial relatlon.4 or the different I 'rue. Ince.t arc not Inllmato enough lo rcn.kr the oeeetslly r cotifeilerntlon apparent, nnd uulil ifnlttilrinl Inlcrt-tt Induce nic'inmea. sure, the llrlllsli l'wi-j3lnn In North merirn will never be brought under ono eotifedernto (Joiirtmicnt. Tht ipiettlou iHifn of, nt lentt for lliu prrienl, the 'uimdiiiiit, ttliuac limine Intcrooitree with the I'mli'd Slnlri It gi'tllii(j lo bo Impor tant nml do., nto beginning to think iimhiI Jnlnlag the Union. To moil of Iwm the Idea I imt ngri-calile for ther have lillle love for the Ysnhwt. mM -,. , ...... ouldn'l iMrtlctiliirlv.tnlov letiilm In nsV mir war debt ; but tho uu-rcautilo clats' hote iulerrttt ilcmutnl tuch a tc. nro striously discuMiiig the iuettloii of nnaex. at lull. Thev RCC that their iiirriMiitll.mn.t ndiitlrbil proerlly cannot kfcji pace with that of the United Hlulcx, nnd that Ihey mint have cither reciprocity ornmicx. ntloii. Among thinking men of Canada the opinion Ii ccnerul that tha next few yenr will wllucM nn Important cluugo In ii.c prnetleul condition of that country. .Slime nf tho Cuiudinii paprr have raada it reat fuia over nn Indlicrcct ejwech nf oiirCuinul fJeui-rnl In Canada, .lohn 1 Potter (well known nt n parly lo Ihc fu innut Potter-Prynr duel), Ju which ha nil tociitiil utiucxutloii nnd rend a Iclier from a prominent gentleman of .Montreal favor iug tho miiio meanirc. A jictiltoii lm bwi jircsenUd to tha (lovcrnor llcncral urging him to revoke Poller't cxegaatur, but u yet this has not Tn dune. Tho fuel iiftliQ caw, in I learn them from a reliable source, nro m follow t Poller happened In be In I elrnit during the tcf sioii of the lata .Mercuiillhj (.'enveiitlou. II wm reipitilid to oddrrs tlmt body, but declined, pleading hi elllcial poillloti uml the neeewlly of alrttliienco from tho expriMloii of opinion on inlernulloaal top. ic ut hi rxouic. Homo tlmu durlrg the veik lUiu wntntlrlelly prirulu aiullng d Hk- New Voile deleguli to tho Convent lion, ut which Poller wui present. He Ihning hlmteir to bu beyond tin hearlug ul all reporter, nnd vlrliially lu a circle f friends. Potter nude torn remark oa tha relutlom between tho United Slate and Can nla, and touk ttrong groeud In fuvor of annexation. Hu stated that omof tho leading men of Canada favernl Ihc project, and lu proof of thi ktatrruenl reud extracts fruiM a letter whkh hu look from hi iweket. Tie 3III8 (tt ((l0 r(er ,l8 (,( not give, but nt last, In compliance with urjeul r.iimti from I he gentlemen preterit, ho meutiouail tw na,,,,, f Woo.1, KuH-rIn-tfiKh.nl ol ihu Canada Telegrajih Line. A it-porler for a Canadian paper tho .Meiilu-ul (!attU, 1 belive-had tmugglnl lilmtlf into the room, hturd thu sjkuIi awl (he Utter, and of course made lLa whobj procudiug public. .. Uv Ttuv 1'i.av IIii.i.uiii.s.Ai a great many people ilun'l know how lo play billiards, wo make way for a description orthegumo from thu jh-ii of Doetllcs, In order that liny ,(uy matin In Ignoruuco no longtrr. Hu tay ( game of billiard oonslsl In puuehlng Ivory ball ubout on u luble rorercd with grieu cloth that look like half an aero of meadow Und with uu Indlu rubber Amco around It. The bull aro pmiehtd with long woodeu ramrod with wax on Ihu liltlocnd to tare lbs wood and leutLer from wearing out. Vou (tko yourrumrodubd rub tomu chalk on the tublo cikJ, and then you Ivan ocr Ihc tabic; thin you npilrit j then you lift your left leg j then Ikldl on your left Land with your ramrod ; then you puneh your ball. If your ball hiu the other man' ball, you have dona u big thing, and you poke a lot or button that aro on a wire. Thl I all there U lo a game of billiards. Anybody can punch billiard j I can, aud rcay Ui tlut yoa can." Imt I'.kmami, At a luUn meeting ant evening In Jersey Uity one of tha iiivbi ben declureil that thu mouincut wi pro grcMiog lliicly uud that bauk eugruver wiro already m work oa bond for the Irish llepublic Sat, Union.